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NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND PAPERS 1) STATUS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 96/29/EURATOM IN IRELAND IN RELATION WITH NORM - Catherine Organo .......................... 8 2) INVESTIGATION OF THE PEAT-FIRED POWER GENERATION IN IRELAND - Catherine Organo, Elaine Lee, Gerard Menezes, Eric Finch .......................... 28 3) EXPOSURE FROM AN IGNEOUS PHOSPHATE MINE OPERATION - A.J. vd Westhuizen, Foskor .......................... 50 4) RAIL TRANSPORT OF IGNEOUS PHOSPHATE ROCK - A.J. vd Westhuizen, G.P. de Beer .......................... 65 5) NORM IN BUILDING MATERIALS - Aliyev Chingiz .......................... 85 6) RADIONUCLIDE CONTAMINATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT OF ABSHERON PENINSULA (AZERBAIJAN) - Sabina Aliyeva .......................... 92 7) MITIGATION METHODS IN SELECTION PLACES OF CONSTRUCTION SITES - Aliyev Chingiz, Tamara Zolotovitskaya, Sabina Aliyeva .......................... 101 8) ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT BY A FERTILIZER COMPLEX IN THE EBRO RIVER (SPAIN) - E. Costa 1) , J.A. Sanchez- Cabeza, J. Garcia, P. Masqué, J.O. Grimaltb .......................... 109 9) EVALUATION OF OCCUPATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURES ASSOCIATED WITH FLY ASHES FROM FRENCH COAL POWER PLANTS - Jean-Pierre Degrange, Samuel Lepicard .......................... 126 Page 1 of 894
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NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDPAPERS1)STATUS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THEEUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 96/29/EURATOM IN IRELANDIN RELATION WITH NORM - Catherine Organo .......................... 82)INVESTIGATION OF THE PEAT-FIRED POWERGENERATION IN IRELAND - Catherine Organo, ElaineLee, Gerard Menezes, Eric Finch .......................... 283)EXPOSURE FROM AN IGNEOUS PHOSPHATE MINEOPERATION - A.J. vd Westhuizen, Foskor .......................... 504)RAIL TRANSPORT OF IGNEOUS PHOSPHATE ROCK -A.J. vd Westhuizen, G.P. de Beer .......................... 655)NORM IN BUILDING MATERIALS - Aliyev Chingiz .......................... 856)RADIONUCLIDE CONTAMINATION OF THE NATURALENVIRONMENT OF ABSHERON PENINSULA(AZERBAIJAN) - Sabina Aliyeva .......................... 927)MITIGATION METHODS IN SELECTION PLACES OFCONSTRUCTION SITES - Aliyev Chingiz, TamaraZolotovitskaya, Sabina Aliyeva .......................... 1018)ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT BY AFERTILIZER COMPLEX IN THE EBRO RIVER (SPAIN) - E. Costa1), J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza, J. Garcia, P. Masqu, J.O. Grimaltb .......................... 1099)EVALUATION OF OCCUPATIONAL RADIOLOGICALEXPOSURES ASSOCIATED WITH FLY ASHES FROMFRENCH COAL POWER PLANTS - Jean-PierreDegrange, Samuel Lepicard .......................... 126Page 1 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND10)RECYCLING OF 232TH CONTAMINATED TUNGSTENSCRAP - U. Quade, W. Mller .......................... 14111)SOIL CONTAMINATION IN A RURAL SITE USED FORRARE EARTH INDUSTRYBY-PRODUCT DISPOSAL - C. Briquet, D. Lauria .......................... 