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w%m M%^ v" : \: Sixteen THE NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Tuesday, January 4, 1 9 4 9 J •::<$'. ?>:*; ••Mi v;! M "f",*S i r..-^; •• m m :y W- •it'SV- : ? % $ .'• >, '-• 1" ji II HI fell I. (I -> v hi:!' £*£ :- * ? •a- PI fit V|| Station Plans Fruit Edubits •' LOOKFORT. Jan. 4 — Just W years ago the Cortland^ apple was originated at the OeneVa Expert- menUl station, according to Rich- ard Q; Tousey, aaai*tant county agricultural agent It wa» one of 11 seedlings produced In a crow between Mcintosh and Ben Davi*. The erent U to be featured in the station's fniit exhibit at the meet- ings of the Btatey Horticultural so- ciety'in Rochester and Kingston this month. Cortland no* ranks third In vol- ume of productldh In New York, being topped only by Mcintosh and R. I. Oreening.- According to re- port* from the State Department of Agriculture and Markets 1,410,- 000 bushels of Cortland* were pro- duced In IMS. In addition to a display depicting the/ history of the Cortland, trie station fruit specialists will show several other new apple virtues originated In Che Station orchards and elsewhere. The control of In- sect P«ta and diseases of fruits will also be conspicuous features. The Rochester "meeting will be held at Edgerton Park. January 12 to 14 Inclusive, and the Kingston meeting at the New York State armory. January 28 to 38 Inclusive. Miller Will Address Pomona* Saturday BARKER, Jan. 4—The "Niagara County Pomona Orange will hold Its first meeting of the new year Saturday at the Wendelvllle hall, with the Pendleton Orange as host. At the morning session at 10:30 o'clock, the Orange will open in tb« iHfth degree with Worthy Mu- ter Edward Town* presiding. The presentation of the flag will be fol- lowed by an address of welcome by Raymond JMowell, master of Pendleton Grange, itjjd will be re- plied to by Mrs. Charity Kelly, Lockport. At noon the Grange will .be'closed in the Fifth degree, and' dinner will be served by Pendleton Orange. The afternoon session will open at 1:30 with conferences for mas- ters, lecturers and service and hos- pitality committee members. At 2 o'clock there will be group sing- ing with the report of delegates to the State Orange in December at 3:15. At 3:30 Mrs. Mary Putnam, Lockport, will favor with a recita- tion and at 3:35 Allan R. Dunk, assistant Niagara county agricul- tural agent, will' give a brief talk. At 3 o'clock District Attorney Wil- liam Miller will give an address. Deaths BIBMARA—In 8t. Mary'* boipltlL Januarj 1. 1141. David 8. buib*ad_oI Rose M.. lather of Daniel W., Norman D. Alice " E.. Ethel C. Clara R . Mrs. Itnil T. Anton, brother of Michael 8. BUhsra. He !• alw> survived bj J«o «r»nd ehild- ren. V!r*lnia and Ronild. all ol this cuy. funeral ltrvlce at lb* home. i»T Micnlsan avenue. Wednesday at J p ro . and J J» to St. Oeone a Brrtan-Oreet Orthodox church. South *»enue and 11th street. His Eminence Metropolitan Arch Blthop Anthonr Baiblr, of Htm York Cttr offlclatlci. Interment In Oak- wood cemetery. Niagara River Lodge No. Iti T. apd AM will conduct Maaoolt lervlcei »l the home. Tueada/ etenlnj at |:1S. CONLIN—In Ml. St. Maria hospital. Jan- uary 3. »»«» Francis, of 311 - Sixth street, husband of Bridget, father of Bridget T. Marr Catherine, rrancrs. Winifred and Mra. John II. Dedjonr. all of tbu dtr . AUo Patrick Corrilo of A Card of Thanks RlRKOWSKI—Th* family of th*" Ut* Mary Minkowski »Uh to npmi their sincere thanWs and all friend,, .relatives *nu neighbors, (tn- J* of Maintenance of South Junior llg'h School. Macet Mlllnrlrhl outfit, Hel'fiiie Ure.s Sboppe staff. Urupa Wleniet PoIeV No. 32J. Z V W. Am. for all kindness shown, spiritual offer, nigs, fioral bouguela and use of "ears. T>> the SLster* arid Nurses of ML St. WiD'j Hospital. Pallbearers. Rev. Vin. Cyman and the Rev. Melt in Marhnlra, Mr Al* Maxuruniki. organist; Mr. and Mrs. John 1.. l^Buda and Son. funeral director, for klndriea. and sympathy sho«»n during their recent bereave- ment, the loss of theli dear mother. Anna Nlewladomskl. Daughter. Walter and Richard. Sons. 21 Aniomebllea for Bale 11 SMIEDALA l »i«h to thank my many fr:end> In Le»istoii. N Y.. for all their*\indnes* and sympathy ehown beautiful floral Seattle. Washington. IMneral from the » offerlnirs sent and u*e of rars during Qutnn A Reardon runeral Home. 210 Kourth itreet, Krlday. January 7 at 10 a.m., at St. Mary I Roman I'ath ollc church at 9 a.m. Interment In _Gate of Hes^*n cemetery. HANNAM—In this city. January 1. l(4f. Iriln A., of Mf-4- Fierce a»enue. Husband of Lillian P.. father of Mrs. Florence Xrerelt of Youngstown. N, Y. Brother of Mrs. Thomas J. Yates.- this city: Mra. Clifford C, Spllsbury. Sanborn. N. Y. Also surrlted by two grandchildren. Funeral from the O/tdlef Funeral Home. 750 Main street, Wednesday at 2 P. m. Rev. Oeorgl W, Keeling officiatini. In- terment in Oskwood cemetery. Niagara RJter Lodge r and AM. No. 7|i. srill conduct services at the funeral home at 7:30. Tuesday evening. •I ; t r Fatally Stricken On HoHday LOCKPORT, Dec. 4.-StrJcken 1U on Ohrlatmas ere while risltlng a't the home of her daughter, Mrs. v Walter C, Mahoney, OloTersrllle. Mrs. Mary OMalley, 80, widow of John O'Malley, 217 Qenesee street, died yesterday afternoon. The body was brought to the home of her son, Or. R. V. O'Malley, 556 Willow .street, from where ser- vices will be held Thursday at 0 ajn., Mass at St. Pat- rick's church, Barker, at 10 o'clock. , Burial win be Carmen road cemetery, Barker. . Mrs. O'Malley was born Decem- ber 9, 18*0, in Barker, daughter of Timothy and Bridget Lewis. She married John O'Malley who for many years, was president of the Somerset National bank. He died December 37, IMS. / Since her husband's death, Mrs. O'Malley and her daughter. Mrs. Donald O'Nell, had shared an apart- • merit at 317 Qenesee street. Her son and her two daughters are the only near relatives. Bethany Bible Class Meets This Evening BARKER, Jan. 4.—The Bethany Bible class, of the West Somerset Baptist church, will hold-lt« first meeting of the new year this ere- lng at the home of lbs president, Joseph Ecker, Johnson Creek road. Leon* and Clifford Ecker, child- ren of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ecker, have left tor the Providence Bible Institute, Providence, R. I., where they are students. Mrs. William McCantv, Jr., and Infant son, Douglas Paul, have re- turned from the Lockport City hos- pital to their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Andrews, Jr., Medina, were weekend guests of Mrs. Andrews' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bateman. The newly organized 4-H club, of Somerset, will meet Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atwater. Richard Walter spent last week as guest of his aunt, Mrs. Robert Hotallng, and family, Lockport. New Rapids Home Bureau Unit Formed LOCKPORT, Jan. 4—A new Home KOKOflZKA—Veronica, suddenly. January 2. 1149. age It yean, wife of Joseph. " mother of Walter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joieph Balon. sister of Mrs Jose- phine Stamper. Mra. Helen Sxwedo. Frank. John, Caslmer. Edward Xokosika. Funeral will be from the family home. 2411 Cudabsck avenue. Wedtresday. Jan- uary a at till a. m . and 10 o'clock from 81. Stanislaus Kostka church. Interment !5 0>t « - o f Heaven cemetery. RTLUK'iwAt Lockport, N. Y.. Jan S, 1040, Margaret I'., wife of the late Daniel. Kuneral service at Cornell Sc Dagjret Chapel. 1517 Main St.. Wed ' nesday. .fan 5, at 2:30, Rev. Richard A. Davis officiating. HYMUNT—At Memorial hospital. Monday. January J. 1(49, Catherine Rymunt of 2214 Allen avenue, beloved mother of daughters, Mrs. Bulla Kapalowska. Mlsa Bernlce and Anna of this city and Mra. Mary Jatjlckl of Lockport, N. Y.. and sons Frank and John of thla city. AUo survived by five grandchildren and on* great grandchild, runeral will ba held wtdnasday, January I, llif from tha La Buds Funeral Home. 311 Fortag* road at |:}« *. m., and services at St. Stanislaus Koitkl church at t a. m. Burial la Rely Trinity cemetery. Bba wai a member »f tha St. John Kanty 8.K.F. leeletJ. 4fJaMBjxee*eeaa>BB* the lots of my hsy»ekeeper, Mrs. Ste- | fanla Smledala Signed Mr F-rdlnand Wfitsdl. In Memorials GO.VZALKS—In loving memory ' of our dejr - hutbar.d and father. Ncmesio (Jonialej) who ptuid away 10 -jeara ago. Jahuarv 3. 103U. Farewell, dear father thy work It o'er, Thv willing hand* will toil no mora, A loving father kind and true. No one on earth we'll find like juu. Signed )^l«_*V_ChUdren. ilORST—In loving memory of our dear moUier. Fltxabeth Ilorst. who passed away 7 years ago yesterday, January I. 1042. It Is not the tears at the time that are shed. That tell of the heart that la torn. But the passionate tear* In after years. And remembrance silently borne. Signed _ ILanghters It Sons Lt'TZ^—In loving memory of our dear father. Anthony f.ulr.. who passed away J2 veara ago today. Jan. 4, 1027. Heavy are our heart* today. Memory brings you back once more. To the time when you were' with us To fhe happy days oi yore. Signed: Children. - .AUSTINS HILLMANS OTHER FOKE1GN MAKE CARS Tops ior Transportation Easy on Your Wallet COME AND SEE V ZU AT Favorite Motors 2929 Pine Ave. Ph. 24926 Bl'ICK. 1M7—Specie 4 dr. sedan; goo3 paint, tires; new front end. brakes and real rovers. Motor perfet-t Reasonable. 4 12- 7atb St. I'hon* I t l l l . BUfCK. f0~4V-.Vew. dynaflQW. 4 door »«da". Completely equipped. Pbona 2M1«>- BL1CK— IMS. 4 door RoYrimauier. radio and heater. Phone 2-7720, between i and 7 p. m. BUfCK. 193^—Specfal >edan. Radio and heater, defrosters: J2.JO work recently done. |4"<0 64-1 - 20th Street. Bl'iCK— 1947 Roadmarter. lUtll. like new, JJ7M; 1M7 Ford. R4M. 1I1W. gjgt Highland Ave CADILLAC'SPECIALS '4H AND '47 C'ONVKRTIRI.K •47 2 DOOR SKDANfTTE '47 SEDAN •40 LA SAUJ>: Luxury automobiles looking for • fine home KEN LENZ Finer Automobiles—Heated Showroom 937 Ontario Ave. Phone 4-2W0 ClfEVHOLET ' 1941—Club coupe. natH. a beauty. AAA MOTOR SALES. 2700 I'lne Avenue. Dial-twOO ' ClfEVHOLET—Good tire*, mo'tor. heater and winterized. Will take Ijcjt offer. Need money, IU13 Mm Ave. i^z^>2 0i - CllEVlIoXET--1034 Master DeLux'e 2'dr. sedan, heater: goo<l tramporutlon. Inq. 1421 22nd St. Atriomobllea for gate JJ TOR AUTOMOBILE*—al lower oTleea call J. S. KulaX founggtowii. Phone Zu. Tit* ttua who Cot what other* promise. PRICES REDPCED Largo Selection Model A to 1948 ALL TYPES AND MAKES ' PEDRO KANSOMVILLK «2I LOCKPORT H47 SEE THESE EXCELLENT' BUYS 1948 FORD Super Deluxe 2-door sedan Had <> & Heater 1941 MERCL'RY—5-Pa»»enier Coupe. rtsdlo and Heater 1941 MERCURY 2-Dooi Sedan. Radio and Heater 1941 CHRYSLER Roya' <« Cyl.) 2-Door Heater. 1917 FORD Super Deluxe. 2-Door Sedan, Radio and Heater > DUNCAN MOTORS, INC. 1001 Main St Dial 9341 Open Evenings Til 9 Bsttineas genrioe Ottttwel jg BENDDC—RANOE—REFRlQ. WBW6M A BRAY and DEOOST 187S Weatan Ave Ph gjglf or 6367 " Blackjtone: Euy. Apex. Kenmorw MayUg. Speed Queen, OJE. WASHER REPAIRS Prr/mpt Service Reasonahlt Prtceg Parta-Avallable (or AU Washera at NIAGARA HOME SERVICE. 