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UNDERSTANDING THE EXPANSION AND EFFECTS OF COLORADO’S CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT PROGRAM by BRENDA BAUTSCH DICKHONER B.A., Duke University, 2006 A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Colorado in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Public Affairs Program 2017

OLORADO’S ONURRENT ENROLLMENT PROGRAM · OLORADO’S ONURRENT ENROLLMENT PROGRAM by ... 101 Table 18. Average ... Sample Means of Key College Outcomes by Concurrent Enrollment Credit

Jul 01, 2018



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B.A., Duke University, 2006

A thesis submitted to the

Faculty of the Graduate School of the

University of Colorado in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Public Affairs Program


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This thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy degree by

Brenda Bautsch Dickhoner

has been approved for the

Public Affairs Program


Todd Ely, Chair

Paul Teske

Kelly Hupfeld

Matt Gianneschi

Date: May 13, 2017

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Dickhoner, Brenda Bautsch (PH.D., Public Affairs Program)

Understanding the Expansion and Effects of Colorado’s Concurrent Enrollment Program

Thesis directed by Assistant Professor Todd Ely


One of the prominent approaches among states to improve college access and success is

concurrent enrollment, which provides high school students the opportunity to enroll in a college

course for which they may receive both high school and college credit. This study set out to

understand, first, what factors lead some schools to adopt concurrent enrollment more quickly and

implement the program more intensely as compared to other schools. The study also sought to

evaluate how effective concurrent enrollment is at improving college access and success for all

students, including low-income and minority students. The dissertation finds that fiscal capacity,

organizational capacity, school type and prior program offerings are key predictors of the adoption

and implementation of concurrent enrollment programs. Additionally, participation in concurrent

enrollment in high school results in positive gains in college enrollment rates, first-year grade point

averages, and college persistence rates, and results in a decrease in the need for remedial

education. While concurrent enrollment, on average, improves college outcomes for all students,

low-income students experience a greater positive impact on their outcomes than higher income

students. Moreover, Hispanic students who take concurrent enrollment courses see a greater

impact on their likelihood of going to college than white students who participate in the program.

The form and content of this abstract are approved. I recommend its publication.

Approved: Todd Ely

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For Blair, whose love and support means everything. And for Grayson—I hope you always pursue

your dreams no matter how long the road ahead seems.

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I am extraordinarily indebted to Dr. Todd Ely, who provided advice, guidance and

mentorship over the past six years. Dr. Ely has an enviable aptitude for statistics and challenged me

to explore various quantitative methods in an effort to carry out a rigorous and respectable research

design. I learned more than I could have imagined, thanks to the patient facilitation of Dr. Ely. He

even made the process enjoyable—as much as such a process can be enjoyed. Drs. Paul Teske and

Kelly Hupfeld lent their public affairs and education policy expertise to provide valuable feedback,

particularly in the beginning stages as I was preparing what would be the roadmap for my research. I

am grateful that Dr. Teske, Tanya Heikkla, Chris Weible, and Peter deLeon—along with many

others—have created such a wonderful and welcoming PhD program for practitioners. The School of

Public Affairs faculty encourages the blending of theory with practical application and warmly

accepts practitioner students such as myself into their scholarly sphere.

I am incredibly grateful that Dr. Matt Gianneschi served on my committee as my outside

reader. Dr. Gianneschi helped author the legislation that created Colorado’s concurrent enrollment

program and has a wealth of knowledge about education policy through his roles in state

government, in the policy sector and as a college leader. Dr. Gianneschi was also one of the

individuals who helped me land on the topic of concurrent enrollment; without him and Dr. Beth

Bean I might still be wandering the doctoral wilderness in search of worthy topic. I am appreciative

of Dr. Bean for not only helping me find a topic and a rich data set, but also for providing moral

support as I worked for her at the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE). Maggie Yang,

Michael Vente and all of the CDHE staff were tremendously helpful and patient with my multiple

data requests. Michelle Camacho Liu, who was the state’s concurrent enrollment administrator

while I was at CDHE, shared an abundance of knowledge with me to help inform the background,

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context and discussion portions of this dissertation. Michelle also happens to be a dear friend, and I

am so grateful for her support and friendship in addition to the concurrent enrollment insight.

I owe a great deal of gratitude to Dr. Julie Bell at the National Conference of State

Legislatures, who was my boss when I had the crazy idea to enter a Ph.D. program. Dr. Bell

encouraged me to apply and supported my acceptance into the program with her letter of

recommendation. She also permitted me to work a flexible schedule as I completed my coursework.

Thank you, Dr. Bell, for your belief in me—I truly would not be at this milestone without you.

Alyssa Pearson at the Colorado Department of Education has been an amazing friend and

supervisor this past year as I have completed and defended my dissertation. Thank you, Alyssa, for

your unwavering support, overflowing optimism, delicious baked goods, generosity of spirit—and

for being an inspiration to all! You are an excellent role model for public administrators everywhere.

Last, although certainly not least, I want to acknowledge my family and friends who have

supported me on this long road. My parents instilled in me a love for education at a young age. My

dad made it possible for me to attend the college of my dreams, and my mom made it possible for

me to persist through graduate school. She helps take care of Grayson and moe, brings me food any

time I need it (and when I don’t), and is always there for me to lean on. My mom once said she

would never be satisfied until I earned my doctorate—so I am pleased to finally meet her lofty

expectations. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for all you do and for valuing education so much!

My husband, Blair, has been my rock and is the reason I’ve made it to the finish line. While

this process has been long and grueling at times, one positive outcome is that Blair was able to

pursue multiple hobbies while I worked, including guitar playing, marathon running and beekeeping.

I will be the proud recipient of a doctoral diploma and homemade honey! Finally, I am lucky enough

to have many friends—too many to name—who grabbed a drink with me when I needed one and

understood when I had too much work to go get a drink. Thank you, all!

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I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1

Problem Significance .......................................................................................................................... 3

Concurrent Enrollment Policy Landscape .......................................................................................... 6

Colorado’s Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act ............................................................................ 14

Contributions to the Field ................................................................................................................ 17

Summary & Research Questions ...................................................................................................... 22

II: LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES .......................................................................................... 24

Policy Diffusion & Innovation Theory ............................................................................................... 24

Education Theory.............................................................................................................................. 30

Summary........................................................................................................................................... 40

III: DATA & METHODS ........................................................................................................................... 41

Data Sources and Collection ............................................................................................................. 41

Research Design ............................................................................................................................... 44

Data & Methods: Summary .............................................................................................................. 69

IV: POLICY DIFFUSION FINDINGS & DISCUSSION.................................................................................. 71

Descriptive Statistics......................................................................................................................... 71

Event History Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 77

OLS Fixed Effects Regression Analysis .............................................................................................. 80

Dynamic Panel Data Model .............................................................................................................. 83

Conclusion & Discussion ................................................................................................................... 87

V: POLICY EVALUATION FINDINGS ....................................................................................................... 93

Descriptive Statistics......................................................................................................................... 93

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Effects of Concurrent Enrollment Participation on College Outcomes ............................................ 95

Concurrent Enrollment Effects for Low-Income Students and Minority Students ........................ 104

Effects of Concurrent Enrollment Credit Hour Levels on College Outcomes ................................. 112

Conclusion & Discussion ................................................................................................................. 117

VI: CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 120

Key Findings .................................................................................................................................... 122

Implications for Research and Practice .......................................................................................... 123

Limitations and Future Research .................................................................................................... 135

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 141

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Table 1. Thematic Analysis of Model State Policy Elements and Standards ........................................ 10

Table 2. Summary of Research Questions and Hypotheses ................................................................. 40

Table 3. Concept Measurement Summary: Policy Diffusion ................................................................ 45

Table 4: Variable Descriptions and Sources ......................................................................................... 46

Table 5: Concurrent Enrollment Adoptions and Survivor Functions, by School Year .......................... 52

Table 6. Concept Measurement Summary: Policy Evaluation ............................................................. 58

Table 7. Descriptions of Pre-College Independent Variables and College Outcome Variables ........... 59

Table 8: Methodological Approaches with Associated Research Questions ....................................... 69

Table 9: Descriptive Statistics for All High Schools, Beginning and End of Study ................................ 73

Table 10: Comparison of Variable Means, by High School Adoption Year ........................................... 74

Table 11: Cox Proportional Hazards Model Results ............................................................................. 78

Table 12. Predictors of Student Participation Rates in Concurrent Enrollment (CE) ........................... 81

Table 13. Dynamic Panel Data Model using Maximum Likelihood for Concurrent Enrollment (CE)

Participation Rates in High Schools ...................................................................................................... 84

Table 14: Summary of Statistically Significant Results across Methods and Hypotheses .................... 86

Table 15: Descriptive Statistics for Overall Sample and by Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Participation 94

Table 16. Propensity Score Matching Average Treatment Effects ....................................................... 98

Table 17. Progression of Logistic Regression Models Estimating the Effect of .................................. 101

Table 18. Average Treatment Effects ................................................................................................. 102

Table 19. Comparison of Average Treatment Effects ........................................................................ 104

Table 20. Progression of Logistic Regression Models Estimating the Effect of Concurrent Enrollment

Participation on College Matriculation .............................................................................................. 106

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Table 21. Regression Models Estimating the Interaction Effects of Concurrent Enrollment

Participation on College Outcomes .................................................................................................... 108

Table 22. Credit Hours Descriptive Statistics for Concurrent Enrollment Students ........................... 113

Table 23. Sample Means of Key College Outcomes by Concurrent Enrollment Credit Hours ........... 113

Table 24. Progression of Regression Models Estimating the Effect of Concurrent Enrollment

Participation on College Matriculation .............................................................................................. 114

Table 25. Average Treatment Effects of Credit Hours Levels on College Outcomes ......................... 115

Table 26. Comparison of Statewide Evaluations Assessing Effect of Dual Enrollment Programs on

College Matriculation ......................................................................................................................... 133

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Figure 1. Number of Adopted Bills Pertaining to Dual Enrollment Programs across the U.S., by Year . 9

Figure 2. Distribution of Propensity Score Across Treatment and Comparison Groups ...................... 66

Figure 3. Adoption of Concurrent Enrollment Programs from the 2010-11 School Year to the 2014-15

School Year, by School Districts and High Schools. .............................................................................. 72

Figure 4: Average Percentage of High School Students Participating in Concurrent Enrollment (CE)

within High Schools, by Adoption Year Cohort from 2010-11 to 2014-15.. ......................................... 75

Figure 5. Maps of Colorado high schools and Concurrent Enrollment (CE) participation rates by

covariates of interest.. .......................................................................................................................... 76

Figure 6. Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Smoothed Hazard Functions for Charter Schools and

College Matriculation Rates.. ............................................................................................................... 80

Figure 7. Participation in Concurrent Enrollment, by Graduation Year, Gender and Race/Ethnicity .. 95

Figure 8. Standardized bias differences (%) across all covariates in original and matched samples ... 97

Figure 9. Probability of College Matriculation, by Concurrent Enrollment Participation and Free or

Reduced-Price Lunch (FRL) Status and Race/Ethnicity (Hispanic or white) ....................................... 109

Figure 10. Probability of College Remediation, by Concurrent Enrollment Participation and Free or

Reduced-Price Lunch (FRL) Status ...................................................................................................... 110

Figure 11. Probability of College Persistence, by Concurrent Enrollment Participation and Free or

Reduced-Price Lunch (FRL) Status ...................................................................................................... 112

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In today’s economy, higher education is increasingly necessary to have a productive career

and earn family-sustaining wages (Carnevale, Smith & Strohl, 2013). Access to a high-quality K-12

education that prepares students for postsecondary education, however, is not a guarantee in

America’s school system. On average, low-income and minority students consistently have lower

levels of academic achievement than their peers at all points along the education pipeline, including

high school graduation, college enrollment, and college degree attainment (Bettinger & Long, 2005;

Darling-Hammond, 2010; Kahlenberg, 2004; Terenzini, Cabrera, & Bernal, 2001; U.S. Department of

Education [USDOE], 2006). States across the country have implemented countless policies to better

prepare students for life after high school, but achievement gaps persist.

Colorado, which has the second largest gap in the country in the college degree attainment

between majority and minority students (NCHEMS, 2013), is no exception. Several laws passed by

the Colorado legislature in the last decade have targeted improving the transition from high school

to college.1 The question remains, though, as to how effective are those laws at improving

educational outcomes, particularly when policies create voluntary programs for schools and

students. Colorado’s concurrent enrollment law, for example, was specifically designed to improve

college readiness for traditionally-underserved students by bolstering access to rigorous, college-

level coursework (C.R.S. §22-35-101). Under the policy, qualified students in grades 9 through 12

can take tuition-free college courses at their high school, a postsecondary institution, online, or in a

hybrid format and simultaneously earn high school and college credits (CDE, 2010). This law creates

1 See, for example—SB08-212: Preschool to Postsecondary Education Alignment Act (Colorado Achievement

Plan for Kids); SB 09-256: Individual Career and Academic Plans; HB09-1319: Concurrent Enrollment

Programs Act; HB07-1118: High School Graduation Requirements; SB09-163: The Education Accountability

Act; HB 12-1155: Supplemental Academic Instruction.

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the operational framework—the funding mechanism, participation requirements, and oversight—

for the concurrent enrollment program. It is a voluntary initiative, however—schools can choose

whether or not to adopt the program.

Proponents of concurrent enrollment argue that it increases academic preparation for

college and provides momentum toward degree attainment by giving students the opportunity to

enter college with credits already accumulated (An, 2013; Hoffman, 2005). Prior research has found

positive associations between concurrent enrollment participation and college access and success

outcomes (Allen & Dadgar, 2012; An, 2013; Giani et al., 2014; Taylor, 2015). Often the previous

research has focused on small-scale, institution-specific programs and used imperfect methods.

Consequently, rigorous, empirical analyses of state-wide programs are still needed (Allen & Dadgar,

2012; Bailey & Karp, 2003; Blanco, 2006; Giani, Alexander, & Reyes, 2014; Hoffman, 2012; Rutschow

& Schneider, 2011). Colorado’s concurrent enrollment program provides fertile ground for such

research. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of Colorado’s concurrent enrollment

program on college access and success, as well as to analyze decisions by high schools to offer

concurrent enrollment programs and by students to enroll in them.

To address these questions, the dissertation begins with an introduction to the problems

under investigation and background on how concurrent enrollment state policies purport to solve

those problems, both nationwide and in Colorado. This introductory chapter concludes with a

summary of contributions the study will make to research and practice and sets forth formal

research questions. Chapter Two provides a review of relevant literature from the public affairs and

education domains and presents testable hypotheses. Chapter Three includes a description of the

data collection, an explanation of variables and measures, and detailed review of the various

methods employed to answer the research questions. Chapters Four and Five present findings from

the empirical research, with Chapter Four focusing on an analysis of factors that influence the

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adoption of concurrent enrollment programs at the school level; Chapter Five focuses on an analysis

of the effects of participating in concurrent enrollment on college matriculation and success at the

student level. Chapter 6 summarizes the study and its implications for research and practice.

Problem Significance

Achievement Gaps

Low-income and minority students, on average, lag behind their peers on nearly every

important education milestone (An, 2012; Bettinger & Long, 2005; Darling-Hammond, 2010;

Kahlenberg, 2004; Oakes, 2005). Children from low-income families, for example, are more likely to

have lower reading abilities by the third grade than high-income students (Hernandez, 2011).

Achievement data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows that black

and Hispanic students, on average, score two grade levels below white students when taking the

NAEP exam in 4th and 8th grades (USDOE, 2009, 2011). Low literacy levels in early grades have been

linked to diminished achievement in later years, including decreased high school graduation rates

(Hernandez, 2011). Early indicators are important to measure because low-income students are

about five times as likely to drop out of high school as high-income students (Kahlenberg, 2004).

In high school, disparities in curriculum offerings and quality of instruction remain a

significant problem, with low-income and minority students disproportionally receiving lower-

quality instruction and fewer advanced course options. Oakes (1993, 2005) found that even after

controlling for test scores, white and Asian students are far more likely to be placed into honors

courses than their peers. High-achieving Latino students who scored at the 90th percentile on

standardized tests had just a 56 percent chance of being assigned to a college preparatory class, as

compared to a 97 percent chance for Asian students and 93 percent chance for white students

scoring in the same percentile (Oakes, 1993, 2005).

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Due to a variety of factors, including lack of access to consistently high-quality instruction

and rigorous curriculum, achievement gaps that can be observed as early as pre-Kindergarten

persist for many children throughout their entire educational careers. The transition from high

school to college is no exception—low-income and minority students are less likely to enroll in or

graduate from college than their white, affluent peers (Adelman, 2006; An, 2012; Kahlenberg, 2004).

For low-income, minority students who do attend college, they tend to be less academically

prepared than their peers; studies on the relationship between income and race/ethnicity and

college remediation rates indicate persistent achievement gaps (see, e.g., Bettinger & Long, 2005).

In Colorado—the focus of this study—82 percent of African American students and 70 percent of

Hispanic students need remediation at community colleges, as compared to 50 percent of white

students (Colorado Department of Higher Education, 2016). Also, in Colorado, 53.4 percent of low-

income students are not ready for college-level courses in at least one content area, as compared to

31.4 percent of wealthier students (Colorado Department of Higher Education, 2016).

The fact that half of all white high school graduates who immediately attend a community

college are not academically prepared is indicative of systemic challenges in readying our young

adults for postsecondary education. That statistic already discounts the numerous students who

dropped out of high school or those who graduated high school but chose not to matriculate to

college. Further, while the remedial education rate for white students is concerning in and of itself,

having remedial education rates that are 20 to 30 percentage points higher for minority students is

an alarming trend.

Returns to Education

Closing achievement gaps, particularly around college access and success, remains a

significant imperative for society from an equity perspective, as well as from an economic

perspective. If achievement gaps persist, then the U.S. society and economy will continue to

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experience negative externalities stemming from lower individual quality of life. Research has time

and again found that individuals without a college credential are far more likely to face severe

challenges throughout life including joblessness, welfare, incarceration, family instability and health

problems (Hout, 2012; Kingston et al., 2003). These challenges are costly and burdensome to the

taxpayers who subsidize prisons, social support systems and healthcare. Researchers, however, have

also long questioned the notion of whether education causes better outcomes or simply reflects

advantages bestowed upon certain individuals as a matter of chance.

Nonetheless, there is substantial empirical evidence that education provides positive

returns on investment for individuals. The literature, for example, on wage premiums for attending

college has consistently found that individuals accrue increased earnings for additional years of

education using a variety of statistical approaches to control for selection bias, including

instrumental variables and natural experiments (Angrist & Krueger, 1992; Hausman & Taylor, 1981;

Hout, 2012, Kane & Rouse, 1995). More recent research has also found that the benefits of higher

education are greater for those who are less likely to attend and graduate—that is, students who

typically perform somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of academic ability (Attewell & Lavin,

2007; Brand & Xie, 2010; Hout, 2012; Maurin & McNally, 2008). While students of higher ability may

graduate from college at higher rates and earn higher wages, their education has a lesser effect on

their success than students of lower academic ability who gain greater wage premiums from higher

education (Brand & Xie, 2010; Hout, 2012). This strand of literature has important implications for

policymakers in that it supports continued efforts by states to expand higher education access to

students who are at risk of not attending.

There is also empirical evidence that societal and economic benefits accrue when higher

education completion rates increase. Some studies have found that increasing the number of

college graduates in a labor market raises the productivity levels of less-educated workers and may

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also increase their wages (Moretti, 2012; Mas & Moretti, 2009). Researchers have also linked college

graduates with higher rates of volunteerism and positive views of civil liberties and minorities (e.g.

Brand, 2010; Kingston et al., 2003). Putnam (1995, 672), for example, declares that “education is by

far the strongest correlate that I have discovered of civic engagement in all its forms."

From the economic perspective, labor economists project that jobs—in particular, those

that provide family-sustaining wages—will increasingly require postsecondary credentials. The labor

demand for college educated workers is projected to surpass supply by 2020, which could stymie

economic growth (Carnevale, Smith & Strohl, 2013). As stated in a 2010 report by Georgetown’s

Center on Education and the Workforce:

Essentially, postsecondary education or training has become the threshold requirement for access to middle-class status and earnings in good times and in bad. It is no longer the preferred pathway to middle-class jobs—it is, increasingly, the only pathway. (Carnevale, Smith & Strohl, 2013, 13)

As this short review indicates, there is a compelling case for expanding higher education

opportunities to more students. Policymakers often understand this and thus have turned their

attention in recent years to expanding college access through concurrent enrollment. The following

section provides an overview of the national policy landscape surrounding concurrent enrollment.

Concurrent Enrollment Policy Landscape

Concurrent enrollment is a term used in 15 states, including Colorado, to refer to

opportunities for high school students to enroll in a college course for which they may receive both

high school and college credit. Unlike other accelerated learning options such as Advanced

Placement (AP), students earn college credit if they receive a passing grade in the course—just as a

college student would—rather than by earning a certain score on an end-of-course exam (Allen,

2010). This provides a stronger guarantee that the course credit will count toward the student’s

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college degree. Forty states use the terms “dual enrollment” or “dual credit” to refer to the same

arrangement;2 the terms are used interchangeably in the following section.

Concurrent enrollment programs have been available in public high schools for at least the

last half-century, mostly as an enrichment opportunity for academically-advanced students.

Programs have grown exponentially since the early 2000s when certain policymakers began

expanding concurrent enrollment opportunities to students who are traditionally underserved,

including students of color and low-income students, as well as to students who are not high

academic performers (Hoffman, Vargas, & Santos, 2008a).

In the 2001-02 school year, public high schools across the country reported approximately

1.2 million enrollments in dual credit courses (Kleiner & Lewis, 2005). That number is a duplicated

student count—it is inclusive of each course enrollment during the school year. A decade later,

during 2010-11 school year, dual enrollment participation at public high schools increased to just

over 2 million (Thomas, Marken, Gray & Lewis, 2013). In 2001-02, 71 percent of high schools had

dual enrollment programs; by 2010-11 that figure increased to 82 percent.

Concurrent Enrollment – Promises and Challenges

Concurrent enrollment is promising to policymakers and practitioners because it is seen as a

way to expose more students to rigorous curriculum that high schools may be lacking. Providing

students exposure to college is thought to be a strategy for developing metacognitive skills3,

readying students for the demands of college life, and increasing college aspirations. Policymakers

are also drawn to concurrent enrollment as a way to increase college affordability by offering

college courses at low or no cost to families.

2 In some instances, multiple terms are used within states. 3 Students with well-developed metacognitive learning skills will be able to manage their time effectively, think critically, navigate college resources, maintain study routines, have self-awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, analyze and interpret information, and have the confidence to overcome challenges (Conley, 2010, 2013).

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The challenges to policy implementation, however, are also multifold. While state policies

around concurrent enrollment have proliferated, expanding access to low-income students and

students of color still remains a challenge. Further, while many states are attempting to increase

access by ensuring there are no costs to students, state budgets are continually under constraint,

leaving little dedicated funding available for concurrent enrollment. Even in states where students

do not shoulder tuition costs, school districts and colleges still need to establish a financially viable

model for operating the program. Cash-strapped states, districts and colleges increasingly have to

find creative ways to fund concurrent enrollment programs or risk scaling back access (Borden et al,

2013; Zinth, 2014b, 2015b).

Another challenge is ensuring course rigor and quality when courses are taught at a high

school or online, as opposed to on the college campus. Offering courses in a high school setting

greatly expands access and eases the logistical hurdles of transportation and scheduling for off-

campus courses, but it requires more oversight to ensure consistency of rigor (Borden et al, 2013;

Lowe, 2010; Zinth, 2015a). It is also challenging to find high school teachers with the necessary

qualifications to teach concurrent enrollment courses, especially in rural areas (Zinth, 2014a). These

challenges—and promises—have spurred a great deal of legislative activity in recent years.

State Policy

According to the Education Commission of the States (ECS), as of 2016, 47 states have

statutes and/or regulations in place governing dual enrollment programs (ECS, 2017). However, a

great deal of variation among the 47 state policies exists regarding funding, eligibility, course type,

instructor qualifications, general oversight and monitoring, and credit transferability (Borden et al.,

2013). Further, state policies continue to evolve as states make modifications to their programs in

these areas. According to data collected by ECS, over the past five years alone, 143 bills were

adopted by state legislatures concerning dual enrollment programs; in the last ten years, states

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passed a total of 243 bills (ECS, 2017). Figure 1 displays the number of bills signed into law by states

across the country per calendar year. The chart shows low points (2008 and 2010) and high points

(2013), but depicts that the number of adopted bills has remained near the average of 24 bills in

most years over the past decade. Legislative changes have focused on clarifying or expanding

funding streams, integrating career and technical education opportunities, promoting options that

increase the number of qualified instructors, modifying student eligibility requirements, and

implementing provisions to help ensure dual credit courses are as rigorous as traditional college


Figure 1. Number of Adopted Bills Pertaining to Dual Enrollment Programs in the U.S., 2007-2016. Data collected from the Education Commission of the States (ECS) State Policy Database, retrieved February, 11, 2017. Model Policy Elements

With the high level of legislative activity around dual enrollment, policy researchers have

delved into the numerous state policies and, based on other research and best practices, have

identified key components that states should include in their dual enrollment policies. This section

reviews three prominent sets of model policy elements and program standards, which are

synthesized in Table 1. ECS and Jobs for the Future (JFF) have issued specific guidance for

policymakers. The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) issued guidance

focused on program oversight and ensuring academic rigor.





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NACEP “works with state legislators, agencies, and college and university systems to develop

quality concurrent enrollment partnerships and hold them accountable to high standards” (NACEP,

2017). The organization administers the only national set of quality standards for concurrent

enrollment programs, which it uses to accredit individual postsecondary institutions that offer

concurrent enrollment programs across the country. NACEP advocates for states to use the

standards as a quality measure in statewide concurrent enrollment programs. There are currently 17

states that have modeled their quality standards (as set in statue or regulation) on the NACEP

standards, including Colorado. The standards are categorized around curriculum, faculty, students,

assessment and program evaluation and are geared towards ensuring that courses taught by high

school teachers, in particular, are as rigorous and high-quality as courses taught by postsecondary

faculty on college campuses (NACEP, 2011).

ECS identifies 13 policy components organized under the categories of access, finance,

ensuring course quality and transferability of credit (Zinth, 2014b). The guidance to policymakers

notes that the policy components were selected because they “may increase the likelihood that a

more diverse group of students successfully participates in high-quality dual enrollment courses and

receives credit that will be transferable to other public postsecondary institutions in the same state”

(Zinth, 2014b, 4).

Jobs for the Future undertook their policy scan with a lens similar to that used by ECS, but

focused more on the key policy components needed to close achievement gaps. The organization

posits that state policies have the potential to facilitate meaningful partnerships between high

schools and colleges that result in a seamless transition into higher education for students who

might not otherwise attend. Of the 47 statewide policies JFF reviewed, however, they found that

“only a few have established sufficient mechanisms to ensure that all students, including those

underrepresented in higher education, have access to these vital pathways to college” (Ward &

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Vargas, 2012, 4). The six mechanisms JFF identified as important are categorized under quality

assurance, eligibility and access, academic and social supports, systems for accountability, aligned

data systems and sustainable funding and finance.

After analyzing the different policy elements and standards among ECS, JFF and NACEP, four

themes were identified that provide a coherent grouping of the elements: 1) program quality, 2)

student access and support, 3) reporting and program evaluation, and 4) financial provisions. Given

NACEP’s focus on program quality, its standards are concentrated under that first theme, but they

do also address student access and program evaluation. The ECS and JFF model policy elements

include more guidelines around program evaluation and financial provisions.

In terms of program quality, some states require or encourage their postsecondary

institutions to seek NACEP accreditation as a way to ensure concurrent enrollment courses are

rigorous. Other states defer to local control and leave it to individual colleges to monitor concurrent

enrollment course quality.

There are two model components regarding financial provisions that are recommended by

JFF and ECS. The first concerns keeping costs away from students and families so that the program is

open and affordable to all. The second model policy element focuses on keeping costs low for

districts and colleges. There are a variety of funding approaches across states; JFF and ECS

recommend that states cover the full costs of concurrent enrollment, or, at a minimum, allow both

K-12 and higher education systems to collect per-pupil funding for student enrollments to offset

costs. The latter method is referred to as “double dipping,” although in this case the term is used

positively as it ensures both systems have the means and incentive to participate (Hoffman, 2005;

Lerner & Brand, 2006; Ward & Vargas, 2012; Zinth, 2014b).

