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CV-- Y.W. Cheung 1 CURRICULUM VITAE (January 2021) Yuet Wah CHEUNG (張越華) OFFICE ADDRESS Department of Sociology Room 206, Research Complex High Block Hong Kong Shue Yan University 6 Wai Tsui Crescent Braemar Hill, North Point Hong Kong SAR, China Office Tel.: (852) 28048412; Mobile: (852) 94543809 Email: [email protected] EDUCATION 1978 – 1982 Ph.D. (Sociology) University of Toronto, Canada 1977 – 1978 M.A. (Sociology) McMaster University, Canada 1971 – 1975 B.S.Sc. (Sociology) The Chinese University of Hong Kong EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Starting 9/2016 Distinguished Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, and Director, Social Research Centre (Since 12/2017) Hong Kong Shue Yan University 2009 – 7/2016 Chairman and Professor, Department of Sociology The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) 2006 – 2008 Vice-Chairman, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1997 onwards Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1994 – 1996 Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1992 – 1994 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1988 – 1992 Research Scientist, Prevention Studies Department, Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario (became part of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in 1998), Toronto, Canada 1984 – 1988 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1982 – 1984 Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Lingnan College, Hong Kong 1976 – 1977 Tutor, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1975 – 1976 Research Assistant, Social Research Centre, CUHK


Feb 16, 2022



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CV-- Y.W. Cheung





OFFICE ADDRESS Department of Sociology Room 206, Research Complex High Block Hong Kong Shue Yan University 6 Wai Tsui Crescent Braemar Hill, North Point Hong Kong SAR, China Office Tel.: (852) 28048412; Mobile: (852) 94543809 Email: [email protected] EDUCATION 1978 – 1982 Ph.D. (Sociology) University of Toronto, Canada 1977 – 1978 M.A. (Sociology) McMaster University, Canada 1971 – 1975 B.S.Sc. (Sociology) The Chinese University of Hong Kong EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Starting 9/2016 Distinguished Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, and Director, Social Research Centre (Since 12/2017) Hong Kong Shue Yan University 2009 – 7/2016 Chairman and Professor, Department of Sociology The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) 2006 – 2008 Vice-Chairman, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1997 onwards Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1994 – 1996 Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1992 – 1994 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1988 – 1992 Research Scientist, Prevention Studies Department, Addiction Research

Foundation of Ontario (became part of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in 1998), Toronto, Canada

1984 – 1988 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1982 – 1984 Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Lingnan College, Hong Kong 1976 – 1977 Tutor, Department of Sociology, CUHK 1975 – 1976 Research Assistant, Social Research Centre, CUHK


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


HONOURS RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENT 2008 Medal of Honour (M.H.) 2013 Justice of the Peace (J.P.) HONOURARY AFFILIATIONS 2018 – 2019 Science Advisor, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan Since 8/2016 External Advisor, Pearl River Delta Social Research Centre, Dept. of

Sociology, CUHK Since 8/2016 Senior College Tutor, Chung Chi College, CUHK 2013 – 2017 Adjunct Professor, Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland Collaborative and

Innovative Development Centre, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (廣州

中山大學港澳與內地發展協同創新中心客座教授) Since 2011 Advisory Board Member, Earl Babbie Research Center, Chapman

University, USA. 2011 – 2015 Special Researcher, Guangzhou Research Institute on Youth in Guangzhou,

Hong Kong and Macau (廣州市穗港澳青少年犯研究所特約研究員)

1998 – 1999 Consultant, Chinese Juvenile Delinquency Research Society, Beijing (北京


1997 – 1998 Consultant, Hong Kong Juvenile Delinquency Research Society (香港青少年

犯罪研究學會顧問) 1997 – 1998 Consultant, Macau Juvenile Delinquency Research Society (澳門青少年犯罪

研究學會顧問) 1994 – 1999 Fellow, Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre, CUHK 1989 – 1992 Honorary Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioural Science, Faculty

of Medicine, University of Toronto 1988 – 1989 Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto 1983 – 1984 Honorary Research Associate, Centre for Hong Kong Studies, CUHK MEMBERSHIP & OFFICES IN ACADEMIC ASSOCIATIONS Hong Kong Sociological Association (President, 2010 – 2012) Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health (Co-convener, Special Interest Group on Addiction,

since 2016) Asian Criminological Society (Founding Member, and Vice-Chairman of General Assembly,

2009 – 2018; Member, Executive Board (2019-2021) Asian Association for Substance Abuse Research 亞洲藥物濫用研究學會 (副監事長, since

January 2017) Fellow, Society for Applied Anthropology, USA (Since 1995) Member, American Sociological Association


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Member, American Society of Criminology Member, International Harm Reduction Association (1995-2002) EDITORIAL EXPERIENCE Since 2011 Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Comparative and

Applied Criminal Justice [Routledge] Since 1989 Member of Editorial Board, Substance Use & Misuse [Taylor & Francis] Since 2005 Member of Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence [Peking

University] 《中国药物依赖性杂志》[北京大学] Since 2013 Member of Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and

Treatment, Co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Institute of Poison and Drug, Academy of Military Medical Sciences of Chinese PLA《中国药物滥用防治杂志》[中国药物滥用

防治协会与军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所主办] Since 2010 Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Youth Research [Guangzhou

Research Institute on Youth in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau] 《青年


2012 Guest Editor, Crime and Criminal Justice International 《犯罪與刑事司法研

究》[National Taipei University 國立臺北大學] Vol.18. 2011 – 2014 Member of Editorial Advisory Board, The Open Social Science Journal

[Bentham Open] 2005 – 2009 Member of Editorial Board, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and

Policy [BioMed Central] 1996 – 2000 Area Review Editor, Social History of Alcohol Review [USA] 1990 – 1991 Guest Editor, Special Issue on "Use and Misuse of Alcohol and Drugs:

Ethnicity Issues" International Journal of the Addictions [Marcel Dekker], Vol. 25, Nos.5A & 6A

PEER REVIEWER FOR JOURNALS Social Science & Medicine; Substance Use & Misuse; Addiction; Addiction Research and Theory; Journal of Studies on Alcohol; Violence & Victims; Sociological Perspectives; International Migration Review; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Asian and Pacific Migration Journal; Social Transformations in Chinese Societies; Hong Kong Journal of Social Work; Applied Research for Quality of Life; Social Indicators Research, etc. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Crime and deviance; Drug abuse and drug policy; Medical sociology; Ethnic relations


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS As Principal Investigator 2020-22 “Youth Identity Status and its Psychosocial Correlates: A Longitudinal Study

in Hong Kong.” As Project Coordinator (leading 5 Co-PIs). Amount of grant: HK$3,465,000. IDS_Collaborative Research Grant of Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2019/20, funded by Research Grants Council.

