Top Banner
f J- SSs S i PAGE SIX THE OCALA BANNER DECEMBER 29 1905 THE OCALABANNER FRANK HARRIS Editor P V Lcavengood Business Manager w L Motto The Banner believing those at the top well able to take care of 1 themselves has taken its stand in the barricades with the common people and its fight will be made for the bet ¬ terment of those at the bottom FRIDAY DECEMBER 29 1905 Will Mallory oe IllS own successor Georgia planted 3000000 peach trees this year t The rains have damaged the Cuban truck fully one fourth The egg crop continues to occupy- a place at the top Immature oranges should be kept off the market whether from Cali ¬ fornia or FloridaProduce News Tramps burglars and blind tigers- are a trinity of evils afflicting Wa cross Ga f t Will the 20th senatorial representa- tive ¬ be given to Sumter county or shall county lines be obliterated- Mr Hearst says that it cost him just 69937 to run for mayor of New i York His big vote is thus explained- The Jacksonville Metropolis claims that our American girls have paid for I European 161000000 titles the enormous sum of There is a farmer near Mount Ster ¬ ling Ky who is growing rich in sell Ing stallfed geese The fat goose is taking a place beside the turkey James W Perkins the deposed county solicitor by Broward is strong- er ¬ politically with the democratic party of Volusia than he has ever beenVolusia County Record Los Angeles Times encourages can ¬ nibalism in this manner If the Igorrotes care for yellow dogs there d are plenty of them if we are to be ¬ lieve what one neighbor sometimes- says about another When the Floridian tries to black ¬ mail the turpentine men and they fail to come across we shall first try something sweet So just as a starter what do youthink of Gum Drops i Jacksonville Floridian- We have been asked if Marion 1 county is going to give Sumter coun ¬ ty an undivided support for the next Senator Well we dont know We do not run the politics of the county t so much as we once did Mrs Jefferson Davis wife of he president of the Southern Confeder- acy ¬ still keeps her residence in Xew Yory although she conies south during- the winter months Mrs Davis is now eightyone years old and very feeble although not ill The Senatorlal fight is on in Ala- bama ¬ ¼ the gubernatorial tight is on in Georgia the state senatorial fight is on in Leon and Eseambia but ther seems to be nothing doing in Marion and yet there are a good many officers to to filled Have we no early birds The J P Williams Company of I Savannah has just held an annual election of officers and announced that the year 190 was the most prosperous in its history Mr Williams is presi- dent ¬ of the company and Mr T A c Jennings of Pensacola Fla is the vice president Kentucky Tennessee and Texas are turning their attention to raising tur- keys ¬ Wild turkeys do so well in Florida it does seem that tame ones ought to flourish The demand for them seems to grow more and more every year- Congressman Lamar will have oppo- sition ¬ in his district and plenty of it but lie will find more on account of his treatment of Taylor than on ac- c ¬ count of the John Sharp Williams episode It will always l > e found that- a magnanimous spirit igl winning card It appears that as a matter of fact Representative Lamar of Florida was not slighted by John Sharp Williams- but actually promoted He was left off the committee on commerce but was made a member of the committee- on foreign affairs which stands high- er ¬ Z in the scale than the commerce committee Titusville Star If Governor Broward in the sus ¬ pension of County Solicitor Perkins from office and filling the vacancy by appointment is desirous of building VjTip a faction in this county why he P has made a most unfortunate and de- plorablebeginning a beginning that wm be an increased taxation upon 1- tbepeopleof the coiintyVohisia C6mty Record < i ri f 1 s cl I < tj y j7tzti < 3i 2i i A TEAM THAT PULLS TOGETHER- In a speech in reply to Mr Shackle ford of Missouri Mr John Sharpe WillTams leader of the minority par ¬ ty in the house of representatives- said I merely wanted a team that could anti would pull together I am tired of teams that pull in every direction in the world except together and the Democratic party is tired of them too Applause on the Democratic side We all know that a team that pulls together is reliable and can be de ¬ pended upon to do things while one that bucks and balks and pulls by fits and jerks is unreliable and gives trou ¬ ble and plenty of it Yet who is responsible for the kIn ocatic team not pulling together There have been factions in the democratic party ever since the close of the civil war Some belonged to one wing and some to another yet when the party spoke in national convention from the time of Buchan- an ¬ to Cleveland there was no kicking in the tracesthe democratic team could always be relied upon to pull together in harmony It was only when the faction to which Mr Wil- liams ¬ belongs lost out in Chicago in 1896 did the team become unmanaga- ble bid defiance to those in the saddle and kicked completely out of the traces Mr Williams and his crowd set the example of pulling in all directions except the right one and are respon ¬ I sible for the consequences that have followed Cleveland and his faction Hill and his faction both bucked but Bryan and the free silver forces which re ¬ ceived the full force of ridicule and abuse set the example of standing up to the rack unflinchingly fodder or no fodder- If Mr Williams wants to learn a lesson along this line and to know who- is responsible for the democratic team becoming balky and unmanageable- he has only to study the history of the convention of 1896 He might point his finger in the di ¬ rection of himself and say as Xathan said to David Thou art the man Christmas- And the angel said unto them Fear not for behold I bring you good tid- ings ¬ of great joy which shall be to all people Thus the inspired chronicler Luke sets down the speech of the heaven- ly ¬ messenger to the amazed and trembling shepherds of Judea two thousand years ago The Star of the Nativity blazed in the East The child was born The climax of all the effort- of all nature was reached From ma ¬ terial evolution to spiritual liberty the great step had been taken Thereaf- ter ¬ the soul not the body dominated- the destinities of mankind- For millions of years epochs eras aeonsthe planet had been preparing- for this revelation Slowly with struggle and with pain life had de ¬ veloped from the original protoplasm through all the phases of advance ¬ ment up to man Fishes reptiles birds mammals of the lower sort had populated the globe Then there came man the latest creation of the Power that rules the universe the consum ¬ mate fruit of the series reaching back into infinity And to man the being- in whom the spiritual