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ODI Node Vienna: Best Practise Beispiele für: Open Innovation mittels Open Data

Apr 16, 2017


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Page 1: ODI Node Vienna: Best Practise Beispiele für: Open Innovation mittels Open Data

Data Pioneers10.10.2016, Wien


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• Das Open Data Institute Vienna (ODI Vienna)• Open Data - was ist das genau?• Open Data in Europa und in Österreich• Open Data und das Potential für

(Open) Innovation• Best Practise Beispiele: international & national• Zusammenfassung und Fazit

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The Open Data Institute – The ODI (HQ, UK)

• The Open Data Institute is catalysing the evolution of open data culture to create economic, environmental, and social value. It helps unlock supply, generates demand, creates and disseminates knowledge to address local and global issues.

• We convene world-class experts to collaborate, incubate, nurture and mentor new ideas, and promote innovation.

• We enable anyone to learn and engage with open data, and empower our teams to help others through professional coaching and mentoring.

• Founded in 2012 by Sirs Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt, the ODI is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan, limited by guarantee company.

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The Open Data Institute – The ODI28 nodes in 15 countries









Chicago USA


Gold Coast


Buenos Aires



North Carolina


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Gründungsmitglieder ODI Node Vienna

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Open Data - Was ist das?

Open data can be freely accessed, used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose.

Open data has to have a licence that says it is open data. Without a licence, the data can’t be reused. The licence might also say:

● that people who use the data must credit whoever is publishing it (this is called attribution)

● that people who mix the data with other data have to also release the results as open data (this is called share-alike)

Good open data

● is available in a standard, structured format, so that it can be easily processed● can be linked to, so that it can be easily shared and talked about● has guaranteed availability and consistency over time, so that others can rely on it● is traceable, through any processing, right back to where it originates, so others

can work out whether to trust it

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The 8 Principles of Open Government Data1. Complete

All public data is made available. Public data is data that is not subject to valid privacy, security or privilege limitations.

2. PrimaryData is as collected at the source, with the highest possible level of granularity, not in aggregate or modified


3. TimelyData is made available as quickly as necessary to preserve the value of the data.

4. AccessibleData is available to the widest range of users for the widest range of purposes.

5. Machine processableData is reasonably structured to allow automated processing.

6. Non-discriminatoryData is available to anyone, with no requirement of registration.

7. Non-proprietaryData is available in a format over which no entity has exclusive control.

8. License-freeData is not subject to any copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret regulation.

Reasonable privacy, security and privilege restrictions may be allowed.

PLUS: Sunlight Foundation, August 2010: 9) Dauerhaftigkeit / Stetigkeit & 10) Nutzungskosten




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Open Data & Datenwirtschaft - in Europa

Up to 100 Mio Euro through projects, H2020 Research et al

● EC Open Data Portal (9k datasets)● 2015 Launch Pan EU Data Portal (640k)● EU Open Data Incubator (ODINE)● H2020: Open & Big Data Uptake● EU28 National Open Data Activities● EU Digital Single Market & free flow of data● European Data Science Academy (EDSA)● Big Data Europe (BDE)● Open Data Portals: 520 entries worldwide

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Open Data - in Österreich

• ~3000 Datensätze ( & ODP)• ~400 Anwendungen• Cooperation OGD Österreich (20+ Stellen)• Verwaltung & Wirtschaft & Forschung• Klar definierte Standards• Vi Community

– ODI Node Vienna– OK.AT– School of Data (SODA)

• Projekte: ADEQUATe, City Data, GTGD, ...• UN Public Award & EDI Award (2014)• NEU: Data Market Austria (DMA)

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Von Open Data nach LINKED Open Data

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Von Open Data nach LINKED Open Data

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Open Data Business & Innovation

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Open Data - ein Motor für die Wirtschaft

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Open Data - ein Motor für (Open) Innovation

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Strategische Bedeutung:• Plattform für innovative Produkte und Services• Basis für neue Geschäftsmodelle• Grundlage für Kollaboration (Netzwerk-Effekte)• “Inside-out” oder gekoppelte Innovationsprozesse

Konkrete Ziele:• Zeit- und Kostenersparnisse• Transparenz erhöhen• Verbesserung der Qualität der eigenen Daten• Verbreitung bestehender Produkte fördern• Wettbewerbsvorteile durch zusätzlichen Wert für Kunden• Verbesserte Beziehungen zu Partnern, Kunden, Mitbewerbern etc.• Zusätzliche Ideen für (Verbesserung von) Produkten & Services• Beschäftigung mit & Etablierung des Themas: Datenmanagement

Open Data - ein Motor für (Open) Innovation

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Open Data - ein Motor für (Open) Innovation

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Best Practise Beispiele

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Open Data - Best Practise

Wikinomics, Don Tapscot (2008!!)Goldcorp Inc

Rob McEwen ist mit seinem Latein am Ende. Das Management hat alles probiert – aber nichts will mehr

gelingen. Seine Goldmine schreibt rote Zahlen. Da kommt der Firmenchef auf die rettende Idee: Man könnte

es machen wie Wikipedia, das Online-Lexikon, und Externe die Arbeit machen lassen.