15312)STATUS OF RADON DOSIMETRY IN ZAMBIANUNDERGROUND MINES - P. Hayumbu1, S. Mulenga, M.Nomai, P. Mulenga, R. Katebe, P. Shaba, T. Chunga, D.Inambao, F. Mangala, P. Tembo, Y. Malama .......................... 16213)IMPORTANCE OF SAMPLING IN RELATION OF THEGAMMA SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSESOF NORM MATERIAL - L.P.M. van Velzen, C.W.M.Timmermans .......................... 17114)FACTORS CONTROLING MEASUREMENTS OF MASSRADON EXHALATION COEFFICIENT - Nguyen DinhChau, Stefan J. Kalita, Edward Chruciel, ukaszProklski .......................... 18815)CONCENTRATIONS OF 222Rn IN GROUNDWATERSFLOWING THROUGH DIFFERENT CRYSTALLINEROCKS: AN EXAMPLE FROM LA MASSIF (Poland)- Tadeusz A. Przylibski .......................... 20116)METHODS FOR ASSESSMENT OF THEOCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE AT WORKING PLACESOF DIFFERENT TENORM INDUSTRIAL BRANCHES -Dietmar Wei, Harald Biesold, Peter Jovanovic, LszlJuhsz, Ales Laciok, Karsten Leopold, Boguslaw Michalik,Hana Moravansk, Andr Poffijn, Mihail Popescu, CornelRadulescu, Pvel Szerbin, Jens Wiegand .......................... 214Page 2 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND17)THE PROPOSAL OF THE SWEDISH COMMITTEE ONMANAGEMENT OF NON-NUCLEAR RADIOACTIVEWASTE (IKA) AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR THEMANAGEMENT OF NORM AND STORAGE OF NORMWASTE - Gustav kerblom, Nils Hagberg, Lars Mjnes,Ann-Louis Sderman .......................... 22718)ASSESSMENT OF THE RADON CONTRIBUTION FROMMINING SITES TOTHE GEOGENIC ENVIRONMENT - R. Rolle .......................... 25219)NEW REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS ANDGUIDANCE IN THE EU WITH REGARD TO NORM - T.P.Ryan, A. Janssens, E. Henrich, J.L. Daroussin .......................... 26120)INDUSTRIES GIVING RISE TO NORM DISCHARGES INTHE EU A REVIEW - T.P. Ryan, A. Janssens, E.Henrich, J.L. Daroussin, Z.K. Hillis, E.I.M. Meijne .......................... 27721)THE RAPID IDENTIFICATION OF NORM DISCHARGESREQUIRING REGULATORY CONTROL A POSSIBLESCREENING METHODOLOGY - E. Henrich, A.Janssens, T.P. Ryan, J.L. Daroussin, K.R. Smith, M.Y.Gerchikov .......................... 30722)POLISH NATIONAL INTERCOMPARISONS OFMEASUREMENT METHODS OF 222RNCONCENTRATION IN WATERS - Tadeusz A. Przylibski,Kalina Mamont-Ciela, Olga Stawarz, Barbara Kos, JerzyDorda, SPI Team .......................... 32923)APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL SAFETYSTANDARDS TO WORK INVOLVING EXPOSURE TONATURAL RADIATION - Denis Wymer .......................... 35024)A SPECIFIC STUDY CONCERNING NORM INREFRACTORIES INDUSTRIES - F. Trotti, C. Zampieri,G. Clauser, M. Facchinelli, D. Desideri, G. Jia, P.Innocenzi, R. Ocone .......................... 372Page 3 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND25)GRAIN SIZE IN RADIOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS OFGROUND - V. Gablin .......................... 38326)TEST THRESHOLDS FOR ASSESSMENT OFPOSSIBLE GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION ATSITES CONTAMINATED WITH RADIOACTIVEMATERIALS - Rainer Gellermann, Michael Hahn, UlrikeHaberlau, Joachim Beetz .......................... 38927)NATURAL RADIOISOTOPE LEVEL DIFFERENTIATIONIN ARABLE AND NONCULTIVATED SOILS AT CZNA-WODAWA LAKE DISTRICT A. Komosa, St.Chibowski, J. Solecki, M. Reszka .......................... 