and the mater ¬ ial first were combined in equipoise- the Eternal spoke on this day twenty centuries ago From this point we date the ad- vancement ¬ of the race There were civilizations before the birth of Christ More than a slimmer of the natural rights of men inspired the ancient Babylonian system In the far East there was the Buddhistic cult un ¬ der which the civilization of a teem ¬ ing population has progressed Hitting Lamar Without exception the democratic press of southern cities condemn Con- gressman ¬ Lamar for his play to the galleries of Florida by open de- fiance ¬ of the democratic leader John Sharp Williams on the floor of the House last week Mr Lamar and Mr Shackleford had not been renamed as members of the committee on inter ¬ state and foreign commerce The reason assigned by Mr AVilUams for not naming them was that as mem- bers ¬ of that committee in the former congress they had refused to support the TTIIIOC < iic caucus measure on the subject of railroad rate legislation They had placed themselves above and superior to party opinion For this reason if no other Mr Williams- felt that he was justified in not nam- ing ¬ Mr Lamar and Mr Shackleford for this committee of the new con- gress ¬ My brother would have gone off that committee under the same circumstances said Mr AVilliams But Mr Williams seems to be a judge of men as well as measures At any rate he seems to have located- Mr Lamar mentally when in compar- ing ¬ him to his great uncle the late Mr Justice L Q C Lamar he said This great uncle possessed superb egotism but he also possessed to con- secrate ¬ it a superb intellect He didnt say the nephew was lacking in the latter quality except by implica ¬ tionMr Williams action has been ap ¬ proved not alone by the southern press but by almost the unanimous opinion of members of the minority- side of the HousePalatka Xews Our envy is directed toward the Ocala Banner which has a bright shining linotype as Christmassett ¬ ing in its office But just wait a bit Miami News e 7 W ri Vc 0 < J q SUPPLICATION TO THE CLASSICS Oh crumbling dust of Mississippis mighty commoner Oh most learned most profound Lucius Quintus Cin cinnatusthou the modern Demos thenese thou the modern Moses thou Oh Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus whose wisdom have immortalized the name Lamar canst thou not return- to life and give counsel to thy nephew- in this his hour of deep distress Thy nephew needs thy counsel- now if ever nephew did Canst thou not awake from thy deep slumber Oh Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus and with thy matchless eloquence defend thy nephew against- the shafts of envious critics whom- tis averred have branded him incap ¬ acitated for a committee menbership Thy nephew needs thy defense Oh yo modern Cicero if nephew ever did Canst thy immortal spirit sleep on and on and on Oh Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus thou the brilliant advo- cate ¬ thou the learned jurist thou the profound the dignified statesman whose life was lived for thy country and thy statethou Oh proud Mis sissippian whose great name was thy passport everywhere whose giant in ¬ tellect was thy only weapon in any forumcanst thy immortal spirit sleep on I ask whilst thy nephew gropes through the shadows of the Nations Capitol grasping at moon ¬ beams and a demagogues short lived name to bolster ambitions greedy dust Thy nephew needs such an hand as thine to guide him into paths that statesmen tread thy nephew bears the name Lamar Canst thou not arise from thy damp and clammy grave Oh most illustri- ous ¬ Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus and check thy nephew in his mad rush to ¬ ward the shrine of gods whom it were heresy for a Lamar to worship Thy nephew needs thy restraint if ever nephew did Canst thou not emerge from the solitude of thy lonely tomb Oh Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus to warn thy nephew of the ways of cruel fate where folly reigns supreme Thy nephew needs thy warning if ever nephew did But if thy slumber be eternal if thou canst not awake if thy immor- tal ¬ spirit must sleep on and on if thou canst not arise from thy lonely grave if thou canst not emerge from the solitude of thy tomb thou hast but to dream on and on and on through the eons of eternity if dream thou canst of the immortality of thy name and fame In thy dreams thou canst forget that thy nephew bears thy name but it were folly for thee- to dream that thy nephew upon whom thy brother bestowed that classic name Bill Bailey canst ever rob t thee of thy fameLucullus in Pen sacola Journal- Mr Sparkman and His Promises- Hon Stephen M Sparkman con ¬ gressman from this district is at his home for the holidays and among oth ¬ er things spoke to the Tampa Times repoleu is ollows I hope to have the Hillsborough river liberally provided for as a great- er ¬ depth is badly needed for placing Tampa in herproper place among the seaports of the world This it es- pecially ¬ the case since the Panama canal route was decided upon as Tam ¬ pa is the nearest port to that impor- tant ¬ point Tampa today occupies an important place in the eyes of the commercial world and it is our luty to push her to the front with the greatest possible rapidity I also expect liberal appropriations for other sections of the district and state the estimated cost of the various projects contemplated aggregating about 1200000 The points to be ben efitted by this appropriation will in- clude ¬ Key West the Caloosalvitchee river Port Inglis Manatee river Sarasota Crystal river Carrabelle Apalachicola Milton and other points During the recent years Florida has grown so greatly in every industry that her demands are readily looked upon with favor Mr Sparl man ought to remember that he has a stretch of interior ter- ritory ¬ I in his district that also needs looking after Ocala for instance wants a public building an < l wants it very bad Then too the time has come when the interior the agricultural region needs good roads as much as the sea ¬ port cities need good harbors and the man who will pledge himself that the interior will have his watchful care the same as the seaport cities will make himself mighty popular Why should the seaport cities be forever favored children and receive the entire patrimony of the govern- ment ¬ Florida Senators on Important Com- mittees ¬ Our Florida Senators have been ap- pointed ¬ on the following committees Commerce Mallory Military ffairsTaliaferro InterOcean Canals Taliaferro- Postofiice and Post RoadsTaliafer- ro Pacific Islands and Porto Rico Mal- lory ¬ District of Columbia Mallory Cuban RelationsTaliaferro- PensionsTaliaferro 1 Census Taliaferro I Coast Defenses Taliaferro Fisheries Mallory I Pacific RailroadsTaliaferro Patents Malloiy I Revision of the Laws of