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of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

Aug 11, 2020



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Page 1: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life
Page 2: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon

for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life and

the Holy Trinity Merging. We Are sure your ‘I AM’ Presence will Guide you. The

choice is yours! Just know that if done altogether it may take a couple of hours to

do and the integration of the Energies may be more intense? Just so you are aware

of this. God Bless.

As Part of the Divine Plan that is being presented to you here, through the Elemental Grace

Alliance, We wish to share a few things so that you are fully aware of that which is being offered

to you here. We shall begin by presenting the contents for your considerations.


Supporting Discourse Shekinah Mother’s Love Part 4

Supporting Discourse Shekinah Mother’s Love Part 5

Detailed Description of Image

Ceremony Suggestions

Invocation Guidelines

Merging Meditation with Archangel Lucifer, Archangel Michael and Mother Mary

and others

Closing Summary


First and foremost, We wish to share with you that what is within these pages is probably more

than We expected. But in saying that, We know that it is all in alignment and each other and

actually they do go hand in hand!

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Before any attunement, activation or fusion takes place it is vital that you review all the

information thoroughly so that you are fully aware of what you are asking for!

The other thing is this is all about Self- Empowerment, Self -Mastery, Self -Motivation, Truth

within the Essence of your Own Divine Sovereignty with Mother Father God. It is about Integrity,

Honor, Balance, Divine Order and Divine Will. So these activations thus become your own Full

Responsibility to now engage and undertake in accordance with your Own Intentions! For that

reason I AM suggesting that you make your own arrangements to step into these potentials. You

can do them as a Group if you wish, as there are no limitations or boundaries! But in Truth this

is Really between you and Your ‘I AM’ Presence, The God within you!

We have tried to offer you all that you shall need to fulfill your Desires here, but feel free to add,

subtract, change or alter anything you wish, for this has now become your Activation, Attunement

and Fusion with Mother Father God!

If We can be of any further assistance, then please let me know. There is no particular time when

any of this can be done, so look into it all and if you choose to go ahead, pick your own time and

place and allow it to unfold with Ease and Grace to suit you!

In Love and Joy We Now step back and hand all this over to each of you!

In Love and Light and Joyous Blessings of the Heart –

On Behalf of the EGA

Page 4: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

Supporting Discourse Shekinah Mother’s Love Part 4

Part 4 Adam/Lilith Kadmon Race - The Christ Councils - The Elemental Grace Alliance Council –

Mother Shekinah - 9th, September 2016

“Beloved Members of the Elemental Grace Alliance Council, it has been brought to my attention,

the potentials of confusion, uncertainty and mystification of that which has been shared over the

years regarding Twin Flames or Twin Rays. Especially now with the Coming into play, the physical

relationships between The Adam Kadmon Man and the, shall We say, the Lilith Kadmon Woman, if

We may take the liberty to introduce and bring another Balanced Awareness to the Feminine

Attributes to this Divine Equation? So can this be addressed now for Greater Clarity please?

“Dearly Beloveds, ‘I AM’ Shekinah, The Mother’s Love of the Elohim Creators through the Great

Central Sun! ‘I AM’ all aspects of the Mother’s Purity and when We speak, or when We come to

human Souls in the many forms that I AM, you feel me through your Heart Connections of Me within


“Every Goddess you have ever heard of, every woman that has ever given birth to a Dear sweet

child, every hand you have held, every hug you have embraced, every tear of empathy, of

compassion, of Joy, of sincerity, It was Me Divinely Expressing Myself Through You! We Dear Hearts,

take many forms, ‘I AM’ All Women! Grandmother, Mother, Daughter, Sister. ‘I AM’ the Flora and

Fauna. ‘I AM’ The Elementals, Nature Spirits, Planets and ‘I AM’ the Energy that beats your heart and

the air you breathe! And when you feel the Qualities of Me ‘I AM’ sharing the Essence of Who ‘I AM’

through you!

“Likewise, when you hear of Me as Mary Magdalene, ‘I AM’ offering you Purity of Heart, Kuan Yin,

Compassion, Mother Gaia, Nurturance, Beloved Meta, Healing and Rest, Sekhmet, Sensuality and

Sexuality through Love and Creativity. As Lilith We offer you Power! There are so many more

Goddesses, Queens, Princesses, Eloah, Angels and Archangels, and Masters that you know so well!

Likewise however, I AM in all men, with the same messages to teach and guide them with the Love

Essence of the Divine Mother! For without the Mother’s Love running through their veins, they shall

never feel the Love that They Are, nor be able to offer the Love that God Is! We come in many forms,

yet I AM, Simply the Wholeness of the One Love and One Light that Beloved Shekinah, My Dear and

Beloved Light of the All, That Is Created through Us and of Us as One!

“Peter, We have much to share tonight, but first We wish to offer you My Blessings, for once again

you have offered a new vibrant and active ingredient to the recipe for Wholeness and Holy Union.

This Principle Component is the Vital completion of the Flower Of Life Human Blueprint which We

will speak of shortly! The Mother’s Love has been so denied, particularly by men for a very long time

and suppressed within women in fear of their lives and the exposure of Truth of the Power of such

Purity within the Fullness of All Prime Creations. Men have feared this rising and so have used all

their forcefulness, powers of control to suppress this Divine Quality within the females of the human

race. It was not always like this, once the role was reversed. But today ‘I AM’ not concerned with

the karma of such things, rather, how this can all come into balance by a new awareness for the

eradication of old belief systems that have created so many 3rd and 4th dimensional archetypal


Page 5: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

“So when those Dear Souls who understand the processes involved, come forward to dissolve and

Etherealize all imbalances within the Human Race, consciously through Higher Vibrational

Resonances within themselves, such as the New Christ Councils and Second Coming of the Christs

within, it will all unfold and expand very quickly! Once the proverbial snowball begins to roll down

the hill, it shall gather in size and momentum, and things will really take on a new Dimensional Shift!

We can tell you that many will struggle to keep up with the changes taking place and will be seeking

those who can Guide them through such periods with Ease and Grace.

“So Peter, when Lord Sananda asked you to bring balance to the Patriarchal and Matriarchal

imbalances upon the planet, and you and Brother Mel, began by asking Archangel Lucifer to rewrite

a 200,000-year-old Human Blueprint, that kept these imbalances in place, regardless of what people

did to balance them within their lives; you began at the very place that would change the history of

Planet Earth forever! That was what you asked for and so it was given unto you! Without the

rewriting of the Flower of Life, this potential would never have begun! It would have been virtually

an impossibility to achieve.

“Now that your Endeavours, with Mel have succeeded with the rewriting of the Flower of Life back

to its Original Single Core, thus eliminating the principles of duality with the human DNA

Encodements, can now be implemented throughout humanity. Yet those coming into contact with

this information must know this!

“Everyone who was not born after the 1st July 2008, still continue to hold the old Duality Core

Flower of Life as their Energetic Human Blueprint. But now this is being offered to all Souls who wish

this to take place within themselves. Anyone and everyone, through their own free will choices, can

now call forth the Fusion of that Double Centred Duality Core back to its Original Love and Light

Polarity Single Core Centre.

“Peter, you have never been able to offer this for dissemination around the world up until now,

because humanity was not yet ready for this Fusion potential. That is why you have never had any

response to your repeated attempts to share your story! Again this is not the only way, but We can

assure you, that it shall bring far more simplicity and indeed more accessible opportunities to speed

up the raising of One’s Vibrational Resonances that We are so ardently, and passionately calling for,

to Create the New Christ Councils and Radiation Centres.

“It has been 8 years, since the first Fusions took place with you Peter and Your Beloved Brother

Mel, along with the other 20 Souls. In all that time, as you Know, We have been Monitoring you all

with meticulous care and focus, with every type of technology that Cosmic Science can offer from an

Advanced Human Society and Race, even that which your scientists upon Earth are still unaware of

yet and shall not be for many, many years to come. We have had no adverse effects whatsoever.

And so The Elohim are now ready to invite such a transmutation to anyone who may wish this to

take place within themselves, and on a mass scale! But know this Dear Soul's, you, who are attracted

to this potential, one does not have to be aligned to the Elemental Grace Alliance to ask or have this

Fusion take place within themselves.

“Why do We call it a Fusion? Because this is what it is; a synthesis, a Holy Union of re-uniting the

Love and Light throughout the entirety of your DNA Encodements thus dissolving the duality of good

and evil, presently residing within your genetic profiles. It is not a blending process, for it is not a

Page 6: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

transitional change, it is a Dissolution, an Termination and Etherealization of that which no longer

serves you, replacing it with That which you were Originally Born to BE, long ago!

“It doesn't mean that one's life will change overnight, for one must also allow the existing

consciousness to change also. It can be instantaneous, or it can take as long as it takes each person

to change their old belief patterns the way you perceive your lives to be! But the New Potential shall

be present, the work shall remain yours just as it has always been, as part of the Free Will Charters

you have with God!

“We shall therefore allow you Peter, to set up the opportunities for those whom will come forth,

requesting such a change to their Flower of Life Blueprint. And you can answer any question that

may be asked regarding such matters! So We will leave this with you.

“Peter, you have offered a Great Service to this world with this opportunity; opening another

dimension that has never been truly embraced by human beings to date. Your reuniting Beloved

Lilith with Adam, and reuniting Eve with Adam and Lilith, has now opened the floodgates again, to

re-establish Me as The Mother's Love, and Lilith, as the Original Human Woman along with All Her

Original Genetic Encodements and Direct Connections to Source.