An additional theme identified concerns ensuring students have adequate support

throughout the process—including before, during and after the concurrent enrollment course takes

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place—and equitable access to the program. JFF advocates for more open access wherein students

may demonstrate readiness for college-level coursework through portfolios, end-of-course grades,

and teacher recommendations. In many cases, readiness is demonstrated through a course

placement assessment. Lastly, a theme across all three organizations was the importance of tracking

student data, reporting outcomes, and evaluating the effectiveness of the program in meeting its

intended goals. With these model policy elements in mind, Colorado’s concurrent enrollment

legislation is explored in more detail in the next section.

Colorado’s Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act

Prior to the passage of Colorado’s Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act, there were dual

enrollment opportunities available to Colorado high school students, but there was no state-level

coordination of the programs, which resulted in little accountability or attention to quality and low

participation rates, particularly for low-income and minority students (CDE, 2010; CRS §22‐35‐

102(d)). In 2007, Governor Ritter convened a P-20 Education Coordinating Council to develop

policies that would foster a seamless education system in which all students receive a high-quality

education from pre-school through graduate school and enter the workforce prepared to meet the

demands of today’s economy (Lopez, 2011). One of the forces driving the creation of the P-20

Council was the “Colorado Paradox,” which refers to the fact that Colorado is one of the most highly

educated states due to imported talent, but Colorado’s own K-12 students are not persisting to and

through college at high rates (Lopez, 2011; NCHEMS, 2013). Postsecondary access and success was a

focal point of the council’s work, and in 2009, at the recommendation of the council, legislative

leaders introduced the bipartisan Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act (House Bill 09‐1319 and

Senate Bill 09‐285). The legislation passed unanimously in both chambers of the legislature—a rare


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Policy Goals

The concurrent enrollment program was specifically created to reach traditionally

underserved populations. As the legislative declaration of the Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act


Historically, the beneficiaries of concurrent enrollment programs have often been high-achieving students. The expanded mission of concurrent enrollment programs is to serve a wider range of students, particularly those who represent communities with historically low college participation rates. (CRS §22‐35‐102(d)) The program is also seen as a way to fulfill state goals of halving the high school dropout

rate and doubling the number of postsecondary credentials earned by Coloradans (Lopez, 2011; CRS

§22‐35‐102). To reach those goals, the legislation was designed to broaden access to concurrent

enrollment courses and to improve the quality of the programs. Legislation also specifically permits

students to take concurrent career and technical education (CTE) courses, which fits with the

program intent of accelerating students to a credential through multiple pathways.4

Key Policy Features

Colorado’s legislation is seen as model for other states looking to expand concurrent

enrollment. JFF closely evaluated every statewide policy against their six model policy elements, and

they identified Colorado as one of five “exemplar” states, along with Florida, New Mexico, Texas and

Utah (Jobs for the Future [JFF], 2012).

One key feature of the legislation is that it establishes a transparent funding process that

shares costs between high schools and colleges, while keeping costs low for families. The funding

mechanism permits both districts and colleges to collect state funding for students in concurrent

enrollment to help defray costs (CRS §22‐35‐101 et al.). As mentioned in the previous section, this

4 The Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act also creates the “5th year” ASCENT program for students retained

by school districts to receive instruction beyond the senior year. The focus of this dissertation will be on the 9 th-

12th grade Concurrent Enrollment program; ASCENT students will be excluded from the analysis.

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funding mechanism is a model policy element according to both JFF and ECS (Ward & Vargas, 2012;

Zinth, 2014b). School districts use per pupil revenue (PPR) to cover tuition costs for concurrent

enrollment students. Districts pay tuition to the postsecondary institutions directly on behalf of

students. Previously in Colorado, families would pay for tuition costs and would possibly be

reimbursed by the district later. That process, however, can be prohibitive to low and middle-

income students and reduce access. Partnering postsecondary institutions are allowed to include

concurrent enrollment students in its determination of enrollment numbers for funding purposes.

Lastly, students apply for and authorize the institution to collect the Colorado Opportunity Fund

stipend to pay that portion of the tuition (C.R.S. 22-35-105 (2)). While students and families do not

pay any tuition costs, they may be responsible for books, transportation, technology or fees,

depending on local financial arrangements. Further, if students do not complete the course and do

not have the permission of their principal for a non-completion, they may be required to reimburse

the school for the tuition costs (C.R.S. 22-35-105(4)). Students and parents fill out formal paperwork

to apply for concurrent enrollment, and the terms for repayment, if any, should be specified in the

application (CDE, 2016).

Districts are required by statute to notify families of concurrent enrollment opportunities

and, if any schools within the district want to concurrently enroll students, the district must enter

into a “cooperative agreement” with a postsecondary institution. As set forth in the law,

cooperative agreements must, at a minimum, include the following elements:

The amount of academic credit to be granted for successfully completed course work by concurrently enrolled students;

A requirement that concurrent enrollment course work qualifies as academic credit towards a certificate or degree, or basic skills credit;

A requirement that the local education provider (i.e. school district, charter school or Board of Cooperative Services) pay tuition for courses completed by a student, according to the negotiated amount;

A requirement that the local education provider and the postsecondary institution establish an academic plan of study for concurrently enrollment students, and a plan for the district to provide ongoing counseling and career planning;

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Confirmation by the district of the student’s unique State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID) for funding and enrollment purposes;

Authorization for payment of the College Opportunity Fund on behalf of the student;

Consideration and identification of ways for concurrent enrollment students to remain eligible for interscholastic high school activities; and

Additional financial provisions. ((C.R.S. 22-35-104(6))

The cooperative agreements set forth the basic ground rules for the partnership between

high schools, districts and postsecondary institutions. Often included in the agreements, in addition

to the components listed above, are the specific fiscal and operational arrangements regarding

course location and instructors. The concurrent enrollment classes must be offered by an eligible

institution of higher education, but can be delivered on the high school campus, college campus,

online, or in a hybrid format. If the courses are taught by high school teachers they must be

credentialed as college adjunct faculty.

The concurrent enrollment program rules specify that all qualified students in the ninth

grade or higher in a public school may take courses for both high school and college credit. To

determine if a student is qualified, institutions of higher education use the same course

prerequisites they use with all other postsecondary students seeking to enroll in the same class on

their campus (CRS § 22-35-104 (4)(a)). High schools and colleges have to collaborate to ensure that

students are properly assessed and meeting prerequisite requirements for course placement.

Colleges are ultimately responsible for the course content and the quality of instruction, even if the

course takes place on a high school campus taught by a high school instructor (who has been

approved as an adjunct faculty member).

Contributions to the Field

Since Colorado is seen as having a model state concurrent enrollment policy (JFF, 2012;

Lopez, 2011), this study uses Colorado as a case study and begins by exploring the factors that led

some schools in the state to adopt concurrent enrollment more quickly and implement it more

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widely than other schools. After understanding the key conditions at the school level, the author

analyzes student-level behaviors by exploring what types of students are choosing to participate in

the program and what the effects are of taking concurrent enrollment courses on college access and

success. The study considers, in particular, if concurrent enrollment improves postsecondary

outcomes among traditionally-underserved students.

The findings of this study will be valuable to practitioners, policymakers, and other

researchers because state policy continues to be heavily relied upon as a lever for changing

educational outcomes, yet, there is not a clear understanding of whether, or how, state policy

affects behaviors at the institutional and student levels. Policy diffusion behavior is especially

informative at the sub-state level in Colorado because the state has a strong local control culture,

and policies and behaviors can vary by locality. While Colorado provides an appropriate case study

for the questions at hand, other states are also experimenting with education reforms under similar

conditions. Therefore, the findings of this study can be generalized to other states and other related

education policy areas.

Policy Diffusion and Innovation Research

This study also seeks to contribute to policy diffusion and innovation theory. The theory is

most often applied to state governments (Berry & Berry, 2007). There have been studies conducted

of local governments, but the body of research is much smaller and focuses on municipalities

(Shipan & Volden, 2008). Thus, this research will contribute to the continual exploration of the

theory by applying it to a unique unit of analysis—high schools. There is no apparent study on the

diffusion of concurrent enrollment across high schools.

Additionally, the vast majority of the studies conducted using policy innovation and diffusion

have focused on the adoption of a policy without considering what occurs after adoption in the

implementation stage. Scholars have identified this gap in the literature and have called for studies

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to apply policy diffusion analysis beyond a simple dichotomous measure of adoption to measures of

policy implementation (Shipan & Volden, 2012). This study will seek to fill this gap in the literature

by conducting an analysis of the factors that influence policy implementation, as measured by the

share of students taking concurrent enrollment courses within a high school.

Lastly, more recent diffusion research has focused on the importance of the characteristics

of the policy itself in terms of salience, complexity and compatibility to the diffusion process

(Boushey, 2010, Makse & Volden, 2011, Nicholson-Crotty, 2009). These policy attributes are

theorized to affect how quickly policies are adopted among states and municipalities. Makse and

Volden (2011), for example, analyzed the diffusion of criminal justice laws across states and found

that compatible policies—those that fit seamlessly into current practices—are quicker to diffuse

than complex policies that require a great shift in the status quo. Given that this is a relatively newer

stream of diffusion research, this study will provide a modest contribution to the literature on policy

characteristics by conducting a diffusion analysis of Colorado’s concurrent enrollment policy, which

could be considered a compatible policy according to the typology of policy characteristics (Makse &

Volden, 2011, Shipan & Volden, 2012).

Education Research

This study also seeks to contribute to the field’s understanding of whether—and to what

extent—students participating in concurrent enrollment see improvement in educational outcomes

in terms of college access and college readiness (whether students are prepared to academically

succeed once in college). Education researchers often struggle with controlling for selection bias due

to limitations on available data and analytical methods, and this is true for prior research on

concurrent enrollment (Allen & Dadgar, 2012; An, 2012; Le, Casillas, Robbins, & Langley, 2005). This

study will contribute to the education research field by attempting to better control for selection

bias to more precisely isolate the effects of this particular intervention.

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Concurrent enrollment programs have been around for decades, but, until recently, studies

of program effectiveness were limited in number and rigor. Karp et al. (2007) found dual enrollment

students in New York City and Florida in career and technical education programs were more likely

to enroll in college, persist to the second year, and have higher GPAs and higher credit

accumulation. Martin (2013) found that dual enrollment students at one North Carolina community

college had higher college grades than non-dual enrollment peers. Allen and Dadger (2012)

evaluated the dual enrollment program at the City University of New York and found that dual

enrollees earned higher GPAs and more credits once in college. Those studies, while finding positive

outcomes, were narrow in focus—investigating particular colleges or programs—and often

employed methods that did not adequately control for selection bias (Giani, Alexander, & Reyes,

2014; Taylor, 2015, USDOE, 2017). There is one study that meets rigorous quasi-experimental design

standards and is broad in scope—An (2013) used a national dataset and found that dual enrollment

programs increase degree attainment rates for first-generation students (USDOE, 2017).

Very recently researchers have published quasi-experimental evaluations of statewide

concurrent enrollment programs. These studies were possible due to the recent expansion of

statewide longitudinal data systems. Cowan and Goldhaber (2014) used Washington’s data system

to analyze the statewide “Running Start” dual enrollment program and found positive effects on

college enrollment, particularly for students who are lower-performers academically. Taylor (2015)

followed Illinois’ graduating class of 2003 to track college entrance and completion rates for dual

enrollment students and found positive effects overall, though the effect sizes were smaller among

low-income students and students of color. Haskell (2016) analyzed 2008 and 2009 high school

graduates in Utah and found reduced time to college degree completion and potential financial

savings to families and the state. Giani, Alexander and Reyes (2014) use the statewide longitudinal

data system in Texas to track 2004 high school graduates into college. Their study found greater

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enrollment, persistence and completion among dual credit students as compared to non-dual credit

students. Importantly, dual credit students enjoyed greater postsecondary benefits as compared to

students taking other forms of advanced coursework such as Advanced Placement and International

Baccalaureate courses (Giani et al., 2014).

All but one of the above-mentioned studies (Allen & Dadgar, 2012; An, 2013; Cowan &

Goldhaber, 2014; Giani et al., 2014, Karp et al., 2007, Martin, 2013, Taylor, 2015) were recently

evaluated by the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC), and only two met the WWC design standards

with reservations: Giani et al.’s (2014) evaluation of Texas’s dual enrollment program and An’s

(2013) nationally representative study (USDOE, 2017).5

While the Illinois, Utah, Texas and Washington studies indicate that concurrent enrollment

students participating in state-wide programs have more positive postsecondary outcomes than

their non-participating peers, each study is set in its own state policy context. The Texas program

design is substantially different than Colorado’s. The Texas and Illinois studies both use graduating

cohorts from the earlier part of the 2000s, which allows them to follow students further into higher

education, but also negates the ability to identify more recent trends. With the exception of Giani et

al. (2014), none of the studies uses an intensity measure of concurrent enrollment participation (e.g.

number of credit hours taken). And, Giani et al.’s (2014) study does not include data on Texas high

school graduates who attend college out-of-state in their college matriculation model, which could

bias their results. Further, there is value in determining whether concurrent enrollment outcomes

are consistent across states. The concluding chapter of this dissertation considers how Colorado’s

results compare to the findings in these other state studies.

In summary, additional research beyond the emergent state studies is needed for the field

to gain confidence in concurrent enrollment as an effective college readiness intervention,

5 Haskell (2016) was not reviewed by the WWC.

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particularly give the uniqueness of each state’s policy and the uncertainty regarding consistency of

findings across states. While prior research has found dual enrollment programs result in benefits

for the average student, it is unclear to whom those benefits accrue and to what extent. Few studies

have examined the effects on traditionally underserved populations, and of those that have, the

results are inconsistent. Taylor (2015) found minority and low-income students saw smaller gains in

postsecondary outcomes when compared to their peers in Illinois, while An (2013) found higher

effect sizes for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It is evident that with 47 states having

statutes governing concurrent enrollment programs much can still be learned about the

effectiveness of these policies.

Summary & Research Questions

Colorado’s concurrent enrollment policy was enacted in 2009, and within five years, 91

percent of the state’s high schools offered concurrent enrollment to some degree. Given the rapid

diffusion of the program, this study will seek to identify the local variables and conditions that affect

the decision to adopt concurrent enrollment programs in high schools in an effort to uncover any

best practices that could be applied to other states trying to scale up similar programs. The first

research question is stated as follows.

RQ 1: What factors influence whether or not high schools adopt concurrent enrollment


Additionally, because Colorado’s state policy is voluntary, there is ample variance and room

for innovation at the local level in regards to whether and how the program is implemented. High

schools may adopt concurrent enrollment to add another option to an already existing portfolio of

college readiness or credit accrual programs (e.g. Advanced Placement courses, International

Baccalaureate program, honors courses, etc.). Alternatively, a high school may launch concurrent

enrollment as a way to provide access to college-level courses to all or nearly all upper-classmen. A

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rural school may, for example, enroll all seniors in a concurrent enrollment college-level math

course. Offering a concurrent enrollment math course to a classroom of seniors at a large high

school would only constitute a small percentage of the total senior class, whereas at a small, rural

school it may comprise the majority of the school’s seniors. This potential for variation in the degree

to which students are participating in concurrent enrollment within a high school leads to a sub-


RQ 1a: What factors influence the extent to which concurrent enrollment programs are

utilized by students within high schools?

To date, there is no apparent empirical examination into the school- or district-level

characteristics that lead to faster or deeper program adoption at certain high schools as compared

to others. This study also seeks to understand if students participating in Colorado’s concurrent

enrollment program see improvement in educational outcomes in terms of both their participation

in college and their success once in college. The author considers if the program has positive effects

for Colorado’s traditionally-underserved students in particular. Accordingly, the second and third

research questions are as follows:

RQ2: How does participation in concurrent enrollment affect the college-going rates of

Colorado’s high school students?

RQ3: How does high school participation in concurrent enrollment affect the college

performance and persistence of students?

These two research questions combined with the first question are collectively important

because in order for state-facilitated, voluntary policies to significantly improve educational

outcomes, the policy needs to be both widely diffused in schools and impactful on individual

students. Answers to these questions will be beneficial to policymakers, practitioners and


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Several different literature streams inform the research questions set forth in the previous

chapter. The first research question concerning differences in school-level adoption of concurrent

enrollment is informed by policy innovation and diffusion theory. The second and third research

questions, which are concerned with the individual educational outcomes of participating in

concurrent enrollment, rely on different strands of education theory. Hypotheses are drawn from

the literature and presented throughout the chapter.

Policy Diffusion & Innovation Theory

Policy diffusion and innovation theory submits that political, economic and social factors,

along with competitive and emulative pressures, influence whether or not policy change is adopted

(Mokher & McLendon, 2009, 251). The theory’s roots reside in Walker’s (1969) seminal article on

the diffusion of innovation among American states in which he sought to understand why some

states adopt innovative policies quicker than others. Walker (1969) defined innovation “simply as a

program or policy which is new to the states adopting it” (881). His work was groundbreaking

because he focused not only on the importance of a state’s internal factors (drawn from

organizational innovation literature) but also on the role of competitive and emulative pressures

among states. Walker (1969) observed that national professional communities served as learning

opportunities where ideas were spread among state policy makers and administrators. He also

noted that some states were seen as leaders, and sought to determine if other states were more

likely to emulate policies of the leader states (Walker, 1969).

In the years following, numerous scholars sought to test and refine Walker’s (1969)

propositions (Berry, 1994b; Shipan & Volden, 2012). Some scholars focused solely on the internal

factors, or determinants, that lead states to be early innovators, while other scholars focused their

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research on regional diffusion and national interaction patterns (Berry, 1994b; Berry & Berry, 2007;

Mokher & McLendon, 2009). In the 1990s, research by Berry & Berry (1990, 1992) significantly

advanced the research genre by offering a methodology—event history analysis—that provided a

way to empirically test the effects of both internal determinants and external diffusion factors in

one model. Since then, policy diffusion and innovation theory has been applied using event history

analysis to a wide range of substantive topics, such as health care (Stream, 1999; Volden 2006), hate

crime laws (Soule & Earl, 2001), electricity deregulation (Ka & Teske, 2002), and education

(Mintrom, 1997; Wong & Shen, 2002). The majority of empirical applications of policy diffusion

focus on state governments, but the theory has also been applied to local municipalities (e.g.

Bingham, 1977; Hoyman & Weinberg, 2006; Lubell et al., 2002). These studies, along with others,

considered different mechanisms that drive the diffusion process, including policy entrepreneurs

(Balla 2001; Mintrom 1997), learning that occurs from effective policies (Gilardi, Füglister, & Luyet,

2009; Volden 2006), competition (Baybeck et al., 2011, Berry & Berry, 1990) and coercive forces

(Karch, 2006; Welch & Thompson, 1980). More recent diffusion research also has focused on the

importance of the characteristics of the policy itself in terms of salience, complexity and

compatibility to the diffusion process (Boushey, 2010, Makse & Volden, 2011, Nicholson-Crotty,

2009). Makse and Volden (2011), for example, found that compatible policies—those that fit

seamlessly into current practices—are quicker to diffuse than complex policies that require a greater

shift in the status quo.

While the policy diffusion and innovation literature is wide and varied, the theory is

generally focused on the following overarching factors: “a polity’s motivation to innovate, the

resources that it has to innovate, the obstacles that stand in the way of this innovation, other co-

current policies that a polity is pursuing and the influence of the external environment” (Hoyman &

Weinberg, 2006, 98-99). These factors often comprise the central elements of empirical models

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used to understand and predict why certain public entities are quicker to adopt innovative policies

than others. Given the lack of research on what affects policy implementation beyond the initial

state of policy adoption, the same theoretical grounding will be used to explore both adoption and

implementation effects in this study (Shipan & Volden, 2012).

Motivation to Innovate

The policy innovation literature theorizes that if problem severity is high, governmental

entities are more likely to be motivated to adopt new policies (Berry & Berry, 1990, 2007; Hoyman &

Weinberg, 2006; Mohr, 1969). Berry and Berry (2007), in their review of the literature on policy

innovation, state that “problem severity can influence the motivation of state officials to adopt a

policy directly by clarifying the need for the policy, or indirectly by stimulating demand for the policy

by societal groups” (Berry & Berry, 2007, 235). Empirical evidence for this proposition has been

found in several studies covering topics such as welfare, school choice and health care reform

(Allard, 2004; Mintrom & Vergari, 1998; Stream, 1999).

Concurrent enrollment programs can be viewed as a tool for increasing student

achievement levels and improving college readiness (Hoffman, 2005). Thus, districts struggling with

low academic achievement levels may have more incentive to innovate and improve outcomes and

may be more likely to turn to concurrent enrollment as a potential solution. The severity of low

academic achievement in districts and schools should motivate them to adopt concurrent

enrollment, whether that pressure to improve comes from internal leadership, the state (via

performance ratings), or concerned parents. Likewise, if a school has an urgency to improve the

achievement of its students, it could be hypothesized that the school will encourage higher levels of

participation in concurrent enrollment courses. That is, if a high school adopts the program as an

improvement strategy, it would follow that the school would actively encourage and recruit

students to participate in it. A hypothesis on the motivation to innovate is proposed, as follows.

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Hypothesis 1.1: High schools that have lower academic achievement levels are more likely to adopt

concurrent enrollment and have higher student participation rates.

Resources to Innovate

Policy diffusion and innovation theory also points to the importance of resources, which are

needed both for the innovation itself and to overcome any obstacles to innovate (Berry, 1994b).

There are two types of resources that the literature on policy diffusion and innovation identifies that

are particularly relevant to this study: fiscal capacity and organization size. Generally, past studies

have found that a public entity’s probability of adopting innovative policies is positively related to

the resources at its disposal (Berry & Berry, 2007).

In regards to fiscal capacity, the literature on policy innovation draws from the broader

literature on organizational innovation, which has consistently found that financially-secure

organizations are more likely to innovate than organizations in fiscal trouble or with fewer slack

resources (Berry, 1994a; Bingham, 1977; Cyert and March, 1963; Rogers, 1983). Policy innovation

theory points to the fact that many new policies and programs require extensive funds to be

implemented, and thus agencies with abundant resources may be more inclined to adopt such

programs (Berry & Berry, 2007) and may have a greater capacity to widely implement them.

Therefore, drawing from the literature and theory on financial resources and innovation, the

following hypothesis is proposed. Hypothesis 1.2: High schools with greater fiscal capacity are more

likely to adopt concurrent enrollment and have higher student participation rates.

Theory and research on organizational innovation has long considered the size of an

organization as another key explanatory variable that is positively associated with the likelihood of

innovation (Baldridge and Burnham, 1975; Berry, 1994a; Cyert & March, 1963; Mohr, 1969; Rogers,

2003). Size is considered an important element because it facilitates the presence of other factors

that may affect innovation such as the availability of slack, or surplus, resources and specialized staff

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(Rogers, 2003). Larger organizations tend to have more resources, and they are more likely to have

the capacity and structure to hire specialized staff. Having administrators whose job it is to stay

attuned to the latest research and innovations in their specific program area makes it more likely

that schools will be aware of new programs and have the capacity to implement them (Baldridge,

1975; Berry, 1994a). As school size increases, however, it may be more likely that the proportion of

eligible students who participate in innovative programs decreases. This is particularly true if larger

schools have a broad array of programs from which students may select. Larger organizations may

have greater numbers of participants compared to smaller organizations, but in terms of

participation rates it seems likely that organizational size may be inversely related to overall

participation rates. Based on the organizational innovation literature and general reasoning, the

following resource hypothesis is proposed. Hypothesis 1.3: The larger a school, the more likely it is to

adopt concurrent enrollment, but the share of students participating may be lower.

External Factors

Policy diffusion scholars have devoted much attention to how competitive and emulative

pressures among states affect policy innovation (Berry, 1994b; Berry & Berry, 2007; Walker, 1969).

Policy innovation and diffusion theory points primarily to two avenues through which external

pressure for policy change occurs: through regional diffusion—that is, through competition with or

emulation of neighboring governments—or through national interaction, which is the idea that

policy ideas spread through networks of policymakers (Berry & Berry, 2007; Walker, 1969). Empirical

tests of diffusion models have found varying results. A national study of the diffusion of concurrent

enrollment policies among states, for example, found that regional diffusion pressures were not a

statistically significant factor (Mokher & McLendon, 2009). On the other hand, a recent study of the

diffusion of charter school legislation among states found the regional diffusion variable to have a

statistically significant and substantive influence on policy adoption (Lee, 2014). Some scholars

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argue that the geographic focus of policy adoption is an outdated concept given that policymakers

and leaders can learn about innovative programs not just from their geographic neighbors, but from

others across the states—or increasingly across the world (Shipan & Volden, 2012; Volden, Ting &

Carpenter, 2008).

Nonetheless, as an open enrollment state, schools in Colorado have an incentive to compete

with one another for students because those students come with revenue attached. If a high school

sees that a neighboring school is offering advanced or enhanced programming, it seems likely that

competitive and emulative pressures could influence policy innovation decisions and may also lead

to more robust implementation reflected by higher participation rates Thus, although research and

theory is unclear on the influence of regional pressures, this study hypothesizes that geographic

proximity will be influential. Hypothesis 1.4: High schools nearby other schools that have already

adopted concurrent enrollment are more likely to offer the program and have higher participation


Another external factor that could be relevant to this research is a high school’s proximity to

a community college. There is precedence in the literature for focusing on this factor; the influence

and presence of community colleges was used in the previously-mentioned study of national dual

enrollment policy diffusion (Mokher & McLendon, 2009). The nearness of a community college to a

high school makes the implementation of the concurrent enrollment policy easier in terms of

accessibility to courses delivered at a college campus, credentialing of high school instructors or the

provision of community college instructors (in cases where college faculty teach courses at a high

school’s campus). While some concurrent enrollment is provided by four-year institutions, the large

majority of course enrollments are through community colleges. In Colorado during the 2015-16

school year, for example, 88 percent of concurrent enrollment students took courses through

community colleges (Colorado Department of Higher Education [CDHE], 2017b). Moreover,

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community colleges are proponents of concurrent enrollment because it is an immediate revenue

generator, as well as a recruitment strategy (Crooks 1998; Morest & Karp 2006). Community

colleges may exert pressure on schools to offer concurrent courses, in which case, if a community

college is geographically close to a particular high school, the policy may diffuse more readily and,

perhaps, more deeply, which would be evidenced by a greater share of students within a high school

taking concurrent enrollment courses. Hypothesis 1.5: High schools with greater proximity to a

community college will be more likely to adopt concurrent enrollment and have higher participation


Education Theory

Because education is such a broad field, it is necessary to first situate the research through a

specific theoretical lens. Some researchers take an institutional rational choice lens, for example,

and place emphasis on how institutional arrangements constrain and aggregate individual choices

resulting in organizations of different types and quality (Chubb & Moe, 1990). Other researchers

focus on how manipulating inputs within existing organizational and institutional arrangements can

alter performance outputs. These scholars, which devote their time to identifying problems and

evaluating reforms that occur in and around schools, could loosely be grouped under a theoretical

framework of school improvement.

The theoretical reasoning behind concurrent enrollment is grounded in the viewpoint that

there are factors within the control of schools that can be manipulated to improve education

outcomes. Empirical research has linked a variety of factors to the likelihood that students will

attend and be successful in college. Some factors cannot be altered by schools—such as

socioeconomic status—but other factors, including academic preparation and metacognitive skill

development, can be manipulated. Thus, the school improvement framework is an applicable lens

for this inquiry. This section of the literature review provides an overview of education theory and

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research related to improving student achievement, generally, and college access and success,


School Improvement Framework

There are a significant number of education researchers who rely on a theoretical lens that

focuses fundamentally on manipulating inputs within existing school arrangements to alter

performance outputs (Hanushek, 2003; Purkey & Smith, 1983). Scholars coming from the field of

economics refer to these types of studies as education production functions, which are used to

relate “observed student outcomes to characteristics of the students, their families, and other

students in the school, as well as characteristics of schools” (Hanushek, 1979, 354). Education and

economics scholars could be loosely grouped together under a theoretical framework of school

improvement, which asserts that the problems that plague student achievement are “found in and

around the schools, and the schools can be ‘made’ better by relying on existing institutions to

impose the proper reforms” (Chubb & Moe, 1990, 3). This school of thought emerged in the wake of

the 1966 Coleman Report—formally known as Equality of Educational Opportunity (Chubb & Moe,

1990; Hanushek, 1979, 2003; Purkey & Smith, 1983). The Coleman Report (1966), which was the

product of a substantial study covering over 600,000 students in 4,000 schools, found that once the

family background of individual students and the overall racial composition of schools were taken

into account, school characteristics had little effect on achievement levels (Coleman et al.). The

school characteristics included in the Coleman study were numerous and included such factors as

school funding, classroom size, teacher and principal salaries, education levels of teachers, number

of free textbooks, and extracurricular offerings (Coleman et al., 1966).