the United States Mallory I Public Health and National Quaran- tine ¬ J Mallory > ciJ i < s 1 > THE JEW 1 Representative Sulzer of Xew York- in a speech on the mistreatment oi the Jews in Russia took occasion tc pay the following eulogy to the Jew The Jew needs no eulogy All he asks is justice All he demands is equal opportunity and equality bcforV the law The record of his race from the dawn of time down to the presejit day is the history of the march of humanity along the highways of pro ¬ gress and the avenues of civilization In all ages of the world the ostracized- and persecuted Jew has done his share for his fellowman for enlight- enment ¬ for liberty for freedom for progress and for civilizationand he has done it all in the face of intense adverse circumstances In science and in art in literature and philanthropy- the Jew in all lands and in all times has written his name high in the tem- ple ¬ of human fame In statesmanship- and diplomacy in law and in medicine- in ethics and philosophy in research and discovery the greatness of the Jew is and ever has been unchalleng- ed ¬ In commerce and in trade in in- dustry ¬ and husbandry overcoming forces that would deter another he has held his own in the vanguard of progress Persecuted for thousands of surmounted all obsta- cles ¬ years he has shunned for centuries he has kept- in I the very front of the higher and better civilization In trial and in I triumph in tempest and in sunshine- in I war and in peace on land and sea in all eras and in all placesthe Jew- ish ¬ race has written its enduring name and its eternal fame all over the pages- of human history Civilization owes much to the Jew Christianity owes more Xeither debt can ever be paid Destroy what Israel has done for the human race and you leave a voifl that can not be filledan abyss which can not be bridged Call the roll of the earths illustrious dead and at least one name in every five will be the im- mortal ¬ name of a distinguished Jew who has stamped his indelible impress- on the brightest pages of the worlds history Prolonged applause GOVERNOR BROWARDS INDICT ¬ MENT I Ed True Democrat Thor is a I whole Coxy regiment of us verdant voters ruminating and cogitating far int the cven nights of the week on Governor Browards indictment af Flcrida newspaper Iscariots I And intruding its way even into our dreams comes the wish that our worthy chief executive had specified rather more as to the numbe and habitat of the degenerate scribe who turn space into lucre with smiling alarcity and thank God for the oppor ¬ tysentiment thrown in Of course we realize that such con- verting ¬ of principle into a meat and bread tranaction not to speak of the direct iMSult to sentiment cac for caustic rebuke therefore we uiter a profound amen Then we wonder if the enlightened edior of the Jacksonvile Sun reilizes how greatly the governors denuncia ¬ tor nerve would be glorified and backfd up if he would give th public a glimpse of that little list of ink editors whom he has stood on their jjool beiaior warned to escheu evil habitually Now that there are editors e en in Florida who imbide sin even as a duck wnllows corn it is not to bo denied but prayed for for human nature will have its proneness and editors ar gen eraly human We sad eyetl voters cannot be led to believe that many of our 1tertry guides will sell principle or swap it off for nuts Ve wish there were no exertions but truth compels us to state w have- in cur minds eye a live speciien of na ural freak that makes real 3itors blush And we cannot help believ- ing ¬ that Providence had an object in naking him although why scrap piles only wee used in throwing I nr to- gether ¬ ail fat substituted fo eon cience is just sijnply beyond is we igh anl sympathize with Lalc City Jut after ail we unsophisticated vo- ters ¬ would like to suggest that if our wothy chief executive is strict out for guile that if he wants to scrap witl sin in a state of high d velop- ment it is not at all necessary tc con- fine ¬ himself to editorial sanctums That it is not at al necessary to take in the eatire landscape of Florida to behold a perambulating demonstra- tion ¬ of moral decrepitude- Facts are stubborn things and one of the most stubborn within our lEn is tint there are editors Florida edi ¬ tors who could be substituted lY sev- eral ¬ old regime advisors with pr fit to th state and honor 10 the present ad- ministration ¬ And this is even soL- L in TaJaha see True Democrat Congratulations are due Editor Frank Harris of the Ocala Banner on the uCl asion of the installation of his new Mergenthaler linotype machine We earnestly hope the time may not be far away when The True Democrat may be similarly congratulated We badly need the machine for our rapid- ly ¬ growing business and it must come somehow before very long Talla has ee True Democrat- The Montgomery Journal likes a scrap and scramble even among its best friends It says The Journal has great admiration for Senator Mor- gan ¬ respects his age and admires his ability his patriotism and his states- manship ¬ His public life is as white as a plume of Xavarre But there is no reason why we should not have a lively senatorial fight this year We love a fight even if it is against the best of our friends A GOOD CHRISTMAS STORY There comes to our table just in time for our Christmas issue the fol- lowing ¬ which we are glad to put be ¬ fore our readers Miss M daughter of one of our prominent merchants had been invit ¬ ed to a Christmas party where she could meet a young gentleman in re- gard ¬ to whom she had especial inter- est ¬ and desired to look her best She persuaded her father to make her a Christmas present of forty dollars with which she proposed to obtain some very beautiful trimming for the dress she intended to wear On her way to purchase the trimming she had occasion to pass through a street fill- ed ¬ with the tenements of the poor and found her way blocked by a crowd in the middle of which was a sewing ma ¬ chine Scarcely ever before had she been- in close contact with actual misery Poor to her simply meant not rich But as she was about to seek a pas ¬ sage through the crowd words fell upon her ears that arrested her at ¬ tention Twentyfive dollars Ive paid you on that machine and now youll not give me time I only ask time Im an honest woman Ill pay you Man do you know its all there is between us and starvation Let me have the thing back Its but ten dollars I owe you Youve owed that two months re ¬ plied the man Come let go missus I pont want to hurt you Ive got to obey orders money or the machine But the woman did not relinquish- her hold Still clutching the machine- she turned her agonizing eyes upon the bystanders Twentyfive dollars she repeated- and the machine but thirtyfive and hes taking it I never failed until Jim broke