Top Banner Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009 Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19, 2009 President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper today agreed the United States and Canada will pursue economic recovery measures and efforts to strengthen the international financial system to counter the global economic recession. “I value our strategic partnership with Canada and look forward to working closely with the Prime Minister to address the global economic recession and create jobs, to protect our environment through promoting clean energy technologies, and achieve our shared goals in responding to international security challenges.” said the President. “The President and I agree that both our countries must take immediate action to restore economic growth by lowering taxes, ensuring access to credit and unleashing spending that stimulates economic growth. We also agreed to strengthen our cooperation in the areas of environmental protection and global security,” said the Prime Minister. Restoring economic growth and creating jobs The President and the Prime Minister discussed their respective economic recovery plans and their focus on saving and creating jobs. In addition, the President and the Prime Minister discussed common challenges they face, including restructuring of the North American auto sector. They also discussed working together to develop effective global responses to the economic crisis, through the G-8 and G-20 processes. The United States and Canada will actively work together to ensure that the G-20 Summit in April contributes to restoring confidence in financial markets. Finally, they instructed senior officials to meet at an early date to develop strategies to enhance our collective security in North America, including reviewing the management Contents Cooperative News . . . . . . . p. 3 Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6 Community News . . . . . . . p. 10 Philippine Cuisine . . . . . p. 11 Filstar Photo Gallery . . . p. 12 Home Business . . . . . . p. 14 Empowering The People . . p. 16 Showbiz Gossip . . . . . . . p. 18 Classified Ads . . . . . . . p. 21 See Page 5 Obama U.S. President Barack Obama waves to the media as he and Prime Minister Stephen Harper leave a joint news conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009.

Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

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Page 1: Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

www.filipinostar.orgVolume XXVII No. 2 February 2009

Obama visits Canada

Leaders establish CleanEnergy Dialogue, discussglobal security concerns

OTTAWA – February 19,2009 President Barack Obama andPrime Minister Stephen Harpertoday agreed the United States andCanada will pursue economicrecovery measures and efforts tostrengthen the international financialsystem to counter the globaleconomic recession.

“I value our strategicpartnership with Canada and lookforward to working closely with the

Prime Minister to address the globaleconomic recession and createjobs, to protect our environmentthrough promoting clean energytechnologies, and achieve ourshared goals in responding tointernational security challenges.”said the President.

“The President and I agreethat both our countries must takeimmediate action to restoreeconomic growth by lowering taxes,ensuring access to credit andunleashing spending that stimulateseconomic growth. We also agreed tostrengthen our cooperation in the

areas of environmental protectionand global security,” said the PrimeMinister.

Restoring economic growth andcreating jobs

The President and the PrimeMinister discussed their respectiveeconomic recovery plans and theirfocus on saving and creating jobs. Inaddition, the President and thePrime Minister discussed commonchallenges they face, includingrestructuring of the North Americanauto sector.

They also discussed workingtogether to develop effective globalresponses to the economic crisis,through the G-8 and G-20processes. The United States andCanada will actively work together toensure that the G-20 Summit in Aprilcontributes to restoring confidencein financial markets.

Finally, they instructed seniorofficials to meet at an early date todevelop strategies to enhance ourcollective security in North America,including reviewing the management

C o n t e n t sC o o p e r a t i v e N e w s . . . . . . . p . 3

T o u r i s m . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 6

C o m m u n i t y N e w s . . . . . . . p . 1 0

P h i l i p p i n e C u i s i n e . . . . . p . 1 1

F i l s t a r P h o t o G a l l e r y . . . p . 1 2

H o m e B u s i n e s s . . . . . . p . 1 4

E m p o w e r i n g T h e P e o p l e . . p . 1 6

S h o w b i z G o s s i p . . . . . . . p . 1 8

C l a s s i f i e d A d s . . . . . . . p . 2 1

See Page 5 Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama waves to the media as he and Prime Minister Stephen Harper leave a joint news conference on Parliament Hill inOttawa, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009.

Page 2: Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

February 20092

The North American Filipino Star

Jean Janete AguilarJerry Estrada

Lina V. FernandezDr. Victor Gavino

Prof. Isaac GoodineAlvin D. Veloso

ContributorsBert Abiera


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Marché Coop FilipinoThe Filipino Solidarity Cooperative4711 Van Horne AvenueMontreal, QC H3W 1H8Tel.: 514-733-8915E-Mail: [email protected]

We sell fresh vegetables weekly.Order lechon for Saturday pick up but we need at least a

minimum order of 15 lbs by Thursday.Call us at 514-733-8915 to place your orders.

By this time, we have realizedthat our economy is in a recession aswe hear all the reports from radio,television and the internet. It is said tobe worsening everyday as manypeople lose their jobs. But our PrimeMinister claims that we have a soundbanking system which makes usluckier than our neighbors south of theborder. Isn’t it surprising that not toolong ago, our economy was booming?

Just like anything else in life,nothing is certain and we all have to beaware of the complexities of modernday living. The subject of economics isoftentimes relegated to policy makers,but it seems more and more apparentthat understanding its principles andhow it affects our daily life would makeus better consumers. In economics,the term recession generally describesthe reduction of a country's grossdomestic product (GDP) for at leasttwo quarters. The usual dictionarydefinition is "a period of reducedeconomic activity", a business cyclecontraction. But what seems to fightenmost people is the danger of adepression which is defined as aprolonged recession. It is said that ifnothing is done to make the economyrecover, we will have a depressionwhich is something to be avoided at allcosts.

Why do recessions occur?Can we blame it on government, or onbusinesses, or on consumersor on acombination of all these groups? Areconsumers well informed in the use ofcredit ? Is there a need for moreregulations to protect consumers?

In the United States, there aremany factors that may be responsiblefor the recession – the cost of the warin Iraq, Afghanistan, the housing crisis,or financial meltdown, and theburgeoning or increasing deficits. InCanada, the recession is supposed tobe a reflection of what is happening inthe U.S. Our economy is so tightlyconnected to the United States as theyare not only our neighbors but also ourbiggest trading partner. Therefore, it iseasy to see how we will suffer from thesame thing as they do. Ourrelationship with them is so close that itis said when the United States“sneeze” we are the ones that catchthe cold.

It is an eye opener to find outthat the banking system in the UnitedStates is one of the reasons for theeconomic crisis People put money inthe bank. The banks in turn use this

money to make money by lending itout with interest. If strict rules hadbeen followed in the process of givingloans to people who have the ability torepay, there would be no problem.However, it would appear thatmortgages were given to many peoplewho did not have the ability to pay andwhen they defaulted, the banksforeclosed many properties. Theseproperties were sold at a loss, hence,the banks did not get the originalamount they lent out. Over a period oftime, these banks also ran out ofmoney. This is why the governmenthad to bail them out. Before PresidentBush left, several billion dollars weregiven to the banks. It is a big scandalwhen it was found out that the banksgave bonuses to their CEOs. Naturally,people were scandalized to hear aboutthis abuse by the banks of the bailoutmoney. Now it is the intention of thenew administration of PresidentObama to hold the banks accountablefor the next bailout to avoid thecomplete failure of financial institutionin the United States.

The auto industry is anothercase of interest. What went wrong inthis industry? Consumers hardly buyAmerican-made cars anymore. Theyprefer either not to buy locally madecars or they keep their cars longer. It isdoubtful whether the bailout moneycan really put car makers back into aprofitable stage. If they do not getbailed out, many people would losetheir jobs. However, it is not knownwhether it will really help solve theirproblems of re-structuring the industryto make them competitive. Is thegovernment just pouring in goodmoney to prolong the life of a dyingindustry?

Even though we do not have abanking problem like the UnitedStates, we are also living in arecession. We must learn how to copewith the situation until things get better.Some tips of advice from financialadvisers are based on common senselike use credit wisely (not to use creditcards if you can avoid it), save moneyregularly for emergency use,economize by decreasingconsumption of luxuries, shop wisely ,and above all, we should all learn tolive within our means. a

Zenadia Ferry Kharroubi

Understanding recession and coping with it

Page 3: Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

February 2009 3The North American Filipino Star

Things have not changedmuch since our last report. We are stillfaced with the same problem ofhaving not enough members buyingfrom their own store. We have beentrying to keep our prices as low aspossible, and we also try to buy freshvegetables every week but they are notcompletely sold as quickly as theyshould be. Perhaps, the weather hassomething to do with the slow saleslately. We hope that the spring thawwill make people go out more and visitour store.

Time is really going fast andour store lease will soon expire by May2010. We need to make a decisionwhether to move out or stay. Wewonder if there is a better location thanthe current space we are leasing. Butwe found out from the owner that aslong as we occupy the same space, heis not going to give back the securitydeposit of $10 000 without interest.This may motivate us to shop aroundfor a better deal if we can find it. Yourfeedback is important to help us makethe proper decision.

The Office de la languefrançaise issued us an order to changeour sign into French. Making a propersign for the store will cost moneywhich we have very little of. We aretherefore appealing to all members topitch in. We estimate a sign will costabout $2000. Our deadline to conformto the sign law is April 2009.

If members are wonderingwhen the general assembly will be, weare in the process of finalizing thefinancial report for 2007 which we needto submit to the government within 30days. We hope to call for a generalassembly meeting by April 2009 In thenext issue of this paper, we will give theannouncement.

We have received one newmember this month of February. Ms.Svetlana Suarez , president of theKapampangan Association of Quebecis our newest member. We thank Ms.Suarez for her support and hope thatall the other officers of her organizationwill follow. We will also start to call onother associations to becomemembers. The president of FAMAS,Claro Bermudez, and the president ofthe Bicol Association, Merly Nunez, are

already members of the Cooperativebut there are many more associationswho are not. If we succeed inrecruiting the numerous associationsand really make them aware of ourgoals, we will be able to improve thecapital structure of the Cooperative.

We are again making a partiallist of members who have not yet fullypaid for their shares. We would like toappeal to them to contact us and let usknow if they are interested to becomeactive and complete their payment assoon as possible. Their cooperationwill be greatly appreciated. 0538-06 - Cuano, Joysia0216-05 - De la Cruz, Rosario0034-05 - De la Cruz, Marilou0430-06 - De las Alas, Antonio0561-06 - De Pena, Miguela0012-05 - Desamito, Jesse0012-05 - Desamito, Olive0192-05 - Diaz, Saijanamie0539-06 - Diesta, Pacita0526-06 - Dimanalata, Norma0534-06 - Dizon, Olivia0295-06 - Dizon, Zenaida0264-05 - Dolfo, Roberto0547-06 Domingo, Isabelito, Jr.0322-06 - Domingo, Matthew0402-06 - Domingo, Mel0564-06 - Domingo, Michaelangelo0321-06 - Domingo, Rachel 0545-06 - Domingo, Reagan0504-06 - Domingo, Remedios0566-06 - Domingo, Santino0453-06 - Domingo, Saturnina0535-06 -Dote, Victoria0209-06 - Dumagat, Teresa0098-05 - Dumdum, Imelda0224-05 - Duran, Teresita0379-06 - Dy, Benjamin0413-06 - Elacion, Ma. Legario0159-05 - Eltanal, Lourdescita0440-06 - Emboscado, Ramero0251-05 - Eribal, Jose Melvin0493-06 - Erivera, Casiana0492-06 - Erivera, Estela0084-05 - Escalante, Mary Ann0240-05 - Espanola, Rita0388-06 - Espiritu, Emilia0389-06 - Espiritu, Leonora0536-06 - Esteves, Marivic0076-05 - Eusebio, Ma. :aulina0236-05 - Exaltacio, Kriselda0030-05 - Factor, Mary Ann0449-06 - Fadera, Emmanuel0556-06 - Favila, Rachelle0300-05 - Fernandez, June

0348-06 - Ferrer, Excelsa Thelma 0326-06 - Flores, Aurea0103-05 - Flores, Editha0387-06 - Flores, Lanie0227-06 - Forcadilla, Clarita0033-05 - Francia, Rosalie0494-06 - Francisco, Greta0337-06 - Galaura, Jeanette0340-06 - Galaura, Jocelyn0029-05 - Galera, Yolanda0329-06 - Galutira, Vilma0292-05 - Garcia, Juanita0488-06 - Garcia, Ma. Visitacion0555-06 - Gerance, Aurea0563-06 - Gevero, Edgar0096-05 - Gevero, Epifania0404-06 - Gloria, Delia0049-05 - Gonzalo, Caridad0309-06 - Gose, Marilou0325-06 - Granflor, Lowella0278-06 - Guelos, Estrella0077-05 - Gutierrez, Lolita0258-05 - Hernandez, Luz0448-06 - Hinayo, Wila0352-06 - Idio, Raquel0531-06 - Ilayat, Alicia0486-06 - Imperial, Laraine0485-06 - Imperial, Paul0043-05 - Indiano, Raul0533-06 - Jareno, Sameul0468-06 - Jimenez, Cesar0469-06 - Jimenez, Lourdes0267-05 - Julian, Christine Frances0233-05 - Justo, Ferdinand0524-06 - Kernan, Ma. Josephine0269-06 - Kido, Elisa0231-05 - Lacaden, Maricel0324-06 - Lagrio, Josefina0158-05 - Lahaylahay, Cristina0092-05 - Langoey, Arlene0092-05 - Langoey, Arlene0446-06 - Legaspi, Elizabeth0167-05 - Legaspi, Jocelyn0574-06 - Libunao, Sharon0351-06 - Lictaoa, Zenaida0307-06 - Lida, Lanie0589-06 Lim, Flora0129-05 - Limjuco, Nimfa0304-06 - Lo, Jasmin0211-05 - Lompot, Filomena0259-05 - Lopez, Gilbert0490-06 - Lopez, Helly Hedeliza0390-06 - Lopez, Rodel0108-05 - Lozada, Priscilla0572-06 - Madayag, Helen0542-06 - Maderazo, Joy0172-05 - Madriaga, Fresnido0184-05 - Madriaga, Portia0405-06 - Maglana, Lorna0288-05 - Malaluan, Dominga0072-05 - Mallaria, Edna0048-05 - Mamuad, Estrella0465-06 - Maneja, Dominador0015-05 - Mangino, Ruben0431-06 - Maputol, Jennifer0543-06 - Maquilang, Zenaida0447-06 - Marmeto, Marielo0248-05 - Mejia, Cecilia0470-06 - Mendoza, Angelina0118-05 - Millares, Arlie

