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" THE WATEBPOBD NEWS, ESTABLISHED—1817. " " , CARQSST C IRCULATION IS THE SOUTH OF IRELAND/ PuMijhtd crcry FRIDA Y Ertninj. o! No. SO, Kinj-Strcel, ; loprosire THE rftorixcMi. BASI ). ¦ ,„ 1r\. B~kEICE—THREE PENCE ; Yearly (in Advance), 13s. «M~ By PontlYearly), 15s.. in Advance. - . - p/v -l&a«" All Cheques and P. 0. Ordora , made payable tf ' -fiHCORNSMUs R EDMOND , at this Offico. Tho NEWS (Liberal in politics) circulates oxtensively nmonrat tho merchants, traders and nobility, gentry, terin>elM«s . to., in Waterford, pkcnny.ftprrfrary. and tho aonth of Ireland gcnorall y. Tho NEWS has ' attained a circulation novcr equalled by any papor published in Watorford, and is admittedly the leading fourna in this important city, with which there is direct daily communication from London. . Particular attention paid to commercial and agnoul. . iural matterB. ' v « . IA Advertisements received tor tho WB bj all re*?* 6 *; iblo Newspaper Agcntg inJfcBJnnit ad . ^"OT CT m^ BttvamtTwir M«w«rHqnn«ra5r^ffBown at tap omoo. AOENTS FOB SALE or THE NEWS WATERFORD—Mr. W. KELLY, Little Georgo' s-st. TRAMORE—Miss CLANCY, Refreshment Booms , in Strand-street. PASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses Lovz , Hotel , Square. CABRIOK-ON-SUIR— : Mr J. M. MBRPHT, News Agont. LONDON-<For Advta.) Mr. WILLIAM CARBOL II, 18, Crawshay Eoad, Vassal Road, North BrUton. I UBLIN—Advertising Agents : Messrs. W. H. SMITH <fc Sox, Abbey-street. DUNGARVAN—Mr. EDWABD BRENNAN, Stationer, 4c , Post andTelcgraph Offico , Tho Square. CASTLECOMER—Mr. J. H OLOHAN , Main-stroot. Side WHITE S T A B LINE. ROYAL AND UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS KNX.LAND AND SOUTIf WALES, AND TUB SOUTH OF IRELAND. Altered Service b y Great Western Railway Coroj pany ' B Trains nnd Steam Boats , via Milforfl Haven , in connection with the WATKRTORD ana LIMKRICK , WATERFORD & CENTRAL I RELAND , and WATERFORD, DDNOARVAN , AND LISMOBE LINES. **Bhortest Route and Reduced Fares. ^^ ~ X~—-4K . Express Trains and Fait -*3 eflSs*j] : Itvk ^<"' Steamers, -wMBlTllfTTT - EVERY WEEK DAT. NO CATTLE, SHEEP. OR PIGS; CONVEYED BY THESE BOATS. DOWN.LEAVE LONDON (Paddington) at 5.15 pm., Sundays oxceptod , and ARRIVE AT WATSB - FORD (weather and circumstances pormitfcng) about eleven a.m., in timo for tho Trains on tho Waterford and Limeriok , Central Irefcnd , and Lismoro Lines. UP. -Leave Watcrford at 4 .15 p.m., each Week pay, on Arrival o{ tho 11 a.m Train from Limirick, 10.35 a.m. Train from Maryborough, ' and 11.20 a.m. Train from Lismore, ARBIVIXO in LONDON (weather and circumstances per- mitting) at 10.15 a.m., tho following day; Passengers travelling b y the Steamer leaving Vater. ford on Saturdays will proceod from New Milord by tho 9.50 Train on Sunday morning. , On Sundays, a Special Steamer will sail from Water- ford (Perrybank Wharf) at 6.3l) a.m., carrying Bissen- «/>rs and General Cargo only ; and will call at AJel phi Wharf on tho 4th and 18th January to embark Passengers and their Luggago, starting thonco 6r Now Milford at 7 a.m. No Cargo can be received on board after 4. 1 p.m., and the stages will then bo removed, to cnaUe tho Steamers to depart PUNCTUALLY at the appoints time. Tho 2.45 a.m TRAIN from NEW MILFORD will in all cases, WAIT tho ARRIVAL of Steamers. Under no circumstanco can Passengers holdingThird Class Tickets be allowed the use of Saloon. . Special Boats will (weather and circumstance per- mitting) Bail from Waterford to Now Milford with Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs , on Mondays , from Atelphi Wharf, at about 2 p.m., and on Tuesdays from Terry, bank Wharf, at about 5 p.m., calling at Adelphi Vharf when the state of tho tido permits ; also on such p ther days as may be necessary. FARES— WATERFORD AND LONDON : SINOLES (available 5 days) 1st Class and Saloon , vCsOd " " 2ndCla8s and Saloon, !5s Gd 3rd Class and Fore Cabin. 10s Od RETURNS (available 1 month) 1st Class & Saloon, 76s. " •• " 2nd Class <fc Saloon 59s. 11 3rd Class and Foro Cabin , 33s Cd. Further information can bo obtained from Mr. J. M. DOWNET, Railway Terminus , Limerick; Mr. W. Q. Mc- . . 1 . FJ NAUABA, Adelphi Wharf, Waterford. Tho R«Dbc*D " . !/rhursa»v . FARES between other important Stations, the Timo §?*S I '"J' rabies , and Throug h Rates for Goods, &c., can ba ZfrJS??* 1 obtained of Mr. W. J. BUSSKLL , tho Great Western &££££;¦ Railway Company ' s District Agont, Adelphi Wharf , Wednesday, Waterford. J. GRIERFON, General Manager. Wednesday, Paddinctor. Terminus, 31st Dec , 1879. ^dar ^ THE IRISH BOATS. . i wednSdty: £HSaturd *y, W/WedntKiay, I Wednesday, j Wodnetday, > Saturday, ~ » NOTICE.—Tho Steamers of thii ^g s»GSH*^. line ' talj0 * no Lane Routes, record - ^ rtCJi»A.y V vv mended by Lieut. MADKT, on botl —* *™fT iWrU tni Outward and Homeward Pa4 gages, > TheBe well-known magnificent Steamora, all construnt, cd b y Messrs. HABLAND & WOLFE, of Belfast , ar4 appointed to sail weekly as undor . carrying her Majesty' ! Land the United States Mails :— \ From LrvBErooL :— ADRIATIC ... Tnosday, . .. Cth Jan. GERMANIC .. Thursday, „. 15th Jan. BALTIC ... Tuesday, ... 20th Jan. CELTIC ... Thursday ... 29th Jan.; REPUBLIC ... Thursday, :.. . 5th Fob. » . From Quocnstown (Cork) the following day . : . ?_, FROM NEW YOBK ; : : . * 'GERMANIC .. Saturday, ... 27th Deoember. , BALTIC .:. Saturday, ... 3rd January. Tneso splendid vessels REDUCE the PASSAGE So tho shortest possible timo, and afford to Passongors Ue highest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at Rea. ¦ Average Passage, 8fc days in Summer.; <J| days lo Winter. Each Vessel is constructed in 7 waters-tigit compartmente. i The STEERAGES aro unusually spacious, well-lightd], ventilated, and warmed, and Passenger* of this CISM receive tho utmost civility and attention. Cattle, Shop or ?igs aro not takon by this lino. An nnlimibd suppl y of Cooked Provisions. Medical comfort*-fet of charge. Stewardesses in Stccrago to attend tic Women and Children. " j Passengers booked through . at low rates , to all partsM tho United States and Canada. > APPLY TO : i T. S. HARVEV, Littlo Goorgo' g-street , Waterfo«}- J. M. MURPHY. 43, Now-lano, Carrick-on-Suir. JOHN WALL, Jun ., Dungarvan. JOHN HOLOHAN, Caatlocomor. JAMES WATTS. Bonmahon. ' u JOHN TOB1N, senr., farmor, BaUydnff. i JAMES SCOTT & Co., Queonstown j or tJ i ISMAY, IMRIE &Co., 10, Water-street , L.veiy>ol AMERICAN LINE. ! ^ -v _jv UNITE D STATES MAJI. ~-nimBhliiWlw TnTirrTinni to PhiladolpM EVERY WEDNEflDAT. Calling at Queenstowa every Thursday. ' First-class Full-powered Iron Steamshi ps are appoino. to Sail . ¦ , BEITISH CEOWN Jan 7 I PENN8n,VANIA D,2 INDIANA Jan.14 »BBmsn EMPIBK J»n^ LOBD CLIVE Jan. 21 | LORD GOUOH ... Feb No intermediate Passengers carried on voya marked thna* Tho only Trans-Atlantic Line sailing under tho I ted States Fl&g, and carrying ithe American Rafta saving life, besides tho usual comp lement of Lifeboi and an extra number of life Preservers. The aoo modation for all classes of passongers U equal to an; the European Steamship LinoB. Every Steamer can« a Surgeon and Stewardess. ' . j Passengers and goods are Isndod at Philsdelphiao tho Wharf of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Compatj which has the shortest and most direct route to all pis* in the Western States. . . ' " \ Passengers by this line can pass direct into the &i road Cars without leaving tho Landing Wharf , andsi dor tho same roof, there aro Refreshment Booms , fn ted States Letter Box, Telegraph Offioe , Exchange 0 fice, and Baggage Express Offico. - - • • : CABIN PASSAOB, 12 to 18 guineas. Return Tic el at reduced rates. r . - STEIEAOE PASSAOE as low as by any other fast {n< nclnding an ample snpply of good Provisions. S*o age Passengers are forwarded to New York or Bo tc without additional charge ¦ ¦ ¦ : •¦ ' ¦ ISTBBHEDUTr PASSAOB, including 'Beds , Bedc nj and all nooeasary Utensils and separate Table. .£811. ' Apply in ' Philadel p hia to PBIKB WBIOHT * , 8»IJ uoneral Agents , 307, Walnnt-etreet ; in Queeostowl, t JN. & J. CUMMINS 4. BROTHIRB - , and in liyerttoo R10HARDSON; BPENCE * Coi tf. ¦ 17 and l9 W»ter4treet j. j ¦: JOHN DEVEREUX. f Qiiy. Wftterford ¦ WILLIAM WIQHTlG^' Keww-itJlO Custom-house Ont,y. ! W*tanordj \ | * T OST BECEIYEB, - ' '*; A ; LATiQE and Fresh Supply, of Dr, Vtl -OL » J OHNJWI & ' Co> PBIPABATTOKS , OOM ofthefoDowJagl: ^. ' ' : - ' -rv-.V ^" ¦' ¦: ¦ ¦ ':¦ ¦ Dr DxBoos;: world-famed -GmtM - -y n . yejfotabloliifeDiopg. . ,>, ' ,.: j, V ' . , = . - ' . ' V'V! Jr. ' D«Eoo«! HUB $*«tqsxigTif a:m±. TERVDtfS^^EBITiPPY^ioiiTlii^ /urod^Uw K^lto of ^W' v^Wi yWR ' ¦SZ ff ils lUflB&ME \»ta««:Bk^^-Aum^SiBdiiMrf lm mft f SsBsat^mm 'SeiiilKffliHfci SKIPPING: ¦ - ¦ : " ' * . ¦: . : . ' Watorford Steamship Company VV ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ (UKETED ;¦' ¦" ¦ ' -:: a - .' . ' . INtBNBED . i OEDEB OF SAHIN<3^AN., 1880. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' "¦ •• - ' •si^- 'V. " ; STEAMEEfl » - ' ¦ '• ¦ .. - .: - . <' - ' _ ' ¦ BEGINAlSr-J' -OOMEIlAGH, , LABA' ,:- ZEPHYB , RANOEB ,trDJk; TINTEBN , "EBlUr , EOSA, ;and ¦ EXPRESS . ¦ " ¦ . " ¦ " ¦ :. ¦ - . . ' ¦ ' ¦V' .v.., : : . ' - , > ¦ ¦ ¦ "v-^i . "V ' " /• : : "lti"O'TiPB;—T^' 8 ' . ;W»terfora ^^£J±~ H5s. ' ¦ J3I Steajnshi p Comp«ny(Limited) ' ^TtH^EuVV< ' reeetTO Goods mi UraStock for Ship-! ^J93HHMB ^lmest ' on ' the ' oonSttioni 'iaantlotiodla; ^^"*^^^^^8aillne LlsU, *o. - ,\to, ' ..Jba4 at their ' - Offices. "* . \ WiTEErOED- AND :BB1STOL : - .5 FRO* WATiaiORD to IRI6TOL , TBOH BWIfOI. tO WttXHOBIU Direct : ' ' .Mreotf . ¦ <; Frida/, Jan. 2...U morolnglThuniaaj, Jan. a ;.: 8 .mor» TmesdVy. ., 6... 2, affnoon aturday, . >,. ,. - ,.9 ... B.nWg Frid«r , »... Si aft' ooon murwij., - _ o ...a aam, TuendVl y, .. IS... 9 .morning Satardar.. ":'»'lUk«>UfW| Siisatetfaf 5SSS5; ^27..: iiSoralng S»tnrfay. 24 ...U ni«^ Wday7 S0...10I morninl Thund&y, . 29 ... 7 ooa Satuday, 31 ... 8 nlgto tsr On early Moreing Soilings , Catini ol the stsamtrs will bo open to receivo Passengers arriving by tha Night M«U Train. ' ¦ . ¦ - ' -' 1 Fares—Cabin , Us.; Hetora do. (sraOabto tot One month); 25s. ; Children , 10s. ; Servants (travelling with Famili es) 10«. Eetorn , 15s. ; Deck, 7a. 6d. Return Tickets br Dublin , Cork ,] or Warford. S6s. Extension of Time granted on all Setural Tickets on the following terms :— For a Fortnight , 8s. 6d., and tor every subsequent week, 2a. - ,; WATEEFOED AND 1ITEBPOOL. ( nioK WATSKroas : TXOX LIVXUOOL I 1 Friday, Jan. 2 ... 1* AffnlFrlday, Jan. 2 ... 1 art' s Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Monday, Wednesday. Friday, Monday, Wednesday, ,10i Morn . H All'n , 3 Att' n . Af fn 3 Affn 3 . Att'n 101 Morn 12- Noon 3 Affn Saturday, a ...11 night 3 Affn Wednesday, 7 ... £ mom (H Morn Friday, 9 ... 7 mom 1J A/fn Saturday, 10 ... 9 sight 3 Att' n Wednesday, 11 ...12 nooa li Affn Friday, 16 ... 1 alt" ; I Affn Saturday, 17 ...11 D%K I Att'n Wednesday, SI ... 5 mo* >l Mom Friday 23 ... 7 nori I- Noon Saturday, 24 ... 8 ni gbt I Noon Wednesday 28 ... 11 morn I Affn Friday, SO .:.13 noon Batwday, SI ...11 nigh : Friday, Monday, ,, Wednesday, 1 fridiy. ., 23 2fi 28 ...12 Noon 30 Atfn Cabin Fare , 17a. Cd ; Sormnlo (travelling with families) and CMldron, 10s ; Deck, 10». : Children , . , Goods received and discharged at Clanmoe Dock. -*- - Goods JSookod througn . from all ¦ principal Station* o> Great Northern, Luicashire and Yorkshire , London and North Western ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire , and Midland Bailwuys to Waterford. Tlirongh Booking* also to Limerick, Tiiiperoxy, 4c. Goods Booked throug h from all Stations on Waterford and Central Ireland Bailway, Wsterford , DungnrTan , andJJsmoa Esilway, and Wateriord and Limerick KaBway. ¦-¦ WATEBFOBD AND : NEWPOKT, . ; , rsou WATmronD. reov MEWTOBT. ' Weekly. | . . ¦ . Wookly. i WATEEFOED AND DUNOAltVAN * AM Cargo offers. WATEBFOED A N'D TQU O H A L . 1 As Cargo offers. , ' WATEEFOED AND NEW E08S. V Fnosi NKW BOSSDaily. Bundaya exceptod , at 8-i5 a.m. ' ¦ y ROM WxTERroas—Sally, Sundays excepted , at 34 p.m. f WATEEFOED AND ; DTJ N C ANN ON . ' ¦ FROH DOHCAHKOXDail y, Sundays excepted, at 8.15 o_m. - . FROM WITEBIO&DDaily, Sundays excepted, at 3. 5 p.m. ' NOTITho Waterford Steamship Company, limited , Insun ill Ooods 8hipped by these Lines of Steamers at 3s. *d. per >nt. to Traders having - Yearly Agreements , and St. par :ent. to Occasional Shippern ,values to bo declared at time of Shipment. Forms ana all: Information to'be had at the jfficea. . . . .. . - '» Berths secured and ererj- information given by Agents si: BRISTOL Tho Waterford . Steamship Company » ;(Limited) 58. Queen Square. * . . - ( LiYtRroOL—Waterford'Steamship Cbnvpany (Limited), SD, Fator-Btroct , and Clarence Dock, i ' , a SNKW? ORTThomas & Co. ' , Dockntreet. t DuitaiiiVAX —Mr. T. Downey, Main-street. ' >- YooonAt—W. N. UBaber , .Nelson-place. . . ¦ i > At the Offices, New Boss and Doncannon. j > And at the Comiany' s Offices , THE JL UX, WATIBTOBD i. 1st ' 3rd 7th 8th 10th 14th Uth 16th 17th 21st 21>t 23rd 24th 28th 23th 30th 3Ut January: >, »* CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY JANUARY, 1880. Regular Steam Communication iefween > WATEBFOED and 10 N D O JT ' , - V Via Southampton and London, and South Western 3 Eailway. " PLYMOUTH **o SOUTHAMPTON , XBP SOUTH ENOr LAND. COEK. DUBLIN, BELFAST **D aLASOOW^ [ -v _ -I K ' mrfE New ana poweaul-Scrttf ¦ >wJii IT J- SteamenCOPELAND . TOWABD . l-ViS&ArtK SANDA, W1CKL0W. AEKLOW, :; ^ggBKjdi^^ pOETLAND , EATHLIN^FASTNET , I . 11""I DUNMOEE, EOCKABllL , , Jve intended to Sail as under , weather permitting (unless pre- afcnted by unforauen clrcamstances), with liberty to Tow Wessela , and to call at any Port or Ports in acy order , in or tut of the customary conns , to Receive and Discharge Cargo , or for any other purpose whatsoever. ' ' : 1 . FEOM ¦WATEEEOEDTO GLASGOW; : ¦ .' ¦ " rBCM 0US00W 30 WiTEBJOBD. . ; ' : ' - - Friday, 2nd , Tuesday, 6th , and Fridiy, Mh January, , ;- . and thereafter , . ¦ : . - . :; V Every MONDAY/ WEDNESDAY, and FEIDAY, at X n.nv Caledonian Train to Oreenock at S.2S p.m.; -19} ' ¦ ' ¦ NOTK The Steamcr«a Friday go** via Cork. '*' , ; - ' . - -- rsoa wiTxxroBD TO BDJIJT . , ' . f . THUSSDAYS , 1st aud8Ui January, Ti»-Cork , " - '- at 1 p.m. FEIDAY8, 19th, 23rd, and. 30OL ^ T iWV" - ' ' " - . at I p.m. Every 8ATUEDAY , diTect^iip5!«3('iT. . ' ¦ ' :• - atSpJU. v ¦ HUUST TO TT j.Tt&o$J>, direct : ¦ . . Every <*JHIJBSDAY. ' Via Glasgow; MONDAYS, 6th-and 12th, and WEDNESDAY , % ..^ 2(at and ZSth January. . ¦ ITBOK W1TXBIOBD TO DUBLIH, direct. WEDNESDAYS , 14th and 28th Jannary, at 1 (Via Glasgow) WEDNESDAYS, 7th and 21st January, t nt 1 p.m. . ¦ :/. . : [ . DOIim TO WATZRTORn , VIA COM. .' , Every SATURDAY. rocx WATuroan JCO CORK, Direct. ' ' ' WEDNESDAYS . Mth, aisl. and 28th Jamunjr , at 1p.m. THUESDAY8. 1st and 8th Jaunary -at 1p.m. FRIDAYS, I6tb , 23rd , and 3 th Jannary, at 1 p.m. . FBOJT Coax TO WirjRTOSD , direct , ' ' Every TUESDXY. . . . . WATKBIt)U> TO LO»DO». . :. ' Steamer to Southampton , thenoa by London and South Western EaUway to Nine Elms Station, at Through B*te»i j Every SATUBDAY, at * p.m. ' ; I Loaoos ro WATjniroKD—Every-TUXSDAY. ;: ' j Goods receiveo at any of the Receiving *Bousos of tha London and South Western Bailway Company, and at Nine Elms Station , opt« &S0p.m. ' . . " ¦ WJTXUOKD TO PtTMone, ' direct , ¦ . Every SATUEDAY , at 4 p.m . . FLT»onTS TO WATXBIOBD, direct , - Every FEIDAY , at Noon. WATEBMBO TO SonrHAHpnw , TIA PtTKOonr ,.. , Every SATUEDAY at ipjn. . . SocTHinrron TO WATTRTOBO , TIA PLIKOOTH , ' . BTery WEDNE8DAY , at Noon^ Theae - Steamers hav» - exoelleot ¦ •ooonunodatto * tot Passengen *—•»— ' JABBi.b B - .i OHA*. 1 ¦ ' ! ' ; : ¦ ¦ ¦• •¦ ¦ Cabin. ¦ Betnrn. Deck Waterford to Olnagow and Belfast 17«. - ,«<L .SSa.. . 10s. Cork , . . .. ... •• fit.. '• < .1* SL ., ¦«• Z Dublin . ... ... 131. 64 »». ^l.6d Plymouth Jc3onthampton , 20s. ' ' 80s. ¦ 10s ¦ .London , ... ¦ , -. - . . ¦ . '<« , 2S«.' —- " -: . '>... •!¦ . . ' :Jfti. ' -; Children above 3 andoader 13yean of age , HaU Faro. . ¦ , t mn Horn. —Tlm> Cly de llhl pp ing CompanyTiiRire aD Oooda •hipiwd*y tteet Une«. o{ BUmxaep at *d per eent to VaOea having yearl y •f«roum«B*i 1 and «>> per-Cent (to. «oo«»ionai r Shipvers. . Valoes to be declared at tine of Shipment.; Forms u d all informat ion to be liad at thsoffioes. ' ' - ¦ ' , .::¦ ¦ ',»- ' , For Bates ol Freight , to , amir ' to—J, ' C. PmczBTOlr , 1 Belfait t Hmur J. WiUMa- k C6., \ Flnooath | W»U\ M'OAHMT , London aad Booth/Western EaOiray Company Exetar Boildlnir* , Arthur Btrert , West , and at thai.* ft W. Bailway Beoelflng ° Houaea' throughout J London »'" . CKtia, SHiniHO &)., aiaayow l Qwenbek. U, Ttamyi»-rt.iMii»«jrf« J Soathamptonj, tl tOea Qoay, Dublin; Patrick' s Qa*y> Cork , ,,. -- . CXTDE BHIPPISO COMPAHT ¦•, >.! -; - - - ¦ - - :• ¦ •CustoniHoa»e Quay;"'» ' at««OTut, " . <'r- ; ': Special fonts of BU1» of •Lading' required by th»; Clyde gnppiag Comptay to ba lad of the Airsata. ' . .. ' ¦ . ' ..} , '<> . ' . , ZTATIOflfAIi LklTB to HEW TOllK. . i, ..,, ^. -j . . -^ . ¦ , . * . , <, ¦ -j Lt-i f/^;a/; i i i LABGIST PAB3EKGEB 8Ta«IflHIPri ; ' : - r f rom XTTSBFOOI . to N»# T OBK, ' Vi fI Qniin»iowB H , ' ; , ¦ eTeryW*B«rt8»AT. ; ' - . ^r f; ¦ . "; ' , <; ' EGYPr- . ^L.... i .:..... Weaii«» ^y, fJmo»ryJ , 7tt' EKGLAND ' ... ¦ ..;.;:.V-W«dn»iia»y, iJT«anmry:n;,Utt; . SPAIN :.^::.. - ........... W rfn«^y f ,iJ»an(U7.;tv21»tj ; From London to Nair Tdrk aa follow* .: - \^:. ..;- ¦ CANADA : 1 ..v... : ..S.r.;Sto«wtejr.-:- ; ' J l i: ! J«BBMj/10tt HOLLAND .;.;; .... ' . .:. B»tomj; y '^.^i^2'xnh .ERIN v...^r.U... ' .-v...8atnra «j. K :/ JMUMJU:Slat .« Srfooa to N8W:TOTk.lJ0ai( »od W qMaMj( «y>9oM. faf to T»4tjon^wn. «^i«ww eo^M W oan pr«j^ leges,; Eo^KoStefa ^BjasS^mneiu.. ¦ . ^^ s^l BalUmore/je6: ~Sape;lor * »io6tnnJodat ion;'taa »buad^ Cheap " thtor«K>Booa±iik.\W'aU . 'pit» bi ti&Twim State* n&Cusu^^Bp e^Bf toloT^j i ivw t : Apply to ihe Naaoiin SttwrWup Odnrpfjly (Li»ited>J Pprtlawj JYiliiAM I'oiB«Jq^\Qrp^*i*: . B<jsf r . i STONET. ;ADEUJW I - pjn., - Tin Cork and Belfast 6 p.m., visS^UastU.. ^, 1 -p.m., Direct. , ¦ ¦: 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast 6 p.m., via'Belfast. 1' p.m., via Dublin. 1 p.m-, . via Cork. 1 p.m., . via Cork and Belfast 0 pjn., via Belfast ¦ - v 1 p. m.. Direct, v. , . .; 1 pjn., via Cork , ¦ ' . : 1 p:m., via Cork and Belfast a p.m., rift Belfast 1 p.m., via Dublin. 1 p.m., TU Cork. J p.m., via Cork ' and Belfast 6 p.m., via Belfast ' TO wATcaroBP. . ;- I ;- .J MM (m m Y Auuono , ranonstown , or Neaag hL is t<« Karyborong Imprtved quick and through daUy uonminnlcatlon b< S?«JS ^i * °? ler B 4 Uo ? a i Waterford , tbei New Milford to London , and aU Stations on the Great omEaflway of England. " -__—,,» , . Servioe ldrproTed and accelerated One hour. 8.50 pja. Up Exonnfon Trains , will ba discontinued. ' ¦ FROM WATIBTOBP. . ' ' TBAIH8 OH WISX BITS. SUlfDlTfl. : ' eurtovt. , . 18431421134312*3 TTsTTJi - Class Class Class . Class. Class. Clfl* ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ *•»• '•"¦ I P .* . | T. U: noon ( r.x l£- * tt. " « ¦ ¦ . hm h. m. h.m. Km. h. m. ' p. m WatarfoM, departure. 7 15 1. 0- ' 4 0 eu li 0' K >- PfflMJ&^Br^J 7 24- 110 '*D V 6 35 U 13 , - SSTO^ZX 735 - 6 4S lS 2i l - BjUyhale..: ... 7 55 1S5 4.M 715 12 50 - Thomartown 810 ISO tis 790 13- Benoetshridga . .^ ..... 825 25SS745 120 - KUkennjl........arriTal 840 220 5M8 15 140 - _ Do ...^.. departnie 855 230 530 150 BaHyray lrrt 9 15 250 550 2 10- Attanaglt. 9 35 SO 6 0 218 Abbeyleir ...v..: ^ ..... 9 50 S 15 6 15 2 30 - MarybOTir arrival 10 10. 3 85 6 is :_ 8 0 MarybonTOh dop. up 10 52 u ' - 3 U PortarUngmn Juno ' . ... ll-u 4 17 _ _ 3 «' Dublin:...;..:: arrival Ills 5 40 - ' 5 » ' i- Athlone Jane, nrrlv. i is 8 80' . Maryboro * dep. down 10 30 711 9 J2 BallrbrooVy .„..„..... 10 68 7 i6 10 J5l " VoSui^X .... 11 Si 8 3 ¦ Parsonstoim 12 * 9 0 Nenagh ...^..... „. 12 23 9 20 ¦ r«mplemtr» 1 18 8 17 _ 10 u. 1 ,¦— Class. Class/Class. Class . 12431(24 nm Jim bm hni nsi pm Thurles . dep. 7 10 1 _ -i 2 2 Tcmplcmort - - 7 29 j _ 220 Porsonstown - - 6 •» Boscrea . - .! 7 IS Athbne Janctiou -I— 815 230 Dnblin . dep.l 60 190 10 930 PorUrlin-rtoaJunc'tn 8 3 ' 9 is 2 45 Marjboro ' anl dwn 8 25 . 10 13 3 9 11 52 BOWK TEAIK8. Moil 1, 2, 3 - Marfboro 1 ' dep. 8 40 !l0 35 '3 30 4 0 Abbojleix ¦ - - 9 0 '10 55 3 50 4 20 Atteiagh ¦ ' - 9 15 I 4 5 - ! 4 3S Ballrtaffiot - - 9 25 '11 15 '4 15 ¦ - « 4 45 Kilkehuy arrivall ! 9 45 11 40 4 38 '5 10 ¦ Do. ' departure 7 30 . 10 XI ill 45 4 50 i-> 5 20 Bennitsbridge - 7 « 110 12 | 5 3 ii.* 5 32 Thomutown' ¦ 8"5:10 25 12 5 5 20 f S U BallyAila - ' .) 8 25 W 40 12 15 5 30 ' 8 0 JIulliaayat ' 8 50 '11 01 6 0 ' 6 25 Kilmacow . .; 9" S ill 10 '12 45 6 10 - : 6 35 Wstertord > arrival! 9-30 ill 30 11 0 0 30 ~i 7 0 ' Special Fares ore charged to First and Second Class Pas- sengers booking to travel by the Express Mail Trains on Great Southern and Western Lino. Tickets Issued for Single Jonrnoy ore available only for tho Train by which they are lssuod. - Market Ticket* to Waterford and back will be issued «t Maryboroug h , Abbeylclx , Attanngh , and Ballyroeget , hi tha 8.40 a.m Down Train , available for return by tho 4.0 up Train oa date of Issue. Fares—First Class , 12s., Sooond CI UM, Cs., and Third Class , 6s. . . i ' Betun Tideisare lssaod between any two H UU ODB, avail- able for the daU of issue and daViollowing ; thoie issued for . any dis tan ce e»c«edin g 50 mil es aro avaiUDle for return on the day. of lssus and the seven following days--Siindays not reckoned. Eetorn Tickets lrnued on Saturday are returnable on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. . ' ' W. WILLIAMS. Secretary. WATEEIOED AND LUTEEICK EAILWAY. Dp Trains from Waterford. ; TBAIBS OK WZXX DATS. . I Sdy ' WATXBIOBD ' Mall 1 / I Kail I Mail TO unucc 1*2 1.2 3 128 123 1*2 1 231243 Class. Class. Class. Chus. Class. Glass, olass _ A.K. A.H. T.X. I P.M. f.K. ( JMf. F.K Waterford. den. 6.H. 11 35 .2 45 ^ M-SO 8 30. Corrick-on-Sair 6 30 12 7 3 25 915 9 15 Clomnel... 7 14 12 35 4 4 10 0 10 0 Tfpperary...:.... 8 "5 145 59 11 35 1135 Junction arrival 8SS 20 520 U 55 11 55 Dublin... L, 1 15 5 5 5 40 10 0 4 10 4 10 Cork. .....; 960 ISO 20 435 815 2 0 20 Dublin deporto 90 10 15 10 745 745 Cork i... .6 0 6 0 12Si. 2 45 10 6 10- 6 Junction :..... !.. " 8 85 12 15 5 35 12 23 IS 23 12«312&S 1 4211 4 2112*314 2 12 8 ; ' .., ' A.i -A^it..) >.M. r.ic. -];p.m J; >.«. Limerick dep.. —I 6 45 11 0 135 i ' 0 : 10 50 |l0 50 Junction arriv, - ; : 8 10 12 5 2 15 5 15 iU 55 11 55 Cork ,, - ..,19 60 13020435 815 20 Dublin ., ; .., ... IU 6 5 5 40 10 0 4 10 Dublin dep.J 90 10 IS 10 7iS 745 Cork ._ 0 0 12 SO 2 45 10 6 10 6 Junction ,, .., -k 8 85 12 15 5 85, 12 23 12 23 Upperary........ - 8 55 12 SO 5 50,12 50 12 50 Oonmel _> 8 90 10 5 132 7 0 2 20 2 20 Oarrfck.... ' ., 9 U 10 40 2 0 ; 7 45 . 3 0 SO yaterfordarrlrllO 1 Tl 30 . 2 85 8 30 3 45 3 45 ^FA&ZS First Clasisingle Ticket . 14s. 6d; Second do.; Us.; third do., t». onV BWnrn—First Class . 2U 9d .) Second do., 16s. - t aa. ., . {. f - ¦ - ¦• M. X KEWrEDY, Bocretary. WATEBFOBD , DTOQAEVAN. 4 LISMOHE BAILWAY . ' .. : SHornBrJttwfao Coax, TBALXB, A»D KiuiBHSi. " TOqeUp li t% and aj itr lit Jf OV., 1879. - *'[4SiMrLiB L* NOTH.1 K WATKBTO*! . . I i . ' ¦ . A. «. T. U. T. X. Waterford L .. =dep. 8 30 12,0 2 50 i rnm«^.n I ... ,, , 8 50 .12 20 ,3 f Kilmaothomls ... ¦ „, ,9 20 IS , 3 38 Dsrrow andStradbaQy 9 40 1 25 . ' 3 M Dungarvan ; ... : 10, 8 :- .l:65 4H C.ppa«h . ' ... 1 ' 10 25 .2 15- . 4 34 Cappoiuln ' , ... .- „; 10 40 .2 S3 4 45 Lism ' jre , ; ... arriv. 10 55 2 45 4 58 1 ' - 8. * W. R*flw»yt : . < ; ' , " . ' . Lismore ' . ... dep. 11 30 , . 5,0 Fermoy ... arriv. 12 14 ; . 837 Mallow ... . .10 . 6 20 Cork ,2 0 , 81J Killaxuey .„ 5 4S .. 9 27 Traleo ;, ' ¦ i ;7'0 ' - ¦ 102» ' JO WATIBMBD. ' ' 1 lys. l . Sunday! , i " •ij B o rrow 4 StndWl y 8 65 12 40 " 4 40 Pmftothoj naj , <.!• - •• ¦ , »» *> ' ¦*¦ :,5 fJTmaxtan > ' A.. ¦;. I , ' . « <5 X » ,fi M Wttertord.r -V ti.: arr&al .10 0 J 1 {0 . « 45 Waterford W Pungamn—First Class , Single , 8». 3d. j ' 2nd Ui/«j.ta. '^84 . ClM<«J. r ' ' ' ¦ . ~ ----'-»-:-^-, .j.' -, . Waterford to! limorj-Single 1 1st class , 7s. 9d. -;2nilclisa, .)Jrd J «lsj»J Si 7di. Brturu-lstclais , 18 I. J 2o4olst» ,10f. Ott SoturdaTS , J&rket Ticket» , " st'i«duoea;ta»»/irmi>« ned rroni>lj I taHbo*? . W»l^oM;.l T rlha , ! 53&tS?TJi uto j and to: I "«»rffibr.t»r7i«>™^W. l ytal» '«rp» tuk+n *h» daj 0fI|iuionSS»«-iBoiK.wni iiiiSuH, , \ ' V ' l *T 84 |t»i>it< - - ' ' .. fit . ::•• ¦»• - f ii -7»i*hr ' ' . ' . »* my*n)-Jfey »m Vta, ;P^» ., -P-aJtrpp^JK.|¦» ¦ ¦•Li - 1 ' i r i *i>r« ^ i u* i ' p:'8::ift^: »!r 7 - ' -i- - '*i' 8i S *l > ^ l ' 'iV'fl ' .y ^ y-) 1> " l;g ? l-y, n >p-: W> n ' 51 1? If ^Sffl^ I S[M 'uwcnf «i«w ¦*^p^n»°i. «PM:<. «ri*s. > tttg«»i mm, ¦¦¦M i TO GENTLEMEN have been arjDointed SOLE appointed Go to TO S^LT7-B MOiKrETX- Go to H. SMITH'S , Glasgow House, WHEEE you have the LARGEST STOCK to choose from, and the CHEAPEST BOOTS and SHOES in WATERFOKD. Ladies' Buttoned, Lacad, and Elastic Girls' do. - do. ' do. Gents ' Elastic Side and Laced Boots , Boys ' do. do. do. Men' s Strong Working Boots, Ladies ' and. Gents ' Shoes , Please observe—" The Sign of the Biff Boot," "Waterford 4«SS!to MANUFACTU RERS -sp 1 BYS PECI / LWARRANT : a " ; ' - " - ' - ^ OFTH E K NIGHT ^ ->QUAUW4- UNIFORM AMD . UNSUBPASSED OF HONOUR Greatest attraction ever •before offered to ' the Public at ¦" ¦ X)W^3ST ' POWER ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' &" SOK'S / " : ;v ' . 