114 FALLS Phone 2-»oo2 . E v e n b m 2-8JSJ CHIMNEYS — Built and rapalrtd. * K7w roof*. Imulated brick . aiding. Dial 2-3442 or 4-2882 COLD SPOT REFRKSERATOsJ REPAIRS Expert Washer Repair—All Makes Moderate) Rateg I aimed! a la Service r CARL'S SERVICE Betp Waateei ..Frmato 32| Bastoeaa' Cypportimltka MODITL—Wanted for ail claw. Expert. ' enced preferred. Call *-1317. •ALfcctelRL—Toung- Udy. AfT^30 for Hoalery and handbag deptrtxnent. v Slnvle girl wit* sales experience pre- ferred. Thotn McAn. 1818 Main. _;_ SECHETARr—for 3~hr«. a "week, prefer- ably morning work, m m : be able to take dictation and be a good typUt. References required. Addresa box No. 13*. care Gatette. bookkeeping rii " M BTENOGRAPHER with Card of Thanks j ETOPIO—Tha family of the late Angela Etoplo wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their relative* and friend*, employeea of the Shipping Dent, of the Vanadium Corp. of America. Dcpt. 13 ol Moore Huslneai Farms. C-3-P Boy* of the Union Car- bide, Local 250. C.I.O. Local 12067, U.M.W.A., BooTcblndera Local 217, Sin- atra Po*t of the American Legion. First Compgny, S.W.D.C. 174th . Infantry, Vanadium Corp. of America and Club Vennan, for all then kindness and aympathy, beautiful floral and mass of- ferings and use of car* during their recent lo»* of beloved husband and father. Wife and Children. Florist* _4 Floral Excellence Without Extravagance LA SALLE FLOWERDALE ^JTLOWERSHOP AND GREENHOUSE Plna at 77th St. Phone S-Mja FLOWERS" »*6h "ALt 6CCAii0Ss"~ PHONE 2-234d Open 9 ajn. to o:30 p.m. BUTLER M SON—MAIN AT THIRD ST. "HARRIS A LEVER - Florist 1225 Main St. Ph. 8226 MEMBER OF F.T.D.A. Funeral Director* . 5 AMATO FUNERAL HOME 001 19tb St, cor Ferry TeL 2-2723 Charles Amatu A: Marie A Amato. Lic.Mgr. BEATTY KUtfERAJ. HOME 113S Main Street Dial 8711 Tnimin J. Ceatty. Licensed Mgr. BELL FUNERAL HOME Dial 2-3327 633. MAIN ST. RICE—Th^ famllv of the late CI*ra E. Rice with to expreia their sincere thank* and appreciation to the many relative*, frlenita and neighbors far all < the kindness 'and aympathy shown, beautiful floral offering*, and use of car* during their recent bereavement. Signed: Mis* Mary M. Rice Mis* Elizabeth R, Rice Mr. Joseph C. Rice ' COULEnS- KllNETfAL HOME- .- 640 PARK PLACE 9283 DIAL . 2-8636 _ COLUCCI FUNERAL HOME. INC. Menus of the Day -AF fEATURI- GOOD DESSERT FOR DINNER Homemade gingerbread, a little richer than the usual, Is delicious served with Whipped cream or va- nilla Ice cream. Or serve It with spiced apple sauce, canned yellow cling peaches, or with lemon sauce. Fit it into a menu on which the other foods are thrifty, such as the following: Metrt Loaf . Baked Potatoes Buttered Carrots Cole Slaw - - Bread and Butter Homemade Gingerbread* With Special Topping Beverage ^ . Bureau unit has been organized at Prunes ill* Dani/4a U M U^m.^t Pl.1.1 I.M»I (Recipe for Starred Dish Follows) Homemade Gingerbread Ingredients: 1 1-2 cups sifted flour, one teaspoon baking soda, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon ginger, one-half cup shortening, one-half cup sugar, two'eggs, one- half cup molasses, one-half cup boiling water. Method: Put the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and ginger into a sifter. Cream the fat and sugar, together until light and fluffy. Add the efts one at a time and beat in well. Sift in the dry ingredients alternately with-«Vfie combined molasses and water In four additions, beginning and end- ing with the flour. Mix lightly each time, only enough to combine; do not stir too much. Pour Into well-greased eight by eight Inch pan and bake in a moderate (350 P.) oven for 30 minutes or until done. . . . Household Scrapbook . . -By ROBERTA i«« j Modeling Clay If the children wish to play with modeling clay and ymf do not have any, make It by combining a cup of flour, a cup of salt and a teaspoon- full of powdered alum with enough water to that the mixture will hold together. When not in use keep the day wrnpped In % damp cloth. the Rapids. Mrs. Howard Elchlnger is chairman of the group; Mrs. Olive Easton, vice chairman, and Mrs. M. J. Banncy, secretary-treasurer. - The Rapids unit has chosen the *>... first Tuesday evening of each month ^ \ for its regular meeting night. ~ ., Mra. Elchlnger announced that • Mrs. M. Williams will be leader for .-Z .tha meat cookery project; Mrs. ; k ; Violet Hotnauist and Mrs; Helen :..•#• W*tU ftw rt^bushlng furniture; Mrs. R.. J, Oroff. for tailored cotton iifc.tiK-4rtMe»,.aiid Mrs. Oliver Diets for mm Oh Thursday the re4Tular meeting ctf the Executive committee of the Niagara County Home Bureau will be held i t the Lockport YMCA at "1 On Saturday, "Beginning the New •Year Right,- will be Uie topic of Miss May Tmrhan'a talk: over sta- tion WHLD, at 10:10 a. in. » * • • ggog; Removal t o o Slow I Mp!Mfi^?Ji^^^tti fail- ;.: ure of the fltreeU department to *^.wtooti wtottim dt»KrtiU Jfrt- •JJ-- day'night brought acathlng com- w tttnt from several alderrnen at last ,H weettaf of the CJomrnon, It isn't necessary to use extra gas to cook prunes. Merely place the pot with prunes and water over the pilot light before retiring for the night. By morning they will be completely ite^rd. Shoes It is poMible to dye brown rfvoos black temporarily by just polishing them twice with a good grade of black ahoe polish. French Catholic Officials Proteit Cardinal's Arre.t PARI8, J«n. '4. 0*y-LeadIng French Catholic officials protested today against Hungary's arrest of Josef Cardinal Mindsxenty. The protest, delivered to the Hun- garian minister. Count Michael Kar- olyi. .termed the arrest "a defiance to the spiritual mission of the Cath- olic church, s ' -We don't want to believe that the Hungarian authorities will persist In their attitude, but rather than they will free, with no delay, the aplrit- ual head of the Hungarian church," taid the protestt. It was signed by Emanual Suhard, 481 10th Street Phone 2-S110 J. Coluccl. Not Lie P. Hartley, Lie. Mgr. ORtOLEY FUN"ERAL HOSIE. INC. . 750 MAIN STREET DIAL 24016 RES. 2-1148 .Russell E. William*. Licensed MgTj LA PUDA FlfSfERAL HOME srMPATHETIC SERVICE 3Sg Portage Rd. Phone J^.573 LAJfE FUNERAL HOME ~P^ 1622 Buffalo Ave. Ph. 3-9660 Robert T. Lane. Lie. Manager MAOADD1NO FUNERAL HOME 1710 Pin* Avenue Phone 2-6620 Peter A. Magaddlno. Lie. Mgr. quiNN sr REAKDON" Joseph Qulnn Reardon Licensed Mgr. 2S0 Fourth St- Dial 2-0218 or 3f26 SPALUNO FUNERAL HOME - Dial 2-3000 362 15th Street Personals 7 ALCOHOLICS—Anororaou*. If alcohol I* your problem. Phon* 3-5042. Writ* P.O. Uoi 163. ANTIQUES—Will buy sell.or appraise; hand painted china, ailver. lamp*, etc. Tel. 2-o24l. ASSORTED—Fancy sandwiches, 14.00 per hundred. Order now Phon* 8015 at 2203 South Avenue. AVON—Hand Cream Special. IDc, regu- larly priced at 50c plus tax. Call 2-7829 after, 12 noon. - CASINO AND HUSHING OF CHAIRS— Work guaranteed; reasonable prices. Phone 4-1&S7. CRAFTEX WEAVING AND TAlLO"RING —Moth holes, hurrla. tear* rewoven: alterations, repairing remodeling of all . t>-pes. 1003 .Niagara St. Phone_4 : iJ38. CRYSTAL GAZING—| n case of trouble nee Madam Hope at Temperance Hotel. Hr*. 1 to 3 dally and by appointment CHEVROLET. 1U40 Neat 2door, new motur, good tlrea All set to go. KEN LENZ Heated Showroom—Finer Automobiles B37 Ontario Ave.. Ph. 4-2800 CHRYSLER-'41 WIndaor «-dr. "6 ;> orii". lnal finish with Dice blue Interior, 1993. LA SALLE MOTORS, 7913 Buffalo Ave. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BY BUYING A GOOD USED CAR Ph. Wll 1S03 Nlasara St. lEFRlG ERATOR3 AND RANGES Prompt Repair on Any Make. PHONE 4-4240 Shield* Commercial Refrigeration 1608 PINE AVE. . WIRLVG—All type* don* at lowest price*. Range-plate* St automatic water heat. erg installed, city or county. Call 9057/ All Types of Wiring PETE SPLNUEBI—Licensed Electrician _ 3JT- 32ND ST. PHONE 2-4452_ A/R~SEAR3 FRED BULLARD - DIAL 2-1510 - Prompt Repair.-Service Refrigerators, Range*. Small Appliances Niagara Electric Sale* and Service . 1806 Fifteenth Street HICKS LIGHT MOVING BASEMENT CLEANING -NO JOB TOO SMALL—PHONE 4-468V NIAGARA JEWELfRS—ror nne w'atclf anar Jewelry repair. Diamond*, watches and electrical appliances. I02O 13th etreet. Phone 4-1193 Sadler"* Electric * Repair Service- 70S 0th St. Carton Bids Phone 6413 Construction. Maintenance. Repairing Building and Contracting 19 APEX CONCRETE COMPANY FOUNDATIONS _ GARAGES WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS 4-2373 PHONE 2-7020 knowledge- Good opportunity for peraoa.. Phone 3-5832. Ight •TYPIST—Indasuial .. .... . . order department clerk, CQmptometei achooUng easenUaL 40 bra, 830 *tart Smith .Employment, 910 South at MaJn x __ - _ WAITRESS—Wanted for counter "work, steady Job. L R- C. Restaurant, 321 Rlverway. WAITRESS—Wanted, ateady work, good pay. Apply 3030 Highland Ave..., BUSIhlESS-APARTMENT Comblntsd HYDE PARK—3 apU« grocery and meat market, on< 8-room apt two Broom apu. Hot watei oil automatic hrating aystem. uak Roor* modern kitchen 3-car garage;. lot 41x120. Grocery and fneat market doln* J800 weefcly busi- ness- Call ua ior further Information. JOHN V: ZITO—Realtor 1700 Pine Ave. Dial 3-7823 or 2-6720 - ' b"lSTRlBUTOR"OWNER r To operate own cash bualneaa In an ^^AITRESS—Wanua Cranio'* Grill. 23 W. Fall* Street Right neat to Gorge Terminal . ALL—Lie. practical and" reg. nurses are requested to register with the Nlaaara . NuVtej RajgUtry at once. Ph. 3-4160. AMAZING MONEY MAKER!—Sell new ••Channel tes" 50 name-Imprinted notes. Fast seller, pay* you big profit! Also 81 assortment ol IS Everyday Greeting Cards, gift wraps, riame-lmprinted nap- kin*, personalized stationery. Send for 31 auoriinent on approval, also free Imprint samplre n^w. Artistic, 704 Way, Elnslra. N. Y. CAPABLE WOMAN—For cooking and housework. Full or part time. Phone Lewlston 393J. CAPABLE—Young- woman to assist with housework and car* of Z children;'live out; white preferred; reference*. Inq. 2908 Porter Rd. or Phone 2-7347. BLOCK CEILINGS—Interior remodeling, i plastic tile Installation*, kitchens mo- dernized Ph E L Powell, eve.. 3-4093 and 42 Plymouth Club Coupe . 8 795 46 Chevrolet 1 Door 81375 47 Dodg.. Radio * Heater 12) 47 loaded with extras. low mileage. MAN i OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM A3 IS CARS ; cTBlNETMAKER^Storrn wTndowa 40 Chevrolet 2 »oor S49-5 combination door* made to order; reaa- 3» Chevrole* Coupe R & H . .. 8393 onable rates. W. J. Newman, 2631 37 Packard S195 Nlag»r» Ave. Phone 41168. 37 Chevrolet 8230 CARPENTRY—Anything In the wav oi -"" BUILDING and REPAIRING. SEE- DONALD N KLETTKE 2437 Unwood Ave. Phone 2-0071_ ARPENTRY Remodeling, rep'alrtng, i cabinet work roofing building*, tar- ' ages and dump truck service. Reason* Lrosley Offer* More for Less 35 to 50 miles Tper gallon of gas; stats 4 la. peo-ie, pi M Aut. Senflee, Pin* at 17th «<reet. Phone 8411. DE SOTO 1940 eu*tom club coup*, ctlltnt condition. Inq. C. Meuler (Oe, Soto-Plymouth). 1720 pierc* avenue. FORD 1937, 2-door, 1947 motor, all new *•«»**• «<->*», •^*wvi, Avi* uivbui, -u new Urea. 8275. Plymouth 1W0 sedan, juat overhauled. 8375. Plymouth 1933 se- dan, 895. 2»16 Pin* Ave.. Pine Avenue •Motor Sales dlsplay_ Tuesday and Hudson HUDSON'S—On Thursday evening's Cataract Garage. 123 Main Street NASH. 1930—Really A-l ahlpeTTow'prlc. ed for Immediate sale Value at f'aci- flco'* Moto: Sales. Z62o Pine Ave. OLDS. '31—4-dr. sedan deluxe, 6 wheels, exceptional shape lust overhauled. Drew Page Motors. 1 17 Niagara St. PACKARD—1942 Clipper (S), 4-dr ~s«dan Radio & heater Mover-Williams,* it I i Whirlpool St Dial 2-5545 . * PLYMOUTH. 1041—4\door sedan, exce" New pilnl Job. on! I. nly lent condition. New pilnl J S700 for quick sale. 1'hone 854B. PLYMOUTH. 1042—4 door sedan.^jjray finish, heater anil defroster, excellent condition, SSDj Inq Morgan Linen •Supply Store. 813 I'lne Ave^Ptu 2- 40S3. PLYMOUTH--1041 Special deluxe 2Ar. aedan, new paint R&H. A-l condition. Dexter White Co.. 1317 Eleventh St PONT1AC—1947, R&H, tudor, S 1995~Yav: orlt* Used Car*. 2029 Pin* Avenue Phone 2-4926 STUDEBAKER— ffiji Champion - 2 Aoat, new motor, 'new^lrea. new paint, R&H. Willys Dealer, Daubney Motor Salea, tlrea. new paint, R&H.' . Daubney Motor ! 806 Cleveland Ave. Phone 2-6583 41 Studeb.tker.4 Door Champion 8493 JOE RAYMOND Pine & 22nd Dial 6914 OPEN EVENINGS USED CARS , HOUOHT AND SOLD TRAPASSO NASH SALES PINE AND 22ND 8T TIL. 2-4*78 Aoto Trucks, Tractors, Trailers 1 DODGE—1941 pickup. H-ton. 4 n*w tTWs excellent cond.- rea*. Erwln C^-e&od man, Ridge Rd. Ph. RanaomrlUT 2133, INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Bales •:• Approved Service <• Part* B & M MOTORS. INC. 707 Erie Av* Dial 2-1096 INTERNATIONAL—1937 panel, good con- ditlon, 8225. Dial 5332. 