Diese Eingebung bringt die Wende. McEwen stellt das Firmenproblem samt allen Daten der Goldmine ins

Internet. Er lädt Unbekannte aus der Netzgemeinde ein, Ideen zu schicken, wie man es besser machen

könne. Wenig später hat er Post. Geologen, Professoren, Hobbytüftler und sogar Militärs zeigen ihm neue

Fundstellen für Gold und liefern Vorschläge, wie man den Betrieb wieder flottmachen könnte. Die Sache wird

ein Erfolg, der Turnaround gelingt.

Der Firmenchef aus Kanada ist Pionier einer neuen Bewegung. Die Intelligenz der Massen da draussen

anzapfen, Unbekannte zur Mitwirkung an Themen aus dem Betrieb einladen, die Aufgaben nicht durch

einen Vorgesetzten, sondern über das Internet koordinieren, so lautet ihr neues Mantra.

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Open Data - Best Practise

Open PHACTS Mission:Integrate Multiple Research Biomedical Data ResourcesInto A Single Open & Free

Access Point

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

• Thomson Reuters and the Open Data Institute• TR is a multinational news and information service provider

(finance and risk, law, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science)

• Had company-wide unique identifiers for internal data federation.• Made a large subset of these PermIDs, together with descriptive

metadata and tools, available as Linked Data with an open license.

• To improve client relationships• To create value with open data

“The more an identifier is used in other datasets, the more valuable the primary data becomes”

• To improve the quality of their data“Having more eyes on our data will make it gradually stronger and

richer.”• To improve uptake of their existing products• To reap indirect financial benefits of increased data use






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Open Data - Best Practise

“We don't exist to make money out of issuing those identifiers. We create those identifiers because it's important to our internal data model.

The reality is that we have this data and are managing it anyway, so the incremental cost for us to expose it externally is not that great in the grand scheme of things.”

Dan Benett, Thomson Reuters


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Open Data - Best Practise

“Increasing amounts of open data are being published, and we're making the investment to be a foundational part of this future ecosystem.

The basic idea is that just as this has helped us connect data from around our own organisation, it should then help our customers, our partners, and maybe even our competitors do the same with their data, and plug that into our organisation, our platform.”

Dan Meisner, Thomson Reuters


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Open Data - Best PractiseSyngenta, a global agriculture business and one of the world’s largest crop chemical producers, in collaboration with the ODI.

1. Made intense use of publicly available data in their R&D.2. Funded extension of open source ChEMBL database of bioactive

molecules with crop protection data extracted from a large number of academic journals.[1]

3. Released six open datasets related to its sustainability initiative “good growth plan”

4. Contributions to Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative

5. Improve R&D (→ used and financed creation of open data)6. Improve transparency (→ released own data)7. Allow others to create value from the data

(e.g., let farmers benchmark their resource efficiency)8. Ongoing shift to a more collaborative business model in which data

plays an increasingly significant part.





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Open Data - Best Practise

“The rate of data generation is increasing. The granularity is getting finer and finer all the time. All of that gives us loads more data to work with and the chances of any one organisation being able to generate the data, host the data, analyse the data and come up with brilliant answers all on their own seems vanishingly small. We have to find ways of collaborating.”

Graham Mullier, Syngenta

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Open Data - Best Practise

Why Spain’s BBVA is opening up customer data analytics for allTwo months ago, BBVA opened its anonymised and aggregated payment data pools up to third-party developers. More than 800 developers signed up for access, and 150 mobile applications have since been created.

Bressan (BBVA’s chief data scientist,) said many of these apps were ideas BBVA would never have thought of itself, such as a personal organisation app that advised people of the best time to join queues for tourist attractions based on POS data collected from those locations. Another application could analyse multiple data points to determine the best place for retailers to open new stores.

“From using the data to improve my business from having a better risk scoring, to improving the business of my clients by providing them with this intelligence, we are going into a completely different business which is selling information based on our data,” Bressan said.

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Open Data - Best Practise

Wolters Kluwer Deutschland (WKD)

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Open Data - Best Practise

Wolters Kluwer Deutschland (WKD)

“Eine Win-Win-Win-Situation kann nur erreicht werden, wenn alle Beteiligten aktiv zusammenarbeiten. Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH hat juristische Thesauri publiziert, um diese Zusammenarbeit in der Domäne Recht zu initialisieren”

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best PractiseWhat is OpenCorporates?OpenCorporates aims to do a straightforward (though big) thing: have a URL for every company in the world.