2019-21 “Posttreatment Life Planning and Relapse Prevention: An Effectiveness Study

of an Integrative Model of Vocational Life Design for Young Rehabilitated Drug Abusers.” (as Co-PI). Amount of grant: HK$840,000. Funded by Beat Drugs Fund through Narcotics Division, Government of HKSAR.

2015-16 "Genes, Environment, and Addictive Behaviours: A Pilot Study in Hong Kong

and Guangzhou". Amount of grant: HK$465,000. Funded by Faculty of Social Science Collaborative Research Fund and Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

2010-11 "Stuck in the City: Migration and Delinquency among Migrant Adolescents in

Guangzhou." Amount of grant: HK$75,600. Funded by South China Programme, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK.

2008-11 "Longitudinal Survey of Psychoactive Drug Abusers in Hong Kong." Being

part of the "Socioeconomic and Health Impacts of Psychotropic Drug Abuse in Hong Kong–A Longitudinal Study." Amount of grant: HK$1,800,000. Funded by Beat Drugs Fund through Narcotics Division.

2006-09 "Hurting Each Other: Marital Inequality, Social Capital and Spousal Aggression

in Hong Kong." Amount of grant: HK$571,970. RGC Competitive Earmarked Grant, funded by Research Grants Council.

2001-04 "Northbound Pleasures: Pattern of Cross-border Deviance of Hong Kong

Marginal Youths and its Implications for Adolescent Deviance in Hong Kong." Amount of grant: HK$610,000. RGC Competitive Earmarked Grant, funded by Research Grants Council.

2001-02 "Problem Assessment and Programme Evaluation of Drug Abuse Treatment

and Rehabilitation in Macau" (Co-PI). Amount of grant: HK$500,000. Funded by the Government of the Macau SAR.

2000-03 "A Longitudinal Study of Chronic Drug Abusers in Hong Kong." Amount of

grant: HK$1,150,000. Funded by Narcotics Division through the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN).


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


1998-2000 "Social Costs of Drug Abuse in Hong Kong." Amount of grant: HK$454,000. Funded by Narcotics Division through ACAN.

1995-97 "A Follow-up Study of Former SARDA Clients." Amount of grant:

HK$295,000. Funded by Narcotics Division, and commissioned by the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers.

1994 Data collection phase of "1994 Survey of Public Awareness of Anti-drug

Activities" (Co-supervisor). Amount of grant: HK$250,000. Commissioned by Narcotics Division.

1992-93 "Alcohol and Drug Use/Abuse in Hong Kong: An Overview." Amount of grant:

HK$7,000. Funded by Chung Chi College, CUHK. 1992-93 "Health and Alcohol Consumption." Module E of the 1993 Social Indicators

Survey conducted under the auspices of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK.

1991-92 "The Punjabi Community Health Project: A Study of Social and Psychological

Factors in Health and Substance Use in the Punjabi Community in Peel, Ontario." Amount of grant: Can$20,000. Funded by Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, in collaboration with Department of Public Health, Municipality of the Peel Region, Ontario, Canada.

1990-91 "A Review of Literature on Ethnic and Multicultural Studies of Alcohol and

Drug Use in Canada." Amount of grant: Can$3,000. Funded by Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa.

1989-90 "Ethnicity and Drug Use Among High School Students in Toronto: A

Preliminary Study." Amount of grant: Can$5,000. Funded by Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, Toronto.

1986-87 "Adolescent Delinquency and its Social Origins: The Case of Hong Kong."

Amount of grant: HK$15,000. Funded by CUHK. 1985-87 "Health Care Delivery in Special Economic Zones in China." Being part of a

larger project entitled "China's Open Policy and Special Economic Zones," jointly funded by Cable & Wireless Co. and CUHK.

1985-86 "Shadows of Medical Missionaries: The Kongmoon Hospital, China,

1912-1985." Amount of grant: HK$5,000. Partly funded by the Research and Teaching on Chinese Society Programme, Department of Sociology, CUHK.

1984-85 "Fictional Television Stories and Social Value Development among Young

People in Hong Kong." Amount of grant: HK$10,000. Jointly funded by Hong Kong Television Broadcasts Ltd. and CUHK.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


As Co-Investigator 2017-18 "From Ketamine to Ice: Neutralization Techniques and Risk Perception of

Adolescent Drug Abusers." (HK$422,464). Public Policy Research Grant, funded by Central Policy Unit, Government of the Hong Kong SAR.

2011-12 "Time-Series Analysis of Female Crime Trends in Taiwan, 1961-2008:

Examining the Effects of Development of Female Criminal Involvement." (HK$363,975). RGC GRF Grant, funded by Research Grants Council.

2010-13 "Social Control, Strain and Couple Dynamics Affecting Gender Disparities in

Gambling: A Study of Married Couples in Hong Kong." (HK$904,716). RGC GRF grant, funded by Research Grants Council.

2008-09 "Understanding Drug Use and its Associated Risk for HIV Infection among

MSM in Hong Kong." (HK$287,200). Funded by Special Project Fund under the HK AIDS Trust Fund for HIV Prevention in MSM.

2007-10 "To Bet or Not to Bet: Structural Disadvantage, Social Capital, Individual

Mentality and Adolescent Gambling in Hong Kong." (HK$572,200). RGC Competitive Earmarked Grant, funded by Research Grants Council.

REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Refereed Books: Cheung, Yuet-wah 1988 Missionary Medicine in China: A Study of Two Canadian Protestant

Missions in China Before 1937. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.

Erickson, Patricia G., Diane M. Riley, Yuet W. Cheung and P.A. O'Hare (eds.) 1997 Harm Reduction: A New Direction for Drug Policies and Programs.

Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Cheung, Yuet Wah 2009 A Brighter Side: Protective and Risk Factors in the Rehabilitation

of Chronic Drug Abusers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Cheung, Yuet Wah and Nicole W.T. Cheung. 2018 Psychoactive Drug Abuse in Hong Kong: Life Satisfaction and Drug

Use. Singapore: Springer. Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters: Li, Hang and Yuet-wah Cheung 2020 “Beyond ketamine: Narratives of risk among young psychoactive drug users in

Hong Kong.” Journal of Substance Use DOI: 10.1080/14659891.2020.1856207 Cheung, Yuet-wah and King-fai Lee. 2020 “The role of research in drug policy in Hong Kong: Highlighting life satisfaction

from two longitudinal studies.” China Journal of Social Work 13(2):172-189. Chen, Xi and Yuet-wah Cheung 2020 “School characteristics, strain, and adolescent delinquency: A test of macro-level

strain theory.” Asian Journal of Criminology 15(1):65-86. Cheung, Yuet-wah and Nicole W.T. Cheung 2019 “Adolescent drug abuse in Hong Kong: Prevalence, psychosocial correlates and

prevention.” Journal of Adolescent Health 64:S28-S33. Cheung, Nicole W.T., Yuet-wah Cheung and Xi Chen 2016 “Permissive attitude towards drug use, life satisfaction, and continuous drug use

among psychoactive drug users in Hong Kong.” East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 26:60-69.