In a backlash against the report’s findings, researchers spent the following decades

attempting to prove that school-based elements do matter (Hanushek, 2003; Purkey & Smith, 1983).

One rationale for such research is that factors related to family background are not easily changed—

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at least in the short term—and, therefore, the many factors that can be manipulated at the

classroom, school, or district-level must continually be examined in the effort to improve schools

(Purkey & Smith, 1983). Some researchers chose to focus on organizational and cultural attributes

not included in the Coleman Report; this group of scholars contributed to what is known as the

“effective schools research” (Chubb and Moe, 1990; Edmonds & Frederiksen, 1979; Hersh et al.,

1981; Purkey & Smith, 1983). While encompassing a diverse set of studies and findings, overall, the

effective schools research conducted in the 1970s and early 1980s emphasized the following

elements as key to improving student achievement: “high staff expectations and morale, a

considerable degree of control by the staff over instructional and training decisions in the school,

clear leadership from the principal or other instructional figure, clear goals for the school, and a

sense of order in the school” (Purkey & Smith, 1983, 438). Empirical evidence that these cultural and

organizational elements could affect student achievement (as measured typically through

assessment scores) was heralded as proof that schools matter (Edmonds, 1979; Hersh et al. 1981,

Purkey & Smith, 1983).

Other researchers took a different path and have focused on re-examining the variables

included in the Coleman Report and have found some nuanced, positive effects on student

achievement. Several studies, including the well-known Tennessee STAR experiment, for example,

have found statistically significant, positive effects of small classroom size (below 20 students per

teacher) on student learning in Kindergarten through third grade (Centra & Potter, 1980; Mosteller,

1995; Walberg, 1982). Others, however, have found little evidence that class size affects learning

enough to warrant its financial costs (Hanushek, 1999; Funkhouser, 2009). The debates within the

literature on classroom size are representative of the school improvement research as a whole in

that there are some positive findings but much debate over meaning and replication. Analysis of

other inputs such as school funding, teacher education and teacher salaries constitutes a large, and

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somewhat controversial, literature. The wide variety of variables, the broad range of statistical

methods used, and the differing levels of empirical quality have resulted in findings that are often

seen as contradictory (Hanushek, 1979). Hanushek (2003) calls for more rigorous research on school

inputs, stating that “if educational policies are to be improved, much more serious attention must

be given to developing solid evidence about what things work and what things do not” (94).

In the last 20 years, scholars have indeed continued to analyze a variety of school-based

programs in search of “solid evidence” of positive effects on student learning. The focus of this more

recent research has been on topics such as standards and curriculum, bilingual education, literacy

programs, and improving the transition from high school into college (Hoffman, 2005; Darling-

Hammond, 2010; Kirst & Venezia, 2004, Hoffman, Vargas & Santos, 2008a, 2008b). Initiatives

focused on aligning secondary and postsecondary systems are often referred to as K-16 or P-20

initiatives. Research on P-20 systems was epitomized in the work of the Stanford Bridge Project in

the late 1990s, which made the case that the underpreparation of high school graduates for higher

education was a pervasive and critical problem (Venezia, Kirst & Antonio, 2003). The researchers

found the coursework offered in high school and college to be disconnected, and they noted that

underrepresented students were “especially likely to be hampered by insufficient access to college

preparatory courses” (Venezia, Kirst & Antonio, 2003, 8). The expansion of dual enrollment

programs was one of the key recommendations of the Stanford Bridge Project to improve the

transition from high school to college. Dual enrollment is seen as an avenue for students to gain

stronger academic preparation for college (Kirst & Venezia, 2004; Venezia, Kirst & Antonio, 2003).

The next section of the literature review will explore in detail the theory behind how academic

preparation and coursework offerings relate to a student’s educational achievement.

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Academic Preparation

Empirical research studies over the past half century have consistently identified that

disparities in curriculum offerings, including course options, rigor of curriculum, and quality of

courses, contribute to and exacerbate achievement gaps. This stream of literature focuses on the

inequity of educational opportunity between groups of students, and the detrimental effect that has

on academic success. Dreeben’s (1987) study of inner-city elementary students in Chicago, for

example, found that black and white students of similar aptitude performed equally well when

exposed to the same instruction—high or low quality (Dreeben, 1987). The problem is that high-

quality instruction is not offered in every classroom, and low-income, minority students tend to

disproportionately receive inadequate instruction (Darling-Hammond, 2010). This contributes to

persistent achievement gaps as evidenced through several studies that have found that students

who are exposed to rich, challenging curriculum eventually outperform their peers who are placed

into less rigorous classes, even after controlling for socioeconomic background (Alexander & McDill,

1976; Gamaron, 1990; Gamaron & Hannigan, 2000; Oakes, 2005). Peterson (1989), for instance,

conducted an experimental study that randomly placed at-risk 7th graders with similar backgrounds

into varying levels of math classes. Students placed into the highest math class (containing a pre-

algebra curriculum) outperformed the other students on assessments given at the end of the school

year (Peterson, 1989).

Researchers have found that the disproportionate allocation of high-quality instruction to

students occurs primarily through two ways. The first is that schools with minority-majority

populations (i.e. serving mostly Hispanic, black or Native American students) offer fewer

academically-rigorous courses. Instead of having a selection of honors, Advanced Placement, lab

science and foreign language courses like high schools in wealthy districts do, high schools serving

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large numbers of minority and low-income students often offer mostly remedial and vocational

courses (Pelavin & Kane, 1990; Oakes, 2005; Darling-Hammond, 2010).

The second way that high-quality instruction is allocated away from low-income, minority

students is through tracking. In schools with socioeconomically-diverse populations, white and

upper-income students tend to be placed into college preparatory classes while minority and low-

income students are tracked into lower-level courses (Darling-Hammond, 2010; Oakes, 2005). As

Darling-Hammond (2010) phrases it, “curriculum tracks are generally color coded” (52). Oakes

(2005) has conducted empirical studies over the past several decades that highlight the

pervasiveness of tracking in America’s schools. One of her studies, for example, found that after

controlling for test scores, white and Asian students were far more likely to be placed into honors

courses than their peers (Oakes, 1993). High-achieving Latino students who scored at the 90th

percentile on standardized tests had just a 56.3% chance of being assigned to a college preparatory

class, as compared to 97.3% of Asian students and 93.3% of white students scoring in the same

percentile (Oakes, 1993).

The reasons for the underrepresentation of minority and low-income students in honors, AP

and other challenging secondary courses are many. Tracking begins at an early age and, by the time

students reach high school, tracked students often do not have the prerequisite skills or test scores

to take advanced courses (Darling-Hammond, 2010; Oakes, 2005). More directly, counselors may

advise students from low socioeconomic backgrounds away from challenging postsecondary

pathways and towards low-status careers (Darling-Hammond, 2010). Further, middle- and upper-

income parents tend to be more active in pushing for their children to be placed into advanced

courses and programs and to be assigned to the best teachers. As Darling-Hammond (2010)

explains, high-quality education is scarce and,

Scarce resources tend to get allocated to the students whose parents, advocates or representative have the most political leverage. This typically results in the most highly

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qualified teachers offering the most enriched curricula to the most advantaged students. (60) Indeed, other empirical work has found tracking patterns in place for teachers in which the

best (most-experienced, most competent) teachers are assigned to the brightest students in upper-

level classes, while inexperienced and ineffective teachers are assigned to lower-level classes and

students (Finley, 1984; Talbert, 1990).

As this section of the literature review demonstrates, disparities in curriculum offerings and

quality of instruction remain a significant problem in today’s schools. Theoretically speaking,

ensuring that all students have access to rigorous coursework in high school through programs such

as concurrent enrollment could improve education outcomes. Concurrent enrollment programs

expand the number of accelerated learning options available to schools, especially when programs

have clear funding streams (Allen, 2010; Karp, Bailey, Hughes, & Fermin, 2005). Making concurrent

enrollment courses more prolific in high schools and targeting them to students of all socioeconomic

backgrounds could be a way to ensure traditionally-underserved students have access to enriched,

advanced curriculum (Karp, Bailey, Hughes, & Fermin, 2005; Venezia, Kirst, & Antonio, 2003). For

students who have been tracked into lower-level courses from an early age and enter high school far

behind their peers academically, some concurrent enrollment programs, including Colorado’s, offer

remedial courses to high school seniors to help students become college ready (Allen, 2010;

Rutschow & Schneider, 2011). This a newer strategy; dual enrollment courses have long been

targeted to high-achieving students, but schools are now expanding the mission of such programs to

serve less academically-prepared students (Allen, 2010; Karp et al., 2007; Rutschow & Schneider,

2011; Venezia, Kirst, & Antonio, 2003).

Metacognitive Learning Skills

When student do not take advanced, college-preparatory coursework, it is not content

knowledge alone that students miss (e.g. algebra vs. pre-algebra), but also the development of

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higher-order thinking and reasoning skills (Darling-Hammond, 2010). Researchers have found that

classes in the lower tracks often focus on rote memorization, test taking, and behavioral problems

(Eckstrom & Villegas, 1991; Good & Brophy, 1987; Oakes, 2005). In contrast, other research studies

have shown that in college-preparatory tracks, teachers engage students in hands-on group

activities and projects that encourage students to be creative, to problem solve and to think

critically and strategically (Braddock & McPartland, 1993; Garcia, 1993; Wenglinsky, 2002). It is the

latter skills that students need to acquire to ultimately be successful in higher education (Conley,

2007, 2010).

In fact, research on college readiness has long made the point that content knowledge alone

does not predict success in college—there is a host of other knowledge, skills, and behaviors

students must acquire to be successful in postsecondary education (Attinasi, 1989; Byrd and

MacDonald, 2005; Conley, 2005, 2007, 2010; Dickie & Farrell, 1991; Shields, 2002). These other

attributes have often been referred to as “nonacademic” or “noncognitive” skills, which is arguably

a misnomer because the skills and behaviors are directly related to cognition and thinking processes.

Conley (2013) advocates for the terminology “metacognitive learning skills” to be used when

referring to “the full range of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs students demonstrate while engaging

in the learning process” (Conley, 2013, 21). Metacognition is comprised of “personality and

motivational factors, experiential and contextual intelligence, social skills and interests, and

adjustment and student perceptions” (Educational Policy Improvement Center, 2013, para. 4).

Students with well-developed metacognitive learning skills will be able to manage their time

effectively, think critically, navigate college resources, maintain study routines, have self-awareness

of their strengths and weaknesses, analyze and interpret information, and have the confidence to

overcome challenges (Conley, 2010, 2013).

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Concurrent enrollment is a venue for students to acquire metacognitive learning skills. As

Karp (2012) explains,

Dual enrollment can be seen as a social intervention in which potential college students learn about the norms, interpersonal interactions, and behaviors expected for college success. By “trying on” the role of a college student, dual enrollees benefit from early exposure and practice, coming to feel comfortable in a college environment and ultimately becoming successful once they matriculate. (22-23)

Karp (2012) tested facets of sociological theory in a qualitative study that measured the degree to

which students in concurrent enrollment courses gained knowledge of college behaviors, norms and

processes. The students in her study took dual enrollment courses at their high school, taught by a

teacher who was credentialed as a college adjunct. Despite not being physically located on a college

campus, Karp found that dual enrollment courses still gave students the opportunity to assume the

“role” of a college student, which helped them gain a deeper knowledge of what would be expected

of them in a college courses. Karp (2012) concludes that “dual enrollees get ready for college

success by learning—before they actually matriculate—all aspects of the college role” (23). This

finding supports other research demonstrating that students who take concurrent enrollment

courses have higher levels of self-efficacy, or confidence, in their academic abilities (Margolis &

McCabe, 2004).

College Affordability

Even if students have acquired the right knowledge, skills and abilities to be successful in

college, college affordability remains a significant barrier to matriculation. Numerous studies have

found that low- and middle-income students are more sensitive to tuition and aid changes than

wealthier students, meaning that when tuition increases or grant aid decreases, there is a bigger

decline in enrollment for low-income students than for upper-income students (see e.g. Heller,

1997; Leslie & Brinkman, 1987; Terenzini, Cabrera, & Bernal, 2001; St. John, 1990). In other research

on college affordability, one study analyzed enrollment rates by income level and standardized tests

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scores and found that high-income students who scored among the worst on the achievement test

were as likely to go to college as low-income students who performed among the best (Kahlenberg,

2004). Put another way, "the least bright rich kids have as much chance of going to college as the

smartest poor kids." (Kahlenberg, 2004, 24). The study also found that 22 percent of low-income

students with the highest test scores did not go to college, compared to 11 percent of middle-

income students and only 3 percent of high-income students with the same scores (Kahlenberg,


Concurrent enrollment can be an opportunity to make college more affordable by allowing

students to earn college credit for free, or at a reduced cost, while still in high school, thus reducing

the amount of tuition students will have to pay when they matriculate to college (Hoffman, Vargas,

& Santos, 2008a, 2008b; Jobs for the Future, 2006). In some programs, students are encouraged to

accumulate enough credits to earn a certificate or associate degree at the same time as they earn

their high school diploma.

From this review of the literature, it is theorized here that concurrent enrollment will

improve college access and success for its participants for the following central reasons:

1) Concurrent enrollment provides for rigorous academic preparation and enhanced

content knowledge;

2) Concurrent enrollment courses are a venue for students to acquire metacognitive

learning skills and exposure to higher education; and

3) Courses provide the opportunity for students to earn free, or low cost, college credit,

thus reducing the total amount of a college credential.

Following this theoretical framework, a hypothesis regarding college access is stated as

follows. Hypothesis 2: High school students who participate in concurrent enrollment programs will

have a greater probability of enrolling in higher education. Similarly, the author expects positive

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outcomes in terms of college success based on the theoretical framework, leading to a third central

hypothesis. Hypothesis 3: First-year college students who had participated in concurrent enrollment

programs in high school will have greater academic success and a higher probability of persisting

than college students who did not participate.


Based on a comprehensive review of the literature, several hypotheses have been identified

to guide the quantitative analysis of Colorado’s concurrent enrollment program. Table 2 provides a

summary of the research questions and the associated hypotheses. The following chapter will

discuss the data and methods used to test the hypotheses.

Table 2. Summary of Research Questions and Hypotheses

Research Questions Hypotheses

RQ1: What factors influence whether

high schools adopt concurrent

enrollment programs?

RQ1a: What factors influence the extent

to which concurrent enrollment

programs are utilized by students within

high schools?

H1.1: High schools that have lower academic achievement levels

are more likely to adopt concurrent enrollment and have higher

student participation rates.

H1.2: High schools that have greater fiscal capacity are more

likely to adopt concurrent enrollment and have higher student

participation rates.

H1.3: The larger a school, the more likely it is to adopt

concurrent enrollment, but the share of students participating

may be lower.

H1.4: High schools nearby other schools that have already

adopted concurrent enrollment are more likely to offer the

program and have higher student participation rates.

H1.5: High schools with greater proximity to a community

college will be more likely to adopt concurrent enrollment and

have higher student participation rates.

RQ2: How does participation in

concurrent enrollment affect the

college-going rates of Colorado’s high

school students?

H2: High school students who participate in concurrent

enrollment programs will have a greater probability of enrolling

in higher education.

RQ3: How does high school

participation in concurrent enrollment

affect the college performance and

persistence of students?

H3: First-year college students who had participated in

concurrent enrollment programs in high school will have greater

academic success and a higher probability of persisting than

college students who did not participate.

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This chapter describes the data and methods used to explore the hypotheses. The study

begins with an exploration of factors that influence the adoption of concurrent enrollment programs

among and within Colorado high schools using school-level, administrative data in event history

analysis and multivariate regression. The author then undertakes propensity score matching and

fixed effects regression using student-level data to analyze the effects of participating in concurrent

enrollment on college matriculation and success.

Data Sources and Collection

Nearly all the data used in this study were collected through Colorado’s two education

agencies: the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) and the Colorado Department of

Education (CDE). The author constructed panel data sets by compiling publicly-available data from

the agency websites and by procuring a de-identified and secure cross-section of student-level data

from CDHE. The datasets are timely, comprehensive, and—most important—longitudinal between

K12 and higher education due to data-sharing agreements in place between the two agencies.

Statewide longitudinal data systems are still a relatively new phenomenon having rapidly

expanded in states over the past decade. The wealth of information included in these state data

systems has the potential to help transform the public administration of schools and colleges into a

truly evidence-based sector. There are obstacles along the way to reaching that goal, however,

including the recent backlash from parents and community members around the perceived

overreach of government and businesses in collecting data on students. In fact, between 2013 and

2016, 36 states enacted 74 student data privacy laws, some of which establish important procedures

for protecting student data, but some of which also constrain the ability of state agencies to share

student data with researchers (Data Quality Campaign, 2017). Thus, it is within this landscape that

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this study occurred, and the author acknowledges that access to such rich and powerful data is not

to be taken for granted in education research. Moreover, there is an important contribution that

can be made to the debate around the value of making student data available to researchers if

studies such as this prove worthwhile to policymakers and practitioners.

High School Panel

The first panel data set was constructed by collecting high school data from CDE, CDHE and

the U.S. Census Bureau for the following academic years: 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13,

2013-14, and 2014-15. The full data set includes 388 high schools that served, at a minimum, grades

10, 11 and 12 during the entirety of the study period. High schools that opened recently and were

not in existence for all years of the study, closed during the study period, or only served partial

grades (e.g. 9 and 10) during the study period were excluded from the dataset.6 The resulting panel

is strongly balanced, meaning all schools have data for all years of the study.

Aggregate data on multiple indicators for the 388 high schools were obtained from CDE’s

website. The indicators collected include school performance ratings, school type (i.e. charter,

alternative education campus, or traditional school), student count, district setting, prior dual

enrollment program participation rates, and free and reduced price lunch information. The data that

were procured from the CDHE provide details about which high schools and higher education

institutions offer concurrent enrollment programs and how many high school students were in

enrolled in the program during a given academic year. College matriculation rates by high school

were also obtained from the CDHE. Lastly, data were collected from the U.S. Census Bureau’s

American Community Survey for median household income.

6 Given the geographical focus of the policy diffusion research question and hypotheses, online high schools (n=19) were also excluded from the data set.

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The dataset provides a sufficient scope of variables and a long-enough time span to analyze

the first research question concerning the diffusion of concurrent enrollment among and within high

schools. The Colorado legislature passed the Concurrent Enrollment Program Act in spring 2009, and

the program was fully operational at the start of the 2010-11 school year. The school panel dataset

used in this study spans from fall 2009 through spring 2015, allowing for an analysis of the first five

years of program implementation.

Student Panel

The second panel data set was created from data collected through CDHE’s Student Unit

Record Data System (SURDS), which houses comprehensive postsecondary data on students who

are enrolled at public colleges and universities in the state, as well as those enrolled at three private

institutions: the University of Denver, Regis University, and Colorado Christian University. The CDHE

supplements SURDS with data from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide

information on out-of-state enrollment and enrollment at private institutions. The NSC has a

coverage rate of 96 percent of all students enrolled in a U.S. public or private college (NSC, 2013);

thus, when this study considers college enrollment patterns, the dataset captures nearly all

Colorado high school graduates who attend college, whether in-state or out-of-state, at a public or a

private institution. Further, CDHE has established a partnership with CDE that permits the linkage of

the postsecondary data with K-12 data using the State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID). The

SASID-linked databases provided the means to create a student-level panel dataset that follows

cohorts of high school graduates as they move from the K-12 system into higher education. The high

school graduating cohorts of 2011, 2012 and 2013 are included in the student-level analysis.

The variables included in the second panel data set provide details, by semester, about what

postsecondary institution students are enrolled in, whether they require remedial education, and

how they perform in terms of grade point average, credit accumulation, and persistence. The data

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that were procured from CDHE around concurrent enrollment include how many credit hours

students take and in which high schools and higher education institutions the students are

concurrently enrolled.

Research Design

The research design begins with an event history analysis of how concurrent enrollment

programs expanded among Colorado high schools. Using the high school as the unit of analysis, the

author also uses regression analysis to see if any of the same factors included in the event history

analysis affect the magnitude of program participation rates. Next, the author conducts multivariate

analyses to evaluate the effects of participating in concurrent enrollment on education achievement

using student-level data. Participation in concurrent enrollment is explored both as a dichotomous

measure (yes/no) and as an intensity level (i.e. number of credits). The different components of this

research design rely on the same dataset but have different guiding questions and units of analysis.

A description of the variables, measure, and methods used in the policy diffusion portion of the

study are presented first, followed by an explanation of the variables, measures and methods

employed for the student-level policy evaluation. The chapter concludes with a summary of the

research design.

Policy Diffusion Variables and Measures

The hypotheses relating to the policy diffusion analysis contain several key concepts related

to policy adoption, motivation to innovate, resources and obstacles, and external factors. Table 3

summarizes the indicators that are used to operationalize the explanatory variables in the five

diffusion hypotheses, and the following sections provide additional details. Table 4 provides a

summary of variable descriptions and data sources.

Concurrent enrollment policy adoption. The key dependent variable for all of the

hypotheses in the policy innovation and diffusion analysis is adoption of concurrent enrollment

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programs. First, this study employs a dichotomous measure of adoption, with a value of “1”

indicating that the high school has adopted the concurrent enrollment policy and there is at least

one student taking a concurrent enrollment course. The study then includes a second measure of

adoption to assess how the covariates affect the magnitude of student participation within a high

school. That measure is a proportional value calculated by dividing the number of students

participating in concurrent enrollment in a given academic year by the total number of students in

grades 9 through 12 in that same year.7

Table 3. Concept Measurement Summary: Policy Diffusion

Hypotheses Constructs Indicators

1.1: High schools that have lower academic

achievement levels are more likely to adopt

concurrent enrollment and have higher student

participation rates.




College enrollment rates

School performance rating

(index of ACT scores,

graduation rates, dropout rates

and achievement on state

standardized tests)

1.2: High schools that have greater fiscal capacity

are more likely to adopt concurrent enrollment

and have higher student participation rates.

Fiscal capacity Median household income

Free and reduced price lunch


1.3: The larger a school, the more likely it is to

adopt concurrent enrollment, but the share of

students participating may be lower.

High school size Student count

1.4: High schools nearby other schools that have

already adopted concurrent enrollment are more

likely to offer the program and have higher

student participation rates.

Proximity to


Number of High Schools within

5 miles offering Concurrent


1.5: High schools with greater proximity to a

community college will be more likely to adopt

concurrent enrollment and have higher student

participation rates.

Proximity to



Distance in miles from nearest

community college

Number of community colleges

within 10 miles

7 Some of the schools included in the study serve more grades than 9-12 (e.g. K-12 schools, or secondary schools serving grades 6 or 7 through 12th grade). In all cases, only the population of grades 9-12 is used as the denominator for calculating the share of students participating in concurrent enrollment.

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Table 4: Variable Descriptions and Sources Variable Description Source

High school adoption of concurrent enrollment program

Dummy variable (yes = 1; no = 0) indicating whether a high school adopts concurrent enrollment in a given year during the study.

Colorado Department of Higher Education

College matriculation rate (%)

Annual measure of the percent of high school graduates who enroll in a postsecondary institution in the fall immediately following graduation.

Colorado Department of Higher Education

School performance rating (%)

Annual index measure of the percentage of points earned on state performance framework that includes ACT scores, graduation rates, dropout rates and achievement on state standardized tests. The higher the percentage of points earned, the better the school performed on the measures.

Colorado Department of Education

Median household income (logged)

Log of the median household income in the past 12 months (in 2014 Inflation-adjusted dollars) for the five year period running from Jan. 1, 2010 – Dec. 31, 2014. The aggregated 5-year survey was used to obtain neighborhood-level estimates.

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year estimates (2014)

Free and reduced-price lunch (FRL) eligible (%)

Annual measure of the percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.

Colorado Department of Education

Student count (logged) Annual measure of the log of the total student enrollment count in October of each school year.

Colorado Department of Education

Diffusion of concurrent enrollment

Number of high schools within 5 miles offering Concurrent Enrollment.

Author’s calculations using data from the dependent variable and high school addresses

Community college distance

Distance in miles from the high school to the nearest community college.

Author’s calculations using data from the dependent variable and high school addresses

Concentration of community colleges

Number of community colleges within 10 miles of the high school.

Author’s calculations using data from the dependent variable and high school addresses

Charter school Dummy variable (yes = 1; no = 0) indicating whether the school is a charter school.

Colorado Department of Education

PSEO participation Dummy variable (yes = 1; no = 0) indicating whether the high school previously offered Post Secondary Education Options (PSEO).

Colorado Department of Education

District Setting Categorical variable: Denver Metro, Outlying City, Outlying Town, Remote, Urban-Suburban.

Colorado Department of Education

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Motivation to innovate. The hypothesized motivation to innovate is lower academic

achievement levels, which is operationalized using college matriculation rates and CDE’s school

performance ratings. College matriculation rates measure the proportion of graduates who enroll in

any college in the fall immediately following high school graduation, which relies on CDHE data.

CDE’s performance rating for each school is also included as a measure of student achievement. CDE

provides both numerical ratings and categorical ratings (performance, improvement, priority

improvement and turnaround) in its annual performance review of school districts and schools. The

high school-level performance rating is an index that includes graduation rates, dropout rates, ACT

scores and achievement and growth on the statewide standardized assessment. Both matriculation

rates and school performance ratings are available on a yearly basis. The annual data, when

included in the event history analysis, are lagged one year to avoid problems with causal inference.

If the hypothesis is that lower performance motivates a school to adopt concurrent enrollment, the

data for those indicators need to be from a time prior to the adoption year.

Resources. Fiscal capacity and size are two types of resources important to the analysis of

policy diffusion and innovation that are included in hypotheses 1.2 and 1.3, respectively. Per-pupil

funding at the school level is not available; only district-level data is available. Including the district-

level data masks important funding variance at the high-school level. Instead of including a district-

level variable, two school-level measures are included in an attempt to capture the level of wealth

and resources of individual high school communities. Previous studies have found a positive

correlation between per-pupil spending and the wealth of the local community (e.g. Augenblick,

Myers & Anderson, 1997). Thus, as a measure of a local community’s fiscal capacity, median

household income for the neighborhood immediately surrounding the high school is used in this

study. Neighborhood-level estimates were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American

Community Survey (ACS) by geocoding each high school’s address and matching it with a census

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tract number and county code. The ACS 5-year survey data contains the median household income

in the past 12 months (in 2014 Inflation-adjusted dollars) for the five year period running from Jan.

1, 2010 – Dec. 31, 2014. The 5-year survey option was used because it offers neighborhood-level


An additional measure included to capture the resources of a school is the proportion of

students eligible for free or reduced price lunch (FRL). Annual data is available from CDE on the

percentage of students qualifying for free or reduced price lunch; the data are lagged one year in

the event history analysis. FRL eligibility rates correspond with funding levels as Colorado’s school

finance formula awards additional per-pupil funds to districts for FRL students. Districts, in turn, use

their own formulas to distribute state funds—as well as federal Title I dollars—to schools most in

need. While the FRL data and the median income indicator are measuring similar information, they

are only moderately negatively correlated. There are instances where one measure may more

accurately account for the fiscal situation of a school than the other. There are wealthy

communities, for example, that have high proportions of FRL students, possibly due to school choice

patterns (e.g. median income in one Denver Metro area school is $108,627 and the percent FRL is

72.4%). In contrast, there are schools that have very low median incomes in the surrounding

neighborhood but also have low FRL counts, most likely due to underreporting by families (e.g.

median income in one remote southwest Colorado school is $39,476 and the percent FRL is 35.3%).

Further, while the FRL indicator captures those schools that may receive additional funding support,

not many high schools are Title I served, meaning districts more often direct the funds ear-marked

for high poverty schools to elementary and middle schools. Schools that are low-income but not

Title I served, or schools that serve middle income families who just fall short of meeting FRL

eligibility will operate differently from schools that serve mostly high-income families.

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One example of how such differences operationalize in terms of fiscal capacity, is through

parent fundraising. According to an investigative report of parent fundraising at Colorado schools,

fundraising levels vary dramatically by school and are correlated with the wealth of the community

(Schimke, 2016). One school, for example, raised $14,400 through the one-day “Colorado Gives Day”

fundraising campaign in 2016; within the same school district, a school serving a lower-income

population raised only $300 (Schimke, 2016). While that is an extreme example, there are concrete

differences in fundraising capabilities by school dependent upon the wealth of the parent

population, as well as the wealth of the surrounding neighborhood (who are often asked to

contribute to school fundraising campaigns). Even in districts that have school choice, controlling for

the income levels of the neighborhood immediately surrounding the school building is still critical.

Further, funds raised by the school are increasingly used to support instructional and programmatic

needs, as opposed to just supporting extracurricular activities (Schimke, 2016). Consequently, both

median household income and FRL eligibility are included in an attempt to capture the different

fiscal pressures at play at the school level.

The second type of resource important to this study—school size—is measured by counting

the number of students enrolled in the school during the annual October count period, which is the

official method CDE relies on to assess pupil membership. Annual data is available for student count

data, and the data are lagged one year in the event history analysis to avoid causal inference


External factors. The main external factors to be measured in hypotheses 1.4 and 1.5 are

proximity to schools that have adopted concurrent enrollment and proximity to community

colleges. The first factor is operationalized by calculating for each individual high school how many

other high schools were already offering concurrent enrollment within a five mile radius. The

calculation was done for each school year included in the study so that the values could change as

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the program spread. The data are lagged one year in the event history analysis to ensure that the

“diffusion of concurrent enrollment” variable is accurately captured as a predictor variable.

The second proximity factor was measured in two ways: 1) by calculating the distance in

miles from the high school to the nearest community college, and 2) by calculating the number of

community colleges within 10 miles of the high school. These measures adequately account for

those high schools that are located in more populous, urban areas with access to multiple colleges.

The author geocoded high school addresses using Texas A&M GeoServices. Once the longitude and

latitude was obtained for each high school, STATA’s geonear command was used to compute

geodetic distances8 between individual high schools and community colleges and among the high

schools themselves. The geocoded data was also used to match high schools with unique census

tract numbers to then link the Colorado administrative dataset with the ACS dataset.

Control variables. Lastly, two additional variables were included in the empirical models to

control for possible confounding factors. These include: 1) an indicator for whether a school was a

charter school or a traditional school, and 2) an indicator for whether the high school offered a

different dual enrollment program prior to 2011. First, an indicator for whether a school is a charter

school is included to control for any potential confounding effects on the variables of interest in the

case that charter schools act differently than traditional district-run schools, particularly in terms of

deciding programmatic offerings. Second, Berry & Berry (2007) suggest that diffusion models likely

need to include variables that capture whether prior policies were in place that could impact the

decision to adopt the policy currently at hand. In this case, there was a dual enrollment program

available to districts in Colorado prior to the Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act passing in 2009.

The program, known as Post Secondary Education Options (PSEO), began phasing out in 2009 and

8 Geodetic distances calculate the length of the shortest curve between two points along the surface of a mathematical model of the earth.

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was fully phased out by 2011-12. If schools that had PSEO in place wanted to continue to offer

similar opportunities, they had to make the transition to Concurrent Enrollment by 2011-12 (CDHE,

2014). It was not required that they make the transition, however, and PSEO schools could choose

not to offer any dual, or concurrent, enrollment courses once PSEO was phased out (CDHE, 2014).

Although substantially different in nature and mechanism, PSEO participation likely is associated

with concurrent enrollment adoption and so an indicator will be included to control for if a high

school had participated in the PSEO program.

Policy Diffusion Methodology

This section provides an overview of the two methods used to test hypotheses 1.1 through

1.5: event history analysis and ordinary least squares (OLS) fixed effects regression. Event history

analysis was the method used for exploring the diffusion of concurrent enrollment across high

schools in the state, while OLS fixed effects regression was used to explore any factors related to the

intensity of program participation within high schools once concurrent enrollment was adopted.

Event history analysis. Event history analysis was conducted to explore the possible

existence of explanatory relationships in the diffusion of concurrent enrollment programs among

Colorado high schools. According to Wong and Shen (2002), event history analysis “has become

widely accepted as the most effective way to empirically assess the causes of policy innovation in

the states” (168).9 The method allows researchers to identify what factors influence events over

time. In this study, the event was the adoption of concurrent enrollment by high schools (i), and

time was measured in discrete units of school years (t). The study period ran from the beginning of

the 2010-11 school year until the end of the 2014-15 school year. The legislation that created the

concurrent enrollment program passed in the spring 2009. In the 2009-2010 school year a small

9 EHA has also been applied to sub-state entities, see e.g. Hoyman and Weinberg (2006) and Lubell et al.


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number of school piloted the program, and concurrent enrollment was officially operational

statewide in the 2010-11 school year. Thus, the window of this event history analysis captures the

first five years of the implementation of concurrent enrollment in Colorado.

Table 5 displays an overview of the number of high schools in the risk set in each school

year, the number of adoptions each year, and the survivor function. In an event history analysis, the

survivor function expresses the probability that survival time T is equal to or greater than t, where t

represents the actual survival time (Mills, 2011).

S(t) = Pr(T ≥ t)

The output of S(t) in this study is, therefore, simply a proportion of the observations that still had

not adopted concurrent enrollment following school year t.

Table 5: Concurrent Enrollment Adoptions and Survivor Functions, by School Year School Year Number of

Adoptions Cumulative Adoptions

Risk Set Survivor Function

Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval

2010-11 195 195 388 0.50 0.03 [0.45, 0.55]

2011-12 76 272 193 0.30 0.02 [0.26, 0.35]

2012-13 65 337 117 0.13 0.02 [0.10, 0.17]

2013-14 6 343 52 0.12 0.02 [0.09, 0.15]

2014-15 10 353 46 0.09 0.01 [0.07, 0.12]

As Table 5 depicts, the first year saw the largest number of adoptions with fifty percent of

the high schools implementing the program that year. The diffusion of the program continued

rapidly after that, with eighty-seven percent of high schools offering concurrent enrollment by the

third year. As the survivor function indicates, just 9 percent of high schools (n=36) had not adopted

concurrent enrollment by the end of the study period in the 2014-15 school year. The high schools

that did not adopt concurrent enrollment by the end of the study period are considered to be right-

censored. Event history analysis is preferred over other regression models for policy diffusion

studies because it can account for both censored and non-censored observations when producing

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estimates of the likelihood than an event will occur at a specified point in time (Mills, 2011; Mokher

& McLendon, 2009).

Following Berry and Berry (1990), many public affairs scholars used discrete-time logit or

probit models to perform event history analysis (Allison, 1984; Berry & Berry, 1990; Buckley &

Westerland, 2004; Wong & Shen, 2001). Buckley and Westerland (2004) note that “this approach to

testing diffusion theory with discrete event history analysis is straight-forward, computationally

economical, and easy to execute, but it has several shortcomings” (95). One limitation is that the

discrete-time models assume that the probability of policy adoption in one year is unrelated to the

probability of adoption in previous years, when that may not be the case in actuality (Berry & Berry,

1992; Buckley & Westerland, 2004). The odds, for example, that a high school adopts concurrent

enrollment in the first year of the study are likely different from the odds that a school adopts the

program in the last year of the study when the policy is more popular and eighty-five percent of

other high schools have already adopted it. As a result, scholars have turned to the Cox proportional

hazards model, which allows for the probability of policy adoption to change over time while not

having to specify the functional form (Buckley & Westerland, 2004; Jones & Branton, 2005, Mills,

2011). The semi-parametric nature of the model lends itself to being robust to different data, even if

the author does not know the precise underlying shape of the probability distribution (Mills, 2011).

The Cox method also permits the incorporation of time-dependent variables. For these reasons, this

research design used Cox proportional hazards models to analyze the diffusion of concurrent


The Cox proportional hazards regression model relies on maximum partial likelihood

estimation when computing hazard rates. The hazard rate is the likelihood that the event of interest

will occur in a specified unit of time given that the observation has survived any prior time periods.

The Cox model estimates changes in hazard rates as a function of a set of covariates. While the

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model does not assume a particular shape of the baseline hazard rate, it does make a strong

assumption that the ratio of hazard between any two observations is proportional across time (Box-

Steffensmeier and Jones 2004; Mills, 2011). If the proportional hazards assumption is violated, the

relative risk may be improperly estimated.

To test the proportional hazards assumption, Schoenfeld residuals were estimated and

plotted to see if there was a pattern in any of the covariates’ residuals that would indicate time-

dependency. The variable for district setting clearly violated the proportional hazards assumption.

As a remedy, the Cox model was stratified on the variable, which essentially sets a separate baseline

hazard function for each value of district setting. Once the stratification was conducted, there were

no further violations of the proportional hazards assumption in individual covariates or for the

model as a whole.

The final Cox model specification can be expressed as: hi (t) = h0(t) exp(xjβ)

where the proportional hazard of high school i adopting concurrent enrollment in school year t is

the result of an unspecified baseline hazard function h0(t) and a vector of the exponent of the

coefficients of parameters (β) for the constant and time-varying covariates (xj) in the model (Mills,

2011). The Efron approximation was used in estimating the Cox model, which more appropriately

handles “tied” data, or when more than one high school adopts concurrent enrollment in the same

time period, than the typically-used Breslow approximation.

Additional model diagnostics that were conducted include the estimation and plotting of

Cox-Snell residuals to assess overall model adequacy and the plotting of martingale residuals to

assess any nonlinearity in the covariates. As a result of analyzing the martingale residuals, two

variables were log-transformed to improve linearity: median income and student count. The results

of the Cox-Snell residual analysis indicated that the full model specification was an adequate fit.

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Ordinary least squares fixed effects regression. A progression of ordinary least squares

(OLS) regression models were conducted to investigate if any of the covariates included in the event

history analysis model serve as predictors for how deeply a high school implements concurrent

enrollment. The dependent variable in the OLS models is a school-level participation rate created by

dividing the number of students within a high school taking at least one concurrent enrollment

course by the total number of students enrolled at the high school for each academic year within

the study. The first OLS model includes the same variables used in the event history analysis as

predictors. The subsequent models include a series of time and unit fixed effects with and without a

lagged dependent variable.

If the dependent variable and one or more independent variables trend in a direction over

time, including time fixed effects in the regression model is often a necessary precaution

(Wooldridge, 2006). If the dependent variable and one of the key covariates both are trending

upward, for example, the two time series processes may appear to be correlated when they are

actually both trending for reasons related to factors unaccounted for in the model. Employing

dummy variables for each year of the study (excluding the baseline year) controls for spurious trend

relationships. If the time dummy variables end up being statistically significant, and the coefficients

of other variables change in a meaningful way, that is evidence of the need to include time fixed

effects in the regression model (Wooldridge, 2006).

After including time fixed effects, regression models were run with the addition of unit fixed

effects to control for possible omitted variable bias. Fixed effects were included, separately, at the

district and school levels to control for district- or school-specific variation, which could have a

confounding effect on the high school-level model. High schools within districts are likely influenced

by district-level factors such as administrative capacity, the presence of a college preparatory

culture, history of pursing partnerships within the district, or fiscal characteristics. Including district

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fixed effects results in a within regression analysis where the change in covariates is only analyzed

within each district. This could provide a good amount of control for any unobserved confounding

factors, while also allowing for some across-school variation (within districts that have more than

one high school).

Only including district fixed effects, however, still leaves room for doubt that the model is

accounting for all unobserved variables. School-level characteristics such as leadership, culture,

academic systems (e.g. curriculum and instructional model), and teacher capacity likely also effect

the implementation of concurrent enrollment. One disadvantage of school fixed effects is that they

absorb nearly all of the “action” since there is very little change in the time-varying predictors within

individual schools over the five years of the study (all time invariant predictors are dropped from a

school fixed effects model).

Thus, the author runs both a district- and school-level OLS fixed effects regression model,

which can be formerly expressed as:

Yit= β0 + σTn-1 + Fn-1 + Xitβ + µit

where the dependent variable (Y) is the concurrent enrollment participation rate for each high

school (i) in time period (t) and is a function of time fixed effects (Tn-1), school or district fixed effects

(Fn-1), a vector of the coefficients of parameters (β) for the time-varying covariates (Xit), and the

error term (µit).

Two prominent issues with running OLS regression on time series data are serial correlation

and heteroskedasticity. Serial correlation, or autocorrelation, refers to the correlation of error terms

among observations and is often present in time series data since the same unit is being measured

in repeated time periods (Wooldridge, 2006). If the value of a covariate in one time period is related

to its value in the previous time period, for example, then the error terms are likely to be correlated.

Serial correlation does not bias the estimates but it does result in an underestimation of the

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standard errors, which in turn inflates the t-statistic and leads to overestimation of statistical

significance. Heteroskedasticity, or a violation of the OLS assumption that error variance is constant,

likewise affects the calculation of standard errors and results in misleading claims of statistical

significance (Wooldridge, 2006). Diagnostics tests were run on the time series data set and found

that both serial correlation and heteroskedasticity were present. To correct for both issues, robust

school-clustered standard errors are used in the regression models.

Another issue with running OLS models on this data set in particular stems from the

functional form of the dependent variable, which is a percentage bound between 0 and 100. Using

OLS simplifies the interpretation of the regression results, and post-estimation analysis found that

only 20 of 1820 (1.10%) of predicted values fall outside of the 0 to 100 range (see Papke, 2005 for a

similar approach). The regression models were also run using fractional logit to ensure that the

results from OLS models are robust and not affected by misspecification error (Papke & Wooldridge,

1996). The fractional logit models substantiated the statistical significance and direction of the OLS


Dynamic panel data model. Even though the OLS models control for year and unit fixed

effects, there remains a need to investigate the effect of the prior year’s participation rate on the

current year. Practical reasoning would lead one to suspect that a high school’s concurrent

enrollment participation rate for one year would be highly predictive of the following year’s

participation rate. Including a lagged dependent variable with fixed effects in the same OLS model,

however, may lead to biased estimates as a result of correlation between the error terms and the

covariates (Allison, 2009; Wooldridge, 2010). Economists refer to models that include lagged

dependent variables as dynamic panel data models, and there are several approaches that can be

used for estimation (Allison, 2009; Williams, Allison & Moral-Benito, 2016; Wooldridge, 2010). This

study employs an approach that uses maximum likelihood estimation and allows for the inclusion of

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time invariant predictors while still retaining the benefits of fixed effects (Williams, Allison & Moral-

Benito, 2016). Other approaches to modeling dynamic panel data, including traditional fixed effects

methods and generalized method of moments (GMM), exclude time invariant predictors. As

explained above, there is not much within school variation on the time varying predictors, so the

inclusion of additional covariates in the model is beneficial to understanding patterns in concurrent

enrollment participation rates. The dynamic panel data model using maximum likelihood estimation

was run with the dependent variable lagged one year. Full information maximum likelihood (FIML)

was used to treat missing data. About 5 percent of schools are missing data on matriculation rates,

and using FIML allows for those schools to remain in the estimation by using the data that is

available for those schools rather than using list-wise deletion and losing those observations

altogether (Arbuckle, 1996).

Policy Evaluation Variables and Measures

The following section provides details on the dependent, explanatory and control variables

used in the evaluation of concurrent enrollment. Table 6 summarizes the indicators used to

operationalize the variables in the two policy evaluation hypotheses, and Table 7 provides a

summary of variable descriptions.

Table 6. Concept Measurement Summary: Policy Evaluation

Hypotheses Constructs Indicators

H2: High school students who participate in concurrent enrollment programs will have a greater probability of enrolling in higher education.

College access

Concurrent enrollment participation

Immediate enrollment in college following high school graduation

Concurrent enrollment participation (y/n)

Number of concurrent enrollment credit hours

H3: First-year college students who had participated in concurrent enrollment programs in high school will have greater academic success and a higher probability of persisting than college students who did not participate.

Academic success & persistence

Concurrent enrollment participation

Need for remedial education

First-year college grade point average (GPA)

Fall-to-fall college persistence

Concurrent enrollment participation (y/n)

Number of concurrent enrollment credit hours

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Table 7. Descriptions of Pre-College Independent Variables and College Outcome Variables Variable Description

Concurrent enrollment participation Concurrent enrollment credit hours

Dummy variable (Took any concurrent enrollment course = 1) Categorical variable for number of concurrent enrollment credit hours attempted (0, 1-3, 3-6, 6-12 or 12+)

Student academic characteristics

ACT composite score

English language learner

Special education

Continuous variable (min=12; max=36)

Dummy variable (Students designated as ELL=1)

Dummy variable (Students designated as SPED = 1)

Student and family background


African American



Other race


Free or reduced-price lunch (FRL)

Dummy variable (white = 1)

Dummy variable (African American = 1)

Dummy variable (Hispanic = 1)

Dummy variable (Asian = 1)

Dummy variable (other race = 1)

Dummy variable (male = 1)

Dummy variable (FRL-eligible students = 1)

School environment

Rural/urban school district

Dummy variable (Rural = 1)

College outcomes

College enrollment

Remedial education need

First-year college grade point

average (GPA)

College Persistence

Dummy variable (Enrolled in college anywhere in the fall

immediately following high school graduation = 1)

Dummy variable (Needed remedial education in at least one

math, reading or writing course = 1)

Cumulative grade point average in the spring semester of a

student’s first-year in college

Dummy variable (If enrolled in year one and enrolled in year two

of college anywhere = 1)

Dependent variables. The dependent variable in Hypothesis 2 is college enrollment, which

was measured by considering those students who enrolled in college in the fall immediately

following high school graduation. Students who enrolled in college anywhere—at an in-state, out-of-

state, public or private institution—are captured. This is a dichotomous variable; students who

enrolled in college were coded as a 1.

There are several dependent variables that are operationalized from Hypothesis 3. First,

students’ need for remedial education in college is included as a measure of academic performance.

The measure includes both students assessed as needing remediation and those enrolled in

remedial courses who did not have an assessment score on file. This is a dichotomous variable;

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students who need remedial education in college are coded as a 1. While college-level concurrent

enrollment courses require students to be college-ready in the course’s subject area (as determined

by an appropriate assessment), students could need remedial education in a different content area.

For example, a student may take a concurrent enrollment, college-level literature course, but that

student may require remediation in math. Further, some students only take career and technical

education (CTE) concurrent enrollment courses that do not have the same academic prerequisites as

core subject areas. Thus, remedial education is considered to be a worthwhile measure of academic

preparation and success to include in the model.

Second, students’ postsecondary academic success is assessed by considering the

cumulative grade point average after the spring semester of the first year in college. Course-level

data is only available through the state’s administrative data collection, and thus only students who

enrolled in a public college in Colorado are captured in the calculation of remedial rates and grade

point averages (CDHE, 2016). While this is a limitation of the dataset, approximately 75 percent of

high school graduates who enrolled in college did so at an in-state, public institution and are

captured in the state’s data system.

The third dependent variable that is measured in the second hypothesis is college

persistence, which is measured using a dummy variable indicating whether a student who enrolled

in year one of college returned to enroll in year two of college (returned to any institution—not just

the original institution). Because enrollment data is available through both the state administrative

system and the National Student Clearinghouse, the data for this variable includes all students who

enrolled in college anywhere, not just those who enrolled in Colorado.

Concurrent enrollment participation. The key explanatory variable for both hypotheses is

participation in concurrent enrollment. This study employed two measures of participation: 1) a

dichotomous measure of participation, in which students who graduated high school having taken at

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least one concurrent enrollment course were coded as a 1; and 2) a categorical measure based on

the attempted number of concurrent enrollment credit hours. There are five categories for the

credit hours measure: no credit hours, 1-3 credit hours, 3-6 credit hours, 6-12 credit hours and more

than 12 credit hours. Zero credit hours is set as the baseline category in the analysis. The remaining

four categories were selected after viewing the descriptive statistics and seeing natural breaks

between each category that equate roughly to quartiles.

Demographic pre-college independent variables. The empirical analysis included

demographic and geographic control variables that, based on prior research, are thought to

influence concurrent enrollment participation, college-going behavior and postsecondary outcomes.

These measures include gender, high school free and reduced-price lunch (FRL) status, special

education (SPED), English Language Learner (ELL) status, race/ethnicity, and ACT scores. The data for

FRL, SPED, and ELL students are reported by high schools to the Colorado Department of Education

and indicate whether a high school graduate received free or reduced-price lunch, was identified as

special education, or was identified as ELL, respectively. Race/ethnicity is self-reported by students

to schools and was measured here using dummy variables for African American students, Hispanic

students, white students (the baseline group), Asian students and an “other race” category that

includes American Indian/Alaskan Native or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students.10 Gender, FRL, SPED,

ELL and race/ethnicity fields are required components of the datasets schools submit to the

Colorado Department of Education and there are no missing data. Lastly, a dummy variable for rural

schools was included (when school-level effects were not utilized) to capture school-level

differences attributable to geographic setting.

10 The categories of race/ethnicities used in this study are representative of the largest groupings of students and were necessary to accurately run the propensity score matching (PSM) analysis. Including separate, smaller sub-groups of students in the analysis did not change the end results but substantially reduced the likelihood of achieving non-biased matches during the PSM analysis.

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Academic pre-college independent variable. The composite ACT score was used as a proxy

control for academic achievement. ACT scores were an important variable to include because

performance on the college entrance examination is highly correlated with college attendance.

Further, ACT scores are strongly correlated with assessment scores from the statewide

accountability tests administered in 9th and 10th grades, indicating the scores are a good control for

overall academic aptitude.11 ACT subject scores (reading, writing, math and science) also were

collected, but in the effort to achieve a more parsimonious model, composite scores were used.12

During the period of this study, Colorado required all high school juniors to take the ACT

since (ACT, Inc., 2009). The test was provided free to students, and one day of the academic year for

juniors was devoted to taking the ACT. Nonetheless, some students opted-out of taking the

assessment. In addition, when the data from the ACT were matched with postsecondary data from

the CDHE, some records were not matched successfully. As a result, across the three high school

graduating cohorts, 15.0 percent had missing ACT scores. Multiple imputation was initially used as a

treatment for the missing data, and the results did not alter significantly from those that are

presented later in the chapter. Thus, list-wise deletion was ultimately used to eliminate the

observations with missing ACT data for ease of interpretation. This method does have disadvantages

because the population of students with missing data differed from the general population. Those

with missing data were less likely to attend college (24.6%) than the students with ACT scores

(63.2%), and they were less likely to participate in concurrent enrollment (6.8% compared to 15.4%).

11 The statewide assessments administered in 9th and 10th grades had slightly fewer missing values than the ACT assessment and could be used an alternative measure for academic aptitude. However, students taking concurrent enrollment are most likely to do so in the 11th and 12th grade of high school, and with the ACT being administered in the 11th grade and being designed to assess college readiness, it is a timelier source of performance data and, arguably, a more reliable and valid control variable for the hypotheses being tested here than the statewide grade-level assessments. However, regression models were estimated using the 9th and 10th grade data, which confirmed the statistical significance and direction of the resulted presented here. 12 Models that were run with subject scores did not vary from the models run with the composite score.

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However, nearly one third (32.7%) of students with missing ACT scores were attending an

Alternative Education Campus (AEC). On average throughout the study, only 2.3 percent of students

were enrolled at an AEC. It is common for AECs to have missing data given that they serve a highly

mobile and transient population of at-risk students. AECs typically also have very low college

matriculation rates (16.4% compared to 57.7% at traditional high schools in 2014). It is likely that the

AEC school status (and what that represents) is a bigger predictor of college outcomes than the ACT

scores would be if the data were not missing. As explained later, school fixed effects are used in the

final model of the regression analysis to control for such unobserved bias. Further, as stated above,

the results from regressions that were estimated following multiple imputation for the missing ACT

scores confirmed the findings presented below.

Policy Evaluation Methodology

Multivariate, fixed effects regression and propensity score matching (PSM) were used to

determine relationships between concurrent enrollment participation (the dichotomous measure)

and the key dependent variables. The average treatment effect was calculated for both methods,

which allows for comparisons of the techniques and provides a triangulation of the findings to

assess how college outcomes for students who participate in concurrent enrollment are affected as

compared to non-participating students. When considering how interactions between race/ethnicity

and concurrent enrollment participation affect college outcomes, the author conducted the analysis

solely with fixed effects regression given the significant complications posed by including interaction

terms in PSM (Garrido et al., 2014; Imbens, 2000). The same methodological complications arise

when using categorical predictor variables in PSM; thus, fixed effects regression was used when

analyzing the effect of the number of concurrent enrollment credits on college outcomes.

Overview. Randomized controlled trials are the ideal method because both observed and

unobserved factors are accounted for through the process of randomly assigning individuals to the

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treatment group (Schneider, Carnoy, Kilpatrick, Schmidt & Shavelson, 2007; Singleton & Straits,

2010). In nonrandomized designs, selection bias—when the participants in the treatment group

differ systematically from those who did not participate in the treatment—is a threat to internal

validity (Singleton & Straits, 2010). In education research, as in the social sciences generally, it is

often difficult to adhere to experimental designs due to practical, situational, or ethical

considerations (Titus, 2007; Winship & Morgan, 1999). As a result, researchers have developed and

refined analytical techniques that attempt to create quasi-experimental conditions that control for

selection bias (Heckman, 1979; Rubin, 1974, 1997; Schneider et al., 2007; Winship & Morgan, 1999).

Both multivariate regression and PSM are techniques that fill that role. Multivariate regression

allows the author to control for confounding or intervening variables that affect the relationship

between the treatment and the outcomes (Singleton & Straits, 2010).

PSM, developed by Rosenbaum and Rubin (1985), has a different focus and controls for

those observed variables that affect whether an individual participates in the treatment or not. The

theory behind PSM asserts that, if assignment to the treatment is driven solely by observable

factors, then after the matching is conducted analysis of the treatment effect can proceed as if

assignment was random (Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1985; Winship & Morgan, 1999). PSM begins by

generating propensity scores based on observable variables that predict the likelihood that an

individual will receive the treatment. Those scores are used to match individuals who received the

treatment with similar individuals who did not receive the treatment. Through the matching process

a control group is essentially created, which then allows the author to mimic experimental

conditions, establish a counterfactual, and estimate the treatment effect (Guo & Fraser, 2010;

Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1985; Rubin, 1997; Winship & Morgan, 1999).

PSM has become popular amongst applied researchers dealing with observational data

(Caliendo & Kopeinig, 2008; Dehejia & Wahba, 2002, 1999; Heckman, Ichimura & Todd, 1997). As

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the number of studies using PSM has increased, the debate around whether PSM is any better of a

method than standard regression analysis persists (Brand & Halaby, 2006; Shadish & Steiner, 2010;

Shadish, Clark & Steiner, 2008; Shah, Laupacis, Hux & Austin, 2005; Smith & Todd, 2005). Both PSM

and multivariate regression analysis condition only on observable variables and several studies have

found that regression estimates tend to be similar to PSM estimates (Cook, Shadish, &Wong, 2008;

Shadish & Steiner, 2010; Shah, Laupacis, Hux & Austin, 2005). Nonetheless, there are some

advantages to PSM. First, PSM estimations avoid bias caused by a misspecification of the functional

form, which occurs frequently in regression analysis. As Brand & Halaby (2006) explain, “although

matching assumes selection on observables, it does not assume linear selection as does covariate

adjustment through regression” (757).

Second, there are several balancing tests that can be performed using PSM that provide

information regarding the validity of causal inferences from the data set. A data set with covariates

that are balanced between the treatment and control groups is not enough to fully eradicate

selection bias concerns if there are unobservable confounders present; but, having a dataset with

balanced observable covariates and areas of common support is a minimum requirement for making

causal inferences (Shadish & Steiner, 2010). Regression analysis does not typically limit estimates to

areas of common support, or to parameters of variables where both treatment and control

observations exist (Brand & Halaby, 2006).

Third, there are diagnostic tests allowing the author to assess the sensitivity of the

treatment effects to unobservable bias. These tests do not conclusively determine the level of

unobserved bias, but provide ways for the research to lend credence to findings in the case of

theorized selection bias (Caliendo & Kopeinig, 2008).

Propensity score matching. The pre-college exogenous variables described in Table 2 were

used to generate propensity scores, after which the results were evaluated to ensure there was an

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even distribution of propensity scores across treatment and comparison groups. PSM requires there

to be an individual in the comparison group with a similar propensity score for each individual in the

treatment group to make inferences from the results (Garrido et al., 2014). The sample is divided

into a number of blocks that is sufficient enough to ensure equal mean propensity scores between

treatment and comparison groups. Figure 2 displays the visual output from the results and indicates

that there was a satisfactory overlap in propensity scores between the treatment and control groups

and an appropriate range of propensity scores.

Figure 2. Distribution of Propensity Score Across Treatment and Comparison Groups

Another important verification step is to check if the propensity scores were accurately

specified by ensuring that the covariates are individually balanced in each block of the propensity

score for both the treatment and comparison groups (Garrido et al., 2014; Imbens, 2004). Typically,

initial specifications are not balanced and variables need to be dropped or transformed. In this

study, several iterations of generating propensity scores were performed until balance was


Initially, dummy variables for each high school (n=423) were included, but balance in the

covariates could not be reached given the large number of high schools and the inability to produce

0 .1 .2 .3 .4Propensity Score

Untreated Treated

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matched samples on each covariate within each high school. In the final specification, school fixed

effects were not included, but an indicator for rural or urban high schools was included to control

for some school-level effects. The race/ethnicity categories were redefined from seven categories to

four categories (Hispanic, white, African American, other race). Additionally, the variable for ACT

scores was converted from a continuous variable to a categorical variable.13 After making those

changes, balance in the covariates was satisfactorily achieved across the blocks using t-tests. Some

level of imbalance is expected and acceptable (Austin, 2009), but to further ensure balance had

been achieved standardized differences were computed for the covariates across the blocks. The

PSM literature has set forth an acceptable amount of imbalance as being maximum standardized

differences of 10 to 25 percent (Garrido et al., 2014). The results of this study achieved standardized

differences no larger than 2.5 percent. Thus, it was concluded that sufficient balance was achieved.

Treated individuals were matched with comparison individuals who had the most similar

propensity score within a certain range of scores, referred to as a caliper. Keeping the matches

within a range, or caliper, prevents poor matches from occurring. Here, a caliper of 0.2 of the

standard deviation of the logit of the propensity score was used based on prior research that has

found that range to produce optimal results (Austin 2011; Rosebaum & Rubin, 1985). One-to-one

matching produces the least biased estimates since the first match is always the strongest match,

especially given the restriction of the caliper which prevents poor matches. One-to-many matching,

on the other hand, increases bias (from poorer matches) but decreases the variance of the

estimates by including more counterfactual information for each treated subject (Caliendo &

Kopienig, 2008). This study used both one-to-one matching and one-to-four matching, in which each

13 ACT scores were divided into the following categories: Low ACT score = 5 to 16; Medium-Low ACT score = 17 to 20; Medium-High ACT score = 21 to 24; High ACT score = 25-36. The analysis was also run using a continuous variable for ACT scores and the average treatment effect sizes did not vary, but there was more bias present during the initial stages of the PSM process due to the inability to find precise matches with the continuous variable.

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treatment unit is matched to four control units. Other matching techniques such as kernel, radius

and stratification matching were tested, but the one-to-one and one-to-four caliper matching with

replacement produced the best balance in covariates across the treatment and control samples, as

measured by standardized differences.

Regression analysis. Regression models were estimated, separately, for both concurrent

enrollment independent variables (dichotomous and credit hours) on the four college outcome

dependent variables. Initially, bivariate models with the dependent variable and the key

independent variable were run. Then demographic control variables (gender, FRL status,

race/ethnicity) were added, followed by the addition of the controls for academic achievement (ACT

composite score, ELL, SPED). The final models included all of the previous controls and added fixed

effects for high school and graduation year; this was considered the preferred model specification

for both main research questions. Adding fixed effects helps alleviate concerns about omitted

variables. In particular, school-specific features—such as the availability of college guidance

counselors, the presence of a college preparatory culture, school leadership and school location (e.g.

rural, urban, suburban)—vary and could have a confounding effect on the model. Additionally,

adding in time fixed effects for each year of the study (minus the baseline year) controls for any

spurious trend relationships occurring over the three-year time period of the study.

When investigating the effects of concurrent enrollment participation on minority and low-

income students, interaction terms were added to the fixed effects regression models by crossing

each race/ethnicity variable and the FRL variable with concurrent enrollment participation (yes/no).

The author used logistic regression for the dichotomous dependent variables (college enrollment,

remedial education need, and persistence) and OLS regression for the single continuous dependent

variable (first-year GPA). Another way to investigate differential effects by disaggregated groups of

students is to divide the sample by student group and run separate regression models. Using a

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pooled regression analysis with interaction terms was selected as a more parsimonious and efficient

way to approach analyzing the effects of concurrent enrollment on different groups of students, but

both approaches should, in theory, obtain the same outcomes. The findings chapter reports results

from the average treatment effects calculation that was run after the regressions using STATA’s

teffects and margins suite of commands (Williams, 2012; Wooldridge, 2010).

Data & Methods: Summary

This chapter described the data and methods used to explore the research questions and

associated hypotheses. Table 8 provides a summary of the methodological approaches for each

research question.

Table 8: Methodological Approaches with Associated Research Questions

Analytic Methods Unit of Analysis Research Questions

Event History

Analysis High School

RQ1: What factors influence whether high schools adopt

concurrent enrollment programs?

Fixed Effects

Regression &

Dynamic Panel

Data Model

High School

RQ1a: What factors influence the extent to which concurrent

enrollment programs are utilized by students within high


Propensity Score

Matching &

Fixed Effects


Student (high

school graduate)

RQ2: How does participation in concurrent enrollment affect the

college-going rates of Colorado’s high school students?

Student (college


RQ3: How does high school participation in concurrent

enrollment affect the college performance and persistence of


The study begins with an exploration of factors that influence the adoption of concurrent

enrollment programs among and within Colorado high schools using school-level, administrative

data in event history analysis and multivariate regression. The research then focuses on using

student-level data in propensity score matching and fixed effects regression to analyze the effects of

participating in concurrent enrollment on college matriculation and success. All components of the

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study rely on data from Colorado’s statewide longitudinal data system, but the research questions

are explored using different units of analysis and methods. This research design allows for a

comprehensive investigation of the effects of Colorado’s concurrent enrollment policy.

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This section presents findings from the descriptive statistics of the dataset and from the

inferential statistics used to analyze the first research question regarding what factors lead some

schools to adopt concurrent enrollment more quickly and implement the program more intensely as

compared to other schools. The results from the event history analysis are presented following the

descriptive statistics; the OLS fixed effects regression results are discussed thereafter.

Descriptive Statistics

The diffusion of concurrent enrollment throughout Colorado high schools was rapid and

nearly complete by the end of the five year study, in 2015. Figure 3 provides a visual of program

adoption by school districts and high schools during the first 5 years after the state legislation


Tables 9 and 10 contain descriptive statistics for the data. As Table 9 depicts, the means of

the time-varying covariates did not alter dramatically from 2011 to 2015, with the exception being

the diffusion of concurrent enrollment indicator, which captured the rapid increase in the number of

high schools with concurrent enrollment (and the corresponding increase in the number of

observations that had nearby high schools offering the program). All time-varying covariates were

lagged one year to ensure that they were being accurately captured as predictor variables. As an

example, for the 2010-11 school year, the time-dependent covariates reflect values from the 2009-

10 school year.

Table 10 displays the mean values of the covariates by year of concurrent enrollment

adoption. In 2011, for example, 195 high schools adopted concurrent enrollment. The average

matriculation rate for those high schools for the year prior to adoption was 59.1 percent, which was

higher than the average rates for high schools adopting later and nearly twice the mean for high

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schools that did not adopt concurrent enrollment during the study period (31.1%). The mean

distance to the nearest community college was higher for schools adopting earlier (2011-2013) than

for schools adopting later, or not adopting at all.

School districts

2010-11 (Year 1 of study) High Schools 2014-15 (Year 5 of study)

Figure 3. Adoption of Concurrent Enrollment Programs from the 2010-11 School Year to the 2014-15 School Year, by School Districts and High Schools. The upper two maps indicate that school districts have at least one high school offering concurrent enrollment if the district boundary is shaded. In the bottom two maps, each dot represents an individual high school that offers concurrent enrollment.

The variable for charter schools also reveals differences between cohorts. Of the 195

schools adopting concurrent enrollment in 2011, only 4 percent were charter schools even though

charters comprise about 13 percent of all high schools in the study. Charter schools are

overrepresented, though, in the later adoption years of 2014 and 2015. Additionally, of those high

schools that did not adopt concurrent enrollment, 43 percent were charter schools. Another point

of interest is the variable for prior participation in dual enrollment (PSEO), which indicates that 63

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percent of the first cohort of adopters had previously had the PSEO program in place; the mean of

that variable declines as the study progresses. Only 8 percent of the 37 schools that did not adopt

concurrent enrollment had PSEO. Lastly, Denver metro area and rural schools (outlying city, outlying

town and remote schools) tended to adopt concurrent enrollment on the earlier side of the study

period, whereas urban-suburban schools adopted in the later years. Of the non-adopters, about half

are located in the Denver metro area.

Table 9: Descriptive Statistics for All High Schools, Beginning and End of Study

Time-Varying Covariates M (SD)

2011 Min


M (SD)

2015 Min


College matriculation rate (%) 53.33 (21.93)

0 100 53.07 (20.01)

3.8 92.3

School performance rating 63.50 (17.32)

25 100 68.74 (13.71)

27.6 100

Student count (logged) 5.76 (1.30)

1.39 8.16 5.76 (1.32)

1.61 8.16

Diffusion of concurrent enrollment (# of CE High Schools within 5 miles)

0.15 (.611)

0 5 4.56 (5.98)

0 26

Free/reduced-price lunch students (%) 37.68 (23.08)

0 100 42.64 (23.12)

0 100

2011 - 2015

Fixed Covariates M (SD) Min Max

Median household income (logged) 10.89 (.37)

9.68 11.81

Community college distance 11.72 (13.00)

0 67.11

Concentration of community colleges 1.91 (1.35)

1 6

Charter school 0.13 (.33)

0 1

PSEO participation 0.52 (.50)

0 1

District Setting Denver Metro Area 0.34

(.47) 0 1

Outlying City or Town 0.22 (.42)

0 1

Remote 0.23 (.42)

0 1

Urban-Suburban 0.21 (.40)

0 1

N 388

Standard Deviations (SD) in Parentheses

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Table 10: Comparison of Variable Means, by High School Adoption Year If adoption year was: 2011





Did Not Adopt

Time-Varying Covariates Lagged M* M**

College matriculation rate (%) 59.06 53.15 52.89 54.50 33.53 31.14

School performance rating 65.36 65.95 70.76 77.68 56.43 62.01

Student count (logged) 5.96 5.95 5.72 5.60 5.13 4.67

Diffusion of concurrent enrollment (CE) (# of CE High Schools within 5 miles)

0.22 1.66 1.80 5.83 4.3 2.33

Free/reduced-price lunch students (%) 38.06 36.55 38.71 37.47 45.15 45.06

Fixed Covariates Fixed M (2011-2015) M**

Median household income (logged) 10.90 10.88 10.88 10.84 10.94 10.86

Community college distance 11.65 13.06 12.18 9.24 7.56 9.95

Concentration of community colleges 1.97 1.68 1.77 1.83 1.90 2.33

Charter school 0.04 0.08 0.22 0.33 0.40 0.43

PSEO participation 0.63 0.57 0.43 0.17 0.20 0.08

District Setting

Denver Metro Area 0.40 0.35 0.12 0.00 0.20 0.51

Outlying City 0.26 0.24 0.09 0.17 0.40 0.19

Remote 0.24 0.21 0.31 0.17 0.00 0.16

Urban-Suburban 0.10 0.21 0.48 0.67 0.40 0.14

N 195 76 65 6 10 36

*Means for time-varying covariates for high schools adopting concurrent enrollment in 2011 through 2015 are lagged one year to reflect values for the year prior to adoption **Means for time-varying covariates for high schools that did not adopt are an average of values from 2011-2015

Figure 4 depicts the mean percentage of high school students participating in concurrent

enrollment over time, by adoption year cohorts. In the first year the concurrent enrollment program

was fully operational (2010-2011), 195 high schools adopted concurrent enrollment, and, on

average, about 12 percent of the students in those high schools participated in the program. By

2015, for those same 195 high schools, the mean participation rate increased to 18.2 percent. In

2012, 76 high schools adopted concurrent enrollment, and in those schools about 8.1 percent of

students, on average, took at least one concurrent enrollment course. Participation rates were

similar at the 65 high schools that adopted the program in 2013. Both the 2012 and 2013 cohorts of

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adopters saw increases in average participation rates over time. Very few high schools adopted

concurrent enrollment in 2014 and 2015, and the mean participation rates at those 16 high schools

was quite small—ranging from 1.9% to 2.4%.

Figure 4: Average Percentage of High School Students Participating in Concurrent Enrollment (CE) within High Schools, by Adoption Year Cohort from 2010-11 to 2014-15. If a high school adopted CE in 2011 (n=195) it represented in the dark shaded bar on the far left of the series. The dotted line represents the statewide average of the percent of students participating in CE during a school year.

While all adoption year cohorts increased average participation rates over time, regardless

of the year of adoption, there are apparent differences in the level of participation by year of

adoption, with early adopters having higher starting levels of participation rates as compared to

those adopting later. This indicates that the degree to which a school uses the program is

dependent upon not only how many years the program has been in place, but also whether or not

the school was an early adopter. It also likely suggests that early adopters had prior dual enrollment

programs in place. This pattern is also depicted in Figure 5, which presents descriptive statistics of

participation rates in map form for key variables of interest: percent FRL, matriculation rates, PSEO

participation and year of program adoption.





8.07%8.73% 8.24%




1.87% 2.40%1.87%




2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15Me

an %



h S


ol S



ts in


School Year






Year of Concurrent Enrollment Adoption

State Mean % CE Participation

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Figure 5. Maps of Colorado high schools and Concurrent Enrollment (CE) participation rates by covariates of interest. Each circle represent a high school; the size of the circle reflects the percent of students participating in CE in 2014-15 school year. Shading in the top left map indicates % of students who were FRL eligible in the 2013-14 school year, with darker shading indicating higher FRL rates. The top right map reflects matriculation rates with high rates designated by darker shading; bottom left map displays schools that did not offer PSEO (dark blue) in contrast to those that did offer the prior dual enrollment program (light blue); bottom right map depicts the year of program adoption with darker circles representing high schools who adopted earlier in study.

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In the Figure 5 maps, each dot represents a high school, with larger circles representing

higher participation rates. The maps generally reveal there is variation across the state on these

indicators. Some schools, for example, have high concurrent enrollment participation rates and high

percentages of FRL students, while other schools with high participation rates have low FRL

percentages. Interestingly, the PSEO map reveals several instances of high schools that have high

participation rates that did not previously have PSEO in place (i.e., large, dark shaded circles). The

year of adoption map appears to be dominated by darker shaded circles representative of early

adopters that have higher participation rates, which was the pattern seen in Figure 4.

Event History Analysis

The findings of the multivariate event history analysis are presented in Table 11. The Cox

proportional hazards model results are displayed as exponentiated coefficients, referred to as

hazard ratios. A ratio that is greater than 1 indicates the high school is more likely to adopt

concurrent enrollment as the values of the covariate increase. Hazard ratios that are less than 1

indicate that a high school is less likely to adopt concurrent enrollment at higher values of the

covariate. A ratio of 1 is interpreted as there being no association between the covariate and the

hazard of adopting concurrent enrollment. Each hypothesis is tested separately with the control

variables included, and then the full model is specified. The results are largely robust across the

models. Three of the five hypotheses contain statistically significant findings and both of the control

variables are statistically significant.

Looking at the Hypothesis 1.1, the coefficient for matriculation rates is statistically

significant at p<0.01, but the direction is the opposite of what was hypothesized. For every 1

percentage increase in matriculation rates, the likelihood of adopting concurrent enrollment

increases by an estimated 1.5 percent. It was hypothesized, based on the literature, that schools

with lower college-going rates might be quicker to adopt the program given its link to improving

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matriculation and the school’s need to improve outcomes. While the direction is not what was

hypothesized, it is also not surprising; it would be easy to justify having written the hypothesis in the

opposite direction given that high schools with already-established cultures of college readiness

would also be more likely to take advantage of the concurrent enrollment program.

Table 11: Cox Proportional Hazards Model Results

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Robust standard errors in parentheses Coefficients are expressed as hazard ratios All models are stratified by District Setting (Remote, Outlying City, Urban-Suburban, Denver Metro Area)

The second hypothesis concerning fiscal capacity has mixed findings. High schools with

higher percentages of free and reduced price lunch-eligible students have higher hazard ratios. This

statistically significant coefficient indicates that for every 1 percentage point increase in the

Relevant -Full Model-

Hypotheses Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Hypothesis 1.1 Matriculation Rates (%) 1.015*** 1.015***

(0.00308) (0.003)

School Performance 0.992* 0.998

Rating (%) (0.00424) (0.005)

Hypothesis 1.2 Median Household 1.125 1.035

Income (logged) (0.168) (0.159)

FRL eligibility (%) 1.003 1.012***

(0.00264) (0.003)

Hypothesis 1.3 Student Count 1.316*** 1.224***

(logged) (0.0679) (0.082)

Hypothesis 1.4 Diffusion of 0.967 0.976

Concurrent Enrollment (0.026) (0.027)

Hypothesis 1.5 Community college 0.994 0.998

distance (0.005) (0.006)

Community college 1.064 1.015

concentration (0.059) (0.056)

Controls Charter school 0.437*** 0.393*** 0.447*** 0.435*** 0.469***

(0.0905) (0.0820) (0.0916) (0.088) (0.111)

PSEO participation 1.571*** 1.860*** 1.667*** 1.833*** 1.494***

(0.171) (0.206) (0.183) (0.200) (0.164)

Observations 727 782 789 790 722

Likelihood ratio 79.15 75.48 111.6 79.51 108.1

df 4 4 3 5 10 Prob>chi2 0.0319 0.0276 0.0368 0.0265 0.0395

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percentage of FRL-eligible students, the likelihood of adopting concurrent enrollment increases by

an estimated 1.2 percent.14 The coefficient on median household income is not significantly

different from 1.

Hypothesis 1.3 is statistically significant and in the predicted direction. Larger schools have a

higher chance of adopting concurrent enrollment more quickly than smaller schools. Hypotheses 1.4

and 1.5 were both rejected with nonsignificant results on the diffusion of concurrent enrollment

measure and the proximity to community colleges measures. The model indicated no association

between having more neighbors offering concurrent enrollment and time to adoption. One reason

for this finding may be how quickly the program diffused throughout the state that the impact of

“peer pressure” was not captured in this model. The findings do also reinforce other studies that did

not find statistically significant effects of regional diffusion (Mokher & McLendon, 2009). The

coefficients for distance to the nearest community college and number of nearby community

colleges were also nonsignificant. This is not a surprising finding given the descriptive statistics,

which reveal that high schools that were first to adopt concurrent enrollment were as likely to be

located in rural areas where community colleges are few and far between as in urban areas where

community colleges are more prolific.

Lastly, as expected, both control variables were statistically significant. The chance of

adopting concurrent enrollment was about 1.5 times greater for those high schools that previously

offered the PSEO program compared to those schools that did not have PSEO in place. Charter

schools were half as likely to take up the concurrent enrollment program as compared to traditional

schools as indicated in the results and in Figure 5. The hazard function in Figure 5 provides a visual

display of the large magnitude of the effect of charter schools on the likelihood of adopting

concurrent enrollment. As a means of comparison, the hazard function for matriculation rates is also

14 Percent changes were calculated using the formula (eb – 1)*100.

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displayed. While the coefficient was highly significant for the matriculation rates indicator, the effect

size was not as large as that of the charter school variable, which is seen in Figure 5. Both graphs

also indicate a relative proportionality in the hazard functions, supporting the Cox proportional

hazards assumption.

Figure 6. Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Smoothed Hazard Functions for Charter Schools and College Matriculation Rates. Non-charter schools (dotted line, left) and high schools with high college matriculation rates (75th percentile - dotted line, right) had a higher likelihood of adopting concurrent enrollment as compared to charter schools (solid line, left) and high schools with low matriculation rates (25th percentile – solid line, right), respectively.

OLS Fixed Effects Regression Analysis

The findings of the OLS regression analysis are presented in Table 12 and Figure 6. The first

model consists of the same variables that were included in the event history analysis (EHA) Cox

proportional hazards regression model. While the Cox regression was stratified by district setting,

the OLS regression version includes district setting categories as dummy variables, with Denver

Metro Area serving as the baseline, or reference, group. The second model builds off of the first and

also includes time fixed effects by adding dummy variables for school year, with the 2010-11 school

year serving as the baseline group. The third model expands on Model 2 by including district fixed

effects. The district fixed effects are absorbed due to the large number of districts (n=178);

consequently, coefficients are not displayed.




2011 2012 2013 2014 2015School Year

Charter School Non-Charter.3



2011 2012 2013 2014 2015School Year

Matriculation High Matriculation Low

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Table 12. Predictors of Student Participation Rates in Concurrent Enrollment (CE) (Model 1) (Model 2) (Model 3) (Model 4)

Variable EHA Model Year Fixed Effects (FE)

Year FE &

District FEb

Year FE & School FEc

College matriculation rates (%) 0.187*** 0.197*** 0.095** -0.017 (0.032) (0.032) (0.038) (0.037)

School performance rating (%) 0.064 0.029 0.037 -0.067** (0.046) (0.048) (0.053) (0.030)

Median Household Income (logged) -0.474 -0.834 -1.149

(1.341) (1.342) (1.782)

FRL eligibility (%) 0.141*** 0.131*** 0.096** -0.019 (0.036) (0.037) (0.043) (0.050)

Student Count (logged) -2.840*** -2.950*** -1.173 -5.473* (0.577) (0.576) (0.754) (3.263)

Diffusion of CE 0.155* -0.114 -0.224** -0.173** (0.092) (0.117) (0.101) (0.081)

Community college distance -0.060 -0.058 -0.006 (0.062) (0.062) (0.159)

Community college concentration -0.624* -0.080 -0.625 (0.359) (0.376) (0.578)

Charter school -0.589 -0.444 0.716 (2.553) (2.550) (3.239) PSEO participation 4.695*** 4.795*** 2.193 (1.024) (1.020) (1.355)

Outlyinga 2.134 1.268 (1.519) (1.527)

Remote 0.999 0.305 (2.188) (2.191) Urban-Suburban -3.025** -3.428*** (1.260) (1.258)

2011-12 2.268*** 2.417*** 2.700*** (0.589) (0.581) (0.547) 2012-13 5.013*** 5.284*** 5.654*** (0.774) (0.804) (0.810)

2013-14 5.384*** 5.799*** 6.317*** (0.920) (0.919) (0.885)

2014-15 6.078*** 6.452*** 7.257*** (0.953) (0.968) (0.893)

Constant 10.238 13.397 14.414 43.278** (14.862) (14.945) (18.662) (18.330)

Observations 1,828 1,828 1,828 1,828 Adj. R-squared 0.219 0.239 0.538 0.753

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10 a District Setting baseline group is Denver Metro Area b District fixed effects included but not reported; 178 categories absorbed c School fixed effects included but not reported; 383 categories absorbed Robust school-clustered standard errors in parentheses for all models

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The fourth, and final, model includes school, rather than district, fixed effects, which are

also absorbed (n=383). Including school fixed effects omits several indicators that do not vary over

time (i.e., during the study) within high schools, including median household income, community

college distance, community college concentration, charter school and PSEO participation. School

fixed effects are important to include, however, since the treatment is at the school-level and

characteristics specific to schools such as leadership, culture, academic system, and teacher capacity

likely affect the implementation of concurrent enrollment.

None of the covariates remain statistically significant throughout all models. College

matriculation rates and FRL eligibility are statistically significant in Models 1 through 3 but are not

statistically significant at p<0.1 when school-level fixed effects are added (Model 4), as a result of

the fixed effects controlling for unobserved variables and absorbing across-school and across-time

variation. Regarding the college matriculation variable, while it is lagged one year, there is still a

threat of endogeneity, if an increase in concurrent enrollment participation rates leads to an

increase in matriculation rates.

The variable for the size of the high school is statistically significant at p<0.10 in Model 4.

The coefficient indicates that a 10 percent increase in the count of students in a high school leads to

a 0.52 percent decrease in the participation rate, meaning that smaller high schools are more likely

to have a larger share of their students participating in concurrent enrollment, although the effect

size in this model is substantively small. To put it in more relative terms, an increase of 60 students

at the average high school (going from the mean of 592 students to 652 students) is associated with

approximately 3 fewer students participating in concurrent enrollment (decreasing from about 72

students participating to 69).

The charter school and PSEO covariates are not statistically significant in Model 3, which

includes district fixed effects; however, Model 4 is the preferred specification and both variables are

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omitted in that model because there is no variance within a school on those indicators. Therefore, it

is unclear from these fixed effects models what the effect of being a charter school or having had

PSEO in place prior to 2009 is on participation rates. The diffusion of concurrent enrollment

measure, which captures the number of neighboring high schools offering the program, is

statistically significant in both the district and school fixed effects models (Model 3 and Model 4).

The coefficient from Model 4 can be interpreted as an increase of 1 additional neighboring high

school offering concurrent enrollment reduces the share of students participating by 0.17 percent.

While the result is not in the predicted direction, the effect size is very small in substantive terms.

In the first two models, before district and school fixed effects were added, a variable for

district setting was included. The coefficient for urban-suburban high schools was statistically

significant at p<0.1, indicating those schools were associated with a 3.4 percentage point lower

participation rate when compared to Denver metro area high schools. The descriptive statistics

showed urban-suburban high schools were slower to adopt concurrent enrollment, and it appears

that those schools also experience a lower overall participation rate once they do adopt concurrent

enrollment. Lastly, the year fixed effects also reflect what was described in the descriptive statistics;

average school-wide participation rates in concurrent enrollment have increased over time. The

2014-15 school year is associated with a 7.3 percentage point increase in the mean participation

rate as compared to the 2010-11 school year.

Dynamic Panel Data Model

Table 13 displays the results from the dynamic panel data model, which includes a lagged

value of the dependent variable and school and year fixed effects, and uses the maximum likelihood

estimator to produce estimates. The model was estimated with the dependent variable lagged one

year, which removes one year (2011) from the dataset. The coefficient for the lagged effect

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indicates that a high school will see a 0.75 percent increase in this year’s participation rate for every

1 percent increase in last year’s participation rate.

Table 13. Dynamic Panel Data Model using Maximum Likelihood for Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Participation Rates in High Schools

Variable Model 1

CE Participation Rate t-1 0.750*** (0.054)

Matriculation Rates (%) -0.026 (0.037)

School Performance Rating (%) 0.047 (1.171)

Median Household Income (logged) 4.633** (2.334)

FRL eligibility (%) -0.018 (0.035)

Student Count (logged) -7.060*** (1.528)

Diffusion of CE 0.052 (0.153)

Community college distance -0.324*** (0.099)

Community college concentration 0.346 (0.674)

Charter school -6.224*** (1.895)

PSEO participation 5.162*** (1.352)

Observations 388 Likelihood ratio 105.11 df 65 Prob>chi2 0.0012

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10 Robust school-clustered standard errors in parentheses

As the results for the other variables in Table 13 show, even with the large effect size of the

lagged dependent variable, other predictor variables remained statistically significant, including

student count, which was statistically significant in the school fixed effects model. In the dynamic

panel data model, however, the student count coefficient is much higher than in the fixed effects

model; here, a one percent increase in student count is associated with a 7.1 percent decrease in

concurrent enrollment participation rates, all else held constant. Other differences between the

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dynamic panel data model and the district fixed effects model are the non-significance of the school

performance rating and the diffusion of concurrent enrollment variables.

