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Activities of I nterest in Patchogue A -anpiise hi idal shosver was gisen b y a gioup of lnends and relative- foi Mi- John Silady, the iotinei ^Ihi (Jen Locantoi e , al the home of Mis. Paul Dioguaido May 13. Those piesent sveie Mes- (I inn s Lena Locantoie , Millie Bon- nie asa , Doiothy Walsh , Anne An- tmoio , 1' tames BoV' -en , Josephine Locantoie , I'beida Locantoie , Viv- ian Manilla , Veia Mc Bride , Mar- gie Ft atiklm , Sylvia .loppich , Rose Zai dii.i , A t hue Ku-so , Maty Rai- ona , Maiy Mat lino , Ro e Munitta , Rose Aicaio , Te -,sie (Jetacilano , Millie Wai d , Fiances Mancuso , Rose Sss e /.ev, Lois Konnet , Maiy Salvitli , Millie Lh agone , Mai ion Walsh , Louise Pontien , Kalhetine Boyson , Dorothy G K CCO , Stella Salvatote , (' ami lie Dioguaido , Doiothy Felic e , Anna Milady, Alatjoiie Blow n , Rennie Seal/, i , Lena Cirocco , Anna Suanni , Ann Btisc oe , Maulyn Hanlon and Ma- tte Felice , all of Patchogue; Mis. iMatv Ma/zei , Mis. Viigtnia Fra - hi/to , and Miss Mai y Ann Mazzei of Blue Point; Mts . Josephine Standi awl Mi s. Loiiame Cuomo of Baypoit and Mis. Elsie Vor- beig of Islip. Mts. Silady l eceived many gifts She left Monday for Ton ante , Calif., to join her hus- band svho is teaching school theie at the piesent time . The executive board members of the Ttemont Avenue Parent—Tea- cher Association and the chaiimen of the standing committees atten- ded the Eastern Long Island Dis- tuct Nesv York State Cong i ess of Parents and Teacheis , Inc. It svas the tenth annual confeience held last Thursday at the Newfield High School in Selden. The Advance is on sale at Chiu- chiolo ' s Stationery, Caprino ' s Sta- tionery, Mario ' s Stationery, Sie- gel' s Pharmacy, Minardi' s Delica- tessen , Sal's Delicatessen, Mar- tino s Delicatessen , and the Span- ish-American Grocery in Pat- chogue. —Adv. A biidal shoss'er svas given in honor of Miss Ailine Anna Engel , daughtei of Mr and Mrs. Louis Engel of 180 Lakesvood Sti eet , Pat- chogue , May 13 at 43 Roe Boules ard East. The co-hostesses svere Mis- ses Mona H. Rosenzweig and Fian- ces Rosenbaum , both of Patch- ogue. Luncheon svas served svith the table decorated in pink , white , and green. Each guest l eceived ^n umbrella cordage. The guests in- cluded: Mesdames Louis Engel , Al- fred Engel , Leonard Engel , Ed- win Stein , Saul Danzigei , Reuben Weiss , Arthur Russo , Hannah Grossman , Louis Capiino , Leroy Sm i th , Clarence Parker , all of Pat- chogue; Misses Edith Lasky of Mid- dle Island , and Eleanor Gorchosv , Elaine Guffrie , Annette Wyler , Lucille Bonajour and Mara Lynn Shapiro , all of Nesv York. Miss Engel svill be marr ied to Arthur Wild of Smithtown June 4 at Temple Beth El of Patchogue. The biide to be received many gifts. Rho Nu , a new fraternity on the University of Rochester cam- pus , announces the initiation of Lawrence W. White , 22G North Prospect Avenue , Patchogue. The Advance is on sale at Mey- er ' s Delicatessen , Jimmy ' s Corner Store, and Murphy ' s Grocery, in Patchogue. —Adv. The Patchogue Unit of the Home Extension Service held a luncheon Tuesday at the Whirla- way ' s Inn on Bay Avenue. Instal- lation of officers for the coming year took place. The follosving were installed by Mrs. Gertrude Wilson : Mrs. Mary Pasfield , chair- man; Mrs. Ann Jones , vice chair- man , and Mis. Millicent Piermann secretary; Mrs. Vera Oertel , treas- uier; Mrs. Mae K' .eess , bulletin c hail man , and Mis. Ann Bogens- bciger , publicity chan man. About 30 members were piesent. Mrs. Dagmar Melvin , outgoing chan- man , and Mrs. Mblhcent Pieimann outgoing sc cietaiy, sveie present- ed svith hand bags . Mis. Melvin also piesented gilts to her offi- cers and leader- > of various pro- jects. The Rosaty Altar Society of St Ft anus de Sales R. C. Chuich is holding installation of officer - and reception of new me mbers at 5 p. m. Sunday in the chuich. A dinner svill follow in the Suffolk County Republican Club in Blue Point. The nes\ officers are - Mr- . Julia Coupe , president; Miss Ma- ne Giun, sice president; Mis Shirley Deedy, treasurer ; and Mis . Margaret Krumback , secretary. A son , Michael John , ssa- bom to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Worrad of 33 Oakleigh Stree t. May 10 in Brookhaven Memorial Hospital The baby ss eig hed 7 pounds .10 h ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Worr ad have another son , Christopher. The Patchogue Sorosis will hold an afternoon of bridge at its meet- ing Wednesday afternoon . Hostes- ses ssill be Mrs. Nathaniel N. Swezey. Edssin P. Kolb and Al- bert W. Br osvnell. Edmund W. Tuton , princi pal of Patchogue Senior High School , Fred Davies , a member of the class of 'O'L Alfr ed Willis , class of '02 and Alton Cnppen , piinci- pal of Patchogue Junioi High Sc hool , svent aboard the USS Hood in Brooklyn and sailed on the destr oyer to her anchoiage in Huntington, Satin day. The trip furnished the students ssith sonic knosvledge of the duties aboard s h i p. The Advance is on sale at Caru- so' s Stationery, Associated Foods , Elbert's Market , Fessler ' s Del- icatessen , Hollman ' s Delicatessen , Paul' s Delicatessen , Midw ay Luncheonette, Nos ick' s Super Mar- ket , Pat's Market in Patchogue. —Adv. (^ " » k *- ^ ' v.. ' ?.. we introduce the fresh new ' petal cut * The new, Paris-inspired "flowe r coifs " beg in with our artful " petal cut. " Come let our experts taper your hair in overlapp ing petal-light layers that fall into place with just a touch of your brush. Call "Miss Lloyd , " GRover 5-9000 , today ! $2 _^_^___ ¦ ¦ —_———^—^—^— ^^—— ¦—^——.— ^^——^^M^fc ^^^ ^~ ^„ „~ - ,, ~, ~ x -- €Ci./ysAWBs^r\ X* ^/^ ^ L^^^^ T B Oy ^^s^ ^^m ALL OI'C WORK DONE ON PREMISE^ EXPERT SPOTTER ON PREMISES 4-HOUR SERVICE ON REQUEST TRY US NOW! WE SPARE NO EFFORT TO PLEASE YOU. HIGHWAY CLEANERS WEST MAIN STREET cor. Prospect Ave. PATCHOGUE j i i i j t I i i i i ' I | j ¦ j { j i _ ' /^ W^H^ B ^^HVV H H^H^^^9^^\ J i aBHI'iI'liM !J?T I 9T I T I WM " ^^ |{t|^^^S^|^^JU^^ Si/ ^4 & vi X^B^S^ ' ¦ ? ' m&£&BUK^zSHH&\ * ~ Gyromatic , self winding, nHmr ^^- f ^^// & Wrist alarm watch , water- and - ^¦B B^HL >ss^ H \ Ss%ff l ~\ stainless steel $79.50 - ^Jfflft^^ ^ x^ in gold filled $89.50 '^HBHMBL~^^|P^<S?9* I Other GP' s fro m $47 50 PATCHOGUE RIVERHEAD pinmrrmimiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmnMriniHiiiiimniii HiiiiiiiiiiniiiiieinniirniiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiriiiiininiiiiiniTiiiimHiiii | ALBERTS gl FORMA LS ! RENTAL / ^t^^. Specialists in j TUXEDOS / ^ \% yA Summer Formals ] FULL DRESS / / \\i |l^? All Accessories CUTAWAYS 14 \ SS fW r ^ A J I STROLLERS I 1 \^ W Expert AdviCe I Also Waiter, v^\ V* a ' 1 | Bartender , Band ( J «|L ..„ \, ^. 1 I Jackets. \ j F^^\ ^^m ^ W. MAIN ST. | Charge Accounts Wei - ~ Jf ^'^^^ B P VTCHOGUE § corned. Open Mon. & ^JT Q TiS&^&mi | Fri., till 9 P. M. «» NS ^ff GRover 5-2504 | f ii ,M„iiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin in mini iiiiiiiui i mnii ii iii iii iiiiii i't iiii i iiii niiiiuiuiuiuuiumiiuuuuiuiiiuiiuimiiiiiiiii iiiiiuiiiiiiiii Ui^^^ B' v COl ON ^ SHOP »•» ^i B.ftntfmffiaacaMgsaBwaaaaaatapm^^ Suffolk Division I ¦ i Adel phi College SUMMER ! SESSIONS ! at SV^VILLE: ! ! D\l \M) EVENING j i M \UNTH\MPTOX BE YCH: | j DAY ONLY i COURSE OFFERINGS j | Art | ! Biology ji I Economics j ! Education jj i English j Government I History j Human Relations ! Mathematics i Psychology j Sociology j Speech j! Bio hui'" ,i\.tilahli> j! W it. \DIT.IMU ( OLI KCE ! si rroLK DI \ ISION ji Croowo Awnuvo ' ¦ Sawillo . N. ^. ;| Tt h-phone: LT D-6100 for ji I apt'omtnionts and |! \ pit -pios:i .minima: ! , ¦ »»»»¦»¦« «¦«.«.¦.»