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NTC's Dictionary of Everyday America English Expressions

Oct 14, 2015



Deepak Tolani

Imp Phrases
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Basic Social EncountersGreetingsSimple Greetings1. Hi!2. Hello!3. Hello there!4. Howdy!5. Hey!6. Yo!General Greetings1. How are you?2. Hows it going?3. Hows it been?4. How is everything?5. How have you been?6. How you been? (Informal)7. What have you been up to?8. Whats new? (Informal)9. Whats up? (Informal)10. Whats happening? (Slang)11. Whats going on? (Slang)Greetings for various times of the day1. Good morning2. Morning3. How are you this bright morning?4. Good afternoon5. Afternoon6. Good evening7. EveningGreeting a person you have not seen in a long time1. I have not seen you in years!2. Long time no see (informal)3. I have not seen you in an age!4. I havnt seen you in a month of Sundays!Expressing surprise at meeting someone1. What a surprise to meet you here!2. Imagine meeting you here! (clich)3. Fancy meeting you here (clich)4. Never thought I would see you here!5. What are you doing in this neck of the woods? (neck of woods = part of town, location)6. Where have you been hiding yourself?7. What have you been upto?8. Shouldnt you be at work / in school?9. Have you been keeping busy?10. You been keeping busy?11. Been keeping busy?After you have greeted someone1. We seem to keep running into each other2. Havent we met before?3. We have to stop meeting like this (clich)4. Didnt we meet at the party last week?5. I am sorry. I have forgotten you name6. I have been meaning to call you

SMALL TALKExpressing your state of health and happiness1. Fine2. Im fine3. Im cool (slang)4. Keeping cool5. Dandy (informal)6. Fine and dandy7. Great8. Couldnt be better9. Happy as a clam (clich)10. Okay11. All right12. (i) cant complain13. No complaints14. I have nothing to complain about

Telling how have you been doing positive1. Keeping busy2. Keeping myself busy3. Been keeping myself busy4. Keeping out of trouble5. Been keeping out of trouble6. Been up to no good (informal)7. Been keeping my nose clean (informal)Telling how have you been doing neutral1. Getting by2. Been getting by3. Fair to middling (folksy)4. So-so (informal)5. Plugging along (informal)6. Could be worse7. Could be better8. (just) muddling through9. Same as always10. Same as usualTelling how have you been doing Negative1. Not so good2. Not good3. Not too good4. Not well5. Not very well6. Not so well7. Not too well8. Not so hot9. Not too hot10. None too hot11. Not great12. Not so great13. Crummy (slang)14. Kind of crummy (slang)15. Lousy (slang)16. I have seen better days17. I have had better days18. Could be better19. I have been better20. I have been under the weatherExplaining that you have been busy1. I am busy2. Keeping busy3. Keeping myself busy4. Been keeping myself busy5. Im swamped (swamped = owerwelmed)6. I dont have time to breathe7. I dont have time to think8. There arent enough hours in a day9. Not a moment to spareInviting a friend for a drink or coffee1. Do you have time for coffee?2. How about a cup of coffee?3. Lets go get coffee. Do you have any time?4. Lets for for coffee5. Lets go for a better6. Lets go for a drink

INTRODUCTIONSIntroducing someone to someone else1. Id like you to meet my friend Mary2. Id like you to meet Mary3. This is my friend Mary4. John, (this is) Mary. Mary, John5. Mary, do you know John?6. Do you know each other?7. Have you met?8. Have you two been introduced?9. Havent you been introduced?10. Oh, Im sorry; how silly of me. This is Mary11. You too have a lot in common12. Mary, John is the guy I was telling you about (Informal)When you have just been introduced to someone1. Good to meet you2. Nice to meet you3. Nice meeting you4. How nice to meet you (formal)5. How very nice to meet you (formal)6. What a pleasure to meet you (formal)7. Its a pleasure to have finally met you (formal)8. I am pleased to make your acquaintance (formal)9. Im happy to meet you10. Im glad to meet you 11. Glad to meet you12. Charmed (formal)13. A pleasure (formal)After you have been introduced to someone1. Ive been wanting to meet you for sometime2. John has told me all about you3. John has told me so much about you4. I have heard so much about you5. I have heard so much about you that I feel I know you already6. So we finally meet face-to-face7. Im sorry, what was your name again?8. I didnt catch your name. I am terrible at namesAsking how someone is1. How are you?2. Hows your family?3. Hows the family?4. How are you doing?5. How are you doing today?6. How you doing?7. Are you doing OK?8. How are you feeling?9. Are you feeling better today?10. How have you been?11. How you been?Asking someone how things are going1. Howre things?2. Howre things with you?3. Howre things going?4. Hows with you?5. Hows business?6. Hows everything?7. Hows everything going?8. Hows it going?9. How goes it?10. How goes it with you?11. How are you getting on?12. How are you getting along?13. Hows the world (been) treating you?

