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North East Region Summer Workshop 2014 - Lecture 9 (parallels in history)

May 26, 2015



Matthew Huish
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The Parallels of


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When will Christ


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Can we know the time?

• We can learn from the Pattern of Restoration:-

• Need a Foundation to receive the Messiah – Foundation of faith

• Central person

• Time period: 40, 21, 70

– Foundation of Substance • Cain and Abel

• Leader and followers

• External and internal

• Religion and science/technology

• Hellenism and Hebraism

• Pattern of restoration

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Accomplishment of Restoration

5 % Human Responsibility


95 % God’s Responsibility

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Our Portion of Responsibility


God’s Plan Realised

Restoration Completed

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Our Portion of Responsibility


God’s Plan Not


Restoration Prolonged

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Central Person

Fulfils Responsibility

God’s will accomplished

Fails Responsibility

• New central person

• Similar situation

• New time

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Pattern of Restoration

1600 400 120 40 21 40



Noah Jacob

Jacob to Haran

Jacob Returns

Jacob to Egypt


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Slavery in Egypt

Jewish History

• Abraham’s failure in the offering

• Jacob’s 12 sons and 70 kinsmen in Egypt

• Maintained their identity

• Pyramid building

• Moses - Pharaoh humbled

• Exodus

• Mount Sinai - Covenant and Torah

• Entered Promised Land

Gen. 15:13

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Slavery in Egypt


Jewish History

• Judges

– Prophet, priest, king

– 12 tribes

• Struggles with Philistines

• “Went after other gods”

• Lack of unity between


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Slavery in Egypt


United Israelite Monarchy

Jewish History

• Samuel anointed Saul – Lack of unity

• Samuel anointed David – Bathsheba & Uriah affair

– Too much bloodshed

• Solomon built Temple – Married foreign women

– Went after other gods

1040 - 922 BC

Saul, David & Solomon, 3 x 40

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Slavery in Egypt


United Israelite Monarchy

Divided Kingdoms

Jewish History

• Cain: Israel - Jeroboam – 19 kings in 260 years

– Prophets

– No repentance

– 721 BC Assyrians

• Abel: Judah - Rehaboam – 20 kings in 394 years

– Prophets

– Corruption

– 597 BC Babylonians

• Collapse of autocratic society

922 - 597 BC

Kingdom divided into

Israel (North) and Judah (South)

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Slavery in Egypt


United Israelite Monarchy

Divided Kingdoms

Exile and Return

Jewish History

• Babylonian Exile

– 10,000 Jews

– 597 - 527 BC

– Purification

• Return to Jerusalem

– Edict Cyrus 538 BC

– Rebuilding Temple

– Ezra the Scribe 458 BC

– Nehemiah 445 BC

Captivity 70 years: 597- 527 BC

Return 140 years: 527- 400 BC

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4-6 BC – Birth of Christ


Slavery in Egypt


United Israelite Monarchy

Divided Kingdoms

Exile and Return

Prep. for the Messiah

Jewish History

• Malachi

• Other religious leaders

– Buddha (565 - 485 BC)

– Confucius (552 - 479 BC)

– Socrates (470 - 389 BC)

• Empire of Alexander the

Great (356 - 323 BC)

– Spread Hellenism

• Synthesis Hebraism and


• Roman Empire

– Roads, Buildings

– Pax Romana

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Slavery in Egypt


Israelite Monarchy

Divided Kingdoms

Exile and Return

Prep. for the Messiah 400






Jewish History


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Slavery in Egypt


Israelite Monarchy

Divided Kingdoms

Exile and Return

Prep. for the Messiah 400






Jewish History

Jesus Killed

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400 400

Slavery in Egypt

Jewish History Christian History

Suffering under Rome

• Abraham’s failure in offering

• Jacob’s 12 sons and 70 kinsmen in Egypt

• Maintained identity

• Pyramid building

• Moses - Pharaoh humbled

• Mount Sinai - Covenant and Torah

• Entered Promised Land

• Jesus killed

• Jesus’ 12 apostles and 70

disciples in Roman Empire

• Persecution

• Established identity

• Constantine converted

• Church councils, Canon

• 392 Christianity becomes

official religion

Genesis 15:13 6 BC – 392 AD

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400 400

Judges Church Patriarchs

Jewish History Christian History

• Judges

– Prophet, priest, king

– 12 tribes

• Struggles with Philistines

• “Went after other gods”

• Lack of unity between


• Patriarchs

– Prophet, priest, king

– 5 Patriarchates

• Invasion of barbarians

• Influenced by paganism

• Doctrinal controversies

• Rise of Islam

392 – 800 CE

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United Israelite Monarchy


Christian Empire

Jewish History Christian History

• Samuel anointed Saul

• Lack of unity

• Samuel anointed David

• Bathsheba & Uriah affair

• Solomon - Temple

• Married foreign women

• Went after other gods

• Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne - 800

• Donation of Constantine

• Struggle between Church and State

• Constant civil wars

1040 – 922 BCE 800 – 919 CE

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Divided Kingdoms


Divided Empire

Jewish History Christian History

• Kingdom divided into Judah and Israel

• Rehaboam and Jeroboam

• Cain: Israel

– 19 kings in 260 years

– Prophets, no repentance

– 721 BC Assyrians

• Abel: Judah

– 20 kings in 394 years

– Prophets, corruption

– 597 BC Babylonians

• Collapse of autocratic society

• Empire divided East and West Franks - Germany and France

• Henry I ‘The Fowler’ crowned King of the Germans 919

• Church divided East and West 1054

• Vatican corruption

• Internal reformation: saints, monastics and scholars

• External chastisement: Crusades 1096-1248

• Decline of autocratic feudalism

922 – 597 BCE 919 - 1309 CE

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Exile and Return


Papal Captivity & Return

Jewish History Christian History

• Babylonian Exile

– 10,000 Jews

– 597 - 527 BC

– Purification

• Return to Jerusalem

– Edict Cyrus 538 BC

– Rebuilding Temple

– Ezra the Scribe 458 BC

– Nehemiah 445 BC

• Papal captivity – Avignon in France

– 1309 -1377

• Return to Rome – Papal Schism

– 1378 -1417

– Council of Constance 1414

• Reform movements – Wycliffe and Lollards

– Jan Huss

70 years: 597- 527 BC

140 years: 527- 400 BC

70 years: 1309 -1377

140 years: 1378 -1517

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Prep. for the Messiah


Prep. for Second Advent

Jewish History Christian History

• Malachi

• Other religious leaders

– Socrates (470-389 BC)

– Buddha (565-485 BC)

– Confucius (552-479 BC)

• Roman Empire

• Synthesis Hebraism and


• Renaissance

• Reformation

• Enlightenment

• Great Awakening

• Missionaries

• British Empire

• Democracy & free market

• Science & technology

400 BC – Birth of Christ 1517 (Martin Luther)

to 1917 (400 years)

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Slavery in Egypt


Israelite Monarchy

Divided Kingdoms

Exile and Return

Prep. for the Messiah

Suffering under Rome

Church Patriarchs

Christian Empire

Divided Empire

Papal Captivity & Return

Prep. for 2nd Advent

Malachi Luther 1517

Jewish History Christian History







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