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~ Tiangiklan PUCHONG-Ini antara usaha diambil beberapaoperator pelbagai perkhidmatan untuk mengiklankanperkhidmatan merekakepadaorang awam sehinggasanggup menggunakantiang lampu jalan milik pihak berkuasa tempatan. Namun,yang peliknyatidak diketahui bagaimanaatau bila masa golongan ini boleh .memanjat seterusnyamenampaliklan sebeginitanpa memikirkan keselamatandiri diTaman PuchongPrimaini. Ambilmudah PUCHONG- Golongan tidak bertanggungjawab sering .. i-nenjadikan tempatawamsebagai tempatpembuangan sampah walaupunmengetahui bahawa tindakanberkenaanmencacatkan kawasanpersekitaran. Seperti yangberlakupadapondok telefonberhampiranLebuhraya Damansara Puchong (LOP) berhadapanpasarayahyperini sewajarnya tidakberlakudalam usahanegaramenjadimenjadi sebuahnegaramajumenjelang 2020. . -- 11 t~ ~tJ~ ~(~l . , 1. , I I I I . ... '1 <i! :z ~ w w ::?: 4: cr::: ::> N 8 J2 . - SINAR HARLAN , Tarikh: ..:n.~.~f.~.~!~... .~ , J(~ .~, 11 \ -' « :z 4: I'-J w ~~ II« a:: ::> t-J 8 J2 ,/ ~. ~>...
11 selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn

Dec 31, 2019



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Page 1: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn


TiangiklanPUCHONG-Iniantara usahadiambil beberapaoperatorpelbagaiperkhidmatanuntukmengiklankanperkhidmatanmerekakepadaorang awamsehinggasanggupmenggunakantiang lampujalan milik pihak berkuasatempatan. Namun,yangpeliknyatidak diketahuibagaimanaatau bila masagolongan ini boleh.memanjatseterusnyamenampaliklansebeginitanpa memikirkankeselamatandiri di TamanPuchongPrimaini.


.. i-nenjadikantempatawamsebagaitempatpembuangansampahwalaupunmengetahuibahawatindakanberkenaanmencacatkankawasanpersekitaran.SepertiyangberlakupadapondoktelefonberhampiranLebuhrayaDamansaraPuchong(LOP)berhadapanpasarrayahyperinisewajarnyatidakberlakudalamusahanegaramenjadimenjadisebuahnegaramajumenjelang2020. .




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SINAR HARLAN, Tarikh: ..:n.~.~f.~.~!~...


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Page 2: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn


Laluan paipgasberisikoPendudukmohon bina pagar >\WAf{ 1,{5'(')O(I




IPihakberkenaan digesa memasang pagar di kawasan laluan paip gas kerana menimbulkankebimbangan penduduk terhadap risikokeselamatan pelajar di kawasan itu.


SUBANG JAYAKewujudan laluan paip gasdi US] 17/4 di sini, menim-bulkan kerisauanpenduduksekitar yang turut memo-hon pihal< bertanggungja-wilb dapat membina pagardi kawasanitu.

Wal<il penduduk, AbTalib Haris Ullah, 50, bel'-kata, talmn lalu pihalmyaada mengajukan berkelmanperkara itu kepada MajlisPel'bandaran Subang ]aya(MPSJ).

Menurutnya, wal<ilmaj-lis berkenaan memaldum-kan akan mengambil tinda-kan serius berkenaanhal itudan al<an memanjangkankepada pihak atasan.



I.., -."

" Penduduk tidak tahu tahapbahaya kawasan itu malah lebih

membimbangkan ada pelajar sekolah yangmelalui jalan itu."


"Namun sehingga kinitiada apa-apa maldum ba-las diterima;' katanya kepa-da Sinar Harian.

Ab Talib bel'kata,pagarharus dibina di sekelilingkawasan bel'kenaan danmenjadil<ania kawasan la-rangan.

