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•^•idCcwnq cf.'oHa^ettfrwa sited* <*• .3.] *J* Ja-ayeay ot • dayi So**- 1 •fat- IIJR 1 jaJSSti.' BUM a* (• bcastoati. : carats 5%e or ••1 wstj-sevea ^taVtBo* lowMr. as* of Snt»a I aad _ <*• ;tots*?:acaoi jr>r» t>r Its*, 'i _ GKOVE2-C . I , \«j. L, «. sxn O 0. Qyt^i.%. Py«AtTy. •SKA I ««iJ5g » petal _ «*• Of CUX)to« feat BactBetfy aa«l«i ao*4wr 7 ICE I* _ r made by " ,i»>ewix4s **<K*a« Cowpaaj ;<i«iiu.j. «rnft£Mt sader irx, Xkw+ <9T :i* SH)» of New latitiM, -As act as aaflsortaa • wttaM * r M*aa»ftarSat;._^ ' dwiatcai," VEXt «ta»s> •rtrtaatt raav I oz*. to wt s Jot tornados of i Hidtaa: OMBIMg COCXty 4 la »hJca r •r> lie ti*t«i»i Teiw >f t Stasec-r Nek YarS;. to b«! He etty ol Sjacas*,; th* J t - i t i e « i a j c l JadfcacWJW*. - tie Ctaurt on itat e»y, « • a* »oca cf-aabe* c u >; iieatd.swa: eedteac- »SdiSiacarpora:e4 Company > Kiuii! a*aii*of,"iS«jaia|too sewts Jtatatw i8Jo«iiwS3 ba »adfc a w t w a * j ctxapntr 3S*.joi UMHM i t i * j i > ( ; act '.> t£:ai^ta cerpe uteaa to 'ta!» saawai" "«—— ••*•*•= **i .No« SUkJiWl. _l . Pres&Kfkt of saw iadbsyojattd < t njiterr. ca^jcaos. Attorney, imao, N. i. crlecaUq Qjat Colorado las- already lafak irrigating < sat to fit to aapplj morej land tfcaa at present cpo^oseioly- be .watered tho'. rial' need even beiag not moMt caa lis bo i Tito whole afiairor: j the part oi t to) iTidcntij brig?: tatea i o aia t > « rre personal:« a d p Iftical S: of Cn* anion- isy lead) to practical results in re- fcnn of W ^ * § H ~ - " T ^ f c ? **•,*•* oi cc3ff«8» aad the administration I ic opts! 90 and the ndandal prea. k mes art farorable to the reform; i ena SO rer be more coosyicaons n* . bctcorrcpt Intentions] and sordid g. cta .b. (re-earned eoagrese jto doable !!> o f t exp mass ia fire years, in the face or. this »oat redaction that aa« taken place in ft*W.. FSw jeers ago'.jrtey r- 8^«0J»,iii;j kbja.yeiir they axe : p,»l, The expetuL of tba 3 svernment itaelf iocreas- td jet «or« lar^l r tiace I8«5,i»bett tbey rsre JJ^«U,358.' Last year «bey were ; 75,791,1^| : The jrnhnf party hjas.«ooe on aifl the n e ^ e n far'to > heavy &* ty* people :»'baaratidVJrita all - the high taxation, the t *7«Btsea i tni 1 oaafQcb at. ; If tbej expaaditarea 1 re coatmuie 1 on! U m same scale as those of ] ut year, the;' wtB&R eed the Income by about ; tu,0OO,(X 0-1 Under t n a t o r e r form or anew cMttcixaiONior J O E tii i abstras tion of money from the pbezetaof; t&s people 1 >y those who are troated 1 ith the punt -atriogs is no Ieaa> criminal than t te fraodsl by 5 e a « would be if multiplied. u> t]i» stand art J of the' congreaaiioal malfi lace*. ,1 j The resifa^on olfered by Mr. tmUard calla f x * report' ttom.the- commltttje of a r i l ser- T c* rcfona 4s to the practieabUity^of redne* i: i th© aum4< r of offloials and cu tSng dowa t; * aalariA: 6.' those who should be retained. I: is slsojjso: ax a step towards reform in the e: :travag«dp 11 icomea ' derived In j some ia- 3: aces from & », in that itasSra theeomaittee :• report 00 tS e expediency of providing that •:•• xpen3ati|>Q I or public aerriea* shall i s ail aae* be i»! form o{ a fixed salary. Mr. UiUard, 03 ra, iQai occasloa% has prpred ainf- s- \i an earaeil and disintereaUd actirocata of ;i .-il terviitei i aform, and has now chosen his o; poriunity aa Weil that the house! felt con- -sined u> pas i.bia resoiotioa promptly. Up to the as » ofMr. Willard'si motion d r D IT rvice re&rh had; been effectually sbalved b;' th« repubik an party; in sprtejof ia iat^r- :: i, professjoii in the platform on which the p £ty r«-«lecte 1 Grant, who baa) nerer heal. to bzea c !ta rules whenever be could iot« the 1 iteresU of his family or friends doing 3d. ^1* retained bis broiber-ia-law ey aa c*U* :tor :a ^ew Orleans, created a Mr. Kewmanv naator I, and sent him on a .;<J •::.'._.• •• ;• --7; Ala recent publifc meeling In tie' Victoria PJaTilion, teamipipon, EtelanwUMe. Joseph A rdL pmideni of he Ni d » « ijgricultnral £ akeWa UnBii «>f that. < onBtrj > t*T? ^a «c- c mat of bis inrestigatioi a on t hl» continent 0 t t ehair of those whos 9 inte rejts. he bad b ten sent by the sin ton to advan isj He made »1; a cation of *h(M mighihave bteoidone in ai >y ] art of the*Tinl isd St itte, ai .djia^not Con- di teti tg'Ms reseaich JS int > the * estern states no doubt mad«''a;*Pf«at mmtaJ ia>|.\p»w,; we tt ink. caa be found who, after«taipioiog the rt !h 1 rairielaad it he wi »V so < aABybrougbt in M c olUvatioa by plooj bins;, 1 roiild recom" m md farming labo -are I rom I iarbpe to mi- gi ito Into the wood: of C aada t adjcacoaater tk » long labor of id« aring tiama nad^the'.per-' p< tual hardshipf of 1 he se «re wi aitir |in thoee. regions to whlca tiwjmea are iajriijed by-tbe govar iment of thai I omin ion. " fthe compariio 1 made .by MrJArchbe- tne conditio is. ol the' 'agricaltunl rem ia Eaglaad 1 ad U e independent free-. g faxmers- whose rsnks they baay join la I Cat ladastruck bis mind se fonably that ke ulusfled without looking for any better' _ for tbosev 1 ho iant biifa.] 'Be hid y pressing iwritai Ions to jgo tojthe statea,.. aa Eaglishina u wejat first to the land »bere the British Sag w a * a f TJiere he was 1 mined iately presented w i b a fref pass over 31tS- menthaa respondedi to the demand for Bttftt' cient -appropriations to remoTe this obstacle to cheaper oranspertation, which lies iadia- : patably with in" the;,: scope ct federal action, congress cannot consistently or for a moment listen to app »als on}: behalf of improvements of alocal or kate cttaractor. Mr. Bass* pro- positioB, if j vigorously followed up, should serve aa an 'jeffeetuk stopper to the whole brood of projects looking to' 'the bestowal of national aid;upon'Works properly belonging to individual statea! f. : . • '( THE AJaEaici J •••.::, ..i^RYATIOl A call bss| been trade land chamber CHEAP XBANS- ASS0C1ATI05. ed to the boards of of commerce, and to the governors., of the states, as well as lo the granges, farmers' clubs, agricultural sc cieties, industrial and werkbg men's unions, and all merchants' and maimfactare^ers'associations, inviting theae bodies to send delegates to a •onventionto be held in Washington, D. G., on iheHibof January; next and following da^s. The obfect oil: the mee ting is partly explained j by the title of the organisation issuing the call, 1 viz; "The j,American Cheap Transportation Association,? and the following is a synopsis of the business proposed to be transacted: On the:first -day aa [ opening address by the Hon. Josiab Qoiiacy of Boston, Mass.; the president of khe.Bociety, and the appointment of committers, on .[water routes, railroads, credentials and finances; oa the second day an address by j Governor James M. Saitb. of Georgia,and! anotheKby William M. Bar well of New Orleans—tljle latter's subject being "The value of the Mississippi route," to be foUowed, by JM. D. JBTilbur ^TOESIB^ niStloawill be rejected by the senate if a vote iaiiiaken.L He add^d that he hopes, and .has relson" lo| expect, (Jhat the president will with '' iw'.thejnomination of WiiKams immediately on the reconvening of the. senate 'after the 'iday recess. ' ,j-rTbe' 3incinnat^ Commercial should have ien brought on the stand before the senate bfirmed u B o s s "^Shepherd. Tho following ~ its columns is|calculated to attract atten- eveni la these pays of universal scandal corruption: | 1 > Seaator CoakllBgir any other senator wants to atsonwtbJDKdlitrfanOexpUclraboot the wayiln Baas SbiptertLi managea taioga let Mat salt If ne; has jahU popseasloa a letter of the Waah- 1 Beta,te which so (the Bow) offen to aecort a ;Oa^UigconOtact to e«1iUaparttw. at exorbitant rates. infeostfidoa thai;the ponses wouldoltMe the plnsder hlmaeiraod otherjl therein named. If Grant bad Uea aljabnntmctt a letter when ho lentla Shtp- berU'a nama to the senate tor coodtmatlon aa gover- aorjof the putflct of Colombia, he iwlltdoobtleas bo to recall It. aod lay haada open U alter it L» ghttohla wind. ' speakers from ' the eastern day will be devoted jto railroads, with ad- Ca utdiaa railroad 1 and*partook of the hbs- liti as of the govjan or, Who seemett to Arch ht neat a man] wi eh v>ews as: simple aad uine, as he had eve r conversed with i& his . llflL* The goveranWj i ol| Canada,'both pro-; .tore embodyi|og the ^fews of the convention 4?sklli; COCBX-Ssa=i*a.. J a<a:3j«; <.cw%'|> V>. ~tcan>»ic<t«4a«*»v v'.affljp ec:fcrc<«r' p»njf XitnaJea:, OS4Coe;'niS«we, cist of BaSuo'.i a: tea o> *:oci iai I in fit: :- <.««v» of t a s c \ XtfrV b«it£ jar , 0&pfl2&z *i> a Baa; j ^ i a.« ftC^w* Catts^ak (.teei : CMTCt 1ft U » | »b<K» 1 '&*7 H t>e«faiOer, W » | ] [oae v«ct5s«. u UM- Iwaii r: i «a '•^s#i»liit5on a fen.too *"Ci Jdaj "f •' !bnaooo,hh« JoCovrtxiti i« asioas: i3e nyaa naiij 1 pared cf 'oaA *V, o o n t ^ n-t K.*W aaa * :«tr>!!ab«t tiinva. ia p- satabrt eietvo atti .: «r.r»r/ sKlda bj Jot ftCawi uuwii Compiny. 4— '.r.«;a:a;i&!nt'Uith«( ^tatetUM o& :J< <aw«]:ln«-of mU MimatbeS •--.'r'tei; :s«sce airUMTi'v «« n k e«M o a * KJ&« aoailt ? b C special ofSrje f« r the ofi:becburth'l|e pleasant too r, t roand tie world, and tbroogh alJerasbasrarjouragedthe levyiagofpoliti- aeaessatent 1 from Uie salaries.ot miner eav plbyea, un««r ;be penalty of removal, in >'»w . Ypri, Baltimore- and St. Louis. By "another* t indicating his contempt both for thCletter olj the wfotm' aod tbewpirit of the roles, he drpve Geoijge Ta:iam Curtis from bis position Sal jibe civilj«v?r ?Ice ooannisaion.^^ ; •{/•'. ." &ly soma pf culiir maasgemeat the house :•; aa[;:««p t ie rsforfi was transformed into a (tandlngptemittoe, ihns giving Blaine the .; porinntty 4f arxangittg St as might be mos't in acccrdimle wiiih the views "of the corrup- ;ii niats. iwt id of placing at the head of the opaittee Mr- Willardj who has been its moat tcijreiroperatteat ; Mr. Arch repo: than hi! had done wae onired ?11 la of Bra era wko 520 a month and; acre of land rent tMketpnf a cow. table in hia life, I saw plenty o£ of beef inworkln •erjooily, thai jsvety loving fathe him more, than 'to; and cu[ the food lo paring Bngtahd na 1 delighted with the with the riatea of w I . The tearches of il and of the D >ml lion, pledged tbem- to facilitate the mi] ration otTtbe farm to that iriantr; r a id that s jcb mem- 0! the union as mi prat id there should rih a.':iad »re.. ;'|;r| ti at or no harder work Ha jla id for S* a week be aasda. He found plenty 1 illlng to give laboreru wl ib a cottage and', an tog Jther withj feed aid T ice r, from the stand- point of Mr. Arch knd those for whom he is agent, are p'racticaUy a ealkh.' He! bad never been able to buy a leg < f mattoa fori his own dresses; by; Hon.. V | C.;Flagg, of Illinois, .Stephen K. JMoore|.o! Kankakee, Ills., and others, and the last day's session to the adop- tion of a form of petition and memorial to be presented to congress and each state logicia- ns to the beat way plisbment of cheap >t promoting the accom- srtaUon. v hejs»ys,; u ittCana4a pie ity of great lumps en'»h< loses ;• andjl do say, .. we»tai« staeaoem iaad BOW ' >e I somh«th oa t&*< oc l i e u ysi pti ta* mil xatd to toe aboot il acrta. a okot totiaambi* t-ar*ive; 1 iin* (,f let a a m » r ewotre »«pedb3JJaiBes|jC"iarlt: tt : '.toe of land aowjor b«».lo.'< i aal W;.';iun Kir&hie to Use :' roari. toaoce aiea f toe ce 1 p Joc« of ftesrtoalax. oostal_ or Uae^ betas tbfVaaie >«m*e» deacrfbea..* da^ed Snv. *. :a». by J&sepbfcaiy«ateTa 4 **a Carpe&acr. exacikonv of -toirem Ciupeaai ,-< u>^obat.t«wlii.r<!eorded W KrtoCocmf Ctatka sc* in LA« ;2q:oni«<t». p«fee> 7,ea*eprlat «ean toireof » WM lifuarwart. (it«J««! by ai if Wta JU Lews* otf toe «ftt pars' toereof to Hai*e3 ai d?»eaat. A^>os<<Mb«rrleeeorpaicelijf land det l«c tolKa- bc*l ftw by Jo to-U lewto. komurt. ta 0»Ufl coraer of toawi Maitiiacrtbei , of pand joiatne he said i-re?j» oa 0, . s i s ? on a 3ae 9 krallet to sai4 ?rev '* ' of i;(asa»r«r 2 »4d deeded_ V fasts* and daroane yes: flaQS: I abviira; !, __ i aaOTKBqtSTaXA3 wli„ Q. ?itti-a, * T taoi. fbTs^p?*^ oit torK^Jor _ _ iUuri j t a jtbaa^C aiaxntjff,, aya&Wt, uid ocbexs, daft boa^t*- • I •_. Jriy y^-^oza ot •^ods sa «*t ta tfc« aSo«e« esterwi |>a tia : fttb *••"• •»* "J~— •— ' p<ii»e ibrsujr at ] iobfi Ojert Uoase.'; rood Ics^r of JBtu>tojtM».| r tea o'efytit to : She 1. { prerolAef. or soaoeb: j itfa toe aaaoaatrinajgpoo 1 } eitoate la toe |eltj of Be j Exfaaaaesjclse alt t. pot&t to ib \ ^EaaTiaiT an irae» ca«? a ' i«er*ft-*adaedarito:U«>r«ti>I eaacaiostc toaitoroaUaa off % m t ; taaaataefta « r 5«t; totace w4K at rtstbt *«to at rizat snjMa « • ' ilia ot a»a Senaea it-j«tf r U i j o . a j that(Otoer piece . 'Btr^aloatoreila^jbooAdadandOeacrMrJiai toitowa: 0»btoeK23o«X'a<«Eaaaae'» sup. com —a tagat^a . p«to* to toe # r M na« of too fteaeea via W *pf* wtaowma. aaa^GM of i n d 1 h«retofOJB « Ksbea it. HeaaocUito Joaepti Saamaktrt S ipteaajbat*. M « , faeoeasa to-JCil* eon qt « *, toBbar t0§ at^aga eajBaetoaaer I*,? AsO Jedgmeat[ >.tnto«a»arj north line thaeastbae S ftef twtaa .aorta it I- ij'i If Hi ef nea; and *a raest member, he([awarded that jXf^foo to| K illogjc of Connecticut, who la «sciUy aafen K! to be uncompromisingly op- u red to the ?e annfe. He also appointed on it & a. F* 2iu:if r, who by aaturej and life-loog :•« .-v-rsion J>S b is abilities may be relied upon :gB opponest of the measure the oa!*n*ib>y intenjded to pro- opeaiy denounced it as a bum. tie recent campaign jin Massaehu- .»;*w toe prjpsii lent,: with toe co-operation of Butler, retoov id and appointed the federal of- fliers to prjmt te hia interests. [The stepjbo r taken by Mr. Willard- is not eKaeuv in ilbe lirection of wh^t has beea com- : si^nly iaq>: as the reform .of the ciril trvicc Mat ^tci* the system on the ground 0: its exrrairai aace and the needless multh :i da of its em tkafa, rather thaU on the prin- c i ^ e t b a t isoi.or aad preferment should be ;'. ven to thee ortbiest aad that toe dietribu. :i tn of tb«:pu wrdlaate offices of the govern- x ent as mere rewards for party electioneering •i fatally lie aoraiiziag.. Bat beneficial re- ''.. rms, like the virtues, are inevitably linked v:t^toer, aid f Mr. Willard can succeed ia ' ?. during lalge salaries and 'the needless num- ' b'! ai ihox* * ho receive them, hje will be in a 3 ore hopeful position for making efficiency a .ti fkleiitytj i i t recognized qualificationa for ? ibiic «rvaa'. 1 in the employ of the govern- afssi snd'pfep ape for those in tcjegress.; T2w m E iited a [vising i ie nationll AS D 1 tta»GA rxos COLOBIOO. or ot the people throughout the will not thank the president for message to congress that their iball be farther overpowered In vie national h nato by giving Colorado, with a jfcpulitioc|aiot much more than half as nu- 3 *rous astiis t of too city of Buffalo, as large : Vepreseuj^t on as that of the whole state of : ew Yorkt C olorado baa some forty thousand ; bibitaato'Ie n than the number required for 1 coogresslon d district. But these cbnsidert- 1 one seemfd iriSiag to (be president Incom- 1 arlaoa wljt* tba prospect of admitting, as a 1 rate a tsjr wry whose scanty population 1 roald, tbaou ;b their few leaders, be easily rba by thf |d sfribution-of potiiical patronage ad the 1 ^ranta of aore to thf 3-s Sri ditare of the people's money or land, and thus contribute two sizbaerrieat republican majority ia a >u»e of the national lejrtslature. Ia his *nt ne farther to early oat, these in- «tion*, t:d by /. Irrigax^o, the! ambition audi glory of s i sal t, no thind deiights sit an mnd bis enrn table: bis ow it family." f I n eom- C tna la he was as much* pr ce of p rot isions as in the latter country. Arc 1 were lim ted with Rediscovery that •irhai' « Old England re- fuses ber farm laborers.. C anada off« ra them [on; the jother side-" j Tl e | overnmen ; of the (Dominion met bi'm pit! gr *tf prompt tude and liberality It has, he s tys promised that It Fswili build cottages or '* sht atiee,'* co nfortable •and large eaoughi. tcj pet mi' the obsei vance of Itbe proper decencies of Iif« —a point < a which,' 1 iby wajiof contrast !»itl ftle- snrroun linga »r the agricultural iabo*r of England, Mr. Arch dWells long; arid'w am ily; "The«migrants will find their babifatic as -eady on tl teir arri- val* wi th five or six a tret cleared ai td ready for a crop and tijeseed to >lantit--al free j of charge Beside* this £ eld each ol U*m will have a clear deep of a but dred acre: ol land, and the governnieat agroe1 to provid s against every contingency jo! v. ant by taking up every day an«l hour of j the ap are time of, ti e settlers and paying tbera at th s ra te ot a doi lar and a quartetf a day lor work ing on the co onlzatlpn roads. 1 These certain! < ai s liberal a »d' attrac- tive terms, and well f ort S the att tntion of men of influence* w|ho: aav be deslro- is of aj^ tractiag popalattons to ' states. preauvB Genet This call Is: accompanied by a lengthy docu- ment ;. seUjng forth ! certain complaints against the management of some of the rail- roads, together withj suggestions of measures that may tend to relieve the people from undue exactions aad facilitate transportation between the different statea!; | It ia proposed to ask congren to consider jthe expediency ot estab- taoling national railroads or canals for the purpose of carrying freight between distant states and the seabottrd, ortorequire existing roads to draw cart nor Individuals or com* panlee-at oxea ratesl Athorongh investiga- tion is asked I n 'regatdjjto special contracts by railroad companiea for the transportation of • 4: d that in the month ot elegates from several k to consider the sub- tion, and tais organlxa- ir deliberations. passengers and frelg • It will be rismet month of May last: states met ini New jeSiPt)! cheap transpo tion is the result of AT.., TUB cocniTr -POOK- iaj oeu« asrf of out western TELE ESCiaJP. S O F G E X E r. A lame and impotent conclusion .10'the im- trial and «avi:tioa of Elenry W. is the easy; esc ipe of the ras rai yester-. day morning. jTae ! hiag^was undoubtedly * pat up" between' thi pr soner and the depu- tysheiilf, and conlii »> beenu eretrans- 'contrived'- .'