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Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky

Nov 17, 2015




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  • Vyjadovn budoucnosti

    rove A (Cvien 140)going to pro plnovan nebo jist udlosti v budoucnosti a pro rozhodnut

    rove B (Cvien 41125)budouc as (will) (nabdky, spontnn rozhodnut, pedpovdi a poadavky) (4180); uit willpro vznen poadavk (8190); uit shall v nabdkch, nvrzch a dotazech na nzory(91105); ptomn prbhov as pro vyjden budoucch udlost (106125)

    rove C (Cvien 126245)modln slovesa v budoucnosti (126150); dva dje v budoucnosti v asovch a podmnkovchvtch (when, whenever, if, while, before, until, unless a as soon as) (151240); udlostiv bezprostedn budoucnosti s pouitm just going to (241245)

    rove D (Cvien 246395)might (not)/may (not) + infinitiv pro vyjadovn monosti v budoucnosti (246280); budoucprbhov as (281330); dal asov a podmnkov vty (as long as, providing, provided, incase, by the time, next time) (331375); vyjadovn budoucch nadj prostednictvm hope aptomnho asu (376385); ptomn prost as pro vyjden budoucch udlost (386395)

    rove E (Cvien 396470)pedptomn as po spojkch when, after, as soon as, until, unless a by the time v kombinacis budoucm asem (396435); pedbudouc as prost a prbhov (436465); bezprostednbudoucnost (be about to + infinitiv) (466470)

    rove F (Cvien 471480)formln vazba be to + infinitiv

    rove A (Cvien 140)

    Going to pro plnovan a jist udlosti v budoucnosti. Pelote.1) Ztra j o tom eknu.2) Pozvou ticet lid.3) Dnes veer zstaneme doma.4) Zamluvm stl na estou hodinu.5) Ztra jde navtvit sv prarodie. [ona]6) Koupme j k narozeninm tn.7) Ztra mi pj to auto. [on]8) Letos nebudu oslavovat narozeniny.9) Ty lstky nebudou drah.

    10) Uitelka k, e nm d v pondl test.11) Pr [kaj, e] bude o vkendu lep poas.12) Myslm, e tady bude moc astn.13) Myslm, e bude pret.14) Myslm, e zmekme autobus.15) Myslm, e Liverpool vyhraje.16) Myslm, e to bude velk spch.

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    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • Expressing the future

    Level A (examples 140)going to for planned or certain future events and for resolutions

    Level B (examples 41125)future with will (offers, spontaneous decisions, predictions and requests) (4180); use of will formaking requests (8190); use of shall for offering, suggesting and asking opinions (91105); present continuous for future events (106125)

    Level C (examples 126245)future modals (126150); double actions in the future with clauses of time and condition usingwhen, whenever, if, while, before, until, unless and as soon as (151240); events in the immediate future with just going to (241245)

    Level D (examples 246395)might (not)/may (not) + infinitive for expressing possibility in the future (246280); future continuous (281330); more double actions in the future with clauses of time and condition,using as long as (providing, provided), in case, by the time and next time (331375); translatingfuture hopes with hope and present tense (376385); present simple for future events (386395)

    Level E (examples 396470)double actions in the future with completed action in present perfect, using when, after, as soonas, until, unless and by the time (396435); future perfect, simple and continuous forms(436465); immediate future using about to + infinitive (466470)

    Level F (examples 471480)formal be to + infinitive

    Level A (examples 140)

    Going to for planned or certain future events1) Im going to tell her about it tomorrow. 2) Theyre going to invite thirty people.3) Were going to stay at home this evening.4) Im going to reserve a table for six oclock.5) Shes going to visit her grandparents tomorrow.6) Were going to buy her a puppy for her birthday. 7) Hes going to lend me the car tomorrow.8) Im not going to celebrate my birthday this year.9) The tickets arent going to be expensive.

    10) The teacher says she is going to give us a test on Monday.11) They say theres going to be better weather at the weekend.12) I think youre going to be very happy here.13) I think its going to rain. 14) I think were going to miss the bus.15) I think Liverpool are/is going to win.16) I think its going to be a big success.

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 17) Zept se j?18) Mysl, e bude souhlasit? [on]19) Co mu d k Vnocm?20) Co udl s tmi penzi?21) Co si vezme na sebe?22) Kam je vezme na obd?23) Kam to d?24) Komu to pole?25) Kdy budou mt svatbu? [se vezmou]26) V ptek bude u Marty verek.27) V ter odpoledne bude schze.28) Ve dvanct hodin bude na nmst demonstrace.29) V centru bude nov obchodn dm.30) Budou tam stovky lid.

    Novoron pedsevzet. Pelote za pouit going to.31) Budu lep student.32) Nebudu tak ln.33) Zkusm ve kole vc mluvit.34) Kad den ped sndan pelom pr anglickch vt.35) Nebudu hzet vlatovky [paprov letadlka] na uitelku anglitiny.36) Pestanu kouit.37) Nebudu jst tolik dort.38) Budu si pamatovat narozeniny svch ptel.39) Nebudu utrcet tolik penz.40) Koupm si budk a nebudu zaspvat.

    rove B (Cvien 41125)

    Budouc as (will) pro vyjadovn nabdek. Pelote.41) Je ten kol tk? Pomohu ti.42) Nerozum tomu? Vysvtlm ti to.43) Dej mi ten dopis. Polu ti ho.44) Koupm ti to, jestli se ti to lb.45) Pjdu s tebou, jestli chce.46) Je ti zima? Zavu okno.47) Udlm obd te, jestli m hlad.48) Dej mi to. J ti to otevu.49) Jestli nem dost penz, pjm ti njak.50) M mapu? Uki ti, kde bydlme.

    Budouc as (will) pro vyjadovn spontnnch rozhodnut. Pelote.51) Je pozd. Myslm, e pjdu do postele.52) Mm ze. Myslm, e si dm nco k pit.53) Mm hlad. Myslm, e pjdu ven a koupm si nco k jdlu.54) Nectm se dobe. Myslm, e si pjdu lehnout.55) John m narozeniny. Myslm, e mu dnes veer zavolm.56) Jsem unaven. Myslm, e zstanu doma.57) Nudm se. Myslm, e pjdu na prochzku.58) Smrdm. Myslm, e se vykoupu.

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    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 17) Are you going to ask her? 18) Do you think he is going to agree? 19) What are you going to give him for Christmas?20) What are you going to do with the money?21) What are you going to wear?22) Where are you going to take them for lunch? 23) Where are you going to put it?24) Who are you going to send it to?25) When are they going to get married?26) Theres going to be a party at Martas on Friday.27) Theres going to be a meeting on Tuesday afternoon.28) Theres going to be a demonstration on the square at twelve oclock.29) Theres going to be a new department store in the centre.30) There are going to be hundreds of people there.

    New Years Resolutions31) Im going to be a better student.32) Im not going to be so lazy.33) Im going to try to speak more at school.34) Im going to translate a few English sentences every day before breakfast. 35) Im not going to throw paper aeroplanes at the English teacher.36) Im going to give up smoking.37) Im not going to eat so many cakes.38) Im going to remember my friends birthdays.39) Im not going to spend so much money.40) Im going to buy myself an alarm clock and Im not going to oversleep.

