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On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966

On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966

Feb 23, 2016




On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966. Efficient Multiprocessors must have Efficient Shared Memory Systems. * Hide the cost of memory operations by postponing updates * Increasingly important because CPUs are growing faster - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966

On characterizing hardware platformsGanesh Gopalakrishnan

Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966

Page 2: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966


Efficient Multiprocessors must have Efficient Shared Memory Systems

* Hide the cost of memory operations by postponing updates

* Increasingly important because CPUs are growing faster faster than memory systems are

Page 3: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966


Responsibilities of engineers (software or hardware)

• Be designing things to work

• Be striving to break own creation (before others do so!)

• Importance of message in the context of Collier’s work

• Hardware platforms are TOO complex

• We do not really understand what it does when it’s all built

• We need ways to register things against DESIGN INTENT

• ARCHTEST does it by running test programs on the raw hardware• Test model-checking does what ARCHTEST does, except during

model checking• MPEC (our execution checker) does it by obtaining executions from

somewhere and validating it (much like ARCHTEST’s simulation mode)

• Post-Silicon Verification : How silicon debugging is getting harder !!

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How to build Efficient Shared-memory Multiprocessor Systems?

• Employ weak memory models

– They permit global state updates to be postponed

• Employ aggressive shared memory consistency protocols

– Weak memory models permit shared memory consistency protocols to be aggressive without undue complexity (no speculation, etc.)

The focus of this talk is on weak memory models

Page 5: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966


Weak memory models allow multiple executions...


st c,1 ;st d,2

ld d;ld c

st c,1 ;st d,2

ld d, 2;ld c, 1

st c,1 ;st d,2

ld d, 2;ld c, 0

One possibleexecution...


Impossible under SC Possible under Itanium

Possible under SC and under Itanium

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Problems with Weak Memory Models• Hard to understand (easy to misunderstand)


st [x] = 1


ld r1 = [y] <0>


ld . acq r2 = [y] <1>

ld r3 = [x] <0>


st . rel [y] = 1

Is this legal under Itanium ? (no)

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Post-Si verification of MP Orderings today (oversimplified)

New MP System

assemblyprogram 1

assemblyprogram n



assemblyexecution 1

assembly execution n

Run repeatedly to catch one interleavingthat might reveal bug

Check every executionagainst ordering rules forcompliance

* This is done ad-hoc* How to make this formal and efficient ?* How to capitalize on repeated re-runs ?

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Explanation of Illegal Executions (p 31 of Itanium App Note – search 251429) P

st [x] = 1


ld r1 = [y] <0>


ld . acq r2 = [y] <1>

ld r3 = [x] <0>


st . rel [y] = 1us:



sr: la:


• US >> MF ; hence RVr(US) F(MF)

• MF >> UL1 ; hence F(MF) R(UL1)

• …many reasons… hence R(UL1) RVp(SR)

• If RVr(SR) R(UL1) and RVr(SR) UL1 RVp(SR) , WB release atomicity of SR is violated, thus R(UL1) RVr(SR)

• …five lines of reasons Hence RVr(SR) R(LA)

• Since LA >> UL2, R(LA) R(UL2)

• Another para of reasons LV(Sr2) R(UL2) LV(SR1) RVp(SR1) RVq(SR1) F(MF1) R(UL1) RVq(SR2) RVp(SR2). But can’t allow due to atomicity of SR.

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Checking Executions and Providing Explanations (present approach) P

st [x] = 1


ld r1 = [y] <0>


ld . acq r2 = [y] <1>

ld r3 = [x] <0>


st . rel [y] = 1

• Published approaches are very labor-intensive paper-and-pencil proofs

• Clearly this can’t scale (6 instruction MP program takes 1-page of detailed mathematical proof

• What about the combinatorics of reasoning about 200 instructions?

• Approaches actually used within the industry involves the use of “checkers”

• Details of these checkers are unknown (How complete? How scalable?)

