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Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib


    Dr Haris Habib, MSPH 2009-10

    [email protected]

    Dated 6th

    May 2009

    Hea l t h S e r v i ces A cadem y , C hak S hahzad I s lam a bad

  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib


  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib


    An average estimated fatal occupational accident ratein the whole world was 14.0/100,000 workers and thetotal estimated number of fatal occupational accidentswas 335,000 in 1994

    According to World Bank classification of regions thehighest rates (23.1/100,000) and absolute fatalityfigures (80,586) are found in Other Asia and Islands(OAI) (4) .The reason is that the rapidly industrialisingcountries such as the Republic of Korea, Thailand and

    Indonesia have reported high fatal accident frequencyrates

  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib


    A commonly used argument is also that poorcountries and companies cannot afford safety andhealth measures.(world economic forum 2002)

    Selecting a low-safety, low-health and low-income

    survival strategy is not likely to lead to highcompetitiveness or sustainability (ILO Safety innumbers,2003).

    The accidents reported to ILO comprised only 3.9%

    for the estimated accidents that took place in theworld (takala ,et al)

  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib


    There is strong association between workersperception of organisational factors related tooccupational health and workers behaviourtowards safety at work. Although longitudinalstudies can further clarify the relationbetween safety climate and workersbehaviour, managements commitment tosafety seems a strong determinant of success

    of interventions focused to improve workersbehaviour regarding occupational health andsafety(Garcia et al)

  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib


    Reduction in occupational accidents in Premier Sugar MillsMardan.

    ObjectiveTo find out different causes of occupational accidents &

    To determine the prevalence of occupational accidents atpremier sugar mills, Mardan.

    Study Design

    Cross sectional descriptive study

    Ethical issues

    Written informed consent will be taken from departmentsand authorities concerned with the study.

  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib


    Socio demographic Variables like name, age,

    sex, duration of job in factory, salary, etc will beused.

    Study variables like any apparent deformity,general physical examination, eye sight

    examination etc.Location

    Premier Sugar Mills Mardan


    3 months


    Rs 50,000

  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib


    As Pakistan is among the countries who dontprovide data for occupational accidents toInternational Labour Organisation and thats whythere is no check on these incident , this study will

    provide some beneficial information aboutoccupational accidents and its fatalities and willhelp the national policy maker to consider thoseareas who was not exposed before. In the long

    term this study will affect policies regarding healthand safety of industrial workers.

  • 8/14/2019 Occupational Accidents Haiis Habib

    9/9 2- Pivi Hmlinena,,Jukka Takalab1and Kaija Leena Saarelaa,


    Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Occupational SafetyEngineering, P.O. Box 541, FIN-33101 Tampere, FinlandbInternational Labour Office (ILO), SafeWork, Geneva, Switzerland

    3- McDonald C. Epidemiology of work related diseases. London:BMJ Books, 2000.

    4- International Labour Office: Yearbook of Labour Statistics 1996,

    55th issue, Geneva 1996. 1145p. (in English, French, Spanish) 5-AKERSTEDT T, FREDLUND P, GILLBERG M, JANSSON B.

    J.Sleep.Res,2002;11(1):69-71.National Institute for Psychosocial Factors and Health, Stockholm,Sweden, Department of Public Health Sciences, KarolinskaInstitute, Stockholm, Sweden

    6- G M H Swaen, L G P M van Amelsvoort, U Bltmann, IJ Kant,

    Occup Environ Med 2003;60(Suppl I):i88i92 7- A M Garcia, P Boix, C Canosa, Occup Environ Med 2004;61:239