-»»--_-- nftnrifuxnn n<< j 3 wwww www ^^H^HH^^mm^mm^^^^^ : / \ ffrnmnitw anurb i ! U^ 1 MUMElim AND ' j : Nfe^ l MMittimM l o ^ V SPECIAL j ^ a^hu^r HAIRCUT »9 C ] Everv Dav A N D R E E I COLDWAVE, including ttHSi I >HAMPOO. ST^ LECUT and SET ONLY V ** ** J 389 EAST MAIN STREET, PATCHOGUE j CNear Hill' s Super Market) J CALL FOR APPOINTMENT ATlantic 9-1737 J Open Dail y Until 6 P.M. Fri. to 9 P.M. J LINK—PVVLIK < All,- . I' ,it i M i.i i' ,i\ lil , (l.uiulitfi ol Mi .Hid \li > \ IMC ( nt iNoidt of Si \ illi In i line t he hi idc ol Rol '< i! I nil sun ol \11 .iiid Mi W ilti i I ml nl I .mil), I I \ M II ' H M. I I K , i! I |i in M i\ I . il tin ' il l( I III IK i .in ( lllll ( h I'l M.i 11( Hi nil I IK (I MI III II I lllf ( i I l llicir ' ' v \* i |K i U> ii M (I li\ I In K( \ . A i I Inn ( H id* I I In di I rI• w it * it i d in i Ii il hiiii i \c]\y tli u hit* I K i >v\ M o\' ' t lilt I 1 dlt Wilt I tl 1 (III ) , ) H 1 11 ( 1 MU II u it Ii i hoi I \ < il Mill two ¦ inti oi i hid Mi I il' i.ui \ IIII I ink of M i hi i i It i ol the hi id ui ooni. \\ i ni.i id ol In 'Hoi *-11 won . ' h illi i ni.i It n 11 , j'o \ n o t \\ hit Hid Mill flow ( i < d oi md\ t \ i i hiu* it in Mn h id IM il( liin < i. ( < iil ll lllll Villi I III K ol ( lllll I ho In t III in w. i- - < Ii ii l< I ink ol \i u ^ oi k ( il\ tin hi wit ' I ool I ' II IK II I oilow Illi t ' it I I I i l)IOII \ Op( M Inm ( w i I K Id I i oui 1 lo !• |i n il tht hoim n| tin hndi i iooi n ' p111 nl i ml vi ' di iw t d I \ i 11 i nl ion .ml hu 'l i t npiii l ,il Ih hoiiic ol t In hi nil ' -> p II ( lit 'I In i i >ii |th* h id i hi K I w I'll tlinj 1 " II ip lo Mon! ml mil ii. i. ¦ -1 < 1111 >.* it ih hoim oi tin hi nit \ pai 0T1IS . ,Mi^ . Link Riaduated from Say- \ illc HIJ4I1 Sc hool . Hot- hu hand attended DcWitt Clinton H IK I) School in the Bioii\ rind is cni|)lo\( , d bv the Swan R I M N' uisci\ in I' atchtm iH . THOMPSON—KE VKNEY Mi^i ( ,n 11 I j n A. Keai ney, d uif . r htci of Mi and Mii. William Keainey of " tl Highland Avenue, l' ltihouui u.i i man led to Rn haid I hompMiti , -.on of Mis . Matilda 1 lioinp-on ol HI Clove Avenue , Pa W liotfue , al 1 '50 p m. Mxiy 1 1 in Oui Ladv ol Mt. Carniel K ( ( luiiih , I' att hoj^ue. The Ro>. Savino ( Mattel pi i foimed the- uiddin^ ceiemony The tiaditional utddine; nuisit was plaved b y Mis \ una PnVMtiia, 01 gainst, who al- M . ^ine " \vc Mana " About 200 pilests weie piesent (liven in mama^e b y her fath- 11 , I he hi ide uoie .1 Hool-length row 11 nl impoited - -ilk or^an/a I hi> tilted bodic e bad tiaditional lone sletves .\nt\ the S ibiinn nec k- line v. is adoiiu d with alionson 1.11 e lb 1 boullant skirt was adorn- id with hue and a si alter of lose put Is m the 11 out The back of tin kill had a 1 hapel tiain which was i .umlil up into a vt 1 y boul- lant hustle She vvoie a (low 11 of silk ot uan/a with seed peails whuh was attached to a puie silk illusion hand-iolled fmgeitip veil. She earned a bouquet of white (ai nations. .Miss Antonia Selby of Blue Point was maid-ot-honoi. She woie a nile ^r^pn f loot-length Kovs n ot silk chifion with bows at eac h side of the waist , and a hoop ikn t She wore a ci own of the same matenal and color. She 1 an led a bouquet of 01 chid eai- nations. The hi ides-maids ' weie Miss Mau- ieen Kearney of Lynbrook and Miss Barbaia .Jean CJuffi n of Pat- chogue , cousins of the biide , and Miss Josep hine Simecek of Patch- ogue. Then gowns weie made like that of tho maul-of-honoi , but in orchid , and they woie matching ciowns Then bouquets weie of nile-green carnations . Vine nt Sahitti of Patchogue was best man. The ushers w - eie Mic hael Keainey of Patchogue , a hi othe r of the bride , and Albert Salvitti and Donald Stewait , also of Pitchogue. \ leception foi lo0 gursts was ht Id at Nancy ' s Restauiant , Pat- : hogue. Music was b y Chalk' s Le" and his band. Mi and Mis. Thompson left foi NEW L - ^ W EDS are Mr. and M rs. Richard Thompson, who were married Maj 11 in Our Lady ol Ml. (atmel R. (. Chun l>, Pat- chogue . The Rev. Saverio (' . Mat lei pet hu rnccl f lu* w eddinu ceie- mony. Th< » bride is the former Miss Caiolvn A. Iwaini'} of Patchogue. a 10-day wedding trip to Wash- ington , D. C , and Vnginia. Upon their return they will lesicle at 20 East 7th Stieet , Patchogue. The biide l- , a graduate of Se- ton Hall , Class of '58 , and is em- ployed at the Brookhaven National Laboiatory. The bndegroom attended Patch- ogue Ilifth School and is emp loyed at the Patchogue Post Office. RAIILLE—LOSER Miss Judith Loser , daughter of Mt. and Mis Chailes Loser of ISO L jman Road , East Patcliomie , be came the bi ide of William II Saulle , son ol Mi and Mis Sol Saulle of IS Epsom Couise , Biook haven , al a widdmu c< lemony in Emanuel laitheiau Chuuh I' at- cboe , ue. at 1 p m Situida . v The Ivev Daniel 1 ' iehlei oltu-rited The biide. m\en in lu.u i rme bv I UM l ' athei. woi e a while II001 leneth uow n of sdU oi cui/a with apphqued lace on the bodno and tiaditional lomi sleevev . Hei elbow onv ,th \oi\ w.