•'' 'X: s to be 1 oped that Daniels (will' '• wli. the Lati er to. the account tor hi 1 is fidelity,, f >r which, question, be w ill c e bandsoc iely- paid. parentljv Jifdge strict :beyom But slip; here tho. is ino'res »on 1 president recommends national land-grants to a vast system to extend from the Kicky moun- vyeta aa is Oaans O.FA8CO SkesmEi 'i T^ad 3 *'' jtixxrvadtaaasoF ;, r'* Patent Bolt I*$ Parallel Latins* Sangei$»Pa! sssi to es H las to th ^ ] lissonri river. In .Colorado the aovemeat Is already In the bands of a gang; { operators and is well known as covering adtoer iMOgraSi;. On the jnfonsie merits ot the ease, the presi-; |deat baa s tads as broad a blander as- he did; fwhea be li isjsted oa the right' of oar citjxenn toflotWtq drvessels from the great lake* to the swa, fi cfertSag tie falls of Kiagara aad Uto rapids of j tl|e St-iawrence. ' It woofi be im- posaibie i > collect enough water to carry oat his plan. I it is proposed to take the water out of the PIJ X 0 above Denver. To include the other riven i a t i e territory would not maieri ally altetj 4 te calculation. Bat the area of laecfcantih it f* proposed to water is ini- meaa'ely', Weater than that from which the Platte d«irve» its. supplies, aad the fetter, region Is p •overblally ari J. The: wbole plain, originate* tad, with the exception of the presi- dent, ha*it* supporters in Denver—a place near the? foot ;pf the mouataina and the of'which would have the. benefit of the water wb2e the lower country would be left dry in those seasons of the year when the water wtat d be; tuefai. ".".".' .' f Tbe De: ver ring which bad the assoranee *~ »««jett the wtOrk,"»"repreeented la Wash-, » congressional'delegate who It 03 i itiaisey with the president, and, be- a share in tbo profits of Irri- c«natry around Denver, would like of the senators Grant saMtanfiaByf to create. " *!,. , • il- ; •ai C * * ! eiwr * wbo » « »ade * special study df the irrigation of tbe region ia qu^a- itoo ana: todiexperience ia constructing irri- gating jei ma!*,' writes from Colorado to 'the that to irrigate a region from, tbe because (Jeaet has noose of ths; law,_ tiat justice I sbouldtnalt in her oa«rsrd careeri .1 tor should her righteous visftatiias be eonflied to tbe- city oflNew Yoitk whl e ti e broadfi«Id of n'a- j tional knavery and: co rru| 'tion is rip s for har- vest, bn thissnbiectthe Saw York Herald baa a lew discreet rem srki which we earnestly comme nd to tbe a'.ten ion of those concerned. "Now that sp muA has beeti gained »*;la ;he ,metropolis " ;ltj obserres; •; the " time is ','prbpitio a for tbi - pnnisi- "men of natiojiaV tiievi«.' Tbe legislation "of c >ngress uuring; the last few rear*, has " beet; the aoulce of gre»t briberj obd'eor- "mpiion. Tlje C.rt dii< MoVilier rxpospres, ** whit b are only a sa npl» of the cri mes of tbe " pub ic men at Wast log on, shows i a condi- " tioa of affairs ai bad ia every wa r as at AI- «• baa; and in tWcItJ gt vernment There is " ao r lason wby Twi ed had Geoet should be "pani toed and! DaWisatd Kelley and Gar- •*field and Patijenon' anc the rest g0 unwhipt ot ji stice. If we t bb to purity our public republican as well as Party Gats must not << offlc » we must paq sb " dem Dcratic eyildoe;»'. " be a Uowed to inter! sre with/ ibei Mr. iabment nalswho treasury vernment to settle Cjbtf ;:.":aig An unpleasant report is current to the effect that. Mr. : ' Loeberfcki the' recently appointed keeper of thai Erie county poor-house, has de- cided to remove Mr; Horace Wesson, the present keeper of the. department of the insane ot that institution.; tfijlr. Loeberick has de- cided upon, or serioial/contemplates such re- DSOVSO, we sincerely t'hppe that he may be dis- auadedfrom[ so deplorable, an- exercise of his official power. Twenty years of almost unin terrupud experience in the place now occupi- ed by him have added J o the -peculiar natural qualifications of Mr. hfnsson i for the position of guardian of-Insane peoplei and during the period of bis: administ ration his discharge, ol the difficult and deliija ie duties devolving upon him baa been so ensz sly satisfactory to every body asto'practicalfiy exempt the department ia-his charge from-toef changes incident .to the poliiijcs. Dr. Ordronnaux, stale on the occasion of hit on to the department in emphatically confirmed Letch worth, of the ataAc ie efi^.that .V-iae.- fe- rn would be a public expression. In no vrtsi entimentofevery persoa iar with!; the condition bl illation. I It is a positioi ay'othej:--:-;in''.the;:.county vicissitudes of our Tbe : statement commissionepr in recent visit of i Mr. Wasaoni-chi as it has been by board cf charities, Ji moval of Mr.' Wi calamitv." is but - - I - exaggerated], of th many degree f affairs at. that ' which, more than should be absolutely independent of eonsidera tions of partisansbipj Or locality,,and Mr. Lo'e berick will tjeserveiijid incur serious reproba tion if he j permiti jjthoee c'onaideratioos t< weigh against MW Wapon's retention. Bl^nVDEB. koayictlon ot Genet th :rsts are try ins to make up lit cats tsem aosatwbat turel. - oftoett;;leaCent'conrlctect cf tally over toe mortify lug COB 1 had tilecUii at Jit U ierxc i; 1 ST CI Eeferriagi to the CoWwiercia^saya t Tbe TarostonyG> toeiratoa l a time past. to bate oca after aaoffii fraud. Ttey taoarn ea: •rtCUia of one.kaeat " ike ttau ttpiilature. This is ..the eecotjdl Ume' 'our neighbor ha 1 fallen into tMs stupid blander. The varies ; tyro in New York politics knows that Gene i has been for years past one: of the most con spicuons of Tammaay'tenemies. Last fall b i ran for the assembly |n the twenty-first diitric t as candidato of thof. Apollo kail and customf house oombiinatioriji^bomai Crary being to» Ooracy iimd liberai repnl ibaviog been one ol u th > net has been a politict I ofV particular friea 1 don,-for we remembtr t to be disrespectful—tt11 03 Mnrpby. candidate of the d Ilcaas.. So far fri pals of Tweed," partner of the \d Tom—we beg its how it begged^ts n Is to'say—ifis. e, * of crime. There a e.pfowerSj! cri " stao il tc-d»y {on tb > t D o k y o f (hi '* dep tr(meat as defs alt -r^fo the "who have not erven bcea requ " the! r accounts beci a « of their influence in **the party. JSener d Howard, as the^head "of the freedmaas bureau, was known "for a loogj timt to> have J mlsappro- "prlated the] pubic' money, ajad yet no " effo rt was made to convict and pnnlab him. " Tb 1 exposure of G eneral Balloc* a year ago. " w* lo itself Howi rd'aexposarel and it was ''as nucb tbe duty of the secretary of war at •««tbi t time ai now o ask congreis to provide " for hia punishmen . The case 0: Stokes, the "Te tnesaee polltici mcharged w th commit- "tin % bounty fraud«,ha» not been disposed of, " or baa been so managed that he criminal "eetaped. The Washington rln£ as well as '*• tb 1 New York ring afford fit sub sets for trial "an 1 punishment. ! We desire to supplement ou r joy over toe cjonviction oi C enet by the "co iviction; of other criminals hi lding higher. " st ttion than he, and we urge t pon the^, re* " pt blican party tb 1 duty of seel ig thai all it* "d«9-elict leaders iar» punished." \f e cordially sea adj the call < f the Herald for he conviction and punishrceut ot'a few strs ight repablican thieves: T. te country is fait of them4 '._•• r ' taTrxi UESTEB.n At several place: in Westero' New tions have bees fo dyr YOBS GBanGEs. ; CEO, w. Tifrri soss Co 1*01 Waftfetatrrtm,. eisel t 'T. ' r' mrrAS&.x.'z. laere' T O £ ST; CLAUkfUtlPBO-fEAENT. The Cbm-tcrtfo^ of Saturday gave to Hon. Mr. Sessions the credit of introducing in the boose of representatives a resolution looking to ahs deepening of St Clair rly ri. The meas- ure was really brought forward by Mr. Base, tbe representative of this dis trie t, who on the 18t t ins*, askeo ooanimous consent to submit and have adopted tbe following:! Boeky ttfantalaaOnly to toe 100th marMtiia, \ ^tSilff 5awt^ :aa!eadj.;i! f going to the Missouri as recom* " steaded' by--toft president, would require a canal iip 30 feet wide and ten reet deep, Bow- ing at & > ratoof three miles aa hour. This* would^rt scb aJ»at 2,000,000 acres, while the plan fitwt w d by the president contemplates toe irrigate t of sot less than 5,000,000 acres. Mr. M ekerfind*that if the canal were andi some! wortl taat^ acre,J *Sto| a long.' stretch of farms, ranci extending along the Platte of miles would be A^to»t«ot toemeaaure ^;cnaW.irai«^':f«r';^^' -'tsatoeactual eost would be ^4 •™FTT- In this and other countU 9 rk preliminary organize * d in sympathy with tt B " grange » movement, but a* yet, owing to t l e inability of the proper officials to be presen : for the purpose, no.granges have been forma - ly consulted. Wejlearn, however, that M r. George Sprague ol Lockport, toe secretary it the New York sttte grange, will be in th a county about the^tb of next month and, w U then complete the!organization of granges tt Aurora, East Hamburgh and Angola.! fro n: Erie county he w£l go into Chautauqua to < ft tabllsh simia ar assiociatfons at Jamestown ai d other placjes. The; farmers of western N< w York seem to be thoroughly awake asto11«! desirability of association. , POJLXT1CAJU JtfOTES. r —And now they . Lave at Washington "congressional grange," of which Bep: tative Mark Dunnell of Minnesota is the mm $m iBPffliis 23ill873. COOKS TO A N O L D 0J231O- ;'."'y. ; ; -',CBAT. ; -' ':''V-'i ; ', •tduBiilarHftXeCwtrieT:.- . ."•'.- ' \' : : --.\, w e otJcasionally r^sad the New York , 2Ynie» iee what 'foreigners Ibavej to say about American institutions, and; were some- Surprised "ttjl Cnd tbewia ,a senrrit- ort of an article leveled at the. Eev. H. Hepwortb! in relation tohis recent sell! speech at an antUSpanlah mee't- ilinj.NflW/'rYorav' It seems a little strange republican pap er to prate about a aacre- llgeo < tts : minister's epi akingof bomb-sbells, etc, vi hen si few years ag} the aid given in the way ej Sharpe'a rifles by ministers, and the cry of *j more 1 hemp ^ for o|r cbnqo'erefi countrymen, ajere} recelv/e»-wiUi;-'|aca'.guaio'by republicaiaa rwaatdi.- ' of Hold m . shop-li —6a police pledb; tured fourtee tfael scandal, the earn [frjjqnen; an oldei these w. the men J.,Hardy. receive j providin duties shall afft spect, aa pie. si mi! M . '••Tnle^prtocip^; , 'be«f^'.tae ''name { b o i ™ . and Ws wife tbe euphonious .title 1 the american stagers to Europe; enny,", a well-known metropolitan of! Michigan, and ^ irbaghouithe counifry. •jstates;-the third' t N<|w;.w4:»re'aiot so i. sure but that the Rev. ( eo^ge ia about half right for once. This, "wise 1 ittlementf of the|!Flrji»tt«ts affair by cur I »ai president reminds us; somewhat of the t yivering pp of thejremuant of tbe poor pris- 0 ton at Andersonyille. After laasasBlnattag tl e g reaier!. part of .the passengers and crew; aid railing the flag r nnder their feet, they de- 1 ver to us ja few souls who have: passed from d »t] t onto life as it were,; and If wo won't hur- ri ,b oxmake any noise aboik it, the veasel;whJch d>aTbeIonfe to tbeijn. »*0h! mbafc lanjie and , fi ipojtent ; |oncJasior| n in 1 our jdtjgmenK "bat ti tog pi irbaps we are not right, for we never can see w r » ° ttinas as these "Christian statesmen;" Sio. D aubtless* we would "fight j it out on tJ at J line »• if th| captors ; qf the Vir- sjiru'ua hid only ;ibeen our countrymen, bi tt tjfey are Spanji rds, and modern repub- licaos are 4«scenued : from a party that never d like tb flgbt foreigners. Now, possibly p a r ^ aetttemejnt"' may mako Grant: a j-term president! if it don't it!won't be the plaint ot a mother the Rochester 0 deeaent upon the rooms occu- ;g young men of that city and cap- Of the tatter with three girls of d found abundant evidence that ere befog initiated into the most, vices. It la said that other girls of o bavo been In the practice of the place, through the inflnenceof Irl, who ana the willing tool ;;of than murderer*. The 'names ot given as James Knight and Peter it is to be hoped; that they may •r punishment. If the law fafia in cb, it eboald be among the first . legislature to enact one which protection to society In this ; re- sis'by no means a solitary exam- J ecaadals having-been.developed in severiiH ! tba larger cities of the state re- cently.. ni ~Tfce 3|test developments via, the; trance mystery jat Canawangus throw no ad ditional I i gat upon tee subject, although the six week 1 s tfortbe re-appearance of the spirit baa tract 2 Z ed, and the advocates of the theory that Slt'aSi Jonney is really dead insist that «he ongb 111 be buried, while toe',belicvers ap; pear: to 11 i » firm i a toe determination to give more tinjc ] far tbe accomplishment of. the an- ticipates! i piracle. In this connection Monday's Rocbeafa r >1 kmocnt contains .a lengthy notice of a simi t jr case of trance in that neighbor, hood a f ti tl years since,, in which a young lady was. to 1H appearances dead, and so pro- nounced U 'the physicians, but the parents were not latbtQad and refused to have the body infe md,' and at the end of four weeks she revive dU and is living to-day in: good heal th and spirit! i<l Tho young lady ia very: sensitive >n the site jaVt, aad therefore the name and lo- sallty iajo anted, but tbe facts are indispnta- )le. It « said that she declines to converse in •egard |to ! aer sensations during the. trance with even 0 »r nearest Irlends, but has promised to leavp -ja written account of them at her i . • me. in ** Traviata.^ Thewja ore [only a few of alas though bedragged Dauphin into the list bat ibe list of frightened prbtesunts, be bad xo time to char ge her forced majority against tfce new coos itpion befoije be was over whelmed by toe ocea a Df popular repudiation ortrfmteir.aad b > c lana, Ne'v«t'5iraa.»'ttfa|^,aO'.-'oewpTSrW- . Iy ca aght ia bis canning game.—Philadelphia ; shoi rs that. America .{sj jaiofoi; an enviable mus ical reputation obroao and tl lat, American tale ?t I» rapidly being roc igautec.. The finest mus cians in tbe world ate fast ,a< knowledging it; 1 nd Mr. Theodore Tho nas'g eat. operatic scheme is partly based ape 5 his tonfidence in Ann iricsn talent. Every ta fog a terns to indi- cate tjhat this country ia c estfotfl to produce the pualciana of the future. U S C O t N AAaV n< C l i E IXAJf. «SVltt< jfttofey- 80a ie Searet \ History -Stat 5menu by 'E: ;-Secretary . Wel4ea Lincoln CiJlcd on " t i m e jar c»» From the St. LotrU I tpub'd an. Tie folio wing extract Is i torn 1 n article in the Jatoxy magazine rorjD* cemb< r, written by the Ion. Gideon Wellesj «x-seci etary of the navy. The period alluded to is immediately afte: the defeat of Popejin front of Washing- ton, and when-tho advajjtw *f th »' victorious enet iy upon the inational'' c tpital carried dis- may throughout 'toe coantr; r: At tbe stated cabtaet taeettfcxi >a Tnea Lay, the 24. of Septt mber.. waiie Uie whole com nualty was Stirred np and 1 a conlasloa, and a2»in> vrei e gloomy bayocO aoy- tbisj tbat bad prevtotttly oect near Stt 0ton entered tbec luncllrooma few mlnntea 1 a.advas Mofstr.JLIa- cola, ana said, wltb trreat jau Itement be bad jaat Jaatntd from Gen. XIaUeck-that tba president aad paetjd-MeuteUan, In eommattd cf tba a n a la Wasn- Tbe-lnformaHon waaaarprlalng aad, la view death. I. — A lor MJspondent of the Utlca Obterver tjella tat k [lowing: •'A novel marriage be cur red in S' >rwich, Chenangocounty, Sunday 1 igbt. |T11 servant girl in the family of a I rominent j lergymati of the place had a beau, v bo''was 11 mt to\?roloog his visits to a later b bur tear. | ;he family deemed .proper. Late S andaw ev \ ting noises were beard ia the ser- v mt: gjrri | room, wnrch made the household conclude Haere wcr'O two persons there; toe: ci ergy; a tire, stmep ult of th . ofBce-ho Jders. ( F. G. P 'l* vtew,,:pf,toe::p|stoora : , ; 'bf money.; -the 1 at d the abaard freedom from taxation :er which the cpaintry labors, the laudable geauity llsplajedi by congress to find ways - J indinj; the people's cash! cannot fail of datfo 1. .'Among other; deft echeaies in ood-1 sUlng flnjeto one adopted byvtoe' us* ct re iresentatjjvas toprint 225,000 copies hjof tht sgricnljjural reports:of 1872 and 73^ at a tost of obput60 cents each, for free tributio t to. the jank-shopsj and paper illsj Expense would be only abont 306|000. The appropriation was advocated several members 1 on the .ground tbat it is duty of apaforrial government to furnish people reading:|matte)r.,] Of-icourse' .It. is, d < veryt bdyknbwB that agricultural reports e he on 3 thing! lor which tire popular appe- tite i > alwa vs keen. | Strange to, say, the sec ate lesiaates to coccn^ In this generous view; ,'beT «A«f»- —Sotherfa says be will next season present unarearj In"private theatricals," in which 1 be rioble 1 ord willplay Hamlet, I ~ffbe.-N. Y.",siwjfs obituary of Judge Nel- 1 on:| "To e enddenj death Of Judge Nelson ?Ul Stake a lany by surprise; ibuf (he grand aid 1 tan teasTjady.^ lira. Davis, . postmistress at Columbus, ', liaal, has seen arrested by i a Halted States S al. She was f affected by 4 if tho prevail- Eotos.extent ; Of;$2,'300. " : ,'|:',,"'.''. be intended Msit of ithe.JHev. Henry VarU Bee :ner to! Bagland—in May next-^-is already di icussed by the British- papers, and i ome abeu rd anec iotas' of the, Brooklyn preach- li aJe,relsted.; : /' ; ' -'-••'•:•:![ l •',[ -I:':':'-.: ' -|Mr.R chard a.|Proctor,i'the'''-Engluh-'- as-ri ronpmor, who is nbw; ia| this country? is a jaember b the se isle on the Roman Catholic linittersity about to'be instituted in Kingston, Sbgland- He is 'aS concert to the Catholic aithl'V '"•" i' T ..';J '. '• ;'-.-•-.:'.-\: ^-jsigno • Palm «S, thel well-known Italian , i cieatist,; rho rer tanned Id bis observatory on he slope tif Yeauviasduring the whole of the'.ienefit't t ruption f j-1872,Jhas invented a; thexrnome'ter : t](j all tlfle ears^ant, six.-o' teen yean and s: U -i-JMr. $ amuel. Balomoro, who tomeitwel ve or S djmost lo nisterii g to contolatlc n of mntjeeof that ci near to at tend t by-kimto : toe. 4k | :4fAmoiigthe jniaJf d a y s at tbe as aroused and, donning suitable e ifjfcnt to tbe servant's room, aod after rl« f secured admittance, the girl re- hi 11 the door and protesting that she alone l The clergyman, however, was ubt sat atlc 2; and looking discovered the eer- vtnti girl'ii)I man under the bed-covering, ei ideally j'| retired . for the night. Tbe ci jrgyiiao feted promptly in the matter by sayingEtbe « must be a wedding there and then. (Th< Hariri was willing, while tbe fellow, st 11 insbeC ||was reluctant; but oa the clergy- m in tfjrea: fining to have him arrested unless h< content stt, toe chap agreed to the marriage, a: d Injtoerpresence of some members of the. fa nlly jcaL en to witness the scene, tbe mar-: ri tge ceremony was performed, the girl standr insbyftbe. lad, in night dress, and the fellow refacbing bf| band from odder toe bedclothes After the ceremony the bride ere left to-retire for the night, and s as ret] atd_ in] the tnor ii ing left the bouse at request." —Adep oni lis njigratpn. •S« rdcjijjbbrgianism i meric i u umbo s —Tb 1 a fork !h kaife. • —:Th 1 c Ined 1 ie t > Turn: »h oTthe-i in .