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! I I I I I I i i , j I I i I i 1 3- 2. Minutes of Meetings (M/M) :MINUTES OF MEETINGS BETWEEN THE lAP AN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY AND AUTHORITIES CONCERNED OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA ON JAPANESE TECHNICAL COOPERATION FOR THE PROJECT FOR IMPROVING OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH The Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereinafter referred to as nnCA") had a series of discussions with the Malaysian authorities for the purpose ofworking out the details of the technical cooperation program concerning the Project for Improving Occupational Safety and Health. Administration of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (hereinafter referred to as "the PrQject"). As a result of the discussions, both sides agreed to record the document attached hereto as a supplement to the Record of Discussions - Kuala Lumpur, December 6, 2006 Mr. Hiroshi Umezaki Resident .Representative Japan International Cooperation Agency Malaysia Office Ir. ~ddin AbClU Director General Department of Occupational Safety and Health Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia -95- 1

OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH … · NADOPOD as well as investigation on fatal accidents and diseases by the state offices is conducted appropriately. Collaboration by SOCSO and

Apr 15, 2018



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Page 1: OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH … · NADOPOD as well as investigation on fatal accidents and diseases by the state offices is conducted appropriately. Collaboration by SOCSO and





3 - 2. Minutes of Meetings (M/M)





The Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereinafter referred to as nnCA")had a series of discussions with the Malaysian authorities for the purpose ofworking outthe details of the technical cooperation program concerning the Project for ImprovingOccupational Safety and Health. Administration of the Department of Occupational Safetyand Health (hereinafter referred to as "the PrQject").

As a result of the discussions, both sides agreed to record the document attachedhereto as a supplement to the Record of Discussions -

Kuala Lumpur, December 6, 2006

Mr. Hiroshi UmezakiResident .RepresentativeJapan International Cooperation AgencyMalaysia Office

Ir. ~ddin AbClUDirector General

Department of Occupational Safety and HealthMinistry of Human ResourcesMalaysia



Page 2: OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH … · NADOPOD as well as investigation on fatal accidents and diseases by the state offices is conducted appropriately. Collaboration by SOCSO and


I. Structure of the Project implementation

(1) The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (herein after referred to as

"DaSH") of the Ministry of Human Resources (hereinafter referred to· as "MOHR") will Ibear primary responsibility for the administration and implementation of the Project.DaSH will also assign a sufficient· number of counterpart personnel for theimplementation of the Project. DaSH will ensure necessary coordination and monitoringamong the related departments within MOHR and other donors, as necessary.

(2) For the effective and successful implementation of the Project, a Joint CoordinatingCommittee (hereinafter referred to as "lCC") will be established, as shown in the Recordof Discussions ..

(3) DOSH will provide office space for the Project in: it.s head office as well as in theDOSH state offices ofthe pilot projectareas ..

n.! ;Project Design Matrix (pDM)

Both sides agreed to the PDM as shown in ANNEX 1.PDM is a logically designed matrix. which defines the initial understanding of the rramework of technical cooperation of theProject and indicates the logical steps toward the achievement of the Project purpose .. .

PDM is to be revised, if necessary and upon approval by JCC, according to the progresspft4e Project.

DI. Plan of Operation (PO)

Both sides agreed to the tentative PO as shown in ANNEX n. The Annual Plan of

. Operation is to be drafted by both the Malaysian p,ersonnel concerned and Japaneseexpert(s) according to the PO and is to be submitted to JCC.



Page 3: OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH … · NADOPOD as well as investigation on fatal accidents and diseases by the state offices is conducted appropriately. Collaboration by SOCSO and

_______________________________________________ ~- •• __ "',•••"'- ••••• " • __ ~ ..••••,•. ••A. __ ••• ._._ •••__

@ .ANN~X 1. PDM for the Projeot for Improving Oocupational Safety and Health Administration of DaSH

Target Group; Officers of the Departme'1t of Occupational Safety and Health (DaSH)

Project Duration: Five years

Project Narrative S)Jmmary Verifiable Indicators

a. Morethan 70% inspectors evaluate that a. Answersto questionnaireDaSH functionsin the focused aSH areas have

for the inspectorsbeen improved

b. Answersto questionnaireb. Industrialorganizationsevaluate that DaSH

fo'rr"levant industrialfunctions in the fooused aSH areas have been

organizationsimproved(Namelist is givenin Remark4,)

1-a. An administrationreviewreport is

I-a. Administrationcompleted review report1-b. Accidentsprofilesare developed I-b. Accidents profiles1-c. The two aSH strategies are finalized 1-c. OSH strategies2-a. A trainingreviewreport is deve,loped.

2-a. Training review

2-b. Modulesare developed.

report2-c. Morethan 60% inspectors receive training

2-b. Training modulesbased on the new trainingmodules

2-0. Training records2-d. Morethan 70% of the trained inspectors

2-d. Course evaluationevaluate the trainingcourses are usefulto their reportsduties 3. Workshop records3. Morethan 70% of participantsevaluate the workshops/seminarsare contributableto theimprovementof th~ir aSH status


Overall Goal:

The status of occupational safety and health condition in Malaysia is at parwith that in the developed countries.

Project Purpose: ,

aSH administration by DaSH is improved with a focus on constructionindustry and small and medium scale enterprises.

Output-1: Methods and procedures to 'implement aSH administration areupgraped.