194S INTERNATIONAL—and 1949 Stude- baker; long wheel base. 8.25x20 tire*, 2 speed axles. Will .consider cattle or farm traetor on .'.rade or will sell cheap. Ph. Lockpor U0O7-R-3.. BASS TRAILER RENTAL •TRAILERS TO HAUL ANYTHING - ANYWHERE 1117- Ilth St Open Sun. Ph.2-6022 DANCE TICKETS—Posters, sutlonery. Invitations printed International Prlnt- • lng.-1319 North Avenue. FREE—Consultation of superfluous hair, wart or mole problem. Ph. 4-1577 for appointment R. E Whlttleton. E.D. HALL FOR RENT—I'HONK 4-3037 WEDDINGS, BANQUETS, ETC. LEXINGTON BALLROOM HOBBIES—Plastic* and Shellcraft rale A-l In popularity. Supplies al Nlc-Nac Hobby Shops, 1743 Whitney Ave._ IT'S A CINCH—to make nigs and up- holstery look new with odorless Flna Foam. Jen*s Bros., ,4th floor. _ LOST Billfold containing money. In Telephone office or vicinity. Reward. Identification Milt* Honor Card. Phone 7s 1 it i MA DAM I.AUHA—Well known tea cup reader. 4 Soutn Ave. Place. Open eves. • Phone 4-.1015. « MICRO RUG CLEANER—for rugs, car- peta and upholstered furniture. Easy to use. 82.25 qt.: 83.73 t» gaL: 86.50 gal. Long handled brush free with each package. Belrs. Fourth FL Ph. 9101. PrUV INSTRUCTION—Sp and Hawa»an guitar. Piano accordion, Cicero and Brundo Music Store, 1505 Pine. 2-2686. PITBLIC^ NOTICE—I, llartilTTT^DeMello. Jr, of 415.8th St-, will not be held responsible for any debt* contracted by anyone other than myself on or after thl* date: Jan. 3. 1040 BE OFF. TO A • FRESH START! •WITH O'NEILL'S FINE . USED CARS. BUICK—1947 Roadmaater seda- nette, fully equipped, very, low mileage. A much better buy than a '49. CHRYSLER—1946 Windsor sed- an, radio, heater, log lights. Inside and out just like new and a 6 cylinder at that. PONTIAC—1947 sedan coupe, streamliner "8", perlect con- dition throughout. These cars are outstanding. To appreciate these line automo-. biles come in and see them. Don't take a chance over the phone. GEO. O'NEILL/ LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 1949 Mercury Station Wagons availabL lor immediate de- livery. 512 Third St. Phone 2-1209 OPEN EVENINGS GOOD BUY 194S Mack Tractor. 5th wheel, low mileage. Fully equipped. * KRUEGER M6TOR SALES 835 Willow Ave. Ph. 57S1 IESE TRUCK BUYS Can't Be Beat „57 Chevrolet «, ton panel. $245. X911 Dodge 1 ton panel $495 P. SCOZZAFAVA MOTORS 1402 PINE AVE. House Trailer* 12-a ALMA—Continental and National trailer* —Our new 1948-1049 model* In stock greatly reduced to*- the balance of the year. Save enough now to pay for your Florida trip. Finance or cash at Tla- dile's Trailer Salea 701 Main St- Phone 2-B72S. Signed*: Haroli Harold Daniel DeMtllo, Jr. RAINBOW GIFT S1K5P"" Open 9 a.m.-ll p.m. X OCCASIONS 448 Main. nr. 1st , GIFTS FOR At. ROBINSON'S'—Upholatery Cleaners. 423 Hyde Park Bird. Phone 2-7453. Call after ft p.m. or weekends. START —The New Year looking righl with the complete 4JB5 permanent at l>outso Beauty Shop. Ph. 8066 for your sppolntreent now. 1914H Pin* Ave. « TO MR. RALPH E TOMPKlRs— Form- erly 12016001 Band 18th Inf.. U. S. Army. Bring your messages from friend* In Scotland. Contact Mr*. E. Menderson, 1311 E. 53rd St., Chicago, Illinois "WE nU* OLD iiLVKR— GOLD OR ANYTlTlNO OLD INQ. 21? MAIN ST. I'OUI.D LIKE—to Interest you In torn* mining and timber Interest* w* now hold In California W* have a plant to treat or*, tie Want money to atart operations. Investigate. Address box No. 113, care Oatette. Trarei, Air, Land, Water VVORLDWIDT 9j43 TRAVIfl. Money and food order service, excursions and Sunshine cruliei now arallable. TAVANO'i AGENCY THE OFFICE OF MANY SERVICE! PHONE- M71. tKVVI or 7374 Loft, Fatmd, 8ttnj*t"jr' " || StACK ft WHITE DOO—lost, look* Ilke Collie, vicinity 18th A Weston. Friday. Phone 2-057B. Regard. FOUND—Police dog. Fawn and .black, vicinity of North End Phone 44T31. * FOUND—Pupny, part ahephertt black ft tan. In vicinity of Nn-th ft Lockport 5te. Ph. »7<fl, iUi l^H\p<yt SL FOUND—Mal.« rocker spaniel, dark. In LaSalle section Phone S-2OT6. tU>ST— lattys Melsbro watch, expansion band, vicinity Pine between A*P and parking lot. Reward Inq. 876 Jack- ton Drive. D>st PUPPY—3 mo*, old. bUekc.white breait. 2 whit* forepart. Ana, to "Snooiy." \Tc JOth ttfint Are. R*> turn to Peter Cicero. 321»2Qth St, I'X^I« ^ Oo«^^ ,|»«^ of Paris, and oth«r )e%i I r -.:- aid ll^taia Ib4i htYXj. aWOW «l<?na atla^Ctat. | »W»V V .*43i^v'.'' . Antonoblft Aftaelcei - A CHRYSLER Aijfa PXVMOUTH b'etAEgR OE CORTORATroNl FALLS OAf ..„ ...... - Fall* ft Protpecl 3t gBtjjj 5707 . U^coLV'StRCtJRf ftftAtBf^'" ...Ti« 0«or*Tt> O'NalH Motor Co._^ All Third Street Phone 3-1 JO* A TRAILER—Will solve your houilng f iroblem. Plenty of parking apace at ow rental. We feature the Tamous Schult, sleeps 6, haa shower and toilet facilities. Jfojt modern and up-to-date. Also several other make* to choose from. Special discount for quick aale. Max M. Oppenhelm, 1415 Mala St. Phone 9119. GIRLS FOR Bookkeeping and Clerical Work High School Graduate*. Experienced Preferred POWER CITY TRUST CO. FALLS AND THIRD STS. Industry that grosses several hundred mllUo . dollar? yearly." Can be oper- ated part time without Interfering with preen: employment if desired. National firm will establish men ae> . lected thereby antu-ina successful jperatlon. Part-time work should pay to $75.00 weekly and more after ex- pansion. Full time will of course pay more. Mutt have gooo references and be able to make an Immediate mini- mum ca»h outlay of $2,000 for equip- ment and merchandise which 1*> se- cured by inventory. Tell us .Wout yourself and give bhone number for local Interview with factory man. Unless cash is available and you can. begin at once, don't answer. Address box No. 139. care Oaaette. ^_ GROCERY BUSINESS A REAL MONE\ MAKER Well located on Niagara St. Modern fixture: and equipment. Priced al 83.500. Stock at inventory. Good Iea;e. Doing weekly business of about $600. - ' , C. O. HAYS—Realtor _ DIAL/750^ HARDWAlfE—Heating plumbing, sheet metal -business In a very prosperous thriving town near Falls. Property la In center of village all equipment, * "•*' •- ••-'-- :. Very good buildings, everything goes be arrangeo wit Ible party Wm. A. Larkln. 209 terms can be arrangeo with a respons- ible party Wm. A. Larkln. 209 Cluck Building. Dial 8419. NIGHT CLUB—Includes fixtures anl auirtnicu. Ideall) situated on the ouu tklru of Niagara Fails, on well trav- eled highwav. immediate possession. Call: JIM SAN DONATO Ph. S237 or 8238 1SI6 Pine Ave._ RESTAURANT—Doing good. Beer license available. Very cheap for quick sale. Long lease. Ph. 2-9700- or 2-7279. CARPENTER Roofing mason, plaster- ing, plumbing, painting, *I«c. work. T. Manfred!. 2008 Pine Av*. Phon* VIM. CARPENTER WORK—Remodeling. Build- lng garages Roofing 81 dire. Fr«* **U- Edward Walsh. Tel. Law. 17«F4. CARPENTRY V/oKR^and allTaida e repair*. Inq Howard TralUr, retr e. Page'* 6 Corners. GIRL—With knowledge or typing for J eneral office work. Address box No. 32, care Gazette. GIRL—Wanted for weekly housework, Phon* 2-1285 between i a I p. n . Cleaning-, Dyeing, RenqratSf ~2Q BONDED HOME SERVICE CO. Rugs Carpeting Upholstery Hlnson method. dr» In 4 hrsr Ph. 4-2517 FALLS UPHOLafFTRY CLEANERS Home Furniture Expertly Cleaned Dial 3-4594 HARTMAN'S CARPET tc RUG SERVICE 330 Spruce Avenue Dla. ^004 SHALDJMN'S RUG ft UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS. Prompt Service. Phone 4-5378 Dressmaking and Millinery 21 24-HOUR SERVICE—on covered button*, custom made belts and buckles, but- tonholes and hemstitching Mall order* promptly filled • SINGER SEWING CENTER 3 W FALLS ST. 2-1493 or 20539 GIRL—To car* for Z children. 4 p. m. J p, m. Phon* 4-5059 or Inquire 3565 Ferry Avenue. ^ LOCAL SUPERMARKET haa ongoing* In Produce Dept.. for experienced sales- women. Full and part time. Glv* pre- vious and present employment. In- formation strictly confidential. Ad- dress Box No. 133 care Gaxette. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN Wanted for general housework. live nut, 5 days week; 820 week. Phone 9154. WOMAN—to care for tmall child In own home five day* a week. Phon* 4-2924. WOMAN over 30. pleasing manner, good appearance. Opportunity for advance- ment. Writ* Avon District Manager, Townllne Rd.. N. Tonawanda. N. Y. Cleaning, Pressing. WOMAN—Wanted fot general house- work. No washing or Ironing. Expert- enced. Uve In. Call '7224. WOMAN OR GIRL—for housekeeping de- partment. Apply Mrs. Henchell, S a. m. to 4 p. m-. Nlag Falls Memorial Hosp. Help Wanted Mala 33 CHEF—Experienced, wanted Immediate^ ly Steady position. Call Plantation Res- taurant. 3-9983 after 11 a. m. Exterminating- and FnmifaUnf. 21-b| ANTS — Bed bugs, carpet beetles, fleat, files, mice, moths, rata, roaches, silver nth exterminated. Call Trudgeon, Niag- ara Frontier Exterminating Service, Inc., oldest local firm. Ph. 6130 or 3-2471 Fumigation, Pest Control—Reaa Rstes For Expert Advice and Service Call Ernie Smith—Dial 2-8938 Heating, Plumbing, Hoofing. 22 AIR CONDITIONING And Heating, oil and coal; gutters Installed. COUL1S SHEET METAL 1527 'Main St. Dial 2-2130 DRAINS AND SEWERS CLEANED Knives cut out roots without digging; fast service; guaranteed 2 years against roots. Coulis, 1527 Main St. Ph. 2-2130. OIL BURNERS - REPAIRS & SERVICE SUNRAV HEATING SERVICE 763 • 17th Street Phone 2-6859 SEWER STOPPAGE —Call for the orig- inal ROTOROOTER SERVICE. We have cleaned several thousand tewers of roots In the past 10 years. No charge If we fall. Call a registered master plumber. Peuss. th* Plumber. 356 Sixth street. Dial 6338 FOR FREE ESTIMATES—on plumbing, heating or building material* phon* 7871 Sear* Roebuck ft Co. ' Moving, Trucking 25 A ft B—Moving and carting don* by the hour, $3 pet hour or by contract. Dial 4-1423. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 SAFETY GLASS BROKEN? Replace It at BENNETT AUTO PARTS 1220 Buffalo Ave Dial 2-1093 Replacement While You Walt. BOB'S MOVING SERVICE - Veteran's Insured Moving and Carting Dial 2-6874 FERRARO ft SON—Experienced movet local and long distance Insured Ashland Ave. Phone 2-2629. 132< 13-b Anto Paintlnj AUTO PAINTING —And collision work. MAIN COLLISION SERVICE. 1015 Main Tel. 4-1212. Auto Painting and General Repairing Molorpool Oarage 1907 • 18th St.^at South Open Evenings METEERS^COMPLETErAUTO SERVICE Auto Painting—Colllson Ser.—Steam CL Updercoating- Complete mech. repair. 2809 Highland Ave. Ph. 7219 BUY AN OLDSMOBILE 1918 OLDS 68 New Station Wagon. 1948 OLDS 68 Convertible Coup*. 6000 actua* mile* 1947 OLDS 76 Club Sedan. 1941 OLDS J»8 Club Sedan. . 1948 OLDS 76 Club Sedan. 1047 OLDS 68 Club Sedan. Cunningharh-Oldsmobile, Inc. 1305 MAIN STREET TF.U M U . FAT SAYS HE WONT BURN*YA HE WON'T SCORCH YA He'll Treat You the Mercy Way ON THESE 41 LINCOLN Club Coupe 44 STUDEBAKER Conv Coup* 47 MERCURY . 4-Door 42 CHEVROLE! Fleetlln* 41 PONTIAC Streamliner 41 CHEV. TUDQR (4> 10 Choose 40 CHEVROLET Tudor 41 RUICK 4-Doot (21 41 DE SOTO 4 Door ' MANY MANY MORE r * "AT THE *."" * FAT MAN'S NEW LOT Opp. Ford Moior 1004 Main ' Ph. 4-1510 Motorcycles and Bicycles 13 BARLEY DAVIDSON. 1049—Motorcyle, model 123 Only $350 Free Dema. Bob's Motorcycles Supply 2810 Pine . Av*. Phone 6836 Repairing. Service Stations 16 Authorised Part* and Service Dodge. Plymouth and Dodge Truck* MULLANE'S j Main and Orchard Parkway BBAKES RELINED—$9.95. Chevrolet*, Fords and Plymoutha. McWIIllams Tlr* Service. 