—-Fn m daring fii jended a t irtlfica it '•' — A n I {ertecf d 1 nder.-fri t bove. ' —Loddb: tion of H. Italians '< i ians and >.—Pet a s accesai >i lybim n ier.of b s * pestles i)n their |si -Aa dollectii J5 GsVEAff 1MG&V ias abolished hari-kari., icag|, is agitating the subject of a female tcl|jr.phy8iclan#\'';: : : :' ,'''.K-' jemie is said to have broken out •aj aonglthej) ate of.Lawrence,' Mass.. Iphia has fifty Baptist churches, having'been organized a few days iaetah. oflhi Ing. ' anlaioiry bad 1 tatao.'. General regret wits tntpftsssfi.'' and. Stan- ton v lth some feellag remantid that no order to Skat eaed bad beea lauatd from toe war deps rtment- Tba presi lent, caimly bot with some empb eta, said.tba order was nf». and be would be reapotolb e tbr It to tbe eoun ry. With a jretreadngsanddctn< rattiad army mmb [ upon ns, and alarm and panic ta tnacora- raam waa necessary, tba president aa d. tiaiaotac- tblnj ahooldbedooe.buttbereaeemedw be no one to doit. IletbeTeforeaaddlrectediilcCIan n.wboaaiew ttiLt 1 rhote ground, ivaowaa tna']be«t ort anlxet la tba annyL wboaa flicalrj was to <arg|mlseaat defend, aad wbo would bere act n^oo tne OefenalT t, to take ml* deieatodaadbtokesiamjyaatt.reorsraainSt W t are able tb.contribiiie an at ecdate re- latit jr to this crisis in the history >f t h e war,; whit b will throw) a new and intonating light upo; 1 v toe. evenjts. narrated by Hr. Welle*. ilcC lelltn, stripped of his eommat d and left a m< re spectator of disasters ho \ ru' power- less to avert, had retired to Wash! ngton, and was sitting one evening ia bia offlc i in compa- ny with Delos B. Sackett, now inspecter- gen« ral of the army. This officer t ad been on McC eUane staff during, the penit sular cam- patg 1, and.was, jcoOsequently, perfectly famil- iar ' B-tth the embarrasemects unde r which be had abOred on actoont of toe per ilstent and ill-a I vised interference of the exe tUtive, and esperially of tbe secretary of rar. The irierds w.exe conversing togetbet upon the gloony situation of affairs', aad itdulging in thos i speculations and reflections which tbat sitoatiun would natnrally give ris< to, when audc ealythere was a sharp ring at tt e door-bell. The servant came In and announce I.the presi- aged sixty-five,, who was born or legs, died recently in Ken- t's thinking of establishing in Lon- egaper devoted to Canadian im- wa3. introduced in ut ninety years ago, 1 and now out 5,000 adherents. ' ighf of gentility,was attained by 0 attempted to commit suicide with other day. Vulgar people use a ttjj'an ollarm bell benever a sadlen change ot temperature - Yolney; akea'plate--',.- - h\ i-:.- ; ,:j-. (.:-,] -wErof. [Bufet, b^ tbei Geneva Theological I attached, which sounds the wot ItijH of Voltaire^ Rousseau, Diderot, id other'••;detestable authors," to ! land thi r uover as waste paper. mjnaryJ in which! Csesar Pronier, lost by the Relation' rflidu 1 avre disaster, was a professor, writes 0 tils cei tutry asking if ] the American Chris- .iaabcoul I do eomatbing for Proaier's numer- us faaailj'. :, He [leaves a wife sick^."for many ianday rhieb the Ud^rea, the oldest only thir tonBnta.': ?: ••?)£:'• Adams, a deal mute of the ; .. other: day,: during sn years past untiringly in'the labor of Jpiritual enlightenment and rai number of the deaf Iwhb'. came. from.', far and •ligions worship conducted ilanguage."; :,-.;•. tteresting curiosities of colo- ieuil hall: tea party was a —An : verpool work-house committee de- fferot tbe mayor, who is a brewer, ee beer for the Christmas dinner tes. •;• :"':':,*' • . ' . : • ; • ; .;.';:• i r e tar a just issued it appears that last twelve years England has e i - m equal to $32,646,983 upon coast ention is said to have been recently England by Which a diver, when r, is able to converse with those Is said to have a foreign popnla- 0 Germans, 40,000, French, 2,000 IOO -Asiatics and 7,000 Scahdina- .utch. -:; r : '.. ;.••. tanley does not believe in apostolic I In a:sermon recently preached dinburgh he showed that as a ..mat- '_ there are no sdiccessors to the bese died and appototedno one iae».„-'- ityihas been formed .in Belgium for II wrste.paper, and selling It for the e pope. -The society has appealed issessors of "bad books, such as i aortalit 1 mother 1oberpa formerly: belonged to Lady Frank* ._ wife 08 toe courtly collector of'Bos- ... befo » t h e affair at Griffin's wharf. The romance of Agn«fs ISurriage's life before, and aftejr-ber narrlage to Sir Henryj Frankland is fulldaf int jrest, jTSIe was a girl bf all work at the( bid F rantaln Inn atMarble&ead when she first attra :ted the attention of the collector, whose lif< 1 she afterwards saved; at the great earlbqua! :e of Llsboo. From the window of berhusbend's houaie she looked! out upon the flgiit at I anker BUI, acid afterwards left the rebel town andi returned to her friends in royal En claud. \ Her strange, eventful history is oarrati d in Holmes' poem of Agnes, This tanj, iexqt Isitely; painted, is now in possession of a you:ig-lady ojf Boston. :|.. w TEITE31S. .1 -r-To-t ay a public eoup-bOBse Is to be ope'ned'ii.Troy|-.r • ''i ... [ -i-^beprei9 oflTroy: complain of the ex- tremee ! > which toe students of the Poly tech- nic insti ute carry their amusements. ',: HA-.' wealtbirrf resident' of New York clry lately tx ught a farm .located in the town j of Corinto, Saratoga county, tor which he ,paid f2j>,000, Oa visiting his rural borne he found that $1 500 was about the market price. We feel assi red it was not a genniae homespun who) ma Ie this jahjarp trade. ' : •.•;'-'/•:>•\' "":. ' --Cbi nge of iparpose is not; invariably tbe sign of a weak! mind, and we trust that recon- sideratl 3ns of similar import to the following, which t re find In. toe Bochester-Z>cmocraf ot terd sy. will not this season) be' intrequent. 1 tther ni •Tbi' etter ore his ion and »y the C mblto ft lad lay Soston'i nmates >uted 10 wbiclj jf-the-J* anient Amer sical have hai sical a ceased, Old W Among Pattts, who ie Miss'A Albant, Paris, i music s gliab journal points out a curious ween Saturday night and infant lit says that the number of. infants in bed by overtired andt'not over ta between Saturday and sunrise on surpasses N the mortality of any in toeweejt- eveland (Oi) Xender publishes a en by Professor A gassiz shortly be- tb, pronouncing as a " baseinvea- tander,"' the-statement often mads cbolics'as aniargumeut against the ol system, that Professor Agassb igated a house of prostitution in: found that ja large majority of the to natives |of that- city, and attri- ' own downfall to impure influences sy bad beep subject while pupils :cn public schools. [|Afc».-^0 ; kja- nnatc CEWCASTEE. ! Talons on tne Ett. ropean Boarua. From tbe CbtcafiO Tribune:., .• a is beginning to look up in the mu- ijjres of Europe. For years past we to depend upon Europe for our mu- ijrs. Gradually, however, this has i d now we are sending singers to the •lid, who are \ taking high positions. jibprano singers, we have sent twO y*»ter IS has 1 eterence to a contribution to the or- —Tne Hartford l(7oar(r»f—Cten^ tt w n L of a no te to.the treasurer enclosing $60 which assh>wnthecUyeditor: "Mr. Sage—Isnb- $10 for the asylum, last evening, not paper-r-odmita that Williams should bs «'vint- I dicated," but hopea the senate will find so ne way of doing it less expensive to tne conn ry than saddling him upon it aa chief justice. ' —Messrs. Wilson of Indiana and: Eldrit ge of Wiicoasln, of tjhe house.judiciary comi df. tee, have! been commissioned to go to t ew Orleans daring the holiday recess to take et> timony- upon whipb. the' committee may j re- seatartiites ot .impeachment against Jupgb Dureu. iberal ChrUlian characterizes conspicuous example of characier in many ot our lerring |tothe election of Carpe^ as president pro Ifem.. of the:',.senate It " The eciom baa been for some time collec torn praaeat aarrton«, or tbe espeaaa cf twMenlatmaiiavteablacriaanelcf tbe rtv»"r and waters ecataecttoe Lake Huron wltb titaw Erieaoaatosdapttaerameto>acapatity forpxactlca- aar»%adoa o f Tatatta drawing so feet of water- After romedisenssdon as towbetber the res. olutioa- should be referred, objections were wi:hdrawn;andttwsa: adopted. \ We trust It will elicit a speedy response and that practi- calj action will be'biaugurated in the direction Itijrcicatesu No rieeot innovaljon has so di- rm Uy and materially contribatea to the cheap- of transportation to and from the west oi the class el ve. j se^ am. trade, an4 atiil .farther , bed , when I come to write yon achecktorithe amoun; It seems so easy to make it $50 that 1 etui ha tUy resist the pleasure of doing so at T a ris t o f yoiurtolnking me fickle." —Tl e •tij'dtery of the pistt 1 shots and the spla«b in toe river at tne Colombia street brtiige Albany, Is still ut solved. A Mr. Walls s reported missing and it Is supposed that hi > may nave been the vie iim of the foul play. Some person on board < ne of the barges toe basin Wednesday nigl t saw four men bss Columbia 1 street bridge He beard one on the BCtrface. is it Ool 'time., the:- eklmkaer :^rs»osedf ?? -• 'j''"'. v ' : '-;-' -•'"•-..'' : :V i> r j ! -m : —Washington bounty must be growing an. The Salem Prwaipublisbes a table showin; ;'toe eapensei of th»|corihfr:'|fo>'yeara pasi, aays:-..'-!- 1 .:;7.7"l^Vy;^ :7- V:.&*: TUlak of it: Only Bircea yeaav aco $ 8.088 03 raised tat that t^upcee.aatarresaeef orer $80.'" This is by no means aa uncommon for this day or radical mi^rnle, which it be hope^ will sobh be brougtit to a close both ;loetato|aadnation.. i :; i i' .-! - . ^X; —Washington jdispatches quote a prom nen admtrJsitraUonsenator.'.an hiving said Sitdr- day that he inteoda to ybte for the conf rma- mm ©3SSffiK4 ,; t/ : i'.HV^.'. • 1 thet J make the remark, »' J f he wins $100 o-nlg it he will'never see da ^lightl" Young Valla was In tbe habit of visiting a place on Jolun bin street where ;Bome tort of a game Is earrie t on.. fo-alao reporte I that a atrangei wasi: a Green; street saloon on Wednesday J igbt; whero he displayed a great quantity .ol tone;', and thesproprletor ad rised bun 'of nil toUy. But, i beinit under t be. influence .0: liquo!, be was bold enough to he foolish. Maj Itfnol be that be was notice i, watched, In veigleiand irajlai^? ' ! : - •—i gang !of burglars and shop-lifters wai lastw eek nneakthed in Sar itoga under th< - folloa ing sfoirular circomsta ices, as detaOet by to > correspondent of the rroy JPrtat: i. jtidy;i tttended a funeral an t near her sat 1, femal»with a cloak of pecu liar color wbicl t she* Imiredvery mach. A : ew days toereafr tor shs saw some goods of the color in a store, d j roceeding^to make her j urchase caioall; r oned the facto! having seen' It made up. ot toesame goods had been stolen, an I as] ifoion struck the clerk (mt that might t* > cluip. Pro'm the informati m obtained frot I ' >mer the detectives were put on tb a exetiiti and "shcoeedejd In disc )verfng the oj,e '- atora and semiring laftfangv consisting of tw > mentmd a woman, the wMeof one of ttje 1|W <^mm Wm&m lift I LI 1 ' " i WaK&82», JOHTR'O % * OO-, ' I 1|ro^^L|BAYS. A rASUXEitt BESOaL. Frfgbtfal Prospect oX TXtlrty HUU denti and Gen. Halteck. .McCleltan rose at once, and seeing bis distingaisbed visitors in the I tall, ushered them into a privat i reception- root) 1 in the rear. After; d jbtief c msultatibn be a xotnpanied them to a carriage in waiting, returncd to the ieffice and; remark:d quietly: " W ill, Sackett,;! am ia command < f toe Army oftoe Potomac again." His friend started up in su rptise, aod exclaimed instinct ively: " I hop<, general, vou did not j accept it witho.u suitt ble' guarantees*'—meaning guarantees agaibst farther Interference oa the part pt toe ejeecitiye. McCIellaa looked at lim wltb a peculiarly solemn expression he csuld never forgt tf.aod said, very slowly and d iliberately: " v Sii,' wnen the president ol the Ut ited Stales tells me with tears in bis eyes ths t I am , the only man who can take command cf this army and iave; the country, ' it $'po time to ask for gvai anitct.: Wewitl teave for the front fo- monow morning at daylight." Tl ey did le»ve at day)jgbt, and7 the 0 paig 1 of Antietam did save^tbe cos ntry. of] People Propoacdt ^aeasrajrea jj^Hetv--7-..",| ... ; -'. •i-j.-'•' Calcntat cor-ioct. 81) cf licudoaTirae». 1 : V I am afraid we are abont to endure a famine in Bi ngai each as has never:before been ex- peri* need in, the history ot bar. role.. 'The rains ceased prematurely ia toe middle of last moat J, just as they did to Ori»sa la 1805, whllel the previous fait had bean unprecented- ly light. The result is tbat toe-great Amun rice c rop, on which the:, people dspend in the main, baa failed aldioai all over Bengal, and nothing like an avertge eight-anna crop wiU, I fear, be harvested. But this is not aU. Tbe droug bt baa utterly prevented tbe so wintr of then ring cn-p, and we nave rto face twelve months during which toe people will have to be ma intalned out of toe food reserves in the country plus this : miserable' failure of tbe Amur - T h e drought was felt over a very small area ot tbe country in 1865, while this year it has marked the jiehole country from, tbe Bay of Bengal right up to the bordesof Oude.; I believe;;I waa the first to wake up to the, real rignificanca of toe weatler reports," but all are now equally alarm ;d alike. The worst ttact in the coun- try is the one that Is mos t densely. populated and tl e poorest of them all, Kenar, with near' ly 30,i (00,000 people to be fed) Owingtooar mLer1 Mt laissex /aire notions in the pest, ce have 1 eft the- remiadar and toe usurer to re- duce < bis people jto i positive slavery. The zemio lar sod hia amtah (and irlings) take ten- elxtee 3ths of the ryots' crops- .imagine that!— and t te usurer .steps In tak as the other six- sixieeiths and the people li' e upon the ad- vances of tbe latter from one year's end to the other. Growing tho most mag aiflaent harvests of wb tatr rice, opium, Indigo they themselves starve on tbe coarsest millets^ and.are as poor and', miserable as can be eoaamved. j It appears tbat roa the ntost favorable sup- position food must be imported for a popula- tion''of 11,000,000 or 12,00^,000, and that these j numbers will have to jbe fed with such bupplies for-at least nine months. At one pound per head per day, w bicb is tbe least that toe Oris^a Famine Comt lission (for which Sir G-.'Campbell was toe cb6 IV consider sufnV cierit, ithis population -would jreqnire for nine months 1,300.000 tons, which at £13 per ton (and Lt is more than doobtfu iwbeiber rice can be laid down within reach of all at that rate), would cost tbe country ahoopi£19,000,000. 0 FOR THE-:! l^tlBAYS Kam mmt good boeftite^s p^foasfist^btM It of a uastar t. em talroed aad treasarel op oa punpose to.a •o«i< j t U a . ? *• - : i 7 : • ' ; ublisher, Bookseller A.X TO!" I S T A T I O N E S R , ' ; :d; .if: ri •• j-'j '• No. 263 Main Street, .!.»•»-Ofietpjjtbrtha.':'' r- -t ) j* \ l i M ':-,->'"' ••$*•••/•••' AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,; m con lVGTOKS> RAJf.a OAO PENCET, 8 from ths Albany . Sfcua celebrated railroad < ojndttctera' punch ass beea in nse for a/ear or two past Albany railway, has now been intro- on the Albany & Wat 'trvliet hone rail- Tbis instrument, wb: ch operates aa an tent between tbe adductor end the rauroad company, has prov 4 to be a decided success wherever it has b atn tested. The honest railroad conductor;; rjil welcome this invention, aa it will prove i i i integrity, and demonstrate thatj however gkeat toe tempta- tion to which he.has been e: posed, be has not yielded to wrong doing. Ti il punch has been in >jisb in Buffalo (wbero; it| originated}, in Bos top, Philadelphia, Ctiea and other cities, and is; now being introduced on thehorse rail- roalsin New York. The Invention is a most ing m^oua one—the instrume ajt possessing some deticate'regiateriog macbictry. It is a fide litti st piece of mechanism, a rid is manufactur- ed at'Colt's pistol,raanulactt ny, tbe materials used-lielng or. the best char mter. Many im- provements have been mad* la the Invention Btm:«t it was first patented, «nd it Is hot I un- iiktlylbatirmay be so far ] arfected as to be UH-i«i^oa steam jailroads; If any horse .rail- roal company has reason to dcub; tbe honjpety of 1 beieondnctors employed, {and they tvii-.h to make sure, ot tbe earnings b< longing 10 tbem, let them try toiapuscb.. It Is a sure test of Jtoaee'ty, and has given the t fat of satisfsction jjrfejry'whereithasbeen trie*| loo ked beyont det tee. ; I re: IXTBAOI |aiina andCarlotta; Minnie Hauck, -reat favorite; Jennie Van Zaudt; irt, Kellogg's protege; Mia* Monlton; ho lately won a signal triumph in "The Huguenots," rendering the 'ctly as writtea by Meyerbeer; VIo- letta Cfllville, who has just made a remark-: ably si tesaful debut at Piacenza; and Mrs. Hall, w I & also recently made a successful debut at tbe £ raeobam Palace. Among the control ti are A * [aide Phillips and her sister Mathilde, both of whom are now singing in Milan; and Antoin Kte Sterling, who is all the rage at the Riviere ^Concerts in London. Castle add Campb fi are singing In English opera with great t UJceas in England. Charles Adams, of Boston ptas just beea .engaged as the principal tenor a the grand opera in Vienna, poll, toe basso, tbo is the greatest oratorio singer in Engiar alls » native : of Connecticut.. Whit- ney, t id American basso, made a splendid repata ton in England. William. Lake; of Wasnli g|on, it Is said, bids fair to rival San t- tey. Edward Dannreutber, the founder and conddt ior ot the London Wagner society, ia a nati ja; of Cincinnati. Jule E. Perkins, Ma- pletod 1 inew basso, Is: from Vermont. Ia ad- dition a'iftese,tnere,'are numerous others wbo, althou {n now studying, have made a brilliant repata ton. Miss Blanche Tacker, of this city, who 1 ent to Mme. Garcia with tetters from Lucca baa succeeded 1% passing the examina- f tionlo -the Paris conservatoire, where numer- ous o ^"ers failed. iMisa Amy Fay, grand- daugh er'of Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, a formef ipupll of; Tadaig, and now studying an i be just so much richer peyple}:atalL--'. ; .-:.:7 : ._- : l- MocisrrsG roa Tax L. XL .VEX!