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Oldest Mothers

Apr 09, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    World's Oddest MothersPublished on 11/23/2009 underStories - by Gracie Murano - 391,183 views

    Mother of Most Surviving Children From a Single

    Birth (8 babies)

    Known as the "Octomom" by the media, Nadya Denise Doud-Suleman Gutierrez came tointernational attention after she gave birth to octuplets in January 2009. Her set of octupletsare only the second to be born alive in the US and they quickly surpassed the previousworldwide survival rate for a complete set of octuplets set by the Chukwu octuplets in1998. Suleman, an unemployed single mother, already had other six young children athome at the time, and along with the octuplets, they were all conceived via in-vitrofertilization, which has led to a lot of controversy. (Link)
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    World's Youngest Mother (5 years old)

    Meet Lina Medina: she's the youngest confirmed mother in medical history, giving birth atthe age of five years, seven months and 21 days. Born in Ticrapo, Peru, Medina was

    brought to a hospital by her parents at the age of five years due to increasing abdominal

    size. She was originally thought to have had a tumor, but her doctors determined she wasin her seventh month of pregnancy. Dr. Gerardo Lozada took her to Lima, Peru, prior tothe surgery to have other specialists confirm that Medina was pregnant.

    A month and a half later, on May 14, 1939, she gave birth to a boy by a caesarean sectionnecessitated by her small pelvis. The surgery was performed by Dr. Lozada and Dr.Busalleu, with Dr. Colareta providing anaesthesia. Her case was reported in detail by Dr.Edmundo Escomel in the medical journal La Presse Mdicale, including the additionaldetails that her menarche had occurred at eight months of age (or 2 1/2 according to adifferent article) and that she had prominent breast development bythe age of four. By agefive, her figure displayed pelvic widening and advanced bone maturation. (Link)
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    World's Oldest First Time Mother (70 years old)

    After waiting more than 40 years for her first child, indian Rajo Devi Lohan gave birth inNovember 2008, at the age of 70. She plans to breastfeed her for at least three years... and,who knows, maybe she will. (Link)

    The Mother With the Most Births (69 kids)

    According to the Guinness Book of Records, history's most prolific mother was a peasantfrom Shuya, Russia, known only as "the wife of Feodor Vassilyev", who gave birth to noless than 69children in the 18th century, from 27 pregnancies. (Link)
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    World's First Male Mother

    The first "man" to become a mother, Thomas Beatie was born a woman. She had a surgeryand hormone treatment ten years ago and it's now living as a man in Oregon. The 34-year-old's wife, Nancy, was unable to conceive because of a prior hysterectomy, so Beatiedecided to had a baby himself, through artificial insemination using donor sperm andBeatie's own egg. (Link)

    World's Oldest Mother of Twins (70 years old)
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Absolutely determined to have a son, 70-year-old Omkari Panwar became the oldestmother of twins. Along with her her husband Charan Singh Panwar, 77, they paid for IVFtreatment --vital to producing a male heir to the family's smallholdings-- after selling their

    buffalos, mortgaging their land, spending their life savings and taking out a credit cardloan. The Panwars already had two adult daughters, and five grandchildren, but they justwanted a son... and got two. (Link 1 | Link 2)

    World's Most Prolific Surrogate Mother (12 babies)
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Surrogate mother Carole Horlock, 42, has delivered 12 babies in 13 years - includingtriplets, setting the world record for the most prolific surrogate mother. She told the ABC

    News program "20/20." : "When I first started being a surrogate I expected to do it once,"she said. "I hadn't looked past that. But I enjoyed it so much. Before I actually had given

    birth to the baby I wanted to do it again." Surrogates receive an average $25,000 to$30,000 for their services, "20/20" said. The downsides include in-vitro fertilization,morning sickness, bed rest, Caesarean sections and stretch marks.

    Horlock will make no demands on the parents of the triplets beyond requesting an annual

    letter and photograph to let her know how they are doing. But her surrogacy experienceshave not all been positive. Her father rarely speaks to her, distressed that she is effectivelygiving away his grandchildren. (Link)
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    World's Smallest Mother (2ft 4in)

    The world's smallest mother is about to give birth for the third time - despite warnings sheis risking her life.

    Stacey Herald, who is just 2ft 4in tall, was told that becoming pregnant could kill her, butbravely defied doctors to have two babies half her height. The 35-year-old from Dry Ridge,

    Kentucky in the U.S. suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which causes brittle bones andunderdeveloped lungs, and means she failed to grow. Mrs Herald, who uses a wheelchair,and her husband Will, who is 5ft 9in, are eagerly awaiting the birth of their third baby, duein the next four weeks.

    Currently as wide as she is tall, she cannot hold her daughter because her belly gets in theway, and has to rely on her husband to do most things around the house. She admits being

    pregnant is uncomfortable' and leaves her bedridden for weeks on end. By the time thenew addition, a boy, is one, he will already tower over his mother. But despite all theobstacles, the mother and father, a trainee priest, say they want even morechildren. Thecouple met in 2000 while working for a supermarket in their home town.