7, 8, AND 33, GEOEGE'S-STBEET ^ WATEEFORD N.B. —Purchasers will do well to call enrly, as only a limited number remain unsold. (S* Special attention to the Complete House-Furnishing for £4 , CONTAINING : .. . . . .. . DINNER SERVICE, - WHITE-AND-QOLD ^. EEi-KFASTS . SERVICES, ¦ . ¦ <• ¦ •¦ 2 TOILET SETS, 2 CUT DECANTERS, - ¦ 2' TUMBLERS, - r 12 : "WTNES, "- \ ' ¦- 12 SALTS. «®- To be, had oi nly at OWEN POWEU & SONS. (s26.1y) - MONEY LOTTERY For Building a. ZTew Church in Bath, Kissengen. AGENTS OP ¦ ¦l J W- ' \ ,\i;i. 'V> Celebmted WATERFORD WHICH OFPEE AT. MILL PRICES—viz. i PATTBBNB Fnss " ~ ROBERTSON , XEDL1E , FERGUSON , & CO., (LIMITED), [ B19] . '53 AND 54, QUAY, WATEBFOBD 17s . 6d. TM- DINNER S ERVICE. 17s . 6d ,Pn^K OR BLUE , BAND AND LINE , ' . ' " .' .; ' : . AND . .. ;. ' ¦ . : Tho Chief-prizes &re 4FJ000 Marts , 2 of 12 , 000 Marks , 3 of 6, 000 Marks; together ll' ,800p Prizeg, with 230,000 Marks cash. - - S Tiolcets for -10 " shillinga ; 10 Tickets for 20 shilluicrs , will bft eent to the applicant af ter ro- oeipt of remittance by, Poat Offloe Order, Cheques, Bank-bills , or Postage Stamps , althoueh tho postage for tho reply most be. remitted. - After the drawing the prize-list follows gratis and fraqoo. ') (12.7t) A. & B. SCHTJI^EB , General Agent, ¦ \ , , Zweybrockon, (Rheinpfaiz) Germany, Bavaria. W. BENSOIT, Watch and qook Maker ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' S -"Y ' ¦ . TO^THE . . ' . ; j^C^' QUEEN " aiid ROYAL -PAiMSiT , and by Special Appointments .to H.E.H. the PEINCE of WALES, H.I.M. (The 3KPEEOB 6f RUSSIA , and the MAUASAJAHS of BnniwAN and J OHOEK . . ' l Pritt Medal*—Ltndon , Duhlin, and Paris. :. ' . . ' ¦• : ' .; ' . - BPS-O N . 'S " : . . •¦ - ¦ ¦¦ WATCHJtS. ' . ' ^' . ' ' ' " "V . ' CLOCK8 01 every descripfioir, feoit- :• ' ¦ ' : ' ' (¦V,aile for ail Climate*, For Churches, .>froAi 2 to 200 GnineRs. Turrets or Public ' .Chronoa+avhs... - ' . c- : . . :: .. Buildinas. . ' . Repealers , : . . ' «.. . . i- 'Oarriiiajk, Ohurch, * .t/ Railway Guards' , ' J , :;.; 'J V.SaU OWmopi- - - *^ •Soldiers' aud Worlanen' s ..Perpduf it Calendars , WatchesloJextra strength. i\>£Wi*3I>iaU , etc. ' . «Novelty-• ''. ' .Earl y English'V.Clftcki ^ 'in, Wood and Ormolu, docoratod with'BhiefChiriai ' . Wedgwood , io., fromje5a. 6e.: Made solely ByBenJonj -, !:. - . ' .;. . ' - . BENSON 1 * GOLD AND SII. T«B - JivntptKBT , .;¦ Of overy desorip bin, in thfriohort an d iieweBt Disigns, , . at the Jf A ^m i 6 it , ^' ooniiiittble . ' with good . , . " . '" ¦¦ . Wrfm«iiB&B|l;r> ' . 'r-, ' ., 'f ' , 'V Br<^hes , iira^U^im^^Laduds) Rings ; Earrings , - - ' id.. andlaW ^.. flhpmi& . iijUpnciout '8tones. '' BENSON'S^' .SrTOI HiSs ' B^flHTer-EngUsh Lover , ¦ ?- .:-. 'j :.: ':' .:¦ Qiaasv ir«Wi#«Bimin(«cy.- ¦ . . ;. , ; -BENSON'S,SH^ftjaBjElBorao-FiiATK , < •For Race anA:A Ul) |M ^B ti |1lj| ' ,! Presentation or Honsehow nse. SpiW^iP twOi «nd Estimates Free. ;; BENSON'S New WnK^^?u& Bhlets ' on Watphes, JClodtf, "' Tifhwi ClooW PifV^fp d Jewellery; sent Post Free^fflfeaoW / fl a vbm ibi , * aiio l b y Post to all parts ^w.ytfatWtfiiOt * ¦* * ' ¦* * -• f' ~~2 ', * ¦ ' * - * * ') ¦ .. *¦•. '!. ! ' ./"¦ ;KW»*U W( ' -.Clobk0 , *nd Jewellery skflfnll yropairod by iij»«riteoed-Workmen. V'Plate , Jewellery, and WatcheB bbviw iad .eichangad. ; jClnba supplied. ; ; ,;. : . ' : ¦ iY <j $J4::8t«imiP<tettM atf& GiUi Bhow Roomt t ^ttfj^ATE] -Hli "L ¦ >; : : LONDON , ~T^£&-EttalluK' wil~:2SJ .QLr> BOND STREET. OUGH ^LOZENGE&^-A: Sal» of riearly 60joars. ' / \J? XZtM-WXG'B iCQTJQM - LOZENGBS^The •iBk?^e« and safest' , R*m9dy-for Conghs^ABthma , » .^5«rf PMej ^;ii^^idding !n. t tlie Th»o»*;. i; ; . f^:. ;.i<5 | gi&TBATlNG f S i 'Cp. trGH LOZENGES^iOon. |- . v ii; ^'iTesUmmiM.fori ttnal may .U tm). i + i.. H . i DXJLB B*-HaTingvtifcl' TOOT Cooc& X<oinug«i la India , I. cv^T^ W.B. 0.,lpdtbtokrjr , HJf.i IsdiM'Xftilatl Birrlebi a'dim T^' , ^, '1^1^ 2s7w. «Mh;by\olDiWrt«i? #hiiiJte& M crt ; s0£?r:!r i^UV" ¦ ¦ > , %'^itrms-iM 5 ^tr f>fa ^. . .. ; r p.j : ;:\ :;i - .,;. . :;;: ,.,., u:.. ^ U' ri ;.V'?2I > : ^3wlntoly|I *«I«>«%iy pwiWMi'Mbdlpitt; ^ If lull nil i i I ' Ii -ft imm itTTS 1 -^' - ^ - ¦ * A!«"U >' . '-A*Li<: - * ~.u.A a Gfiiflcns; WATERFORD for the SALE Boots ] do. IN EVERY STYLE I AND do. T LATEST FASHIONS PURVEYORS TO KJtFf. HONOURS 1878 , THEC «o s s rOFTHE LEGION ¦ ^ U' SH6»P ' - i' * -^ASK-FOR^- * 11 GENUINE OR DOUBIE SUPERFINC , IKSQUARETIWS L TEAPOT, ¦ 2 VEGETABLE DISHES, TOILET SET FOR SERVANTS 2 CROFTS and TOPS. TWEEDS, per YARD House KITCHEN PLATES SMALL DISHES GAME NOTICE. THE LANDS of BALLYDERMODY, BALLY NEGEREE , BALLYBREGAN, BALLY PHILIP, BENVOY, BALLYGEGAN, LISAVI RON, and ARDNAHOE, aro strictly: Preserved Anyone found trespassing on them will bo ProBe cuted. (ol7 . -«i JAMES POWER. TVISEASE /F.REVENTED , ' ¦ TJfEALTH RESTORED, By the use of ; K AYE'S ^W^ ORSDELL'S I^ ILLS , Which tho experience of over 50 years proves . to be the- ' Best Family Mediciaa*;*.. ~ . . ... . . , . THBr^r^i'- 1 ^: ; ' PUEIPT THE BLOOa ' ,' ¦ I CLEANSE THE 8YSTEM, KEMQVE 0B9fWCTI0H8, 1 IMPEOVE THE DIGESTION ' . - ESTABLISH THE HEALTH. Sold everywhere at Is. 1 Jd-. 2s. lid., and 4s. 6d. . . •• ¦ per boxsv - - - . jal7.6m ,.;: 0 U RE. FOR ..XL L v ! ¦ * HO . LIPWATIS ' ¦ ¦ _ - . OnrXMEWT. lMroBTA»*'binc ' oymtf-rNo. MOEE " SnrsaBiua.Tho discovery o{< thi^ Oviibien^faui ^ proved " an in vain- ttble^^fi6ntfaXTBfeftpgdtt^'attfNirerB.; whanxubbtld over jyyy^J^ffl ^B»y S^ piWRTnirA ' cw, *' Rftwr.T ' H, or WOMB, ' Srongtholl^tho apinal marrow in caqea of nervoos weak ' ness and depression) .,and, all ^diseases of tho THSOAT, LDKOS, and CHEST, No invalid need despair of onre. i whilst this pintment-canbet-obtained : for tho reputa - tion it bears in every quarter of tho globe, it) fnlly borne ont by thesnooess it has attained / corroborated as it is by tostiinoniala from persona of all olass^i ;and opnn- tnoi v! . " ; - ' - ¦ ' ¦• : - : «- '—• - - - <;' ¦ ¦ ' :• . •:•: .: ¦ . ¦ I . GOOT, RHEUMATISM, A:a> NEURALGIA. —Thesetraly formidiableanddroodeddise<v«efl , withn ' ootajnal (pasms, nervous twitohingnvmnscoUroramps , andidntioa , will yield, ' when treated by this Ointment. ¦ Xn no oases is it more important' tc -have the" Ointment thoroughly and effoobmUy odrireyrai tltr<ra«h,tho|»re« of thesjrin to the ' affected parta " , nptlwUchit wijl' bang itTsoothing Jn- flnerioesfcbeaWiidithnsi. produco.jeaso , ooaforti ;and seonrity,^ The Pills shonld tloo be taken in appropriate do809 to. lessen tb« fiflainmatioiiiandtopnnfytha blood- BAU LBOS, BA»BE»A * I« J OIJ> .WOUNDS,- AMD .ill. " ; CBBaTioNS or Ai,ii"KhrDs;—The applioation, ol , tlus Ointment heftl» k in a;rema ' rl»blB , manner ,, everr, Jand. of Uloera tionr BO fton«tt8stia' oroontraotedtissBe«, o»nBes "' proud".flesh'tti disappear , and fonl' and loftthsomo aisohargBa 'to bedcme;ponyert9d into healtiiy healingsnr^ faces ' < and -thVari e ' ffeots r iure ' not!tomporaryj ; but . are fadidal and^ftniiienti } ¦ i - '^ •; tl , ¦ r- ) ! ; Pit*s , FrsttiiA8t iA»D ;As8Cj;ssw. —These asd »ll aimilar - affeetidsamaitba oaref ally, treated aooordinetd tho plan rooommei»dedin "the printed instrnctlons. : -Tha OintaeidtiiiriBtbe[«li p Ued- diieotly ^ the parts adjected, ' and HoUoWiy 'CPfll* simultanaonaly taken . to pan's the bloba/asid : t6 1 *Ji«ve^ tEe ihtemal-oongortions. wWoh art so f ertUeVoS'i* of this elaarof disease:;- : I. , j ^BOPflrcAr-BiV&oiMBHTs. ^SwsLtiD'Xiaij-Axrj V^i^cdsB Vs^!—In^Uie rednotlon^of' alli'Glaidnlai SwoUingslioremepi^p il^thb^c^mpsir^jtoJMntaient i (f. nr<i*«nh^^^le forjaation^of extnmeQUS growth*/ and is Ott^l^i^' dqir^robbe^totterp^iffeotod. tor^tSisoSriimildta* oo3p«r*tlvely l «bprt »pio or time, r- . ¦ .. . M- li- 2% 1*1-- ;^ •' ' . J __ J iLm«_ /\iic_i« isV^ritSeOyfpr all disewes of.ti»i«n^wfc«ifa piSih^lwd' rofluT owhanepnf disorder , »i*»iiiipe>« B6tMHs^Hntmeni , and PMs should \utd tn tXefoUeic CUlblanii?^^ ¦/ il'^ lM^^^^S BMI*"* .! HOTELS. ;-& r\ SHIP and CODTBIERCIAI. HOTEL, 24 , QUAY , - WATERFOBD. : ' ¦¦ ,.( r t ' . ^——v- 1 ' •I'' , MI (J lf 1'E L K IE WA N% . ' -r-r-AVING purchased Interest in tab above t~| HOTEL , begs to announce that thyEBtab- Ushment OJTNKD on SATURDAY, FEB. r 16 , 1879. M. K. trusts , by strict attention to those who patronise THE SHIP AND COMMEBOIAT J HOTBI . , to merit a continuance of their patronage. ; •-¦¦ Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12i 1879. £28ltf SOUTH . KENSINGTON i^. X?- .. ' - . Private Besidential Family . -Clnb. " GLENDOWER MANSION/' . 13, 15, 17, and 19, HARRINGTON ROAD , S.W., LONDON. (The best and moBt convenient position in Town) . Ono minute from South Kensington Station ; ten minutes to Westminster ; eightoon minntea to tho J [City—Mansion Honse Station ; near Parka, Gardens, Albert Hall , and Museums. TTIOB Families wishing to avoid expense of Honse- JC kooping, Visitors to Town, or Gentlemen desiring tho advantago of a Clnb, combinod with the privacy and comfort of Homo, at a moderate Coat. Introduction or reforonco required. dl9-tf THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL DUBLIN (Established 40 Years ,, 4, 5, C, and 7, LOWER BRIDGE-STREET , RICHARD COFJFEY, Proprietor THE above old-established Hotel has all the modern improvements of tho day, and is under tho constant saDcrviaionof Mr. and Mrs. COFFET. From its central position it will bofoand most convenient for the visitor , being in the immediate vicinity of tho Law Courts , fivo to ten minutes ' drive from any City Railway Terminus, and afow doors from King' sBridgeTramway Lino. Supplies aro Crat-class quality. Eggs , butter, cream, and vegetables from the farm daily, and not- withstanding 1 present hiffh rates, terms aro extremely moderate. Breakfasts from Is. 3d. ¦ Dinners from 2s. Beds , from 18 Cd. oach. Tablo d'Hoto daily ; wcok days at two o'clock ; on Snndays at fivo o' clock. Cientleinen' 8 Coffeo and Smokin-r Rooms. Ladies' Coffeo and Private Sitting Rooms. Bath Rooms. A Niffht Porter in attendance , and all Servants paid by tho Proprietor. . f26.1y Imperial Hotel , LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET, DUBLIN. (Oppoaitc tho General Poat-Offico and Telegraph Office) Tho mont central in the City. BREAKFA STS, with chop, cggK , or col d m^ajw -2s:; steak or fish , 2n. Cd. DINNERS : Soup? entred, joints , sweots , and ' cheese , 3s.—with fish , Od. extra. ];¦ >U , 2B. and 3s. ; attendance , Is. eaoh. Ladies' Coffee Room , Billiard-room. . CHARLES LAWLEE, I roprietor. P.S. —A reduction made for Ladies or Gentlemen who wish (0 board by tho week in tho hotel. CITY MANSION HOTEL, i) LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN I BEG to inform my numerous Friends and the Public that, through elision of time, I havo becomo Pro- prietor of the abovo old-established Hotel. I have completely and most comfortabl y re-furnished it , and have conr'dcrably enlarged it , fitting it up throughout in best modern stylo. I trnst by caroful and constant attention to tho wants and comforts of my visitors to merit tho patronage so liberally bestowed on my lato father, and respectfully soh' cit an early trial. MICHAEL COFFEY, Proprietor. Son of late MATjfeicE COFFEY . Plcoso note Addrcss-30 , LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN. [dll-3ml EELXVY'S CBOWIT IHOTEL, MONCK STREET , WEXFORD. (CLOSE TO THE RAILWAY STATION). THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel in which every thing can bo had on tho most moderate terms. ,. —,~_ . v. -i . ? ". - . Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; also, Brandies, Wines , Porter, Georgo Younger and Son' s eolobrated Alloa Ales, &o. 4 : ' Cars on Hiro at tho shortes t notice (au-15-tf _ ~ _ Visita^s- to London »»/UiL find Hdffifc.Qwnforta , on moderate terms , at VV " Tho Shetwo§tPrivafe i Hotel," 19, Adam-St. Strand. F. SLAOTjlS*rietor. l \,| 1 J _ '$*tFB li-T^;:- - . ••. ¦ I Conunercial ^ani .Private^ lodging House, 49, A^BffigQEJWSa^TiBET. . _ - PARTIES ; i @aSM^t6^1J|raiaafc«»mmoaatcd, with orajomo Qgxnl ^^im TS ^vx e oomforts of a borne, on Mod%o ' rW ood Pr»r - ¦ - [o25-tf] Cg° Sitncd y-pKi Prnji goie to Saok yjlle-stroet. . ^EJajJ ^opean Hotel. "\TISITERS' ' ft) DUBLIN will find at tho EnEOrrAN, 1 y BOLTON-STREET; first-class accommodation, with modorate charges and assiduous attention. Large and elogantl y-appointed LADH3S' COFFEE ROOM. . 8®" Grand BANQUET HALL for Public Dinners, Wedding Breakfasts , Balls, Snppors, Ao. Restaurants—Billiards. Beds, 2s. 6d., 2s., and Is. 6d. , . [m31-tf] J. M 0 L O N Y , Proprietor. Oysters ! Oysters ! , Oyuters ! The Commencement of {he Season, BURLINGTON RESTAURANT AND OYSTER . . BAR , DUBLIN. THE PROPRIETOR begs to acquaint his Friends and the Pnblio that he is now prepared with ft conabfttf- - Supp ly of RED BANK BURRIN OYSUBRS? : ft ; e ' sh overy Day, front his own Beds in tho Count y Clare; The increased demand for these d p lidous bivalves -rende re d it-impe rativoi on the -Proprietor to secure an unfailing supp ly for his Customers. ¦ Lunoheons, Dinners, Snppors, o la Carte aa.nanal. Wines and Spirits First-class. John Jameson and Son' s ' -73 Whiskey. ... Dry Amontillado Sherry, Martoll and Hennosgy' % *** Very Old Brandy^ Sauterno, Chablis, 4c. .. ' JOSEPH^ CORLESS, PEOPEIETOE, 28, STJANDREWST. i CHURCH LANE, DUBLIN. n22) OYSTERS J OYSTERS J OYSTERS ! tf . . . .. - - . Mtt' OrClyde Hotel , - - : " " ANKE ' RSTON QUAY, GLASGOW; IS in the immediate vicinity of the English and , " Irish Steamers, including tho Cl yde Shipp ing Coinpany ' a Steamers. ' Tduriste and families visit- ing- Scotland will find this -Hotel a comfortable home. } Charges verymodera ' te. ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . > ' :- ' s6.1y ¦ " THE GEOBGE HOWEL, " C. COLLEGE-ST., and 29, :80 , ' & Sly FLEET-ST - PATRICK-SHERID AN CAEEY; (Late of the City Mansion HotelJ. Eap^BiKTOE* Entrance , 6 , College-Street. ; Night ;Pprter in attendance. . . . . ¦ :;• ;,;¦ x- ' ' . ' - ' - ' »¦ . ' .. . . : ' ' ' JHL^J.B-1-O. - ..^'^ .^.^X '^ MR B I L T O N , PRQFESBQR OF. MUSIO . S&- JIQ;.. -18 , : : HENRIETTAi STREET. ^ j ,., --^/;l!erins , ori appHaatioD , " : - ' : .: >.v^-. Tdf-amp 1 450,000 Stories; or X22 .60O Sterling; ¦ . . ¦;. . •< i-: , :.TO . BE ¦ ;W O K^f : ' 7v --: . .. " . .! fFlHAT ipCthe amount of . ' .tho . Chlef Prize to fee JL . r won in tho naost . fortunate casein;the BBUN8> mcc ^OKKT - LoTTEBT, guaranteed by the "GerJ man GovernmentAn Brnnswick^vTbia Money LotJ tery contains 48 , 000 Prizes, together amounting td ¦i riA i ;; ' i -9) Miiuo.u 7iSJXiOMAtXB. . ¦ ': ' - ;| :;:'All i.the8e ; Prizes will. be drawn in Six DivisionsJ closely following ' each other^ro'Among the 48 J OQQ Prizes aw. the following * G^iet Prisep :— ' . 1 1 of^00,900 1 Marks.> : . 12 of . 15^000 Marksl . 1of ^60 , 000 - . ' •; " ' •;•* l of. '12 , 000 : ,. 1 >io^ico ,poo ¦ •;, V4 {. 23 PMO, OOO ri ?ff ta-} W. b<n- ,. < - -;, ' r -O> - .r2 1 6tb8, ooo i ti ¦ ¦ - - ¦ zj t ii j Bom^,. : --S : ^'i 8. 000 :- -• ; ^&ai:$o&o?$flkiV WW*. ?*ooo ' ' ¦ . - : ¦ J .:;i : ofi : 26,000 |^ .-S^'Q i0* i qfj^3 > O00- ' :i ixiteZsoMn^Mw&Hh&uj no . ,. * ^VThe - ^ffic ^yi^^^&^o^aH ^e Drawiiiga . of wa r , firili dl'ri8ion attitfunt« ; tbV' 5 ;: ' ; ' . '' ¦ . .. ¦ . - ' ^ v. ; 1 . r' f^-I0 ;'SaTO' 8S . ; f6r;B ;^i6le .6ft g inal ! Ii6t;-- ' ;%-f .:iu 1^8. "8nUnng» foVonVHalfiO ' ri&ial Lot , ^' .; . :-; : ^r^.4~3MQing8 torfinifQup ier , Qii , linal .I>ob?j ¦ ' : \i . ' ^nSe^ftW^ter- rocel pt,^. the auount' . - 'tlio Chief Uttery Offl<*, A^LO JOS Biia!;Hanjbtrgh , forwBrd tho oider«deokotfffor;»jrjtodriwinf«of;l}ioflrat division; i*d<^^oW;ai^fott6J &)li?aatr- .Theamoun{*l^teW^to f* Wrirfl&.S^brder &i Entflishl NOW READY , . Printed on Good Paper , and in largo clear Type, A NEW EDITION op BUTLER'S CATECHISM. TO THE CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS, &t . On Sale at The News Office , With the Recommendation of the Bishop of Waterford and Liamore, the Right Rev. Dr. POWER A Catechism for the Instruction- of Children , BY THE MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES Bo 'iLi:f., A.rch- ... , . . ' . hjshoP "f C/wiel and Eml y. RECOMMENDATION: Iappt jve of of this Edition of tua Eight ltcv Dr. jAi rEaBDTtEB' s-Cateohiem, and . ^commend it to tho Faithful of these Dioceses. lj« " JOHN POWER, B.C.B. " Waterfora, Sept. 10th, 1878." OKDEES from any part of tho Diocoso, sent in and directed to C. REDMOND, ' •Printer and Publisher, Waterfo rd News Office , 49 King-street , promptly at- tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms. May bo had Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in the Dioceso. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC puri- fica and enriches tha Blood, strengthens the Nerves and Muscnlar System ; promotes Appe 'Ute and improves Di- gestion j animates the Spirits and Montal Faculties ; tho- roughly recruits tho general bodil y health, and induces a proper healthy condition of the Nervous and Physical Forces, Bottles containing 32 measured doses, la . 6d. In tho preparation ol this Tonic the greatest caro is exer- cised. It is a faithful compound of QniHine , the actire prin- ci ples of Yellow Cinchona, or Peruvian Bark, blended with n refined trustworthy preparation of Iron, produced in a form which the oipcricnco of many years has proved tho best. This Tonic offers a ready means of gaining tho strength and other benefits afforded by Quinine and Iron, without any feai 01 ill consequences , as its composition is that approved of by the great majority of medical men throug hout the country. TDEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC— { _ Bottles containing 32 measured doses, 4s. Cd. Tonic eotmejit will removo Indigestion, Hatnlonce, Constant r eartburn . Weakness of tho Stomach, Sinking Sensations in nat Organ , Naueea, &c. Tho whole digestive functions aro powerfully assisted by Quinine and Iron. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC.Quinine and Iron form the most effective treatment in all compkiints arising from derangement of the Nervous Sys- tem. Li the most weakened state of the Nerves, a course of Quinine and Iron 19 sure to benefit. Ague, Sciatica, Weak- ness of the Limbs, Prostration, Incipient Pur.ilysin , St. Vitus " Dance, Fevers, &c. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC, J_ strongly recommended as a desirable, safe, economical , and advantageous mode of taking streuKhtcning medicine. The IB. «d. Bottle contains ;12 measured doses, which , it taken daily, lasts 16 days: Tho next size bottle is 11s., sufficient to lnst U days. The Stone Jure, sold at 25s. ftich , contain nearly ix of the 4s. 6(1. Bottles. Tho Namo of T. PEPPER is on Svcry I.nbel. SULPHOLINE LOTION. —An external means of Curing Skin Diseases. There is scarcely any erup- tion lint will y ield to " Sulplioline" in a lew days , aud com- uicnco to fade away, oveu if it seems past euro. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches, Bcnrf , roughness , vanish as if by initgic , whilst olil , endnring stln disorders , that have plagueu the suiferera for years , however deep ly rooted they may be. '• Sulplioline " will saccesudillj attack them. It destroys tho iminiilciilto which cauao theso unsightly, irritable , pninfnl olfcctioiis , and always produces a clear, healthy, natural con- dition of tho skin. •• Sulpholiue " Lotion is sold by most chemists. Bottles , ^OU. each. L IVER " COMPLAINTS . —D E. KING 'S T > AN- DELION and QUININE LIVER PILI.S (Withoat Mercury). The bost 4jpme<ly for Biliousness. Stomach Dc- ningcment , Flatulen' oBV^Paius between tho Shoulders, ri. ' t * ' ' Appetite, Indigestion, Acidity, Headache, Heartburn, and ^X'iS all other Symptoms of Disordered Liver, and Dyspepsia. " -"SwaS Acknowledged by many eminent surgeons to bo the safest ' *~?i? and mildest pills for every constitution. In boxes at Is. IJd., 2s. 9d., and|4s. 6d., at all chemists. nrURAXACUM & PODOPHTLLIN, a Stimulant JL to the Liver.—A dose of this combination is recom- mended to any one complaining- 'bf Liver Derangement, more particularly when arising from slight congestion. By gently stimulating tho Liver and sli ghtl y moving the Bowels , the heavy drowsy feeling and Headache, with, generally, Pains in the Chest and Hack , especially after catiog, is dissi pated. TARAXACUM ASD PODOPUTLLIH is much safer in its action Ihan Calomel or Blue PiU, and certainly quite equal in power in removing the often distressing inconveni ence- andTalh atten- dant on Dyspepsia. Bottles, 2s. M. each. The Name of " T. PEPPEK, .London, " must bo on the Label. DELLAR'S CORN PLASTER.—BoxeB Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. The Corn Plasters aro a certain core for hard ar soft corns , they completely dry up and eradicate pain- ful corns ; tho Bunion Plasters a proved remedy for Bunions and enlarged toe joints. Sold by all Chemists. Be careful Dellar' s Plasters are supplied. /"NRACRQFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE. \ j —By rising this Aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth becomes white , sound, and polished like ivory. It u exceeding ly 1 iragrant , and specially useful for removing in. crus^f-ons of tartar on neglected Ueth. Sold by all Chein- sts. Pots, Is. and 2s. Gd. each. (Get Crocroft' s). . DEAFNESS , Noises in the Ear , &c—Dellar' s ¦ ESSENCE FOB DEAFNESS has proved , nn ertraor- din&ry remedy. . . It always relieves, generally cares , and- is strong ly recommended by thousands who have derfnod benefit. It is quite harmless . Sold in bottles, Is. Ud. and 2u . 9d. each, by all Chemists. "I LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER will darken Grey Hair, and in in a few lays restore completely Ihe natural colour. AThile keeping th j Hair its proper colour, it is useful for removing Bcurf. Lockyer' B Be- storer has powerfal cleansing properties , rendering it a desir- able Hair Fluid. Large Bottles, Is. 6d. T OCKTER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORES I 1 will datken, to the former shade . Hair thnt is abso- lutely white, in about ten days ; bat where greyncss is com- mencing at the front and temples , the Sul p hur Wash prompt, ly colours , rendering it nndutinguishable from that which has not chin god. - Large Bottles, Is. Sd. each. LOCKYER'S' SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER. Debility and ITervousness. Re-issue of" THE WARNING VOICE," Dr. S MITH' Celebrated Work, of which 500,000 Copies ^ '^eraeold. ¦ RoviBed Edition. -• ' ¦ " . - •-' ¦ ..i. V 4 - : - Now Ready, 152 pages, py post to all parts of the World in Envelope, two Stamps. mHE WARNING VOICE, —This is a special Medical JL ' Book addressed to Youth and Manhqodvon the Cause, Symptoms, Conseqaenoos , an^r Treatment of Debilitating Diseases, by HENBT S MTH, , ' Doctor o{ Medicine : of the University of Jena, by Di p loma, I860; This Work gives advice and instructions^tha tosalt of 30 years' - practice) for the Cttre' of all Dise&^g ' or ' tho Nervous System, Nervous Dcb'iliiy j^Mental and Physical Depression , Palpitation of the "Heart , 1 Noises in the Head and Ears , Indecision, Impaired Si ght and Memory, Indigestion, l^ss-of'-lsnergy , the Back, Constipation, ' BlaBhingj Hysteria , Timidity, Self. Distrust, DirzinesB , Love of Sohniile ^ QroundlesB Fears , Muscular Relaxation,; &o.,"' resulting from exhaustion of Nervo - Power, - ; the effect^oI / Oterrtaied Energjes , Enervating Habits , - and' bther . abuseis ' of . the ' eystern Gives tho advioo and instntotiona by.Trhioh , tbDnsarids have been restored to health. - , 'ffltnrtrate'd by Cases and Testimonials, from grateful c 'patien(is l- ' with : means of Oure nsed in each cast. > - ' •<¦ ••. ¦ - ' ¦¦ : :..? ' ~ ";".; . . ; " - " Dr. HENBT SMTTH, 8, Burton Crcsent , London; W.C. ¦:•' ¦ NINETEENTH ' THOTJSAND. ¦ ' . :-: Fifty-soven Engravings ' oh Wood, post free tot SEVEN . :.. - . . Stamps. - . ¦ : -> ¦ - ..> . ' ;:- ¦ ¦ . . . . : PHYSICAL . EDUCATION ; or, : tho -PEOPLE'S- GUIDE TO HEALTH ; on the Cnlture of the Health- r ful rand Beau tiful in Humanity. - Fifty-sorBa-Engrav . ings. BOBJECTS :—Physical Educa tion; Lairs<>fLifei ' " How to rondor Weak MUBCIBS .. Strong/: .Gymnastics , Provontion . of Duease , <^re ' bf"D>eaM , ~Alr -- . L^ht , ¦ Skin, Diet, Bath; &c , . Ac. Givea " Instfnqtibn8;foT - " Developing and Strongtbeointt thovHpman Body, ' Hovr . to Regain Lost Health , roauTting from XbSlr of-Nerra_ P " o¥erfthe "EffMt' ;of^pTerta ^E ^^*^p^«W<«k ,.. ! CSty-lifo. ' . 'Worryy Brain-toilJJLiWnip&ancey. Enerirat. * ing Habits , " and other abuses of the systenvi 1 HbW; to . - Secrure Long Life, ' and Avoid the Infirmities of Old'Age. * - 1 DB: HBNET SKITH, 9, Bn^rj Cj ^gwnt / Lcmdph . W.C ¦ ' ¦ -' ••Noi'dBTO CoT r »T^. - lirTAJjii>B-- i <!rtuThItB>tipn ' by ¦ lette»;-OTth>nti^^ ; iDr7 H«OTT,Bi^Hi^y;Di pIoma , . : of , tho; Royal -University. ' of \3enai^ , iAo; hjw- devoted 30Ve&rs 'to the , , B^HM T^taent- ' of'Dwtsc« f of the : Neryous 'Syrtemy' resnlting from"' eihanBtiOTrof . ' Nerve ' Powev . 'iLb pal'Weaknegs . - '&c^ will , -f6r the>flnefit ol Cdunttyi lnTalidB jion . -Mooiving a'statemeirt . ibf' caie ' send his OylnuJn^TVrth advic« and:-InBteotdons^Whibh , if fcUoweu^wilUngurtf a -c ure . V'A. MCbnfldautial'ffdrin - :! i>l ¦ Correspondencb to asja«t: thef InvaJi ds iff desorib jn ' g-. . . ' ,; their- '-case, ecnt' posfe free. ' /^As personal' -intorViejr.iMii ' ¦ ' ¦ - eipenflivo Consnltation-fee avdided^^vi . K' rc^.ivaS.tfu ^:-. >' . Dr. HiNBT SMTTH; -8Burton^Crtsoent . -Eoildtai/.W' .C, ^ - , i : : . " .; «'^r:thf^o«i|?| s V{ ?ii|i^r^«^^^;^ { i_0 :. > ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ :. . - . " »¦• MO SJ^^Jon^M-^SMi^^^ •-: ; '^ ' : r - : ' ;S^ v :^^BiQOT^MippU^A^^^ ^dRlca ^EA^srao;aiia,iiij^Bma'tifeBii0OP>^g men6^; r;Eoti^rofols,;;-BOTrw;' ;ain }^«fe ^^^, -;^;^^ : Sorea of- all ]kinaaJit is.a:nevfcr-failnigt«Jld perrnancttti' ,.>:;- , * "?' ;-;slt;.Oi^JOJ^^^te0^«if !^:^^^ ' •I:'iL si Oureai-tnoeratedtBor6«iIe« iii^&f &KT^'&:£>< " - , fcae^ithitfBlr^ifroo»^iljn^-M^^trom^:?v ?!# +r^-fr^Ttt' ' tt rivtWnff^iiiflfi n^ i^ Sofit P d m. *Xgg£^H2- , Btitutiwpf el^.>oxyQiaJ5rOTrMKgi^fi&? $&ti! ; ^Mtf i