915 Cleveland Ave. TeL 7522. SPECIALS COMPLETE Paint Job: pick your color. $40 complete. COLLtSON Service and Towing. MOTOR Overhauled on all 6 cylinder caf*. $63. PUBLIC AUTO SERVICE 644-2Sth SV Ph. 2-7155 Wanted—Automotive ~ * f7 KUHNS STORAGE—Will use one of Niagara Falls' largest moving van* to save you time and money. We also furnish clothes hampers to move your clothing to save pressing and cleaning DRAFTSMAN WANTED Apply at NIAGARA •' ALKALI CO. 4205 Bulfalo Ave. TAILORING—Dry Repairing. Established Good business. Excellent location. Health, reason .for selling. Reasonable offer accepted. A4- dress Box No. 863, care Gatette. TAVERNS AND HOTELS—W* have them her* and In varioue Niagara Co. title* and towns Th* least among theaa earns more on investment than prac- tically any olhci business. AUSTIN A. LONGLET—Aasoclst* NOON AN—REALTOR PHONE 2-8177—Night Call* 2-3461 TAVERN BUSINESS Including Brick Veneer Building with 6-Room Apartment, NORTH END LOCATION—Well establish- ed and doing good business. . Fully equipped. For Sale or .Will Exchange For One or Two Family Horn* For Further Details. Consult J. HARBATOWSKI BROKER 346 Portage Rd. Dial 2-7466 TEXAS RED HOTS—324-3rd St.. doing excellent business. Must sell due to illnei*. ARE YOU LOOKING? We have otr*. of the most desirable mo- dem and completely equipped taverns with tw^o 6-roorti apts above, evir of- fered for sale In Mlddleport, N. Y. $23,000 down payment required. For more complete details tee: Russell De Franco—Realtor 17th St., cor Elmwoot! Tel. 2-6360 3T. CATHARINES. ONT.. CAN.—Busi- ness. 2 stores, brand new. one In use as barber shoo. 5 rooms attached, new furnace. $14,660. will buy for quick sale. Ph. St. Catharines 2-7495. nine forces sale. less. TWELFTH ST., 562—Brick store and apartment building In residential sec- tion. Excellent opportunity for a couple that knows the grocery business. Phone 5754, C. EDGAR ALLEN. Realtor. Money to Loan 40 EXPERIENCED—Counter man for night work only. Neat pleasant and ambiti- ous. Address box 138. care Gazette. ' FRONT END MAN Familiar with Chrysler products. First class man will make good wages. Ideal working conditions. Contact Mr. Berry at Mullanes. MECHANICS To work on Dodge and Plymouth cars. Best working condition* and . Contact Mi, Berry at Mul- wtges islret; PHARMACIST—wanted tlon with good No Sunday or Singer Druf. Co pay and short hours No Sunday or holiday work, Excellent posl- hours. Apply 2006 Main St. bill*. lng Ph one 2-9961 Painting, Papering-, Decoratinf 26 FLOOR SANDERS — Dustless: Rei-c^Elety trie wall paper steamers W\ A CRAN- PALL. 1923 Main St. Tel. 2-6241. PAINTING Brush and spray; Interior and exterior; paperhanglnr. paper re- moved by steam. Free estimates-Jack MUrray. 2503 Highland Ave. Dial 7289. PAINTING-DECORATING— Exterior and Interior Free* estimates J. Bruno, 2498H Grand Ave. Tel 2-4082 or 2-9823. PAPERHANGING And painting, mates free; prompt service; work •nteed; resaonable price. Kitchen.* TeL 3-4101. Call Estl- •wE PAPERHANGING ft PAINTING ROY WARNER 476 -7*th Street Phone 8-4434 PAINTING—And decorating, floor sand- lng and finishing, plastering and piper* lng. Machines of all. kinds for rent. Dan Rellly 9921. 1839 Pierce AT*. Phon* BIEHL'S— Wallpaper ft Paint Store, 1602 Pin*, ph. 6096. Kerolectrlc (teamen for rent. Paperhanglng ft Painting, reaa. CALL—Ed Kitchen for paperhanging and aalntlnr. good work, also paperremov- ng Phone 2-0091 or 2-3347. in; Radlo-Electrlo Serrice 28-43 JACK'S Radio and Television Service . All Work Guaranteed 1730 Pierce Avenue Dial 1.7643 Acute Situation Prevaillnc/ WE MUST HAVE CARS HIGHEST PRICES PAID LENZ 1110 Main St Phone 2-5644 AT.L CAR OWNERS When Planning In Sell SEE LOU You Can't Do Better 24 Years Experience * BUYING AND SELLING CARS LOU ROSENGOLD Main at Orchard Phon* 3-0440 Open Mon.. Wed., Thur*.. FrtEvea. Wrier* Honesty. Fitf Dealing artcf , Integrity have made ut one of Niag- ara's Most Active Dealers JOE RAYMOND Pine & 22hd Dial 6914 OPEN EVENINGS . ' LOOK THESE* OVER PONTIAC. J»4«. convl: radio *nrl healer, equipped with all arc*»'orl»*. Thit car I* outstanding and a beauty. , NASH. IKI 4 door sedan, heater, de- froattr, excellent condition. NASH, heater de> froittro perfeet mechanics) condition. A real•bargain. TRAPA*SSO SERVICE Pint Ave and 92nd St. Garette Want Adi art short ttnrlta that art beat Mlltra, Dial iaiiL Before You Sell STOP AT Our Car Lot nd CARS - VvTHuTr^TcARi LIBERTY MOTOR SALES !>?*'.11U> SI -Phone 2-317S iTELP WANTED—SmlUng Jack needs car*. Tcp Bid or Butt! Don't shock ymir bank, notify them In advance. Rut lng more. Selling more. Paving more at Smiling Jack's 7th Big Lot, . JW« rarer and Pine Are. TOP-PR.CE&-rald for used ct T fip w"condition SanvV Auto W lng. »2<3 Hyde Park. Phone I . USED CARS / WANTED _ \i RICHEST 4JASH PR1CB ; - MACKENNA - STUDEBAKER 1J0711 MAIN ST. TEL. 1-4471 JAYS RADIO SERVICE New and Slgger location—24 Hr. Service 767 . 16th SL. off Pine Ph. 2-2360 RADIO ft PHONOGRAPH—Repair ser. vice: all work guaranteed Prompt pick up and deliver) White's Mutle Store. 307 Falls St. Plat 2-5940. Repairing and Upholstering ~ 29 Becker's Upholstery Shop Custom Built Furniture 413.77th Street '"i??"* ^"SS UPHOlJJTERWb AND REPAFRnTa Virtuoso Upholstery. 952 Ontario Av*, half a block from Main St Dial 9691, SALESMAN—Who want* to make be- tween $4000 and $8000 yearly In the hearing aid burlnes;- Must be a resi- dent of Nlsgara Falls. 2S-50 years old, have a car. Tterrltory and basis of earnings to be decided upon Interview, Address box No. 140. care Gsiette. SKILLED WORKERS—Large coniftruc- tlon job starting In Alaska. South Am- erica, o/erscas. United States. For de- tails send name and address. B-259, Box 1749, Knoxyllle. Tenn. LICENSED PAWNBROKER—Low Inter- est rates. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, etc. Diamonds bought ft sold. Harold Oswald. Playland. 28 Falls St. Money to Loan, Mortgages 40-a THE PRUDENTIAL SOCIETY. INC.—15 South Division. Elllcott Square Build- ing, Buffalo N. Y Loans on diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc Rates 1% to 3 * . An Institution of the better kind. Instruction Classes 43 ACCOUNTING. TYPING SHORTHAND Classes starting Jan. 13. Kelley Business Institute, !312 Main. Ph. 2-1461. 2-7961. APPROVED VETERANS TRAINING 1949 GOVERNMENT JOBS—Start high a* $64.44 weekly. Many openings. Men- . Wome... Earr. more. . Prepare NOW for New York State exams. Vet* get preference. 40-page book, sampl* testa, particulars FREE. Write today. No. 856. care Gazette. Box Trade Schools 43-q TELEVISION—Training available. Earn whll* you learn For complete details please refer to American Television classified ad under the heading of In- struction. Trade Schools FIRST CLASS ELECTRICIAN Must Have At Least 6 Years Experience Apply at OLDBURY Electro Chemica Company EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 5001 Buffalo Avenue TELEVISION Experienced men tno women are seri- ously needed for all branches of artis- tic and technical work A dominating organization In the de- velopment of Television personnel win supervise the training of men and women In their up-to-date lab- oratories and modern itudiot fully . equipped with actual commercial Television equipment Part-time work arranged for yon while training. APPROVED UNDER O L BILL Phone, write or enquire layperson, nrrot Phone, write or enqu Open to 5 p rn. and 2 aturday THE NEW LOOK By having worn, broken or soiled Furni- ture cleaned, repaired and rtupholttered. Phone 3-2306. LA SALLE FURNITURE CO, 18-1-76 SL Sewing Machines Repaired 29-q ANY AND ALt MAKES—That'* rivy~buiT- n*.«»; parts needles; used machine*. Call J. F. O'Connell. My teL'U 24079. A?TY MAKE—sewing machine r*ptTre\ Only new genuine SINGER factory part* u«ed. workmanship guaranteed. - Free estimate in idnnee.. Phon• or wrlle— Singer Sewing Machine Co. S W FALLS ST. ? M493 • or a^33» §I?fGER^VHITE—And all make* adjusted In your home for $1.00 Athmsn (IS tear* with Singer Co.) Pbona W7S, itS« ma- terr- WHITE—And ether make wwtn* "chines repaired by factory trained Iceman In oar modern workshop: pick up ind delivery; all work guaranteed. J. N. ADAM ft CO Phone Mil. Hatp wanted —Female 32 HOUSEKEEPER—Elderly tilr, SnTll convenient home. eas> work, pleasant surrounding*, good bom* ror right 'party, live In. Address box No. 137, rare Oa«*Ut. ; . ITSVSEKEEPKR—Congenial, mld'dleagea American born, good cook, small fanv ity, lira In or out. Ad 135, care Patella. reaa bos No. HOUSEKEEPER for general housework. Apply 417 Elmwood Av*. Don't wait for Cash or Help} Let a Osteite Want Ad round it up. Dial MSIL. LOCAL SUPERMARKET has openings In produce tfept.. for experienced sales- men. Full and part time Give previous and present employment. Information strictly csnfldentlal. Address Box No. I». car» Gaxette. TWO RELIABLE—Men with car* to take care of customers of th* Fuller Brush Co. Good opportunity and pro- fRs. Call 4-6131 for details. YOUNG MEN ' With High School Or College Training*, in Busihess Subject*. AMERICAN TELEVISION, INC 674 Elllcott Square Bids;. Buffalo. N T WA 5022 Dogs, Cats, Other Pets, Bnpplies 47 BOXERS—3 Utters, good selection: blood lines Use your credit. See Smith. 634-91st St, Phone 3-4859. best CANARIES—A fine selection of guaran- teed singer*: also femtlea. Inq SID Niagara Street. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES—6 week* old Sliver Loom Kennel*. Route 425, Wilson. Horses, Other Stock, Vehicles 48 FREE REMOVAL—Of dead horse* snd cpws (please call promptly). Charles Nehrbass. Ph. Akron 3076. rrte.' chgs. TWO LARGE—HoUlelns first- calf heif- ers. Just fresh with calves. M. K. Glf- ford. Cambria Center Lower Mountain Road. . Articles for Sale 51 BATTERY CHARGER Auto rocker. grease coats coveralK Jacketa. girl'a snow suits. 1 and 3. floor lamps, toou- dolr chair, lady's dreasea, 14, *ult* IS. Dial 3-5.VW. ENCYCLOPEDIA—Britannlra, 14th edi- tion. In 24 volumes. In It* ovm cabinet, i like new. $75. Also W'ettlngnouse elec- tric lron»r and bench Good condition, 140. Address box 863. care Gatette. HOT AIR FURNACES— «3) uted. Fron- tier House Wrecking. 3420 Highland Ave. Phon* 2-4S51 -..,,..-. . Good Opportunity foi - Qualified p«r*ont POWER CITY TRUST CO. FALLS ft THIRD. STS, * a . i . Heler—Male and Female 34 BOOKKEEPER—Experienced,* tttt* age, tralnln- and experience. Reference* required. Addreat boa 131, ear* Oat. ilOTPorNT—Refrigerator*, rang**, frees- er*. .Ironer*. See them on display tl Modem Electric, 1700 Main. Ph. 6410. at K: IlOT~]WATER HEATER—<El*c.); also rubber boot*. *tep Udder. Inq. 418 agara St. Tel. 4-4413 after 3:30 p.m. MAYTAO WASHERS-^imrheditte delir- ery. from SI34.B5. Home Appliance and Furniture Store 1406 Mala Ph. 3-3034. PERXfANENT MACHINE— 2 hair dryer*, other articles ,for beauty shop. Inq. 3312 ROyal Ave, or Phone 3 ihop. 9631. Inq. RADIOS—15335 and up on display at Jur^ ft. and l>33 Bittaatlons Wanted—Fema»> ^8 NURSE—agalr available for prlTtte duty. Reference* given. Phone 3-2131. PARENT* BY >ft6xirnraENCY-=>5r: nlshet ctpahl*. trell recommended wonv n. to cart for children TeL 3-5174. Bvdntm OapoH«ntUes BARBER SHOP—Stle or rent, doth 38 17^ butlnru, selling on 'account .. heallh.Tlnq. 1342H AthUnd Ave. or rhone »eiu • . 6AS 8fATK>Ni-Witn pr^rrv.'cenlrTl " location. Reasonable irtee. C%Tb JIM SAN DONATO Ph. 3337 or 1*3* I •aw m till Pine ATS, on Electric .530 Niagara Niagara At*. •_ RANGES AND WASHERS—ifted. in 'good . -onditlon. W. i, Stlne, Household AppU- "-*-"£*."*.1*?P^-_l? a "' ret - Ph - >-ao«. STORM wpliDOWiT^and tcre*n*,"Varlou* aitet. Phone 4.1305. between • and 7 p. m. TCLEVISION B]'Admiral. Crostey- O.sf ft afotorPla, lira up Installed now Niagara Radio Semce. 300.Hyde Park Pnoo* ^i7». tVPEfrRtflAs S:L C Smith, Undi? arood, Corona, Royal and others, porv ablet and. standard*, new and uted. guaranteed 306 Falla St Ph. 34830. Attention Tavern Keej>er8l " Tor tale waikJn cooler with compressor; 6x8x10, excellent condlUon. Very r«a*- onabie. Inq. NorUt Provision Co.. 13M North Aire. Phone 4-1 OftS. ' --..-.- - % Need Money for Reboot Needat Let rer fate Waat Ad* •upptg M. , taaal nr t» * Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 8/Niagara Falls NY Gazette/Niaga… · w%m M%^ v":\: Sixteen THE NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Tuesday, January 4, 194 9 J •::