—In Havre the wall lie. Mbuday, all night long wsa Allied by hundred* of'_ children for the most part, disaster.wrenched fromeas; fo:tone-to- poverty—theiri b: go ne. Some of them sab! otiers .were 'stunned. A i n old shrimp fisberwo: or e of «the arcades. A cb b* ad. :.Sbe*tared gloomil ht sband was a stoker on A 1 elderly gentleman put v nc tea into her hand, saying, st mt heart 'Anat-Bhrysos I dare say, is saved." She te] fa i to the ground as she jraii to deal a terrific blow to be: Something here tells me it he ain't to. come home n< ed of nothing more," i F^vi rsnof Havre have lost th: disaster; 110 widows have P%ris Letter to the World. tain withj the bighe it respect, Toot most obeotea t servant, JtWgPUaTOKT. t.NAKV . EE'AT. la t a l k i n g -One I?audrcd mtles Twenty-two Houjrs i Sew Eavfen coa cDec 20) X. 1. Herald. ' ?o-nigbt, at half-past eight, C eorge Farren sni ceeded in kccomplishing tbe aost wonder- ful feat of walking 100 miles in 2 2 hoars. The las; mile ! wai made with almost the same: pr< mptness as the first. Excht nge ball was pa :ked with peopte, among whom were many of. the sporting fraternity of toss city, Hart- fota.Springfiid, Bridgeport, Boston and Now Ytrk. Aa Farren strode up tbe home-stretch wi.h a leadway of-ten (seconds a about went ap from the excited! multitude, which was ret ponded to by at least 3,000 p< ople standing on the sidewalks of Chapel street. Mr. Far- re: rs effort against time ta the gn atest triumph ia pedestrianism ever] tecordec, winning toe wtgerof $400, ',->'•• p.:'-. in walking! tbe 10O miles Farm a had to make to I circuit of Exchangeha!l» 3,100 times. A committee or three persons kep: the tally and an nounced each mile,jwith the time made or loi iti'i All last -nigbtj and all day an eager cr>wd was in attendance. , Tbsre had been lit tie doubt tjrom the iitert that Farren would su jceed, and he received words of encourage- m int. all along through the weai y hours. Far re 1 is slightly built, weighs abo at 125 pound* la muscular and wiryi aad is npt far from 2i ye)ar«;of age._ _V. with i iltzt, has already created a sensation oldest form of American soc ety. Whether with' tier playing ait Weimar. Katie.Gaul, anotht c'American girl, from Baltimore, also a pupil t"Liszt, has made a .success at Weimar. in pu ilie. Miss Cfanch, ot Cincinnati, has K se* toe ordeal of i a first appearance in Mi- ,; w thcrediL Miss. Julia Rive, of Phila- delpbi v recently played at Leipsic before one of toe moat critical audiences la Europe, and was 1 nthusiastically applauded. Miss Anne Guilfcttd; of Lynn, Mattsacbusetts, is singing a id'face. The White House to op* ra at Leghorn with success. At Milan there ire noteasthan eight Americans study- ing m ric. among them ill^s Katie Smith, a dangh eriof Mark Smith, the actor, who is •aid t -havean elegant light soprano voice; Miss Wolvrin. of Cincinnati, who will shortly make net debut at tbe Milanese carnival; Mrs. Saddeilhofr. of Chariestown, - Massachusetts, THE tAWVEBS Or Ota STATE. • -,7 From the Chicago Tdb me. ' About the very highest typ 9 of lawyers in tie state'of Now Tork prevals the air ofa hereditary public man, the perfection of tbe tt e climate and vigor of toe stat a have modeled tt a type,or. wbethex; jibe com] dexity of races meeting there has been unusually felicitous, o: whether, iu, tbe habits of the men.them- aeon boni tic soprano; Mr. Sprague, of Boa- ery heavy basso; Miss Josie Jones, a iaU contralto, who has secured consent InLaScaia; Mrs. Annandale, of Balii- t ho Is toeing during the carnival; Miss Cold well, who has made a successful de- L'Elisird?Amore,-" Miss Jennie Bull, to wJi,o Is said to approach nearer AI-- any ringer in Europe; Miss Kate BJ.-1 Mile? jwho has ah engagement at Naples; Mi*e Eda^ alergc'ot Sab Frandaco, who. ia singing minoi paru iu Milan; Mis* Moody, tf young gkif^New-Orlei trThatothe most who Is studying In toe usually granted only to neNinfnger, wboia s«id ti reen good order and whojeao ne indulgence, which.;neither pinches them nor puffs them, it] ia certain tbat New York, when she tries b sr beet, gives, us tffje hignes; When Fillmore waa Its tenant, and tittle Van E area was so charming that rqenjtoougbt him ItrgerJ H O YF T O S A V E $ I/;. ?rcm'tbe2tT, e Itreasuryroportshew: id trust for national ored and ninety-three m e circulation. The go totoenational banks lion dollars a year in re ninety per cent. of. th< ir cVt>italin tbeir a ids to use, and yet recei7( from the gov ;rn- m*nt six per cent, upon bat capital. Mr. iti^iaardKon wants money aw proposes to tax Co: amerce and the necea»arie| 1 of lite to ob tain K. If be will propose to sweep away the na- tic nal bank circutation andtmake all our enr- keucy )of one denominatiom legal tender, be wil: save nearly twenty-four million dollars .uojw given as bonus 10 tbja) national, hanks NEtdon. sToar, TASEV, srowELt. .":'...•; .Fromtbe JT-.Y-ifixpriBS.' 7'jH' re and there etroni prejudice, agaiagst Judge Taney for, bis decii ion iu tee Drei Scott caae, and especially it New, Enr glan l, some of whose citibenn ol jeef to toe prop osed portrait of the chiefjusto e alongside tbat of'Chase la-the supreme cour''room; but Jud; eNeleon, upon. waoae?memorr so maay bone rs are being bestowed, wool t have de- cide* ; the same way. This] same ; fudge Nel- son, i.n the United States! euprem» court, on. toe 1 )red Scott case, quoted a very remarkable Iette rwritUn by Jud.ejS|oryin li 28, relating to a cace inalogous to: | that of )r«»d Scott. Judj e Stoify was eccb?to|du3d' to w rite at least Once a: year to, Lordj f Stowe:l, : eendihg. bim a 7 jcopy ot bis,j jjudicisl- decWon*, wbir.3 the latter recipjijocaufd.' At .length although i: gives back - a ctso. ariose in the EtiglUhcouit, (of wbtch Ihui rency over three huhdr Lore SfowjeH was cbiet justice,) w tere an An-1 mi Ions to invest and make ti^m t- slav^ .'waa.carriMii W bia.m'a»ter to Eog- jigiin.! These favored ins land for-tempbrarv rejfdeja^ and was'subso- quet tly token back to An t'tgu*. I a brought suit tor bis freedom, andlibe infer or court de-: cide I agaijnst bis rlgbt Voifreeiom. in.the ap- pellt te court Lord Stbwell, in fishalf of a nJs- jorit r of the court, affirmed the ji fdgment be->. low. Lbrji Stbwell Vent hi* decta; bn to Jndge ( Stor; Uwho] delay ed ropljfog_so lou g that Lotd : S-ai ^a-w^rote'.to '.him, |7eXpreseii g. regret'i'at' not «ceiviQg a reply, apiu]a -hop* that their plea iant correspoadencej of so many years' stan ilo^ j woujid not cjeasje. To these letters Jud;;e:Smry;'li.jllows:.'' .,- . !, \.'s(/i^it t Eear|Bbston,S<pt.22 J -ia2S. . . toll'. iS^'H r Dukord'»ow«^.j;:.-:- •;. Mr Loan^-t have the [honor 0 acknowl- edge tbe receipt of your letters of faauary and Maj last,, the former of which reached me id tfu) alter part of spring,: and the la tor quite re- cenily. ; * * * I havbread »ith great at- ten't ion your judgment in toe slat e case from the vice-admiralty court in Ant gua. Upon, the fullest consideration which I nave been abl« to give tbj> eubjec^j L entire! r concur in you r views. EM ead b^eh called lpon to pro- noQice judgment in.'.'a lifce-caie, l should cer- tain ly have arrived at tbe same remit, though I m ghtsothajre been epic to pre ent the rea- son 1 which led] to it iu such a s'.rii ing and con- vin ting mannejr. It appears to ne that tbe dec sion la impregnable^ \ ' :•: 11 my naiiv a state, j{ Mass.,) t ie state bf slat ery is; not Recognized as legal; and yet, if a si ive should come hither and al lerwards re- tur 1 to bis own nomejjwe shou d: certainly tbit k that the local lawljwbuld re- lttach upon bin, and that lis servile characb r would be re-1 ategrated. I have |;bad occai ion to know tba i your jud| ;ment hai been.ext< naively read in . k,merica,(w here questions of ii is nature are not of unfreqdent discussion.) : tnd I never hai e heard any other opiaion hut that of ap- pro bation of it expressed among toe profes- afo 1 of tne last. 1 cannot but tb nk that, up- on questions •'. of this sorti, as 11 as general maritimeilaw, it were vfell if tbe lommon la w- yei s had stndt ed a little more ex ensively the pri icinleB of public aiid | civil 1 MsjfTand b ad their own , munici pal jorlapru- ItHDLTCED Tbe mm t eojasaleteaad desirable col- Fine HI t strated Books, Stai d^rd Works, . '• ]'! la Kaln ana Fine Blnclnj*, - ' .•'.!Jovenile iand To« \ Boolis. Family 1 tibies and Small Bibles, Prayer Books & Church Hymnals, Pevotional Books', hotogriph Albums and \ ! Autograph Books, Porte Folios, Writing Desks, Opera Classes and Fans, j Dressing Cases, . | Portemonaies, PLVE TiBLE AJtD 0FHCE IXKSTA5DS, COLD P E 5 S A5T> P E X a L S , New aid. .:''•' that tbe treasurer anks over three lion dollars to se- rnment pavs on arly twenty-four ;, at six percent., he banks in tbefr and forty-eiight nterest on over rations, in fact. thost taxing tbe AT and that s DISASTER g was more bub- Place Louis J£V. pie, women bo were by ireardstanebs of ad-winners yere others cursed, wspaper 'says; leaned against clung-to each the crowd.jHer YtOe da Wfcre. five-franc back Bear up wlkh a ; your husbkad, he paper money 'her right land reast, repljing, man is deid— n, I stan 1 In hundred child- fathers by this! n made there.i A ThoEocGBi.t DBBiccbin LxotSLatjcBE The election or Patterson, ajojba after th i asi sembling of the (South CarolinaV legislature. ai id the manner in which he; was chosen, gave a st dden dash to those hopea of reform. Then it baa been found that some of the most un- 8( rupulous white and blackirobbers who have, as members or lobbyists, Iopi piled their ne- farious trade at the capital, still disgraced the present aaAmbly, So tainted Is the at* u ospbere' with corruption] so universally is e rerybody implicated about toe government, o such a character are -the ornaments of so- ciety at the capital, that .there is no such thing a i an influential local opiuiob to be brought against the scamps. They {plunder aad glory init. They steal, and defy yOu to prove it. The legislation of freudulcbi scrip is regarded stmply as a Smart operation. The purobaae of a seaatorship is considered only a profitable tirade. Those who make tiehnoat out <t the operation are the best ifellctva.—James S. P'-:- - ' 71 1. T ; WOMEN DOCTOKS—A CoiotExnaBLS Ah- ^ascs.—One of tbe oldest land largeat medical societies in the United *fStatee, that of toe county of New York, a society which has i lumbered among its members such names as iott and Francis, and which now embraces be leading physicians of the city, has taken a lommendable step ia recoga ring women dec- ors who have graduated :inj regular schools. A lady.who has graduatep'•• rith honor in the janiverslty of France Iflitoj r< ad a paper before toe society to-morrow eveal ig, the subject be- Sngtoe »• Pathology ot infantile Paralysis" Under tola potent influence the prejudice of a portion of toe profession] a ralnst recognizing and consulting with female practitioners wilt rapidly disappear. —N. X- -Herald, Sunday. aiann •A-MIBIS: ; Alfred THOttV C0MST0CK & ALLAH 248eia50 T»«SeaiCBOtc|aa« i -1 Are oo>riajr tor toe Ho »•' gant, FUR COODS For Ladies, Chadren and Gentlem "'. I • • p i . '•:'..'.•.- •.•;;.U .:, Ail tf tbd> own EacofictMe'and of a <Jo tbat will <lcf/ compedtloB. Aaajoag tteir stock be roond SEAX SAQCES, Wmmed wtm Sea O aa4 Dark ltala> Otter; BP.OVTK OTTEB 8£ SHETLAND S £ A i SETS, BLACK LT3X S! SEA OTTEK SET3 (tbe'.Bi « a t Par in toe : KOTAL E l i i l i ^ E , from t 2 to * « a3et. BOS sad H. B. SABLE CHILD il EJfS SsETS, ftom $ S 30 a Set. nSEj TI5TED 50TE A5D LETTEB PAPEB, WIG Crests or afonoiiams to order, at 3IA»TIK TATLOE'S, ' •' • aes wsun 5t, UlTxstrated Books. tcjsxss's TbaR kasovGH THE iOastrated hjrfWfwi; PT^EXEES— FA^CST^rWiaiJatei by Bayard Taylorii-inaatrated by Ka£eib«rt tJelbertz. A. liczen Slayer * L. iieff- sianu. '.-J ",i: } • ' : •_!"'' \f- \\'"' : NIOHTS-OJiKAM-IlliSstmied by |ag«Si-ffte LJPE ASD WOEKS-illaa- ! ttateoforp«geoeKon- CHABfSKSjONjAS ANlsfAUb. by Hamcrton. with by J. -Veyraswat aad JKArl Eodmax. JJGS 'IS COLOKAIK), by E U » ... > .•• -i ••..." i - * - HEN GALLEKT—Seiectcd Pboto- t anil cbolcest works. Fotlo; AXiLEHY. from tbe original'draw- :bach Folio; TVy mo., eleeaat. CTERS OF GOEraE. foam tbe Of KiattiaclJ. FoUo; T*ky mo. SAffrWOEES.lnBVo^. Owtrto: •1 a fun line or tbe freabest lfieatat. ed bookajtoi die bolida;*, and very cheap, at | KABtTlff TAYLOR'S, S63 Main Street. .ABfSMSi I .twenty etcMnz*. SUM<iER,i?tCI3 Unatorex: Mfaavo&riBK •rrapba of ' Taikty raoJ.ei' ruEK;Ht ' inaofWi FEMALE i orUflnai dri .: eieyicL ' '• MKS. JASfJ""" lUildf. ext Bargains! Bargains! SPECIAL OP H A I R GOODS SlkTY DAYS, i. Tsxlastcensus re !of more trades and proft itnan one would sup women farmers, there, stock-herders, five bar] tists, two hostlers, t: and trappers, five ninety-seven dergy-w< ten canal women, 195 tour gas stokers, thirty gunpowder makers, a large number of ar ventors, telegraph navigation- bad Us Apollo Show the existence as among women possible. Besides ajre forty-five female "m, twenty-four den- p: ofeasional hunters 535 physicians, seven sextons, women, one pilot, e i gunsmiths, seven sniptiggers, with mecnanics, in* tors and teachers oi A New TOOK . Acrafcsi is A Michtoxx Pooa-HocsK^—Eva French, a young actress, arrived in Detroit Friday t vening fronf New «Ives, there la observed the perfect mean be- ^prk, and being ontot fund sand hlgh-epirited she remained in the waiting-room ot the Cen- tral depot all night rather I ban state her case. Saturday morning she related her situation to types ot form the police, and was cond Siifos CAMEBON aso THE NEW CoxsiTrr;- x IOS.—There have been treach irons politicians 0 l both aide3, and the demo< rata have- had: t teirs; but they had no Can eron to employ. a il the machinery of three gov trnments-—city, s ate and nation—against the , ast demands of a plundered people. | A small c an grown.great b j accidental and purchased elevation—an e nbodied inferiority, •toleratec through (ear of 1 Is lash or hope oti his depai ture—a tyrant c beyed because no brave baud har been found to grapple with andidethrone iim. He has at last made bis fight against th t new constitu- tion. A hidden band\at first he finally: dis-! closed it at Harrisburg, yester 3ay t and wheel- ed Dauphin county into line w ith the defraud- ed Tenth ward In this city. Ee tried by in- floita double-dealing! to deo ive the popular will,And finally, implied b? the belief that voioe in Milan; and ihenew constitution wasgone, he' hastened of the A m r , r*" the state capital to Join Gen. Hartraatt id a successful do- theaiatoBdhjlniatraAfejoIn Its eacr}flcev cedto the ol the director ol the poor.' 2 be desired ft pass to go back to New York,! hit as the director could notjrrantone she;w< at to the county house until she can hearlfrc m her friends. SPI^l^LLiriCTlCER . n o tbera, axotti sn • mounter*. Don'tfelltopcoat EfG 8YKUP toraD ta cnlJdrea. U reoerea die child windcoUc, reeolatea tothecnll rcttelajidhealm- Bo sore and call for •:•! " Jtaa. WISSLC.. . For aale by afl rlnitgtstsj WIMSLOWS 3 MX -HCSG n|f""f We ate tow..recrlttajr a Bew and laijre assortment or CLOCKS, BE0KZES AND r -••'--"--: •! -J- : ' .'• - - •:••-:• BLACK A S D iFOiLASJ JEAB EOBSS, .iWH ABCTIC. EJED!AS» '<3EA>i POX' BOWtft WOLTEKTSEf i i t t > HCDSOS BAY; WOLFIEOBJBS. ..." HOLIDAY HAT! The moct Elegant Dress silk Hats ever oOeted ti Pab!lc AlsoadmeVerrpobbyittadStyflsh . . . MINE Stupes, dam.410 to 4 -4-.L.'"•• '•.'. TBE CTOLO&BRO' $75.00 MIKK SETS *£: TopehsdfctASOj^a A ; 7 BEfeCTOLDctBR T A C T f V PBOM:JSO JuvOl psrrtiaslr.g taring, bowe of BERi 01) GET A G00: Prom tiOOto 1 $iSP,*A ']''• BERfcTCLO&BRO ' Blfesi SEAL FU CAP", from-$103.00 Tnanaftctnre. 1 . Wt-1 HASDSt Tbaeeti TO 40 PEE CE3TT b jocr Fors at tto mai CTOLD& BR $50.00 MINE SETS pt?, g90.O9,at LAEGE HCrjfcOji BAT SABLE PCBa <loscd -out at a sacrifice BEftCTOLD&BR KDPFSAKDBOAS, Bt>A3.- .-• OrnaSnhental Coods. i . < ' '( ' J" i •• ! ' i < . ' H' - M ' " ' t '.' '! •• i '. ' '. Solid Sterling Silver. Decorated and Plain China* Cnt and Engraved j Glan Ware, , Plated Ware, GAS FIXTURES. ALSO A CDJtPLETE STOCK OP ^ Croc&erv, Glass Ware, &c. URMlBiE Prom $».09to f30 SET OF LAI - PCB TOLO&BRO tESTOrECFSlftl BEAR RO COON EOBES, POX S it': SACQTJKS. il. -:liOTPS,B J3CO.0O a Set, of OC EUCTOLO & BR AKD BOAS. caiHCE LEASABLE JKTFI ERCTOLD&BP PfS A2CD BOA: ElCtOLD a BI WOLVEBntJC KOBI ofJKS. BTTPALO EOl EfeCTOLD & B I CHlLDREr CBILDKEN iXCFPS.feO to 120.00 a Set. ,L CRS!^ 1 aad CAPS,'anaa CTOLO & Bi E\GI 1SII IJ P RrGS! For 14.J0, irerth 4?«1). E N"GUSn LAP EC *7 wortn' $10; £X<S USi 3 LAP KCGS tor u n a tiaup. ^ . 3ERCTOLD&BI Sce-of W1IHSLOWS SOOTH- ,t to tne period ot dtUd -froasa. pain. tie OoweJs, aadby givtna cnUdJ g l * 8 rest to tne jtnotber. ISTKOP." ieipcdeSS 'Mm DEBTS COLLECTED WITH PBOKPTITCDEA1JD AT BJ^okAOUK : BAffaaiR tnrs&TVAVt••< w T H E D J ^ T E D •., ' i T A T E S , CAIfAOA'4UTJ1 EUEOPE, 11 7 •'' jjttHS flcKILjLOP & CO n 10 Brown'a Btrtldlng, to,'Vanadtc mm IIJII ^-JiWlLlllll I'll "la HOLIDAY GOODS. : ; j-| 1 j;-. - ji The Great Dollar Bazaar, 4W i i Main St^ Am. Block, • | IS: THE PLACE TO J i S ' ; ' ; ' ' •' Buy Your; Holiday Presents:! DON'T I AT HiQlk PEICE3 wbea Wi caa boy creiydOng; roja wtati tor ONLY 5 »Lfld : . j '. Doa-t wait-tUtae last minute to bay^onr Presents Come whUe tie Stock-la complete, and berors the rah. : *•' ;.T ' TflJB GREAT DOLLAR BIZAAB, 40S jaii tin ntree*, Amertcsm Block, ". :j.l;7j'. - | awlfsUo, S.'.aVf ..j- N. B . - l ax|tlcalar atteattoa Js called to onr 50c. l i t i o and $5.00 Departmcat. .)"• ' •"AJ SP£i :1ALTY-A haaasOBia collsctlon ot large Coromos, lost tiietalj>c for a Holiday present. deSS II ' ; ii i ' i i ' —•*——— -• " i " i iai> BurTajipj Confectionery! {Works; tio. 133 SENECA STUEET. •1 ! ' -- ..: • :.. • - - I i -- 1 • Ut?mp«3 yea to go down town to the CoaTecdoiiery fc lUaa.»ctory.'ot.. :-j Y&H0LHW0OD, S»T IS sold tREStT aad CHEAP. 'csjatfyjaoeipern*- .'..' V'JOcperlb.'. ••.; '.: | •liieeU^OcperO. , ,'i ..... '. idy In 5 lb. boiea. ti per box. mixed inSlb boxes, a 1 60 per box j tlmea ca^ryiae largest Tartetyot toe caa fctmd la'Western New Yortt. . lantncaiMata to dcalsr Borcaasing tteir HolS<iay Goods. - v. FlRTRI^JilXGS! SEAL, OTTBB, J i s k £EK. BLACK 3tAE ^SILtEB FOE, ;BIJ CE & WHITE COl 2 9 1 JJBtdXa S t r e e t , ; BERCTOLDA.B SeWSBB HOLIDAY GOO 'Jirx^r^-'^ Pea^ody": Gold; sil?er Cat Class ', OdorC: Drug Sto f!|rystal ties and Toilet llirnc%<tt%,i A Splei did Dlfplay of tie " Finest lasportei t l 'erfdmorr, s?oa da«: CO:^:G IN ELEl Ivory an< i Holidays! AT«1J> Also, STE] V. iET'S CASD Olid. rCCES CT4T GLASS BOTTLE SIipU Oo H «!£f STREET " I s to be found octj ot^ the beat selected stw China, Crv tal & Stones : IttUieatT. Bis tieortmeatofbwwtta PAUIAN, UOBEiHAW, ; AND aEttOSZESTATtJE I s SBMBaOtd ta -ttkaa. ETjEKTTHINfi 1 LHSBl?oa HOLIDAY 'RESENT&. ^ tar Wees to salt pM C aajeaJ ;: ?. p^4 IttJ . I K T H E W rtrtaaatYleoBa.. K< VanctraadCoaspet Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY Daily Courier/Buffal… · •^•idCcwnq cf.'oHa^ettfrwa sited*

