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W = = f t OCALA ViNIN RR FIIIDAY UIlTEMIEIt 3JlM 7 I 1 0o 1WININGSTAR- c L iittinfw anti RR Carrell Editors sng Publteben f C L ITTINGCR EdiU- rIt R CARROLL ulnn Mn f er The Odd Fellows of Georgia are af ¬ ter the next meeting of the Sovereign Grand Lodge For that purpose and to entertain the delegates 15000 are necessary of which the lodges outside Atlanta will raise 5500 and Atlanta the same amount The question of which place will win will be made known at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Seattle Sept 24th Among the Gainesville people who took supper at the Ocala House last night were Miss Ethel McMeekin Miss Fannie McMeekin Miss Clem Mc ¬ Meekin G H Yancey and wife H L Hutchinson J S Harold Almer Har ¬ old Miss Winnie Pedrick W O Mor- ris ¬ sad wife Joe DuPree Richard and- J E Whitney A K KrousSV Da- vis J Thou W Fielding E Wellington- W Morrow T R Bennett J L Shaw B A Thomas E StrIngfellow with the McCreerya of the Gainesville Sun who will witness the game this after- noon ¬ Mr Charles Cullen the successful phosphate man has returned from his trip to England He was accompanied by his wife They spent a month In G and elsewhere on pleasure a d business and the remainder of the summer in England with Mr Cullens parents Mrs Cullen and children are at Tarboro N C where they will visit relatives until October Mr Cullen Is the picture of health The copperhead mogul engine that drew the big Gainesville excursion yesterday divided honors with the dia- mond in admiration bestowed on its ponderous proportions It tank held 6000 gallons of water This Is the type of engine that will speed between Jacksonville and St Petersburg this winter when the heavy rails now be ¬ ing put down are extended along the entire route It is the biggest and I heaviest engine that ever visited this city The behavior of the big baseball crowd yesterday was admirable The University Citys big contingent was one wort y to pattern after The la- dies ¬ were fair and most of them under forty while the men were the soul of chivalry Chesterflelden In every sense of the word Albert Graham returned yesterday- from Los Kiss on the Oklawaha and left this afternoon for Arcadia He was i accompanied by his sister Mrs How ¬ ard Hall and her little daughter Al- bert ¬ said the picnic that was called for Tuesday at Delks Bluff was post- poned ¬ o naccount of the death of Mr t and Mrs Pat Randalls little girl and also the death of the little girl of Mr and Mrs Lemuel Wilson Those who had assembled ate their dinners ex- pressed ¬ sorrow and sympathy for their- griefstricken neighbors and returned totheir t homes The Montezuma had 64 guests yes- terday among whom were John B Floyd of St Augustine ET Brown- ing e Bowling Green A Gredig Chat- s tanooga J R Wilson Presville Ind W J Cooper Dunnellon R E L r Robinson T Kinard A E Ellis E M Beville J O Jones R G Bass r D B Morris S F Merchant Otis Thompson A J Ellis G W Easterlin R Witherspoon Ed Morrison and W 0 T Beat Gainesville l R G Ellis the Gainesville fertilizer- man was In town today a guest of the Montezuma He came on business and to see the ball game + Messrs Joseph Longston and A H Hamilton came In from Bushnell this morning with Mr Hamiltons boy to x1 consult Dr E Van Hood about the 7 childs troubles t Mrs D C Clifton and children of i v Daytona reached Ocala yesterday and rt v were the guests of Mrs Cliftons brother Mr Chester Fort and wife and left this morning for Lynne to visk Mrs Cliftons parents Mr and A = Mrs N A Fort- e Owing to the absence of Mr Gold- man V In New York and the sickness of Nathan and Sam Goldman Mr Joe Malaver of the Guarantee Clothing Shoe Co is attending to the business affairs of the Globe A card from Will Dunn reports his fathe condition very much improv- ed ¬ r i O E Hill the successful and pros- perous ¬ farmer of Daisy was in the r city today He said the farmers were rewarded with good crops and not- withstanding the heavy rains the flat L woods country showed little moisture on the surface- EP Townsend ofMartin and A B Lees of Leesburg attended the ball game yesterday i r Goodwin the shoeman has just put his champion shoe repairer in post tkm and as soon as the gas man can rig up a heater to warm the boiler ev- erything will be ready to make