"Penduduk tidal< tahutahap bahaya kawasan itumalah lebih membimbang-kan ada pelajarsekolahyangmelaluijalan itu.

"Bagaimanapun laluanpelajarsekolahitu boleh di-

kekall<antetapi pihal<berke-naan perlu membina pagarmemisahkan laluan pejalan .kakidengankawasanlaluan I

gas itu;' katanyayang me- I

maklumkan kira-ldra 400 jpelajar menggunakan lalu-an itu setiaphari.

Dalam pada itu,Timbalan Yang DipertuaMPS], Abdullah Marjunidketil<a diminta mengulasisu berkenaan berkata, pi-hal<nyaakan mengusull<anperkara berkenaan kepadapihal<berwajib.

SINAR~. 'n 3 MAY ~O\\Tarlkh: ,


Page 3: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn

ITH a family owning at leasttwo cars these days, park-ing space in residential

areas is scarce.Many residents have resorted to

placing objects in front of their hous-es to reserve the space for them-selves and to prevent others fromparking there.

Among the common items used toreserve the spots are flower pots,traffic cones, pails, plastic bollardsand signs,

In some cases, placing such itemson the road would cause disputesamong the neighbours,

A Bandar Utama resident said her

neighbour placed a traffic cone atthe boundary of their houses butoften pushed it further to her side.

"It's a childish game we're playing.I push it back to the boundary butwhenever we remove our car parkedoutside the house, they will push thecone back to our side.

"We should respect each otherand keep our cars within our ownboundary instead of being so self-ish," she said.

The resident noted that using traf-fic cones to "claim ownership" of theparking space is a norm in her hous-ing area.

"Many of us have three or morecars and the road is full of cars at

night," she said.In Taman Melawati, Ampang, the

residents were concerned about akerb built by a neighbour outside hishouse.

A resident said the existence ofthe kerb jeopardised the pedestri-ans' safety as it obstructed their pathto avoid oncoming vehicles.

"An elderly person pushing a pramcannot go onto the kerb if a carcomes close by," he said.

He suspected the kerb was built toprevent others from parking thereand the residents had complained tothe Ampang )aya Municipal Council(MPA)).

"MPA) tried to get the houseowner to remove the kerb but theresident said the kerb was to beau-tify the area and was not an obstruc-tion.

"However. the reason is invalidand building the kerb is also againstthe law," he said.

When contacted. MPA) public

---T/t( ~


Out ofbounds: A kerbhas been builtto prevent carsfrom beingparked on theroad shoulderin TamanMelawati.

Lack of parking areasMany residents use objects to reserve space

~ I "1"-'~l...~.~



,;.",jI---No parking: Broken tiles, bollard and stones are used to stop othersfrom parking at the junction of Bandar Puchong Jaya.

relations officer Norhayati Ahmadsaid the council was aware of thematter and allowed the resident tokeep the kerb,

"The owner said he wanted tolandscapeihe area. Furthermore, thehouse is a corner lot and carsparkedat the locationwouldobstructthe views of other road users.

"Parking on the green belt nearthe road is not allowed, and we con-cluded that the kerb does notobstruct traffic,"she said.

On the other hand, residents whopark outside their houses also riskgetting a summons from the localcouncils.

AUS)20 resident, MosesTan,was

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Tarikb: {) 3 ~AY-a:oH, n'."







Last resort: A resident displaying the 'no parking' sign to warn theneighbours to keep their cars within the borders of their own houses.





issued a summons by the Subang)aya Municipal Council (MPSj) inMarch for parking right in front ofhis house and the offencestated was"parking at a place not meant to becar park."

A word "aduan" (complaint) wasscribbled on the summons so hesuspected it was his neighbour whocomplained to MPS).

But he went to the MPS)offceandmanaged to get the summons writ-.ten off based on the documentaryevidence that he was a residentthere.

"The senior employees in MPS)were willing to listen and actedjudi-ciously.

"It only involved a slight incon-venience in havingto spend the timeto appeal," he said.