    Level B (examples 41125)

    Future with will for offering41) Is the/that homework difficult? Ill help you.42) Dont you understand it? Ill explain it to you.43) Give me the/that letter. Ill post/send it for you.44) Ill buy it for you if you like it.45) Ill go with you if you want/like.46) Are you cold? Ill close/shut the window.47) Ill make (some) lunch now if youre hungry.48) Give it to me. Ill open it for you. 49) If you havent got enough money Ill lend you some.50) Have you got/Do you have a map? Ill show you where we live.

    Future with will for spontaneous decisions51) Its late. I think Ill go to bed.52) Im thirsty. I think Ill have something to drink. 53) Im hungry. I think Ill go out and buy something to eat.54) Im not feeling/I dont feel well. I think Ill go and lie down.55) Its Johns birthday. I think Ill phone him this evening.56) Im tired. I think Ill stay at home.57) Im bored. I think Ill go for a walk.58) I smell. I think Ill have a bath.

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 59) Tohle pivo je vynikajc. Myslm, e objednm dal.60) Je zima. Myslm, e zapnu topen.

    Budouc as (will) pro pedpovdn nsledk a udlost. Pelote.61) Musme jet autobusem, nebo pijdeme pozd.62) Mus se uit, jinak tu zkouku neudl.63) Tady nememe ekat. Uvid ns. [ona]64) Snz nco te, nebo bude mt pozdji hlad.65) Vezmi si detnk, nebo zmokne.66) Nekej mu to. Nebude se mu to lbit.67) Dej si to do kapsy, nebo to ztrat.68) Nejez to. Bude ti patn. 69) Nemyslm, e Alice tentokrt pijde.70) Mon, e ztra bude lep poas.71) Nevm, jestli se mu n drek bude lbit.72) Jsem si jist, e jim to nebude vadit.73) Nemyslm si, e nm bude vit. [ona]74) Mysl, e ns pozvou?75) Pravdpodobn nm bude pokldat [bude se ns ptt na] mnoho otzek. [on]76) Jsem si jist, e se ti n nov byt bude lbit.77) Co si mysl, e se stane?78) Co si mysl, e ekne? [on]79) Kdy si mysl, e skon ta (divadeln) hra?80) Koho si mysl, e si vezme? [ona]

    Budouc as (will) pro vznen poadavk. Pelote.81) Pomete mi s tm kufrem?82) Dte mi svou novou adresu?83) Udl nm kvu?84) Pome mi ztra s nkupem?85) ekne [D] mi svj nzor?86) Pome mi hledat [m] brle?87) Ztlum trochu tu hudbu?88) Uke mi, kde je koupelna?89) Podr mi na chvli kabt?90) Pj mi dnes veer svou modrou bundu?

    Pouit shall pro nabdky, nvrhy a dotazy na nzory. Pelote.91) Mm ti zavolat taxi?92) Mm ti pinst acylpyrin?93) Mm ti objednat dal pivo?94) Mm ti pomoct?95) Mm zamknout dvee?96) Mm zavolat Viktorii a ct j o tom?97) Pjdeme te?98) Koupme j kytku?99) Mm si to vzt na sebe na Annin verek?

    100) Co te budeme dlat?101) Co jim mm uvait?102) Kam pojedeme letos na dovolenou?

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    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 59) This beer is excellent. I think Ill order another (one).60) Its cold. I think Ill switch/turn on the heating.

    Future with will for predicting consequences and events61) We must go by bus or well be late.62) You must study or you wont pass the exam.63) We cant wait here. Shell see us.64) Eat something now or youll be hungry later.65) Take an umbrella or youll get wet.66) Dont tell him. He wont like it.67) Put it in your pocket or youll lose it.68) Dont eat it/that. Youll be ill.69) I dont think Alice will come this time.70) Perhaps the weather will be better tomorrow.71) I dont know if hell like our present/gift.72) Im sure they wont mind.73) I dont think shell believe us.74) Do you think theyll invite us?75) Hell probably ask us a lot of questions. 76) Im sure youll like our new flat.77) What do you think will happen?78) What do you think hell say?79) When do you think the play will finish?80) Who do you think shell marry?

    Use of will for making requests 81) Will you help me with this/the suitcase?82) Will you give me your new address?83) Will you make us a/some coffee?84) Will you help me with the shopping tomorrow?85) Will you give me your opinion?86) Will you help me look for my glasses?87) Will you turn that/the music down a little?88) Will you show me where the bathroom is?89) Will you hold my coat for a moment/while?90) Will you lend me your blue jacket this evening?

    Use of shall for offering, suggesting and asking opinions91) Shall I call a taxi for you (call you a taxi)?92) Shall I bring you an/some aspirin?93) Shall I order you another beer (order another beer for you)?94) Shall I help you?95) Shall I lock the door?96) Shall I phone Victoria and tell her about it?97) Shall we go now?98) Shall we buy her some flowers/a bunch of flowers?99) Shall I wear it for Anns party?

    100) What shall we do now?101) What shall I cook (for) them?102) Where shall we go on holiday this year?

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 103) Kam mm dt tv kle?104) Koho se mm zeptat?105) Jak mm zat ten dopis?

    Ptomn prbhov as pro vyjadovn udlost v budoucnosti. Pelote.106) Brzy pjdu dom.107) Pijde o pl osm. [on]108) Dnes jdu do koly pky.109) V nedli pijde na obd. [ona]110) Pt tden kupuje nov auto. [on]111) Ztra odpoledne jdeme na vstavu.112) Pt msc maj svatbu. [se berou]113) V pondl dl zkouku. [ona]114) Odjdm v est (hodin) rno.115) Jde v ptek na tu schzi?116) Pijedou autem?117) Let s British Airways?118) Berou s sebou psa?119) Co dl ztra veer?120) Jakou novou gramatiku budeme dnes dlat?121) Kam vy dva jedete letos na dovolenou?122) Kam jede na Vnoce?123) Kdy pivezou tu novou praku?124) Koho pozve na svj verek?125) S km jde dnes na obd?

    rove C (Cvien 126245)

    Modln slovesa v budoucnosti. Pelote. Uijte will nebo going to a pslun modln slovesov opisnm tvaru.126) Budeme si muset vzt taxi.127) Bude se na to muset zeptat uitelky.128) Po Vnocch si budou muset najt nov byt.129) Bude se muset vc uit.130) Ztra se bude muset omluvit fovi. [on]131) Bude mi muset dt sv nov telefonn slo.132) Koncert je v osm. Budeme muset odejt o pl osm.133) Nebude muset nic dlat. [ona]134) Pj si mj vtisk [mou kopii] a nebude to muset kupovat.135) Nebudete s nm muset mluvit anglicky. On mluv esky.

    136) Bude se nm moct pt vkend postarat o koku?

    137) Bude moct v sobotu pijt na n verek?138) Bude tohle vechno moct snst?139) Budete si na to moct najt as?140) Nebude se moct dostat dovnit bez kle.141) Nebude ti moct poradit. [on]142) Nebudeme to moct nalzt bez mapy.143) Nemyslm si, e bude moct jt s nmi. [ona]

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    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 103) Where shall I put your keys?104) Who shall I ask?105) How shall I start/begin the letter?