Sep 26, 2020



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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY Daily Courier/Buffal… · •^•idCcwnq cf.'oHa^ettfrwa sited*

•^• idCcwnq

cf. 'oHa^ettfrwa




* J *

Ja-ayeay ot

• dayi

So**-1 •fat-

IIJR 1 jaJSSti.'

BUM a *

(• bcastoati.

: carats 5%e or

••1 wstj-sevea ^ t a V t B o *

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feat BactBetfy aa«l«i a o * 4 w r 7

ICE I * _ r made by "

,i»>ewix4s **<K*a« Cowpaaj ;<i«iiu.j. «rnft£Mt sader irx, Xkw+ <9T : i* SH)» of New latitiM, - A s act as aaflsortaa • wttaM * r M*aa»ftarSat;._^ ' dwiatcai,"

V E X t « t a » s >

•rtrtaatt raav I oz*. to wt s Jot tornados of i

Hidtaa: O M B I M g

COCXty 4 la »hJca r •r> l ie ti*t«i»i Teiw >f t

Stasec-r Nek YarS;. to b«! He etty ol Sjacas*,;

th* Jt- i t i e « i a j c l JadfcacWJW*. -t ie Ctaurt on itat e»y, « • a* »oca

cf-aabe* c u >; iieatd.swa: eedteac-»SdiSiacarpora:e4 Company > K i u i i ! a*aii*of,"iS«jaia|too sewts Jtatatw i8Jo«iiwS3 ba »adfc a w t w a * j

ctxapntr 3S*.joi U M H M i t i * j i > ( ; act '.> t£:ai^ta cerpe uteaa to 'ta!» saawai" "«—— ••*•*•= **i

.No« SUkJiWl. _ l .

Pres&Kfkt of saw iadbsyojattd < t njiterr. ca^jcaos. Attorney, imao, N. i.

cr lecaUq

Qjat Colorado l a s - already lafak irrigating < sat to fit to aapplj morej land tfcaa at present cpo^oseioly- be .watered tho'. rial' need even

beiag no t moMt caa l i s bo i Tito whole afiairor: j the part oi t to) iTidcntij brig?: tatea i o aia t > « rre personal:« a d p Iftical S:

of Cn* anion-isy lead) to practical results in re-

fcnn of W ^ * § H ~ - " T ^ f c ? **•,*•* oi cc3ff«8» aad the administration I ic opts! 90 and the ndandal prea. k mes art farorable to the reform; i ena SO rer be more coosyicaons

n* . bctcorrcpt Intentions] and sordid

g. c t a .b. (re-earned eoagrese jto doable !!> o f t exp mass ia fire years, in the face or. this »oat redaction that aa« taken place in ft*W.. FSw jeers ago'.jrtey r -8^«0J»,iii;j kbja.yeiir they axe : p,» l , The expetuL of tba 3 svernment itaelf iocreas-td jet «or« lar^l r tiace I8«5,i»bett tbey rsre JJ^«U,358.' Last year «bey were

; 75,791,1^|: The jrnhnf party hjas.«ooe on • aifl the n e ^ e n far'to > heavy &* ty* people :»'baaratidVJrita all- the high taxation, the t *7«Btsea i tni 1 oaafQcb at. ; If tbej expaaditarea 1 re coatmuie 1 on! U m same scale as those of ] u t year, the;' wtB&R eed the Income by about ; tu,0OO,(X 0-1 Under t n a t o r e r form or anew

cMttcixaiONior JOE

t i i i abstras tion of money from the pbezetaof; t&s people 1 >y those who are troated 1 ith the punt -atriogs i s no Ieaa> criminal than t te fraodsl by 5 e a « would be if multiplied. u> t]i» stand art J of the' congreaaiioal malfi lace* . ,1 j

The resifa^on olfered by Mr. tmUard calla f x * report' ttom.the- commltttje of a r i l ser-T c* rcfona 4s to the practieabUity^of redne* i: i th© aum4< r of offloials and cu tSng dowa t; * aalariA: 6.' those who should be retained. I: i s slsojjso: ax a step towards reform in the e: :travag«dp 11 icomea ' derived In j some ia-3: a c e s from & » , in that itasSra theeomai t tee :• report 00 tS e expediency of providing that •:•• xpen3ati|>Q I or publ ic aerriea* shall i s ail aae* be i»! form o{ a fixed salary. Mr. UiUard, 0 3 ra, iQai occasloa% has prpred ainf-s- \i an earaeil and disintereaUd actirocata of ;i .-il terviitei i aform, and has now chosen his o; poriunity aa Weil that the house! felt con-

-sined u> pas i.bia resoiotioa promptly. Up to the as » o f Mr. Willard'si motion d r D

IT rvice re&rh had; been effectually sbalved b;' th« repubik an party; in sprtejof i a i a t ^ r -:: i, professjoii in the platform on which the p £ty r«-«lecte 1 Grant, who baa) nerer heal.

to bzea c !ta rules whenever be could iot« the 1 iteresU of his family or friends

• doing 3d. ^ 1 * retained bis broiber-ia-law ey aa c*U* :tor :a ^ e w Orleans, created a

Mr. Kewmanv naator I, and sent him on a

• .;<J

•::.'._.• •• ;• --7;

Ala recent publifc meeling In tie' Victoria PJaTilion, teamipipon, EtelanwUMe. Joseph A rdL pmideni of he Ni d » « ijgricultnral £ akeWa UnBii «>f that. < onBtrj > t*T? ^a «c-c mat of bis inrestigatioi a on t hl» continent 0 t t ehair of those whos 9 inte rejts. he bad b ten sent by the sin ton to advan isj He made »1; a cation of *h(M mighihave bteoidone in ai >y ] art of the*Tinl isd St itte, ai .djia^not Con­di teti tg'Ms reseaich JS int > the * estern states no doubt mad«''a;*Pf«at mmtaJ ia>|.\p»w,; we tt ink. caa be found who, after«taipioiog the rt !h 1 rairielaad it he wi »V so < aABybrougbt in M c olUvatioa by plooj bins;, 1 roiild recom" m md farming labo -are I rom I iarbpe to mi-gi ito Into the wood: of C aada t adjcacoaater tk » long labor of id« aring tiama nad the'.per-' p< tual hardshipf of 1 he se «re wi aitir |in thoee. regions to whlca tiwjmea are iajriijed by-tbe govar iment of thai I omin ion.

" fthe compariio 1 made .by MrJArchbe-tne conditio is. ol the' 'agricaltunl

rem ia Eaglaad 1 ad U e independent free-. g faxmers- whose rsnks they baay jo in

la I Cat ladastruck bis mind s e fonably that k e ulusfled without looking for any better'

_ for tbosev 1 ho iant biifa.] 'Be h i d y pressing iwritai Ions to jgo tojthe statea,..

aa Eaglishina u wejat first to the land »bere the British Sag w a * a f TJiere he was1

mined iately presented w i b a fref pass over

31tS -

menthaa respondedi to the demand for Bttftt' cient -appropriations to remoTe this obstacle to cheaper oranspertation, which lies iadia-

: patably with in" the;,: scope ct federal action, congress cannot consistently or for a moment listen to app »als on}: behalf of improvements of alocal or kate cttaractor. Mr. Bass* pro-positioB, if j vigorously followed up, should serve aa an 'jeffeetuk stopper to the whole brood of projects looking to' 'the bestowal of national aid;upon'Works properly belonging to individual statea! f. : . • '(

T H E • AJaEaic i J

•••.::, . . i ^ R Y A T I O l A call bss| been

trade land chamber

C H E A P X B A N S -A S S 0 C 1 A T I 0 5 .

ed to the boards of of commerce, and to the

governors., of the states, as well as lo the granges, farmers' clubs, agricultural sc cieties, industrial and werkbg men's unions, and all merchants' and maimfactare^ers'associations, inviting theae bodies to send delegates to a •onventionto be held in Washington, D. G., on i h e H i b o f January; next and following da^s. The obfect oil: the mee ting is partly explained j by the title of the organisation issuing the call, 1 viz; " T h e j,American Cheap Transportation Association,? and the following is a synopsis o f the business proposed to be transacted: On the:first -day aa [ opening address by the Hon. Josiab Qoiiacy of Boston, Mass.; the president of khe.Bociety, and the appointment of committers, on .[water routes, railroads, credentials and finances; oa the second day an address by j Governor James M. S a i t b . of Georgia,and! anotheKby William M. Bar well of New Orleans—tljle latter's subject being " T h e value of the Mississippi route," to be foUowed, by JM. D. JBTilbur


niStloawill be rejected by the senate if a vote iaiiiaken.L H e add^d that he hopes, and .has relson" lo| expect, (Jhat the president will wi th ' ' iw'.thejnomination of WiiKams immediately

on the reconvening of the. senate 'after the 'iday recess. '

,j-rTbe' 3incinnat^ Commercial should have ien brought on the stand before the senate bfirmed u B o s s "^Shepherd. Tho following ~ its columns is|calculated to attract atten-

eveni l a these pays of universal scandal corruption: | 1 >

Seaator CoakllBgir any other senator wants to atsonwtbJDKdlitrfanOexpUclraboot the wayiln

Baas SbiptertLi managea taioga let Mat salt If ne; has jahU popseasloa a letter of the Waah-

1 Beta,te which so (the Bow) offen to aecort a ;Oa^UigconOtact to e«1iUaparttw. at exorbitant rates. infeostfidoa thai;the ponses wouldoltMe the plnsder

hlmaeiraod otherjl therein named. If Grant bad Uea aljabnntmctt a letter when ho lentla Shtp-

berU'a nama to the senate tor coodtmatlon aa gover-aorjof the putflct of Colombia, he iwlltdoobtleas bo

to recall It. aod lay haada open U alter it L» ghttohla wind. '

speakers from ' the eastern day will be devoted jto railroads, with ad-

Ca utdiaa railroad 1 and*partook of the hbs-liti as of the govjan or, Who seemett to Arch ht neat a man] wi eh v>ews as: simple aad

uine, as he had eve r conversed with i& his . llflL* The goveranWj i ol| Canada,'both pro-; .tore embodyi|og the ^fews of the convention

4 ? s k l l i ; C O C B X - S s a = i * a . . J a<a:3j«; <.cw%'|> V>. ~tcan>»ic<t«4a«*»v

v'.affljp ec:fcrc<«r' p»njf XitnaJea:, OS4Coe;'niS«we, cist of BaSuo'.i a: tea o> *:oci iai

I i n fit: :-<.««v» of t a s c

\ XtfrV b«it£ jar , 0&pfl2&z *i> a Baa;

j ^ i a.« ftC^w* Catts^ak (.teei :

CMTCt 1ft U » | » b < K » 1 '&*7 H t>e«faiOer, W » | ]

[oae v«ct5s«. u UM-Iwaii r: i «a '•^s#i»liit5on a fen.too *"Ci Jdaj "f •'

!bnaooo,hh« JoCovrtxiti i« asioas: i3e nyaa naiij

1 pared cf 'oaA *V, oont^ n-t K.*W aaa * :«tr>!!ab«t tiinva. ia

p- satabrt eietvo atti .: «r.r»r/ sKlda bj Jot ftCawi uuwii Compiny. 4—

'.r.«;a:a;i&!nt'Uith«( ^tatetUM o& :J< <aw«]:ln«-of mU MimatbeS

•--.'r'tei; :s«sce airUMTi'v «« n k e«M oa* KJ&« aoailt

? b C special ofSrje f« r the ofi:becburth'l|e pleasant too r, t roand tie world, and tbroogh

alJerasbas rarjouraged the levyiagofpoliti-aeaessatent 1 from Uie salaries.ot miner eav

plbyea, un««r ;be penalty of removal, in >'»w . Ypri, Baltimore- and St. Louis. By "another*

t indicating his contempt both for thCletter olj the wfotm' aod tbewpirit of the roles, he drpve Geoijge Ta:iam Curtis from bis position Sal jibe civilj«v?r ?Ice ooannisaion. ^; •{/•'. ."

&ly soma pf culiir maasgemeat the house :•; aa[; :««p t ie rsforfi was transformed into a (tandlngptemittoe, ihns giving Blaine the .; porinntty 4f arxangittg St as might be mos't in acccrdimle wiiih the views "of the corrup-;ii niats. iwt id of placing at the head of the opaittee Mr- Willardj who has been its moat

tcijreiroperatteat ; Mr. Arch repo: than hi! had done wae onired ?11 la of Bra era wko 520 a month and; acre of land rent tMketpnf a cow.

table in hia life, I saw plenty o£ of beef inworkln •erjooily, thai jsvety loving fathe him more, than 'to; and cu[ the food lo paring Bngtahd na1

delighted with the with the riatea of w I . The tearches of

il and of the D >ml lion, pledged tbem-to facilitate the mi] ration otTtbe farm

to that iriantr;r a id that s jcb mem-0! the union as mi prat id there should rih

a.':iad »re.. ;'|;r| ti at or no harder work

Ha jla id for S* a week be aasda. He found plenty

1 illlng to give laboreru wl ib a cottage and', an

tog Jther withj feed aid T ice r, from the stand­

point of Mr. Arch knd those for whom he is agent, are p'racticaUy a ealkh.' He! bad never been able to buy a leg < f mattoa fori his own

dresses; by; Hon.. V | C.;Flagg, of Illinois, .Stephen K. JMoore|.o! Kankakee, Ills., and others, and the last day's session to the adop­tion of a form of petition and memorial to be presented to congress and each state logicia­

ns to the beat way plisbment of cheap

>t promoting the accom-srtaUon.

v hejs»ys,;uittCana4a pie ity of great lumps

en'»h< loses ;• andjl do say,

.. we»tai« staeaoem iaad BOW ' >e I

somh«th oa t&*<

oc l i e u ysi p t i ta* mil xatd to toe

aboot il acrta. a

okot totiaambi* t-ar*ive; 1 iin* (,f let • aam»r ewotre »«pedb3JJaiBes|jC"iarlt: tt

: '.toe of land aowjor b«».lo.'< i aal W;.';iun Kir&hie to Use :' roari. toaoce aiea f toe ce 1 p Joc« of ftesrtoalax. oostal_

or Uae^ betas tbfVaaie >«m*e» deacrfbea..* da^ed Snv. *. : a » . by J&sepbfcaiy«ateTa 4 * * a Carpe&acr. exacikonv of -toirem Ciupeaai ,-< u>^obat.t«wlii.r<!eorded W KrtoCocmf Ctatka sc* in LA« ;2q:oni«<t». p«fee> 7,ea*eprlat «ean toireof » WM lifuarwart. (it«J««! by ai i f Wta JU Lews* otf toe «ftt pars' toereof to Hai*e3 ai d?»eaat. A^>os<<Mb«rrleeeorpaicelijf land det l«c tolKa-bc*l ftw by Jo to-U lewto. komurt. ta 0»Ufl coraer of toawi Maitiiacrtbei

, of pand joiatne he said i-re?j» oa 0, . s i s ? on a 3ae 9 krallet to sai4 ?rev '*

' of i;(asa»r«r 2 »4d deeded_ V fasts* and daroane yes: flaQS: I

abviira; !, __ i aaOTKBqtSTaXA3

w l i „ Q. ? i t t i -a , * T taoi. fbTs^p?*^ o i t t o r K ^ J o r _

_ iUuri j t a jtbaa C aiaxntjff,, aya&Wt, uid ocbexs, daft boa^t*- • I •_.

Jriy y^-^oza ot •^odssa«*t ta tfc« aSo«e« esterwi |>a tia : fttb *••"• •»* "J~— •— ' p<ii»e ibrsujr at ] iobfi Ojert Uoase.'; rood

Ics^r of JBtu>tojtM».| r tea o'efytit to : She 1. { prerolAef. or s o a o e b : j itfa toe aaaoaat rina jgpoo 1 } eitoate la toe |eltj of Be j Exfaaaaesjclse alt t. pot&t to ib

\ EaaTiaiT an irae» ca«? a ' i«er*ft-*adaedari to:U«>r«ti> I

eaacaiostc toaitoroaUaa off % m t ; taaaataefta « r 5«t; totace w4K at rtstbt * « t o at rizat snjMa « • ' ilia ot a»a Senaea it-j«tf r

U i jo .a j that(Otoer piece . 'Btr^aloatoreila^jbooAdadandOeacrMrJiai toitowa:

0»btoeK23o«X'a<«Eaaaae'» s u p . com —a tagat^a . p«to* to toe # r M na« of too fteaeea via W *pf* wtaowma. aaa^GM of i n d 1 h«retofOJB « Ksbea it. HeaaocUito Joaepti Saamaktrt S ipteaajbat*. M « , faeoeasa to-JCil* eon qt « * , toBbar t0§ at^aga eajBaetoaaer I*,?

AsO Jedgmeat[ >. tnto«a»arj north line


S ftef twtaa .aorta


I-ij'i If Hi

ef nea; and *a raest member, he([awarded that jXf^foo to | K illogjc of Connecticut, who la « s c i U y aafen K! to be uncompromisingly op-u red to the ?e annfe. H e also appointed on i t & a. F* 2iu:if r, who b y aaturej and life-loog :•« .-v-rsion J>S b is abilities may be relied upon

:gB opponest of the measure the oa!*n*ib>y intenjded to pro-

opeaiy denounced it as a bum. t i e recent campaign jin Massaehu-

.»;*w toe prjpsii lent,: with toe co-operation of Butler, retoov id and appointed the federal of-fliers to prjmt te hia interests.

[The stepjbo r taken by Mr. Willard- is not eKaeuv in ilbe lirection of wh^t has beea com-

: si^nly i a q > : as the reform .of the ciri l trv icc Mat ^tci* the system on the ground

0: its exrrairai aace and the needless multh :i da of its em t k a f a , rather thaU on the prin-c i ^ e t b a t isoi.or aad preferment should be ;'. ven to t h e e ortbiest aad that toe dietribu. :i tn of tb«:pu wrdlaate offices of the govern-x ent as mere rewards for party electioneering •i fatally l i e aoraiiziag. . Bat beneficial re-

''.. rms, like the virtues, are inevitably l inked v:t^toer, a i d f Mr. Willard can succeed ia

' ?. during lalge salaries and 'the needless num-' b'! ai ihox* * ho receive them, hje will be in a

3 ore hopeful position for making efficiency a .ti fkleiitytj i i t recognized qualificationa for ? ibiic «rvaa'. 1 in the employ of the govern-afssi snd'pfep ape for those in tcjegress.;

T2w m E i i ted a [vising i

ie nationll

A S D 1 tta»G A r x o s C O L O B I O O .


ot the people throughout the will not thank the president for message to congress that their

iball b e farther overpowered In vie national h nato by giving Colorado, with a jfcpulitioc|aiot much more than half as nu-3 *rous as t i i s t of too city of Buffalo, as large : Vepreseuj^t on as that of the whole state of : ew Yorkt C olorado baa some forty thousand ; bibitaato'Ie n than the number required for 1 coogresslon d district. But these cbnsidert-1 one seemfd iriSiag to (be president Incom-1 arlaoa wljt* tba prospect of admitting, as a 1 rate a tsjr wry whose scanty population 1 roald, tbaou ;b their few leaders, be easily • rba by thf |d sfribution-of potiiical patronage a d the 1 ^ranta of aore to thf 3-s Sri

ditare of the people's money or land, and thus contribute two

sizbaerrieat republican majority ia a >u»e of the national lejrtslature.

Ia his *nt ne farther to early oat, these in-«tion*, t:d by /. Irrigax^o,

the! ambition audi glory of s i sal t, no thind deiights sit an mnd bis enrn table: bis ow it family." f In eom-

C tna la he was as much* pr ce of p rot isions as in the latter country.

