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Oct 30 Bull

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  • 8/3/2019 Oct 30 Bull



    Rectory: 440-934-4212 Fax: 440-934-0507E-mail: [email protected] Website:

    School: 440-934-6246 Convent: 440-934-5173FR. C. THOMAS CLEATO, PASTOR

    Rev. Arthur B. Egan, Pastor Emeritus

    The King James Bible is four hundred years old this year. While it is notan authorized translation for Catholics, it has had a profound impact on theEnglish language. Phrases such as, "A house divided against itself cannotstand" (Mt 12:25); "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" (Mt 5:38); and"Pearls before swine" (Mt 7:6), all entered common parlance in English after theKing James translation was made available. While many of the phrases wereused in earlier English translations, it was the King James Version that actuallypopularized many of these sayings. As people became more familiar with thetext, words employed in the translation began to appear more frequently as well.

    Today's Gospel passage is the one that gives rise to the word"pharisaical." Matthew, who portrays Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount as thenew lawgiver who enlarges the law of Moses given at Sinai, takes on the scribesand the Pharisees. As Jesus indicates, they sit in the seat of Moses, but theirexample is hardly in line with him. They tie up heavy burdens for people. Theyare self-righteous. They make their importance felt. They practice strictobservance in externals without concern for the inner spirit of the law. They are,in the words of the English translation, "pharisaical."

    Jesus expects his followers to act in a different way. As we learned last week, the law demands love of Godand love of neighbor. And while external religious acts can indicate an enduring love of God, no one can judge thehearts of others in reference to their prayers. Only God knows an individual's love of him. But the ways that oneloves a neighbor can be clearly seen, by one's actions of charity in caring for the poor, aiding the sick, and helpingthe oppressed. It is clear from the Gospel today that Jesus expects his followers to be servants of all.


    Saturday Evening: ............. 4:00 pm

    Sunday:8:00, 10:00 am, 12:00 noonMonday & Thursday: ........ 7:30 pmTuesday, Wednesday, Friday: . 8:30amSaturday Morning: ............ 8:30 amHoly Days:

    ... Vigil 7:30 pm; 8:30 am, 7:30 pmHolidays: ........................... 9:00 am


    Saturday:................... 2:303:30 pm

    Monday: ................... 7:007:25 pm



    Monday: ............................ 7:30 pm


    Thursday: .................. 1:007:00 pm


  • 8/3/2019 Oct 30 Bull


    PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Patricia Carnac, JohnMatthew Gibson, Joan Rodger, Thomas Richards, Mary Anne Ber-thold, Kristy OBrien, Debra Deremiak, Gwendolyn Gurney, JoanVotes, Elizabeth Conners, Chuck Docs, Anita Grant, Jim Hricovec,

    J. Koerner, Matthew Noar, Owen Winters, Genevieve Smith, RobertGates, Virginia Sump, Thomas Ackerman, June Naelitz, Kate Liauw,Arthur Rossi, Diane Urig, Martha Adkins, Natalie Butchko, WendyHallier, Carol Gates, Robert Werner, Sr., Bob DeChant, John Khoma,Vicky Motes, Kathleen Mahoney, Jeffrey Hostottle, , Brenda Hazel-

    wood, Bill Grabert, Alexa Jennings, Barbara Milota, Ryan Case,

    Irene Chrulski, Urban Klingshirn, Benita Tabler, Alice DeChant,Gayle Zadorozny, Jim Rider, George Drda, Edward Noar, Annette

    Vance, Stanley Perusek, Gloria Simon, Kerry Coleman, Jose-

    phine Jankowski, Dan Kelovsky, Kathleen Drellishak, San-

    dra Pitts, Rosemary Wysocki, Alice DeChant, William Skall ,

    Rose Abfall. If anyone needs communion to be administered

    to a HOME BOUD individual, please contact the Rectory tomake the appointment. L

    LAST WEEKS OFFERTORY COLLECTION: Last week col-lection $8,030.53. This year's budget is based on a weeklyoffering of $10,200.00. Our current weekly average is$9,145.55

    SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Please support our sponsor,eyedesign.CPO GIFT CARDS: Are available for purchase. Please callthe Convent at 440-934-5173.ROSARY: We need more people to come and say the Rosaryon Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Please come and join us.

    Please join us for Donut Sunday:After the 10 am mass today. Octo-ber 30, in the school hall, spon-sored by St. Mary PTU. We willalso have prize calendars for sale -$10 gives you 30 chances to win

    great prizes! Proceeds from the calendar salebenefit the exciting programs going on at St MarySchool. Hope to see you there!

    Memorial Mass Thursday. November 3, 2011at 7:30 p.m. Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 410 LearRd., Avon Lake for all deceased members and theirfamilies of the Knights of Columbus Father RaganCouncil 3269. All are welcome. Light refreshmentsserved following Mass.


