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Northeast State Community… · success and advising tools such as Degree Works, My.Northeast, and Desire2Learn

Oct 18, 2020



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Northeast State Community College Educational Technology Plan 2017-2020


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Table of Contents

TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies ................................................................................................. 3

TIP 2: Needs Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 4

TIP 3: The Planning Process .......................................................................................................................... 5

State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures ................................................... 5

Environment .................................................................................................................................... 7

Engagement .................................................................................................................................... 7

Application ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Tools ................................................................................................................................................ 7

Results ............................................................................................................................................. 8

TIP 4: Implementation: Timetable and Budget for Goals, Objectives and Strategies ................................. 8

TIP 5: Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 12

TIP 6: References ....................................................................................................................................... 14

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TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies of Imaginary County Public Schools


Northeast State is an open‐access, public, comprehensive community college that advances lifelong learning and strengthens the economic and social/cultural aspects of the community. To facilitate teaching, learning, service, and student success, the College provides innovative, high‐quality, and relevant associate, certificate, and career‐focused educational programs and services. Programming and comprehensive support services are offered through varied delivery systems and at multiple campuses throughout its primary service areas (NeSCC, 2016). Vision

Northeast State shall be a premier learning‐centered institution whose students and graduates will be among the best‐prepared individuals to meet current and emerging needs (NeSCC, 2016a). Goals and Strategies

To obtain this vision, Northeast State Community College will:

Goal 1. Promote access and transform learning and success for all students o Strategy: Students will utilize technology in the classroom to access and explore student

success and advising tools such as Degree Works, My.Northeast, and Desire2Learn (D2L).

Goal 2. Promote student success through enhanced retention, graduation, and career‐development efforts o Strategy: Students will create an individualized, customized Academic Plan for their

specific needs using available technology resources.

Goal 3. Expand initiatives to include technology that transforms the learning environment, responds to the emerging market and trends, and improves employability o Strategy: Students will participate in the new iPad initiative and utilize it in all


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TIP 2: Needs Assessment

Strengths – What are the current strengths?

One of the strengths of Northeast State Community College is the technology and access

available for student success. Each student has a My.Northeast which is a Banner Self Service system

online that allows students to view their personal, academic, and financial records and student email at

the institution (NeSCC, 2016b). Each student also has a Desire2Learn (D2L) and Degree Works which can

be accessed through their My.Northeast. Desire2Learn (D2L) is a Course Management System which

enables instructors to create online content for each class. Students can view instructions, content, post

discussion boards, and submit assignments all online. Degree Works is an online degree audit which

allows students to see what courses are required for their specific degree and tracks their standing and

progress towards completion. It is individualized for each specific student. All of these student success

tools listed above can be accessed online from any device. The institution has also begun an iPad

initiative requiring all students to have an iPad for classes. All instructors are utilizing iPads into their

coursework using educational apps and e-books.

Weaknesses – What are the current weaknesses?

A weakness of Northeast State Community College is the lack of training to students on how to

use these online tools. It is just assumed that most students will be familiar with technology and

understand how to use all that is available to them. With 277 students registered in the Disabilities

Office and with around a fourth of the students being non-traditional or diversified, the needs are great.

Even younger, traditional students struggle with how to use technology for educational purposes.

“Although they are comfortable using technology without an instruction manual, their understanding of

the technology or source quality may be shallow” (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005, p. 2.5). Spector et al

(2014) state that millennials “do not naturally adopt and adapt technologies in academic settings” (p.

824). The access of technology to promote student success and enhance learning is available, but the

proper support and training are not available. It is critical that the institution provide adequate help so

that all students can be successful.

Opportunities – What are the future opportunities?

Future opportunities at Northeast State Community College include looking for ways to train

and educate all students on how to use educational technology to enhance and promote student

success and learning. Having experienced and trained Student Success Coaches go to each EDUC1030

College & Lifelong Learning course (required freshman course) to instruct students on these specific

tools will be beneficial. Customized, differentiated instruction for students with special needs and

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diversity through one-on-one training in the Advising Resource Center, Students with Disabilities Office,

and TRIO should also be available.

Threats – What threatens those future opportunities?