MPSJcouncillor RajivRishyakaransaid it was indeed illegal to parkoutside a parking box drawn by thelocalcouncils.

"However, the fact is, in mosthousingareas, residents have to parkoutside their houses.

"MPS)rarely enforces this, unlessthe areas are near commercial lotsand there are complaintsfrom theresidents," he said.

He added that the council shouldallow owners to park their cars out-side the house.

"I have raised this a few times atthe MPS) infrastructure meetingsbut my attempts were unsuccess-ful.

"However, the cars can alsobecome an obstruction sometimeswhen they are parked too far fromthe road shoulder," he said.

MPSJ public relations assistantdirector AzfarizalAbdulRashidsaidresidents living near commercialcentres could buy a car sticker at "RM3 from the councilas proofthatthe car owners were occupantsofthe houses.

Page 4: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn

Khalidtegurpihakbuatkecohlnsidendi MasjidAmruAI-As,BandarBaruSentultidakpatutberiakuNUR FARHANA ABDUL MANAN

SHAH ALAM - Menteri Besar, Tan SriAbdul Khalid Ibrahim menegur tindakanmelakukankekeeohandi Masjid Amru Al-As, Bandar Barn Sentul,Jumaat laIu.

Beliau berkata, insiden kekecohantersebut tidak sepatutnya berlakumemandangkan masjid adalah tempatibadat umat Islam dan sebarang aktivitiyang dilal<ukandi dalam kawasan itu harusdibuat seeara tertib bukan sebaliknya.

"I<ita gunal<an masjid untul<mengalakkan sembahyang berjemaah,sebagai tempat perkahwinan, untul<adakan eeramah dan sekaranguntul<orangbersumpah pula. Sebab itu saya katal<ansepatutnya masjid digunakan dengan earatertib.

"Saya tidaktahu yang berlal<u (kekeeohan

pada had berkenaan). Sebenarnya apabilaberada di masjidkalau hendak berbineang

buatlah dengan eara terbaik;'katanya.';Beliau berkata demildan kepada

pemberita selepas merasmikan majlis JomKonvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis PerbandaranSubang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m.

Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid AmruAl-As Bandar Barn Sentul yang menjadilokasi ahli perniagaan, Datul< Shazryl EskayAbdullah melafazkan sumpah laknat kecohberikutan tindakan provokasi anggota AMI<dan penyokong Pam Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Kekecohan itu dilaporkan belakuselepassolat Jumaat apabilaahli AMK yang diketuaioleh Sharnsul Iskandar Mohd. Aldn cuba

mengagalkan majlis lafaz sumpah laknatyang dijanjil<anoleh Shazryl Eskay sebelumini berhubung klip video seks yang didakwamembabitl<an seorang pemimpin kananpembangkang.

Ekoran kekecohan itu, beberapa anggotapolis terpaksa masuk ke dalam masjid bagimenenangkan keadaan.

)\\i ~ ~(<f~\f

Abdul Khalid bersama peserta Jom Konvoi MPSJ selepas merasmikan program penutupnya diBangunan SUI<,petang semalam.


SINARHARlANTarikh' 0 3 MAY~o-J.1. ............

Page 5: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn


c;t\J M1. '>1'4'>0 \1

SUBANG JAYA - Peserta Jom Konvoi Majlis PerbandaranSubang Jaya (MPSJ) 2011 yang berkonvoi ke Dungun Jumaatlalu dilantik secara automatik menjadi Duta PersatuanMencegah Dadah Malaysia {Pemadam}.. Pengarah program berkenaan, Azfarizal Abdul Rashidberkata, jika sebelum ini peserta hanya mendapat pendeda-han mengenai bahaya dadah daripada bekas penagih danagensi berkenaan, kali ini peserta sendiri memainkan pera-nan menghebahkan perkara itu kepada penduduk kampungyang bakal dikunjungi.