“Like wise with Adam, but Adam has always been the focus of attention! But now that you have

dissolved and eliminated the archetype of Adam, Lilith and Eve, and indeed invited Lilith, to once

again step forward to take back Her Original Blueprint and Original Purpose, as well as Her Equal

Position beside Adam. We cannot begin to tell you of the changes that shall soon be initiated! Lilith

has now been given Her Power back so that She can come forth and Use Her Qualities and Virtues

to bring about a Greater Equality within the Whole of the Human Race! Particularly through Her Holy

Union with Beloved Adam! This Invitation by you, in Holy Union with Adam, will soon expose many

changes that will take place through Their combined Forcefield of the Mother’s Love and Father’s

Light; not only within individuals, but more so with Divine Partnerships and Holy Unions where two

people shall live and breathe as One Soul!

“Beloved Lilith will show Her Presence to many now and will indeed exhibit the Mighty Power that

She Is, I AM! And believe Me when We say, We are not afraid to use Our Power, In The Name Of

Love! This has not been possible until now because for Me to Fully Manifest in A Physical World,

We, We, have to be invited, called upon and embraced from within the Heart of men and women.

This simple act Dear Souls, has given rise from the healing of the Adam, Lilith and Eve reunion and

setting them free from all the archetypal tethers, has allowed this potential to come forth in Torrents

of Love that will not be discouraged by the dark or any other form of fear-based manifestations, ever

again upon Planet Earth.

“The New Presence of Lilith will draw forth the Energies of the Mother's Love through Those Who

represent Me; Beloved Sekhmet, Goddess Tara, Goddess Evening Rose, The Beloved Mary’s and All

the other Mother Forms, will use the Energies of Love, the fullness of Me, all aspects of Me, especially

the Sacredness of My position as Protector for those We Love! The breaking down, the healing, the

release of the archetypes of the Adam and Lilith and Eve story re- Unites yet another balance with a

Creative Force that shall be a Strength, a Power, an Intensity to reckon with.

“Beloved Lilith, back in the Divine Union with Adam, has given Her, Me, and all recipient human

Page 7: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

Souls, a re-energized, invigorated, revitalized, recharged, equality of Love and Light, to now enter

the New 7th Golden Age of Transformation through Beloved Human Souls and Their Divine Holy

Unions with each other. Yes, one cannot pay homage to Woman, by calling an entire Human Race

the Adam Kadmon Race and so let it be known As The Adam and Lilith Kadmon Race from this time


Let us call this Part One, otherwise it shall once again be a very long Discourse with a lot to take

on board in one sitting!

‘I AM’ Beloved Shekinah, The Mother’s Love of All Creation, Sending you All a rejuvenation of the

Power of Love for The Co-Creation and establishment of the New Adam and Lilith Kadmon Human

Race and New Erthe! God Bless You! And So It Is!

Supporting Discourse Shekinah Mother’s Love Part 5

Part 5 Adam/Lilith Kadmon Race - The Christ Councils - The Elemental Grace Alliance Council –

Mother Shekinah - 15th, September 2016

“Beloved Members of the Elemental Grace Alliance Council, it has been brought to my attention, the

potentials of confusion, uncertainty and mystification of that which has been shared over the years

regarding Twin Flames or Twin Rays. Especially now with the Coming into play, the physical

relationships between The Adam Kadmon Man and the, shall We say, the Lilith Kadmon Woman, if

We may take the liberty to introduce and bring another Balanced Awareness to the Feminine

Attributes to this Divine Equation? So can this be Addressed now for Greater Clarity please?

“Dear Hearts, We the Mother’s Love, return unto you this day to continue with the Discourse, that

began a few days ago with Peter! Today We wish to Embrace the Full Embodiment of the Elemental

Grace Alliance, All Its Divine Members and those Dear Souls who shall listen to, or read My Words


“The Theme of today’s Discourse shall be Twin Flames, or what We shall refer to as Twin Fires of the

Mother’s Love and The Father’s Light! We will use the Adam and Lilith Kadmon Man and Woman in

both ways, for reference sake, as part of the physical human archetypal union, and the Adam, Lilith

New Human Divine Union Essence. This shall be aligned to that which is Known as the Monadic Body

of God’s Love Substance. Yet you must understand that you are all still in this transitional period, but

even though you are still in human biology, you are standing before the door that shall open unto

you, The Fullness of Our Love to become One with Us!

“This Monadic Body is the Goal that We wish All of you to Aspire to, and so, even though many of you

are aware of such levels of attainment into this unbridled Primal Essence of The Mother’s Love and

Father’s Light; it is the Journey of the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, the astral

body, the Causal Body, the Buddhic Body and the Atmic Body respectfully, that must be traversed

each step of the way! You have come so far Dear Hearts, and now the time has arrived, that you have

opened to you, new opportunities to step even closer to Your Mighty Victory and Your Divine


Page 8: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

“The Monadic Essence of you, is that part of you that embraces the All That Is, in all planes and

dimensions of existence, all atoms and electrons, All Beings within All Galaxies, Universes and

Cosmoses. This Monadic Body of Yours, Is My Body and the Father’s Body in Divine Unison, Divine

Harmony, Divine Beauty and Divine Peace! It is indivisible, inseparable, indissolvable, undividable,

impenetrable, untouchable, and is the Divine Holy Union of All Love Substance and The White Fire

Light Substance within All of the Mother, Father God Creations!

“Take a deep breath now Dear Hearts for what I AM about to tell you, may undermine everything

that you have ever believed about Twin Flames! Those Holy Unions that many of you have longed

for, many of you believe you have found, many of you who rest peacefully, thinking the partner beside

you is Your Twin Flame of the Love and Light of The Prime Creator.

“Oh Beloveds, in the way you have accepted these truths of the past, We know just how much energy

you have spent in trying to find and create such unions, We Know that you have spent many lives in

this Holy Search! But Now, because you have come all this way, with all the purity in your Heart and

with the Knowledge that you are finally accepting within, as Truth, We can now reveal the Truth of

Twin Flames as you believe them to be! Dear Souls, They are Not Real!

“They are yet another illusion, another archetype, that, to take the next step toward your Ascension,

you must let go of, and release from all your 4 lower bodies! It is not the Twin Flame as another

human Soul that you seek, they that have been and may still be, the reflections of yourselves that

you desire to know and Desire to Unite with! The Twin Fire, Twin Flame, Holy Union, can only be

found within yourself; within you at the very Core of your Being! You have sensed this for so long,

but the loneliness and the lack of understanding of your feelings, and even your desires, in sufficient

clarity that has kept you tethered to these beliefs, that your Divine Compliment can be found as


“We Know that many of you are feeling somewhat confused now and in some ways deflated, yet this

is only temporary Dear Ones for what We will do now is to bring to your awareness that which will

fill in all the blanks of the past mis-understandings and mis-information. It is not My intention to

deflate but Uplift you in the Higher Truths of Who You Are!

“Love, Dear Souls, is Ever Expanding, Ever Increasing, Ever Intensifying, none more than within the

Realms of the Human Race upon Planet Earth right Now! The New Adam, Lilith Man and Woman

would not be able to be activated now, if this was not Truth! This New Opportunity for the Fusion of

The Flower of Life is all part of this Ever Expanding Love! And it shall be responsible for the dissolution

of that which no longer serves you, as you continue to awaken from your deep sleep of forgetfulness!

You see Dear Ones, it is the exposure to The Love and Light of Life that assists you to open to new

potentials, new beliefs, New Truths and in turn, New Experiences. For it is the Light of the Father that

supports the linear Growth of One’s Soul in human form, this is the Masculine Principle of Action.

While the Universality of the Monad as the Mother’s Love supports the Evolution of the Soul

incarnate! Can you see why We can Now come forward and Speak of such things to you? You, who

have the Mother’s Love now consciously embedded within your Ever Expanding Consciousness, can

finally appreciate The Beauty of the Mother’s Love that assist’s in the Co-Creation of linear evolution

through other Dear Souls.

Page 9: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

“We want you to know that it is this Love Substance that allows, in Grace, to have all old beliefs and

perceptions to dissipate and dissolve while at the same time provides the Foundation for the New

Higher Truths to become cognizant for the Ever Increasing God’s Love and Life in You! This allows for

a much smoother transition and provides a Loving Foundation that Nurtures and Supports all aspects

of doubt, unease, confusion and insecurity. But We must tell you, that what this Love is creating now

upon Earth, is a division within humanity, for while the masses continue to partake in the old

perceptions of fear, lack and loss, death and victimhood, Our Love and Our Light cannot yet penetrate

the minds of these Dear Souls, for them to open to the Greater Potentials that you now have available

to you!

“When We speak of Evolution within a human race, specifically here on Earth, we know that instability

is the dynamo for change, and change being the transformation from one level of consciousness to

the next. From this standpoint then, the masculine and feminine principles of the old archetypes,

hold onto these co-creative principles. And these principles hold out between all relationships and

unions between both genders and within each Dear Soul. The feminine continually strives for

transformation and instability, while the masculine strives for realization and fixation. It is through

each individual through their own free will that allows how this will play out as part of the evolving

consciousness. This unfolds, depending upon the beliefs and perceptions in the past and future and

the dark and light as well as the good and evil.

“While the masculine principle remains the governing force over the feminine principle, then all flows

of Abundance are made barren by the impressionable experiences of one’s previous life or even

lifetimes. If the feminine principle dictates over the masculine, the energy of Abundance cannot be

fixed, and because of its high levels of changeability, it simply evaporates without ever seeing the

light of day! It is for this reason, and this reason alone, that the Divine Blending of the Masculine and

Feminine Principles MUST be aligned within a Single Impersonalized Soul. It is these two Principles

that make up this Twin Fire of the Holy Union of Love and Light within the human biology, inter-

connected all the way to the Monadic Body! You have read the Works of Joseph Benner, or if you

haven’t, We would invite you to do so, and it is very clearly stated within them that each human Soul

incarnated, MUST first surrender their entire Beingness to God’s Love, Light and Life, before it can be

given the Divine Unity of another Dear Soul, who in their own Right, are the Full Impersonalized

Expression of God Themselves! This is all about Divine Sovereignty, Divine Will, Divine Impeccability,

Divine Authenticity, Integrity and Honor!