An important advantage of the dynamic panel data model is that it allows for the effects of

time invariant indicators to be observed. The following variables were omitted from the school fixed

effects model and are statistically significant (p<0.01) in the dynamic panel data model: median

household income, distance to the nearest community college, charter school, and PSEO. A one

percent increase in median household income is associated with approximately a 4.6 percent

increase in participation rates within a high school, accounting for the prior year’s participation rate

and holding all else constant. Adding an additional mile to the distance from the nearest community

college results in a small decrease of 0.32 percent in the participation rate, while being a charter

school is associated with a large decrease of 6.2 percent in the share of students in concurrent

enrollment as compared to non-charter schools. High schools that participated in PSEO before

concurrent enrollment see a 5.2 percent increase in participation rates as compared to those

schools that did not have PSEO, all else equal.

Taken altogether, the results provide moderate support for Hypotheses 1.1 through 1.3, and

less support for Hypotheses 1.4 and 1.5 (see Table 14). The following section provides further

discussion of the results and draws conclusions.

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Table 14: Summary of Statistically Significant Results across Methods and Hypotheses


Event History Analysis (Cox PH Model)

Fixed Effects Analysis (OLS with School & Year FE)

Dynamic Data Panel Model (Lagged DV & School/Year FE)


Variable HS Adopted CE (Y/N)

CE Participation Rate

CE Participation Rate

Hypotheses High schools that have…

Variable Results B(SE)

1.1: Lower academic achievement levels are more likely to adopt CE and have higher student participation rates.

College matriculation rates

1.015*** (0.003)



School Performance Rating


-0.067** (0.030)


1.2: Greater fiscal capacity are more likely to adopt CE and have higher student participation rates.

Median household income


Omitted 4.633** (2.334)

% FRL Eligibility

1.012*** (0.003)

Non-significant Non-significant

1.3: More students have a greater likelihood of adopting CE, but the share of students participating may be lower.

Student count

1.224*** (0.082)

-5.473* (3.263)

-7.060*** (1.528)

1.4: Other schools nearby that have already adopted CE are more likely to offer the program and have higher student participation rates.

Number of high schools w/in 5 miles offering CE


-0.173** (0.754)


5: Greater proximity to a community college will be more likely to adopt CE and have higher student participation rates.

Distance from CC


Omitted -0.324*** (0.099)

# of community colleges w/in 10 miles


Omitted Non-significant

Control variables


0.469*** (0.111)

Omitted -6.224*** (1.895)

PSEO 1.494*** (0.164)

Omitted 5.162*** (1.352)

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10

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Conclusion & Discussion

This study sought to understand influences on the adoption and utilization of concurrent

enrollment among Colorado high schools using a panel data set spanning the first five years

following the enactment of the Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act of 2009. This pursuit was

particularly compelling given that recent research has shown a positive association between

concurrent enrollment participation and college outcomes, and given that Colorado’s program was

nearly fully diffused within five years. The goal was to use event history and regression analysis to

see if there were any best practices that could be gleaned from the Colorado case study and applied

to other states trying to scale up similar programs. There were several important findings that

resulted from this research, although questions remain.

Academic achievement levels

The first hypothesis posited that schools with lower academic achievement levels would be

more motivated to adopt concurrent enrollment, which is seen as a strategy for boosting

achievement and postsecondary readiness. The variable for school performance rating, which

encompasses information on student academic achievement and growth, is nonsignificant across

models with the exception of the school fixed effects model, in which the effect size is very small.

The college matriculation rate variable is nonsignificant in the participation rate models but is

statistically significant in the event history analysis model. The direction of the coefficient is not

what was hypothesized, but, as noted previously, the finding is not surprising—high schools with

already-established cultures of college readiness are likely to take advantage of an additional college

access program. Given the eventual, widespread diffusion of the program, it is evident that even

high schools with historically low college-going rates have implemented concurrent enrollment as


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Further, as Table 14 summarizes, schools with higher percentages of FRL students were also

more likely to adopt concurrent enrollment. While that variable is technically included as part of the

school resources hypothesis, there is a well-known inverse relationship between income status and

college-going rates. Thus, the two findings are seemingly contradictory at first glance. Upon

reflecting on the results further, though, it is understandable that both findings occurred

simultaneously. It seems natural that there would be a higher propensity for the adoption of college

preparatory programs in schools where a majority of students matriculate to college. Such schools

already have a college-going culture established, and likely have parents who push for the inclusion

of opportunities that would advance their child’s education. On the other hand, Colorado’s

Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act was specifically passed to expand access to those students

who typically had not been included—that is, low-income and minority students. Given the rapid

diffusion of the program, and the positive, statistically significant coefficient on the FRL variable, one

could conclude that high schools have taken up the opportunity to expand access to new groups of

students as the law intended. Future research could seek to further untangle these effects, and also

explore to what degree those schools that had initially low college-going rates and high FRL rates are

seeing positive gains in their postsecondary outcomes as a result of offering concurrent enrollment.

Fiscal Capacity

From the results for Hypothesis 1.2, there is some evidence that fiscal capacity relates to

concurrent enrollment participation. The EHA results show that schools with higher proportions of

low-income students were quicker to adopt concurrent enrollment, but the median household

income was not statistically significant. When considering effects on participation rates, the

opposite case is seen. The FRL variable is not statistically significant, but the median household

income variable is statistically significant and substantively large in the lagged dependent variable

model. The results of that model suggest that high schools in wealthier communities have higher

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levels of participation in concurrent enrollment. These somewhat conflicting results mirror the

previous discussion. While schools that have lower-income populations were quick to adopt the

program, perhaps motivated by the intent of the program to expand access, it appears that those

schools with more advantaged populations (likely with strong college going cultures and higher

numbers of eligible students) have higher shares of students actually participating in courses.

Size of High School

School size was a statistically significant variable in both the event history and the regression

analyses. Larger high schools were quicker to adopt concurrent enrollment, leading one to conclude

that organizational resources matter in the initial adoption of a program, as hypothesized. The

hypothesis regarding school size also posited that the number of a students in a school may be

inversely related to the share of students participating in concurrent enrollment. The results

confirmed that supposition, with the regression models indicating that smaller high schools were

more likely to have high proportions of students participating in concurrent enrollment than large

high schools. That is not to say there are not examples of large high schools that have high

percentages of students in concurrent enrollment, but rather, on average and holding all else

constant, it is more likely for smaller schools to more intensely use the program. As discussed

earlier, this can be due to the fact that when a small high school offers a concurrent enrollment

course, for example a math class for seniors, that class comprises a large percentage of its overall

enrollment, whereas offering one class at a large high school will only consist of a small share of the

overall student body.

There is also the consideration that for smaller schools, many located in remote areas,

concurrent enrollment provides access to content the school is not able to deliver on its own. A high

school, for instance, can go through a community college and use its instructors to offer college-

level chemistry, whereas without concurrent enrollment that school would not be able to offer the

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course at all. Lastly, in smaller schools with fewer administrative resources, once a program has

begun in the school it may be the case that the program is more highly utilized because there are

fewer competing opportunities. In large high schools, it is often the case that students have the

choice of various college readiness and credit accrual programs; for example, in more resourced

schools students often have the choice of concurrent enrollment or advanced placement. In smaller

schools, it may be the case that only one college readiness program is offered, and thus a higher

share of the school’s students are concentrated in that one program.

Type of School: Charters vs. District-run Schools

Charter schools have slower rates of adopting concurrent enrollment and lower overall

participation rates. After investigating further the results of the charter control variable, several

explanations surfaced as to why charters were half as likely to adopt concurrent enrollment. Under

the Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act, charter schools are considered to be Local Education

Agencies (LEAs) and, as such, are treated the same as school districts (also referred to as LEAs). The

legislation permits charter schools that are authorized by their local school district to either enter

into their own memorandum of understanding (MOU) with community colleges, or to be a part of

their authorizer’s MOU (i.e. the district’s MOU). According to the Colorado Department of

Education’s former concurrent enrollment administrator, there could be instances where the district

chooses to exclude charters from their MOU (M. Camacho Liu, personal communication, October 8,

2016). Setting up an MOU with a college requires negotiating financial arrangements, course

offerings, teacher and faculty assignments, and other logistical details. Charter schools, many of

which have lower administrative capacity, may conclude that the process is too cumbersome and

forego participating in concurrent enrollment.

Another disadvantage of not being included in the district’s MOU is that in some cases

districts handle the financial transactions on behalf of its schools. One large urban school district, for

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example, covers the tuition payments to colleges for students (at district-runs schools) who are

attending concurrent enrollment courses on the college campus. Sending students to a college

campus for courses is typically a cost that would have to be absorbed by the high school. Offering

courses at the high school using the school’s own teachers can be less costly or cost-free, but

charter schools may have limited instructional staff with the necessary academic credentials to

teach concurrent enrollment courses. Thus, if the district is picking up the off-campus tuition tab, it

is a significant benefit, and it appears that the benefit may not be extended to charter schools.

Lastly, an explanation for the results could also be that charter schools, on average, prefer

to pursue other college readiness programs that are often perceived to be more elite or rigorous

(e.g. Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate). Some charter schools may prefer to

partner with more selective, four-year institutions instead of community colleges, and while that is

permissible under concurrent enrollment, it is more costly to do so.

Prior Dual Enrollment (PSEO) Offerings

The statistically significant effect of the control variable for a prior dual enrollment program

– PSEO – may indicate that some high schools are more disposed to pursuing postsecondary

readiness programs. In many cases, there were likely relationships that had been established with

community colleges through the PSEO program that made implementing concurrent enrollment an

easy transition. Besides any partnership advantages PSEO high schools had, though, there could also

be an established college-going culture in place at those high schools that supports the

implementation of new college preparation programs when they become available. In the diffusion

literature, Berry and Berry (2007) refer to that as a softening of the environment—when one

innovation takes place, it makes it easier for subsequent innovations to occur. Prior research on the

importance of establishing college-going cultures in high schools would also support the claim that

states putting resources into promoting college access programs may see an increasing return on

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that investment (Hoffman, Vargas & Santos, 2008a; Roderick, Nagaoka, Coca & Moeller, 2008). That

is, once one program is in place it may open the door to continuous improvement and increase the

dedication to ensuring that all students have access to high-quality college preparation curriculum

and supports, which should be at the forefront of secondary school reform.

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The findings from the inferential statistics used to analyze the final two research questions

are divided into three sections. The first section investigates the effects of concurrent enrollment

participation on individual outcomes related to college access and success by focusing on the

dichotomous measure of participation. The results from the propensity score matching (PSM) are

presented first, followed by the fixed effects regression results. A comparison of the results from the

different methods is provided.

The second section take the analysis further by considering the effects of concurrent

enrollment participation on the outcomes of low-income and minority students, specifically.

Interaction terms are added to the regression analysis to explore relationships between

race/ethnicity, income and concurrent enrollment participation.

The third section presents the findings from the analysis conducted using the categorical

credit hours variable. Including different levels of concurrent enrollment credit hours in the

regression models allows for the identification of any “dosage effects,” a term that is often used in

research to understand the differential impacts of treatment intensity.

Descriptive Statistics

Table 15 provides descriptive statistics for the overall sample, for those students who

participated in concurrent enrollment and for those who did not participate. Overall, 15.40 percent

of high school students graduating in 2011, 2012 or 2013 participated in concurrent enrollment.

Concurrent enrollment students have a higher mean college matriculation rate, college GPA and

college persistence rate than students who did not participate. They also have a lower average

remedial education rate than non-participating students.

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Table 15: Descriptive Statistics for Overall Sample and by Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Participation

Treatment Variables Overall Sample M(SD) Min Max

CE Students M(SD)

Non-CE students M(SD)

CE participation (Y/N) 0.15 (0.36)


1 1


CE attempted hours 1.46 (4.80)

0 79.5 9.45 (8.61)


Outcome Variables

College matriculation 0.57 (0.50)

0 1 0.73 (0.44)

0.56 (0.49)

Remedial education 0.35 (0.47)

0 1 0.28 (0.45)

0.36 (0.48)

First-year GPA 2.75 (0.86)

0 4 2.81 (0.83)

2.74 (0.87)

College persistence 0.81 (0.39)

0 1 0.83 (0.38)

0.81 (0.39)

Additional Covariates

FRL 0.26 (.44)

0 1 0.27 (0.44)

0.26 (0.44)

ELL 0.05 (0.22)

0 1 0.03 (0.17)

0.06 (0.23)

SPED 0.07 (0.25)

0 1 0.03 (0.17)

0.07 (0.26)

ACT Composite Score 20.64 (5.25)

12 36 21.30 (4.65)

20.52 (5.34)

White 0.65 (0.48)

0 1 0.66 (0.47)

0.65 (0.48)

Hispanic 0.26 (0.44)

0 1 0.25 (0.43)

0.26 (0.44)

Black 0.05 (0.22)

0 1 0.05 (0.21)

0.05 (0.22)

Asian 0.02 (0.15)

0 1 0.02 (0.14)

0.02 (0.15)

Other Race 0.01 (0.11)

0 1 0.01 (0.09)

0.01 (0.11)

Female 0.50 (.50)

0 1 0.55 (0.50)

0.49 (0.50)

Rural 0.19 (0.39)

0 1 0.30 (.46)

0.17 (0.38)

N 2011 Graduation Year N 2012 Graduation Year N 2013 Graduation Year

N Total

43,716 43,688 44,488 131,892

3,957 7,101 9,255 20,313

39,759 36,587 35,233 111,579

The percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (FRL), a proxy for income,

remains nearly the same across the displayed groups. Similarly, the racial/ethnic composition of

students who took concurrent enrollment closely mirrors the composition of the population as a

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whole. Rural students are overrepresented in the concurrent enrollment population (30%) in

comparison to the population mean (19%), while English language learners (ELL) and special

education (SPED) students are underrepresented amongst concurrent enrollment participants.

Figure 7 provides an additional display of descriptive statistics, breaking out concurrent

enrollment participation rates for each graduation year by gender and race/ethnicity. Participation

rates have been higher for female students than male students during each year of the study.

Hispanic students had higher participation rates than white students in 2011 and 2012 and were one

percentage point below them in 2013. All groups have seen increased participation rates each year

of the study.

Figure 7. Participation in Concurrent Enrollment, by Graduation Year, Gender and Race/Ethnicity

Effects of Concurrent Enrollment Participation on College Outcomes

This section presents findings from the research conducted using the dichotomous measure

of concurrent enrollment participation in estimating effects on the four college outcomes. The

results from the propensity score matching (PSM) are presented first, followed by the fixed effects

regression results. Lastly, a comparison of the results from the different methods is provided.

Propensity Score Matching Findings

As described in the methods section, PSM involves multiple steps that must be taken before

treatment effects can be estimated. An important first step is the matching process wherein

propensity scores are generated based on a set of covariates, and concurrent enrollment students

(the treatment group) are matched with students who have similar propensity scores but did not







Female Male African-American

Hispanic Other Race White




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participate in concurrent enrollment (the control group). Thus, the first set of findings from the PSM

analysis considers how well the matching process performed in terms of leveling biases that were

present in the unmatched sample.

Matching results. Overall, the sample mean bias was reduced from 9.3 to 0.0 through the

PSM process, which, practically speaking, means that certain groups of students were over- or

under-represented in the unmatched treatment group, but after the matching process occurred, the

treatment and control groups are equally balanced. Figure 8 presents the standardized bias for each

individual covariate, which is a measure of the difference in means between treated and matched

control groups before and after the matching occurs.15 The graphic displays the significant reduction

of bias amongst all covariates in the matched and comparison groups. More specifically, what Figure

8 coveys is that in the unmatched sample ELL, male, and SPED students and those with very low ACT

scores (<16) are underrepresented (the dots are to the left of the vertical line that indicates there is

no difference in sample means between groups). On the other hand, rural students, students eligible

for free and reduced-price lunch (FRL), and Hispanic students were all overrepresented for their

populations in the concurrent enrollment treatment group prior to matching (the dots are to the

right of the zero bias line).

Prior research indicates that being of low-income status, of minority status, or from a rural

school is negatively associated with college enrollment (Fry, 2011; Kahlenberg, 2004; Terenzini,

Cabrera, & Bernal, 2001). If selection biases—in this case assuming students who opt-in to

concurrent enrollment were the type of students who would be more likely to go to college—are

present in this study, these descriptive statistics mean there is at least some evidence that the bias

of how students are selecting enrollment into concurrent programs is not a clear case of the most

15 More technically, the standardized bias is calculated as a percentage of the square root of the average of sample variances in both groups (see, e.g., Caliendo & Kopeinig, 2008).

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academically proficient students opting-in. One plausible explanation could be that while low-

income, Hispanic and rural students are less likely to attend college, of those who do plan to attend

they will be more inclined to select into concurrent enrollment programs because they are able to

earn college credits for free. Another explanation is that concurrent enrollment is sufficiently

different from programs such as Advanced Placement in that it targets students who are of more

modest academic standing and come from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, the selection bias

problems you would see in a study of high achieving students from higher-income backgrounds

participating in voluntary college readiness programs may not apply—at least as fully—in this case

because the original treatment population appears to be more representative of students who are

typically less likely to attend college. Regardless, as Figure 8 depicts, these imbalances in the original

sample are eradicated the matched sample.

Figure 8. Standardized bias differences (%) across all covariates in original and matched samples

Treatment effects. Once the matching process was performed, the author estimated

average treatment effects (ATE) for each outcome model. The ATE is the difference between the

average outcomes of those who participated in concurrent enrollment and those who did not

-20 0 20 40Standardized % bias across covariates

ACT Low Score

SPED Status


ELL Status





ACT High Score

FRL Status

ACT Medium-Low Score

ACT Medium-High Score




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participate. Table 16 displays ATEs from the PSM analysis – both 1:1 matching and 1:4 matching –

for the four college outcome models. The results from the two matching models are very similar.

Table 16. Propensity Score Matching Average Treatment Effects Outcome Matched 1:1

caliper with replacement

Matched 1:4 caliper with replacement

College Enrollment 10.16*** (.004)

10.27*** (.003)

Remedial Education -7.54*** (.004)

-7.57*** (.004)

First-year college GPA

.08*** (.009)

.08*** (.009)

Persistence 2.17*** (.003)

2.15%*** (.003)

Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10

The PSM results using 1:1 matching suggest that taking concurrent enrollment courses

increases the probability of college matriculation by 10.16 percentage points and reduces the

chance of needing remedial education in the first year of college by 7.54 percentage points. When

considering the sample means, those effect sizes are substantively large—the predicted probability

of attending college increases from 57 percent to over 67 percent for concurrent enrollment

students, while their probability of needing remedial education decreases from 35 percent to 27.5


Students who took concurrent enrollment in high school have first-year college GPAs that

are, on average, 0.08 points higher than their peers who did not participate in the program.

Substantively, the effect size is on the small side; students with a mean GPA of 2.75 would see their

GPA increase to 2.83, for example. The effect of concurrent enrollment participation on persistence

rates is also statistically significant but substantively small; the probability that freshmen college

students will return for a second year of college is, on average, 2.1 percentage points higher for

concurrent enrollment participants than for non-participants. A student’s average predicated

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probability of returning for a secondary year of college increases from 81 percent to 83 percent

based on the sample mean as a result of concurrent enrollment participation.

Sensitivity analysis. After the PSM ATE results were tabulated, a sensitivity analysis was

performed to see how robust the findings were to potential unobserved confounders. Rosenbaum

(2002) proposes a bounding approach to determine to what extent an unobserved variable would

have to influence the selection process in order to mitigate any statistically significant findings.

Bounds for the significance levels and confidence intervals of the results are defined by varying the

odds ratios that two individuals with the same observed covariates are assigned to the treatment

group at a different rate due to an unobserved variable. The results of the sensitivity analysis

suggest that the ATE estimates for all outcomes are fairly robust to changes in the likelihood of

treatment assignment due to hidden bias.

The college matriculation treatment effect, for example, is statistically significant until an

unobserved variable caused the odds ratio of participating in concurrent enrollment to differ

between treatment and comparison groups by a factor of 1.75. That finding indicates that the

unobserved variable would need to exert a large influence—one that that is larger than the effect

sizes of any individual covariate included in the PSM model—to undermine the positive effect of

concurrent enrollment on college matriculation.

The ATE on persistence rates had a similar sensitivity factor of 1.65, while the ATE for

remediation rates was robust to hidden bias that would more than double the odds of participation

in concurrent enrollment (Γ=2.5). The GPA results are statistically significant unless the unobserved

variable triples the odds that concurrent enrollment participation differs between the treatment

and comparison groups.

Overall, the sensitivity analysis performed for each model found that the influence of

concurrent enrollment on each outcome is resilient to the presence of moderate and even high

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amounts of selection bias. As mentioned before, the sensitivity analysis cannot determine the

presence of hidden selection bias, but it lends credence to these findings since the unobserved bias

would have to be quite strong to negate the statistical significance of the results (An 2013;

Rosenbaum, 2002).

Regression Findings

A progression of regression models were estimated to assess the robustness of the PSM

findings. The regression models also permit the addition of school-level fixed effects, which could

not be included in the PSM analysis. Table 17 displays one example of the progression of models

estimated with logistic regression for the dichotomous college matriculation and concurrent

enrollment variables as the dependent and key independent variables, respectively. The same

progression of models was run for all four outcome variables. High school-clustered, robust

standard errors are reported for all models to correct for serial correlation and heteroscedasticity.

Initially, a bivariate model is run indicating a positive, statistically significant relationship between

the two variables. The second model adds demographic (FRL, ELL, SPED, race/ethnicity, and gender)

control variables, and the third model adds the control for academic achievement (ACT composite

score). The fourth model, and final, model includes all of the previous covariates in addition to

graduation year and high school fixed effects. In the regression results displayed in Table 17, the

coefficient for concurrent enrollment participation is statistically significant (p<.01) across all

models, and the direction of the coefficient indicates that participation in concurrent enrollment in

high school results in positive gains in college matriculation rates. As expected, the pseudo R-

squared increases across the model specifications as variables are added. The bivariate model

explains 0.8 percent of the variance, while the final model accounts for 16.5 percent of the variation.

The results from the final model that includes fixed effects are used to generate the average

treatment effects are discussed in the following section.

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Table 17. Progression of Logistic Regression Models Estimating the Effect of Concurrent Enrollment Participation on College Matriculation (1) (2) (3) (5) Variables

Bivariate Includes demographics

Includes ACT score

Full model w/fixed effects a

Concurrent Enrollment 0.632*** 0.635*** 0.553*** 0.594*** (0.053) (0.045) (0.038) (0.037) FRL -0.676*** -0.382*** -0.348*** (0.036) (0.031) (0.029) ELL -0.784*** -0.192*** -0.178*** (0.049) (0.052) (0.043) SPED -1.060*** -0.223*** -0.314*** (0.039) (0.035) (0.034) Hispanic -0.474*** -0.060* -0.051** (0.036) (0.031) (0.024) Black -0.007 0.522*** 0.611*** (0.053) (0.053) (0.052) Asian 0.590*** 0.574*** 0.575*** (0.055) (0.061) (0.067) Other Race -0.556*** -0.258*** -0.178*** (0.065) (0.065) (0.066) Male -0.316*** -0.347*** -0.369*** (0.015) (0.016) (0.016) ACT Composite Score 0.166*** 0.152*** (0.003) (0.003) 2012 Graduation Year -0.058*** (0.018) 2013 Graduation Year -0.110*** (0.018) Constant 0.455*** 0.988*** -2.581*** -3.771*** (0.044) (0.043) (0.070) (0.076) Observations 131,681 131,681 131,681 131,601b Pseudo R-squared 0.008 0.065 0.141 0.165 Correctly classified 63.27% 67.49% 71.49% 72.76%

Robust, high school-clustered standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10 a Fixed effect model includes graduation years 2012 and 2013 (2011 as baseline) and dummies for 423 high schools (not displayed)

b 15 high schools predicted failure perfectly; a total of 80 students were dropped as a result

Table 18 provides average treatment effects for the dichotomous concurrent enrollment

variable from the multivariate regression models for the different outcome variables. The coefficient

for the concurrent enrollment variable is statistically significant on all four college outcomes. On

average, and controlling for confounding variables, the probability of going to college is 10.57

percentage points higher for students who participated in concurrent enrollment than for those

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who did not participate. Concurrent enrollment students see their probability of needing remedial

education decrease, on average, by 6.21 percentage points when compared to their peers.

Participating in concurrent enrollment increases first-year college GPAs by an average of one tenth

of a point, and results in an increase in retention rates of 3.36 percentage points, on average.

Table 18. Average Treatment Effects -Outcome 1- -Outcome 2- -Outcome 3- -Outcome 4-

College Matriculation

Remedial Education

First-year College GPA

College Persistence

Concurrent Enrollment 10.57*** -6.21*** 0.10*** 3.36*** (0.006) (0.005) (0.014) (0.004)

FRL -6.65*** (0.006)

2.33*** (0.004)

-0.09*** (0.013)

-5.19*** (0.005)

ACT Composite Score 2.81*** (0.0004)

-6.18*** (0.0003)

0.06*** (0.001)

1.56*** (0.0004)

Hispanic -0.95** (0.004)

0.16 (0.005)

-.06*** (0.0110

-0.06 (.004)

Robust, high school-clustered standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10

Table 18 also provides the treatment effects for other variables of interest to help compare

the magnitude of the effects. FRL students have college matriculation rates that are, on average,

6.65 percentage points below those of non-FRL students, while Hispanic students have a college

matriculation rate that is 0.95 percentage points below that of white students, all else equal. A one

point increase in composite ACT score is associated with a 2.81 percentage point increase in college

matriculation rates. To get a similar effect size as concurrent enrollment, a student would need to

increase his or her ACT score by roughly 4 points. Prior research has found FRL eligibility, ACT scores

and Hispanic ethnicity to be correlated with college matriculation; the fact that the effect size for

concurrent enrollment is substantively larger than the effect size for those variables lends support

to the assertion that the findings have practical significance.

The treatment effect for concurrent enrollment in the remedial education model is similar

to a one point increase in a student’s ACT score; both are larger than the FRL effect. In the GPA

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model, an increase in a student’s college GPA of one tenth of a point is achieved by taking

concurrent enrollment, and a similar effect size is seen for the FRL variable, although it goes in the

other direction (-0.09). The effect size for FRL students is larger than the concurrent enrollment

treatment in the persistence model, but both are larger than the treatment effect for ACT scores. In

sum, concurrent enrollment has the largest comparative effect size on matriculation rates, with

small comparative effects seen for the other outcome variables.

Comparison of Results

Table 19 provides a comparison of average treatment effects across four methods: 1) PSM

using 1:1 matching with caliper; 2) a multivariate regression using the same covariates that are

included in the PSM model; 3) fixed effects regression; and 4) the difference in means between

students who participated in concurrent enrollment and those who did not. The multivariate

regression results include the same conditioning effect the PSM includes, but there is not a matching

process conducted before estimating the regression. The fixed effects regression uses the results

provided in the previous section (Table 6) derived from regression models that add school and time

fixed effects to the list of covariates included in the PSM models. The unmatched difference in

means provides a baseline of what the treatment effect would be without controlling for any

exogenous factors or adjusting for sample biases.

Overall, the results in Table 19 are fairly consistent between the PSM analysis (matching

1:1), multivariate regression analysis and the fixed effects analysis on the college matriculation and

remedial education outcome results. All three methods provide similar and more modest results for

college matriculation and remedial education than the unmatched, unconditioned difference in

means. This indicates that whether using PSM or regression analysis, confounding effects are being

controlled for in those two outcome models. In the college matriculation model, the PSM method

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produced the most conservative estimate of the average treatment effect, while the fixed effects

regression produced the most conservative estimate for the remedial education model.