> s .\U u l\od t^ a seod PO . U o ,n\ " nd she 1.1 1 vied a bou- i i i t o ' \\ ' ti oui ids and s op han- V ss J t. I 1 s 1 .j vu 1 o* * •• PO ' 11 A m 1 i-n - " - 1 1 nor Sne v ' t .i _ t r t 1 > * - a i . ^ _ * ^ - ' 1 1 ' ^ ^ ^ ' 1 u 1 1 I I I b tdic- ^ *J LnJj-si j) t -i sk r H. 1 1 i f <-v >\ s t i M _ - lL - il*- ^ J OW ba 4 " iv s 1 ¦ * iji . ,. ' " >t . *sne tc ' ' a nuuqjc " o: ignt ard daA \^i \ c.c t nation s aid io«t\ 'I r 1 ' j( esmajo wei e Mi- - Kdthicc C on'( 1 oi J^n nmord Uil 1 utd Miss Jiev d ly Saulle oi Biookh^vc JI , a sj in ol the biide- gioom. 'I hen gowns weie like that worn by the maid-ol-honoi in a peacoc k giec n and the y woie matching headpieces. They cat l ied bouquets oi light and daik yellow cat nations and loses. Robeit Soderbeig of Plainedge . brothel of the biide , was best man. The ushei s were James Cuozzo of Richmond Hill and Gunther Ki ea- rner of Connecticut. Following the ceiemony, a recep- tion for 75 guests was held at the Pine Grove Inn , East Patchogue. Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of Bellport High School. The bride i- > employed at the Federa l Saving- and Loan Com- pany, f Tifr Moriches. The br id* groom i- employed by Van Alf- r in BHl port. After tr. f* honeymoon in the Po- rono-,, the couple will re-ide in Ce n te r Mor/ ri' - . NOTES ON NUPTIALS Slj r ICmtu island Aniuturr Women and their World Page Two Section Two Thursday, May 25, 196 1 | NOW " STAR G T TS " I ^ ""2 P """ : ! READS' <f ^ I I COUNTRY DAY CAMP \i| S ¦ ... stressing a safe , non-fatiguing, happy C 6\ ¦ ¦ program for boys and girls from 1 lo 11 7 s x S 5 NON-SECTARIAN 1—f X ¦ S Activities KU "3 s \?r : * 9 Red Cross-Qualihed Swimming Instruct ion /['Jb \ *^i»> ¦ a 9 Crabbing # Fishing Baseball X f \ \ J ¦ O Hiking Horseback Riding Picnicking \ I X3 ¦ " Archery # Songs and Crafts \ \ ¦ l ALL ACTIVITIES SUPRRVISKI) V \ S " Inspection Invited \\ # \ S RATES : Eight weeks of day camping for $100; ft ! J four weeks for $60. NO EXTRAS. ¦ * Aftjk% 1 M T\ ^ ay Camp Season extends from ¦ * J*^P 1^^^ Jul y 5 to August 25 i 5* '^^K ,^f t ^^f MR. and MRS. HENRY READ ¦ S ^ lIB^^^^*fe **^*^^ 468 Sou th 0cea n Avenue 5 5 8&j^B^^S8K^j | M^ GRover 5-4034 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ M i i a «»M«a««»«M«M« «B»»««M««M«^aM MBM a.» T .Ba« M, a aB,^^ , | |,^ wJ . _—.^^^.^—^*-*» a. a^t V)ViUU- u ii«*, _w ?nrSc\«aH? Sinclair Service pllrOrirt^W? Main st At Medford ?t4== , ** = 8alB^l) ^ ve - Patchogue Kclwaicl I) . I,:miance of Sheiman Oaks , Calil , ha announced tin engagement of bis daughter , \1h v Laurcnc l*'. Laiuance , to Lieuten- ant (|g. ) Fiauk L. Ahein , USN , son ol Di. and Mis . Alvin A Alicni of '!. '{ lb rgen Lane , Rluc Point. Miss Lauiance I also the daughter of the late Mis. Fein Lauiance of Palm Spi in* , ' . Miss Lam.lin e i- a giaduate of Westlake Si hool foi Gills in Lo Angeles and al tended Sail <lo~ ,i State Colleee She is now a pinioi at Caliloi ma Weslei n Univi i sit v Lt \hei II is a j'tadu ite ol the Hav pol l Mine I' omt Ilieli Si boo and attended Seattle Pacific ( ol- bee in Siatlle , Wash , betoie en- teinm tin MM v ice lie is at pie-ani l stationed on the USS Ti< ondei oe i with the Seventh Fleet in Peai Hat hot. No date has been set foi chi wedding but tbev aie p laumne tc be man icd when Lt Ahem le- lunis t loin his loui ol duty. Ah. and Alls , deny Dvoiak oi "VKclloiil hav e announced the en- eugement of thou daughter , Joar Ajmes. to Paal Richmond S k m n u, MIII ul Mi and Mis . Fiank Bar- te- .u ot Bi ookhav en. Loin - 11 Vogel of Coi am Road , jap hank , announcis the engage- mi nt of h' s daughtei , Miss Helen G Vugi 1, to John E Libby, Sr., of Miss Helen G. Vogel —Photo b y Dob&on ' s Studio 184 Rider Avenue , Patchogue. Miss Vogel is emp loyed by the Long Inland Moto r Freig ht , Inc., in Patchogue. Mr . Libby is with the Bayport Lumber Company ir Baypoi t. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Puglicse of Patchogue announce the engage- ment of their daughter , Janet , to Ralph Stc p hani , son of Mr. and Mis. Ral p h Stephani of East Pat- chogue . Miss Puglicse graduated from Patc hogue High School and is now employed by the New York Telephone Company, Patchogue. Mr. Stephani attended Bellporl High School and is now employed in consti uetion woik. 'I he wedding will take place September 10. Mi. and Mis. Harry Caldwell of 48 Silver Sti eet , Patchogue , an- nounc e the engagement of their daughter , Joan , to Daniel Hess ol 15 Pitt Sti eet , Patchogue. Miss Caldwell is emp loyed as assistant bookkeepi i at the Bell- poi f Laundiy. llei fiance is emp loyed as an assistant manager at Korvette ' s m Islip. The wedding will take place August ' 1(\ . Mi . and Mrs. William C. Boehir ot Preble , Wis., have announcer the engagement of their daughter Caiol Ann , to Frederick A. Han- nan , son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester I). Hannan of 14 Atlantic Avenue , Blue Point. Miss Boehm is a graduate ol (he Pieble High School and employed as bookkeeper with s C M in Bay, Wisconsin , Restauiant Mi. Hannan giaduated fr om 'l oins Kivei High School , Tom 1 Itiv < i , N J ., siivid font yeais u: the Nav . v and giaduated fiom the I' V Woikshop in New Yoik ( ily He has bei n connec ted witl Wi- 'KV 'I V , ( banned 1, in Giecr Bav, \W , foi the List live yeai s He I- , piesi ntlv fust ( iimcimai and -dudio managei foi that - >ta t ion The wedding is to take p lace June 2 1 at I' ll hie , Wis . Mr. and Mis. William Wilk. r Si , of Montauk Highway, Moi- iches , announce 'be eng< '"xmi tit of their daughter , Constanc e . ^ rlme, Miss Constance A. \> alker to Walter T. Allen , son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Allen ot Well- wood Drive , Shirley. Miss Walker attended the local schools and graduated from Stan- ley High School , King field, Me. She is presently employ ed at the Howard Johnson ' s Restaurant in Shirley. Her fiance attended Port Jef- ferson High School and is pres- ently employed by the Friendl y Frost Store in Patchogue. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stefano of 172 West Avenue, Patchogue, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Rob- ert Hagelberg, son of Mr. and Miss Margaret Stefano Mrs. Edwin Hagelberg of Cres- cent Street , Yaphank. Miss Stefano is a giaduate of Patchogue High School , class of 1959 , and is now employed by the New York Telephone Company in Patchogue. Mr. Hagelberg is a graduate of Port Jefferson High School , class of 195(5 . He has completed four years of active duty with the Navy and is now employed by the Long Island Lighting Company. No date has been set for the wedding. Engagements Frances Johnson Re< ipes are getting to be Mich in ob-ession with us that it i> - hardly safe to mention one in our piesence without being poutn ed upon with a "Please mav I u-e it in Our Pinch of This and Pinch of That?" So this recipe for Sour Cieam Coffee Cake , quite the most lus- cious coffee cake we ha\ e evet tasted , came in ju^t that fashion. We tasted it and telt we must have ,t to ' -li .u e with our epicu- reans It is a fa\onte recipe of Mrs. j Hemaid Diamond of 45a \lun-ell Road . Easi Patchouue , who is .t : wonderful l ook , and this is onl y l one ol hu dehuhUul leupea Sour ( ream C offee C ake Cr< am together 1 1 pour d butt, i 1 cup suuai Th^n beat 1 » ggs , add _ - pint sour ci'am and dd lo ugai but- tei mixture 1 he n sift together 2 cups p lain r!oui 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspo >n baking soda ¦ t tea poon s a lt Add to above mixtuie Filling Mix togethei i i up i hopped nuts 1 cup sugai I ti aspoon c mnanion Dividf ' _ dough in l ing pan , put half fil' ing on , thi n add ie- maining dough and ^pnnkli the balance of fillin g on top. Bake in pie heated oven 'iaO degiees loi 4o minutes A Pinch of This and A Pinch of That \3p i/ "The Department Store of Famous Brands " in Suffolk County . . . J L I ^- East Main Street , Patchogue , Long Island. The Bee Hive ' s open F-fc Friday ni g ht , May 26th , ' til 9:30 P. M.