"Peserta akan diberi tugasan untuk menghebahkan ba-haya dadah dan unsur berkaitan kepada 75 keluarga diKampung Seberang Pintasan, Dungun.

"Ia tidak lain bagi memberikan mereka pendedahan ba-gaimana masyaral<at boleh bersama-sama memastikan ne-gara bebas daripada ancaman dadah;' katanya.

SlNAR~0 3 M~::..............Tarikh: ..............

Page 6: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn

Wakilrakyattunaijanji i\~Itf2.~~

"Sebanyak RMll,OOO diperuntukkanuntuk membina kemudahan terbabit khu-

sus digunakan warga emas."l(emudahan ini bukannya murah jadi

saya minta penduduk untuk menjaganyadan tidak membiarkan ia dirosakkan;' ka-tanya ketika meninjau kemudahan berke-naan yang barn dibina di sini.

Dalam perkembangan lain. HannahYeoh mengingatkan penduduk yangmengunjungi taman riadah berkenaansupaya segera pulang ke rumah sekiranyacuaca bertukar gelap.

"Banyak kejadian membabitkan pen-duduk terkena panahan petir dan renjatanelektrik berlaku kebelakangan ini;' katanya.

...~"ItII'/~~ 4'


SUBANG JAYA - Janji untuk menyedia-kan kemudahan tempat duduk di tamanriadah bagi warga emas di padang USJ 2yang sudah digunakan sejal<20 tahun lalukini ditunaikan wakil rakyat kawasan ber-kenaan.

Sinar Harian difaharnkan, warga emasdi kawasan terbabit membuat permoho-nan kepada Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri(ADUN) Subang Jaya, Hannah YeohTseow Suan Januari lalu dalam satu pro-gram dianjurkan.

Hannah Yeoh berkata. set kerusi dan

meja termasuk bangku berdekatan tamanpermainan itu dibina dengan peruntukanJawatankuasa Penduduk (JKP) Zon 3.




~ .Hannah Yeoh (duduk,kanan) bennesra dengan penduduk ketika meninjau kemudahan yangbaru dibina di padang USJ 2.

SINAR HAKlA1. 0 3 MAY~Tarlkh: ..................

Page 7: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn

Parkamenitiesto fostercommunitytiesBy Dawn [email protected]

SUBANG JAYA: A makeshift structure, madeout of logs to act as benches, and a stack ofbricks to be a table, were put together byresidents at the USJ 9/3 park.

This made Subang Jaya Municipal Zone 3councillor Rajiv Rishyakaran reallse the dearthof park benches in his zone's residential neigh-bourhoods last year.

His checks around the neighbourhood parksconfIrmed the need for park amenities, so Ra-jiv, who is also Zone 3 Residents Committeechairman, embarked on a mission to provideproper structures for the communities he wasresponsible for, namely USJ 2 to USJ 15.

He secured flmds from the Subang JayaCouncil and then worked on equipping theparks with tables and chairs, as well as con-crete benches for the community's use.

Rajiv was optimistic that more parks will beequipped with tables and benches, as well aslightings to keep the parks safe.

"So far, parks in USJ 3,USJ 11, USJ 14, USJ 913,USJ 6 and USJ 2 have beenequipped with the facili-ties. I am looking into doingthe same thing in otherparks in my zone.

"Although some parksare already lit, some areaswithin those parks are notlit adequately.

"( want parks in my zoneto serve as a place for thecommunity to convene andfoster relationships withone another," he said.

One of the parks with therecently completed ameni-ties is the USJ 2I4P parklaunched by Subang Jayaassemblyman HannahYeah.

Rajiv and USJ 2 and 6Neighbourhood Walchdeputy chairman A. Vadi-vellu were also present.

With spanking new parkbenches and tables placedstrategically under shady trees, there is morereason for the residents in the neighbow'hoodto come out of their houses and socialise witheach other in the park.

Complementing the two concrete benchesand two sels of tables and chairs at the park arean existing pavilion, a football field as well as ajogging track.