“So My Beloveds, from the standpoint of the old archetypal masculine and feminine relationships,

one seeks from another, the fulfillment of the voids, emptiness’s, hollowness’s, and cavities, that

have not yet been fully amalgamated, assimilated or integrated with Love and Light! This matters

not whether the relationship is male and female, female and female or male and male, for I AM not

speaking of the genders, but rather the Masculine and Feminine Principles. The combination of

genders, simply assists in the intensity of, or the speeding up or slowing down of such reflective

lessons and realizations of that which is missing, to be brought into balance and harmony! So each

couple or each relationship offer the other the missing attributes and aspects of themselves, and in

so doing only provides a stability for a short time, relatively speaking. Remember the female principle

strives for transformation and instability, and the masculine strives for realization and fixation. So, as

the gifting unions only provide a short term solution, the inevitable MUST occur.

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“Therefore no amount of Love and Light, being Over Lighted in, through and around these Dear One’s,

will annul this growth necessity of Universal Law! So although The Monadic Essence of Both are

present, each one, continues to function as independent Souls, outside of the Holy Union with the

Primal Source Love and Light now amplifying its Presence within. This does not mean however, that

the traces of such Monadic Substance held within both partners does not enlighten and fulfill a

Greater Love and Light that indeed shall raise the Vibrational Frequencies of each partner and those

around them. For this will always be the way it unfolds. It all depends on the Levels of Consciousness

and Awareness of the Love and Light and Life of Mother, Father God within them!

“The Higher this understanding, the more resonant one is to these Higher Vibrations, the more work

one has done to remove old beliefs and programs the greater the Levels of Light and Love will fill the

Life of such couples. We must bring to your awareness now that such couples, partners or unions do

not have to be physical, sexual, or intimately interactive, for it can also be through Energy

Transference through the inter-connections of either or both persons, through the Mother’s Love

and Father’s Light! All this can be very clearly defined by knowing the Assignments each person has

Accepted and Initiated in accordance to their Soul Charter with God? But both Unions, physical or

nonphysical are extremely important for the overall balances of the Masculine and Feminine

Principles to be achieved within both Men and Women upon the Earth. Let’s talk about that for a


“Many men and women come together at various times in the Act of making physical and intimate

Love and this is, if consciously being undertaking at the Higher Levels of awareness possible can

indeed assist in the recalibration of one or the other or both Souls during this Love In Action. Making

Love in this way with another Heart Felt Soul is the highest way one in the physical Body can feel the

Essence of the Mother’s Love and The Father’s Light! Just as Beloved Sekhmet explains in Peter’s

Discourse within the Elemental Grace Alliance. One has always thought of these Holy Embraces as

one shared only with twin flames, but Dear Hearts when the Sacred Heart if ignited with the Holy

Union of Love and Light within each Individualized Expression of God, it can be achieved beyond this

old paradigm of beliefs in twin partnerships. The most Sacred way to Express oneself with another is

in the Sacred Holy Union of intimate Blending and Merging Mother, Father within each of you!

“Dear One’s this Divine Co-Creation of Holy Union is the Bedrock, the Church upon which the New

Golden Age shall be built! And it is the rhythm of Divine Flow of One’s Consciousness that allows for

the Creative Desires to quickly and miraculously manifest New Life upon Earth. Again it is not only

the act of physical Union that achieves this, for close interaction and Energy Transference shall be

just as potent a Creational Force! This is the Foundational Principles for the New Christ Councils!

Ideally, we would like to see 6 males and 6 females in Holy Union to make up the Councils of 12, and

this will be a part of the criteria in later years, but initially the Council can start as Individualized

Expressions of God Life! My Beloved Shekinah, The Father’s Light shall speak more of this in Part 3.

“For the moment, We speak of Conceptualizations, until Divine Sovereignty and Holy Unions at these

Levels can Unite with the physical domains of the New Narayana Joy Akasha Sanctuaries and Radiation

Centres. From within these Safe Havens, those of you, the Male Souls are created or born to Give as part

of your Divine Role to humanity and to the Feminine Principles as well as the female embodiments. This

Giving is the Foundation for the Creation for physical manifestations. This is how the male gift ‘any’

creation. While the Female Souls are created or born to accept the Gift of Creation and allows for the Full

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Realization and the nourishment of the two, The Light and The Love within the Integrity of Joint

Sovereignty of the Realization which thus Creates, manifests and Gives Life to the Child. This can be the

physical Child or indeed a New Creative Consciousness. For in Truth there is no difference in the Eye of

the Prime Creator and the Love, Light Substance! So whether by physical Holy Union, as in Love making,

or the close interaction of ideas, thoughts, desires and choices, or indeed through Energy Transference

while both parties are on other sides of the world, this is possible! But here is the diffuser, so be very

aware of this when entering into any such Co-Creational Activities whereby the Holy Union or two

independent beings are Uniting! If any of the interaction or sharing and the Expression of such Energies

are for self-satisfaction or self-gratification, or indeed anything with a personal agenda, the creative

Forces of Mother, Father God immediately withdraw, thus removing the Element of Spirit and in most

cases will only result in some sort of destructive force being the result! Not bad or evil, just no longer

constructive or creative! Do you understand this?

“So WE Admonish anyone coming forth to Unite in these Creative and Sacred Unions, be very mindful of

the reasons why you are Merging, Blending and Unifying as One Heart, One Mind, One Love and One

Light! Worlds within Worlds Dear Souls, there is no difference between creating Universes or Creating

Children of New Life Giving Consciousness. It is simply the reflections of the Macrocosm to the Microcosm!

As Above, So Below! This is the way that the Elemental Grace Alliance was Created, The Love and Light of

a human Soul, Merging and Blending with the Love and Light of Mother, Father God! Now it is a Living

Entity, and Living Consciousness, A New Child of the Divine Compliment of Living Joy and Radiant Bliss and

Ecstasy! You have felt it have you not? This shall be your Self-Realization for what We bring to your New


“As We begin to close this Address, We wish to share this also! As you know, there are still great

differences in the Vibrational Frequencies of those now coming into alignment of the Elemental Grace

Alliance Project, not just those who are desirous of helping to Creatively Expand this Divine Plan, but those

who wish to become the Guardians and Mentors and Custodians of the many Temples of Light that are

now in the planning stages. These variations of Levels of Resonance shall be proportionate to the abilities

to create at these New Levels of Holy Union, Mergence and Integration. So the quicker one can Unite with

their Own ‘I AM’ Presence the quicker these Holy Unions with others will begin to manifest! Remember

like attracts like, and so like resonant fields will attract the same. This is a Universal Law that is designed

for the purpose of raising the Vibrational Frequencies of each Soul within these Proposed Unions.

“The Path of Evolution caters for everything Dear Hearts, and so the more you Know the more you are

able to adopt and integrate into your lives! Again, find clarity in what your Desires are and this well help

you beyond all measure! It shall be the New Adam Lilith Kadmon Couples that will without doubt be the

Next Levels of Creative Force to bring about Divine Peace and Harmony upon the Earth! The New Adam,

Lilith Kadmon Race are the Love, Light Principles of the Masculine and Feminine Attributes Of Love in


“In closing We would like to share an excerpt from the Elemental Grace Alliance Book, by Beloved Omega,

Me! We Bless You All My Dear Children of The Love and Light of the Divine Creator. We bid you good


Beloved Omega says:- “Make your Demands, and Commands with much more conviction, with much

more confidence and assurance. Do not allow any doubt to enter your Decrees or Invocations, for these

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shall only diminish the results and slow down the Precipitation of Your ‘I AM’ Presence Desires through

you. Send forth Your Instructions and All That Is God, Divine Will shall Respond with All His/Her Power,

Love and Wisdom and Know without Doubt, that Only the Will of God will Triumph! Do not enter any fear-

based paradigms of what is right or wrong, or am I making any mistakes, or do I have the right to do this?

If you Act Like God’s then You Are God Expressing God’s Desire for your own Individualized Expression of

God through you! If you Know that you are Created in His/Her Image, then Think, Speak, Feel and Act like


“Do you think that We would give you all such Missions within Our Design for this Our Plan and not allow

you to Express the Highest That You Are! Of Course not! Just remember the Laws Dear Ones, for your

Creations will only be in Alignment and of that Perfection with that of your own Levels of Resonance and

Vibrational Frequencies within your own Knowingness and Understanding of the Laws that Govern All

Prime Creations. That is the only thing We would Admonish as this stage.” ‘I AM’ Mother Omega!

Description of The Image

It is my intention that not only with this Attunement and Fusion of the Flower of Life Single Core

Centre but also with the Activation of the Elemental Grace Alliance Group Merkabah and for each

Narayana Joy Akasha Temples of Light, To Create a Visual representation for focus and intention by

all Dear Souls whom wish to partake in this project. This is all part of Universal Law for the Creation

of the New Higher Vibrational Manifestations through the Individualized Expressions of the ‘I AM’

Presence from within each Human Soul Incarnate!

In the Elemental Grace Alliance Discourses this is outlined by Beloved Maha Chohan. He Says:-

“A ‘Forcefield’ then, by definition, herein the understanding for Earth Purposes, is a consciously magnetized focus of Energy Created by a person or a group of persons or Beings, for the objective of Benevolent Service to a particular Principle, Facet, Function, Condition, or Area of Life and ultimately to the entire Earth itself. In the case of the group activity, the Director/s, Ascended Master/s, Archangel/s or Elohim/Eloah who have been elected to Over Light the Group in c-operation with the Group, first designs within the minds of its Disciples and Members, the particular activity, to which the group service is to be consecrated. ‘Therefore, the actual design of the ‘Forcefield’ should be brought into a visual activity, as in an image or picture, so that all may be sure to direct their energies into the same activity. It is essential that this picture remain the same at all meetings once it has been drawn forth so that it will grow and expand its Blessings through the group into the entire declared parameters of the particular Principle, Facet, Function, Condition, or Area of Life’.