    SALE: It is that time of year again for theHoly Name fruit sale. Past customersshould receive their order forms in themail and there are forms in the back of thechurch. Fresh fruit is shipped direct from Florida to youso do not miss out! Deadline for ordering is Sunday,November 13th which is earlier than the past so pleasedo not delay! Pick Up is Saturday, December 10 or $1per box for local delivery. Questions call Mike Ruman-

    cik at 440-463-0027 or [email protected].

    Holy ame Society Turkey

    Raffle The Holy Name Turkey Raffle

    will be held Sunday Nov 20th

    in the newParish Center. Doors open at 6:15 and raf-

    fle begins at 7:15. Please pick up the main

    raffle tickets at the rear of the church with

    your name to save on postage. Fruit sale deadline is Nov. 13th

    this year so please do not bring orders to the raffle. We are

    also looking for door prizes. Call Herman Wearsch 937-5159

    for details. Hope to see all of you there for this fun annual


    Apple Strudel Sale: St. Mary8th Graders are putting on a Strudel

    Sale on December 3 in the SchoolHall. Please stop by and pick one up.ENROLLMENT FOR CONFIRMATION: Is scheduled forToday, October 30, 2011 at the 12:00 Noon Mass. All candi-dates, parents and sponsors if chosen are expected toattendPRESCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL: If you have not regis-tered your child it is not to late. You may still register at anytime. We are also in need of at least 2 more teachers if pos-sible. For information please call Loretta Rouse - 934-0666.SECURING OUR FUTURE: There are cards in the pewsregarding Fr. Toms Finance letter. If you missed the letterabout our Financial Situation or the Annual Financial Report,there are copies in the back of the Church. Please fill out a

    card and put it in the collection. Thank You.PSR: There are NO CLASSES on Monday, Oc-tober 31 and Tuesday, November 1. CLASSESRESUME on Monday, November 7 and Tues-day, November 6.

    CYO Girls Basketball Is seeking a coach for a 5thGrade team. Some experience is needed, but othercoaches would be willing to assist. If you are inter-ested in coaching this year, please contact DennisZakutny at 934-1620 or [email protected].


    ***Meetings/Events**Happy Halloween!!!All Saints Day - Tuesday,November 1, Holy Day ofObligation. Monday Vigil7:30 pm,Tuesday 8:30 am,

    7:30 pm.

  • 8/3/2019 Oct 30 Bull



    7:30 pm Karlee Clements, Lauren Smith, Lauren Van NielTuesday,

    8:30 am Lauren Van Niel, Morgan Thomas7:30 pm Jackie Ziegman, Sara Hricovec


    8:30 am Tommy Paoloni, Paul DemerThursday,

    7:30 pm Carly Holowecky, Emma Abfall, Abbey AbfallFriday,

    8:30 am Becky Horvath, Amy Vorisek, Emily MarshallSaturday,

    8:30 am Cameron Carandang, Cara Provenzale4:00 pm Megan Yonkof, Amy Vorisek, Sarah Guggenbiller

    Sunday,8:00 am Paul Demer, Jack & Kelsie McNally

    10:00 am Julia Randolph, Morgan Thomas12:00 pm Becky Horvath, Madeline Cagnina, Emily Marshall

    EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER 5/6:Avon Oaks: (Tue. Rosary) Nancy Danese and Linda Havlik(Wed.) Robert Ryant and Marie Snavely ( Fri. ) Fr. Tom, Nancy Danese, Mary Brownfield

    Saturday,4:00 pm Sheila Rice-Dane, Toni Burch, Lori Yeager

    Sunday,8:00 am Ingrid Cooper,

    10:00 am Ken Ganobsik, Nell Buckley, Dorrie Bommer, Veronica Kowalski12:00 pm Dan Briehl


    Saturday,4:00 pm Ed Fleming

    Sunday,8:00 am Tess Wearsch10:00 am Volunteer12:00 pm Colin McCauley


    Monday, October 31, Weekday7:30 pm Carole Dandrea (Roy & Evelyn Schneider)

    Tuesday, November 1, All Saints8:30 am Cathy Szajko (Joyce Zimmerman)7:30 pm Mass for the Living and Deceased of the Dacek Family

    Wednesday, November 2, All Souls8:30 am Ronald Conrad (Conrad Family)

    Thursday, November 3, Weekday7:30 pm Patrick Deary (Agnes))

    Friday, November 4, St. Charles Borromeo,bishop8:30 am Sam DiFrancesco (Evelyn Schneider)

    Saturday, November 5, Weekday8:30 am Rey Segovia (Friend)4:00 pm Earl Schneider (Jim & Anita Fudale Family)

    Sunday, November 6, Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 am George & Eileen Vasu (Family)

    10:00 am Viola Kinkopf (Friend)12:00 pm People of the Parish


  • 8/3/2019 Oct 30 Bull


    2012 St. Mary Winterfest/Casino ight.Save the date...February 4, Thisis one of St. Mary's largest fund-raising events. The night in-cludes silent auctions, chineseraffles, casino tables, dancing,great food, and spending time

    with good friends. If you would like to help this year,please contact Nadine Wearsch @ 440-934-6549 or

    email [email protected].