At the lalmch, a group of USJ 2 residents.hosted a breakfast by using the newly madefacilities.

Yeah said now that the request for the parkbenches, tables and chairs have been fulfilled,she hoped il would be put into good use by thecommunity.

tJt'i '3M)b'1

The spanking newpark amenities in

USJ 2/4P serves asa platform for

residents in thearea to come out

and socialise witheach other. -

Pictureby AizuddinSaad

She asked them to take care of the newly


constructed amenities.She also advised residents to take note of

impending lightning storm signs as the USJarea is prone tosuch incidents.

She cited a case in USJ 6 where a boy waskilledwhileplayingbasketballtwo years ago.

Much to the delight of those present, Yeohalso alUlOuncedshe would be contributingRM1,000 to the senior citizens tai chi group

there to cover fees fortheir classes and otheractivities.

Rajiv said the ameni-, ties would draw resi-I dents out of their homes

to chit-chat amongthemselves, read news-yapers or even throw a-potluckparty.

"Without these parkbenches, chairs and ta-bles, this would just be

Ianother empty spot," he


said.Prior to building the

amenities, Rajivsaid theNeighbourhood Watchwas engaged to deter-mined the sort of tablesand chairs they wantedand where to placethem.

Healsosaid the zone'scommunity hall, whichserves the entire USJarea, was air-condi-tioned in 2009 for the


Rajiv Rishyakaran secured funds from theSubang Jaya Council to equip parks in hiszone with the proper amenities.

comfort of users.Pat Woo, a frequent park visitor, was one of

the many residents who was happy with theamenities.

"It is a hive of activity here in the morningand evenings. Youwill see senior citizens prac-tising tai chi, children playing footbali and peo-ple jogging.

"r am here every day for my tai chi and linedancing sessions.

"The park is safe and parking is convenient.I am sure I will be spending more time herewith my friends from now on," said the 62-year-old who has been living in USJ 2 for 20years.



NEW STRAITS TIMESTarikh: Q..?.M~Y.:~!.....

Page 8: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn

Gangguan air

di PJ 9 M~~ ~4\\KUALALUMPUR2 Mei -Beberapa kawasan dipetaling laya akanmellgalami gangguanbekalan air pada 9 Meiini.

pengarah EksekutifHal Ehwal KorporatSyarikat Bekalan AirSelangor Sdn. Bhd.(Syabas), Abdul HalemMat Som berkata,gangguan berpuncadaripada kerja menaiktaraf perkhidmatanbekalan air.

Katanya, kawasan diPetaling laya yang akanmengalarni masalahbekalan air pada 9 Meiini ialah sekitar KoiTropika, PuchongPerdana, PuchongPermai, Puchong Prima,Taman PerindustrianPuchong Utama, TasikPrima, PerindustrianMaju laya, lalanPuchong Batu 13,Puchong Permata, PusatBandar Puchong dan SriPuchong.

"Gangguan daripukullO malam hingga6 pagi keesokan harinyaadalah bagimembolehkankerja-kerja pengalihanpaip sedia ada di TapakPembangunanSetiawalk, BandarPuchong laya, " katanya.



Tarikh: O.l.MA.X.:~~L...

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Page 9: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn

228. Notis/TenderKerajaan .

I<" , '

M:l1Lig~PEirBAND.iaNSUBI~4~A~~>",' ..,-~, z~ ~~, ,'Y"~ ,,~!'i! '~~i':; ",


1'~~f~~'~'1J~~te~~?~h'i~n yaogsah s~bagai

,12. JFA6740:13:i 'E,'"13BY:5~91

i4~'; BBXij914

~~:J, J" ,B,g_IP$!~,

16. WBP 2670

'1'7. ". WfK 9968 '

1~." ""w.eN';51"


Page 10: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn



228. Notis/TenderKerajaan

" '<w- .. ',"" ~,"""'''1''

.::., .'.