Sep 04, 2020



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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 8/Niagara Falls NY Gazette/Niaga… · w%m M%^ v":\: Sixteen THE NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Tuesday, January 4, 194 9 J •::<$'.>:*; ••Mi


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Station Plans Fruit Edubits •' LOOKFORT. Jan. 4 — Just W years ago the Cortland^ apple was originated at the OeneVa Expert-menUl station, according to Rich­ard Q; Tousey, aaai*tant county agricultural agent It wa» one of 11 seedlings produced In a crow between Mcintosh and Ben Davi*. The erent U to be featured in the station's fniit exhibit at the meet­ings of the Btatey Horticultural so­ciety'in Rochester and Kingston this month.

Cortland no* ranks third In vol­ume of productldh In New York, being topped only by Mcintosh and R. I. Oreening.- According to re­port* from the State Department of Agriculture and Markets 1,410,-000 bushels of Cortland* were pro­duced In IMS.

In addition to a display depicting the/ history of the Cortland, trie station fruit specialists will show several other new apple virtues originated In Che Station orchards and elsewhere. The control of In­sect P«ta and diseases of fruits will also be conspicuous features.

• The Rochester "meeting will be held at Edgerton Park. January 12 to 14 Inclusive, and the Kingston meeting at the New York State armory. January 28 to 38 Inclusive.

Miller Will Address Pomona* Saturday

BARKER, Jan. 4—The "Niagara County Pomona Orange will hold Its first meeting of the new year Saturday at the Wendelvllle hall, with the Pendleton Orange as host.

At the morning session at 10:30 o'clock, the Orange will open in tb« iHfth degree with Worthy Mu­ter Edward Town* presiding. The presentation of the flag will be fol­lowed by an • address of welcome by Raymond JMowell, master of Pendleton Grange, itjjd will be re­plied to by Mrs. Charity Kelly, Lockport.

At noon the Grange will .be'closed in the Fifth degree, and' dinner will be served by Pendleton Orange.

The afternoon session will open at 1:30 with conferences for mas­ters, lecturers and service and hos­pitality committee members. At 2 o'clock there will be group sing­ing with the report of delegates to the State Orange in December at 3:15. At 3:30 Mrs. Mary Putnam, Lockport, will favor with a recita­tion and at 3:35 Allan R. Dunk, assistant Niagara county agricul­

tural agent, will' give a brief talk. At 3 o'clock District Attorney Wil­

liam Miller will give an address.


BIBMARA—In 8t. Mary'* boipltlL Januarj 1. 1141. David 8 . buib*ad_oI Rose M.. lather of Daniel W., Norman D . Alice

" E.. Ethel C. Clara R. Mrs. Itnil T. Anton, brother of Michael 8. BUhsra. He !• alw> survived bj J«o «r»nd ehild-ren. V!r*lnia and Ronild. all ol this cuy. funeral ltrvlce at lb* home. i»T Micnlsan avenue. Wednesday at J p ro . and J J» to St. Oeone a Brrtan-Oreet Orthodox church. South *»enue and 11th street. His Eminence Metropolitan Arch Blthop Anthonr Baiblr, of Htm York Cttr offlclatlci. Interment In Oak-wood cemetery. Niagara River Lodge No. Iti T. apd AM will conduct Maaoolt lervlcei »l the home. Tueada/ etenlnj at |:1S.

CONLIN—In Ml. St. Maria hospital. Jan­uary 3. »»«» Francis, of 311 - Sixth street, husband of Bridget, father of Bridget T . Marr Catherine, rrancrs. Winifred and Mra. John II. Dedjonr. all of tbu dtr . AUo Patrick Corrilo of

A Card of Thanks RlRKOWSKI—Th* family of th*" Ut*

Mary Minkowski »Uh to n p m i their sincere thanWs and all friend,, .relatives *nu neighbors, (tn-

J* of Maintenance of South Junior llg'h School. Macet Mlllnrlrhl outfit,

Hel'fiiie Ure.s Sboppe staff. Urupa Wleniet PoIeV No. 32J. Z V W. Am. for all kindness shown, spiritual offer, nigs, fioral bouguela and use of "ears. T>> the SLster* arid Nurses of ML St. W i D ' j Hospital. Pallbearers. Rev. Vin. Cyman and the Rev. Melt in Marhnlra, Mr Al* Maxuruniki. organist; Mr. and Mrs. John 1.. l^Buda and Son. funeral director, for klndriea. and sympathy sho«»n during their recent bereave­ment, the loss of theli dear mother.

Anna Nlewladomskl. Daughter. Walter and Richard. Sons.

21 Aniomebllea for Bale 11

SMIEDALA l »i«h to thank my many fr:end> In

Le»istoii. N Y.. for all their*\indnes* and sympathy ehown beautiful floral

Seattle. Washington. IMneral from the » offerlnirs sent and u*e of rars during Qutnn A Reardon runeral Home. 210 Kourth itreet, Krlday. January 7 at 10 a.m., at St. Mary I Roman I'ath ollc church at 9 a.m. Interment In

_Gate of Hes^*n cemetery. HANNAM—In this city. January 1. l(4f.

Iriln A., of Mf-4- Fierce a»enue. Husband of Lillian P.. father of Mrs. Florence Xrerelt of Youngstown. N, Y. Brother of Mrs. Thomas J. Yates.- this city: Mra. Clifford C , Spllsbury. Sanborn. N. Y. Also surrlted by two grandchildren. Funeral from the O/tdlef Funeral Home. 750 Main street, Wednesday at 2 P. m. Rev. Oeorgl W, Keeling officiatini. In­terment in Oskwood cemetery. Niagara RJter Lodge r and AM. No. 7|i. srill conduct services at the funeral home at 7:30. Tuesday evening.

•I ; t


Fatally Stricken On HoHday

LOCKPORT, Dec. 4.-StrJcken 1U on Ohrlatmas ere while risltlng a't the home of her daughter, Mrs.

v Walter C, Mahoney, OloTersrllle. Mrs. Mary OMalley, 80, widow of John O'Malley, 217 Qenesee street, died yesterday afternoon.

The body was brought to the home of her son, Or. R. V. O'Malley, 556 Willow .street, from where ser­vices will be held Thursday at 0 ajn., Mass at St. Pat­rick's church, Barker, at 10 o'clock.

, Burial win be Carmen road cemetery, Barker. . Mrs. O'Malley was born Decem­ber 9, 18*0, in Barker, daughter of Timothy and Bridget Lewis. She married John O'Malley who for many years, was president of the Somerset National bank. He died December 37, IMS. /

Since her husband's death, Mrs. O'Malley and her daughter. Mrs. Donald O'Nell, had shared an apart-

• merit at 317 Qenesee street. Her son and her two daughters are the only near relatives.

Bethany Bible Class Meets This Evening

BARKER, Jan. 4.—The Bethany Bible class, of the West Somerset Baptist church, will hold-lt« first meeting of the new year this ere-lng at the home of lbs president, Joseph Ecker, Johnson Creek road.

Leon* and Clifford Ecker, child­ren of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ecker, have left tor the Providence Bible Institute, Providence, R. I., where they are students.

Mrs. William McCantv, Jr., and Infant son, Douglas Paul, have re­turned from the Lockport City hos­pital to their home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Andrews, Jr., Medina, were weekend guests of Mrs. Andrews' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bateman.

The newly organized 4-H club, of Somerset, will meet Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atwater.

Richard Walter spent last week as guest of his aunt, Mrs. Robert Hotallng, and family, Lockport.

New Rapids Home Bureau Unit Formed

LOCKPORT, Jan. 4—A new Home

KOKOflZKA—Veronica, suddenly. January 2. 1149. age It yean, wife of Joseph.

" mother of Walter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joieph Balon. sister of Mrs Jose­phine Stamper. Mra. Helen Sxwedo. Frank. John, Caslmer. Edward Xokosika. Funeral will be from the family home. 2411 Cudabsck avenue. Wedtresday. Jan­uary a at t i l l a. m . and 10 o'clock from 81. Stanislaus Kostka church. Interment !5 0 > t « - o f Heaven cemetery.

RTLUK'iwAt Lockport, N. Y.. Jan S, 1040, Margaret I'., wife of the late Daniel. Kuneral service at Cornell Sc Dagjret Chapel. 1517 Main St.. Wed

' nesday. .fan 5, at 2:30, Rev. Richard A. Davis officiating.

HYMUNT—At Memorial hospital. Monday. January J. 1(49, Catherine Rymunt of 2214 Allen avenue, beloved mother of daughters, Mrs. Bulla Kapalowska. Mlsa Bernlce and Anna of this city and Mra. Mary Jatjlckl of Lockport, N. Y.. and sons Frank and John of thla city. AUo survived by five grandchildren and on* great grandchild, runeral will ba held wtdnasday, January I, l l i f from tha La Buds Funeral Home. 311 Fortag* road at |:}« *. m., and services at St. Stanislaus Koitkl church at t a. m. Burial la Rely Trinity cemetery. Bba wai a member »f tha St. John Kanty 8.K.F. leeletJ.


the lots of my hsy»ekeeper, Mrs. Ste- | fanla Smledala

Signed Mr F-rdlnand Wfitsdl.

In Memorials GO.VZALKS—In loving memory ' of our

dejr - hutbar.d and father. Ncmesio (Jonialej) who p t u i d away 10 -jeara ago. Jahuarv 3. 103U. Farewell, dear father thy work It

o'er, Thv willing hand* will toil no mora, A loving father kind and true. No one on earth we'll find like juu.

Signed )^l«_*V_ChUdren.

ilORST—In loving memory of our dear moUier. Fltxabeth Ilorst. who passed away 7 years ago yesterday, January I. 1042. It Is not the tears at the time that are

shed. That tell of the heart that la torn.

But the passionate tear* In after years. And remembrance silently borne.

Signed _ ILanghters It Sons

Lt'TZ^—In loving memory of our dear father. Anthony f.ulr.. who passed away J2 veara ago today. Jan. 4, 1027. Heavy are our heart* today. Memory brings you back once more. To the time when you were' with us To fhe happy days oi yore.

Signed: Children.



Tops ior Transportation Easy on Your Wallet


Favorite Motors 2929 Pine Ave. Ph. 24926

Bl'ICK. 1M7—Specie 4 dr. sedan; goo3 paint, tires; new front end. brakes and real rovers. Motor perfet-t Reasonable. 4 12- 7atb St. I'hon* I t l l l .

BUfCK. f0~4V-.Vew. dynaflQW. 4 door »«da". Completely equipped. Pbona 2M1«>-

BL1CK— IMS. 4 door RoYrimauier. radio and heater. Phone 2-7720, between i and 7 p. m.

BUfCK. 193^—Specfal >edan. Radio and heater, defrosters: J2.JO work recently done. |4"<0 64-1 - 20th Street.

Bl'iCK— 1947 Roadmarter. lUtll. like new, JJ7M; 1M7 Ford. R4M. 1I1W. gjgt Highland Ave



•40 LA SAUJ>: Luxury automobiles looking for •

fine home

KEN LENZ Finer Automobiles—Heated Showroom 937 Ontario Ave. Phone 4-2W0

ClfEVHOLET ' 1941—Club coupe. natH. a beauty. A A A MOTOR SALES. 2700 I'lne Avenue. Dial-twOO '

ClfEVHOLET—Good tire*, mo'tor. heater and winterized. Will take Ijcjt offer. Need money, IU13 M m Ave. i^z^>20i-

CllEVlIoXET--1034 Master DeLux'e 2'dr. sedan, heater: goo<l tramporutlon. Inq. 1421 22nd St.

Atriomobllea for gate JJ TOR AUTOMOBILE*—al lower oTleea

call J. S. KulaX founggtowii. Phone Z u . Tit* ttua who Cot what other* promise. •


Largo Selection





1948 FORD Super Deluxe 2-door sedan Had <> & Heater

1941 MERCL'RY—5-Pa»»enier Coupe. rtsdlo and Heater

1941 MERCURY 2-Dooi Sedan. Radio and Heater

1941 CHRYSLER Roya' <« Cyl.) 2-Door Heater.

1917 FORD Super Deluxe. 2-Door Sedan, Radio and Heater >

DUNCAN MOTORS, INC. 1001 Main St Dial 9341

Open Evenings Ti l 9

Bsttineas genrioe Ottttwel jg BENDDC—RANOE—REFRlQ. WBW6M

A BRAY and DEOOST 187S Weatan Ave Ph g j g l f or 6367 " Blackjtone: E u y . Apex. Kenmorw

MayUg. Speed Queen, OJE.