0532-06 - Miranda, Teresita0528-06 -Mojado, Ana0290-05 - Molina, Arcelita0344-06 - Molina, Cristina0457-06 - Montilla, Fred0423-06 - Moran, Grace Padua0422-06 - Moran, Ramon0201-05 - Motil, Rosalie0335-06 - Munoz, Connie0425-06 - Nazareno,Rosario0420-06 - Nepomuceno, Susana0306-06 - Neri, Jean0522-06 - Nicavera, Joy0114-05 - Nicolas, Jesusa0477-06 - Nipa, Evelyn0148-05 - Nogadas, Dolores0518-06 - Obzunar, Karen0032-5 - Ocampo,Exaltacion0056-05 - Odon, Florehbie0237-05 - Oliver, Cecilia0120-05 - Opendo, Judy Mae0210-05 - Ordillo, Rosemarie0270-05 - Orpiada, Marites0359-06 - Osano, Irma0472-06 - Osera, Sonia0562-06 - Otacan, Paulyn0442-06 - Pacana, Juliet0165-05 - Pacheco, Christian0298-05 - Padadac, Blessy0163-05 - Padida, Lily0435-06 - Paloma, Leila Jovita0014-05 - Papa, Rosalinda0117-05 - Paquinol, Norberta0006-05 - Pascua, Rolando0093-05 - Pastoril, Emma0434-06 - Pelingon, Martin0411-06 - Penaredondo, Hazel0271-05 - Penchon, Natividad0198-05 - Penton, Natividad0375-06 - Penuela, Mary kjane0037-05 - Peralta, Aurora0036-05 - Peralta, Fe0141-05 - Peralta, Rolando0078-05 - Perez, Anabella0466-06 - Perreras, Juvy0514-06 - Pescador, Nerissa0428-05 - Petilla, Dionisia0253-05 - Poonin, Conchita0097-05 - Proulx, Andre0391-06 - Punzalan, Romina0243-05 - Quijote, Estela0527-06 - Quintana, Desiree0099-05 - Quizon, Annabelle0357-06 - Raboy, Epiphany0358-06 - Raboy, Teodora0318-06 - Ramos, Ernesto0151-05 - Raquepo, Carmela0327-06 - Raquepo, Mar0368-06 - Realin, Jocelyn0429-06 - Reano, Pamela0013-95 - Regacho, Monica0044-05 - Relato, Ressa0275-05 - Respicio, Rowena0252-05 - Reyes, Denise Jane0503-06 - Reyes, Edilmira0245-05 - Reyes, Olive0075-05 - Reyes, Pepito0281-05 - Reyes, Romeo0509-06 - Reynoso, Cristita(To be continued next issue)

COOPERATIVE NEWSYour patronage of theCooperative store is ouronly way to make it work

Page 4: Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

. Ottawa, February 17, 2009 — TheHonourable Jason Kenney, Ministerof Citizenship, Immigration andMulticulturalism, today announced12 full-time appointments to theImmigration and Refugee Board ofCanada (IRB).

Sherif Atallah, Roxane Cyr,Mariam Sarwar Pal, Pharès Pierre,Sonia Rodrigue and JocelyneSenécal were appointed for three-year terms in the Montréal office.Douglas John Cryer, Jacques Fortin,John Gerald Kivlichan and Marie-Claude Andrée Yaacov wereappointed for three-year terms in theToronto office. Larry JamesCampbell and Douglas BruceFortney were appointed for three-year terms in the Vancouver office.These appointments were made inaccordance with the IRB’smerit-based appointment process.

The Minister is committed todelivering on his promise to fillvacancies on the Board withqualified individuals as quickly aspossible. With today’sannouncement of 12 appointments,and the Minister’s announcement of13 appointments and threereappointments on January 23,2009, the Board now stands at closeto 90 percent of its full complement.With a lower vacancy rate on theIRB, genuine refugee claims will beprocessed and finalized faster, whilefrivolous asylum applications will bedismissed more quickly.

Prior to his appointment tothe Board, Mr. Atallah was aCorporate Communications

Consultant with David & GoliathCommunications Marketing. He alsoheld positions with Diners ClubInternational (Canada), the mostrecent being Assistant Vice-President, Branding & MarketingCommunications. He received aBachelor of Arts in Film andCommunications from McGillUniversity.

Prior to her appointment tothe Board, Ms. Cyr was a TribunalOfficer at the IRB. She also held thepositions of Hearings Officer withCitizenship and Immigration Canadaand Parole Officer with theCorrectional Service of Canada. Ms.Cyr has a Bachelor of Arts inCriminology from the University ofOttawa.

Prior to her appointment tothe Board, Ms. Pal worked as aconsultant specializing in economicanalysis and legal research. She wasalso a lawyer in private practice,providing assistance to employeesof international organizationsinvolved in grievance processes.She has held the positions ofEconomist with the AsianDevelopment Bank in the Philippinesand Senior Social Policy Expert withthe African Development Bank. Ms.Pal received her Bachelor of Arts inSociology from the University ofVictoria, her Bachelor of Arts inEconomics and her Master of Arts inEconomics from McGill University,as well as her Bachelor of Laws fromMcGill University.

Prior to his appointment tothe Board, Mr. Pierre was Director ofInternational Development for MiroMédia. Mr. Pierre holds an HonoursBachelor of Mathematics, with aspecialization in SecondaryEducation and a minor inAdministration and Political Science,from the Université du Québec àMontréal.

Prior to her appointment to theBoard, Ms. Rodrigue was a lawyer inprivate practice, specializing inimmigration and refugee law inMontréal. She was also a lawyer withthe law firm William, Aguilar andAssociates in Montréal. She holds a

February 20094

The North American Filipino Star



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Hon. Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship,Immigration and Multiculturalism

Minister Kenney announcesappointments to the Immigrationand Refugee Board Of Canada

Bachelor of Laws from UniversitéLaval. Ms. Rodrigue was called tothe Barreau du Québec in 1991.

Prior to her appointment tothe Board, Ms. Senécal was aTribunal Officer at the IRB. She alsoworked in a number of otherpositions within the IRB, includingthose of Research Officer in thedocumentation centre and CaseOfficer in the registry. Ms. Senécaldid her studies in nursing and socialsciences at the Cégep du VieuxMontrsposition of Director of PublicPolicy with the EvangelicalFellowship of Canada. He hasextensive experience as a LegislativeAssistant and has pastored Christianchurches in Alberta andSaskatchewan. Mr. Cryer receivedhis Bachelor of Religious Educationfrom the Alberta Bible College.Priorto his appointment to the Board, Mr.Fortin was a notary in privatepractice in Gatineau. He was also alawyer in private practice in Montréaland in Hull. Mr. Fortin has a Bachelorof Arts, a Licentiate in Laws and aDiploma in Notarial Law from theUniversity of Ottawa. Mr. Fortin wascalled to the Barreau du Québec in1969 and to the Chambre desnotaires du Québec in 1987.

Prior to his appointment tothe Board, Mr. Kivlichan was aTribunal Officer with the IRB. He alsoheld the positions of IntermediateAccountant with Orenstein andPartners as well as Staff Accountantwith Peat Marwick. He received hisBachelor of Commerce from theUniversity of Toronto and hisBachelor of Laws from the Universityof British Columbia. Mr. Kivlichanwas called to the Bar of BritishColumbia in 1982.

Prior to her appointment tothe Board, Ms. Yaacov was LegalCounsel for the Durham Children’sAid Society. She has also held theposition of Legal Counsel for theChildren’s Aid Societies of Brant andToronto. She has been a ProgramConsultant and Settlement ProjectOfficer with Citizenship andImmigration Canada. Ms. Yaacovreceived her Bachelor of Fine Arts

from York University, her Master ofArts from the University of Torontoand her Bachelor of Laws from theOsgoode Hall Law School.

Prior to his appointment tothe Board, Mr. Campbell was ViceChair and previously Senior ViceChair and Chief Executive Officer ofthe Workers’ Compensation AppealTribunal in British Columbia. He hasalso held the positions of Vice Chairand Member of the Workers’Compensation Review Board, andClient Services Manager and CaseManager with the Worker’sCompensation Board of BritishColumbia. Mr. Campbell received hisBachelor of Arts from the Universityof Calgary and his Master ofBusiness Administration inInternational Business from the CassBusiness School of the CityUniversity in London, England.

Prior to his appointment tothe Board, Mr. Fortney was anindependent ManagementConsultant specializing in the fieldsof international businessdevelopment, finance and treasury.He was the Vice-President, ProjectFinancing, of SNC-Lavalin Capital inMontréal. He also held severalpositions with Export DevelopmentCanada, the most recent being ChiefRepresentative for Mexico. Mr.Fortney received his Bachelor of Artsfrom the University of Manitoba andhis Bachelor in Public Administrationas well as his Master of BusinessAdministration from the University ofOttawa.

Created in 1989, the IRB isan independent administrativetribunal that reports to Parliamentthrough the Minister of Citizenship,Immigration and Multiculturalism.The Board has three divisions—theRefugee Protection Division, theImmigration Appeal Division and theImmigration Division. The IRBdetermines refugee protectionclaims made in Canada, hearsimmigration appeals, and conductsadmissibility hearings and detentionreviews. a

Page 5: Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

February 2009 5The North American Filipino Star

The North American Filipino Star


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Tail hut and said the president hadasked for one of the hot pastries herstore sells. Milien, who has been ahuge fan of Obama's, was selected asthe employee who would hand it tohim.

"He asked me my name and wehad a little conversation and then wetook pictures," she recounted, calling itthe most exciting day of her life.

"Meeting him meant that there ispossibility to succeed at anything inlife. He's inspired me to work hard andachieve every day," she added.

BeaverTails Canada Inc. founderand co-owner Grant Hooker hadinvented a custom-made Beaver Tail,called the Obama Tail, which wasserved at the Canadian Embassyduring the Obama inauguration back inJanuary.

So that's what was served to theman himself: an Obama Tail, a tail-shaped deep-fried pastry, coated withcinnamon and sugar and topped with

maple-flavoured eyes and drizzled witha Nutella "O" for "Obama."

Hooker says he had sent out aninvitation to the president to come inand try it but he never dreamed Obamacould do it.

"I had said there was a snowball'schance in Florida he would actuallyaccept," Hooker told Canada AM.

But accept he did, though no oneat BeaverTails knew he was comingahead of time.

"We didn't have the faintest hint,"Hooker says.

Obama and his massive securityteam also shuffled their way throughthe crowds to stop in Le Moulin deProvence, a local French bakery.There, the president picked up maple-

leaf-shaped cookies for his daughters -which he got on the house, saysemployee Isabelle Corriveau.

"He wanted to buy shortbreadcookies, but we gave them to him, forhis girls," she told Canada AM. "He saidthank-you and then he left."

After Obama shook hands with allthe employees in the shop and posedfor pictures, Corriveau says she wasstruck by how friendly the presidentwas.

"I think he's down-to-earth andreally nice. He's a really nice personactually, I think," she said.

Obama and his 50-car motorcadealso made an unexpected visit at theindoor market across the street fromthe bakery, where he drew screamsand cheers from shoppers as hewandered through the aisles andchatted with vendors.

Earlier in the day, about 1,000onlookers gathered on the snowy lawnof Parliament Hill to catch a glimpse of

the famed American president. Theyreceived only a brief wave fromObama, who was joined by PrimeMinister Stephen Harper. But manysaid it was the moment they had beenwaiting for.

"We're so tired, we haven't slept,"Stephanie Scott, a Toronto residentwho arrived on the Hill at 4:30 a.m. toldCTV Ottawa.

Some Americans even made thetrip to Canada just to see the U.S.president.

"Why do you think I'm here? It'sbecause I couldn't go (to theinauguration in Washington)," saidRita Bruney of Brooklyn. "I missed himone place, so I'm catching him on theother side." a

An Ottawa ByWard Market shopgirl says she nearly passed out withexcitement when U.S. PresidentBarack Obama made a quick stop intoher store on Thursday after finishing upbusiness on Parliament Hill.

The president's surprise stop atthe historic ByWard Market createdwhat has become the usualpandemonium Obama nowencounters wherever he goes, withcrowds of eager shoppers - somescreaming with excitement -- rushing tomeet the U.S. president and to grab a

picture.Obama's stopped at a French

bakery for cookies, a souvenir shopwhere he picked up a key chain with amoose on it for his daughter and ascarf for his wife, and then the BeaverTails Hut where 17-year-old JessicaMilien works.

"It was overwhelming, I almostfainted. I couldn't believe I wasstanding in front of President Obama,"Milien told Canada AM Friday.

A U.S. Secret Service agentappeared at the window of the Beaver

Ottawa shop workers stunned byObama stop

of the Canada-U.S. border.

Tackling climate change and energysecurity

Noting the long and productivehistory of bilateral co-operation oncontinental environmental protection andenergy trade and technology, thePresident and the Prime Minister agreedthat environmental protection and thedevelopment of clean energy areinextricably linked and announced plans

to work together to build a new energyeconomy as a key element of broadereconomic recovery and reinvestmentefforts.

The Leaders discussed practicalways the United States and Canada couldencourage the development of cleanenergy technologies to reducegreenhouse gases and combat climatechange. The Leaders established asenior-level U.S.-Canada Clean EnergyDialogue that will cooperate on severalcritical energy science and technologyissues, including:

- Expand clean energy research and

development- Develop and deploy clean energytechnology- Build a more efficient electricity gridbased on clean and renewable generationUnited States and Canadian officials willmeet in the coming weeks to launch theClean Energy Dialogue.

Responding to international securitychallenges

The President and the Prime Ministeragreed on the importance of Canada andthe United States cooperating closely ona number of key international priorities for

both countries, with a particular focus onAfghanistan, which is a top priority forboth countries and which will be a majorsubject of attention at the upcomingNATO Summit. The Leaders also agreedto work together closely in the Americas,including promoting effective discussionand meaningful results at the Summit ofthe Americas in April.

Our Foreign Ministers will meet inWashington next week, and Ministers ofDefence the following week, to pursue astrengthened dialogue on these and otherkey international challenges, a


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February 20096

The North American Filipino Star


Marine Paradise OfCentral Visayas

The sunlit halls of San Isidro are filled with a rich history

I s l a n d P r o v i n c e

Old stone bellfry, part of St. Francis of Assisi Church, located in the capital, Siquijor

The whole island of Siquijor wasdeclared a marine reserve and touristzone in 1978 by virtue of ProclamationNo. 1810. As such, the island-provincewill be developed into a major touristdestination under the supervision ofthe Philippine Tourism Authority.