By continual contemplation and by constant directing of the Qualities and Radiance of Over Lighting Energies desired within the ‘Forcefield’, this can be made to grow in and with intensity to a point where it is a Potent Force for good in the particular Principle, Facet, Function, Condition, or Area of Life. Once a person or group can become more Masterful in use of such ‘Forcefields’, then it can be employed throughout the atmosphere of the whole of the Earth itself. A ‘Forcefield’ is in constant motion, and through it will pour the limitless Gifts of the Divine Beings to whom it is dedicated to, as it is strengthened and expanded upon at each group meeting.

“We call it a ‘Forcefield’, due to its Pressure of Radiance that cannot be disturbed, dissolved, diminished or changed by any dark or lower vibrational thought forms, depending upon the levels of Radiance of those Who Create It! So let Us continue with this identification so as to Create from it and to remain within the Natural Protection of Love Substance that it is Created from. Remember, do not misunderstand the word ‘Force’, for it can be likened to the word ‘Power’. The Power of God

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is not destructive and only enhances the Qualities of Love and never allows for any dissolution of anything that Is Divine Love or Divine Truth. It will, however, move aside, to whatever degree necessary, anything that is not of Love and Truth and therefore always remaining within the Laws of the Life as to God’s Creations. The word ‘Force’ comes into the same Radiant Substance as the word ‘Power’. Human definitions of both ‘power’ and ‘force’, are not created in Love and so in Truth have no reference or validity here, indeed no Reality in Christ Consciousness.

“A ‘Forcefield’, a controlled, constructive, harmonious, positive ‘Sphere of Influence’ does exactly what its name implies; influences the generation of similar Qualities of Faith, Hope, Charity, Harmony, Spiritual Aspiration in those it connects to and is in contact with. The power of contagion, so aptly demonstrated in the transference of fear and panic through mass hysteria, is equally applicable in the transference of God's Qualities and Nature. There really is no difference between a ‘sphere of influence’ and a conscious thought form and a ‘Forcefield’ apart from the truth or Truth that it is founded within. We use herewith the word ‘Forcefield’ to convey the picture of a battery of constructively and positively charged energy made up of the combined Auras of Groups of Conscious Disciples, gathered together in Cooperative Service to mankind in one place.

“The ‘Forcefield’’ is made up of the Fusion and Amalgamation of Energies gathered together by all in attendance; the unascended humans, the Elementals, Angel Devas, Angelic Host and Builders of Form. These combined with the Decrees, Visualizations, Invocations, Songs and general application of the Group of Disciples who wish to form a Radiating Centre for God’s Blessings in their particular Principle, Facet, Function, Condition, or Area of Life amplify the Essences available for dissemination. In exactly the same manner that the individual ‘sphere of influence’ is a combination of the energies released through the contributing Centres of thought, feeling and action, so is the corporate ‘Forcefield’ of the Group composed of the consciousness and application of every member of that Group.

“A ‘Forcefield’ renders several services. First it is a Magnetic Centre which draws the Presence of the Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings, and all Divine Intelligences Who Desire Always to find an Open Door through which to pour Their Radiation and Blessings to mankind. As the pollen in flowers draws the bees, so does such a consciously created ‘Forcefield’ draw and Magnetize the Presence the Beings to Whom it is dedicated and for Whom it has been formed. Secondly, it forms a concentrate of consciously Qualified God Energy which is funneled down from the Octaves of Light, and which provides a Spiritual nourishment to all those who enter that ‘Forcefield’ beyond the Natural Radiation ordinarily present in the sphere in which the individuals dwell. Thirdly, it forms a Radiating Centre of these same God Qualities into the atmosphere and locality, just as Beloved Archangel Zadkiel explained about His Temple of Light over Cuba, in which it has been built. Each Centre, physical or Ethereal, acts as a physical Sun Itself, sending forth Light, warmth, nourishment, and God Gifts into the city, town or village, or indeed country, where it has been created and where it is sustained by Rhythmic Attention to Its Presence by Divine Intelligence.

“Lastly, it provides an Ever Present Conductor which the Guardian Intelligences of this Universe may use, upon a moment’s notice, to flash forth Protection, Purification, Balance, Healing, or Harmony when the need arises. Thus, much time is saved which would ordinarily have to be employed in creating such a funnel through which to give a Blessing and Protection in times of crises. A ‘Forcefield’ takes different forms according to the particular types of Disciples who are developing such a Magnetic and Radiating Centre. Sometimes the Group Director or Leader, whom We shall refer to from now on, as the ‘Attracter Field/s’, to eliminate any the mis-perceptions of focused tasks by the Members of the Group, in such Creations as Christ Councils for example, one chooses a design and the form which shall be built by the dedicated Members or Disciples, Elementals, Devas, Angelic Host and Builders of Form around the thought form of that Group Attractor Field. Sometimes, when such a one does not take the initiative, the ‘Forcefield’ assumes the pattern of an

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etheric focus, which previously was active in that locality. Often times it has only a vague blurred outline and looks like a vapour cloud in the atmosphere over the locality. Of course, the more Perfect the Mental Design of the ‘Forcefield’ the more it is shared by the Conscious Creative Centres of the Disciples; the more valuable and productive it is to the Hierarchy”. End of Excerpt.

So this is why I am creating these images, for the Benevolence and Munificence of Each Divine Soul

partaking, Group and indeed The Whole of Humanity!

So, now let us look at the image and define all its parts as the various representations of what we are

all focusing upon to be made Manifest here upon Earth! The Flower of Life Fusion and the Integration

and Blending of the Adam, Lilith Kadmon Man and Woman.

Beginning from the background first. Remember please that this is a 2 dimensional

representation and if visualized as a 3 dimensional image the person within would be

surrounded in a cylindrical form. The 4 shafts of Light, two on either side represent the 4

Pillars of Light Each Holding the Essences and Resonances of Lord Sananda, Sanat

Kumara, Lord Melchizedek and Archangel Metatron.

There is a Three Fold Flame which one cannot see with human eyes, behind the Couple

at the Heart Level.

The Central Pillar of Light is One’s Central White Fire Cylinder of Light from the Great

Central Sun that is One’s Own Source Protection and Love, Light Life Force! All as

depicted in the many images from St Germain and the Violet Flame Activations.

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The Violet Color on either side of the Divine Principles is actually all around them and is

the Violet Transformational Flame of St Germain / Lady Portia and Lady Kuan Shi Yin /

Lao Tsu.

The Blue Sword is of course the Protection of the Blue Ray of Archangel Michael and

Archaii Faith which surrounds the White Fire Tube.

The Lotus represents the 1000 petaled Blue/Purple Lotus as depicted in the Hindu

traditions of the Flower of Life.

The Twin Fire Masculine and Feminine Principles of the Divine Love and Light of

Mother, Father God is represented by the Holy Union, Merging and Blending of the human

biology or embodiment of each incarnate Soul. It also represents the Holy Twin Fire

Merging of two Human Souls who have fully embraced this transition with each other

Individually Expressing The God ‘I AM’ Presence independently from each other!

The Flower of Life is the Single Core Centre that you are going to Fuse in Synthesis of

The Monadic Presence of Mother, Father God within Self!

The Golden Key on the Lap of the New Human Angel, depicted by the Wings behind this,

these Dear Soul/s, is the Key to Open any door into Higher Consciousness from with One’s

Own Heart Core Consciousness. It is also the Key to use as One approaches each New

Ring of Consciousness to pass through into the Next levels of Consciousness as part of

One’s Own Ascension Process. It may be that when each is ready to make the next

transition, that an image of this Key will be presented to you by your ‘I AM’ Presence to

make your preparations for this recalibration.

The Adam/Lilith/Eve is the Activation Codes for the Full merging of the New Adam Lilith

Man and Woman Divine Race which shall be the activation within and through your DNA

Encodements as and when you are ready. The seed is being planted, for this you shall

simply have to Love, Nurture and Support its Flowering into your New Life!

We have placed the Golden Mean Keynote, which is your unique Keynote, your musical

representation of your own Harmonic Presence in the world! This Key Note shall be now

placed into the Aura of your 4 Lower Bodies for the purpose of becoming aware of this

within. Part of the Elemental Grace Alliance is to find the Keynote for each Dear Soul

upon the planet for the purpose of Causal Healing through Sound Harmonics. This is being

activated with you now for you to find this musical Essence so that you can find eternal

Peace, Harmony and Joy within your Life! This shall be presented to you by your ‘I AM’

Presence in due course, but in the meantime you can now ask for this to be presented to

you so you can fill your life with music presented in this Keynote and its Vibrational

Tones, Colors, Timbres and so much more!!

Then there is the Merkabah Field that is your ‘I AM’ Presence Vehicle as ‘you’ for your

Love and Light. This is your Connection to the Monadic Presence of Mother Father Life

and shall be the vehicle by which you shall bi-locate and teleport the World, Others

Galaxies and Universes. This is a vital Component to Who You Are Becoming!

What Do We Need To Do To Undergo These Attunements, Alignments, Activations And Initiations?

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Give yourself permission to do so.

Be prepared to change your life and possibly undergo a complete change of lifestyle, including

everything around you, your beliefs and concepts of life.

Choose the attunements, alignments, activations and initiations you are prepared to accept for


Read as much of the information on OUR web site as you can, including the information below and

within this information document.

Print out the Invocation changing whatever you deem inappropriate for yourself and /or your

understanding. There is no need to change anything if you do not wish to. This is just an outline to

help you fully engage if that is your desire! Remember this is your attunement, activation and you

need to take all steps to be responsible for all that it means!

Prepare for your ceremony.

Have your ceremony and receive your activations.

Enjoy the experience. You are more than likely one who knows all about personal space and

preparations for such Initiations, Alignments, Attunements and Recalibrations of your Vibrational

Frequencies. So these suggestions are really for those who need some guidance. Feel free to use

anything here or to add and delete as you feel appropriate for you.