NOTES ON NUPTIALS Activities of Interest in Patchogue · 2018-12-22 · Activities of Interest in Patchogue A -anpiise hi idal shosver was gisen by a gioup of lnends and relative-

Dec 29, 2019



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  • Activities of Interest in PatchogueA - a n p i i s e hi idal shosver was

    g i s e n by a g i o u p of l n e n d s andr e l a t i v e - f o i M i - John Silady, thei o t i n e i ^Ihi (Jen Locantoi e, althe home of M i s . Paul DioguaidoM a y 13. Those p i e sen t sveie Mes-( I inn s Lena Locan to i e , M i l l i e Bon-nie asa , D o i o t h y Walsh , A n n e An-t m o i o , 1' t a m e s BoV '-en , Jo seph ineL o c a n t o i e , I 'beida L o c a n t o i e , Viv-ian Man i l l a , Veia Mc Br ide , M a r -gie Ft a t i k l m , Sylvia .loppich , RoseZai dii.i , A t h u e Ku- so , M a t y Rai-ona , M a i y M a t l i no , Ro e Muni t ta ,Rose A i c a i o , Te -,sie ( J e t a c i l a n o ,M i l l i e Wai d , F iances Mancuso ,Rose Sss e/.ev, Lois K o n n e t , M a i yS a l v i t l i , M i l l i e Lh agone , Mai ionWalsh , Louise Pont ien , K a l h e t i n eBoyson , Doro thy G K CCO , StellaS a l v a t o t e , (' a m i l i e Diogua ido ,Doio thy Felic e, A n n a Milady,A l a t j o i i e B low n , Rennie Seal/, i ,Lena C i r o c c o , A n n a S u a n n i , A n nB t i s c oe , M a u l y n Han lon and Ma-t t e Felice , a l l of Patchogue; Mis.i M a t v Ma/zei , Mis . V i i g t n i a Fra-h i / t o , and Miss Mai y Ann Mazzeiof Blue P o i n t ; M t s . JosephineStandi awl Mi s. L o i i a m e Cuomoof Baypoi t and Mis . Elsie Vor-beig of Is l ip . M t s . Silady l eceivedmany g i f t s She left Monday forTon ante , Calif., to join her hus-

    band svho is t eaching school t h e i eat the p iesen t t i m e .

    The execut ive board members ofthe T temont Avenue Parent—Tea-cher Association and the cha i imenof the standing committees atten-ded the Eastern Long Island Dis-tuct Nesv York State Cong i ess ofParents and Teacheis, Inc. It svasthe tenth annua l confeience heldlast Thursday at the NewfieldHigh School in Selden.

    The Advance is on sale at Chiu-chiolo's Stationery, Caprino's Sta-tionery, Mario's Stationery, Sie-gel's Pharmacy, Minardi's Delica-tessen, Sal's Delicatessen, Mar-tino s Delicatessen, and the Span-ish-American Grocery in Pat-chogue.—Adv.

    A bi idal shoss'er svas given inhonor of Miss Ai l ine Anna Engel ,daughtei of Mr and Mrs. LouisEngel of 180 Lakesvood Sti eet , Pat-chogue , May 13 at 43 Roe Boules ardEast. The co-hostesses svere Mis-ses Mona H. Rosenzweig and Fian-ces Rosenbaum , both of Patch-ogue. Luncheon svas served sviththe table decorated in pink , white,and green. Each guest l eceived ^numbrella cordage. The guests in-cluded: Mesdames Louis Engel , Al-fred Engel , Leonard Engel , Ed-win Stein , Saul Danzigei , ReubenWeiss, Ar thur Russo, HannahGrossman, Louis Capiino, LeroySmith , Clarence Parker, all of Pat-chogue; Misses Edi th Lasky of Mid-dle Island , and Eleanor Gorchosv,Elaine Guffrie, Annette Wyler,Lucille Bonajour and Mara LynnShapiro , all of Nesv York. MissEngel svill be marr ied to ArthurWild of Smithtown June 4 atTemple Beth El of Patchogue. Thebiide to be received many gifts.

    Rho Nu , a new fraternity onthe University of Rochester cam-pus , announces the init iat ion ofLawrence W. White , 22G NorthProspect Avenue, Patchogue.

    The Advance is on sale at Mey-er's Delicatessen, Jimmy's CornerStore, and Murphy's Grocery, inPatchogue.—Adv.

    The Patchogue Unit of theHome Extension Service held aluncheon Tuesday at the Whirla-way's Inn on Bay Avenue. Instal-lation of officers for the comingyear took place. The follosvingwere installed by Mrs. GertrudeWilson : Mrs. Mary Pasfield , chair-man; Mrs. Ann Jones, vice chair-man , and Mis . Mil l icent Piermannsecretary; Mrs. Vera Oertel , treas-u ie r ; Mrs. Mae K'.eess, bulletinc hai l man , and Mis. Ann Bogens-b c i g e r , publici ty chan man. About30 members were piesent. Mrs .Dagmar Melv in , outgoing chan-man , and Mrs. Mblhcent P ie imannoutgoing sc c i e t a i y , sveie present-ed svith hand bags. Mis. Melvinalso piesented gil ts to her o f f i -cers and leader-> of va r ious pro-jects.

    The Rosa ty Al t a r Society of StFt anus de Sales R. C. C h u i c his h o l d i n g in s t a l l a t ion of of f icer -and reception of new me mbers at5 p. m. Sunday in the c h u i c h . Adinner svill fo l low in the SuffolkCounty Republican Club in BluePoint. The nes\ o f f i c e r s are - Mr- .Julia Coupe , p re s iden t ; Miss Ma-ne Giun, sice pre sident ; M i sShirley Deedy, t reasurer ; and M i s .Margaret K r u m b a ck , sec re ta ry .

    A son , Michael John , ssa- bomto Mr. and Mrs . Harold W o r r a dof 33 Oakleigh Stree t. May 10 inBrookhaven Memorial Hospi talThe baby ss eighed 7 pounds .10 hounces. Mr. and Mrs. Wor r adhave another son , Christopher.

    The Patchogue Sorosis w i l l holdan afternoon of bridge at its meet-ing Wednesday af te rnoon . Hostes-ses ssill be Mrs. Nathaniel N.Swezey. Edssin P. Kolb and Al-bert W. Br osvnell.

    Edmund W. Tuton , principal ofPatchogue Senior High School ,Fred Davies , a member of the

    class of 'O'L Alfr ed Wil l i s , classof '02 and Al ton Cnppen , p i i n c i -pal of Patchogue Junio i H i g hSc hool , svent aboard the USSHood in Brooklyn and sailed onthe destr oyer to her ancho iage inHun t ing ton, Satin day. The t r i pfurn ished the s tudents s s i t h sonicknosvledge of t he du t i e s aboards h i p.

    The Advance is on sale at Caru-so's Stationery, Associated Foods,Elbert's Market , Fessler's Del-icatessen, Hollman's Delicatessen,Paul's D e l i c a t es s e n , Midw ayLuncheonette, Nos ick's Super Mar-ket , Pat's Market in Patchogue.—Adv.

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    ?.. we introduce the fresh new 'petal cut*The new, Paris-inspired "flower coifs" begin with our artful"petal cut. " Come let our experts taper your hair in overlappingpetal-light layers that fall into place with just a touch of yourbrush. Call "Miss Lloyd," GRover 5-9000, today !

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    m&£&BUK ẑSHH&\ * ~ Gyromatic , self winding,

    nHmr ^̂ -f ^̂ // & Wrist alarm watch, water- and -— ^¦BB^HL >sŝ H \ Ss%ff l ~\ stainless

    steel $79.50 -^Jfflft^̂ ^x ̂

    in gold filled $89.50'̂ HBHMBL~^̂ |P^.*

    i t i h hoim oi t i n hi ni t \ pai

    0T1I S .,Mi^ . Link R iadua ted from Say-

    \ i l l c H I J 4 I 1 Sc hool .Hot - hu hand a t t e n d e d DcWit t

    C l i n t o n H IK I) School in the B io i i \r ind is c n i | ) l o \ ( ,d bv t h e S w a nR I \ » M N'u i s c i \ in I ' a tch tm iH .

    T H O M P S O N — K E V K N E YM i ^ i ( ,n 11 I j n A. Keai ney,

    d uif .r h t c i of Mi and M i i . W i l l i a mK e a i n e y of "tl Highland Avenue,l ' l t i h o u u i u.i i m a n led to Rn h a i dI h o m p M i t i , -.on of M i s . Ma t i l da1 l i o inp -on ol HI C l o v e A v e n u e ,Pa W l iot fue , al 1 '50 p m. Mxiy 1 1in Oui Ladv ol Mt . Carniel K( ( l u i i i h , I' a t t hoj^ue. The R o > .S a v i n o ( M a t t e l pi i f o i m e d the-u i d d i n ^ ce i emony The t i a d i t i o n a lu t d d i n e ; nuis i t was p laved by M i s\ u n a P n V M t i i a , 01 gainst, who al-

    M . ^ i n e " \ v c M a n a " About 200p i l e s t s we ie p i e sen t

    ( l i v e n in m a m a^e by her f a t h -1 1 , I he hi ide u o i e .1 H o o l - l e n g t hrow 11 nl i m p o i t e d -- i l k o r^ a n / a

    I hi > t i l t e d bodic e bad t i a d i t i o n a llon e s l e t v e s .\nt\ t h e S i b i i n n nec k-l i n e v. is a d o i i u d w i t h a l ionson1.11 e l b 1 b o u l l a n t s k i r t w a s adorn-i d w i t h h u e and a si a l t e r of losep u t I s m t h e 11 out The back oft i n k i l l had a 1 hapel t i a i n w h i c hw a s i .um l i l up i n t o a vt 1 y boul -l a n t h u s t l e She v v o i e a ( l o w 11 ofs i lk ot uan /a w i t h seed peailsw h u h w a s a t t a c h e d to a pu i e s i lki l l u s i o n h a n d - i o l l e d f m g e i t i p ve i l .She earned a bouque t of w h i t e(a i na t i ons .