It was originally known as‘Katugasan’ coming from tugas,molave trees that covered the hills. TheSpanish called it ‘Isla de Fuego’ due tothe bushel of fireflies they found there.

Known for its scenic beauty andarchaic churches, Siquijor is alsoblessed with natural and historicalattractions. Its unspoiled environmentand the warm hospitality of its peoplenever fail to beckon visitors from allover. The serenity of the wholeprovince makes it ideal for a perfectgetaway.

It lures nature lovers andadventurers to explore its numerouscaves, springs and rivers, and to climbup Mount Bandilaan, the highest peakat the center of the island. Being acoral island, it also invites divingenthusiasts to explore the reefs

surrounding the island, teeming withmarine life which have beenremarkably left untouched. For touristswho just want to lay back and relax, theisland offers a never-ending stretch ofwhite sand beaches, all 102 kilometersof shorelines surrounding the island. Italso provides a trip to the past with theold Cang-Isok house, and St IsidoreLabradore Parish Convent in Laziwhich was constructed by theSpaniards in 1884 and it is reputed tobe the biggest and one of the oldestconvents in the Philippines. It isbelieved to have been the vacationhouse for the Diocese’s priests at thattime.

Salagdoong Beach Resort whichis one of the island’s most frequentedbeaches which boasts of crytal-clearwaters, powdery white sand, high rockformations and favorite diving spots.

Capilay Spring is a natural springconverted into a public swimming poolat the heart of San Juan town. Its coldwater with the nearby shades of treesoffers a refreshing delight to picnickersespecially during summer.

San Isidro Labrador Church and Convent (Lazi, Siquijor) - Reputed to be the biggest andamong the oldest in the country, it has been declared a historical landmark by thePhilippine Historical Commision.

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February 2009 7The North American Filipino Star

Cambugahay Falls, located nearLazi, is composed of several levels ofwaterfalls and is considered enchantedby the locals, as it is secluded andrelatively unexplored.

With such varied touristattractions, Siquijor looms as theplayground of the Central Visayasregion. a

Capilay Spring Park (San Juan, Siquijor) - A natural, spring-fed swimming poolsituated at the heart of the town plaza where local people converge during weekendsfor a swim in the cool waters of the lake or simply sit under the shade in the springpark and people-watch

Kambugahay Falls, Siquijor consists of 3 or 4 succesive falls like this one where you canswim and dive

The sky and the sea meet at this beautiful golden sand beach, just a 5 min walk fromvacation homes in Lazi, Siquijor.

Siquijor Island , view from the mountains - known for its vast shores, its laid-back &serene lifestyle, the island is a mystical place, a true haven for the weary soul.

Solili Festival - Taking after the traditions in Lazi, Siquijor, the Solili Binalaye is amarriage ritual where both parents of the bride and groom prepare a fest and taketurns in advising the couple on the realities of married life. The rituals are depictedin a street-dancing competition that serves as the highlights of the week-long SoliliFestival and Araw ng Siquijor Charter Day Celebration.

San Juan Beach, Siquijor

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February 20098

The North American Filipino Star

Liberal Party stalwart denouncesgraft raps

Former Bukidnon congressmanNereus Acosta, a stalwart of theLiberal Party (LP), yesterdaydenounced the graft case filedagainst him by the Office of theOmbudsman for allegedly misusingP10.5 million in public funds duringhis term seven years ago.ADVERTISEMENT

“I stand by my record ofenvironmental legislation (asprincipal author of the Clean Air andClean Water Acts), non-governmentorganizations (NGO) and community-based work in Mindanao, and thelegitimate use of public funds for mydistrict during my first two terms,”Acosta said in a statement sent toThe STAR.

Sen. Mar Roxas, LP president,also denounced the Ombudsman’smove, saying Acosta “hasunfortunately become an unwittingcollateral damage in these renewedattacks by the Arroyo administrationagainst me and the Liberals forstanding up for accountability andgood governance.”

“We expect that they will use the‘rule by law and coercion’ at theexpense of the rule of law,” Roxassaid in a statement.

The Ombudsman announced theother day its decision to file chargesagainst Acosta before theSandiganbayan based on acomplaint lodged against him in2001.

Acosta, together with his motherSocorro, former mayor of ManoloFortich, Bukidnon, and his maternalaunt Ma. Nemia Bornidor, is beingaccused of violating the Anti-Graftand Corrupt Practices Act.

Acosta is accused of illegallytransferring a P2.5-million solartunnel dryer from one town to anotherfor the use of the Bukidnon IntegratedNetwork of Home Industries Inc.(Binhi), a private entity.

He is also accused of releasingP2.5 million in public funds to Binhiwhere his aunt is a board member,

and another P5.5 million to theBukidnon Vegetables ProducersCooperative, another private entity.

“I am fully prepared to presentany evidence attesting to this, as wehave answered all charges leveledagainst me and my motherpreviously,” he said.

“I will face the bar of publicopinion and any court of law, as anypublic servant ought to when calledto account for his actions while inoffice,” he said.

Acosta bewailed how the case“used by my political opponents asan election issue against me duringmy campaign for a third term in 2004”has resurfaced.

He recalled that the Ombudsmanrevived the case at the height of the“Hello, Garci” controversy and just afew days after he endorsed theimpeachment complaint againstPresident Arroyo in 2005.

“I was stripped of mychairmanship of the (House)committee on ecology and did notreceive any pork barrel funds for therest of my final term in Congress,” hesaid.

In 2006, Acosta said he was oneof four congressmen who againendorsed a second impeachmentcomplaint against Mrs. Arroyo a yearbefore former Commission onElections commissioner VirgilioGarcillano ran for congressman in thefirst district of Bukidnon.

“I find it utterly malicious that thiscase is being sent to theSandiganbayan at a time whenOmbudsman Merceditas Gutierrez isunder intense fire from varioussectors for failing to act on large-scale, multimillion-peso graft cases,”he said.

Acosta said he now belongs to alarge group of private citizens andgroups led by Bantay Katarungan,Kilosbayan and former Senator JovitoSalonga that is preparing animpeachment complaint againstGutierrez.

The Office of the Ombudsman,however, dismissed Acosta’s claimthat the graft case against him haspolitical color.

“It’s only the facts of the case, theevidence and the law that wereconsidered,” Assistant OmbudsmanJose de Jesus Jr. told The STAR.

On the issue of an impeachmentcomplaint against Gutierrez, he saidthe Office of the Ombudsman woulddeal with it at the proper time if sucha complaint would indeed be filed.

“We still believe that ourhonorable congressmen will not beswayed by the few detractors of theOmbudsman. We will cross thebridge when we get there,” De Jesussaid. a

Let us join hands vs globalcrisis - Arroyo

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyoon Monday underscored the need forthe government, business and laborsectors to work together in order toweather the adverse impact of theglobal economic crisis.

In her speech during the Multi-Sectoral Jobs Summit at the HeroesHall in Malacanang, President Arroyosaid this is a time for the three sectors tojoin hands by not neglecting those whofeel the hardships of the globaldownturn, especially firms under strainand workers facing layoffs.

In response to the concerns raisedduring the tripartite meeting two weeksago, the President laid out somespecific measures and actions to helpand assist displaced/retrenchedworkers as well as companies affectedby the global economic meltdown.

Likewise, the Presidentemphasized on what government,business and labor are doing to saveand generate jobs.

She said even before the tripartiteconsultation started, the governmenthas already been put together theEconomic Resiliency Plan.

"Under this Economic ResiliencyPlan which is our stimulus program, wewill continue our unprecedentedinvestments. I direct key agencies toshow solid progress in bidding outand/or implementing major infra andsocial projects under the P300 billionstimulus plan. We consider this themost important government initiativethis year," she said.

The Chief Executive also said partof the resiliency plan is the putting of allbudget-funded energy-independenceand environment jobs in one box called"Green Collar Jobs."

Truly if anything, she said, "a tighteconomy should prompt people toyearn for greater stability and harmonyand working together not workingapart".

"So, let us all pull together to makesure the country puts jobs and theeconomy ahead of political and costlyconflicts. Let us focus on "JoiningHands Against the Global Crisis," sheadded. a

hilippine President Gloria MacapagalArroyo delivers her message during a'Joining Hands Against Global Crisis'meeting at the presidential palace inManila February 9, 2009. Arroyo called fora meeting of government agencies onMonday to help generate jobs for Filipinosin the face of the global crisis that has laidoff about 33,000 domestic jobs and nearly6,000 overseas work contract sinceOctober 2008.

Arroyo meets Hillary Clinton

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyomet with US State Secretary HillaryClinton in Washington, D.C. on Friday, aday after she failed to meet withPresident Barack Obama, aMalacañang official said.

The President and the former firstlady of the United States met for 30minutes at the State Department andtalked about the Philippines' strategy inending the Moro insurgency in southernPhilippines and addressing the effectsof global meltdown, according to aPalace aide traveling with her.

Arroyo asked Clinton to include the

Philippines in her scheduled trip to Asialater this month.

”She (Clinton) said she will try herbest to go to the Philippines as long asher schedule allows it,” UndersecretaryLorelei Fajardo, deputy presidentialspokesperson, said over government-run Radyo ng Bayan from Washington.

Arroyo made an unscheduled two-day visit to Washington to attend lastThursday's National Prayer Breakfast,an annual gathering of US Congressmembers, but failed to meet Obama,who was the guest speaker. a

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) and Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyolaugh as they speak to reporters at the State Department in Washington February 6, 2009.

Congressman Nereus Acosta

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February 2009 9The North American Filipino Star

39,000 lose jobs in Philippines infour months

At least 39,000 Filipinos have losttheir jobs since October as factories andcompanies lay off workers amid thedeepening global financial crisis, anofficial said Monday.

The 39,000 included more than5,400 overseas-based Filipinos who hadlost their jobs in the Middle East andTaiwan, which accounted for the bulk ofthe returning expatriates, LabourSecretary Marianito Roque said.

Roque said the figure was based onofficial reports by industry leaders as well

as trade groups.He said the government had allotted

seven billion pesos (149 million dollars)to create 180,000 "emergency jobs" thisyear as a stop-gap measure to preventunemployment from ballooning.

"As of last Friday we have about39,000 fall outs. These are workers whohave lost their jobs mainly in theelectronics and manufacturing sector,"Roque told the Foreign CorrespondentsAssociation of the Philippines.

He said the government had enoughresources to create temporaryemployment opportunities in the next twoyears, but would be hard pressed if thecrisis extended beyond that.

Roque noted that many Filipinos losttheir jobs in the real estate and services

sector in Dubai, but had managed to findemployment elsewhere in the UnitedArab Emirates.

He said of the estimated 300,000Filipinos in the Emirates, 2,000 were nowout of work.

Places for Filipino nurses in theUnited States were also "dropping" withonly 700 contracts up for grabs last year,compared with up to 8,000 availablethree years ago, he said.

The jobless rate among Filipinosabroad could be much higher, he

conceded, noting that a large portion ofthe eight million Filipino workers abroadwere without proper documentation.

The government has alreadylaunched a retraining programme forthose who lost their jobs, with thebusiness process outsourcing sectorexpected to provide opportunities as it isprojected to grow 20 percent this yeardespite the crisis, Roque said.

But the government "cannot hit a 100percent batting average in terms ofhelping these overseas Filipinos," hesaid, noting that many were alreadyheavily in debt even before flying out.

"They are expecting immediate relief,and it's something we can't do quickly,"he said. a

Job applicants prepare documents for an employment agency in Manila on February3. At least 39,000 Filipinos have lost their jobs since October as factories andcompanies lay off workers amid the deepening global financial crisis, an official hassaid.

Philippines seen unlikely toattempt constitution change

Allies of Philippine PresidentGloria Macapagal Arroyo havedropped plans to amend theconstitution ahead of presidentialelections next year, and the pollswill go ahead as scheduled,officials and analysts saidyesterday.Manila has been rife with talk inrecent months that theadministration would pursue theplan to help Arroyo and seniorelected officials circumventconstitutionally-set term limits andremain in office.

But there has been strongopposition from Arroyo’s politicalfoes and from the powerful Church,

leading to worries of divisivenessand possible unrest if thegovernment stuck to its guns.

“If you are asking me aboutcha-cha (charter change), I can’tsee that there is going to be timefor it any more,” said RonaldoPuno, Arroyo’s chief politicalstrategist.

“The process of going throughthe legislature and then theprobable challenge in the SupremeCourt and then subsequently aplebiscite – that time frame doesnot seem likely to fit within theremaining time,” he said in aninterview. “Time is against any kindof change.”

Economists have warned thatany possibility of unrest in thecountry would be hugelydetrimental for financial marketsand for prospective foreigninvestment, given growing riskaversion following the globalfinancial crisis.

Elections are due in May next

year. Arroyo will not be eligible tocontest under laws that prohibitmore than a single six-year electedterm for the president. Varyinglimits are prescribed for otherelected officials.While some opposition politicianswarn that government allies maystill stage a last-minute attempt toremove term limits, the space to doso seems to be rapidly shrinking.

The only resolution in theHouse of Representatives relatingto constitutional amendments, orcharter change, is a move by thelegislature to amend someprovisions relating to the economy,including easing limits on foreigninvestment in certain sectors.But many see this as a thinly-disguised attempt to ram throughprovisions removing the term limitson elected officials, and so it isbeing dropped for now, Puno said.

“There is a certainty on the partof everyone that no, they are notreally talking about economicprovisions, they are talking aboutperpetuation in office. That’sunfortunate but we have to live withit. “Most discussions I’ve had withleaders in Congress indicate thatwe have no time to do this(economic change) and that it willjust have to wait for the nextadministration.”

House Speaker ProsperoNograles, the author of theresolution, said he hoped it wouldcome up for discussion soon, butindicated it was unlikely to get veryfar.“Personally, I think the mood inCongress is to have elections,” hetold Reuters.

Pro-Arroyo Congressman LuisVillafuerte, who is preparinganother resolution for charterchange by setting up a constituentassembly, also said time wasagainst his plan.“I think we’re running out of timebecause if we would settle all thecontroversies around my proposal,it would be too late to introduceamendments, make andimplement them,” he said.

