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ⅢE NEW /YORR 富血腫胞. SUNDAY. DECEKBER 12, 1937. PrI'eet h Shのtdd'co Up ,・ Sloch 〟dd lo Rephc● ○○du P tn網〃● nt重富〇〇m・ 京▲鶴田的GでoN. oec. ll.-In・ 紺′繁.?.i.講 〃lo機● 0- 88〃ntm ●m prlced ●t loon e lo章o per ceel ln ●eV℡nc● ol th● pncかpr●▼JlIn裏山J山′ ol qllJ re●重. due lo ue diIflcultr ln ppIImbI dccb IOa OI he81. 0。ct cB ue Put CI JDCrCt-tJ tC erde● ●鋤き〇回tldet pfeydllnさcoR・ dluon●. ●cco●dloI b qle BuIt●u oI romIn ●nd nOneeIIe con・ n●rC●. ▲ Brlq●b nlnt n●tlVJ●ctlJrlIl8 ccneern loe●hd h smghai ln・ ∝●●鴫d ue pdceJ Ol ltJ prOductJ p per emt 〟 el o●c・ 1 hc●tpe ol tnt lJle〃●●Jd celt bI m▼ flu・ t●rIen. qal h一ho● bcell dtch●td lo H〃n・ toy qJ Wuchmf. rYcllty CI・ Iene● punI●hble br de〃th ●re lleted. seycn-p・t曹o nob CountIcJ ln soulhem鯖oI持寄. Nohhem櫨on●n 〟nd Nortもern ahnlone hV● d● oouncd N●nklIle ud tb● KuoniB・ tJlll lN●llotmlh p●hyJ ●lId ●dopt・ WIIERB CHWESE DEFY LAND, AIR. NAVAL AnACH Dei●tlderJ On N●ntibI'● n●ql▼●賀●II〃能prtlenled br lhe he●▼▼ blJCt lhe. Orc lh..ll.ek.,I -ho IJl eIpdld Jt1..lI ▼lclor7. 0hi′ the B青●nBh▼● t●le, the ●OgIhe〃●-●m ●nlr●tlCC. hu tIt●tt CJplqrd me dtfenderJ h●▼e no ●▼enue ol mpe b●ctll調-hc′ ●〃● cul oll ln 〃II dlrecIIoれ● etcePl ac〃09● lhe Y●h●I峨(o Pqto青. and lhe In▼℡d●着●●e onI′ 一en mil調lmm lh●t oeII青●r lemlnu」 8 6REÅ7棚鵬H雌 棚W PEIPI鵬RULE FOR OHIHA IS郎Ⅲ ected to Put ToKYo cool To KANcTE New Regime calied Necettary to Rescue peopI● From .FoiI● oI Nahkihg' PHItlgNO. chl〇〇. DJe. 11の.- ReきtOmtleh of me lorner Repub・ IIcab N●llon〃i cblne●〇 °overn・ m●nt in North Chin● by lh● J●p●・ ne●e Afny場Ithlo 〇一●▼ d●y● ▼●● !orece●l today by 冒eiI・inlomee Cbine〃e 〃ouoce●. The J●pane〃e wer● not ●● e叫iidl. but they lfeely pr● dlet●d th●t there lpOuld be `.〟 n●● 〃ovemnent Very 〃000.°I tbe reylved repubuean cOVem・ nent.凪● chIee●e be一ieve, nI●bt 註.'.':oT豊I.'害.by,?,C"iR, at妹:'豊 ○○u●● ○! the eeveraace o重〃eIauen● bettpeeIl toilyO ●nd the NnklnS Government. chme〃e tler● γletred the tlro●咋t 恕湘:・・?..ilni,it.,'よ1.管.A.f'nH.::: hpan tte eonlroi. {▲ oom●lJ●ptn●●e he▼● ●tency dISp●tch l〇〇mでlehteln ●ald lbe pc●ce m●inten●nc● eomnhoioh there h〟d ●nnounctd ll cou一d nO Ion裏er tece的ite the N●nkln重 きoVemment きき Chln●'t eentnl LulhoI・lty nd "uld luDJCrt uC creation of 〟 he● reglne. ith● deciaratlon ●a● ●eot to ●lmlI●r commIuIo調In central aha Nohh chih」 Il coht●nded 〟 ne● ChIIle●e rceImo m● tleceJP mry to I.leJCue chlha●● 41m,000.〟 OIXI lrom ue tollll el N●nklh8 md the Comlnlem."●l Dellnlle devCIopmeht3 9●r● ●賀・ pecIcd lo ●●●il o● ○○pture eI Nan・ klnt 〟nd lhe mIurn lromでokyo. probきbty tomorrow. ol coloneI N〇・ mote. iocaI Japme●● mIIIhty mit・ ●Ioh cbiel. It 農a● belleved h● wou一d tlrll)8 tI●ek ttIe J●oane●e W●● ouice`● deei〃lon on Notu chin〟 pI〃n●. 。擢整継.I.'nBi.I.miL',I"I.re謙 ●evenl hIItne●●. purportedIg tc p一ead lor lh● re`um OI Emperor mnBte 〇一 M●ltChutuo.