    .Miss A n t o n i a Selby of BluePoint was ma id -o t -hono i . Shew o i e a n i le ^r^pn f loot- lengthKovs n ot s i lk c h i f i o n with bowsat eac h side of the waist , and ahoop ikn t She wore a ci own ofthe same matenal and color. She1 an led a bouquet of 01 chid eai-na t ions .

    The hi ides-maids' weie Miss Mau-ieen Kearney of Lynbrook andMis s Barbaia .Jean CJuff i n of Pat-chogue , cousins of the b i ide , andMiss Josep hine Simecek of Patch-ogue. Then gowns w e i e made liketha t of t h o maul-of-honoi , but inorchid , and they woie matchingc i o w n s Then bouquets w e i e ofnile-green carnat ions .

    Vine nt S a h i t t i of Patchoguewas best man. The ushers w-eieMic hael Kea iney of Patchogue , ahi o the r of the bride , and AlbertSa lv i t t i and Donald Stewait, alsoof P i t chogue .

    \ lecep t ion foi lo0 gur s ts washt Id at Nancy 's R e s t a u i a n t , Pat-: hogue. M u s i c was by Chalk' s Le"and h i s band.

    Mi and M i s . Thompson lef t foi

    NEW L -^ W EDS are Mr. and M rs. Richard Thompson, who weremarr ied M a j 11 in Our Lady ol Ml . ( a t m e l R. ( . Chun l> , Pat-chogue. The Rev. Saverio (' . Mat lei pet hu rnccl f lu* w eddinu ceie-mony. Th alker

    to Walter T. Allen , son of Mr.and Mrs. Milton Allen ot Well-wood Drive , Shirley.

    Miss Walker attended the localschools and graduated from Stan-ley High School , Kingfield, Me.She is presently employ ed at theHoward Johnson's Restaurant inShirley.

    Her fiance attended Port Jef-ferson High School and is pres-ently employed by the FriendlyFrost Store in Patchogue.

    No date has been set for thewedding.

    Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stefano of172 West Avenue, Patchogue, haveannounced the engagement oftheir daughter, Margaret, to Rob-ert Hagelberg, son of Mr. and

    Miss Margaret Stefano

    Mrs. Edwin Hagelberg of Cres-cent Street, Yaphank.

    Miss Stefano is a giaduate ofPatchogue High School , class of1959, and is now employed by theNew York Telephone Company inPatchogue.

    Mr. Hagelberg is a graduate ofPort Jefferson High School , classof 195(5. He has completed fouryears of active duty with theNavy and is now employed by theLong Island Lighting Company.

    No date has been set for thewedding.


    Frances Johnson

    Re< ipes are g et t i n g to be Michin ob-ession wi th us that it i > -

    hardly safe to ment ion one in ourpiesence w i t h o u t being pou tn edupon w i t h a "Please mav I u-e it

    in Our Pinch of This and Pinchof That?"

    So t h i s r ec ipe for Sour C ieamCoffee Cake , qu i t e the most lus-c ious coffee cake w e ha\ e evettasted , came in j u ^ t t ha t fashion.W e tasted it and tel t w e mus thave ,t to '-li .u e w i t h our ep icu-r e a n s

    It is a f a \ o n t e recipe of Mrs.j H e m a i d D i a m o n d of 45a \ l u n - e l l

    Road . Easi P a t c h o u u e , w h o is .t: w o n d e r f u l l ook , and th i s is onl yl one ol hu d e h u h U u l leupea

    Sour ( ream C offee C ake

    C r < am t o g e t h e r1 1 p our d b u t t , i

    1 cup suua iTh^n beat 1 » ggs , add • _- p in t

    sour c i ' a m and dd lo uga i but-tei m i x t u r e 1 he n si f t together

    2 cups p lain r!oui1 teaspoon bak ing powder1 teaspo >n baking soda¦t t e a poon salt

    Add to above m i x t u i e

    F i l l i ng

    Mix t o g e t h e ii i u p i hopped n u t s

    1 „ c u p sugaiI t i aspoon c m n a n i o n

    D i v i d f ' _ dough in l ing pan ,put h a l f f i l ' i ng on , thi n add ie-m a i n i n g d o ug h and ^p n n k l i thebalance of f i l l i n g on top. Bakein p i e hea t ed o v e n 'iaO degieesloi 4o m i n u t e s

    A Pinch of Thisand

    A Pinch of That

    \3pi/ "The Department Store of Famous Brands " in Suffolk County . . .JLI -̂ East Main Street, Patcho gue, Long Island. The Bee Hive 's openF-fc Friday night, May 26th, 'til 9:30 P. M.