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o l e m N e s i g N AT e h u r C h - CBS · Charles Gounod “Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Therefore

Jan 27, 2020



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Page 1: o l e m N e s i g N AT e h u r C h - CBS · Charles Gounod “Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Therefore
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Page 3: o l e m N e s i g N AT e h u r C h - CBS · Charles Gounod “Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Therefore

Tuesday in The OcTave Of easTer

caThedral Of sainT PaTrick

New York, New York

The FourTeeNTh oF April

Two ThousANd ANd NiNe

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his exCelleNCY

The MOsT reverend PieTrO saMbiAposToliC NuNCio To The uNiTed sTATes oF AmeriCA

his exCelleNCY

The MOsT reverend TiMOThy Michael dOlanArChbishop-desigNATe oF New York

solemN vespers

CelebrATiNg The reCepTioN oF The

ArChbishop-desigNATe iN The CAThedrAl ChurCh

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his hOliness

POPe benedicT Xvi


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Page 6: o l e m N e s i g N AT e h u r C h - CBS · Charles Gounod “Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Therefore

his eXcellency

The MOsT reverend PieTrO saMbiaPOsTOlic nunciO TO The uniTed sTaTes Of aMerica


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Page 8: o l e m N e s i g N AT e h u r C h - CBS · Charles Gounod “Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Therefore

his eXcellency

The MOsT reverend TiMOThy Michael dOlanarchbishOP-designaTe Of new yOrk


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his eMinence

edward cardinal eganarchbishOP eMeriTus Of new yOrk


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P r e l u d e

Cathedral of Saint Patrick Choir “Like as the Hart Desireth” Herbert Howells

“Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks, so longeth my soul after thee, O God.My soul is athirst for God, yea even for the living God.

When shall I come to appear before the presence of God?My tears have been my meat day and night,

while they daily say unto me, Where, where is now thy God?” “Ubi Caritas” Richard Kidd

“Where there is charity and love, God is there.The love of Christ has gathered us together, Let us all rejoice and be glad in it.

Let us revere and love the living God; And with a sincere heart let us love one another.Where there is charity and love, God is there. Likewise, therefore, when we come together,

Let us be united as one; Let us be careful, lest we be divided in intention.Let us cease all quarrels and strife. And let Christ dwell in the midst of us.

Where there is charity and love, God is there.May we also see, along with the blessed, The glory of your face, O Christ.And let there be immeasurable joy. Both now and for evermore. Amen.”

“Wie lieblich sind die Boten” from Paulus, Op. 36 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy

“How lovely are the messengers that preach us the gospel of peace!To all the nations is gone forth the sound of their words, throughout all the lands glad tidings.”

“Celtic Prayer” Kevin Riehle

“Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ to comfort and restore me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,

Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me,

Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me.”

“Ave Maria” Franz Biebl

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”


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Daniel Brondel, Associate Director of Music Concerto in D-minor, Op. 3, no. 11, RV 565 Antonio Vivaldi

b a n n e r P r O c e s s i O n ReMAin SeAteDthe lead banner in the procession carries the name and shows the map of the Archdiocese of new York. it will be followed by nineteen banners, one for each Vicariate (region) of the Archdiocese. each of these banners will be accompanied by an honor guard composed of an adult, a member of the Catholic Youth Organization, a high school student, and a student from a parish religious education program from the Vicariate represented by the banner.

Grand Chœur Dialogué Eugène Gigout

Daniel Brondel, Associate Director of Music

“Dixit” from Vesperae solennes de confessore, KV 339 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

“The Lord said unto my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.The sceptre of your power the Lord shall send forth from Zion: Rule thou in the midst of your enemies.