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Our Approach

Itanium Ordering rules written in Higher Order


MechanicalProgram Derivation

Checker Program

Satisfiability Problem with Clauses carrying annotations

Sat SolverSatUnsat

Explanationin the form ofone possibleinterleaving

Unsat CoreExtraction using Zcore


st [x] = 1


ld r1 = [y] <0>


ld.acq r2 = [y] <1>

ld r3 = [x] <0>


st.rel [y] = 1

st [x] = 1mfld r1 = [y] <0>

ld . acq r2 = [y] <1>ld r3 = [x] <0>

st . rel [y] = 1

• Find Offending Clauses• Trace their annotations• Determine “ordering


MP execution to be checked

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Largest example tried to date (courtesy S. Zeisset, Intel)Proc 1

st8 [12ca20] = 7f869af546f2f14cld r25 = [45180] <87b5e547172644a8>

… 58 more instructions…

st2 [7c2a00] = 4bca

Proc 2

ld4 r24 = [733a74] <415e304>st4.rel [175984] = 96ab4e1f

… 67 more instructions…

ld8 r87 = [56460] <b5c113d7ce4783b1>

• Initially the tool gave a trivial violation

• Diagnosed to be forgotten memory initialization

• Added method to incorporate memory initialization in our tool

• Our tool found the exact same cycle as pointed out by author of test

• Sat generation and Sat solving times need improving

Cycle found thru our tool:

st.rel (line 18, P1) ld (line 22, P2) mf ld (line 30, P2) st (line 11, P1)

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Statistics Pertaining to Case StudyProc 1

st8 [12ca20] = 7f869af546f2f14cld r25 = [45180] <87b5e547172644a8>

… 58 more instructions…

st2 [7c2a00] = 4bca

Proc 2

ld4 r24 = [733a74] <415e304>st4.rel [175984] = 96ab4e1f

… 67 more instructions…

ld8 r87 = [56460] <b5c113d7ce4783b1>• All runs were on a 1.733 GHz 1GB Redhat Linux V9 Athlon

• ~2 minutes to generate Sat instance

• 14,053,390 clauses

• 117,823 variables

• ~1 minute to solve Sat problem - found Unsat

• Unsat Core generation runs fast – gave 23 clauses! - 23 of the 14M clauses were causing the problem to be Unsat- Sat time for these 23 clauses … under a second

Unsat Core’s annotations were traced back to offending instructions andthe memory ordering rules that situated them in a “cycle”

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The rest of the talk

Our focus in this talk is on ARCHTEST and Post-Silicon Verification

• Some basic definitions

• How ARCHTEST does its job

• How ARCHTEST can be ported to model checking

• How Post-Silicon verification looms large in multi-core…

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One standard way of specifying atomicity:

All other events “e” are strictly before orstrictly after the atomic set


Another standard way of specifying atomicity:

If some event “e” is between two events in the atomic set,then “e” also belongs to the atomic set




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Page 16: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966


Why test platforms?• Need an “X-Ray machine” for the real

hardware• Provides uncanny insights into what is going

on inside the memory subsystem of multiprocessors

Page 17: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966


How does ARCHTEST define memory models?

• Need an “X-Ray machine” for the real hardware

• Provides uncanny insights into what is going on inside the memory subsystem of multiprocessors

• MEM Model = A(CMP, X, Y, Z, …)• CMP is Computational Ordering• It is the ordering guaranteed by a correct

uniprocessor PER ADDRESS (hazard behavior OK) operating under a correct cache coherence protocol

• X, Y, Z are other aspects of ordering, but for DIFFERENT memory addresses

Page 18: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966


How does ARCHTEST define memory models?

• A(CMP, PO) = a machine that guarantees program ordering

• An execution violating A(CMP,PO)– Initially (A,B,U,V) = (0,0,0,0)– Terminally (A,B,U,V) = (1,1,0,0)– Program– P1 P2– A=1 ; B=1;– U=B ; V=A;

• Generalizing it to testing achieved by not assuming synchronized beginning…

Page 19: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966


How does ARCHTEST define memory models?

• P1 P2• A=1; B=1;• Y[0]=B; X[0]=A;• A=2; B=2;• Y[1]=B; X[1]=A;• … …Violates PO iff one of these two:1) X[j] < i /\ Y[i] < j , OR2) X[j] > I /\ Y[i] > j

Easy to see why by drawing a circuit of event dependencies…

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How does ARCHTEST define memory models?

• For all intents and purposes,– Sequential consistency = A(CMP, PO, WA)

– WA = write atomicity

• Using ARCHTEST we can run many tests at once

• It plots the degree of deviation in terms of the “lag” of data with respect to different addresses (data written by one processor; seen how late and how much out of order by the other…?)

• See an example in class…

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Post-Silicon Verificationunder

Limited ObservabilityGanesh Gopalakrishnan

School of Computing, University of Utah,Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Ching Tsun ChouIntel Corporation, 3600 Juliette Lane,

Santa Clara, CA

Supported in part by NSF award CCR 0219805

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Why Post-Silicon Verification?• Why verify the silicon? Isn’t doing FV enough?