Feb 21, 2022



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loprosire THE rftorixcMi. BASI ). ¦ ,„1r\. B~kEICE—THREE PENCE ; Yearly (in Advance), 13s.«M~ By PontlYearly), 15s.. in Advance.- . -p/v -l&a«" All Cheques and P. 0. Ordora, made payabletf '-fiHCORNSMUs R EDMOND, at this Offico.

Tho NEWS (Liberal in politics) circulates oxtensivelynmonrat tho merchants, traders and nobility, gentry,terin>elM«s. to., in Waterford, pkcnny.ftprrfrary.and tho aonth of Ireland gcnorally. Tho NEWS has 'attained a circulation novcr equalled by any paporpublished in Watorford, and is admittedly the leadingfourna in this important city, with which there is directdaily communication from London. .

Particular attention paid to commercial and agnoul..iural matterB. ' v « .IAAdvertisements received tor tho N«WB bj all re*?*6*;iblo Newspaper Agcntg inJfcBJnnitad. "OTCTm^BttvamtTwirM«w«rHqnn«ra5r ffBown at tap omoo.

AOENTS FOB SALE or THE NEWSWATERFORD—Mr. W. KELLY, Little Georgo's-st.TRAMORE—Miss CLANCY, Refreshment Booms, in

Strand-street.PASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses Lovz , Hotel, Square.CABRIOK-ON-SUIR—:Mr J. M. MBRPHT, News Agont.LONDON-<For Advta.) Mr. WILLIAM CARBOLII, 18,

Crawshay Eoad, Vassal Road, North BrUton.I UBLIN—Advertising Agents : Messrs. W. H. SMITH

<fc Sox, Abbey-street.DUNGARVAN—Mr. EDWABD BRENNAN, Stationer,

4c, Post andTelcgraph Offico , Tho Square.CASTLECOMER—Mr. J. HOLOHAN , Main-stroot.


W H I T E S T A B L I N E .R O Y A L A N D



Altered Service by Great Western Railway Corojpany'B Trains nnd Steam Boats, via MilforflHaven , in connection with the WATKRTORD anaLIMKRICK , WATERFORD & CENTRAL IRELAND ,and WATERFORD, DDNOARVAN , AND LISMOBE

LINES.**Bhortest Route and Reduced Fares.

^~X~——-4K. Express Trains and Fait



DOWN.—LEAVE LONDON (Paddington) at 5.15 pm.,Sundays oxceptod, and ARRIVE AT WATSB-FORD (weather and circumstances pormitfcng)about eleven a.m., in timo for tho Trains ontho Waterford and Limeriok, Central Irefcnd,and Lismor o Lines.

UP. -Leave Watcrford at 4.15 p.m., each Week pay,on Arrival o{ tho 11 a.m Train from Limirick,10.35 a.m. Train from Maryborough,' and11.20 a.m. Train from Lismore, ARBIVIXO inLONDON (weather and circumstances per-mitting) at 10.15 a.m., tho following day;

Passengers travelling by the Steamer leaving on Saturdays will proceod from New Milord bytho 9.50 Train on Sunday morning. ,

On Sundays, a Special Steamer will sail from Water-ford (Perrybank Wharf) at 6.3l) a.m., carrying Bissen-«/>rs and General Cargo only ; and will call at AJelphiWharf on tho 4th and 18th January to embarkPassengers and their Luggago, starting thonco 6r NowMilford at 7 a.m.

No Cargo can be received on board after 4.1 p.m.,and the stages will then bo removed, to cnaUe thoSteamers to depart PUNCTUALLY at the appoints time.Tho 2.45 a.m TRAIN from NEW MILFORD will in allcases, WAIT tho ARRIVAL of Steamers.

Under no circumstanco can Passengers holdingThirdClass Tickets be allowed the use of Saloon.. Special Boats will (weather and circumstance per-

mitting) Bail from Waterford to Now Milford withCattle, Sheep, and Pigs, on Mondays, from AtelphiWharf, at about 2 p.m., and on Tuesdays from Terry,bank Wharf, at about 5 p.m., calling at Adelphi Vharfwhen the state of tho tido permits ; also on suchptherdays as may be necessary.

FARES— WATERFORD AND LONDON :SINOLES (available 5 days) 1st Class and Saloon, vCsOd„ " " 2ndCla8s and Saloon, !5s Gd

3rd Class and Fore Cabin. 10s OdRETURNS (available 1 month) 1st Class & Saloon, 76s.

" •• " 2nd Class <fc Saloon 59s.11 3rd Class and Foro Cabin, 33s Cd.Further information can bo obtained from Mr. J. M.

DOWNET,Railway Terminus, Limerick; Mr. W. Q. Mc- . . 1 . FJNAUABA, Adelphi Wharf, Waterford. Tho R«Dbc*D". !/rhursa»v.FARES between other important Stations, the Timo §?*SI'"J'rabies, and Through Rates for Goods, &c., can ba ZfrJ S? ?*1obtained of Mr. W. J. BUSSKLL , tho Great Western &££££;¦Railway Company's District Agont, Adelphi Wharf, Wednesday,Waterford. J. GRIERFON, General Manager. Wednesday,

Paddinctor. Terminus, 31st Dec, 1879. dar^

THE IRISH BOATS. . iwednSdty:£HSaturd*y,W/WedntKiay,

I Wednesday,j Wodnetday,> Saturday,

~ » NOTICE.—Tho Steamers of thiigs»GSH* . line' talj0 *no Lane Routes, record- rtCJi»A.y V vv mended by Lieut. MADKT, on botl—**™fTiWrU tni Outward and Homeward Pa4

gages, >• TheBe well-known magnificent Steamora, all construnt,

cd by Messrs. HABLAND & WOLFE, of Belfast, ar4appointed to sail weekly as undor.carrying her Majesty'!

