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تصاد مقاومتیی اق، زیر بنار و تجاری سازی فناوریهش تقاضا محو پژو ایرانسامی جمهوری ا جمعیت96697557 مساحت6598676 کیلومتر مربع نوع حکومتسامی جمهوری ااحد پول و ریالذهب رسمی کشور مسام اخت پایت تهران زبان رسمی فارسینیهر نشی میزان ش9619 رصد دخ رشد جمعیت نر61/7 رصد د)با نفت(قتصادیخ رشد ا نر919 رصد د) نفتبدون(قتصادیخ رشد ا نر/17 رصد دقتصادیرکت ا نرخ مشا281/ رصد دخ تورم نر819 رصد دکاری نرخ بی6611 رصد د(سوادی نرخ با5 ) ساله و بیشتر8919 رصد دᒇቨፅᔀቨ ᣤᕙ።ቨ ᓯጳᓗᡟᑿዟ

榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

Aug 26, 2020



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Page 1: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

جمهوری اسامی ایران

96697557 جمعیت

کیلومتر 6598676 مساحت مربع

جمهوری اسامی نوع حکومت

ریال واحد پول

اسام مذهب رسمی کشور

تهران پایتخت

فارسی زبان رسمی

درصد 9619 میزان شهر نشینی

درصد 617 نرخ رشد جمعیت

درصد 919 نرخ رشد اقتصادی)با نفت(

درصد 17 نرخ رشد اقتصادی)بدون نفت(

درصد 281 نرخ مشارکت اقتصادی

درصد 819 نرخ تورم

درصد 6611 نرخ بیکاری

درصد 8919 ساله و بیشتر( 5نرخ باسوادی)

榮巍戌氈巍 荵湃抻巍 殪懆欷胙楙恃

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

莵恂巍慳 搦棔帙恂帙槝 憖瑪棔欷廚 憖拏懆 怱潸槝 橈槝巍苻 莵恂巍慳 搦棔帙恂帙槝 憖瑪棔欷廚

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

معرفی هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری

هفته پژوهش و فناوری رویدادی است که فرصت مناسبی برای توجه و تمرکز روی ابعاد مختلف امر پژوهش و فناوری در کشور فراهم می آورد تا کلیه ذینفعان ضمن اطاع از روندها و وضعیت موجوود در کشور برای آینده برنامه ریزی و اقدامات بهتر و مهم تری را در دستور کار خود قورار دهونود انتخاب و معرفی برگزیدگان حوزه پژوهش و فناوری و تجلیل از آنها و همچنین ایجاد فرصت تعامول بین ذینفعان این حوزه به شیوه های مختلف نظیر برگزاری نمایشگاه فن بازار همایش ملی تجلیول از پژوهشگران و فناوران برتر مصاحبه های مطبوعاتی و رادیو تلویزیونی فضایی را در کشور ایجاد و به آن دامن می زند که ضمن ارتقاء شأن و جایگاه پژوهش و فناوری و فعالیون در ایون عورصوه بسترسازی مستحکمی را برای ادامه راه تقویت و توسعه پژوهش و فناوری که ضامن پیشرفت واقعی

کشور و ایجاد ثروت رفاه و امنیت برای مردم است در ابعاد اجتماعی و فرهنگی فراهم نماید

به همین منظور ستاد برگزاری هفته پژوهش و فناوری همه ساله برنامه های متنوع و متکثری را بوا همکاری سازمانها نهادها دانشگاهها و مؤسسات مرتبط با پژوهش و فناوری برگزار می نماید

تاریخچه هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری

به منظور ترویج فرهنگ پژوهش وزارت علوم تحقیقات و فناوری چهارمین هوفوتوه 6297از سال آذرماه به نام روز پژوهش از طرف شورای فرهنگ عمومی به نوام 6آذرماه را با توجه به نامگذاری

هفته پژوهش نام نهاد و مسئولیت برگزاری این هفته را به معاونت پژوهشی وزارت علوم تحقیقات و فناوری سپرد به همین منظور ستاد برگزاری هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری همه ساله برناموه هوای متنوعی را با همکاری سازمانها نهادها دانشگاهها و مؤسسات مرتبط با پژوهش و فناوری برگزار می


در 6276آذرماه 8لغایت 6در همین راستا امسال نیز هفدهمین نمایشگاه هفته پژوهش از تاریخ محل دائمی نمایشگاه بین المللی تهران و مراسم تجلیل از پژوهشگران و فناوران برتر در محل سالن

اجاس سران برگزار خواهد شد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

نمایشگاه پانزدهم

نمایشگاه شانزدهم

نمایشگاه هفدهم

معرفی نمایشگاه

3232آذر ماه 62-62تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین المللی تهران