'. .'"i';,'";!#Jii;'f,i,},'?::!..I("t\VA",,, .,',SELANe@HhID1IiEn!:JL~6F.iSAN..,CC> ' .,,", .'" .~>~~1J;;"",,~,,,., ,~,~.~~ ,,""

r5~'kcitn~nM;n~,'f~a;;nbol~h dir~jUrL~~rK~"te~;§e;§~p~qu;Ara$ t, ~~jlisP~~an1;laran:?tJ" Jaya, Persiar~ Perp~q~.~n,'U~J5~47~6"lOSylJang'da,ya;~el~!l9(;)rp~191 .. ..\... :) ,.:',. ,.. '.. ,.. . ...' - i 'p~, ',. '. ,"

II re1~ill~t~':':~ll~lj~q~~~b~.~~.,. J.,~Gara;'Q~I!n~'mel1!iu,;l~roah"~lj, D6ki.rmentawaran ;J"enderyang telab lengkap dilsi hendaklarr dimasukkan ke dalam '

sampulsurat berlal<rrdan bertahd.a dengari)ajuKkerja berkenaan dan dima~;ukkarf .I'!'il ke dalam PetiTender,9i ~abatanKontrakdan' yr,~~~~QJAJ~§~."ME:fjli§Pf!rb~rt~aran, .

Sub~pgJ~ya trdak'iewatdari 23 Mei20~ .. Jam 12:00. tE!"nga,hari: ", .




Page 11: selepas merasmikan majlis Jom Konvoi 2011 anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), semal~m. Jumaat lalu, dewan solat Masjid Amru Al-As Bandar Barn



Transport hub joy/ .

Easieraccessto LRTandKTM stations with newterminal " I

, By SHAHRIM TAMRIM Shahrlmtamr;[email protected],myI'(\61\~~ ~ 1M\ 111J6ifJRESIDENTS ofSubangJaya,USJ Subang and Sunwaycan expect improvement inpublic transport with thebuilding of an IntegratedTransport Terminal (ITT)in Subang Jaya to supporttheLRT Kelana Jaya line ex-tension project.

Subang Jaya MunicipalCouncil (MPSJ) town plan-ning director Yunos Kashibtold TheMalay MailtheITTwould integrate the LRT andKTM Subang commuter sta-tions.

"The proposed transporthub is a joint venture be-tween Sime Darby PropertyBhd and Syarikat PrasaranaNegara Berhad as the assetowner of the LRTi station,"he said. .

"MPSJ has received theI planfromSimeDarbyProp-ierty and is waiting for theTraffic Impact Assessmentreport before it can provide


them ~th full approval:'Yunos said the ITT would

augur well tor the improve-ment of public transport inSubang Jaya and the sur-rounding residential andcommercial areas.

"The. ITT is part of the

upcoming Subang Jaya CityCentre (SJCc) by Sime Dar-by Property," he said,

"A Tenaga Nasional Ber-had (TNB) sub-station that

currently o~cupies four

~ MALA~~~~~~~' kh ' .........-...1'ar1 """'"''''

acres at the proposed sitewill be relocated and a landstrip adjacent to the KTMKomuter station and therailway tracks will be trans-formed into a mixed devel-


opment site."He 'said no tirne-frame

had be~n. given for1:l!e ITTand SJCC to takeoff.

'''There will be several sky- .

bridges at the SJCGand thepublic can have easy accessto the LRT and KTM sta-

.tions and other buildings -wiiliout having to ventureonto the roads.". It is learnt the ITT wouldinclude facilities for bus andtaxi parking bays as well as

d,rop-off area for private ve- Ihicles.


Alsq, to accommodatefree flow of traffic at the in- 1tegrated rail stations, Rapid-KL feed~r and stage buses,taxis and private vehicleswould only be allowed todisembark passengers at thetransport hub.

The ITT would also pro-vide park-and-ride facilitiesfor commuters who wish topark their vehicles befor~taking the LRT or KTMtrains.