    Note: the photo pictured above features Cristianne Ray, world's second smallest mother.Ray stands at 2 feet 9 inches tall and gave birth to a healthy baby named Kyrsten Bowden.(Thanks, Megan). (Link 1|Link 2 | Photo)

    Mother of the World's Tinniest Baby
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Mahajabeen Sheikh gave birth to Rumaisa Rahman on September 19 2004 at LoyolaUniversity Medical Center. The baby weighed just 8.6 oz and was only 10 inches long andreplaced Madeline Mann, born in 1989, as the world's smallest baby. At 1.3 ounces smallerthan Madeline Mann, Rumaisa Rahman weighed less than a can of beer. She was born just25 weeks and six days into her mother's pregnancy.

    She had a twin, Hiba, who weighed 1 pound 4 ounces at birth. Rumaisa, who lives with herparents and twin sister, Hiba, in Hanover Park, weighed only 8.6 ounces at her birth butnow weighs a healthy 15 pounds, said officials at LoyolaUniversity Medical Center inMaywood. (Link 1|Link 2 | Link 3)

    Mother With the Longest Interval Between Kids (41years)
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Elizabeth Ann Buttle had two kids, Belinda and Joseph, which is nothing special in itself.Belinda Buttle was born on May 19, 1956 when Elizabeth Ann Buttle was 19. Theamazing part is the interval between the birth of Belinda and Joseph, it is the longestinterval between births ever.

    Joseph Buttle was born on November 20, 1997 when Elizabeth Ann Buttle was 60, aninterval of 41 years 185 days. If you're familiar with the song 'I am my own grandpa!',well, Joseph's sister was old enough to be his own grandma! (Link)

    10 of the World's Worst JobsPublished on 11/9/2009 underMisc - by Gracie Murano - 527,300 views

    Janitor at a Porno Theatre
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Janitor, in itself, is a pretty bad job. But, porno theater janitor is the worst job on the list.The main responsibility of the porno theater janitor is to take his mop and rag and wide upafter each show is finished. Unlike a traditional theater, it's safe to assume that stickysubstance under the chair is something other than Coca-Cola Classic! At least you get tosee all that porn for free and you'll probably be very popular among your male friends,although this is probably not a job you want to talk about with your mother, or your wifefor that matter. (Link)

    Guard at Buckingham Palace
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Guard duty at Buckingham Palace is regarded as one of the worst jobs in the British Army.Besides the fact that they have to stand for hours, no laughing allowed, they also have tolook their best. Soldiers spend several hours each day cleaning and pressing their uniforms

    and polishing their boots in preparation for one of the many kit inspections that they arelikely to face before taking up their positions outside one of the royal palaces. Any soldierwhose turn-out is less than immaculate is likely to face a variety of punishments, such asextra guard duty. (Link)

    Animal Masturbator
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Researchers who want animal sperm -to study fertility or for artificial insemination-have asuite of attractive options: They can ram an electric probe up an animal's rectum, shove anartificialvagina onto the animal's penis, or simply do it the old-fashioned way-manual stimulation.The first option, electroejaculation, uses a priapic rectal probe to send electricity pulsingthrough the animal's nether regions. "All the normal excitatory signals that stimulateejaculation, like touch, sight, sound and smell, can be replaced with the current from the

    probe," says Trish Berger, professor of animal science at the University of California,Davis. "It's fascinating. Of course, this is a woman talking." Electroejaculation generally

    requires anesthetizing the animal and is typically used on zoo dwellers. The other twomethods-the artificial vagina, or AV, and the good old hand-require that animals be trainedto the procedure. The AV-a large latex tube coated with warm lubricant -is used primarilyto get sperm from dairy bulls (considered the most ornery and dangerous of bovines). The

    bull gets randy with a steer; when he mounts the steer with his forelegs, a brave technician,AV in hand, insinuates himself between the two aroused beasts and deftly redirects the

    bull's penis into the mock genitalia, which he must then hold tight while the bull orgasms.(Talk about bull riding!) Three additional technicians attempt to ensure this (fool)hardysoul's safety by anchoring themselves to restraining ropes attached to a ring in the bull'snose. Alas, this isn't always absolutely effective: Everyone who's wielded an AV has had atleast one close call, and more than a few have been sent to the hospital. The much safer

    "digital pressure" is used mostly with pigs, who are trained from an early age to mount asmall bench while the researcher reaches around with a gloved hand and providesappropriate pleasure-er, pressure. (Link)