The power to rule is with you on the day of your strength, in the splendor of the holy ones:I have begotten you from the womb before the rising of the day–star. The Lord has sworn an oath,

and will not repent of it: You are a priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedech.The Lord at your right hand destroys kings on the day of his wrath;

He shall judge among the heathen; he shall pile up ruins and scatter skulls on many lands.He shall drink of the torrent in his way; therefore he shall lift up his head.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

Cathedral of Saint Patrick Choir


r e c e P T i O n O f T h e a r c h b i s h O P - d e s i g n a T e

P r O c e s s i O n T O T h e c a T h e d r a l d O O r s StAnD“Nicht aber ihm allein, sondern allen” from Paulus, Op. 36

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy

“Not only unto him but to all them that love truly His appearing. The Lord careth for us,and blessed us. The Lord saveth us, and blessed us. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul,

and all within me bless his most holy name evermore. All ye his angels, bless ye the Lord!”

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cereMOny Of recePTiOn StAnDHis excellency, the Most Reverend timothy M. Dolan knocks at the center doors of the Cathedral, which are opened from within by Reverend Monsignor Robert Ritchie, Rector of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick.

His excellency, the Most Reverend Pietro Sambi, Apostolic nuncio to the United States of America, presents Archbishop-Designate Dolan to His eminence, edward Cardinal egan, Archbishop emeritus of the Archdiocese of new York, who welcomes him on behalf of the clergy, religious, and faithful of the Archdiocese.

His excellency, the Most Reverend Dennis Sullivan, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of New York, presents Archbishop-Designate Dolan with a crucifix resting on a pillow, who receives and kisses it.

Monsignor Ritchie presents holy water to Archbishop-Designate Dolan, who blesses himself and the congregation as he processes up the main aisle.

“Ecce Sacerdos Magnus” Charles Gounod

“Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God.Therefore by an oath the Lord made him increase among his people.

He gave him the blessing of all nations and confirmed his covenant upon his head.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

Cathedral of Saint Patrick Choir

“All Glory and Praise” Bernard Ledington

“All glory and praise to the Lord our God, All glory and praise to His excellent Name!Great is His power and great His majesty, And His loving kindness and tender mercy

Are toward all that love His name and fear Him. Then praise ye the Lord,Give thanks to Him always, For His matchless love for the Children of men.

Praise ye the Lord and magnify His Name. Praise ye all His people.”

Cathedral of Saint Patrick Choir


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T h e O r d e r O f s e r v i c e

c a l l T O w O r s h i P

T h e a P O s T O l i c l e T T e r i s r e c e i v e d

Monsignor William Belford, Chancellor of the Archdiocese, receives the Apostolic Letter from Archbishop Sambi and shows it to the Archdiocesan Board of Consultors and the congregation.

T h e a P O s T O l i c l e T T e r i s r e a d b y a r c h b i s h O P s a M b i


g r e e T i n g b y a r c h b i s h O P s a M b i

Archbishop Sambi proceeds to the cathedra (the chair of the Archbishop of new York) and greets the congregation.

a r c h b i s h O P - d e s i g n a T e d O l a n i s l e d T O T h e

C a t h e d r a b y c a r d i n a l e g a n a n d a r c h b i s h O P s a M b i

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h y M n “Alleluia! Sing to Jesus”HYFRYDOL



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i P s a l M Psalm 110:1-5, 7Tone VIIIg

P s a l M O d y

AntiphonCantor first, then all: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the Lord’s tomb, alleluia.

All: The Lord’s revelation to my Master: +“Sit on my right:your foes I will put beneath your feet.”

The Lord will wield from Zion +your scepter of power:rule in the midst of all your foes.

A prince from the day of your birth +on the holy mountains;from the womb before the dawn I begot you.

The Lord has sworn an oath he will not change +“You are a priest for ever,a priest like Melchizedek of old.”

The Master standing at your right handwill shatter kings in the day of his great wrath.He shall drink from the stream by the waysideand therefore he shall lift up his head.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.As it was in the beginning, is now,and will be forever. Amen.

All Repeat Antiphon.


