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NTSE-Stage II (SAT) 2014 With Solutions

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/10/2019 NTSE-Stage II (SAT) 2014 With Solutions



    NTSE STAGE II 2014(SAT SOLUTIONS)1. Which oneofthe following statementisNOT true aboute volution ?

    (1) Evolution leadsto generationofdiverse formsof life.(2) Time dat ing and foss i l s tud ies he lpinunders tand ingof evolution.

    (3) Evolution isnot alway s progressive ser iesofchanges that occ urin organism.(4)Human beings havenot evolvedfrom chimpanzees.

    Ans. (4)Sol. Statement(1), (2)and (3) are correct and (4)is relat ively false as chimpanzees are very close tohumanaccording

    to molecularphylogeny.

    2. Which oneofthe fo llowing is known as energy cur rency of cell?

    (1) Adenosinediphosphate (2) Ade nosinetriphosphate

    (3)Pyruvate (4) GlucoseAns. (2)Sol. Ade no s inetripho s phateis energy currencyof cell.

    3. An analysisofs oil s am plerevealed0.1mg of a pe s t icidea nd1 mgofthe sam e pesticide was found ing rains .However in the adipose t issueof birds the concentration was2 mg. The reasonforthisis the phenomenon

    knowna s(1)Bio-absorption (2) Bio-translocation (3) Bio-magnification (4) Bio-multiplication

    Ans. (3)Sol. Bio-magnification is amplificationof non biodegradable materialon eachtrophic leveloffoodchain.

    4. Diseasesthat spread by vectors such as mosqui toesare

    (1) Encephalitis andMalaria

    (2) Syph ilisandAIDS(3) Tuberculosis and sleepings icknes s

    (4) Kala-azar andSARS

    Ans. (1)Sol. Encephalitis vectorisculex mosquito a nd malaria vec toris female Anophelesmosquito.

    5. Which oneofthe followingis co r rec t r oute fa r passageofs perm s ?(1) Testes- s c rotum- vasdeferens-urethra- penis(2) Scrotum - testes- urethra-vasdeferens- penis

    (3) Testes- vasdeferens - urethra -seminalv e sic le s

    (4) Testes- vasdeferens- urethra- penisAns. (4)

    Sol. Correct routeofpassageofspermis oTestes- vasdeferens- urethra-penis

    6. Sugges t wh ich among the followingisNOT a function attributedto endoplasmicreticulum

    (1) Detoxificationofpoisons anddrugs (2) Digestion/egestionofforeign m aterialsoutside thecell

    (3) Manufactureof fat an dlipid molecules (4) Biogenesisofmem branesAns. (2)Sol. FunctionsofER are Detoxification ofpoisons and drugs, Manufactureof fat andlipidmolecules, Biogenesisof


    7. In nitrogen cycle, atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by bacteria and convertedinto amm onia. Amm onia isfurther

    convertedinto other formsofnitrogen.At the endofthe cycleitreturn sto the atmosphereby the p roces sof:(1) Ammonification (2) Nitrif ication (3) Denitrification (4) Assimilation

    Ans. (3)

    Sol. Denitrification is conversion ofnitrates (solubleform) into N2

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    8. Cell organelles that are involved in the wa ste d isposal systemofthe cell are:

    (1) Golgiapparatus (2)Lysosomes (3) Chromosomes (4) Ribosomes

    Ans. (2)Sol. Lysosomes helpsin disposalofwas tematerial.

    9. Sequenceofevents which occurin a reflexactionare

    (1) Receptor- motorneuron- CNS -sensory neuron- effectormuscle

    (2) Effectormuscle- CNS -sensory nerve- sensoryorgan(3) CN S- sensory neuron - motorneuron- effector mus c le(4) Receptor organ- sensory neuron -CNS- motorneuron- effectormuscle

    Ans. (4)Sol. Correct sequenceofreflex actionisR eceptor organ-sensory neuron -CNS- motorneuron-effector mus cle

    10. Movementof food indigestive tractisdueto(1) concentrationgradient (2)secretions (3 )peristalsis (4) villi

    Ans. (3)Sol. Peristalsisis s equent ia lcontraction and relaxation movem entin musclesofwall ofalimentary canal which he lps

    inpassingoffood forwardin alimentarycanal.

    11. A pea plantwith round green ( RRyy) pea s eedis c ros s ed ano the r peaplant withwrinkled yellow(rrYY) s e eds

    W hat would be the natureofseedinthe firs tgeneration(F generation)?(1)Roundgreen (2) Wrinkledgreen (3) Wrinkledyellow (4) R oundyellow

    Ans. (4)Sol.


    and green seed


    and Yellow seed

    Parents RRyy rrYY

    Gametes Ry rY

    F1generation RrYy (All plants with round and yellow seed)

    12. Someo rganism sa re sensitivetodifferent levelsof air pollution and ar e used aspollution-indicators.Sugg es twhich among the following fits into thecategory

    (1) Fungi (2) Fresh wateralgae (3 )Bacteria (4) Lichens

    Ans. (4)

    Sol. Lichensare sensitiveto airpollution (SO ) a n d h e n c e a c t a sindicatorof pollution.

    13. A group oflaboratory micehaving tails arebred togetherand theirprogeny studied. The progenyhad tails.However, scientists urgica llyremoved the tailsofthe progeny and a gain bred themfor foursuccessivegenera-tions. W hatdo you think would be the natureofthe new progeny?(1)All miceborn willhavetails.(2) All miceborn willhaveno tails.

    (3)Th eratio of tail lesstotailed micewillbe1 :3(4) The ratioof taillesstotailed micewill be l :4

    Ans. (1)Sol. Somatic variation sa renot inheritedto nextgeneration.

    14. Whichof the following statementsisNOT correct?(1) Tendonsare tis sueswith great s trength andflexibility(2) Bones are connectedto each other bytendons(3) Cartilage smoothensbone surface atjoints(4) Tendons connect musc lesto bo ne s

    Ans. (2)Sol. Bones are connected toeachother by l igamen t where as tendons a re s t rong t i s sueswhich connect boneto


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  • 8/10/2019 NTSE-Stage II (SAT) 2014 With Solutions








    4 3 3 4 2

    3 o 2

    2 3 o 2 3

    4 3 3 4 2

    3 o 2

    2 3 o 2 3

    19. The react ionofburningofcarbonin oxygenisrepre s ented bytheequation:

    C(s) O2(g)oCO2(g) Heat Light

    When9.0 gofs olidcarbon is burntin 16.0 gofoxygen gas,22.0 gofcarbon dioxide is produced. The massofcarbon dioxide gas formed on burningof3.0 gofcarbonin 32.0 ofoxygen wouldbe(Note: atomic mass of C=12.0 u, O=16.0 u)

    (1) 6.60 g (2) 7.33 g (3) 8.25 g (4) 11.00g

    Ans. (4)

    Sol. C(s) O2(g)oCO2(g) Heat Light

    Given weight ofcarbon =3 gm

    1Mole sof carbon


    Given weigthof O =32 gm

    mole sof O =1

    1 1Out of 1 mole of O ,

    4moleof O willreactwith

    4moleof carbon

    2 2

    i.e.,m assof CO =3+


    32=11 gm4

    20. An atom of an element(X) has itsK, L and Mshel lsfilled withsome e le c trons .Itreactswith s od ium metaltoform a compoundNaX. The numberofelectronsin theM shel loftheatom (X) will be

    (1)Eight (2)Seven (3) Two (4) One

    Ans. (2)Sol. E lemen t i sCl. Itforms NaClwith Na. No. ofelectroninoutermost shellof Cl is7.

    21. Oxygen gas reactswith hydrogento produce water. The reactionisrepres ented bytheequation:

    O 2 (g) H2 (g) o H2O(g)

    The above reactionisan exampleof(1) Oxidationof hydrogen (2) Reductionofoxygen(3) R eductionof hydrogen (4) Redoxreaction

    Ans. (4)

    Sol. O 2 (g) H2 (g) o

    oxidation no. ofH2

    oxidation no. ofO2



    =0oxidation no. of H in H O=+1

    oxidation no. of O in H O=2

    i.e.,oxidationof H ,Re ductionof O and reactionisredox.2 2

    22. Matchthe itemsof Column I with the itemsof theColumnII.

    Column I Column II

    (a) NH OH+CH COOH oCH COONH +H O (i) Thermaldecomposition(b) 2AgBro2A g+Br2 (ii) Thermitreaction

    (c) ZnCO Zn O+CO (iii) Photochemicalreaction

    (d) 2Al+Fe O 2Fe +Al O (iv) Neutralizationreaction

    (1) (d)(ii), (c) (iv), (b) (i), (a) (iii) (2) (c) (i), (a) (ii), (d)(iii), (b) (iv)


    (3) (b) (ii), (c) (i), (a) (iii), (c) (iv)


    (4) (a)(iv), (b) (iii), (c) (i), (d) (ii)

    Sol. NH OH+CH COOH oCH COONH +H O Neutralizationreaction

    2AgBro2A g+Br2 Photochemicalreaction

    ZnCO ZnO+CO


    2Al+Fe O 2Fe +Al O Thermitreaction

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    2 4 4

    4 2 4 4 2 4

    2 4 4 4 2 4

    4 2 4

    6 12 6 14

    6 12 2 6 12

    4 8

    n 2n

    23. Whichofthe following represents the correct orderofthe acidic strengthforequimolar aqueous solutionsof HCl,

    H SO , NH OHan dNaOH(1) HCl

  • 8/10/2019 NTSE-Stage II (SAT) 2014 With Solutions



    Group 16 Group 17 Group 18






    27. Anelementswith atomic number17is p laced in the group 17 of the long form periodic table. Elemen twith

    atomic number9 isplaced above andwith atomic number35 isplaced belowit. Elementwith atomicnumber16 isplaced left andwith atom ic number 18isplacedright to it.Whichofthe following statements arec orrec t?(a) Valencyofthe elementwith atomic number18 is z ero(b) Elem ent swith same valencywillhave atomic number16, 17 an d18.(c) Valencyofelementswithatomic number9, 17 an d35 isone.(d) Elementswith atomic number17 i s more e lec t ronega t iv e than e leme n twith atomic numbers16 and35.

    (1) a, b and c (2) a, c and d (3) b, c and d (4) a, b and d

    Ans. (2)


    Group 18ozerovalency

    Group16o2 valency

    Group 17oWithAtom icNo. 9, 17, 35 has onevalency

    Electro negativityofSo

    2.5, Bro

    2.8, Clo

    3.0Cl !Br!S

    28. A ca rismovingwith a con s tant s peedof 70 km/h.Whichofthe following statementsis correc t?(1) The acc elerationofthe caris definitely zero.(2) The ca r has an acc elerationonly if itismoving alonga curvedpath.

    (3) The carmayhave an acc eleration even if itismoving along a s traightpath.(4) The carmaynot have an acc eleration evenif itism oving alonga curvedpath.

    Ans. (2)

    Sol. A s car is moving with constant speed so it can have acceleration onlyif it is moving along a curved path.

    29. A box of mass 20 kgispu s hedalong a roughfloor with a velocity2 m/s and then let go. Thebox move s5 m onthe floorbefore comingto rest. W hat must be the frictional force actingon thebox?

    (1) 4 N (2) 2 N (3)20N (4) 8 N

    Ans. (4)

    Sol. From Work-Energy theorem wehave,

    W ='K.E.

    1 2 2Force Displacement =



    m(v u )2

    120 (02 22 )


    f=8 N

    30. Two obje cts ,one4tim e s as massive asthe other, are approaching each other undertheir mutual gravitationalattraction. W henthe s eparation betweenthe objectsis100 km, the acceleration ofthe lighter objectis1m /s


    When the s eparationbetween themis25 km, the accelerationofthe heavier objectis(1) 1 m/s

    2(2) 2 m/s

    2(3) 8 m/s

    2(4) 4 m/s


    Ans. (4)

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    Sol. Let m assoflighter objectto bem and m assofheavier objectto be4m, when they areat a s eperationof 100

    km let force acting between themisF then wehave,

    F=1 m/s



    Now when twoobjectsare at a s epe ration of 25 km then fromN ew tons un ive rs a llaw of gravitation forcebetween two objectswill become16 F,so acc elerationofheavier objectis,

    16Fa =

    4 m= 4 m/s


    31. Aspring balance measurestheweightof anobjectin air to be 0.1 N. It s howsareadingof 0.08 N when the

    objectiscompletelyimm ers edinwater.Ifthe valueofaccelerationdue to gravityis10m /s2

    ,the volumeof the


    (1) 20cm3

    (2) 80cm3

    (3) 200 cm3

    (4) 2 cm3

    Ans. (4)

    Sol. As weknow,

    Lossinweightin fluid=Upthrust

    Weightin air Weigh tin water=UwVg 0.1 0.08=10 00V10 V=210


    3=2 cm


    32. Aforceof 10 Nisappliedon an objectofm ass1kgfor 2 s, which w asinitiallyat rest.What isthework doneon the objectbytheforce?(1) 200 J (2) 20 J (3) 16 J (4) 18 0J

    Ans. (1)

    Sol. By us ingfirs tequationof motion wehave,

    v =u +at


    From Work-Energy theorem wehave,

    v =0+1

    2 =20 m/s

    W ='K.E.=1

    m(v 2 u2 )2


    u1u 202

    (0) =200J2

    33. Stethoscopeofdoctorsforfinding quality, strength and frequencyofhuman hear t bea t i s bas edon theprinciple


    (1)SONAR (2) Reverberation (3) Multiplereflection (4)EchoAns. (3)

    Sol. Instethoscope, sound is received b y c hest piece and sentto the earpiecesby multiple reflecting through along


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    2 21 1

    34. A ray of light is incident in medium 1 on asur facethatseparatesmedium 1 from medium 2. Let v1and v2represent the velocity of light in medium 1 and medium 2 re s pe c tive ly. A ls o let n12and n21represent therefractive indexofmedium1 with respect tomedium2 and refractive indexofmedium2 with respecttomedium

    1, res pe c tive ly.If i andrdenote the a ngleofincidenceand angleofrefrac tion,then

    s in i v1 s in i v2 s in i v1 s in i v 2(1) n n n n

    Ans. (1)

    s in r 1

    v s in r 1

    v s in r 2

    v s in r 2


    Sol. By us ing Sne llsLawofRefraction we have ,

    n1 sini =n2sinr

    s in i

    s in r



    v1=n21= v2

    35. A convex lens has a focal lengthof0.5 m.It ha sto be combinedwith a second lens, so that the combinat ion hasa powerof 1.5 dioptre. Whichofthe following could be the secondlens?

    (1) Aconcave lensoffocal length2 m.

    (2)Ano ther convex lensoffocal length0.5 m.

    (3) A concav e lensoffocal length0.5 m.

    (4) Aconvex lens offocal length2 m.Ans. (1)

    Sol. As we know equivalent powerofcombinationoffewthin lenses keptincontactisgivena s ,

    Peq =P1+P2. . . . .Pn





    P2 =


    feq =




    Plens f

    So, second lens should bea concave lensoffocal length0.5 m.

    36. Whichofthe following statementsiscorrect?

    (1) A pers onwith myopia can see nearby ob jec tsclearly.(2)Ape rs onwith hypermetropia cansee nearby objects clearly.(3)A personwith myopia can see distant objectsclearly.(4) A personwithhypermetropia cannot see distant objectsclearly.

    Ans. (1)

    Sol. Aperson sufferingfrom myopia (short s ightedness) cannot see distant objects clearly but can see nearby objects


    A pers on s ufferingfromhypermetropia(fars igh tedness) cannot see near by ob j ec ts c lear l ybut can see dis tant


    37. Cons idertwo conducting platesAandB,between which the potential differenceis5 V,plateAbeingata higher

    potential.A proton and anelectron are releasedatplatesA and Brespectively.The twopa rt ic lesthen movetowardstheopposite plates the proton toplateB and theelectrontoplateA. Whichone willhavea larger

    velocity when th ey reach their respective destination plates ?(1) Both willhave the samevelocity (2)The electronwill have the largervelocity.

    (3) Theprotonwill have the largervelocity (4) Nonewill be ableto reach the de s tinationpoint.Ans. (2)

    Sol. As weknow,

    W ='K.E. =

    'K.E = q'V

    1m(v 2 u2 )


    Potential Difference and chargefor proton and electronis s ame s ofinal K.E.of both ofthemwill be s am e .A sprotonis mass ive then e lectron so e lectron willhave the largervelocity.

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    38. Which oneofthe following s ta teme nts best descr ibes the nature ofthe field lines dueto a barmagnet?

    (1) Field lines startfromthe north pole and e nd on thes outhpole.Any numberof field lines can passthrougha point.

    (2) Field lines startfromthenorth pole and endon the s outhpole.Only one f ie ld l ine passesthrougha point.(3) Field lines arec ont inuous lines passingins ideand outs idethe magnet. Only one fieldline passesthrougha


    (4) F ie ld l ines are continuous l ines pass ing ins ide and outs ide the magn et.Any numberoffield lines can pas s

    through apoint.

    Ans. (3)

    Sol. Mag net ic f ie ld lines are cont inuous l ines pass ing ins ide and outs ide the m agnet a ndonly one l ine passesthrough

    a point

    39. Whichof the following statementiscorrect?(1) ACgenerator generatesahighervoltage

    (2) DC generator generates a h igher voltage.

    (3) AC genera to r has a pe rmanen t magne t whereasa DC generator ha s anelectromagnet

    (4) Thereisa s plit-ringcommutatorin aDC generatorbut not inanAC generator.Ans. (4)

    Sol. Thereisa s plitring comm utatorinaDC generatorbut inanAC generator there are s lip rings .

    40. A star produces i ts energy through the processof

    (1) nuclearfusion

    (2) chemicalreaction

    (3) nuclearfission

    (4) gravitational attraction between different partsofthestar.

    Ans. (1)

    Sol. A star produces i ts energy through the processofnuclearfission.

    2 1 tanI 1 cotI 41. If Iisan acute angle suchthat tanI

    1 4

    (1) (2)5 13

    , then evaluate3

    (3 )

    s inI co s I



    se c I co sec I



    Ans. (1)

    Sol. tanI 2



    3 1

    1 tanI 1 cotI 1 cot I 2 2 2 2 1s inI co s I se c I co sec I

    = tanI1 tan I






    5 =



    42. The valueofthe express ion1 3 4

    11 2 30 7 2 10 8 4 3

    after sim plificationis

    (1) 30 (2)2 10 (3) 1 (4) 0

    Ans. (4)

    Sol.1 3 4

    11 2 30 7 2 10 8 4 3

    1 3 4

    6 5 5 2 2 3 1

    6 5 54 3 1


    2 2

    6 2 2( 3 1) 2

    6 2 6

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    2 0


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    43. Theminimumvalueofthe polynomialp(x)=3x25x+2 is

    1 1(1) (2)

    6 6




    12Ans. (4)

    Sol. Minimumvalue =D 4ac b2




    =4 u3 u2 52 1


    4 u3 12

    44. For the equation |x|2 +|x| 6=0,(1) There are fourroots (2)The s um ofthe rootsis1(3) The product ofthe roots is4 (4)The productofthe roots is6

    Ans. (3)

    Sol. |x|2 +|x| 6=0 |x| 3 |x| 2

    0either|x|=3notpos s ible?|x|=2?x=2 or 2

    45. In'AB C,Di sa point on BC s uchthat 3BD=BC. Ifeach s ideofthe triangle is12cm, thenAD equals

    (1)4 5 cm (2)4 6 cm (3)4 7 cm (4)4 11 cm

    Ans. (3)Sol. 3BD=BC

    1?BD = BC


    Given that AB=BC=CA=12

    AB2 =AE2+BE2A

    AB2 AE2



    AB2 AD2 DE2



    AB2 AD2


    1BC 1

    BC2 B D E C

    2 3 4


    AB2 AD2

    1BC 1

    BC 2

    6 4


    AD2 1

    BC2 1


    36 4



    BC2 9B C 2


    AB 2 AD 2 8B C


    28BC2 2 AD


    7BC 2

    9AD AD 4 7

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    1 2 3


    46. In'ABC , XY isparalleltoAC and d ividesthe triangleinto the two parts ofequal area. Thenthe



    AB equals

    X Y

    2 1(1)


    Ans. (2)


    (2)2 2



    2 2(3)


    2 1(4)


    Sol. In'ABCXY ||ACgiventhatar [BXY] =ar [AXYC]

    1ar [BXY] =2

    ar [ABC] ...(1)

    ''BXY 'BAC

    21 BX 1 BXBXY BX 2 1 AX 2 2 AX

    BAC AB

    2 AB




    AB2 AB

    2 AB

    47. Pispoint in the interiorofan equilateral trianglewith side a units.If p , p andp are the distanceofPfrom thethree s idesofthe triangle, thenp


    +p +p2 3

    (1) equals



    (2) equals a 3


    (3) is more thana units(4) cannot be determined unless the locat ion ofPis s pec ified

    Ans. (2)Sol. In equilateral'.

    sumofthe distanceof apoint fromsidesisequalto the heightofth etriangle

    P +P +P =h 3

    a1 2 3 2

    48. Inhow manyways can a given square by cutinto two congruenttrapezium

    s ?

    (1) Exactly4 (2) Exactly8 (3) Exactly12 (4) More than12

    Ans. (4)

    A B


    D C

    i.e. there are so many waysto cut given squareinto two congruenttrape z ium s .

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    1 2 3 4 5


    49. In how mayways canyou partition 6 into ordered s um mand s? (For example, 3 can be partitioned in 3 ways as: 1 +2, 2 +1 , 1 +1+ 1)(1) 27 (2) 29 (3) 31 (4) 33

    Ans. (3)Sol. Let total no.1sare6.

    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1i.e.

    total numberofways are:5C +5C +5C +5C +5C =31

    50. The numberofintegersn (< 20) forwhichn23n+3 isa perfect squareis(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 3

    Ans. (3)Sol. n=1 and2

    51. For pos itivex and y,theLCM is225 an dHCF is15. There(1) isexactly one suchpair (2) are exactlytwo suchpairs(3) are exactly three suchpairs (4) are exactlyfoursuch pairs

    Ans. (2)Sol. Let num bersare 15a and 15b, here a andb are coprimeinte ge rs .

    i.e. L.C.Mis15 ab=225ab=15

    sothat a=1, b =15 anda =3, b=5there are exactlytwo suchpairs.

    52. In the figure,asemi-circlewithcentreOisdrawn on AB. The ratio of the larger shaded areato the smallershaded areais


    A 60 B



    Ans. (3)Sol.

    4S 2 3

    2S 2 3 (2)


    4S 3 3

    3S 3 3 (3)


    4S 3 3

    2S 3 3 (4)

    3S 2 3

    2S 2 3

    1 2

    AO P =TBO P =TS 3


    T1 Sr2 1

    r2 s inT 1

    Sr2 1

    r2 sin 120q l arger segment 360 2

    13 2

    3 4 4S 3 3

    smaller segment = T 2 1 2= 1 2 1

    = 2S 3 32 Sr

    360 2r sin T2 Sr r2 s in 60q 2

    6 2S 3

    6 4

    53. In'ABC,angleB iso btu s e.The s mallest circle which covers the triangleisthe

    (1 ) Circumcircle (2) Circlewith AB a sdiameter(3) CirclewithB C a sdiameter (4) CirclewithA C a sdiameter






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    (1) 75 (2)192 (3) 250 (4)100Ans. (3)Sol. 250=25+225


    1 2

    1 2

    1 2

    54. Whichof the number canbe expr essed asthe sumofsquaresof twopositive integers, as well threepositiveintegers?

    55. If Pisa pointinsidethe scalene triangleABC suchthat'AP B,


    'CPAhave the same area, thenP

    mustbe(1) In centreof'ABC (2) Circum centre of'AB C(3 )Ce ntroidof'ABC (4) Orthocentreof'ABC

    Ans. (3)Sol. Centroid dividesthe trianglein three parts ofequalarea.

    56. If the l ine segmentsjoining the midpointsofthe consecutive sideofa quadrilateral A BCDforma rectanglethenABCD mustbe a

    (1)Rhombus (2 ) Square (3) Kite (4) All of theaboveAns. (4)Sol. Diagona lsofR ho m bus ,squareandkite areinte rs e c tingat right angle, so that quadrilateral form edby joining

    there mid-pointsisalwaysrectangle.

    57. C andC aretwo c i rc lesin aplane.If N isthe totalnumberofcommon tang ent s , then whichofthefollowingiswrong?

    (1) N=2 whenC and C intersectbutdo not touch (2) N=4whenC andC aredisjoint1 2 1 2

    (3) WhenC and C touch thenN must be3 (4) Ncan never be more than4Ans. (3)Sol. WhenC andC touch each other then there aretwo possiblities such oneisexternal and secondisinternal s o

    that option (3) isnot alwaystrue.

    58. The s idesof a triangle areoflength20, 21, and 29 un its .The s umofthe lengths ofa ltitude swill be


    Ans. (1)

    1609units (2) 49 units (3)


    1609units (4) 70 units


    Sol. 20, 21,29 form phytagorean triplet s?sumofa ltitudes 29

    20+21+20 u21

    29 =






    59. If a,b, c be the4th, 7th an d10th termofan APre s pe c tive ly,then the s umofthe rootsofthe equationax 22bx+c=0

    b(1) i s




    c a(3)is


    (4) cannot be determined unless some more informationisgiven about theAPAns. (3)Sol. Let the first term beA, common difference =d

    ?a=A +3d ?c+a=2bb=A+6d


    su mof the rootsis2b c a



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    60. PQRSis the smallest square whose vertices areon the respective sidesofthe square ABCD. The ratioofthearea

    of PQRS to ABCD is

    (1) 1 : 2 (2)1 : 2 (3) 1 : 3 (4) 2 : 3

    Ans. (1)

    Sol. The smallest square so formed isa square formed by joining the midpoint softhe sideofthe biggers quare.


    a/ 2 1

    ar ABCD a 2

    61. Consider the following events relatedto the French Revolution andidentifythe correct chronologicalresponse

    from theoption giventhereafter

    (a) ConvocationofEstatesGeneral (b) StormingoftheBastille

    (c) P reasent revoltsin thecountryside (d) Third Estate form s National A s s e mbly

    (1) a, c, d, b (2) d, b, c, a (3) a, d, b, c (4) b, a, c, d

    Ans. (3)

    Sol. 1789

    1. ConvocationofEstatesGeneral,

    2. Third Estate formsNational As s embly,3. the Basti l le isstormed,

    4. peasant revoltsin thecountryside.

    62. Consider the following statements and identifythe correct responsefrom the optionsgiventhereafter:

    (a) The c olon iesin the Caribbean wereimportant s upplie rsoftobacco, indigo sugar andcoffeeth

    (b) The slave trade beganin the15 century.

    (c) Frenchportc it ies l ike B ordeaux and N ante sow ed their econom ic properityto the flours hingslavetrade.

    (d) Slavery was finally abolishedin the French c olonie sin 1848.

    (1) a, c, d (2) a, b, d (3) b, c, d (4) b, c, a

    Ans. (1)

    Sol. The coloniesinthe Caribbean.Martinique, Guadeloupeand San Domingo wereimportant suppliersof com-

    modities such as tobacco, indigo, sugar and c offee. The slave trade beganin the s event ee nthcentury.

    French me rchant ssailedfrom the portsofBordeauxorNant esto the African coast, where they bought s lave s

    fromlocal chieftains.

    Slavery was finallyabol is hedin Frenchc oloniesin 1848.

    63. Ma tch the List IwithList IIand se lect the cor rect responsefromthe option sgiventherafter:List I List II

    (I) Liberals (a) Governmentto be basedon the majorityofcountryspopulation

    (II) Radicals (b) The past has to be respected and c hange has to be brought about througha

    slow proce s s




    Social ist s



    Propertyto be controlledby society a s awhole

    enofproperty mainly should have the rightto vote

    (1) I c, II b, III a, IV d (2) I b, II d, III a, IV c

    (3) I a, II b, III c, IV d (4) I d, II a, III b, IV c

    Ans. (4)

    Sol. Liberalsdid notbelieveinuniversaladult franchise,that is, theright ofevery citizento vote. Theyfelt menof

    propertym ainlyshould have thevote.

    Radicals wanted a nation inwhich government was basedon the majorityof a country.spopulation.

    Conservatives acceptedthat some change was inevitable butbelievedthat the past hadto be respectedand

    change hadto be brought about through a slowprocess.

    Socialist believedthat propertyto be controlledby society asa whole

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    64. Consider the following statements andidentifythe correct responsefrom the optionsgiventhereafter:

    Statements I:Nazism becamea m assmovem ent after the Great Depression

    Statements II : After 1929,banks collapasedand businesses shutdown,workerslost theirjobsand the

    middle classeswere threatenedwith destitution.

    (1)StatementIis falseand StatementIIistrue

    (2)StatementIi strueand StatementIIis f alse

    (3) Both StatementIand StatementIIare trueand StatementIIis the correct explanation ofStatementI(4) Both StatementI and StatementIIare truebut statementIIisnotthe correct explanationofStatementI

    Ans. (3)

    Sol. The ef fec ts1929 recessionin the US economy were felt worldwide. The German economy w as thew ors thit by

    the economic cr is is . The middle c lasses, especial ly salaried employees and pensioners, saw their savingsdiminish

    when the currency lost its value. This crisisinthe economy,polityand s oc ietyformed the backgroundtoHitle r.s

    riseto power.

    65. Consider the following statements and identifythe correct responsefromthe optionsgiventhereafter:

    StatementI :Accordingtothe Criminal Tribe sA ctof 1871, nomadic pastoralists were forcedto liveonly in

    notified villagese tt lements.

    StatementII :Colonials ta te wa nted to transformall grazing landsinto cultivatedfarms.

    (1)StatementIis falseand StatementIIistrue(2)StatementIi strueand StatementIIis f alse

    (3) Both StatementIand StatementIIare trueand StatementIIis the correct explanation ofStatementI

    (4) Both StatementI and StatementIIare truebut statementIIisnotthe correct explanationofStatementI

    Ans. (4)

    Sol. In 1871, the colonial governmentin

    Indiapas s edthe Criminal Tribes Act. Once thisActcameintoforce, these communities were expectedto live

    only innotified village settlements. They werenotallowedtomoveout without apermit. The village policekept

    a continuous watchon them. British officials were suspiciousofnomadic people. They distrusted mobile crafts-

    men and traderswho hawked their goodsinvillages, and pastoralistswho changed the i r p lacesof residence.

    66. Match the List I withList II and se lect the cor rect responsefromthe option sgiventhereafter:


    List I

    The British governmentestablished

    monopolyin opiumtradein Bengal.


    List II


    (b) The British government exported50,000 (ii) 1820s

    chestsof opium fromBengalannually

    (c) Opium productionin Britishoccupied (iii) 1870


    (d) Village headm en started payingpeasants (iv) 1773

    forproducingopium in advance

    (1)aii, b iii, c iv, d i (2) a iv, b iii, c ii, d i

    (3) a iii, b ii, c i, d iv (4) a i, b - ii, c - iv, d -iii

    Ans. (2)

    Sol. By 1773, the British government inBengalhad establisheda monopolytotradein opium. Noone elsewas

    legally permittedto tradeintheproduct.

    In 1870, theBiritish government was exporting about 50,000 chestsannually.

    By the 1820s, the British foundto theirhorrorthatopiumproductionin their territorieswas rapidly declining,but

    its production outside the British territories was increasing.

    From the 1780s, village headmen (mahato) giving them money advances to produceopium.

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    67. Consider the following statements andidentifythe correct responsefrom the option sgiventherafter:(a) Cricket,in Victor ian England was an a l l season le isure gam efor aristocrats.

    (b) The captain of the teamwa straditionally abatsmanin Victorian England as amateurs played only asbatsman.

    (c) LenHuttonwas the first professional Yorkshire batsma nto lead the English test team.

    (d) There was clear social hierarchy between thebats ma nand the bowlersin VictorianEngland.(1) a, b and c (2) a, b, and d (3) a, c and d (4) b, c, and d

    Ans. (4)

    Sol. The game was seas ona l anddid not offer employment the yearround.

    The richwho could affordto playit forpleasure were called amateursTo playforthe pleasureofplaying andnot

    formoney was an aristocratic value. Amateurs tendedto bebatsmen,

    Itw asnot till the

    1930sthat theEng lis hTest team was ledby a profe s s iona l,the

    Yorkshire batsman, LenHutton.

    The s ocial superiorityofamateurs wa s built into the customsof cricket.

    68. Consider the following statements and identifythe correct responsefromthe optionsgiventhereafter:Statement I :Cam paignfordressreform sby women startedwith the developmentofthe suffragemovementStatement II: Dr ess r e fo rm em phas ized d i ffe r ences be tw een m en and w om en and es tab li shed the s ta tusofwomen as obend ien t anddutiful.

    (1)StatementIis falseand StatementIIistrue(2)StatementIi strueand StatementIIis f alse(3) Both StatementIand StatementIIare trueand StatementIIis the correct explanation ofStatementI

    (4) Both StatementI and StatementIIare truebut statementIIisnotthe correct explanationofStatementIAns. (2)Sol. Bythe1830s ,womeninEngland began agitatingfordemocratic right s .As the suffrage m ovement developed,

    many began campaigningfordressreform.

    Clothing played a partin creating the imageoffrail, submissive Victorian women.

    69. Consider the following statements and identifythe correct responsefromthe optionsgiventhereafter:

    Statement I :Schools becameand important placeforpolitica l and cultural battlesinVictnamunder theFrenchrule.

    Statment II :Teache rsdid not blindly follow the curriculumbut sometimes modified the text and c riticize dwhat w a sstated.

    (1)StatementIis falseand StatementIIistrue(2)StatementIi strueand StatementIIis f alse(3) Both StatementIand StatementIIare trueand StatementIIis the correct explanation ofStatementI

    (4) Both StatementI and StatementIIare truebut statementIIisnotthe correct explanationofStatementIAns. (3)

    Sol. Teac hers and s tuden tsdid notblindly follow thecurriculum.

    Sometimes there was open oppos it ion, a t o ther t imes there was si lent res istance. As the numbe rsof Vietnamese

    teachers increasedin the lower c lasses,itbecamediff icult tocontrolwhat was actually taught. While teaching,

    Vie tnames e teache rsquietly modified the text and criticised what w as stated. Bythe1920s, s tudents were forming var ious po l i t ica l par t ies , such asthe

    PartyofYoung A nnan, andpubl ishing nat ional is t journals such as the Anna nese Student.

    70. Consider the following statements and identifythe correct responsefromthe optionsgiventhereafter:Statements I : In 1921,a sthe NonCooperation movment s pread, hous esoftalukdars were lootedandmerchants wereattacked.

    Statements II :MahatmaGandhi had declaredthat tax was notbepaid andland w astoberedistributed

    amongst thepoor.

    (1)StatementIis falseand StatementIIistrue

    (2)StatementIi strueand StatementIIis f alse(3) Both StatementIand StatementIIare trueand StatementIIis the correct explanation ofStatementI

    (4) Both StatementI and StatementIIare truebut statementIIisnotthe correct explanationofStatementI.Ans. (2)

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    Sol. As the mov ement s p readin 1921, the housesoftalukdarsand m erchants were at tacked, bazaars were looted,and grain hoardswere takenover.

    In many places local leaderstoldpeasantsthat Gandhiji had declaredthat notaxes wereto bepaid and land

    wastobe redistributed among thepoor. The nameofthe Mahatma was being invoked to sanctionall actionand


    71. Cons ider the following s ta tement and identifythe correct responsefrom the option sgiven thereafter:

    S tatement I : In Victorian Britain, the upperclasses thearistocratsand the bourgeoisiepreferred thingsproduced bymachine.

    StatementII :Machine g oods were mass produced and were eas i ly available.(A) StatementIis fa lseand StatementIIi strue(B) StatementIis True and StatementII is false

    (C) Both StatementIand StatementIIare trueand StatementIIis the correct explanation ofStatementI

    (D) Both StatementI and StatementIIare truebut StatementIIis not the correct explanationofStatementI

    Ans. (1)Sol. In VictorianBritain, the upper c lasses- the aristocrats and thebourg eois ie- preferred things producedbyhand.

    Handmade productscameto s ym bo liserefinement andc lass. They were bet ter f in ished, individuallyproduced,and ca refully de s igned. Machinemade goods wereforexportto thecolonies.

    72. Cons ider the following s ta tem entand identifythe correct responsefrom the option sgiven thereafter:th

    StatementI : In the19 century,London w a sa colossalcity.

    StatementII : London had many largefactories.(A) StatementIis fa lseand StatementIIi strue(B) StatementIis frueand StatementIIare trueand StatementIIis the correct explanation ofStatementI

    (C) Both StatementIand StatementIIare trueand StatementIIis the correct explanation ofStatementI

    (D) Both StatementI and StatementIIare truebut StatementIIis not the correct explanationofStatementI

    Ans. (2)

    Sol. By 1750, one out ofeveryninepeopleofEnglandand Wa les lived in London. It w a sa co lossalcity with apopulationofabout 675,000. Over the nineteenth century,London continuedto expand.

    The cityofLondon was a powerful magnetformigrant populations, even thoughit did nothave largefactories.

    73. Consider thes tatementg iven be low and se lect the cor rect exp lanat ion from the responeses given therefter.

    Peopleofdepressed c lassesfoundit difficult to findhous inginBombayduring the late nineteenthcentury.(1) Bombay hada mere9.5 square yards average space per p ers on .(2) W a g e sof depressed c lasses were usual ly less than thatof others.

    (3) M os tpeopleofdepressed c lasses were keptout ofchaw ls .(4) People belongingto the depressed c lasses had f ixed space al lot ted per family.

    Ans. (3)Sol. Peoplewho belongedto the depressed c lasses found iteven moredifficult to findhousing.Lowercasteswere

    keptout ofmanychawls and often hadto live inshe l ters made ofcorrugated sheets , leaves,orbamboopoles.

    74. Consider thes tatementg iven be low and se lect the cor rect exp lanat ion from the responeses given therefter.In 1878 the VernacularPress Act was pas s ed,(1) Englishmen criticized the printed matter objectionableto theGovernment.

    (2)Af ter the Revoltof 1857 the B ritis hwantedto clampdown theIndian pres s .

    (3) Britis hrule neededto be celebratedbyjourna lsand papers(4) Nationalish newspapers grewin numbers and neededto becontrolled.

    Ans. (2)

    Sol. After the revoltof 1857, the attitudeto freedomof the press changed. Enraged Engl ishmen demanded a clamp

    down on the nat ive press. As vernac ular newspape rs becam e asser t ive ly nat ional ist , the co lon ia lgovernment

    began deba t ing meas uresofs tring ent control.In 1878, the VernacularPress Act was passed, modelled on the

    Ir ish PressLaws.


    75. Bythe18 century, whichofthe following commoditieswere producedon large plantation sinAmerica by s lavelabour and exportedto othercountries.

    (A) Grains such as what andbarley (B) Tropical fruit s such asbananasand oranges(C)Animal prod uc ts such aswool an dbeef (D)Cashc rops such as suger and cotton

    Ans. (4)Sol. InAm erica,bythe eighteenth century, plantations workedby slaves captured inAfrica were growing cottonand

    sugarforEuropean markets .

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    76. My stems are s uc c ulent,my leaves are most lythickIn which ca tegoryofthe following vegetation typeI an largelyfound?

    (A) Tropical deciduousforest (B) Montaneforest

    (C) Tropical therm forest andscrubs (D) Mangroveforest

    Ans. (3)Sol. Acacias, palm s , euphorbias and cacti are the main plant spec ies . Tr ees arescattered and have longroots

    penetrating d eepinto the s oilinorderto ge t mo is ture . The s tems a re s uc culenttoconserve water. Leavesaremostly thick and smalltominimize evaporat ion. These forests g ive wayto thorn forests and scrubsin aridareas.

    77. The fo llowing d iagram shows the genera l land use category in India. Identify the s hadedcategory

    (A) Net s ownarea

    (B) Forest

    (C) CurrentFallow

    (D) Barren and wasteland

    Ans. (2)


    78. Assertion(A) :Since 1981, grow th rateofpopulationin India has started declininggraduallyReason (R): Birth rateis dec l in ing Select the cor rect f option from the givenalternatives(A) BothA and R aretrue butRisnot the correct explanationof A.(B) Both A andR are f a ls e(C) Ais fa lseand R istrue.

    (D) Both A andR are true and Risthe correct explanationof A.Ans. (4)Sol. Since 1981,the rateofpopulation growth s tarted declining gradually. During this period,birth ratesdeclined


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    79. Whichofthe following diagram shows the approximate reliefofIndia around, 20N latitudefromDamantoBhubaneswar?


    Arabian Sea20N 20N

    Bay of Bengal


    Arabian Sea20N 20N

    Bay of Bengal


    Arabian Sea20N 20N

    Bay of Bengal


    Arabian Sea20N 20N

    Bay of Bengal

    Ans. (1)

    Sol. The We s tern Ghatsand the Eastern Ghats mark the w e s ternand the eas te rn edgesofthe DeccanPlateaurespectively. Western Ghatslieparallelto the western coast. The Western Ghats are higher thanthe

    Eastern Ghats. Their average e levat ion is900-

    1600 metres as against 600 metresof the

    Eastern Ghats. The Eastern Ghats stretchfromthe Mahanadi Valleyto the N ig irisinthe s outh.

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    80. Iden tify the right pairfrom thefollowing:Place Source ofEnergy

    (A) Ennore (i) Nuclear(B) RawatBhata (ii) Thermal

    (C) Kopili (iii) Hydro electric

    (D) Nagarcoil (iv) Wind

    (1) A iv, B ii, C iii, D i (2) A i, B iii, C ii, D - iv

    (3) A ii, B i, C iii, D iv (3) A ii, B i, C iv, D iiiAns.



    Ennore- Therma l power- stationin Tamilnadu

    Rawa tbhata- Nuclear power s tationin Rajasth an

    Kopili- Hydel powerproject

    Nagarcoil - Tamilnadu

    81. The pe nins ularpartofIndia experiences peak summers earlier than northern India.(1) Dueto apparent northward m ovementofthe sun, the global heat beltss hiftnorthwards.

    (2) Cold wavesfromcentra l As ia sweep s through the nor thern p la ins dur ing thattime(3) Thereis lessrainfallinthe penins ularIndia duringthat time(4) Cloudsdo not form inthosemonths.

    Ans. (1)

    Sol. Due to theapparentnorthward movementof thesun,the global heatbeltshiftsnorthward. In March, thehighest temperature is about 38 Celsius, recorded on the Dec can p la teau. In April, tempera turesin Gujaratand

    Madhya Pradesh are around 42 Celsius. In May, temperatureof45 C elsiusiscommoninth enorthwesternpartsofthecountry.

    82. National Highway7 isthe longest national highwayin India, which traverses between Varanasiand Kanya

    Kumari. Identify the places onroute from North to South.

    (1)Nagpur JabalpurBangalore Hyderabad Madurai(2)JabalpurNagpurHyderabad Bangalore Madurai

    (3)JabalpurNagpurBangalore Hyderabad Madurai

    (4) Nag pur Jabalpur Hyderabad Banga lore Madurai

    Ans. (2)83. The p roces sofm anufacturingofcotton garment is depictedinthe followingflow diagram. Identify thecorrect

    sequence .

    1 2 3 4

    (a) Dyeing andfinishing

    (b) Fiberproduction(c) Garmentmanufacture

    (d) Weaving(1) 1b, 2a, 3c,4d (2) 1b, 2d, 3c,4a (3) 1b, 2d, 3a,4c (4) 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c

    Ans. (3)

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    84. Match the fresh water lakes on the m ap of India(I, II, III, IV) withtheir respective names.

    (A) Bhimtal (B )Loktak (C )Barapani (D) Dal lake(1) A III, B II, C I, D IV (2) A IV, B III, C II, D I

    (3) A III, B I, C II, D IV (4) A IV, B III, C I, D II

    Ans. (3)85. A major line of latitude that passes throughM iz oram alsopassesthrough which one of the following


    (1)Nagaland (2) Odisha (3) Bihar (4)Jharkhand

    Ans. (4)86. Ob s e rvethe following graphof a particular place.Itis s ituatedatan altitudeof 224meters above M eanSea

    level and at latitude2618N

    Identify the typeofnatural vegetation mostlikely to befound in th isplace.(1) Montaneforest (2) Mangroveforest (3) Tropicalthorn forest (4) Tropical evergreenforest

    Ans. (3)

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    (1) 6.11 a.m. (2) 1.49 a.m. (3) 2.49 a.m. (4) 1.49p.m.

    Ans. (4)

    87. Identifythe state from given names which has all the following characteris tics(A) Its annual rainfallis 200400cm.(B) Mos tofthe areaisc overed underwith alluvial s oil.(C) Riceis the predominant cropofth is s tate.(1) Punjab (2*) Assam (3) Odisha (4) Tam il Nadu

    88. With the helpofgiven mapidentifythe datesofadvancing Monsoonin India.

    (1*) I 1June;II 10June;III 15 July (2) I 1June;II 10June;III 1 July

    (3) I 15June;II 15 July; III 15 August (4) I 15 July; II 10June;III 1 June


    89. Match the placeswith altitude

    Colu mn I (Altitudein

    meters above Mean

    Sea Level)

    Column II


    I. 1461 A. Nagpur

    II. 6 B. Shillong

    III. 224 C. Jodhpur

    IV. 312 D. Kolkata

    (1) I-D, II-A, III-C, IV-B (2) I-C, II-A, III-B, IV-D

    (3*) I-B, II-D, III-C, IV-A (4) I-B, I I-A, III-C,IV-D

    90. What wasthe localtime inTokyo s ituatedat13945 East longitude, when the Pre s ident of Indiawas ho is ting

    the IndianNational Flagin the pres enceof JapanesePrime M inis terat 10 a.m. in New Delhi?The viewerin

    Japan were watch ing l ive te lecastofth isevent.

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    91. The following statements are about democracy in the contemporaryworld.

    A. Democracy expanded throughout the 20thcentury.

    B. Democracydid not spread evenly throughout theworld

    C. All the m em ber s ta tesofthe International Monetary Fund (IMF) are dem ocracie s.

    D.All the permanentm em be rs ofthe UnitedN ation s Security Council are dem ocrac ie s .

    (1*) A and B (2) A, B and C (3) A, B and D (4) B, C and D

    92. Match thefollowing

    A. AbrahamLincoln (i) How long shall we continueto deny equalityin oursocial and e conomic life ?Ifwe continueto deny it forlong, wewill dosoonly by putting our politicaldemocracyin peril.

    B. MahatmaGandhi (ii) Democracy is government ofthe people, by the people andforthepeople.

    C. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (iii) The serviceof India means the serviceofthe million swho s uffer.It meanstheendingofpover ty and ignorance and d isease and inequal i ty of opportunity.

    D. JawaharlalNehru (IV) Ishallwork foranIndia inwhich... all communit ie sshalllivein perfectharmony. There can beno room in such anIndia forthe curseof untouch


    (1) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III (2*) A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III

    (3) A-I, B-III, C-IV, D-II (4) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV

    93. Parliamentof India consistsof

    (1) Rajya Sabhaand Lok Sabha

    (2*) P res ident ,R ajya Sabha andLok Sabha

    (3) Election Comm ission, Rajy a Sabha andLok Sabha

    (4) President, Election Com mission, Ra jya Sabha andLok Sabha

    94. Whichofthe followingisnot a featureof a democraticform of government?

    (1) Majorityrule (2) Rightsofminorities

    (3) Universal adultfranchise (4*) Majoritarianism

    95. Whichofthe following institutions have reserved seatsfor women?

    A. Lok Sabha

    B. RajyaSabha


    D. Municipalities

    E. Panchayats

    (1) A, C, D, E (2) B, C, D, E (3*) D andE (3) E only

    96. The following are majorchanges that occurredin agriculturein the post-IndependentIndia.

    A. U se ofhigh yielding variety(HYV) s e eds

    B. IntroductionofGeneticallymodified (GM) crops

    C. Applicationofchem ical fertilizersandpe sticide s

    D. Organicfanning

    Whichofthe above signifies Green Revolution oflate1960sa nd1970s ?

    (1) A and B (2) B and C (3*) A and C (4) B and D

    97. Information relatingto which of the followingaspec tsareus edtodeterminethe human development in a

    country?(1) Health, education andpoverty (2) Inequality, h ealth andeducation

    (3*) Health, educat ion andincome (4) Womens health, education andincome

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    98. A fatherin a farm produces100 kgofpaddyin one acreofland during every season. One year, his sonjoined

    hin in farming.W hichof the following definitelyind icatesdisguised unemployment ?

    (1*)Output remainsa t100 kilogram s (2) Output increasedto 150kilograms

    (3) Output increasedto 20 0kilograms (3) Output increasedto 250kilograms

    99. Howm em be rs hipin a Self Help Group helpsa poorrural woma n?

    (1) Fac ilitatesherhow to help herselfin daily work

    (2)To work togetherin factories and get regularemployment

    (3*)To overcome the problemoflack of collateral asborrowingis basedon thegroup

    (4) To ge t free mone yfrom thegovenment

    100. Though consumersin India h asthe right to information about the producthe /she pu rchas es,which of the

    fo llowing aspectsofa product, the producer neednot informt he c onsum er ?

    (1) Dateof production (2) Dateof expiry

    (3)Addr e ssoftheproducer (4*) The production process