青ho ▼●● former一y Emperor ol chln〃. to ue pelpI噂throne. Janheee. ho▼ever. ▼tre be一ieved lo 一ook unl●Vorebly on the 〃chehl●. Aecerdl賀意 tO -h● chlne〃●. mei pr∞lden` of the rettored republl- c〃hまoVemment ▼Ould b● 75・y∞r・ oidで●ao 比un.一ho became the tut pre〃Ident o1 -h● Antu 〃epubIIe ln le24.†hey e叫ecしcd oene章al Wu pel,(u. 〟nother relloed Northern ▼きr 一ord. tpollid lle n〃de Vlee ne〃1d●ht. ..I.cJ藍。?.I.'.tgb';`.t禁.紘.1m.uS想: nhI ol N〃nki叱. A Jepane〃● klle b●Ilooh hal b●eo no裏unきbi裏b over iocci:cup.:.:C.i T.I.?.紘..'n..A.C",A.cJn..i N〟n klのき. FIotpeI・′ 〃rclle〃 ●調belng e。●ctol 簿器酪t,Sh.'.C',t撚.i.蕊.C: cJnnCn. BchollI culdron boIYC tCen ordered to moblII章e tor 〃 mmde. 繕!.nb.I:ib綱. tnjE.C.te.i jS'蕊 rlck●h●● tl●Ⅴ● tcen lold to e●r事y bahnert. ``でhu.I" 〃otd one chlneee. "●lhu 一● tJJl● the uitln●tJ Itl bltletne〃● ?.'+,'n'nt.I.Lc,'盤.I,'dJd'.bJ'1g'B il山by eur ●hemy."I ‡Ⅲ0mH 丁. V.釦0119 SIy● Tokyo raee● .Ballkuptcy an掴eyolt ol とhraged Ta甲種yen sTRtSStS cHIN▲`3削cHES e。hk。,高….,. McqultC FlnarlCCt lcr rwr YcLr9 0I RcSiCtallCC 鴇鑑窪詫=.".I ii.I:a Y.tnLnn.(.A,I.'..0.㍗.蕊.-.PE Jur● t・● can-JLp●n青Iu bc on m● b轟ot oI bankruptcy nd l∝Iat re▼°lutIen y " ml○ ○,a●調● enpbきくIc d●et●mlloo olで. V. 800mg. he〟d ol lbe BatIB o! (露in● ●nd bmlber o一 握か●. cbLLn夢Kd・●hek・ In ee e請Iu〃l'● 16-e hIielp. '・It ▼ill hk● ●h● l叩きaele PCeDl● lhlrly or一〇rly ye●r● lo p〟y ′oo the pre●eOt富●t ln chln●・`● be ●dd・ ・・They ●r● ●Irc●dy revolMt ●l lbe Ide● ef pem一叱 theIr neh ●ne money Into 〟 ▼u lh●t JII b競れt J●pah nolhin● but ●dd●d ら-〃den● ●hd lroubl●. ●.Ttll●青●r ba〟 b●com● 〃種●lt●r ol dolI●調 rron no一〇n our ee・ 一●n●● ▼Ⅲ co〟t on●tenth ●b●t lbe J●pan●ae n面●pend to ndntJn th●1r lnVadiag lorc●. 'lChlno vlu tIOt OBBC t tlCtIIp 機能tl"I録d M●r. our ●oYemn●nl bu l●Idか〃n● for 〟 〃●高山Iee ▼bicb ●e can 〃〃ord. It篇ill be emecu▼● tNc●ule ll tdli co〃` ttI● Jap●b鋤● ▲my le.(請.00O yen 〟 d●y・ Every 蕊一滝. ;.I,,I.0,A.藍.. :描 tlrmき● tlIclr ▼●r●hlp● lly dom ●hove● Jきp●a nr心●r into b〃n農・ :0,.p掠y・qn韓.nn'.I:I.A,諾.C...I:.0,0.I.:" ch細山Ra● ヽ'●●l We●ItO ●・on mlきhe▼ b調i●. chtna'● n・ r・lCCJ Ore tdeAuAte tor tVC. three. Cr tyen loqr yeLrJ llI reJlttencc・ chlllL'J acluet reeerYe ot青くOltll llt lb● eounlけha●調,C. been dug Ihlo before. 11● amoOnl I〃 Incn・ cl面ble. The hoardlng● 01 1脚.000.・ Coo pcoplc,.・nc cr. nCtr tWIlne lc nV● lIown lo thelr laきt penny・ even lc eCIB "ddlD8..ll.mCbd・ tc rlJ u● collntry el ●II menece ol J叫〇・ ne○e mIMarlaIe. cmnol be con・ pu-●d i .q'iH球.R..C,U.I.U..CV,'紫.?.C.nh1.0ii..tP.i ●uppoh from Shanghai ll wu 〟 crlpIIlne lItotI. but liot l●hi・ nb- tle loきれき●nd llbetty bond● ●r● no● nOre lhan makI噌up for -hl〃・ Au clIJleJ CI pccplo lrC.ubICrltIlBI一 審:'md.:.'ncBr;霊atr.Cr,.3.'豊.浩.(.'