ENDING A CONVERSATIONSignaling the end of a conversation1. Oh, look at the time!2. Its getting later3. Well, Tom, its really good to see you, but I really must go4. Its been fun talking to you5. Its been nice chatting with you6. Its so good to see you again7. We have to make plans to get together sometime8. Lets do lunch sometimeEnding a telephone conversation1. I really have to go now. We will talk sometime2. There is someone on the other line, I must say good-bye now3. The doorbell is ringing. Ill call you back4. Can I call you back? Something has come up5. I have to get back to my work. Ill call again later6. Can we continue this later? My other line is ringing7. I have to get back to work before the boss sees me8. I wont keep you any longer9. Ill let you go nowEnding a conversation abruptly1. I am going to have to run2. Im all out of time. Ill have to say good-bye now3. Look at the time. I really must go4. Its been great talking to you, but I have to go5. Wow! Im late. Look, Ill call you6. Sorry, but I have to leave now7. Lets continue this another time. I really must go

GOOD-BYESSimple good-byes1. Good-bye2. Bye3. Bye-bye4. So long5. Ta-ta (Informal)6. Farewell7. Cheerio8. Hasta la vista (Spanish)9. Adios (Spanish)10. Sayonara (Spanish)11. Adieu (French)12. Ciao (Italian)13. Good day (formal)14. Good night15. Good-bye until later16. Good-bye until next time17. Good-bye for now18. See you later19. Later20. I will try to catch you later21. Catch you later22. I will talk to you soon23. Lets get together soon24. Ill be seeing you25. Ill see you real soon26. See you27. See ya (informal)28. See you soon29. See you around30. See you in a little while31. See you next year32. See you then33. See you tomorrowTaking leave of someone1. Good running into you2. Nice running into you3. Nice talking to you4. Take care5. Good to see you6. Nice to see you7. Nice meeting you8. It was a pleasure meeting you9. Its a pleasure meeting you10. Its been a real pleasureLeaving a place1. Are we ready to leave?2. Are we about finished?3. Are you ready to go?4. Ready to go?5. Lets head out6. Lets hit the roadMaking plans to keep in touch with someone1. Ill call you when I get home2. Call when you get there3. Dont forget to call4. Write me5. Lets write6. Ill be in touch7. Lets keep in touch

AGREEINGSimple Agreement1. Yes2. Yeah (informal)3. Yep (informal)4. Yup (informal)5. Right6. You are right7. Right you are8. Right on!9. Sure10. You got it11. You bet12. Absolutely13. By all meansStating your concurrence14. That is true15. You are right16. Aint that the truth?17. thats for certain18. thats for sure19. thats for darn sure20. thats for damn sure (mildly vulgar)21. dam straight!22. It works for me23. Well said24. I agree25. I agree with you 100%26. I couldnt agree with you more27. I have no problem with that28. We see eye to eye on this29. I couldnt have said it better30. You took the words right out of my mouthExpressing acceptance31. Its fine32. I think its fine33. Its good enough34. Its satisfactory35. Itll do36. Itll serve the purpose37. I like it38. I love it39. I think its great40. I like the color / flavor / texture41. Its got a good rhythm42. Its wonderful43. Its a masterpiece44. Its perfect45. Its A-146. This is second to none47. This is far and away the best48. This is the ultimate49. Never been better50. It does not get any better than this51. I have never seen anything like this52. Thats just what I needed53. Thats it54. Its in a league of its own55. I give it four stars

Stating that you understand1. I hear you2. I hear you, man.3. I hear what you are saying4. I see what you are saying5. I can see that6. I see what you mean7. I see where youre coming from8. I know9. I know what you mean10. Point well-taken11. Understood12. I got you13. Gotcha14. I follow you15. I am with you16. I am there with you17. I have been there18. Read you loud and clear

Making sure you are understood1. Do you know what I mean?2. Do you know what I am talking about?3. Know what I mean?4. Does that make sense?5. Am I talking sense?6. Are you following me?7. Know what Im saying?8. You know?9. Do you see what I mean?10. Do you get the message?11. Do you get the picture?12. Do you understand?13. Do you agree?14. You are with me. Right?15. Are you with me on this?16. Do we see eye to eye on this?