Cheung, Yuet W. 2015 “Macro social flaws and intervention’s unfinished business: A personal note on

young people’s drug use in Hong Kong.” Substance Use & Misuse 50:1044-1050. Cheung, Yuet-wah 2015 “Social correlates of ketamine and other psychoactive drug abuse in Hong Kong.”

Pp.281-300 in David T. Yew (ed.), Ketamine: Use and Abuse. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group).

Cheung, Yuet Wah 2014 “Substance abuse etiology.” In W.C. Cockerham, R. Dingwall and S.R. Quah (eds.),

The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior and Society. London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Cheung, Yuet-wah and H. Zhong 2014 “Official reactions to crime and drug problems in Hong Kong.” Pp. 295-308 in Cao

Liqun, Ivan Sun and Bill Hebenton (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Criminology. Oxon: Routledge.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Ip, P.K. and Yuet-wah Cheung 2014 “Probing folk happiness in Taiwan.” Social Indicators Research 117:689-703. Choi, Susanne Y.P., Adam K.L. Cheung, Yuet-Wah Cheung and Roman David 2014 "Bring the subjective back in: Resource and husband-to-wife physical assault

among Chinese couples in Hong Kong." Violence Against Women 20 (12):1428-1446.

Cheung, Yuet Wah and Nicole W.T. Cheung 2013 "Crime and criminal justice in Hong Kong." Pp. 183-198 in Jianhong Liu, Susyan

Jou and Bill Hebenton (eds.) Handbook of Asian Criminology, New York: Springer. Cheung, Yuet W., Susanne Y.P. Choi and Adam K.L. Cheung 2013 “Strain, self-control and spousal violence: A study of husband-to-wife violence in

Hong Kong.” Violence and Victims 29 (2): 280-299. Cheung, Yuet Wah 2012 “Commentary: On Steve Sussman’s perspectives of ‘functional failure’.” Substance

Use & Misuse 47:1462. Choi, Susanne Y.P., Y.W. Cheung and Adam K.L. Cheung 2012 "Social isolation and spousal violence: Comparing female marriage migrants with

local women." Journal of Marriage and Family 74:444-461. Li, Jih-Heng, Balasingam Vicknasingam, Yuet-wah Cheung, Wang Zhou, Adhi Wibowo Nurhidayat, Don Des Jarlais and Richard Schottenfeld

2011 “To use or not to use: An update on licit and illicit ketamine use.” Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation 2:11-20.

Cheung, Nicole W.T. and Yuet W. Cheung 2010 "Strain, self-control and gender differences in delinquency among Chinese

adolescents: Extending General Strain Theory.” Sociological Perspectives 53 (3): 321-345.

Cheung, Yuet Wah and Nicole W.T. Cheung 2009 "Counting crime in Hong Kong." Pp.35-53 in Mark Gaylord, Danny Gittings and

Harold Traver (eds.), Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Cheung, Nicole W.T. and Yuet W. Cheung 2008 "Self-control, social factors, and delinquency: A test of the general theory of crime

among adolescents in Hong Kong." Journal of Youth & Adolescence 37: 412-430. Choi, Susanne Y.P., Y.W. Cheung and Z.Q. Jiang 2007 "Ethnicity and risk factors in needle sharing among intravenous drug users in

Sichuan Province, China." AIDS Care 19 (1): 1-8.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Cheung, Nicole, W.T. and Yuet W. Cheung 2006 "Is Hong Kong experiencing normalization of adolescent drug use? Some

reflections on the normalization thesis." Substance Use & Misuse 41 (14): 1967-1990.

Choi, Susanne Y.P., Yuet Wah Cheung and Kanglin Chen 2006 "Gender and HIV risk behavior among intravenous drug users in Sichuan Province,

China." Social Science & Medicine 62:1672-1684. Mok, Bong-Ho, Yuet W. Cheung and Tak-sing Cheung 2006 "Empowerment effect of self-help group participation in a Chinese context."

Journal of Social Service Research 32 (3):87-108. Cheung, Yuet W., Bong-Ho Mok and Tak-sing Cheung 2005 "Personal empowerment and life satisfaction among self-help group members in

Hong Kong." Small Group Research 36 (3):354-377. Cheung, Yuet-wah, Stephen W.K. Chiu and Rance P.L. Lee 2005 "Health: Perceptions and practices." Pp.57-97 in Lau Siu-kai, Lee Ming-kwan,

Wan Po-san and Wong Siu-lun (eds.), Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kong 2004. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Research Monograph No.65.

Cheung, Yuet W. 2003 "China." Pp.148-151 in Jack S. Blocker, Jr., David M. Fahey and Ian R. Tyrrell

(eds.), Alcohol and Temperance in Modern Society: An International Encyclopedia. Vol. One. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Cheung, Yuet W. and Nicole W.T. Cheung 2003 "Social capital and risk level of posttreatment drug use: Implications for harm

reduction among male treated addicts in Hong Kong." Addiction Research and Theory 11 (3):145-162.

Cheung, Yuet W. 2000 "Substance abuse and developments in harm reduction." Canadian Medical

Association Journal 162 (12):1697-1700. Cheung, Yuet Wah and Nicole W.T. Cheung 2000 "Social capital and recovery from drug addiction: Findings of a study of treated

drug addicts in Hong Kong." Hong Kong Journal of Sociology 1:29-51. Cheung, Yuet W. and James M.N. Ch'ien 1999 "Previous participation in outpatient methadone program and residential treatment

outcome: A research note from Hong Kong." Substance Use & Misuse 34 (1): 103-118.

Erickson, Patricia G. and Yuet W. Cheung 1999 "Harm reduction among cocaine users: Reflections on individual intervention and

community social capital." International Journal of Drug Policy 10 (3):235-246.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Cheung, Yuet W. 1997 "Family, school, peer and media predictors of adolescent deviant behavior in Hong

Kong." Journal of Youth and Adolescence 26 (5):569-596. Cheung, Yuet W. and James M.N. Ch'ien 1997 "Drug policy and harm reduction in Hong Kong: A socio-historical examination."

International Journal of Drug Policy 8 (3):117-131. Cheung, Yuet W. and Patricia Erickson 1997 "Crack use in Canada: A distant American cousin." Pp.175-193 in Craig

Reinarman and Harry G. Levine (eds.), Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.