Arc 1 were lim ted with Red i scovery that •irhai' « Old England re­fuses ber farm laborers.. C anada off« ra them [on; the jother side-" j Tl e | overnmen ; of the (Dominion met bi'm p i t ! gr *tf prompt tude and liberality I t has, he s tys promised that It Fswili build cottages or '* sht atiee,'* co nfortable •and large eaoughi. tcj pet mi' the obsei vance of Itbe proper decencies of Iif« —a point < a which,'1

iby wajiof contrast !»itl ftle- snrroun linga » r the agricultural i a b o * r of England, Mr. Arch dWells long; arid'w am ily; "The«migrants will find their babifatic as -eady on tl teir arri­val* wi th five or six a tret cleared ai td ready for a crop and tijeseed to > lant i t - -a l free j of charge Beside* this £ eld each ol U*m will have a clear deep of a but dred acre: ol land, and the governnieat ag roe 1 to provid s against every contingency jo! v. ant by taking up every day an«l hour of j the ap are time of, ti e settlers and paying tbera at th s ra te ot a doi lar and a quartetf a day lor work ing on t h e co onlzatlpn roads. 1 These certain! < ai s liberal a »d' attrac­t ive terms, and well f ort S the att tntion of men of influence* w|ho: aav be deslro- is of aj^ tractiag popalattons to ' states.

preauvB Genet

This call Is: accompanied by a lengthy docu­ment ;. seUjng forth! certain complaints against the management of some of the rail­roads, together withj suggestions of measures that may tend to relieve the people from undue exactions aad facilitate transportation between the different statea!; | It ia proposed to ask congren to consider jthe expediency ot estab-taoling national railroads or canals for the purpose of carrying freight between distant states and the seabottrd, or to require existing roads to draw cart nor Individuals or com* panlee-at oxea ratesl Athorongh investiga­tion i s asked I n 'regatdjjto special contracts by railroad companiea for the transportation of

• 4: d that in the month ot elegates from several k to consider the sub-tion, and tais organlxa-

ir deliberations.

passengers and frelg • It will be rismet month of May last: states met ini N e w jeSiPt)! cheap transpo tion is the result of

A T . . , T U B cocniTr -POOK-

iaj oeu« asrf of out western


A lame and impotent conclusion .10'the im-trial and «avi:tioa of Elenry W.

is the easy; esc ipe of the ras rai yester-. day morning. jTae ! hiag^was undoubtedly * pat up" between' thi pr soner and the depu­

tysheiilf, and conlii »> beenu eretrans-'contrived'-.'•'' 'X: s to be 1 oped that

Daniels (will' '• wli. the Lati er to. the account tor hi 1 is fidelity,, f >r which,

question, be w ill c e bandsoc iely- paid.

parentljv Jifdge strict :beyom

But slip;

here tho.

is ino'res »on 1

president recommends national land-grants to a vast system

to extend from the Kicky moun-

vyeta aa is

O a a n s



• ' i

T^ad3*'' jtixxrvadtaaasoF ;,

r'* Patent Bolt

I*$ Parallel

Latins* Sangei$»Pa!

sssi to es


las to th ^ ] lissonri river. In .Colorado the aovemeat Is already In the bands of a gang; { operators and is well known as covering adtoer iMOgraSi;. On the jnfonsie merits ot the ease, the presi-;

|deat baa s tads a s broad a blander as- he did; fwhea be li isjsted oa the right' of oar citjxenn toflotWtq drvessels from the great lake* to the swa, fi cfertSag t i e falls of Kiagara aad Uto rapids of j tl|e S t - iawrence . ' It w o o f i be im-posaibie i > collect enough water to carry oa t his plan. I i t is proposed to take the water out of the PIJ X 0 above Denver. T o include the other riven i a t i e territory would not maieri ally altetj 4 te calculation. B a t the area of laecfcantih it f* proposed to water i s ini-meaa'ely', Weater than that from which the Platte d«irve» i ts . supplies, aad the fetter, region Is p •overblally ari J. The: wbole plain, originate* tad, with the exception of the presi­dent, ha*it* supporters in Denver—a place near the? foot ;pf the mouataina and the

of'which would have the. benefit of the water wb2e the lower country would be left dry in those seasons of the year when the water wtat d be; tuefai. • ".".".' .' f

Tbe De: ver ring which bad the assoranee *~ »««jett the wtOrk,"»"repreeented l a Wash-,

» congressional'delegate who It 03 i itiaisey with the president, and, be-

a share in tbo profits of Irri-c«natry around Denver, would l ike

of the senators Grant saMtanfiaByf to create. • " *!,. , • il- ;

•ai C* * ! e i w r * w b o » « »ade * special study df the irrigation of tbe region ia qu^a-itoo ana: todiexperience ia constructing irri­gating jei ma!*,' writes from Colorado to 'the

that to irrigate a region from, tbe

because (Jeaet has noose of ths; law,_ tiat justice

I sbouldtnalt in her oa«rsrd careeri .1 tor should her righteous visftatiias be eonflied to tbe-city oflNew Yoitk whl e ti e broad fi« Id of n'a-

j tional knavery and: co rru| 'tion is rip s for har­vest, bn thissnbiectthe Saw York Herald baa a lew discreet rem srki which we earnestly comme nd to tbe a'.ten ion of those concerned. "Now that sp muA has beeti gained »*;la ;he ,metropolis " ;ltj obserres; •; the " time is ','prbpitio a for tbi - pnnisi-"men of natiojiaV tiievi«.' Tbe legislation "of c >ngress uuring; the last few rear*, has " beet; the aoulce of gre»t briberj obd'eor-"mpiion. Tlje C.rt dii< MoVilier rxpospres, ** whit b are only a sa npl» of the cri mes of tbe " pub ic men at Wast log on, shows i a condi-" tioa of affairs ai bad ia every wa r as at AI-«• baa; and in tWcItJ • gt vernment There is " ao r lason wby Twi ed had Geoet should be "pani toed and! DaWisatd Kelley and Gar-•*field and Patijenon' anc the rest g0 unwhipt

ot ji stice. If we t bb to purity our public republican as well as Party Gats must not

<< offlc » we must paq sb " dem Dcratic eyildoe;»'. " be a Uowed to inter! sre with/

i b e i


iabment n a l s w h o treasury

vernment to settle


;:.":aig An unpleasant report is current to the effect

that. Mr.:' Loeberfcki the' recently appointed keeper of thai Erie county poor-house, has de­cided to remove Mr; Horace Wesson, the present keeper of the. department of the insane ot that institution.; tfijlr. Loeberick has de­cided upon, or serioial/contemplates such re-DSOVSO, we sincerely t'hppe that he may be dis-auadedfrom[ so deplorable, an- exercise of his official power. Twenty years of almost unin terrupud experience in the place now occupi­ed by him have added Jo the -peculiar natural qualifications of Mr. hfnsson i for the position of guardian of-Insane peoplei and during the period of bis: administ ration his discharge, ol the difficult and deliija ie duties devolving upon him baa been so ensz sly satisfactory to every body as to' practicalfiy exempt the department ia-his charge from-toef changes incident .to the

poliiijcs. Dr. Ordronnaux, stale

on the occasion of hit on to the department in emphatically confirmed Letch worth, of the ataAc ie efi^.that .V-iae.- fe­

rn would be a public expression. In no vrtsi

entimentofevery persoa iar with!; the condition bl illation. I It is a positioi ay'othej:--:-;in''.the;:.county

vicissitudes of our Tbe: statement

commissionepr in recent visit of i Mr. Wasaoni-chi as it has been by board cf charities, Ji moval of Mr.' Wi calamitv." is but

• - - I -

exaggerated], of th many degree f affairs at. that ' which, more than should be absolutely independent of eonsidera tions of partisansbipj Or locality,,and Mr. Lo'e berick will tjeserveiijid incur serious reproba tion if he j permiti jjthoee c'onaideratioos t< weigh against MW Wapon's retention.

Bl^nVDEB. koayictlon ot Genet th

:rsts are try ins to make up lit cats tsem aosatwbat turel. - of toett;; leaCent'conrlctect cf

tally over toe mortify lug COB 1 had tilecUii at Jit U ierxc i; 1


Eeferriagi to the CoWwiercia^saya t

Tbe TarostonyG> toeiratoa la time past. to bate oca after aaoffii fraud. Ttey taoarn ea: •rtCUia of one.kaeat " ike ttau ttpiilature.

This is ..the eecotjdl Ume' 'our neighbor ha 1 fallen into tMs stupid blander. The varies ; tyro in New York politics knows that Gene i has been for years past one: of the most con • spicuons of Tammaay'tenemies. Last fall b i ran for the assembly | n the twenty-first diitric t as candidato of thof. Apollo k a i l and customf house oombiinatioriji^bomai Crary being to»

Ooracy iimd liberai repnl • ibaviog been one ol u th > net has been a politict I

ofV particular friea 1 don,-for w e remembtr

t to be disrespectful—tt11 03 Mnrpby.

candidate of the d Ilcaas.. So far fri pals of Tweed," partner of the \ d Tom—we beg its how it begged^ts n Is to'say—ifis.

e, * of crime. There a e.pfowerSj! cri " stao il tc-d»y {on tb > t Dokyof (hi '* dep tr(meat as defs alt -r^fo the " w h o have not erven bcea requ " the! r accounts beci a « of their influence in **the party. JSener d Howard, as the^head " o f the freedmaas bureau, was known " f o r a loogj timt to> have J mlsappro-"prlated the] p u b i c ' money, ajad yet no " effo rt was made to convict and pnnlab him. " T b 1 exposure of G eneral Balloc* a year ago. " w * lo itself Howi rd'aexposarel and it was ' ' a s nucb tbe duty of the secretary of war at

•««tbi t time a i now o ask congreis to provide " for hia punishmen . The case 0: Stokes, the " T e tnesaee polltici mcharged w th commit-"t in % bounty fraud«,ha» not been disposed of, " or baa been so managed that he criminal "eetaped. The Washington rln£ as well as '*• tb 1 New York ring afford fit sub sets for trial " a n 1 punishment. ! We desire to supplement

ou r joy over toe cjonviction oi C e n e t by the " c o iviction; of other criminals hi lding higher. " st ttion than he, and we urge t pon the^, re* " pt blican party t b 1 duty of seel ig thai all it* "d«9-elict leaders iar» punished."

\f e cordially s e a adj the call < f the Herald for he conviction and punishrceut ot'a few strs ight repablican thieves: T. te country is fait of them4 '._•• r '


U E S T E B . n

A t several place: in Westero' New tions have bees fo

dyr Y O B S GBanGEs.

; CEO, w. Tifrri soss Co 1*01 Waftfetatrrtm,. eisel t 'T. ' r'mrrAS&.x.'z.


T O £ S T ; C L A U k f U t l P B O - f E A E N T .

The Cbm-tcrtfo^ of Saturday gave to Hon. Mr. Sessions the credit of introducing in the boose of representatives a resolution looking to ahs deepening of St Clair rly ri. The meas­ure was really brought forward by Mr. Base, tbe representative of this dis trie t, who on the 18t t ins*, askeo ooanimous consent to submit and have adopted tbe following:!

Boeky ttfantalaaOnly to toe 100th marMtiia, \ ^ t S i l f f 5 a w t ^ :aa!eadj.;i! f going to the Missouri as recom* " steaded' by--toft president, would require a canal iip 30 feet wide and ten reet deep, Bow­ing at & > ratoof three miles aa hour. This* would rt scb aJ»at 2,000,000 acres, while the plan fitwt wd by the president contemplates toe irrigate t of sot less than 5,000,000 acres.

Mr. M eker find* that if the canal were

andi some! wortl taat^ acre,J *Sto|

a long.' stretch of farms, ranci extending along the Platte

of miles would be A^to»t«ot toemeaaure

^;cnaW.irai«^':f«r';^^' -'tsa toe actual eost would be

^4 •™FTT-

In this and other countU 9 rk preliminary organize *

d in sympathy with t t B " grange » movement, but a* yet , owing to t l e inability of the proper officials to be presen: for the purpose, no.granges have been forma -ly c o n s u l t e d . Wejlearn, however, that M r. George Sprague ol Lockport, toe secretary it the N e w York s t t te grange, will be in th a county about the^tb of next month a n d , w U then complete the!organization of granges tt Aurora, East Hamburgh and Angola. ! f r o n: Erie county he w£l go into Chautauqua to < ft tabllsh simia ar assiociatfons a t Jamestown ai d other placjes. The; farmers of western N< w York seem to be thoroughly awake as to 11«! desirability of association. ,


—And now they . Lave at Washington "congressional grange," of which Bep: tative Mark Dunnell o f Minnesota is the

mm $m iBPffliis 23ill873.

C O O K S TO A N O L D 0J231O-;'."'y.; ;- ' ,CBAT. ;- ' ':''V-'i;',

•tduBiilarHftXeCwtrieT:.- . ."•'.- '\'::--.\,

w e otJcasionally r^sad the New York , 2Ynie» iee what 'foreigners Ibavej to s a y about

American institutions, and; were some-Surprised "ttjl Cnd tbewia , a senrrit-

ort of an article leveled at the. Eev. H. Hepwortb! in relation tohis recent

sell! speech at an antUSpanlah mee't-ilinj.NflW/'rYorav' It seems a l i t t le strange

republican pap er to prate about a aacre-llgeo<tts: minister's epi akingof bomb-sbells, e t c , vi hen si few years a g } the aid given in the way ej Sharpe'a rifles by ministers, and the cry of *j more1 hemp ^ for o | r cbnqo'erefi countrymen, ajere} recelv/e»-wiUi;-'|aca'.guaio'by republicaiaa

rwaatdi.-' of Hold

m . shop-li

—6a police pledb; tured fourtee tfael scandal, the earn

[frjjqnen; an oldei these w. the men J.,Hardy. receive j providin duties shall afft spect, aa pie. si mi!

M. '••Tnle^prtocip^;,'be«f^'.tae ''name { b o i ™ . and Ws wife tbe euphonious .title 1 the american stagers to Europe; enny,", a well-known metropolitan

of! Michigan, and ^ irbaghouithe counifry. •jstates;-the t h i r d ' t N<|w;.w4:»re'aiot so

i. sure but that the Rev.

( eo^ge ia about half right for once. This, "wise 1 ittlementf of the|!Flrji»tt«ts affair by cur I »a i president reminds us; somewhat of the t yivering pp of thejremuant of tbe poor pris-0 ton at Andersonyille. After laasasBlnattag tl e g reaier!. part of .the passengers and crew; a i d railing the flag rnnder their feet, they de-1 ver to us ja few souls who have: passed from d » t ] t onto life a s it were,; and If wo won't hur-ri ,b oxmake any noise aboik it, the veasel;whJch d>aTbeIonfe to tbeijn. »*0h! mbafc lanjie and , fi ipojtent; | o n c J a s i o r | n in1 our jdtjgmenK "bat ti tog pi irbaps we are not right, for we never can see w r » ° t t inas as these "Christian statesmen;" Sio. D aubtless* we would "fight j it out on tJ at J l ine »• if t h | captors ; qf the Vir-sjiru'ua h i d only ;ibeen our countrymen, bi tt tjfey are Spanji rds, and modern repub-licaos are 4«scenued : from a party that never

d like tb flgbt foreigners. Now, possibly p a r ^ aetttemejnt"' may mako Grant: a j-term president! if i t don't it!won't be the

plaint ot a mother the Rochester 0 deeaent upon the rooms occu-

;g young men of that city and cap-Of t h e tatter with three girls of d found abundant evidence that ere befog initiated into the most,

vices. It la said that other girls of o bavo been In the practice of the place, through the inflnenceof Irl, who a n a the willing tool ;;of than murderer*. The 'names ot given as James Knight and Peter

it is to be hoped; that they may •r punishment. If the law fafia in cb, i t eboald be among the first

. legislature to enact one which protection to society In this ; re-s i s 'by no means a solitary exam-

J ecaadals having-been.developed in severiiH ! tba larger cities of the state re­cently.. ni

~Tfce 3|test developments via, t h e ; trance mystery jat Canawangus throw no ad ditional I i gat upon tee subject, although the s ix week 1 s t for tbe re-appearance of the spirit baa tract 2 Z ed, and the advocates of the theory that Slt'aSi Jonney is really dead insist that «he ongb 111 be buried, while toe',belicvers ap; pear: to 11 i » firm i a toe determination to give more tinjc ] far tbe accomplishment of. the a n ­ticipates! i piracle. In this connection Monday's Rocbeafa r >1 kmocnt contains .a lengthy notice of a simi t jr case of trance in that neighbor, hood a f ti tl years since,, in which a young lady was . to 1H • appearances dead, and so pro­nounced U ' t h e physicians, but the parents were not latbtQad and refused t o have the body infe md,' and at the end of four weeks she revive dU and is l iving to-day in: good heal th and spirit! i<l Tho young lady ia very: sensitive >n t h e site jaVt, aad therefore the name and lo-sallty iajo anted, but tbe facts are indispnta-)le. It « said that she declines to converse in •egard |to ! aer sensations during the. trance

with even 0 »r nearest Irlends, but has promised to leavp -ja written account of them a t her

i . •

me. in ** Traviata.^ Thewja ore [only a few of alas though bedragged Dauphin into the list

bat ibe list of frightened prbtesunts, be bad x o time t o char ge her forced majority against tfce new coos i tpion befoije be was over whelmed by toe ocea a Df popular repudiation ortrfmteir.aad b > c lana, Ne'v«t'5iraa.»'ttfa|^,aO'.-'oewpTSrW- . Iy ca aght ia bis canning game.—Philadelphia ;

shoi rs that. America .{sj jaiofoi; an enviable mus ical reputation obroao and tl lat, American tale ?t I» rapidly being roc igautec.. The finest mus cians in tbe world ate fast ,a< knowledging i t ; 1 n d Mr. Theodore Tho n a s ' g eat. operatic scheme i s partly based ape 5 his tonfidence in Ann iricsn talent. Every ta fog a terns to indi­cate tjhat this country ia c estfotfl to produce the pualciana of the future.

U S C O t N AAaV n< C l i E IXAJf. «SVltt<

jfttofey-80a ie Searet \ History -Stat 5menu by 'E: ;-Secretary . Wel4ea Lincoln CiJlcd on " t i m e jar c»»

From the St. LotrU I tpub'd an. Tie folio wing extract Is i torn 1 n article in

the Jatoxy magazine rorjD* cemb< r, written by the Ion. Gideon Wellesj «x-seci etary of the navy. The period alluded to is immediately afte: the defeat of Popejin front of Washing­ton, and when-tho advajjtw *f th »' victorious enet iy upon the inational'' c tpital carried dis­may throughout 'toe coantr; r:

At tbe stated cabtaet taeettfcxi >a Tnea Lay, the 24. of Septt mber.. waiie Uie whole com nualty • was Stirred np and 1 a conlasloa, and a2»in> vrei e gloomy bayocO aoy-tbisj tbat bad prevtotttly oect near Stt 0ton entered tbec luncllrooma few mlnntea 1 a.advas Mofstr.JLIa-cola, ana said, wltb trreat jau Itement be bad jaat Jaatntd from Gen. XIaUeck-that tba president aad paetjd-MeuteUan, In eommattd cf tba a n a la Wasn-

Tbe-lnformaHon waaaarprlalng aad, la view

death. I. —A lor MJspondent of the Utlca Obterver

tjella tat k [lowing: •'A novel marriage be cur red in S' >rwich, Chenangocounty, Sunday 1 igbt. |T11 servant girl in the family of a I rominent j lergymati of the place had a beau, v bo''was 11 mt to\?roloog his•visits to a later b bur tear. | ;he family deemed .proper. Late S andaw ev \ ting noises were beard ia the ser-v mt: gjrri | room, wnrch made the household conclude Haere wcr'O two persons there; toe: ci ergy; a tire, s t m e p

ult of th . ofBce-ho Jders. ( F. G. P'l* vtew,,:pf,toe::p|stoora:,;'bf money.; -the1

at d the abaard freedom from taxation :er which the cpaintry labors, the laudable

geauity llsplajedi by congress to find ways - J indinj; the people's cash! cannot fail of

datfo 1. .'Among other; deft echeaies in ood-1 sUlng flnjeto one adopted byvtoe'

us* ct re iresentatjjvas toprint 225,000 copies hjof tht sgricnljjural reports:of 1872 and

73^ at a tost of obput60 cents each, for free tributio t to. the jank-shopsj and paper

illsj Expense would be only abont 306|000. The appropriation was advocated

several members1 on the .ground tbat it is duty of apaforrial government to furnish people reading:|matte)r.,] Of-icourse' .It. is,

d < veryt bdyknbwB that agricultural reports e h e on 3 thing! lor which tire popular appe­

tite i > alwa vs keen. | Strange to, say, the sec ate lesiaates to coccn^ In this generous view;

,'beT «A«f»-

—Sotherfa s a y s b e will next season present unarearj In"private theatricals," in which

1 be rioble 1 ord wi l lp lay Hamlet, I ~ffbe.-N. Y.",siwjfs obituary of Judge Nel-

1 on:| "To e enddenj death Of Judge Nelson • ?Ul Stake a lany by surprise; ibuf (he grand aid 1 tan teasTjady.^

lira. Davis, . postmistress at Columbus, ', liaal, has seen arrested by i a Halted States

Sal. She was f affected by 4if tho prevail-Eotos.extent;Of;$2,'300. ":,'|:',,"'.''. be intended M s i t of ithe.JHev. Henry

VarU Bee :ner to! Bagland—in May next-^-is already di icussed by the British- papers, and i ome abeu rd anec iotas' of the, Brooklyn preach-l i aJe,relsted.; : / '

; ' -'-••'•:•:![ l •',[ -I:':':'-.: ' - | M r . R chard a.|Proctor,i'the'''-Engluh-'- as-ri ronpmor, who is nbw; ia | this country? is a

jaember b the se i s l e on the Roman Catholic linittersity about to'be instituted in Kingston, Sbgland- He is 'aS concert to the Catholic aithl'V '"•" i' T ..';J '. '• ;'-.-•-.:'.-\:

^-jsigno • Palm «S, thel well-known Italian , i cieatist,; rho rer tanned Id bis observatory on he slope tif Yeauviasduring the whole of the'.ienefit't t ruption f j-1872,Jhas invented a; thexrnome'ter :t](j all tlfle

ears^ant, six.-o' teen yean and s: U -i-JMr. $ amuel. Balomoro, who tomeitwel ve or

Sdjmost l o nisterii g to

contolatlc n of mntjeeof that ci near to at tend t by-kimto :toe.4 k

| :4fAmoiigthe jniaJf d a y s at tbe

• as aroused and, donning suitable e ifjfcnt to tbe servant's room, aod after rl« f secured admittance, the girl re-hi 11 the door and protesting that she

alone l The clergyman, however, was ubt sat atlc 2; and looking discovered the eer-vtnti girl'ii)I man under the bed-covering, ei ideally j'| retired . for the night. Tbe ci jrgyiiao fe ted promptly in the matter by sayingEtbe « must be a wedding there and then. (Th< Hariri was willing, while tbe fellow, st 11 insbeC | |was reluctant; but oa the clergy-m in tfjrea: fining to have him arrested unless h< content stt, toe chap agreed to the marriage, a: d Injtoerpresence of some members of the. fa nlly jcaL en to witness the scene, tbe mar-: ri tge ceremony was performed, the girl standr insbyftbe. lad, in night dress, and the fellow refacbing bf| band from odder toe bedclothes

After the ceremony the bride ere left to-retire for the night, and

sas ret] a t d _ in] the tnor ii ing left the bouse at request."




njigratpn. •S« rdcjijjbbrgianism

i meric i u umbo s

—Tb 1 a fork !h kaife. • —:Th 1

c Ined 1 i e t > Turn: »h oTthe-i in

.—-Fn m daring fii j ended a t irtlfica it '•' —An I {ertecf d 1 nder.-fri t bove. ' —Loddb: tion of H. Italians '< i ians and

>.—Pet a s accesai >i lybim n ier.of b s * pestles i)n their |si

- A a dollectii J5


ias abolished hari-kari., icag|, is agitating the subject of a female tcl|jr.phy8iclan#\'';:: ::' ,'''.K-'

jemie is said to have broken out •aj aonglthej) ate of.Lawrence,' Mass..