any repair a rundown shoe may need The machine is an Ingenious one and does Its work in a manner that excites the admiration of the looker on Take a peep at possibilities as you pass s the shop- Yr Evans chief carpenter of the government building had the misfor- tune ¬ yesterday to strike his ankle with r a hatchet he was using and In- flicting ¬ a severe cut The injury is a painful one and bled profusely Dr i C D Hnlbert was called and dressed the wound I Mjss Anna Wilson and Mrs Mc Attley of Reddick were in town yes- terday I shopping and calling on Supt JH Brinson on school matters- Mr c t J G Spurlin will represent the C M Lewis Grocery Co of Jackson jlll on the road I MR GARY WILL RECEIVE THE MONEY- As I expect to be absent from Ocala for the next few weeks I wish to an ¬ nounce that Mr W < T Gary Is au ¬ thorized to receive and receipt any amounts of money subscribed to the Masonic lodge room and opera house building A E Gerig Secretary Building Committee Capt J A Harrison a Pullman conductor is laying off In Ocala trying to break a fever that he contracted several weeks ago He is the guest- of his sister Mrs Carter Dr W V Newsom is attending him Mr R L Turner of Inverness sup ¬ erintendent of schools for Citrus coun ¬ ty was in town today Mr Turner left for Jacksonvile to attend the meeting of county superintendents that will be held there Prof J H Brinson our popular superintendent of public Instruction- went to Jacksonvile today to attend a meeting of the county superintendents of the state HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ¬ ward for any case of catarrh that can ¬ not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure- FJ Cheney Co- Toledo O We the undersigned have known- FJ Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all busines transactions and financially- able to carry out any obligations made by his firm raIdIng KInnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is takenIntern ¬ ally acting upon the blood and mu ¬ cous surfaces of the system Testi- monials ¬ sent free Price TSc per bot- tle ¬ Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation ELECTRIC SMOOTHING IRONS ON TRIAL- I will place an electric smoothing- Iron In your home on a few days trial upon request at my office or by card- or phone They are the the greatest little thing in the home especially in hot weather Connect the cord with one of your light drops and in a few minutes the iron Is hot No smoke- or dirt and Hat only where it is wanted H W TUCKER HEALTH AND VITALITY Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foleys Orino Laxative- for indigestion stomach and lives trouble and habitual constipation Cleanses the system and is pleasant to take Sold by all druggists There will be a chicken plllau ex tended the public at Stanton on the Hill by Mr A J Leavengood Satur ¬ day afternoon from 4 to 6 oclock There will be boating bathing and all manner of pleasant sports Remem- ber ¬ the time and place Many people delude themselves by saying It will wear away when they notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble This is a mistake Take Foleys Kidney Remedy and stop the drain on the vitality It cures backache rheumatism kidney and bladder trouble and makes every trace of pain weakness and urinary trouble disappear Sold by all druggists Editor Farmer of the Levy County Bronson Times was among the Gainesville excursionists and made the Star a pleasant call Mr Farmer- is one of the best editorial writers In the state There Is no game law against any one hunting for PLANKS CHILL TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma- laria chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE 839O10465Los Angeles and San Francisco on sale various dates Limit October 31 Variable routes and stopovers 9540Seattle Washington Variable routes and stopovers Limit Octo ¬ ber 31 For further information call on or write F J Huber C P T A or- T K KIrkland D P A Tampa Fla Phone the Court Pharmacy We send for fill and deliver your pre- scriptions ¬ promptly FOR RENTHouse on Fort King avenue formerly occupied by Mr Lee Miller Apply to J P Phillips 0 I t t96- c The Proof is in the BREAD- If you are not using it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CARN THE MAN WHO REMAINS SMALL Business success contains no black