تعداد مشارکت کنندگان

203تعداد کل غرفه ها

676تعداد کل شرکت ها

میتیر 3007003متراژ سرپوشیده)ریالیی مربع

متر مربع 20متراژ فضای باز)ریالی

متر مربع 3030003متراژ کل)ریالی

3230آذر ماه 62-62تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین الیمیلیلیی تهران

متر مربع 32000مساحت

0 030 03 08 7سالن های تحت پوشش 67و 032 036 33

3233آذر ماه 60-68تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین الیمیلیلیی تهران

متر مربع 30000مساحت

0 030 03 08 7سالن های تحت پوشش 67و 032 036 33

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران0 سازمانی است فعال0 مشارکت جو و مبتنی بر دانش که در راستای برنامه هیای کان کشور0 به دنبال توسعه و تقویت تجارت خارجی و دستیابی به سهم بیشتر بیازار هیدب بیه نیحیوی یکپارچه و اثر بخش می باشد این سازمان0 توسعه تجارت را با عنایت به برقراری تعامات سازنده با طرفیین تجاری و ذینفعان خود0 منابع انسانی کارآمد و بکارگیری دانش و فناوری جدید دنبال کرده و همواره سعیی دارد با برنامه ریزی سیاستگذاری0 حمایت و نظارت عالیه0 بستر مناسبی جهت مدیریت کیان ایادرات و

هیدب از و ظرفیت های ازم برای تسهیل و توسعه تجارت خارجی کشور فراهم نیمیایید تقویت زیربناهاتشکیل این سازمان توسعه تجارت خارجی0 بازاریابی0 تبلیغ و گسترش بازارهای جهانی کیاا و خیدمیات اادراتی کشور0 فراهم آوردن موجبات توسعه بنگاههای تجاری و افزایش توانمندی آنها به منظور تیوسیعیه

تجاری و انجام اقدامات ازم به منظور روان سازی و اادرات غیرنفتی و بهبود تراز بازرگانی 0 اطاع رسانیحذب تشریفات زائد تجاری و همچنین تهیه و تنظیم قوانین و مقررات مناسب برای فعالیتهای تیجیاری و توسعه همکاریهای دو جانبه0 چند جانبه و منطقه ای با سایر کشورها و نیز ارائه تسهیات و کیمیب بیرای

و رقابتی کشور است مزیت های نسبی توسعه اادرات و ارتقاء کیفی کااها و خدمات با توجه به

-محل دائمی نمایشگاه های بین المللی تیهیران -خیابان ولیعصر )عج بزرگراه شهید چمران -آدرس تهران 3303کد پستی -تجریش 3308اندوق پستی

معرفی سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

شرکت نماگستر آدونیس با کادری مجرب و سابقه درخشان در برگزاری نمایشگاه های داخلی0 هفدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری را با هدایت و راهبری وزارت علوم0 تحقیقات و فناوری با مجوز از سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران برگزار می نماید

عراه های فعالیت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

انعت لوازم التحریر و تجهیزات مهندسی

انعت نمایشگاهی و برگزاری رویدادهای ملی

طراحی غرفه های نمایشگاهی و غرفه سازی

ارائه خدمات نمایشگاهی همایش ها و کنفرانس ها

wwwngadonisircomآدرس وب سایت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

درباره مجری

سابقه برگزاری نمایشگاه

شانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

پانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

بیست و یکمین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

بیست و دومین نمایشگاه نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

جشنواره لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

اولین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

دومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

سومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

بزرگ برندهای برتر پوشاک جشنواره

اولین نمایشگاه برندهای برتر پوشاک

مدیریت اجرایی نمایشگاه نفت و انرژی

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Islamic Republic of Iran

75149669 population

1648195 km2


Islamic Republic


Rial Currency

Shia Islam Religion

Tehran Capital

Persian Official languages

714 Urbanization rate

129 Population growth rate 44 The rate of economic

growth (with oil)

29 Economic growth rate (without oil)

382 Economic participation rate

87 Inflation

11 Unemployment rate

847 Literacy rate (6 years and older)

Islamic Republic of Iran

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 2: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