The major threat to future opportunities is the lack of personnel to do the training due to

budget issues. Only 9 Coaches are employed to train over 6000 enrolled students at Northeast State

Community College. This makes it difficult for all students to be reached and trained properly with

customized, differentiated instruction. Faculty cannot be expected to take on this additional role as they

already have an endless list of responsibilities including teaching, advising, and serving on committees.

TIP 3: The Planning Process

State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures

Goal ISTE Strategies 1. Students will utilize technology in the classroom to access and explore student success and advising tools such as Degree Works, My.Northeast, and Desire2Learn (D2L).

1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.

a) Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness

b) Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources

c) Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes

Students will use their iPad, laptop, or smartphone to access My.Northeast through the NeSCC home website and become familiar with how to navigate through the system.

Students will use their iPad, laptop, or smartphone to access Degree Works and explore and utilize all of the features to help take control of their progress and success.

Students will use their iPad, laptop, or smartphone to use Desire2Learn (D2L) which gives them access to course content.

This will be an ongoing assessment by proving the use of these tools when creating academic plans, registering for classes, and completing assignments in D2L.

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2. Students will create an individualized, customized Academic Plan for their specific needs using available technology resources.

2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the Standards

b) Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress

c) Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources

Students will run their individual Degree Works audit to show what courses are needed to complete their degree.

Students will use this audit to complete an Academic Plan chart showing what they need to take each semester to complete their degree.

Students will become aware of any prerequisites that are required for each course.

This assignment will be assessed by the instructor based on each individual, submitted responses.

3. Students will participate in the new iPad initiative and utilize it in all assignments.

3. Model digital age work and learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society

b) Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation

d) Model and facilitate

Students will be shown by a Student Success Coach on how to access and utilize these advising and student success tools using an iPad.

Students will be shown how to create an Academic Plan on an iPad.

Students will be shown how to improve learning and overall success using an iPad.

This will be an ongoing assessment through observation, improvement, and completed assignments.

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effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning


The best classroom environment for this plan would be a blended instructional model. Students

will have the face-to-face instruction from the Student Success Coach to learn how to use these tools

but then be able to continue to access and use these tools out of the classroom setting to continue

improving their learning experience and promote success. “Active Learning (“learning by doing”) is an

essential element” where “the learner must be actively involved in the learning process” (Laiken et al, p.

295-296). With the iPad initiative in place, which requires all students to have an iPad, active learning

can continue outside of the classroom.


The Student Success Coach will lead the lesson in the EDUC1030 College & Lifelong Learning class by

briefly explaining the three student success and advising tools and what they can do. Then hands-on

activities will take place where the Coach shows the students how to use these tools on an iPad that is

displayed up on the screen while the students follow along on their iPads. Once students are familiar

with how to use these tools and all of their functions, they will be assigned to work together or

individually on creating their academic plans while the Coach monitors and floats the room.

Application Tools

Students will need either a laptop, iPad, or smartphone with Wifi connection for this plan to take place.

With the iPad initiative in place, all students are required to have an iPad, so this is the preferred device.

Finalized assignments will be uploaded to the students’ course management system, Desire2Learn

(D2L). The Coach will be using a desktop computer, projector, flashdrive, and PowerPoint for the

presentations. For the hands-on activities the Coach will be using an iPad, projector, and AirPlay

software. All of these technology resources are already available, so it should not affect the budget in

any way. Students have an option of leasing or buying an iPad through the college’s bookstore, or they

may purchase one somewhere else if they prefer.

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Students will be able to access and use student success and advising tools My.Northeast, Desire2Learn

(D2L), and Degree Works confidently to enhance learning and success. Students will be able to create an

Academic Plan to promote retention, graduation, and career-development efforts. Through the iPad

initiative, students will be able to utilize technology that keeps up with trends, culture, and


TIP 4: Implementation

Budget Technology already provided and maintained by the school

Desktop Computers

Multimedia Projectors




Microsoft Office

Banner System (My.Northeast)

Course Management System (Desire2Learn)

Ellucian Software (Degree Works)

AirPlay Software Technology that needs to be purchased by the student

iPads – lease for a $110 a semester or purchase at $429 Professional Development Costs

Presenter - $100/session (four sessions) Total Estimated Cost for School Technology Cost Quantity Total Presenter $100 4 $400 Total Estimated Cost for Student Technology Cost Quantity Total iPad $110 4 semesters $440 or $429 1 time purchase $429

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Professional Development Plan Four weekly professional development training sessions will be made available to the Student Success Coaches. Each session will last at least one hour and will build on the previous session. This will be mandatory training for all Student Success Coaches who will be presenting in the EDUC1030 College & Lifelong Learning classes. Any faculty and staff are welcome to attend as well, and a campus-wide email invitation will be sent out through the Learning & Professional Development office.