40528)ATTEMPTS ON RADON EXHALATION RATEDETERMINATION FROM A WASTE-DUMP AT THEBOGDANKA COAL MINE USING THE PICORADDETECTORS - A. Komosa, St. Chibowski, St. Chaupnik .......................... 42329)APPLICATION OF LIQUID SCINTILLATION COUNTINGTECHNIQUE TO GROSS ALPHA, GROSS BETA ANDRADON MEASUREMENTS IN PORTUGUESE WATERS I. Lopes, M.J. Madruga, F.P. Carvalho .......................... 43730)EXAMINING THE NATURAL RADIOACTIVITY OFWATER SOURCES TO EVALUATE THE IMPACT ONSURROUNDING COMMUNITIES - A. Faanhof, P.Kempster .......................... 45731)PRESENCE OF NORM IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC - H.Moravanska, A. Laciok .......................... 48232)INTERCOMPARISON OF INSTRUMENTS FORMEASURING RADON AND RADON PROGENY HELD INTHE CLOR CALIBRATION CHAMBER - Kalina Mamont-Ciela, Olga Stawarz (This work was partially supportedby Radon Center.) .......................... 497Page 4 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND33)IDENTIFICATION OF ENHANCED CONCENTRATIONSOF 210PB AND 210PO IN DUST SAMPLES FROM STEEL-WORKS - J. Dring, J. Gerler, M. Beyermann, U.K.Schkade, J. Freese .......................... 51334)TEST OF THE MATERIAL FOR RADON SEAL LAYERAT THE MINE WASTE DISPOSAL SITE JAZBEC - JozefRojc, Mine Zirovski Vrh .......................... 51935)ESTIMATION OF RADON DOSE IN SEVERALWORKPLACES USING DOSIMETRIC MODEL FORINHALATION OF AIRBORNE RADIONUCLIDES - KalinaMamont-Ciela, Olga Stawarz .......................... 53036)THE INVENTORY OF ITALIAN NORM CONCERNEDWORK ACTIVITIES IN THE FRAME OF ENVIRONMENTPROTECTION - F. Trotti, C. Zampieri, S. Bucci, G.Clauser, G. Colombo, D. Desideri, M. Facchinelli, L.Gaidolfi, G. Torri .......................... 54037)URANIUM ISOTOPES IN PUBLIC DRINKING WATER INPOLAND - Zofia Pietrzak-Flis, Iwona Kamiska, EdwardChrzanowski .......................... 55538)CHARACTERISATION OF SCALE FROM A FORMERPHOSPHORIC ACID PROCESSING PLANT - HelenBeddow, Stuart Black, David Read .......................... 56839)IN SITU GAMMA-RAY SPECTROMETRY IN COMMONROCK RAW MATERIALS MINED IN KRAKOWVICINITY, POLAND - D. Malczewski, L. Teper, G.Lizurek .......................... 59340)SOURCES OF TENORM INVENTORY OFPHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS AND ALUMINUMINDUSTRIES - Dan Georgescu, Florian Aurelian, MihaiPopescu, Cornel Rdulescu .......................... 609Page 5 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND41)RADON MEASUREMENTS AS A MONITORINGPOSSIBILITY FOR MINING SUBSIDENCEOCCURRENCES - A.Kies, A. Storoni, Z. Tosheva .......................... 62542)NATURALLY OCCURING RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL(NORM) ASSESSMENT OF OIL AND GASPRODUCTION INSTALLATIONS IN NIGERIA - S.B.Elegba, I.I. Funtua .......................... 63343)RADIUM LEACHING FROM MINE DEPOSITS AS APOSSIBLE SOURCEOF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION - StanisawChaupnik .......................... 63844)MEASUREMENT OF SHORT-LIVED RADONDAUGHTERS IN POLISH MINES - Krystian Skubacz,Antoni Mielnikow .......................... 65645)RADIUM REMOVAL FROM MINE WATERS UNDERGROUND TREATMENT INSTALLATION -Magorzata Wysocka, Stanisaw Chaupnik, ElbietaMolenda .......................... 