蕊 cooll●● u● comlng lorth ud buy・ :D.."iB.I.C蕊D.'t霊...cur pnnc一山 ・i村o ltICre●〃e l● conlempl●tcO ●t 鶉鶉麗籠叢 but ttley Plll on一y be Wed p 〟 uJl re●erL `・でo prep〃〃e our counlp lumer lo章一Ile pPlonBed ▼q京● nu●L l能●・ lar80 ●-Yle〝 0日roop● 〟re nOu i.Clbg 諜:.'Rn給,ir itonT,lc'Hm.I;S駕籍 creeto 〟 ▼●●` re的rVe Ia m●n・po青●r 藍3.6:.A.".'n糠.ri'...e謹話..I.I:i.p.'3 for lh● centnl any. ・・meIr co〟t ol mJhIen●n∞ b eompuet-Ve-y 〃m●lI・ cblne●● ●oト dI●r● ●te ¶IIIing to light u-i ●●・ lrlo=o lrar agaln〃l ●9gre調on lor ● で●ge ol eC ceht● ln Chlne●e cut" r●ncy 〟 day・ They 一ive unconpl●1億・ lnBlg.A..I"(.tl diet.I tI,).a .m.iit "?,藍蕊.oEel domted tly Y●rleoJ Yomen'〃 ●Id at・ ●ocIa110m●. nllIce and ●mmuhmoh 〟re the molt ●坤enelve pa〃l ol tbelr ●9両pmcnl ・`wheh the きoVernmenl need● …講書露叢駕駕憲 経.cnr。き藍評語霊詣'繕盤 IheIr f●mllle● Iron becolnln夢●lave● oI糊ppon. ..t輔..。 cut. the mllltBrY Clltuc tltelC hp JoI・ced 〟 YaI・ upon the people. tpho h〟d no 〃nlmu● ●galnll lbe Chlneoe・ でbeJ● ▼orkln8 Clp●ell do not mnl ;..:;C,A.嵩.h諾意.th,(,潤..:i ''・ 鴇ic.Iyt.U I.C.I.lV.nue嵩'.Y.te帯.th...t o! a ●110rt V〃富. they 〟re llBhlin重 on● ol yeare. I聞hk they購111 1● !u●e lo continue lo pour their n●種 〟nd money inlo chin●・ a;蕊;蕊..b.11'轟.A?o'T.:...窪 qb JIpmeII lorcel ttrIYC thclr ll〃調eVer `○農,n● ln 8(.●nel・ lt doc● hot mem that they ∞h take筒e coveted co●I out. To do lb●l ttey nu●t melohln l●rge aIld con●tJnt 器.dibCn....C結構. a蕊鷲1''*:I; ●flerd lh●t? ・・tho JomcBC JueeJBBeJ ln NortlJ 謙罵.irc藷.:Ctn経常騨 before the hiまhly n∞bann●d e寄' 畿hlt.&':I:諒綴 .lEt:'ざまEne.Bsd一艦,I.. ,?.I,0.I.I 諾謀議諾講談i 繁雑.C譜tA.I.;撒, dm,I,'搬 ur ∞mnereIaI etかolt●llon by u● J●p●n●〃e. "● .蕊.rc.謎.揺.C".o:浩,.mdJ● ・蕊 誤認識絃諾…詫 〃ump録on I●心●t Olt l` backed by ●t le調t to per cetlt ltL p〃erycJ 〟broad. eince lhefe l●. no lmn● dl●te e▼調enee el me en〃uguon ol lhe●e re調tVの. unlet● lone neu● 誌盤排謹書蕊:'..'盤.H.Ha".i.轄 currcncT teeCdn8 mlltJtIIc・ ▲ulo FooI● Thid. c●II● pell∞ KANNAPous. N. C.. o●e. ll の.-A ne購 ●nemllned euleno bi一e 一olled 〟 ▼ould・be thlel bero.櫨● 龍詰謹終端諾 ef ●mlng the nolor lI ●lal 一oud, ●Ina・IJk●冒●lb lll一〇 the nllbt ●Bd PolIcen●n H. A. LeBu C〟me nn・ i.,'・dR.豊'.I.8㌢青1同町n' 裏        書 BY NAHWO HAH mDR鵬0ⅢOH恥 Cbnuntld i°on P●p oe● ⅢL m● b山的n~五d o賀muoか ●LDC● en●tlled q● JIpan●職tC 〃97 Out n∞t cnn●●● nllin鴨no▼● menu nd ●uhequntly ●neu ud bone u● lroop●. m Hm〇 m重● N●● drc〃 ●u ●bcul ln● Cltr d● eotl膿● 〇〇〇一Iaunce e! the cnaoe poucy ol buohI ecm uy bdlt・ lnt〃 Ob●tn一etln裏●Venl重●● el poMIbh ●ltJCJ n●ne〃 crll mで1●櫨oun qIB VIJlbI● lron章i●tlHn裏山ucatd lb●l ctlltIe●e lllCendJJrl●n bn q・ lonOca cycn thcrc tnQ thIt lcrqtJ on the noulltdll●ld● b●d hen !I●●d. m● 一言ole mto一 ●●(置rmoel ●cm● meで●n巾● from N●回教細事. Includln●青さ●ri● ud l●rehoue●. 一a● bl雌In管. OtIYIouIr q 〟 teJIJl1 ot Inc●ndltri●種. Un●ble lo fIod a pi℡u●llle iu●lmc●llon el ●ucb ヽIhole・ ●n● dehroy心裏.細Ime Ob調r▼em ●ut・ ce●t血●一Japme〃○ ○t●99 I重nlted th● 種山o青 bl●書● ●nd perb●p● 謙擬忍 野蕊籍揚常蕊 d跳ぶ盤灘;描 艦悪摘 諜諾端整諜 圏国璽認翌園 Ih● onbl rouh ol e●qIpe● 11. 〟. eunbo●l 重▼Jh.slIem i N柵INo. Bee n up.一m I:EBmkFR H Abeut農:ao P.済. th●lh beききn一〇 絨龍諾 m Panoy ●●unきeul lht。 0m e一m °n ordem tO noV● up n間 諜掘蕊。増悪 詑輔鵠"撹 Hve○ ●bo〃d ol her. 8ooa a ▼boh 総嵩諸悪連覇完勝eJd 豊漁蕊悪器瑞th. "com 瑞盤・ ●種dJ cMlon Nt● 帆 請 BHANolnは. eund〃7. Bea u.