Table 19. Comparison of Average Treatment Effects Outcome

PSM - Matched 1:1

Multivariate regression (using PSM model)

Fixed effects regression

Unmatched Difference in Means

College matriculation 10.16*** (.003)

10.40*** (.003)

10.57*** (.006)

13.66*** (.003)

Remedial education -7.54*** (.004)

-7.52*** (.004)

-6.21*** (.005)

-7.76*** (.005)

First-year college GPA .08*** (.009)

.07*** (.009)

0.10*** (0.014)

.07*** (.009)

College persistence 2.17*** (.003)

2.13*** (.003)

3.36*** (.004)

1.74*** (.003)

Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10

The college GPA average treatment effects range from 0.07 to 0.1, with the multivariate

regression results mirroring those of the unmatched difference in means. The fixed effects

regression produced the largest average treatment effect (.10) for the GPA outcome model, and for

the college persistence model (3.36). The average treatment effect of concurrent enrollment on

persistence is larger when using PSM, multivariate regression or fixed effects regression than when

looking at the unmatched difference in means. Thus, those methods are adjusting for unobserved

bias in both the college GPA and the college persistence models, although in a way that increases

effect size rather than decreases.

Concurrent Enrollment Effects for Low-Income Students and Minority Students

While participating in concurrent enrollment appears to have beneficial impacts on college

outcomes for the average student, the author is also interested in understanding if and how the

effects of program participation vary depending on the race/ethnicity or income level of students.

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Robustness Checks

Once again, a progression of regression models were estimated for each dependent variable

to check robustness. As an example, Table 20 displays the progression of models estimated with

logistic regression for the dichotomous college matriculation and concurrent enrollment variables as

the dependent and key independent variables, respectively. The same progression of models was

run for the other three dependent variables (remediation, GPA, and persistence). Initially, a

bivariate model is run indicating a positive, statistically significant relationship between the two

variables. The second model adds demographic (FRL, ELL, SPED, race/ethnicity, and gender) control

variables, and the third model adds the control for academic achievement (ACT composite score).

The fourth model includes the interaction terms of race/ethnicity and FRL eligibility with

participation in concurrent enrollment. The fifth, and final, model includes all of the previous

covariates in addition to cohort year and high school fixed effects.

In the regression results shown in Table 20, the coefficient for concurrent enrollment

participation is statistically significant (p<.01) across all models, and the direction of the coefficient

indicates that participation in concurrent enrollment in high school results in positive gains in

college matriculation rates. The coefficients on the Hispanic and FRL interaction terms indicate a

positive, statistically significant relationship. The progression of regression models for the additional

dependent variables also demonstrated robustness across specifications. The results from the final

model that includes fixed effects and interaction terms for each dependent variable are displayed

and discussed in the following section.

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Table 20. Progression of Logistic Regression Models Estimating the Effect of Concurrent Enrollment Participation on College Matriculation DV: College Matriculation

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Bivariate Includes demographics

Includes ACT score

Includes interaction terms

Full model w/fixed effectsa

Concurrent Enrollment 0.632*** 0.635*** 0.553*** 0.471*** 0.523*** (0.053) (0.045) (0.038) (0.044) (0.043) FRL -0.676*** -0.382*** -0.403*** -0.366*** (0.036) (0.031) (0.032) (0.029) ELL -0.784*** -0.192*** -0.185*** -0.172*** (0.049) (0.052) (0.052) (0.044) SPED -1.060*** -0.223*** -0.222*** -0.314*** (0.039) (0.035) (0.035) (0.034) Hispanic -0.474*** -0.060* -0.084*** -0.069*** (0.036) (0.031) (0.031) (0.025) Black -0.007 0.522*** 0.535*** 0.619*** (0.053) (0.053) (0.055) (0.054) Asian 0.590*** 0.574*** 0.562*** 0.562*** (0.055) (0.061) (0.064) (0.069) Other Race -0.556*** -0.258*** -0.263*** -0.178*** (0.065) (0.065) (0.064) (0.065) Male -0.316*** -0.347*** -0.347*** -0.369*** (0.015) (0.016) (0.015) (0.016) ACT Composite Score 0.166*** 0.166*** 0.152*** (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) Hispanic * CE 0.158** 0.126** (0.073) (0.058) Black * CE -0.103 -0.050 (0.088) (0.089) Asian * CE 0.091 0.100 (0.111) (0.123) Other * CE 0.039 -0.009 (0.230) (0.229) FRL * CE 0.123** 0.114** (0.060) (0.057) 2012 Graduation Year -0.058*** (0.018) 2013 Graduation Year -0.108*** (0.018) Constant 0.455*** 0.988*** -2.581*** -2.568*** -3.749*** (0.044) (0.043) (0.070) (0.070) (0.077) Observations 131,681 131,681 131,681 131,681 131,601b Pseudo R-squared 0.008 0.065 0.141 0.141 0.165 Correctly classified 63.27% 67.49% 71.49% 71.52% 72.77%

Robust, high school-clustered standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10 a Fixed effect model includes graduation years 2012 and 2013 (2011 as baseline) and dummies for 423 high schools (not displayed)

b 15 high schools predicted failure perfectly; a total of 80 students were dropped as a result

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Interaction Effects

Table 21 displays results from the multivariate regression models using the dichotomous

independent variable of concurrent enrollment participation. The interaction between income (FRL

status) and concurrent enrollment participation was statistically significant in all outcome models at

p<.10 and in three of the four models at p<.05. The interaction between Hispanic students and

concurrent enrollment was statistically significant at p<.05 in the college matriculation model, while

the Asian student interaction term was significant in the remedial education and GPA models

(p<.01). The other interaction terms were not statistically significant. Interpreting interaction terms

in logistic regression models is not as straightforward as in linear regression. Thus, the findings are

presented for each dependent variable as the change in the probability that the outcome will occur

based on the interactions.

College matriculation interaction results. Figure 9 displays the predicted probability of

college matriculation for students who were FRL-eligible compared to those who were not FRL-

eligible by concurrent enrollment participation. The probability of immediately attending college for

FRL students who participate in concurrent enrollment increases by 12.78 percentage points

compared to their FRL peers who do not participate in the program. When looking at higher income

students (not FRL eligible), the difference in matriculation rates between concurrent enrollment

participants and non-participants is 9.92 percentage points. Those differences along with the

variance between those differences (2.86) are statistically significant at p<0.01.

In logistic regression models, it is important to consider, in particular, the statistical

significance of the “variance in differences” since that is in essence capturing the interaction effect.

If the variance in differences is negligible and statistically insignificant then there is not an

interaction effect present (Mitchell & Chen, 2005). This is the case for the interactions between

Asian students, black students and students of other race with concurrent enrollment participation

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in the college matriculation outcome model. On the other hand, if the variance between differences

is statistically significant, as is the case with the FRL interaction term, then that indicates there is a

meaningful interaction effect between FRL status and concurrent enrollment participation occurring

in this outcome model.

Table 21. Regression Models Estimating the Interaction Effects of Concurrent Enrollment Participation on College Outcomes -Outcome 1- -Outcome 2- -Outcome 3- -Outcome 4- Variables

College Matriculation

Remedial Education

First-year college GPA

College Persistence

Concurrent Enrollment 0.523*** -0.517*** 0.091*** 0.200*** (0.043) (0.054) (0.016) (0.042)

ACT Composite Score 0.152*** -0.566*** 0.057*** 0.114*** (0.003) (0.008) (0.001) (0.003)

Hispanic * CE 0.126** -0.047 0.009 0.011 (0.058) (0.096) (0.024) (0.072) Black * CE -0.050 -0.047 -0.033 0.147 (0.089) (0.139) (0.042) (0.091) Asian * CE 0.100 0.468*** -0.123*** 0.170 (0.123) (0.161) (0.046) (0.169) Other * CE -0.009 0.260 -0.115 -0.194 (0.229) (0.376) (0.122) (0.226) FRL * CE 0.114** -0.241*** 0.052* 0.152** (0.057) (0.092) (0.027) (0.065)

Constant -3.749*** 11.189*** 1.627*** -3.267*** (0.077) (0.159) (0.025) (0.072) Observations 131,601a 61,100b 52,242c 83,291d Pseudo R-squared 0.136 0.426 0.0982 Adj R-squared 0.150 Correctly classified 72.77% 84.87% 81.64%

Robust, high school-clustered standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10 All models include demographic controls and school and year fixed effects Outcome model 3 is estimated with OLS; all other models are estimated with logistic regression a Includes all high school graduates b Includes high school graduates who immediately enrolled in college at an in-state, public institution c Includes high school graduates who immediately enrolled in college at an in-state, SURDs institution d Includes high school graduates who immediately enrolled in college anywhere

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FRL Non FRL Hispanic White Variance in Differences

Non-Participant 56.42% 63.57% 60.70% 62.01% FRL v. Non FRL: 2.86*** Hispanic v. White: 2.25**

Concurrent Enrollment Participant

69.19% 73.49% 72.91% 71.97%

Difference in Probability 12.78*** 9.92*** 12.21%*** 9.96%

*** p<0.01, **p<0.05

Figure 9. Probability of College Matriculation, by Concurrent Enrollment Participation and Free or Reduced-Price Lunch (FRL) Status and Race/Ethnicity (Hispanic or white)

The other interaction term that was statistically significant in the college matriculation

model was with Hispanic students and concurrent enrollment participation. Hispanic students who

take concurrent enrollment have, on average, a 12.21 percentage point increase in the probability of

going to college over their non-concurrent enrollment Hispanic peers, as compared to the baseline

group of white students, who see a 9.96 percentage point increase when taking concurrent

enrollment versus not participating in the program (see Figure 9). While the interaction term for

white students is not statistically significant, the difference in the interaction terms (2.25) is

statistically significant at p<0.05, indicating that Hispanic students who take concurrent enrollment

courses see a greater impact on their likelihood of going to college than do white students who

participate in the program.

College remedial education interaction results. As displayed in Figure 10, the probability of


63.57%60.70% 62.01%

69.19%73.49% 72.91% 71.97%







FRL Non FRL Hispanic White











College Matriculation

Non-Participant Concurrent Enrollment Participant

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needing remediation when in college for FRL students who participated in concurrent enrollment

decreases by 8.25 percentage points compared to their FRL peers who did not participate in the

program. When looking at higher income students, the difference in remedial education rates

between concurrent enrollment participants and non-participants is -5.52 percentage points. Those

differences, along with the variance between those differences (2.72), are statistically significant at


FRL Non FRL Variance in Differences

Non-Participant 38.32% 35.31%


Concurrent Enrollment Participant 30.07% 29.79%

Difference in Probability -8.25*** -5.52***

*** p<0.01

Figure 10. Probability of College Remediation, by Concurrent Enrollment Participation and Free or Reduced-Price Lunch (FRL) Status

While the coefficient for the interaction term Asian*Concurrent Enrollment was statistically

significant in the college remediation logistic regression model, the difference in predicted

probabilities for Asian students taking concurrent enrollment compared to Asian students not

participating is not statistically significant, nor is the variance in differences between the Asian

students interaction term and the white students interaction term.


30.07% 29.79%






















Need for College Remedation

Non-Participant Concurrent Enrollment Participant

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College GPA interaction results. The first-year college GPA outcome model is estimated

with linear regression making the interpretation of the interaction terms more straightforward.

White students who take concurrent enrollment have, on average, a positive increase in their first-

year GPA of about one tenth of a point compared to white students without concurrent enrollment

(p<.01). The coefficient on the Asian students interaction term is statistically significant at p<.01 and

negative. Asians students who were in concurrent enrollment do not have a statistically different

GPA than Asian students who did not participate, but the difference between their change in GPA

and the change in GPA for white students (i.e. the difference in differences) is statistically significant,

and that is what is reflected in the coefficient for the interaction term. The change in GPA for Asian

students is, on average, 0.12 points lower than the change in GPA for white students, indicating that

white students participating in concurrent enrollment see a larger effect on their first year GPA than

do Asian students.

The coefficient on the FRL interaction term is statistically significant at p<.10 and positive.

The change in GPA for FRL students is, on average, 0.05 points higher than the change in GPA for

white students, indicating that FRL students participating in concurrent enrollment see a slightly

larger effect on their first year GPA than do non-FRL students.

College persistence interaction results. Figure 11 displays the predicted probability of

college persistence for students who were and were not FRL-eligible by concurrent enrollment

participation. The probability that FRL students who participated in concurrent enrollment will

return for a second year of college increases by 5.50 percentage points when compared to their

non-concurrent enrollment, FRL peers. When looking at higher income students, the difference in

persistence rates between concurrent enrollment participants and non-participants is only 2.72

percentage points. Those differences, along with the variance in those differences (2.78), are

statistically significant at p<0.01. The predicted probability of college persistence for low-income

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students who take concurrent enrollment (81.7%) is nearly identical to that of higher income

students who do not take concurrent enrollment (82.0%).

FRL Non FRL Variance in Differences

Non-Participant 76.19% 81.69%


Concurrent Enrollment Participant 81.96% 84.68%

Difference in Probability 5.50*** 2.72***

*** p<0.01

Figure 11. Probability of College Persistence, by Concurrent Enrollment Participation and Free or Reduced-Price Lunch (FRL) Status

In summary, the results from the interaction effects show that while all students benefit

from concurrent enrollment, low-income students see an even greater increase in positive college

outcomes when compared to higher-income students. This is a critical finding given the policy goal

of increasing outcomes for traditionally underserved students. The interaction terms for minority

students were not as consistent. Nonetheless, one important finding is that Hispanic students who

take concurrent enrollment courses see a greater impact on their likelihood of going to college than

do white students who participate in the program.

Effects of Concurrent Enrollment Credit Hour Levels on College Outcomes

In the last part of this study, the author uses a categorical measure of concurrent enrollment

participation to understand if there are differential effects on college outcomes depending on how























College Persistence

Non-Participant Concurrent Enrollment Participant

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many credits students take while in high school. Five categories were created for the number of

credit hours attempted, with zero credit hours set as the baseline category in the analysis. The

remaining four categories were selected after viewing the descriptive statistics (see Table 22) and

seeing natural breaks between each category that equate roughly to quartiles.

Table 22. Credit Hours Descriptive Statistics for Concurrent Enrollment Students Number of Credit Hours

N Percent Cumulative Percent

1-3 Credit Hours 5,382 26.5 26.5

3-6 Credit Hours 5,299 26.09 52.58

6-12 Credit Hours 4,876 24 76.59

12+ Credit Hours 4,756 23.41 100

Total 20,313 100

Table 23 displays sample means of the college outcome variables by credit hours category.

Generally, there are improved outcomes when moving across the table from no credit hours to 12+

hours. An upward trend in means is considered an improvement for college matriculation, GPA and

persistence, while a downward trend in means is an improvement when looking at the need for

remedial education. Fixed effects regression models were estimated to see if those trends hold

while controlling for a set of covariates.

Table 23. Sample Means of Key College Outcomes by Concurrent Enrollment Credit Hours

Outcome Variables

Concurrent Enrollment Credit Hours

No Credit Hrs 1-3 Hrs 3-6 Hrs 6-12 Hrs 12+ Hrs

College Matriculation 61.12% 73.52% 72.90% 75.06% 77.96%

Remedial education 36.21% 35.42% 29.39% 27.93% 20.59%

First-year college GPA 2.74 2.75 2.77 2.80 2.92

College persistence 80.96% 82.16% 83.25% 82.84% 82.58%

Cell values represent means of the sample as a whole for each outcome, by credit hour level.

Table 24 presents the results from the regression models using the categorical credit hours

measure. All four college outcomes generally improve when students attempt high numbers of

credit hours as compared to no credit hours, even while controlling for demographic and academic

factors and including school and year fixed effects.

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Table 24. Progression of Regression Models Estimating the Effect of Concurrent Enrollment Participation on College Matriculation -Outcome 1- -Outcome 2- -Outcome 3- -Outcome 4- Variables

College Matriculation

Remedial Education

First-year college GPA

College Persistence

1-3 Credit Hours 0.518*** -0.245*** 0.063*** 0.147*** (0.048) (0.058) (0.017) (0.046) 3-6 Credit Hours 0.480*** -0.475*** 0.061*** 0.245*** (0.048) (0.072) (0.019) (0.049) 6-12 Credit Hours 0.650*** -0.749*** 0.105*** 0.309*** (0.051) (0.077) (0.019) (0.050) 12+ Credit Hours 0.828*** -1.116*** 0.209*** 0.387*** (0.073) (0.097) (0.028) (0.083) FRL -0.348*** 0.213*** -0.092*** -0.357*** (0.029) (0.040) (0.013) (0.031) ELL -0.175*** -0.322*** 0.215*** 0.327*** (0.043) (0.087) (0.032) (0.058) SPED -0.315*** 0.407*** -0.037 -0.238*** (0.034) (0.104) (0.029) (0.046) Male -0.368*** -0.180*** -0.273*** -0.433*** (0.016) (0.025) (0.008) (0.020) Hispanic -0.050** 0.016 -0.062*** -0.004 (0.024) (0.042) (0.011) (0.030) Black 0.610*** 0.048 -0.128*** 0.236*** (0.052) (0.054) (0.025) (0.047) Asian 0.575*** -0.555*** 0.000 0.516*** (0.067) (0.072) (0.017) (0.057) Other Race -0.180*** -0.040 -0.102** -0.032 (0.066) (0.128) (0.047) (0.097) ACT Composite Score 0.152*** -0.565*** 0.056*** 0.114*** (0.003) (0.008) (0.001) (0.003) 2012 Graduation Year -0.060*** -0.011 0.018* -0.024 (0.018) (0.033) (0.010) (0.023) 2013 Graduation Year -0.114*** -0.171*** 0.028*** -0.068*** (0.018) (0.034) (0.009) (0.026) Constant -3.737*** 11.222*** 1.630*** -5.419*** (0.077) (0.161) (0.026) (0.073)

Observations 131,601a 61,100b 52,242c 83,291d Pseudo R-squared 0.165 0.467 0.151 (Adj. R-sq) 0.098 Correctly classified 72.76% 84.91% 81.63%

Robust, high school-clustered standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10 All models include demographic controls and school and year fixed effects Outcome model 3 is estimated with OLS; all other models are estimated with logistic regression a Includes all high school graduates b Includes high school graduates who immediately enrolled in college at an in-state, public institution c Includes high school graduates who immediately enrolled in college at an in-state, SURDs institution d Includes high school graduates who immediately enrolled in college anywhere

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When looking at the college matriculation and GPA models in Table 24, the coefficients for

1-3 credit hours and 3-6 credit hours are very similar, but both are positive and statistically

significant indicating that taking 1 to 6 credits of concurrent enrollment, typically the equivalent of

one or two courses, has a positive effect on outcomes as compared to students who take zero

credits. The remedial education and college persistence models show steady increases in the size of

the coefficient as the number of credit hours attempted increases.

Table 25 provides treatment effects for each credit hour level, by outcome, to further

explore the substantive differences in levels. Recalling the average treatment effects (ATEs) from the

fixed effects regression using the dichotomous variable for concurrent enrollment participation

(Table 18), one will note that each of those ATEs falls in between the results for the categories of 3-6

credit hours and 6-12 credit hours.

Table 25. Average Treatment Effects of Credit Hours Levels on College Outcomes Credit Hours

-Outcome 1- College Matriculation

-Outcome 2- Remedial Education

-Outcome 3- First-Year College GPA

Outcome 4- College Persistence

ATE 95% CI ATE 95% CI ATE 95% CI ATE 95% CI

1-3 9.08*** (0.008)

[7.55, 10.61]

-2.64*** (0.006)

[-3.84, -1.44]

0.06*** (0.017)

[0.03, 0.10] 1.93*** (0.006)

[0.79, 3.08]

3-6 8.45*** (0.008)

[6.89, 10.01]

-5.06*** (0.007)

[-6.51, -3.60]

0.06*** (0.019)

[0.02, 0.10] 3.15*** (0.006)

[2.00, 4.31]

6-12 11.21*** (0.008)

[9.63, 12.80]

-7.85*** (0.007)

[-9.31, -6.38]

0.11*** (0.019)

[0.07, 0.14] 3.91*** (0.006)

[2.77, 5.06]

12+ 13.95** (0.011)

[11.83, 16.07]

-11.46*** (0.009)

[-13.24, -9.67]

0.21*** (0.028)

[0.15, 0.26] 4.81*** (.009)

[3.00, 6.64]

Robust, high school-clustered standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10 Omitted category is 0 credit hours.

The ATE for the dichotomous participation variable in the fixed effects model, for example,

was 10.57, which falls in between the ATE of 8.45 for 3-6 credit hours and the ATE of 11.21 for 6-12

credit hours. One could also note, however, that an ATE of 10.57 falls within the 95% confidence

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interval for 1-3 credit hours, albeit at the bounds of the interval. The college matriculation outcome

treatment effect does not vary much between 1-3 and 3-6 credit hours, while for the remedial

education outcome the difference between the two categories is more pronounced. The ATE for the

dichotomous participation variable was -6.21, which is included in the confidence intervals for 3-6

and 6-12 credit hours. The GPA outcome shows similar effects for taking 1-3 credit hours and 3-6

credit hours (0.06) as compared to zero credit hours, but there are substantively larger effect sizes

for 6-12 credits and over 12 credits (0.11 and 0.21, respectively). In comparison, the effect size for

the dichotomous participation model was 0.10 of a GPA point. The effect sizes for the college

persistence outcome increase by just around 1 percentage point from one category to the next.

One overall inference from the results is that while those students who take six or more

credits see greater positive effects on college access and success, even those students with only one

or two concurrent enrollment courses (between 1 and 6 credits) see benefits accrue. The college

matriculation outcome, in particular, is still substantively meaningful even for those students taking

fewer credits. The effect sizes for college remediation, GPA and persistence do get considerably

smaller when looking just at those students take 1-3 credits, but the confidence intervals do not

include zero in any of the models.

Selection bias concerns increase when considering the type of student that would take more

than 6 credit hours, since such a student is likely to already be college bound with or without the

treatment. Thus, looking at the treatment effects for the 1-3 and 3-6 credit hour categories, while

providing more conservative estimates, may provide higher confidence in the validity of the results.

Moreover, even though the 1-3 and 3-6 credit hour categories have smaller effect sizes, the ATEs

from the dichotomous college participation model are within the 95% confidence intervals for at

least one of those bottom two credit hour categories. This lends some support to the validity of the

results from the prior analysis conducted using the dichotomous predictor variable.

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Conclusion & Discussion

The PSM analysis found positive, statistically significant and substantively large effects of

concurrent enrollment participation on college matriculation for Colorado high school graduates—

an increase of 10.16 percentage points in the probability of college enrollment immediately

following high school graduation. The PSM results also suggest that taking participating in

concurrent enrollment reduces the chance of needing remedial education in the first year of college

by 7.5 percentage points. Other research has found that freshmen who start in college-level courses

have higher chances of completing a degree (e.g. Rutschow & Schneider, 2011), so increasing the

rates of college-level course placement is critical. Participating in concurrent enrollment is

associated with an increase in first-year college GPAs of 0.08 points, on average. Lastly, the PSM

analysis found that participating in concurrent enrollment increases the probability of persisting in

college from freshmen to sophomore year by 2.2 percentage points. The findings from the fixed

effects regression analysis and the PSM analysis are quite similar, which corroborates other studies

that have found minimal differences between PSM and regression output (Brand & Halaby, 2006;

Shadish & Steiner, 2010).

When interaction effects were added to the fixed effects regression, the results indicated

that there is a greater increase in positive college outcomes for free and reduced-price lunch (FRL)

students than non-FRL students, which is what one would hope to see given that a primary goal of

concurrent enrollment is to increase college access and success for traditionally underserved groups

of students, including low-income students. Additional results from the interaction term models

indicate that Hispanic students who take concurrent enrollment courses see a greater impact on

their likelihood of going to college than do white students who participate in the program.

While such findings are important contributions to research and practice, the study does

have some limitations. The dataset did not include information on whether the concurrent

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enrollment course was taught at the high school, at a postsecondary campus, or online. Taking a

course on campus could have more influence on postsecondary readiness than taking a course at

the student’s own school. Further, the quality of concurrent enrollment courses could vary

dependent on the whether the course is taught by high school teachers or by college faculty.

Researchers with access to course setting and instructor data should considering exploring if there

are relationships between those variables and postsecondary outcomes.

Another significant limitation of this study is the potential for omitted variables to threaten

internal validity. Individual motivation is not a directly observable variable and could have a

confounding effect on the analysis. A student, for instance, may be intrinsically motivated to both

select into concurrent enrollment courses and to attend college. The presence of selection bias

means that the effect sizes may be overestimated. However, the sensitivity analysis performed after

the PSM estimations provides credibility to the results and indicates they are robust enough to

withstand the presence of moderate and even high levels of unobserved bias. The sensitivity

analysis found that the unobserved variable would need to exert a large influence—one that that is

larger than the effect sizes of any individual covariate included in the PSM model—to undermine the

positive effect of concurrent enrollment on each outcome.

Furthermore, the final part of this study considered a categorical independent variable to

assess the effects of concurrent enrollment credit hour levels on college outcomes. Generally, as

would be expected, the results show that college outcomes improve when students attempt higher

numbers of credit hours as compared to no credit hours. The top two categories of credit hour levels

(6-12 hours and 12+ hours) likely include more selection bias than the lower two categories of credit

hour levels (1-3 hours and 3-6 hours), because students taking a large number of credit hours may

be intrinsically motivated to pursue advanced educational opportunities, including higher education.

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The lower two categorical levels perhaps provide a more accurate level of treatment effects, and

even in viewing those findings, one can see meaningful, positive effects on college outcomes.

Overall, across the different methods and model specifications in this study, the findings

remained robust and conveyed the same narrative, which is that participation in concurrent

enrollment in high school results in positive gains in college enrollment rates, first-year grade point

averages, and college persistence rates, and results in a decrease in the need for remedial

education. These are promising findings that contribute to the collective knowledge about what

programs improve postsecondary and workforce readiness for all students.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate how state-level policies, particularly those that

create voluntary programs for schools and students, can meet the intended policy goals and affect

educational outcomes. This research was motivated by two realities: 1) that low-income and

minority students, on average, lag behind their peers on nearly every important education

milestone, including college enrollment and completion; and, 2) that a higher education credential is

increasingly necessary to have a productive career and earn family-sustaining wages. State

policymakers, having observed those same realities, have implemented countless policies to better

prepare students for life after high school. With the development of statewide longitudinal data

systems over the past decade, researchers are now able to investigate if those policies are having

their intended effect of improving outcomes for traditionally underserved students.

One of the prominent approaches among states to expanding college access is concurrent

enrollment, which provides high school students the opportunity to enroll in a college course for

which they may receive both high school and college credit. While concurrent enrollment programs

have been available in public high schools for at least the last half-century, they were typically seen

as an enrichment opportunity for academically advanced students. Programs have grown

exponentially since the early 2000s when policymakers began expanding concurrent enrollment

opportunities to those students who are traditionally underserved, including students of color and

low-income students, as well as to those students who are not high academic performers (Hoffman,

Vargas & Santos, 2008a).

Proponents of concurrent enrollment argue that it increases academic preparation for

college and provides momentum toward degree attainment by giving students the opportunity to

enter college with credits already accumulated (An, 2013; Swanson, 2008). Providing students

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exposure to college is also thought to be a strategy for developing metacognitive skills, readying

students for the demands of college life, and increasing college aspirations. Moreover, policymakers

are also drawn to concurrent enrollment as a way to increase college affordability by offering

college courses at low or no cost to families.

With the foregoing as a backdrop, this study set out to understand, first, what factors lead

some schools to adopt concurrent enrollment more quickly and implement the program more

intensely as compared to other schools. After understanding the key factors at play at the school

level, the study also sought to evaluate how effective concurrent enrollment is at improving college

access and success for all students, including low-income and minority students. These research

questions are collectively important because the only way state policies can significantly improve

educational outcomes is if programs are both widely diffused in schools and impactful on individual


The data used in this study to evaluate the research questions were collected primarily

through Colorado’s two state education agencies: the Colorado Department of Higher Education

(CDHE) and the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). The author constructed panel data sets by

compiling publicly-available data from the agency websites and by procuring a de-identified and

secure cross-section of student-level data from CDHE. The datasets are timely, comprehensive, and

longitudinal between K-12 and higher education due to data-sharing agreements in place between

the two agencies.

The research began with an event history analysis of the diffusion of concurrent enrollment

across high schools in the state. OLS fixed effects regression and a dynamic panel data model were

used to explore any factors related to the intensity of program participation within high schools

once concurrent enrollment was adopted. Fixed effects regression and propensity score matching

(PSM) were used in a student-level analysis to determine relationships between concurrent

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enrollment participation and the college access and success outcomes. Participation in concurrent

enrollment was explored both as a dichotomous measure (yes/no) and as an intensity level (number

of credits). The different components of the research design relied on similar administrative data

but had different guiding questions and units of analysis. Taken altogether, there were several

important findings from the multi-level analysis, which were presented in chapters 4 and 5. Key

findings are highlighted here, followed by a discussion of the implications of the findings for

research and practice. This chapter concludes with a description of the limitations and suggestions

for future research.