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P s a l M P r a y e r StAnD

Archbishop-Designate Dolan:Let us pray. Father, we ask you to give us victory and peace.In Jesus Christ, our Lord and King, we are already seated at your right hand.We look forward to praising you in the fellowship of all your saintsin our heavenly homeland.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.All: Amen. Sit

i i P s a l M Salmo 113Jennifer Pascual

P s a l M P r a y e r StAnD

Archbishop-Designate Dolan:Let us pray.Almighty God, ever-living mystery of unity and Trinity,you gave life to the new Israel by birth from water and the Spirit,and made it a chosen race, a royal priesthood,a people set apart as your eternal possession.May all those you have called walk in the splendor of the new lightrender you fitting service and adoration.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.All: Amen. Sit


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i i i c a n T i c l e Revelation 19:1-7Meinrad Tone V

AntiphonCantor first, then all: Jesus said: Do not be afraid, Go and tell my brothers to set out for Galilee; there they will see me, alleluia.

All: Salvation, glory, and power to God:Alleluia.his judgements are honest and trueAlleluia, alleluia.

Sing praise to our God, all you his servants,Alleluia.all who worship him reverently, great and small.Alleluia, alleluia.

The Lord our all-powerful God is King;Alleluia.let us rejoice, sing praise, and give him glory.Alleluia, alleluia.

The wedding feast of the Lamb has begun,Alleluia.and his bride is prepared to welcome him.Alleluia, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.Alleluia.As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.Alleluia, alleluia.

All Repeat Antiphon.


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h O M i l y Archbishop-Designate Timothy M. Dolan

r e a d i n g

Read by Sr. Mary Bosco Daly, R.S.M.

A Reading from the first Letter of Saint Peter 2:4-5

Acercándoos al Señor, la piedra viva, rechazada por los hombres, pero escogida y apreciada por Dios, también vosotros, como piedras vivas, entráis en la construcción del templo del Espíritu, formando un sacerdócio sagrado, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales que Dios acepta por Jesucristo. The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

w O r d O f g O d

M O T e T “An Irish Benediction” Owen Goldsmith

“May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back,May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rain fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

Cathedral of Saint Patrick Choir

In place of the responsory, the following is sung: Cantor first, then all:


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StAnDg O s P e l c a n T i c l e “Magnificat”

ST. ANNE Antiphon Cantor first, then all:

All Repeat Antiphon.


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(Akan): We pray for Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop-Designate Dolan, Cardinal Egan, and all bishops, priests and deacons: that they may be zealous in their ministry, and prepare for you a people devoted to every good work; let us pray to the Lord.

(Korean): We pray for all who teach in the service of your Church: that they may seek your truth with a sincere heart; let us pray to the Lord.

(Portuguese): We pray for your faithful people: that they may be victorious in the contest of faith, and win the prize of victory in your kingdom; let us pray to the Lord.

(German): You canceled our condemnation by nailing it to the cross: free us from our chains, and lead us out of darkness; let us pray to the Lord.

(Mandarin): You went down among the dead and opened for them the gates to life: welcome our dead brothers and sisters into your kingdom; let us pray to the Lord.

i n T e r c e s s i O n s

Archbishop-Designate Dolan: As Christ lay in the darkness of the earth, he saw the light of a new glory. Let us cry out to him in joy:

“Trilingual Intercessions”Michael Hay


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P r a y e r

Archbishop-Designate Dolan:Father, by this Easter mystery you touch our liveswith the healing power of your love.You have given us the freedom of the children of God.May we who now celebrate your gift find joy in it for ever in heaven.Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Archbishop-Designate Dolan: God has shown us his love; with praise and thanks we pray:


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P O s T l u d e “Toccata” from Pièces de FantaisieDaniel Brondel, Associate Director of Music Louis Vierne

r e c e s s i O n a l h y M n “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”DUKE STREET

c O n c l u d i n g r i T e

b l e s s i n g a n d d i s M i s s a l


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His Excellency, The Most Reverend Timothy Michael Dolan was appointed Archbishop of New York by His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, on February 23, 2009.

Born February 6, 1950, Archbishop Dolan was the first of five children born to Shirley Radcliffe Dolan and the late Robert Dolan. In 1964, he began his high school seminary education at Saint Louis Preparatory Seminary South in Shrewsbury, MO. His seminary foundation continued at Cardinal Glennon College, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. He then completed his priestly formation at the Pontifical North American College in Rome, where he earned a License in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas.