    Present continuous for future events106) Im going home soon.107) Hes coming at half past seven.108) Im walking to school today.109) Shes coming for/to lunch on Sunday.110) Hes buying a new car next week.111) Were going to an exhibition tomorrow afternoon.112) Theyre getting married next month.113) Shes taking/sitting an exam on Monday.114) Im leaving/going at six in the morning.115) Are you going to the meeting on Friday?116) Are they coming by car?117) Are you flying (with) British Airways?118) Are they taking/bringing the dog with them?119) What are you doing tomorrow evening?120) What new grammar are we doing today?121) Where are you two going on holiday this year?122) Where are you going for Christmas?123) When are they bringing the new washing machine?124) Who are you inviting to your party?125) Who are you going for lunch with today?

    Level C (examples 126245)

    Future modals

    126) Well have to take (Were going to have to take) a taxi.127) Youll have to ask (Youre going to have to ask) the teacher about it.128) Theyll have to find (Theyre going to have to find) a new flat after Christmas.129) Youll have to study (Youre going to have to study) harder/more.130) Hell have to apologize (Hes going to have to apologize) to the/his boss tomorrow.131) Youll have to give (Youre going to have to give) me your new telephone number.132) The concert is at eight. Well have to leave (Were going to have to leave) at half past seven.133) She wont have to do (She isnt going to have to do) anything.134) Borrow my copy and you wont have to buy it.135) You wont have to speak (Youre not going to have to speak) English with him. He speaks

    Czech.136) Will you be able to look after (Are you going to be able to look after) our cat next week-

    end?137) Will you be able to come (Are you going to be able to come) to our party on Saturday?138) Will you be able to eat (Are you going to be able to eat) all that?139) Will you be able to find (Are you going to be able to find) (the) time for it?140) You wont be able to get (Youre not going to be able to get) in/inside without a/the key.141) He wont be able to advise (Hes not going to be able to advise) you.142) We wont be able to find (Were not going to be able to find) it without a/the map.143) I dont think shell be able to go (shes going to be able to go) with us.

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 144) Jsem si jist, e budou schopni ti pomoct.145) Nevm, jestli budu moct odpovdt na vechny tyto otzky.146) Bude smt jt tak pozd ven? [ona]147) Bude smt zstat venku a do plnoci?148) Nebudu smt jt bez bratra.149) V jejich byt nebude smt kouit.150) Bhem t zkouky nebudeme smt pouvat slovnk.

    Dv udlosti v budoucnosti v asovch a podmnkovch vtch (when, whenever, if, while,before, until, unless a as soon as).

    Pelote. Tam, kde je v hlavn vt budouc as, pouijte will/wont.when151) A ho uvidm, eknu mu to. [Ill...]152) Navtvme je, a budeme chtt.153) Zavolm j, a budu moct.154) A pijde dom, bude moc unaven. [Hell...]155) A ten asopis najdu, pjm ti ho. [Ill...]156) A to uvid, nebude tomu vit. [You...]157) A o tom usly, bude se zlobit. [Shell...]158) A bude star, eknu ti to. [Ill...]159) A budeme mt praku, bude ivot jednodu. [Life...]160) A dojedeme k pt pump, naplnm ndr. [Ill...]161) A budu mt voln odpoledne, zavolm ti. [Ill...]162) ekni mi, a bude pl tvrt.163) A tahle hospoda zave, najdme non klub.164) A se zlep poas, jeme na pr dn na hory. [Lets...]165) Uke mi sv fotky, a budou hotov? [Will...?]

    whenever166) Budu ti pst, kdykoli budu moct.167) k, e mi pj auto, kdykoli ho budu potebovat. [on]168) k, e nm pome, kdykoli bude mt as. [ona]169) Zavolej mi, kdykoli bude potebovat radu.170) Mus se zeptat uitele, kdykoli nemu [kdykoli bude nco, emu] nebude rozumt.

    if171) Jestli ten test udl, budu pekvapen. [on] [Ill...]172) Jestli to navrhne, jenom se ti budou smt.173) Jestli t pozvou, bude muset jt.174) Kdy ty stny nate na rovo, bude ta mstnost veselej. [The room...]175) Co mm [bych ml] ct, jestli se m zept? [on]176) Jestli bude patn poas, nebude chtt dit. [She...]177) Jestli nebude eptat, probud to miminko.178) Jestli se nebude uit, nebude dlat pokroky. [You...]179) Jestli nm to bude muset znovu vysvtlit, nebude moc rd. [He...]180) Jestli te nco nesnme, budeme mt na cest hlad.181) Jestli nebude dit opatrnji, bude mt nehodu. [Hell...]182) Jestli zavol Lisa, ekni j, e jsem ve van.183) Jestli s tm bude mt njak problmy, ekni mi. [Tell...]

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    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 144) Im sure theyll be able to help (theyre going to be able to help) you. 145) I dont know if Ill be able to answer (Im going to be able to answer) all these questions.146) Will she be allowed to go (Is she going to be allowed to go) out so late?147) Will you be allowed to stay (Are you going to be allowed to stay) out until midnight?148) I wont be allowed to go (Im not going to be allowed to go) without my brother.149) You wont be allowed to smoke (Youre not going to be allowed to smoke) in their flat.150) We wont be allowed to use (Were not going to be allowed to use) dictionaries in/during the exam.

    Double actions in the future with clauses of time and condition using when, whenever, if, while,before, until, unless and as soon as

    when151) Ill tell him when I see him.152) Well visit them when we want (to).153) Ill phone/call her when I can.154) Hell be very tired when he comes/gets home.155) Ill lend you the magazine when I find it.156) You wont believe it when you see it.157) Shell be angry when she hears about it.158) Ill tell you when youre older.159) Life will be easier/simpler when we have a washing machine.160) Ill fill the tank when we get to/reach the next garage/petrol station.161) Ill call you when Ive got/when I have a free afternoon.162) Tell me when its half past three.163) When this pub closes lets find a nightclub.164) Lets go to the mountains for a few days when the weather improves.165) Will you show me your photos when theyre ready?

    whenever166) Ill write to you whenever I can.167) He says hell lend me his/the car whenever I need it.168) She says shell help us whenever she has (the) time.169) Call me whenever you need (some/any) advice.170) You must ask the teacher whenever theres something you dont understand.

    if171) Ill be surprised if he passes the test.172) If you suggest that/it theyll only laugh at you.173) If they invite you youll have to go.174) The room will be more cheerful if you paint the walls pink.175) What should I say if he asks me?176) She wont want to drive if the weather is bad.177) If you dont whisper youll wake the baby.178) You wont make progress if you dont study.179) He wont be very pleased/happy if he has to explain it to us again.180) If we dont eat something now well be hungry on the journey.181) Hell have an accident if he doesnt drive/go more carefully.182) If Lisa calls, tell her Im in the bath.183) Tell me if you have (any) problems with it.