WASHER REPAIRS Prr/mpt Service Reasonahlt Prtceg

Parta-Avallable (or AU Washera at NIAGARA HOME SERVICE. 114 FALLS

Phone 2-»oo2 . E v e n b m 2-8JSJ CHIMNEYS — Built and rapalrtd. * K7w

roof*. Imulated brick . aiding. Dial 2-3442 or 4-2882


Moderate) Rateg I aimed! a la Service r CARL'S SERVICE

Betp Waateei ..Frmato 32 | Bastoeaa' Cypportimltka MODITL—Wanted for ail claw. Expert. ' enced preferred. Call *-1317. •ALfcctelRL—Toung- Udy. A f T ^ 3 0 for

Hoalery and handbag deptrtxnent. v Slnvle girl wit* sales experience pre-

ferred. Thotn McAn. 1818 Main. _;_ SECHETARr—for 3~hr«. a "week, prefer­

ably morning work, m m : be able to take dictation and be a good typUt. References required. Addresa box No. 13*. care Gatette.

bookkeeping rii "



Card of Thanks j ETOPIO—Tha family of the late Angela

Etoplo wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their relative* and friend*, employeea of the Shipping Dent, of the Vanadium Corp. of America. Dcpt. 13 ol Moore Huslneai Farms. C-3-P Boy* of the Union Car­bide, Local 250. C.I.O. Local 12067, U.M.W.A., BooTcblndera Local 217, Sin­atra Po*t of the American Legion. First Compgny, S.W.D.C. 174th . Infantry, Vanadium Corp. of America and Club Vennan, for all then kindness and aympathy, beautiful floral and mass of­ferings and use of car* during their recent lo»* of beloved husband and father. —

Wife and Children.

Florist* _4 Floral Excellence Without Extravagance


Plna at 77th St. Phone S-Mja FLOWERS" »*6h "ALt 6CCAii0Ss"~

PHONE 2-234d Open 9 ajn. to o:30 p.m. BUTLER M SON—MAIN AT THIRD ST.


1225 Main St. Ph. 8226 MEMBER OF F.T.D.A.

Funeral Director* . 5 AMATO FUNERAL HOME

001 19tb St , cor Ferry TeL 2-2723 Charles Amatu A: Marie A Amato. Lic.Mgr.

BEATTY KUtfERAJ. HOME 113S Main Street Dial 8711

Tnimin J. Ceatty. Licensed Mgr.


RICE—Th^ famllv of the late CI*ra E. Rice with to expreia their sincere thank* and appreciation to the many relative*, frlenita and neighbors far all < the kindness 'and aympathy shown, beautiful floral offering*, and use of car* during their recent bereavement.

Signed: Mis* Mary M. Rice Mis* Elizabeth R, Rice Mr. Joseph C. Rice



Menus of the Day

-AF fEATURI-GOOD DESSERT FOR DINNER Homemade gingerbread, a little

richer than the usual, Is delicious served with Whipped cream or va­nilla Ice cream. Or serve It with spiced apple sauce, canned yellow cling peaches, or with lemon sauce. Fit it into a menu on which the other foods are thrifty, such as the following: Metrt Loaf . Baked Potatoes Buttered Carrots Cole Slaw

- - Bread and Butter Homemade Gingerbread*

With Special Topping Beverage

^ . Bureau unit has been organized at Prunes i l l * D a n i / 4 a U M U ^ m . ^ t P l . 1 . 1 v» I.M»I

(Recipe for Starred Dish Follows) Homemade Gingerbread

Ingredients: 1 1-2 cups sifted flour, one teaspoon baking soda, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon ginger, one-half cup shortening, one-half cup sugar, two'eggs, one-half cup molasses, one-half cup boiling water.

Method: Put the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and ginger into a sifter. Cream the fat and sugar, together until light and fluffy. Add the efts one at a time and beat in well. Sift in the dry ingredients alternately with-«Vfie combined molasses and water In four additions, beginning and end­ing with the flour. Mix lightly each time, only enough to combine; do not stir too much. Pour Into well-greased eight by eight Inch pan and bake in a moderate (350 P.) oven for 30 minutes or until done. . . .

Household Scrapbook . . - B y ROBERTA i«« j

Modeling Clay If the children wish to play with

modeling clay and ymf do not have any, make It by combining a cup of flour, a cup of salt and a teaspoon-full of powdered alum with enough water to that the mixture will hold together. When not in use keep the day wrnpped In % damp cloth.

the Rapids. Mrs. Howard Elchlnger is chairman of the group; Mrs. Olive Easton, vice chairman, and Mrs. M. J. Banncy, secretary-treasurer.

- The Rapids unit has chosen the *>... first Tuesday evening of each month ^ \ for its regular meeting night. ~ . , Mra. Elchlnger announced that

• Mrs. M. Williams will be leader for .-Z . t h a meat cookery project; Mrs.

; k ; Violet Hotnauist and Mrs; Helen :..•#• W*tU ftw rt^bushlng furniture; Mrs.

R.. J, Oroff. for tailored cotton iifc.tiK-4rtMe»,.aiid Mrs. Oliver Diets for

mm Oh Thursday the re4Tular meeting ctf the Executive committee of the Niagara County Home Bureau will be held i t the Lockport YMCA at

"1 On Saturday, "Beginning the New •Year Right,- will be Uie topic of Miss May Tmrhan'a talk: over sta­tion WHLD, at 10:10 a. in.

» * • • • •

ggog; Removal too Slow I Mp!Mfi^?Ji^^^tti fail-;.: ure of the fltreeU department to *^.wtooti wtottim dt»KrtiU Jfrt-•JJ-- day'night brought acathlng com-w tttnt from several alderrnen at last

,H weettaf of the CJomrnon,

It isn't necessary to use extra gas to cook prunes. Merely place the pot with prunes and water over the pilot light before retiring for the night. By morning they will be completely ite^rd.

Shoes It is poMible to dye brown rfvoos

black temporarily by just polishing them twice with a good grade of black ahoe polish.

French Catholic Officials Proteit Cardinal's Arre.t

PARI8, J«n. '4. 0*y-LeadIng French Catholic officials protested today against Hungary's arrest of Josef Cardinal Mindsxenty. •

The protest, delivered to the Hun­garian minister. Count Michael Kar-olyi. .termed the arrest "a defiance to the spiritual mission of the Cath­olic church,s '

-We don't want to believe that the Hungarian authorities will persist In their attitude, but rather than they will free, with no delay, the aplrit-ual head of the Hungarian church," taid the protestt.

It was signed by Emanual Suhard,

481 • 10th Street Phone 2-S110 J. Coluccl. Not Lie P. Hartley, Lie. Mgr.


DIAL 24016 RES. 2-1148 .Russell E. William*. Licensed MgTj


3Sg Portage Rd. Phone J^.573 LAJfE FUNERAL HOME ~P^

1622 Buffalo Ave. Ph. 3-9660 Robert T. Lane. Lie. Manager

MAOADD1NO FUNERAL HOME 1710 Pin* Avenue Phone 2-6620

Peter A. Magaddlno. Lie. Mgr. quiNN sr REAKDON"

Joseph Qulnn Reardon Licensed Mgr. 2S0 Fourth St- Dial 2-0218 or 3f26


362 • 15th Street

Personals 7 ALCOHOLICS—Anororaou*. If alcohol I*

your problem. Phon* 3-5042. Writ* P.O. Uoi 163.

ANTIQUES—Will buy sel l .or appraise; hand painted china, ailver. lamp*, etc. Tel. 2-o24l.

ASSORTED—Fancy sandwiches, 14.00 per hundred. Order now Phon* 8015 at 2203 South Avenue.

AVON—Hand Cream Special. IDc, regu­larly priced at 50c plus tax. Call 2-7829 after, 12 noon. -

CASINO AND HUSHING OF CHAIRS— Work guaranteed; reasonable prices. Phone 4-1&S7.

CRAFTEX WEAVING AND TAlLO"RING —Moth holes, hurrla. tear* rewoven: alterations, repairing remodeling of all

. t>-pes. 1003 .Niagara St. Phone_4:iJ38. CRYSTAL GAZING—|n case of trouble

nee Madam Hope at Temperance Hotel. Hr*. 1 to 3 dally and by appointment

CHEVROLET. 1U40 Neat 2door, new motur, good tlrea All set to go.

KEN LENZ Heated Showroom—Finer Automobiles B37 Ontario Ave.. Ph. 4-2800

CHRYSLER-'41 WIndaor «-dr. "6;> orii". lnal finish with Dice blue Interior, 1993. LA SALLE MOTORS, 7913 Buffalo Ave.



Ph. W l l 1S03 Nlasara St. lEFRlG ERATOR3 AND RANGES

Prompt Repair on Any Make. PHONE 4-4240

Shield* Commercial Refrigeration 1608 PINE AVE. .

WIRLVG—All type* don* at lowest price*. Range-plate* St automatic water heat. erg installed, city or county. Call 9057/

All Types of Wiring PETE SPLNUEBI—Licensed Electrician


DIAL 2-1510 -Prompt Repair.-Service

Refrigerators, Range*. Small Appliances Niagara Electric Sale* and Service



anar Jewelry repair. Diamond*, watches and electrical appliances. I02O 13th etreet. Phone 4-1193 Sadler"* Electric * Repair Service-

70S • 0th St . Carton Bids Phone 6413 Construction. Maintenance. Repairing

Building and Contracting 19 APEX CONCRETE COMPANY


4-2373 PHONE 2-7020

knowledge- Good opportunity for peraoa.. Phone 3-5832.


•TYPIST—Indasuial . . . . . . . . order department clerk, CQmptometei achooUng easenUaL 40 bra , 830 *tart Smith .Employment, 910 South at MaJn x__ - _

WAITRESS—Wanted for counter "work, steady Job. L R- C. Restaurant, 321 Rlverway. •

WAITRESS—Wanted, ateady work, good pay. Apply 3030 Highland Ave...,


HYDE PARK—3 apU« grocery and meat market, on< 8-room apt two Broom apu. Hot watei oil automatic hrating aystem. uak Roor* modern kitchen 3-car garage;. lot 41x120. Grocery and fneat market doln* J800 weefcly busi­ness- Call ua ior further Information.

JOHN V: ZITO—Realtor 1700 Pine Ave. Dial 3-7823 or 2-6720 -


To operate own cash bualneaa In an

^^AITRESS— Wanua Cranio'* Grill. 23 W. Fall* Street Right neat to Gorge Terminal .

ALL—Lie. practical and" reg. nurses are requested to register with the Nlaaara

. NuVtej RajgUtry at once. Ph. 3-4160. AMAZING MONEY MAKER!—Sell new

••Channel tes" 50 name-Imprinted notes. Fast seller, pay* you big profit! Also 81 assortment ol IS Everyday Greeting Cards, gift wraps, riame-lmprinted nap­kin*, personalized stationery. Send for 31 auoriinent on approval, also free Imprint samplre n^w. Artistic, 704

• Way, Elnslra. N. Y. CAPABLE WOMAN—For cooking and

housework. Full or part time. Phone Lewlston 393J.

CAPABLE—Young- woman to assist with housework and car* of Z children;'live out; white preferred; reference*. Inq. 2908 Porter Rd. or Phone 2-7347.

BLOCK CEILINGS—Interior remodeling, i plastic tile Installation*, kitchens mo­

dernized Ph E L Powell, eve.. 3-4093 and

42 Plymouth Club Coupe . 8 795 46 Chevrolet 1 Door 81375 47 Dodg.. Radio * Heater 12) 47 loaded with extras.


A 3 I S C A R S ; cTBlNETMAKER^Storrn wTndowa 40 Chevrolet 2 »oor S49-5 combination door* made to order; reaa-3» Chevrole* Coupe R & H . . . 8393 onable rates. W. J. Newman, 2631 37 Packard S195 Nlag»r» Ave. Phone 41168. 37 Chevrolet 8230 CARPENTRY—Anything In the wav oi


2437 Unwood Ave. Phone 2-0071_ ARPENTRY — Remodeling, rep'alrtng, i cabinet work roofing building*, tar- ' ages and dump truck • service. Reason*

Lrosley Offer* More for Less 35 to 50 miles Tper gallon of gas; stats 4 la. peo-ie, p i M Aut . Senflee, Pin* at 17th «<reet. Phone 8411.

DE SOTO 1940 eu*tom club coup*, ctlltnt condition. Inq. C. Meuler (Oe, Soto-Plymouth). 1720 pierc* avenue.

FORD 1937, 2-door, 1947 motor, all new *•«»**• «<->*», •^*wvi, Avi* uivbui, - u n e w Urea. 8275. Plymouth 1W0 sedan, juat overhauled. 8375. Plymouth 1933 se­dan, 895. 2»16 Pin* Ave.. Pine Avenue •Motor Sales

dlsplay_ Tuesday and Hudson

HUDSON'S—On Thursday evening's Cataract Garage. 123 Main Street

NASH. 1930—Really A-l ahlpeTTow'prlc. ed for Immediate sale Value at f'aci-flco'* Moto: Sales. Z62o Pine Ave.

OLDS. '31—4-dr. sedan deluxe, 6 wheels, exceptional shape lust overhauled. Drew Page Motors. 117 Niagara St.

PACKARD—1942 Clipper (S), 4-dr ~s«dan Radio & heater Mover-Williams,* it I i Whirlpool S t Dial 2-5545 . *

PLYMOUTH. 1041—4\door sedan, exce" New pilnl Job. on!

I. nly lent condition. New pilnl J

S700 for quick sale. 1'hone 854B. PLYMOUTH. 1042—4 door sedan.^jjray

finish, heater anil defroster, excellent condition, SSDj Inq Morgan Linen •Supply Store. 813 I'lne Ave^Ptu 2- 40S3.

PLYMOUTH--1041 Special deluxe 2Ar. aedan, new paint R&H. A-l condition. Dexter White Co.. 1317 Eleventh S t

PONT1AC—1947, R&H, tudor, S 1995~Yav: orlt* Used Car*. 2029 Pin* Avenue Phone 2-4926

STUDEBAKER— ffiji Champion -2 Aoat, new motor, 'new^lrea. new paint, R&H. Willys Dealer, Daubney Motor Salea,

tlrea. new paint, R&H.' . Daubney Motor !