DISAGREEINGStating simple disagreement or refusal1. No2. Nope3. No way4. Not a chance5. Uh-uh6. I dont think soStating categorical disagreement1. Thats not true2. Thats not right3. You have got that wrong4. Wrong5. You missed the boat6. Wrong on both counts7. You are wrong8. You are dead wrong9. You are off10. You are way off baseStating strong disagreement1. I disagree completely2. I couldnt disagree more3. Horsefeathers!4. Bullshit (taboo)5. Thats a load of crap (mildly vulgar)6. Thats a lot of bull (mildly vulgar)7. Lies8. That is a lie9. You are lying through your teeth10. Look me in the eye and say thatStating your disagreement with a proposition1. Thats out of question2. Thats unthinkable3. Thats insane4. That doesnt even merit a response5. I will give that all consideration its dueExpressing rejection1. I cant stand it2. I hate it3. I dont care for it4. I dont like it5. Its not my stle6. Its not for me7. It stinks (informal)8. It sucks (mildly vulgar)9. It reeks (informal)10. My kid could do that11. Its awful12. Its terrible13. Its ugly14. Its hideous15. Its dreadful16. Its hell on earth (informal)17. I dont get it18. Dont quit your day jobExpressing refusal1. No 2. Nope3. No, sir4. Sorry5. Nothing doing6. You are out of luck7. Not a chance8. No chance9. Not if I can help it10. Not likely11. Not bloody likely (mildly vulgar)12. Absolutely not!13. Dream on14. Save your breath15. Save it16. You are barking up the wrong tree17. Over my dead body18. Forget it19. Not in a million years20. Not for a million dollars21. You couldnt pay me to do it22. Not in your wildest dreams23. You wish24. Youre SOL (Informal) SOL = Shit out of luckStating that someone is wrong1. What are you talking about?2. You dont know what you are talking about3. You dont have a leg to stand on4. You dont know the first thing about it5. You are really stretching the truth6. You are way off base7. You can lay that notion to restArguing about the facts1. You have got it all wrong2. You have got the facts wrong3. I dont think you have got your facts straight4. Dont jump to conclusions

CONVERSATIONAL ENCOUNTERSFocusing AttentionGetting someones attention1. Pardon me (informal)2. Excuse me3. Hey! (informal)Getting someone to listen to you1. Look here (informal)2. Listen up (informal)3. Listen here (informal)4. Now hear this! (informal)5. Hear me out6. Are you listening to me?7. Are you paying attention?8. I am talking to you9. Do I have your ear?10. Can I bend your ear a minute?11. Am I making myself heard?Directing attention to an object1. Look at this2. Take a look at this3. Feast your eyes on this4. Look what we have here5. Can you eyeball this? (eyeball=to look at)6. Can you believe my eyes7. I dont believe my eyes8. Do my eyes deceive me?9. Thats a sight for sore eyesConfirming that you are paying attention1. I hear you2. I heard you3. Im listening4. Im still here5. Im all ears

LAUNCHING THE CONVERSATIONStarting an informal conversation1. Guess what?2. Have you heard the latest?3. Did you hear what happened?4. You will never guess what I heard5. Guess what I just found out6. You wont believe thisInviting someone to talk1. You got a minute?2. Got a minute?3. I need to talk4. Can we talk?5. Can I talk to you?6. May I have a word with you? (formal)7. Lets talk8. Lets chew the fat (slang)Coming to the point of the matter1. May I be frank?2. Let me be perfectly clear3. Read my lips4. Long story short (clich)5. Let me spell it out for you6. Heres the bottom lineRequesting that the speaker get to the point1. Whats your point?2. Whats the point?3. Whats the bottom line?4. What are you trying to say?5. What are you trying to tell me?6. Get to the point7. Get to the heart of the matterVarious conversation phrases1. If I may = if I may interrupt / if I may add some information2. Pardon my French = pardon my use of vulgar words3. If you know what I mean = I assume you understand what I meanEncouraging someone to speak plainly1. Enough already (informal)2. Give it to me in plain english3. Dont beat around the bush4. Stop beating around the bush5. Stop circucmventing the issue6. Stop speaking in circles7. What does that mean in English?Noting digressions in a conversation1. Thats beside the point2. Thats beside the question3. Thats not the issue4. Thats irrelevant5. That has nothing to do with what I am talking about6. Thats another story7. Thats a different ball of wax8. Thats a horse of different color9. Thats a different kettle of fish10. You are getting off the subject11. As you were saying.12. Getting back to the point13. But I digress (formal)Repeating what you have said1. Let me repeat myself2. Allow me to repeat myself (formal)3. As I have said4. To reiterate5. To repeatAnswers to How did you find out?1. I heard it through the grapevine (grapevine=chain of rumors)2. A little bird told me (clich)3. I have my sources4. Its common knowledge5. Word travels fast (clich)6. News travels fast (clich)7. None of your business (informal)8. Just never mind9. We have our ways

