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seven questions consulting Nuclear Resilience an introduction to services offered by Seven Questions Consulting | UK doctrine development vulnerability analysis strategy & planning risk management open source intelligence testing & exercising assurance
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Page 1: Nuclear Industry Resilience


Nuclear Resilience an introduction to services offered by Seven Questions Consulting | UK







doctrine development vulnerability analysis strategy & planning risk management open source intelligence testing & exercising assurance

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Doctrine Development


Doctrine is the capture of the way you do business. A coherent, clear and shared doctrine is an important tool for improving an integrated safety and security response and improving interoperability between internal and external agencies.

accrue to an organisation both by going through the process of establishing a standard doctrine for safety and security as well as

Building upon experience gained from writing British Military doctrine we have since authored the UK Ministry of Defence doctrine for the armed protection of UK defence nuclear

materiel in addition to the doctrine for the protection of UK’s most important Crit ical National Infrastructure sites.

Doctr ine development is an i nc l us i ve p rocess be tween consultant and client, using our advice and extensive experience

approach to securing your assets.

Doctrine D


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Having conducted vulnerability analyses at some of the most secure sites in the UK we

have used our experience to develop a comprehensive, modular approach to identify areas of weakness at Critical National Infrastructure sites.

Our approach provides results that are transparent and auditable and take your staff through a process that begins with the threat, through blue

and red team assessments and testing to a series of clear recommendations.

As part of this process we are able to conduct independent and unbiased ground reconnaissance and red team planning supported by a c o m p r e h e n s i v e e l e c t r o n i c reconnaissance, using world-class internet intelligence tools, tha t w i l l ident i fy po tent ia l weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

F r o m a o n e - o f f r e m o t e e l e c t r o n i c reconnaissance to a full, multi-disciplinary physical recce to training and embedded VA support, we can provide you with an adve rsa ry ’s v i ew o f you r ope ra t i ng environment.

Vulnerability Analysis


Vulnerability Analysis

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Strategy & Planning

Strategy & Planning


Security, safety and general resilience planning must be integrated with broader ope ra t i ona l and s t ra teg i c bus iness objectives. We have experience of working with Heads of Security to ensure that their

voices are heard in the boardroom.

We also offer our active|e d g e s t r a t e g y

wargaming strategic business plans.

Many security departments contain valuable and sought-after experience in demand in the wider commercial world. We can work with you to investigate the revenue generating potential of your existing expertise, both within and beyond your immediate sector.

Within the demanding regulatory environment of civil and defence nuclear operations

contingency plans is a vital requirement but one that

reviewing your library of plans.

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r i s k management processenvironments and can deliver training and mentoring in a short time to train your staff.

We can assist your team to audit your risk


We can also support your reputational risk management operations with our active|watch internet intelligence tool.

Open Source Intelligence

Risk Management

Open Source Intelligence


Using our proven active|watch OSINT service we can support your activities in a number of ways: providing timely, factual and actionable intelligence about threats and protests, supporting business

development act iv i t ies and improving situational awareness for senior executives.

Risk M


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Testing & Exercising

Testing & Exercising


We have extensive experience of designing, delivering and assessing exercises in the nuclear sector and are able to reinforce your own staff in these time-consuming tasks.

We are able to train and exercise your board-level crisis management teams to ensure that they deliver an integrated and coherent

and security plan.

In addition to standard tabletops, our own REDFLAG tactical wargaming system is a proven, cost-

rehearsing multi-agency crisis response plans. It has been

adopted by defence nuclear sites, armed police and was used to test 2012 Olympic response plans.

We can train your own staff to run basic REDFLAG wargames in a single day with no additional or recurring costs to you.

We can help you get maximum value from your exercise regime.

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programme or operation is vital to maintaining trust, transparency and a drive towards continuous improvement.

Seven Questions were recently engaged by the UK Government to contribute to the

assurance of the UK Olympic Security Programme reporting directly to the Home Secretary. We learned a great deal from this six month engagement and are keen to pass on our experience and expertise to our clients in the nuclear sector.

We offer the opportunity to create integrated teams to conduct short,

intrusive and constructive assurance of elements of your programme producing concise reports with observations and recommendations.

Independent assurance is a valuable

for money and alignment within and across business units.



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Why Us?

Next Steps


We have extensive experience of working within both the civil and defence nuclear sectors in UK and abroad. We have contributed to the development of security strategies and capability enhancement across the spectrum of risk, security and safety within the nuclear environment and have also worked with the World Insitute for Nuclear Security (WINS) to develop a number of best practice guides to share our expertise.

In addition to being trusted advisors to our clients in the civil and defence nuclear sectors we also bring a broad understanding of decision support, business strategy and operations to our clients.

We have access to a large network of experienced experts in a

and world-class solutions.

We never disclose our clients or the details of the work we have done for them without prior agreement.

If you would like to discuss how we can assist you to make your assets more secure, your operations more effective or sell your knowledge and expertise to a wider audience please contact us:

+44 (0)2076 177140

[email protected]



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