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 184) Prosm vs, jestli budete moct, pijte na tu schzi. [Please come...]185) Jestli poas zstane pkn, pojme po obd na prochzku. [Lets...]

    while186) O dovolen [zatmco budu na dovolen,] si petu hodn knih. [Ill...]187) Oprav to na pokn? [zatmco budu ekat]188) k, e uspod [bude mt] velk verek [ona], zatmco budou [jej] rodie pry.189) Zatmco ona bude v nemocnici, mon se konen nau vait. [on] [Perhaps hell...]190) Jestli zavolaj rodie, zatmco budu v hospod, ekni jim, e jsem v knihovn.

    before191) Potebuji si s tebou promluvit, ne odejde.192) Myslm, e udlm aj, ne zane ten film.193) Musm dopsat tento dopis, ne se vrt f.194) Musme odejt, ne bude tma.195) Budete si muset pest ten text, ne na otzky odpovte.196) Zkontroluj to zbo, ne zaplat.197) Peliv pemlej, ne odpov.198) Peti si nvod, ne to pouije.199) Dejme si nco k jdlu, ne pjdeme.200) Dejme si pestvku, ne zaneme novou gramatiku.

    until201) Pokm tady s tebou, dokud ti nepijede autobus.202) Ml bys zstat v posteli, dokud ti nebude pln dobe.203) Budou bydlet s jejmi rodii, dokud se nevezmou. [Theyre going to...]204) Budu etit, dokud nebudu mt dost penz na exotickou dovolenou. [Im going to...]205) Bude na nj myslet kad den, dokud ho znovu neuvid. [ona]206) Pokej tady, dokud se nevrtm.207) Najdme kavrnu a zstame tam, dokud nepestane pret.208) Prosm, posate se v ekrn, dokud vs nezavol recepn.209) Stle jdte, dokud nepijdete k mostu.210) Pokraujte v tchto cviench, dokud nebudete moct tuto gramatiku pouvat plynn a bez

    chyb.211) Nebudu pipravovat obd, dokud nepijedou.212) Nebude smt chodit do hospody, dokud mu nebude osmnct.213) Nemohu jt ven, dokud tento kol nebude udlan.214) Nebude ji smt vidt, dokud se neomluv jejm rodim. [on]215) Nebudou astn, dokud od tebe nedostanou odpov.216) Nebude moct najt lep prci, dokud nebude umt pst na stroji. [ona]217) Neposlej ty penze, dokud si o n neeknou.218) Nedlej nic, dokud ti neeknu.219) Nepidvej mouku, dokud cibule nebude mkk a lut.220) Nerozhodujme se, dokud nm neekne [ned] svj nzor. [ona]

    unless221) Nememe jet, pokud ns nepozvou.222) Nezjist to, pokud jim to neeknete.223) Nebude dobr bec, pokud nebude vce trnovat.224) Pijdeme velmi pozd, pokud si nevezmeme taxi.

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    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 184) Please come to the meeting if you can/if you are able to.185) Lets go for a walk after lunch if the weather stays nice.

    while186) Ill read lots of/a lot of books while Im on holiday.187) Will they repair it while I wait?188) She says shell have a big party while her parents are away.189) Perhaps hell finally learn to cook while shes in hospital.190) If my parents phone while Im at the pub, tell them Im in/at the library.

    before191) I need to speak/talk with/to you before you leave/go.192) I think Ill make some tea before the film starts.193) I must finish (writing) this letter before the boss comes back/returns.194) We must leave before its dark.195) Youll have to read the text before you answer the questions.196) Check the goods before you pay.197) Think carefully before you answer.198) Read the instructions before you use it.199) Lets have something to eat before we go.200) Lets have a break before we start the new grammar.

    until201) Ill wait here with you until your bus comes.202) You should stay in bed until youre completely well.203) Theyre going to live with her parents until they get married.204) Im going to save (up) until Ive got enough money for an exotic holiday.205) Shell think about him every day until she sees him again.206) Wait here until I get back/come back/return.207) Lets find a caf and stay there until it stops raining.208) Please have/take a seat in the waiting room until the receptionist calls you.209) Keep walking/going until you come to/get to a/the bridge.210) Continue with these exercises until you can use this grammar fluently and without

    mistakes.211) I wont make/prepare (the) lunch until they arrive/come.212) He wont be allowed to go to the pub until hes eighteen.213) I cant go out until this homework is done/finished.214) He wont be allowed to see her until he apologizes to her parents.215) They wont be happy until they get/receive an answer from you.216) She wont be able to find a better job until she can type.217) Dont send the money until they ask for it.218) Dont do anything until I tell you.219) Dont add the flour until the onion is soft and yellow.220) Lets not decide/make a decision until she gives us her opinion.

    unless221) We cant go unless they invite us.222) They wont find out (about it) unless you tell them.223) He wont be a good runner unless he trains more.224) Well be very late unless we take a taxi.

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 225) Ten verek nebude zbavn [legrace], pokud tam nebude.226) Nedokonm to do ptku, pokud mi nepomete.227) Nedvej jim ty informace, pokud si o n neeknou.228) Nebude vdt, e m zjem, pokud j nezavol. [ona]229) Neudlte pokroky, pokud se nebudete uit tak doma.230) Nikdy nebude thl, pokud nezane mn jst a vce cviit.

    as soon as231) Zavolej mi, jakmile pijede do Prahy.232) Meme odjet, jakmile bude hotov.233) Dm vm vdt, jakmile budu moct.234) Pjdu ven, jakmile skon zprvy.235) Musm zavolat rodim, jakmile se dostaneme dom.236) Chce si najt prci, jakmile dodl zkouky. [on]237) Myslm, e bychom mli jt, jakmile pestane pret.238) Jakmile otevu pusu, usly, e nejsem rodil mluv. [oni]239) Jej otec k, e j koup auto, jakmile dostane idisk prkaz. [ona]240) Jakmile najdeme byt, uspodme [budeme mt] verek pro vechny nae ptele.

    Udlosti v bezprostedn budoucnosti s just going to. Pelote.241) Prv jdu volat Alexovi. Potebuje s nm mluvit?242) Prv jdu udlat aj. Dal by sis tak?243) Prv si jdu koupit obd. Budu za chvilku zptky.244) Prv si jdu dt sprchu.245) Prv jdu volat kamardovi.

    rove D (Cvien 246395)

    Might (not)/may (not) + infinitiv pro vyjadovn monosti v budoucnosti. Pelote.246) Mon, e pijde pozd. [on]247) Mon, e letos pojedeme do Norska.248) Mon, e se ti ten film bude lbit, ale mon, e ne.249) Mon, e mu nabdnou tu prci.250) Mon, e ty penze bude potebovat okamit. [ona]251) Mon, e nebude souhlasit. [on]252) Ale mon, e ti to auto nepj. [ona]253) Mon, e ji dnes vbec neuvidm.254) Mon, e se mu nebude lbit mj nov es.255) Mon, e na ns nebudou mt as.

    256) Na tvou otzku by mohl odpovdt Donald.257) Moje teta by ti mohla dt njakou dobrou radu.258) Mon, e si ty penze budu moct pjit od rodi.259) Mon, e budeme moct najt ubytovn v centru.260) Mon, e s nmi nebude moct jt. [ona]261) Mon, e to nebudou moct opravit.262) Pi itelnji. Nemuseli by to pest.263) Mon, e ti nebudu moct dt odpov do ptku.264) Mon, e ns nebude moct vzt dnes veer na ndra.265) Mon, e nebudu moct pijt ztra do koly.

    60 Nov cviebnice anglick gramatiky

    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 225) The party wont be fun unless youre there.226) I wont finish it by Friday unless you help me.227) Dont give them the information unless they ask for it. 228) She wont know youre interested unless you phone/call her.229) You wont make progress unless you study at home too. 230) Youll never be slim unless you start eating less and exercising more.

    as soon as231) Phone me as soon as you arrive in Prague.232) We can leave as soon as youre ready.233) Ill let you know as soon as I can.234) Ill go/Im going out as soon as the news finishes.235) I must phone my parents as soon as we get home.236) He wants to find a job as soon as he finishes his exams.237) I think we should leave/go as soon as it stops raining.238) As soon as I open my mouth theyll hear Im not a native speaker.239) Her father says hell buy her a car as soon as she gets her driving licence.240) As soon as we find a flat well have a party for all our friends.

    Events in the immediate future with just going to241) Im just going to phone Alex. Do you need to speak to him?242) Im just going to make some tea. Would you like some too?243) Im just going to buy some lunch. Ill be back in a moment/while.244) Im just going to have a shower.245) Im just going to phone/call a/my friend.

    Level D (examples 246395)

    Might (not)/may (not) and infinitive for expressing possibility in the future246) He might/may come late.247) We might/may go to Norway this year.248) You might/may like the film, but you might/may not.249) They might/may offer him the job.250) She might/may need the money immediately.251) He might/may not agree.252) But she might/may not lend you the car.253) I might/may not see her at all today. 254) He might/may not like my new hair style.255) They might/may not have (the) time for us.

    256) Donald might/may be able to answer your question.257) My aunt might/may be able to give you some good advice.258) I might/may be able to borrow the money from my parents.259) We might/may be able to find (some) accommodation in the centre.260) She might/may not be able to go with us.261) They might/may not be able to repair it.262) Write more legibly/clearly. They might/may not be able to read it.263) I might/may not be able to give you an answer by Friday.264) He might/may not be able to take us to the station this evening.265) I might/may not be able to come to school tomorrow.

    Nov cviebnice anglick gramatiky 61

    5. Expressing the future

  • 266) Mon, e budeme muset hodiny ekat.267) Mon, e mi bude muset pjit ty penze.268) Mon, e to budeme muset objednat.269) Mon, e bude muset zaplatit clo.270) Mon, e bude muset zat hledat jinou prci. [on]271) Mon, e budu muset tuto nedli pracovat.272) Mon, e bude muset na [mt] operaci. [ona]273) Mon, e jim bude muset ukzat svj pas.274) Mon, e budu muset zat nosit brle.275) Mon, e budeme muset zmnit sv plny.

    276) Mon, e ho u nebude smt vdat. [ona]277) Mon, e Petra nebude smt jet na koln vlet.278) Mon, e nebude smt jt dovnit bez kravaty.279) Mon, e dnes nebudeme smt odejt dv.280) Mon, e nebude smt v tto zemi pracovat. [on]

    Budouc prbhov as. Pelote.281) V 6.30 budu jet pracovat.282) V 11.30 si budu v posteli st.283) V 9.00 bude studovat v knihovn. [on]284) Ve 12.15 bude obdvat se fem. [ona]285) V 7.30 budu sedt v restauraci s Alic.286) Dnes veer v 22.00 budu tancovat na diskotce.287) Dnes odpoledne ve 14.30 budu sedt na schzi.288) Ve 20.30 se budu dvat na film v televizi.289) Ztra rno v 7.15 budu jet leet v posteli.290) V 18.15 budu vait veei pro njak kamardy.291) V 16.30 bude s kolegou hrt badminton. [on]292) Ztra rno v 8.20 budu sedt v tramvaji slo 4.293) Dnes veer v 21.00 budu jet cestovat [dit] dom z konference.294) O plnoci bude usnat ped televiz. [ona]295) Ve 2.00 rno budu snt o ztej hodin anglitiny.

    296) Co bude dlat v sobotu rno? ~ Budu pracovat na zahrad.297) Co budete dlat 28. ervence? ~ Budeme sedt ve panlsku na pli.298) Co bude dlat ve stedu? ~ Budu cel den cviit na klavr.299) Co bude dlat v ptek odpoledne? ~ Budu si balit kufr.300) Co bude dlat ztra veer? ~ Budu oslavovat narozeniny svho nejlepho kamarda.

    301) Mohu ti zavolat v osm? ~ Ne, budu se dvat na Dallas.302) Dejme si schzku ve tyi. ~ Nemohu. Ve tyi budu jet pracovat.303) Me pijt v sobotu na obd? ~ Ne, v sobotu se budu sthovat.304) Mohu t v nedli navtvit? ~ Ne, v nedli se budu cel den uit na zkouku z anglitiny.305) Navtivme je ve tvrtek veer. ~ Nememe. Ve tvrtek veer budou jst u jejch rodi.

    306) Bude pt rok dlat francouztinu?307) Budeme t oekvat asi v sedm.308) Pojede pes Bratislavu?

    62 Nov cviebnice anglick gramatiky

    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 266) We might/may have to wait (for) hours.267) You might/may have to lend me the money.268) We might/may have to order it.269) You might/may have to pay duty.270) He might/may have to start looking for another job/a different job.271) I might/may have to work this Sunday.272) She might/may have to have an operation.273) You might/may have to show them your passport.274) I might/may have to start wearing glasses.275) We might/may have to change our plans.

    276) She might/may not be allowed to see him any more.277) Petra might/may not be allowed to go on the school trip.278) You might/may not be allowed to go in(side) without a tie.279) We might/may not be allowed to leave early today.280) He might/may not be allowed to work in this country.

    Future continuous281) At 6.30 Ill still be working.282) At 11.30 Ill be reading in bed.283) At 9.00 hell be studying in/at the library.284) At 12.15 shell be having lunch with her boss.285) At 7.30 Ill be sitting in a restaurant with Alice.286) At 10.00 this evening Ill be dancing at the disco.287) At 2.30 this afternoon Ill be sitting in a meeting.288) At 8.30 Ill be watching a film on (the) television.289) At 7.15 tomorrow morning Ill still be lying in bed.290) At 6.15 Ill be cooking dinner/supper for some friends.291) At 4.30 hell be playing badminton with a/his colleague.292) At 8.20 tomorrow morning Ill be sitting on the number 4 tram.293) At 9.00 this evening Ill still be driving home from a/the conference.294) At midnight shell be falling asleep in front of the television.295) At 2.00 in the morning Ill be dreaming about tomorrows English lesson.

    296) What will you be doing on Saturday morning? ~ Ill be working in the garden.297) What will you be doing on 28th July? ~ Well be sitting on a/the beach in Spain.298) What will you be doing on Wednesday? ~ Ill be practising the piano all day.299) What will you be doing on Friday afternoon? ~ Ill be packing my suitcase.300) What will you be doing tomorrow evening? ~ Ill be celebrating my best friends birthday.

    301) Can I phone you at eight? ~ No, Ill be watching Dallas.302) Lets meet at four. ~ I cant. Ill still be working at four. 303) Can you come to/for lunch on Saturday? ~ No, Ill be moving on Saturday.304) Can I visit you on Sunday? ~ No, Ill be studying for my English exam all day on Sunday.305) Lets visit them on Thursday evening. ~ We cant. Theyll be eating at her parents on

    Thursday evening.

    306) Will you be doing French next year?307) Well be expecting you (at) about seven.308) Will you be going via/through Bratislava?