MAKING FRIENDSExpressing Friendship1. We are very close2. We are the closest of friends3. We are the best of friends4. We are pretty tight5. Shes a dear friend6. Shes like a sister to me7. Hes like the brother I never had8. Were like brothersCommenting on uniqueness of someone1. Hes one of a kind2. What a character!3. They dont make them like him anymore (clich)4. After they made him, they broke the mold (clich)Commenting on personal similarities1. We are two of a kind2. We are cut from the same cloth3. We are made from the same mold4. We are birds of a feather (clich)5. We are like two peas in a podExpressions used to make friends at a bar or caf1. May I join you?2. Is this stool taken?3. Is this seat taken?4. Do you care if I join you?5. Mind if I join you?6. Could I buy you a drink?7. Would you like to play darts?Inviting someone to dance1. Care to dance?2. Would you like to dance?Approaching the opposite sex1. Thats a pretty outfit (male to female)2. Thats a pretty dress (male to female)3. Dont I know you from somewhere?4. Didnt we go to high school together?5. Need a lift?

COMPLEX MATTERSExpressing support for someone1. Ill stand by you2. Im standing behind you3. I am 100% behind you4. Im with you5. Im on your side6. You have got my support7. You have got my backing8. You have got my vote9. You can count on me10. You can lean on me11. You can trust me12. You can put your trust in me13. You can put your faith in meOffering to help someone1. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know2. Let me know if there is anything I can do3. Im here if you need me4. If you need me, call.5. I will always be there for youExpressing trust in someone1. I have faith in you2. I have utmost faith in you3. I have complete faith in you4. I trust you completely5. I trust you implicitly6. I have faith in you7. I have confidence in youExpressing encouragement1. Go on; you can do it!2. Just one more3. Just a little harder4. Stick with it5. Stay at it6. Go for it7. Give it a shot (shot=try)8. Give it your best shot9. Keep at it10. Hang in there11. Hang tough12. Stick to itEncouraging someone to try something1. Have a go at it (a go=a try)2. Take a shot at it3. Take a stab at it4. Take a crack at it5. It wont hurt you to try it6. Everybody is doing it7. Everyone else is doing it8. Try your luck9. See what you can do10. Nothing ventured, nothing gained (clich)11. Go on12. Get going13. Get going already14. Get moving15. No pain, no gain (clich)16. Get a move onEncouraging someone to stop stalling and do something1. Lets see some action2. Its now or never3. Fish or cut bait4. I expect to see some results soon5. You are letting the world pass you byExpressing dissatisfaction with someone1. That wont do2. That doesnt cut it3. That doesnt make the grade (to make the grade to quality)4. Is that it?5. Its not up to snuff6. You call that finished?Asking someone to wait1. Wait2. Wait a moment3. Wait a minute4. Wait a sec(ond)5. Wait one moment6. Wait it out7. Wait your turn8. Hold your horses9. Hold your pants onEncouraging someone to be patient and take things slowly1. Take things as they come2. Take it as it comes3. Take it one day at a time4. Time will tell (clich) we will know more in time5. Rome wasnt built in a day6. A watched pot never boils7. Good things come to him who waits (clich)8. One step at a time9. It will work out in the end10. Theres time for everything11. Everything will fall into place12. In the long run, everything will be OK13. It aint over till the fat lady sings (clich)Giving advice to someone whose life is too busy1. You cant please everybody2. You cant be all things to all people3. You are burning the candle at both the ends4. You are taking too many things on5. You are overcommitted6. You are overdoing it7. You are carrying the world on your shoulders8. You need to set your prioritiesGiving instructions to someone you have lent something1. Take care of it2. I am trusting you to take good care of it3. Keep an eye on it4. Guard it with your life5. I want this back6. I want it back in one piece7. Bring it back in one pieceIntroducing a secret1. Just between you and me2. Just between you, me and the lamppost..3. I am telling you this in confidence4. Can you keep a secret?5. Dont let this get around, but6. ConfidentiallyInstructions about keeping a secret1. Better keep quiet / still about it2. Keep it to yourself3. Dont breathe a word of this to anyone4. Dont let it out of this room5. Dont let this go any further6. Dont tell a soul7. Play dumb8. This is top secret9. This is for your eyes only10. This is for your ears only11. Dont say who told you12. This is off the record (off the record not to be reported or quoted)13. This is not for public knowledge14. This is not for publication15. This is not to be quoted16. This is not for the recordPromising to keep a secret1. I wont tell a soul2. My lips are sealed3. It wont leave this room4. I will take it to my grave (I will die without telling the secret to anyone)Forgetfulness1. Where was i?2. What was I saying?3. What were we talking about?4. I dont remember5. I am little absentminded6. I have lost my train of thought7. Its at the tip of my tongue (its almost ready to be said)8. Its slipped my mind9. The thought escapes me10. Its left my headWhen you are in trouble?1. I am in trouble 2. I am in big / deep trouble3. My job is on line4. My reputation is at stakeWhen someone is in trouble1. You have really screwed up2. How could you do something so stupid?3. What kind of mess did you get yourself into?4. Thats another fine mess you have gotten us into5. How are you doing to dig yourself out of this one?When you are out of money1. I am broke2. I am dead / flat broke3. I dont have a dollar to my name4. I am busted 5. My pockets are empty6. I have empty pockets7. All I have is my good name8. All I have is the shirt on nmy back9. I dont know where my next meal is coming from10. My savings are wiped out11. I have lost everything12. I am bankrupt