artthere is nothing mysterious abou- tit Men do not make fortunes by what is called luck Business success is attained by leg ¬ itimate methods at the command of everyone One secret of making money is money at your command Opportunities come unannounced To profit by an opportunity requires quick acceptance after you are sans fled of its value The successful business men are in- variably ¬ men who do business with a bank they are regular customers Without a banks service and help man remains small in a business way He lacks a valuable business aid ev- ery day and at unexpected times We wish you success in your busi- ness and invite you to accept our help- to further your interests THE MUNROE CHAMBLISS BANK Ocala Florida TEACHERS EXAMINATION The state uniform examination for teachers certificates will begin at 9 a m on September 7 1909 The work for white applicants will be conducted- at the Ocala High School building and that for the colored at Howard A ad emy Each applicant will pap a fee of one dollar at time of beginning and will supply himself with legal cap pa ¬ per pens and ink Any other infor- mation ¬ pertaining to the examination will be cheerfully furnished by J H Brinson SUIerin- tendentCASTORIA for Infanti and Children Tti KM YH Han Always BNgkf Bears the- Signature of- WANTEDA W good young irian to take orders and deliver goods Apply- at the Star office Have you seen the new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents- If the glare of the sun hurts your eyes get a pair of smoked glasses from us for 25c The Postoffice Drug- store ¬ Dr Abernethy the great English physician said Watch your kidneys When thheyare affected life Is in dan ¬ ger Foley Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys corrects urinary Ir- regularities ¬ and tones up the whole system Sold by all druggists- R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms If desired FOR SALE Haarvard piano nearly- new 5125 easy terms A M Lans ford phone 328 Ocala KILLS WOULDBE SLAYER merciless murderer is appendicitis with many victims But Dr Kings New Life Pills kill it by prevention They gently stimulate stomach liver and bowels preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis curing con- stipation ¬ biliousness chills malaria headache and Indigestion 25c at all druggists 3 CENTS FOR 10 HOURS RUNNING- How i is that This is not aiT auto ¬ mobile but one of those new 8Inch Westinghouse electric fans that 1 have Just received Let me place one or two of them In your home or on your desk H W Tucker the elec ¬ trical supnly man Are you troubled with dandruff Then try a bottle of Dikes Hair Tonic at the Court Pharmacy HOUSE TO RENT- On Fort King avenue one of the most modern and convenient residences In the city Apply to 139 Fort King av ¬ enue THE BEST PROTECTION- Not a single phone has burned in a house in Ocala A telephone is better than insurance In case of burglars or fire you need quick action You get that day or night with a telephone Residence rates 6 per quarter In ad- vance ¬ Ocala Telephone Co HOME FOR SALE- A splendidly located residence on best street of city medium sized house for sale at low price and on very easy terms Apply to F W Ditto city WOODMARFOR RENT GOODWIN BUNGALOWFurnish- ed ¬ modern plumbing running water acetylene gas 10 per week ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished- running water 5 per week BLAIR VILLATo rent on October 1 for the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene- gas 525 per month David S Woodrow Holder Block Ocala Fla SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE- A 40 scholarship in the Stanley Business College of Thomasville Ga for sale for 510 Apply at the Star office I WARNING- Do not be persuaded into taking anything but Foleys Honey and Tar for chronic coughs bronchitis hay fever asthma and lung trouble as It stops the cough and heals the lungs Sold bv all druggists fAN BARGAINS- An t elghtincn WestInghouse electric fan that Is positively guaranteed to burn only three cents worth of elec- tricity ¬ in ten hours steady running- See them at once H W Tucker the electrical supply man 1 I COATS FOR JERSEY COWS Aristocratic Bovines Also Have Their Teeth Brushed I The following is a straight tip for the proprietors of the Palmetto Park Stock Farm- Cincinnati August 7W