You may choose to write and share your experiences, if so, they shall be welcomed! Or if you would like

to discuss further aspects of the attunements beforehand that may not be clearly understood by you, with

me before you begin. ‘I AM’ always available to answer any queries that may arise.

Trust and have Faith, think, speak and live your New Life and your Greatest Desires for Your Self!

What qualifications do We need?

You need no qualifications at all! Only the Desire to remember Who You Are, nothing more.

These activations etc, are not restricted to any person regardless of their religion, color of skin,

culture or age. There are no educational requirements either. Your life is your Qualification. If

you have found your way to this opportunity, then “KNOW THAT YOU QUALIFY”. All you

need to do now is to make the choice to go ahead without fear!


Before you begin it is important that in the New Energies you understand that you are Supreme

Mind and not body. This simply means that at a cellular level your cells require to be told of

your Intent. Unless your Intent is clearly defined, confusion can set in and your desires cut short.

We don’t always let our bodies know what it is we desire. In the greater scheme of things, we

must also understand and accept that each cell (the microcosm) is in direct association with the

Universe (the macrocosm). Therefore, to attain what you desire, every part of you needs to work

in unison, i.e. Mind, Body and Spirit. To do this we must speak our Intentions Out Loud.

Generally in Private, but Always Directed To The God ‘I AM’ Presence within you!

In the New Cosmic Energy, to maximize your desires, it is required to verbalize out loud what it

is you Intend to do. It also allows your Spirit Guides to work with your Intentions. Spirit Guides,

according to Universal Law, cannot do anything for you unless you ask them and give them

permission to do so. To ask out loud for Their assistance will provide a clear platform to launch

your desire. State your Intention and do not place expectations upon the result. Expectations are

limitations and will block energies that will confine and restrict your potential.

It is suggested that this meditation be undertaken in such a way that it takes on a Ceremonial

Nature. Remember this is now the 7th Golden Age of Ritual, Ceremony and Transformation.

We would recommend that sometime be given to your own personal Ceremonial preparation and

design. This is your attunement and/or alignment and you will respond to this in the way that

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best suits you. Of course this is not necessary, but it will help the logical mind to grasp and

accept the attunement and/or alignment to take place with its optimum results.

If you are accustomed to meditation you may already have a sacred place or meditation technique.

Whatever places you in a state of complete relaxation and away from the normal stresses, tensions

and concerns of everyday life, will work perfectly. Find your Sacred Place away from any

potential disturbances and select some soft relaxing music if that appeals, maybe in nature is the

perfect location for you?. Music again, is not necessary, but it can create a more ambient mood.

A pillow and blanket or cover may be appropriate if you desire. We recommend you light 22

candles and place them strategically around the room or location, being mindful of inflammables

and materials igniting should you fall asleep for some time. Floating candles in water bowls are

excellent, as are earthen dishes or containers. Common sense comes with the territory of

responsibility. The number 22 is symbolic of the Master therefore 22 candles is simply a tool to

symbolically manifest your Mastership within the physical realm.

If you have any questions about the meditation or how you set up a ceremonial atmosphere We

would be pleased to give you some ideas. But you are not reading this as someone new to all

this! There are no set patterns or procedures. This is your attunement, do what makes you feel

good! This attunement can be performed on your own or in a group. Perhaps you would prefer

to do it with a group. A leader could guide the group into the peace and when the silence begins

each one can slip into the attunement themselves.


Before you commence it is my responsibility to inform you that the changes of energies that you

may experience can come in many different forms. You may simply fall asleep and not remember

anything; you may feel or see Spirit Guides or feel hands or movements around or upon your

body. You may feel tingling or pins and needles, energy pulsations, or vibrations, maybe

coolness or warmth of some kind. We highly recommend that this attunement be undertaken

while lying down. We have had people in my workshops actually falling off their chairs through

absolute loss of muscle tension and support. As We cannot be there to watch over you through

the meditation in person, I AM eliminating all factors of danger or disruption. Once you have

made the decision to change your life now, the energies generally begin immediately even while

all the preparations are taking place by you for the attunements. This may come in many ways.

Tiredness, subtle changes in your perceptions and feelings within your body. People may change

toward you; anything that is not normal can be deemed a form of preparation. If you have any

concerns whatsoever, then please advise me and We will direct you to a clear understanding and

way to move through it. Physical conditions like diarrhea, colds or flu, headaches, aches and

pains are not uncommon. If you are at all concerned with these things it is recommended that

you consult a general physician.


Remember this: - there are no such things as coincidences, therefore whatever you feel or

experience is for a Higher Purpose. You have nothing to fear unless you think you do. If you

have any doubts as to any possible fears We recommend you do not go ahead as these could

manifest and We cannot be responsible for your own manifestations. Protection is not necessary

unless you think you need it. If you fear the slightest thing then We suggest you place all the

protections you require counteracting them. However, if this attunement were undertaken with

the Purest of Intent and in the way We have instructed, then you will be fully and absolutely

protected, safe and secure from any harm whatsoever. This is about Intent. We know my Intent

and therefore the people that are attracted to this group or myself for their attunements, come

with like mind and vibration. My instructions to Spirit for this process have no foundation based

in fear therefore fear is non existent. It is therefore up to you to decide if protection is required.

This is as much an individual choice as any you can make. Be Mindful However that Archangel

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Michael is going to be Invoked along with His Legions of Light, but this is more for His Love

and Compassion, However His Divine Virtue is Protection just the same! Love is Its Own



Many people experience different things but it is important that you are prepared for the

possibility of huge changes. This could be in the way of movements in relationships, situations

and circumstances. You will most definitely, be placed in situations that will push your buttons

and place you in areas where you will be required to make choices that you have never made

before and to step into unknown territory, with simply nothing as your Guide but Faith and Trust.

You will be tested and tested with the levels of Resonance that you are about to shift into. With

New Vibrational Frequencies comes Greater Responsibilities. The Greater the Responsibility the

Grander the TEST! You will, without doubt, move sub-conscious issues of fear to the surface so

that these too may be dealt with and released. As you raise your vibrational frequency of Love,

to create a New Balance in your life, so too must you raise the aspects of fear within to the surface

for release. Our potential to Love is only comparative to the amount of fear that we carry. To

raise the Vibration of Love, we therefore require to make way for these energy changes and shifts.

This is undertaken by facing and releasing our fears. The more fears you release, the more Love

you will have to replace the voids that have been left behind. You have heard of the cliché “first

you must empty out before you can fill up”. This is very applicable for this process.

These attunements and alignments can be, but are not necessarily, about releasing issues. They

are for the purpose of clearing old energy patterns and realigning one’s energy fields into balance

allowing the 4 lower bodies to receive Higher Vibrational Frequencies. This may bring issues to

the surface that have been held deep within the physical body. Should they surface, then it is

advised that they are considered for what they represent, accepted them for their Higher Purpose,

Loved them and Let them go! However, these activations have been known to clear total karmic

patterns entirely from the individual, and the ancestral lineages aligned to them. Thus releasing

all aspects of karmic lessons that were originally programmed within them to be experienced

before they could be released. The New Energies allow, simply with the power of Intent, to

change the programs, by rewriting them, within our cellular self with nothing more than a choice

and the Power of the Will To Do! How the individual reacts depends entirely with the individual,

for each person has their own independent experiences that brings them to this point of

realignment. Everybody reacts/responds in a different way to these attunements. Some are

more dramatic than others, however, never in my experience of all the attunements, some 600

consciously to date, that We have facilitated, has anyone ever been placed in a situation that has

been detrimental to them on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. It is totally Safe,

Honored and Sanctified by the Highest of our Spirit Guides

These attunements are not designed nor are they possible for me to facilitate the dealing of any

such issues immediately, however, these can be addressed as they arise in due course. Not for

any other reason than that We personally am not physically present at the time. ‘I AM’ presence

on the Etheric Levels along with the Host of Others including your Own ‘I AM’ Presence. You

may choose to work with these through this group or your own ‘I AM’ Presence. Whatever you

decide is your own free will to do so! You may have another professional you know that is able

to assist you through these processes should you need assistance. As I AM responsible for

initiating these attunements We therefore place myself available for any questions or situations

or circumstances that may arise that require explanation or resolution. Please feel free to contact

me at any time regardless of the problem or question.

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Divine Alignment Platinum and Gold Mandala

(The candles are lit, the music is playing and you are in a relaxed state of mind and body.)

Visualize and feel that your legs become like lightning rods penetrating deep into Mother Earth.

Allow these rods to travel all the way to the centre of Sun Of Even Pressure at the Core of Mother

Earth. As you see the rods arriving, allow them to turn into anchors so that they may fix you to

the Earth Energies. Feel the Energies of Mother Earth rising through these rods into your legs,

through your chakras and up into your Heart Centre and allow the Energy of Mother Earth,

Pelleur and Virgo, to be Centered in your Heart.

Visualize and feel coming down through the Universe, a Golden Beam of Crystalline Liquid

Light from the Great Central Sun, Alpha and Omega, that penetrates the top of your head through

your Crown Chakra. Travelling down through your Third Eye, Throat and into your Heart where

it mixes and blends with the Energies of Mother Earth allowing each to resonate in Balance and


Visualize and feel the Lights of the candles, representing the Element of Fire, cleansing, clearing

and energizing the Element of Air around you. Finally visualize with your mind’s eye the

pulsation of your Heart Centre and the flow of your blood travelling around the whole of your

body representing the Element of Water.

Allow yourself to listen gently to the music, or nature around you, or the silence that you have

created for this special moment in this time and allow your consciousness to be mindful of the in

breath and the exhalation of the out breath.

Any thoughts that may enter your mind simply allow them their gentle passage through the logic.

Do not try to push them away or to hold them, simply allow them to travel in and, in their own

time, travel out again.