Expressing stress or anxiety1. I am going nuts2. I am losing my mind3. I am freaking out4. I am mad at world5. I need a break6. I need more sleep7. My head is going to explode8. Everything is getting on my nerves9. I cant take it anymore10. I cant take another problem11. I cant deal with this anymore12. I am on pins and needlesWhen someone is anxious and under stress1. Calm down2. Control yourself3. Dont worry yourself sick4. Dont loose sleep over it5. Dont let it get you6. Dont trouble yourself7. You will send yourself to an early grave

DISPUTESAsking someone in disbelief or disagreement1. Truly?2. Really?3. No kidding?4. No fooling?5. Are you serious?6. Are you pulling my leg?7. Are you bullshitting me?

POLITE ENCOUNTERSA preface to asking a question1. Excuse me2. Pardon me3. Excuse me for asking4. If you dont mind my asking5. Its none of my business, but.A preface to making a statement1. If I may so2. If I may be so bold3. If its okay with you4. If it pleases you5. Please be advised that6. For your information7. As you are awareWhen you do not speak a particular language1. I am sorry. I dont understand 2. I am sorry. I dont speak FrenchWhen you do not understand what was said1. Pardon me?2. Excuse me?3. Again please4. Im sorry. I missed that5. I didnt quite get that6. What did you say?7. What?8. What was that?9. Come again

TELLING TIMEAsking the time of the day1. What time is it?2. Could you tell me what time it is?3. Do you know what time it is?4. Could I bother you for time?The time is 12:00 o clock1. Its twelve noon2. Its noon3. Its twelve midnight4. Its midnightOffering to let someone enter in front of you1. After you2. Ladies first3. You first4. Age before beauty5. Be my guest

SHOWING GRATITUDESaying thank you formal1. Thank you2. Thank you very much3. Thank you so much4. Thank you for all you have done5. You have my thanks6. You have my gratitude7. I am deeply grateful8. I am in your debt9. I am indebted to you10. Thanks ever so much11. Thanks very muchSaying thank you informal1. Thanks2. Thanks much3. Thanks for everything4. Thanks so much5. Thanks a million6. Thanks a bunch7. I owe you one8. I owe you big9. I owe you big-time

RETURNING THANKSAcknowledging someones thanks formal1. You are welcome2. You are most welcome3. You are entirely welcome4. My pleasure5. It was my pleasure6. The pleasure was mine7. The pleasure was all mine8. The pleasure was entirely mineAcknowledging someones thanks informal1. It was nothing2. Dont mention it3. No problem4. Any time5. No trouble36. No skin off my nose7. No skin off my teeth