Cheung, Yuet W., Tim Weber and Purvi Biring 1997 "Alcohol and other drug use in the Punjabi community in Peel, Ontario:

Experiences in ethnocultural harm reduction." Pp.365-382 in Patricia G. Erickson, Diane M. Riley, Yuet W. Cheung and Patrick A. O'Hare (eds.), Harm Reduction: A New Direction for Drug Policies and Programs. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Erickson, Patricia G., Diane M. Riley, Yuet W. Cheung and Patrick A. O'Hare 1997 "Introduction: The search for Harm Reduction." Pp.3-14 in Patricia G. Erickson,

Diane M. Riley, Yuet W. Cheung and Patrick A. O'Hare (eds.), Harm Reduction: A New Direction for Drug Policies and Programs. Toronto: U. of Toronto Press.

Cheung, Yuet W. 1996 "Comments on 'Harm reduction and decriminalization in the United States: A

personal perspective' by Robert L. DuPont." Substance Use & Misuse 31 (14): 1953-1954.

Cheung, Yuet W. and James M.N. Ch'ien 1996 "Drug use and drug policy in Hong Kong: Changing patterns and new challenges."

Substance Use & Misuse 31 (11 & 12):1573-1597. Cheung, Yuet-wah 1995 "Alcohol use: A general profile." Pp.113-144 in Lau Siu-kai, Lee Ming-kwan,

Wan Po-san and Wong Siu-lun (eds.), Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kong 1993. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Research Monograph No.24.

Cheung, Yuet W. and Patricia Erickson 1995 "Canada." Pp.20-30 in Dwight Heath (ed.), International Handbook on Alcohol

and Culture. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. Lee, Rance P.L. and Yuet-wah Cheung 1995 "Health and health care." Pp.59-112 in Lau Siu-kai, Lee Ming-kwan, Wan Po-san

and Wong Siu-lun (eds.), Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kong 1993. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Research Monograph No.24.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Cheung, Yuet W. and Patricia G. Erickson 1994 "Crack use in Toronto: A distant American cousin." Pp.177-187 in Patricia G.

Erickson, Edward M. Adlaf, Reginald G. Smart and Glenn F. Murray, The Steel Drug: Cocaine and Crack in Perspective. 2nd ed. New York: Lexington Books.

Cheung, Yuet W. and Patricia G. Erickson 1994 "Epilogue: The second study." Pp.231-237 in Patricia G. Erickson, Edward M.

Adlaf, Reginald G. Smart and Glenn F. Murray, The Steel Drug: Cocaine and Crack in Perspective. 2nd edition. New York: Lexington Books.

Cheung, Yuet W. 1993 "Approaches to ethnicity: Clearing roadblocks in the study of ethnicity and

substance use." International Journal of the Addictions 28 (12):1209-1226. Cheung, Yuet W. 1993 "Beyond liver and culture: A review of theories and research in drinking among

Chinese in North America." International Journal of the Addictions 28 (14): 1497-1513.

Cheung, Yuet W. 1993 "Ethnic identification and alcohol use among Canadian-born and foreign-born high

school students in Toronto." International Journal of the Addictions 28 (11): 1095-1109.

Cheung, Yuet W. 1992 "Theories of Chinese drinking: A critical look." Pp.399-402 in Bernard H.K. Luk

(ed.), Contacts Between Cultures: Eastern Asia: History and Social Sciences Vol.4. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press.

Erickson, Patricia G and Yuet W. Cheung 1992 "Drug crime and legal control: Lessons from the Canadian experience."

Contemporary Drug Problems 19 (2):247-277. Cheung, Yuet W., Patricia G. Erickson and Tammy Landau 1991 "Experience of crack use: Findings from a community-based sample in Toronto."

Journal of Drug Issues 21 (1):121-140. Cheung, Yuet W. 1990-91 "Overview: Sharpening the focus on ethnicity." Editorial for Special Issue on "Use

and Misuse of Alcohol and Drugs: Ethnicity Issues," guest edited by Yuet W. Cheung. International Journal of the Addictions 25 (5A & 6A):573-579.

Cheung, Yuet W. 1990-91 "Ethnicity and alcohol/drug use revisited: A framework for future research."

Special Issue on "Use and Misuse of Alcohol and Drugs: Ethnicity Issues." International Journal of the Addictions 25 (5A & 6A):581-605.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Leonard, Christine and Yuet W. Cheung 1990-91 "Selected references on topics related to ethnicity and adaptation." Special Issue

on "Use and Misuse of Alcohol and Drugs: Ethnicity Issues" International Journal of the Addictions 25 (5A & 6A):767-774.

Smart, Reginald, Ken Allison, Yuet Cheung, Patricia Erickson, Martin Shain and Eric Single 1990-91 "Future research needs in policy, prevention, and treatment for drug abuse

problems." International Journal of the Addictions 25 (2A):117-126. Cheung, Yuet W. 1989 "Making sense of ethnicity and drug use: A review and suggestions for future

research." Social Pharmacology 3 (1-2):55-82. Rance P.L. Lee and Yuet-wah Cheung 1989 "Receptivity to traditional Chinese and modern medicine among Chinese

adolescents in Hong Kong." Pp.101-121 in Stella Quah (ed.), The Triumph of Practicality: Tradition and Modernity in Health Care Utilization in Selected Asian Countries. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Cheung, Yuet-wah 1988 "Health care service in Shenzhen: Special health care in a special area."

Pp.173-183 in Kwan-yiu Wong, Chong-chor Lau and Eva B.C. Li (eds.), Perspectives on China's Modernization: Studies on China's Open Policy and Special Economic Zones. Hong Kong: Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Cheung, Yuet-wah and Agnes M.C. Ng 1988 "Social factors in adolescent deviant behaviour in Hong Kong: An integrated

theoretical approach." International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 12 (1):27-45.

Cheung, Yuet Wah 1987 "Receptivity to traditional Chinese medicine among Chinese adolescents in Hong

Kong." Asian Profile 15 (6):505-516. Cheung, Yuet-wah 1987 "The social organization of health care in China." Reviews in Anthropology 14 (3):

182-187. Cheung, Yuet-wah and Pedro P.T. Ng 1987 "Small towns, great responsibilities: Notes on the role of small towns in China's

current economic development." Human Organization 46 (2):171-177. New, Peter K.M. and Yuet-wah Cheung 1986 "Integrating traditional and Western medicine in the People's Republic of China:

Policy issues in socio-historical context." Pp.145-159 in Carole E. Hill (ed.), Current Health Policy Issues and Alternatives: An Applied Social Science Perspective. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Cheung, Yuet-wah and Peter K.M. New 1985 "Missionary doctors vs Chinese patients: Credibility of missionary health care in

early twentieth century China." Social Science & Medicine 21 (3):309-317. Chan, Janet and Yuet-wah Cheung 1985 "Ethnic resources and business enterprises: A study of Chinese businesses in

Toronto." Human Organization 44 (2):142-152. New, Peter K.M. and Yuet-wah Cheung 1984 "The evolution of health care in China: A backward look to the future." Medical

Anthropology 8 (3):169-179. New, Peter K.M. and Yuet-wah Cheung 1984 "Early years of medical missionary work in the Canadian Presbyterian Mission in

North Honan, China, 1887-1900: Healing the heathens and the missionaries." Asian Profile 12 (5):409-423.