Kelcey Schoep who Is heavily interested in J the Metropolitan Street Railway of- t New York and who owns a 150acre farm in Glendale a suburb of this I city has purchased twentyfive coats for his 75000 herd of Jersey cows The two attendants whose sole duties are to look after the cattle place these coverings on them ever morning to protect them from flies I The teeth of each blooded Jersey are brushed three times dally This de- parture I in dairy farming is said to re suit In better health and better milk ROBERT TAYLOR PROMOTED Everybody knows Robert Taylor commercial agent of the Coast Line There Is no fairer or squarer man in I the railroad business Mr Taylors services are appreciated by his line and he has been promoted to lbok aC ter the Interests of the orange and truck shippers over hit line He will endeavor to get the growers acquaint- ed ¬ with the really reliable and re- f ¬ sponsible commission men and assist the growers if every possible way to I market their crop to the best advant ¬ I age Mr Taylor will have headquart- ers ¬ In Jacksonville His many Ocala friends will Join the Star in congrat ¬ ulating him on his promotion- F U OF A The Fraternal Union of America meets in Yonges Hall the second Thursday of each month R E Yonge F M C 1C Sage Secretary LABOR DAY Monday September Gth being labor day find a holiday the banks of the city will be closed for business on that day SEEDS New crop of garden and flower seeds just received Wm Anderson druggist and seedsman Ocala Fla K of P meet Monday nighf t e s Of A- IAfr f t + i yi Y 5 + n rrti- M RE i Studebaker E M F 30 w k AND k- u + s easy an era Will foe handled in this territory iWiT If exclusively for 1910 6y Ilie r = H GAINESVILLE MOTOR CA Gainesville Florida r Mr Hill will be here today and tomorrow demonstrating the L roadster which he drove down fISftTIR1iS k QLTEDON CLINCHER QDCLIN HEI- tt r- i l I I WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TE Af l N j l I WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES ° AlTOr f i t 1 > REPAIRING AND TiRE VULCANIZING DOSE f jJ 1 ol PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 y l n I < t OCALA IRON WORKS OCALA fU te rt t ry- r y Y Ji 1t 5- iII I f- L > J a i i Penny Saved 1 0 i t = is a 4 Qpj Darned the y sajv Then purr hite- Icad 2 r- I n Iii fi 4 is a IUoite earner and notan cx- pcnsct I of fi font certainly loess save money t jt t i wears so much longer than che1 l r substitutes ° C Atlantic lipS < I r Vii Pure White Lead 1 i n j w 1 Dutch Boy Painter Trade Mark n iti- I i i is for sole by all good dealers If i ojj yours doesnt have it write Us and jf i give his name We will simi yon j J also our Houseowners Painting r i i > i 5 Outfit No V Ct 1 t 1 a beauti- ful ¬ if g book orcnlurschem- esNATIONAL I r LEAD COMPANY x 111 Broadway New York I I WI i ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY i i 1 40 to I LORETTO v Near Mandarin FLORIDA t rii t 4 J U iI I Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of SL Joseph YoungBoy- s 7 1 from S to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel ¬ 4i7 < i lectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming f j c Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and r yw w Jt- I Recreation ROOr3 > < t I Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUEBRIOR I Gl I St Josephs Academy Loretto Florida ff f FALL TERM COMMENCES TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH I 1CI 1 P li- I y s I BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWNk Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by thp VerY < Latest Methods v t i t1 I We have just received one of the famotiB Ids t Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially t i for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers whi- I does the work perfectly If you will favor ua irj P 1 I your patronage we guarantee to give youbtt kfiIaft Mower in better condition than the day yon b- it f- I J It will be sharp t and stay sharp longer thai s- Old I style way which is usually done by i i i J rienced workman with a file or an emery hed i li- ft > < SVi f J1- TV lJ < s k Next time your Mower needs s 1 ii S- I rr jbring it in or notify us and we WIN r j > s td- I j make it cut so nicely it will surprite si = Y t 2 cr tt MARION HARDWARE cIIt- r o ij CV Jil