Is that all?Well, no useful though that would be, we're also gradually importing government data relating to companies, and trying to match it to specific companies

Why do this?Few parts of the corporate world are limited to a single country, and so the world needs a way of bringing the information together in a single place, and more than that, a place that's accessible to anyone, not just those who subscribe to proprietary datasets. See also the OpenCorporates Principles

There are quite a few countries you're missingWe've grown from 3 territories and a few million companies to over 115 jurisdictions and 110 million companies, and are working with the open data community to add more each week. | |

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Open Data - Best Practise• Platform that hosts predictive modeling and analytics competitions• Community of over 536,000 registered users as of 2016[1]

Competitions:1) Companies prepare and share the data and a description of the problem.2) Participants experiment and compete against each other to produce the

best models– work is shared publicly to inspire new ideas– live scoring and leaderboard

3) After the deadline passes, the company pays the prize money in exchange for a free license (non-exclusive unless otherwise specified)

Examples:• GE: Flight quest• Bosch: Production Line Performance• Boehringer Ingelheim: Predicting a Biological response of molecules from their ch

emical properties


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Open Data - Best Practise

• Triggered by reverse engineering of Mindstorms • LEGO Cuusoo (“I wish”) Community (2008):

– Customer-led open innovation– Initially in Japan– users post design ideas and vote based on their

“intention to purchase”– ideas that reach a threshold are produced– Revenue sharing model– e.g., Minecraft franchise– Today rolled out globally as LEGO Ideas crowdsourcing

platform • LEGO Design byMe - Mass Customization (discontinued in 2012)

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Open Data - Best Practise

• Design, engineering and consulting services for the built environment (e.g., Sydney Opera, Marina Bay Sands Singapore, The Gherkin...)

• Around 11,000 employees and a turnover of £1.05bn in 2014.

• Has created and connected with an ecosystem of open innovators• Idea of a porous data supply-chain

• New ways of collaborating• has led to new products and new ways of working• saved them time and money




“We think there are domains that would benefit not just from open data but an open innovation process. It's not just data, it's also open source in terms of code or the development of other digital assets”

“Open innovation frameworks and the use of Apache licensing for code development and sharing is really attractive to both sides. It allows us to create IP without having to have complex legal agreements, lawyers, and background and foreground IP discussion that just slows everything down in this new world.”

Volker Buscher, Arup

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Open Data - Best Practise

"Ohne Open Data würde es uns nicht geben"

Andreas Langegger (zoomsquare)

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Open Data - Best Practise

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Fazit• Bei Offenheit geht es um mehr als die passive Nutzung von

offenen Verwaltungsdaten.• Open Data ist nicht nur etwas für Verwaltung und Startups• Open Data kann kurzfristig Kunden binden und Kosten sparen,

v.a. aber auch ein strategisches Werkzeug für Open Innovation sein.

• OD kann Reibung in kollaborativen Prozessen reduzieren, die Reichweite erhöhen sowie Innovationen und neue Geschäftsmodelle ermöglichen.

• Übergang zu kollaborativen Geschäftsmodellen erfordert Öffnung von Daten und Innovationsprozessen

• OD als Plattform zur Schaffung neuer “Datenökosysteme”• Offene Daten als Einstieg in Datenmanagement, Daten Literacy &

-Governance in der Organisation!

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Contact Points

Martin KaltenböckSWC [email protected]

Elmar KieslingVienna University of [email protected]

Peter ParycekDonau University [email protected]

Axel PolleresVienna Univ. of Economics and [email protected]


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Data Market Austria - DMA

Die heute verfügbare Anzahl an Daten bzw. die täglich produzierten Datenmengen haben eine bis dato ungeahnte Größe angenommen – Daten sind zu einem Rohstoff geworden, welcher weltweit in beinahe jedem Industriesektor eine entscheidende Rolle spielt.

Daher ist ein florierender Datenmarkt bzw. ein funktionierendes Daten-Services Ökosystem für Österreich ein entscheidender Faktor für Beschäftigung und Wachstum sowie für nachhaltige gesellschaftliche Stabilität und Wohlstand.

Das Data Market Austria Projekt etabliert ein Daten-Services Ökosystem in Österreich durch die Schaffung einer deutlich verbesserten Technologiebasis für sichere Datenmärkte und Cloud-Interoperabilität und die Etablierung eines Daten-Innovationsumfeldes. Pilotsysteme sowie innovative Anwendungen u.a. in den Bereichen Erdbeobachtung und Mobilität werden die Verwendung des neuen Daten-Services Ökosystem sowie die Wertschöpfung daraus demonstrieren.

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Data Market Austria - DMA

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Data Market Austria - DMA

DMA Launch Event03. November 2016, ab 16:00 Uhr (15:00 Einlass)Agenda: Projektvorstellung - Keynote: Datenwirtschaft - Stakeholder TalksDanach: Networking Buffet & DMA PartyT-Center, Rennweg 97-99, 1030 Wien

Info & Anmeldung: Twitter: @DataMarketAT | #datamarketat

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Data Market Austria - DMA

Initiert von:Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft, Austrian Institute of Technology, Catalysts, Compass-Verlag GmbH, Donau Universität Krems, Earth Observation Data Centre, INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH. Know-Center GmbH, Lefkopoulos KG - bouncingbytes, Semantic Web Company GmbH, Siemens, T-Mobile Austria GmbH, TDA Trusted Data Analytics GmbH & Co KG, T-Systems Austria GmbH, Wikimedia Austria, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik