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NORTH ESTERN RAILWAY...Details of Pomka Team A & B 51 Details of 8 NDRF Battalions 53 RPF Post & Jurisdiction 54 List of 15 trained RPF Constable for Disaster 54 DOG Squad & Bomb Disposal

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    YEAR 2014



    S.N. DETAIL PageNo.

    CHAPTER-I 1What is disaster 1CHAPTER-II 3Preparedness & resources (Non Railway & Railway)Unit I, II, III & IV


    Golden tips of providing First Add-Priority Method 5Check List of Safety Items of Stations 7CHAPTER-III 8Immediate Action by Divisional Control Office 8Intimation of Accident-Divisional Officers 8Intimation of Accident-Railway Doctors 9Informing Non Railway Officials 9Divisional Officers required to go to site 9Supervisor required to go to accident site 10Setting up Emergency Cells in Division 10Duties of Additional Divisional Railway Manager 11Manning of Divisional emergency cell in shift duty 12CHAPTER-IV 13Resources available – Priority I to VI 13, 14Various Phases of Disaster Management Phase 1st to 4th 15Instant Action Team 16Action to be taken at Divisional H.Q. Level 17Concept of Controlling Section–Jurisdiction of Officer Incharge & Supervisor 18, 19Check List of Action to be Taken – Duties of Engine Crew, Guard, TTE/TrainSuperintendent


    Duties of Station Master at Adjoining Station 22Duties of Control Staff – All Branches of Control 24Function of Disaster Management Control 26Duties of Safety Branch 26Duties of Operating Branch 29Duties of Commercial Branch 29Helping Enquiry Booths at Station – Accident details to be available,Information regarding running of trains & refunds


    Duties of Engineering Branch 32Duties of Mechanical Branch – ARME Headed by Sr.DME(C&W), ART Staff 32Duties of S&T Staff 33Duties of Electrical Branch 34Duties of Power/Loco Branch 34Duties of Personal Branch 34Duties of Security Branch 35Duties of Medical Department _ Formation of two team A & B 36Assistance from Neighbouring Divisions 38Delegation of power of be exercised by Officers for Disaster Management 39Disaster Management Action Plan 41

  • Deployment of Officers and Supervisors 43Section wise chart for requisitioning of ARMVs 44Section wise chart for requisitioning of ARTs 45Resources of Railway ART & ARME in Izatnagar Division 44Location of ARTs on adjoining zone with particulars of their crane 46Railway rescue infrastructure in Izatnagar Division 46CHEPTER – V 47Nomination of personnel Inspector/Welfare Inspection & their Jurisdiction 47Section wise list of officers & supervisors of Signal & Telecom department 48Section wise list of officers & supervisors of Power(Loco) department 49List of Doctors with Telephones & Mobile No. 50Details of Pomka Team A & B 51Details of 8 NDRF Battalions 53RPF Post & Jurisdiction 54List of 15 trained RPF Constable for Disaster 54DOG Squad & Bomb Disposal Squad 55List of station where Hammals are available 56List of stations where coolies (Porters) are available 57List of Govt. Railway Police post (Thana) in Izatnagar Division 57CHEPTER-VI 58Details of BSNL Telephone no. provided at Rly station of Izatnagar Division 58Section wise location of Ice factories in the division with contact numbers 60Details of name of Divers, Address & Contact No. 62List of Important Control Room Telephone Numbers 63List of Important Telephone Numbers of Railway Officers 64Reporting of Train Accident Telephonically to Railway Board 64Important Official and residential P&T and Mobile Numbers of the desiredofficers of foreign Railway for use in emergency case


    Telephone Number of Chief Safety Commissioner, Lucknow 66List of section wise Medical Facilities 67List of available Blood Bank in Division 72List of Name & Contact No. of light/generator suppliers 73List of section wise details of NGOs in division 74List of Buldozers and Road crane suppliers 78Name of places, where Helicopter can be landed 79Available help from Military, Ari Force in division 80List of name of station where catering and vending services available 81List of name with contact No. of Print Media/Electronic Media persons 82List of working contractor in Railway Izatnagar division 85Telephone Numbers of High officials of railway board 87Satellite Telephone Numbers 87List of name with address & Contact no. – Labour supplier 87List of name with address & Contact no. – Tent supplier 88List of name with address & Contact no. – Water supplier 88List of name with contact number of Civil officer of adjoining district ofDisaster Management


    List of important telephone number of Civil and Police Administration 89List of mobile number of RPF/GRP/Civil Police officers in Izatnagar Division 91


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    1.1.1. What is Railway Disaster ?

    1.1.1. Disaster in the Railway context is a serious train accident or an untoward event ofgrave nature, either on the railway premises or arising out of railway activity in thatarea, due to natural or man-made causes, that may lead to loss of many lives and/orgrievous injuries to large number of people, and/or severe disruption of traffic,necessitating large scale help for other Government/Non-Government and Privateorganisation.

    1.1.2. In case of a serious accident, the administration would take a conscious decisionwhether the situation is to be classified as a disaster or not.

    1.1.3. GM, AGM or CSO is the authorised officer to declare an untoward incident as aRailway Disaster. As soon as the accident is declared as a disaster, the concernedofficers will be apprised of the same by the different functionaries in DivisionalControl a detailed in para 4.1 of Chapter IV and all instructions as contained in thisdisaster management plan would automatically come into force and officers and staffof all departments would taken action as laid down in this book, in addition to theprovisions of accident manual and other Rule Books/Manuals in use.

    1.2. Disaster involving train services :

    The disaster may be due to following factors :-

    Human/Equipment failures leading to : Collision, Derailment, Level crossing accidentsat Manned/unmanned level crossings, Fire in train.

    Natural calamities such as : Land slide, Earth Quakes, Floods and breaches,Storm/Cyclone/Tornadoes

    Sabotage : Setting fire to Train/Railway installations and Railway property, Bombblasts, placing of obstructions on track to cause disruption to traffic, tampering withrailway fittings to cause accidents.

    Chemical : Disaster due to chemical reactions.

    1.3. In many cases of accidents, Railways have been criticised for poor handling ofrelief measures. The main reasons for criticisms have been as under :-

    a. Late medical relief to injured passengers.b. Incorrect/untimely/inadequate information regarding dead/injured

    passengers.c. Unsatisfactory arrangements for preservation and transportation or dead

    bodies.d. No food or delay in supply of eatables/clean water to stranded passengers

    and rescue workers.e. Poor handling of emergency cells opened at stations.

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    1.4. This disaster management plan does not aim at suggesting measures to avoiddisasters but, it clearly lays down various measures, which are to be taken byvarious railway officials in the post disaster situation. The aim of the disastermanagement plan is to effect.

    a. Minimizing disaster effects.b. Saving lives.c. Care & concern for the affected customers.d. Proper and timely dissemination of information to public in the aftermath

    of disaster.

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    Preparedness and resources :

    Railways are generally self-reliant in carrying out rescue and relief operations.However mobilizing heavy causalities, occurring in remote areas, difficultterrain and/or under adverse weather condition may be necessary.

    Disaster management mechanism in Railways is to be maintained at a high levelof preparedness and efficiency. al resources (Men and Material includingMedical, Personnel, Transport, volunteers, police and Fire services) belongingto railway and non railway both should be ensured for availability andpreparedness.

    Resources available in case of a major accident may be grouped with fourdifferent units, depending on the time frame within which these can be madeavailable after an accident.

    Resource Unit-I : Railway and non-railway resources available on the train andat nearby surroundings.

    Resource Unit-II : Railway resources available at ARMV/ART depots andelsewhere within the division.

    Resource Unit-III : Railway resources available at ARMV/ART depots andelsewhere on adjoining Zones and Division.

    Resource Unit-IV : Non-railway resources available within or outside thedivision.

    3.1. Resource Unit-I

    3.1.1. On train carrying passengers following resources are available :

    a. First aid box available with Guard.b. First aid box available with Train Supdt. and in Pantry Car.c. Portable telephones, Fire extinguishers in Brake van, Locomotives and in

    Pantry car.d. Walkie-talkie with Guard and Driver.e. Cell Phone/Mobile communications with Passengers.f. Information collected by train superintendent/Travelling Ticket Examiner

    about(i) Medical practitioners and(ii) Railway officers/staff travelling on the train either on duty or on leave.(iii) Passengers who volunteer their help.

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    3.1.2. Non-railway resources available nearby :a. Volunteers from nearby villages and towns.b. Transport facilities available at site or passing nearby.c. Tractor with trolleys from nearby villages for

    (i) Transport and(ii) Lighting up the accident site.

    d. Station staff and local railway administration should requisitionheld from non-railway sources for medical assistance, additionalman power, rescue equipment, lighting arrangements, transportand fire fighting tools, divers (if required) etc, before railwaysown rescue team arrives.

    3.1.3. Railway resources available nearby :a. Engineering, S&T, C&W and other departmental gangs/staff.b. Other resources such as Medical facilities, communication facilities etc.c. Families of gangmen and other staff residing in vicinity.

    3.1.4. At Adjoining stations :a. Staff available at adjoining or nearby stations.b. Railway and non-railway recourses as given in chapter VI in this DMP.

    3.2. Resource Unit-IIa. ARMVs/ARTs are stable at nominated stations, The location of these

    resources are given in Chapter IV in this DMP.b. Railway Medical and departmental resources.