Week 1: iPads for Beginners The presenter will go over the basics of an iPad and how to use it. The presenter will show the attendees the benefits of integrating iPads into the classroom along with a list of free educational apps that can be downloaded and used. This session will be very hands-on as the attendees will have plenty of time to use the iPad, download apps, display on a screen using AirPlay, troubleshoot, and ask questions. With the school’s iPad initiative in place, all faculty and staff are mandated to incorporate iPads in the classroom and the workplace.

Week 2: Navigating through My.Northeast The presenter will show the attendees how to navigate through My.Northeast. Attendees are encouraged to use their iPads for this session but can use other devices as well. My.Northeast is an integral part of the students' success and learning at Northeast State Community College. Students can access personal, academic, and financial information through their My.Northeast portal. All faculty and staff need to become familiar with this Banner Self-Service system. Student Success Coaches will be instructing students on how to access and use this system through their iPad.

Week 3: Benefits of the Course Management System: Desire2Learn (D2L) The presenter will explain what a CMS is and how it can benefit the teacher and the student. Attendees are encouraged to use their iPads for this session but can use other devices as well. Northeast State Community College uses Desire2Learn as their CMS which can be accessed through My.Northeast. Time will be allotted for attendees to use D2L, upload content to the dropbox, send emails, and create discussion boards. Also, time for questions and troubleshooting will be given.

Week 4: Degree Works Advantages The presenter will show attendees how to access Degree Works through My.Northeast and explain the advantages of this tool for students. Attendees are encouraged to use their iPads for this session but can use other devices as well. This tool allows students to take ownership of their academic completion and can assist them when creating their individual academic plans. Attendees will have time to play around with the degree audit and discover all of the available functions.

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Lesson Plan 1 Subject/Topic/Grade: College & Lifelong Learning/Student Success/Undergraduate Freshman Level

ISTE Standard: 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments b) Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue

their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress

c) Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources

Objective: Students will create an individualized, customized Academic Plan for their specific needs using available technology resources.

Materials: Pre-assessment Academic Plan worksheet, instructor’s media station, projector, PowerPoint presentation, flashdrive, iPad, AirPlay, My.Northeast, Degree Works, Final assessment Academic Plan worksheet

Pre-Assessment: Students will be given a pre-assessment Academic Plan worksheet to determine what they already know. The worksheet consists of semester blocks that allows students to fill in the courses that are needed each semester until they graduate. This activity will help the instructor assess the students’ prior knowledge of academic plans.


A. Anticipatory Set: Students will be asked to write down what their career plans are, the degree they want to complete, their goal of finishing their degree, and future plans.

B. Informing Learners of Objective: The students will learn what a curriculum guide is along with prerequisites and course rotations. By the end of the lesson students will be able to create an individualized, customized Academic Plan for their specific needs.

C. Review: The Coach will review My.Northeast, Desire2Learn, and Degree Works with the students. The Coach will review the pre-assessment Academic Plan worksheet with the students and get feedback of what they are struggling with.

D. Instruction:

Explain what an Academic Plan is in detail.

Project on the screen using PowerPoint slides a definition of prerequisites with examples.

Take a few minutes to have students give an example of prerequisites (i.e. ENGL1010 is a pre-req for ENGL1020)

Project on the screen using PowerPoint slides examples of how some courses are only

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offered during certain semesters and on rotations.

Take a few minutes to have students give an example of courses that are on rotations or specific semesters only.

Show students how all of this information (curriculum guide, prerequisites, rotation of courses) can be found on Degree Works using their iPad or other technology device. Project the instructor’s iPad up on the screen using AirPlay and step students through each procedure.

Project on the screen using PowerPoint slides examples of completed Academic Plans.

E. Guided Practice:

Students will be divided up in either groups (based on similar major) or individually to work on their individualized Academic Plans using Degree Works. Coach will float around the room offering feedback and assistance as needed.

F. Closure:

Coach will have students go back to their original seats, quickly review Academic Plans, and open it up for any questions to provide individual feedback for students still struggling with the concept.