Land the United States Mails :—\ From LrvBErooL :—

ADRIATIC ... Tnosday, . .. Cth Jan.GERMANIC .. Thursday, „. 15th Jan.BALTIC ... • Tuesday, ... 20th Jan.CELTIC ... Thursday ... 29th Jan.;REPUBLIC ... Thursday, :.. . 5th Fob.

». From Quocnstown (Cork) the following day. :.?_, FROM NEW YOBK ; : : .*'GERMANIC .. Saturday, ... 27th Deoember.

, BALTIC .:. Saturday, ... 3rd January.Tneso splendid vessels REDUCE the PASSAGE So

tho shortest possible timo, and afford to Passongors Uehighest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at Rea. ¦

Average Passage, 8fc days in Summer.; <J| days loWinter. Each Vessel is constructed in 7 waters-tigitcompartmente. i

The STEERAGES aro unusually spacious, well-lightd],ventilated, and warmed, and Passenger* of this CISMreceive tho utmost civility and attention. Cattle, Shopor ?igs aro not takon by this lino. An nnlimibdsupply of Cooked Provisions. Medical comfort*-fetof charge. Stewardesses in Stccrago to attend ticWomen and Children. " jPassengers booked low rates, to all partsM

tho United States and Canada. >APPLY TO : i

T. S. HARVEV, Littlo Goorgo'g-street, Waterfo«}-J. M. MURPHY. 43, Now-lano, Carrick-on-Suir.JOHN WALL, Jun., Dungarvan.JOHN HOLOHAN, Caatlocomor.JAMES WATTS. Bonmahon. ' uJOHN TOB1N, senr., farmor, BaUydnff. iJAMES SCOTT & Co., Queonstown j or tJ iISMAY, IMRIE &Co., 10, Water-street, L.veiy>ol



~-nimBhliiWlw TnTirrTinni to PhiladolpMEVERY WEDNEflDAT.

Calling at Queenstowa every Thursday. 'First-class Full-powered Iron Steamships are appoino.

to Sail .— ¦,BEITISH CEOWN Jan 7 I PENN8n,VANIA J» D,2INDIANA Jan.14 »BBmsn EMPIBK J»n^LOBD CLIVE Jan. 21 | LORD GOUOH ... Feb

No intermediate Passengers carried on voyamarked thna* •

Tho only Trans-Atlantic Line sailing under tho Ited States Fl&g, and carrying ithe American Raftasaving life, besides tho usual complement of Lifeboiand an extra number of life Preservers. The aoomodation for all classes of passongers U equal to an;the European Steamship LinoB. Every Steamer can«a Surgeon and Stewardess. ' . j

Passengers and goods are Isndod at Philsdelphiaotho Wharf of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Compatjwhich has the shortest and most direct route to all pis*in the Western States. . . ' " • • \

Passengers by this line can pass direct into the &iroad Cars without leaving tho Landing Wharf, andsidor tho same roof, there aro Refreshment Booms, fnted States Letter Box, Telegraph Offioe , Exchange 0fice, and Baggage Express Offico. • - - • • :

CABIN PASSAOB, 12 to 18 guineas. Return Tic elat reduced rates. r. -

STEIEAOE PASSAOE as low as by any other fast {n<nclnding an ample snpply of good Provisions. S*oage Passengers are forwarded to New York or Bo tcwithout additional charge • ¦ ¦ ¦: • ¦ ' ¦

ISTBBHEDUTr PASSAOB, including 'Beds, Bedc njand all nooeasary Utensils and separate Table. .£8 11.'

Apply in'Philadelphia to PBIKB WBIOHT *,8»IJuoneral Agents, 307, Walnnt-etreet ; in Queeostowl, tJN. & J. CUMMINS 4. BROTHIRB -, andin liyerttoo

R10HARDSON; BPENCE * Coitf. ¦ 17 and l9 W»ter4treet j. j ¦:

JOHN DEVEREUX.f Qiiy. Wftterford ¦WILLIAM WIQHTlG 'Keww-itJlO

Custom-house Ont,y.!W*tanordj \ | *

TOST BECEIYEB, - ' '*;A ; LATiQE and Fresh Supply,of Dr, Vtl

-OL » JOHNJWI &'Co> PBIPABATTOKS, OOMofthefoDowJagl: .' • ; ¦ ':- '-rv-.V ^" ¦'¦: ¦¦':¦¦

Dr DxBoos;: world-famed -GmtM - -y n .yejfotabloliifeDiopg.. ,>, ',.: j,V ' . ,= .- '.'V'V !

Jr.' D«Eoo«! HUB $*«tqsxigTif a:m±.TERVDtfS^^EBITiPPY ioiiTlii^

/urod^UwK^ltoof^W'v^Wiy WR '¦SZffils lUf lB&ME\»ta««:Bk^^-Aum^SiBdi iMrf lm mft f SsBsat^mm


SKIPPING:¦ -¦ :" ' *.¦: .:.'

Watorford Steamship Company!¦ VV

¦'-¦ ¦• ¦¦ ¦ (UKETED ;¦' •¦" ¦'• -:: a - • . ' . • ' • .

INtBNBED.i OEDEB OF SAHIN<3^AN., 1880.¦ ¦ ¦'"¦•• -'•si^-'V. " ; STEAMEEfl » • - ' ¦ '•¦..- .: - .<'- ' _'¦


¦ EXPRESS. ¦"¦."

¦" • ¦:.• •¦ - . .'¦' ¦V'.v.., :: . '- , > ¦ ¦¦

"v- i ."V' " /• ::"lti"O'TiPB;—T^'8 '.;W»terfora^ £J±~H5s. ' ¦ J3I Steajnship Comp«ny(Limited)

' TtH^EuVV< ' reeetTO Goods mi UraStock for

Ship-!J93HHMB lmest 'on' the'oonSttioni'iaantlotiodla;

^ "*^ ^^ 8aillne LlsU, *o.-,\to,'.l».Jba4 at their' - Offices. "— * . \


Direct : ' ' •.Mreotf • . ¦<;Frida/, Jan. 2...U morolnglThuniaaj, Jan.a ;.: 8 .mor»TmesdVy. ., 6... 2, affnoon aturday, .>,. ,.-,.9 ... B.nWgFrid«r, „ »... Si aft'ooon murwij., - „ _ o ...a aam,TuendVly, .. IS... 9 •.morning Satardar..":' »'lUk«>UfW|Siisatetfaf5SSS5; 27..: iiSoralng S»tnrfay. „ 24 ...U ni«^Wday7 „ S0...10I morninl Thund&y, . „ 29 ... 7 ooa

Satuday, „ 31 ... 8 nlgtotsr On early Moreing Soilings, Catini ol the stsamtrs will

bo open to receivo Passengers arriving by tha Night M«UTrain. ' ¦. ¦ - ' -' 1

Fares—Cabin, Us.; Hetora do. (sraOabto tot One month);25s. ; Children, 10s. ; Servants (travelling with Families) 10«.Eetorn, 15s. ; Deck, 7a. 6d. Return Tickets br Dublin, Cork,]or Warford. S6s. Extension of Time granted on all SeturalTickets on the following terms:— For a Fortnight, 8s. 6d.,and tor every subsequent week, 2a. - ,;

W A T E E F O E D A N D 1 I T E B P O O L . (nioK WATSKroas : TXOX LIVXUOOL I 1

Friday, Jan. 2 ... 1* AffnlFrlday, Jan. 2 ... 1 art'sMonday,Wednesday,Friday,Monday,Wednesday.Friday,Monday,Wednesday,

,10i Morn. H All'n, 3 Att'n. 1» Af fn3 Affn3 . Att'n

101 Morn12- Noon

3 Affn Saturday, „ a ...11 night3 Affn Wednesday, „ 7 ... £ mom(H Morn Friday, „ 9 ... 7 mom1J A/fn Saturday, „ 10 ... 9 sight3 Att'n Wednesday, „ 11 ...12 nooali Affn Friday, „ 16 ... 1 alt";I Affn Saturday, „ 17 ...11 D%KI Att'n Wednesday, „ SI ... 5 mo*>l Mom Friday „ 23 ... 7 noriI- Noon Saturday, „ 24 ... 8 nigbtI Noon Wednesday „ 28 ... 11 mornI Affn Friday, „ SO .:.13 noon

Batwday, „ SI ...11 nigh :

Friday,Monday, ,,Wednesday,1 „fridiy. .,

232fi28 ...12 Noon30 Atfn

Cabin Fare, 17a. Cd ; Sormnlo (travelling with families) andCMldron, 10s ; Deck, 10». : Children, 5«. ,

Goods received and discharged at Clanmoe Dock. -*- • -Goods JSookod througn .from all ¦ principal Station* o>

Great Northern, Luicashire and Yorkshire, London andNorth Western ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire,and Midland Bailwuys to Waterford. Tlirongh Booking*also to Limerick, Tiiiperoxy, 4c. •

Goods Booked through from all Stations on Waterford andCentral Ireland Bailway, Wsterford, DungnrTan, andJJsmoaEsilway, and Wateriord and Limerick KaBway. -¦ ¦-¦

WATEBFOBD AND :NEWPOKT, . ; , •rsou WATmronD. reov MEWTOBT.' •

Weekly. | . .¦ . Wookly. iW A T E E F O E D A N D D U N O A l t V A N *

AM Cargo offers.W A T E B F O E D A N'D TQU O H A L . 1

As Cargo offers. ,'W A T E E F O E D A N D N E W E08S. V

Fnosi NKW BOSS—Daily. Bundaya exceptod, at 8-i5 a.m. '¦y ROM WxTERroas—Sally, Sundays excepted, at 34 p.m. f

W A T E E F O E D AND ; DTJ N C ANN ON . • ')¦¦FROH DOHCAHKOX—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.15 o_m. -.FROM WITEBIO&D—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 3. 5 p.m.'NOTI—Tho Waterford Steamship Company, limited, Insun

ill Ooods 8hipped by these Lines of Steamers at 3s. *d. per>nt. to Traders having - Yearly Agreements, and St. par:ent. to Occasional Shippern,values to bo declared at time ofShipment. Forms ana all: Information to'be had at thejfficea. • . . . .. .- '»

Berths secured and ererj- information given by Agents si:BRISTOL—Tho Waterford. Steamship Company » ;(Limited)

58. Queen Square. * . . -( LiYtRroOL—Waterford'Steamship Cbnvpany (Limited), SD,Fator-Btroct, and Clarence Dock, i ' , aSNKW ?ORT—Thomas & Co.', Dockntreet. t

DuitaiiiVAX —Mr. • T. Downey, Main-street. ' >-YooonAt—W. N. UBaber, .Nelson-place. . :¦. ¦ i

> At the Offices, New Boss and Doncannon. j> And at the Comiany's Offices, THE JLUX, WATIBTOBD i.







Regular Steam Communication iefween> WATEBFOED and 10 N D O JT

',-V Via Southampton and London, and South Western3 Eailway. "PLYMOUTH **o SOUTHAMPTON, XBP SOUTH 0» ENOr

LAND. COEK. DUBLIN, BELFAST **D aLASOOW^[ -v _ -IK ' mrfE New anapoweaul-Scrttf¦>wJii—IT J- SteamenCOPELAND.TOWABD.


Jve intended to Sail as under, weather permitting (unless pre-afcnted by unforauen clrcamstances), with liberty to TowWessela, and to call at any Port or Ports in acy order, in or

tut of the customary conns, to Receive and Discharge Cargo,or for any other purpose whatsoever. ' ' :


rBCM 0US00W 30 WiTEBJOBD.. ; ' : '- -Friday, 2nd, Tuesday, 6th, and Fridiy, Mh January,,;-.

and thereafter, . ¦ : .-. :; VEvery MONDAY/ WEDNESDAY, and FEIDAY, at X n.nv

Caledonian Train to Oreenock at S.2S p.m.; -19} ' •¦'¦NOTK—The Steamcr«a Friday go** via Cork.'*', ; -' .-

-- rsoa wiTxxroBD TO BDJIJT. ,'. f .THUSSDAYS, 1st aud8Ui January, Ti»-Cork," -'- at 1 p.m.FEIDAY8, 19th, 23rd, and. 30OL T iWV"- ' •'" - . at I p.m.Every 8ATUEDAY, diTect iip5!«3('iT. . '¦' :• - atSpJU.

v ¦ HUUST TO TTj.Tt&o$J>, direct : ¦. . Every <*JHIJBSDAY. '

Via Glasgow; MONDAYS, 6th-and 12th, and WEDNESDAY,% ..^ 2(at and ZSth January. . ¦

ITBOK W1TXBIOBD TO DUBLIH, direct.WEDNESDAYS, 14th and 28th Jannary, at 1

(Via Glasgow) WEDNESDAYS, 7th and 21st January,t • • nt 1 p.m. . ¦ :/. .


rocx WATuroan JCO CORK, Direct. ' ' 'WEDNESDAYS. Mth, aisl. and 28th Jamunjr, at 1p.m.THUESDAY8. 1st and 8th Jaunary -at 1p.m.FRIDAYS, I6tb, 23rd, and 3 th Jannary, at 1 p.m.

. FBOJT Coax TO WirjRTOSD, direct,' ' Every TUESDXY. .

. . . WATKBIt)U> TO LO»DO». . :.'Steamer to Southampton, thenoa by London and South

Western EaUway to Nine Elms Station, at Through B*te»i j• Every SATUBDAY, at * p.m. ' ; I

Loaoos ro WATjniroKD—Every-TUXSDAY.;: ' jGoods receiveo at any of the Receiving *Bousos of tha

London and South Western Bailway Company, and at NineElms Station, opt«&S0p.m. ' . . " • • ¦

WJTXUOKD TO PtTMone,' direct,¦ . Every SATUEDAY, at 4 p.m . .FLT»onTS TO WATXBIOBD, direct, -

Every FEIDAY, at Noon.WATEBMBO TO SonrHAHpnw, TIA PtTKOonr,..

, Every SATUEDAY at ipjn. . .SocTHinrron TO WATTRTOBO, TIA PLIKOOTH, '

. • BTery WEDNE8DAY, at Noon^Theae - Steamers hav» - exoelleot ¦ •ooonunodatto * tot

Passengen*—•»— ' JABBi.b B -.i OHA*.1 ¦' ! ' ; :¦¦ ¦ • • ¦ :¦ ¦ Cabin. ¦Betnrn. Deck

Waterford to Olnagow and Belfast 17«.-,«<L .SSa.. . 10s.„ • Cork, . ... ... •• fit.. '• <. 1 * SL . , ¦«•• •Z Dublin. ... ... 131. 64 »». l.6d„ Plymouth Jc3onthampton,20s.' ' 80s. ¦ 10s

• ¦ „ .London, ...¦ ,-. -. ..¦. '<« , 2S«.'—-•"-: .'>...•!¦. . ' :Jfti. '-;Children above 3 andoader 13yean of age, HaU Faro. .¦,

t mn Horn.—Tlm> Clyde llhlpping CompanyTiiRire aD Oooda•hipiwd*y tteet Une«.o{ BUmxaep atS» *d per eent to VaOeahaving yearly •f«roum«B*i1 and «>> per-Cent (to.«oo«»ionairShipvers. . Valoes to be declared at tine of Shipment.; Formsud all information to beliad at thsoffioes.' ' -¦', . : : ¦ ¦ ',»- ' ,

For Bates ol Freight, • to, amir' to—J,' C. PmczBTOlr,1

Belfait t Hmur J. WiUMa- k C6.,\ Flnooath | W»U\M'OAHMT, London aad Booth/Western EaOiray CompanyExetar Boildlnir*, Arthur Btrert, West, and at thai.* ft W.Bailway Beoelflng ° Houaea' throughout J London »'".CKtia,SHiniHO &)., aiaayowl Qwenbek.U, Ttamyi»-rt.iMii»«jrf«JSoathamptonj, tl tOea Qoay, Dublin; Patrick's Qa*y> Cork,

, , . - - . CXTDE BHIPPISO COMPAHT ¦• , >.!-; - - -¦ - - • • :• ¦ •CustoniHoa»eQuay;"'»'at««OTut,".<'r-;':Special fonts of BU1» of •Lading' required by th»; Clyde

gnppiag Comptay to ba lad of the Airsata.'. ..'•¦. '..} ,'<> .' . ,

ZTATIOflfAIi LklTB to HEW TOllK.. i, ..,, ^.-j . . - . ¦

, .* ., <, ¦ -j Lt-i f/^;a/;i i i

LABGIST PAB3EKGEB 8Ta«IflHIPri;' :-rf rom XTTSBFOOI. to N»# TOBK,' VifI Qniin»iowBH, '

• ; , ¦ eTeryW*B«rt8»AT.;'- . r f; ¦.";', <; 'EGYPr-. ^L....i.:.....Weaii«» y, fJmo»ryJ ,7tt'EKGLAND '...¦..;.;:.V-W«dn»iia»y, iJT«anmry:n;,Utt;

. SPAIN :. ::..-...........Wrfn« yf ,iJ»an(U7.;tv21»tj; From London to Nair Tdrk aa follow*.: - \^:. ..;-¦

CANADA :1..v...:..S.r.;Sto«wtejr.-:-;'Jli:!J«BBMj/10ttHOLLAND.;.;;....'..:. B»tomj;y ' . i 2'xnh.ERIN v...^r.U...'.-v...8atnra«j. K :/JMUMJU:Slat .«Srfooa to N8W:TOTk.lJ0ai(»od W qMaMj( «y>9oM.

faf to T»4tjon^wn.« i«wweo^M

Woanpr«j^leges,; Eo^KoStefa^BjasS^mneiu..

¦. ^ s lBalUmore/je6:~Sape;lor*»io6tnnJodation;'taa »buad^

Cheap" thtor«K>Booa±iik.\W'aU.'pit» bi ti&TwimState* n&Cusu^ Bp e Bf toloT j iivw t

: Apply toiheNaaoiin SttwrWupOdnrpfjly(Li»ited>J

Pprtlawj JYiliiAM I'oiB«Jq \Qrp *i*:.B<jsf r.


I - pjn., - Tin Cork and Belfast6 p.m., visS^UastU.. ,J.tj1 -p.m., Direct. , ¦ ¦: •1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast6 p.m., via'Belfast.1' p.m., via Dublin.1 p.m-, . via Cork.1 p.m.,. via Cork and Belfast0 pjn., via Belfast ¦ - v1 p.m.. Direct, v. , • . .;1 pjn., via Cork, ¦ ' . :1 p:m., via Cork and Belfasta p.m., rift Belfast1 p.m., via Dublin.1 p.m., TU Cork. •J p.m., via Cork' and Belfast6 p.m., via Belfast 'TO wATcaroBP.. ;- I ;-.J




Auuono, ranonstown, or NeaaghL is t<« KaryborongImprtved quick and through daUy uonminnlcatlon b<S?«JS i * °?ler B4Uo?ai *° Waterford, tbeiNew Milford to London, and aU Stations on the GreatomEaflway of England. " -__—,,» , .

Servioe ldrproTed and accelerated One hour.8.50 pja. Up Exonnfon Trains, will ba discontinued.


•. ' ' TBAIH8 OH WISX BITS. SUlfDlTfl.

: ' eurtovt., . 18431421134 312 *3 TTsTTJi- Class Class Class. Class. Class. Clfl*¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ *•»• '•"¦ I P.*. | T.U: noon ( r.x

l£- •* tt. "« ¦ ¦ . • hm h. m. h.m. Km. h. m.'p.mWatarfoM, departure. 7 15 1. 0- '4 0 e u li 0'K>-PfflMJ& Br J 7 24- 110

'*DV 6 35 U 13, -SSTO ZX 735 -

i » 6

4S lS2il -

BjUyhale..:... 7 55 1S5 4 . M 715 12 50 -Thomartown 810 ISO tis 790 1 3 -Benoetshridga. . ..... 825 2 5 S S 7 4 5 120 -KUkennjl........arriTal 840 220 5 M 8 15 140 -_ Do ... ..departnie 8 5 5 230 530 — 150 —BaHyraylrrt 9 15 2 5 0 550 — 2 1 0 -Attanaglt. „ 9 35 S O 6 0 — 218 —Abbeyleir ...v..: ..... 9 50

S 15 6 15 — 2 30 -MarybOTir arrival 10 10. 3 85 6 is :_ 8 0 —MarybonTOh dop. up 10 52 u ' - — 3 U —PortarUngmn Juno'.... ll-u 4 17 _ _ 3 «' —Dublin:...;..:: arrival Ills 5 40 - —' 5 »' i-Athlone Jane, nrrlv. i is 8 80' — — — . —Maryboro* dep. down 10 30 711 — 9 J2 —BallrbrooVy .„..„..... 10 68 — 7 i6 — 10 J5l "—VoSui X.... 11 Si — 8 3 — — ¦ —Parsonstoim 12 * — 9 0 — — —Nenagh ... ..... „. 12 23 9 20 ¦—r«mplemtr» 1 18 — 8 17 _ 10 u.1 ,¦—

Class. Class/Class. Class. 12431(24

nm Jim bm hni nsi p mThurles . dep. — 7 10 1 — _ • -i 2 2Tcmplcmort - - — 7 29 j — — _ 2 2 0

Porsonstown - - — 6 •»Boscrea . - .! — 7 IS

Athbne Janctiou - I — — 815 230 — —Dnblin . dep.l — 6 0 1 9 0 1 0 — 930PorUrlin-rtoaJunc'tn — 8 3 ' 9 is 2 45 — —Marjboro' anl dwn — 8 25 .10 13 3 9 — 11 52

BOWK TEAIK8. Moil 1, 2, 3 — -Marfboro1 ' dep. — 8 40 !l0 35 '3 30 — 4 0Abbojleix ¦ - - — 9 0 '10 55 3 50 — 4 20Atteiagh ¦ ' • - — 9 15 I — 4 5 -! 4 3SBallrtaffiot - - — 9 25 '11 15 '4 15 ¦-« 4 45Kilkehuy • arrivall — ! 9 45 11 40 4 38 — ' 5 10¦ Do.' departure 7 30 .10 XI ill 45 4 50 i-> 5 20Bennitsbridge - 7 « 110 12 | — 5 3 ii.* 5 32Thomutown' ¦8"5:10 25 12 5 5 20 — f S UBallyAila - • '.) 8 25 W 40 12 15 5 30 —' 8 0JIulliaayat • •' 8 50 '11 01 — 6 0 —' 6 25Kilmacow . .; 9" S ill 10 '12 45 6 10 -: 6 35Wstertord > arrival! 9-30 ill 30 11 0 0 30 ~i 7 0' Special Fares ore charged to First and Second Class Pas-sengers booking to travel by the Express Mail Trains onGreat Southern and Western Lino.

Tickets Issued for Single Jonrnoy ore available only for thoTrain by which they are lssuod. -

Market Ticket* to Waterford and back will be issued «tMaryborough, Abbeylclx, Attanngh, and Ballyroeget, hi tha8.40 a.m Down Train, available for return by tho 4.0 upTrain oa date of Issue. Fares—First Class, 12s., Sooond CIUM,Cs., and Third Class, 6s. . . i' Betun Tideisare lssaod between any two H UUODB, avail-able for the daU of issue and daViollowing ; thoie issued for.any distance e»c«eding 50 miles aro avaiUDle for return onthe day. of lssus and the seven following days--Siindays notreckoned. Eetorn Tickets lrnued on Saturday are returnableon Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. .

' ' W. WILLIAMS. Secretary.



'WATXBIOBD ' Mall 1 / I Kail I MailTO unucc 1*2 1.2 3 1 2 8 1 2 3 1*2 1 231243

Class. Class. Class. Chus. Class. Glass, olass_ A.K. A.H. T.X. I P.M. f.K. ( JMf. F.K

Waterford.den. 6.H. — 11 35 .2 45 M-SO 8 30.Corrick-on-Sair 6 30 — 12 7 3 25 — 915 9 15Clomnel... 7 14 — 12 35 4 4 — 10 0 10 0Tfpperary...:.... 8 "5 — 145 5 9 — 11 35 1135Junction arrival 8SS — 2 0 520 — U 55 11 55Dublin... L , — 1 15 5 5 5 40 10 0 4 10 4 10Cork. .....; 960 I S O 2 0 4 3 5 815 2 0 2 0Dublin deporto — 9 0 10 15 1 0 — 745 745Cork i... .— 6 0 6 0 12Si. 2 45 10 6 10- 6Junction :.....!.. "8 85 12 15 — 5 35 — 12 23 IS 23

12«312&S 1 4211 4 2112*314 2 1 2 8

; ' . . , !¦' -A^it..) >.M. r.ic. -];p.m J;>.«.

Limerick dep.. — I 6 45 11 0 135 i ' 0 :10 50 |l0 50Junction arriv, -;: 8 10 12 5 2 15 5 15 iU 55 11 55Cork ,,- ..,19 60 1 3 0 2 0 4 3 5 815 — 2 0Dublin ., ;.., ... I U 6 5 5 40 10 0 — 4 10Dublin dep.J — — 9 0 10 IS 1 0 7iS 7 4 5Cork „ ._ — — 0 0 12 SO 2 45 10 6 10 6Junction ,, .., -k 8 85 12 15 — 5 85, 12 23 12 23Upperary........ - 8 55 12 SO — 5 50,12 50 12 50Oonmel _> 8 90 10 5 132 — 7 0 2 20 2 20Oarrfck.... '., 9 U 10 40 2 0 — ; 7 45. 3 0 S OyaterfordarrlrllO 1 Tl 30. 2 85 — 8 30 3 45 3 45^FA&ZS—First Clasisingle Ticket. 14s. 6d; Second do.; Us.;third do., t». onV BWnrn—First Class. 2U 9d.) Second do.,16s.- taa. ., • . {. f - ¦- ¦• M. X KEWrEDY, Bocretary.