    3.3. Resource Unit-III :a. Location of ARMVs/ARTs based on adjoining Zones/Davison is given in

    chapter IV with section wise chart in this DMP.b. Resources of men and material available on adjoining zones/Divisions.

    3.4. Resource Unit-IV :a. Non railway resources available within the division given in chapter VI

    of these DMP.b. Non-Railway resources available outside the division.c. Air support.d. Transport support.

    3.5. Authority to order movement of ARMV & ART to site :a. On receipt of information about serious accident involving causalities,

    ARMVs and ARTs shall be order4ed immediately.b. The decision would be taken by Chief Controller (Coaching) on duty and

    nobody’s would be required for ordering the same. In this regardprovisions available in Para 6.04(a) of Accident Manual shall beconsidered adequately.

    c. After sounding of siren, the ARMV and ART should be run out withinthe stipulated target time.

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    3.6.1 Order of priority for dealing with and helping injured passengers should be asfollows :-

    unconscious. bleeding excessively having breathing problems grievously injured in a state of shock having fractures simple injured.

    3.6.2. For assessing and handling injuries, acronym DR ABC is to be followed.

    (i) D-DangerLook for danger, Make sure that no further danger exists either for thepatient or for the First Aider.

    (ii) R-Response :Check for consciousness, Call by his/her name, slap, pinch and shakegently. If there is no response, then it means that the patient isunconscious.

    (iii) A-Air Way :Clear the airway (Trachea). If patient is unconscious, then the airwaymay be narrowed or blocked making breathing impossible. This occursdue to several reasons. Mass food particles or foreign body in the airpassage or the tongue may have sagged back and blocked the air passage.

    To open the airway lift the chin forward with the fingers of one handwhile pressing the forehead backwards with the other hand, now thetongue comes forward and the airway is cleared. To clear the otherobjects in the mouth press the Jaw, open the mouth put your fingers or aclean cloth in the mouth and clear the things. Now the air passage isclear.

    (iv) B-Breathing :Check for breathing. Keep the back of your fingers near the nose of thepatient. You can feel the warm air (or) keep your ear near the nose andlook for the movement of chest, listen to the sound from the throat andfeel the warm air from the nose.

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    (v) C-circulation :Check the pulse. Normally we check the pulse at the wrist, howeversometimes it is not felt because of severe bleeding. So it is better tocheck the pulse at neck (Carotid pulse).

    After check DRABC, there may be two possibilities.

    (a) If patient is breathing, has circulation but is unconsciousness, immediately turnhim to recovery position and transport to hospital.

    (b) If the patient has failure of breathing and circulation then immediately start CPR(Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation) the important life saving technique in FirstAid.

    To revive the lungs you have to give artificial respiration by mouth to mouth(Kiss of Life) method. Lift the chin forward and press the jaw open the mouthwith one hand and close the nose with other hand keep your mouth on thecasualty’s mouth and blow.

    To revive the heart you have to give external chest compression. the casualtyshould be made to lie down on a hard surface. Keep heel of the palm on thechest (Pit of stomach) of the casualty and keep the other palm over that handand compress.

    Mouth to mouth ventilation and external chest compression should be given inthe ratio of 2:15. This should be continued up to the revival of life or tillreaching the hospital. Once life starts, immediately turn the casualty intorecovery position and transport to hospital (Recovery position or three quarterprone position means turn to one side, better to right side)

    Recovery Position :

    Recovery position is the safest position for unconscious patients. Normally wekeep the patient in a supine position. However, in case of unconscious patients,it is a very dangerous position because the tongue can fall back and close theairway or saliva and other secretions may get into windpipe. To avoid that turnthe casualty into recovery position and transport to hospital.

    Sometimes, you may not be in a position to do first aid due to tense situation. Insuch circumstances at least turn the casualty to recovery position, which wouldhelp to save many precious lives.

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    It is the responsibility of SS/SM in-charge of station to keep equipments &information complete, up dated and equipments in working condition.

    1. Fire buckets: Six fire buckets must be available at each station.Three filled with water and three with loose sand. Waterbuckets are to be filled with water regularly.

    2. Fire extinguisher: Each station should have minimum two DCP typefire extinguishers.

    3. Stretcher(s) 1 No. (Minimum)

    4. First Aid box 1 No. (Minimum)

    5. List of Civil authorities i.e. DM, SP, Police station and GRP post with telephonenumbers.

    6. List of Railway Officers/Supervisors with Telephone/Mobile Numbers(Important one)

    7. List of local Hospitals and Ambulance with telephone numbers.

    8. Road approach route particulars from various directions.

    9. List of nearest Fire brigade with telephone numbers.SS shall update and check all telephone numbers once in every 3 months.

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    4.1. Immediate action by Divisional Control office :4.1.1. Intimation of accident – Divisional officers :

    (i) In the Divisional control office, information regarding an disaster isgenerally received by the Section controller.

    (ii) In most cases the First Information Report also intimates the approximatenumber of coaches involved and rough estimate of the likely number ofcasualties (such as ‘heavy casualties expected’)

    (iii) Accidents involving a passenger carrying train where the firstinformation says that heavy casualties (around 75) are expected, shouldprima-facie be treated as a disaster.

    (iv) The moment information regarding an accident involving a passengercarrying train is received in the divisional control office, the accident bellin the control room should be sounded for alerting all on dutyfunctionaries.

    (v) After all on duty functionaries gather around the section control boardthey will be briefly informed about the accident.

    (vi) Each functionary will thereafter resume his position and take steps to setin motion activities required of him.

    (vii) Dy. Chief controller (Coaching) will first inform Hospital casualty. ThenDy. Chief Controller (Coaching) on duty will order ARMV/ARTimmediately. Nobody is authorisation would be required for ordering thesame. In this regard provisions available in Para 6.04(a) of AccidentManual shall be considered adequate. Thereafter he will inform officersand supervisors as given below.

    (viii) Each departmental functionary will inform divisional officers andsupervisors of his department about the accident as detailed below :-

    Functionary Officers and supervisorsDy. Chief Controller (Coaching) Operating & Safety, Hospital Casualty,

    DRM, ADRM, MedicalElectrical Control ElectricalPower Control MechanicalEngineering control Engineering, Personnel, AccountTest Room/S&T Control S&T, StoresCommercial control Commercial, Public relationsSecurity control RPF

    (ix) For this purpose all functionaries working in the divisional control officewill have a ready list of telephone numbers (Railway BSNL and Mobile)of all officers and supervisors of their departments.

    (x) After Dy. Chief Controller (Coaching) has informed Hospital casulty,DRM, ADRM and Medical Doctors, he will then inform Dy. ChiefController (Coaching) in HQ, Central control regarding the accident.

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    4.1.2. Intimation of Accident – Railway Doctors :Dy. Chief Controller (coaching) will inform the Hospital emergency of RailwayHospital regarding details of the accident. Railway doctor on emergency dutyshall undertake the following :-

    (i) Note down time of receiving message.(ii) Inform CMS, other doctors & Para-Medical staff and instruct them to

    reach the ARMV immediately.(iii) Collect necessary medical team in the hospital.(iv) Inform CMS about movement of ARMV.(v) Alert blood donors, St. John’s Ambulance brigade.(vi) Bare minimum medical team should remain in the hospital, rest of the

    doctors should be rushed to the accident site by ARME first and then byother fastest mode of transport.

    (vii) Arrange to move emergency boxes from ARME Scale-II locations to theaccident site.

    4.1.3. Informing Non-Railway Officials :(i) DM, SP and CMS of the district within which the accident site falls

    should be informed regarding the accident by the chief controller forimmediate assistance.

    (ii) ADRM will inform the following regarding the accident. I.G./GRP ADG/GRP Divisional commissioner, Home Secretary.

    (iii) In case POL rake is involved then IOC/BPC/HPC officials should also beinformed.

    (iv) In case Mail Bags of RMS are involved, then Postal Officials should alsobe informed.

    (v) Telephone numbers of all DMs, SPs, CMSs an DivisionalCommissioners are available in Divisional DM Plans.

    (vi) Telephone Number of IOC/BPC/HPC officials are also available in theDivisional DM Plans.

    (vii) Telephone number of ADG/GRP, IG/GRP, Home Secretary etc of UP,Uttranchal are given in annexure.

    4.2.4. Divisional Officers required to go to site :(i) All Divisional Officers required to go to accident site should proceed by

    the ARMV. They should not proceed by road.(ii) Road vehicles should be sent to Accident site separately. Maximum

    number of road vehicles should be sent to accident site from DivisionalHeadquarters.

    (iii) ARMV shall be despatched within 15 minutes by day and within 30minutes by night after sounding of siren.

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    (iv) DRM will proceed to the accident site. ADRM shall stay back atDivisional Headquarters for co-ordination work.

    (v) All Branch Officers except Sr. DOM should proceed to the accident site.For this purpose, officers heading different branches within the samedepartment are referred to as Branch Officers.

    (vi) The second senior most officer of each branch should stay back atDivisional Headquarters.

    (vii)) Of the remaining officers from each branch, a majority of both senior andjunior scale officers should also proceed to the accident site.

    (viii) One it has become clear that the accident is a disaster, then the 80/20rule should be followed.(a) 80% of all officers should go to the accident site and only 20%

    should stay back at Headquarters.(b) Similarly, 80% of all supervisory staff should go to the accident

    site and only 20% should stay back at Headquarters.(ix) Divisional DM Plans should also spell out the same thing for supervisors

    of each department.(x) Arrangements of Road vehicles to proceed to accident site, indicating

    alternative vehicles as well, shall be indicated in Divisional DM Plans.(xi) Arrangements of vehicle drivers including spare drivers shall also be


    4.2.5. Supervisors required to go to Accident Site :(i) At the divisional level 80% of all supervisors available in divisional

    headquarters should proceed to the accident site.(ii) All other supervisors available in the field at other stations should also

    proceed to the accident site.(iii) Divisional Control Office should issue a recorded control message from

    DRM to all Supervisors for proceeding to the accident site immediatelyby fastest possible means.

    4.2.6. Setting up emergency cells in Divisions :(i) Divisional emergency cell shall be opened immediately after receipt of

    information of the accident at divisional control office.(ii) This unit will exercise control, co-ordinate and arrange supplementary

    assistance to the accident site.(iii) It shall function in a separate cubicle at Divisional Control Office

    provided with centralised communication network, hot line to the site andheadquarters.

    (iv) Sr.DOM will be over all in charge of Divisional Emergency cell and willfunction as the Divisional Emergency officers for the purpose ofmanaging relief and restoration operation from divisional level.

    (v) In case, Sr.DOM is not available, DOM/AOM (Movement) will be theDivisional Emergency officer.

    (vi) In case both officers are not available, any other officer nominated byDRM will take over charge.

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    (vii) Requirements of all departments for movement of men and materials tothe accident site shall be conveyed to the divisional emergency officers,who shall arrange their movement.

    (viii) Timings of 2nd and 3rd special trains to be moved from each end to theaccident site, carrying backup logistic support will be conveyed to allconcerned beforehand.

    (ix) Divisional Emergency cell will maintain: Telephone and FAX Numbers of the accident site. These should be

    maintained functionary wise for each functionary available in theUCC.

    Similarly telephone and Fax Numbers of functionaries available inCAC should also be available with the divisional emergency cell.

    Telephone and Fax numbers of Helpline enquiry booths that wouldhave been set up at various stations on the division.

    E-Mail addresses of UCC, CAC, Helpline enquiry booths &Headquarter emergency cell.

    Names and phone numbers of hospital where injure3d have beenadmitted/shifted, along with number of patients.

    (x) Divisional Emergency cell will collect updated information regarding allaspects of the accident and pass on the same either telephonically or byE-Mail to : All helpline enquiry booths within the division. Headquarters emergency cell.

    (xi) Divisional Emergency officer on duty shall chronologically record allinformation and instructions received or given in a logbook.

    (xii) If necessary, similar emergency cells will be opened at other majorterminals as decided by the chief emergency officer.

    (xiii) After relief, rescue and restoration work is completed, winding up ofdivisional emergency cells shall be decided by DRM.

    4.2.7. Duties of Additional Divisional Railway Manager :(i) Undertake making of announcements over local TV channel and cable

    network for all supervisory staff to rush to the accident site.(ii) Ensure that functionaries of deferent departments in Divisional

    Emergency Cell carry out duties assigned to them as per Divisional DMPlan.

    (iii) Monitor movement of assistance from other divisions/zones.(iv) Co-ordinate with State Govt.(v) Co-ordinate with Defence and Para Military authorities.(vi) Monitor various important media channels to keep track of media

    reporting. Suitable corrections/clarifications may also be issued, ifrequired.

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    4.2.8. Manning of Divisional Emergency Cell in shift duty :(i) Divisional Emergency cell shall be manned round the clock by officers.(ii) In addition to officers of the operating department, there will be officers

    of engineering, mechanical, S&T, Electrical, Commercial, Medical,Security and Personnel departments in the Divisional emergency cellround the clock.

    (iii) Divisional emergency cell will be manned by Senior scale/junior scaleofficers of all departments in 12 hours shift duties round the clock (8.00to 20.00 hrs day shift and 20.00 hrs to 8.00 hrs night shift).

    (iv) Senior most officer of each department who is available in the divisionshall be on duty in the divisional emergency cell during the day shift(8.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.)

    (v) Senior most officer of each department shall issue a 12 hours roster forhis own departments for the night shift (20.00 hrs to 8.00 hrs)

    (vi) Round the clock roster of 12 hours shift duty should cover both officersand supervisors.

    (vii) Same officers and supervisors should be repeated each day without anychange or rotation for next 4-5 days. this will maintain continuity andwill ensure that experience gained on the first day can be gainfully usedon subsequent days.

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    Railways is having history of being self reliant in carrying out rescue and reliefoperations in case of railway accidents. But with the fast development newchallenges to humanity, Railway into maintained a high lust of preparedness andalertness that also with better efficiency in terms of result oriented actions. Allresources (Men, Material & Machine-3 Ms) available in the horizon of place ofdisaster has to be mobilised irrespective of their affiliation to Railway or non-railway setup. Resources available with railway itself are designed andprovided in a manner to deal with any type of accident. But there are availableat different locations of geographical territory of divisional/Zonal Railwayswhose mobilisation from neighbouring division., HQ and neighbouringRailways may taken time being available as far apart places and DISASTER cannot wait for these resources to be mobilised from within Railways setup i.e. inhouse capacity only. Mobilisation for non Railway resources in case of majoraccidents involving heavy casualties, occurring in remote areas, difficult terrainand for under averse weather condition may be necessary. Depending upon thereaction time of these resources i.e. time frame within which these can be madeavailable after a disaster/accident these can be grouped/priority in to differentcategories. These are as follows :-

    (a) On board facilities available in Passenger Trains.Priority-I Man Power.Driver, Assistant Driver, Guard, TTE, Train supdt. AC attendant, AC Mechanic,Railway Staff travelling on the train – either on duty or on leave, Passger whovolunteer their help.

    Material : First Aid Boxes available with Guar, Train Supdt, in Pentary Car. Portable Telephone in brakevan with Guard and in locomotives with driver. Walkie-talkie with Guard and Driver Fire Extinguishers in brakevan, locomotive and in AC coaches. Cell phones/mobile communications available with driver, Assistant Driver,

    Guard, other Railway Officer/Staff and Passengers.

    (b) Facilities available in nearby vicinity :

    (i) Railway Staff available at adjoining stations Engg., S&T staff working in nearby areas Medical facilities available at adjoining stations Families of gang men and other staff residing in the vicinity and at adjoining


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    (ii) Non-Railway Medical facilities available in nearby vicinity – as per details available at

    adjoining stations volunteers from nearby villages and towns Transport facilities available at site are passing nearby Tractor with Trolleys from nearby villages for :

    Transport of injured passengers to nearby hospitals. making availability of lighting arrangements bringing fire-fighting tools bringing rescue equipments to site for transportation of any other material to site


    Resources available within sub-division/controlling section of site of occurrence

    The concept of controlling section as detailed in chapter IV page No............ is involvedprimarily to provide quickest possible help to injured passenger by railwayadministration within GOLDEN HOUR period. As the officers and supervisors postedat various places within controlling section are essentially first responders (FR) fromrailway side who will move swiftly to site under the guidance and direction ofdivisional officers and divisional emergency cell.

    This group of resources comprises mainly railway officers and supervisors availablewithin 40-50 Kms. of site of occurrence and who can be directed to site and reportthere essentially within one hour of time of occurrence of accident so that they canarrange to provide medical help to all injured persons so as to minimise the loss ofhuman life.


    Resources available within Division.

    ARMVs/ARTs are stabled at nominated station. the location of these resourcesare given in chapter-IV.

    Railway medical and departmental resources. Non-Railway resources available within division as listed below :-


    Resources available in adjoining division, Zonad HQrs and adjoining Zonal Railway

    Location of ARMVs/ARTs with 140 T crane based on adjoining division/zonesare given chapter-IV.

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    Section wise chart of which ARMV/ARTs to be requisitioned from adjoiningdivision/zone is given in Chapter-IV.

    All other recources available in adjoining division and adjoing zone arementioned in their respective DM Plans. Copies of DM Plan of Agra/NCR,MB/NR, LJN/NER, LKO/NR is available with divisional control office.


    Phases- I :

    In the period immediately after the accident, the following action has to be takenon war footing by Railway Officials/officers.

    First Responder :i) Guard, Driver, Conductor and TTEs. etc. must pass on the information quickly

    to the nearest station or to control, about the accident. Being trained in first aid,they should simultaneously render every possible medical aid to injured people.

    ii) Senior most officer travelling by the affected train, whether on duty or on leaveshall take charge at site.

    iii) All Railway officers and staff available on train must report to the Guard andwork as per the directions of senior most officers.

    iv) SMs of the adjoining stations must inform Control about the happening.

    v) Nearby villagers, local police will also be a first responder and will helpstranded passenger.

    Phase- II :

    Disaster management emergency cell will immediately came in action in theleadership of ADRM with Sr.DOM and other Branch 2nd command officer willremain in control.

    ADRM will coordinate with Civil authority and NDRF & Military as perrequirement of the site of accident.

    2nd Command officers if required at site, ADRM should sent accordinglyInstant Action Team of different department and establishing unified commandcentre from where DRM will give the direction to different wing of officers.

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    Phase- III :

    Assistance of NDM/NDRF to handle Railway related disaster

    Requisitioning NDRF in time of disaster, Division has to approach RailwayBoard who will request NDMA to direct NDRF Battalions to proceed to site.(Vide Railway Board letter No. 2003/Safety(PM)/1/6/3 dated 09.11.2009)

    Phase- IV : (Arrival of Relief Train).

    Phase-II begins with the arrival of relief train. The senior most officers whoreach the site first become the 'Accident charge (site)'. All staff and officerswork as per the directions of the Officer in charge (site).

    Site organization:

    - Medical relief camp

    - Security of luggage

    - Clue preservation

    - Relief Rescue and Restoration

    - Coordination with civil & press

    - Liaison with control

    - Communication- STD phones, walkie-talkies

    - Lighting arrangements

    - Commercial - information booth, Arrangement of Food andWater, evacuation of passengers including road vehicle, paymentof ex-gratia etc.

    The medical team reaching the spot must comprise of adequate number ofdoctors and staff.

    The senior most Doctor & Officer at site should have all details aboutdead/injured and hospitals where they have been sent.

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    Instant Action Team

    i) Medical Medical Relief and transportation to hospitalsii) Commercial 1.Cateering-food and drinking water

    iii) Commercial &RPF

    Security of luggage

    iv) Operating Liaison with Control and arranging logisticsincluding shunting.

    v) S&T Establishment of communication and free telephonebooths

    vi) Mechanical Relief operations including rescue and re-railment,and preservation of clues.

    vii) Electrical Lighting arrangementviii) PRO Liaison with Media, Press & Civil administration.

    Arm Bands:

    Rescue team members must wear armbands and jackets. Armband for doctors shouldbear a red cross.

    Cold cutting:

    Extreme care must be exercised while tackling damaged coaches. Cold cuttingequipments should be used on coaches with passengers to avoid burns to passengers byuse of flame cutting.

    Handling dead/Injured:

    i) Dead body should be handled with care and respect.

    ii) Cover dead bodies with white shrouds, which should be available in ARME.

    iii) Expeditious issue of death certificate.

    iv) List of dead and injured must be passed on from time to time.

    v) A photographer should take colored photographs of the dead and injured.

    Free food, drinking water, tea etc.:

    Food and clean drinking water must be rushed from the nearest source. Free food andbeverages must be supplied.

    Correct picture to media:

    Press and other media should be given correct picture in time by PRO.

  • 21


    - Opening up of special enquiry booths at originating, terminating and en routestations.

    - Furnishing updated position of dead, injured and evacuated passengers.- Phone numbers should be relayed through TV, Radio and press.- Arrangement for issue of free railway passes for relatives.- Make arrangement for evacuated passengers to be sent to destinations. Transport

    vehicles can be hired.- In case of major disaster, DRM can requisition helicopter/Aeroplane.- Press should be briefed properly and quickly.- Hq/Board should be advised quickly.

    Phase-V: (Handling Injured Passengers)

    Phase-III mainly refers to dealing with injured passengers.Following action must be planned-

    i) Relief trains clearing injured or stranded passengers must get overridingpriority.

    ii) Road vehicles can also be arranged for stranded passengers.iii) List of injured, hospital-wise, should be conveyed to all concerned.iv) Ex-gratia payment should be arranged.

    Phase-VI: (Restoration of Traffic)

    Without affecting the relief operations, restoration of normal traffic should beplanned and acted upon. Restoration of passenger services gives a sense ofnormalcy besides, providing means to relatives of victims to visit and attend tothem.


    The officer in charge of nominated "Controlling station" should immediately onreceiving information of an accident, reach the site with sufficient staff drawnfrom all departments at his stations and take all the necessary steps for rescueand relief. it should be made clear to everybody that staff of all departmentsmust follow the direction of the officer in charge and render all help andassistance necessary for tackling the disaster. Thus nominated officers aresupposed to have a readymade link of all type of resources available with alldeptts. within their nominated controlling section and even non railwayresources also in order to mobilize them instantly as this group/setup issupposed to react first and hand act immediately in consultation with divisionalofficers untill the divisional setup/ART/ARME reaches the site. And theseofficers will provide first and information’s of site to concerning divisionalofficers after their arrival at site. The performance of this group only will giveresults of golden hours and will be able to save lives of many people.Nomination and jurisdiction of controlling station on IZN division is as under:

  • 22

    Jurisdiction of officer inchargeS.No. Section Nominated officer Nominated supervisors











    6. LKU-BPR










    TI/PBE, LI/PBE, SE/Signal/PBE,SE/P.Way/PBE-I SE/W/PBE,JE/Signal/PP, SE/Tele/PBE,SE/Electrical/PBE, DCI/PBE,SE/C&W/PBE

    11. BPR-BRYADEN/Line,Sr.DMO/BC


  • 23

    12. BRY-KSJ


    SE/P.Way/IZN, JE/P.way/BC,SE/P.Way/BEM, JE/P.Way/SRN,SE/W/BC & BEM, SE./P.Way/KSJ,SE/W/KSJ, TI/BC, TI/MRT, DCI/BC,DCI/KSJ SE/Signal/IZN, JE/Signal/BC,SE/Signal/KSJ, LI/BC, LI/KSJ,SE/C&W/BRY & KSJ, Se/Electrical/BC& KSJ SE/Tele/IZN & KSJ








    1. Duties of Engine Crew:

    (i) Check that flasher light is on.(ii) Arrange to protect the train in accordance with G & SR 6.03.(iii) Convey information by quickest means to control with details as per Para

    50 & 503 of accident manual.(iv) Ensure that the portions of the track, rails, fish plates, bolt and other

    fittings which appear to have been tampered with are not touched ormoved by any person and closely watch them and give report to Civil andpolice authorities on their arrival.

    (v) To take such technical precautions as may be necessary or prescribed torender his locomotive and train safe.

    (vi) Not to give any statement to the press, unless authorized to do so.

  • 24

    2. Duties of Guard

    (i) Ensure securing of vehicle by application of hand brake etc. as per rules.(ii) Arrange protection of adjacent line(s) and same line, as per G & SR 6.03.

    (iii) Assess nature of accident, take action to save lives and render First Aid.

    (iv) Call for doctors if any on the train, and seek their assistance.

    (v) Install PCP or send information through train engine after taking all precautionsor stop train trolley in either direction or send information through other meansto control/Station Masters.

    (vi) Ask for:

    (a) Medical assistance/ART.(b) Arrangements for transportation of dead/injured/stranded passengers.(c) Assistance if required, for unloading wagon/parcels etc.(vii) Attend to injured; arrange their transportation by non - derailed vehicles,

    if possible or by road or other means.(viii) Post an available railway employee on the field telephone.(ix) Send railway servant(s) or willing volunteers available on the train to the

    nearest station/ police station/ hospital/ village for seekingassistance.

    (x) Organize group of railway men or volunteers to assist in relief operationsbefore regular medical aid is available.

    (xi) Astt. Guard /RPF Sainik /Staff travelling on the train if any, be utilizedfor rendering all possible assistance to the affected passengers. Thisincludes carrying of injured to safe place for first aid, arrangements fordrinking water and securing the luggage and articles of the passengers.

    (xii) Preserve all clues of possible cause of accident.(xiii) Render help to conductors/TTEs in identification of the injured and dead.(xiv) Arrange protection of property of passengers and railway.(xv) In consultation with Control check if front / rear portion of the train, not

    affected by accident, can be safely drawn to the adjacent station so thatmedical van, relief train can be received nearest to the accident site.

    xvi) Do not leave the site of accident till permitted by competent authority.

    3. Duties of TTE/Train Supdt.:(i) Ascertaining if any Doctor is travelling by either seeing the reservation

    chart or making verbal enquiries, and arrange for First-Aid to thepassengers.

    (ii) Preparing lists of dead and injured. If Doctor is available, the list shouldbe classified as under:

  • 25

    a) Dead

    b) Grievous injury

    c) Simple injury(iii) Details of the dead and injured should be obtained from the reservation

    chart, tickets held, (to and from) or co-passengers. Assistance of thePolice travelling in the train to be also obtained for identification.

    (iv) The following details should be collected:

    a) Tickets of the passengers travelling (to and from)

    b) Ticket Numbers – Classc) Coach Number and its position from the engine.

    d) Address of the passengers.

    e) Nature of injury (Simple, Grievous)

    f) Custody of luggage and other belongings – In case of injury, thisshould be kept by the TTE in case of death, it should be handed

    over to the GRP with full details and acknowledgement obtained.

    (v) He should record evidence of passengers with full particulars – If somepassengers are willing to give evidence later on, their names and addressshould be recorded.

    (vi) He should keep record of the number of dead and injured (simple,grievous), if they are already transported by local people to the nearesthospital before the Railway Doctor had arrived.

    4.1. Duties of Station Masters at adjoining station.i) Conveying of informationii) Arrange protection of traffic by keeping all signals at ON positioniii) Report of accident to Station Master at the other end. He should be asked

    to call all off duty staff his station and send them to the accident site.iv) Report of accident to section controllerv) Control to be advised regarding :

    Time and nature of accident Brief description of accident Adjacent lines clear or not. Damage to rolling stock. Damage to track in terms of telegraph posts. OHE masts damaged or not, and extent of damage. Approximate number of dead and injure3d (Grievous, simple) to

    be obtained from the TS/TTEs.

  • 26

    vi) Following functionaries should be advised regarding the accident.All off duty Railway Staff posted at that station.SS of junction stations at either end.TI/DCIP.Way supervisors-SSE/JE etc.TRD supervisors-SSE/JE etc.C&W supervisors-SSE/JE etc.S&T supervisors-SSE/JE etc.SI/RPF, SHO/GRP.Nearest Fire station.

    vii) Inform Civil authorities, village/town/city representatives and volunteersfor possible relief assistance.

    viii) Supervisory Station Manager of the nearest Jn. station shall proceed toaccident site.

    ix) Medical Assistancea. Call for assistance from local doctors, St.John’s Ambulance

    Brigade, Civil & Army Hospitals.b. Arrange adequate number of First Aid boxes and stretchers.c. Mobilize local medical team and send it to site to render first aid

    to the injured.d. Quickly transport ARME Scale-II equipment to the site of the

    Accident.x) Passenger Assistance :

    a. Arrange drinking water, beverages and refreshments, either fromrefreshment room or local sources.

    b. Supply beverages and refreshments free of cost to strandedpassengers.

    c. Open an emergency counter and display necessary information.d. Obtain reservation charts and display it.e. Collect information on dead/injured and convey it whenever asked

    for.f. Make frequent announcements about diversion, cancellation,

    regulation of train services.g. Arrange for refund of fares as per extant rules.

    xi) Transport assistance :a. Arrange for transport from local resources, if available, for

    transporting injured passengers to nearest hospitals by fastestpossible means.

    b. For this purpose apart from tractor trolleys even trucks passing onthe highway can be utilised.

    c. Stranded passengers to be transported from the accident spot byarranging transhipment either by train or by hiring road vehicles.

  • 27

    xii) Security assistance :a. Advise RPF/GRP/State Police to provide security to passengers

    their belongings and railway property.b. They shojld also be asked to assist in rescue and relief work.

    xiii) Communication assistance:a. Direct passengers to PCO booths available nearby, hire cellular

    phones to meet the need of stranded passenger.b. Issue free telegrams and make available STD phone to relatives of


    xiv) Sending manpower for sitea. Proceed to site of the accident by quickest means with trolleys

    coolies, lamps vendors and any other equipment that is considerednecessary.

    b. Till relieved by a traffic inspector or divisional officers be incharge of site and carryout rescue/relief operations.

    xv) Preservation of clues and evidences :a. TI/SM first reaching the site shall take action to preserve clues and

    evidences.b. Secure records related to accident in the station/cabin.c. Seal slides, levers, knobs and relay room, if accident takes place

    within the station limit.4.2. Duties of Control Staff

    Section Controller-

    (i) He shall advise the Dy. TNL / CTNL and note important details in diaryand chart.

    (ii) He shall advice the sectional TI / PWI / CSI / CMI / AEN / Railwaydoctor etc. of the section immediately.

    (iii) He shall keep loop lines of adjacent stations clear of affected section.

    Dy. TNL/CTNL(Chg.)

    (i) He shall advise CMS/Railway Emergency and Trafic Inspectors.(ii) He shall order Railway Emergency first after that call ARME/ART at

    once.(iii) He shall inform police officials and collector concerned, wherever

    required.(iv) He shall inform Hq. Emergency control.(v) He shall maintain Accident Log register in chronological order of

    information received on right side page and information / instructionpassed on / out on left page of the register.

  • 28

    Power Control :(i) PNL to immediately inform DME(O&F)/ADME(O&F)/Sr. Supervisors

    regarding accident and arrange quick movement of SLI/LI to site.(ii) Arrange power and crew for ART/Medical van (on duty PNL is

    responsible for movement of ARME)(iii) Ensure ART/ARME is turned out within scheduled time.(iv) Plan for additional loco and crew in consultation with CTNL.(v) Inform to the concerned shed staff to proceed to site with speedometer

    key and tools for Graph removal. Simultaneously informSr.DEME(Diesel) for deputing Breakdown Gang to site if loco isinvolved.

    (vi) Obtain Bio-Data of crew involved in accident and arrange for their breathanalyser test at the earliest possible.

    (vii) Inform to HQ.(viii) Plan movement of crew for stranded trains in mid section.

    Commercial control :(i) He shall advise all comml. officers, supervisors and inspectors of the

    section.(ii) He shall watch the situation of the site and shall remain in close contact

    with the CTNL.(iii) He shall watch & ensure for the licensed porters refreshments for the site.(iv) He shall ensure the unloading of wagons and parcels from the rolling

    stock involved in the accident.

    Electric control :(i) He shall advise all electric officers, supervisors and inspectors of the

    section to reach the site.(ii) He shall ensure the adequate arrangement of light at the site.

    C&W control :(i) He shall order ARTE at once as per requirement.(ii) He shall ensure that ART/ARME is moved within scheduled time.(iii) He shall ensure that if any material is required at site that is arranged.(iv) He shall remain in close contact with the site.

    S&T control :(i) He shall advice all S&T officers, supervisors and inspectors of the

    section.(ii) He shall ensure that if disconnection of any signalling gear is needed that

    is being done.(iii) He shall ensure that damage signalling gears are rectfied as early as

    possible.(iv) He shall remain contact with the site restoration of through traffic.

  • 29

    Security control :(i) Inform the DSC & receive instructions.(ii) Inform ASC concerned, ASC/HQ will immediately rush to the Divisional

    control & act as coordinator between Divisional Security Control Room& Divisional Control.

    (iii) Inform the post in whose jurisdiction the accident has taken place.(iv) Inform the nearest IPF/SI along-with maximum staff to attend the site at

    once and reach the place of occurrence by the quickest means. The hiringtransport, can be done if no good vehicle is available.

    (v) IPF/HQ, Reserve. Company will deploy maximum no. of staff toaccompany the ART/ARME proceeding to the accident site.

    (vi) The IPF concerned too will rush to the spot with as many men aspossible.

    (vii) Inform the Civil police control room. GRP control room, concerningDM/SP/GRP/Fire brigade/Bomb disposal squad.

    4.3. Function of Disaster Managent control :ADRM with Sr.DOM and 2nd command of other officer of different brancheswill start immediate function and will remain in close contact from site. Civilauthorities/officials should be informed by ADRM. Type of held require fromCivil authority at site should be narrated them. ADM Finance is the districthead in case of disaster. NDRF assistance should be taken through RailwayBoard only.

    5. Duties of Safety Branch:

    5.1. Sr. DSO/DSO

    (i) In case of major accident Sr. DSO/DSO will accompany ART/ARME orfaster mode of transport to reach the site.

    (ii) He will inspect the site and preserve the clues for accident enquiry(iii) He will ensure that the measurement in the standard format is taken at the

    accident site.(iv)(v) He will ensure that the photographs / video graphs of the site are taken.

    5.2. DOM/AOM/AOM(G)

    (i) He will reach at site by ARME/ ART/ Fastest mode of transport.(ii) He will keep liaison with the control to ensure early clearance of front

    and rear portion of the accident involved train.(iii) He will ensure that the measurement in the standard format is taken at the

    accident site.

  • 30

    (iv) He will ensure that proper log diaries are maintained at accident site andfield telephone is manned.

    (v) He will keep liaison with the control and appraise the control regardingthe progress of restoration work at site.

    5.3. SC (Traffic)

    He will assist Sr. DSO/DSO and AOM(G) in the following activities.

    (i) He will note down diary and timings of each event in a diary at site.(ii) He will assist in clearing the unaffected portion of the accident involved

    train both in rear and front.(iii) He shall man the telephone at site.(iv) He will assist in keeping liaison with control office and any other duties

    given by Sr.DSO/DSO/AOM (G).(v) He will take the statement of guards/ operating staff and passengers if

    any in connection with the accident in absence of TI.

    5.4. SC (Loco)

    (i) He will note down the bio-data, statement of driver and Astt. Driver ofthe accident involved train and will show to Sr.DSO/DSO.

    (ii) He will also get hold of speedometer-graph of the engine of the accidentinvolved train jointly along with other supervisors.

    (iii) He will also take charge of engine repair book in case of derailment oflocomotive.

    (iv) He will note down the bio-data particulars of the driver and Asstt. Driverof the accident involved train and also arrange breathalyzer test of thedriver and Asstt. Driver if warranted.

    (v) Any other duties given by Sr. DSO/DSO/ AOM (G).

    5.5. SC (C&W)(i) He shall make thorough inspection of the accident involved

    coaches/wagons and assist Sr.DSO/DSO in finding out the probablecause of the accident.

    (ii) He will ensure that the joint measurements of wagons/coaches are takenin proper Performa.

    (iii) He will take down the PRO particulars of the derailed wagon/coachesand will show to Sr.DSO/DSO.

    (iv) He will also check up the brake power certificate and its validity of theaccident involved train and also seize the same.

    (v) Any other duties assigned by Sr. DSO/DSO/AOM (G).

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    5.6. SC (P.Way)

    (i) He will ensure that the joint observations / measurements of the track aretaken in the standard Performa as per the accident Manual.

    (ii) He will ensure that proper sketch of the accident site is being preparedand jointly signed.

    (iii) He will inspect the site and also go through the track observations andmeasurements and will assist Sr. DSO/DSO/AOM (G) in ascertaining theprobable cause of the accident.

    (iv) He will seize the gang diaries and gang chart, curve register and otherrelated documents from the concerned PWI.

    (v) He will note down on the spot statement of the P.Way staff working atthe site if any at the time of accident.

    5.7. SC (S&T)

    (i) He will inspect the accident site particularly, if points and crossing &signal gears are involved and will assist Sr. DSO/DSO/ AOM (G) inascertaining probable cause of the accident. He will ensure that jointobservations of cabin/panel are taken.

    (ii) In case of accident in station yard and on points, he will note down thegauge position of the points and all levers/push buttons in the ASMrooms along with traffic inspector/SS of the station.

    (iii) He will ensure that the communication between the site and the control isarranged at the earliest. He shall also ensure that site telephone is mannedby responsible S & T staff to assistance in making calls.

    5.8. TI at site

    (i) He shall ensure that the joint measurements of the track, wagons/coaches,cabin, panel are taken and recorded.

    (ii) He shall ensure that speedometer graph of loco is taken out jointly andseized.

    (iii) He shall seize all train passing record of station if warranted.(iv) He will take statement of the ASM on duty of the station, cabin-man and

    any other operating staff related with the accident.(v) He will keep liaison with control and ensure reception of ARME and

    ART at site and also ensure that all necessary shunting required to bedone at site or at station is done smoothly in the minimum time.

    (vi) Any other duty allotted by Sr. DSO/DSO/AOM(G) and operating officersat site.

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    6. Duties of Operating Branch:

    6.1. Sr.DOM/DOM

    (i) He will supervise and co-ordinate the duties given to other operatingofficers and supervisors.

    (ii) He shall give information about accident to CSO, CPTM on telephone.(iii) Timely departure of ARME/ART for the site and its proper running till

    reaching at site.(iv) In case of passenger train accident, clearance of passengers from the site

    by the earliest mode of transport.(v) Clearance of front and rear portion of accident involved trains.(vi) Regulation and cancellation of trains of passenger/Mail express trains.(vii) Providing all the assistance at site in the form of men and materials

    required by different departments at site by rail.

    7. Duties of Commercial Branch:

    7.1.1. Sr. DCM should proceed to site of accident along with all other CommercialOfficers except DCM. DCM will be available in Divisional Control Office forproviding backup support.

    7.1.2. A nominated supervisor should be authorized for withdrawing sufficient moneyfrom station earrings before proceeding to site.

    7.2. Transportation of men and material to accident site:(i) As soon as the ARMV/ART siren sounds & it is declared as Disaster, 50

    TTEs/TCs and 50 Coolies and licensed porters in uniform should becollected together and rushed to the accident site.

    (ii) The on duty commercial supervisor at the station at that point of timeshould ensure that they proceed by the ART itself and do not get leftbehind. If 50 number of each is not available, then whatever numbers areavailable should be sent to the accident site by the ART and rest by otherfastest means of transport.

    (iii) More TTEs/TCs can be sent by the 2nd and 3rd special trains carryingback up logistic support to accident site, from each end. TTEs from theDivisional squad should also be utilised for this purpose.

    (iv) After the first batch of staff has proceeded to the accident site in the ARTthe entire manpower of the commercial department should be mopped upin order to send them on the 2nd and 3rd special trains which would carryback up logistic support to the accident site, from each end. For thispurpose 80% TCs/TTEs from the entire division should be sent.

    (v) 2nd and 3rd Special trains should carry the following : 2 Gas Stoves, 4 Gas Cylinders, 1000 Mineral Water Bottles,

    provisions for making Poories, vegetables, tea etc., would be rushedto the site. This will be augmented later if necessary. These will bearranged by the affected division and provided by cateringpersonnel/IRCTC.

  • 33

    Sufficient cooks and catering staff from departmental catering orcatering contractor (Including IRCTC) would be ensured at the sitefor arranging tea, biscuits, packed meals like Poories and vegetablesto the stranded passengers, Railways working force and other officialsat site.

    7.3. Helping enquiry booths at stations :(a) General(i) Helpline enquiry booths within division would be opened as below :-

    Originating and destination stations of the accident involved train, All junction stations within the jurisdiction of Division falling on the

    route of the train. Divisional Headquarters. Any other station as may be decided.

    (ii) All helpline enquiry booths shall have DOT telephones with STD,Railway Telephones with STD. Fax machine, photocopier and a PC withinternet connection.

    (iii) Helpline enquiry booths would be manned by computer literate Sr.Supervisors on round the clock basis.

    (iv) Helpline enquiry booths should keep in touch with the DivisionalEmergency cell.

    (v) Divisional Emergency cell will collect updated information regarding allaspects of the accident from the UCC and pass on the same to : All Helpline enquiry booths within the division. Emergency cells of other division of NER Headquarters emergency cell.

    (vi) Such information should be received from UCC and transmitted to allconcerned. For this purpose all helpline enquiry booths should beprovided with PCs with internet connection.

    (vii) Helpline enquiry booths should not contact the accident site or the UCCdirectly.

    (b) Accident details to be available:

    (i) Accident details would include number of dead and injured.(ii) Break up of type of injuries, such as grievous, simple etc.(iii) Disposal of injured passengers in various hospitals.(iv) Names of injured passengers.(v) Officials in charge of Helpline Enquiry Booths would display the list of

    injured passengers on the notice board.

  • 34

    (vi) Normally, list of injured passengers is available quickly since mostinjured passengers are conscious and are in a position to given details oftheir names, addresses etc.

    (vii) Identification of dead bodies takes much longer since either. they were travelling alone, or their companions are injured and are not in a position to identify

    them, or their companions have also perished.

    (viii) Under such circumstances it is possible to identity dead bodies only whenrelatives come from their home town.

    (ix) This aspect of identification of dead bodies and reasons for delay shouldbe explained to the public.

    (x) Number of dead bodies identified, and their names should be a available.(xi) This information would continue to be updated once every 3 hrs. and

    would continue to be accessed for the next 4 to 5 days.

    (c) Information regarding running of trains:

    (i) Departure of unaffected front portion of the accident involved train, andits expected time of arrival at destination.

    (ii) Departure of unaffected rear portion of the accident involved train, itsdiverted route, and expected time of arrival at destination.

    (iii) Expected date and time of starting of relatives special from originatingand destination stations of the accident involved train, its stoppagesenroute and its expected time of arrival at intermediate stations.

    (iv) Free passes to be given to relatives of dead and injured for going to theaccident site. These passes will be issued by Welfare inspector whoshould be drafted into Helpline Enquiry Booths.

    (v) Details of other trains that were scheduled to run on the accident affectedsection, but have been: Delayed, Regulated, Diverted, Rescheduled, Short terminated,

    Cancelled(vi) Above information regarding running of trains would be required for

    initial 24 hours only. Thereafter, number of enquiries regarding trainrunning would be very few and far between.

    (d) Refunds:

    (i) Booking counters at stations should be augmented for granting of refundto large number of passengers who have been unable to either completeor commence their journey as a result of the accident.

    (ii) Refund of money should be granted for trains:

  • 35

    Delayed, Regulated, Diverted, Rescheduled, Short terminated,Cancelled

    (iii) Staff manning Refund counters should be thoroughly familiar with rulesfor granting of refunds under such circumstances.

    (iv) Sufficient amount of cash should be available at these Refund countersfor this purpose.

    8. Duties of Engg. Branch:

    (i) All Engg. Officials shall report to the Sr. most officer at site(ii) Arrange divers with proper equipment for under water rescue if necessary(iii) Guarding and preservation of clues till Police or RPF personnel arrive at

    site and taken charge.(iv) Arrange for water supply at accident site by drawing from adjoining

    station if required.(v) Cutting equipment available with PWI and BRIs and in Workshop are

    moved to site for supplementing ones available in ART.(vi) Utilisation of bridge gangs for rescue work whenever the need arises(vii) Assistance to other departments in establishing communication and

    power supply at site.(viii) Assisting in transshipment of passengers and their luggage(ix) Provision of tents and other temporary shelter at the site for protection

    against elements of weather.9. Duties of Mechanical Branch:

    9.1. ARME - Headed by Sr.DME(C&W)

    (i) Sr.DME/AME will ensure the ARME starts to site at the earliest.Supervise HRD operations.

    (ii) DCWI will co-ordinate with other department and help to passenger fordistributing available water and beverages in ARME.

    9.2. ART STAFF

    (i) Proceed to the site of accident. Assisting evacuating passengers if any,trapped under/inside coaches involved in accident.

    (ii) Record the details regarding brake power and other aspects of the rollingstock as per prescribed Performa.

    (iii) Should have the measurement of the rolling stock taken as per theprescribed procedure/procedure.

    (iv) Should check the fitness of the stock which are supposed to move fromthe accident site.

    (v) Should ensure that loco/coaches/wagons re-railed are in a fit condition tobe taken from the accident site.

  • 36

    (vi) Plan for efficient movement of ART, Engine, Tower wagon etc. betweensite and station for quicker restoration.

    (vii) Ensure safe and efficient working of cranes, Hydraulic re-railingequipment and other rescue devices.

    (viii) Ensure that the log/diary regarding restoration at the accident site ismaintained properly.

    10. Duties of S&T STAFF:

    1. To proceed to site by the quickest means available.

    2. Ensure portable telephone/emergency telephone set is provided at site.3. Wherever feasible, wireless sets to be installed at accident site for

    communication with Divisional HQs and if possible with RlyHQs.Walkie talkie sets, megaphone hailers to be deployed as necessary.

    4. DOT telephone with STD facility to be arranged at the temporaryenquiry office opened at site and nearest location wherever possible.

    5. Render such assistance as required by the guard in attending to theaccident victims and stranded passengers.

    6. Seal block instrument, relay rooms and note positions of levers, knobs,slides, indication etc. as the case may be.

    7. Arrange for early restoration of signaling and telecom equipment as soonas such restoration is permitted.

    8. Extending communication facilities at the site without wasting any time-(i) TCI-Test Room shall inform Sr. DSTE /DSTE and the concerned ASTE

    about the derailment/accident. DSTE shall immediately attend the TestRoom.

    (ii) He will inform the concerned SSE (T), who in turn, will proceed to thesite of accident.

    (iii) He will inform the TCI/TCM at auto exchange PRTN for coordinatingextension of CCG emergency number in the control office.

    (iv) He will inform the concerned SE/JE in-charge of the section to proceedwith DD equipment and emergency telephone with extension cable.

    (v) He will inform to SE/JE in-charge of the adjoining section, if site ofaccident is away from the HQ. of the section in-charge, for proceeding tosite with necessary material for provision of communication facility.

    (vi) TCM/Test Room shall proceed for the site of accident with INMARSEby first available means.

    (viii) SE (Auto) BRCP will manage the staff at BRCP.

  • 37

    (ix) SE in-charge of the Test Room will remain in the Test room forproviding assistance required at site and also manage the staff in the TestRoom.

    (x) All the staff proceeding to site should be in constant touch with TestRoom and they should reach the site by earliest means to establishcommunication.

    11. Duties of Electrical Branch:

    11.1. Power:

    (i) Adequate lighting arrangements are provided at the site.(ii) DG sets for augmenting the power supply can be hired if required.(iii) In case of fire in coaches, any evidence of passenger should be recorded

    and other clues preserved. If some passenger are willing to give evidencelater on, their names and addresses should also be recorded.

    11.2. Duty of Power/Loco branch - On getting information regarding any accident,following action is to be-

    (i) PNL to immediately inform DME(Power)/ADME(Power)/Sr. Supervisorregarding accident and arrange quick movement of CLI/LI to site.

    (ii) Arrange power and crew for ART/Medical van (on duty TCC isresponsible for movement of ARME).

    (iii) Ensure ART/ARME is turned out within scheduled time.(iv) Plan for additional loco and crew in consultation with CTNL.(v) Inform to trip inspection shed staff to proceed to site with speedometer

    key and tools for Graph removal. Simultaneously inform Sr.DME(Diesel)for deputing Breakdown Gang to site.

    (vi) Obtain Bio-data of crew involved in accident and arrange for their breathanalyzer test at the earliest possible.

    (vii) Inform to HQ.(viii) Plan movement of crew for stranded trains in mid section.

    12. Duties of personnel Branch:

    (i) Welfare Inspector should be posted round the clock in shift duty to lookafter the welfare of the injured persons in the hospital.

    (ii) WLI should ensure that passes are issued to the relatives and escorts ofinjured for visiting them in the hospitals and taking them back home.

    (iii) Sr.DPO/DPO shall depute Welfare Inspectors to assist the ADMO intaking down the name and addresses of the dead and injured and inshifting them to the hospital. Welfare Inspectors should also be deputedto the hospitals where the dead bodies or injured have been transferred.Such information should be passed on to Sr. DCM by quickest possiblemeans.

  • 38

    13. Duties of Security Branch:

    1. Liaison with local Police at site.2. Ensuring security of passengers belongings.3. Security of parcel, damages goods and parcel vans.4. To follow any instructions as given by the officer in-charge at the

    accident spot in connection with item 1 to 3 above.

    RPF Control Room-

    RPF control Room on getting the message about an accident shall act upon thisinformation. Duty officer/Divisional Security Control room will

    (i) Inform the DSC & receive instructions.(ii) Inform ASC concerned, ASC/HQ will immediately rush to the Divisional

    control & act as coordinator between Divisional Security Control Room &Divisional Control.

    (iii) Inform the post in whose jurisdiction the accident has taken place.(iv) Inform the nearest IPF/SI along-with maximum staff to attend the site at once

    and reach the place of occurrence by the quickest means. The hiring transport,can be done if no good vehicle is available.

    (v) IPF/HQ, Reserve. Company will deploy maximum no. of staff to accompanythe ART/ARME proceeding to the accident site.

    (vi) The IPF concerned too will rush to the spot with as many men as possible.(vii) Inform the Civil police control room. GRP control room, concerning

    DM/SP/GRP/Fire brigade/Bomb disposal squad.(viii) The RPF staff should proceed to the place of occurrence with the following

    items.Flash light torches -Atleast 4 no.Nylon ropes - 400 mtr.)Walkie - Talkie sets - 4 nos.Tents and Ground sheetsWireless set - OneFirst Aid kit,Stretchers,Dragon lights,Loud hailers,Cameras,Snuffer dog squad

    Telephone numbers of the above should be kept in readiness and updated by theDivisional Security Control Room.Action at the scene of incident-The senior most RPF Officer available at site scene of incident immediately startthe following action:

  • 39

    (i) Segregate the area of incident by establishing temporary barriers by use of nylonropes or any other makeshift device available at the scene. It should be ensuredthat the on-lookers and spectators do not enter the affected area to disturb thescene or hamper the rescue operations.

    (ii) Baggage of passengers should be isolated and protected and consigned goodsshould be taken care of till they are handed over to claimants or taken over byrailway authorities.

    (iii) RPF personnel should respond to any call for assistance to rescue victims andtransport them to the nearest hospital. A record of casualties sent to hospitalsshould be maintained.

    (iv) Hourly Stirrups will be sent by the officer at the scene of incident to theDivisional/Zonal Control Room giving the latest position.

    (v) A temporary RPF ASSISTANCE POST (shed or tent) with proper Board shouldbe established at a conspicuous location so that people needing help couldapproach the RPF. If the operation continues for a longer period, effort shouldbe made to install a temporary telephone connection through the RailwayTelecom Department, so that the information is passed on quickly. A LogBook should be opened and minute progress of action by RPF on the linesindicated above, recorded.

    (vi) The senior most officers available at the scene of incident will also ensureproper documentation about the number of persons injured or dead, giving theiridentity and addresses, if available. In case the friends or relatives of the injured/deceased make any quarries they should be properly guided.


    Efforts will be made to get the reinforcement from the neighbouringposts/outposts, Reserve line, Divisional Headquarters or Zonal Reserve. In casenay RPSF battalion or company is located in the vicinity, men can berequisitioned from there for dealing with such emergent situations till additionalforce is available from other sources.

    14.Medical Department :

    A. Formation of two teams:

    (i) On receipt of information regarding the accident where casualties areexpected, the doctor on emergency duty in the hospital casualties wouldinform all other doctors and paramedical staff concerned.

    (ii) Two teams of doctors and paramedical staff would be formed, Team ‘A’and Team ‘B’.

    (iii) Team ‘A’- headed by CMS in-charge will rush to the accident siteimmediately by ARMV along with 8-10 doctors and 15-20 paramedics.

    (iv) Team ‘B’- headed by the senior most doctor amongst them will stay backat the divisional hospital and perform duties as given below.

  • 40

    (v) In case the accident site is far away from divisional hdqrts, then injuredpassengers are unlikely to be brought back to the divisional hospital fortreatment.

    (vi) In that case, only bare minimum number of doctors should be left behindfor manning Team ‘B’ and most of the available doctors should be rushedto accident site as part of Team ‘A’ .

    B. Duties of Team “A”

    These are listed in detail in Chapter -------- under the heading ‘SiteManagement Plan-II;

    C. Duties of Team ‘B’ :

    (i) Team ‘B’ will establish an Emergency cell in the Casualty Unit ofRailway Hospital.

    (ii) Contact adjoining divisions and organize movement of 2 more ARMVsto accident site, on from each en, as detailed in Chapter -------, Section(A4)

    (iii) Contact local hospitals (Railway/Govt./Private) near the accident site toand ask them to rush their road ambulances along with necessary medicalteams to the accident site immediately.

    (iv) Contact local hospitals (Railway/Govt./Private) near the accident site tokeep them selves in readiness to receive and provide medical treatment toinjured passengers.

    (v) Arrange to send to following in the 2nd and 3rd Special trains carryingbackup logistic support to the accident site, from each end; as many more medical teams as possible, adequate number of Safai walas other health workers, members of St.John Ambulance Brigade, Scouts and Civil Defence

    personnel.(vi) Co-ordinate with CMS of adjoining Division/Zones and ask them to send

    their medical teams to the accident site.(vii) These medical teams should be sent to the accident site by train/road or

    combination of train-cum-road, as feasible. In case suitable Railwayvehicles are not available, taxis should be hired for this purpose.

    (viii) Adequate number of following items should be arranged and sent toaccident site for the purpose of handling dead bodies. Shrouds. Polythene covers for dead bodies. Wooden Coffins. Dry ice.

  • 41

    (ix) One doctor will be available in Divisional Emergency Cell formaintaining liaison with UCC and the medical team at the accident site.Requirement of medicines required either at the accident site or invarious hospitals where patients have been admitted should be noted,procured and sent as required.

    (x) Prepare Railway Hospital to receive and provide treatment to injuredpassengers, as and when they are brought back from accident site.

    (xi) Arrange to send anti snake venom 4 vials and other items in cold chaincarrier.


    (High Level Committee On Disaster Management: Recommendation No. 21)

    Whenever number of injuries is estimated to go beyond 50, assistancemust be sought for from adjoining Divisions. As a rough thumb rule, the scaleof such outside assistance required would be from one Division for every 50additional injuries. However, it may be noted that the Recommendations ofHigh Level Committee on Disaster Management suggest only a rough thumbrule and it is upto the discretion of the GMs and DRMs of the ZonalRailways/Division to call for additional help based on their assessment of themagnitude of the disaster and the Geopraphical Location/conditions of the site.


    Sl Reference to code/ruleorder

    Nature of power DRMs Remarks

    1 Para No. 30 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DO No.2002/Safety/1/6/4 dt06.5.03

    Hiring of Vehiclesfor rescue & reliefoperations

    DRM-full power

    DRM can hire vehiclesin care of accident withinjuries/casualty.Finance concurrence isnecessary. it may betaken on post factobasis.

    2 Para No. 31 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DO No.2002/Safety/1/6/4 dt06.5.03

    Power forprocurement ofadditional lifesaving drugs fromthe market byMedical Officersat the site.

    DRMRs. 25,000 per


    Money can bewithdrawn from stationearnings. Financeconcurrence isnecessary. It may betaken as post factobasis.

  • 42

    3 Para No. 34 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DO No.2002/Safety/1/6/4 dt06.5.03

    Withdrawal ofmoney fromstation earnings

    As per CommercialManual GazettedOfficer has this power.Finance concurrence isnecessary. it may betaken as post factobasis. Vouchers have tobe submitted within 30days.

    4 Para No. 35 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DO No.2002/Safety/1/6/4 dt06.5.03

    Quicker rescueoperations:1.Temporaryshelds/shelter.2.Hiring of cots andbedding.3.Hirring/purchasing ofplastic.4.Purchase of Ice &Drinking water.5.Any other relatedemergent relief jobssanction personallyDRM/ADRM/ sitein charge.

    DRMRs.20,000/-per day

    Money can bewithdrawn fromAccounts and Cashoffice through PayOrder with DRM’ssanction for accidentand restorationinvolving casualty ofserious nature.Accountal should besubmitted within amonth. Financeconcurrence isnecessary. It may betaken as post factobasis.

    5 Para No. 38 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DO No.2002/Safety/1/6/4 dt06.5.03

    Standing Spotpurchase Committeefor ART/ARME toavoid anydeficiency inkeeping theART/ARMV/Crane equipment ingood fettle.

    Spot purchaseCommittee:DME, DMO,DFM/ADFM.Addl. MemberSr.DEE,MechanicalOfficer forART andMedicalOfficer forARMV. Spotpurchasecommittee.

    Such decision of spotpurchase committee isto be taken by DRMon the basis ofnecessity and shouldbe upto 10 lakhs.Members of spotpurchase committee atDivisional level canbe changed in extremecases, if necessary beDRM. (Financeconcurrence is notnecessary)

    6 Para No. 41 & 42 ofHigh level Committee’sReport on Disaster

    Management over IRvide MM/RB’s DO No.2002/Safety/1/6/4 dt06.5.03

    Special cash ImprestforART/ARMV/BD

    Sr.DME/DME(ART-incharge) uptoRs. 25000/-each.

    Sr.DMO/DMO(ARMV-In-charge) Rs.25000 each

  • 43

    7 Para No. 43 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DO No.2002/Safety/1/6/4 dt06.5.03

    Satellite Phone, OneISD connection ateach Zonal HQControl/DivisionalControl andspecific. BSNLtelephone no. forRailway accidentinformation

    DRM’s havebeen given thepower toprovide BSNLphone to allstations whereBSNL phonedoes not exists.

    8 Para No. 44 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DO No.2002/Safety/1/6/4 dt06.5.03

    Powers to hire CellPhones

    All StationMaster havebeen givenpower to hireCell Phones.

    Authority: RB letterNo. 2002/Tele TN/1dt 12.5.2003

    9 Requisition ofHelicopter/Aeroplane atthe time of severeaccident for rescueoperation expeditiously

    EmpoweringDRM’s torequisition.Helicopter/Aeroplane at thetime of severeaccident

    All DRMs Authority: RB letterNo. 2002/Safety/1/6/6dt 13.6.2004

    10 Para No. 32 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DONo. 2002/Safety/1/6/4dt 06.5.03

    Power for makingon the spot paymentto private Hospitalsfor Treatment ofinjured in a Railwayaccident

    MS or anysenior doctor incharge ofMedical Teamfor making onthe spotpayment toprivateHospitals

    11 Para No. 33 of Highlevel Committee’sReport on DisasterManagement over IRvide MM/RB’s DONo. 2002/Safety/1/6/4dt 06.5.03

    Requisition Medicalassistance for theCivil side- (forrequisitioning themedical assistancein case of a disasterhappening under hisjurisdiction)

    1.DRM Rs.10000/- perday.2.CMS/MS –Rs. 5000/- perday

  • 44

    17. DISASTER MANAGEMENT – ACTION PLAN:Department - wise

    Activity ActionOperating Department1.Reporting of Accident:(a)(i)Guard: immediately after an accidentto a train(ii)Engine Crew after an accident to atrain(b)Station Manager of both sides of theaffected section and controlling StationManager – immediately after getting theinformation.(c)Section Controller: On getting theinformation(d)Chief Controller/Dy. Controller: Ongetting information from SectionController(e)Officer-In Charge of Control Office(f)Head Quarter Emergency Control

    Act as per rule 6.02(2) of AccidentManualAct as per rule 6.02(3) of AccidentManualAct as per rule 6.02(1) of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 6.04 of Accident Manual

    Act as per rule 6.04 of Accident Manual

    Act as per rule 6.04 of Accident ManualAct as per rule 6.07 of Accident Manual

    Accident Manager:Senior most Railway personnel present atthe site of the accident shall be designatedas Accident Manager

    Act as per rule 6.05 of Accident Manual

    Relief Operation:Commercial Department:

    Mechanical Department:

    Medical Department:

    Operating Department:

    Security Department:

    Engineering Department:

    Signal & TelecommunicationDepartment:

    Act as per rule 6.03 (d) of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 6.03 (a) of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 6.03 (g) of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 6.03 (c) of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 6.03 (f) of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 6.03 (b) of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 6.03 (e) of AccidentManual

  • 45

    Officer or Sr. Subordinate firstreaching at the site of Accident

    O.C. site at site of Accident

    O.C. Division

    Act as per rule 6.02 (4) of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 6.05 of Accident Manual

    Act as per rule 6.06 of Accident Manual

    Media Management at site

    Check list of the officers and supervisors

    Accident Manager shall be the ChiefSpokesman at site(A) First Officer reaching the site ofaccident-(i) He will ensure protection to theline/lines(ii) Attention to the injured should be ontop priority.(iii) Sufficient number of First Aid Box intrain and from the stations shall bearranged for rendering relief to theinjured.(iv) He will take steps for preservation ofclues indicating cause of accident.(B) Check list for senior most Officer Atsite- at the site of the accident shall bedesignated as Site Manager and will be asper Accident Manual Para 6.05

    In case of sabotage or Train Wrecking

    Guard, Engine Crew and other Railwaystaff

    Engineering Supervisors

    Officers and other supervisory staff

    Security Officials

    Act as per rule 7.01 of Accident Manual

    Act as per rule 7.03 of Accident Manual

    Act as per rule 7.04, 7.09 of AccidentManual

    Act as per rule 7.05 of Accident Manual

    In case of fire in train

    In case of Chemical fire in train

    In case of Explosion on track or train

    Act as per rule 6.08, 6.13, 6.16 ofAccident Manual

    Act as per rule 6.14 of Accident Manual

    Act as per rule 6.09 of Accident Manual

  • 46

    Deployment of Officers and Supervisors

    DRM will proceed to the Accident site. ADRM shall stay at DivisionalHeadquarters for co-ordination work.

    Sl.No. Department Control Office Accompanying ARME/ART and reaching siteOfficers Supervisors

    1 Operating Sr.DOM DOM(G), DOM,AOM(G)

    Section TI and 80% TIs ofDivisional HQ.

    2 Safety Nil Sr.DSO TI/Safety & All SafetyCounselors

    3 Commercial DCM Sr.DCM, ACM Section DCIs & 80% DCIs ofDivisional HQ.

    4 Mechanical(C&W)

    ADME(C&W) Sr.DME(C&W) SSE/SE-ART, 80% SE/JE ofDivisional HQ and SSE/SE ofnearest depot.

    5 Mechanical(Power)

    AME(P) Sr.DME(O&F) 80% LIs of Divisional HQ,Section LI posted at nearestD/Lobby

    6 S.&.T. DSTE Sr. DSTE,ASTE/IZN &ASTE incharge ofjurisdiction

    Sectional SSE/SE (Signal &Tele.), Section JE (Signal &Tele) & 80% SSE/SE/JE (Signal& Tele) of Divisional HQ.

    7 Electrical AEE Sr.DEE Section SSE/SE & JE &80%SSE/SE/JE of Divisional HQ.

    8 Engineering Sr.DEN(Co) Incharge Sr.DEN,DEN & AEN

    Sectional SSE/SE (P.Way &Works), & 80% SSE/JE (PW &Works) of Divisional HQ.

    9 Medical Sr.DMO CMS & 80%DoctorsSr.DMO/DMO ofthe Jurisdictionwith POMKATeam.

    80 Pharmacist, Matron, HE,N/S, HA & Safaiwala.

    10. Security ASC Sr.DSC 80% IPF, SIPF of DivisionalHQ and IPF, SIPF of nearestpost.

    11. Personnel DPO Sr.DPO, APO 80 Welfare Inspectors ofDivisional HQ and sectionalWelfare Inspector.

    12. Accounts DFM Sr.DFM 80 SO & TIs of Divisional HQ.