Any proposal on charterchange approved by the Housewould have to be endorsed by the24-member Senate, where asignificant number are opponentsof Arroyo.

And if the two legislatures differ,the only recourse would be theSupreme Court, which would leavelittle time to accomplish anythingbefore the elections due in Maynext year. a

Interior and local government secretaryRonaldo Puno during an interview withReuters at his office at Camp Crame inQuezon City, Metro Manila February 20,2009.

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February 200910

The North American Filipino Star


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Montreal, QC H3S 1N5

This year's first PhilippineConsular Service will be held at FAMASCommunity Centre on Saturday, 28February from 9 am to 5 pm (attachedletter from Philippine Ambassador toCanada, H.E. Jose Brillantes, refers).

The requirements and specialinstructions regarding Machine ReadablePassport Applications are listed below. Kindly note that other services will beoffered as well:• Full notarial and legal services,

Balikbayan stamp services, Passportamendments and Travel documentservices

• Accepting dual citizenship, reportof birth, report of marriage, visa andmortuary certificate applications

Hard copies of the attachmedMachine Readable PasspostApplications and their instructions areavailable courtesy of FAMASCommunity Centre located on VanHorne Avenue.

For further inquiries, pleasecontact the Philippine Embassy attelephone no. 613-233-1121 or [email protected]. a

at Trent. “This honour also adds Dr.Keefer to a prestigious list of previous3M Fellowship winners at Trent, furtherdemonstrating the University’scommitment to excellence inteaching.”

Prof. Keefer holds a B.A., M.A.and Ph.D. from the University ofToronto. She started at Trent as aninstructor in 1984, becoming a fullprofessor in 1999. She has also heldthe positions of senior tutor, actingassociate chair and coordinator of theEmphasis in Medieval, Antique andRenaissance Studies at Trent. Herprimary area of research is the liturgyof the Anglo-Saxon Church and itsinfluence on the culture of the period.Throughout her distinguished teachingcareer, she has also been awardedMerit Awards for Excellence inTeaching (1997, 2003, 2008), TrentUniversity's Symons Award forExcellence in Teaching (2000), and anOCUFA Teaching Award (2001).



OTTAWA – A New Democratbill to protect the pensions andseverances of unemployed Canadiansis one of the few private members’ billsthat has a chance to become law thissession.

“The Conservativegovernment refuses to make essentialchanges to Employment Insurance toprotect families from hitting the bottomof their savings before benefits kick in,this must change, and that’s what mybill will accomplish” said NewDemocrat Critic for Skills Training andApprenticeships Malcolm Allen.

Allen was pleased to learn yesterdaythat his Private Members Bill,introduced on February 2, 2009, toprotect severances and pensions ofunemployed workers was bumped upon the Order of Precedence. Thismeans that Bill C-279, An Act to amendthe Employment Insurance Act(amounts not included in earnings),will be debated this session and hasgood chance of becoming law. Only 30Private Members Bills are reviewed bygovernment in each session.“New Democrats will also continue topush the government to open accessto Employment Insurance,” said Allen.“In the absence of leadership from thegovernment in responding to theneeds of families in this economiccrisis, Bill C-279 will be good stepforward and I urge my Conservativecolleagues from the Niagara Region tobreak ranks from their party and joinNew Democrats in supporting theworkers of Canada.”

Allen points out that up to 60percent of the unemployed are noteligible for EI under the current rulesand nothing in this Conservative andLiberal budget is going to change that.

COMMUNITY NEWSPhilippine Embassy ConsularClinic in Montreal Feb. 28

Carmelita Sidecosuddenly passed awayFebruary 25, 2009

We are saddened by the newsof Carmelita Sideco’s sudden deathafter having been brought to the RoyalVictoria Hospital on Tuesday evening.She succumbed to pneumonia at 1p.m. the following day, Wednesday.

Final arrangements were notknown at press time.

Lita was a very active volunteerin many organizations. She wasalways helping and supporting differentcauses. In particular, she oftenshopped at the Filipino SolidarityCooperative in her desire to do hershare of making the Coop become aviable enterprise. She was also amember of the Foundation for GreaterMontreal, an organization raising fundsto build a community center for allFilipinos.

We will surely miss such agreat community leader.

We wish to express our sincerecondolence to her family and friends.

Dr. Sarah Keefer Awarded One of Ten2009 3M Fellowships from Society forTeaching and Learning in HigherEducation

Friday, February 6, 2009,Peterborough - Dr. Sarah Keefer, aprofessor of English Literature at TrentUniversity, has been recognized as oneof Canada's outstanding universityteachers as a winner of a prestigious3M Teaching Fellowship, a nationalaward given annually to professors inCanada in recognition of theirexcellence in teaching and educationalleadership.

“I was absolutely wowed whenI received the news,” Prof. Keefer saidabout winning the award, which is co-sponsored by the Society for Teachingand Learning in Higher Education(STLHE) and 3M Canada Company.“This is a valorization of what I do. I loveteaching and I truly believe that it is acalling. I go the distance for mystudents and this award says I amdoing something right. It is a greatvote of confidence.”

“Dr. Keefer is a most fittingrecipient of this prestigious award. Shemodels the best attributes of scholarand teacher. Her students are trulyfortunate to have been provided with anenduring legacy of scholarship andpride in scholarship,” said Dr. ChristineMcKinnon, vice presidentAcademic and dean of Arts & Science

Trent English ProfessorWins Prestigious NationalTeaching Award

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Page 11: Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

Philippine Cuisine


Half or Wholepork

Cut & Wrapped


Beef Blade steak


Picnic ham(with bone)


Pork loinApproximately

15 lbs


Front quarter of beefApproximately 200 lbs


Boneless leg of ham

8.79lb 2.49lb

Pork Spare Ribs 1 litre of fresh

blood with purchase

when available

1/2 pork


Beef short ribs


4.89lb10 lbs & over

Regular smokedbacon

� Fresh pork blood

� Fresh bacon

� Fresh liver

� Pork skin


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Tel.: (450) 247-2130 or (450) 247-3561


HavelockJackson Road





Covey Hill Road

Boucherie Viau Inc.


U. S. A.




SortieExit No.6

202 Lacolle


St.Chrysostome St. EdouardSt. Remi


Fresh Belly with skin


Mon. Tue. Wed. - 8 am - 5 p.m.Thu. Fri - 8 am- 6 pm Sat. 8 am-5 pm Closed on Sundays

35 1.

Home smoked meat

February 2009 11The North American Filipino Star


* 1 kilo of seafood (any one or a

combination of crabs, prawns, squid,

clams, mussels and any seafood)

* 1 large onion, diced

* spring onions (cut 1 inch long)

* 1 thumb sized ginger, sliced into


* 1/2 teaspoon of sugar or

monosodium glutamate

* 1/3 cup of oyster sauce

* 2 pieces green finger pepper (sili

pag sigang) chopped

* 3 table spoons of cooking oil or

olive oil

* 1/3 cup water

* Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking Instructions:

* Cut crabs into 2 or 4 if very big

* Steam crabs and prawns for 5


* Clean squid and cut into 1 inch

long sections

* On a big wok, sauté garlic until

golden brown, then add ginger and

onions, sauté for a minute more

* Add water and bring to a boil

* Add squid, clams, mussels and

other uncooked seafood.

* Boil for 5 minutes

* Add crabs and shrimp

* Add the oyster sauce

* Salt and pepper to taste

* Sprinkle the sugar or monosodium

glutamate (vetsin)* Add the long green chili* Mix well and bring to a boil* Simmer for 3 minutes* Serve hot with steamed rice

Seafood with Oyster Sauce CookingTips:* Add the long green chili earlier ifyou prefer your mixed seafood withoyster sauce hot.*The above recipe can be used forjust one type of seafood like crabsonly or a combination of manyincluding fish.

buns: take each ball of dough and roll outon floured one round ofdough in palm of hand.flatten or deepen abit the top of the dough and put one tablespoon of filling in center of edges of dough together.take the 2 ends of bun, bring them upover the pinched edge and twist togetherfirmly.Cut 12 pieces of wax or greaseproofpaper into 3 inch square. or dependingon the number of ball doughs you'vemade. a plain coupon bond will also dojust fine. brush one side of the paperlightly with oil if using only a couponbond. Place the bun upside down, so thesmooth rounded side is uppermost. orjust simply place each siopao on a pieceof wax paper or greaseproof paper.arrange on a steamer. keep doing this to

the rest of the stuffed dough buns. just setaside excess stuffed dough buns ifsteamer is full. can also be stored frozenand steamed in the future.On steaming the siopao buns:Seam the buns in a 3 layer aluminumsteamer setting but originally done in 4-5layers of native steamer of bamboosetting. with the ground floor comprisingwater with vinegar--- don't forget thevinegar which would certainly help tokeep your buns white and attractive. thesecond layer is empty. the third or uppermost layer is where you place the siopaobuns to steam.steam the stuffed siopao buns forapproximately 12-20 minutes or until thesiopao buns are a bit soft. a

Seafood mix withOyster Sauce

iopao buns:4 cups rice flour or dim-sum flour1 tablespoon baking powder3 teaspoon dry yeast1 and half cup luke warm water4 tablespoon sugarhalf cup shortening1 teaspoon saltextra floursiopao bun filling:previously boiled half kilo chickenpreferably breast part (boil in watertogether with 3 whole eggs add 1teaspoon of salt. drain. strip into smallpieces).half cup water1 cup onion ( finely chopped)1 clove garlic (finely chopped)3 tablespoon soy sauce3 tablespoon sesame oil2 tablespoon sugar1 to 2 tablespoon of cornstarch or cornflourhalf teaspoon ground black pepper3 hard boiled eggs (cut into thin slices ortiny cubes); salted eggs can also beused and is a good substitute to the plainegg3 tablespoon hoi-sin sauce (optional)1 teaspoon MSG (optional)How to make siopao the dough of the siopao bun:dissolve yeast in lukewarm water.add sugar and 3 and half cups of riceflour, baking powder and mix to make asoft sponge like dough. squeeze andbeat thoroughly or mash. transfer to afloured board and knead with yourhands, using a pushing motion, until thedough is smooth. keep doing this forabout an 20- 40 minutes. (really dependson the quality of the flour)

Set aside on a lightly oiled largebowl (large enough, to hold the doughonce it expands or rise), cover it with aclean slightly damp cloth or towel and waitfor it to rise until almost double in size. (forsome say 20 - 30 minutes). after reachingthe expected size, add the remaining flourand 1/4 cup shortening. mix well. kneaduntil smooth. punch down once, re-coverwith the cloth or towel and leave to riseagain for another 30 with your hands,pulling the sides to form a circle or balls.set aside on a clean, dry surface. the fillingof the siopao bun: in a sauce pan, heat oil.saute garlic and onion. reduce heat, addchicken strips and cook till lightly brownnow add water, soy sauce, , sugar, groundpepper, and corn starch or corn flour, hoisin sauce, MSG stir continuously untilsauce boils, reduce heat. if you want thefilling to be thick, add in more of thernstarch. let it simmer uncovered for 2minutes. turn off heat. Add the choppedhard boiled eggs to the cooked filling, stirin to mix. set aside. How to fill the siopao

Siopao (Chinese bun)

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February 200912

The North American Filipino Star

Princess of Hearts pageant sponsored by the Bicol Association of Quebec held on Saturday,February 14, 2009 at St. Kevin’s Church Hall. The Princess of Hearts 2009, Christine Arroyo(center) is flanked by three princesses with their escorts - 1st runner-up Jackielyn Marr, 2ndrunner-up Chris April Llaguno, and 3rd runner-up Stephanie Mendoza.

Ernelito Lebario shows Ian Gravel how to tie a rope while Area Commissioner Virginia Elliot ofthe Stoney Point Area watches. Rope tying is one of the survival skills taught in the Scoutprogram.

FilStar Photo Gallery

The Executive Board of the Bicol Association of Quebec headed by Merle Nunez, president,pose with the Princess of Hearts 2009, Christine Arroyo

Jamie Ezra “Babin” Cello, Ian Gravel and Neil Gravel are intently figuring out a puzzle whichappears in the book brought by Area Commissioner Virginia Elliot during the weekly activityof the Laging Handa Scouts, Saturday, February 21, 2009.

Laging Handa Scout Group 0592 needs more adultvolunteers

The first Filipino-Canadian Scout Group, which was founded in 2003, iscalling for more adult volunteers to join the group in order to carry out theScouting programs which help young children from ages 5 to 14 develop theirsurvival and leadership skills.

Parents are also urged to register their children, both boys and girls,during this month of February until March to benefit from the reducedmermbership fees of $99 and also have a chance to win prizes.

There are many activities that are designed for each age group.Camping is one of the most popular activities enjoyed by both adults andyouth. It is required in the program to go camping every season, On March 6to 8, Laging Handa Scouts will go camping to Tamacouta for the winterseason. Parents and guests are allowed to join this camping trip.

Attendance in Scout Jamborees is another exciting activity that youngpeople will always enjoy and remember for a lifetime. Instead of merelywatching TV or playing computer games, young people will have a better wayof spending their time by being part of the Scouting program.

For more information, please call 514-485-7861.

Laging Handa Scout Group 0592 members pose with the Stoney Point Commissioner, VirginiaElliot. Front row from left: Ian Gravel, Kyle Fernandez, Ian Gravel, Jamie Ezra “Babin” Cello,and Group Commissioner Zenaida Kharroubi. Back row: Manny Lagasca, FAMAS director,Scout Area Commissioner Virginia Elliot, Scout Leader Rom y Valenzuela, Flor Rillo, Vice-president of FAMAS. Other members not in the picture are: Scout Leaders Nelson Alvaro andMary Joy Lizarondo, Scouts Ryan and Christian Masangkay, Miguel Carlo Alvaro, and ThomasNuguid, Cubs Dawn Sarto, Natasha Nuguid and Mikhayla de las Alas.

“Mangoes for Mango” - Area Commissioner Virginia Elliot told the story of how Scout leadersget a nickname. She explained why she got her Scout nickname “Mango” because of thecolor of her hair. Coincidentally, Laging Handa Scouts gave her a gift of mangoes.