.'.. : SHornBrJttwfao Coax, TBALXB, A»D KiuiBHSi."TOqeUpli t% and aj itr lit Jf OV., 1879.

- *'[4SiMrLiB n« L*NOTH.1K WATKBTO*!

. . I i . •'¦ . A. «. T. U. T. X.Waterford L .. =dep. 8 30 12,0 2 50irnm« .n I ... ,, , 8 50 .12 20 ,3 fKilmaothomls ... ¦• „, ,9 20 I S , 3 38Dsrrow andStradbaQy „ 9 40 1 25 .' 3 MDungarvan ; ... : „ 10, 8 :-.l:65 4 HC.ppa«h . ' ... 1 ' 10 25 . 2 15- .4 34Cappoiuln ', ... .- „; 10 40 .2 S3 4 45Lism'jre, ; ... arriv. 10 55 2 45 4 58

1 ' - 8. * W. R*flw»yt : . < ; ' ," • .' .Lismore ' . ... dep. 1130 , '¦ . 5 , 0Fermoy ... arriv. 12 14 ; . 837Mallow ... . • „ . 1 0 . 6 20Cork ,2 0 , 81JKillaxuey .„• 5 4S . . 9 27Traleo ;, '¦ i „ ;7'0 ' - ¦ 102»

' JO WATIBMBD. ' ' 1

lys. l . Sunday!

,i "


Borrow 4 StndWly „ 8 65 12 40 "4 40Pmftothojnaj, •<.!• - •• ¦ , »» *> '¦*¦ :,5 -«fJTmaxtan >' A.. ¦;. I , '. « <5 X » , f i MWttertord.r -V ti.: arr&al .10 0 J 1 {0 . « 45

Waterford W Pungamn—First Class, Single, 8». 3d. j' 2ndUi/«j.ta.' 84 . ClM<«J.r ' ' ' • ¦.~----'-»-:- -, .j.'-,.Waterford to! limorj-Single 1 1st class, 7s. 9d.-;2nilclisa,.)JrdJ«lsj»J Si 7di. Brturu-lstclais, 18I. J 2o4olst»,10f.Ott SoturdaTS, J&rket Ticket»,"st'i«duoea;ta»»/irmi>«ned rroni>lj I taHbo*? .W»l^oM;.lTrlha,!53&tS?TJiuto j and to: I "«»rffibr.t»r7i«>™^W.lytal»'«rp»

tuk+n *h» daj 0fI|iuionSS»«-iBoiK.wniiiiiSuH,

, \' V 'l *T 84 |t»i>it< •--•''..f i t . ::•• ¦»• - fii-7»i*hr''.

'.»* :» my*n)-Jfey »m Vta, ;P »., -P-aJtrpp JK.|¦»

¦¦•Li - 1 ' iri*i>r« ^iu*i

'p:'8::ift^:»!r 7 - '- i - -'*i'8i

S *l > l ''iV'fl'.y^y-) 1>"l;g? l-y, n>p-:W> n'

511? If Sffl^ IS[M

'uwcnf «i«w ¦* p n»°i.«PM:<.«ri*s.>tttg«»i



TO GENTLEMENhave been arjDointed SOLEappointed


Go to H. SMITH'S, Glasgow House,WHEEE you have the LARGEST STOCK to choose from, and the CHEAPEST BOOTS and


Ladies' Buttoned, Lacad, and ElasticGirls' do. - do. ' do.Gents' Elastic Side and Laced Boots,Boys' do. do. do.Men's Strong Working Boots,Ladies' and. Gents' Shoes,

Please observe—" The Sign of the Biff Boot," "Waterford


a" ; '- " - • ' - OFTH E KNIGHT^->QUAUW4-UNIFORM



Greatest attraction ever •before offered to 'the Public at•¦ " ¦¦

X)W^3ST ' POWER'¦¦¦'&" SOK'S/" :

;v ' . 7, 8, AND 33, GEOEGE'S-STBEET^ WATEEFORDN.B.—Purchasers will do well to call enrly, as only a limited number remain unsold.

(S* Special attention to the Complete House-Furnishing for £4,CONTAINING : . . . . . . . . •



. ¦ • < • ¦ • ¦


12: „ "WTNES,"- \ '¦-12 SALTS.

«®-To be, had oinly at OWEN POWEU & SONS. (s26.1y)

- MONEY LOTTERYFor Building a. ZTew Church in Bath,



OP¦¦lJW- '\





[B19] . ' 5 3 AND 54, QUAY, WATEBFOBD


' .' " .•'.;' : . AND . .. ;. ' ¦ . :

Tho Chief-prizes &re 4FJ000 Marts, 2 of 12,000 Marks,3 of 6,000 Marks; together ll',800p Prizeg, with 230,000Marks cash.- - S Tiolcets for -10 "shillinga; 10 Ticketsfor 20 shilluicrs, will bft eent to the applicant after ro-oeipt of remittance by, Poat Offloe Order, Cheques,Bank-bills, or Postage Stamps, althoueh tho postagefor tho reply most be. remitted.- After the drawing theprize-list follows gratis and fraqoo. ')(12.7t) A. & B. SCHTJI^EB, General Agent,¦ \ , , Zweybrockon, (Rheinpfaiz) Germany, Bavaria.

W. BENSOIT, Watch and qook Maker¦ ¦ -

¦ ¦ ' S-"Y ' • ¦ • .TO^THE . . '. ; j C '

QUEEN"aiid ROYAL -PAiMSiT, and bySpecial Appointments .to H.E.H. the PEINCE of

WALES, H.I.M. (The 3KPEEOB 6f RUSSIA , and theMAUASAJAHS of BnniwAN and JOHOEK .. ' l Pritt Medal *—Ltndon, Duhlin, and Paris.:. '. .' ¦ • : '.; ' .- BPS-O N.'S "

:. '¦.• ¦ -¦¦¦¦ WATCHJtS.'. ' '.' ' ' " "V .

' CLOCK801 every descripfioir, feoit- :• ' ¦': '• ' (¦V,aile for ail Climate*, For Churches,.>froAi 2 to 200 GnineRs. Turrets or Public'.Chronoa+avhs... -•'. c - : . . .¦:: . . Buildinas. . '.

Repealers, : . . '«.. . . i- 'Oarriiiajk, Ohurch, *.t/Railway Guards', 'J , :;.; 'J V.SaU OWmopi-- - *•Soldiers' aud Worlanen's ..Perpduf it Calendars,WatchesloJextra strength. i\>£Wi*3I>iaU, etc. ' .

«Novelty-•''.'.Early English'V.Clftcki 'in,Wood andOrmolu, docoratod with'BhiefChiriai'.Wedgwood, io.,fromje5a.6e.: Made solely ByBenJonj-,!:.-.'.;. . ' -. BENSON1

* GOLD AND SII.T«B - JivntptKBT, .;¦Of overy desoripbin, inthfriohortandiieweBt Disigns,, . at the Jf A ^m i 6 it, 'ooniiiittble .'with good . ,

. ".'"¦ ¦. Wrfm«iiB&B|l;r>'.'r-,'., 'f ' , 'VBr< hes, iira^U^im ^ Laduds)


; Earrings,- -' id.. andlaW .. flhpmi&.ii jUpnciout'8tones. ''BENSON'S '.SrTOI HiSs'B flHTer-EngUsh • Lover,

¦?- .:- . 'j :.: ':'.:¦ Qiaasv ir«Wi#«Bimin(«cy.- • ¦ . •. ;.,; -BENSON'S,SH ftjaBjElBorao-FiiATK, <•For Race anA:AUl)|M Bti|1lj|',! Presentation or

Honsehow nse. SpiW iP twOi «nd Estimates Free.;; BENSON'S New WnK^ ?u&Bhlets'on Watphes,JClodtf,"' Tifhwi ClooW PifV fpd Jewellery; sent PostFree fflfeaoW /

f lavbm ibi,* aiiol by Post to all partsw.ytfatWtfiiOt* ¦** ' ¦* *- • f '~~2 ', * ¦' * - **')

¦ . . * ¦•. '• !. ! •'. /"¦

;KW»*UW('-.Clobk0, *nd Jewellery skflfnllyropairod byiij»«riteoed-Workmen. V'Plate, Jewellery, and WatcheBbbviw iad .eichangad. ; jClnba supplied. ; ; ,;. : .' : ¦

iY <j $J4::8t«imiP<tettMatf& GiUi Bhow Roomttttfj^ATE] -Hli"L¦>;:: LONDON ,

~T^£&-EttalluK'wil~:2SJ .QLr> BOND STREET.

OUGH ^LOZENGE& -A:Sal» of riearly 60joars. '/ \J?

XZtM-WXG'B iCQTJQM - LOZENGBS^The•iBk? e« and safest', R*m9dy-for Conghs^ABthma,

».^5«rf PMej ;ii^ idding!n.ttlie Th»o»*;.i;; .f^:. ;.i<5 |gi&TBATlNGfSi 'Cp.trGH LOZENGES iOon.

|-. vii; ^'iTesUmmiM.forittnal may.U tm). i +i..H.i DXJLB B*-HaTingvtifcl' TOOT Cooc& X<oinug«i la India, I.

cv^T W.B. 0.,lpdtbtokrjr, HJf.i IsdiM'Xftilatl Birrlebia'dim T ', ,'1 1 2s7w. «Mh;by\olDiWrt«i?#hiiiJte& M crt;s0£?r:!r i^UV" ¦¦ >,%' itrms-iM 5^trf>fa^.... ; r p .j :;:\:;i - .,;. .:;;:,.,.,u:..^U'ri

;.V'?2I >: 3wlntoly|I*«I«>«%iy pwiWMi'Mbdlpitt;

If lull nil i i I'Ii -f t im m itTTS

1- '- - •¦*A!«"U >'.'-A*Li<:-*~.u.A





I ANDdo. T L A T E S T F A S H I O N S




¦ U'SH6»P'-










PHILIP, BENVOY, BALLYGEGAN, LISAVIRON, and ARDNAHOE, aro strictly: PreservedAnyone found trespassing on them will bo ProBecuted. (ol7.-«i JAMES POWER.


TJfEALTH RESTORED,• By the use of ;

K AYE'S W ORSDELL'S I ILLS,Which tho experience of over 50 years proves

•.to be the- 'Best Family Mediciaa*;*.. ~. .. . . . . , . THBr^r i'-1 : ; • '


' • . - ESTABLISH THE HEALTH.Sold everywhere at Is. 1 Jd-. 2s. lid., and 4s. 6d.

• .. • • ¦ per boxsv - - -. • jal7.6m

,.;: 0 U R E . F O R ..XL Lv !¦* HO.LIPWATIS '¦¦_ -. OnrXMEWT.

• lMroBTA»*'binc'oymtf-rNo. MOEE" SnrsaBiua.—Tho discovery o{< thi Oviibien faui proved "an in vain-ttble^ fi6ntfaXTBfeftpgdtt 'attfNirerB.; whanxubbtld over

jyyy J ffl ^B»yS piWRTnirA'cw,*'Rftwr.T'H, or WOMB,'Srongtholl tho apinal marrow in caqea of nervoos weak 'ness and depression) .,and, all diseases of tho THSOAT,LDKOS, and CHEST, No invalid need despair of onre.iwhilst this pintment-canbet-obtained : for tho reputa-tion it bears in every quarter of tho globe, it) fnlly borneont by thesnooess it has attained/ corroborated as it isby tostiinoniala from persona of all olass i ;and opnn-tnoiv!." ;- '- •

¦•' ¦• :-: «- ' —• - - - <; ' •¦

— •¦•' :•. • •• • : • : .:

¦ .•

¦ I

. GOOT, RHEUMATISM, A:a> NEURALGIA.—Thesetralyformidiableanddroodeddise<v«efl,withn'ootajnal (pasms,nervous twitohingnvmnscoUroramps, andidntioa, willyield,' when treated by this Ointment. ¦ Xn no oases is itmore important' tc -have the" Ointment thoroughly andeffoobmUy odrireyrai tltr<ra«h,tho|»re« of thesjrin to the'affected parta", nptlwUchit wijl'bang itTsoothing Jn-flnerioesfcbeaWiidithnsi. produco.jeaso, ooaforti ;andseonrity, The Pills shonld tloo be taken in appropriatedo809 to. lessen tb« fiflainmatioiiiandtopnnfytha blood-

BAU LBOS, BA»BE»A*I«J OIJ> .WOUNDS,-AMD .ill.";CBBaTioNS or Ai,ii"KhrDs;—The applioation, ol ,tlusOintment heftl»kina;rema'rl»blB, manner,, everr,Jand.ofUloerationr BOfton«tt8stia'oroontraotedtissBe«,o»nBes"'proud".flesh'tti disappear, and fonl'and loftthsomoaisohargBa'to bedcme;ponyert9d into healtiiy healingsnr^faces' < and -thVari e'ffeots riure'not!tomporaryj;but. arefadidal and ftniiienti } ¦ i - ' •;tl, ¦ r- ) !; Pit*s, FrsttiiA8tiA»D;As8Cj;ssw.—These asd »llaimilar-affeetidsamaitba oaref ally, treated aooordinetdtho plan rooommei»dedin"the printed instrnctlons.: -ThaOintaeidtiiiriBtbe[«lipUed- diieotly the parts adjected,'and HoUoWiy'CPfll* t» simultanaonaly pan'sthe bloba/asid:t61*Ji«ve tEe ihtemal-oongortions. wWohart so f ertUeVoS'i* of this elaarof disease:;- : I. , j^BOPflrcAr-BiV&oiMBHTs. SwsLtiD'Xiaij-AxrjV i^cdsB Vs !—In^Uierednotlon of'alli'GlaidnlaiSwoUingslioremepi^pil thb c^mpsir jtoJMntaienti(f. nr<i*«nh^^ le forjaation of extnmeQUS growth*/ and is

Ott l i 'dqir robbe totterp iffeotod.tor tSisoSriimildta*oo3p«r*tlvelyl«bprt »pioor time, r- . ¦ .. . M- li- 2% 1*1--; •' '.J

__J iLm«_ /\iic_i«

isV^ritSeOyfpr all disewes of.ti»i«n^wfc«ifa

piSih lwd'rofluT owhanepnf disorder, »i*»iiiipe>«

B6tMHs ^Hntmeni,andPMs shouldb»\utd tn tXefoUeic

CUlblanii?^ ¦/ il'^lM^^^ SBMI*"*.!


24, QUAY, - WATERFOBD.: • ' ¦¦,.( rt '.——v- 1 '••I'' ,

MI (J lf 1'E L • K IE WA N%. '-r-r-AVING purchased h« Interest in tab abovet~| HOTEL, begs to announce that thyEBtab-

Ushment OJTNKD on SATURDAY, FEB.r16,1879.M. K. trusts, by strict attention to those who

patronise THE SHIP AND COMMEBOIATJ HOTBI., tomerit a continuance of their patronage. ; •- ¦¦

Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12i 1879. £28ltfSOUTH . KENSINGTON i .X?-..'-.

Private Besidential Family .-Clnb." GLENDOWER MANSION/' .

13, 15, 17, and 19, HARRINGTON ROAD , S.W.,LONDON. •

(The best and moBt convenient position in Town).Ono minute from South Kensington Station ; ten

minutes to Westminster ; eightoon minntea to thoJ [City—Mansion Honse Station ; near Parka, Gardens,

Albert Hall, and Museums.TTIOB Families wishing to avoid expense of Honse-JC kooping, Visitors to Town, or Gentlemen desiringtho advantago of a Clnb, combinod with the privacyand comfort of Homo, at a moderate Coat.

Introduction or reforonco required. dl9-tfTHE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL

DUBLIN (Established 40 Years,,4, 5, C, and 7, LOWER BRIDGE-STREET,


THE above old-established Hotel has all themodern improvements of tho day, and is under

tho constant saDcrviaionof Mr. and Mrs. COFFET. Fromits central position it will bofoand most convenient forthe visitor, being in the immediate vicinity of tho LawCourts, fivo to ten minutes' drive from any City RailwayTerminus, and afow doors from King'sBridgeTramwayLino. Supplies aro Crat-class quality. Eggs, butter,cream, and vegetables from the farm daily, and not-withstanding1 present hiffh rates, terms aro extremelymoderate. Breakfasts from Is. 3d. ¦ Dinners from 2s.Beds, from 18 Cd. oach. Tablo d'Hoto daily ; wcokdays at two o'clock ; on Snndays at fivo o'clock.

Cientleinen'8 Coffeo and Smokin-r Rooms. Ladies'Coffeo and Private Sitting Rooms. Bath Rooms.

A Niffht Porter in attendance, and all Servants paidby tho Proprietor. . f26.1y


(Oppoaitc tho General Poat-Offico and Telegraph Office)Tho mont central in the City.

BREAKFA STS, with chop, cggK , or cold m ajw-2s:;steak or fish, 2n. Cd. DINNERS : Soup? entred,

joints , sweots , and'cheese, 3s.—with fish , Od. extra.];¦ >U , 2B. and 3s. ; attendance, Is. eaoh. Ladies' CoffeeRoom , Billiard-room..

CHARLES LAWLEE, I roprietor.P.S.—A reduction made for Ladies or Gentlemen who

wish (0 board by tho week in tho hotel. 18.tfCITY MANSION HOTEL,


I BEG to inform my numerous Friends and the Publicthat, through elision of time, I havo becomo Pro-

prietor of the abovo old-established Hotel.I have completely and most comfortably re-furnished

it , and have conr'dcrably enlarged it, fitting it upthroughout in best modern stylo.

I trnst by caroful and constant attention to tho wantsand comforts of my visitors to merit tho patronage soliberally bestowed on my lato father, and respectfullysoh'cit an early trial.

MICHAEL COFFEY, Proprietor.Son of late MATjfeicE COFFEY .

Plcoso note Addrcss-30, LOWER BRIDGE STREET,DUBLIN. [dll-3ml


(CLOSE TO THE RAILWAY STATION).THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel in which

everything can bo had on tho most moderateterms. ,. —,~_ . v. -i . ? ". - .

Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits ; also, Brandies,Wines, Porter, Georgo Younger and Son's eolobratedAlloa Ales, &o. 4 : '

Cars on Hiro at tho shortest notice (au-15-tf


_ Visita^s- to London •»»/UiL find Hdffifc.Qwnforta, on moderate terms, atVV " Tho Shetwo§tPrivafeiHotel," 19, Adam-St.

Strand. F. SLAOTjlS*rietor. l \,|• 1 J _ '$*tFB li-T^;:- - . • •••. ¦

I Conunercial ani.Private^ lodging House,49, A^BffigQEJWSa^TiBET. ._ -

PARTIES ; i@aSM t6^1J|raiaafc«»mmoaatcd,with orajomo Qgxnl^ imTS vxe oomforts of a

borne, on Mod%o'rW ood Pr»r - • ¦ - [o25-tf]Cg° Sitncdy-pKi Prnjigoie to Saokyjlle-stroet.

. EJajJ^opean Hotel.

"\TISITERS''ft) DUBLIN will find at tho EnEOrrAN,1 y BOLTON-STREET; first-class accommodation,with modorate charges and assiduous attention.

Large and elogantly-appointed LADH3S' COFFEEROOM. .

8®" Grand BANQUET HALL for Public Dinners,Wedding Breakfasts, Balls, Snppors, Ao.

Restaurants—Billiards. Beds, 2s. 6d., 2s., and Is.6d. , . [m31-tf]

J. M 0 L O N Y , Proprietor.

Oysters ! Oysters ! , Oyuters !The Commencement of {he Season,


THE PROPRIETOR begs to acquaint hisFriends and the Pnblio that he is now prepared

with ft conabfttf-- Supply of RED BANK BURRINOYSUBRS?:ft;e'sh overy Day, front his own Beds in thoCounty Clare; The increased demand for these dplidousbivalves -rendered it-imperativoi on the -Proprietor tosecure an unfailing supply for his Customers. ¦

Lunoheons, Dinners, Snppors, o la Carte aa.nanal.Wines and Spirits First-class. John Jameson and

Son's '-73 Whiskey. . . .Dry Amontillado Sherry, Martoll and Hennosgy'% ***

Very Old Brandy^ Sauterno, Chablis, 4c. .. '• JOSEPH^ CORLESS, PEOPEIETOE,


. . ...- - .Mtt'OrClyde Hotel,- - :" "ANKE

'RSTON QUAY, GLASGOW;IS in the immediate vicinity of the English and

•,"• Irish Steamers, including tho Clyde ShippingCoinpany'a Steamers. '• Tduriste and families visit-ing- Scotland will find this -Hotel a comfortablehome. } Charges verymodera'te.' - • ¦¦¦¦'. > ':-' s6.1y ¦


- PATRICK-SHERIDAN CAEEY;(Late of the City Mansion HotelJ. Eap BiKTOE*Entrance, 6, College-Street. ; Night ;Pprter in

attendance. ... . ¦ :;•;,;¦ x-''.'- ' - '»¦ .' •.. . . : '' •'


. S&-JIQ;.. -18,:: HENRIETTAi STREET. j,., -- /;l!erins, ori appHaatioD, " : -': .: >.v^-. Tdf-amp 1

450,000 Stories; or X22.60O Sterling;¦. .¦;. .•< i - : , : .TO . B E ¦ ;W O K f :' 7v • -- : ...".•. !

fFlHAT ipCthe amount of .'.tho .Chlef Prize to feeJL.r won in tho naost. fortunate casein;the BBUN8>

•mcc ^OKKT -LoTTEBT, guaranteed by the "GerJman GovernmentAn Brnnswick^vTbia Money LotJtery contains 48,000 Prizes, together amounting td

¦i riAi;;'i-9)Miiuo.u 7iSJXiOMAtXB. . ¦ ': ' - ;|:;:'All i.the8e ;Prizes drawn in Six DivisionsJclosely following 'each other ro'Among the 48JOQQPrizes aw.the following*G iet Prisep :— '. 1• 1 of^00,900 1Marks.> : . 12 of .15 000 Marksl .• 1o f 60,000 - .'•; „ " ' •;•* l of.'12,000 : ,. 1>io^ico,poo ¦ •;, V4 {. 23 PMO,OOO „ ri

?ff ta-} W. b<n-,.< - -; ,' r -O> -.r2 16tb8,ooo i ti ¦¦- - ¦zj tii j Bom ,. : - - S: 'i 8.000 :- „-• ;

^&ai:$o&o?$flkiV WW*.?*ooo ' '¦ . -:¦• J

.:;i:ofi :26,000 | .-S 'Q i0*iqfj 3>O00- „ ':iix iteZsoMn^Mw&Hh&uj no. ,. *^VThe- ffic yi^^^& o aH e Drawiiiga.ofwar,firili dl'ri8ion attitfunt«;tbV'5;:'; ' .'' ¦• . .. ¦.- • ' v .;1.r'f^-I0;'SaTO'8S.;f6r;B; i6le.6ftginal!Ii6t;--';%-f• .:iu1 8."8nUnng» foVonVHalfiO'ri&ial Lot, '.;.:-;: r^.4~3MQing8 torfinifQup ier,Qii,linal.I>ob?j ¦': \i.' nSe ftW ter- rocelpt, . the auount'.-'tlio ChiefUttery Offl<*, A LOJOSBiia!;Hanjbtrgh,forwBrd thooider«deokotfffor;»jrjtodriwinf«of;l}ioflrat division;i*d<^^oW;ai fott6J&)li?aatr-.Theamoun{*l^teW^to f* Wrirfl&.S^brder &i Entflishl

NOW READY ,. Printed on Good Paper, and in largo clear Type,



. On Sale at The News Office ,With the Recommendation of the Bishop of Waterford

and Liamore, the Right Rev. Dr. POWERA Catechism for the Instruction- of Children,

BY THEMOST Rev. Dr. JAMES Bo 'iLi:f., A.rch-... , . .'. hjshoP "f C/wiel and Emly.

RECOMMENDATION:Iappt jve of of this Edition of tua Eight ltcv Dr.

jAirEaBDTtEB's-Cateohiem, and . commend it to thoFaithful of these Dioceses.

lj« " JOHN POWER, B.C.B." Waterfora, Sept. 10th, 1878."OKDEES from any part of tho Diocoso, sent in and

directed to C. REDMOND, '•Printer and Publisher,Waterfo rd News Office, 49 King-street, promptly at-tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms.

May bo had Retail from every Catholic Bookseller inthe Dioceso.

PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC puri-fica and enriches tha Blood, strengthens the Nerves

and Muscnlar System ; promotes Appe'Ute and improves Di-gestion j animates the Spirits and Montal Faculties ; tho-roughly recruits tho general bodily health, and induces aproper healthy condition of the Nervous and Physical Forces,

Bottles containing 32 measured doses, la . 6d.In tho preparation ol this Tonic the greatest caro is exer-

cised. It is a faithful compound of QniHine, the actire prin-ciples of Yellow Cinchona, or Peruvian Bark, blended with nrefined trustworthy preparation of Iron, produced in a formwhich the oipcricnco of many years has proved tho best.This Tonic offers a ready means of gaining tho strength andother benefits afforded by Quinine and Iron, without any feai01 ill consequences, as its composition is that approved of bythe great majority of medical men throughout the country.TDEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC—{ _ Bottles containing 32 measured doses, 4s. Cd. Toniceotmejit will removo Indigestion, Hatnlonce, Constantr eartburn. Weakness of tho Stomach, Sinking Sensations innat Organ, Naueea, &c. Tho whole digestive functions aro

powerfully assisted by Quinine and Iron.PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC.—

Quinine and Iron form the most effective treatment inall compkiints arising from derangement of the Nervous Sys-tem. Li the most weakened state of the Nerves, a course ofQuinine and Iron 19 sure to benefit. Ague, Sciatica, Weak-ness of the Limbs, Prostration, Incipient Pur.ilysin, St. Vitus "Dance, Fevers, &c.PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC,J_ strongly recommended as a desirable, safe, economical,and advantageous mode of taking streuKhtcning medicine. TheIB. «d. Bottle contains ;12 measured doses, which , it takendaily, lasts 16 days: Tho next size bottle is 11s., sufficient tolnst U days. The Stone Jure, sold at 25s. ftich , contain nearlyix of the 4s. 6(1. Bottles. Tho Namo of T. PEPPER is onSvcry I.nbel.