his leg and his work stopp- ed ¬ and his wages with it and Id doc ¬ tor bills and all Xo that she didnt cried a voice from the crowd Im knowing to her honesty Anti hed better be off with his cart cried a man who had stalked- out of the entry of the house near which the crowd had gathered rolling up his sleeves Look here good people exclaimed- the man who held the machine I dont want to do this I obey orders- or lose my place and my bread and butter Shed better go to the boss and talk to himnot to me Ive been said the woman He0 made of stone I told him hes starve us There what is the use Theyve- more than the worth of the thing now God knows but theyve the power Take it And she let go her hold and covered her eyes with her hands But in the place of her rough red fingers others dainty and small and well gloved came down upon the cov- er ¬ of the machine and Miss M said Will you let this woman keep her machine if I pay you ten dollars Thems the bosss orders Miss re ¬ plied the man and Id be glad to do it too Then while the crowd gathered close and the woman who had told her piteous tale sobbed with joy Miss M drew the sum named from her purse received a receipt which she gave the poor woman and experienced- the delight which the performance of an utterly unselfish act brings with it I dont mind anything now Miss BABY GIRLS AMFULHU MORW- ould g Scab Over Break Open and Be Raw Intense Suffering for Two Years Doctors and Medi ¬ cine Failed to Help Her I a i CURED BY CUTICURA I AT COST OF 75 CENTS I Writing under date of Aug 151904 Mrs L C Walker of 5 Tremont St Woodfords Me says My sister I had a terrible humor on her shoulder when she was eighteen months old I causing intensesuffering for two years I We had several doctors and tried everything but in spite of all we I did it kept spreading One day it would scab over and then crack open and a watery matter ooze from it and the scabs would all fall off It would- be raw for a time then scab over again Some one recommended Cuti cura and we immediately procured- a box of Cuticura Ointment anda cake of Cuticura Soap She was much bet- ter after the first bath with warm water and soap and an application of the Ointment Before it was half gone we saw a marked change for the better and she was entirely cured without a scar being left by the one box of Oint- ment ¬ and one cake of Soap Her skin- is now entirely clear and she has not had a sign of trouble since I I 100000 MOTHERS- Daily Tell Other Mothers That Cuticura Soap is the best baby soap in the world for cleansing and purifying the skin and that Cuticura Ointment is of priceless value for oothing and healing itching tortur- ing ¬ I and disfiguring eruptions itch tugs and chafings A single appli ¬ cation of Cuticnra Ointment preceded- by a warm bath with Cuticnra Soap gives instant relief and refreshing sleep for skintortured babies and rest for tired fretted mothers I CutlcuIU Sop Ointment nd Flu mxt lold thm bout ttewprld Potter Drug k Chem Corp Boston Sole Frops tat How to Cure Baby Humors c Consumption I- if J 7- fJf There is no specific consumption Frecli air ex- ercise I nourishing food and t- c Scotts Eniulsion will come pretty near curing it if there- is anything to build on Mil- lions of people throughout ihe world are living and in good health on one lung < f From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption Of course the patient could not take it in its old form hence- it did very little good They- can take SCOTTS EMULSIONa- nd tolerate it for a long time There is no oil not excepting butter so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scrtts Emulsion- and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where- its use must be continuous- C We will send you a sample free O Be sure that this picture in the form of a libel is en the wrap- per ¬ of t erv bottle f- E1uhu1 J- I juu 5uy F Scott Bone Chemists I 409 PeariStreet- I New York L- ML Soc and i all drtggisti sobbed the woman The machine Is my own and I dont mind how hard I work The only great tug is the land ¬ lordfour dollars a month for rent Miss M hande the woman twelve dollars to pay three months rent at the end of which time the woman thought that her husband would be able to work- A she took her way home she had no regrets for the lost trimming and at the Christmas party which she at cj tended she was made particularly t- happy by the kind attentions of tha young gentleman whose good opinion she was anxious to obtain Praise for Lamar Pinecastle Fla Dec 20 1905 To the Editor of the Times- I have followed the recent contest between Congressmen Williams andt Lamar with interest and some degree of satisfaction A prominent Poli- tician ¬ r in Mondys issue of the Times Z > thinks Lamar has made a serious mis- take ¬ or rather a succession of them I think rather he is cutting his way to a broader sphere of political useful- ness ¬ Xothing can stop the rising of J revolt against the trust system The Davy bill was a fake while the Hearst bii had solid merit Wiliams stated he wanted a united committee that isj men who did not look with too much fovor 011 such measures as the Hearst bill All tills is the best possilb- le endorsement for Lamar The fact- S the democratic party at present is > livided into two wings the trust wing the fractionary wing and the antii trust wing The recent WilliamsLa mar episode simply more clearly de it jnes these lines and who are the lead- ers ¬ thereof There may be some alloy in the pur- ity of Hearsts purposes but to accuse 1 him of insincerity in his rate bill and that it was done solely to aid him in other plans well or to do as state trust papers have done to mention iis recent mayorship campaign ex- penses in a lump sum with insinua- tions ¬ while a detailed statement was nade by showing him that the money was used for legitimate purposes while the same remain discreetly silent ibout asking Tammany in like manne- ro show up truthfully all its Mc ian campaign expenses does not show qi- off Hearst to any disadvantge A 1i outhful cause like therevolt against- he r trusts is more likely to be able without injury to publish the truth than a rotting decaying cause- E W SIIAXNIBERGER In Tampa Times And now some of the big physicians- ire saying that it is wrong to bet changing from cotton to flannel under lothing with change of seasons WelIk well just pass it up with stegomyia and remember that some people do not hange at alILake City Index After all Joe Stripling lost out in he shuffle and will be succeeded by ii John M Cheney of Orlando as Dis- trict Attorney of the U S Court southern district of Florida We ather thought that Joe would be able to hold on even against the recomfl negation of the State Executive Committee but find alas that w were mistaken Well an that we Call ay is we are sorry Madison NO enterprise I

Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-12-29 [p Page Six] · 2009-06-23 · f J- SSs S i PAGE SIX THE OCALA BANNER DECEMBER 29

Feb 12, 2020



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Page 1: Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-12-29 [p Page Six] · 2009-06-23 · f J- SSs S i PAGE SIX THE OCALA BANNER DECEMBER 29

f J-





P V Lcavengood Business Manager

w LMotto The Banner believing those

at the top well able to take care of1 themselves has taken its stand in the

barricades with the common peopleand its fight will be made for the bet ¬

terment of those at the bottom


Will Mallory oe IllS own successor

Georgia planted 3000000 peach treesthis year

t The rains have damaged the Cubantruck fully one fourth

The egg crop continues to occupy-a place at the top

Immature oranges should be keptoff the market whether from Cali¬

fornia or FloridaProduce News

Tramps burglars and blind tigers-are a trinity of evils afflicting Wacross Gaft

Will the 20th senatorial representa-tive


be given to Sumter county orshall county lines be obliterated-

Mr Hearst says that it cost himjust 69937 to run for mayor of New

i York His big vote is thus explained-

The Jacksonville Metropolis claimsthat our American girls have paid for


titles the enormous sum of

There is a farmer near Mount Ster ¬

ling Ky who is growing rich in sellIng stallfed geese The fat goose istaking a place beside the turkey

James W Perkins the deposedcounty solicitor by Broward is strong-er


politically with the democraticparty of Volusia than he has everbeenVolusia County Record

Los Angeles Times encourages can¬

nibalism in this manner If theIgorrotes care for yellow dogs there

d are plenty of them if we are to be¬

lieve what one neighbor sometimes-says about another

When the Floridian tries to black ¬

mail the turpentine men and theyfail to come across we shall first trysomething sweet So just as a starterwhat do youthink of Gum Drops

i Jacksonville Floridian-

We have been asked if Marion1 county is going to give Sumter coun ¬

ty an undivided support for the nextSenator Well we dont know Wedo not run the politics of the county

t so much as we once did

Mrs Jefferson Davis wife of hepresident of the Southern Confeder-acy


still keeps her residence in XewYory although she conies south during-the winter months Mrs Davis is noweightyone years old and very feeblealthough not ill

The Senatorlal fight is on in Ala-


¼ the gubernatorial tight is on inGeorgia the state senatorial fight ison in Leon and Eseambia but therseems to be nothing doing in Marionand yet there are a good many officersto to filled Have we no early birds

The J P Williams Company ofI Savannah has just held an annual

election of officers and announced thatthe year 190 was the most prosperousin its history Mr Williams is presi-


of the company and Mr T Ac Jennings of Pensacola Fla is the

vice president

Kentucky Tennessee and Texas areturning their attention to raising tur-keys


Wild turkeys do so well inFlorida it does seem that tame onesought to flourish The demand forthem seems to grow more and moreevery year-

Congressman Lamar will have oppo-


in his district and plenty of itbut lie will find more on account ofhis treatment of Taylor than on ac-

count of the John Sharp Williamsepisode It will always l > e found that-a magnanimous spirit igl winningcard

It appears that as a matter of factRepresentative Lamar of Florida wasnot slighted by John Sharp Williams-but actually promoted He was leftoff the committee on commerce butwas made a member of the committee-on foreign affairs which stands high-


Z in the scale than the commercecommittee Titusville Star

If Governor Broward in the sus ¬

pension of County Solicitor Perkinsfrom office and filling the vacancy byappointment is desirous of building

VjTip a faction in this county why heP has made a most unfortunate and de-

plorablebeginning a beginning thatwm be an increased taxation upon


tbepeopleof the coiintyVohisiaC6mty Record



f 1 s cl I< tj y

j7tzti < 3i2i i


In a speech in reply to Mr Shackleford of Missouri Mr John SharpeWillTams leader of the minority par ¬

ty in the house of representatives-said

I merely wanted a team that couldanti would pull together I am tiredof teams that pull in every directionin the world except together and theDemocratic party is tired of them too

Applause on the Democratic sideWe all know that a team that pulls

together is reliable and can be de ¬

pended upon to do things while onethat bucks and balks and pulls by fitsand jerks is unreliable and gives trou ¬

ble and plenty of itYet who is responsible for the kIn

ocatic team not pulling togetherThere have been factions in the

democratic party ever since the closeof the civil war Some belonged toone wing and some to another yetwhen the party spoke in nationalconvention from the time of Buchan-an


to Cleveland there was no kickingin the tracesthe democratic teamcould always be relied upon to pulltogether in harmony It was onlywhen the faction to which Mr Wil-liams


belongs lost out in Chicago in1896 did the team become unmanaga-ble bid defiance to those in the saddleand kicked completely out of thetraces

Mr Williams and his crowd set theexample of pulling in all directionsexcept the right one and are respon ¬ I

sible for the consequences that havefollowed

Cleveland and his faction Hill andhis faction both bucked but Bryanand the free silver forces which re ¬

ceived the full force of ridicule andabuse set the example of standing upto the rack unflinchingly fodder orno fodder-

If Mr Williams wants to learn alesson along this line and to know who-is responsible for the democratic teambecoming balky and unmanageable-he has only to study the history ofthe convention of 1896

He might point his finger in the di ¬

rection of himself and say as Xathansaid to David

Thou art the man


And the angel said unto them Fearnot for behold I bring you good tid-


of great joy which shall be to allpeople

Thus the inspired chronicler Lukesets down the speech of the heaven-ly


messenger to the amazed andtrembling shepherds of Judea twothousand years ago The Star of theNativity blazed in the East The childwas born The climax of all the effort-of all nature was reached From ma¬

terial evolution to spiritual liberty thegreat step had been taken Thereaf-ter


the soul not the body dominated-the destinities of mankind-

For millions of years epochs erasaeonsthe planet had been preparing-for this revelation Slowly withstruggle and with pain life had de¬

veloped from the original protoplasmthrough all the phases of advance ¬

ment up to man Fishes reptilesbirds mammals of the lower sort hadpopulated the globe Then there cameman the latest creation of the Powerthat rules the universe the consum ¬

mate fruit of the series reaching backinto infinity And to man the being-in whom the spiritual and the mater ¬

ial first were combined in equipoise-the Eternal spoke on this day twentycenturies ago