莵恂巍慳 搦棔帙恂帙槝 憖瑪棔欷廚 憖拏懆 怱潸槝 橈槝巍苻 莵恂巍慳 搦棔帙恂帙槝 憖瑪棔欷廚

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

معرفی هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری

هفته پژوهش و فناوری رویدادی است که فرصت مناسبی برای توجه و تمرکز روی ابعاد مختلف امر پژوهش و فناوری در کشور فراهم می آورد تا کلیه ذینفعان ضمن اطاع از روندها و وضعیت موجوود در کشور برای آینده برنامه ریزی و اقدامات بهتر و مهم تری را در دستور کار خود قورار دهونود انتخاب و معرفی برگزیدگان حوزه پژوهش و فناوری و تجلیل از آنها و همچنین ایجاد فرصت تعامول بین ذینفعان این حوزه به شیوه های مختلف نظیر برگزاری نمایشگاه فن بازار همایش ملی تجلیول از پژوهشگران و فناوران برتر مصاحبه های مطبوعاتی و رادیو تلویزیونی فضایی را در کشور ایجاد و به آن دامن می زند که ضمن ارتقاء شأن و جایگاه پژوهش و فناوری و فعالیون در ایون عورصوه بسترسازی مستحکمی را برای ادامه راه تقویت و توسعه پژوهش و فناوری که ضامن پیشرفت واقعی

کشور و ایجاد ثروت رفاه و امنیت برای مردم است در ابعاد اجتماعی و فرهنگی فراهم نماید

به همین منظور ستاد برگزاری هفته پژوهش و فناوری همه ساله برنامه های متنوع و متکثری را بوا همکاری سازمانها نهادها دانشگاهها و مؤسسات مرتبط با پژوهش و فناوری برگزار می نماید

تاریخچه هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری

به منظور ترویج فرهنگ پژوهش وزارت علوم تحقیقات و فناوری چهارمین هوفوتوه 6297از سال آذرماه به نام روز پژوهش از طرف شورای فرهنگ عمومی به نوام 6آذرماه را با توجه به نامگذاری

هفته پژوهش نام نهاد و مسئولیت برگزاری این هفته را به معاونت پژوهشی وزارت علوم تحقیقات و فناوری سپرد به همین منظور ستاد برگزاری هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری همه ساله برناموه هوای متنوعی را با همکاری سازمانها نهادها دانشگاهها و مؤسسات مرتبط با پژوهش و فناوری برگزار می


در 6276آذرماه 8لغایت 6در همین راستا امسال نیز هفدهمین نمایشگاه هفته پژوهش از تاریخ محل دائمی نمایشگاه بین المللی تهران و مراسم تجلیل از پژوهشگران و فناوران برتر در محل سالن

اجاس سران برگزار خواهد شد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

نمایشگاه پانزدهم

نمایشگاه شانزدهم

نمایشگاه هفدهم

معرفی نمایشگاه

3232آذر ماه 62-62تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین المللی تهران

تعداد مشارکت کنندگان

203تعداد کل غرفه ها

676تعداد کل شرکت ها

میتیر 3007003متراژ سرپوشیده)ریالیی مربع

متر مربع 20متراژ فضای باز)ریالی

متر مربع 3030003متراژ کل)ریالی

3230آذر ماه 62-62تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین الیمیلیلیی تهران

متر مربع 32000مساحت

0 030 03 08 7سالن های تحت پوشش 67و 032 036 33

3233آذر ماه 60-68تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین الیمیلیلیی تهران

متر مربع 30000مساحت

0 030 03 08 7سالن های تحت پوشش 67و 032 036 33

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران0 سازمانی است فعال0 مشارکت جو و مبتنی بر دانش که در راستای برنامه هیای کان کشور0 به دنبال توسعه و تقویت تجارت خارجی و دستیابی به سهم بیشتر بیازار هیدب بیه نیحیوی یکپارچه و اثر بخش می باشد این سازمان0 توسعه تجارت را با عنایت به برقراری تعامات سازنده با طرفیین تجاری و ذینفعان خود0 منابع انسانی کارآمد و بکارگیری دانش و فناوری جدید دنبال کرده و همواره سعیی دارد با برنامه ریزی سیاستگذاری0 حمایت و نظارت عالیه0 بستر مناسبی جهت مدیریت کیان ایادرات و

هیدب از و ظرفیت های ازم برای تسهیل و توسعه تجارت خارجی کشور فراهم نیمیایید تقویت زیربناهاتشکیل این سازمان توسعه تجارت خارجی0 بازاریابی0 تبلیغ و گسترش بازارهای جهانی کیاا و خیدمیات اادراتی کشور0 فراهم آوردن موجبات توسعه بنگاههای تجاری و افزایش توانمندی آنها به منظور تیوسیعیه

تجاری و انجام اقدامات ازم به منظور روان سازی و اادرات غیرنفتی و بهبود تراز بازرگانی 0 اطاع رسانیحذب تشریفات زائد تجاری و همچنین تهیه و تنظیم قوانین و مقررات مناسب برای فعالیتهای تیجیاری و توسعه همکاریهای دو جانبه0 چند جانبه و منطقه ای با سایر کشورها و نیز ارائه تسهیات و کیمیب بیرای