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-09-03 [p ] · The copperhead mogul engine that drew the big Gainesville excursion

Mar 14, 2018



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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-09-03 [p ] · The copperhead mogul engine that drew the big Gainesville excursion



1 0o

1WININGSTAR-c L iittinfw anti R R Carrell

Editors sng Publtebenf


rItR CARROLL ulnn Mnfer

The Odd Fellows of Georgia are af¬

ter the next meeting of the SovereignGrand Lodge For that purpose andto entertain the delegates 15000 arenecessary of which the lodges outsideAtlanta will raise 5500 and Atlantathe same amount The question ofwhich place will win will be madeknown at the meeting of the GrandLodge in Seattle Sept 24th

Among the Gainesville people whotook supper at the Ocala House lastnight were Miss Ethel McMeekin MissFannie McMeekin Miss Clem Mc ¬

Meekin G H Yancey and wife H LHutchinson J S Harold Almer Har¬

old Miss Winnie Pedrick W O Mor-ris


sad wife Joe DuPree Richard and-J E Whitney A K KrousSV Da-visJ Thou W Fielding E Wellington-W Morrow T R Bennett J L ShawB A Thomas E StrIngfellow with theMcCreerya of the Gainesville Sunwho will witness the game this after-noon


Mr Charles Cullen the successfulphosphate man has returned from histrip to England He was accompaniedby his wife They spent a month InG and elsewhere on pleasurea d business and the remainder of thesummer in England with Mr Cullensparents Mrs Cullen and children areat Tarboro N C where they will visitrelatives until October Mr Cullen Isthe picture of health

The copperhead mogul engine thatdrew the big Gainesville excursionyesterday divided honors with the dia-mond in admiration bestowed on itsponderous proportions It tank held6000 gallons of water This Is thetype of engine that will speed betweenJacksonville and St Petersburg thiswinter when the heavy rails now be ¬

ing put down are extended along theentire route It is the biggest and

I heaviest engine that ever visited thiscity

The behavior of the big baseballcrowd yesterday was admirable TheUniversity Citys big contingent wasone wort y to pattern after The la-


were fair and most of them underforty while the men were the soul ofchivalry Chesterflelden In every senseof the word

Albert Graham returned yesterday-from Los Kiss on the Oklawaha andleft this afternoon for Arcadia He was

i accompanied by his sister Mrs How ¬

ard Hall and her little daughter Al-


said the picnic that was calledfor Tuesday at Delks Bluff was post-poned


o naccount of the death of Mrt and Mrs Pat Randalls little girl and

also the death of the little girl of Mrand Mrs Lemuel Wilson Those whohad assembled ate their dinners ex-


sorrow and sympathy for their-griefstricken neighbors and returnedtotheir thomes

The Montezuma had 64 guests yes-terday among whom were John BFloyd of St Augustine ET Brown-inge Bowling Green A Gredig Chat-

s tanooga J R Wilson Presville IndW J Cooper Dunnellon R E Lr Robinson T Kinard A E EllisE M Beville J O Jones R G Bass

r D B Morris S F Merchant OtisThompson A J Ellis G W EasterlinR Witherspoon Ed Morrison and W


T Beat Gainesvillel

R G Ellis the Gainesville fertilizer-man was In town today a guest of theMontezuma He came on business andto see the ball game

+ Messrs Joseph Longston and A HHamilton came In from Bushnell thismorning with Mr Hamiltons boy to

x1consult Dr E Van Hood about the

7 childs troubles

t Mrs D C Clifton and children ofi v Daytona reached Ocala yesterday and

rt v were the guests of Mrs Cliftonsbrother Mr Chester Fort and wifeand left this morning for Lynne tovisk Mrs Cliftons parents Mr and