From this point we date the ad-


of the race There werecivilizations before the birth of ChristMore than a slimmer of the naturalrights of men inspired the ancientBabylonian system In the far Eastthere was the Buddhistic cult un ¬

der which the civilization of a teem ¬

ing population has progressed

Hitting Lamar

Without exception the democraticpress of southern cities condemn Con-gressman


Lamar for his play to thegalleries of Florida by open de-


of the democratic leader JohnSharp Williams on the floor of theHouse last week Mr Lamar and MrShackleford had not been renamed asmembers of the committee on inter ¬

state and foreign commerce Thereason assigned by Mr AVilUams fornot naming them was that as mem-


of that committee in the formercongress they had refused to supportthe TTIIIOC <iic caucus measure on thesubject of railroad rate legislationThey had placed themselves aboveand superior to party opinion Forthis reason if no other Mr Williams-felt that he was justified in not nam-ing


Mr Lamar and Mr Shacklefordfor this committee of the new con-


My brother would have goneoff that committee under the samecircumstances said Mr AVilliams

But Mr Williams seems to be ajudge of men as well as measures Atany rate he seems to have located-Mr Lamar mentally when in compar-ing


him to his great uncle the lateMr Justice L Q C Lamar he saidThis great uncle possessed superb

egotism but he also possessed to con-


it a superb intellect Hedidnt say the nephew was lacking inthe latter quality except by implica ¬

tionMrWilliams action has been ap ¬

proved not alone by the southernpress but by almost the unanimousopinion of members of the minority-side of the HousePalatka Xews

Our envy is directed toward theOcala Banner which has a brightshining linotype as Christmassett ¬

ing in its office But just wait a bitMiami News

e 7W ri Vc

0 < J



Oh crumbling dust of Mississippismighty commoner Oh most learnedmost profound Lucius Quintus Cin

cinnatusthou the modern Demosthenese thou the modern Moses thouOh Lucius Quintus Cincinnatuswhose wisdom have immortalized thename Lamar canst thou not return-to life and give counsel to thy nephew-in this his hour of deep distress

Thy nephew needs thy counsel-now if ever nephew did

Canst thou not awake from thydeep slumber Oh Lucius QuintusCincinnatus and with thy matchlesseloquence defend thy nephew against-the shafts of envious critics whom-tis averred have branded him incap ¬

acitated for a committee menbershipThy nephew needs thy defense Oh

yo modern Cicero if nephew ever didCanst thy immortal spirit sleep on

and on and on Oh Lucius QuintusCincinnatus thou the brilliant advo-cate


thou the learned jurist thou theprofound the dignified statesmanwhose life was lived for thy countryand thy statethou Oh proud Mississippian whose great name was thypassport everywhere whose giant in¬

tellect was thy only weapon in anyforumcanst thy immortal spiritsleep on I ask whilst thy nephewgropes through the shadows of theNations Capitol grasping at moon ¬

beams and a demagogues short livedname to bolster ambitions greedydust

Thy nephew needs such an hand asthine to guide him into paths thatstatesmen tread thy nephew bearsthe name Lamar

Canst thou not arise from thy dampand clammy grave Oh most illustri-ous


Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus andcheck thy nephew in his mad rush to ¬

ward the shrine of gods whom it wereheresy for a Lamar to worship

Thy nephew needs thy restraint ifever nephew did

Canst thou not emerge from thesolitude of thy lonely tomb Oh LuciusQuintus Cincinnatus to warn thynephew of the ways of cruel fatewhere folly reigns supreme

Thy nephew needs thy warning ifever nephew did

But if thy slumber be eternal ifthou canst not awake if thy immor-tal


spirit must sleep on and on ifthou canst not arise from thy lonelygrave if thou canst not emerge fromthe solitude of thy tomb thou hastbut to dream on and on and onthrough the eons of eternity if dreamthou canst of the immortality of thyname and fame In thy dreams thoucanst forget that thy nephew bearsthy name but it were folly for thee-to dream that thy nephew upon whomthy brother bestowed that classicname Bill Bailey canst ever rob t

thee of thy fameLucullus in Pensacola Journal-

Mr Sparkman and His Promises-

Hon Stephen M Sparkman con¬

gressman from this district is at hishome for the holidays and among oth ¬

er things spoke to the Tampa Timesrepoleu is ollows

I hope to have the Hillsboroughriver liberally provided for as a great-er


depth is badly needed for placingTampa in herproper place among theseaports of the world This it es-


the case since the Panamacanal route was decided upon as Tam ¬

pa is the nearest port to that impor-tant


point Tampa today occupies animportant place in the eyes of thecommercial world and it is our lutyto push her to the front with thegreatest possible rapidity

I also expect liberal appropriationsfor other sections of the district andstate the estimated cost of the variousprojects contemplated aggregatingabout 1200000 The points to be benefitted by this appropriation will in-


Key West the Caloosalvitcheeriver Port Inglis Manatee riverSarasota Crystal river CarrabelleApalachicola Milton and other pointsDuring the recent years Florida hasgrown so greatly in every industrythat her demands are readily lookedupon with favor

Mr Sparl man ought to rememberthat he has a stretch of interior ter-ritory


I in his district that also needslooking after

Ocala for instance wants a publicbuilding an <l wants it very bad

Then too the time has come whenthe interior the agricultural regionneeds good roads as much as the sea ¬

port cities need good harbors and theman who will pledge himself that theinterior will have his watchful carethe same as the seaport cities willmake himself mighty popular

Why should the seaport cities beforever favored children and receivethe entire patrimony of the govern-ment


Florida Senators on Important Com-


Our Florida Senators have been ap-


on the following committeesCommerce MalloryMilitary ffairsTaliaferroInterOcean Canals Taliaferro-Postofiice and Post RoadsTaliafer-

roPacific Islands and Porto Rico Mal-


District of Columbia MalloryCuban RelationsTaliaferro-PensionsTaliaferro1

Census TaliaferroI Coast Defenses Taliaferro

Fisheries MalloryI Pacific RailroadsTaliaferro

Patents MalloiyI Revision of the Laws of the UnitedStates Mallory

I Public Health and National Quaran-tine


J Mallory

> ciJ i< s 1>


Representative Sulzer of Xew York-

in a speech on the mistreatment oithe Jews in Russia took occasion tcpay the following eulogy to the Jew