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The North American Filipino Star

I do believe that most Filipinoswho successfully make it in any placeof their choices didn’t really put thisbig “R” into their head.. after all, weare all used to that. We came from acountry whose recession is just a partof everyday life . Wise “pinoy”normally laughed and treated thesituation like a scene in a tele-novelathey just let it shrink, then moveforward. So what’s new! It doesn’tmatter if we are in a globalrecession??? “pinoy yata toh! sanaysa hirap.”

When two employees at afamily owned store recently asked towork three days each week instead offive, owner Noella Gonzaga wouldimmediately hang a hiring sign on thefront for someone to fill those shifts.But with talks of a possible recession inthe news everyday, she ultimatelydecided to bridge the gap herself.

“Normally we'd replace thosedays, but because of the climate, wedecided to wait and see," said Noella,who has owned the store for 17 years."It just means that my husband, meand my children should work a littlemore. Noella is one of a growingnumber of Montreal’s small-businessowners who have started planning fora recession earlier.

Some small businesses -especially those connected to the realestate market - are already feeling thepain of dwindling revenue. Otherssuch as Noella are doing fine buttaking steps to protect themselves incase business starts to sour. Are weentering a broad-based recession witha capital R? Or will this remain anarrower slump linked to the mortgagecrisis? It's mostly common sense thatmany small-business owners are toobusy or distracted to apply until it's toolate.

In either case, small-businessgroup experts offer a variety of tips forentrepreneurs looking to survive intough economic times :

Pay attention to cash flow.Your sales figures may be great, but it'scash flow that will determine whetheryou can keep the doors open.Calculate whether you have enoughcash to pay for your expenses ifrevenue suddenly drops. When thesetimes come up, it's important to puttogether a realistic cash forecast," saidMike Rose, chief executive officer ofRose Ryan, a finance and accountingfirm. "Run some scenarios. What if youlose a big client? What if you youexperience a drop in sales?

Get Tough with accountsreceivable. In good times, it's easy tolet things slide so that customers whoare supposed to pay in 30 days don'tpay until months later. In bad times,you can't afford to be so mellow. Callthem up, and tell them you love theirbusiness but you have a business torun, too, and you’ve got to get paid,"said Jeffery Stein, CEO of PeytonInvestments. The squeaky wheel getsthe attention. If you lose a customerbecause you're being aggressiveabout getting paid, you were probablygoing to lose them anyway.

Trim the fat. "What fat?" youmay well ask. You probably alreadydeep-sized the glitzy holiday party. Butthis is a chance to look for further costsavings and efficiencies within yourbusiness.

Ways to cut costs That mightmean postponing non-essentialpurchases, consolidating offices ordismissing underperforming workers. Be aware and kicking. One of myclient companies is looking at who aretheir 'A players,' " said Jerry Ervin, amanagement consultant and trainer.

"They're a sales organization in thereal estate industry, and during theboom it was a lot of order taking.People didn't really have to sell at all.Now they're having to ramp up theirsales skills. They're moving people(who can't generate sales) out."

Ask employees for help. "Onemistake many businesses make is thatleadership just clams up," said Denise

O'Berry, a small-business adviser .When you see trouble coming, openup communication with all employees,particularly front-line employees. Askthem for ideas on how things can beimproved."

Seek employee suggestionson staffing reductions. Layoffs aren'tnecessarily your only alternative.There are intermediate options " saidMike Van Horn, who runs supportgroups for small-business owners. Getyour people together and say, 'we'vegot a downturn, we have the option oflaying people off, or cutting everyone'shours by 10 percent but that’s the lastthing that we’re gonna do in order tosurvive'. Often there will be a lot ofsupport (for cost cutting) if employeessee it's in everyone's interest overtime."

Retool your products. Howwould a recession affect yourcustomers? And can you retool yourproducts or services to meet their newneeds? Karen Bevels, who runs KarenBevels Cafe and Catering, recentlystarted a line of half-price cateringmenus. They offer the same caliber ofingredients as her regular menus, butwith less-experienced servers andsimpler recipes - a $30-per-persondinner built around beef lasagna andan apple crisp, for instance, instead ofa $60 dinner featuring beefbourguignon and an apple tart.Although the lower-priced menusstarted just last fall, they're alreadygenerating more revenue than Bevels'traditional catering. People arelooking for a low-cost alternative," saidBevels. "The recession forced this

project to the forefront. ... It's whatpeople want now."

Pay attention to existingcustomers. Your biggest asset is yourexisting customers," said Chuck Bornof Growth Management Consultants."Look for more business from them,and get referrals from them. It'salways easier to keep customers thanto find new ones, so customer service

becomes more important than ever. Take your key customers to

lunch or drop by to thank them fortheir business," Stein said. "They maygive you clues (about their solvency),such as not answering questionsabout how their business is going.Meanwhile, learn everything you canabout how your customers are doingfinancially - so you don't extend creditto a business that is teetering on theedge of failure.

On the personnel front, arecession is an opportunity to snatchup highly skilled employees who areout of work or insecure about theircompany's future.

Lorna Clayton, owner of abeauty salon in Laval hired 4experienced beauticians recentlyfrom a troubled competitor. Whethertheir troubles are due to the recession,I'm not sure," Lorna said. but we'retaking it as an opportunity to hire andgrow, and try to learn from theirbusiness, basically."

Similarly, keep an eye out forweakened competitors who may beavailable for acquisition. BuildersControl, a 12-person firm thatmanages construction funds forlenders, is using the downturn in thehousing industry as an opportunity tobuy two similar out-of-statecompanies. Take advantage of the lowrate interest, downed prices ofproperty that can be used in your lineof work or future business plan.

Don't stop marketing. Whateveryone cuts first is marketing, whichis crazy," said Van Horn. "Look at yourmarketing to see where you actually

Tips for small businesses to survive recession

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to do is eliminate the thing that willbring in new business. Scrutinize yourmarketing budget to make sure you'renot wasting money, but don't stopmarketing or advertising completely. Ifyou can afford it, you may even want toincrease your sales and marketingteam.

Offer deals. If you can makethem pencil out, think carefully beforeslashing prices as a survival strategy.Know your costs before you discountyour prices," said Vicki Suiter of SuiterFinancial Systems. Using a strategy oflowering prices to get more businesscan bankrupt your company. Still,sometimes a strategic discountinggamble can pay off.

Search here and there for awise strategy. Verus TechnologySolutions, a tech consulting firm, saw alot of its business evaporate during thedot-com recession. To land oneparticularly big job, Verus slashed itsfees 38 percent. Winning that contractallowed Verus to avoid laying off itsmost valuable programmers andemerge from the recession intact. Andpartway through the job, as the clientsaw results, Verus managed torenegotiate the contract at a higherrate. " That project was the mostimportant 18-month project we've everhad, and allowed us to keep our reallytop technical people on staff," said co-owner Shawn Westerhoff. "We'd beenlooking at staff reductions and benefitexpenses reductions, and we didn'thave to do any of that."Planning for recovery

The big client that sustainedVerus Solutions through the lastrecession was a venture capital firmthat decided to upgrade its computersystems - so it would have better datafor decision making when theeconomy picked up. "Now is the timewhen business owners ought to begoing to workshops on how to preparefor the recovery.

Plan ahead - easier said thandone. Virtually all experts say the timeto plan for a recession is before ithappens. Start trimming costs beforeyou're actually losing money. Diversifyyour client base to include marketsthat are less affected by a downturn.And apply for loans or lines of creditwhile your business is thriving - don't

wait until you're in the middle of a cashcrunch.

Of course, such advice willcome too late for many businesses."The smart businesses were takingcare of financing the first day you putyour money up for business," said PaulWitkay, founder of the Alliance of ChiefExecutives. "If you're just reacting now,you're probably in trouble." The flipside of planning for a recession isplanning for the inevitable recovery. It’s not easy as we think! But if you arestill on a hot seat to own a company,then I would suggest online home-based business with less moneyinvolved is the way to turn theserecession years into your mostprofitable years ever. Here are a fewideas that you can do so:

1. You can create your ownproduct or write your own tutorial bookor e-book and market it online. 2. You can become an affiliateand sell other's products online.3. You can start an online auctionbusiness in eBbay, yahoo.4. You can start an internet travelbusiness (travel is another surpriserecession buster industry- it ispredicted to increase $7 trillion dollarsover the next 10 years.) 5. You can learn a few skills andbegin buying websites, improvingthem, and "flipping" them for profit.6. You can start a blog andmonetize that blog through googleadsense and affiliate products, andadvertising space.7. You can learn to build a list ofprospects in an active niche and thenmonetize that list by recommendingaffiliate products.8. Or you can use your hobbyand special skill as a starting point foryour business - take a look of my ownbusiness which I joyfully operated inmy home in between downtown’s

These are only just a few of thetop ways to survive what they callGlobal Recession. Make a decisionnow! Start doing some research, forma plan of action, stay focused, follow aproven system, and you too can be arecession born internet success story -

Jeanette A. a

Show your loved onesthat you care withOne Million Acts ofGreen

For Valentines Day, OneMillion Acts of Green have introduceda Valentines e-card that Canadians canshare with their friends, classmatesand family to help spread some lovefor the environment.

Each year, in the US aloneenough holiday cards are bought to filla 10-story football stadium and kill300,000 trees. With very similar holidaytraditions, Canadians also have animpact on the environment with theirpaper cards.

One Million Acts of Greenproposes that Canadians use arecycled paper Valentines card for theperson most special in their life, butspread the love and the greenmessage to the rest of their loved oneswith an electronic card.

Using recycled paper, makingyour own wrapping paper and sendingan e-card instead of a paper one are allacts of green that Canadians canregister tocontribute towards the million.

The green initiative ispresented by The Hour, in partnershipwith CBC and Cisco, with the idea thatone small act can make a bigdifference. Cisco calls this the HumanNetwork Effect: a network of peoplewith the power to change the world inwhich we live and work. As individualgreen acts combine, the positiveimpact on our planet is much greater.

Submitted by Cisco Canada -One Million Acts of Green as

Feeding Birds BenefitsEveryone Says theHumane Society ofCanada (HSC)

February 20, 2009,VANCOUVER – Cold weather andsnow are making their seasonalappearances over much of Canadamaking it increasingly difficult for birdsto find enough food. The HumaneSociety of Canada (HSC) says thatpeople and birds both benefit whenhumans assist their feathered friendsby supplying them with a continuoussupply of quality bird feed.

“Millions of Canadians are birdlovers and over one third of Canadianhouseholds report that they feed andwatch birds,” says Al Hickey, WesternRegional Director for The HumaneSociety of Canada (HSC).

ccording to Hickey it is a goodidea to learn what species of birds livein your area and then find out whattypes of feed would be good for them:“To learn about local species of birdsand the foods they like you can talk toemployees who sell bird feed as wellas local nature and bird watchinggroups and animal protectionorganizations.”

According to HSC ExecutiveDirector Michael O’Sullivan, it may takea while for birds to discover their newfood source but he says that they willfind your bird feeder and gratefullyreturn on a regular basis: “It isimportant to ensure that once you startsupplying local birds with food that youkeep food in the feeder until the birds’natural food supplies become plentifulonce again in the spring.”

The Humane Society ofCanada has had so many enquiriesabout feeding birds that an attractivebird feeder with seed cakes was addedto the Online Adventure Store on ourwebsite. Money generated from theseitems goes to protecting animals andenvironment. The charity also has anumber of heart warming children’sbooks about birds written by authorJackie Greene that make greatChristmas and Holiday gifts.

“”Bird feeding provides an excellentopportunity to learn about our beautifulfeathered friends who play vital roles innature,” says O’Sullivan. The charity isthe park steward for a nature reserveand provides bird food and shelter forbirds who have decided not to flysouth.

“Using bird identificationbooks is a fun way to learn what birdsare visiting your feeder,” he says.“These books usually provide somegeneral information about the variousbirds. A good set of binoculars willhelp you identify winged visitors andobserving and learning about birds is awonderful way for people of all ages tolearn about and develop a greaterrespect for nature and our featheredfriends,” says O’Sullivan. a

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The North American Filipino Star

Empoweringthe people

By Jerry O. Estrada

Making a differenceIn 2005, I used to travel

with my former boss, Atty. MordinoRodriguez Cua (Coop Man of Asia2004), either to attend coop boardmeetings or visit several cooperativesin the Philippines, specifically, Visayas,Mindanao, and other parts of Luzon. Ican still recall that my brain then wascompletely empty with regards tocoops and its purpose of existence.

I would say that my formerboss had influenced me a lot. His lifebeing a coop volunteer leader was noteasy, he who spent his 50 yearsbuilding coop organizations, creatingleaders, empowering the poor peopleto become self-reliant. He preferred toteach the ordinary people how to fishinstead of giving them fish forever. Iheard directly from him his myriadcoop experiences during our traveltime - his struggles, sacrifices, failures,and achievements.

Personally speaking, since myfirst job exposure after studying was inthe corporate world, I was then a littlebit insensitive to the needs of poorpeople. Traveling from island to islandaround the Philippines for severalyears was not new to me because themarket research firm that I used towork with required a lot of it. I spent mytime traveling and serving multinationalcompanies. But when I traveled andworked with Atty. Cua, it was totally adifferent experience.

One of our stops was in CebuCity to visit Cebu CFI (Court of FirstInstance) Coop and Cebu People’sCoop, both millionaire coops in CebuCity. When we visited the latter Inoticed the letters, C.O.O.P., scribbledon the front door with a coinedacronym after each letter. I recall thatsince then I became interested incoops and realized that cooperativesare one of the best ways to fight socialinjustice and poverty. The acronymitself will probably make peopleunderstand how cooperatives work C is for Capitalized (by members) -Cooperatives need capital just like anyother business enterprise either singleproprietorships or corporations. Mostcorporations require thousands ormillions of capital to jumpstart theirbusinesses, hence, shareholders mostof the time are not poor people.However, cooperatives give ordinaryworkers a chance to own a businessenterprise with a meager capital. Infact, based on record, even CaissePopulaire Desjardins started with fiveCanadian Dollars (CAD$5) as its

capital per individual member. Untilnow Desjardins is still asking the sameamount as their social capital. O is for Owned (by members) – Whilemillionaires or billionaire businessmenown majority of huge corporations,ordinary people never had a chance tohave a good slice of the wealth of thisworld. The cooperative gives a chanceto ordinary workers to become amember and at the same time to be anowner of the business enterprise.When cooperatives becomesuccessful, a member as one of theowners receives a dividend, hencegiving him/her a chance to receive aprofit from his/her own business, whilemajority of the huge corporations onlyenrich its major stockholders.O is for Operated (by members) –Normally, rich stockholders aremanaging big corporations. Thismeans that he who owns the gold rulesthe world. In corporations, the memberwho owns the biggest capital ornumber of stocks automaticallybecomes the President. Incooperatives, it is different becauseelection of officers is not based onnumber of stocks or money. All coopmember-owners have equal votingrights (one member, one vote)regardless of the amount of capital(money) he/she gave to the coop.During the election of the Board ofDirectors, any member can run asofficer if he/she wants it provided themember has fulfilled all the necessaryrequirements stated on its by-laws.This makes the coop unique comparedto other private companies.P for Patronized (by members) – Incooperatives, there is a sure capturedmarket (customers) – its members.Usually, the cooperatives are hardly hitby recession or any economicdownturn because the members arealways there to patronize the coop asco-owners of the business. The NotreDame of Jolo Multi-PurposeCooperative, a church-run cooperativestore, which also owned someferryboats, located in a war-strickenarea of Jolo, Sulu, Mindanao,Philippines, is still standing strong toserve its members even after the 2006incident when the Abu Sayyaf blasteda homemade bomb detonated by acell phone hooked to a timer andhidden in the baggage counter of thebusy cooperative building which leftnine people dead; 20 more wereinjured. Most of the members of thiscoop are Muslims becausecooperatives are usually established in

the same area where most of itsmembers live.To summarize, the coop is designed

for ordinary people and where theleaders make sacrifices to improve thelives of other people - its members. Acoop is like an arena where thebiggest struggle is made to alleviatepoverty. Without the co-operatives,ordinary people cannot be freed fromthe yoke of some greedy capitalists.In Montreal, our cooperative is not yetfully patronized by its members. Thisis the reason why it is not yet reachingits profitable stage and still operatingon a deficit. But if the memberscompletely understand the reason forhaving a cooperative and they all startbuying from their own store, things willchange quickly. In a short time, theFilipino Solidarity Cooperative shouldbe breaking even and eventuallybecome profitable. Moreover, if moreFilipinos become members, there willbe more capital available to buymerchandise in greater volume at alower price. The savings can then bepassed on to its members.

Be a coop member now.Please call the Filipino SolidarityCooperative at (514) 733-8915. a

Cooperatives tocombat recessionFebruary 24th, 2009 by solbcics

Start: Feb 24 2009 - 16:38

Rajesh Deol in ChandigarhPublished on: Deccan Herald

In Chandigarh recently, IvanoBerberini, president of theInternational Cooperative Alliance,spoke to Deccan Herald on thesidelines of a national conference on'Revival of Rural Cooperative CreditStructure.'

Calling the present economiccrisis as the “moral crisis ofcapitalism”, Ivano Berberini, presidentof the International CooperativeAlliance (ICA), a representative globalbody that unites, represents andserves cooperatives worldwide; feelscooperatives could be the answer intimes of the global meltdown. InChandigarh recently, Berberini spoketo Deccan Herald on the sidelines ofa national conference on ‘Revival ofRural Cooperative Credit Structure.’The ICA has 221 memberorganisations from 85 countriesspread across various sectors ofeconomy representing nearly 800million individuals worldwide.

How is the cooperative movementfaring in times of global recession?

There has not been any majordownfall reported in cooperativesocieties from any country after themeltdown. It is a good sign of hope.Except for construction cooperativesfacing some hardships in somecountries, there has not been anydecline in the cooperative sector. Infact, cooperative banks haveregistered a growth in the recession-hit capitalist economy.

What, in your view, could be thereasons for the cooperative sector

remaining largely unaffected, as yousay, by the global economicmeltdown?

Cooperatives around the world arecushioned from the effects of globalrecession because cooperatives werenot involved in any speculative activity.It is interesting to note that growth ofcooperative banks has shown anupward trend after the meltdownbecause people have expressed faithin them. It is because of their goodbusiness practices.

So, would you say that cooperativesoffer a good economic model?

Cooperatives are an idealistic form ofcorporate structure. The concept ofcooperatives guided by principles ofcooperation was evolved on accountof economy of scale for weakersections of society to provide themdeserved opportunities to meet theirneeds and earn their livelihood. Thecurrent economic crisis is also a moralcrisis of capitalism which solelybelieved in realising maximum profits.The successes of cooperatives indifferent parts of the world prove thefeasibility and effectiveness of valuebased economic enterprises. India isno exception to that. The GreenRevolution and White Revolutionbecame possible only due to a vastnetwork and the classic federalcharacter of cooperatives in India.

What are the challenges faced by thecooperative movement?

Global recession is real. Thechallenge before us is how to defendcooperatives and their members,workers, consumers and users fromthe repercussions of this crisisdestined to become long term and isfraught with unpredictableconsequences. The most difficultchallenge that a cooperativeenterprise faces is that it must survive,not only as an “enterprise” but also asa “cooperative”. Cooperatives to getas competitive as the best companies.

The cooperative movement is largelyidentified with agriculture. Which otherareas do you foresee where thecooperatives can play a dominantrole, particularly in the rural economy?

It is true that the cooperativemovement accounts for over 50percent of agricultural production inthe world. However, there is scope forsocial cooperatives which focuses onhealth, child care or gender-relatedissues. In India, for example, there isample scope for growth ofcooperatives in the farm and dairysectors.

India has the largest number ofcooperatives and members in theworld and has become an active ICAmember. The scope for cooperativesis phenomenal provided qualityservices, quality product and anattitude that believes in quality. a

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February 2009 17The North American Filipino Star

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Sharon Cuneta, People Asia’s Megastar

She is too young to be labeled anicon, but what else can you callsomeone who has reached the heightsshe has scaled in singing and acting?So much so that the press coined anew word just to describe the statureof Sharon Cuneta: Megastar.

And the public agreed and gaveher the franchise to the word. SharonCuneta responded by making herselfworthy of the title.

Now on her 30th year inshowbusiness, Sharon’s star stillboasts of mega wattage.

What are you proudest of, I askedher recently.

“My family,” she replied without asecond thought. Then she added,“And my 30 years in showbusiness.”

I asked her that question after sheand her husband Sen. Francis “Kiko”Pangilinan made their first publicappearance together at Sharon’sconcert at the Mandarin Oriental Hotelafter persistent rumors of a breakup.“Kiko and I had a spat that was blownout of proportion. But you know, in the13 years we have been married, wehave never fought over a third party orover another person. Which marriedcouple doesn’t have fights?”

“Our latest spat and the publicity itcreated came at a point when I wasburnt out emotionally, physically. I wasjust so tired I had to get away. But thespin others gave to it!”

Sharon could only conclude, “Itmust be political.”

What she was born with shebrought to the fore, and what eludedher, she worked hard to have. Andhold.

That is perhaps why SharonCuneta touches a chord in mostFilipinos’ hearts. They see in her notjust her sparkling eyes and porcelainskin — they see a woman who has had

to struggle despite her wealth, goodlooks and melodious voice. And theysee in her a woman, who, not havinghad a perfect life to start with, workedhard to have it all.

You see, Filipinos, good-naturedas they are, don’t idolize the luckyones. In fact, they envy the lucky onesfor the perfect lives they probably don’tdeserve.

But in Sharon Cuneta, who makesevery product she endorses fly off theshelves, the Filipino public sees awoman who mirrors their hopes anddreams, their yearnings andaspirations. This poor little rich girlbelonged to the second family of thefather she adored. Her first marriagefoundered, and so did subsequentromantic relationships that she thoughtwould last.

So in Sharon, people see theirbroken hopes, and also their fulfilleddreams. They rejoiced when shemarried (now senator) Kiko, theyapplauded the arrival of her eagerlyawaited babies Frankie, (now eight),and Miel, (now four), and gave her apat on the back for the way her eldestdaughter KC, 23, had turned out.

People have been rooting forSharon Cuneta from the moment shesang “Mr. DJ” and stole their hearts.They’re still rooting for her now.

“There was a time,” Sharon toldPeople Asia, “when I was resigned toliving alone for the rest of my life. And Iwas okay with that. If KC was destinedto be my only daughter, then I thoughtI would just adopt. I had a Plan A, B, C.Things have a way of balancing out,don’t they? God had given me somuch already and I was humbleenough to accept I could not haveeverything.”

Sharon has much to show for thehard work she’s put into her career.She has over a dozen best actressawards from prestigious award-givingbodies, including five for one moviealone, Madrasta. Her records and CDshave received awards from Platinum to“Sextuple’ Platinum. In 2004 she wasnamed one of the Philippines’ 15 bestactresses of all time by the Directors’Guild of the Philippines. In the sameyear, she was named one of the TenMost Outstanding Young Men of thePhilippines (TOYM).

After Miel’s birth, Sharon allowedherself to enjoy the gift of just stayingat home, where she is a wiz in thekitchen. If her showbiz career did not

take off, she says she would havetaken up Hotel and RestaurantManagement in college. She had sether sights on becoming a professionalchef. (She also took up ballet, Yamahaorgan, flute, and piano classes in hergrowing-up years.) But things don’talways turn out the way we want themto be. Sharon had to put domesticityand cooking (to her heart’s content) onthe back burner till she was in herthirties and when she did so, she madeup for lost time.

Sharon has been compilingrecipes since she was a teenager andher recipe books are neatly stored inher attic, which is almost as huge asthe entire first floor of her house. It is a“glamorized bodega,” giggles Sharon,“because it has four air-conditioners.”Neatly stacked on shelves withappropriate headings and labels arealbums, magazines, recipe books andmementoes, which Sharon “filed”during her home leave.

“A slim figure and a great careerare not the be-all and the end-all of myexistence!” she proclaims. So what isthe be-all and the end-all of herexistence?

“God, my kids! It’s really my family.When I was a child my dream wasreally to just get married and have ahappy home. My singing career wasjust an accident. I didn’t really expectto become famous after ‘Mr. DJ’.”

She says she wants to spend moretime with her family, and relates,“When I wake up in the morning, it isas if my daughters have won the lotto.”

Miel, for one, shouts, “Mama’sawake, Mama’s awake!”

The years that followed her earlymarriage and its subsequent breakupwere “workaholic years,” she recalls. “Ibecame a workaholic shortly after mymarriage broke up… because, I don’tknow if it’s typical of the way we are,but I thought, this area of my life isdestroyed na, so don’t let it naman spillover to the other areas, like my career.Take care of what you can take care ofbecause you are not in control ofeverything. And the little control thatGod has given you, use it. Let’s say Hegave you a job. So what do you do?You do your best. I was just grateful fora job and I knew how to save. Evenwhen I was little, I had always been asmart saver. I was never waldas. Butnow I spoil myself… I wanna enjoy mymoney. I’m not one of those… youknow, scrimp and scrimp. And I like to

spoil the people I love.”Sharon, upon daughter Frankie’s

prodding, tells us the story of “TheNecklace.”

“We recently went on a Caribbeancruise and when we stopped in theCayman Islands, we went to a storethat sells gems. Frankie wanted aheart-shaped emerald necklace that Ithought was too grown-up for her. So Isaid she couldn’t have it. But I saw herlooking so longingly at the necklace, Ibought it secretly. When we got backto the ship, I saw her crying and then Itold her I had a surprise for her. Theheart-shaped emerald necklace! I toldher that it was a symbol of my love,and that wherever she is, she carriesMama’s heart with her.”

On her 30th year in showbiz, shesays there is nothing that she hasn’tdone that she still dreams of doing.

“The first 20 years out of my 30years in show business helped mebuild relationships in the business. Ithelped me build a name and establisha reputation. It helped me savebecause I really worked when I could.Now, I can afford to just relax and dothe things that I feel that I want to do.And then spend more time with thekids. And that’s why in a way, KC wasshort-changed in that area.

“Nowadays, I will work but itwouldn’t be like before… unlike withKC before, it was really hard. I reallyhad to build our security. I had to builda nest egg. I had to make sure we hadfood on the table. I didn’t want todepend on my parents.”

Running for office herself — shewas once rumored as a mayoralty betfor Pasay — is not part of Sharon’simmediate plans. She has concertsslated abroad in 2009. After hercritically acclaimed Caregiver, anothermovie with Star Cinema is already inthe offing.

She is also thinking of retiring, butwe are willing to bet it will remain justthat — a thought. It isn’t just becauseshe is Pablo Cuneta’s daughter andHelen Gamboa’s niece, and now, Sen.Kiko Pangilinan’s wife that Sharon isthe Megastar that she is.

She is what she is now becauseshe put her good genes, her talentsand the opportunities that came herway to good use. And the publicresponded by making her a Megastar.a

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February 200918

The North American Filipino Star

Joey Albert: a success storywho keeps coming home


ABS-CBN wins 4 medals at 2009New York Festivals

ABS-CBN’s winning streakcontinues with a triumphant campaignin the prestigious 2009 New YorkFestivals, taking home four medals,the most by a single TV station in thecountry this year.

Leading the winners are BantayBata 163’s 10th Anniversary Special,which won the Gold World Medal forBest Variety Special, and KorinaSanchez’s investigative report onsubstandard glutathione foodsupplements, which took a SilverWorld Medal.

Bantay Bata 163’s 10thAnniversary Special was produced bythe ABS-CBN Special Projects Group(SPG), headed by event-maven ChitGuerrero. The SPG is behind thecompany’s grandest and biggestspecial events like “Miss Earth” and“Dolphy at 80.” The Bantay BataSpecial, which also won in the 17thGolden Dove Awards, is just one ofthe group’s many world-classproductions.

Meanwhile, also making animpression among the judges at theNew York Festivals are Silver WorldMedalists “Boy & Kris” for theTalk/Interview category and“Lastikman” for the Action/Adventure

category. Kapamilya programs “Kung Fu

Kids,” “Wowowee,” and “Rated K,”meanwhile, were awarded with finalistcertificates for Children’s Program,Family Program, and MagazineFormat, respectively.

Korina, ABS-CBN’s chiefcorrespondent and “Bandila” newsanchor, also received a finalistcertificate in the Best News Reportercategory at the New York Festivals.

The New York FestivalsInternational Television Programming

and Promotion Awards is on its 49thyear of recognizing “The World’s BestWork” in news, documentary,information, entertainmentprogramming, music videos,infomercials, promotion spots,opening, and IDs.