SULPHOLINE LOTION.—An external meansof Curing Skin Diseases. There is scarcely any erup-

tion lint will yield to " Sulplioline" in a lew days, aud com-uicnco to fade away, oveu if it seems past euro. Ordinarypimples, redness, blotches, Bcnrf , roughness, vanish as if byinitgic , whilst olil, endnring stln disorders, that have plagueuthe suiferera for years, however deeply rooted they may be.'• Sulplioline" will saccesudillj attack them. It destroys thoiminiilciilto which cauao theso unsightly, irritable, pninfnlolfcctioiis , and always produces a clear, healthy, natural con-dition of tho skin. •• Sulpholiue" Lotion is sold by mostchemists. Bottles, ^OU. each.


DELION and QUININE LIVER PILI.S (WithoatMercury). The bost 4jpme<ly for Biliousness. Stomach Dc-ningcment, Flatulen'oBV Paius between tho Shoulders, ri.'t*''iAppetite, Indigestion, Acidity, Headache, Heartburn, and X'iSall other Symptoms of Disordered Liver, and Dyspepsia. "-"SwaSAcknowledged by many eminent surgeons to bo the safest ' *~?i?and mildest pills for every constitution. In boxes at Is. IJd.,2s. 9d., and|4s. 6d., at all chemists.

nrURAXACUM & PODOPHTLLIN, a StimulantJL to the Liver.—A dose of this combination is recom-

mended to any one complaining-'bf Liver Derangement, moreparticularly when arising from slight congestion. By gentlystimulating tho Liver and slightly moving the Bowels, theheavy drowsy feeling and Headache, with, generally, Pains inthe Chest and Hack, especially after catiog, is dissipated.TARAXACUM ASD PODOPUTLLIH is much safer in its action IhanCalomel or Blue PiU, and certainly quite equal in power inremoving the often distressing inconvenience- andTalh atten-dant on Dyspepsia. Bottles, 2s. M. each. The Name of" T. PEPPEK, .London," must bo on the Label.

DELLAR'S CORN PLASTER.—BoxeB Is. lid.and 2s. 9d. The Corn Plasters aro a certain core for

hard ar soft corns, they completely dry up and eradicate pain-ful corns ; tho Bunion Plasters a proved remedy for Bunionsand enlarged toe joints. Sold by all Chemists. Be carefulDellar's Plasters are supplied.

/"NRACRQFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE.\j —By rising this Aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of theteeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It uexceedingly1 iragrant, and specially useful for removing in.crus f-ons of tartar on neglected Ueth. Sold by all Chein-sts. Pots, Is. and 2s. Gd. each. (Get Crocroft's). .

DEAFNESS, Noises in the Ear, &c—Dellar's¦ ESSENCE FOB DEAFNESS has proved, nn ertraor-din&ry remedy.. . It always relieves, generally cares, and- isstrongly recommended by thousands who have derfnod benefit.It is quite harmless. Sold in bottles, Is. Ud. and 2u. 9d. each,by all Chemists. • "I

LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORERwill darken Grey Hair, and in in a few lays restore

completely Ihe natural colour. AThile keeping th j Hair itsproper colour, it is useful for removing Bcurf. Lockyer'B Be-storer has powerfal cleansing properties, rendering it a desir-able Hair Fluid. Large Bottles, Is. 6d.T OCKTER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORESI 1 will datken, to the former shade. Hair thnt is abso-

lutely white, in about ten days; bat where greyncss is com-mencing at the front and temples, the Sulphur Wash prompt,ly colours, rendering it nndutinguishable from that whichhas not chin god.- Large Bottles, Is. Sd. each.LOCKYER'S'SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER.

Debility and ITervousness.Re-issue of" THE WARNING VOICE," Dr. SMITH'

Celebrated Work, of which 500,000 Copies '^eraeold.¦ RoviBed Edition. -• • '• ¦ " . - • • -'¦..i.V4 -: -Now Ready, 152 pages, py post to all parts of the World

• in Envelope, two Stamps.mHE WARNING VOICE,—This is a special MedicalJL ' Book addressed to Youth and Manhqodvon theCause, Symptoms, Conseqaenoos, an^r Treatment ofDebilitating Diseases, by HENBT SMTH,, 'Doctor o{Medicine:of the University of Jena, by Diploma, I860;

This Work gives advice and instructions tha tosaltof 30 years'- practice) for the Cttre'of all Dise& g'or'tho Nervous System, Nervous Dcb'iliiyj^Mental andPhysical Depression, Palpitation of the "Heart,1 Noisesin the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight andMemory, Indigestion, l^ss-of'-lsnergy, theBack, Constipation,'BlaBhingjHysteria, Timidity, Self.Distrust, DirzinesB, Love of Sohniile QroundlesB Fears,Muscular Relaxation,; &o.,"' resulting from exhaustionof Nervo - Power,- ;the effect oI/Oterrtaied Energjes,Enervating Habits,- and' bther.abuseis' of .the'eysternGives tho advioo and instntotiona by.Trhioh,tbDnsaridshave been restored to health.-, 'ffltnrtrate'd by Cases andTestimonials, from gratefulc'patien(isl-'with: means ofOure nsed in each cast. > -' •< ¦ ••. •¦- • '¦¦ : :..? '~ ";".; . .; "- "Dr. HENBT SMTTH, 8, Burton Crcsent, London; W.C.

¦ : • ' • ¦ NINETEENTH' THOTJSAND. ¦'. :-:Fifty-soven Engravings' oh Wood, post free tot SEVEN

. :.. -. . Stamps.- .¦ : - > ¦-..> .' ;:- ¦¦. . . .

: PHYSICAL . EDUCATION ; or, : tho -PEOPLE'S-GUIDE TO HEALTH; on the Cnlture of the Health-rful rand Beautiful in Humanity. - Fifty-sorBa-Engrav .ings.- ¦ BOBJECTS :—Physical Education; Lairs<>fLifei'• •"How to rondor Weak MUBCIBS ..Strong/: .Gymnastics,Provontion . of Duease, <^re 'bf"D>eaM,~Alr--. L ht, ¦Skin, Diet, Bath; &c, .Ac. Givea"Instfnqtibn8;foT- "Developing and Strongtbeointt thovHpman Body,' Hovr .to Regain Lost Health, roauTting from XbSlr of-Nerra_P"o¥erfthe"EffMt';of pTerta E ^* p «W<«k,.. !CSty-lifo.'.'Worryy Brain-toilJJLiWnip&ancey. Enerirat. *ing Habits, " and other abuses of the systenvi1 HbW; to . -Secrure Long Life,'and Avoid the Infirmities of Old'Age. * - 1

DB: HBNET SKITH, 9, Bn rj Cj^gwnt/Lcmdph.W.C ¦'¦

-'••Noi'dBTO CoTr»T .- lirTAJjii>B--i<!rtuThItB>tipn' by ¦lette»;-OTth>nti^;iDr7H«OTT,Bi^Hi y;DipIoma, . :of ,tho; Royal -University.'of \3enai ,iAo; hjw- devoted30Ve&rs'to the,,B^HM T taent-'of'Dwtsc«fof the :Neryous'Syrtemy' resnlting from"'eihanBtiOTrof.'Nerve • 'Powev.'iLbpal'Weaknegs.- '&c will,-f6r the>flnefit olCdunttyi lnTalidBjion.-Mooiving a'statemeirt.ibf'caie • 'send his OylnuJn^TVrth advic« and:-InBteotdons^Whibh,if fcUoweu^wilUngurtf a -cure. V'A.MCbnfldautial'ffdrin- :!i>l ¦ Correspondencb to asja«t: thef InvaJids iff desoribjn'g-. . . ',;their-'-case, ecnt'posfe free.'/^As personal'-intorViejr.iMii '¦'¦ -eipenflivo Consnltation-fee avdided^ vi.K'rc .ivaS.tfu :-.>'.Dr. HiNBT SMTTH;-8Burton^Crtsoent.-Eoildtai/.W'.C, -, i::. • ^¦•" .;«'^r:thf o«i|?|sV{?ii|i r «^ ^; {i_0

:. > ¦¦¦¦¦¦:. .-."»¦• MOSJ^ Jon^M- SMi^^^^•- :;' ':r- :';S v: BiQOT MippU A^ ^

dRlca EA srao;aiia,iiij Bma'tifeBii0OP> g

men6^;r;Eoti rofols,;;-BOTrw;';ain } «fe ^^ ,-; ; ^:Sorea of- all ]kinaaJit is.a:nevfcr-failnigt«Jld perrnancttti',.>:;-,*"?'

;-;slt;.Oi JOJ^^ te0 «if ! : ^'•I:'iL siOureai-tnoeratedtBor6«iIe« iii^&f &KT^'&:£><"-• ,

fcae ithitfBlr ifroo» iljn -M^ trom^:?v?!#

+r -fr^Ttt''ttrivtWnff iiiflfin i SofitPd m. *Xgg£ H2-,Btitutiwpf el .>oxyQiaJ5rOTrMKgi fi&? $&ti!;^Mtf i

Page 2: NOW READY,




To )O SOLD by AUCTION,On SATUK JAY, the 7th FEB., 1880, at One o'Clook,

at tho SA JEKOOMS of Moaata. THOMAS 'WALSH& Sos, ii tho City of Watcrford,

THE Cc IN MILL and KILN, with 21 Acresof the LANDS of CAJSRIGCASTLE, near the

Village of B. .LLYLANEEN, and about two Miles fromtho Railway Station, Kilmacthomis.

Tho Mill ii a lar^e, substantial BaUding, four Btoreyshigh, with our Pair of Stonea, and neocaaary Ma-clunory ; dr. fen by an ororahot Water Wheel, V2 feetby 10, coram ndinK the entire water power of tho Bally-banoguo and Mnhon Rivora. kTlioro is £ nplo Storoago, with htge Kiln, Dwelling-house, Slabl ig , Out-Offices , Workman'* Cottage, Ao.,ami a 8inall 'lantation of naornl Timber, over 30 years'growth, held in Fee Farm, free of E«nt, but subject toa Uent-charg »of £1 7a. lid. yearly.

Also , aboi t One Aero of tho Lands of BALLYBA-AOGUE , he d by Loatf) from P. J. POWEB, Esq.,l'luthlcgg, al tho Annual Ront of J62 10a.

Tho Lands aro nnder Grass. Immediate poaao8aionwill bo givei to Pirchaacr. All will bo Sold in OreJ-ot, imrchoj :r to pay fl<ro por cent. Commission.

lor furthi r particular", Conditiona of Sale, *o., ap-Pl? to Mi 3WS. T. & I). FITZGERALD, Solicitorfor Vendors, 20, St. Andrew-Street,Dublin ; or

TH )MAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers.J-^t The Mall, Waterford.

Anctio; . of. .Household Furniture,SE1II-GRA1 D FUhL COMPASS PIANO, C.i r.ose-

wood I ase, hy XIRh 'l tJN, LONDON, j c .

TO BE feOLD BY AUCTION, on THURSDAYNEXT 8lh JAN., 1880, at Twelve o'Clook, at

out SALE-1 0OMS, tho MALL, whero they have beenremoved fro i a moat respuctablo honse for sale:—SixM:iliosJ3y ( ba-ra , hair scats ; Arm and Fancy do;Mahogany C nt o and Sldo 'i'ables ; Occasional do. ;Duplex Lam ; SUa I'.ug ; Fender and Irons ; HearthKng ; Pictu: is; niao aota Window Cnriiins aad Poles ;snmi-graod I ill compass Piano, ia rosewood caso, byIfiikman , Lc idoa ; Alahojauy and Cedar Wardrobes ;Xcsts Draw< s, Toilet Tablo8 and Glasses ; Mahoganyund Hardivc id Albert EedatcaJs; Palliasses; HairMattresses, i ith springs ; Feather Bods, Bolsters, andPillows ; ir< i Sttetchcra; Commodes ; Toilet Stands!ind Wnro ; ( arpoti, brasa Bell, Hip Bath, &o. Also,somo KITCK : K UTENSILS.

'J HOMAS WALSH & Son, Auctioneers.The Mall, Waterford, Jan. 2, 1880. It

X uctioneering Notice.Bun JK -STRKET, DONOAEVAN, OCT., 1879.

JBEG rctpectfully to inform the Public that, attho request of several influential friends ii

Dungarvan innd iU neighbourhood, I have been in-duced to tike an AUCTIONEER'S LICENSE,having actoi 1 as such in the Colonies for some years.

Being a re tident here.ond well known to the Publicgenerally, 1 feel confident in soliciting patronage,and shall al hiys endeavour, by STRICT and PROMPTsettlement • if accounts, to prove worthy of confi-dence in all matters entrusted to my JAMES F. RYAN.

C2T Com uunications received at the address ofmy father, Ittr. W. RYAN, Main-street.

Cash adv .nces made, if necessary, before Sale.


ITEVf W I N T E R G O O D S .ii

X have Just received a splendid Stock ofWINTER GOODS,

Embracini every Novelty, in each Department

MANTi ES, SHAWLS, MILLINERY ;HATS in great variety.

The FBKNO BEAVER. HAT in all the Now Shades.i __^ ^i

FURS of bvery description in MUFFB, COLLARS,j TRIMHINOS J



U§5" My.' Losiery, Glove, Flannel, Dress, Calico,and Linen i tonk are the Neweat.Best, and Cheapestover offeroS for Sale.


75, QUAY, WATERFORDNovombe 20th, 1879. * o!

TRAMOBE.HOUSE , fully furnished, TO BE LET, by the

Mon h, for the Soason or by the year, at StLEOKK TEB IACK, Tramore. Apply to Mr.-T. POWKBto No. 4, on ho promises. -•-


the ] it of next February. Apply to Mr.WM. MUM rr. d5


PARK,Recently occupied by the late PSIBSE MABCUS

BARRON, Esq., Deceased.Tho Dwi ling House was erected at a cost of up-

wards of J 3,000, and is large and commodious, andthe Lands :ontain 60 Acres Irish Measure, equal to80 Acres S atute, and are planted with ornamentalShrubs am Timber Trees of over 50 years' growth,and are si' aatod within One Mile of the Bridge ofWaterford A Lease of 700 years can be given.

Apply U Messrs. CHEERY & SON, Solrs.,d!2.8t 17, William-8treet, Waterford.


IMPORTANT TO MEN.Now road; , price Sixpence, by Post in Envelope, Six

St mpa, free to any part of the World.DISEA SES PECULIAR TO MEN :

C< NBTITOTIONAL OB ACQUIRED : THBIECAUSE, C HaEQCkNcis AND COKE. It i» The Bookof FositiV' Remedies for the Care of every form ofDISEASE 1 ECULIAB TO MEN.

All DUe ses of the Urinary Organs, for whioh Mer-cury and o her Pernicious Drugs are employed by Eng-lish phyiicikns, to the ruin of the invalid's health, arenow Cured [by Dr. SMITH'S Positive Medicines. Thou-sands of Cases have been oared by his PositiveRemedies When the doctors had given the case np asincurable. COUNTBT IH VAIJD8, by the aid of this book,may nnd> ntand ths Treatment. No ConsultationFees. . Nc Personal Visits.

Should « sent for by men of all ages, and read bythem with thoughtful care.

Dr. Hoi 7 Smith, 8. Barton Cietotnk, London, W.C

EDUC &.TION.—20 to 40 per cent, saved byPa) mto having CHILDREN to PLACE at

SCHOOL! , or with a private Tutor preparing for theArmy, Ns y, or Civil Service, through the EducationalMutual B nefit Society, Langham House.Regent-street,W. Londf i, Established 1858. n21

THBO. TAFFKCTI0H8AMD a0JLB8«IfB88.T-Atsnfforing Trom irritation of the throat and howaeness,will be ag- seablysnrprised at the almoatimmediate reUeLnSordod >y the me of. V Brown's Bronehial TrophsS?7These fa ions "lownges" are now-sold by most re-spectable Chemists in this country at la. lid. per box.People tr ubled with a' hacking eoogh,' a" slight cold,"or brono i&l affections, cannot, try them too soon, assimilar ti inbles, if allowed to progress result in seriotuPolmona: y and Aithmatio affections. See that thewords ' I -own's BronchialTroohes,' are on the Govorn-mentstai parourde^ohbox.—Mannfaotured byJohsrTBrown & Jons. Boston, United States. Depot, 49T Ox-ford-atre t, London. , •;• , d2d.ty :

VAXX &BLB DlBCOVEaT VOB THE HAIR!—IIyour hal ¦ is turning giey or white, or falling off , usev' The M ixiata Hair Benewer,"—for it viUpotitxvtlytutor* ii tvtrry eat Orm or Whiit hair to its originalcolour, f .thout leaving the disagieeable smell ot«6«"Bovtor rs." It makes the. hair charmingly beau-tiful; as woll M promoting the growth of the hair onbald sp< a where th<C glands are not decayed. Askyoor Ch ml*t lor "TffrMixjCAV HAlB RmirtWiB,"prepared by HKNBT O. QxLhvr, 493 Oxford Street,London, and sold by Chemista and perfumers every-where «J 3s. M per bottle." T . , - J ,

" N I TEB Too LATK" To MBHD.V ,—*?«>-:cntttina! on with many is the besetting sin. Every-thing is ut off tni " to-morrow." . The torpid livtr isunheeds until jaundioe, oonsumptioB, or. •boera of theliver is xUblished. These mal»dlar: *A curable if

' soreated In time by that fine tonis addiklietatir* modi-cine,- Pi ge. Woodooelr's Wind PUta < Thonmnds are

.' taking-1 lem for almost ever; ooaplaiit and are b ing

.oared. - 'ItanereT too late to mend/' Of allChtmiats,at Is; inl and 2i. 9d. per box, J -; >T1.«

Hoi SWAT'S PILLS.—Jn general debility,mental A iwsslrm,' and nerwms fartwMuty, tb«r« is no iasdldue wldi s overate* *o Ub atelMcm a* tbaee tunoos 111b.

. Thayjmx r tke blood, soothe aujtstzentthea the nerve* and; •jitefc) I n tone to tli* rtomaeh; elevate the spirit*. d, inV HU* the patient senafliU of a total and most.debfhtM

swomtla In.his whole systemr ITwy nay;be eoamgndedgfctt'unt setvedly as the very, pwt t tmi lj t u tmf tn *ian i»-ttmoo.t ough sopewetfaPjrefflo«ctoos,-th«TareshunTnvVrmUdisU IropenUoa, andmif b tJberirea wUhperfeot con-aden0*t« I*UaatewoiqeBMdjom)('«UIdna.<.nieyeoriUin

•aotaftsi i ,Bemrr,orajv.otbe» "02doo» *abstsap», aad. 'canaotS KBB. IMUoOefe>aalMand«tfW«aBsot*ed*tiu7:r.haMUwf B -taetepras.aWesftac.'*1'' * ^ :^-> - ii ">,. '¦: -TST fro^WMdaT-r^HTdroleinofiHy-

. drat»d.CbhMl*ovedrfUiehih«rfvalue"*** foodin:v dratedXPhMTj ^bvedrfUiehirhi^value"*** foodin


rilENDEBS for ERECTION of the NEW CON-X VENT, KLLMACTHOMAS, wiU bo receivednp to JAKUABT 6th, 1880. ' Plans and specificationscan be had on application to tho RET. DAVIDHEABNE, CC, KUmactboiuas. d!9

P O R T RA I T SnnAKEN DAILY by Mr. WINTER, and FinishedX in the best style of ART, at his approved



rish, Game, and Ice Depot.ESTABLISHED 1849.



GAME, POULTRY, and ICE.MESSRS. A. & M. bajr respectfully to call tho

attention of tho Nobilitj- and Gentry to theirEstablishment. All orders, town or country, huveprompt and careful attention.

N.B.—OyBter and Luncheon Rooms. do.3mGame, Rabbits, Ac , Boug ht or Sold on Commission.


THE HADIES who c jnducted the SBEVANTS'HOME . in -LADY LAKE, having trausforrod the

Business to Mrs. WALLIS, tho Servants' Begistry Officeis carried on, as heretofore, in tho same Premises ;and Mrs. WALLIS avails of this opportunity to returnher best thanks for tho largo patronago received by hersince tho transfer.

C35* No Servant recommended before the strictestscrutiny is made regarding character. There are atprcsont disengaged, Cooks, Thorough Sorvantn, Pariourand Housemaids, Butlers, Coachmen, &o. [>28-6m*


MESSRS. ALEXAWDEB. POPE & CO.BEG to inform their iriends and the Public, that

they have added V> their business a largo andwell-selected

STOCK OP C HOIC E WINES,Which they now offer at B EDUCED PBICES.

MESSSRS. POPE & CO.Also call attention to their Large STOCK of




No. 7, HENBIETTA-STREET, WATERFORD.4t] P. MURPHY (S accessc.r to A. POPK). [d6


GEORGii! TIXER,Having Purchased the Interest in the abovo

Concern,WILL oler, at ths nioet reasonable terms,

everyd'ag connected with the Trade, andhopes by doing so to be favored with a Trial. D21

To Hotel-keepers, Private ConsamersAND THE TUADE.


Edinburgh, of the Waters of ST. STE-PHEN'S BEEWEEY, WATEEPOED, itappears its constituauta are indentical withthose of tho unrivalled Waters of Burton-on-Trent. This circumstance, coupledwith the very superior ouality of the Maltand Hops used, account for the successwhich has attended ths Brewing of PaleAles, by


ready for delivery, in. Sjarkling Condition,and contrast most favourably in Qualityand Price with any imported Ales.

N.B.—Delivered Fret at all Railway Station *.(



WATSRFORD.Having purchased the Interest and Plant of tho late

Firm of• M.c L E A N AM> H o l U T O S H ,

Enables "MO to execute all Orfers entrusted to me asPLUMBER, BBASS .FOirNDER, and GAS-FIT-

TER ; also Heatuit; of Green-houses, Conserva-tories, and Publio Buildings, on the most improvedprinciple, by tho circulation of hot water.

House and Ship Water Closet* j Batht ; Lift, andForce Pumps; Hydraulic Ram*,- Qataliers, Qa* Heat-ing, and Cooking Stoves alaayi on hand *. [

H U G H W c L E A N ,"* rert, Waterford.-Q n. =^— \




Offices and Show Room : No. 10 LADY LANE.GREEN-HOUSES , CONSERVATORIES, and

PUBLIC BUILDINGS HEATED by Hot Wa-ter, on tho most approved principlo.

Testimonials, too numerous for insertion, from theleading Gentry of Watorford aird surrounding Counties,whose places I have heated, mi.-y be seen at my offioeB.

P.8.—Having purchaaed at I ho Sale at Little George'sstreet the entire Stock of Braaj, Wood, and Lead Pat-terns connected with the Foundry, Lor Brass Castings,I am enabled to execute all orders for Casing at theshortest notice, and on reasonable terms.

Entrance to Works fro m Peter street. [mhIMPORTANT NOTICE.

Parties about to Supply tbtir Homes with the newPIPB-WATEB will oooault theic own istereata by callingat the above Establishment, wiere estimate* can bo hadfree. : ¦ .

All work will be guaranteed of the best material andworkmanship, and will be executed on the most REA-SONABLE TBBMS.

A trial respectfully solidtec .10, Lady Lano, Waterford, Aug. 27, '78.WATERFORD COACH COMPANY



WATERI'OBD,Build Carriages of the Ne west Design and Finish,

combining .ELEGANCE, Lioirrintis, AKD DURABILITY. -

A variety of Phstono, Side Cars, Dog and PoloCartfl, Croydens, 4c, will be sold reasonable.

Carriages Stored, Bought, or Sold on commission.Old. Carriages thoroughly repaired, and made

eqnal to Ifew.First cluss Workmansbi p and best Seasoned

- Material Guaranteed.C H A R G E S M O D E R A T E .

Carriages for Hire, witi option of purchase.J O N E S A N D C O M P A N Y ,


SUBSCRIBERS having just erecteJa FAOTOBTon the most improved, principles,' and engaged

tie services of a firet-claai BBKWJB, ore now pre-Jpored to supply BABM ejoal to the best DublinmaBOfacture. ' ¦¦• ¦- . '; .- .*>. . , . .. . f .

^Quantities supplied in o^ke, and a trial respeot-f oily solicited. .-f W. J. SMITH & CO., ¦ (ol».tf)'' 9, GKOBOB'B-aTBBBT, WATEBFOBP. ¦

Importani; Notice

THE NORTHAMPTON.BOOT COMPANY : 1BEG to call the special attention of the Publio

: generally to the ¦' ¦• ¦ ' ' '


>OOTS] A N D " S H O E S , ;r J¦ I Mow on vie# at '. . '',". .'¦!¦- '¦ !

38,'M I O H A 'X J J 'B T B BBT , WATERF0&D. [; . : Please Note—TXBJM I CJUIH. . :i;' . -"; :. ; ;; No SEOOHD PWCB. : NO CBIDIT ;Qir«jf; > :tST ParWcukr attention paid to Repairs. ¦

; OIir&EBfWIHE, > ¦! . ;

UNEQUALLED AS x DitictODB BtOMACHic, I ;! ' . ros Tmi VBU 6T - :'

¦'.',"-;' "';• ' ,!. J"EUHILIES and INVALIDS, infinitely superiorJC to any other offeriid to'the Poblic.; 1 |!

mmsmmmm W g^&®&%zL




By the fol'owing distinguished Artistes :MADLLB. ILMA DI MUESKA,




Dress Circle (numbered), 6s. ; Reserved Seats, 3s. jBalcony, 2s ; Back Seats, is.

Tickets and Seats secured at Mr. C. A. JONJES'SPiano-forte and Music Warehouse, 120, Quay, Wa-terford.

Doors open at 7.30. Concert to commence at 8s'Clock. Carriages ordered at 10 o'clock.


beat thanks to the Ladies who so earnestly an 3successfully assisted at their BAZAAR. Their morethan common cnorgy has borno gcod fruit, as, notwith-standing the great and general depreaaion, a considera-ble* sum was realised, whioh, considering the circum-stances of the times, compares favourably with tho paatyears. Tho Sisters beg to thank the publio gonorallyfor their genorous co-operation, and the Priest* whoattended during tho Bazaar.

The S76TJ5R8 of CHABITT gratefully acknowledge therocoipt of w610:from his Worship, Aid. L. A. RYAN,Mayor.THE President and Conference of the

St. Vincent de Paul Society gratefully acknow-ledge having received J!25 from AM. Laurence L. A.Ryan, Mayor of Watorford, in aid of tho Fnids of thoSociety. \ •THE Sisters of tho Good Shepherd very

gratefully acknowledge having received £5 fromthe Right Worshipful Aid. L. A. Ryan, Mayor, in aidof their Institution. , •rjlHE Sisters of Mercy, Dungarvan, beg very-L gratofnlly to aoknowledgo the receipt of JglO

from Miss Annie Andorson, towards the Re'lcf of theSick and afSlo.jd Poor, being part of her respectedAunt, MissTcllon's anneal bequest.—RIP. Also, fromR. A. Merry, £1 10s. ; Edward Kennofiok , £1 ; Mrs.Wholan, Whitehaven, £1 ; Mrs. O'Brien, £1; thoMiaseB Kennedy, 10s. COUNTT OF THE CITY OF *WATERFORD

Account of Secretary to the Grand Jury,

•\TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in pursuanceAH of Article 3 of " Eules and Rcgu.'atioos forthe Audit of the Accounts of Treasurers of Coun-ties, and Counties of Cities, and Counties of Towns,and of Secretaries of Grand Ji'-'.ea jn and through-out Ireland ',"' which follow, an Oider in Council,datjd the '21st'Juae,' 1878, that' my Account, withthe Coualiyijol .the City, of . Watau'ord, WowingSummer Assizes, 1879, together with all Contracts,Accounts, Bills, Vouchers, and Receipts, or otherdocuments referred to therein, or belonging thereto,shaH be deposited in nay Office, Court House, Water-ford, for Six "clear days from the date hereof (ex-elusive of Sunday) between the hours of 11 o'clock,a.m. and 4 o'clock,, to the inspection of allper-Bons interested therein, who shall be at liberty totake copies of or extracts from the same, withoutfee or reward- The Audit will ake place at theGrand Jury Boom of the CouTily cf the City ofWateu'ord, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th JANUABT,1830, attne hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon.

P. F. HANRAHAN,Secretary to the Grand Jury.

City Secretai/s Office, Court House,Waterrord, 30th'Dec., 1879. . jZ.2!

' • "-ram. the Good Shepherd."THE Community of the. Good Shepherd beg

to remind tho people of Waterford that thereexists amongst thorn an Asylum whore the strayingSheep aro received and maintained, and taught, bygentle ways and comforting words, that there aro stillhearts which beat in sympathy with'thorn.

Tho work to which tho Community have speciallydevoted their lives is ono that appeals most strongly toevery one who loves to seo the sinnor brought back toRepeatanco.and to the secure Sheopfold of their Master ;but though this Asylum could afford a ref ugo for 150fallen bnt repenting sinners through want of work itis unablo to maintain oven half that nnmbor. ThoSisters do not appeal for monoy, but they ask thecharitable and tho kind-hearted to send work in theshape of washing and needlework, that so they may beenabled to keep in safety those of our fallon fellow-creatures who will present themselves for protection.At present owing to wont ol such work many of thosopenitents grow discontented, and leave the Asylumto return perhaps to their formor sinful lives, there-fore tho Good Shepherd Nnnti ask tbo pooplo of Wa-torford, and its vicinity, to send them aomo work furtheao poor Magdalens, and by so doing they will booining-in the grand work of tho Saviour of Mankind,

Who came to call sinners to repontanoq. Full particu-lars can bo had on reference to the Superioress, GoodShepherd Convent, Hennpssy's Road, Watorford.

, (sl2-ly.f£30,000 TO LEND,


THE DIRECTORS of THE IRISH CIVIL SERVICE^BDILDINO SOCIETY invite attention to the re-vised tables of the Society, undor 'whioh unprecedentedadvantages are offered in assisting persons to acquireFreehold or Leasehold property. |

The Loans are repayable by quarterly instalments,aooording to tho following tables, which include PrincUpalandlntereBt : ,'



Table 1. I - Table 2.Applicable to Loans on Fee Applicable to Loons ou

Simpla Property. | Leasehold Property.Number of


omt. j

N bor of | MaoaaL$ Si 16 0 5 £8 2 9

10 3 5 0 10 S 11 9IS 2 8 4 IS 2 IS 020 2 0 3 SO 1 ! 7 6

The costs attending a Loan we rerr lair, and special Ucilitlea aro aSoided (or the completion ct purchases through theCourts. 'DEPOSIT DEPABTMENT

The present rate of Interest allowed on Deposit Beceipta is2» per Cent, per Annum. * PBB CENT. FOE FIXEDDEPOSITS.

Current Accounts opened and check books supplied. ,Interest allowed on the minimum monthly balance.Depositors have the following guarantees, viz. :—Ths vnttrf P«ndf mtut, undtr tta Ict of Parliament, &« «i)-

vtttti on itortaagt oj Freehold or LtauKu X i Prop trty.Th» totat amount rtcttvalte an cUpotit u timiwd by lh» Act oj

tve-thirii oftht hairnet dm to IU Society on iti Uortf agts.Tbo Prospectus and every information may be had, free of

expense, on application to 'ALFRED H. MEBCE2, Secretary,

' 42, lower Saokvttle-stMet, Dnblip. •MATTHEW HUNT, Local Surveyor,

Beresford-street, watertoit1.

The Society has already admooei] nearly three qnartersof a million on mortgage. rmylO.etn i

In consequence of the Hard ¦ Timesand general .Depression in Tracie ,

:B . H "X" .A. :M:TTVETERMINED last season to Sell bis GoodsJL/ theTWHOLKSALS PBicss, ioatesd of the osnalRetail Prioea, thus affording thh Porohaser of a SINOLEQ ABXXNT an opportunity to obtain it at the 8am» priceas the Shopkeeper does, who buys huge quantities toretail at higher prices. The syatem proved so eminentlysuccessful that he ia indnoed to oontinue it daring thepresent season of depression.: :He manufactures everyJarment sold at his numerous, eatabUahmento. and

therefore he oan confidently ,r«oommend them as beingof Bonnd worfanaaahip and good «terling valno. OnoTrial will satisfy anyone that this la no idle boaot, bntthat the above statementia truthful in every particular.-• B. HTAM eiohangea within % monnth after purohasoany'irarment not approved of. : .'

.' ;. ; . • :•; • • . '. ':' '- v. ;. '. . MEN'S. .• •'• QVZBCOATQ' ..OHIXDBEN'S

In rarie ot Styles y. ; ! ~, VariousHat aU¦¦&&£%. o—-s wri^i15s 6d'16a lid ¦'-, 4a lid 6a 9d

13« '9d 16s lid tl 1'BTIHfl YOUTHS' '

laNeweS'p U-"»fi I f |s8 I

! ¦ • 17« 6d • ' ' ' •*11 upwards .

r80p\0d,:««.v.0d:! ¦„,:—. \. .- ,¦< ; , NeirertStyles^

WATERFORDLiterary and Scientific Association



Under tbo Direction of Mr. BIWON,In tho LARGE ROOM, CITY HALL, on the

Evening ofWEDNESDAY , the 7th Irusl.,

To Commence at 8 o'clock.

ADM.ssiOK :—Reserved Seats (numbered) Sn. ;Body of the Hall, 2s. ; Gallery, Is. Family Ticitetto admit Four to Reserved Seats, 103.

Tickets con be obtained at Messrs. N. HABVEY& CO.'P, Quay.

January 2nd, 1880. It



on the premises, and supplied at strictlymoderate prices. Our Clothing comparesmost favourably vith imported goods, notuloun as to price but in its wear-resistingproperties as well ; and from tho fact of itsbeing manufactured on tho premises, weare in a position to supply Boys' Suits andOver-Coats to measure at the same priceswbioh have procured BO' widespread a salefor our Ready-made Clothing.

A detailed list, setting forth number ofvarious articles requisite, at prices in threedifferent qualities, will be sent gratis to 6onaf ide intending purchasers on application.

P. TOBIN & SONS,Manufacturing Clothiers and Out-Fittors, Av;.,

68 and 69, QUAY, WATERFOSD

Civil Service Commission.

OPEN Competition for Situations as Out-BoorOfficers of Customs, FEBRUABY 20. Age 19

to 25. Forms of Application may be obtained atonce from tho Secretary, London, S.W. j2.2t

Xnman Line Royal Mail Steamers.LIVERPOOL TO KEW YORK as follows :—

City of Berlin Thursday, January 8City of Montreal Tuesday, January 13City of Richmond Thursday, January 22City of Chester Tuesday, January 30City of Now York Thursday, Fobrnary 3

From Qaoonstown tho following day.Saloons replete with evory modern comfort and con-

vonionce. Fares—15, 18, and 21 Guineas. Steerage,(i Guineas, with full supply of Cooked Previsions andovery comfort. Steerage Pa8scngers forwarded to Bos-ton and Philadelphia without oxtra charge. Pasaongerabooked to any part of tho States and Canid.;, at SpecialRates. Apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Water-street,Liverpool ; T S. HABVEY, 12, Littlo Goorgo's-streot,Watorford j or to any Inman tine Agent. f22.1y

Waterford and Central Ireland Railway Co4 per CENT, on MORTGAGE BONDS,ii per CENT, on DEBENTURE STOCK.

f l l H E Directors are prepared to receive MoneyJL to a limited extont on Mortgage Bonds at FOURper Cent., the Principal to bo repayable at tho expira-tion of Six Months' Notice, or at the ond of such termof years as may bo agreed upon; and on DebentureStock, having equal priority with tho Mortgago Bonds,bearing Interest at tho rato of 44 per Cent, in perpe-tuity. bo oddrosaod to tho undorsigned, attho Company's Offices , Waterford Terminus.

(By Ordor),WILLIAM WILLIAMS , Secretary.

Waterford, Deo. 29th, 1879. (mh8i-tf)


S U P P L I E S W A NT E D .THE Guardians of the abovo Union will, at their

Meeting, to be held on TUESDAY, the 13thday of JANUARY, 1880, receive proposals forSupplying the Workhouse with the following Arti-cles—viz. :

FOR THREE MONTHS.BEST WHITE BREAD, at per 41b Loaf ;BKBT OATMEAL, at per Sack ,-B*ST INDIAN MEAL, at do.;BEST FLOUR, at per Stone.

To be delivered at the Workhouse Carriage Free.Scaled Tenders, addressed to the Chairman, arcom-pDnied with Samples, will bo received by me up toTwelve o'Clock on the above-mentioned day.

By order, . WM. HUNT, Clerk of Union.Clerk's Office, 31st day of Dec, 1870. j2.2t

FISHERIES-IRELAND.32 and 33 Vic, c. 92, and the Acts incorporated


N O T I C E .THE Inspectors of Irish Fisheries will hold

Meetings to inquire into an application toalter the Close Season for Salmon and Trout in theabove District, at the following places and times :—

'At the Court-house, Liamore, on THOKSDAT, the8th of January, 1880, at the hour of Eleven o'Clookin the forenoon.

At the Court-houee, Fermoy, on FBIDAY, tlie 9thof January, 1880, at the hour of Twelvo o'Clock,noon.

At tho Court-House, Mallow, on SATURDAY, the10th of January, 1880, at the hour of Twolvo o'clocknoon; and

At tho Court-House, Youghoi, on MONDAY , tho12th of January, 1880, at the hour of 12 o'Clock,noon. ALAN HORNSBY, Secretary.

Dated this 9th day of December, 1879. 19.2t


to receive Tenders for the Supply of the under-mentioned quantities of


HAVEN SLACK or HOUSE COAL, DROSS,suitable for Banking purposes, or " COKING COALBREEZE."

A Certificate of the Coal, guaranteeing it to befrom the mine quoted, and of its having beenweighed and delivered into the Stores at the under-mentioned Lighthouses, free of all charge, on orbefore the 1st day of MAY, 1830. Each Lighthouseto be provided with a separate Bill of Lading.

Can,iel. BreezeTons Tons,

St. John's Point Lighthouse, co Down... 26 31Rookabill Lighthouse, Skerries, co.

Dublin 40 24Howth Bailey do., Hill of Howth ... 41 80Wicklow Head do.. Wicklow 10 23Hook Tower do.. Hook Point, co. Wex-

ford ... 18 25Minehead do., Biog Pier, Dangarvan

Bay, co. Watorford ... ... 10 5Galley Head do., Clonakilty, co. Cork ... S 46

The lowest, or any tender, w?" not necessarily beaccepted.

Tenders to be delivered (throngh post, prepaid),nt the Secretary's Office, on or before 31st JA NUABT,1880, endorsed Tender for Gas Coal. Parties mayTender for;tho supply of Ccal for ono or more orthe whole of these Lighthouses, but separate pricesto be quoted for each. ' . .

Security will be required' for the amount of Ten-der, and the Contractor shall deliver all the Coalscontracted for at the prices specified in his Tender,on the day above-named. That if the Contractordoes not deliver the Coals on or beforo that (lay theCommissioners of Irish Lights will be at liberty todeclare the Contract at an end. or to purchase anddeliver sufficient Cool to complete the Contract, andthe Contractor and hs Securities shall pay for same—By Otder. W. LEES, Secretary.Irish Lights Office, DuW'n, 29th December, 1879.

Notice to Coal Contraotorn.. .The ConxiSBioMXBS or IBISH LIGHTS hereby give

Notice, that they are prepared to receive Tendersfor Sapplying

COAL to their different LIOHTHOUBIB round thicCoast of Ireland, for the year ending tho 81st

MABCa, i881. . - • • • • , ;!The respective quantities to' be supplied: at,each;

Station, can bo ascertained on application to tho;undersigned, at this Office, and will be requiredto be delivered before JUNE 1st, 1880. ; V !

It is optional to Contractors to Tender for sup.jplying Csal ' to one or more Stations, bnt one Ten-der for sapplying the entire coast' would be pre-ferred. • '¦ '¦ ¦,•. • • ¦ > - .

¦ ¦ . • ¦ • . ¦ ¦• • ¦ • '; • i

/ The Commissioners do not bind themselves toaccept the lowest or any Tender. • ¦.; ,. • • . : • >' Security will be: required for the due performanceortbe Coatracti,';: ; ' - - ., ;: : . : \ : .r "'^v - :- • -; ¦, i Tender*.will be received at this . Office up to noonthe 81st day of JANUARY 1880, to be serf; 'sealedthrough post,- endorsed " Tender for Co J," andaddressed to th« Secretary. » ' . '. . . .'.;-: ! -i V .Itj rBy Ordor.,-.;,-- . - T . - VT. LEES,.Secretary.1 «,Irish. Lights' OJHoe, Dublin; 29th December, 1879. :

. .. .¦„ -LOOAL^BAniWAY TBATW0,i[; \¦'. tor, w f i xtfj h lrBiDAr;,pxgaw ss ;a«» , ISTO.~ '¦

^'VltofM4 «' Atbeujr .' 'h,-f - "% i»^V¦-¦ • . ¦ I- . - - '.- . *.M»i > «: rwaad ;•¦¦¦ Traterfort JurotioaUasiiok ^Knnts andKfl- Railway :

a : - - . . t{l«» »Uee);:(S9 adles kroay'(» (ajnulea;- ¦i '-..- :. ' —I' iliy i .;> .»»»).;: ¦•¦. mUosopsn). .opMfr •>-.v.y?. ..H .i>< %tiit.%'::;;*'*;&.¦ ->!riB '-:».-'a;: ;£: "s.-d. ;ri'ss«iiis«is rr In n " '¦

¦/•iji:- fi 'HiirBvws- •• ¦ i-TSwSsVfcfl 1»1'0 0 .188 0 0 ;.1M.U;«' 118,0.7.

fTatot?A.; tipfj f i, ¦ ••<°r-?- ;'*7:1*7- 8,' "»<>.>«j

SSS*Sf.|ni|;'oV "iw^oVO: ;i«p »\B: SM 6 > :

WATERFORD MARKETS'.! Waterford , January 2nd, 1880.

NATIVE WHEAT-Scorcely any at market, ond demandvery doll.

BLACK OATS-Scarco, and Sd dearer.FOEEIGN WHEAT df'l.MAIZE— Very VtSle busijesa doiag, at n decide of 3d.PLOUE aull.

J. &¦ S. PHELAN.

P R I C E S C U R R E N T ."»SH. ; 51a:—:—s ;

WHEAT, rjr «ai-.-Jl b; K»..g.T; »—...j ; ,1. 'iT*.~ 1>A ' ' ':W Uto "° "« S t"M C"" oi - .' " - • CO 0 oo 0-2 0 H 0

o» ,77 r-v U>1 '"'do • -' 00 0 0 0i8 0 20 CBAULEY , i«r uarrel of 22Hbs '~ i,t"S ' - -°° ° W O i l 6

12 C

OAT^p.r hSSS'ofl*,,,. -. W ° W U W " " '

~ wSn' " • -, W ° M 010 0 11 0- Wbito . . J oo o 00 000 I U'" «

PwTua. ic'.r ssofb. 1" ° w °'n - U 6

= SffiST : : 'J s S if ?¦$ j gl 8OATMEAL, per Sack . ! > n *\ 2-S J „ «lull T A i > n ,irt

-| o 0 5 6. 0 • o* 0UJLhAliU tlo:

. . . .| 5 6 6 0 0 U _ «.J _ U

_ I'OUEIGN. ~ ' "

.' ~

K RIE.WilJCAT, •.icc l>..r.-el "o:2S0H,s. « " d —s."o

- i-r i ;w l?S|>r;!1;j si 6io w o

ESIW •1*f 0la - - - • ia 6 3i o~ S, ..''uMnc# GO 0 00 0- NJcoaLeff Jl « ;2 0INDIA N COUN YoUo^oUc^ and'oal U "IS 0 18 3— — ibrml and I'oxonion (old) .(.0 0 00 0

— — Old - . .0C 0 00 0~ ~ f;0- Ncw - ¦ -'* 6 ,-16 a— — D.itiuliiuii Old -uu 4 00 3r,™ ,,, . ~ , "o. New . . . J17 0 17 3FLOUfi , Americau, pcr i,arrcl of 10(;lb8 . , w 0 ou jIMHTAV WS"I I 'l'er »Mk, of2801b3. . .'OO 0 0" (INDL4N Mtkh, Anuriean, per sack - .00 0 00 C

_ _ j Home Manufacture, per ) j 1H o 18 (l Riclt. of gsoibn. )1 18 u ° e

Imports and Exports for week ending Thursday , 1st.IMPOSTS. EXPOBIS

WWt °Orn '"li* *urtors- Indian Cora 6-^5Quarlcr.

"?"** 128CO <lo. ; Wheat lfl> U»rrels.Z , ¦" - <1°- O»ta i'.X do.Barley :• - Sacks. I Barley 179 do.Flour i 1% do. Flour 217 Sacis.,. , <¦ — liarrels. Oatmeal — doMeal ¦» Sacks. Iutliau meal ... - do

(Corrected this day for the Waterford News).,, _ 1'liOVISIONS.LACOS Pios, per cwt. - _ 40a. Od. to 0Dd. . dSTEIIIS do. _ _ tjl , 0 w uiEKT do. _- _ 0 0 Io uH EAPS do. .-,<: () •» ,. «Sc-RAPS do. _ _ f . 0 l\ iLAKD (chandler's; _ _ oJ 0 -M 0

BUTCHKKS 1 ME4T.BBEr, per 11) . _ _ 0s. 6d to 0j. 9dMorroN, per ib. _ _ n 7 u sLAMB, per lb. _ _ 0 '8 0 %VEAm*rlb. _ _ 0 | „ £PoEi. ierlb. _ _ „ J J £„ L I'OTATOES.«M

W'i?.f ~ ~ Oa.OJ.toOs.Old.O'd, porstoue _ _ u „ 0 nBUEAD

WHITB. i>er libs. _ _ QS. 7Jd. to 0s. OdHOOSEHOLD, iwr do. — — o 0 0 0

WHISKEY.DOBLIS, per gallon _ _ 20s. Od. to 20s. Od,CORK, puncheou, _ _ n o 16 0OLD Cone, gallon, — 18 0 00 U

V I S H.NEWrOOXDLASD , » CKt. — - 20s. 0d. to 2U. Od.liBBBlHOl, Eouud, per barrel — 23 0 0 0SALMO », perlb. _ .. 0 0 0 0PsAL. per do. _ _ 0 0 0 0faOLK . pcr do. _ _ ! 2 , 3IO IIBOT, i«r do -_ _ 1 3 I I

FOWL AND EGGS.CHlc«»3, porpair _ _ 0a. Od. to ft..Od.Turkcyi, per pair — — 12 0 15 0DOCKS, per pair _ _ 4 0 0 0GSSSE, per pair _ _ 3 „ 10 0JMJUS, per 1 J) _ _ 9 0 0 0FOWJ -, per pair _ _ 3 B 4 6SOAP AND CANDLES

WHITE, per cwt. _ _ 20s. od to I'o. OdBnowif , per do. — 20 0 '*¦; 0MOULD, per dozca lbs. — — 5 0 "

3 0DIPT, per do. _ _ 5 3 5 3WOOL AND HIDES.

HoooET WOOL _ _ is. ia. t0 j.,.2,] .WETHKR L EWK — _ 1 0 1 1S«IH WOOL _ _ 0 10 1 0HIDES, per cwt. -_ _ 29 0 0 0KIPS, per lb. — — 0 2J 0 0CALF, per do=en — — 2S 0 00 U

TUrBER.RED Pi»s por ton, — _ COa.Od. to 70s.0?.YELLOW PIJE per do. — — OS 0 70 0STATES, per 10U0 — — 60 u 70 0LATHS, per do. — _ 12 0 13 0

C O A L S .COAIS, per ton _ _ 143. oj to 15a. COCOKE, per do. _ _ 13 u 0 0

fODDEK AND GREEN CROPS.HAT. por ton (old) — — 70s.0d. to 80s. 0d.

Do. (new) - - 45 0 65 0STRAW, wheaten, per do. — — 25 0 28 0

Do., oaten, per do. — — 20 0 IS 0TORNIPS, per do. — — 17 0 18 0MANGOLDS, per do. — — • 17 0 - 18 0CARROTS, por do. — — 30 0 35 0

WATBBFOBD BUTTER MARKET:Number off i rkiru weighed ac the Pioiic Uvllet Mark. i

for week eutinj Friday (Ms day) aad prices .Saturday, — & — 112s. Od to Ii z. SI .Monday, — 2 — 112s. Od. io ¦ a. Od.Tuesday, — 0 — 0J». Od. to t/s. Od.WednesAiy — 11 — 12 rs. Od. to lUs. Od.Thursday, — If — 130s. Od. 10 1. J. (Hi.Friday, — 0 — 00a. Od. .0 UOUj. 0...No. of Firkins corresponding week but year '.jPrice por cwt lLis. Od. vo liftj. Od.

girths, itta«iafles, aitd deaths.Announc€m *r.ltof Births, Marriagca,andDta ih$,iiwtb9pre .paid~ "BTE T H 'S ." '

Dec. 28, at No. 151, Bathmines-roid, Dublin, tho wife ofMr. Fred Qallaher, of a daughter.

Deo. S*, at ihe Villa, Tr-unore, tho wife of E. N, Power,Esq., of a daughter.

Deo. 24, at the Mall, Yoajhal, the wife of Sab-InspectorD. Barry, E.LC, EJendeny, of n daughter.

Dec. 27, at 71, Great Braaswick-Binwt, Dublin, tho wife ofCaptain Wm. Bodmoad, of a daughter. ,

On Siinday.Dec. 28, at 3J, Stepnea's-groeii,Dublin, the «ltaof A. More O'Fenull, Esq., of a dsugatar.

DM. 4, at Beaares, the wife of Surgeon-Major Cirow, ArjiyModical Depiruneat, of a daughter.

AtBaheea, Clonmel. the wife of George Edward Cobdes,Esq., of a son.

M A E E X A G E S .Sept. 25, in St. Joseph's Church, Dumrdin, New Zealand,

hy the Right Sev. Biaaop Moran, Patrick, BOO of the lataPeter MaoXkjmUd, Esq., Oylegate, co. Wes/ord, to Margtreteldest danghler of Daniel Kelly, Esq., Tomnulossett, lateHead Master, Model School, Ennisco.tby, co. Vezford.