Cheung, Yuet-wah and Peter K.M. New 1983 "Towards a typology of missionary medicine: A comparison of three Canadian

medical missions in China before 1937." Culture 3 (2):31-45. New, Peter K.M. and Yuet-wah Cheung 1983 "The People's Republic of China: A sociohistorical examination of its health care

delivery." Pp.173-187 in John H. Morgan (ed.), Third World Medicine and Social Change: A Reader in Social Science and Medicine. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.

Cheung, Yuet-wah and Peter K.M. New 1982 "Medical missionary work of a Canadian Protestant mission in China, 1902-1937."

Canadian Society for History of Medicine Newsletter 2:11-16. New, Peter K.M. and Yuet-wah Cheung 1982 "Harvard Medical School of China, 1911-1916: An expanded footnote in the

history of Western medical education in China." Social Science & Medicine 16 (6):1207-1215.

Cheung, Yuet-wah 1981 "Effects of parents on ethnic language retention by children: The case of Chinese

in urban Canada." Sociological Focus 14 (1):38-48. Cheung, Yuet Wah 1980 "Explaining racial and ethnic variations in criminality rates: A review and

critique." Canadian Criminology Forum 3 (1):1-14. Lee, Rance P.L., T.S. Cheung and Yuet-wah Cheung 1979 Material and non-material conditions and life satisfaction of urban residents in

Hong Kong." Pp.83-94 in Tzong-biau Lin, Rance P.L. Lee and Udo-Ernst Simonis (eds.), Hong Kong: Economic, Social and Political Studies in Development. White Plains, New York: M.E. Sharpe.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters in Chinese: 張越華

2014 「兩代毒品兩代人:香港藥物濫用的新挑戰」,收入趙永佳、蕭新煌及尹寶珊合




2008 「日常活动理论:犯罪与被害」,收入曹立群、任昕主编,《犯罪学》,北京:



2007 「自我控制、社会资本与青少年药物滥用普遍化:香港的例子」,《中国药物

依赖性杂志》[北京大学] ,第16卷第3期,页212-220。


2007 「中国法律制度面临的全球化挑战与响应会议综述」,《华东政法大学学报》



2005 「減低傷害模式與青少年藥物濫用問題」,《青年研究學報》[香港青年協會



2005 「中國現代化與青少年越軌行為的探討」,收入喬健、李沛良、李友梅及馬戎




2003 「香港特区药物滥用研究近况与三减策略之展望」,《中国药物滥用防治杂志》



2002 「犯罪與越軌」,收入謝均才編,《我們的地方,我們的時間:香港社會新編》,



2001 「香港特区药物滥用的经济成本」,《中国药物依赖性杂志》[北京大学],第



1999 「香港年青戒毒者治療後操守維持之社會及心理因素」,《青年研究學報》(香



CV-- Y.W. Cheung



1998 「美沙酮门诊服务对自愿住院治疗计划成效的影响:香港戒毒会过去受助人的

研究结果」,《中国药物滥用防治杂志》[北京],总第12期,页41-46。 张越华

1995 「香港的社会变迁与罪案」,收入郭翔、杨晓峰、车炜坚及陈欣欣编着,《越

境犯罪与控制对策》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,页64至77。 NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Reports, Occasional Papers, and Papers in Conference Proceedings: Cheung, Yuet-wah 2012 A Longitudinal Survey of Psychoactive Drug Abusers in Hong Kong. Final report

submitted to Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, Government of the Hong Kong SAR, July.

Cheung, Yuet-wah 2006 "Between abstinence and relapse: The role of 'pre-relapse abstinence' in drug

rehabilitation in Hong Kong." Pp.364-372 in Daniel T.L. Shek (ed.). International Conference on Tackling Drug Abuse: Conference Proceedings. Hong Kong: Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, Government of the Hong Kong SAR.

Cheung, Nicole W.T. and Yuet-wah Cheung 2006 "Social capital and normalisation of adolescent drug use in Hong Kong."

Pp.105-124 in Daniel T.L. Shek (ed.). International Conference on Tackling Drug Abuse: Conference Proceedings. Hong Kong: Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, Government of the Hong Kong SAR.

Cheung, Yuet-wah 2003 A Longitudinal Study of Chronic Drug Abuser in Hong Kong. Final report

submitted to Action Committee Against Narcotics, Hong Kong, July. (In collaboration with James M.N. Ch’ien, Catherine Tang, Peter Pi, Nicole W.T. Cheung, and Jonathan Choi.)

Cheung, Yuet-wah, James M.N. Ch'ien and Albert Lee 2000 Social Costs of Drug Abuse in Hong Kong, 1998. Final report submitted to Action

Committee Against Narcotics, Hong Kong, December. Cheung, Yuet-wah 1998 "The hidden challenges." Spotlight (Published by the Committee on Substance

Abuse, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service.) Issue No. 28 (November): 7-9.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Cheung, Yuet-wah 1997 A Follow-up Study of Former S.A.R.D.A. Clients: A Report of Findings. Society for

the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers, Hong Kong. Cheung, Yuet-wah 1993 "Predicting adolescent deviant behavior in Hong Kong: A comparison of media,

family, school, and peer variables." Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Occasional Paper No. 29.

Cheung, Yuet W. 1989 "Research in alcohol and drug abuse in a multicultural society." Pp.79-80 in Ralph

Masi (ed.), Multiculturalism and Health Care: Realities and Needs. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference of the Canadian Council on Multicultural Health, Toronto, Canada, March 30-April 1.

Cheung, Yuet-wah and Peter K.M. New 1984 "The magic of the 'foreign devils': The missionary doctor-Chinese patient

relationship in early twentieth century China." Pp.95-108 in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Asian Studies, Asian Research Service, Hong Kong.

Cheung, Yuet W. 1979 "Dependence on institutional completeness and community discernibility of a

satellite Chinese community." Pp.80-109 in K. Victor Ujimoto and Gordon Hirabayashi (eds.), Asian Canadians in a Multicultural Society. Proceedings of the Asian Canadian Symposium III, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, May 25-28, 1979.

Cheung, Yuet-wah and W.Y. Tsui (comp.) 1977 "A preliminary list of social science publications in Hong Kong." Social Research

Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Festschrift and Other Items: 張越華

2009 「來來回回」,收入香港中文大學安省校友會編,《安大略湖畔:中大人在多

倫多》,香港:天地圖書有限公司,頁192-198。 張越華主編

2001 《荷花飄香樂悠揚:崇基歌集》,崇基金禧叢書,香港中文大學崇基學院。 Cheung, Yuet W. (ed.) 1992 The Charms of a Dragon: Peter Kong-ming New, 1928-1985. Albany, California:

Penzance Treetop Enterprises.