Archbishop Dolan was ordained to the priesthood on June 19, 1976. He served as Parochial Vicar at Immacolata Parish in Richmond Heights, MO. until 1979, when he began his studies for a doctorate in American Church History at The Catholic University of America. Before completing the doctorate, he spent a year researching the late Archbishop Edwin O’Hara, a founder of the Catholic Biblical Association. Archbishop O’Hara’s life and ministry was the subject of the Archbishop’s doctoral dissertation.

On his return to Saint Louis, Archbishop Dolan served in parish ministry from 1983-1987, during which time he was also liaison for the late Archbishop John L. May in the restructuring of the college and theology programs of the Archdiocesan seminary system.

In 1987, Archbishop Dolan was appointed to a five-year term as Secretary to the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C. When he returned to Saint Louis in 1992, he was appointed Vice Rector of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, serving also as Director of Spiritual Formation and Professor of Church History. He was also an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Saint Louis University.

In 1994, he was appointed Rector of the Pontifical North American College in Rome, where he served until June 2001. While in Rome, he also served as a Visiting Professor of Church History at the Pontifical Gregorian University and as a faculty member in the Department of Ecumenical Theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. The work of the Archbishop in the area of seminary education has influenced the life and ministry of a great number of priests of the new millennium.

On June 19, 2001 -- the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood -- he was named Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis by His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, choosing for his episcopal motto the profession of faith of Saint Peter: AD QUEM IBIMUS (“LORD TO WHOM SHALL WE GO?”) (Jn 6:68).

He was named Archbishop of Milwaukee by His Holiness, Pope John Paul II on June 25, 2002, and was installed as its 10th Archbishop on August 28, 2002, at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist. Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, installed Archbishop Dolan.

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The CoaT of arms of

his exCellenCy, The mosT reverend

TimoThy michael Dolan, Ph.D, D.D.arChbishop of new york

Blazon:Arms impaled. Dexter: Argent; upon a saltair between four crosses Gules a mill-sail of the field. Sinister: Azure, upon a fess Argent a crown Gules between two scrolls Proper; in chief two crescents, the one to dexter of the second, the one to sinister Or; in base another crescent of the last.


The archepiscopal heraldic achievement or archbishop’s coat of arms is composed of a shield with its charges (symbols), a motto scroll and the external ornamentation. The shield, which is the central and most important feature of any heraldic device, is described (blazoned) in 12th century terms, that are archaic to our modern language, and this description is presented as if given by the bearer with the shield being worn on the arm. Thus, where it applies, the terms dexter and sinister are reversed as the device is viewed from the front.

By heraldic tradition the arms of the bishop, who is the “first among equals” of an ecclesiastical province, called a “Metropolitan Archbishop,” are joined, impaled, with the arms of his jurisdiction. In this case, these are the arms of the Archdiocese of New York.


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These arms are composed of a silver (white) field on which is displayed a red saltair; a charge that resembles the letter “X.” This heraldic arrangement is known as a “Cross of Saint Patrick,” and by its use honor is paid to the titular patron of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, in New York City, the Cathedral-Church of the Archdiocese. Upon the saltair is a silver (white) mill-sail (a wind mill), which is also seen in the seal of New York City, to reflect the Dutch heritage of its founders and that the City was originally known as “New Amsterdam.” Within the areas of the field created by the saltair are seen four small red crosses, for the Gospels, emblematic of the Church’s mission to bring “The Good News” to those entrusted to its care.

For his personal arms, Archbishop Dolan continues to use the design that was adopted upon his selection to receive the fullness of Christ’s Priesthood, as a Bishop, when he was appointed, ordained and installed as Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis, and which he used during his tenure as Archbishop of Milwaukee

The Archbishop’s design is composed of a blue field on which is seen a silver (white) fess, a bar across the center of the design which is about one-third of the design. At the center of the fess is a red crown, taken from the arms of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, the Archbishop’s home, and which he first served in episcopal ministry. The crown is placed between two scrolls, that are described as “Proper,” or “as they appear in nature.” These scrolls are to honor the Archbishop’s baptismal patron, Saint Timothy, who was the recipient of two of Saint Paul’s Epistles.