The Jew needs no eulogy All heasks is justice All he demands isequal opportunity and equality bcforV

the law The record of his race fromthe dawn of time down to the presejitday is the history of the march ofhumanity along the highways of pro ¬

gress and the avenues of civilizationIn all ages of the world the ostracized-and persecuted Jew has done hisshare for his fellowman for enlight-enment


for liberty for freedom forprogress and for civilizationand hehas done it all in the face of intenseadverse circumstances In science andin art in literature and philanthropy-the Jew in all lands and in all timeshas written his name high in the tem-ple


of human fame In statesmanship-and diplomacy in law and in medicine-in ethics and philosophy in researchand discovery the greatness of theJew is and ever has been unchalleng-ed


In commerce and in trade in in-


and husbandry overcomingforces that would deter another hehas held his own in the vanguard ofprogress Persecuted for thousands of

surmounted all obsta-cles

¬years he hasshunned for centuries he has kept-


the very front of the higher andbetter civilization In trial and in I

triumph in tempest and in sunshine-in


war and in peace on land and seain all eras and in all placesthe Jew-


race has written its enduring nameand its eternal fame all over the pages-of human history Civilization owesmuch to the Jew Christianity owesmore Xeither debt can ever be paidDestroy what Israel has done for thehuman race and you leave a voifl thatcan not be filledan abyss which cannot be bridged Call the roll of theearths illustrious dead and at leastone name in every five will be the im-


name of a distinguished Jewwho has stamped his indelible impress-on the brightest pages of the worldshistory Prolonged applause



Ed True Democrat Thor is aI

whole Coxy regiment of us verdantvoters ruminating and cogitating farint the cven nights of the week on

Governor Browards indictment afFlcrida newspaper Iscariots I

And intruding its way even intoour dreams comes the wish that ourworthy chief executive had specifiedrather more as to the numbe andhabitat of the degenerate scribe whoturn space into lucre with smilingalarcity and thank God for the oppor ¬

tysentiment thrown inOf course we realize that such con-


of principle into a meat andbread tranaction not to speak of thedirect iMSult to sentiment cac forcaustic rebuke therefore we uiter aprofound amen

Then we wonder if the enlightenededior of the Jacksonvile Sun reilizeshow greatly the governors denuncia ¬

tor nerve would be glorified andbackfd up if he would give th publica glimpse of that little list of inkeditors whom he has stood on theirjjool beiaior warned to escheu evilhabitually

Now that there are editors e en inFlorida who imbide sin even as a duckwnllows corn it is not to bo deniedbut prayed for for human nature willhave its proneness and editors ar generaly human We sad eyetl voterscannot be led to believe that many ofour 1tertry guides will sell principle orswap it off for nuts

Ve wish there were no exertionsbut truth compels us to state w have-in cur minds eye a live speciien ofna ural freak that makes real 3itorsblush And we cannot help believ-ing


that Providence had an object innaking him although why scrap pilesonly wee used in throwing I nr to-


ail fat substituted fo eoncience is just sijnply beyond is weigh anl sympathize with Lalc City

Jut after ail we unsophisticated vo-


would like to suggest that if ourwothy chief executive is strict outfor guile that if he wants to scrapwitl sin in a state of high d velop-ment it is not at all necessary tc con-


himself to editorial sanctumsThat it is not at al necessary to take

in the eatire landscape of Florida tobehold a perambulating demonstra-tion


of moral decrepitude-Facts are stubborn things and one of

the most stubborn within our lEn istint there are editors Florida edi ¬

tors who could be substituted lY sev-eral


old regime advisors with pr fit toth state and honor 10 the present ad-


And this is even soL-L in TaJaha see True Democrat

Congratulations are due EditorFrank Harris of the Ocala Banner onthe uCl asion of the installation of hisnew Mergenthaler linotype machineWe earnestly hope the time may notbe far away when The True Democratmay be similarly congratulated Webadly need the machine for our rapid-ly


growing business and it must comesomehow before very long Tallahas ee True Democrat-

The Montgomery Journal likes ascrap and scramble even among itsbest friends It says The Journalhas great admiration for Senator Mor-gan


respects his age and admires hisability his patriotism and his states-manship


His public life is as whiteas a plume of Xavarre But there isno reason why we should not have alively senatorial fight this year Welove a fight even if it is against thebest of our friends


There comes to our table just intime for our Christmas issue the fol-


which we are glad to put be ¬

fore our readersMiss M daughter of one of our

prominent merchants had been invit ¬

ed to a Christmas party where shecould meet a young gentleman in re-


to whom she had especial inter-est


and desired to look her best Shepersuaded her father to make her aChristmas present of forty dollarswith which she proposed to obtainsome very beautiful trimming for thedress she intended to wear On herway to purchase the trimming she hadoccasion to pass through a street fill-


with the tenements of the poor andfound her way blocked by a crowd inthe middle of which was a sewing ma ¬

chineScarcely ever before had she been-

in close contact with actual miseryPoor to her simply meant not richBut as she was about to seek a pas¬

sage through the crowd words fellupon her ears that arrested her at¬

tentionTwentyfive dollars Ive paid you

on that machine and now youll notgive me time I only ask time Im anhonest woman Ill pay you Man doyou know its all there is between usand starvation Let me have thething back Its but ten dollars I oweyou

Youve owed that two months re ¬

plied the man Come let go missusI pont want to hurt you Ive got toobey orders money or the machine

But the woman did not relinquish-her hold Still clutching the machine-she turned her agonizing eyes uponthe bystanders