A =

Mrs N A Fort-

e Owing to the absence of Mr Gold-manV In New York and the sickness ofNathan and Sam Goldman Mr JoeMalaver of the Guarantee ClothingShoe Co is attending to the businessaffairs of the Globe

A card from Will Dunn reports hisfathe condition very much improv-ed




O E Hill the successful and pros-perous


farmer of Daisy was in ther city today He said the farmers were

rewarded with good crops and not-withstanding the heavy rains the flat

L woods country showed little moistureon the surface-

E P Townsend ofMartin and A BLees of Leesburg attended the ballgame yesterday i

r Goodwin the shoeman has just puthis champion shoe repairer in posttkm and as soon as the gas man canrig up a heater to warm the boiler ev-erything will be ready to make anyrepair a rundown shoe may need Themachine is an Ingenious one and doesIts work in a manner that excites the

admiration of the looker on Take apeep at possibilities as you pass

s the shop-

Yr Evans chief carpenter of thegovernment building had the misfor-tune


yesterday to strike his ankle withr a hatchet he was using and In-


a severe cut The injury is apainful one and bled profusely Dr

i C D Hnlbert was called and dressedthe wound


Mjss Anna Wilson and Mrs McAttley of Reddick were in town yes-terdayI shopping and calling on SuptJH Brinson on school matters-

Mrc t J G Spurlin will represent the

C M Lewis Grocery Co of Jacksonjlll on the road



As I expect to be absent from Ocalafor the next few weeks I wish to an ¬

nounce that Mr W < T Gary Is au ¬

thorized to receive and receipt anyamounts of money subscribed to theMasonic lodge room and opera housebuilding A E Gerig

Secretary Building Committee

Capt J A Harrison a Pullmanconductor is laying off In Ocala tryingto break a fever that he contractedseveral weeks ago He is the guest-of his sister Mrs Carter Dr W VNewsom is attending him

Mr R L Turner of Inverness sup¬

erintendent of schools for Citrus coun ¬

ty was in town today Mr Turnerleft for Jacksonvile to attend themeeting of county superintendents thatwill be held there

Prof J H Brinson our popularsuperintendent of public Instruction-went to Jacksonvile today to attend ameeting of the county superintendentsof the state


We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ¬

ward for any case of catarrh that can ¬

not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure-F J Cheney Co-

Toledo OWe the undersigned have known-

F J Cheney for the last 15 years andbelieve him perfectly honorable in allbusines transactions and financially-able to carry out any obligations madeby his firm

raIdIng KInnan MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo O

Halls Catarrh Cure Is takenIntern ¬

ally acting upon the blood and mu ¬

cous surfaces of the system Testi-monials


sent free Price TSc per bot-tle


Sold by all druggists Take HallsFamily Pills for constipation


I will place an electric smoothing-Iron In your home on a few days trialupon request at my office or by card-or phone They are the the greatestlittle thing in the home especially inhot weather Connect the cord withone of your light drops and in a fewminutes the iron Is hot No smoke-or dirt and Hat only where it iswanted H W TUCKER

HEALTH AND VITALITYCosmetics and lotions will not clear

your complexion of pimples andblotches like Foleys Orino Laxative-for indigestion stomach and livestrouble and habitual constipationCleanses the system and is pleasant totake Sold by all druggists

There will be a chicken plllau extended the public at Stanton on theHill by Mr A J Leavengood Satur ¬

day afternoon from 4 to 6 oclockThere will be boating bathing and allmanner of pleasant sports Remem-ber


the time and place

Many people delude themselves bysaying It will wear away whenthey notice symptoms of kidney andbladder trouble This is a mistakeTake Foleys Kidney Remedy andstop the drain on the vitality It curesbackache rheumatism kidney andbladder trouble and makes every traceof pain weakness and urinary troubledisappear Sold by all druggists

Editor Farmer of the Levy CountyBronson Times was among the

Gainesville excursionists and madethe Star a pleasant call Mr Farmer-is one of the best editorial writers Inthe state