SPECIAL OCCASIONSSeeing a new baby1. Oh, isnt he cute!2. Isnt he the sweetest thing!3. Shes beautiful4. Shes so big5. What an adorable baby!6. His eyes are just like his fathers7. Her nose looks like her mothersAsking about a new baby1. How much does he weigh?2. Was he early?3. Was she late?4. Whats his name?5. Who is she named after?6. Has he been sleeping well?7. Can I hold her?Wishing someone well1. Happy birthday!2. Many happy returns3. Happy anniversary!4. Congratulations!5. Good luck!6. Best wishes!7. All the best!8. Have a good time!9. Have a good trip!Expressing sympathy at a funeral or wake1. I am sorry2. I am so sorry3. You have my sympathy4. You have my deepest sympathy5. My heart goes out to you6. I share your sorrow7. I share your pain8. We will keep you in our prayersWhen someone argues too much1. Dont contradict me2. You see everything in black and white3. If I said it was black, youd say it was white4. You are just being contrary5. You are just disagreeing to disagree6. You are just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing7. You are just playing devils advocate8. You are just arguing for the sake of arguing9. You just like to hear yourself talkWhen someone is being annoying1. Would you stop that?2. Could you please stop doing that?3. You are really trying my patience4. Thats really annoying5. Thats really irritating6. Thats driving me nuts7. Thats really bothersome8. Thats really bothering me9. Thats really bugging me10. Thats really getting on my nerves11. Why dont you rub a little salt in the wound?12. Why dont you twist the knife in my back?When someone makes an unwelcome intervention1. Who asked you?2. Who asked your opinion?3. When I want your opinion. I will ask for it4. Who invited you?5. You are not invited6. You are not welcome here7. We dont want your kind around hereStarting a fight1. Do you want to step outside (and settle this)?2. Would you like to step outside?Asking someone to leave your property alone1. Hands off!2. Excuse me, thats mine.3. Did I say you could touch that?When someone overreacts1. Relax2. Dont get bent out of shape3. Dont make a federal case out of it4. Like its such a big deal5. Its no big deal6. You are making a mountain out of a molehill7. Dont bite my head off8. Sue me9. So sue meRequesting silence1. Quiet!2. Be quiet!3. Keep quiet!4. Keep still!5. Be still!6. Hush!7. Silence!8. Hold your tongue!9. Not another word10. Clam up!11. Button your lip!When someone is not doing enough1. You are not doing your share2. You are not doing your fair share3. You are not carrying your weight4. You are slacking off5. You are not reaching your potentialWhen someone starts trouble1. Stop stirring things up2. You like to make trouble, dont you?3. Dont you have anything better to do?4. Get a job5. Get a hobby

VISITSGUESTS AND HOSTSAsking to visit someone1. Are you free later today2. Could I come over later today?3. Do you mind if I stop by later today?4. Would it be a problem if I dropped by for a few minutes?5. Are you busy or can I come over?6. When would be the good time for me to come over?7. Whens a good time for you?8. Ill be there

When you are invited to an informal mean in a home1. Do I need to bring anything?2. Would you like me to bring anything?3. Can I bring something?4. Should I bring something?5. Let me bring dessertExplaining why one is late1. I misjudged the time2. I didnt realize it was so late3. I lost track of time4. I overslept5. My alarm did not go off6. I got sidetracked (sidetracked distracted)7. My last appointment ran over8. I had to run an errand9. I had to get money10. I couldnt get a taxi11. Traffic was slow12. Traffic was hell13. I was stuck in traffic14. I got lost15. It took me longer to get here that I thought it would16. It took longer than I expected to get here17. I didnt realize this was so far away18. I couldnt find a parking placeGreetings for visitors1. Look whos here!2. Well, look whos here?3. Fancy meeting you hereInviting a visitor to come in1. Come on in2. Come right on in3. Do come in4. Please come in5. Come in and make yourself at homeAfter greeting a visitor1. What a nice surprise!2. I am delighted to have you3. I am so glad you could come by4. I am so glad you could drop by5. I am so glad you could stop by / visit

Making a visitor welcome and comfortable1. Make yourself comfortable2. Make yourself comfy3. Make yourself right at home4. My house is your house5. If there is anything you need, dont hesitate to askEncouraging a guest to be independent1. Please go around and introduce yourself to everyone2. Just go in and meet everyone3. Get yourself a drink and something to eatStarting a conversation using the topic of weather1. Nice weather we are having2. Lousy weather, isnt it?3. Its raining again4. Its bright and sunny5. The sun is shining6. What a downpour!What to say when in a crowded place1. Its too crowded here2. We are packed in like sardines3. This party is wall to wall people4. I need some elbowroom5. Theres no room to breathe

MISCELLANEOUS EXPRESSIONSComments and PhrasesGeneral Exclamations1. Wow!2. Gosh!3. Gee!4. Holy cow!5. Holy smoke!6. Imagine that!7. Can you beat that!8. Fancy that!Expressing death1. She died2. Shes deceased3. She expired4. She perished5. She passed on6. She passed away7. Hes no long among us8. Hes gone to a better land9. She met her make10. Shes joined the angels in heaven11. The lord took her home12. He quit this world13. Shes six feet underExpressing differences between people clichs1. Different strokes for different folks2. One mans meat is another mans poison3. One mans trash is another mans treasure4. Tastes differ5. There is no accounting for taste6. Variety is the spice of life7. It takes all kinds to make a worldWarning 1. Be prepared!2. Be careful!3. Watch out!4. Watch your step!5. Proceed with caution!

Cause and effect clichs1. April showers bring may flowers2. One good turn deserves another3. One thing leads to another

PERSONAL MATTERSFeelingsAsking if someone is alright1. Are you ok?2. Are you alright?3. Life got you down?4. Are things getting you down?Asking why someone looks so unhappy1. Whats the matter?2. Someone got you down?3. Why are you so blue? (blue sad)4. Why is your face so long?Encouraging someone who is unhappy1. Cheer up!2. Things are never as bad as they seem3. It will workout4. Dont let it get you down5. Chin up6. Keep your chin up7. Things will get better8. Tomorrow is another day9. Its always darkest before dawn10. There is no point in carrying the weight of the world on your shouldersWhen you are depressed1. I am depressed2. I am feeling low3. I am feeling down4. I am feeling blue (blue sad)5. I am out of sortsExpressing despair and emptiness1. My heart is heavy2. My heart is broken3. I am downhearted4. I am heartbroken

THE SENSESDifficulty in hearing1. I am sorry, I am hard of hearing2. I am sorry, I am hearing-impaired3. He suffered a hearing loss4. Hes stone deafLacking an ear for music1. I dont have an ear for music2. Im stone deaf3. Hes got an ear for the pianoThe taste of foods1. Delicious2. That tastes great3. Thats unfit for human consumptionExpressing hunger1. I am hungry2. I am famished3. I am stared4. My mouth is watering5. The stew is mouth wateringIdentifying smells1. Whats that well?2. What smells?3. Do you smell something?4. Whats that fragrance?5. Whats that aroma?6. Whats that stench?LOVE AND SEXAsking someone for a date1. Are you free Saturday evening?2. What are you upto this weekend?3. Would you like to go to dinner?4. I was wondering if you would like to go out

Concerning attraction1. He is really cute2. She is really attractive3. She is really a doll4. She is really pretty5. What a doll

FAMILY MATTERSHOMELIFEScolding a child1. Behave2. Behave yourself3. Be good4. Be a good girl5. Thats enough of that!

FOOD AND DRINKSupermarketsLocating things in a supermarket1. Where will I find ketchup?2. Do you carry diet root beer?3. What aisle is the canned salmon in?4. In what aisle is frozen food?5. Where is chocolate milk?When supplies run out at a grocery store1. I am afraid we are out of that item2. I am afraid we dont carry that3. I am afraid we dont have it in stock

FAST FOODA fast-food clerk taking an order1. Can I take your order?2. May I take your order, please?3. What would you like?4. May I help you?A fast food clerk asking where the food will be eaten1. For here or to go?2. Will this be for here or to go?3. Do you want that to go?4. Are you going to eat it here?1. 2. No ketchup3. No onions4. Hold the onions5. Hold the mayo6. Go easy on the onions7. Take it easy on the onions8. Take it easy with the onions

CAFES AND SANDWICH SHOPSPlacing an order in caf1. I would like burger and fries2. I will have a cheese burger and fries3. I will have an order of fries4. A large bowl of chillies, please.

RESTAURANTSAsking for a table at a restaurant1. A table for one / two2. Two, please3. I would like a non-smoking table for two4. I have a reservationRequesting attention from a waiter or waitress1. Can you come here when you have a second?2. Oh, waiter!3. Oh, miss!4. Excuse me, maam.5. Pardon me6. Excuse meAsking about the location of a rest room in apublic building1. Is there somewhere I could wash my hands?2. Where are the public rest rooms?3. Where is the washroom?4. Where is the mens room?5. Where is the ladies room?6. Where would I find the rest rooms?Requests to have the uneaten food wrapped so it can be taken home1. Could you wrap this, please?2. I would like to take the rest3. I would like to take the rest homeAsking for the bill in a restaurant1. Could I have the bill?2. Could I have the check?3. We would like the bill, please.4. Check, please.5. Separate checks, please.

HEALTH AND APPEARANCEWhen someone is in good health1. Hes the picture of health2. He looks good / great3. He is at the top of his formObserving that someone looks disorderly1. You look tired2. You look like you need some sleep3. You look dreadful4. You look terrible5. You look like hell

SICKNESSConcerning Allergies1. I am allergic to cats / dogs / strawberries / chocolate2. I cant eat strawberries3. I cant digest milk / diary products4. I am lactose intolerant5. I have an environmental illnessWhen someone sneezes1. Bless you2. God bless youAllergic problem with eyes1. My eyes are swollen / puffy / itchyWhen you feel like vomiting1. I feel sick to my stomach2. I feel nauseous3. I feel like throwing up4. I think I am going to throw up / vomit5. I think I am going to loose my cookies6. I think I am going to loose my lunchDescribing a pain in the head1. I have a headache2. My head hurts3. My head is killing me4. My head is throbbing / pounding5. Theres a hammering inside my head6. I have an excruciating headacheDescribing dizziness1. I am dizzy2. The room is spinning3. I am so dizzy I cant stand up