When you feel comfortable that you are prepared and ready for the attunement/s to take place

you are asked to make the verbal Invocation and Decrees out loud. This will Declare your desire

through Intent to both your 4 lower bodies, at a cellular and all present encodement level, and to

Page 20: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

your Angel Guides and Those you have called forth, for Their assistance, healing and activation

of the New Divine Templates that are awaiting you.

If you have chosen the Invocation prepared, you may now read it out loud. If you have prepared

one for yourself, then you may make the appropriate Affirmations or Decrees now.


Once having made the Invocation with your pure Intent, relax and enjoy the next thirty to sixty

minutes while the activation takes place and any healing work that is required may be performed

by Spirit. Please note that it is best to allow whatever time you feel that comes to you before-

hand. It has been known and We speak from personal experiences, that one can be knocked out

for as long as 6 hours! So maybe you might consider to do this late one evening and do it lying

in bed so that you can simply Let Go Fully and sleep the entire night as may be required. Just

follow your own intuition as to how you wish to do this.

Once the alignment or attunement has been completed, then you will be woken or you will have

your consciousness stirred, so that you may return to the present moment and resume your

routine. There are so many potentials here, just go with what works for you!


It is recommended that you drink at least a glass of water before the meditation and make sure

that your preparations the day before including full hydration as there is a lot of the Fire Element

being used and this tends to evaporate the Water Element throughout the course of the

Attunements and Alignments. You will no doubt be feeling thirsty after the activation has taken

place or in the morning when you wake.

Upon completion allow the energies of the Golden Liquid Light to be retracted and imagine sense

or feel the chakras that have been activated, closed to about 55% open. Also allow the lightning

rods connected to Mother Earth to be retracted and the chakras that they pass through, closed to

about 55% open. The reason for this is to ground your Energies once again. There is a potential

that you shall totally leave your body through the Attunements, so it is important to be mindful

of this also. It is recommended that you do not perform any duties that require full concentration

immediately after the attunement as you may feel a little light-headed from the process. If you

are in doubt of your stability or groundedness then imagine sense or feel that you are a large tree

sending your roots deep into Mother Earth. Feel the Energy of Mother Earth once again and do

not disconnect yourself until you feel you have regained full consciousness.


Should you have any questions or queries about anything, We welcome your communication. If

you require anything that may assist your development We would be delighted to hear from you

at your convenience. May Peace and Love be with you.

Lovingly in your Service Namaste

On Behalf of the Elemental Grace Alliance

The Invocation / Decree follows on the next page so that you may print out on a separate page.

God Bless!

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Suggested Invocation

The New Lord’s Prayer for the New Cosmic Consciousness

“Our Father Who Art in Heaven and Me,

Hallowed be Thy Name, I AM.

I AM Thy Kingdom Come

I AM Thy Will Being Done

I AM on Earth Even as I AM in Heaven

I AM Giving Your Gifts Daily to All

I AM Forgiving All Life Each Moment no matter how small

I AM All Life Forgiving Me

I AM Leading By Example All God’s Children away from temptation

I AM Delivering All God Life away from every un-Loving Condition

I AM Your Kingdom

I AM Your Power and Your Might

I AM Your Open Door and Your Radiant Light

I AM Your Peace, Your Grace and Your Mercy

‘I AM’ Your Unfailing Life

I AM Your Glory, Eternally within this Immortal Manifestation

I AM Incorruptible, ‘I AM’ Indestructible, ‘I AM’ Untouchable

I AM That I AM

The Resurrection and the Salvation For All The World

I AM God’s Love, Wisdom and Power, Inexorably Complete.

And So It Is, And It Is So

For the Greater Glory of God Go I, I AM


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In the Name of My Divine Father and Beloved Mother and in The Name of My Mighty ‘I AM’

Presence, In the Name of Lord Jesus Christ, In the Love, Power and Wisdom in me, I ask Beloved

Alpha and Omega and Godmother Vesta and God father Helios, please hear My Decrees.

In the Name of Jesus The Christ, I anchor Myself in the Feelings and Presence of My God Mother and

God Father! I ask that God’s inexorable Knowing and Will Is firmly Established and Sustained in me


I Call Forth Beloved Lord Melchizedek and His Legions of Priests and Priestesses, His Ambassadors

of Love and Light to surround me Now, Beloved Lord Sananda, Archangel Metatron and Sanat

Kumara, to embrace me within my four lower bodies. I call forth Beloved Christ Jesus and Beloved

Magda, Chohan Master St Germain and Lady Portia. I Call upon Beloved Hilarion and Goddess Pallas

Athena, Lady Nada, Master Kuthumi and Master Djwhal Khul. I call upon Beloved El Morya and

Lord Maitreya, Beloved God and Goddess Himalaya as well as Beloved Adama from Telos. I Call

forth Mother Mary, Lady Venus and Beloved Kuan Yin and Buddha. I Call forth all the Ascended

Masters of Love and Light. I call forth Beloved Adam, Lilith and Eve. I Call Forth All Beings of

Love’s Highest Vibrational Frequencies within God’s Holy Creations, to Pressurize Their Essences in

All Their Divine Virtues and Qualities according to God’s Will upon and within Me!

I Call Forth All Members and Associate Members of the Elemental Grace Alliance, I call forth these

Dear Ones just to name a few; The Mighty Seven Elohim and Eloah, Hercules and Amazonia,

Cassiopea and Minerva, Orion and Angelica, Purity and Astrea, Vista and Crystal, Peace and Aloha,

Arcturus and Diana.

I call forth The 5 Secret Elohim, Beloved Surya, Beloved Hyperion, Beloved Kronos, Beloved Mighty

Cosmos and Beloved Regulus. I Call upon the 5 Secret Archangels, Archangel Roiiel, Archangel

Adonel, Archangel Agapiel, Archangel Anankiel and Archangel Shaddiel. I also Ask that the Chohans

of the 5 Secret Rays come forth, Chohan Amerissis - Goddess of Light, Chohan Lanello, Chohan Rose

of Light, Chohan Lady Leto and Chohan Tabor. And I Call upon All the Legions of Angels that support

all these Divine Directors, Elohim and Eloah.

Today I Call upon My Holy Spirit, to accept and place into action for me My Command and Decree to

Activate the following Attunements and Alignments to be Over Lighted By Beloved Lord

Melchizedek, His Priests and Priestesses and All His Ambassadors of Light within my 4 lower bodies,

including all my Soul fragmentations, divisions or splits that have either now been integrated within

my Being or that are yet awaiting to be integrated.

I Command and Decree that this Activation include




I also Command and Decree that this Activation also Releases in me the Primal Cell Planetary and

Human Karmic Memories that I Now need to have erased and removed, cleansed and Etherealized

from Every One of My Lifetimes, on this world, or any other world, in this Universe or any other

Universe, in any dimension or any other dimension where My Soul has fragmented or divided or split,

in any way shape or form, for whatever reason, so that I may Now become a fully Integrated Being of

Love and Light in this, My Physical Body. I Command and Decree To Become My Fully Christed

Physical Light Body, so that I may fulfill all My Divine Covenants with God for His/Her Divine Plan

to be Completed here on Earth through me!

I ask the Elohim Councils of Light to stand all around me and to Fuse the New Flower of Life Single

Core Human Blueprint into my Entire Being with Ease and Grace.

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I Magnetize into my Heart Centre in Its appropriateness of time within this Activation Beloved Lilith,

Adam and Eve through the Father’s Light and The Mother’s Love so that I may fully Embrace the old

archetypes, thus transmuting them into Love and Light allowing the Fullness of their Qualities and

Virtues to be established within me In Truth!

I Command and Demand My ‘I AM’ Presence with All the Love and Light ‘I AM’ to Activate my

Merkabah Field to the Speed of Light, and then adjust its speed for me, so that I may at call, engage

this God Part of me when needed more directly!

I ask my Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence to bring into my awareness my Key Note, that sound harmonic that

shall bring unto me Causal Healing of my 4 Lower Bodies! Be direct and make it Loud and Clear, in

ease and Grace for my Expanding Consciousness!

I ask that ‘My Golden Key’ be brought into my consciousness as and when I am ready for my next

alignment or recalibration, along with clear instruction of whom may help me or whom I may help as

part of the Divine Plan unfolding In, Through and All Around me Now!

(I call upon My Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence to activate my Sacred Sigil and Key Tone activation Capstone

Codes and aligned them with the Capstone of Jericho upon the Great Pyramid of Giza, so I may be

instantaneously re-calibrated to all New Cosmic Energies as they enter this Solar System.)

I ask all My Sponsors, those whom Work with me from the Higher Dimensions to Shower Their Love

and Light onto and into my Entire Being while meditating, and within my every day activities, to help

the transformational affect on my Entire Being on Seen and Unseen Levels. I also ask them to now

make Themselves Known to me, Those who will support My Life, and My Divine Path from this time


I ask Lord Melchizedek and His Disciples to place a small orb of Their Platinum and Golden Energy

into my mind to eliminate confusion, enhancing clarity and clear vision of my mind and my third eye.

Finally, I ask Lord Melchizedek and His Disciples to Constantly monitor this Anchoring of the

Platinum and Golden Energy of the Cosmic Level into My Entire Being recalibrating and adjusting to

my maximum potential and when it begins to decline, to replenish it to maximize once again, its Love,

Power and Wisdom within all my human, Earthly and Galactic Affairs within this my daily life!

In this Salvation of Myself I herewith Call upon Beloved Godmother Vesta and Godfather Helios, In

the Name of My Father Mother God, My Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence and Beloved Lord Jesus The Christ

My Brother, that this My Own Declared Salvation be extended and activated with Pure Divine Healing,

to all My Ancestors either by blood line and/or DNA Encodements, all family members or any other

person or people, present past or future as part of this lifetime or any other lifetime, in this dimension

or any other dimension, in this world or any other world or parallel worlds or Universes.