و رقابتی کشور است مزیت های نسبی توسعه اادرات و ارتقاء کیفی کااها و خدمات با توجه به

-محل دائمی نمایشگاه های بین المللی تیهیران -خیابان ولیعصر )عج بزرگراه شهید چمران -آدرس تهران 3303کد پستی -تجریش 3308اندوق پستی

معرفی سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

شرکت نماگستر آدونیس با کادری مجرب و سابقه درخشان در برگزاری نمایشگاه های داخلی0 هفدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری را با هدایت و راهبری وزارت علوم0 تحقیقات و فناوری با مجوز از سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران برگزار می نماید

عراه های فعالیت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

انعت لوازم التحریر و تجهیزات مهندسی

انعت نمایشگاهی و برگزاری رویدادهای ملی

طراحی غرفه های نمایشگاهی و غرفه سازی

ارائه خدمات نمایشگاهی همایش ها و کنفرانس ها

wwwngadonisircomآدرس وب سایت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

درباره مجری

سابقه برگزاری نمایشگاه

شانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

پانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

بیست و یکمین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

بیست و دومین نمایشگاه نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

جشنواره لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

اولین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

دومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

سومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

بزرگ برندهای برتر پوشاک جشنواره

اولین نمایشگاه برندهای برتر پوشاک

مدیریت اجرایی نمایشگاه نفت و انرژی

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Islamic Republic of Iran

75149669 population

1648195 km2


Islamic Republic


Rial Currency

Shia Islam Religion

Tehran Capital

Persian Official languages

714 Urbanization rate

129 Population growth rate 44 The rate of economic

growth (with oil)

29 Economic growth rate (without oil)

382 Economic participation rate

87 Inflation

11 Unemployment rate

847 Literacy rate (6 years and older)

Islamic Republic of Iran

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 3: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

معرفی هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری

هفته پژوهش و فناوری رویدادی است که فرصت مناسبی برای توجه و تمرکز روی ابعاد مختلف امر پژوهش و فناوری در کشور فراهم می آورد تا کلیه ذینفعان ضمن اطاع از روندها و وضعیت موجوود در کشور برای آینده برنامه ریزی و اقدامات بهتر و مهم تری را در دستور کار خود قورار دهونود انتخاب و معرفی برگزیدگان حوزه پژوهش و فناوری و تجلیل از آنها و همچنین ایجاد فرصت تعامول بین ذینفعان این حوزه به شیوه های مختلف نظیر برگزاری نمایشگاه فن بازار همایش ملی تجلیول از پژوهشگران و فناوران برتر مصاحبه های مطبوعاتی و رادیو تلویزیونی فضایی را در کشور ایجاد و به آن دامن می زند که ضمن ارتقاء شأن و جایگاه پژوهش و فناوری و فعالیون در ایون عورصوه بسترسازی مستحکمی را برای ادامه راه تقویت و توسعه پژوهش و فناوری که ضامن پیشرفت واقعی

کشور و ایجاد ثروت رفاه و امنیت برای مردم است در ابعاد اجتماعی و فرهنگی فراهم نماید

به همین منظور ستاد برگزاری هفته پژوهش و فناوری همه ساله برنامه های متنوع و متکثری را بوا همکاری سازمانها نهادها دانشگاهها و مؤسسات مرتبط با پژوهش و فناوری برگزار می نماید

تاریخچه هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری

به منظور ترویج فرهنگ پژوهش وزارت علوم تحقیقات و فناوری چهارمین هوفوتوه 6297از سال آذرماه به نام روز پژوهش از طرف شورای فرهنگ عمومی به نوام 6آذرماه را با توجه به نامگذاری

هفته پژوهش نام نهاد و مسئولیت برگزاری این هفته را به معاونت پژوهشی وزارت علوم تحقیقات و فناوری سپرد به همین منظور ستاد برگزاری هفته ملی پژوهش و فناوری همه ساله برناموه هوای متنوعی را با همکاری سازمانها نهادها دانشگاهها و مؤسسات مرتبط با پژوهش و فناوری برگزار می


در 6276آذرماه 8لغایت 6در همین راستا امسال نیز هفدهمین نمایشگاه هفته پژوهش از تاریخ محل دائمی نمایشگاه بین المللی تهران و مراسم تجلیل از پژوهشگران و فناوران برتر در محل سالن

اجاس سران برگزار خواهد شد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

نمایشگاه پانزدهم

نمایشگاه شانزدهم

نمایشگاه هفدهم

معرفی نمایشگاه

3232آذر ماه 62-62تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین المللی تهران

تعداد مشارکت کنندگان

203تعداد کل غرفه ها

676تعداد کل شرکت ها

میتیر 3007003متراژ سرپوشیده)ریالیی مربع

متر مربع 20متراژ فضای باز)ریالی

متر مربع 3030003متراژ کل)ریالی

3230آذر ماه 62-62تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین الیمیلیلیی تهران

متر مربع 32000مساحت

0 030 03 08 7سالن های تحت پوشش 67و 032 036 33

3233آذر ماه 60-68تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین الیمیلیلیی تهران

متر مربع 30000مساحت

0 030 03 08 7سالن های تحت پوشش 67و 032 036 33

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران0 سازمانی است فعال0 مشارکت جو و مبتنی بر دانش که در راستای برنامه هیای کان کشور0 به دنبال توسعه و تقویت تجارت خارجی و دستیابی به سهم بیشتر بیازار هیدب بیه نیحیوی یکپارچه و اثر بخش می باشد این سازمان0 توسعه تجارت را با عنایت به برقراری تعامات سازنده با طرفیین تجاری و ذینفعان خود0 منابع انسانی کارآمد و بکارگیری دانش و فناوری جدید دنبال کرده و همواره سعیی دارد با برنامه ریزی سیاستگذاری0 حمایت و نظارت عالیه0 بستر مناسبی جهت مدیریت کیان ایادرات و

هیدب از و ظرفیت های ازم برای تسهیل و توسعه تجارت خارجی کشور فراهم نیمیایید تقویت زیربناهاتشکیل این سازمان توسعه تجارت خارجی0 بازاریابی0 تبلیغ و گسترش بازارهای جهانی کیاا و خیدمیات اادراتی کشور0 فراهم آوردن موجبات توسعه بنگاههای تجاری و افزایش توانمندی آنها به منظور تیوسیعیه

تجاری و انجام اقدامات ازم به منظور روان سازی و اادرات غیرنفتی و بهبود تراز بازرگانی 0 اطاع رسانیحذب تشریفات زائد تجاری و همچنین تهیه و تنظیم قوانین و مقررات مناسب برای فعالیتهای تیجیاری و توسعه همکاریهای دو جانبه0 چند جانبه و منطقه ای با سایر کشورها و نیز ارائه تسهیات و کیمیب بیرای

و رقابتی کشور است مزیت های نسبی توسعه اادرات و ارتقاء کیفی کااها و خدمات با توجه به

-محل دائمی نمایشگاه های بین المللی تیهیران -خیابان ولیعصر )عج بزرگراه شهید چمران -آدرس تهران 3303کد پستی -تجریش 3308اندوق پستی

معرفی سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

شرکت نماگستر آدونیس با کادری مجرب و سابقه درخشان در برگزاری نمایشگاه های داخلی0 هفدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری را با هدایت و راهبری وزارت علوم0 تحقیقات و فناوری با مجوز از سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران برگزار می نماید

عراه های فعالیت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

انعت لوازم التحریر و تجهیزات مهندسی

انعت نمایشگاهی و برگزاری رویدادهای ملی

طراحی غرفه های نمایشگاهی و غرفه سازی

ارائه خدمات نمایشگاهی همایش ها و کنفرانس ها

wwwngadonisircomآدرس وب سایت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

درباره مجری

سابقه برگزاری نمایشگاه

شانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

پانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

بیست و یکمین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

بیست و دومین نمایشگاه نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

جشنواره لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

اولین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

دومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

سومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

بزرگ برندهای برتر پوشاک جشنواره

اولین نمایشگاه برندهای برتر پوشاک

مدیریت اجرایی نمایشگاه نفت و انرژی

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Islamic Republic of Iran

75149669 population

1648195 km2


Islamic Republic


Rial Currency

Shia Islam Religion

Tehran Capital

Persian Official languages

714 Urbanization rate

129 Population growth rate 44 The rate of economic

growth (with oil)

29 Economic growth rate (without oil)

382 Economic participation rate

87 Inflation

11 Unemployment rate

847 Literacy rate (6 years and older)

Islamic Republic of Iran

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 4: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

نمایشگاه پانزدهم

نمایشگاه شانزدهم

نمایشگاه هفدهم

معرفی نمایشگاه

3232آذر ماه 62-62تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین المللی تهران

تعداد مشارکت کنندگان

203تعداد کل غرفه ها

676تعداد کل شرکت ها

میتیر 3007003متراژ سرپوشیده)ریالیی مربع

متر مربع 20متراژ فضای باز)ریالی

متر مربع 3030003متراژ کل)ریالی

3230آذر ماه 62-62تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین الیمیلیلیی تهران