Above the fess are two crescents; one silver (white) and one gold (yellow), and one below which is also gold. The silver crescent honors our Blessed Mother, in her title of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States, and the charge is taken from the arms of the Pontifical North American College, in Rome, where Archbishop Dolan studied for the priesthood and later served for seven years as Rector. The other two crescents, of gold, are taken from the Dolan family arms and honor the Arcbishop’s parents.

For his motto, Archbishop Dolan continues to use the Latin phrase, “AD QUEM IBIMUS.” By the use of these words taken from Saint John’s Gospel (John 6:68), Archbishop Dolan takes the words of Saint Peter as was said to Jesus, “LORD, TO WHOM SHALL WE GO,” for truly the Lord is the way to all and eternal happiness.

The achievement is completed with the external ornaments which are a gold archiepiscopal processional cross, that has two cross-members, that is placed in back of and which extends above and below the shield, and the Pontifical hat, called a “gallero,” with its ten tassels, in four rows, on either side of the shield, all in green. These are the heraldic insignia of a prelate of the rank of Archbishop by instruction of the Holy See of March 31, 1969.

Deacon Paul J. Sullivan Permanent Deacon of the Diocese of Providence


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b i s h O P s a n d a r c h b i s h O P s O f n e w y O r k

Bishop Richard Concanen, O.P.Born December 27, 1747 · Ordained Priest December 22, 1770 · Appointed first Bishop of New York April 8, 1808 · Ordained Bishop April 24, 1808 · Died June 19, 1810

Bishop John Connolly, O.P.Born 1750 · Ordained Priest September 24, 1774 · Appointed second Bishop of New York October 4, 1814 · Ordained Bishop November 6, 1814 · Died February 6, 1825

Bishop John Dubois, P.S.S.Born August 24, 1764 · Ordained Priest September 22, 1787 · Appointed third Bishop of New York May 23, 1826 · Ordained Bishop October 29, 1826 · Died December 20, 1842

Archbishop John HughesBorn June 24, 1797 · Ordained Priest October 15, 1826 · Appointed Coadjutor Bishop of New York and Titular Bishop of Basileopolis August 8, 1837 · Ordained Bishop January 7, 1838 · Succeeded fourth Bishop of New York December 20, 1842 · Created first Archbishop of New York July 19, 1850 · Died January 3, 1864

John Cardinal McCloskeyBorn March 10, 1810 · Ordained Priest January 12, 1834 · Appointed Coadjutor Bishop of New York and Titular Bishop of Axièri November 21, 1843 · Ordained Bishop March 10, 1844 · Appointed first Bishop of Albany May 21, 1847 · Appointed fifth Bishop and second Archbishop of New York May 6, 1864 · Created Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minera March 15, 1875 · Died October 10, 1885

Archbishop Michael CorriganBorn August 13, 1839 · Ordained Priest September 19, 1863 · Appointed second Bishop of Newark February 14, 1873 · Ordained Bishop May 4, 1873 · Appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of New York and Titular Archbishop of Petra October 1, 1880 · Succeeded sixth Bishop and third Archbishop of New York October 10, 1885 · Died May 5, 1902

John Cardinal FarleyBorn April 20, 1842 · Ordained Priest June 11, 1870 · Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of New York and Titular Bishop of Zeugma November 18, 1895 · Ordained Bishop December 21, 1895 · Appointed seventh Bishop and fourth Archbishop of New York September 15, 1902 · Created Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minerva November 27, 1911 · Died September 17, 1918


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Patrick Cardinal HayesBorn November 20, 1867 · Ordained Priest September 8, 1892 · Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of New York and Titular Bishop of Tagaste July 3, 1914 · Ordained Bishop October 28, 1914 · Appointed Apostolic Vicar of Military, USA November 24, 1917 · Appointed eighth Bishop and fifth Archbishop of New York March 10, 1919 · Created Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via March 24, 1924 · Died September 4, 1938