DOCTORSTelling the doctor about various pains and problems1. There a cramp in my knee2. I have a lump here3. I feel weak / dizzy / feverish4. I get the chills5. I cant put pressure on my foot6. I cant step down on my foot7. It burns when I go to the bathroom8. My eyes hurt in bright lightTelling the doctor how long you have been ill1. I have been sick for a day2. I lost my appetite four days ago3. This started a week agoExplaining that your health is improving1. I am improving2. I am getting better3. I am getting over it4. I am getting back on my feet5. I am getting back to normal6. I am bouncing back7. I am on the road of recovery8. Things are looking up9. I am better10. I am better than I wasExplaining that you are receiving medical care1. I still have to go back to the doctor for a follow-up2. I am still under a doctors care3. I am still seeing a doctor4. I am in therapy5. I am still seeing a therapistExplaining that you are cured of a health problem1. I am well now2. I am all better3. I am completely over it4. I am as good as new5. Its like it never happened6. I feel like a new person

EMPLOYMENTComplaining to a human resources or personnel director1. I would like to file a complaint2. I am not getting along with one of my co-workers3. My boss has been harassing me4. I am being discriminated againstDescribing a lack of work experience1. You have not had much experience (in this line of work)2. You are still a little new to all this3. You are a little green4. You are still young5. You are still new6. You will catch on 7. Give it timeConcerning an easy task or employment position1. I can do that2. No sweat3. Simple4. Simplicity itself5. I could do that with my eyes closed6. I could do that with one arm tied behind my back7. I could do that in my sleep8. Its easy as ABC9. Its second nature10. Its like breathingMaking claims about your competence and ability1. I know it backwards and forwards2. I know it inside and out3. I know my math (math job)4. I am an old hand at this5. You want to hear about my battle scars (want to hear about my past experiences and problems)

SHOPPINGStores and shopsQuestions a sales person might ask a customer1. What are you interested in?2. Are you looking for something in particular?3. Do you have anything in mind?When a customer wants to try on the clothing1. I would like to try this on2. I want to try this on3. Can I try these on?4. Where it he fitting room?Encouraging remarks a sales person might make to a customer1. Thats looks nice on you2. That looks great on you3. Thats your color4. That is you!5. That flatters you6. Thats very flattering7. That really flatters your figure

CLOTHES CLEANINGPlacing an order with a dry cleaner or a launderer1. Can you get this stain out?2. Is it possible to get a stain like this out?3. I would like to have this presses, please4. This need to be laundered5. I need this by tomorrow

HAIR CARERequest and inquiries to a barber or hairdresser1. Shampoo and blow dry, please2. I would just like a trim / perm3. Just trim off the ends4. A little off the sides

TELEPHONESAnswering the TelephoneAnswering the telephone residential1. Hello2. Smith residence3. Hello, smith residence4. Yes

Asking whom a telephone caller wants to talk to1. Who do you want to talk to?2. Who do you want to speak with?3. Who do you wish to speak with?Screening someones telephone calls1. May I tell him whos calling?2. May I ask whos calling?3. Whom may I say is calling?4. Who shall I say is calling?5. Whos calling?6. Is she expecting your call?Putting a telephone caller on hold1. He is on another line. Will you hold?2. Would you care to hold?3. Would you like to hold?4. Just a moment, please.Offering to take a message from a telephone caller1. Hes not in; would you like to call back?2. She is not available. Can I take a message?3. She is away from her desk. Can I take a message?4. Could I take a message?5. Could I have someone call you?Making emergency calls1. I want to report a fire2. I want to report a robbery in progress3. There is a house on fire at 406 maple street4. Theres been an accident and we need an ambulance5. There is an emergency6. Please connect me with the police

TELEPHONE SOLICITATIONWhen you are interrupted by a telephone solicitor1. I am sorry, but I am not interested2. I dont have time to talk right now3. I cant talk right now4. You caught me in the middle of dinner5. How did you get my name?6. No, thank you.7. We dont accept telephone solicitations

TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATIONAir TravelQuestions a passenger might ask about an airline flight1. Is this direct?2. Is it nonstop?3. Is there a layover?4. How long is the layover?5. Do I have to change planes?6. Is a meal served?7. Is there a meal?8. Can I order a special meal?9. How much carry-on luggage is permitted?On an airplane1. You are in seat 12F2. You are in my seatEntering US through customs and immigration1. Do you have anything to declare?2. Did you buy anything?3. Are you bringing anything into the country with you?4. How much currency are you bringing into the country?5. May I see your passport?6. What is your citizenship?7. Do you have your visa?8. How long do you plan on staying?9. What is the purpose of the visit?10. Please place your suitcases on the table11. I need to examine the contents of your purse