- ●beitem md m 岬 m〟de ol 〃tInl°rced eoOeret● 品`軸諸耕 血〃J to ●dhm lo能● ltIm nln I的Ion. lb● United etAle○ ●●rller 的t● year myoked tb● ●●ope clau●e ol u● Ou吋●nd announced tJnt lM I" " l00.lXnOCO的le●mp〃 th●対oM OoroIIna 〟nd lb● WIqb・ ln轟く調. hOY bumIn重 ▼0両d tc m〟d ▼11b lehch gun〃 m repon f〇〇〇一時証す●叩'● 〟.00ohn ●劃p山prob●bb act oh fIcld enou8b to peの母心eoun巾 離脱・磐悪繕認諾i 恕怨も搬採譜!...T w調mnかon tM Noou C●関目帖重 圏認諾謹撰灘 灘潜笠 I● no pre●enl inlentIoh. ▼betmeVer● ○t nodllyinきOur cunent buIIdln重 富籠諾盤常磐t・ 構0γE AcAI鵬t SOVl膚 ADYOCArED m JAPAN cro轟lt i重機鮎oh I● Shm Oolr r的調書lo Co青くlpde Filhm'fJ NclOdld'onl が器等親:'品:諾..:忠 thl ●●nltneot ヽu no▼In書Io JtBn lcr ''rt.olqtc teqcn''AblnlIt soyl●` ftuph lD ColmCCIIoh ▼itbき RuJle・JtpmdC dtnedeJ tlcpqll・ m● 〃poteJm●n Chrfetl u● Rqr co青書○▼emn●nt細tlh plけpOsei hylの〃_cOnclu●Ion ol ● he▼ 〟 巾●enept emit ye〟r 〟nd the J● let; lh●t ●`(be Japanele coye動機eel ●od peop一e are blgbiy dlsud●lltd."` 〟nd tb〃l the BoyIe- cov●nntal ▼u emlreiy to bI〃ne lor u● ●重Iend●d negotIauon●. 〝"th● ●en`Iment l● cro▼Ihき to urg●きulhoHtte● lor retoluI● tclloe lo ●き`●guard Japao'〃 Inくer●etき..I he 〃ald. くすlIJ Ilmerl●● alIpnl● !● one ol lb● eoIe3t ●pet● ln京u〃aoJ●pane●e reI●lIon● 〟nd J●p調●●● Ioedei● baVe LdvetAtd tIee ol lbe Il〃try 一o elI- ●dvocatd tlle ol lbe Il〃Yy 一o lorc● J●pehe●e lllbI叱rlghl●i) eIlANc穐▲重. sund〟y. Deo. 13の. 一mre● J●paae●e eolunn●. beeTy 詑。.TDN..。緑'..eit.d,よ.?i...m, J●ptdCJ● Ior競● ttlreatelled cottl・ 捲LLo.e'.'呂悪霊ji.能こ`'.Y.I.nt 悲.薫諾'p.謹攫詩誌 Ib● ●n山. ..?;●..B.m紬.ccl諾R,V'k'.C.I.C蕊 諾。.cpmpct'.t=."縄,I: tr89. Wubu. ●tbtCBte でanBtfe tEf.yp:I.・嵩許諾t・.I?.・ct露悪 糀・孟厳戚鞋書記鴎'-e_'n 'Or NA碓肌 mJO押Chlmfnl ll的`dla lo Be elccI -I'I CHnile CcAd'Rdl to up'd I.Cの●''S。舶9!. 1m●ll〃● Uでn No● tB賀教でnnl・ roKTO. sund●7. Dtc. 12・-Tokyo I)eTmntln8 the l●tl o! NaB・ kln事pren●`urely yee`erdoy end I● coOlInuIeなくohy on 〟 ∞●・ でee ●nnOuncen●nt u〃t the Jep〇・ neのht b種d beeo phn`ed on Ih● Bo・JtheBJtCm Pt. -q, P d. JcrorutlnCr CI comelet. CceuPtlcn・ e`udehl● na●ched -o tbe重mpe●I●I f・dOe● htt Oelr le職tler● yeJter. 謙語嵩蒜ぶ・諾''lgiS milltJry bo●pluI. dlltIIbutlr1.- heV●・ #嵩.:I enrp ・n"mc'ne u'. ''do .,:.描..嵩.高書詔.?'謝。.p',',p'...C..・ JIJcrea lucky IcoJ. to bc prycO q 一〇〇n α the VIc一〇町▼●● ○lllcI●IIy ●nneuhced. clylnug my. I,..A.Ire-Ill. i. .0,端.I,i.?d':I.cue"I.nd.霊.a灘,elf,'l:i lake lor the lImy・でtpo lventy. .I:yS認諾謀n鴇.慕:?措結 Idtr.qN・q3,..講.:,.'糠.'U8-.Rt..i I; I諜詣bD'LIJ1....rBr.'yr.Lp...lJ 〟 〃beil aad de●lreyed by仙●・ mn ul chh● ●Igu 〟 place treaty・ Mhe〃雨h一〇 see Mu●●o冊i 南i〃ll●鱒b te●鱒l〃賀〃重加● BUoAP庫軸.櫨unmty. Dec・ 11・- cener〃t wllMen Roeder.一重● W●● ●y lbr 〟 ・tend●r LIy,_ ●here b● -lJ olllcld Vltlt lo 冒HE parkcnr`●鱒〃tr9609山 i"初eIt種かidrSil調,iかかJegQ ・.紹),.a/6m.ノ%Ob?, 'ATLCW.PRICES byeh●ol▲n● ▲●剛●d.一〇. 一II▼er一基oh b●Ho●ey惟i-80 - hi▼〇一S Te〇一h.So 8....S.lib.Kmn.I.i S.lJjn飾edpm9時 �ヲ�ャ�ヌ&�U覧リ�テ�●hhe ihnmilh〇一ploI●d.青 orylh~ �ゥ(T俘)+(�b�エ免B

