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OCB P OCB - · Y X YX 1 -Directive Leadership 2 -Supportive Leadership 3 -Participative Leadership

Oct 01, 2018



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1 - Anderson 2 - The tri- dimensional leader effectiveness 3 - Life cycle theory 4 - Hersey & Blanchard 5 - Maturity 6 - Capacity 7 - Ability & willingness 8 - Talking 9 - Selling 10 - Delegating 11 - Great man Approach 12 - Triat Approach 13 - Behavioral Approuch 14 - Contingency or situational 15 - Fiedler 16 - Cognitive source 17 - Path

Goal Theory 18 - Evans And House

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1 - Directive Leadership 2 - Supportive Leadership 3 - Participative Leadership 4 - Achievement- Oriented Leadership 5 - Douglas Mc Gregor 6 - Normative Decision Theory 7 - Leader- member exchange theory 8 Autocratic Style 9 - Democratic Style 10 - Laissezfair Style 11 - Relation Shiporien Style 12 - Task oriented Style 13 - Directive style 14 - Selegating style 15 - Constitutive 16 - How to choose a leadership pattern 17 - Background 18 - Reward Power 19 - Coercive Power 20 - Legitimate Power 21 - Referent Power

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1 - Desivilya, Sabag & Ashon 2

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) 3

Bienstock, c. carol & et al 4 - Carol 5 - Demordnville 6 - Smith & Rachel 7 - Appelbaum, steven & et al 8 - Cohen & Kol 9 - Marketing 10 - Economic 11 - Leader shipment 12 - Social psychology 13 - Human resource management 14 - Bolino 15 - Barnard 16 - George & Brief 17 - Bettenhausen 18 - Altruism 19 - Conscientiousness 20 - Sportsmanship

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1 - Courtesy 2 - Civic virtue 3 - Organizational citizenship behavior individual oriented ( OCBI). 4 - Organizational citizenship behavior Organizational oriented (OCBO). 5 - Mackenzie, Paine& Bacharach 6 -Pillai & Schriesheim 7 - Bulent 8 - Rahim, Magner, Antinioni, & Rahman 9 - Aryee, Budhwar, & Chen 10 - Costa & Mc Crae 11 - Rioux 12 - Finkelstein 13 - Crawford & Haaland 14 - Spilerman 15 - Shaw 16 - Bachrach, Powell, Bendoly, Richey 17 - Atkinson 18 - Magnusson 19 - Odbert

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1 - Neuroticism 2 - Pasychoticism 3 - Peabody & De Raad 4 - Ashton & et al 5 - Rabertson & et al 6 - Szarota 7 - Morman & et al 8 - Vigoda 9 - Chien 10 - Elanain & et al 11 - Kumer & at el 12 - Neuroticism

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1 - Levine 2 - ohio state university 3 - Michigan university 4 - Euwema & at el 5 - Ilies 6 - Chen 7 - Rubin & at el 8 - Kim & at el 9 - Cho & at el 10 - Walum bwa & at el 11 - Levine 12 - Matthew Bowler & at el

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1 - McCrae & Costa

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1 - Bardnez & Metezekas

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* P

** P








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