Iphia has fifty Baptist churches, having'been organized a few days

iaetah. o f lh i Ing. ' anlaioiry bad 1 tatao.'. General regret wits tntpftsssfi.'' and. Stan­ton v lth some feellag remantid that no order to Skat eaed bad beea lauatd from toe war deps rtment- Tba presi lent, caimly bot with some empb eta, said.tba order was nf». and be would be reapotolb e tbr It to tbe eoun ry. With a jretreadngsanddctn< rattiad army mmb [ upon ns, and alarm and panic ta tnacora-raam waa necessary, tba president aa d. tiaiaotac-tblnj ahooldbedooe.buttbereaeemedw be no one to doit. IletbeTeforeaaddlrectediilcCIan n.wboaaiew ttiLt 1 rhote ground, ivaowaa tna']be«t ort anlxet la tba annyL wboaa flicalrj was to <arg|mlseaat defend, aad wbo would bere act n^oo tne OefenalT t, to take ml* deieatodaadbtokesiamjyaatt.reorsraainSt

W t are able tb.contribiiie an at ecdate re-latit jr to this crisis in the history >f the war,; whit b will throw) a new and intonating light upo; 1 v toe. evenjts. narrated by Hr. Welle*. ilcC lelltn, stripped of his eommat d and left a m< re spectator of disasters ho \ ru' power­less to avert, had retired to Wash! ngton, and was sitting one evening ia bia offlc i in compa­ny with Delos B. Sackett, now inspecter-gen« ral of the army. This officer t ad been on McC eUane staff during, the penit sular cam-patg 1, and.was, jcoOsequently, perfectly famil­iar ' B-tth the embarrasemects unde r which be had abOred on actoont of toe per ilstent and ill-a I vised interference of the exe tUtive, and esperially of tbe secretary of rar. The irierds w.exe conversing togetbet upon the gloony situation of affairs', • aad itdulging in thos i speculations and reflections which tbat sitoatiun would natnrally give ris< to, when audc ealythere was a sharp ring at tt e door-bell. The servant came In and announce I.the presi-

aged sixty-five,, who was born or legs, died recently in Ken­

t's thinking of establishing in Lon-egaper devoted to Canadian im-

wa3. introduced in ut ninety years ago,1 and now

out 5,000 adherents. ' ighf of gentility,was attained by 0 attempted to commit suicide with other day. Vulgar people use a

ttjj'an ollarm bell benever a sadlen change ot temperature - Yolney;

akea'plate--',.- - h\ i-:.-;,:j-. (.:-,] -wErof. [Bufet, b^ tbei Geneva Theological I

attached, which sounds • the wot ItijH of Voltaire^ Rousseau, Diderot, id other'••;detestable authors," to

! land thi r uover as waste paper.

mjnaryJ in which! Csesar Pronier, lost by the Relation' rflidu 1 avre disaster, was a professor, writes

0 t i l s cei tutry asking if ] the American Chris-.iaabcoul I do eomatbing for Proaier's numer-u s faaailj'. :, H e [leaves a wife sick^."for many i a n d a y

rhieb the

Ud^rea, t h e o l d e s t o n l y thir tonBnta.': ?: ••?)£:'•

Adams, a deal mute of the;.. other: day,: during

sn years past untiringly in'the labor of

Jpiritual enlightenment and rai number of the deaf

Iwhb'. came. from.', far and •ligions worship conducted

ilanguage."; :,-.;•. tteresting curiosities of colo-

ieui l hall: tea party was a


: verpool work-house committee de-fferot tbe mayor, who is a brewer, ee beer for the Christmas dinner

t e s . •;• :"':':,*' • . ' . : • ; • ; .;.';:•

i r e tar a just issued it appears that last twelve years England has e i -m equal to $32,646,983 upon coast

ention is said to have been recently England by Which a diver, when

r, is able to converse with those

Is said to have a foreign popnla-0 Germans, 40,000, French, 2,000

IOO -Asiatics and 7,000 Scahdina-.utch. -:;r

:'.. ;.••. tanley does not believe in apostolic I In a:sermon recently preached dinburgh he showed that as a ..mat-'_ there are no sdiccessors to the bese died and appototedno one

iae».„-'-ityihas been formed .in Belgium for II wrste.paper, and selling It for the e pope. -The society has appealed issessors of "bad books, such as

i aortalit 1 mother 1oberpa

formerly: belonged to Lady Frank* ._ wife 08 toe courtly collector of'Bos-

... befo » t h e affair at Griffin's wharf. The romance o f Agn«fs ISurriage's l i fe before, and aftejr-ber narrlage to Sir Henryj Frankland is fulldaf int jrest, jTSIe was a girl bf all work at the( bid F rantaln Inn atMarble&ead when she first attra :ted the attention of the collector, whose lif< 1 she afterwards saved; at the great earlbqua! :e of Llsboo. From the window of berhusbend's houaie she looked! out upon the flgiit at I anker BUI, acid afterwards left the rebel town andi returned to her friends in royal En claud. \ Her strange, eventful history is oarrati d in Holmes' poem of Agnes, This tanj, iexqt Isitely; painted, is now in possession of a you:ig-lady ojf Boston. :|..

w T E I T E 3 1 S . .1 -r-To-t ay a public eoup-bOBse Is to be

ope'ned'ii.Troy|-.r • ' ' i ... [ - i -^beprei9 oflTroy: complain of the ex-

tremee ! > which toe students of the Poly tech-nic insti ute carry their amusements. ',: H A - . ' wealtbirrf resident' of N e w York clry lately tx ught a farm .located in the town j of Corinto, Saratoga county, tor which he ,paid f2j>,000, Oa visiting his rural borne he found that $ 1 500 was about the market price. We feel assi red it was not a genniae homespun who) ma Ie this jahjarp trade. ': •.•;'-'/•:>•\' "":.. ' --Cbi nge of iparpose is not; invariably tbe sign o f a weak! mind, a n d w e trust that recon-sideratl 3ns of similar import to the following, which t re find In. toe Bochester-Z>cmocraf ot

terd sy. wil l not this season) be ' intrequent.

1 tther ni •Tbi'

etter ore his ion and »y the C mblto ft lad lay Soston'i nmates >uted 10 wbiclj jf-the-J*

a n i e n t

Amer sical have hai sical a ceased, Old W Among Pattts, who ie Miss'A Albant, Paris, i music s

gliab journal points out a curious ween Saturday night and infant lit says that the number of. infants in bed by overtired andt'not over ta between Saturday and sunrise on

surpasses N the mortality of any in toeweejt-

eveland (Oi) Xender publishes a en by Professor A gassiz shortly be-tb, pronouncing a s a " baseinvea-

tander,"' the-statement often mads cbolics'as aniargumeut against the

ol system, that Professor Agassb igated a house of prostitution in:

found that ja large majority of the t o natives |of that- city, and attri-' own downfall to impure influences sy bad beep subject while pupils

:cn public schools.

[ | A f c » . - ^ 0 ;

kja- n n a t c C E W C A S T E E .

! Talons on tne Ett. ropean Boarua.

From tbe CbtcafiO Tribune:., ..• a is beginning to look up in the mu-ijjres of Europe. For years past we to depend upon Europe for our mu-

ijrs. • Gradually, however, this has i d now we are sending singers to the •lid, who are \ taking high positions. jibprano singers, we have sent twO

y*»ter IS has 1 eterence to a contribution to the or-

—Tne Hartford l(7oar(r»f—Cten^ tt w nL of a no te to.the treasurer enclosing $ 6 0 which

as sh>wnthecUyed i tor : "Mr. Sage—Isnb-$10 for the asylum, last evening, n o t

paper-r-odmita that Williams should b s «'vint- I dicated," but hopea the senate will find so ne w a y of doing i t less expensive to tne conn ry than saddling him upon it aa chief justice. ' —Messrs. Wilson of Indiana and: Eldrit ge

of Wiicoasln, of tjhe house.judiciary comi df. tee, have! been commissioned to go to t ew Orleans daring the holiday recess to take et> timony- upon whipb. the' committee may j re-sea tar t i i t e s ot .impeachment against Jupgb Dureu.

iberal ChrUlian characterizes € conspicuous example of

characier in many ot our lerring | to the election of Carpe^

as president pro Ifem.. of the:',.senate I t " The eciom baa been for some time collec

torn praaeat aarrton«, or tbe espeaaa cf twMenlatmaiiavteablacriaanelcf tbe

rtv»"r and • waters ecataecttoe Lake Huron wltb titaw Erieaoaatosdapttaerameto>acapatity forpxactlca-V» aar»%adoa o f Tatatta drawing so feet of water-

After romedisenssdon as towbetber the res. olutioa- should b e referred, objections were wi:hdrawn;andttwsa: adopted.\ We trust It will elicit a speedy response and that practi-calj action will be'biaugurated in the direction Itijrcicatesu N o r i eeo t innovaljon has s o di-rm Uy and materially contribatea to the cheap-

of transportation to and from the west oi the class e l ve. jse^ am.

trade, an4 atiil .farther

, bed , when I come to write y o n achecktorithe amoun; It seems so easy to make it $50 that 1 etui ha tUy resist the pleasure of doing so at

Ta ris t of yoiurtolnking me fickle." —Tl e •tij'dtery of the pistt 1 shots and the

spla«b in toe river at tne Colombia street brtiige Albany, Is still ut solved. A Mr. Walls s reported missing and it Is supposed that hi > may nave been the vie iim of the foul play. Some person on board < ne of the barges

toe basin Wednesday nigl t saw four men bss Columbia1 street bridge H e beard one

on the BCtrface. i s i t Ool 'time., the:- eklmkaer :^rs»osedf?? -• 'j''"'. v':'-;-' -•'"•-..''::V i>rj!-m : —Washington bounty must be growing a n . The Salem Prwaipublisbes a table showin; ;'toe eapensei o f th»|corihfr:'|fo>'yeara pas i , aays:-..'-!-1.:;7.7"l^Vy;^ :7- V:.&*:

TUlak of it: Only Bircea yeaav aco $ 8.088 03

raised tat that t^upcee.aatarresaeef orer $80.'" This is b y no means a a uncommon

for this day or radical mi^rnle, which it b e hope^ wil l sobh be brougtit to a close both ; loe ta to |aadnat ion . . i : ; i i' .-! - . ^X;

—Washington jdispatches quote a prom nen admtrJsitraUonsenator.'.an h iv ing said Sitdr-day that h e inteoda to ybte for the conf rma-

mm ©3SSffiK4,;t/:i'.HV^.'. •

1 thet J make the remark, »' J f he • wins $100 o-nlg it he will'never see da ^lightl" Young Valla was In tbe habit of visit ing a place on Jolun bin street where ;Bome tort of a game Is

earrie t on.. : . lt fo-alao reporte I that a atrangei w a s i : a Green; street saloon on Wednesday

Jigbt; whero h e displayed a great quantity .ol tone;', and thesproprletor ad rised bun 'of nil

toUy. But, i beinit under t be. influence .0: liquo!, be was bold enough to h e foolish. Maj Itfnol be that be was notice i, watched, In v e i g l e i a n d irajlai^? ' !:- •—i gang !of burglars and shop-lifters wai lastw eek nneakthed in Sar itoga under th< -folloa ing sfoirular circomsta ices, as detaOet b y to > correspondent of the rroy JPrtat: i . jtidy;i tttended a funeral a n t near h e r sat 1, femal»with a cloak of pecu liar color wbicl t s h e * Imiredvery mach. A : ew days toereafr tor shs saw some goods of the color in a store,

d j roceeding^to make her j urchase caioall; r oned t h e facto! having seen' It made up.

„ o t toesame goods had been stolen, an I as] ifoion struck the clerk ( m t that might t* > • cluip. Pro'm the informati m obtained frot I

' >mer the detectives were put on tb a exetiiti and "shcoeedejd In disc )verfng the oj,e '-atora and semiring laftfangv consisting of tw > mentmd a woman, the wMeof one of ttje

1 | W


Wm&m l i f t I LI 1 ' " i WaK&82», JOHTR'O % * OO-,

' I a«


A rASUXEitt BESOaL. Frfgbtfal Prospect oX TXtlrty HUU

denti and Gen. Halteck. .McCleltan rose at once, and seeing bis distingaisbed visitors in the I tall, ushered them into a privat i reception-root) 1 in the rear. After; d jbtief c msultatibn be a xotnpanied them to a carriage in waiting, returncd to the ieffice and; remark:d quietly: " W ill, Sackett,;! am ia command < f toe Army of to e Potomac again." His friend started up in su rptise, aod exclaimed instinct ively: " I hop<, general, vou did not j accept it witho.u suitt ble' guarantees*'—meaning guarantees agaibst farther Interference oa the part pt toe ejeecitiye. • McCIellaa looked at lim wltb a peculiarly solemn expression he csuld never forgt tf.aod said, very slowly and d iliberately: "vSii,' wnen the president ol the Ut ited Stales tells me with tears in bis eyes ths t I am , the only man who can take command cf this army and iave; the country,' it $'po time to ask for gvai anitct.: Wewitl teave for the front fo-monow morning at daylight."

Tl ey did le»ve at day)jgbt, and7 the 0 paig 1 of Antietam did save^tbe cos ntry.

of] People — Propoacdt ^aeasrajrea jj^Hetv--7-..",| ... ; -'. •i-j.-'•'

Calcntat cor-ioct. 81) cf licudoaTirae». 1 :V I am afraid we are abont to endure a famine

in Bi ngai each as has never:before been ex-peri* need in, the history ot bar. role.. 'The rains ceased prematurely ia toe middle of last moat J, just as they did to Ori»sa la 1805, whllel the previous fait had bean unprecented-ly light. The result is tbat toe-great Amun rice c rop, on which the:, people dspend in the main, baa failed aldioai all over Bengal, and nothing like an avertge eight-anna crop wiU, I fear, be harvested. But this is not aU. Tbe droug bt baa utterly prevented tbe so wintr of then ring cn-p, and we nave rto face twelve months during which toe people will have to be ma intalned out of toe food reserves in the country plus this : miserable' failure of tbe Amur - T h e drought was felt over a very small area ot tbe country i n 1865, while this year it has marked the jiehole country from, tbe Bay of Bengal right up to the b o r d e s o f Oude.; I believe;;I waa the first t o wake up to the, real rignificanca of toe weat ler reports," but all are now equally alarm ;d alike. The worst ttact in the coun­try i s the one that Is mos t densely. populated and tl e poorest of them all, Kenar, with n e a r ' ly 30,i (00,000 people to be fed) Owing to oar mLer 1 Mt laissex /aire notions in the pest , c e have 1 eft the- remiadar and toe usurer to re­duce < bis people jto i positive slavery. The zemio l a r s o d hia amtah (and irlings) take ten-elxtee 3ths of the ryots' crops- .imagine that!— and t te usurer .steps In tak as the other six-s ixieei ths and the people li' e upon the ad­vances of tbe latter from one year's end to the other. Growing tho most mag aiflaent harvests of wb tatr rice, opium, Indigo they themselves starve on tbe coarsest millets^ and.are as poor and', miserable as can be eoaamved. j It appears tbat roa the ntost favorable sup­

position food must be imported for a popula­tion''of 11,000,000 or 12,00^,000, and that these j numbers will have to jbe fed with such bupplies for-at least nine months. A t one pound per head per day, w bicb is tbe least that toe Oris^a Famine Comt lission (for which Sir G-.'Campbell was toe cb6 IV consider sufnV cierit, ithis population -would jreqnire for nine months 1,300.000 tons, which at £13 per ton (and Lt is more than doobtfu iwbeiber rice can be laid down within reach of all at that rate), would cost tbe country ahoopi£19,000,000.


FOR THE-:! l^ t lBAYS

Kam mmt

good boeftite^s p^foasfist^btM It of a uastar t. em talroed aad treasarel op oa punpose to.a

•o«i< j t U a . ? *• - :i 7 : • ' ;

ublisher, Bookseller A.X TO!" I S T A T I O N E S R , ' ;

:d; .if: r i •• j-'j '• No. 263 Main Street,

.!.»•»-Ofietpjjtbrtha.': ' ' r- - t ) j *

\ l i M ' : - , - > ' " ' • • $ * • • • / • • • '



con lVGTOKS> R A J f . a O A O PENCET,

8from ths Albany . Sfcua

celebrated railroad < ojndttctera' punch ass beea in nse for a / e a r or two past Albany railway, has now been intro-on the Albany & Wat 'trvliet hone rail-Tbis instrument, wb: ch operates aa an tent between tbe a d d u c t o r end the

rauroad company, has prov 4 to be a decided success wherever it has b atn tested. The honest railroad conductor;; rjil welcome this invention, aa it will prove i i i integrity, and demonstrate that j however gkeat toe tempta­tion to which he.has been e: posed, be has not yielded to wrong doing. Ti i l punch has been in >jisb in Buffalo (wbero; it | originated}, in Bos top, Philadelphia, Ctiea and other cities, and is; now being introduced on thehorse rail-r o a l s i n New York. The Invention is a most ing m^oua one—the instrume ajt possessing some deticate'regiateriog macbictry. It is a fide litti st piece of mechanism, a rid is manufactur­ed at'Colt's pistol,raanulactt ny, tbe materials used-lielng or. the best char mter. Many im­provements have been mad* la the Invention Btm:«t it was first patented, «nd it Is hot I un-i i k t l y l b a t i r m a y be so far ] arfected as to be UH-i«i^oa steam jailroads; If any horse .rail-roal company has reason to dcub; tbe honjpety of 1 beieondnctors employed, {and they tvii-.h to make sure, ot tbe earnings b< longing 10 tbem, let them try toiapuscb.. It Is a sure test of Jtoaee'ty, and has given the t fat of satisfsction jjrfejry'whereithasbeen tr i e* |

loo ked beyont det tee. ; I re:


| a i ina andCarlotta; Minnie Hauck, -reat favorite; Jennie Van Zaudt; irt, Kellogg'sprotege; Mia* Monlton; ho lately won a signal triumph in " T h e Huguenots," rendering the

'ctly as writtea by Meyerbeer; VIo-letta Cfllville, who has just made a remark-: ably si tesaful debut at Piacenza; and Mrs. Hall, w I & also recently made a successful debut at tbe £ raeobam Palace. Among the control ti are A * [aide Phillips and her sister Mathilde, both of whom are now singing in Milan; and Antoin Kte Sterling, who is all the rage a t the Riviere ^Concerts in • London. Castle add Campb fi are singing In English opera with great t UJceas in England. Charles Adams, of Boston ptas just beea .engaged as the principal tenor a the grand opera in Vienna, po l l , toe basso, tbo is the greatest oratorio singer in Engiar a l l s » nat ive : of Connecticut.. Whit­ney, t id American basso, made a splendid repata ton in England. William. Lake; of Wasnli g |on, i t Is said, bids fair to rival San t-tey. Edward Dannreutber, the founder and conddt ior ot the London Wagner society, ia a nati ja; of Cincinnati. Jule E. Perkins, Ma-pletod 1 inew basso, Is: from Vermont. Ia ad­dition a'iftese,tnere,'are numerous others wbo, althou {n now studying, have made a brilliant repata ton. • Miss Blanche Tacker, of this city, who 1 ent to Mme. Garcia with tetters from Lucca baa succeeded 1% passing the examina- f t ionlo -the Paris conservatoire, where numer­ous o "ers failed. iMisa Amy Fay, grand-daugh er'of Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, a formef ipupll of; Tadaig, and now studying

an i be just so much richer peyple}:atalL--'. ;.-:.:7 :._-:l-

MocisrrsG roa Tax L. XL .VEX!—In Havre the wall lie. Mbuday, all night long wsa Allied b y hundred* of'_ children for the most part, disaster.wrenched fromeas; fo:tone-to- poverty—theiri b: go ne. Some of them sab! ot iers .were 'stunned. A

i n old shrimp fisberwo: or e of«the arcades. A cb b* ad. :.Sbe*tared gloomil ht sband was a stoker on A 1 elderly gentleman put v nc tea into her hand, saying, s t mt heart 'Anat-Bhrysos I dare say, is saved." She te] fa i to the ground as she jraii to deal a terrific blow to be:

Something here tells me it he ain't to. come home n< ed of nothing more," i F^vi r snof Havre have lost th: disaster; 110 widows have P%ris Letter to the World.

tain withj the b ighe it respect , • Toot most obeotea t servant,



l a t a l k i n g -One I?audrcd mtles Twenty-two Houjrs

i Sew Eavfen coa cDec 20) X. 1. Herald.