    Sewers Cleaner
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Ramesh Sahu works in the sanitation department of Calcutta, cleaning out the city'ssewers. On a regular basis, Rakesh sits in a low crouch at the bottom of a seven-foot-deepmanhole, sloshing away in a swirl of human waste and sediment. Equipped with a hoe anda steel bar, and wearing only a pair of loose purple underpants, Rakesh empties the thick

    black sludge from a clogged sewer into a bucket that his fellow crew members hoist up anddump in the middle of a narrow road. A small mountain of decaying excrementaccumulates between the manhole and a rickety wooden vegetable cart. Two co-workersreach down and yank Rakesh out by his sore, extended arms, his body splattered with

    putrid muck. At 27, with a wife, three young daughters and a monthly income of about$100, he has been a sewage worker for the Delhi Jal (Water) Board for the past 10 years.(Link)

    Brazilian Mosquito Researcher
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Scientists fighting malaria must study the biting habits of the mosquito that spreads it. InBrazil, that's the Anopheles Darlingi, which doesn't fall for the light or wind trapsresearchers use in Africa: this smart little sucker will come near scientists only when theyoffer themselves as bait. In the early evening, when mosquito activity is busiest, amosquito dinner- researcher finds a nice buggy area and sets himself up inside a mosquito-netting tent with a gap at the bottom. Mosquitoes fly in low and get trapped inside, wherethe researcher sits stoically, sacrificing his skin to science. He needs focus only on his legsto keep him busy: whenever a mosquito chooses a drumstick dinner, the researcher drawsit into a mouth tube and then expels it into a container. Veteran researcher Helge Zielerused to put himself on the menu twice a week. On his best evening, he caught 500

    Anopheles in 3 hours. Meanwhile, of course, the skeeters feasted on his entire corpus-agrand total of about 3,000 bites, or an average of 17 per minute for 180 minutes on end."It's not so bad," he says, explaining that his personal response to mosquito bites is animmediate itch that goes away naturally in a few minutes. Except when his response is tocontract malaria. Despite taking prophylactic chloroquine, Zieler developed a case thattook him two years to shake. (Link)

    Portable Toilet Cleaner
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    This job is a sort of combination of garbage collector and gastroenterologist, and arguablymore disgusting than both put together. Although most people in polite societymethodically avoid situations where they need to use a portable toilet, modern outhousescan be lifesavers. As gross as they can be, they'd be worse without the folks who cleanthem for a living. Using a tank and a vacuum wand, cleaners must suck up all the waste ina portable toilet. After picking up any stray toilet paper, they also wash down all surfacesthat could possibly be soiled, including the walls. This is when a high-pressure hose comesin handy. Usually, cleaning one portable toilet takes only a few minutes, and most workers

    clean from 10 to 60 of them a day. But it's not always that easy: Portable toilets that tipover require more damage control. Nevertheless, some cleaners grin and bear it -- and takehome $50,000 a year. (Link)

    Flatus Odor Judge
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Odor judges are common in the research labs of mouthwash companies, where thehalitosis-inflicted blow great gusts of breath in their faces to test product efficacy. But

    Minneapolis gastroenterologist Michael Levitt recently took the job to another level-or,rather, to the other end. Levitt paid two brave souls to indulge repeatedly in the odors ofother people's farts. (Levitt refuses to divulge the remuneration, but it would seem safe tocharacterize it thusly: Not enough.) Sixteen healthy subjects volunteered to eat pinto beansand insert small plastic collection tubes into their anuses (worst-job runners-up, to be sure).After each "episode of flatulence," Levitt syringed the gas into a discrete container,rigorously maintaining fart integrity. The odor judges then sat down with at least 100samples, opened the caps one at a time, and inhaled robustly. As their faces writhed inagony, they rated just how noxious the smell was. The samples were also chemicallyanalyzed, and-eureka!-Levitt determined definitively the most malodorous component ofthe human flatus: hydrogen sulfide. (Link)

    Cat Food Quality Controller
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    British man Jon Hanson had what he describes as the worst job in his entire life: qualitycontrol on cat food. His task involved several test as he describes. Test 1: Bury face in ahuge tub of it and sniff it to make sure it's fresh. Test 2: Plunge arms in it up to the elbowsand grope for bony bits and take them out. Test 3: Scoop up huge dollop of it, smear it flaton surface and prod it with fingers to test how much gristle is there. Uggghh! (Link)

    Roadkill Remover

    Pretty self-explanatory. Roadkill collectors not only have the job of peeling the remains ofdead creatures in decay off the road in various states, they also get to do it while bravingoncoming traffic. (Link)

    Monkeys Chaser at a Safari
  • 8/8/2019 Oldest Mothers


    Marin from Canada was hired to work in a safari zoo. He had to be caged-in in a car anddrive around from one reserve to the next. Monkeys always climb on top of the car andusually enjoy a free ride for a while. At the exit of the monkey reserve is a zoo workerequipped with a stick. His duty is to prevent monkeys from leaving the reserve on a car.Imagine chasing monkeys in the glowing sun for eight hours. (Link)