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Please consult your State or Federal plant protection inspector or your county agent for assistance regarding exact areas under regulation and requirements for moving regulated articles. For detailed information see: 7 CFR 301.45 μ [ NORTH AMERICAN QUARANTINE European Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar)

NORTH AMERICAN QUARANTINE European Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar) · 2020-02-21 · European Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar) United States D epar tm n of Agriculture. Created Date: 20200220115926-05

Mar 16, 2020



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Page 1: NORTH AMERICAN QUARANTINE European Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar) · 2020-02-21 · European Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar) United States D epar tm n of Agriculture. Created Date: 20200220115926-05


Illinois OhioMissouri




Ma ine

New Y ork

India na

Michiga n


North Ca rolina

Pennsylva nia

West Virginia

Michiga nVermont

Ma ryla nd

New Jersey

New Ha mpshire

Ma ssa chusetts


Dela wa re

Rhode Isla nd



Onta rio

New Brunswick

Nova S cotia

PEIPlease consult your State or Federalplant protection inspector or your countyagent for assistance regarding exact areas under regulation and requirements for moving regulated articles.For deta iled information see: 7 CFR 301.45

0 200100Miles

Entire county qua ra ntined prior to 2006Portion of county qua ra ntinedCounties qua ra ntined in 2006Counties qua ra ntined in 2007Counties qua ra ntined in 2008Counties/a rea s quara ntined in 2009Counties qua ra ntined in 2010Counties qua ra ntined in 2011Counties qua ra ntined in 2012Counties qua ra ntined in 2013Counties qua ra ntined in 2014Counties qua ra ntined in 2015Counties qua ra ntined in 2017Counties qua ra ntined in 2019Ca na dia n qua rantined a rea

U S DA/APHIS /PPQDa ta sources: U S DA/APHIS /PPQ,Ca na dia n Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)Ma p by dbopp2/20/2020

Ma deline Isla nd

Apostle Isla nds

Ba yfield County

Iron County

Gogebic CountyAshla nd


S ee inset below forGM qua ra ntinein Apostle Isla ndsNa tiona l L a keshore & Ma deline Isla nd

Apostle Isla nds Na tiona l L a keshore

µ0 63 Miles

DIS CL AIMER: T hese da ta , a nd a ll the informa tion conta ined therein, ha ve been collected by the U .S . Depa rtment of Agriculture'sAnima l a nd Pla nt Hea lth Inspection S ervice (APHIS ),or by its coopera tors on APHIS ’ beha lf, for restricted governmentpurposes only a nd is the sole property of APHIS . Da ta ma y bedissemina ted on a need-to-know ba sis only a nd must be usedfor their intended government purpose(s). All informa tion conta inedwithin these da ta a re subject to required Federa l sa fegua rds a ndsha ll only be sha red a nd/or used consistent with the Tra de S ecrets Act [18 U .S .C. 1905], the Priva cy Act of 1974, a s a mended[5 U .S .C. 552a ], the Freedom of Informa tion Act [5 U .S .C. 552],the confidentia lity provisions of the Food S ecurity Act of 1985[7 U .S .C. 2276], S ection 1619 of the Food, Conserva tion, a ndEnergy Act of 2008 [7 U .S .C. 8791], a nd other a pplica ble Federa l la wsa nd implementing regula tions, a s well a s with the confidentia lity ornon-disclosure provisions of a ny other a greement entered into between APHIS a nd a coopera tor.


NORTH AMERICAN QUARANTINEEuropean Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar)

U nited S ta tes Depa rtment of Agriculture