    ST. MARY OF THE IMMACULATE COCEPTIOSCHOOL CALEDAR FUDRAISER : Enclosed is oneof the fundraiser calendars for your review. The Schooland PTU are selling the calendars in the month of Octoberfor our November Fundraiser. For a $10.00 donation thereare 30 chances to win - with GREAT PRIZES1 If you areinterested in buying this calendar please fill out the stubwith name, address, phone and return it to the parish office

    or in the Sunday offertory basket in a envelope marked cal-endar sale with your $10.00 donation. If you would beinterested in additional calendars for purchase please callLisa Kay at 215-214-6721. On behalf of Saint Mary of theImmaculate Conception School PTU we appreciate your

    support .

    Matt and Jackie Ziegman are collectingtoiletries for the less fortunate along withsocks, hats, gloves.This allows you to clean out

    your drawers and cupboards of un-used and un-wanteditems that will be greatly appreciated and used by others.

    Please put new or partially new (hotel, travel, full size) con-tainers of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, tooth paste,soaps, lotions, cosmetics, nail polish, Chapstick, feminineproducts, and toilet paper ALOG with any clean, new orgently worn socks, hats, gloves, in the basket near the sidealtar for distribution. Any items you have for donation willbe greatly appreciated and distributed weekly to CatholicCharities & the Homeless Shelter in Lorain, the BlessingHouse, and Birth Right.

    DAY SCHOOL: At St. MarySchool we are GrowingMinds..Growing Faith.Please toview our day school cur-riculum and activities forgrades K-8. You may alsocontact the School Office at440-934-6246 to schedule apersonal tour.


    ING AND CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE: Sunday, No-vember 13, 2011 at the Club 3606 Bridge Avenue.Dinner served from 12 Noon to 2:00 pm. Drawing isat 1:30 pm. Donations: $8, information 216-631-6872..

  • 8/3/2019 Oct 30 Bull


    Roman Missal

    Mass Prayers and ResponsesFor the next four weeks, we will be featuring

    a different portion of the peoples responses

    that will be changing with the Roman Missal

    the first weekend of Advent, November 26

    and 27. Please watch the bulletin each weekfor the additional changes.

    (Text in bold represents the wording that

    has changed in the Roman Missal)

    GreetingPriest: The Lord be with you.

    People: And with your spirit.

    Penitential Act, Form A

    (Confiteor)I confess to almighty Godand to you, my brothers and sisters,

    that I have greatly sinned

    in my thoughts and in my words,in what I have done

    and in what I have failed to do,

    through my fault, through my fault,

    through my most grievous fault;

    therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,

    all the Angels and Saints,

    and you, my brothers and sisters,to pray for me to the Lord our God.

    Penitential Act, Form BPriest: Have mercy on us, O Lord.

    People: For we have sinned against you.

    Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy.

    People: And grant us your salvation.

    Crafters Wanted:Craftersare wanted for Elyria CatholicsHoliday Craft Show and Bazaarwhich will be held Saturday, No-vember 5, 2011 from 9 a.m. 3p.m. Our crafters are treatedright with students to help loadand unload your car, and free

    coffee and pastry. Tables are $40, or $45 with electric.For additional information or a packet with an applica-tion, please call Kathy Boone at 440-258-3420 or BarbDillon at 440-365-7814 or email [email protected]. Thank you.ETERTAIMET BOOKS -- 2012: Isabella Ladiesgild, Fr. Ragan Council Knights of Columbus of Avonand Avon Lake are selling 2012 ENTERTAINMENTbooks as well as OUR TOWN AND ALL AROUNDbooks. The Entertainment books are $30 each and OurTown books are $28. The Our Town books include many

    single patron coupons as well as buy one get one. Bothbooks contain many local and Cleveland area businesses,fast food and better restaurants, service providers andmore. Books are available from any Guild member or bycalling one of the following ladies: Betty 934-0346, Jan933-8550 or Margaret 934-5766.

    ST. EDWARD HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE:Open Houses,Today, October 30, Noon - 2:30 pmPlacement /Scholarship Tests*

    Wednesday, November 2, 5:30 pm

    Saturday, November 5, 9:00 am*8th grade boys only. $20 test feeParent information sessions at the start of each test. Testlast approximately 2.5 hrs. Any questions call 216-521-2204 or [email protected]


  • 8/3/2019 Oct 30 Bull


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