圏国璽認翌園 I:EBmkFR H · ToKYo cool To KANcTE New Regime calied Necettary to Rescue peopI From.FoiI oI Nahkihg' PHItlgNO. chl〇〇. DJe. 11の.-ReきtOmtleh of me lorner

Jun 13, 2020



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  • ⅢE NEW /YORR 富血腫胞. SUNDAY. DECEKBER 12, 1937.

    PrI'eet h Shのtdd'co Up ,・

    Sloch 〟dd lo Rephc●

    ○○du P tn網〃● nt重富〇〇m・

    京▲鶴田的GでoN. oec. ll.-In・

    紺′繁.?.i.講〃lo機● 0- 88〃ntm ●m prlced ●t

    loon e lo章o per ceel ln ●eV℡nc●

    ol th● pncかpr●▼JlIn裏山J山′ ol

    qllJ re●重. due lo ue diIflcultr ln

    ppIImbI dccb IOa OI he81.0。ct cB ue Put CI JDCrCt-tJ tCerde● ●鋤き〇回tldet pfeydllnさcoR・

    dluon●. ●cco●dloI b qle BuIt●u

    oI romIn ●nd nOneeIIe con・


    ▲ Brlq●b nlnt n●tlVJ●ctlJrlIl8

    ccneern loe●hd h smghai ln・

    ∝●●鴫d ue pdceJ Ol ltJ prOductJ

    p per emt 〟 el o●c・ 1 hc●tpe

    ol tnt lJle〃●●Jd celt bI m▼ flu・


    qal h一ho● bcell dtch●td lo H〃n・

    toy qJ Wuchmf. rYcllty CI・Iene● punI●hble br de〃th ●re


    seycn-p・t曹o nob CountIcJ ln

    soulhem鯖oI持寄. Nohhem櫨on●n〟nd Nortもern ahnlone hV● d●

    oouncd N●nklIle ud tb● KuoniB・

    tJlll lN●llotmlh p●hyJ ●lId ●dopt・

    WIIERB CHWESE DEFY LAND, AIR. NAVAL AnACHDei●tlderJ On N●ntibI'● n●ql▼●賀●II〃能prtlenled br lhe he●▼▼

    blJCt lhe. Orc lh..ll.ek.,I -ho IJl eIpdld Jt1..lI▼lclor7. 0hi′ the B青●nBh▼● t●le, the ●OgIhe〃●-●m ●nlr●tlCC. hu

    tIt●tt CJplqrd me dtfenderJ h●▼e no ●▼enue ol mpe b●ctll調-hc′

    ●〃● cul oll ln 〃II dlrecIIoれ● etcePl ac〃09● lhe Y●h●I峨(o Pqto青. and

    lhe In▼℡d●着●●e onI′ 一en mil調lmm lh●t oeII青●r lemlnu」

    8 6REÅ7棚鵬H雌棚W PEIPI鵬RULE


    ected to Put

    ToKYo cool To KANcTE

    New Regime calied Necettary

    to Rescue peopI● From

    .FoiI● oI Nahkihg'

    PHItlgNO. chl〇〇. DJe. 11の.-

    ReきtOmtleh of me lorner Repub・

    IIcab N●llon〃i cblne●〇 °overn・

    m●nt in North Chin● by lh● J●p●・

    ne●e Afny場Ithlo 〇一●▼ d●y● ▼●●

    !orece●l today by 冒eiI・inlomee

    Cbine〃e 〃ouoce●. The J●pane〃e wer●

    not ●● e叫iidl. but they lfeely pr●

    dlet●d th●t there lpOuld be `.〟 n●●

    〃ovemnent Very 〃000.°I

    tbe reylved repubuean cOVem・nent.凪● chIee●e be一ieve, nI●bt

    註.'.':oT豊I.'害.by,?,C"iR, at妹:'豊○○u●● ○! the eeveraace o重〃eIauen●

    bettpeeIl toilyO ●nd the NnklnS

    Government.chme〃e tler● γletred the tlro●咋t

    恕湘:・・?..ilni,it.,'よ1.管.A.f'nH.:::hpan tte eonlroi.

    {▲ oom●lJ●ptn●●e he▼● ●tency

    dISp●tch l〇〇mでlehteln ●ald lbe

    pc●ce m●inten●nc● eomnhoioh

    there h〟d ●nnounctd ll cou一d nO

    Ion裏er tece的ite the N●nkln重

    きoVemment きき Chln●'t eentnlLulhoI・lty nd "uld luDJCrt uC

    creation of 〟 he● reglne.

    ith● deciaratlon ●a● ●eot to

    ●lmlI●r commIuIo調In central

    aha Nohh chih」 Il coht●nded 〟

    ne● ChIIle●e rceImo m● tleceJP

    mry to I.leJCue chlha●● 41m,000.〟

    OIXI lrom ue tollll el N●nklh8 md

    the Comlnlem."●l

    Dellnlle devCIopmeht3 9●r● ●賀・

    pecIcd lo ●●●il o● ○○pture eI Nan・

    klnt 〟nd lhe mIurn lromでokyo.

    probきbty tomorrow. ol coloneI N〇・

    mote. iocaI Japme●● mIIIhty mit・

    ●Ioh cbiel. It 農a● belleved h●

    wou一d tlrll)8 tI●ek ttIe J●oane●e W●●

    ouice`● deei〃lon on Notu chin〟


    。擢整継.I.'nBi.I.miL',I"I.re謙●evenl hIItne●●. purportedIg tc

    p一ead lor lh● re`um OI Emperor

    mnBte 〇一 M●ltChutuo.青ho ▼●●

    former一y Emperor ol chln〃. to ue

    pelpI噂throne. Janheee. ho▼ever.

    ▼tre be一ieved lo 一ook unl●Vorebly

    on the 〃chehl●.

    Aecerdl賀意 tO -h● chlne〃●. mei

    pr∞lden` of the rettored republl-

    c〃hまoVemment ▼Ould b● 75・y∞r・

    oidで●ao 比un.一ho became the tut

    pre〃Ident o1 -h● Antu 〃epubIIe ln

    le24.†hey e叫ecしcd oene章al Wu

    pel,(u. 〟nother relloed Northern

    ▼きr 一ord. tpollid lle n〃de Vlee


    ..I.cJ藍。?.I.'.tgb';`.t禁.紘.1m.uS想:nhI ol N〃nki叱. A Jepane〃● klle

    b●Ilooh hal b●eo no裏unきbi裏b over

    iocci:cup.:.:C.i T.I.?.紘..'n..A.C",A.cJn..iN〟n klのき.

    FIotpeI・′ 〃rclle〃 ●調belng e。●ctol

    簿器酪t,Sh.'.C',t撚.i.蕊.C:cJnnCn. BchollI culdron boIYC tCenordered to moblII章e tor 〃 mmde.

    繕!.nb.I:ib綱. tnjE.C.te.i jS'蕊rlck●h●● tl●Ⅴ● tcen lold to e●r事y

    bahnert.``でhu.I" 〃otd one chlneee. "●lhu

    一● tJJl● the uitln●tJ Itl bltletne〃●

    ?.'+,'n'nt.I.Lc,'盤.I,'dJd'.bJ'1g'Bil山by eur ●hemy."I


    丁. V.釦0119 SIy● Tokyo raee●

    .Ballkuptcy an掴eyolt ol

    とhraged Ta甲種yen

    sTRtSStS cHIN▲`3削cHES

    e。hk。,高….,.McqultC FlnarlCCt lcr rwr

    YcLr9 0I RcSiCtallCC

    鴇鑑窪詫=.".Iii.I:a Y.tnLnn.(.A,I.'..0.㍗.蕊.-.PE

    Jur● t・● can-JLp●n青Iu bc on m●

    b轟ot oI bankruptcy nd l∝Iat

    re▼°lutIen y "

    ml○ ○,a●調● enpbきくIc d●et●mlloo

    olで. V. 800mg. he〟d ol lbe BatIB

    o! (露in● ●nd bmlber o一 握か●.

    cbLLn夢Kd・●hek・ In ee e請Iu〃l'●

    16-e hIielp.'・It ▼ill hk● ●h● l叩きaele PCeDl●

    lhlrly or一〇rly ye●r● lo p〟y ′oo the

    pre●eOt富●t ln chln●・`● be ●dd・・・They ●r● ●Irc●dy revolMt ●l lbe

    Ide● ef pem一叱 theIr neh ●ne

    money Into 〟 ▼u lh●t JII b競れt

    J●pah nolhin● but ●dd●d ら-〃den●

    ●hd lroubl●.●.Ttll●青●r ba〟 b●com● 〃種●lt●r

    ol dolI●調 rron no一〇n our ee・

    一●n●● ▼Ⅲ co〟t on●tenth ●b●t lbe

    J●pan●ae n面●pend to ndntJn

    th●1r lnVadiag lorc●.'lChlno vlu tIOt OBBC t tlCtIIp

    機能tl"I録d M●r. our ●oYemn●nl

    bu l●Idか〃n● for 〟 〃●高山Iee ▼bicb

    ●e can 〃〃ord. It篇ill be emecu▼●

    tNc●ule ll tdli co〃` ttI● Jap●b鋤●

    ▲my le.(請.00O yen 〟 d●y・ Every

    蕊一滝. ;.I,,I.0,A.藍.. :描tlrmき● tlIclr ▼●r●hlp● lly dom

    ●hove● Jきp●a nr心●r into b〃n農・


    ch細山Ra● ヽ'●●l We●ItO

    ●・on mlきhe▼ b調i●. chtna'● n・

    r・lCCJ Ore tdeAuAte tor tVC. three.

    Cr tyen loqr yeLrJ llI reJlttencc・

    chlllL'J acluet reeerYe ot青くOltll llt

    lb● eounlけha●調,C. been dug

    Ihlo before. 11● amoOnl I〃 Incn・

    cl面ble. The hoardlng● 01 1脚.000.・

    Coo pcoplc,.・nc cr. nCtr tWIlne lcnV● lIown lo thelr laきt penny・ even

    lc eCIB "ddlD8..ll.mCbd・ tc rlJu● collntry el ●II menece ol J叫〇・

    ne○e mIMarlaIe. cmnol be con・

    pu-●d i

    .q'iH球.R..C,U.I.U..CV,'紫.?.C.nh1.0ii..tP.i●uppoh from Shanghai ll wu 〟

    crlpIIlne lItotI. but liot l●hi・ nb-

    tle loきれき●nd llbetty bond● ●r● no●

    nOre lhan makI噌up for -hl〃・ Au

    clIJleJ CI pccplo lrC.ubICrltIlBI一

    審:'md.:.'ncBr;霊atr.Cr,.3.'豊.浩.(.'蕊cooll●● u● comlng lorth ud buy・

    :D.."iB.I.C蕊D.'t霊...cur pnnc一山・i村o ltICre●〃e l● conlempl●tcO ●t

    鶉鶉麗籠叢but ttley Plll on一y be Wed p 〟 uJl

    re●erL`・でo prep〃〃e our counlp lumer

    lo章一Ile pPlonBed ▼q京● nu●L l能●・

    lar80 ●-Yle〝 0日roop● 〟re nOu i.Clbg

    諜:.'Rn給,ir itonT,lc'Hm.I;S駕籍creeto 〟 ▼●●` re的rVe Ia m●n・po青●r

    藍3.6:.A.".'n糠.ri'...e謹話..I.I:i.p.'3for lh● centnl any.・・meIr co〟t ol mJhIen●n∞ b

    eompuet-Ve-y 〃m●lI・ cblne●● ●oト

    dI●r● ●te ¶IIIing to light u-i ●●・

    lrlo=o lrar agaln〃l ●9gre調on lor ●

    で●ge ol eC ceht● ln Chlne●e cut"

    r●ncy 〟 day・ They 一ive unconpl●1億・

    lnBlg.A..I"(.tl diet.I tI,).a

    .m.iit "?,藍蕊.oEeldomted tly Y●rleoJ Yomen'〃 ●Id at・

    ●ocIa110m●. nllIce and ●mmuhmoh

    〟re the molt ●坤enelve pa〃l ol tbelr

    ●9両pmcnl・`wheh the きoVernmenl need●

    …講書露叢駕駕憲経.cnr。き藍評語霊詣'繕盤IheIr f●mllle● Iron becolnln夢●lave●


    ..t輔..。cut. the mllltBrY Clltuc tltelC hpJoI・ced 〟 YaI・ upon the people. tpho

    h〟d no 〃nlmu● ●galnll lbe Chlneoe・

    でbeJ● ▼orkln8 Clp●ell do not mnl

    ;..:;C,A.嵩.h諾意.th,(,潤..:i ''・

    鴇ic.Iyt.U I.C.I.lV.nue嵩'.Y.te帯! a ●110rt V〃富. they 〟re llBhlin重

    on● ol yeare. I聞hk they購111 1●

    !u●e lo continue lo pour their n●種

    〟nd money inlo chin●・

    a;蕊;蕊..b.11'轟.A?o'T.:...窪qb JIpmeII lorcel ttrIYC thclrll〃調eVer `○農,n● ln 8(.●nel・ lt doc●

    hot mem that they ∞h take筒e

    coveted co●I out. To do lb●l ttey

    nu●t melohln l●rge aIld con●tJnt

    器.dibCn....C結構. a蕊鷲1''*:I;●flerd lh●t?・・tho JomcBC JueeJBBeJ ln NortlJ

    謙罵.irc藷.:Ctn経常騨before the hiまhly n∞bann●d e寄'

    畿hlt.&':I:諒綴.lEt:'ざまEne.Bsd一艦,I.. ,?.I,0.I.I

    諾謀議諾講談i繁雑.C譜tA.I.;撒, dm,I,'搬ur ∞mnereIaI etかolt●llon by u●

    J●p●n●〃e. "●

    .蕊.rc.謎.揺.C".o:浩,.mdJ● ・蕊

    誤認識絃諾…詫〃ump録on I●心●t Olt l` backed by

    ●t le調t to per cetlt ltL p〃erycJ

    〟broad. eince lhefe l●. no lmn●

    dl●te e▼調enee el me en〃uguon ol

    lhe●e re調tVの. unlet● lone neu●


    currcncT teeCdn8 mlltJtIIc・

    ▲ulo FooI● Thid. c●II● pell∞

    KANNAPous. N. C.. o●e. ll

    の.-A ne購 ●nemllned euleno

    bi一e 一olled 〟 ▼ould・be thlel bero.櫨●

    龍詰謹終端諾ef ●mlng the nolor lI ●lal 一oud,

    ●Ina・IJk●冒●lb lll一〇 the nllbt ●Bd

    PolIcen●n H. A. LeBu C〟me nn・


    裏        書


    Cbnuntld i°on P●p oe●

    ⅢL m● b山的n~五d o賀muoか

    ●LDC● en●tlled q● JIpan●職tC 〃97

    Out n∞t cnn●●● nllin鴨no▼●

    menu nd ●uhequntly ●neu ud

    bone u● lroop●.

    m Hm〇 m重●

    N●● drc〃 ●u ●bcul ln● Cltr d●

    eotl膿● 〇〇〇一Iaunce e! the cnaoe

    poucy ol buohI ecm uy bdlt・lnt〃 Ob●tn一etln裏●Venl重●● el poMIbh

    ●ltJCJ n●ne〃 crll mで1●櫨oun

    qIB VIJlbI● lron章i●tlHn裏山ucatd

    lb●l ctlltIe●e lllCendJJrl●n bn q・

    lonOca cycn thcrc tnQ thIt lcrqtJ

    on the noulltdll●ld● b●d hen


    m● 一言ole mto一 ●●(置rmoel

    ●cm● meで●n巾● from N●回教細事.

    Includln●青さ●ri● ud l●rehoue●.