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 309) Budeme se tit na tvou pt nvtvu.310) Jak dlouho bude bydlet v tomto hotelu?311) Pt semestr budu jejho syna uit anglitinu.312) Bude se dnes veer vracet moc pozd?313) Bude tento tden mluvit s Andrewem?314) A vystoupme z letadla, pravdpodobn bude pret. [Itll...]315) Myslm, e u budou jst, a se tam dostaneme.316) A pijede, budu na tebe ekat na ndra. [Ill...]317) Bude ztra pouvat auto, nebo si ho mohu pjit?318) Noci se budou brzy prodluovat a dny zkracovat.319) Cena benzinu pr zase pjde pt msc nahoru. [They say...]320) Me si pjit mj skateboard, jestli chce. Nebudu ho dnes potebovat.321) Pt vkend nepijdou na ten verek. Budou na Slovensku.322) On opravdu v, e za nkolik let bude kad mluvit esperantem!323) Uvidm t o pl sedm u McDonalda. Budu mt na sob rov sako.324) Rosemary je nemocn. Dnes veer bude hrt roli Oflie nkdo jin.325) Doufme, e v sobotu bude mt hezk narozeniny. Budeme na tebe myslet.326) Ztra na tom koncert nebude zpvat. M stranou rmu. [ona]327) Nae domc tento byt prodv, take budeme hledat nov ubytovn.328) U je polovina jna. Brzy budou pipravovat obchody na Vnoce.329) Zpodn vlak 15.27 do Manchesteru odjd piblin za deset minut.330) Ptch nkolik tdn nebude moc chodit ven. Zkou etit penze.[He wont...]

    Dal asov a podmnkov vty (as long as, providing, provided, in case, by the time, next time) long as/providing/provided331) Budu se ctit bezpen, pokud bude se mnou.332) Nespadne, pokud se nebude dvat dol.333) Nebude to bolet, pokud na to nebude myslet.334) Mohu s tebou jt, pokud budu zase doma do jedencti.335) k, e tu prci udl, pokud mu dobe zaplatme.336) Me si pest mj domc kol, pokud ho neope.337) Me si pjit m kolo, pokud na nm pojede opatrn.338) Pjm ti tu knihu, pokud mi ji pt tden vrt.339) Me pst o emkoliv chce, pokud to bude zajmav.340) Ml bys tam mt dobrou dovolenou, pokud zstane dobr poas.

    341) Mli bychom tam bt do dvou hodin, pokud cestou nezastavme.

    342) Brzy ti bude lpe, pokud zstane v teple.

    343) Me si na vkend pjit auto, pokud zaplat vechen benzn.

    344) Me tady pr tdn zstat, pokud mi pome s njmem a prac v dom.

    345) Pjm ti ty penze, pokud slb, e je vechny neutrat za pivo.

    in case346) Vezmi si detnk pro ppad, e bude pret.

    64 Nov cviebnice anglick gramatiky

    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 309) Well be looking forward to your next visit.310) How long will you be staying in/at this hotel?311) I will be teaching her son English next term.312) Will you be coming back very late this evening?313) Will you be speaking to/with Andrew this week?314) Itll probably be raining when we get off the plane.315) I think theyll already be eating when we get there.316) Ill be waiting for you at the station when you arrive.317) Will you be using the car tomorrow, or can I borrow it?318) The nights will soon be getting longer and the days shorter.319) They say the price of petrol will be going up again next month.320) You can borrow my skateboard if you like. I wont be needing it today. 321) They wont be coming to the party next weekend. Theyll be in Slovakia.322) He really believes that in a few years everyone will be speaking Esperanto!323) Ill see you at McDonalds at half past six. Ill be wearing a pink jacket.324) Rosemary is ill. Someone else will be playing the role of Ophelia this evening.325) We hope you (will) have a nice birthday on Saturday. Well be thinking of you.326) She wont be singing in/at the concert tomorrow. Shes got/She has a terrible cold.327) Our landlady is selling this flat, so well be looking for (some) new accommodation.328) Its already the middle of October. Theyll soon be preparing the shops for Christmas.329) The delayed 15.27 train for/to Manchester will be leaving in approximately ten minutes.330) He wont be going out much in/during/over the next few weeks. Hes trying to save money.

    More double actions in the future with clauses of time and condition, using as long as (provid-ing, provided), in case, by the time and next timeas long as/providing/provided331) Ill feel safe as long as/providing/provided youre with me. 332) You wont fall as long as/providing/provided you dont look down.333) It wont hurt as long as/providing/provided you dont think about it. 334) I can go with you as long as/providing/provided Im home again by eleven.335) He says hell do the job/work as long as/providing/provided we pay him well.336) You can read my homework as long as/providing/provided you dont copy it.337) You can borrow my bicycle as long as/providing/provided you go carefully on it.338) Ill lend you the book as long as/providing/provided you give it back to me next week.339) You can write about anything you want/like, as long as/providing/provided its interesting. 340) You should have a good holiday there as long as/providing/provided the weather stays

    good. 341) We should be there by two oclock, as long as/providing/provided we dont stop on the

    way.342) Youll soon be better (Youll be better soon) as long as/providing/provided you stay in the

    warm.343) You can borrow the car for the weekend as long as/providing/provided you pay for all the

    petrol.344) You can stay here for a few weeks as long as/providing/provided you help me with the rent

    and the housework.345) Ill lend you the money as long as/providing/provided you promise you wont spend (you

    promise not to spend) it all on beer.

    in case346) Take an umbrella in case it rains.

    Nov cviebnice anglick gramatiky 65

    5. Expressing the future

  • 347) Pjdu s tebou pro ppad, e bude potebovat mou pomoc.348) Kupme tak njak pivo pro ppad, e nepij vno.349) Myslm, e dnes veer zstanu doma pro ppad, e zavol Daniel.350) Uvam hodn oky pro ppad, e jeho ena je vegetarinka.351) Vezmu si s sebou bundu pro ppad, e po koncert bude zima.352) Vezmi si s sebou na potu pas pro ppad, e ho budou chtt vidt.353) Dm ti nae telefonn slo pro ppad, e bude potebovat vce informac.354) M u sebe njak penze pro ppad, e si bude muset koupit lstek?355) Mli bychom se dostat na ndra na estou hodinu pro ppad, e pijedou dve.

    by the time356) Ne ho najdeme, bude pozd.357) Ne se dostaneme dom, budeme vyerpni. [Well be...]358) Ne se tam dostaneme, bude ta banka zaven. [The bank...]359) Vechno by mlo bt hotov do t doby, ne pijede. [ona]360) Ne dostane tento pohled, budu zase doma. [Ill...]361) Ne mu bude ticet, ml by to bt velmi bohat mu.362) Ne pijede policie, bude ten dm przdn.363) Ne pijedeme, bude vechno jdlo a pit pry. [All the...]364) Ne tento kurz skon, ml bys mt vynikajc anglitinu. [You...]365) Ne se vrt do esk republiky, budeme u bydlet ve svm novm byt.

    next time366) Budu ho varovat, a ho pt uvidm.367) A pt budeme mt verek, tak t pozveme.368) Poli nm pohled, a bude pt v Anglii.369) Budu si tvou radu pamatovat, a pt budu mt rmu.370) ekni mi, a bude pt potebovat pomoct [pomoc] s nkupem.371) Musm si vzpomenout se j zeptat, a j budu pt pst.372) A bude pt italsk film, eknu ti o tom.373) Nezapome nm dt vdt, a bude pt v Praze.374) Vezmu t do t nov indick restaurace, a ns pt navtv.375) Koup mi ten nov esko-anglick slovnk, a bude pt v knihkupectv?