806 Cleveland Ave. Phone 2-6583

41 Studeb.tker.4 Door Champion 8493

JOE RAYMOND Pine & 22nd Dial 6914



PINE AND 22ND 8T TIL. 2-4*78

Aoto Trucks, Tractors, Trailers 1 DODGE—1941 pickup. H-ton. 4 n*w tTWs

excellent cond.- rea*. Erwln C^-e&od man, Ridge Rd. Ph. RanaomrlUT 2133,

INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Bales •:• Approved Service <• Part*

B & M MOTORS. INC. 707 Erie Av* Dial 2-1096

INTERNATIONAL—1937 panel, good con-ditlon, 8225. Dial 5332.

194S INTERNATIONAL—and 1949 Stude-baker; long wheel base. 8.25x20 tire*, 2 speed axles. Will .consider cattle or farm traetor on .'.rade or will sell cheap. Ph. Lockpor U0O7-R-3..


ANYTHING - ANYWHERE 1117- Ilth S t Open Sun. Ph.2-6022

DANCE TICKETS—Posters, sutlonery. Invitations printed International Prlnt-

• lng.-1319 North Avenue. FREE—Consultation of superfluous hair,

wart or mole problem. Ph. 4-1577 for appointment R. E Whlttleton. E.D.


LEXINGTON BALLROOM HOBBIES—Plastic* and Shellcraft rale

A-l In popularity. Supplies al Nlc-Nac Hobby Shops, 1743 Whitney A v e . _

IT'S A CINCH—to make nigs and up­holstery look new with odorless Flna Foam. Jen*s Bros., ,4th floor. _

LOST — Billfold containing money. In Telephone office or vicinity. Reward. Identification Milt* Honor Card. Phone 7s 1 it i

MA DAM I.AUHA—Well known tea cup reader. 4 Soutn Ave. Place. Open eves.

• Phone 4-.1015. « MICRO RUG CLEANER—for rugs, car-

peta and upholstered furniture. Easy to use. 82.25 qt.: 83.73 t» gaL: 86.50 gal. Long handled brush free with each package. Belrs. Fourth FL Ph. 9101.

PrUV INSTRUCTION—Sp and Hawa»an guitar. Piano accordion, Cicero and Brundo Music Store, 1505 Pine. 2-2686.

PITBLIC^ NOTICE—I, llartilTTT^DeMello. J r , of 415.8th St-, will not be held responsible for any debt* contracted by anyone other than myself on or after thl* date: Jan. 3. 1040




BUICK—1947 Roadmaater seda-nette, fully equipped, very, low mileage. A much better buy than a '49. •

CHRYSLER—1946 Windsor sed­an, radio, heater, log lights. Inside and out just like new and a 6 cylinder at that.

PONTIAC—1947 sedan coupe, streamliner "8", perlect con­dition throughout.

These cars are outstanding. To appreciate these line automo-. biles come in and see them. Don't take a chance over the phone.


1949 Mercury Station Wagons availabL lor immediate de­livery.

512 Third St. Phone 2-1209


GOOD BUY 194S Mack Tractor. 5th wheel, low

mileage. Fully equipped. *

KRUEGER M6TOR SALES 835 Willow Ave. Ph. 57S1

I E S E TRUCK BUYS Can't Be Beat

„57 Chevrolet «, ton panel. $245. X911 Dodge 1 ton panel $495


House Trailer* 12-a ALMA—Continental and National trailer*

—Our new 1948-1049 model* In stock greatly reduced to*- the balance of the year. Save enough now to pay for your Florida trip. Finance or cash at Tla-dile's Trailer Salea 701 Main St-Phone 2-B72S.

Signed*: Haroli Harold Daniel DeMtllo, Jr.

RAINBOW GIFT S1K5P"" Open 9 a.m.-ll p.m. X OCCASIONS

448 Main. nr. 1st , GIFTS FOR At.

ROBINSON'S'—Upholatery Cleaners. 423 Hyde Park Bird. Phone 2-7453. Call after ft p.m. or weekends.

START — T h e New Year looking righl with the complete 4JB5 permanent at l>outso Beauty Shop. Ph. 8066 for your sppolntreent now. 1914H Pin* Ave. « TO MR. RALPH E TOMPKlRs— Form-

erly 12016001 Band 18th Inf.. U. S. Army. Bring your messages from friend* In Scotland. Contact Mr*. E. Menderson, 1311 E. 53rd St., Chicago, Illinois


INQ. 21? MAIN ST. I 'OUI.D LIKE—to Interest you In torn* mining and timber Interest* w* now hold In California W* have a plant to treat or*, t i e Want money to atart operations. Investigate. Address box No. 113, care Oatette. •

Trarei, Air, Land, Water VVORLDWIDT

9j43 TRAVIfl. — Money and

food order service, excursions and Sunshine cruliei now arallable.


PHONE- M71. tKVVI or 7374

Loft, Fatmd, 8ttnj*t"jr' " | | StACK ft WHITE DOO—lost, look* Ilke

Collie, vicinity 18th A Weston. Friday. Phone 2-057B. Regard.

FOUND—Police dog. Fawn and .black, vicinity of North End Phone 44T31. *

FOUND—Pupny, part ahephertt black ft tan. In vicinity of Nn-th ft Lockport 5te. Ph. »7<fl, iUi l^H\p<yt SL

FOUND—Mal.« rocker spaniel, dark. In LaSalle section Phone S-2OT6. •

tU>ST— l a t t y s Melsbro watch, expansion band, vicinity Pine between A*P and parking lot. Reward Inq. 876 Jack-ton Drive.

D>st PUPPY—3 mo*, old. bUekc.white breait. 2 whit* forepart. Ana, to "Snooiy." \Tc JOth ttfint Are. R*> turn to Peter Cicero. 321»2Qth St,

I'X^I« ^ Oo«^^ , |»«^ of Paris, and oth«r )e%i I r - . :- aid ll^taia Ib4i htYXj. aWOW «l<?na atla^Ctat. | »W»V V

.*43i v'.'' .

Antonoblft Aftaelcei - A CHRYSLER Aijfa PXVMOUTH b'etAEgR

OE CORTORATroNl FALLS OAf . . „ . . . . . . -

Fall* ft Protpecl 3 t gBtjjj 5707 . U^coLV'StRCtJRf ftftAtBf^'"

. . .Ti« 0«or*Tt> O'NalH Motor Co._^ All Third Street Phone 3-1 JO*

A TRAILER—Will solve your houilng

firoblem. Plenty of parking apace at ow rental. We feature the Tamous

Schult, sleeps 6, haa shower and toilet facilities. Jfojt modern and up-to-date. Also several other make* to choose from. Special discount for quick aale. Max M. Oppenhelm, 1415 Mala St. Phone 9119.


Bookkeeping and Clerical Work High School Graduate*. Experienced



Industry that grosses several hundred mllUo . dollar? yearly." Can be oper­ated part time without Interfering with p r e e n : employment if desired. National firm will establish men ae> . lected thereby antu-ina successful jperatlon. Part-time work should pay to $75.00 weekly and more after ex­pansion. Full time will of course pay more. Mutt have gooo references and be able to make an Immediate mini­mum ca»h outlay of $2,000 for equip­ment and merchandise which 1*> se­cured by inventory. Tell us .Wout yourself and give bhone number for local Interview with factory man. Unless cash is available and you can. begin at once, don't answer. Address box No. 139. care Oaaette. ^_


Well located on Niagara St. Modern fixture: and equipment. Priced al 83.500. Stock at inventory. Good Iea;e. Doing weekly business of about $600. - ' ,

C. O. HAYS—Realtor _ DIAL/750^

HARDWAlfE—Heating plumbing, sheet metal -business In a very prosperous thriving town near Falls. Property la In center of village all equipment, * "•*' •- ••-'-- :. Very good buildings, everything goes

be arrangeo wit Ible party Wm. A. Larkln. 209 terms can be arrangeo with a respons­ible party Wm. A. Larkln. 209 Cluck Building. Dial 8419.

NIGHT CLUB—Includes fixtures anl auirtnicu. Ideall) situated on the ouu tklru of Niagara Fails, on well trav­eled highwav. immediate possession. Call:

JIM SAN DONATO Ph. S237 or 8238 1SI6 Pine A v e . _

RESTAURANT—Doing good. Beer license available. Very cheap for quick sale. Long lease. Ph. 2-9700- or 2-7279.

CARPENTER — Roofing mason, plaster­ing, plumbing, painting, *I«c. work. T. Manfred!. 2008 Pine Av*. Phon* VIM.

CARPENTER WORK—Remodeling. Build-lng garages Roofing 81 dire. Fr«* **U-

Edward Walsh. Tel. Law. 17«F4. CARPENTRY V/oKR^and al lTaida e

repair*. Inq Howard TralUr, retr e. Page'* 6 Corners.

GIRL—With knowledge or typing for

Jeneral office work. Address box No. 32, care Gazette.

GIRL—Wanted for weekly housework, Phon* 2-1285 between i a I p. n .

Cleaning-, Dyeing, RenqratSf ~2Q BONDED HOME SERVICE CO.

Rugs — Carpeting — Upholstery Hlnson method. dr» In 4 hrsr Ph. 4-2517

FALLS UPHOLafFTRY CLEANERS Home Furniture Expertly Cleaned


330 Spruce Avenue Dla. ^004


Phone 4-5378

Dressmaking and Millinery 21 24-HOUR SERVICE—on covered button*,

custom made belts and buckles, but­tonholes and hemstitching Mall order* promptly filled


2-1493 or 20539

GIRL—To car* for Z children. 4 p. m. i» J p, m. Phon* 4-5059 or Inquire 3565 Ferry Avenue. ^

LOCAL SUPERMARKET haa ongoing* In Produce Dept.. for experienced sales­women. Full and part time. Glv* pre­vious and present employment. In­formation strictly confidential. Ad­dress Box No. 133 care Gaxette.

MIDDLE AGED WOMAN — Wanted for general housework. live nut, 5 days week; 820 week. Phone 9154.

WOMAN—to care for tmall child In own home five day* a week. Phon* 4-2924.

WOMAN over 30. pleasing manner, good appearance. Opportunity for advance­ment. Writ* Avon District Manager, Townllne Rd.. N. Tonawanda. N. Y.

Cleaning, Pressing.

WOMAN—Wanted fot general house­work. No washing or Ironing. Expert-enced. U v e In. Call '7224.

WOMAN OR GIRL—for housekeeping de-partment. Apply Mrs. Henchell, S a. m. to 4 p. m-. Nlag Falls Memorial Hosp.

Help Wanted — Mala 33 CHEF—Experienced, wanted Immediate^

ly Steady position. Call Plantation Res­taurant. 3-9983 after 11 a. m.

Exterminating- and FnmifaUnf. 21-b| ANTS — Bed bugs, carpet beetles, fleat,

files, mice, moths, rata, roaches, silver nth exterminated. Call Trudgeon, Niag­ara Frontier Exterminating Service, Inc., oldest local firm. Ph. 6130 or 3-2471

Fumigation, Pest Control—Reaa Rstes For Expert Advice and Service

Call Ernie Smith—Dial 2-8938 Heat ing , P lumbing , Hoofing. 2 2 AIR CONDITIONING — And Heating, oil

and coal; gutters Installed. COUL1S SHEET METAL

1527 'Main St. Dial 2-2130 DRAINS AND SEWERS CLEANED —

Knives cut out roots without digging; fast service; guaranteed 2 years against roots. Coulis, 1527 Main St. Ph. 2-2130.


763 • 17th Street Phone 2-6859 SEWER STOPPAGE —Call for the orig­

inal ROTOROOTER SERVICE. We have cleaned several thousand tewers of roots In the past 10 years. No charge If we fall. Call a registered master plumber. Peuss. th* Plumber. 356 Sixth street. Dial 6338

FOR FREE ESTIMATES—on plumbing, heating or building material* phon* 7871 Sear* Roebuck ft Co. '

Moving, Trucking 25 A ft B—Moving and carting don* by

the hour, $3 pet hour or by contract. Dial 4-1423.

Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13


1220 Buffalo Ave Dial 2-1093 Replacement While You Walt.

BOB'S MOVING SERVICE -Veteran's Insured Moving and Carting

Dial 2-6874 • FERRARO ft SON—Experienced movet

local and long distance Insured Ashland Ave. Phone 2-2629.


13-b Anto Paintlnj AUTO PAINTING —And collision work.

MAIN COLLISION SERVICE. 1015 Main Tel. 4-1212. Auto Painting and General Repairing

Molorpool Oarage 1907 • 18th St.^at South Open Evenings

METEERS^COMPLETErAUTO SERVICE Auto Painting—Colllson Ser.—Steam CL

Updercoating- Complete mech. repair. 2809 Highland Ave. Ph. 7219

BUY AN OLDSMOBILE 1918 OLDS 68 New Station Wagon. 1948 OLDS 68 Convertible Coup*.

6000 actua* mile* 1947 OLDS 76 Club Sedan. 1941 OLDS J»8 Club Sedan. . 1948 OLDS 76 Club Sedan. 1047 OLDS 68 Club Sedan. Cunningharh-Oldsmobile, Inc.




He'll Treat You the Mercy Way

ON THESE 41 LINCOLN Club Coupe 44 STUDEBAKER Conv Coup* 47 MERCURY . 4-Door 42 CHEVROLE! Fleetlln* 41 PONTIAC Streamliner 41 CHEV. TUDQR (4> 10 Choose 40 CHEVROLET Tudor 41 RUICK 4-Doot (21 41 DE SOTO 4 Door


r * " A T THE *.""


Opp. Ford Moior 1004 Main ' Ph. 4-1510

Motorcycles and Bicycles 13 BARLEY DAVIDSON. 1049—Motorcyle,

model 123 Only $350 Free Dema. Bob's Motorcycles Supply 2810 Pine

. Av*. Phone 6836

Repairing. — Service Stations 16 Authorised Part* and Service

Dodge. Plymouth and Dodge Truck* MULLANE'S

j Main and Orchard Parkway BBAKES RELINED—$9.95. Chevrolet*,

Fords and Plymoutha. McWIIllams Tlr* Service. 915 Cleveland Ave. TeL 7522.

SPECIALS COMPLETE Paint Job: pick your color.

$40 complete. COLLtSON Service and Towing.