    一a● bl雌In管. OtIYIouIr q 〟 teJIJl1

    ot Inc●ndltri●種. Un●ble lo fIod a

    pi℡u●llle iu●lmc●llon el ●ucb ヽIhole・

    ●n● dehroy心裏.細Ime Ob調r▼em ●ut・

    ce●t血●一Japme〃○ ○t●99 I重nlted

    th● 種山o青 bl●書● ●nd perb●p●


    圏国璽認翌園Ih● onbl rouh ol e●qIpe●


    11. 〟. eunbo●l 重▼Jh.slIem i

    N柵INo. Bee n up.一mI:EBmkFR HAbeut農:ao P.済. th●lh beききn一〇

    絨龍諾m Panoy ●●unきeul lht。 0m

    e一m °n ordem tO noV● up n間

    諜掘蕊。増悪詑輔鵠"撹Hve○ ●bo〃d ol her. 8ooa a ▼boh

    総嵩諸悪連覇完勝eJd豊漁蕊悪器瑞th. "com

    瑞盤・●種dJ cMlon Nt● 帆 請

    BHANolnは. eund〃7. Bea u.-

    ●beitem md m 岬m〟de ol 〃tInl°rced eoOeret●


    血〃J to ●dhm lo能● ltIm nln

    I的Ion. lb● United etAle○ ●●rller

    的t● year myoked tb● ●●ope clau●e

    ol u● Ou吋●nd announced tJnt

    lM I" " l00.lXnOCO的le●mp〃

    th●対oM OoroIIna 〟nd lb● WIqb・

    ln轟く調. hOY bumIn重 ▼0両d tc

    m〟d ▼11b lehch gun〃

    m repon f〇〇〇一時証す●叩'●

    〟.00ohn ●劃p山prob●bb act oh

    fIcld enou8b to peの母心eoun巾

    離脱・磐悪繕認諾i恕怨も搬採譜!...Tw調mnかon tM Noou C●関目帖重


    I● no pre●enl inlentIoh. ▼betmeVer●

    ○t nodllyinきOur cunent buIIdln重


    構0γE AcAI鵬t SOVl膚


    cro轟lt i重機鮎oh I● Shm

    Oolr r的調書lo Co青くlpde

    Filhm'fJ NclOdld'onl


    thl ●●nltneot ヽu no▼In書Io

    JtBn lcr ''rt.olqtc teqcn''AblnlItsoyl●` ftuph lD ColmCCIIoh ▼itbき

    RuJle・JtpmdC dtnedeJ tlcpqll・

    m● 〃poteJm●n Chrfetl u● Rqr

    co青書○▼emn●nt細tlh plけpOsei

    hylの〃_cOnclu●Ion ol ● he▼ 〟

    巾●enept emit

    ye〟r 〟nd the J●

    let; lh●t ●`(be Japanele

    coye動機eel ●od peop一e are blgbiy

    dlsud●lltd."` 〟nd tb〃l the BoyIe-

    cov●nntal ▼u emlreiy to bI〃ne

    lor u● ●重Iend●d negotIauon●.

    〝"th● ●en`Iment l● cro▼Ihき to

    urg●きulhoHtte● lor retoluI● tclloe

    lo ●き`●guard Japao'〃 Inくer●etき..I he


    くすlIJ Ilmerl●● alIpnl● !● one ol

    lb● eoIe3t ●pet● ln京u〃aoJ●pane●e

    reI●lIon● 〟nd J●p調●●● Ioedei● baVe

    LdvetAtd tIee ol lbe Il〃try 一o elI-●dvocatd tlle ol lbe Il〃Yy 一o

    lorc● J●pehe●e lllbI叱rlghl●i)

    eIlANc穐▲重. sund〟y. Deo. 13の.一mre● J●paae●e eolunn●. beeTy

    詑。.TDN..。緑'..eit.d,よ.?i...m,J●ptdCJ● Ior競● ttlreatelled cottl・


    悲.薫諾'p.謹攫詩誌Ib● ●n山.


    諾。.cpmpct'.t=."縄,I:tr89. Wubu. ●tbtCBte でanBtfetEf.yp:I.・嵩許諾t・.I?.・ct露悪


    'Or NA碓肌

    mJO押Chlmfnl ll的`dla lo

    Be elccI -I'I CHnile CcAd'Rdl

    to up'd I.Cの●''S。舶9!.

    1m●ll〃● Uでn No● tB賀教でnnl・

    roKTO. sund●7. Dtc. 12・-Tokyo

    I)eTmntln8 the l●tl o! NaB・

    kln事pren●`urely yee`erdoy end I●

    coOlInuIeなくohy on 〟 ∞●・

    でee ●nnOuncen●nt u〃t the Jep〇・

    neのht b種d beeo phn`ed on Ih●

    Bo・JtheBJtCm Pt. -q, P d.JcrorutlnCr CI comelet. CceuPtlcn・

    e`udehl● na●ched -o tbe重mpe●I●I

    f・dOe● htt Oelr le職tler● yeJter.

    謙語嵩蒜ぶ・諾''lgiSmilltJry bo●pluI. dlltIIbutlr1.- heV●・

    #嵩.:I enrp ・n"mc'ne u'. ''do

    .,:.描..嵩.高書詔.?'謝。.p',',p'...C..・JIJcrea lucky IcoJ. to bc prycO q一〇〇n α the VIc一〇町▼●● ○lllcI●IIy


    clylnug my. I,..A.Ire-Ill. i.

    .0,端.I,i.?d':I.cue"I.nd.霊.a灘,elf,'l:ilake lor the lImy・でtpo lventy.


    Idtr.qN・q3,..講.:,.'糠.'U8-.Rt..i I; I諜詣bD'LIJ1....rBr.'yr.Lp...lJ

    〟 〃beil aad de●lreyed by仙●・ mn ul chh● ●Igu 〟 place treaty・

    Mhe〃雨h一〇 see Mu●●o冊i南i〃ll●鱒b te●鱒l〃賀〃重加●

    BUoAP庫軸.櫨unmty. Dec・ 11・-

    cener〃t wllMen Roeder.一重● W●●

    ●y lbr 〟 ・tend●r

    LIy,_ ●here b● -lJolllcld Vltlt lo

    冒HE parkcnr`●鱒〃tr9609山




    byeh●ol▲n● ▲●剛●d.一〇. 一II▼er一基oh b●Ho●ey惟i-80 - hi▼〇一S Te〇一h.So 8....S.lib.Kmn.I.i S.lJjn飾edpm9時 �ヲ�ャ�ヌ&�U覧リ�テ�●hhe ihnmilh〇一ploI●d.青 orylh~ �ゥ(T俘)+(�b��エ免B�

    3〇一p一能●●∞章 毎�ネ�イ�

    叫hmbー●hd●M一隊■●調か tehI. Mhrspr調d調3573 3〇一〇dfe青書●773 C競〇mSqp章.37jo ㌔.",ok∴擢Ign_潔;.藍


    will SoWt Yo呪cI陣ptooltMSf

    lf Ae'l a COmolS損lr O! GAC部れめれe'Il

    bc dtJ劃ed b peceiyc mm pa.led

    fdl of lC"tIl md k的・ A slh・ s一eek

    bcautT c雄, COn一山gぐpep h'Bib.BIG

    dd tobeau9... a Cmise Bag. ①nl揖t'8

    !ir lu如RouS Helem Rubhsteh I,9m・

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    (tirp'一一。p一.臨"Ill.甲ud(.(.n†'t.S.I..I b埠...'dd)。川ttPmcdel.opr...一一lS.

    ouBooOCAN一膝N"1寄書I.-.,y!0.. 演.ilhd叩.lInCi.hI..lletnt,.h、i`lr'


    ・Bi蒸器隷書霊 y MlAN17-m缶やWomtGmlDrmlし▼

    鮭」,_.i..、,.MARKcRoSS ntb▲▼調9●ds競md防ntn●章一