    Vyjadovn budoucch nadj prostednictvm hope a ptomnho asu. Pelote.376) Doufm, e se ti ten film bude lbit.377) Doufm, e s sebou nepivede manelku.378) Doufm, e se tam dostaneme vas.379) Doufm, e dnes nedostaneme dn kol.380) Doufm, e o Vnocch bude padat snh.381) Doufm, e to nebude moc drah.382) Doufm, e to bude kluk.383) Doufm, e s tm nebude mt dn problmy.384) Doufm, e Amanda tu prci dostane.385) Doufm, e jim to nebude vadit.

    Ptomn prost as pro vyjadovn udlost v budoucnosti. Pelote.386) M ztra veer volno?387) Jeho vlak pijd za pt (minut) osm.388) Ten nov kurz zan pt tden.

    66 Nov cviebnice anglick gramatiky

    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 347) Ill go with you in case you need my help.348) Lets buy some beer too, in case they dont drink wine.349) I think Ill stay at home this evening in case Daniel phones.350) Ill cook lots of/plenty of lentils in case his wifes a vegetarian.351) Ill take a/my jacket with me in case its cold after the concert.352) Take your passport with you to the post office in case they want to see it.353) Ill give you our telephone number in case you need more information. 354) Have you got/Do you have some money on you in case you have to buy a ticket?355) We should get to the station for six oclock in case they arrive early.

    by the time356) By the time we find him itll be too late.357) Well be exhausted by the time we get home.358) The bank will be closed by the time we get there.359) Everything should be ready by the time she arrives.360) Ill be home again by the time you get this postcard.361) By the time hes thirty he should be a very rich man.362) By the time the police arrive the house will be empty.363) All the food and drink will be gone by the time we arrive.364) You should have excellent English by the time this course ends/finishes.365) By the time you return to the Czech Republic we will already be living in our new flat.

    next time366) Ill warn him next time I see him.367) Next time we have a party well invite you too.368) Send us a postcard next time youre in England.369) Ill remember your advice next time I have a cold.370) Tell me next time you need help with the shopping.371) I must remember to ask her next time I write to her.372) Next time theres an Italian film Ill tell you about it.373) Dont forget to let us know next time youre in Prague.374) Ill take you to that new Indian restaurant next time you visit us.375) Will you buy me the new Czech-English dictionary next time youre in a/the bookshop?

    Expressing hopes for the future with hope and present tense376) I hope you like the film.377) I hope he doesnt bring his wife with him.378) I hope we get there in/on time. 379) I hope we dont get any homework today.380) I hope it snows at Christmas.381) I hope it isnt too expensive.382) I hope its a boy.383) I hope you dont have any problems with it.384) I hope Amanda gets the job.385) I hope they dont mind.

    Present simple for future events386) Are you free tomorrow evening?387) His train arrives at five to eight.388) The new course starts next week.

    Nov cviebnice anglick gramatiky 67

    5. Expressing the future

  • 389) Trajekt odjd o plnoci.390) Ztra je tdr den. [Its...]391) Kdy dnes kon v prci? [on]392) V kolik dnes odpoledne zavrte?393) V kolik zan v sobotu ten zpas?394) V kolik kon ten film, prosm?395) Kdy zanaj przdniny?

    rove E (Cvien 396470)

    Pedptomn as po spojkch when, after, as soon as, until, unless a by the time v kombinacis budoucm asem. Pelote.

    when396) Odejdeme, a budeme po obd [si dme obd].397) A si tu knihu pete, jdi se podvat na ten film.398) A se pesthuji, polu ti svou novou adresu.399) Bude se ctit mnohem lpe, a nco sn.400) A udl ten kol, zkontroluji ti ho.401) eknu ti o tom, a dti odejdou do postele.402) Pjm ti jeho nov romn, a ho dotu.403) A prodm kolo, ml bych mt dost penz na tu cestu.404) A pelom prvnch deset vt, zkontroluji si odpovdi na protj stran.405) A si prohldneme vechno v tomto pate, pjdeme nahoru do antropologickho oddlen.

    after406) Pojme na kafe pot, co nakoupme.407) Vezmu t na ndra pot, co zavolm Richardovi.408) Dm ti vdt, a si to peliv promyslm.409) Zame podlahu pot, co ute stoly, ne ped tm.410) Pome mi umt ndob pot, co odejdou?

    as soon as411) Dme vm vdt, jakmile se rozhodneme.412) Zavolm ti, jakmile dostanu jejich dopis.413) Jakmile najdu ten lnek, polu vm kopii.414) Chci jet do Anglie, jakmile dokonm ten kurz.415) Jakmile najdu novou prci, zanu etit na byt.

    until416) Budeme tady muset pokat, dokud nezavol.417) Nechome ven, dokud nepestane snit.418) Nebude vdt, jak je to dobr, dokud to nezkus.419) Nememe koupit nov auto, dokud neprodme to star.420) Nememe poslouchat zprvy, dokud nesprav to rdio.421) Nezanu pipravovat obd, dokud nepijedou.422) Nememe pokraovat v prodeji, dokud nepodepou tu smlouvu.423) Nebude moct odpovdt na ty otzky, dokud nepelo ten text.424) Neml bys zat dal kapitolu, dokud nedote tuto.

    68 Nov cviebnice anglick gramatiky

    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 389) The ferry leaves at midnight.390) Its Christmas Day tomorrow.391) When does he finish work today?392) What time do you close this afternoon?393) What time does the match start/begin on Saturday?394) What time/At what time does the film end/finish, please?395) When do the holidays start/begin?

    Level E (examples 396470)

    Double actions in the future with completed action in present perfect, using when, after, as soonas, until, unless and by the time

    when396) Well leave/go when weve had (some) lunch.397) When youve read the book go and see the film.398) When Ive moved Ill send you my new address.399) Youll feel much better when youve eaten something.400) When youve done the homework Ill check it for you.401) Ill tell you about it when the children have gone to bed.402) Ill lend you his new novel when Ive finished reading it.403) When Ive sold my bicycle I should have enough money for the trip.404) When Ive translated the first ten sentences Ill check my answers on the opposite page.405) When weve seen/looked at everything on this floor well go up(stairs) to the anthropology


    after406) Lets go for a coffee after weve done the shopping.407) Ill take you to the station after Ive phoned Richard.408) Ill let you know after Ive thought about it carefully.409) Sweep the floor after youve cleaned/wiped the tables, not before.410) Will you help me (to) wash the dishes/do the washing-up after theyve gone/left?

    as soon as411) Well let you know as soon as weve decided.412) Ill call you as soon as Ive got/received their letter.413) As soon as Ive found the article Ill send you a copy.414) I want to go to England as soon as Ive finished/done the course.415) As soon as Ive found a new job Im going to start/Ill start saving (up) for a flat.

    until416) Well have to wait here until hes phoned/called.417) Lets not go out until its stopped snowing.418) You wont know how good it is until youve tried it.419) We cant buy a new car until weve sold the old one.420) We cant listen to the news until youve repaired the radio.421) I wont start making/preparing (the) lunch until theyve arrived.422) We cant continue with the sale until theyve signed the contract.423) You wont be able to answer the questions until youve translated the text.424) You shouldnt start the next chapter until youve finished reading this one.