(!)– FV cannot be applied to entire MP systems yet

• MP systems contain several CPUs and several “chip-sets”

• We cannot verify the silicon exhaustively - so why bother?– Formal analysis applied to particular executions can

yield far more insights than ad hoc criteria applied to executions

• e.g. “Runtime Verification” of software (Havelund, Rosu, Lee ,..)

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• Runtime verification can cover more!– 1 GHz in silicon instead of 100 Hz during simulation– With well-designed “stress tests” one often finds

out a lot

Why Post-Silicon Verification?

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Where Post-Si Verification fitsin the Hardware Verification Flow



Testing forFabrication



Does functionalitymatch designed behavior?

Pre-manufacture Post-manufacture


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More Facts about Post-Silicon Verification

• Post-Si Verification can be for uniprocessor functionality

• .. or to determine if MP Orderings are being obeyed

• ... or to check if cache coherence protocols are behaving

• Directly impacts the time to market

• The industry spends huge amounts of effort in this area

• Great opportunities to apply FV

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How Formal Methods can enhance Post-Si Verification

• Reduces manual effort

• Helps in test-case selection

• Helps analyze execution results comprehensively

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Overview of the talk

• How the paradigm for post-Si verification must change

• How Limited Observability impacts post-Si verification

• The use of Constraints

• A paper design for a Post-Si verification system based on constraints

- based on actual experience developing prototypes in an industrial context

• Concluding Remarks

Page 28: On characterizing hardware platforms Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Lecture of 2-9-09, Week 5, CS 5966/6966


Post-Si Verification for Cache Protocol Execution


• Assume there is a “front-side bus”• Record bus transactions in response to test programs• Generate detailed cache states from bus transactions• See if behavior matches cache coherence protocol

that was supposedly realized

cpu cpu cpu….


“Front-side Bus”

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Post-Si Verification for Cache Protocol Execution

• Future

• CANNOT Assume there is a “front-side bus”• CANNOT Record all link traffic• CAN ONLY Generate sets of possible cache states • HOW BEST can one match against designed behavior?

cpu cpu cpu cpu

Invisible“miss” traffic

Visible“miss” traffic

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Potential Carry-over of Techniques

Runtime verification of distributed embedded systems

• Hundreds of processors, FPGAs, SoCs, ... interacting

• Cannot assume system will work correctly on its own

• Must detect onset of crashes, intrusions, ... EARLY

• Cannot easily observe all the nodes

• Even if observable, information corrupts

- bandwidth limitations (need to compress / discard)

- time uncertainties

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Back to our specific problem domain...

Verify the operation of systems at runtimewhen we can’t see all transactions

Could also be offline analysis of a partial log of activities





a x c d y b …

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Possible Outcomes of Post-Si Verification

• Observed Behavior is “Definitely wrong”

• “Potentially dangerous” (rely on statistics to give this verdict?)

• “Worth noting” (based on past experience and bug logs?)

• …..

• “Totally benign” (not even worth noting event)

• Caveat: we are partially observing a potentially incorrect system

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Concrete example: Coherence Protocol



Potential Owners





DirectSupply of Data

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Packet encodings, and example trace-file

Req Home





req /sreq

Pkt_type mid tid sender dest addr data

resp Pkt_type mid tid sender dest data

• All the packets pertaining to a transaction share the same mid and tid

• Address not shipped with responses

req first-snoop-reqsubseq-snoop-reqs

subseq-snoop-respsData Completion

A transaction and various packets it may involve:

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The actual trace-file is an interleaving of the packets of all active transactions:

The actual trace-file analyzed looks something like this:

The transactions may pertain to the same address (or not); many of the shown events may be missing…

Individual transactions and theirpossible temporal overlap

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Transaction (packet) semantics:


Potential Owners





• Each packet “p” can only be issued under certain cache-line states• After issuing it, the cache-line state often changes• After receiving a packet, the cache-line state changes• These details are VERY complex, and often need to be extracted from cache protocol tables...

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Verification consists of abstract interpretation driven by transaction history:

c1 c2

c3 c4

c1 c2

c3 c4

c1 c2

c3 c4

c1 c2

c3 c4

c1 c2

c3 c4

Knowing transaction (packet) semantics, we can compute sets ofpossible states in which each cache line can be in after each packetgoes by ... (well, during offline analysis) . Error is flagged wheninconsistency is noted in sets of cache states.