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Cheung, Yuet W. 1992 " A tale of two dragons: Peter New and I, 1978-1985." Pp.58-77 in Y.W. Cheung

(ed.) The Charms of a Dragon: Peter Kong-ming New, 1928-1985. Albany, California: Penzance Treetop Enterprises.

Book Reviews for Journals: Social Science and Medicine, Sociological Perspectives, Contemporary Sociology, Applied Research in Quality of Life, Social Indicators Research, Ethnic and Racial Studies, International Migration Review, Contemporary Drug Problems, Canadian Public Policy, etc. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 2020 「從政策層面看緩減傷害的定義及爭議」,主題發言,『戒毒服務交流研討

會2020』,香港社會服務聯會主辦,6月2-3日。 2019 “Positive youth development and adolescent drug abuse prevention and treatment

in Hong Kong: Time to join hands” YW Cheung and Nicole WT Cheung). Presented at the International Conference on Adolescent Health and Well-Being: International and Local Experiences, organized by and held at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, June 21.

“Harm reduction and drug policy in Hong Kong”. Keynote speech delivered at

the 1st Asia Regional Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, “Drug policy in Asia: Rights, Wrongs and Emerging Trends”, October 14-15, University of Hong Kong.

2018 “Exploring the meaning of quality of life among young psychoactive drug users

in Hong Kong” (Li Hang, YW Cheung and Fiona Wong). Presented at the 16th ASQOLS Annual Conference: Promotion of Quality of Life in the Changing World, June 14-16, 2018, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

“Gene by social-environment interaction for substance abuse: A pilot study in Chinese population” (Xi Chen, Nicole Cheung, YW Cheung, Yucheng Liang, Hua Zhong and Leon M. Shi). Presented at the 16th ASQOLS Annual Conference: Promotion of Quality of Life in the Changing World, June 14-16, 2018, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. “Negotiating the boundary between risk and pleasure of psychoactive drug consumption: A qualitative study of young drug users in Hong Kong” (Li Hang and YW Cheung). Presented at the XIX World Congress of Sociology: Power, Violence and Justice, organized by International Sociological Association, July 15-21, Toronto.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


2017 “Current status and management model of new psychoactive substance abuse in

Hong Kong.” Presented in the International Conference on New Psychoactive Substances: Challenges and Strategies organized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taipei, Republic of China, September 6 at National Taiwan University.

“Gendered normalization of drug use: A prospective analysis of gender differences in psychosocial correlates among psychoactive drug abusers in Hong Kong” (Nicole W.T. Cheung and YW Cheung). Presented in the “2017 Taiwan-Hong Kong Sociology and Social Image Seminar” jointly organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan on November 4 in The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

2016 “Challenges of a divided community.” Presented in the Partnership with Our

Community Symposium co-hosted by the Hong Kong Police Force and Centre for Criminology, The University of Hong Kong, Nov. 30。




讨会』。 “Psychosocial factors in drug use of psychoactive drug users in Hong Kong.”

Presented at the International Conference on Innovations in Public Health Sciences, School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, September 23-25.

“Life satisfaction and other psychosocial correlates of psychoactive drug use

among young drug users in Hong Kong.” Presented at the International Behavioral Health Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 16-17.



歷程研究第六次學術研討會』。 2015 「影響香港吸毒者停用或重吸精神科毒品的社會及心理因素」,宣讀於5月








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2014 “Drug abuse or bad habit? Probing normalization of recreational drug use in Hong Kong.” Invited Plenary Speech delivered at the 6th Annual Conference of Asian Criminological Society, June 27-29, Osaka, Japan.

“The social aspect of addiction.” Invited Plenary Lecture delivered at the ADHD

and Comorbidities Conference, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 15.

“Social correlates of ketamine use among young drug users in Hong Kong.”

Presented at the Symposium on Addictive Behaviours, World Psychiatric Association Regional Congress, Hong Kong, December 12-14.

2013 “Self-control, strain, and husband-to-wife violence in Hong Kong” Presented at

the 69th annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 20-23.



辦,在香港中文大學舉行的『2013台灣—香港社會學與社會意向研討會』。 2012 「紧张、负面情绪与风险行为--广州移民与本地青少年对比研究」(与陈曦


香港中文大学社会系合辦,在中山大學舉行的『中国社会变迁学术研讨会』。 2011 “Self-control and strain as predictors of victimization of spousal aggression in

Hong Kong” (with Susanne Choi). Presented in the 2011 Taiwan-Hong Kong Sociology and Social Image Conference, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, March 11-12.

“Strain, self-control and spousal violence: Husband’s perpetration of spousal

violence in Hong Kong” (with Susanne Choi). Presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Les Vegas, USA, August 20-23.

“A new generation of drug users: New challenges to drug research in Hong

Kong.” Presented at the 3rd annual conference of the Asian Criminological Society, Taipei, Taiwan, December 17-19.



在香港举行的『2011年第七屆全國藥物濫用防治研討會』。 2010 "Drug policy in Hong Kong: Changes and challenges." Presented at the

Anti-Drug International Conference. Taipei, Taiwan, June 2-3 ."Self-control and victimization of spousal aggression in Hong Kong" (with

Susanne Choi). Presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, USA, November 17-20.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung




学学会联合主办主办,在上海复旦大学举行的『“中国调查”学术研讨会』。 2009 "Linking individual and contextual strains to adolescent gambling: A macro-level

general strain theory assessment." (with Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, USA, November 4-7.

"Self-control and spousal aggression in Hong Kong." (with Susanne Choi).

Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, USA, November 4-7.

"Self-control as an explanation of deviant behaviour in Hong Kong." Presented at

the Inauguration Conference of the Asian Criminological Society. University of Macau, Macau SAR, China, December 17-19.

2008 "General strain, self-control and delinquency among adolescents in Hong Kong:

A gendered test." (with Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, USA, August 1-4


点」 (与郑慧婷合作),宣读于12月13日至14日由上海复旦大学社会学系与香


革开放的社会影响』学术研讨会。 2007 "Spousal violence in migrant and local families in Hong Kong: A comparative

study." (with Susanne Y.P. Choi). Presented at the Conference on Women’s Policy in China and Korea: Thinking from Women’s Lives, organized by the Institute for Women’s Studies, Keimyung University, South Korea, May 24-27.

"Spousal violence and its social correlates in Hong Kong." (with Susanne Choi).

Presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, USA, November 14-17.

2006 "Explaining adolescent deviance in Hong Kong: A test of the general theory of

crime." (with Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, Canada, August 10-12.