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 425) Na cestovn nebude as a penze, dokud dti nevyrostou a neodejdou z domova.

    unless426) Nepust t dovnit, pokud sis nekoupil lstek427) Uitel nebude spokojen, pokud jsem na vechno sprvn neodpovdl.428) Nedostane k Vnocm dn drky, pokud jsi nebyl hodn kluk.429) Ale oni ti ty tabletky neprodaj, pokud ti doktor nedal recept.430) Uki ti nae fotky z dovolen, pokud jsi je u nevidl.

    by the time431) Ne dokon dnen prci, bude tma. [oni] [Itll...]432) Ne zapadne slunce, musme dorazit do dalho tbora. [We...]433) Ne najdeme jejich dm, bude skoro osm hodin.434) Ne pijedou hasii, bude ten dm pln znien.435) Ne naet dost penz, u to bude star model.

    Pedbudouc as prost a prbhov. Pelote.436) Ten film skon do deseti.437) Doj obd do jedn hodiny?438) V ervnu budou dvacet pt let svoji.439) Ztra budeme cestovat u est msc.440) Dokonme tuto uebnici do konce kurzu?441) Brzy budu mt naeteno dost penz na dobrou dovolenou.442) V z budu studovat anglitinu u tyi roky.443) Doufm, e se do ptho lta naum dit.444) Ve tvrtek budu bydlet v Praze pesn dva roky.445) Do konce kurzu se nau hodn nov gramatiky. [Youll...]

    446) Brzy budu mt peten vechny jej knihy.447) Myslm, e brzy budeme mt nasbrno dost penz.448) Brzy spolu budou chodit u ti roky.449) Nae star kodovka bude mt brzy najeto [udlno] 150 000 kilometr.450) Brzy bude mt udlan vechny nutn zkouky na medicnu. [on]

    451) A se vrt, budu u pry. [on]452) A dope tuto hru, bude jich mt napsno celkem pt. [on]453) A se dostaneme do Vdn, budeme mt dokonenou polovinu cesty.454) Bude u zptky z dovolen, a budu odjdt z Prahy?455) A se vrt z Helsinek, bude u znt [mt navtveno] kad hlavn msto v Evrop. [ona]

    456) Jestli si to koup, utrat sv penze moude.457) Jestli se mu neomluv, ztrat dobrho kamarda.458) Jestli vyhraje pt zvod, vyhraje tento msc dv zlat medaile. [on]459) Jestli si d dal pivo, bude jich dnes veer mt zatm sedm.460) Jestli s tebou pjdu dnes veer, budu venku v tomto tdnu u kad veer.

    461) Ne to zjist, odjedou ze zem. [on] [Theyll...]462) Doufm, e ty opravy dokon do t doby, ne bude tma. [oni]

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    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 425) There wont be (the) time and money for travelling until the children have grown up andleft home.

    unless426) They wont let you in/inside unless youve bought a ticket.427) The teacher wont be satisfied unless Ive answered everything correctly.428) You wont get any Christmas presents unless youve been a good boy.429) But they wont sell you the tablets unless the doctor has given you a prescription.430) Ill show you our holiday photos, unless youve seen them already/unless youve already

    seen them.

    by the time431) Itll be dark by the time theyve finished todays work.432) We must reach the next camp by the time the sun has set.433) By the time weve found their house itll be nearly eight oclock.434) By the time the fire brigade has arrived the house will be completely destroyed.435) By the time youve saved (up) enough money itll already be an old model.

    Future perfect (simple and continuous)436) The film will have finished by ten.437) Will you have finished (eating) lunch by one?438) In June theyll have been married (for) twenty-five years.439) Tomorrow well have been travelling for six months. 440) Will we have finished this textbook by the end of the course?441) Ill soon have saved (up) enough money for a good holiday.442) In September Ill have been studying English (for) four years.443) I hope Ill have learnt/learned to drive (a car) by next summer.444) On Thursday Ill have been living in Prague (for) exactly two years.445) Youll have learnt/learned a lot of new grammar by the end of the course.

    446) Ill soon have read all her books.447) I think well soon have collected enough money.448) Theyll soon have been going out (together) for three years.449) Our old koda will soon have done 150,000 kilometres.450) Hell soon have passed all the necessary exams for medical school.

    451) When he comes back/returns Ill already have left/gone.452) When he finishes (writing) this play hell have written five (of them) altogether.453) When we get to Vienna well have completed half (of) the journey.454) Will you have returned/got back from your holiday when I leave Prague?455) When she returns/gets back from Helsinki shell have visited every capital city in Europe.

    456) If you buy it youll have spent your money wisely.457) If you dont apologize to him youll have lost a good friend.458) If he wins the next race hell have won two gold medals this month.459) If you have another beer youll have had seven so far this evening.460) If I go with you this evening Ill have been out every evening this week.

    461) Theyll have left the country by the time he finds out.462) I hope theyll have finished the repairs by the time its dark.

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    5. Expressing the future

  • 463) Ne se vrt, kad na nj zapomene.464) Doufm, e najdu vechny informace, kter potebuji do t doby, ne knihovna zave.465) Ne pijedou, verek skon a vichni host odjedou.

    Bezprostedn budoucnost s vazbou be about to + infinitiv. Pelote.466) Zrovna se chystm zavolat Jill. eknu j tvou zprvu.467) Jste na odchodu, nebo si dte dal kvu?468) Chystm se dt si obd. D si nco se mnou?469) Potebuje najt lpe placenou prci. [on] Chystaj se zaloit [zat] rodinu.470) Hodl se pesthovat do svho novho bytu. eknu j o jej novou adresu.

    rove F (Cvien 471480)

    Formln vazba be to + infinitiv. Pelote.471) To zbo m dorazit do 28. nora.472) Vlda m do 1. z uinit konen rozhodnut.473) Ztra odpoledne m do Prahy pijet americk prezident.474) Zatkem ptho tdne m krlovna Albta lett na Nov Zland.475) Ta svatba se m konat 21. ervence na princov soukrom jacht.476) Do 30. ervna maj vechny pihlky dojt do kancele firmy.477) Ty ceny maj bt udleny na slavnosti tuto sobotu veer.478) Svtov pedstavitel maj ztra v Bruselu podepsat novou mrovou smlouvu.479) Ztra m prezident v m mluvit s ldry esti dalch evropskch zem.

    480) editel spolenosti se m pt msc astnit tdenn prmyslov konference v Pai.

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    5. Vyjadovn budoucnosti

  • 463) By the time he returns everyone will have forgotten him.464) I hope Ill have found all the information I need by the time the library closes.465) By the time they arrive the party will have finished and all the guests will have gone/left.

    Immediate future using be about to + infinitive466) Im about to phone Jill. Ill tell her your news.467) Are you about to leave, or will you have another coffee? 468) Im about to have (some) lunch. Will you have something with me?469) He needs to find a better-paid job. Theyre about to start a family.470) Shes about to move to/into her new flat. Ill ask her for her new address.

    Level F (examples 471480)

    Formal be to + infinitive471) The goods are to arrive by 28th February. 472) The government is to make its/a final decision by 1st September.473) The American President is to arrive in Prague tomorrow afternoon.474) Queen Elizabeth is to fly to New Zealand at the beginning of next week.475) The wedding is to take place on 21st July on the Princes private yacht.476) All application( form)s are to arrive at the companys office by 30th June.477) The prizes/awards are to be given/presented at/in a ceremony this Saturday evening.478) World representatives are to sign a new peace agreement in Brussels tomorrow.479) Tomorrow in Rome the President is to speak with the leaders of six other European

    countries.480) The company director is to participate in a three-day industrial conference in Paris next


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    5. Expressing the future