متر مربع 32000مساحت

0 030 03 08 7سالن های تحت پوشش 67و 032 036 33

3233آذر ماه 60-68تاریخ برگزاری

محل برگزاری نمایشگاه بین الیمیلیلیی تهران

متر مربع 30000مساحت

0 030 03 08 7سالن های تحت پوشش 67و 032 036 33

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران0 سازمانی است فعال0 مشارکت جو و مبتنی بر دانش که در راستای برنامه هیای کان کشور0 به دنبال توسعه و تقویت تجارت خارجی و دستیابی به سهم بیشتر بیازار هیدب بیه نیحیوی یکپارچه و اثر بخش می باشد این سازمان0 توسعه تجارت را با عنایت به برقراری تعامات سازنده با طرفیین تجاری و ذینفعان خود0 منابع انسانی کارآمد و بکارگیری دانش و فناوری جدید دنبال کرده و همواره سعیی دارد با برنامه ریزی سیاستگذاری0 حمایت و نظارت عالیه0 بستر مناسبی جهت مدیریت کیان ایادرات و

هیدب از و ظرفیت های ازم برای تسهیل و توسعه تجارت خارجی کشور فراهم نیمیایید تقویت زیربناهاتشکیل این سازمان توسعه تجارت خارجی0 بازاریابی0 تبلیغ و گسترش بازارهای جهانی کیاا و خیدمیات اادراتی کشور0 فراهم آوردن موجبات توسعه بنگاههای تجاری و افزایش توانمندی آنها به منظور تیوسیعیه

تجاری و انجام اقدامات ازم به منظور روان سازی و اادرات غیرنفتی و بهبود تراز بازرگانی 0 اطاع رسانیحذب تشریفات زائد تجاری و همچنین تهیه و تنظیم قوانین و مقررات مناسب برای فعالیتهای تیجیاری و توسعه همکاریهای دو جانبه0 چند جانبه و منطقه ای با سایر کشورها و نیز ارائه تسهیات و کیمیب بیرای

و رقابتی کشور است مزیت های نسبی توسعه اادرات و ارتقاء کیفی کااها و خدمات با توجه به

-محل دائمی نمایشگاه های بین المللی تیهیران -خیابان ولیعصر )عج بزرگراه شهید چمران -آدرس تهران 3303کد پستی -تجریش 3308اندوق پستی

معرفی سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

شرکت نماگستر آدونیس با کادری مجرب و سابقه درخشان در برگزاری نمایشگاه های داخلی0 هفدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری را با هدایت و راهبری وزارت علوم0 تحقیقات و فناوری با مجوز از سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران برگزار می نماید

عراه های فعالیت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

انعت لوازم التحریر و تجهیزات مهندسی

انعت نمایشگاهی و برگزاری رویدادهای ملی

طراحی غرفه های نمایشگاهی و غرفه سازی

ارائه خدمات نمایشگاهی همایش ها و کنفرانس ها

wwwngadonisircomآدرس وب سایت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

درباره مجری

سابقه برگزاری نمایشگاه

شانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

پانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

بیست و یکمین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

بیست و دومین نمایشگاه نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

جشنواره لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

اولین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

دومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

سومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

بزرگ برندهای برتر پوشاک جشنواره

اولین نمایشگاه برندهای برتر پوشاک

مدیریت اجرایی نمایشگاه نفت و انرژی

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Islamic Republic of Iran

75149669 population

1648195 km2


Islamic Republic


Rial Currency

Shia Islam Religion

Tehran Capital

Persian Official languages

714 Urbanization rate

129 Population growth rate 44 The rate of economic

growth (with oil)

29 Economic growth rate (without oil)

382 Economic participation rate

87 Inflation

11 Unemployment rate

847 Literacy rate (6 years and older)

Islamic Republic of Iran

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 5: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران0 سازمانی است فعال0 مشارکت جو و مبتنی بر دانش که در راستای برنامه هیای کان کشور0 به دنبال توسعه و تقویت تجارت خارجی و دستیابی به سهم بیشتر بیازار هیدب بیه نیحیوی یکپارچه و اثر بخش می باشد این سازمان0 توسعه تجارت را با عنایت به برقراری تعامات سازنده با طرفیین تجاری و ذینفعان خود0 منابع انسانی کارآمد و بکارگیری دانش و فناوری جدید دنبال کرده و همواره سعیی دارد با برنامه ریزی سیاستگذاری0 حمایت و نظارت عالیه0 بستر مناسبی جهت مدیریت کیان ایادرات و