Doc. 29, at St. Paul's, Armn-qiay, Dublin, J«Mph Ajlme r,youngest son of the late Jdmee Daniel S6aUy,Esi., RtrrUlAr-at-Law, 20, Foirriew Areone, co. Dabllu, to,Ma.-/, o.nydaaghter of tbe late Joseph Unoe, EK)., Eagle Hi I , Ten.nore, co. Dublin.

Sec. 24, at the Church of St. Ferdinand, Puia, AdolpheFrancois Berger, Avenue St. Panlin, La Verenni, St. Hllalreto Adelaide, daughter of the late Edmund Lawless, Era., <y .Upper ClanbraasU-street, Dnblia.

Dec. 26, at Vienforth Honse, Edinburgh, Hoary Peat.Eaq.B.L., of Gray's-lnn, oldest son of the lata Heiry Pe4b, Eat '.of Dublin, to Margaret, only tnrrirlng daujjwr of the laieJatnes Peat Esq., and niece of the lit* Adm l Peat.

D E A T H S .At Compeer Villa, Tramore, Mrs. Elinbecl Doody, la the56th year of her age, to the inexpressible grief of her sotvorr.

ing family. Deceased was sister 10 tie Bev. Thomas Tobin 'o: LiTorpool. High Mass and Office were o3ored rtp on moroinj.'or the ropoee of her •oul.Eer.W.Bi-o wa.celebriniAmong toe cltrsy in tae choir were—Her. E. Power.P.P. JS«»J. Uyan, Kor;P. MaoCarthr, CC, Eer. F. Dooly, DnnhiiliEar. F. Kolly, Liyerpool; Kef. W. J. Cnlles, and H er. Mr.Power.—fi.I.P. fDecember 28, (Feast of the HoW Innooeati), to the lntx-press! J!« grief of her sorrowiag'hAilf, sad fortiffiu by «n.ho sacraments and consolstionsfof tho Holy CatbojbChurch, Amelia PnndegasUnee Wiring), the fond, deroSa!and dearly-belOTed wife ol Henry Jieph Pt-«adergait, of n!Oloucester treet, Ecde«ton*jaarelLoJdon.—E.l.P. f

On 29th alt., at Colligan Lodge, Dong&rnn, atter a shot-illness, John Quintan, who for nineteen yens had been thiaithlal, honest, and trustworthy surrant ot James GJ1W«T,On.27th tost., ntSalterbridge,Cappoqnio, Eiohard AnthoA

Chearnler, Esq., D.L., aged S. ' 1 • ™,0n 27thinst.. at the residence 0! Mi fatknr.

WexforJ, Fercr, thbd »o«-o«'Pc»<»6/nnotT,Tiq.—B.irpTTv2?«o. atf, sadoeoZy, at HSIHT. CO. Sujx>t ol aasoviatnol hsm;

orrhago from the lnngs and diaue ol t'ae b«art, Hugh A. W:feijuson. Esq., OoTarnment Inspector, oolr son of ProfessorFerguson. - . | . 4Deo.ffl, »t Cloghe<m, co. Tippersry. afUr a brief IU IUBSJMrs. Catherine Cuhis, a pious and durlbble woman, muoh;estoemad and now tegietted. OiJ Wedusday hep rem»in,iwere brought to the aharcb,and ten o'dockOfflce and SolemWHIJJ Biuwwi celebrated, alter which ta> JAUro. was »n^aad Benedfetioa giron. . lha clW.prwjat wera-BtTs.!1'aoma* McGrath, P.P. ; Thomas Hnn P.P. : P. DelinVI•JP., D.D.; E, *alsh, 'P.P.: P: B i, P K1 E. FoS

P.P. 1 Thomas Walah.dc. i ThomaaPowr, C.C. , J. KSi!.srd, C.Ci Thomas McDonnell, CC. ,- D. CConnor, CC. 1 *!yfesSssft ct. j wb>«,ccti w- 8heelw' c?:i-

At his residence, Canir Abbey, On tUSSthlnst, B. Hauhi'ton Grobb, Esq., aged nearly 09 f e x n \ In (be death of £T'Gmbb the poor bate been deprhed ct a thoughtfrl txkaiand ajnnarous benefactor. (¦ \ • ! • '¦' OnWadneadai.athis reddenc*. Manor, at the adTaaeed:sgt of W, Mr. Tnom«» Clarke.—KXP. I P ; '

' - .••¦ ^ott j lett>g-^|a aflgt• (j -

"~ ' . A B E I V E 1) i T~'' 27th-MTiOTd, s, JEford, g 0 i'lunmore, s, Olasgow.V c iHf.i.VnfT m MilfOld, g O. . . I ' •

28th—Water.'ord, s, 1 ¦. . j :. 29th—EegirjJd, e, Llrorpoot 1 0 1 Thomas, Dun ¦«¦ballast 1 Zephyr, s, Bristol, g oj Bmeriok.'s, Milfo.-d,, T , '

30th—Milord, s, UiUor£ *a. Conunufc, s, U «JBSO] 'ffO:BteUo Oi :oUs, l:xfssol faisiid ol CjpmsJ,Zirt KS'oonjt beans. ' ¦ >¦ •: > .¦ . '. -, 1 ., ¦

, . ' . -, T*001*,.81tt-EUd». Ph^odjlphis, wHetli Watetford, s. M fnd.igo; Eirnholm-.s, Unrpool1B4)n, g01 £ostland s, 3o2r!!)nhUn,- and Olatgow, ( 0) Majikoff, s, Moford, s 0; tfnsvomi ¥enn87s;»,Bsiiimot«,<)Q«asJitowD, (for orders) 1 £??,

Bisco, Buenos Ayr«J, ooneaihiy V ,. , , ' !•*• •

Wth-^mermgl, s;iJTerjooi,f ojE»thUn, s, Ply jiowandSonthampton.c0 j Unerldt,s, Milford,g0; Dni norm-S.BelfirtMidGUscow,go. ; ;. . . ¦*, ¦ Trr'i• !8i miOTa~i7iWni, g , '. - '¦ {.:.-. ¦}

29th—Bo»th» VKtwport, b iWt 1 Iut- s, Lrttroot >r<, JMalakocT«?2cifoid; aaWs', V matotaTM, Sword.g '"<

EOth-BejlMW, 1,-MMol,t« t Llmerltk,slMWoj V.j81*t^r«phTr,s,Ll»«™ooL»«;il011ord,jr,Maiord, 'i*. .1;

.: JtnaurltirrrexUima, S.0 <W0W.f.C.,;;; J;;, .-y;;. f cj i {"' • ^WATEBTOBD; -l)TJK0ij»VAK;; AW> • LMKOI til!•;? ¦

.¦ ; •<vi - i -rj . *¦¦'• • *'¦'«¦¦ .MWM.) -:--i ,.:...- .. -v..» - » l. {.j;. ,i' Trttfti ' :Btcttp t , -for Tfi. Z ^*g'DS(JSUSMS tet ) u i n jHmtr ^ttt.-Ttx -ibsiM, ;; : :'... : 1 , ... r«sr] 'l o Vj

- :Tifl'Heilth ol :Mr.fP4»htuitrr:M,P. ti: «• maJi

c: :¦•¦¦ ''¦TT-'.'i .i-.'HV'' , ; j . >v V f ';'- !s A J V"« >;t- , - ;. :


BUTTER.—Thorc were only a fow firkina in marketthis week. Prices have advanced Bomowhat. D?0"11!however , in English marketa for Irish ia very limited.Foreign still sells well. Danish fetches as high as Io4s.

Jan 1, 1880. B.,MAHONT <5S CO.FODDER .—Tho Boverity of the weather, rains, f ogs

and storms, has ohoeked supply of foddor very mnothis week. Good Hay brought 65s. per ton on Wed-nesday, and iaforior quality 40s. to 4os. per ditto.Wheaten Straw went np to 2os., and Oaten was abouttho Bamo figure. Thero was rather more roots thanusual to market on Wodnesday. Carrots sold in demandat 35s. per ton, wbero good quality was obtainable ;Mangolds brought 19s. to 20s., and Turnips, 18s. to l'Ja.per ditto.

BACON .—Messrs. Mattcrson, Glen Bacon Works,quote Waterford Bacon at 6-ts. f.o.b., for best slzoablo ;Heavy and Fat, 60s. per ditto. Hambro' in largo supplyat from 58a. to 62s. 200 pigs at Wednesday's markot at49s. per cwt.

POTATOES.—There was a pretty fair supply throughtho woek at from 6id. to 7id. per stone, wholosale.

COAL .—Tharo wero only a fow colliors discharginghoro this wook, and tho enrrent pricos were, Us. to15s. por ton.

TIPPEBABT BUTTER MARKEV —THIS DAY .—57firkins in market. Qood Ordinary, 80s. to 81s. ; Med'uin,72s. to 75s. ; Inferior, 63a. to G«s. por firkin of 3 qrs.,15 lbs. tare. No chango to noto tt 's weo'c; quotationset 'll rule firm.

HUNTING APPOINTM ENTS.Tl >: COBKionKOlis-jANOi .T.-Tuesday Oth, Grilca Cross

Eoads ; Thuredcy 8th, BaUyglan ; Fi day 9ih, Crejg. At1J o'clock.

FAITHI-EOO H*RriB«-Ji!«DiBT.—Monday 5th , KilcanraghCross ; Friday t.h. Parksaood ; Monday liith, Cnllrshane;Thursday 15 th, BaUinoi'U; Monday 19-h.Fa ry Bush i Thors-day 2-Md, Halfway Hopse. At Hi o'clock.' TFI' W'irOiD KOJT -Meet—Monday Sth, E»niscoi:h/Btation ; Wednesdo? 7th. Carnagli ifc"1-'»•*• o~u« >™ iMonday 12Lh. Oolart , Wednesda/Wth. Dfabrody Park ;MdaylCch, i»' e»ae ; 'Moaday 19in{Th°.I"I':n ,


ff';;Knd, Bollyeop ; Saturday »lth, TnocLrea Gate- At 11D'clOCk . — -— ...^ . -M

TO CORRESPONDEN TS.Communications, whether advertisements or other-

wise, are not suro of insertion whon received only onFridays.

THE CHBi8TIAN BROTHE3 ' COLLECTIOK.—Tho listof subscriptions for tho Christian Brothers, at tho col-lection wh ch took place on Sunday, Nov. 30th, roachedus only this day, ontiroly too late for this ovening s

'"CATECHISM, Doctrinal, Moral, Historical, Liturgical—A notice of this invaloblo work shall appear -1 oornoxt Issue.

f V MOON'S CHANGES.IfXast Quarter Monday, Jan. 5 6.51 p.m

SiwMoon Sunday, „ 11 1O.<5 a.mFirst Quarter Monday, ,, 19 6/.11 a.mFuU Mooc Tuesday, ,, 27 10.1b a.m

W$ SSaterforif |tete" BE JUST, AND PEAE NOT."



Koberts was enabled, without Gen. Gough'sreinforcements, which arrived next morningafter the battle, to fight his way from Sberpur,andhaviag dispersed the enemy.succeeded in re.entering Cabul, which was found deserted. SirFrancis Eoberts, in his supplementary report ,says that he is about to take possession of theBala Bissar, a post he ought not to have let fallinto the hands of the Afghans, if he could avoidit. Heavy fall of snow, 25th, stopped pursuitof enemy. All cleared away, leaving many deadaround Sherpur. V,&\a. Hissar magazine has beenemptied. Frequent explosions occurred during theenemy's occupation of Cabcl, in wb'cb. one hundredmen are reported killed.

CABOL, DKC. 24.—The enemy dispersed daringthe night, taking or destroying a1' 1 he powder inthe Bala Higsar. The greater part of Cabul wasgutted. General Hill's 'origodo, guardod by thoSth Punjabeus, marched through the city to-day.Thero was not a Qh;1zai to be seen. Mahomed Janfled in the morning, and Much Ki'iam took Ta-koob's son and fled.

Tho Ghuzni cavalry are scouring tho country.At Charasiab and Cha'.-deh there is no sign of theenemy. In the line of retreat over the hUla, theBDOW is three inches thick. Butkak will be gar-risoned to-morrow. Gough's brigo ie . goes to theBala, Hissar.

Ammunition is wanted here. The Ghilzais at-tacked Gough for several days at Jugdulluk. Thenews of the British success dispersed the tribes inthat direction.

Daily Chronicle Allahabad telegram sayB Afghantroops having abandoned Cabo'.a thorongb. searchis being made into tbe state of the magazines in theBala. Hissar. The result has been that the greaterportion of the gunpowder has been removed orblown up. Tae munitions of war are also gone.Unfortunately the ammunition of General Roberts'troops is very low, and a fresh supply is much need-ed, the latest calculation beingthat there are only 300catridge3 per man. The ammunition for thoartillery is also said to be very deficient. Thowhole of General Gough's brigade are at Luttabandto-day, and will reach Butkak to-morrow, andthence proceed, to Sherpur. An action is expectedto-morrow if the enemy hold together. Tbe enemjaro musteridg on the plain beyond the eastern wallas if to intercept General Gough, The force ofthe latter is, however, equal to an engagement asSherpur can co-operate. Lieutenant Mbntanarodied on the 20th. Report, dated 21st, states thetotnl loss to that date—Tea officers, 79 men killedor died of wounds. Thirteen officers, 190 menwounded. '


ST. PKTKRamjRO, AVznKiSDAT.—The InvahoeRusse of to-day publishes a telegram from Tash-kand, reporting the arrival there, on the 23rd ofNovember last, of the Afghan Sirders, Neik Ma-homet Khan, brother of the late Shere Ali, and hiscousin, tho Ulema Hussein Khan, accompanied bya suite of eight persons. They fled from Cabul afterthe fighting which preceded General Robert's entryinto the city, and solicited Bussian hospitality.ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF THE KINO

OF SPAIN.MADEUJ, TUISDAT, 7 *.H.—AS the Kine and

Queen were driving through the gate of the RoyalPalace at half-post five th& evening, a young manin dress of a workman, fired a shot from a revolverat the Royal carriage, fortunately, howover, with-out touching King Alphonso or the Queen. Thewould-be assassin was immediately arrested, andhas confessed his crime. Hie name is FrancisOtero, aged ninteen years, and by occupation he isa waiter at a confectioner's. He describes himselfas a native of Nantin, in Galicia., A Standard Madrid telegram, dated Tuesdaynight, says tho assassin in detained at the HomeOffice, where Ms confession before the Judge of In-Btructien baa led to the arrest of throe other personswhom ho charges with having incited him to com-mit . the crime. Universal indignation prevailsamongst menof all parties, whose chiefs are flockinglo the Palace io congratulate the King.


CoNBTANTNOPue, WBDNMUAT'. — Sir HenrvLayard having received no reply to th« note oresented . by him to the Porte in reference to themeasures taken by the Turkish Government ao-n in JM. Koalle and. Ahmed Tewfik, tha MussuUm esident, yesterday suspended official relations with thnPorte. The British Embassy nevertheless main-tains semi-official intercourse with the OttomanGovernment, snd no actual rapture in dinlomnticDilations between England and Turkey has takenplace.


snlt of to-diy*s diving operations at the bas«of the ruined piers in the middle of the Tavhas ,beon that the position of the train hasbeen,, preHy accurately ascertained, the enjrinehaving been found ly">{r about thirty feet from thefifth broken pier. No bodiea have, however, beenrecovered, whioh may be accounted for by the factplaced beyond doubt by the investigations of thedivers, that tie

carriage,, as well as the engine,areV-jnmmed betwten the.vgirdera. Simpson ongoirig.down «5»in, disoovePBd the engine Md ten

dot; lying: on ite dde and deeply Embedded in thebpttbta. Thoy were situated a short distance southeaet, 9f the^8Kh pier,.so that the portion of ttetrain already discovered all lies between the fourthaadflfth'piew. . ;i < ... .. .:¦; ; ¦: :

¦ ¦ ¦ . 'u

--Tho numtor of persons reported missing is statedteM 'S*7rYl?™*> f:?ne w-two who were supposedto hare won. in^ the:tiafa have bwn UawveredMr.'R;Ii. Kinsbury,.pt :Fulhamw»d. Kenriartoni ^ jM-.wt'-.ii. tetUIer by the teain!Tf r P*^*0?1 . .W8« B,«f«ly some samples sent toa.ciintijTiftnrv r= • '*

• *¦ , ' ' ' - '"'.v v ' ~ ' ': ' ' ¦¦ ¦ .¦ *•

¦nr-AeotBsme-rUvgh. -T.. Sayors .Eiq., SolicitorCnhd> when returning from tbe Tippearr Hunt onSatutday toliia r«ide5« at MayaS oSk » shortontacroM the .ctuntry, and came down at a l»«' K^Mia(i«ifln%i.«IteM».!5£VdS5WBlLv - . . ;¦, . ' ' ' ¦" ' ¦" "' . " " *•' ' '¦• • •¦'>: . J . ¦ ¦ ;. *"

1 S 8 0 A N D 1 8 7 9

We have bidden good-bye to the Old Year ,and we are now cotuincncinjj our journey withthe New ; 1879 lias gone to rest with its predc-ccBSOrs, and 1880 begins its acquaintance withthe world. In its progress from its birth to itsdemise 1879 was marked with many features ,both home and foreign, of a momentous charac -ter. In the home retrospect there is much to 1*:found which deeply affects this country . Wecommenced the year with sensible evidences ofa depressed trade, cheered, however , with astrong hope of a speedy revival. Th:it hope ,however , was doomed to be fallacious. We hn..lan unpromising Bpring ; we next had a wet ,barsh summer, and the result was, a harvest badhi the extreme, with its deplorable results. Analmost stagnant trade was the condition ofthings early in the year, and now there is th,momentous addition of farmers impoverished 'many of them uttcily ruined. 'J'ue landed in!tereBt being in such a condition the cities andtowns quickly entered on tho samo downwardroad, and 1879 has left us with an amount ofdistress, of pauperism, from which onl y can webe relieved by an exceptional , 6pcedy prosperityvouchsafed to us by a benign Providence. Look,ing abroad, we find matters, if not BO deplorablein one sense as at home, equal ly gloomy inanother. In almost every country in Europepolitical disorganization, riots rampant ; secretsocieties abound ; assassinations, and conspira-cies are nightly records, distrust prevails , andchaos seems amongst us again. What wonderwhen religion is scoffed at where formerly itW¥J

m.ost rcv<=ri»ce(l : where every effort, that,¦otidclity can suggest is being put into practiceto banish the Name, and the teachings of Godfrom the ears, and from the hearts of the risinggeneration, and this , under <t vaunted repenera.t.on of man ? Such is the state of the worldwhen we take leave of the Old Year, and bidwelcome to tbe New ,- so gloomy is it that thereis scarcely a ray of light to )>c discerned to giveus comfort for the future , and we would , indeed,be apt to despair, under this accumulation ofills did we not know, as an immutable truththat trials form the heritage of man ; were wenot aware that we an; chastened by tlieir work-ing, and that when tbey disappear we can tbebetter value the comfort which follows. " Tbodarkest _ hour is that before the dawn , " thathour this country may have now readied ; lotus hope that it is so ; let us act as if we wer«-assured of it as a fact, and so far, lend our aidto its realization.

A few words for ourselves. We have had man?anniversaries, now , of the day which usheredus into the. literary world , and on each of theseanniversaries, we bad tbe sincere, well-foundedpleasure of returning our warmest thanks forkind, steadfast support ; for a just appreciation ,favorable and encouraging, of our manifoldefforts to inform, to instruct and to please, andon not one of those, to us, marked dayB in ourliterary existence have we felt greater reasonthan we do now to reiterate those sincere thanks.This grateful recognition of the manner inwhich we continue to discharge our onerousdutj is, to us, a reward of inestimable value,and one more incentive , if one more were needed,to luge us along on tho road of justice and oftrutb, on which wo started , and on which wehave | long Brace, we will take leave to say, at-tained to an eminence alike honorable and use-ful . With this expression of feeling, and inthe earnest hope that with 1879 will disappearmanyof the trials that now so sorely afflict ourcountty, we heartily wish our many f rienda,



Yesterday, pursuant to law , our ci7ic chairbad iichangc of occupants ; Alderman GEORGE

I. MiCKESY , M.D., has reti ed into tbe ranLaof th<! Council , and has been succeeded aa Mayorof Wttei ford by Alderman LAURENCE A. RYANThat; Alderman MACKESY has well and faith-fully j discharged the responsible duties of thishighj ancient and d'st'nguished office ; that hehas fairly and fully placed his Mayoralty in anequal rank with that of any of hia predecessorswill lie readily conceded by all honorable men,and that be thoroughly merited the warm voteof thanks 3o properly passed to bim yesterdayis t'je uranimous verdict of all right-thinkingcitizens. Alderman WACKESY'S year of officewas not unmarked by tests sufficient to try, ando prove ability and coolness in the holder of a

higU and responsible official position. In theCojnoil , owing to causes not necessary to dwellon, because patent to ail, ho met from one smallpoint obstructions, and. tannis calculated, ifnot designed, to ruffle and to annoy, but tbeywere well met by the bite Mayor with that con-teinptuous treatment which such puny, but,withal , spiteful attempts so deservedly merit ;they were inocuous in BO far as their object wasconcerned ; the hissing snake was scotched, and,while anxious, he was poweiless to strike. Toexpedite public business, and to do so to tbi>.general good , Alderman MACKESY was everready and aiding, in Committee as well as inCouncil, and by his unvarying exercise of thisWincinle he secured to himself tbe respect andJbe co-operation of all business men with whomhe continuously acted. Ho was desirous topreside at meetings originated for the publicVelfare, and his great zeal on behalf of the Wa-ierford Art Exhibition, and tbe splendid hospi.tality with which bo inaugurated it, will neverlie forgotten. His exertions in this respect werenot confined to- the city in their operations ;lfc ably represented the wants and the wishesct Waterford to the Government in London,aad to their delegates in Dublin, while in bothIE well auBtained the dignity of this ancient cityon occasions requiring bis attendance in hiscivic capacity. As chief magistrate he waspainstaking, impartial, yet sympathetic when hec uld fairly be BO ; always hearing both sides tot ie fullest, he was courteous to all, and hisc visions were e^er marked by a conscientiouss nse of tbe grave power reposed, in him. Byhs foliow-niagistrates he was thoroughly re-g irded, and we heaitily re-echo their wish that13 absence from the bench will be but tern-Srary. While fully alive to the deference du-it his high position aa Mayor, Aid. MACKESY

iks accessible, at al1. reasonable times, to thebnmbleat in the city who had occasion to addreesbm ; be received them kindly, sfwke to thema Fably, and did for them what lay in his power.In every respect the late Mayor was a credit toblsjofficial position, and he bears with him intoprivate life the best wishes of his fellow-citizens.

. 4.8 we have said. Alderman LA URENCE A.B.YKN is Mayor of Waterford for 1880, theToifngest Mayor that ever presided over our city,md pei-haps, the youngest Mayor in Ireland.If young in years, howover, let it be well knowntbkt our new Mayor J B a thorough man of busi»isas. ' He is now, and has been for some years,ajlleading corn merchant in our city, mainlytl rough his own ncuteness, energy and tact. Heif endowed with strong common sense, forms as< und judgment on all matters with which heh 8 to deal ; has a firmness of character whichwll brook no trifling, and as a publio man de-servedly enjoys the confidence of all. classes inthe community. Almost since his advent intotie Council, by the possession of these qualitiesof head and ol heart, Aid. RYAN has l*en aliiding member of that body, as he is of theBirbor Board, and we feel assured that in himS be found a worthy successor to the laU

Jfeyor, and that the majority of the Councilwill find a wise choice was made in the election0 Alderman L. A. RYAN as Mayor of Water-f.-j «•„.. 1 QQnii ra 101 J.OJV-


5KAB SIB—Having read the report of the meeting oftta •• Watarford Farmers' Club" in yonr paper of 2ttnDKembor, in wfc'.ch I am reported to have made thefo towing statemont:—" Mr. O'Keeffe said he WM PAT:in|50 per cent, over Griffith's valuation." Now, llr, Iddtire to givo this quotation a flat contradiction; u«w y? Simply because I could not s»y so, urn? rent aat >nt 20 per cant. Tinder Griffith's YalwUon ; and be-sii es tt's, my good and kind landlord has refunded D<15W cent, this sccson. I may ask how many land-loWfl throughout the county have given similar i«dnc-tic a ? I hope, s:r, that such a misrepresentation willno occur again, aa my ancestors have eror snd »1WOT«ret ived the greatest kindness and indulgence from thahoi Durable honso of Drom&na,, and I prwnme their t ie person of my humble (eif, »hall n«vcr be set downas i renegade from their teachings, bat when required,I'sl ill and will be found eqnal to the oocaaion. It isver painful to me to have my name mentioned in con-neofion with this rabjoot.M my noble and worthy land-lord: Mr. H. VUl'ers Stnart, of Dronum*, is sooosd tono 1 mdlord in Ireland for.goodneu and klndneu.—Iam, dear Mr. Editor, yours faithfnlly, ¦ '

PATBIGK J. CKIMJT.KQinagabogue, V> ieretcmJ, Deo. 30, 1879.

. [We readJy, of coarse, pttblUh ibe: iorflfoiWleti ir, as in our duty as journalists; we .WOOM feelexe edingly sorry in being the medima: of convey-ing 1 mis-statement of any kind to tin public, morepar icclarly one of a serious character like thapre-cen ,-when those interested axaeonc«rrtad.' We^ereled into, the error inadvertantly;;1 Toid, regret •**»


* -U-» ¦ - . ',"

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