There Is no game law against anyone hunting for PLANKS CHILLTONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma-laria chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know


839O10465Los Angeles and SanFrancisco on sale various datesLimit October 31 Variable routesand stopovers

9540Seattle Washington Variableroutes and stopovers Limit Octo ¬

ber 31For further information call on or

write F J Huber C P T A or-T K KIrkland D P A Tampa Fla

Phone the Court Pharmacy Wesend for fill and deliver your pre-scriptions



FOR RENTHouse on Fort Kingavenue formerly occupied by Mr LeeMiller Apply to J P Phillips



t t96-c

The Proof is in theBREAD-

If you are not usingit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively inOcala



Business success contains no blackartthere is nothing mysterious abou-tit Men do not make fortunes bywhat is called luck

Business success is attained by leg ¬

itimate methods at the command ofeveryone One secret of makingmoney is money at your command

Opportunities come unannouncedTo profit by an opportunity requiresquick acceptance after you are sansfled of its value

The successful business men are in-variably


men who do business with abank they are regular customers

Without a banks service and helpman remains small in a business wayHe lacks a valuable business aid ev-

ery day and at unexpected timesWe wish you success in your busi-

ness and invite you to accept our help-to further your interests


Ocala Florida


The state uniform examination forteachers certificates will begin at 9

a m on September 7 1909 The workfor white applicants will be conducted-at the Ocala High School building andthat for the colored at Howard A ademy Each applicant will pap a feeof one dollar at time of beginning andwill supply himself with legal cap pa ¬

per pens and ink Any other infor-mation


pertaining to the examinationwill be cheerfully furnished by

J H Brinson SUIerin-

tendentCASTORIAfor Infanti and Children

Tti KM YH Han Always BNgkf

Bears the-

Signature of-


Wgood young irian to

take orders and deliver goods Apply-at the Star office

Have you seen the new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents-

If the glare of the sun hurts youreyes get a pair of smoked glassesfrom us for 25c The Postoffice Drug-store


Dr Abernethy the great Englishphysician said Watch your kidneysWhen thheyare affected life Is in dan ¬

ger Foley Kidney Remedy makeshealthy kidneys corrects urinary Ir-


and tones up the wholesystem Sold by all druggists-

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms If desired

FOR SALE Haarvard piano nearly-new 5125 easy terms A M Lansford phone 328 Ocala


merciless murderer is appendicitiswith many victims But Dr KingsNew Life Pills kill it by preventionThey gently stimulate stomach liverand bowels preventing that cloggingthat invites appendicitis curing con-stipation


biliousness chills malariaheadache and Indigestion 25c at alldruggists



is that This is not aiT auto ¬

mobile but one of those new 8InchWestinghouse electric fans that 1

have Just received Let me place oneor two of them In your home or onyour desk H W Tucker the elec ¬

trical supnly man

Are you troubled with dandruffThen try a bottle of Dikes Hair Tonicat the Court Pharmacy


On Fort King avenue one of the mostmodern and convenient residences Inthe city Apply to 139 Fort King av ¬


THE BEST PROTECTION-Not a single phone has burned in a

house in Ocala A telephone is betterthan insurance In case of burglars orfire you need quick action You getthat day or night with a telephoneResidence rates 6 per quarter In ad-vance


Ocala Telephone Co

HOME FOR SALE-A splendidly located residence on

best street of city medium sized housefor sale at low price and on very easyterms Apply to F W Ditto city




modern plumbing running wateracetylene gas 10 per week

ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished-running water 5 per week

BLAIR VILLATo rent on October1 for the winter furnished runningwater modern plumbing acetylene-gas 525 per month

David S WoodrowHolder Block Ocala Fla


A 40 scholarship in the StanleyBusiness College of Thomasville Gafor sale for 510 Apply at the Staroffice I