G. Summative Assessment:

Students will submit their final, individualized Academic Plan through D2L to their instructor two week prior to finals.

Classroom Diversity/Differentiation:

Cultural – Students can utilize Google Translate for those who need it. iPads are preferred, but other devices can be used that are more suitable or accustomed to a particular culture. Extra time is given to complete assignment and tutors are available.

Socioeconomic – iPads are preferred, but other devices can be used for this assignment. iPads are also available in the classroom for students to use if they do not have access to the needed technology. This assignment can be completed using devices available in the library on campus for free.

Special Needs – iPads are preferred, but other devices can be used for this assignment. Assistive technology is available for students with special needs. A list of helpful resources and apps are available to assist students. Extra time is given to complete assignment and tutors are available.

Technology Integration: See Materials above

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TIP 5: Executive Summary

The Northeast State Community College Educational Plan for the 2017-2020 school years are

aligned to Tennessee’s State Educational Plan as well as the International Society for Technology in

Education (ISTE) standards. This plan reflects the schools mission, vision, and goals and addresses the

current weaknesses in technology.

This plan will help students take ownership of their education and enhance and promote

success and learning. This plan also includes adaptations and modifications for students of cultural

diversity, special needs, and socioeconomic groups. The three goals in this technology plan will be

evaluated regularly and will show competency in the use of My.Northeast, Desire2Learn (D2L), and

Degree Works. When students use these technologies, it will enable them to become technology

literate, create an individualized Academic Plan, take ownership of their education and success, and

prepare for future career opportunities.

To ensure the effectiveness of this plan, proper funding, time, and professional development

training is needed. Technology is ever-changing in today’s world at a very fast pace. This plan will benefit

students not only in the classroom but in the real world as well preparing them for the workforce and


Crosswalk of Goals

National Educational Technology Plan / ISTE - NETS

Educational Technology Plan for Tennessee

Imaginary Northeast State Community College Strategic Plan

Learning: “Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity” (ISTE, 2016, #1)

“Use technology to improve student learning by providing each student and teacher access to appropriate instructional technology” (TNSBE, ETLP, 2016, Goal I).

Promote access and transform learning and success for all students

Assessment: “Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching” (ISTE, 2016, #2d).

“Develop criteria and processes for validating and evaluating student data” (TNSBE, ETLP, 2016, V.3).

Assess students use of technology based on individual needs and learning styles, and use these results to enhance learning and teaching

Teaching: “Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to

“Use technology to coordinate and articulate K-12 instruction with higher education institutions, business and other agencies” (TNSBE, ETLP, 2016, II.4).

Integrate technology (iPads) in all curriculum, activities, and experiences to enhance instruction

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develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the Standards” (ISTE, 2016, #2).

Infrastructure: “Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources” (ISTE, 2016, #4b).

“Develop statewide networking capabilities for access to information. Provide network training and local accessibility to the statewide information network. Provide technical guidelines for computer networking in every school. Require school systems to adopt appropriate use guidelines for student access to electronic media. Use the Internet to improve classroom instruction” (TNSBE, ETLP, 2016, III.1-5).

Improve the infrastructure to support effective technologies and the iPad initiative in the classroom.

Productivity: “Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation” (ISTE, 2016, #3b).

“Promote and fund classroom technology programs that are clearly innovative” (TNSBE, ETLP, 2016, II.3).

Expand initiatives to include technology that transforms the learning environment, responds to the emerging market and trends, and improves employability

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TIP 6: References:

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2016). ISTE Standards Teachers.

Retrieved from

Laiken, M., Milland, R., & Wagner, J. (Jul-Sept 2014). Capturing the magic of classroom training

in blended learning. Open Praxis, 6(3), 295-304.

Northeast State Community College (NeSCC). (2016a). Access and Diversity. Retrieved from

Northeast State Community College (NeSCC). (2016b). My.Northeast and Student Mail.

Retrieved from


Oblinger, D. & Oblinger, J. (2005). Educating the Net Gen. Washington, DC: EDUCAUSE.

Spector, J., Merrill, M., Elen, J., & Bishop, M.J. (2014). Handbook of research for educational

communications and technology (4th ed.). New York: Springer Science+Business Media.

Tennessee State Board of Education (TNSBE). (2016). Education Technology Long-Range Plan

(ETLP). Retrieved from