"Social correlates of adolescent deviant behaviour in Hong Kong: A test of the

general strain theory." (with Echo Y.T. Mok and Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Shue Yan College, Hong Kong, December 2.





CV-- Y.W. Cheung


理論學術研討會』。 2005 "Between abstinence and relapse: The role of pre-relapse abstinence in drug

rehabilitation in Hong Kong." Presented at the International Conference on Tackling Drug Abuse, organized by the Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, Government of the Hong Kong SAR, February 23-24.

"Northbound recreational drug use of Hong Kong youth in Shenzhen: An

ecological convenience interpretation." Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada, November 16-19.

2004 "Recreational drug use of adolescents in risk society: Some reflections on the

Normalization thesis in Hong Kong" (with Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the 99th Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, USA, August 14-17.

2003 「中国现代化与青少年越轨行为的探讨」,宣读于2003年11月18日由上海大


湾东华大学原住民民族学院主办,在上海大学举行的 『第八届现代化与中

国文化研讨会』。 2002 "Developmental pattern of social capital and post-treatment recovery among

treated drug addicts in Hong Kong." (with Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, November 9.

2001 「藥物濫用之社會調查與專題研究」(與錢明年合作),宣讀於5月22日由中國


澳門舉行的『第二屆港澳地區與內地藥物濫用防治研討會』。 2000 "It ain't easy: Obstacles in seeking social support among treated junkies in Hong

Kong." (with Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, San Francisco, USA, March 21-26.

"Social capital and drug use after treatment: A study of treated heroin addicts in

Hong Kong" (with Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the 95th Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., USA, August 12-16.

1999 "Social and psychological correlates of risk level of post-treatment drug use:

Implications for harm reduction." Presented at the 10th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Geneva, Switzerland, March 21-25. "Enhancing balanced education in Hong Kong" (with Rance P.L. Lee). Presented at the 3rd International Conference of Colleges & Universities of the Anglican Communion, Trinity College, University of Toronto, Canada, August 6-9. "Social capital and recovery from drug addiction: Findings from a study of treated drug addicts in Hong Kong" (with Nicole W.T. Cheung). Presented at the


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


1st Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 10.











流會--挑戰與機會: 處理物質濫用之多元化模式』。 1998 "Social factors affecting post-treatment drug use in Hong Kong: A test of three

theories of deviance." Presented at the 93rd Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, USA, August 21-25.

1997 "Drug policy in Hong Kong: A socio-historical examination." Presented at the

2nd International Conference on Drug Abuse: Bio-psycho-social Perspectives, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, January 26-30.

"Preventive drug education and publicity work in Hong Kong." Presented at the

1997 International Symposium on Drug Abuse---Prevention and Education, organized by The National Narcotics Bureau, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Republic of China, Taipei, May 15-17.

"Alcohol use and alcohol problems in Hong Kong." Presented at the 92nd Annual

Meetings of American Sociological Association, Toronto, Canada, August 9-13. 1996 "Drug policy and harm reduction in Hong Kong." Presented at the 7th

International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Hobart, Australia, March 3-7.

1995 "Breaking away from the past: Social change and drug policy in Hong Kong."

Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association, USA, Toronto, Canada, June 1-4.

1994 "Alcohol and other drug use in the Punjabi community in Peel: Experiences in

ethnocultural harm reduction" (with Tim Weber and Purvi Qadri). Presented at the 5th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-related Harm, Toronto, Canada, March 6-9.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


"Social change and illicit drug use in Hong Kong: Harm reduction in a newly

industrializing society." Presented at the 5th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-related Harm, Toronto, Canada, March 6-9.

"Drug awareness among young people in Hong Kong: Implications for preventive

programming." Presented at the 15th International Federation of Non-Government Organizations Conference for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse, organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong, December 5-9.

1993 "Predicting adolescent deviant behaviour in Hong Kong: A comparison of mass

media, family, school, and peer variables." Presented at the 34th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, Hong Kong, August 22-28.

1992 "The Punjabi Community Health Project: Preliminary findings on alcohol use and

its social consequences in the Punjabi community in Greater Toronto" (with Tim Weber and Purvi Qadri). Presented at the Prevention Congress V of the Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse, London, Ontario, Canada, April 27-30.

1991 "Ethnic identification and substance use among high school students: A new

look." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, USA, November 20-23.

1990 "Psychological well-being, drug use and health among elderly Chinese in

Toronto" (with Christine Leonard). Presented at the 5th Conference on Health Problems Related to the Chinese in North America, Toronto, Canada, June 23-24.

"The concept of ethnicity in multicultural health care research." Presented at the

81st Annual Conference of the Canadian Public Health Association, Toronto, Canada, June 25-29.

"Theories of Chinese drinking: A critical review." Presented at the 33rd

International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, Toronto, Canada, August 19-25.

"Correlates of life satisfaction of a group of elderly Chinese immigrants in

Toronto." Presented at the Annual Convention of the Chinese American Academic and Professional Society, Albany, New York, USA, Sept. 22-23.

"Crack involvement and its correlates in a community-based sample of cocaine

users in Toronto" (with Patricia Erickson). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Nov. 7-10.

1989 Panelist for the panel on "Alcohol and drug abuse in a multicultural context:

Research, policy, and program planning" in the 1st National Conference on Health Care and Multiculturalism, Toronto, Canada, March 30-April 1.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


1987 "Health care services in Shenzhen: Special health care in a special area." Presented at the International Conference on China's Special Economic Zones and Open Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, April 2-4.

1986 "Receptivity to traditional Chinese medicine among Chinese adolescents in Hong

Kong." Presented at the XI World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, India, August 18-22.

1985 "Family and beyond: The past and future of adolescent delinquency research in

Hong Kong". Presented at the 2nd Conference on Modernization and Chinese Culture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 4-8.

1984 "The magic of the foreign devils: The missionary doctor-Chinese patient

relationship in early twentieth century China" (with Peter K. New). Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Asian Studies, Asian Research Service, Hong Kong, July 15-18.

1983 "A socio-historical examination of health care delivery in the People's Republic of

China" (with Peter K. New). Presented at the XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Vancouver, Canada, August 24-28.

1982 "Toward a typology of missionary medicine: A comparison of three Canadian

medical missions in China before 1937" (with Peter K. New). Presented at the Annual Meetings of Canadian Ethnology Society, Vancouver, Canada, May 7-11.

1981 "Harvard Medical School of China, 1911-1916: An expanded footnote in the

history of Western medical education in China" (with Peter K. New). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association for Asian Studies, Toronto, Canada, March 13-15.

"The missionary way to health care: Notes from a Canadian Protestant mission in

China, 1902-1937" (with Peter K. New). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Halifax, Canada, May 28-31.