Do not be persuaded into takinganything but Foleys Honey and Tarfor chronic coughs bronchitis hayfever asthma and lung trouble as Itstops the cough and heals the lungsSold bv all druggists


Antelghtincn WestInghouse electric

fan that Is positively guaranteed toburn only three cents worth of elec-tricity


in ten hours steady running-See them at once H W Tucker theelectrical supply man




Aristocratic Bovines Also Have TheirTeeth Brushed


The following is a straight tip forthe proprietors of the Palmetto ParkStock Farm-

Cincinnati August 7W KelceySchoep who Is heavily interested in

J the Metropolitan Street Railway of-t New York and who owns a 150acrefarm in Glendale a suburb of thisI city has purchased twentyfive coatsfor his 75000 herd of Jersey cows

The two attendants whose soleduties are to look after the cattleplace these coverings on them evermorning to protect them from flies

I The teeth of each blooded Jersey arebrushed three times dally This de-partureI in dairy farming is said to re

suit In better health and better milk


Everybody knows Robert Taylorcommercial agent of the Coast LineThere Is no fairer or squarer man in

I the railroad business Mr Taylorsservices are appreciated by his lineand he has been promoted to lbok aCter the Interests of the orange andtruck shippers over hit line He willendeavor to get the growers acquaint-ed


with the really reliable and re-


¬sponsible commission men and assistthe growers if every possible way to

I market their crop to the best advant ¬

I age Mr Taylor will have headquart-ers

¬In Jacksonville His many Ocala

friends will Join the Star in congrat ¬

ulating him on his promotion-


The Fraternal Union of Americameets in Yonges Hall the secondThursday of each month

R E Yonge F MC 1C Sage Secretary

LABOR DAYMonday September Gth being labor

day find a holiday the banks of thecity will be closed for business onthat day

SEEDSNew crop of garden and flower

seeds just received Wm Andersondruggist and seedsman Ocala Fla

K of P meet Monday nighf

t e

s Of

A-IAfrft + i yi



+ n


M RE i

Studebaker E M F 30 w k

AND k-



easy an eraWill foe handled in this territory


exclusively for 1910 6y Ilie r = H

GAINESVILLE MOTOR CAGainesville Florida r

Mr Hill will be here today and tomorrow demonstrating the Lroadster which he drove down




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Penny Saved 1


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is a4

Qpj Darned the y sajv Then purr hite-Icad

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Iii fi 4 is a IUoite earner and notan cx-pcnsctI of fi font certainly loess save money t jt t iwears so much longer than che1 l rsubstitutes °

C Atlantic lipS<

I rVii

Pure White Lead1



1Dutch Boy Painter Trade Mark n iti-

Ii iis for sole by all good dealers If i ojjyours doesnt have it write Us and jf igive his name We will simi yon j Jalso our Houseowners Painting r

i i > i5 Outfit No V Ct 1t 1 a beauti-


if gbook orcnlurschem-


I r


111 Broadway New YorkI


1 40 to


Near Mandarin FLORIDAt riit 4 J

U iI I

Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of SL Joseph YoungBoy-s 7

1from S to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel ¬ 4i7 < ilectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming f j c

Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and r yww Jt-

IRecreation ROOr3 >

<tI Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUEBRIOR


GlI St Josephs Academy Loretto Florida fffFALL TERM COMMENCES TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH I 1CI 1



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BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWNkHave Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by thp VerY <

Latest Methods v tit1

I We have just received one of the famotiB Idst Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especiallyti for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers whi-

I does the work perfectly If you will favor ua irjP 1I

your patronage we guarantee to give youbtt kfiIaftMower in better condition than the day yon b-




It will be sharp t and stay sharp longer thai s-


style way which is usually done by i ii J

rienced workman with a file or an emery hed i li-

ft> < SVif J1-

TV lJ <s k Next time your Mower needs s 1

ii S-

Irr jbring it in or notify us and we WINrj > std-

I j make it cut so nicely it will surprite si =

Y t 2cr tt



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