' ?o-nigbt, at half-past eight, C eorge Farren sni ceeded in kccomplishing tbe aost wonder­ful feat of walking 100 miles in 2 2 hoars. The las; mile! wai made with almost the same: pr< mptness as the first. Excht nge ball was pa :ked with peopte, among whom were many of. the sporting fraternity of toss city, Hart-fota.Springfiid, Bridgeport, Boston and Now Ytrk. Aa Farren strode up tbe home-stretch wi.h a leadway of-ten (seconds a about went ap from the excited! multitude, which was ret ponded to by at least 3,000 p< ople standing on the sidewalks of Chapel street. Mr. Far-re: rs effort against time ta the gn atest triumph ia pedestrianism ever] tecordec, winning toe wtgerof $400, ',->'•• p.:'-.

in walking! tbe 10O miles Farm a had to make to I circuit of Exchangeha!l» 3,100 times. A committee or three persons kep: the tally and an nounced each mile,jwith the time made or loi iti'i All last -nigbtj and all day an eager cr>wd was in attendance. , Tbsre had been lit tie doubt tjrom the iitert that Farren would su jceed, and he received words of encourage-m int. all along through the weai y hours. Far re 1 is slightly built, weighs abo at 125 pound* la muscular and wiryi aad is npt far from 2i ye)ar«;of age._ _V.

with i iltzt, has already created a sensation oldest form of American soc ety. Whether with' tier playing ait Weimar. Katie.Gaul, anotht c'American girl, from Baltimore, also a pupil t"Liszt, has made a .success at Weimar. in pu ilie. Miss Cfanch, ot Cincinnati, has

Kse* toe ordeal of i a first appearance in Mi-,; w thcrediL Miss. Julia Rive, of Phila-

delpbi v recently played at Leipsic before one of toe moat critical audiences la Europe, and was 1 nthusiastically applauded. Miss Anne Guilfcttd; of Lynn, Mattsacbusetts, is singing a id'face. The White House to op* ra at Leghorn with success. At Milan there ire no teas than eight Americans study­ing m ric. among them ill^s Katie Smith, a dangh eriof Mark Smith, the actor, who is •aid t -havean elegant light soprano voice; Miss Wolvrin. of Cincinnati, who will shortly make net debut at tbe Milanese carnival; Mrs. Saddeilhofr. of Chariestown, - Massachusetts,

THE tAWVEBS Or O t a STATE. • -,7 From the Chicago Tdb me. '

About the very highest typ 9 of lawyers in tie state'of Now Tork prevals the air ofa hereditary public man, the perfection of tbe

tt e climate and vigor of toe stat a have modeled tt a type,or. wbethex; jibe com] dexity of races meeting there has been unusually felicitous, o: whether, iu, tbe habits of the men.them-

aeon boni

tic soprano; Mr. Sprague, of Boa-ery heavy basso; Miss Josie Jones, a iaU contralto, who has secured consent InLaScaia; Mrs. Annandale, of Balii-t ho Is toeing during the carnival; Miss Cold well, who has made a successful de-

L'Elisird?Amore,-" Miss Jennie Bull, to wJi,o Is said to approach nearer AI--

any ringer in Europe; Miss Kate BJ.-1

Mile? jwho has ah engagement at Naples; Mi*e Eda^ alergc'ot Sab Frandaco, who. ia singing minoi paru iu Milan; Mis* Moody, tf young gkif^New-Orlei

trTha to the most

who Is studying In toe usually granted only to

neNinfnger, wboia s«id

ti reen good order and whojeao ne indulgence, which.;neither pinches them nor puffs them, it] ia certain tbat New York, when she tries b sr beet, • gives, us tffje hignes;

When Fillmore waa Its tenant, and tittle Van E area was so charming that rqenjtoougbt him ItrgerJ

H O YF T O S A V E $

I / ; . ?rcm'tbe2tT, e Itreasury roport shew: id trust for national

ored and ninety-three m e circulation. The go to toe national banks

lion dollars a year in

re ninety per cent. of. th< ir cVt>italin tbeir a ids to use, and yet recei7( from the gov ;rn-

m*nt six per cent, upon bat capital. Mr. iti iaardKon wants money aw proposes to tax Co: amerce and the necea»arie| 1 of lite to ob tain K. If be will propose to sweep away the na-tic nal bank circutation andtmake all our enr-keucy )of one denominatiom legal tender, be wil: save nearly twenty-four million dollars .uojw given as bonus 10 • tbja) national, hanks

NEtdon. sToar, TASEV, srowELt. .":'...•; .Fromtbe JT-.Y-ifixpriBS.'

7'jH' r e and there etroni prejudice, agaiagst Judge Taney for, bis decii ion iu tee Drei Scott caae, and especially it New, Enr glan l, some of whose citibenn ol jeef to toe prop osed portrait of the chief justo e alongside tbat of'Chase la-the supreme cour''room; but Jud; eNeleon , upon. waoae?memorr so maay bone rs are being bestowed, wool t have de­cide* ; the same way. This] same ; fudge Nel­son, i.n the United States! euprem» court, on. toe 1 )red Scott case, quoted a very remarkable Iette rwritUn by Jud.e jS |ory in li 28, relating to a cace inalogous to: | that of )r«»d Scott. Judj e Stoify was eccb?to|du3d' to w rite at least Once a: year to, Lordj f Stowe:l,: eendihg. bim a 7 jcopy ot bis,j jjudicisl- decWon*, wbir.3 the latter recipjijocaufd.' A t .length although i: gives back -a ctso. ariose in the EtiglUhcouit, (of wbtch Ihui rency over three huhdr Lore SfowjeH was cbiet justice,) w tere an An-1 mi Ions to invest and make ti^m t- slav^ .'waa.carriMii W bia.m'a»ter to Eog- jigiin.! These favored ins land for-tempbrarv rejfdeja^ and was'subso-quet tly token back to An t'tgu*. I a brought suit tor bis freedom, andlibe infer or court de-: cide I agaijnst bis rlgbt Voifreeiom. in.the ap-pellt te court Lord Stbwell, in fishalf of a nJs-jorit r of the court, affirmed the ji fdgment be->. low. Lbrji Stbwell Vent hi* decta; bn to Jndge ( Stor; Uwho] delay ed ropljfog_so lou g that Lotd • :S-ai ^a-w^rote'.to '.him, |7eXpreseii g. regret'i'at' not «ceiviQg a reply, apiu]a -hop* that their plea iant correspoadencej of so many years' stan i l o ^ j woujid not cjeasje. To these letters Jud;;e:Smry;'li.jllows:.'' .,- .

!, \.'s(/i^ittEear|Bbston,S<pt.22J-ia2S. . . toll'. iS^'HrDukord'»ow«^.j;:.-:- •;.

Mr Loan^-t have the [honor 0 acknowl­edge tbe receipt of your letters of faauary and Maj last,, the former of which reached me id tfu) alter part of spring,: and the la tor quite re-cenily. ; * * * I havbread » i th great at-ten't ion your judgment in toe slat e case from the vice-admiralty court i n Ant gua. Upon, the fullest consideration which I nave been abl« to give tbj> eubjec^j L entire! r concur in you r views. EM ead b^eh called lpon to pro-noQice judgment in.'.'a lifce-caie, l should cer­tain ly have arrived at tbe same remit, though I m ghtsothajre been epic to pre ent the rea­son 1 which led] to it i u such a s'.rii ing and con-vin ting mannejr. It appears to ne that tbe dec sion la impregnable^ \ ' :•:

11 m y naiiv a state, j{ Mass.,) t ie state bf slat ery is; not Recognized as legal; and yet , if a si ive should come hither and al lerwards re-tur 1 to bis own nomejjwe shou d: certainly tbit k that the local lawljwbuld re- lttach upon b i n , and that lis servile characb r would be re-1 ategrated. I have |;bad occai ion to know tba i your jud| ;ment hai been.ext< naively read in . k,merica,(w here questions of ii is nature are not of unfreqdent discussion.) : tnd I never hai e heard any other opiaion hut that of ap­pro bation of it expressed among toe profes-afo 1 of tne last. 1 cannot but tb nk that, up­on questions •'. of this sorti, as w« 11 as general maritimeilaw, i t were vfell if tbe lommon la w-yei s had stndt ed a little more ex ensively the pri icinleB of public aiid | civil 1 MsjfTand b ad

their own , munici pal jorlapru-

ItHDLTCED Tbe mm t eojasaleteaad desirable col-

Fine HI t strated Books, Stai d^rd Works,

. '• ]'! la Kaln ana Fine Blnclnj*, -

' .•'.!Jovenile iand To« \ Boolis. Family 1 tibies and Small Bibles,

Prayer Books & Church Hymnals, Pevotional Books',

hotogriph Albums and \!

Autograph Books, Porte Folios, Writing Desks,

Opera Classes and Fans, j Dressing Cases, . | Portemonaies,



aid. .:''•' that tbe treasurer anks over three lion dollars to se-rnment pavs on arly twenty-four ;, at six percent., he banks in tbefr

and forty-eiight nterest on over rations, in fact.

thost taxing tbe


and that

s DISASTER g was more bub-Place Louis J£V. pie, women bo were by ireardstanebs of ad-winners yere

others cursed, wspaper 'says; leaned against c l u n g - t o each

the crowd.jHer YtOe da Wfcre.

five-franc back Bear u p wlkh a ; your husbkad, he paper money ' h e r right l and reast, repljing, man is deid—

n, I stan 1 In hundred child-

fathers by this! n made there.i

A ThoEocGBi.t DBBiccb in LxotSLatjcBE The election or Patterson, ajojba after th i asi sembling of the (South CarolinaV legislature. ai id the manner in which he; was chosen, gave a st dden dash to those hopea of reform. Then it baa been found that some of the most un-8( rupulous white and blackirobbers who have, as members or lobbyists, Iopi p i l ed their ne­farious trade at the capital, still disgraced the present aaAmbly, So tainted Is the at* u ospbere' w i t h corruption] so universally is e rerybody implicated about toe government, o • such a character are -the ornaments of so­ciety at the capital, that .there is no such thing a i an influential local opiuiob to be brought against the scamps. They {plunder aad glory i n i t . They steal, and defy yOu to prove it. The legislation of freudulcbi scrip is regarded stmply as a Smart operation. The purobaae of a seaatorship is considered only a profitable tirade. Those who make t iehnoat out <t the operation are the best ifellctva.—James S.

P'-:- - ' 71 1. T ; WOMEN DOCTOKS—A CoiotExnaBLS Ah-

^ascs .—One of tbe oldest land largeat medical societies in the United *fStatee, that of toe county of New York, a society which has i lumbered among its members such names as io t t and Francis, and which now embraces be leading physicians of the city, has taken a lommendable step ia recoga ring women dec­ors who have graduated :inj regular schools.

A lady.who has graduatep'•• rith honor in the janiverslty of France Iflitoj r< ad a paper before toe society to-morrow eveal ig, the subject be-S n g t o e »• Pathology ot infantile Paralysis" Under tola potent influence the prejudice of a portion of toe profession] a ralnst recognizing and consulting with female practitioners wilt rapidly disappear. —N. X- -Herald, Sunday.

aiann •A-MIBIS: ; Alfred THOttV

C0MST0CK & ALLAH 248eia50

T»«SeaiCBOtc|aa« i -1

Are oo>riajr tor toe Ho »•' gant,

FUR COODS For Ladies, Chadren and Gentlem

"'. I • • p i . '•:'..'.•.- •.•;;.U .:, Ail tf tbd> own EacofictMe'and of a <Jo

tbat will <lcf/ compedtloB. Aaajoag tteir stock be roond SEAX SAQCES, Wmmed wtm Sea O aa4 Dark ltala> Otter; BP.OVTK OTTEB 8£ SHETLAND S £ A i SETS, BLACK LT3X S! SEA OTTEK SET3 (tbe'.Bi « a t Par in toe : KOTAL El i i l i^E, from t 2 to * « a3et. BOS sad H. B. SABLE CHILD il EJfS SsETS, ftom $ S 30 a Set.

nSEj TI5TED 50TE A5D LETTEB PAPEB, WIG Crests or afonoiiams to order, at

3 I A » T I K T A T L O E ' S ,

' •' •• aes wsun 5t, •

UlTxstrated Books. tcjsxss's TbaR kasovGH THE

iOastrated hjrfWfwi; PT^EXEES—

FA^CST^rWiaiJatei by Bayard Taylorii-inaatrated by Ka£eib«rt tJelbertz. A. liczen Slayer * L. iieff-sianu. '.-J ",i: } • ' : •_!"'' \f- \\'"':

NIOHTS-OJiKAM-IlliSstmied by |ag«Si-f f te LJPE ASD WOEKS-illaa-

! ttateoforp«geoeKon-CHABfSKSjONjAS ANlsfAUb. by Hamcrton. with

by J. -Veyraswat aad JKArl Eodmax. JJGS ' I S COLOKAIK), by E U »

. . . > . • • - i • • . . . " i - * -

HEN GALLEKT—Seiectcd Pboto-t anil cbolcest works. Fotlo;

AXiLEHY. from tbe original'draw-:bach Folio; TVy mo., eleeaat. CTERS OF GOEraE. foam tbe

Of KiattiaclJ. FoUo; T*ky mo.

SAffrWOEES.lnBVo^. Owtrto: •1 a fun line or tbe freabest lfieatat.

ed bookajtoi die bolida;*, and very cheap, at |

K A B t T l f f T A Y L O R ' S , S63 Main Street.

.ABfSMSi I .twenty etcMnz*. SUM<iER,i?tCI3

Unatorex: Mfaavo&riBK

•rrapba of ' Taikty raoJ.ei' ruEK;Ht

' inaofWi FEMALE

i orUflnai dri .: eieyicL ' '• MKS. JASfJ"""

lUildf. ext

Bargains! Bargains!




i. Tsxlastcensus re !of more trades and proft itnan one would sup women farmers, there, stock-herders, five bar] tists, two hostlers, t: and trappers, five ninety-seven dergy-w< ten canal women, 195 tour gas stokers, thirty gunpowder makers, a large number of ar ventors, telegraph navigation-

bad Us Apollo

Show the existence as among women

possible. Besides ajre forty-five female "m, twenty-four den-

p: ofeasional hunters 535 physicians, seven sextons,

women, one pilot, e i gunsmiths, seven

sniptiggers, with mecnanics, in*

tors and teachers oi

A New TOOK . Acrafcsi is A Michtoxx Pooa-HocsK^—Eva French, a young actress, arrived in Detroit Friday t vening fronf New

«Ives, there la observed the perfect mean be- ^prk, and being ontot fund sand hlgh-epirited she remained in the waiting-room ot the Cen­tral depot all night rather I ban state her case. Saturday morning she related her situation to

types ot form the police, and was cond

Siifos CAMEBON aso THE NEW CoxsiTrr;-x IOS.—There have been treach irons politicians 0 l both aide3, and the demo< rata have- had: t teirs; but they had no Can eron to employ. a il the machinery of three gov trnments-—city, s ate and nation—against the , ast demands of a plundered people. | A small c a n grown.great b j accidental and purchased elevation—an e nbodied inferiority, •toleratec through (ear of 1 Is lash or hope oti his depai ture—a tyrant c beyed because no brave baud har been found to grapple with andidethrone iim. He has at last made bis fight against th t new constitu­tion. A hidden band\at first he finally: dis-! closed it at Harrisburg, yester 3ayt and wheel­ed Dauphin county into line w ith the defraud­ed Tenth ward In this city. Ee tried by in-floita double-dealing! to deo ive the popular will,And finally, implied b? the belief that

voioe in Milan; and ihenew constitution wasgone, he' hastened of the Amr ,r*" the state capital to Join Gen. Hartraatt id a successful do- theaiatoBdhjlniatraAfejoIn Its eacr}flcev

cedto the ol the director ol the poor.' 2 be desired ft pass to go back to New York,! hit as the director could notjrrantone she;w< at to the county house until she can hearlfrc m her friends.

SPI^l^LLiriCTlCER . n o tbera, axotti sn • mounter*.

Don't fell topcoat EfG 8YKUP toraD

ta cnlJdrea. U reoerea die child windcoUc, reeolatea

tothecnll rcttelajidhealm-Bo sore and call for

•:•! " Jtaa. W I S S L C . . . For aale by afl rlnitgtstsj


n|f""f We ate tow..recrlttajr a Bew and laijre assortment or



- • • ' - - " - - : • ! - J - : ' . ' • - - • : • • - : •



HOLIDAY HAT! The moct Elegant Dress silk Hats ever oOeted ti

Pab!lc AlsoadmeVerrpobbyittadStyflsh . . .

MINE Stupes, dam.410 to 4 -4- .L. '"•• '•.'. TBE CTOLO&BRO'

$75.00 MIKK SETS *£: TopehsdfctASOj^a A


T A C T f VPBOM:JSO J u v O l • psrrtiaslr.g taring, bowe of

B E R i

01) GET A G00: Prom tiOOto1 $iSP,*A

']''• B E R f c T C L O & B R O

' Blfesi

SEAL FU CAP", from-$103.00 Tnanaftctnre. 1 .



TO 40 PEE CE3TT b jocr Fors at tto mai


$50.00 MINE SETS pt?, g90.O9,at


<loscd -out at a sacrifice BEftCTOLD&BR


OrnaSnhental Coods. i . <

' '( ' J" i •• ! ' i < . ' H' - M ' " ' t

'.' ' ! •• i ' . ' ' .

Solid Sterling Silver. Decorated and

Plain China* Cnt and Engraved j

Glan Ware, , Plated Ware,



^ Croc&erv, Glass Ware, &c.

URMlBiE Prom $».09to f30





S it': SACQTJKS. i l . - : l iOTPS,B

J3CO.0O a Set, of OC





E l C t O L D a BI



CHlLDREr CBILDKEN iXCFPS.feO to 120.00 a Set.


CRS!^ 1

aad CAPS,'anaa CTOLO & Bi

E\GI 1SII IJ P RrGS! For 14.J0, irerth 4?«1). E N"GUSn LAP EC *7 wortn' $10; £X<S USi 3 LAP KCGS tor

u n a tiaup. ^ . 3ERCTOLD&BI


W1IHSLOWS SOOTH-,t to tne period ot dtUd - froasa . pain.

t ie OoweJs, aadby givtna cnUdJ g l*8 rest to tne jtnotber.

ISTKOP." ieipcdeSS



jjttHS flcKILjLOP & COn 10 Brown'a Btrtldlng,

to,'Vanadtc mm t » I I J I I ^-JiWlLllll l I'll


HOLIDAY GOODS. : ; j - | 1 j ; - . • - ji

The Great Dollar Bazaar, 4W i i Main St^ Am. Block,

• | IS: THE PLACE TO J i S ' ; ' ; ' ' • •'

Buy Your; Holiday Presents:! DON'T I AT HiQlk PEICE3 wbea W i caa boy

creiydOng; roja wtati tor ONLY5 »Lfld :. j '. Doa-t wait-tUtae last minute to bay^onr Presents

Come whUe tie Stock-la complete, and berors the rah. : *•' ;.T '

TflJB GREAT DOLLAR B I Z A A B , 4 0 S j a i i t i n n t r e e * , A m e r t c s m B l o c k , ". :j.l;7j'. - | a w l f s U o , S . ' . a V f . . j -

N. B . - l ax|tlcalar atteattoa Js called to onr 50c. l i t io and $5.00 Departmcat. .)"• ' •"AJ SP£i :1ALTY-A haaasOBia collsctlon ot large Coromos, lost tiietalj>c for a Holiday present. deSS I I ' ; ii i ' i i ' — • * — — — - • " i " i i a i >

BurTajip j Confect ionery! { W o r k s ; tio. 1 3 3 S E N E C A S T U E E T . • 1 ! ' - - ..: • :.. • - - I i -- 1 •

Ut?mp«3 yea to go down town to the CoaTecdoiiery

fc lUaa.»ctory.'ot.. :-j

Y&H0LHW0OD, S»T IS sold tREStT aad CHEAP.

'csjatfyjaoeipern*- .'..' V ' J O c p e r l b . ' . ••.; '.: |

•liieeU^OcperO. , ,'i .....'. idy In 5 lb. boiea. ti per box. mixed inSlb boxes, a 1 60 per box j

tlmea ca^ryiae largest Tartetyot toe caa fctmd la'Western New Yortt. .

lantncaiMata to dcalsr Borcaasing tteir

HolS<iay G o o d s . -

v .



2 9 1 JJBtdXa S t r e e t , ; BERCTOLDA.B

S e W S B B



Pea^ody": Gold; sil?er

Cat Class ', OdorC:

Drug Sto f!|rystal

ties and Toilet l l irnc%<tt%,i

A Splei did Dlfplay of tie "

Finest lasportei t l 'erfdmorr, s?oa da«:

C O : ^ : G IN ELEl

I v o r y an< i

Holidays! AT«1J>

Also, STE] V. iET'S C A S D



SIipU O o


" I s to be found octj ot^ the beat selected stw China, Crv tal & Stones : IttUieatT. Bis tieortmeatofbwwtta P A U I A N , U O B E i H A W ,

; A N D a E t t O S Z E S T A T t J E Is SBMBaOtd ta -ttkaa. ETjEKTTHINfi 1 LHSBl?oa HOLIDAY 'RESENT&. ^ tar Wees to salt pM C aajeaJ;:?. p^4

IttJ . I K T H E W

rtrtaaatYleoBa.. K< VanctraadCoaspet

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