Twentyfive dollars she repeated-and the machine but thirtyfive and

hes taking it I never failed untilJim broke his leg and his work stopp-ed


and his wages with it and Id doc ¬

tor bills and allXo that she didnt cried a voice

from the crowd Im knowing to herhonesty

Anti hed better be off with hiscart cried a man who had stalked-out of the entry of the house nearwhich the crowd had gathered rollingup his sleeves

Look here good people exclaimed-the man who held the machine Idont want to do this I obey orders-or lose my place and my bread andbutter Shed better go to the bossand talk to himnot to me

Ive been said the woman He0made of stone I told him hes starveus There what is the use Theyve-more than the worth of the thing nowGod knows but theyve the powerTake it And she let go her holdand covered her eyes with her hands

But in the place of her rough redfingers others dainty and small andwell gloved came down upon the cov-


of the machine and Miss M saidWill you let this woman keep her

machine if I pay you ten dollarsThems the bosss orders Miss re ¬

plied the man and Id be glad to doit too

Then while the crowd gatheredclose and the woman who had toldher piteous tale sobbed with joy MissM drew the sum named from herpurse received a receipt which shegave the poor woman and experienced-the delight which the performance ofan utterly unselfish act brings with it

I dont mind anything now Miss




Scab Over Break Open and

Be Raw Intense Suffering forTwo Years Doctors and Medi ¬

cine Failed to Help HerI

a i




Writing under date of Aug 151904Mrs L C Walker of 5 Tremont StWoodfords Me says My sister I

had a terrible humor on her shoulderwhen she was eighteen months old I

causing intensesuffering for two years I

We had several doctors and triedeverything but in spite of all we I

did it kept spreading One day itwould scab over and then crack openand a watery matter ooze from it andthe scabs would all fall off It would-be raw for a time then scab overagain Some one recommended Cuticura and we immediately procured-a box of Cuticura Ointment anda cakeof Cuticura Soap She was much bet-terafter the first bath with warm waterand soap and an application of theOintment Before it was half gone wesaw a marked change for the betterand she was entirely cured without ascar being left by the one box of Oint-ment


and one cake of Soap Her skin-is now entirely clear and she hasnot had a sign of trouble since


100000 MOTHERS-Daily Tell Other Mothers

That Cuticura Soap is the best babysoap in the world for cleansing andpurifying the skin and that CuticuraOintment is of priceless value foroothing and healing itching tortur-ing

¬I and disfiguring eruptions itch

tugs and chafings A single appli¬

cation of Cuticnra Ointment preceded-by a warm bath with Cuticnra Soapgives instant relief and refreshingsleep for skintortured babies andrest for tired fretted mothers

I CutlcuIU Sop Ointment nd Flu mxt lold thm boutttewprld Potter Drug k Chem Corp Boston Sole Frops

tat How to Cure Baby Humors


Consumption I-


fJf There is no specificconsumption Frecli air ex-


nourishing food and t-

c Scotts Eniulsion will comepretty near curing it if there-is anything to build on Mil-

lions of people throughout iheworld are living and in goodhealth on one lung

<f From time immemorial thedoctors prescribed cod liveroil for consumption Ofcourse the patient could nottake it in its old form hence-

it did very little good They-

can take

SCOTTSEMULSIONa-nd tolerate it for a longtime There is no oil notexcepting butter so easilydigested and absorbed by thesystem as cod liver oil in theform of Scrtts Emulsion-

and that is the reason it is sohelpful in consumption where-

its use must be continuous-

C We will send you asample free

O Be sure that thispicture in the form ofa libel is en the wrap-per


of t erv bottle f-



juu 5uyF

Scott BoneChemists

I 409 PeariStreet-I New York L-

MLSoc and i all drtggisti

sobbed the woman The machine Ismy own and I dont mind how hard Iwork The only great tug is the land ¬

lordfour dollars a month for rentMiss M hande the woman twelve

dollars to pay three months rent atthe end of which time the womanthought that her husband would beable to work-

A she took her way home she hadno regrets for the lost trimming andat the Christmas party which she at cjtended she was made particularly t-

happy by the kind attentions of thayoung gentleman whose good opinionshe was anxious to obtain

Praise for Lamar

Pinecastle Fla Dec 20 1905

To the Editor of the Times-

I have followed the recent contestbetween Congressmen Williams andtLamar with interest and some degreeof satisfaction A prominent Poli-

tician¬ r

in Mondys issue of the Times Z>

thinks Lamar has made a serious mis-


or rather a succession of themI think rather he is cutting his way toa broader sphere of political useful-ness


Xothing can stop the rising of Jrevolt against the trust system TheDavy bill was a fake while the Hearstbii had solid merit Wiliams stated hewanted a united committee that isjmen who did not look with toomuch fovor 011 such measures as theHearst bill All tills is the best possilb-le endorsement for Lamar The fact-

S the democratic party at present is >

livided into two wings the trust wingthe fractionary wing and the antiitrust wing The recent WilliamsLamar episode simply more clearly de itjnes these lines and who are the lead-


thereofThere may be some alloy in the pur-

ity of Hearsts purposes but to accuse 1

him of insincerity in his rate bill andthat it was done solely to aid him inother plans well or to do as statetrust papers have done to mentioniis recent mayorship campaign ex-

penses in a lump sum with insinua-tions


while a detailed statement wasnade by showing him that the moneywas used for legitimate purposeswhile the same remain discreetly silentibout asking Tammany in like manne-ro show up truthfully all its Mcian campaign expenses does not show qi-

off Hearst to any disadvantge A 1iouthful cause like therevolt against-he

rtrusts is more likely to be able

without injury to publish the truththan a rotting decaying cause-


And now some of the big physicians-ire saying that it is wrong to betchanging from cotton to flannel underlothing with change of seasons WelIkwell just pass it up with stegomyiaand remember that some people do nothange at alILake City Index

After all Joe Stripling lost out inhe shuffle and will be succeeded by ii

John M Cheney of Orlando as Dis-trict Attorney of the U S Courtsouthern district of Florida We

ather thought that Joe would be ableto hold on even against the recomflnegation of the State ExecutiveCommittee but find alas that w

were mistaken Well an that we Callay is we are sorry Madison NOenterprise