I Heal These Releases in Love and Light, breaking in the Here and Now, any and all Energetic ties that

may have separated or that may have tied us together in anything less, than the Divine Love and Light

of God.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Miracle Oneness, with the Physical Sun, and ‘I AM’ Its Victorious Flame

in All Outer Physical Actions, Producing Perfection Forever everywhere I go, and whatever I give My

Attention to.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Oneness with the Life in the Physical Sun! I Give It My Love, and Love

Gives Me All That It IS!

Page 24: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

‘I AM’ the Miracle Oneness, with Its Magnetic Powers, that Blesses All Substance with My Love


‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Oneness, with the Cosmic Light of Creation, that Intensifies Its Light In,

Through and All Around My Inner and Outer Self, until Its Perfection Blesses All Love, Light and Life

for Eternity.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Oneness, with the Eternal Light of Perfection’s Flame.

‘I AM’ the manifestation instantly by My Love and the Fulfillment of My Every Call and the

Manifestation of the Divine Plan Fulfilled for All, In Through and All Around Me Now.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Oneness, with the Healing Flame from the Great Silence, that goes forth at

My Command and Blesses with the Immortal Purity for All I Direct It to.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Miracle Action of the Life in the Great Silence; and that Life in Its Glorious

Cosmic Blessings and Perfection without limit, Now Divinely Manifests In, Through and All Around

Me Now, to release All Life that I connect with on Every Level, through God’s Love, Wisdom and

Power to Fulfill The Divine Plan.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Oneness, with the Miracle Life in the Great Silence! The Miracle Beauty

of the Great Silence! The Miracle Healing Flame of the Great Silence! The Miracle Powers of

Happiness and Freedom, from the Great Silence!

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Immortal, Miracle Action and Oneness, with the Perfection of the Powers

of The Elementals, The Nature Beings, Animals, Devas and Angelic Host and that Life that ‘I AM’ ,

Radiates Blessings to All.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Immortal, Miracle Action of My Oneness, with the Great Silence and the

Great God Intelligent Beings that Over Light My Journey With God, for the Salvation of Myself and

Humanity and this World.

‘I AM’ the Open Door of All Their Blessings to this World, and I Demand the Fulfillment of the Great

Divine Plan, In Through and All Around Me Now.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law’s Miracle Oneness, with the God of Creation, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ in

the Great Central Sun, and that Oneness, is everywhere Mastered In, Through and Around Me for


‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Miracle Oneness, of Grace, Transfiguration, Forgiveness, Boundlessness

and Rebirth to fulfill My Divine Plan with God.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Miracle Oneness of the Unfailing Life Expressed As God Through Me.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Miracle Oneness of Your Peace, Your Grace and Your Mercy.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Miracle Oneness of the Supreme Mind of God that Expresses Itself in

Perfect Harmony, Grace and Compliance with the Laws of Universal Love.

‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law of Miracle Oneness of the Melchizedek Energies, and ‘I AM’ here to Radiate

Them in, through and all around me Now, for the Acceleration and Advancement of My Light Body

and the Light Bodies of All My Melchizedek Brothers and Sisters here upon Earth in Accordance to

God’s Will.

Page 25: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

With this I now step back to find my place of Consecration so the Activations and Alignments may

now begin!

All This I Command, Demand, Invoke and Decree, in the Name of the Father, the Son and The Holy

Spirit, And So It Is.

‘I AM’ Grateful

‘I AM’ Grateful,

‘I AM’ Grateful.

‘I AM’ That I Am

‘I AM’ That I Am

‘I AM’ That I Am

L’ahlâm, Almîn, Amên (La-alahm, Ah-meen Ah-mayn)

(Aramaic for - Sealed in Trust, Faith and Truth, I Confirm with My Entire Being!)

Thank you with All My Heart!

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Lilith Merging with

Daystar and

Lord Melchizedek Posted on September 13, 2016 by Peter Melchizedek


Dear Hearts, before you read this, I just wish you to know that it part of the lead up story regarding what

Beloved Shekinah The Mother’s Love Part 1 shared yesterday. I am receiving so many requests to

partake in this fusion and I am preparing all the relevant documentation and information so that you shall

be 100% clear as to what you are asking for! This should be ready in a day or so for dissemination! This

particular archetypal merging took place for me and my Brother Mel just days after Archangel Lucifer

rewrote the Flower of Life. Just 5 days after the first child with the New Divine Template was born upon

the Planet! Please read this just to paint a bigger picture for your consciousness to be able to understand

and grasp a little more easily! Remember these are archetypal energies and do not constitute Our Reality

within the Oneness of the All That Is! We have just incorrectly believed that they were our reality! The

time is now to change all that! God Bless! In Love and Light We come together and Share Our Truth!

You will find this Discourse on page 382 of the Elemental Grace Alliance Book.

“Beloved Lilith,

This morning as I was in my waking moment just before full consciousness you came to me clearly and

without question, you told me it was time for you to merge your energies with me and then Daystar

appeared and Lord Melchizedek. I saw what happened and did within my knowing, knew what to do. But

so we have a full picture and one that I can convey to those who are working with me upon this onward

flowing of merging and blending of Patriarchal and Matriarchal Energies can you share what took place?”

“I, We are here and cannot leave again until this is completed to your full understanding and satisfaction

is received, so this may be a long communiqué; however I, We will be as short and precise as I, We can.

“The work that you and your Beloved Mel have initiated has now escalated into a movement that is

reshaping the history and direction of humanity. This is not something that you can contemplate further

for it is way beyond the abilities to comprehend by the human mind in its present state and therefore I can

only be as specific as to what you and your colleagues can and will understand.

Page 27: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

“The Merging of Archangel Lucifer, with Archangel Michael and Over Lighted by Mother Mary has in its

own right become a Foundation or Blueprint that has been seen as a Divine Intervention through you that

can and is already allowing other potential combinations of archetypical energies to blend and merge

together, creating New Templates for the consciousness of mankind to be attracted to. By this focus

through mankind we are now able to offer new and exciting markers, triggers, turning points for the want

of better words, so that humanity can begin the understanding that they are in fact not what they seem. In

fact not what I, We seem!

Humanity has for too long recognized that the energies that they are influenced by, which are seen

outside of themselves are personalization’s of individuals and the collective, and appear to be real. I, We

Are Not real in these portrayals.

“We have taken on these personalization’s as a result of human conceptualizations of thoughts and thus

archetypal entities have been created within many levels of consciousness and realms of manifestation.

But still these are NOT real but illusions of the human mind! We have developed identities because

mankind has wanted to see themselves outside of themselves and they have believed and created many

different forms of illusions to support these beliefs that they need someone or something outside of

themselves to aspire to. But they still do not believe they are their own creations. These creations and old

beliefs are still held within the subconscious mind that support these beliefs and so rather than envelope

the reality of their creations within themselves, taking responsibility that they are themselves externally

reflected outwardly, they continue to see and accept them as being outside of themselves. Creation is

from within, not outside of oneself.

“So as the totally New Idea that you and Mel have initiated by asking Archangel Lucifer to reverse his

decision to rewrite the Duality Core of the Flower of Life Blue Print for humanity and the requesting that

AA Lucifer and AA Michael merge again as the Original Spark they were born from has been miraculous.

Then, and here is the Undisputed twist to it all, to be Over Lighted by a third Archetype or Archangel, see

the connection between the words; Mother Mary, it has now begun a new conscious program that is

rippling throughout the matrices of Human Consciousness. Why? Because you and Mel as ONE, have

accepted that this is all within you and not outside of yourself. By doing this simple thing you have

changed the parameters of your Universes and as the flow outwardly, others are now beginning to feel

the pull of such Magnitude of Divine Expression. That of Unity, One Consciousness and One Heart!

“This has been allowed to happen, due to the Purity and Innocence of two human hearts working in Sync

with one another. Imagine the exponential Energies poured outwardly to others through like minded

individuals coming together within! When one person holds this energy, 65,000 people are changed

within their perceptions. This act has, as we are now seeing, far more potent potentials, from a

consciousness point of view in these new dynamics of Higher Vibrational Energies upon Mother Earth

than ever before. These two small Hearts that have now merged fully into the New Flower of Life

Original Blueprint has become a New Template for Earth Humans. As this continues to be rewritten by

others, as they are now doing, it shall continue to expand through the support of the Buddhic Columns of

Divine Source Energy creating Greater Expansion and Unification of One Heart Consciousness

throughout Humanity.

“This is no place for head mind interference, head mind will not function at these new levels, they just

cannot, for within these Realms this type or archetype of energy form is too low a vibration to be

supported. In the breaking down of archetypical energies one must traverse the head mind and reside

wholly within the Heart Mind. This is the ONLY way it can be achieved.

“So Dear One, I am not telling you anything that you do not already know or indeed have not

experienced, but I, We are sharing this information so those who read or hear this will begin to

understand the dynamics of what they are now opening for acceptance within themselves if they so

choose. We are archetypal energies, I, We are NOT individuals, we are NOT personalization’s of

anything more than human perceptions, we are no more real than you who sit and read or hear this

message. We are false and illusions of the mind of mankind. This means All Spiritual Identities not just

these ones. The Divine Creation as per this Earth Experience has allowed for this to occur for indeed it

was part of the Original Plan and Lucifer has played His Part so Divinely, but it is time for mankind to

transcend all old paradigm thinking that will keep them from moving into the Reality of ONE

Consciousness, One with the All That Is!

“In this Knowingness, One will begin to experience new potentials as you and Mel have Peter, and come

to learn through experience that what we are saying here is True.