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General approach: Know all possible communication patterns

of various transactions, and how to record progress along a

particular pattern; use constraints to bridge gap.


State within comm. pattern

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How many of the packets can be invisible? At first cut (and based on some practical experience)

having one missing in any “causal loop” seems tolerable – more than one appears TOO under-





Not OK

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General statements pertaining to invisibility


In a “fork/join” situation,how many responses can be invisible?

Generally there are invariants governing the responses (e.g., “at most one supplier ofthe value)

If one response is invisible, we can assume it met the invariant -- and remember this to cross-check against future behavior

If more than one response is invisible, we will have to increase the space of assumptions

If we do not see a response,we have to delay “closing out” thetransaction till another pertinent eventinvolving the same address occurs

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Verification of Mutual Exclusion of Resource Usage (proper arbitration):

Possible idea: Assume that the“first snoop request” tellswho won the arbitration

Snoop of 1



Check:Transaction 1 must “close-out” before transactions2 and 3 are found to make progress

Tr 1Tr 2Tr 3

Expected overlap of transactions under proper arbitration

Problem: What if the firstsnoop request was on aninvisible link?

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Approach initially tried

• Wrote a prototype in Ocaml to analyze given cache protocol execution trace

• For each new packet read, its corresponding communication pattern and state within communication pattern was determined

• For each packet, we obtained WP and SP

– WP : Weakest Precondition (in a sense)– The most general set of cache states under which packet could be


– SP ; Strongest Postcondition (in a sense)– The tightest set of states the cache could be after the packet is sent

– Many transaction-types and “conflict situations” made state maintenance and update highly unstructured (about 8 versions of the code were written, with each version becoming soon ugly)

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A Conflict Scenario (for example)

Requester Home

Potential Owners




DirectSupply of Data

• Requester issues “flush” packet

• Arbitration conflict at home

• Packet sent back for re-issue

• Meanwhile another request gets past home

• Home sends new request to requester

• New request “hijacks” flush-line away!

• Transaction never gets reissued

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Constraints to the rescue.... but....

• Constraint-programming was viewed as a possible solution

– Would permit local behavior to be expressed in terms of constraints

– Constraint formalisms can “solve” for missing information

• But, traditional constraint frameworks found inadequate

– After extensive search, we could not find a constraint paradigm that can deal with interacting automata

– What we need is a method for back-tracing precursors to observed actions

– When multiple observations trace back to the same precursor, we can ‘vote the precursor up or down’

– Conditional probabilities of events are involved in guiding search

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Approach being planned for implementationGiven a packet, determine comm pattern and state within comm pattern

Trace precursors along comm pattern till we reach origin of transaction(which is at a cache where the transaction missed and issued)

Determine the cache state for the particular transaction using theWP rule for the packet

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Approach being planned for implementationIf cache state not previously determined, mark it speculative

If cache state previously determined and present WP determines acompatible cache state, convert `speculative’ to committed

If previously determined cache state is being contradicted by present WP, mark cache state unknown and trigger backtracing(cancel this precursor computation path and explore another)

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Cache Agent that wasa “responder” for one transactionmay be “originator” for another....

Responder totwo different transactions

How two precursor computationsmay lead back in time to a common nodeand how we will have to “vote” its cache state(red deposits a speculative state - purple votes it up or down...)

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Why today’s constraint approaches don’t give

these capabilities readily..

• Today’s constraint solving approaches (“CSP”) appear to be about “static” situations

• Various algorithms based on arc consistency and propagators can be found in the literature

• Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming is in its infancy

• (I also don’t know much about these areas... tell me if I’m wrong! But I’ve not seen very much despite intense literature searches...)

• Constraint Solving in the context of Coupled Reactive Processes can be have multiple uses

• Environments such as Comet (van Hentenryck) may offer a powerful way to organize such a constraint-based system

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Constraint Languages Surveyed (and some

evaluated...)• GnuProlog• Sicstus Prolog• Mozart / Oz• Erlang• FaCile• .. or even Murphi perhaps?

Reading List (Books / Papers...)

Stuckey’s book on Constraint Logic Programming Dechter’s book on Constraints Modeler++ / Localizer++ / Comet

Ultimately will roll our own constraint system

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Concluding Remarks

• Limited Observability is going to be a central concern in future system verification

• Plenty of opportunities for formal methods, constraint-solving methods, and abstract interpretation methods to work in concert

• Formal Methods communities must talk to other communities to significantly enhance the scope and relevance of what they are doing

– testing communities

– diagnosis communities