Judging is done by severalhundred US producers, directors,writers, and other mediaprofessionals.

With this victory, the network iseven more upbeat to outperform itselfin next year’s competition to bringmore glory to the country, while “in theservice of Filipino worldwide.”


Vhong Navarro, who portrayed Agent X44 on film (left), is now TV’s Lastikman

Now based in Canada with herfamily, Joey Albert keeps coming backto share her music with herkababayan. While all the performersmaking up the Legends of OPM arestill based in the country activelypursuing their individual careers, it isonly Joey Albert who has made herhome abroad in Vancouver, Canadaand has semi-retired from the musicfield. At the same time, it is also onlyJoey who has not worked before withBoss Vic del Rosario, head honcho ofthe Viva group of companies.

When Boss Vic thought ofbringing together a group of hitmakers of Original Pilipino Music(OPM), his lineup consisted ofperennial favorite Rico J. Puno, NonoyZuñiga, Rey Valera, Claire de laFuente, Eva Eugenio, and Joey Albert.This was to be held Dec. 30, 2008 atthe PICC, when the whole countrywould be in a mood for everythingFilipino, from San Fernando parols, tothe Metro Manila Film Festival of Pinoyfilms, to balikbayan enjoying theholiday break with their families. All theartists welcomed the concept and thelineup of performers with confidenceand rejoicing. All except Joey Albert.

“I was really nervous in thebeginning. I didn’t know how I wasgonna fit in. These are heavy weight,let’s face it,” the ever humble Joeyconfesses.

“I was included because of my hitsongs. I am not that legendary, but mysongs are. I’ve been away for 12years, yet they keep using them forteleseryes. Tell Me was used againrecently,” she continues, with what wehave started to call her ode to hersongs.

Joey’s catalogue of unforgettable

hit songs include Tell Me, I Rememberthe Boy, Ikaw Lang ang Mamahalin,Points of View, Kumukutikutitap, Sa IyoLamang, Iisa Pa Lamang, Million MilesAway,

“These songs are phenomenal. Iam amazed. Usually kasi diba, out ofsight, out of mind. Someone sent me aYouTube recording of a kid singing TellMe. Wow! I don’t even have to doanything, sila ang na po-promote ngsongs ko. I think all these songs werejust destined for me. But I am more inawe of the songs than I am of me. A lotof people don’t know me. They knowmy songs. Yun ang sign na talagangphenomenal ang songs. Mga secondgeneration Filipinos in Canada,classmates of my children say, Ah,mommy mo pala ang kumanta ng TellMe. They know the songs, even beforethey know the singer. Ang sarap ngfeeling!”

Before she decided to migrate toCanada with her husband in 1995,Joey recalls Richard Gomez askingher permission to use Sa Iyo Lamangas movie theme to be entered in the13th Metro Manila Film Festival. Thefestival awards night happened whileJoey was on board the plane boundfor Canada. “The minute I landed, Ireceived a fax that said, Sa IyoLamang won 13 awards and one ofthem was Best Song. This was anaffirmation from God na, ‘Don’t worry.Yung iniwan mo, aalagaan ko.’”

To young aspiring singers, Joey isconsistent with her advice, “ Workhard. Sing from your heart and withyour heart, sing for fun, not for fame.Fame never lasts but songs do. Singso you have something lasting toleave behind.”


Joey Albert is something special indeed, as she showed during her concert here inMontreal, Dec 2007

Luis Manzano is ‘Flash Bomba’Korena Sanchez

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The North American Filipino Star

Ate Vi not keen on seekingnational post in 2010

Batangas Governor Vilma Santoshad reiterated that running for nationalposition in the 2010 elections is not herpriority at this time.

Santos, wife of National EconomicDevelopment Authority (NEDA) head

Ralph Recto, made her statementduring the Maria Makiling Festival inLos Banos, Laguna.

The actress-turned-politician saidher priorities at the moment is herprovince and issues on environmentalawareness.

Santos along with SenatorsRamon “Bong” Revilla Jr. and Jose"Jinggoy" Estrada are beingconsidered vice presidentiables in2010 presidential elections, the reportsaid.

“Pasalamat ako. Ibig sabihinpinagkakatiwalian ka at naniniwala sasa 'yo. Kung 'yun lang I’m very, veryflattered. Pero para mag-isip ngnational position, hindi po talaga,”Santos said. ["I'm very thankful. Thismeans people trust me and theybelieve in me. I'm very flattered, but I'mstill not thinking of a national position."]a

Vilma Santos

Geneva Cruz is back, faces brokenmarriage and suicide rumors

Actress Geneva Cruz has finallybroken her silence on persistent nastyrumors about her alleged separationfrom her husband and her purportedsuicide attempt. Showing her weddingring, Cruz said that she and former VJKC Montero are still together.

The Monteros, who has beenmarried for five years now, are basedin the United States. Cruz, however,did not completely abandon hersinging career in the Philippines. Thiswould require Cruz to occasionally flyback to Manila. The singer is now inthe Philippines to finish recording heralbum.

She confessed that, like in anyrelationship, there were also trials intheir marriage. Her decision to reviveher singing career in Manila was one

of them. She admitted that she tried togive up her career in the Philippineswhen they got married. After a year ofbeing a housewife, however, sherealized that she “could not livewithout my music.”

“Music is in my blood and I’m very,very passionate with my job… Ithought I could just be a housewife,which is mas mahirap actually, pero itdidn’t make me happy. Mas sanayakong mag-multitask na mother ako,asawa ako, artist ako,” she said.

She said that, as long as theirrespect for each other is there, theirmarriage would work. She added thatMontero is very supportive of hercareer.

“Napakabait ng asawa ko.Actually, talagang kung anongikakasaya ko, sinusuportahan niya,”she said.

She also rebuffed reports that sheabandoned Heaven, her son withdrummer Paco Arespacochaga, in theUS.

“Hindi ko ipinamimigay ang anakko. Ang anak ko angpinakaimportanteng tao sa buhay ko.Hirap na hirap ako na wala siya[kapag umuuwi ako sa Pilipinas] buthe needs to finish 6th grade,” shesaid.

As for her alleged suicide attempt,Cruz dismissed the rumors as “soridiculous” and “rubbish.”

“I’ve been in the business foralmost 20 years and I still get hurt,”she lamented.

She said she could not do such athing, pointing out that she faces herproblems head-on. She added thatshe is a strong woman and a fighter. a

Geneva Cruz


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Sarah Geronimo: Ai-Ai is still the'box-office queen'

Sarah Geronimo believed thatactress- comedienne Ai-Ai delas Alasis still the box-office queen because ofthe success of her movie “Ang

Tanging Ina Niyong Lahat.”“Para sa akin po mas karapat-

dapat si Ms. Ai na tawaging box officequeen,” Geronimo said during thepress conference for her second filmwith John Lloyd Cruz titled “YouChanged My Life.” Under the directionof Cathy Garcia-Molina, “YouChanged My Life” will be shown onFebruary 25.

Geronimo was reacting to reportssaying that delas Alas would feel badif she would not get the box officequeen tag. For the year 2008,Geronimo has bagged the SMCinema Box Office Queen award forher hit film “A Very Special Love.” Thesinger also admitted that the issue hasaffected her.

“Siyempre medyo nabother akokasi ka-trabaho ko si Ms. A., Ai-Aidelas Alas ’yon,” she said. “Basta akonire- respeto ko na lang ang bawatisa. Si Ms. Ai nire-respeto ko.” a

Sarag Geronimo

Filipino singing sensation Chariceadded another milestone in her careerafter she performed at an Oscars after-party dubbed "A Night to Make aDifference: Oscar Night at Mr. Chow" onHollywood.

Charice, who is now in the US torecord her first international album,sang the Dreamgirls movie hit song,"Listen."

But before her performance,Charice was introduced by her handler,international musician-composer David

Foster. He guaranteed that Charicewould be a global superstar in just oneyear.

"She is one of the most amazingtalents you will ever see, and you'regonna see history tonight, because oneyear from now, this girl will be one of thebiggest stars on the planet, guaranteed100%," Foster said.

After her song "Listen," the youngdiva received a standing ovation fromthe audience.

During the party, Foster alsorevealed that Charice started recordingher album last February 21.

Charice even tried to sing one ofthe songs in her upcoming album,"Fingerprint." But due to technicaldifficulties, Charice wasn't able sing thefull song since the CD skipped.

Charice also performed an all-timehit, "I Will Survive," for the fundraisingevent.

Proceeds of the Oscar's after-partywill go to Leeza Gibbons MemoryFoundation, Olivia Newton-JohnsCancer and Wellness Centre Appeal.a

Charice shines at post-Oscarsparty


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February 200920

The North American Filipino Star

Showbiz Gossip Continued from p.19

Anne Curtis: Sam is still thehottest guy for me

Best actress awardee Anne Curtisand his former sweetheart, hunk actorSam Milby, are now constantlycommunicating after they parted wayslast year.

“Mas madalas kami, not so muchsiguro of seeing each other, but masmadalas kaming mag-text,” Curtis said.

Curtis admitted that she is happybecause the heartthrob actor is stillsweet to her. The actress also denied

rumors that she and Milby were back ineach other’s arms amid reports thatthey were seen kissing in public.

“Slow dance ‘yon at hindi kaminaghalikan. Marami ngang nagvi-videonoon pero hindi kami naghalikan,nagsayaw lang. Kung nag-kiss man,hindi ko naman ide-deny,” shestressed.

Asked about the status of theirrelationship, Curtis said: “I think nowthat I am where I am right now,whatever happens will happen. We willcross the bridge when we get there.”

Meanwhile, Curtis, who justfinished taping “Dyosa,” said that, forher, Milby is still the hottest actor in localshow business today.

“Sam lang for me. In our industry,physically, Sam is still the hottestperson,” she said.

The actress is now preparing foranother fantasy series and is currentlytaping her newest television show “TheWedding” with actor Zanjoe Marudo.

This Valentine’s Day, Curtis saidshe is taking thetime off work to spendtime with friends. a

Ann Curtis

Singers Christian Bautista andKarylle have played down rumorsromantically linking them to each other.

Karylle, who just broke up withactor Dingdong Dantes, said she is notyet ready to enter into a newrelationship.

“Ngayon, hindi ko naiisip ‘yonggan’ong bagay kasi hindi pa ako ready.So, ayokong isipin masyado,” Karylletold ABS-CBN News.

In the same interview, Bautista saidhe and Karylle would not want to rushthings between them. He said both ofthem are taking things slow as hepointed out that both of them are nowbusy with work.

“Meron talagang times na you just

have to be really good friends paramakita ang tunay na pagkatao ng isa’tisa… I’d rather na wait and wait for thegirl or for myself to be really readybefore [going into a relationship],” hesaid.

He, however, is not closing hisdoors, saying that “anything ispossible.” Right now, though, thecrooner said he and Karylle are “bothsingle and they are friends.”

Onscreen team-up

For the first time, Bautista andKarylle are teaming up for ABS-CBN’s“Your Song” on February 15. The twoactors have worked together on themusical play “West Side Story” but thisis the first time that both of them wouldbe paired onscreen.

“Funny ito. Medyo may pagka-psycho ako d’on… nakakatawa langkasi my character comes from a break-up. Sobrang siyang naging weirdo.May pagka-stalker ng konti,” Karyllesaid.

Bautista, on the other hand,shared: “Ako ang character ko d’ondati pa akong in-love sa kanya perohindi ko malabas dahil maramisiyangguys. Lagi ko siyang iniinis.Meron kaming plan na balikan angkanyang ex para paghiwalayin sila.” a

Christian Bautista, Karylle not yetready to be in a relationship

Christian Bautista

If he were to marry now, LuisManzano said he wants Angel Locsinto be his bride. He thinks she wouldmake a good wife. But he doesn’t thinkhe and Angel are ready to marry now.They still want to make the most oftheir careers. Besides, they are stillyoung. He is 27, while Angel is 23.

"I feel it’s only now that I can provemy worth as an actor," Luis stated."Heto at finally I’m playing the title role

in a fantaserye."Luis plays Flash Bomba in the

series "Komiks Presents Mars Ravelo’sFlash Bomba" which is soon to air onABSCBN. This series comes on theheels of the recently-concludedfantaserye "Dyosa" where as Kulas,Luis earned positive feedback.

Luis is also looking forward tostarring in the movie "A Mother’s Story"with his mom, Star for all Seasons andBatangas Governor Vilma Santos.Here he plays a gay role. His lover isplayed by John Lloyd Cruz. To befilmed partly in New York City, "AMother’s Story" is produced by StarCinema and will have OliveLamasan at the helm.

"Doing ‘A Mother’s Story’ is adouble challenge for me. Hindi lang siMommy ang magaling na artista namakakasagupa ko, wika nya.Nandiyan din si John Lloyd, who isconsidered the best actor of hisgeneration," Luis said. a

It’s Angel Locsin for Luis Manzano

Angel Locsin, Luis Manzano

Lara Quigaman enjoys acting;denies going back to 'Wowowee'

Actress and former beauty queenLara Quigaman said that she is nowenjoying the world of acting.Quigaman is part of ABS-CBN'supcoming inspirational televisionseries "May Bukas Pa." She said thatshe will now focus on acting jobs.

"Isa naman po ito sa talaganggusto kong gawin after hosting. Hindiba I should try other fields naman?”Quigaman said.

She added, “I hope talaga namaipakita ko in a way yung talent koand I will promise na talaganggagalingan ko po.”

The 2005 Miss International winnerand the former\ host of ABS-CBN’spopular noontime show “Wowowee”said that she never thought that shewould enjoy playing roles.

Quigaman is not new to acting,since she was also part of the defunctweekly show “That’s My Doc”. Sherevealed that she will be doing anotherseries after “May Bukas Pa.” Thoughshe is now focusing on acting,Quigaman admitted that it is easier herfor to do hosting since she can expresswhat she wants to say spontaneously.

‘Love and Wowowee’

Quigaman is now happily in lovewith her non-showbiz boyfriend ofalmost three years. She said that she isnot in a hurry to get married. Thebeauty queen said that her dream ageto settle down is four years from nowor before she reaches the age of 30.