Key Findings

The diffusion of concurrent enrollment throughout Colorado high schools was rapid and

nearly complete by the end of the five-year event history analysis, which ran from 2010 to 2015.

Results from the analysis found those schools that were more likely to adopt concurrent enrollment

immediately after legislation passed in 2009 had higher college matriculation rates—and also higher

rates of free or reduced-price lunch (FRL) students. Early adopters were also more likely to be larger

high schools, and schools that had previously offered the Post Secondary Education Options (PSEO)

program, Colorado’s first version of dual enrollment. Charter schools were half as likely to adopt

concurrent enrollment as traditional, district-run schools.

Results from the dynamic panel data model, which included a lagged value of the dependent

variable and school and year fixed effects, found that the prior year’s concurrent enrollment

participation rates are a strong predictor of the current year’s participation rate, although there is

still growth in participation rates that occurs year over year. The lagged dependent variable

indicates that a high school will see a 0.75 percent increase in the current year’s participation rate

for every 1 percent increase in the previous year’s participation rate. The variables for median

household income and PSEO participation had a positive, statistically significant association with

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concurrent enrollment participation rates. School size, distance to the nearest community college,

and the charter school indicator were statistically significant and negatively associated with

participation rates.

The student-level analysis found a positive, statistically significant and substantively large

effect of concurrent enrollment participation on college matriculation for Colorado high school

graduates. The effect sizes for the matriculation outcome are still meaningfully large even when

considering outcomes for students who only took 3 credits (e.g. 1 course) or 6 credits (e.g. 2

courses). The propensity score matching analysis and regression analysis also found that

participation in concurrent enrollment in high school results in positive gains in first-year college

grade point averages and college persistence rates, and results in a decrease in the need for

remedial education. While concurrent enrollment, on average, improves college outcomes for all

students, low-income students experience a greater positive impact on their outcomes than higher

income students. Additionally, Hispanic students who take concurrent enrollment courses see a

greater impact on their likelihood of going to college than do white students who participate in the


Implications for Research and Practice

Policy Diffusion Research

The vast majority of the numerous studies conducted using policy innovation and diffusion

theory focus on the adoption of a policy without considering what occurs after adoption in the

implementation stage. Scholars have identified this gap in the literature and have called for studies

to apply policy diffusion analysis beyond a simple dichotomous measure of adoption and to analyze

policy implementation (Shipan & Volden, 2012). Further, policy diffusion research has largely

focused on states as the unit of analysis. There have been studies conducted of local governments,

but the body of research is much smaller and focuses on municipalities. Thus, as this study considers

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both policy adoption and policy implementation using high schools as the unit of analysis, the

findings make an important contribution to the literature.

This study began with a dichotomous measure of adoption, but followed it up with an

analysis of policy implementation using a proportional dependent variable measuring the share of

students taking concurrent enrollment courses within a high school. The results showed that some

variables affected both policy adoption and the level of implementation (e.g. charter, PSEO), while

other variables had effects on policy adoption but not on whether a school widely implemented the

program (e.g. matriculation rates and FRL status). The findings also lend some support to one of the

prominent determinants of policy diffusion according to the literature—the importance of size and

organizational capacity—as smaller schools were slower to adopt concurrent enrollment compared

to larger ones. Regarding the effects of fiscal capacity, the findings were mixed. Schools with higher

percentages of FRL students were quicker to adopt, but schools with higher median incomes were

more likely to fully implement the program. Distinctions such as this between policy adoption and

policy implementation are precisely what Shipan and Volden (2012) called for in their review of the

policy diffusion literature.

In this case study, it appears that the characteristics of the policy itself—specifically, the

salience, clarity and compatibility of the law—influenced adoption more than traditional diffusion

factors such as fiscal capacity. This supports more recent diffusion research that has highlighted the

importance of policy characteristics on the diffusion process (Boushey, 2010, Makse & Volden, 2011,

Nicholson-Crotty, 2009). Regarding the clarity of the law, concurrent enrollment does require work

on the part of both schools and districts, but the law is clear and uniform in structure with enough

local flexibility embedded in the law to allow schools and colleges to implement the program in a

way that fits with their local needs and current practices. Further, the financial provisions of the law

permitted both schools and colleges to set up systems to fund and operate the programs in a way

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that does not unduly burden them, making the law compatible with current practice. These policy

attributes likely affected how quickly the program was adopted and support findings from Makse

and Volden (2011) that found compatible policies—those that fit seamlessly into current practices—

are quicker to diffuse than complex policies that require a great shift in the status quo. Thus, the

study makes a modest contribution to the newer stream of policy diffusion literature that focuses on

the importance of policy characteristics in the adoption stage. Interestingly, though, this study

reaffirmed the significance of some of the more traditional diffusion factors such as fiscal capacity in

the implementation stage of the analysis, as schools with higher median incomes had higher

implementation levels.

Supporting High Schools

If fiscal capacity, organizational capacity, school type and prior program offerings are key

predictors of the adoption and implementation of dual enrollment programs, the question becomes

what can be done with this information in practice? While policymakers and education practitioners

cannot easily change the size or location of schools, or their governance structures, targeted support

and outreach can be provided to schools that are smaller or less resourced. Ensuring all schools have

access to personnel and support—either at the state level, at a regional level (e.g. through their

Board of Cooperative Education Services), or through the district—to administer concurrent

enrollment programs could be a way to improve access across all different types of high schools.

Implementing concurrent enrollment, for example, requires staff to fill out paperwork on

behalf of students and negotiate MOUs with community colleges concerning the courses that will be

offered and who will teach them (i.e. a high school teacher or community college faculty). If a high

school teacher is leading the course, there needs to be collaboration with the partnering college

around course syllabi, curriculum, scope and sequence, professional development, supervision, and

expectations. School counselors need to ensure that the courses students are selecting are aligned

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with their individual career and academic plans. If schools with less organizational capacity had a

liaison to help them with the logistical and administrative details, it could make program

implementation easier. While some of the larger school districts have district staff who are

dedicated to concurrent enrollment, small districts are less likely to have such positions (M.

Camacho Liu, personal communication, October 8, 2016).

While supporting initial program adoption and implementation is important for any new

educational initiative, schools also need sustained support to ensure the program can continue to be

offered. Many of the concurrent enrollment implementation tasks are on-going—particularly

around student course enrollment paperwork, negotiating with colleges over course offerings and

instructors, and counseling students and parents on course options. If the local funding

arrangements put too much of a burden on school districts, concurrent enrollment programs are at

risk of being scaled back when resources are tight.

Some school districts and colleges have developed strong partnerships that make

adjustments when needed to promote student access. Eagle County School District, for example,

partners with Colorado Mountain College (CMC) to offer concurrent enrollment opportunities. Prior

to 2015, the district paid CMC tuition for courses located on high school campuses, and CMC

reimbursed the school for the cost of the instructor if it was a high school teacher. To ease

operations and help the district increase concurrent enrollment opportunities, CMC now waives

tuition for all courses on high school campuses, and the district is only responsible for covering the

costs of a CMC faculty member if there is not a high school teacher available to teach the course

(CDE, 2016).

The Eagle County Schools and CMC arrangement is an example of a best practice from the

model state policy elements discussed in the introduction. While there are a number of ways to

creatively fund concurrent enrollment programs, the goal should be to ensure that neither system

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(K-12 or higher education) is unduly burdened by the program (Zinth, 2014b, 2015b; Ward & Vargas,

2012). Given the positive outcomes in this study and others, showing that concurrent enrollment

results in improved college access and success for students (in particular, low-income students), the

hope would be that such evidence would make a case for sustained state funding and support for

concurrent enrollment. States, however, continue to face budgetary challenges, and there is no

shortage of competition for public services that require funding. Thus, as the Education Commission

of the States and Jobs for the Future often recommend, if funding cannot be guaranteed at the

state-level, local arrangements should be developed to be as predictable and adequate as possible

to ensure traditionally underserved students continue to have access to dual enrollment

opportunities (Zinth, 2014b, 2015b; Ward & Vargas, 2012).

Returns on Investment

Investing in supports for schools with lower capacity during the implementation of

concurrent enrollment, or similar college readiness programs, is also important given the results

from the participation rates analysis. Across all schools, participation rates increased year over year,

indicating that schools and families are taking advantage of the opportunities posed by concurrent

enrollment. Given the positive effects of participation on college outcomes, it is encouraging that

participation rates continue to increase.

While larger schools were quicker to adopt concurrent enrollment, which was expected

given the advantages of organizational capacity, smaller schools that offer concurrent enrollment

often have a higher percentage of their students taking concurrent enrollment, as compared to

larger schools. As explained in Chapter 4, it is likely that when a small high school offers a concurrent

enrollment course, for example a math class for seniors, that class comprises a large percentage of

its overall enrollment, whereas offering one class at a large high school will only consist of a small

share of the overall student body. Further, many small schools located in remote areas use

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concurrent enrollment to provide access to content the school is not able to deliver on its own. A

rural high school, for instance, can go through a community college to offer college-level chemistry,

whereas without concurrent enrollment the school would not be able to offer the course at all.

Another explanation is that there are fewer opportunities in small schools for advanced coursework,

whereas in large high schools, students often have the choice of various college-level courses,

including Advanced Placement.

The implication for practitioners and policymakers is that it is worth investing in concurrent

enrollment support for schools that are small or remote because these schools can take full

advantage of the opportunities available to them. Additional returns on the state investment may

accrue if students from rural areas are able to earn college credits while in high school and apply

those to their college degree so that they graduate more quickly. While this study did not explore

the financial savings to families and the state, it is a worthwhile question for future research,

particularly if such research were to compare the cost effectiveness of concurrent enrollment to

other college access programs.

Lastly, the findings of the PSEO indicator were, as expected, statistically significant and

predictive of concurrent enrollment adoption and the student participation rate. Having had PSEO in

place made it easier to transition to concurrent enrollment in terms of already having college

partnerships in place. Logistically, there was still significant change that had to occur to transition to

concurrent enrollment though, and the intention of the program is different. The Concurrent

Enrollment Programs Act has a clear intent of expanding access to students who are traditionally

underserved. Thus, while PSEO was included as a necessary control variable, there is also an

important linkage to be made to the literature on policy diffusion.

Berry and Berry (2007) refer to a softening of the environment to describe when one

innovation takes place and makes it easier for subsequent innovations to occur. The findings

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support that theoretical aspect as schools that had PSEO were quicker to adopt concurrent

enrollment. A related implication for practitioners and policymakers is that once a college-going

program is established it may not only continue to grow in terms of student participation year-over-

year, but it may also soften the environment and the make the school more open to other promising

practices. Prior research on the importance of establishing college-going cultures in high schools

would also support the claim that states putting resources into promoting college access programs

may see an increasing return on that investment (Hoffman, Vargas & Santos, 2008a; Roderick,

Nagaoka, Coca & Moeller, 2008).

Expanding Access: Charter Schools

It is unclear to what extent charter schools’ low participation levels in concurrent

enrollment is driven by their lack of access to funding, support, and programming or by a difference

in the nature of charter high schools, many of which are have their own thematic focus that may not

cohere with concurrent enrollment. It could be the case that charter schools prefer to pursue other

college readiness programs that are perceived to be more elite or rigorous (e.g. Advanced

Placement, International Baccalaureate). Or, it may be that some charter schools prefer to partner

with more selective, four-year institutions instead of community colleges, and while that is

permissible under concurrent enrollment, it is more costly to do so. Another explanation could be

that charter schools are not required to employ licensed teachers, and that may decrease

opportunities for offering concurrent enrollment courses at the high school if there is a shortage of

instructors with the necessary qualifications. The author did not collect data on such information, so

further research would need to be conducted to test those speculative claims.

If the low participation at charter schools is related to the lack of shared resources that

could be a learning point for Colorado and for other states. Some districts handle portions of the

logistical and financial transactions of concurrent enrollment on behalf of their district-operated

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schools. Not including charter schools in those arrangements could reduce the likelihood that

charter schools will offer the program. Charter schools may also have lower administrative capacity

than larger district high schools and, without support from the district or another entity, they may

not be able to offer concurrent enrollment. Ensuring equitable arrangements within the state for all

schools, regardless of charter status, could increase access for students to concurrent enrollment


Meeting Policy Goals?

Colorado’s Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act was specifically passed to expand access to

low-income and minority students who had not typically been included in similar programs. In the

descriptive analysis it was noted that free and reduced-price lunch (FRL) students were slightly

overrepresented in the concurrent enrollment population. When considering race/ethnicity,

Hispanic students had higher participation rates than white students in 2011 and 2012 and were one

percentage point below them in 2013. All groups have seen increased participation rates each year

of the study. The event history analysis performed in this study found that, even after controlling for

confounding factors, high schools with higher percentages of low-income students were quicker to

adopt concurrent enrollment. From these results, one can conclude that the law is functioning as

intended by reaching groups of traditionally-underserved students. Expanding access, however, is

only one-half of the equation; ensuring successful outcomes for students is also a key goal of the


Did the Policy Improve Outcomes for Low-Income and Minority Students?

This study explored the effects of participating in concurrent enrollment for low-income and

minority students. The results indicate that all students benefit from concurrent enrollment, but

low-income students see an even greater increase in positive college outcomes when compared to

higher-income students. This is a critical finding given the policy goal of increasing outcomes for

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traditionally underserved students. It corroborates other research that found students of low

socioeconomic status (SES) see greater benefits from dual enrollment than high-SES students (An,

2013). While it makes intuitive sense that students who are already disposed to go to college will

likely enroll regardless of their high school programming, there has been a lack of evidence around

what happens to students who are on the margins of attending. The U.S. education system has

historically provided advanced coursework opportunities (e.g. Advanced Placement, International

Baccalaureate, honors courses, and dual enrollment) to academically advanced students (Darling-

Hammond, 2010; Hoffman, 2005; Hoffman, Vargas, Santos, 2009a; Oakes, 2005). Now, with the

expansion of dual enrollment, researchers are investigating the effects of providing dual enrollment

to those students who are not at the top of their classes. Given the pervasive gaps in academic

achievement rates by race/ethnicity and SES, expanding access to advanced coursework to students

who are middle achievers—those who can meet the minimum academic prerequisites for dual

enrollment but are not top performers—will naturally reach students who have typically been

underrepresented in higher education.

This dissertation contributes to the literature on college access because prior research on

concurrent enrollment is limited and the findings have conflicted at times. While An (2013) found

dual enrollment had a greater effect on college degree attainment for low-SES students when

compared to high-SES students nationally, Taylor (2014) found smaller effect sizes for low-income

students in Illinois. The findings from this study were consistent across all four college outcomes—

college matriculation, remedial education, college GPA, and persistence—indicating that low-

income students receive a greater benefit from participating in concurrent enrollment than

wealthier students.

The findings of this study, however, were not consistent across all outcomes for minority

students. The research found that Hispanic students who take concurrent enrollment courses see a

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greater impact on their likelihood of going to college than white students who participate in the

program. This is a promising finding since the college-going rate for Hispanic students lags 18

percentage points below that of white students in Colorado (CDHE, 2017a). Hispanic students also

lag behind their peers in college GPA, persistence and completion, and given that the college

success outcomes for Hispanic students were not statistically significant in this study, it is unclear if

the positive benefits related to college access for Hispanic students extend to college success and

degree completion. When additional years of longitudinal data are available, future research should

analyze the effect of the program on college success and degree attainment for minority and low-

income students. Nonetheless, this study finds that Colorado’s Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act

met many of its intended goals around expanding access to concurrent enrollment courses and

increasing college enrollment rates for both low-income and Hispanic students.

Burgeoning Empirical Support for Concurrent Enrollment

Education researchers often struggle with controlling for selection bias due to limitations on

available data and analytical methods, and prior research on concurrent enrollment, specifically, has

left room for improvement (Allen & Dadgar, 2012; An, 2012; Le, Casillas, Robbins, & Langley, 2005).

Though concurrent enrollment programs have been around for decades, only in the past several

years have researchers begun publishing quasi-experimental evaluations of statewide concurrent

enrollment programs, due in part to the recent expansion of statewide longitudinal data systems.

We are now seeing burgeoning evidence that concurrent enrollment has decidedly positive

effects on students, which lends support to the school improvement framework literature that

contends that education inputs can affect student outcomes. While this evaluation of Colorado’s

concurrent enrollment program found positive outcomes, the effect sizes are smaller than those

found in similar studies conducted in Illinois, Texas and Utah, but they are larger than the effect

sizes found in a study conducted in Washington (see Table 26).

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All studies under comparison used a quasi-experimental design to estimate the effect of

concurrent enrollment participation (using a dichotomous measure) on college matriculation rates.

Only Giani et al.’s (2014) study of the Texas dual enrollment program also used a measure of

participation intensity by including a continuous measure of credit hours earned. Like Giani et al.

(2014), this research found increased effect sizes as concurrent enrollment credit hours increased.

Giani et al., however, did not track college enrollment outside of the state of Texas due to

limitations in their data. Cowan and Goldhaber (2014) assert that excluding out-of-state students

could be a serious measurement error. Their analysis found that up to the half of the effect size in

studies that exclude out-of-state matriculation is due to bias from measurement error. This

dissertation included out-of-state students in the college matriculation analysis, which could be a

reason why the effect size is smaller than other studies—although further investigation would need

to be conducted to confirm that claim.

Table 26. Comparison of Statewide Evaluations Assessing Effect of Dual Enrollment Programs on College Matriculation

Study Citation State of Focus

Increased % Probability of College Matriculation

Method HS Graduation Year Cohort(s)

Haskell (2016) Utah 30.7% PSM 2008 & 2009

Taylor (2015) Illinois 34.0% PSM 2003

Giani et al. (2014) Texas 36.0% PSM 2001

Cowan & Goldhaber (2014) Washington 5.9% Fixed effects regression


Findings presented within this study


10.21% PSM 2011, 2012 & 2013

10.57% Fixed effects regression

Note: All displayed results use a dichotomous treatment variable.

Lastly, while rigorous statewide studies are becoming more commonplace on this education

topic, as well as others, there is a constant need to ensure the sustainability of statewide

longitudinal data systems. With studies such as the ones listed in Table 26, it is hoped that

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policymakers and practitioners will see the value in continuing to support data systems and the

sharing of data with researchers.

Setting a Foundation for a K-14 System?

In closing, one additional implication of the findings is that dual enrollment programs can be

viewed as setting a foundation for a public K-14 education system. It is a fact: a high school diploma

alone does not take an individual very far in today’s economy. Nearly all postsecondary credentials,

even technical certificates or associate’s degrees, can make an individual far more valuable in the

job market. As dual enrollment programs have proliferated across states, school districts and high

schools, some have seen the programs as an opportunity to create a near-seamless system at the

end of which students exit with at least an associate’s degree. The idea of a “free,” public K-14

system has grown in popularity in recent years. One report, referring to the increase in dual

enrollment programs in states notes, “Essentially, without any fanfare, and without the public

rhetoric of K-16, something historic is beginning to emerge in these states: the creation of an

“almost” seamless, free system with new roles for postsecondary education” (Hoffman, 2005, 26).

Shifting the public education paradigm to be one in which all students earn an associate’s

degree through a free and compulsory system of education may not be politically palatable on a

larger scale. While it is one matter for a state to promote a voluntary policy that is, in many cases,

financed within existing means, it is quite another for a state to create a system where the default is

all students may earn an associate’s degree. Such a system would surely require more public

revenue, and states are already under severe budget constraints. Even though the return on the

investment could be considered economically worthwhile, it would be a challenging political feat to

accomplish. As Paul Reville comments, at some point a fundamental shift needs to occur.

We claim to want a system that educates all our students to a high level so that they can successfully participate in our high-skills/high-knowledge 21st-century economy, thereby assuring the growth of that economy and prosperity for them and their families. But we haven't built an engine to drive such an enterprise. We just keep tinkering with the old

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engine, trying to get it to do a job that is fundamentally different from that for which it was designed. (Reville, 2014, 24)”

Perhaps concurrent enrollment is just more tinkering, but it could lay the foundation for a

fundamentally different system wherein all students have the opportunity to receive a rigorous

secondary education and graduate with an associate’s degree prepared to enter the workforce in a

productive career or pursue additional postsecondary degrees.

Limitations and Future Research

While this research makes important contributions to the field, there are several limitations

that the author acknowledges. From these limitations, ideas for future research may be generated.

Omitted Variable Bias

A significant limitation of this study is the potential for omitted variables to threaten

internal validity. Individual motivation is not a directly observable variable and could have a

confounding effect on the analysis. A student, for instance, may be intrinsically motivated to both

select into concurrent enrollment courses and to attend college. Other unobserved variables that

could influence both selection into concurrent enrollment and the college outcomes under

investigation include parents’ education level, students’ relationship with college guidance

counselors, and peer effects. Additionally, concurrent enrollment is one program among many

intended to increase college-going rates. While the school-level fixed effects help isolate the impact

concurrent enrollment has on a student’s postsecondary outcomes, if multiple college readiness

programs are offered within the same high school in the same time period, it would be challenging

to disentangle the effects of the disparate programs. The presence of omitted variable bias means

that the effect sizes may be overestimated. The sensitivity analysis performed after the quasi-

experimental PSM estimations, however, lends credibility to the practical significance of the results

by indicating they are robust enough to withstand the presence of moderate and even high levels of

unobserved bias.

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Further, the final part of this study considered a categorical independent variable to assess

the effects of concurrent enrollment credit hour levels on college outcomes. The top two categories

of credit hour levels (6-12 hours and 12+ hours) may reflect more selection bias than the lower two

categories of credit hour levels (1-3 hours and 3-6 hours), because students taking a large number of

credit hours may be intrinsically motivated to pursue advanced educational opportunities, including

higher education. The lower two categories could provide a more accurate level of treatment

effects, and even in viewing those findings, one can see meaningful, positive effects on college

outcomes. The college matriculation outcome, in particular, is still substantively large even for those

students taking fewer credits. Even so, future research should continue to identify ways to better

control for selection bias. If there is ever an instance where a dual enrollment program is capped

and students become waitlisted, there could be an opportunity to conduct a natural experiment.

Concurrent Enrollment Instructors

Another area of exploration for future research that was a limitation of this current study is

how teacher-specific variables affect the research questions. It would be valuable to include, for

example, a measure that controls for the type of postsecondary degree teachers have within high

schools. If a high school wants to offer concurrent enrollment courses in their building with their

own instructors, teachers must hold a master’s degree in the content area of the course (e.g. a

master’s degree in math is required to teach any college-level math course). That level of granular

data is not available for this study, but researchers with access to such data could explore how the

credentialing of teachers within a high school corresponds with the adoption of concurrent

enrollment as well as the intensity of implementation.

In Colorado, finding high school teachers with the needed credentials to run a concurrent

enrollment course is a challenge for all schools—but especially for rural schools (Zinth, 2014a). In

2016, for example, Montezuma-Cortez High School stopped offering concurrent enrollment because

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they did not have a teacher available who had the necessary credentials. Another area for future

research is to follow trends in concurrent enrollment offerings at rural high schools to see if

program access declines due to barriers around teacher availability.

Course Characteristics

The dataset did not include information on whether the concurrent enrollment course was

taught at the high school, at a postsecondary campus, online or in a hybrid format. Taking a course

on campus could have more influence on postsecondary readiness than taking a course at the

student’s own school given the benefits of being in a physical college environment. Further, the

quality of concurrent enrollment courses could vary dependent on whether the course is taught by

high school teachers or by college faculty. If courses are taught by high school teachers, quality can

also be dependent upon the strength of the relationship between the high school and its partnering


Despite not having access to data on course characteristics, the findings are reassuring in

that there are positive outcomes occurring from the program. The majority of students participating

in dual enrollment—in Colorado and nationally—take courses at their high school (Borden, et al.,

2013). From this research and others, it is evident that taking courses on high school campuses

produces benefits (An, 2013; Giani et al., 2014, Taylor, 2015). In a qualitative investigation, Karp

(2012) found that despite not being physically located on a college campus, dual enrollment courses

still gave students the opportunity to assume the role of a college student, which helped them gain

a deeper knowledge of what would be expected of them in college courses. Nonetheless, the

existing state-level research studies have not explored course setting and instructor characteristics

due to limited data availability; researchers with access to such data should consider if there are

relationships between those variables and postsecondary outcomes. While positive benefits result,

on average, from concurrent enrollment participation, it would be worthwhile to see if there are

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varying effects from taking concurrent enrollment on a college campus as compared to at a high

school or online.

Policy Diffusion Pressures

Lastly, it is also important to note that during the time of the diffusion study (2010-2015),

the economy was recovering from the Great Recession of 2008. There is reason to believe that

economic factors influenced the diffusion of concurrent enrollment, particularly as community

colleges rely on the program for consistent revenue. Enrollments at community colleges peaked

during and immediately after the recession but have been declining nationwide since 2010 (Smith,

2016). Concurrent enrollment provides community colleges with reliable revenue, and that could

have factored into why the program diffused so quickly. While there were indicators included in the

study to account for the presence of nearby community colleges, as well as year fixed effects, there

was not a separate control for the larger economic forces that may have affected the rapidity with

which concurrent enrollment diffused.

Additionally, it could be beneficial to delve deeper into the emulative pressures that did or

did not influence high schools in their decisions to adopt the program. The indicator for regional

diffusion (number of high schools offering concurrent enrollment within a 5 mile radius) was not

statistically significant in the event history analysis model, but there could be a more appropriate

indicator to capture emulative pressures (for example, rival high schools based on sports

associations or school choice patterns). More recent literature on policy diffusion has found the

geographic focus of policy adoption to be an outdated concept (Shipan & Volden, 2012; Volden, Ting

& Carpernter, 2008). Policymakers and leaders can learn about innovative programs not just from

their geographic neighbors, but from others across the states—or, increasingly, across the world. A

recent publication of the best practices in education from other countries, for example, is making its

way across state legislatures; as a result, one can expect to see legislation enacted emulating

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educational practices from Finland, Singapore and other high performing countries (National

Conference of State Legislatures, 2016). Geographic patterns of the diffusion of concurrent

enrollment may not be as critical to investigate as other factors that influence policy learning, such

as informal personal networks or competitive pressures (Binz-Scharf, Lazer & Mergel, 2012; Shipan

& Volden, 2012).

Principals, for instance, may influence one another through informal personal networks. The

lack of a measure to account for school leadership was a limitation of this study, although school

fixed effects were used in an attempt to address it. It could be the case that entrepreneurial

principals are more likely to push for offering concurrent enrollment in their schools. Also, perhaps,

they are more likely to influence one another. An informal network could exist within and across

districts, and would support findings in the literature related to both policy entrepreneurs and

informal learning networks (Binz-Scharf, Lazer & Mergel, 2012; Mintrom, 1997).

Thus, the measure used herein for the diffusion of concurrent enrollment may not have

accurately captured the emulative pressures that existed. Considering the rapidity with which the

program spread, it stands to reason that there was some amount of external pressure high schools

felt to adopt the program for which the model did not directly account, whether that pressure was

from other high schools or from community colleges motivated, at least in part, by economic

factors. One indicator that did reveal differences in diffusion patterns was the urban-suburban

indicator. High schools in urban-suburban areas were far slower to adopt concurrent enrollment

than Denver Metro Area schools or rural schools. In Colorado, the urban-suburban designation

refers mostly to Colorado Springs and Greeley. An interesting idea for future research could be to

conduct a qualitative case study analysis of districts within those cities to understand why they were

slower to adopt, what eventually led to the program adoption, and how the concurrent enrollment

programs are faring now that they are in place there.

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As states continue to expand and promote college access and success programs, research

questions such as the ones presented in this section will be useful to practitioners and policy

makers. The empirical support for concurrent enrollment is growing, but states still have a long road

ahead of them to close achievement gaps. The research presented in this dissertation contributes to

advancing collective knowledge about how states can improve postsecondary outcomes for

students, particularly those who have been traditionally underserved, but future research can—and

should—build off of these findings to provide further guidance to researchers, policymakers and


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