هیدب از و ظرفیت های ازم برای تسهیل و توسعه تجارت خارجی کشور فراهم نیمیایید تقویت زیربناهاتشکیل این سازمان توسعه تجارت خارجی0 بازاریابی0 تبلیغ و گسترش بازارهای جهانی کیاا و خیدمیات اادراتی کشور0 فراهم آوردن موجبات توسعه بنگاههای تجاری و افزایش توانمندی آنها به منظور تیوسیعیه

تجاری و انجام اقدامات ازم به منظور روان سازی و اادرات غیرنفتی و بهبود تراز بازرگانی 0 اطاع رسانیحذب تشریفات زائد تجاری و همچنین تهیه و تنظیم قوانین و مقررات مناسب برای فعالیتهای تیجیاری و توسعه همکاریهای دو جانبه0 چند جانبه و منطقه ای با سایر کشورها و نیز ارائه تسهیات و کیمیب بیرای

و رقابتی کشور است مزیت های نسبی توسعه اادرات و ارتقاء کیفی کااها و خدمات با توجه به

-محل دائمی نمایشگاه های بین المللی تیهیران -خیابان ولیعصر )عج بزرگراه شهید چمران -آدرس تهران 3303کد پستی -تجریش 3308اندوق پستی

معرفی سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

شرکت نماگستر آدونیس با کادری مجرب و سابقه درخشان در برگزاری نمایشگاه های داخلی0 هفدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری را با هدایت و راهبری وزارت علوم0 تحقیقات و فناوری با مجوز از سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران برگزار می نماید

عراه های فعالیت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

انعت لوازم التحریر و تجهیزات مهندسی

انعت نمایشگاهی و برگزاری رویدادهای ملی

طراحی غرفه های نمایشگاهی و غرفه سازی

ارائه خدمات نمایشگاهی همایش ها و کنفرانس ها

wwwngadonisircomآدرس وب سایت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

درباره مجری

سابقه برگزاری نمایشگاه

شانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

پانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

بیست و یکمین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

بیست و دومین نمایشگاه نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

جشنواره لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

اولین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

دومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

سومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

بزرگ برندهای برتر پوشاک جشنواره

اولین نمایشگاه برندهای برتر پوشاک

مدیریت اجرایی نمایشگاه نفت و انرژی

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Islamic Republic of Iran

75149669 population

1648195 km2


Islamic Republic


Rial Currency

Shia Islam Religion

Tehran Capital

Persian Official languages

714 Urbanization rate

129 Population growth rate 44 The rate of economic

growth (with oil)

29 Economic growth rate (without oil)

382 Economic participation rate

87 Inflation

11 Unemployment rate

847 Literacy rate (6 years and older)

Islamic Republic of Iran

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 6: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

پژوهش تقاضا محور و تجاری سازی فناوری زیر بنای اقتصاد مقاومتی

شرکت نماگستر آدونیس با کادری مجرب و سابقه درخشان در برگزاری نمایشگاه های داخلی0 هفدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری را با هدایت و راهبری وزارت علوم0 تحقیقات و فناوری با مجوز از سازمان توسعه تجارت ایران برگزار می نماید

عراه های فعالیت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

انعت لوازم التحریر و تجهیزات مهندسی

انعت نمایشگاهی و برگزاری رویدادهای ملی

طراحی غرفه های نمایشگاهی و غرفه سازی

ارائه خدمات نمایشگاهی همایش ها و کنفرانس ها

wwwngadonisircomآدرس وب سایت شرکت نماگستر آدونیس

درباره مجری

سابقه برگزاری نمایشگاه

شانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

پانزدهمین نمایشگاه دستاوردهای پژوهش و فناوری کشور

بیست و یکمین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

بیست و دومین نمایشگاه نمایشگاه بین المللی لوستر و چراغهای تزیینی

جشنواره لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

اولین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

دومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

سومین نمایشگاه بین المللی لوازم التحریر0 اداری و تجهیزات مهندسی

بزرگ برندهای برتر پوشاک جشنواره

اولین نمایشگاه برندهای برتر پوشاک

مدیریت اجرایی نمایشگاه نفت و انرژی

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Islamic Republic of Iran

75149669 population

1648195 km2


Islamic Republic


Rial Currency

Shia Islam Religion

Tehran Capital

Persian Official languages

714 Urbanization rate

129 Population growth rate 44 The rate of economic

growth (with oil)

29 Economic growth rate (without oil)

382 Economic participation rate

87 Inflation

11 Unemployment rate

847 Literacy rate (6 years and older)

Islamic Republic of Iran

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 7: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Islamic Republic of Iran