Francis Cardinal SpellmanBorn May 4, 1889 · Ordained Priest May 14, 1916 · Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Boston and Titular Bishop of Sila July 30, 1932 · Ordained Bishop September 8, 1932 · Appointed ninth Bishop and sixth Archbishop of New York April 15, 1939 · Appointed Military Vicar December 11, 1939 · Created Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo February 18, 1946 · Died December 2, 1967

Terence Cardinal CookeBorn March 1, 1921 · Ordained Priest December 1, 1945 · Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of New York and Titular Bishop of Summa September 15, 1965 · Ordained Bishop December 13, 1965 · Appointed tenth Bishop and seventh Archbishop of New York March 2, 1968 · Appointed Military Vicar April 4, 1968 · Created Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo April 28, 1969 · Died October 6, 1983

John Cardinal O’ConnorBorn January 15, 1920 · Ordained Priest December 15, 1945 · Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Military Ordinariate and Titular Bishop of Cursola April 24, 1979 · Ordained Bishop May 27, 1979 · Appointed seventh Bishop of Scranton May 6, 1983 · Installed Jun 29, 1983 · Appointed eleventh Bishop and eighth Archbishop of New York January 26, 1984 · Installed March 19, 1984 · Created Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo May 25, 1985 · Died May 3, 2000

Edward Cardinal EganBorn April 2, 1932 · Ordained Priest December 15, 1957 · Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of New York and Titular Bishop of Allegheny April 1, 1985 · Ordained Bishop May 22, 1985 · Appointed third Bishop of Bridgeport November 5, 1988 · Installed December 14, 1988 · Appointed twelfth Bishop and ninth Archbishop of New York May 11, 2000 · Installed June 19, 2000 · Created Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo February 21, 2001 · Retired February 23, 2009

Archbishop Timothy DolanBorn February 6, 1950 · Ordained Priest June 19, 1976 · Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis and Titular Bishop of Natchesium June 19, 2001 · Ordained Bishop August 15, 2001 · Appointed tenth Bishop and Archbishop of Milwaukee June 25, 2002 · Installed August 28, 2002 · Appointed thirteenth Bishop and tenth Archbishop of New York February 23, 2009 · Installed April 15, 2009


Page 30: o l e m N e s i g N AT e h u r C h - CBS · Charles Gounod “Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Therefore

a c k n O w l e d g e M e n T s

Reverend Monsignor Robert T. Ritchie, Rector, Cathedral of Saint PatrickReverend Monsignor Gregory Mustaciuolo, Secretary, Office of Cardinal EganReverend Joseph Tyrrell, Master of Ceremonies

Eugene Ubawike, thuriferRobert Rodriguez, BoatRev. Mr. Anthony Mizzi-Gili, CruciferBr. Charles Benoit Reche, C.F.R. and Br. Jeremiah Shryock, C.F.R., AcolytesCasmir Manyonyi, MitreJesus Ledezma, CrozierFredy Patino, Book

Sr. Mary Bosco Daly, R.S.M., LectorHubert Impraim, intercession Reader (Akan)Sr. Sophia Maria Kim, intercession Reader (Korean)Manuel Cardoso, intercession Reader (Portuguese)Bernard Dengler, intercession Reader (German)Paulina Cheng, intercession Reader (Mandarin)

Jennifer Pascual, D.M.A., Director of MusicDaniel Brondel, Associate Director of MusicCathedral of Saint Patrick ChoirCarla Wesby and Gustavo Ahualli, CantorsRuth Murphy, Sign Language

Michael Weekes and Ian Dowding, Cathedral SacristansAndre Delliha and the Cathedral UshersCathedral Honorary UshersKevin Donohue and the Cathedral SecurityFrank Bohan and the Cathedral Maintenance StaffRoberta Shea and the Cathedral Volunteers

Installation Committee

Music used with permission under LicenSingOnline #U4260, #A-700542 and WLP License #AL0619062.


Page 31: o l e m N e s i g N AT e h u r C h - CBS · Charles Gounod “Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Therefore
Page 32: o l e m N e s i g N AT e h u r C h - CBS · Charles Gounod “Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. Therefore