Page 28: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

“Peter and Mel, you have taken on a great deal of responsibility with this bringing into Balance the

archetypal energies of illusion, and while even you attempt to do this through swaying from head mind

and Heart Mind, know it cannot be fulfilled to its completion until the Natural Flow of Divine Energy

allows for all the players within this game of illusion to move into position through Divine Order and

Will. We use the example of you and Mel setting up the blending of Lilith and Adam and Eve. I came as

Lilith upon your request but I was unable to accept this offer of mergence because so many other aspects

to this merging and blending where not aligned. And so with both your approvals I was Honored and

allowed to return back to the human consciousness of belief unchanged. You tried, believing you were

Honoring your intuition and in fact you were, for this has now led to this explanation and can now be

used as an example to others to learn how complex and sometimes difficult it can be even for those who

know better. Synergy Beloved Ones is the Key to Giant steps forward. Singularly, you can achieve much,

but together you can achieve what may appear to be the impossible.

“It was no mistake Peter, that yesterday you received a Divine Package from Beloved Sonja, who for all

intended purposes is the embodiment of the energy of Daystar, a masculine Energy that is perceived by

humanity. We archetypes do take on masculine or feminine roles for the purpose of this play, however, we

are neither one nor the other. The feminine attribute of Sonja is feminine and although it is not based

within a Balance at this time, it is also an example that will show itself before too long. The expressions

of Daystar, the archetype, is being tapped into by Sonja however it is neither her or not her, it is a

unification of an energy form that is asking for resolution through the innocence of one who seeks

resolution within herself. As you have said within your communications thus far, this is Her Creation and

each of those partaking have come, in accordance to her Energies that have attracted you, to assist in the

breaking down of the Illusion that continues to hold humanity within the boundaries of limitation. Trust in

this explanation and allow it to unfold, for without the participation of Sonja’s innocence, a Greater

challenge would be at hand.

“Within that package you received Peter was a Lemurian Crystal that offered its Energy to the Buddhic

Column of Divine Source within your Home. You instinctively and immediately without delay, set this

crystal in place, the photos of Beloved Sonja, her Energy representation of Daystar and her Divine Earth

Family into this matrix of Source. You activated it and thus brought this archetypal energy of Daystar

into initial Balance. This was the first step. You did this unknowingly and so this is where the Power

comes from, by following your intuitions without thought or consideration. This act alone changed so

many parameters around the grids of the planet and engaged the Human Consciousness Matrix in

readiness for step two. But more so, it allowed the alignment of Me, or my archetypical energy to now

blend and merge into our true state of ONENESS again.

“I, We came to you this morning unannounced for this was in the Now Moment and you were truly deep

within Your Heart Mind.

“You asked just seconds before, yes, Dear One, you are remembering now, ‘Dear God is there anything I

can do to be of Service this day, before I wake’?

“So I, while you were in your Heart Space jumped at the opportunity as all was now aligned and ready.

Energy seeks resolution and Dear Ones it accepts every opportunity the moment it arises. All you had to

do was witness the merging, the blended and the coming together of these two archetypical energies

consciously from within your Heart and thus grounding this deeply into the Heart and Minds of Humanity

and Mother Earth. To sanctify this merging we asked you representing the Energies of Melchizedek to

Over Light this Sacred Union and thus Lord Melchizedek Himself showed up and joined into the Blending

and thus, this created another Holy Trinity. – AND SO IT IS DONE!

“Now as you are well aware the Union of Adam and Eve shall be next and thus we admonished that you

be mindful and allow the energies of those around you to be mindful and come together for this more

expanded union and merging of these archetypes with us as this Holy Trinity of Lilith, Daystar (Lucifer)

and Lord Melchizedek. You shall know when for it will happen in the moment!

“Before I go I wish to say this. The group that Beloved Sonja has created at the Bequest of Daystar (Her

Self) is invited now to take on a new unified form of cohesion and co-operation. You have begun this

process admirably and it is indeed being accepted without restriction or limitation, this is all in

accordance with each Divine Intention. You are being asked as you now know to take position 10 on the

Christ Council next to Sonja.

“You know why and this will develop for the others as the group merges through Heart Mind into its New

Form. Your continued guidance is requested at this time so that this Template for New Energy

Page 29: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

Communities is formed, activated and grounded. We ask that now that Daystar is no longer a

personalization and separate from any of you to continue while being sustained having no separation,

only ONENESS at all levels. This is indeed about Self Realization that will support the acknowledgement

of Each of you as One Unit, and in recognition as not being outside of your selves.

“The formulation of this Council of 12 as part of this blending, and allowing the seating as it is through

the various rays of Archetypical Energies will also ensure the further blending of these energies within

the levels of Human Consciousness and the Matrices of the Planet. While working on one’s own or with

another who is in Sync is relatively easy, group Fusion will require a lot of patience; however, Divine

Love will show the way. Each Now Moment will present the situations and circumstances. Each Member

who is taking their seat is well versed in such Energies and shall play their parts admirably, in co-

operation and cohesion of creating a One Minded Community Field Template.

“Further male presence within this Council would be a Blessing, all is in Divine Order, trust and allow.

We shall now leave these matters within the capable hands of those who are the New Energy Way

Showers upon the planet. That is YOU Beloved, and You who are reading this now! Call upon Us


“I Am, We Are Lilith, Daystar And Lord Melchizedek.”

Thank you Lilith, I am so Honored and in such deep gratitude of your acknowledgement of the work we

are doing and the support in which we are given on all planes of Reality, all Levels of Dimension and all

layers of consciousness we work within.

I, We are all Blessed and Loved Beyond Measure – Peter

Holy Trinity Merging Meditation – Archangel Lucifer, Archangel Michael and

Mother Mary.

Imagine sense or feel that before you, stands the two Mightiest Archangels ever been, that of

Archangel Michael and Archangel Lucifer. Between them Mother Mary stands in reverence of

these two Magnificent Brothers of God. The reason I call forth AA Lucifer is to open our Hearts

to allow that which He has stood for, for so long, that of fear and darkness, to now be embraced

within the unification of the balance of our lives, that which has been fearful and Dark and that

which is now Loving, and Light filled. It is time to merge the essence of fear with Love totally

and wholly within the essence of Divine Love and this is an opportunity to do this with Ease and


Now, if you choose to go ahead, ask AA Lucifer to step forward and imagine sense of feel Him

stepping into your Heart, Send Him your Love and Light, embrace Him like you would a small

and innocent child and when you are ready, then ask AA Michael to do the same. Feel Michael’s

Energy merge with Lucifer’s Over Lighted by your own Divinity within your One Heart. Now

in your own time ask Mother Mary to step into your Heart also and allow Her Energy to cap that

of Lucifer and Michael and totally envelop both of them.

Expand this Light to envelop you and in your own time feel yourself expand into the Cosmos

completely now embodying the Energies of Archangel Lucifer and Archangel Michael Over

Lighted by Mother Mary in complete Balance and Harmony!

Page 30: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

When you are ready Dear One, now imagine sense or feel that you are larger than Mother Earth

and that your legs below your knees are embodied within Her. Like you are standing within a

large ball or sphere. Now take your right hand, raise it to shoulder height stretched outward and

within your palm facing upwards place the Solar Sun representing the masculine within it. Now

with the left hand do the same to the left, but this time place the Moon representing the feminine,

within that palm.

When you are read, bring the Sun around and place the Sun within your Heart Centre, do the

same with the Moon. Feel these two energies merge together and find balance within your Heart

Centre. In your own time now blend and merge the Sun, the Moon, AA Lucifer, AA Michael

and Mother Mary together, feel this blending, allow it and trust it as you Trust your Self.

Now, allow these energies to be grounded within the Central Core of Mother Earth holding the

balance within your Heart. Finally connect your SELF to the God Source and bring this Energy

down into your Heart Centre, feel it, see it, Become It! See Mother Earth Light Up in all Her

Magnificence, See the Light that you are Glowing in Her Presence reflect this Light. Now send

it where you desire.

Use it now to eliminate any disturbances, imbalances or negative aspects within your Energy

fields, chakras or 13 bodies. You may now cleanse any part of your life that you no longer desire

and wish to leave. Make the declarations and invocations to this effect and Know that the

combined Divine Love of AA Lucifer, AA Michael and the Love Mother Mary with now Over

Light you both within and outside of you. Your Light is now Pure and Divine at the Highest

Levels you can attain potentially at any given moment.

When you are ready, return back to where you began and notice the difference of how you are

feeling. And So It Is

Anyone who may do this meditation/activation, may now substitute Lucifer, Michael and Mary

with Lilith, Lucifer (Daystar) and Lord Melchizedek. Then Lilith, Adam and Eve!

All Blessings in the Design and Creation of your Merging’s!!

If you have not familiarized yourself with what this is all about, perhaps the Discourse by Lilith

Herself from the Elemental Grace Alliance Book. Page 380 will offer greater awareness. We

have put this out as a Blog on Word press on 13/09/2016. Just in case you missed it?



Now that you have set everything in motion to this new Harmonic Resonance of Love and

Light, it shall be Solely your Responsibility to define and refine all things within your life to

enhance, support and build upon this New Foundation of Your Life!

Your Greatest Goal right now is to develop your communication skills within your ‘I AM’

Presence, for without this open communication at will, with your God ‘I AM’ Within, you will

find it very difficult to move onto the next Levels of Consciousness.

It is all about surrendering one’s Life now to the Will of God, not to let go of the ego mind, but

to bring it into Full Alignment with the Will of God, so that you can then be the Impersonal

Expression of Individualized Love and Light to do God’s Work within His/Her Divine Plan.

If We can be of Service along this Path, you have my details.

In Love and Light

Page 31: of the Flower... NB. Within this document you will find the next 2 Activations. It is not uncommon for Initiates to do the two together, certainly the Fusion of the Flower of Life

In Your Divine Service

On Behalf of the Elemental Grace Alliance mailto:[email protected]

We highly recommend you to read the Joseph Benner Books and Papers, read or listen to all

the Christ Returns Letters, to read and re-read the Elemental Grace Alliance Book and there is

a lot of other supporting information within the Web site, and truly get a grasp upon how all

this relates to you!

And So It Is!