MOTOR Overhauled on all 6 cylinder caf*. $63.

PUBLIC AUTO SERVICE 644-2Sth SV Ph. 2-7155

Wanted—Automotive ~ * f7

KUHNS STORAGE—Will use one of Niagara Falls' largest moving van* to save you time and money. We also furnish clothes hampers to move your clothing to save pressing and cleaning


Apply at


4205 Bulfalo Ave.

TAILORING—Dry Repairing. Established Good business. Excellent location. Health, reason .for selling. Reasonable offer accepted. A4-dress Box No. 863, care Gatette.

TAVERNS AND HOTELS—W* have them her* and In varioue Niagara Co. title* and towns Th* least among theaa earns more on investment than prac­tically any olhci business.


NOON AN—REALTOR PHONE 2-8177—Night Call* 2-3461

TAVERN BUSINESS Including Brick Veneer Building with 6-Room Apartment,

NORTH END LOCATION—Well establish-ed and doing good business. . Fully equipped.

For Sale or .Will Exchange For One or Two Family Horn*

For Further Details. Consult


346 Portage Rd. Dial 2-7466

TEXAS RED HOTS—324-3rd St.. doing excellent business. Must sell due to illnei*.

• ARE YOU LOOKING? We have otr*. of the most desirable mo­

dem and completely equipped taverns with tw o 6-roorti apts above, evir of­fered for sale In Mlddleport, N. Y. $23,000 down payment required. For more complete details tee: Russell De Franco—Realtor 17th St., cor Elmwoot! Tel. 2-6360

3T. CATHARINES. ONT.. CAN.—Busi­ness. 2 stores, brand new. one In use as barber shoo. 5 rooms attached, new furnace. $14,660. will buy for quick sale. Ph. St. Catharines 2-7495. nine forces sale.


TWELFTH ST., 562— Brick store and apartment building In residential sec­tion. Excellent opportunity for a couple that knows the grocery business. Phone 5754, C. EDGAR ALLEN. Realtor.

Money to Loan 40 EXPERIENCED—Counter man for night

work only. Neat pleasant and ambiti­ous. Address box 138. care Gazette. '

FRONT END MAN Familiar with Chrysler products. First class man will make good wages. Ideal working conditions. Contact Mr. Berry at Mullanes.

MECHANICS To work on Dodge and Plymouth cars. Best working condition* and

. Contact Mi, Berry at Mul-wtges islret;

PHARMACIST—wanted tlon with good No Sunday or Singer Druf. Co

pay and short hours No Sunday or holiday work,

Excellent posl-hours. Apply

2006 Main St.

bill*. lng Ph one 2-9961

Painting, Papering-, Decoratinf 26 FLOOR SANDERS — Dustless: Rei-c^Elety

trie wall paper steamers W\ A CRAN-PALL. 1923 Main St. Tel. 2-6241.

PAINTING — Brush and spray; Interior and exterior; paperhanglnr. paper re­moved by steam. Free estimates-Jack MUrray. 2503 Highland Ave. Dial 7289.

PAINTING-DECORATING— Exterior and Interior Free* estimates J. Bruno, 2498H Grand Ave. Tel 2-4082 or 2-9823.

PAPERHANGING — And painting, mates free; prompt service; work •nteed; resaonable price. Kitchen.* TeL 3-4101.




ROY WARNER 476 -7*th Street Phone 8-4434

PAINTING—And decorating, floor sand-lng and finishing, plastering and piper* lng. Machines of all. kinds for rent. Dan Rellly 9921.

• 1839 Pierce AT* . Phon*

BIEHL'S— Wallpaper ft Paint Store, 1602 Pin*, ph. 6096. Kerolectrlc ( teamen for rent. Paperhanglng ft Painting, reaa.

CALL—Ed Kitchen for paperhanging and aalntlnr. good work, also paperremov-ng Phone 2-0091 or 2-3347. in;

Radlo-Electrlo Serrice 28-43 JACK'S Radio and Television Service

. All Work Guaranteed 1730 Pierce Avenue Dial 1.7643

Acute Situation Prevaillnc/ WE MUST HAVE CARS


1110 Main S t Phone 2-5644 AT.L CAR OWNERS

When Planning In Sell SEE LOU

You Can't Do Better 24 Years Experience


Main at Orchard Phon* 3-0440 Open Mon.. Wed., Thur*.. F r t E v e a .

Wrier* Honesty. Fitf Dealing artcf , Integrity have made ut one of Niag­

ara's Most Active Dealers


Pine & 22hd Dial 6914 OPEN EVENINGS .

' LOOK THESE* OVER PONTIAC. J»4«. convl: radio *nrl healer,

equipped with all arc*»'orl»*. Thit car I* outstanding and a beauty. ,

NASH. IKI 4 door sedan, heater, de-froattr, excellent condition.

NASH, heater de> fro i t t ro perfeet mechanics) condition. A real•bargain.

TRAPA*SSO SERVICE Pint Ave and 92nd St.

Garette Want Adi art short ttnrlta that art beat Mlltra, Dial ia i iL

Before You Sell


Our Car Lot nd


!>?*'.11U> SI -Phone 2-317S iTELP WANTED—SmlUng Jack needs

car*. Tcp Bid or Butt! Don't shock ymir bank, notify them In advance. Rut lng more. Selling more. Paving more at Smiling Jack's 7th Big Lot,

. J W « rarer and Pine Are. TOP-PR.CE&-rald for used c t

T f i p w"condition SanvV Auto W lng. »2<3 Hyde Park. Phone I




JAYS RADIO SERVICE New and Slgger location—24 Hr. Service 767 . 16th SL. off Pine Ph. 2-2360 RADIO ft PHONOGRAPH—Repair ser.

vice: all work guaranteed Prompt pick up and deliver) White's Mutle Store. 307 Falls St. Plat 2-5940.

Repairing and Upholstering ~ 29 Becker's Upholstery Shop

Custom Built Furniture 413.77th Street '"i??"* ^ " S S

UPHOlJJTERWb AND REPAFRnTa — Virtuoso Upholstery. 952 Ontario Av*, half a block from Main St Dial 9691,

SALESMAN—Who want* to make be­tween $4000 and $8000 yearly In the hearing aid burlnes;- Must be a resi­dent of Nlsgara Falls. 2S-50 years old, have a car. Tterrltory and basis of earnings to be decided upon Interview, Address box No. 140. care Gsiette.

SKILLED WORKERS—Large coniftruc-tlon job starting In Alaska. South Am­erica, o/erscas. United States. For de­tails send name and address. B-259, Box 1749, Knoxyllle. Tenn.

LICENSED PAWNBROKER—Low Inter-est rates. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, etc. Diamonds bought ft sold. Harold Oswald. Playland. 28 Falls St.

Money to Loan, Mortgages 40-a THE PRUDENTIAL SOCIETY. INC.—15

South Division. Elllcott Square Build­ing, Buffalo N. Y Loans on diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc Rates 1% to 3 * . An Institution of the better kind.

Instruction Classes 43 ACCOUNTING. TYPING SHORTHAND Classes starting Jan. 13. Kelley Business Institute, !312 Main. Ph. 2-1461. 2-7961. •


$64.44 weekly. Many openings. Men-. Wome... Earr. more. . Prepare NOW for New York State exams. Vet* get preference. 40-page book, sampl* testa, particulars FREE. Write today. No. 856. care Gazette.


Trade Schools 43-q

TELEVISION—Training available. Earn whll* you learn For complete details please refer to American Television classified ad under the heading of In­struction. Trade Schools


ELECTRICIAN Must Have At Least 6 Years


Apply at

OLDBURY Electro Chemica


5001 Buffalo Avenue

TELEVISION Experienced men tno women are seri­ously needed for all branches of artis­tic and technical work A dominating organization In the de­velopment of Television personnel win supervise the training of men and women In their up-to-date lab­oratories and modern itudiot fully

. equipped with actual commercial Television equipment Part-time work arranged for yon while training.

APPROVED UNDER O L BILL Phone, write or enquire layperson,

n r r o t Phone, write or enqu Open to 5 p rn. and 2 aturday

THE NEW LOOK By having worn, broken or soiled Furni­ture cleaned, repaired and rtupholttered. Phone 3-2306. LA SALLE FURNITURE CO, 18-1-76 SL

Sewing Machines Repaired 29-q ANY AND A L t MAKES—That'* rivy~buiT-

n*.«»; parts needles; used machine*. Call J. F. O'Connell. My teL'U 24079.

A?TY M A K E — s e w i n g machine r*ptTre\ Only new genuine SINGER factory part* u«ed. workmanship guaranteed.

- Free estimate in i d n n e e . . Phon• or wrlle— Singer Sewing Machine Co.

S W FALLS ST. ? M493 • or a 33» §I?fGER VHITE— And all make* adjusted

In your home for $1.00 Athmsn (IS tear* with Singer Co.) Pbona W7S,

itS« ma-

terr-WHITE—And ether make wwtn* "chines repaired by factory trained

Iceman In oar modern workshop: pick up ind delivery; all work guaranteed. J. N. ADAM ft CO Phone M i l .

Hatp wanted —Female 32 HOUSEKEEPER—Elderly tilr, SnTll

convenient home. eas> work, pleasant surrounding*, good bom* ror right

'party, live In. Address box No. 137, rare Oa«*Ut. ; .

ITSVSEKEEPKR—Congenial, mld'dleagea American born, good cook, small fanv ity, lira In or out. Ad 135, care Patella.

reaa bos No.

HOUSEKEEPER for general housework. Apply 417 Elmwood Av*.

Don't wait for Cash or Help} Let a Osteite Want Ad round it up. Dial MSIL.

LOCAL SUPERMARKET has openings In produce tfept.. for experienced sales­men. Full and part time Give previous and present employment. Information strictly csnfldentlal. Address Box No. I » . car» Gaxette.

TWO RELIABLE—Men with car* to take care of customers of th* Fuller Brush Co. Good opportunity and pro-fRs. Call 4-6131 for details.

YOUNG MEN • ' With High School Or College Training*,

in Busihess Subject*.

AMERICAN TELEVISION, INC 674 Elllcott Square Bids;.

Buffalo. N T WA 5022

Dogs, Cats, Other Pets, Bnpplies 47 BOXERS—3 Utters, good selection:

blood lines Use your credit. See Smith. 634-91st St, Phone 3-4859.


CANARIES—A fine selection of guaran­teed singer*: also femtlea. Inq SID Niagara Street. •

COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES—6 week* old Sliver Loom Kennel*. Route 425, Wilson.

Horses, Other Stock, Vehicles 48 FREE REMOVAL—Of dead horse* snd

cpws (please call promptly). Charles Nehrbass. Ph. Akron 3076. rrte.' chgs.

TWO LARGE— HoUlelns first- calf heif­ers. Just fresh with calves. M. K. Glf-ford. Cambria Center Lower Mountain Road. .

Articles for Sale 51 BATTERY CHARGER — Auto rocker.

grease coats coveralK Jacketa. girl'a snow suits. 1 and 3. floor lamps, toou-dolr chair, lady's dreasea, 14, *ult* IS. Dial 3-5.VW.

ENCYCLOPEDIA—Britannlra, 14th edi­tion. In 24 volumes. In It* ovm cabinet,

i like new. $75. Also W'ettlngnouse elec­tric lron»r and bench Good condition, 140. Address box 863. care Gatette.

HOT AIR FURNACES— «3) uted. Fron­tier House Wrecking. 3420 Highland Ave. Phon* 2-4S51

-..,,..-. . Good Opportunity foi -

Qualified p«r*ont


* — a . i .

Heler—Male and Female 34 BOOKKEEPER—Experienced,* tttt* age,

tralnln- and experience. Reference* required. Addreat boa 131, ear* Oat.

ilOTPorNT—Refrigerator*, rang**, frees-er*. .Ironer*. See them on display t l Modem Electric, 1700 Main. Ph. 6410.


K: IlOT~]WATER HEATER—<El*c.); also rubber boot*. *tep Udder. Inq. 418 agara St. Tel. 4-4413 after 3:30 p.m.

MAYTAO WASHERS-^imrheditte delir-ery. from SI34.B5. Home Appliance and Furniture Store 1406 Mala Ph. 3-3034.

PERXfANENT MACHINE— 2 hair dryer*, other articles ,for beauty shop. Inq. 3312 ROyal Ave, or Phone 3

ihop. 9631.


RADIOS—15335 and up on display at Jur^ ft. and l>33

Bittaatlons Wanted—Fema»> ^8 NURSE—agalr available for prlTtte duty.

Reference* given. Phone 3-2131. PARENT* BY >ft6xirnraENCY-=>5r:

nlshet ctpahl*. trell recommended wonv n. to cart for children TeL 3-5174.

Bvdntm OapoH«ntUes BARBER SHOP—Stle or rent, doth

38 17^ butlnru, selling on 'account ..

heallh.Tlnq. 1342H AthUnd Ave. or rhone »eiu • .

6AS 8fATK>Ni-Witn pr^rrv.'cenlrTl " location. Reasonable irtee. C%Tb

JIM SAN DONATO Ph. 3337 or 1*3*

I •aw

m t i l l Pine ATS,

on Electric .530 Niagara Niagara At*. •_

RANGES AND WASHERS—ifted. in 'good . -onditlon. W. i, Stlne, Household AppU-"-*-"£*."*.1*?P -_l?a "'ret- Ph- >-ao«. STORM wpliDOWiT and tcre*n*,"Varlou*

aitet. Phone 4.1305. between • and 7 p. m. • • TCLEVISION •

B]'Admiral. Crostey- O.sf ft afotorPla, lira up Installed now Niagara Radio Semce. 300.Hyde Park Pnoo* i7».

tVPEfrRtflAs S:L C Smith, Undi? arood, Corona, Royal and others, porv ablet and. standard*, new and uted. guaranteed 306 Falla St Ph. 34830. Attention Tavern Keej>er8l "

Tor tale waikJn cooler with compressor; 6x8x10, excellent condlUon. Very r«a*-onabie. Inq. NorUt Provision Co.. 13M North Aire. Phone 4-1 OftS.

' --..-.- -% Need Money for Reboot Needat Let rer fate Waat Ad* •upptg M. ,

taaal n r t» *

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069