Quigaman also cleared the issuethat she will return to co-hosting“Wowowee.” “As much as I want toto go back and as much as I miss allthe people there I cannot go backbecause I have all these commitmentsahead of me. So hindi ako pwedengmag-Mondays to Saturdays sa‘Wowowee’ tapos mag te-taping akofor two other teleseryes,” she ended. a

Lara Quigaman

Singer Rachelle Ann Go said thatshe is proud of all the honor thatinternational young diva Charice isgiving her fellow Filipinos. Go said thatshe feels good that a young Pinay artist

like Charice is doing well in theinternational music scene. Go oncejudged the performance of Chariceduring the singing competition "LittleBig Star".

"As a Pinoy artist, as a Pinoy singernakaka-proud kasi sa murang edadnakarating na siya sa ibang bansa.Marami na siyang nadalangkarangalan, nadalang tagumpay parasa Pilipinas... nakakaproud na 'o pinoyyan' at nakakasama niya ang mga sikatna singers. So ang sarap ng feeling. I'mhappy for her at nakaka-proud talaga,"Go said.

Go admitted that she also dreamsof a chance to meet and perform withfamous international performers likeCeline Dion, who did a duet withCharice in New York last year. a

Rachelle Ann shares happiness forCharice's success

Rachel Ann Go

Page 21: Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

February 2009 21The North American Filipino Star

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Christine Reyes cares

When most people turn another yearolder, they usually mark the occasion bypartying with their family and friends. Butthat’s not how Cristine Reyes chose tocelebrate her birthday this year.

The "Eva Fonda" star – who turned 20last February 5 – chose to visit theresidents of Golden Acres a nursinghome located behind SM City NorthEDSA. She gave them gifts of food andother supplies like biscuits, cannedgoods and sacks of rice.

But perhaps the best thing Cristinedid for the residents was to sit down andspend some time with them. When shearrived at the front office of Golden Acres,she talked to the press for a little whilebefore heading to the cottages where theresidents lived.

Most of the residents recognized herright away and rushed as fast they couldto meet her. Some of them sang for her,while others sold her bracelets, necklacesand other handmade goods that theymade themselves. Cristine clappedloudly after a female resident sang the

Jessa Zaragosa hit "Bakit Pa?" andbought several necklaces from another.(She even got some of the members ofher entourage to buy necklaces, too!)

Cristine also took the time to listen asthe residents poured their hearts out. Shewas visibly touched by some of their lifestories. When asked why she decided tocelebrate her birthday in such a manner,she replied, "Mas marami kasing tao angmapapaligaya ko kesa kung magpapa-party lang ako tapos konting kaibigan kolang ang masaya."

Her selfless nature is why she hasbeen enjoying much success lately. Sheis thankful to ABS-CBN for giving herprojects like "Kahit Isang Saglit," "BananaSplit" and "Eva Fonda," and to the VivaArtists Agency (VAA) for taking care of hercareer and image.

"Sa kanila ako nakahanap ng secondfamily," she says. Oh, and let’s not forgetthe fans who support all her shows andher sponsors – MINT, Belo MedicalGroup, Posh Nails and Fiona – who arealways there to back her up.

At the moment, Cristine isconsidered one of the hottest femalestarts of both ABS CBN and VAA. "Ifthere’s one actress whose sex appealcrosses all boundaries, siya na ‘yun,"says her manager Veronique del Rosario-Corpus. Which is true – every man wantsCristine and every woman wants to beher.

But in spite of the many men falling ather feet, Cristine chooses to remainsingle in order to focus on her career. Andwhat a good decision that is, since she’sstill busy with "Eva Fonda," "Banana Split"and is in talks to do another show forABS-CBN. A movie under Viva Films isalso in the works. a

Chrstine ReyesYoung superstar Judy Ann Santos

has disclosed that she might do a filmwith “drama princess” ClaudineBarretto.

In an interview with “SNN: Showbiz

News Ngayon,” Santos said she andABS-CBN's movie outfit Star Cinemaare now talking about the possibility ofher shooting a movie with Barretto.

"Walang isyu, walang problema. Iwould love to do a movie with her. Ithink it’s about time," she said.

The actress has shot down reportsabout the alleged “silent rivalry”between them. She maintained thatcontrary to reports the two of them aregood friends.

"Hindi naman talaga kamimagkaaway. Nagkakataon lang nanagiging magkaka-kumpetensiya samga bagay-bagay pero we are okay,we are friends," Santos said.

In previous interviews, Barretto alsosaid that she wanted to work withSantos. a

Star Cinema mulls producing Claudine-Judai film

Juday Ann Santos

Actress-singer KC Concepcion saidit is an honor to be working with one ofthe country’s most-sought after leadingman, Piolo Pascual.

“It’s an honor to be paired withPiolo this time around. I’m very excitedabout that,” Concepcion said.

Concepcion and Pascual are set tostar in the Filipino version of Koreantelevision series “Lovers in Paris.” Thisis their first project together.

“Sobra siyang maalaga… he is areally, really good guy and playful din.Para siyang bata kaya nakakatuwasiyang makasama. Kahit mgaworkshop pa lang ang ginagawa naminay nakikita ko na ang magigingsamahan namin kaya nakakatuwa,”Concepcion said.

Concepcion said the cast and crewwill start taping “anytime soon.”

The daughter of Megastar SharonCuneta also said that, if there is a guycloser to her right now, he would bePascual especially now that they spendmore time together for “Lovers in Paris.”a

KC thrilled over new project with Piolo

KC Concepcion

Page 22: Obama visits Canada Volume XXVII No. 2 February 2009Obama visits Canada Leaders establish Clean Energy Dialogue, discuss global security concerns OTTAWA – February 19,

February 200922

The North American Filipino Star

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PCSO on P330M lotto pot: Themore winners, the better

The more winners, the better.This was statement of the Philippine

Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO)regarding the P330 million jackpot prizeof the 6/49 Super Lotto, the biggest inPhilippine lotto history, which is at stakeSunday night.

"Sana mas marami ang manalo dahilsa halaga na involved sa ating papremyo.Mas magiging kapaki-pakinabang samarami kung sila ay maghahati-hati [Ihope many would win. It would be betterif the prize will be shared by manywinners]," said PCSO spokesman LarryCedro.

The PCSO is in charge of the lottodraw.

Cedro said in an interview overRadyo ng Bayan that the sales wouldexceed the estimate of P330 million. "Wewere conservative in our estimates(because) this is already a big amount,”he said.

“This is a game of chance. There areno statistics on what numbers wouldcome up,” he said with an assurance thatthe draw would be “clean andtransparent.”

He said all lotto draws are conductedin the presence of the public andobservers from the Commission on Audit(CA). He said many viewers now flock tothe PCSO to watch the draws.

A 51-year-old construction workerwon the jackpot prize of P249 million inMarch 30, 2008. Last December, sevenwinners shared the P180 million pot.

The PCSO Central Office will getdetails on the results of the draw,including whether there is a winner, ataround 9:40 p.m. Sunday. a

Lottery hopefuls fill out lotto tickets in alottery stall in Manila February 17, 2009.Filipinos crowd betting centres acrossthe Philippines as they try their luck atthis year's largest online lottery drawworth 230 million pesos ($4.8 million)

Pawnshops doing brisk businessin Philippines

Limousines roll up to the plate glassstorefront in the Philippines financialdistrict, unloading heirloom jewelry,paintings and recently even a chamberfor divers with the Bends.

Turnover was up 50 percent inJanuary and business has never been

better for J. Michael Dizon, lender of lastresort to the well-heeled.

"I've had some weird things broughtto me," said the amiable 41-year-oldmanager, sitting on the low sofa of aspare, air-conditioned reception roomthat looks more like an art gallery than apawnshop.

Pin lights highlight a German cuckooclock and a wall of unredeemed 1970sFilipino paintings.

"Yesterday a doctor brought me ahyperbaric oxygen chamber. I had to turnhim away because he would lose hisability to earn money," said Dizon,referring to the therapy for divers strickenwith the decompression illness.

Earlier, he said, he had lent money to

a businessman who put up as collateralfog-making equipment for stage sets.

In Europe, pawnshops havefinanced wars and voyages of discovery,but in the Philippines they are mostlyassociated with the poor, with lenders

usually dealing with their customersthrough barred shop windows in down-and-out neighbourhoods.

The central bank says there aremore than 14,000 pawnshops across thePhilippines islands, with the industry,which began in the mid-19th century,

dominated by the Tambunting andLhuillier families.

The industry lends about 10 billionpesos (212.8 million dollars) a year,principally accepting jewelry -- but inrecent years also television sets, mobilephones, digital cameras andmotorcycles.

Pawnshops lend at credit-card ratesfor small loans of up to three months.

Borrowed money "is used forconsumption needs such as for paymentof tuition fees, medical emergencies andto defray costs of celebrations like townfestivals, birthdays and others," saidFernando Caballa, head of a central bankdivision that monitors the industry.

Cheer Mae Ecarma, publicist for the

Lhuillier group, said pawnshops are nowjust one segment of the group's businesswhich now also includes deliveringmoney remitted by millions of Filipinosworking abroad.

Caballa said it was "premature to say

Pawnshop manager J. Michael Dizon, lender of last resort to the well-heeled sits inhis office, Agencia de Empenos de Makati, Manila's financial district, on February 6,with paintings of Filipino masters pawned by clients.

if the global financial crisis has affectedthe lending operations of pawnshops,"which he said account for less than 0.25percent of the Philippine economy.

Dizon by contrast said his Agenciade Empenos de Makati should becomemore prominent as the global creditcrunch deepens.

"The reason our business isflourishing is because the banks are notlending," he said, adding that bankswould as a rule honour only land ascollateral, and would not lend for lessthan the property's appraised value.

His high-end clientele includesbusinessmen and women who hockassets to meet monthly payrolls for theirstaff as economic activity slowed.

"It's not because they are bankrupt.The main reason is cash flow andliquidity," he said.

Many prefer to stay inside their carsand the uniformed staff serve thembrewed coffee, pastries or whatever else

takes their fancy.Dizon recalls turning away a client

who was trying to pawn a painting by19th century master Juan Luna, thecountry's most famous artist.

He said it would be difficult todispose of such a costly investment, andthe customer was politely referred to theSingapore office of Christie's auctionhouse.

Dizon said he has a remarkably lowdefault rate of three percent, comparedto the industry average of 49.3 percent,though he expects this to rise this year.Any unredeemed items are auctioned off.

"I told my staff that this year will bedifficult for everyone," he said.

Filipino pawnshops by law canaccept anything of value that fits in theirvaults, except guns.

Dizon said he also rejects Hermes orLouis Vuitton handbags because "the(local) market is very thin". a

A gold and diamond necklace and expensive watches are displayed at Agencia deEmpenos de Makati. Dizon's business should become more prominent as the globalcredit crunch deepens.

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February 2009 23The North American Filipino Star

One Kapamilya and two Kapuso artists among the 24 candidates ofOne Kapamilya and two Kapuso

artists are among the 24 lovelycandidates for the BinibiningPilipinas 2009 pageant. They willcompete to earn the right as thecountry's representative in the MissUniverse, Miss World and MissInternational pageants.

Pinoy Big Brother: Teen EditionPlus's Priscilla Navidad is candidateNo. 10, while StarStruck: The NextLevel First Princess Rich Asuncion iscandidate No. 3, using her real nameRichelle Angalot. Both are Binibinifirst timers.

Rich's fellow Kapuso AbegailLesley Cruz or Abby Cruz enters thepageant for the second time for ashot once again to win any of thethree Binibini crowns at stake. Shewas second runner-up in the Bb.Pilipinas 2007 pageant. She is nowcandidate No. 24. Abby is also thecurrent girlfriend of Paolo Bediones,who, incidentally, is hosting thisyear's pageant.

The press presentation of theBb. Pilipinas 2009 candidates tookplace at the Sunset Pavilion of theSofitel Philippine Plaza in Manila,yesterday, February 24. PaoloBediones hosted the affair whichwas attended by representativesfrom print, broadcast and web

media.The other girls vying for the

crowns are candidates: 1—VanessaJohnson, 2—Carisheila MayKuijpers, 4—Gizelle Jasmin

Rivamonte, 5—Diana Arevalo, 6—Ma. Paula Bianca Paz, 7—Jane delaCruz, 8—Cheryl Oliveros, 9—AprilLove Jordan, 11—Regina Hahn,12—Jaysel Arrozal, 13—Sandra Inez

Seifert, 14—Keann Mallari, 15—Pamela Bianca Manalo, 16—MaryTiffany Jones, 17—Marie-Ann Umali,18—Marie Loraine de Guzman, 19—Stephanie Señires, 20—Melody

Gersbach, 21—Hazel Sutch, 22—Priscilla Mae Honorio, and 23—Barbara Salvador.

Also present at the event werelast year's winners, Patricia

Fernandez (Bb. Pilipinas-International), Jennifer Barrientos(Bb. Pilipinas-Universe) and and 1strunnerup Danielle Castaño whoreplaced Janina San Miguel as Bb.Pilipinas-World winner.

Before the coronation night,which will be held at the AranetaColiseum on Saturday, March 7,9:30 pm, the candidates will makeTV guestings and will showcase theirrunway skills in a special fashionshow at the Gateway Mall ActivityCenter on Saturday, February 28, 6pm.

The next day, Sunday, March 1,Araneta Center shoppers andvisitors will catch a glimpse of thecandidates in a colorful Parade ofBeauties scheduled to kick-off at 4pm.

Meanwhile, ongoing untilFebruary 27, is the photo exhibit thatchronicles the glorious years of Bb.Pilipinas at the Gateway Mall ActivityCenter.

The coronation night will bebroadcast live by GMA-7. PaoloBediones and Iza Calzado will be thehosts. a

Candidates for this year's Binibining Pilipinas (Miss Philippines) beauty pageant pose bythe poolside of a posh hotel in Manila, Philippines, during its media presentationTuesday, Feb. 24, 2009

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February 200924

The North American Filipino Star

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P.A.B. students (standing behind) from left: Adelia Lascano, Melanie Bangit, Salvacion Battad,Leilani Galsim, Concepcion Dupali, Joyce Liwaliw and Milet Daquioag with their teachers (fromleft) Clarice Mackay. and Nina Schiff, and Director-General, Zenaida Kharroubi. Anotherteacher, not in photo is Amy Manon-og. The students have just completed their theory coursesand are ready to do their practicum at St. Margaret CHSLD Residence starting on November 30.