75149669 population

1648195 km2


Islamic Republic


Rial Currency

Shia Islam Religion

Tehran Capital

Persian Official languages

714 Urbanization rate

129 Population growth rate 44 The rate of economic

growth (with oil)

29 Economic growth rate (without oil)

382 Economic participation rate

87 Inflation

11 Unemployment rate

847 Literacy rate (6 years and older)

Islamic Republic of Iran

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 8: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 9: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

About National Science and Technology Week

Research and Technology Week is a suitable opportunity to focus on different aspects of research and technology in the country provides useful information to all stakeholders about trends and the current situation in the country to include more useful and important plans and actions on their agenda in the future Selec-tion and introduction of elites in research and technology and glorifying them and providing opportunities for interaction among stakeholders in this field in various ways such as exhibitions Techno markets National Conference for glo-rifying exemplary researchers and technologists and radio and TV interviews provides the ground for upgrade the place of researchers and technologists and also a strong foundation to continue strengthening and developing research and technology which guarantees real progress and creation of wealth prosperity and security to the people in social and cultural dimensions

For this purpose the organizer of Research and Technology Week in collabora-tion with organizations institutions universities and related institutions holds different events about research and technology

History of National Research and Technology Week

In order to promote a culture of research the Ministry of Science Research and Technology annually celebrates the fourth week of Decembersldquo Research and Technology Weekrdquo according to the designation of December 25thas Research day by the Public Culture Council The responsibility of organizing this week rests with Research Deputy of the Ministry

In line with this from 15ndash 18 December 201617th Exhibition of Research Week will be held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground and Ceremony of Glo-rifying Exemplary Researchers and Technologists will be held at Iran Internation-al Conference Center

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 10: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

15th Exhibition

16th Exhibition

17th Exhibition

Date 14-17 December 2014

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Number of participant companies 272

Area Roofed100745 m2

Covered exhibition halls 8 9 10 11 12 13

Date 14-17 December 2015


Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 13000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

Date 14-17 December 2016

Venue Tehran Intrsquol Permanent Fairground

Total number of stand exhibition 305

Total number of companies 272

Net Area 14000 m2

Covered exhibition halls 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27

About Exhibition

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 11: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Aims amp Objectives

bull Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran

bull Developing Export Markets for Irans Goods amp Services

bull Assistance to Iranian SMEs to Expand Internationally

bull Enterprise Development and Competitiveness

bull Market and Product Development


bull Exploring markets globally

bull Organizing trade missions and holding meetings with foreign trade delegations

bull International trade cooperation such as trade information exchange organizing trade promotional events joint re-search and provision of facilities

bull Collecting Information to Serve Business Better

bull Market Information by disseminating information on foreign markets and business opportunities to Iranian SMEs

bull Responding to trade-related enquiries from foreign buyers trade associations chambers of commerce foreign mis-sions in Iran business visitors to Iran as well as Iran Business Community

bull Virtual Access to the Market Providing the countrys largest database specializing in trade information by ITPOs website wwwtpoir

Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

bull Iranian Exporters Database

bull Holding business training amp seminars

bull Issuing permission for organizing domestic amp International exhibitions in Iran and also participation of Iranian com-panies in international trade fairs and exhibitions abroad

For further information please contact Tel+98-21-21919 Fax+98-21-22664044-45 Email infotpoir

About Iran Trade Promotion Organization

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars

Page 12: 榮巍戌氈 荵湃抻 殪懆欷胙楙恃 - TPO.IR · یتمواقم داصتقا یانب ریز ،یروانف یزاس یراجت و روحم اضاقت شهوژپ یاهدرواتسد

Demand-Driven Research and Commercialization of Technology Research the Base of Resistance

Web site Namagostar Adonis wwwngadonisircom

About the Organizer

Records of Holding Exhibition 16th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 15th Iran International Exhibition of Research Technology and Tech Park

Achievement 21th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights 22th International Exhibition of Chandeliers amp Decorative Lights

Festival of Stationery and Engineering

1stInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

2ndInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

3rdInternational Exhibition of Stationery and Engineering

1st Exhibition of Fashion Top Brands Great festival of Fashion Top Brands Festival of stationery office and engineering equipment

Executive Management Oil amp Energy Exhibition

With knowledgeable personnel and a brilliant experience in holding domestic Exhibitions Namagostar Adonis Co and under the auspices of Ministry of Science Research and Technol-ogy and with the official permission issued by Trade Promotion Organization organizes 17thResearch and Technology Exhibition

Scope of Activity of Namagostar Adonis

Stationery and engineering equipment industry

Exhibition Industry and Organizing National events

Designing exhibition stands and Booth construction

Seminars conferences and exhibition service

providing exhibition services conferences and seminars