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ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΕΣ ΜΕΙΚΤΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΩΝ ΣΤΟ … · διατροφής και υγείας, τη διάθεση φρούτων και νερού

Jul 20, 2020



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Page 1: ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΕΣ ΜΕΙΚΤΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΩΝ ΣΤΟ … · διατροφής και υγείας, τη διάθεση φρούτων και νερού

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Page 2: ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΕΣ ΜΕΙΚΤΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΩΝ ΣΤΟ … · διατροφής και υγείας, τη διάθεση φρούτων και νερού
Page 3: ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΕΣ ΜΕΙΚΤΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΩΝ ΣΤΟ … · διατροφής και υγείας, τη διάθεση φρούτων και νερού

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Page 4: ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΕΣ ΜΕΙΚΤΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΩΝ ΣΤΟ … · διατροφής και υγείας, τη διάθεση φρούτων και νερού

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185 A)( (/('*+)#8 0)0')"7.(%)#8 $4)1#,4919 0'. Kontopodis & Niewöhner, 2010, Kontopodis,Niewöhner & Beck, 2011.

186 F'. $4<193 Habib & Witek, 2007· Kontopodis, 2007· Kontopodis & Matera, 2010.

Page 5: ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΕΣ ΜΕΙΚΤΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ ΜΕΘΟ∆ΩΝ ΣΤΟ … · διατροφής και υγείας, τη διάθεση φρούτων και νερού

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µ$'$+&µ$. Tµ( $/+)&/"*µ$ /+)5 /;µ$)<+)#-5 7)(/+&/$)5 : +)3 #")0<0)#-5 /.-/$)5 (,1<5 $0-7$."µ-0<5 #&0$) -0(5 $#1()7$*+)#,5 $1)/+:µ"0(5), 7$0 µ1"6"2µ$ 0( #(+('&4"*µ$ 1>5(#6)-4>5 µ)( (6#$+& /*0;8)/µ-0; 16(#+)#: /+" 0;1)(9<9$?" 7)(µ"6%>0$+() #() 9)(+?.

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O1()+$?+() /*.0& (6#$+: 16"/".:, $3")#$?</; µ$ µ?( 16(#+)#: : -0( 1$7?", (''&#() $*6;µ(+)#,+;+( 9)( 0( 7$) #(0$?5 (*+& +( *')#&, +"*5 «(,6(+"*5» /*µµ$+-."0+$5/+)5 #(8;µ$6)0-5 16(#+)#-5 µ(5. @ -µ%(/; 7$0 7?0$+() /+( (0+)#$?µ$0( : /+( *1"#$?µ$0(#(8(*+&, (''& /+)5 1"'21'"#$5 /.-/$)5 +"*5, ,1<5 (*+-5 7)(µ"6%>0"0+() /*0"')#&µ-/( (1, 7)(7)#(/?$5 #() 16(#+)#-5 ") "1"?$5 µ1"6$? 0( 3$%$29"*0 (1, +" /*9#$#6)µ-0".6,0" #() .>6" 1"* $µ$?5 <5 $6$*0;+-5/-+6)$5 +)5 1(6(+;6"2µ$. B7> (#6)4>5 (1"#+& /;-µ(/?( ; -00")( +;5 µ('89+-:67 <5 7)(7)#(/?( #(+(0"µ:5 (''& #() µ$+(µ,6%</;5 +;576&/;5 /+" .>6" #() /+" .6,0". O'';'-07$+; $?0() ; -00")( +;5 %-+&":5-7/-%&":5-71"* $%)/+& +;0 16"/".: µ(5 /$ /+").$?( +;5 76&/;5 1"* 1)8(0,0 «.&8;#(0 /+; µ$+&-%6(/;».

L,0" ; $3")#$?</; #() /+$0: /*/.-+)/; µ$ µ?( 16(#+)#: : -0( 1$7?" #() +"*5 /*µ-µ$+-."0+$5 /$ (*+, µ-/( (1, µ(#6,.6"0; /*µµ$+".)#: 1(6(+:6;/;, #(8>5 #() ; /*-µ1';6<µ(+)#: .6:/; 7)&%"6<0 $6$*0;+)#>0 +$.0)#>0 (/*0$0+$23$)5 µ$ $)7)#"25, .6:/;4?0+$" #+'.) µ1"6"20 0( $3(/%('?/"*0 $9#*6,+;+( #() (3)"1)/+?( /$ (*+"2 +"* $?7"*5+;0 (0&'*/;. L)( «#(':» *')#:-/;µ$)<+)#: (0&'*/; 7$0 (6#$? ,µ<5 0( $?0() -9#*6;#() (3),1)/+;, (''& 16-1$) 0( (1"#('21+$) +)5 &66;+$5 (3?$5 #() +( #6)+:6)( 1"* 7)(-µ"6%>0"*0 +)5 *1, µ$'-+; 16(#+)#-5, /*µ4&''"0+(5 -+/) /+"0 #6)+)#, (0(/+".(/µ, (0(-%"6)#& µ$ (*+-5. L)( «#(':» *')#:-/;µ$)<+)#: (0&'*/; 16-1$) $1?/;5 0( (1"#('21+$)+)5 $0(''(#+)#-5 16""1+)#-5 /+)5 *1&6."*/$5 16(#+)#-5, /*µ4&''"0+(5 -+/) /+; 4$'-+?</; +;5 #(8;µ$6)0,+;+(5 – "6?C"0+(5 µ$ 3$#&8(6" +6,1" +) /;µ(?0$) «4$'+?</;» /$#&8$ 1$6?1+</;.

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Analyzing material-semiotic orderings in everyday life: Towards a newresearch methodology in educational psychology and in social sciencesMichalis Kontopodis*

ABSTRACT This chapter explores the main concepts and practices of a quite novel me-thodological approach: the material-semiotic analysis. This methodology focuses on the“invisible” participants of everyday life practices such as architecture, various materialsand technologies, food and the human body. It does not locate agency a-priori on thehuman subject but studies how subjects and objects constitute each other within concreterelations and processes. By means of exemplary analysis of ethnographic fieldnotes fromeveryday eating practices in German and US kindergartens/preschools it is manifested thatmaterial-semiotic analysis complements existing methodologies of participatory observa-tion and ethnographic analysis in educational psychology and in social sciences. It also cre-ates new territories for research by overcoming to a certain extent modernist divisionsbetween scientific fields and disciplines.

Key words: Ethnography, Biopedagogies, Distributed action, Material-semiotic analysis,Participatory observation, Preschool, Semiotics, Sociology of translation, TechnoscientificKnowledge.

* Michalis Kontopodis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam, Department of Re-search and Theory in Education, VU University, Faculty of Psychology and Education. Address:De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.: 0030-31(0)20-5985656.E-mail: [email protected], Websites:,

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