"Medical missionaries and public health in China: Hidden frontiers in Western

medicine" (with Peter K. New). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Toronto, Canada, August 24-28.

1979 "Dependence on institutional completeness and community discernibility of a

satellite Chinese community." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Saskatoon, Canada, June 1-4.

"Plus Ca Change...: An examination into the roots of health care delivery in the

People's Republic of China" (with Peter K. New). Presented at the Politics of Health Conference, York University, Toronto, Canada, April 5-7.


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


SERVICE Present Service at Hong Kong Shue Yan University Head, Department of Sociology Chair, University Senior Promotions Committee Member, University Council Member, Academic Board Member, Graduate Studies Committee Member, Honorary Degrees Committee Internal Member, Programme Validation and Review Committee Chair, Industrial Attachment Advisory Board Past Service to The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2009 – 2016 Chairman, Department of Sociology 2006 – 2009 Vice-Chairman and Board Secretary, Department of Sociology 2005 – 2012 Programme Director, Taught Master’s Programme, Department of

Sociology 2002 – 2006 Head, Graduate Division, Department of Sociology 1993 – 1996 Board Secretary, Department of Sociology 2009 – 2016 Member, Faculty Board of Social Science 2004 – 2013 Member, University Council 1996 - 2016 Member, University Senate 2002 – 2006 Member, Graduate Council 2009 – 2016 Member, Executive Committee, Faculty of Social Science 2011 – 2012 Member, Contemporary China Studies Programme Planning Committee Faculty of Social Science 2011 – 2012 Member, Global Studies Programme Planning Committee, Faculty of

Social Science 2007 – 2009 Convener, Task Force for Review of Taught Postgraduate Programmes,

Faculty of Social Science 2010 – 2011 Faculty Representative, Ad hoc Subcommittee for Research Postgraduate

Students Allocation Policy 2004 – 2010 Member, Social Science Panel, Faculty of Social Science 2014 – 2016 Cat. (2) Member, Department of History 2007 – 2009 Cat. (2) Member, Department of Social Work 1– 7/2016 Faculty Representative, Library Users Group 2014 –2016 Member, Management Committee of Centre for University & School

Partnership, Faculty of Education 2011 – 2016 Member, Board of Management of the Institute of Science and Technology 2012 – 2013 Member, Staff Training and Development Committee 2013 – 2015 Member, Positive Workplace and Staff Development Committee 2001 – 2013 Panelist, Panel Against Sexual Harassment 2007 – 2012 Member, Sub-committee on Junior Staff Affairs 2006 – 2008 Chairman, Joint Committee on New Students Orientation


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


2005 – 2006 Member, Executive Committee of Graduate Council 2005 – 2013 Member, College Council, CUHK-TWGHs Community College 2002 – 2005 Member, CUTW Planning Committee 1996 – 2007 Member, Senate Committee on Staff-Student Relations 2005 – 2011 College Representative to Faculty Board of Social Science 2008 – 2016 Chairman, Management Committee, Centre for the Study of Religion and

Chinese Society, Chung Chi College (CCC) 2007 – 2016 Member, Board of Trustees, CCC 1996 – 2016 Fellow, CCC 1996 – 2016 Member, Cabinet, CCC 1994 – 2016 Warden, Madam S.H. Ho Hall, CCC 1994 – 2016 Member, Student Hostel Committee, CCC 1996 – 2004 Dean of Students, CCC 2004 – 2011 Member, Creativity Awards Committee, CCC 2011 – 2013 College Coordinator for CCC from Department of Sociology Service to the Community Academic: Academic Associations: 2010 – 2012 President, Hong Kong Sociological Association 2009 – 2021 Founding Member; Vice-Chairman of General Assembly (2009-2018),

Member of Executive Board, 2019-2021), Asian Criminological Society Programme Reviews: 2016 – 2019 Department Academic Advisor Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2015 – 2016 Member of Academic Advisory Board Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University 2015 Member of Programme Validation Panel Master of Social Sciences in Criminology, City University of Hong Kong 2015 External Member of Review Panel Five-year Programme Review for BSocSc Programme, Lingnan University 2012 Member of External Academic Review Panel Department of Sociology, University of Macau 2011 – 2012 External Academic Adviser

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Programme, Lingnan University 2010 – 2011 Member of Review Panel

Taught MSocSc Programme in Criminology Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


2010 Member of Review Panel Four-year Programme Review for Bachelor of Social Sciences Programme Lingnan University 2009 Member of Review Panel Academic Review of Centre of Criminology, University of Hong Kong 2008 Chairman of Validation Panel Master Program in Criminology

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Macau 2009 – 2010 External Advisor

School of Humanities and General Education The Chinese University of Hong Kong–Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community College

2009 – 2010 External Examiner Associate Degree Programme of Social Science The Chinese University of Hong Kong– Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

2004 – 2006 External Examiner Advanced Diploma in Criminal Justice (Law Enforcement Studies)

School of Professional & Continuing Education, University of Hong Kong Community College

2003 – 2005 External Examiner Bachelor of Criminal Justice Degree Programme Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong 1998 – 2004 Member of Advisory Peer Group Police and Security Management Programme School of Arts and Social Sciences, Open University of Hong Kong External Examiner of Ph.D. Theses for: Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Sociology, University of Toronto Department of Sociology, SUNY, Buffalo Reviewer for Granting Sources: Since 1998 Regular reviewer for applications to RGC Earmarked Grants/GRF grants Since 2017 Non-Panel Reviewer

Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme & Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Funding Scheme, Central Policy Unit (renamed Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office in April 2018)

2015 External Reviewer University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant


CV-- Y.W. Cheung


Social Service: On-going: Since 2019 Chairman, Treatment & Rehabilitation Subcommittee of Action Committee

Against Narcotics (ACAN) Since 2018 Member, Council on Human Reproductive Technology Since 2013 Co-opted Member of Selection Committee, S.K. Yee Medical Foundation Since 1995 Member of Executive Committee, and

Chairman of Research Committee (since 2009), Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (SARDA)

Past: 2013 – 2018 Member, ACAN 2009 – 2017 Convenor, Research Advisory Group, Narcotics Division, Security Bureau,

Government of the Hong Kong SAR 2008 – 2012 Member, Tai Po and North District Strategic Welfare Planning Committee, Social Welfare Department, Government of the Hong Kong SAR

2005 – 2009 Member, Research Advisory Group, Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, Government of the Hong Kong SAR

2005 – 2011 Member, Public Affairs Forum, Home Affairs Bureau, Government of the Hong Kong SAR

1995 – 2004 Member, Research Subcommittee, ACAN 1995 – 1997 Co-opted Member, Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations,

Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Hong Kong Government

1999 – 2000 Member, Working Group on Review of Methadone Treatment Programme, ACAN

1996 – 1998 Member, Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Committee, Society for the Rehabilitation of Offenders (SRO)