Output-2: The capacity of DOSH inspectors for aSH administration inconstruction industry and small and medium scale enterprises is improved.

Output-3: The capacity of DaSH to raise the public awareness for aSH isstrengthened.

Occupational fatal accident rates inMalaysia will be reduced to 3 death per100,000 workers by 2020.


SOCSO statisticsNADOPOD dataILO OSH statistics

Date: 29 November 2006

Important Assumptions

Strategic Plan, DOSH (2005-2010)and annual plans of DaSH are allsuccessfully materialized.

The enterprises address theimprovement of OSH at their owninitiative.

Achievement of Output-1 isextended to other DOSH stateoffices by DOSH Headquarters.

A majority of the inspectors trainedremains in DOSH for a long time.

~_..__ . --...--


1. Methods and procedures to implement OSH administration areupgraded.1-1 To review the current methods and procedures used by DOSH toimplement aSH administration1-2 To improve data collection system and analysis on occupationalaccidents and diseases

1-3 To study enterprises' compliance with aSH laws and regulations1-4 To draft OSH strategy for the priority areas;j) Construction industry

'0,"d m.dl"m,,,,. eo'••pri",

Inputs:Japanese side:Long-term expert: OSH Administration, one personShort-term ~xperts: 2 to 5 persons a year for specifiedsubjectsTraining in Japan: 3 to 7 persons a year

Malaysian side:Project counterparts HQ: 3 persons, State Offices: 2 personsOffice and office ·equipment for JICA expertsSecretary for JICA expertsProject operation costs (training, seminars, publications, etc.)

"OSH statistics data collection byNADOPOD as well as investigationon fatal accidents and diseases bythe state offices is conductedappropriately.

Collaboration by SOCSO andDepartment of Labor is obtained.

Page 4: OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH … · NADOPOD as well as investigation on fatal accidents and diseases by the state offices is conducted appropriately. Collaboration by SOCSO and


1-5 To conduct the pilot project in the selected DaSH state offices (FederalTerritory of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor State)1-6 To finalize the aSH Strategy for the priority areas

2; The capacity of DaSH inspectors for aSH administration inconstruction industry and small and medium scale enterprises isimproved.

2-1. To review existing training programs for inspectors2-2. To .identify the training needs for inspectors.2-3. To .develop new training modules for inspectors based on the aboveneeds and by incorporating outcomes from 1-4.2-4. To conduct trainers' training for the modules developed in 2-3.2-5. To implerTienttraining for the inspectors.2-6. To evaluate training implementation for future improvement

3. The capacity of DaSH to raise the public awareness for aSH isstrengthened.

3-1. To study effectiveness of existing promotional materials and measures ..3-2. To improve the quality of promotional materials for the industries andthe public.3-3. To conduct workshops and seminars for the industries .



1. "Administration" means "law enforcement and promotion."

2. Phemical safety and ergonomics should be considered ~s potential subjects to be incorporated intotraining modules for the DaSH inspectors.

3. Issues addressed in Activity 1-1 to 1-3 willbe partly or fully incorporated in the aSH strategy, if theseare related to construction safety and SMI.

4. Candidate evaluators for the indicator-b of the project purpose willbe CICM.ClDB, FMM.MBAM.MEF,MTUC, and SMIDEC.

Pre-conditions:Necessary budgets of DOSHisappropriatelyallocated.Appropriate number of DOSHcounterparts are assigned to theProject.

Page 5: OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH … · NADOPOD as well as investigation on fatal accidents and diseases by the state offices is conducted appropriately. Collaboration by SOCSO and

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'ANNEX 11.Tentative Plan of Operation: Project for Improving Occupational Safety and Health Administration of DOSHDate: 29 November 2006 ,"



, 200720082009201020112012IAotivities in Project Narrative Summary 01Q203Q4QI02Q304Ql.02Q3Q40102Q3040102030401020304

1. Methods and procedures to implement OSH administration

Iare upgraded. 1-1 To review the current methods and procedures used byDOSH to implement aSH administration I1-2 To improve da~a collection' system and analysis on ...................... ", :::::::f::::Y:J

occupational accidents and diseases..····T··..·r....I1-3 To study enterprises' compliance with aSH laws and I

". ................. :~.....................regulations

:1....·..· ......... -

~.................... :, -4 To draft aSH strategy for the priority areas; j) Construotion industryiDSmall and mediulll scale enterprises

.~1-5 To oonduct the pilot project in the selected DaSH state

J:::::::..~:~~~~;:~:~~:~~~:;;:::.'::::::::..::::::::::}offices (Federal Territorv of Kuala lumpur and Selangor State)

1-6 To finalize the aSH Strategy for the priority areas2. The capacity of DOSH inspectors for aSH administration inconstruction industry and small and medium scale enterprisesis improved.2-1. To review existing training programs for inspectors2-2. To identify the training needs for inspectors.

~2-3. To develop new training modules for inspectors based on

C:::Jthe above needs and by incorporating outcomes from 1'-4.2-4. To.conduct trainers' training for the modules developed in


2-5. To implement training for the inspectors.;=~I

2-6. To evaluate training implementation for future improvement. r:=~"-==c=~3. The capacity of DOSH to raise the public awarenass for aSH ii? strengthened.3-1. To study effectiveness of existing promotional materialsand measures.3-2. To increase the number and type of promotional materials

~~**for the industries and the public.

~3-3. To conduct workshops and seminars for the industries . .4. Joint 'Evaluation





(JQI:January to March