66546)RADIUM BALANCE IN DISCHARGE WATERS FROMCOAL MINESIN UPPER SILESIA REGION - StanisawChaupnik, Magorzata Wysocka, Antoni Mielnikow,Bogusaw Michalik, Jan Skowronek .......................... 68247)THEORETICAL STUDY OF RADIUM BEHAVIOUR INAQUIFERS Stanisaw Chaupnik .......................... 69648)RADIUM BEHAVIOUR DURING DESALINATIONPROCESSES OF MINE WATERS - Stanisaw Chaupnik,Krystian Skubacz .......................... 71649)INVESTIGATIONS OF SURFACE SETTLING POND -Magorzata Wysocka, Stanisaw Chaupnik .......................... 73150)NORM LEGISLATION IN POLAND - Jan Skowronek .......................... 745Page 6 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND51)NORM IN MINING INDUSTRY IN POLAND - JanSkowronek .......................... 77252)THE ASSESSMENT OF EXPOSURE TO IONIZINGRADIATION AT SPOIL BANKS - Bogusaw Michalik .......................... 78153)THE EFFECT OF EARTHQUAKE-INDUCED RADONRELEASE ON THE POPULATION IN THE SEISMICACTIVE REGIONS OF ARMENIA - E. Saghatelyan, A.Petrosyan, Yu. Aghbalyan, M. Baburyan, A. Davtyan .......................... 80154)RADIUM IN GROUND WATER CLOSE TO BUENALAGOON IN COASTAL ZONE OF RIO DE JANEIROSTATE, BRAZIL - Dejanira C. Lauria, Rodrigo M. R.Almeida, and Ondra Sracek .......................... 81555)ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE MATERIALDEPOSITED ON THE FORMER URANIUM MININGDISPOSAL DUMP IN RADONIW A.ak, M.Biernacka,P.Lipiski, K.Isajenko .......................... 83956)IMPROVING CRITERIA FOR REMEDIATION OFMONAZITE BY-PRODUCTS CONTAMINATED SITES INBRAZIL - Briquet, Claudia ; Silva, Katia, M.; Cipriani, M. .......................... 85857)DISMANTLING OF A NORM CONTAMINATEDPHOSPORIC ACID PLANT IN THE NETHERLAND -Rinus Rentmeester Hydro Agri BV Vlaardingen NL (NorskHydro); Rene Janssen, Radiation Protection Services. .......................... 86858)RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT ON THE UK POPULATION OFINDUSTRIES WHICH USE OR PRODUCE MATERIALSCONTAINING ENHANCED LEVELS OF NATURALLYOCCURRING RADIONUCLIDES: ZIRCON SANDSINDUSTRIES - W B Oatway 1, J A Jones 2, P V Shaw 3and S F Mobbs 4 .......................... 879Page 7 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDSTATUS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THEEUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 96/29/EURATOM INIRELAND IN RELATION WITH NORMSEE ALSO: ABSTRACTC. OrganoRadiological Protection Institute of Ireland, 3 Clonskeagh Square, ClonskeaghRoad, Dublin 14, Ireland.e-mail: [email protected] the 13th May 2000, following the implementation of the EU Basic SafetyStandards Directive 96/29/EURATOM, naturally occurring radioactive materials(NORM) in Irish workplaces are subject to regulations if they are liable to give riseto a radiation dose greater than 1 mSv in a year. The Radiological ProtectionInstitute of Ireland (RPII) is the statutory body in Ireland for matters pertaining toionising radiation. In 2001, the RPII undertook a review of industrial processeswhich, on the basis of the literature were thought to lead to enhanced exposure tonatural sources of radiation. This paper presents the progress achieved inimplementing the legislation for the gas extracting industry and for the peat- andcoal-firing power generation.Page 8 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND1. IntroductionIn 1996, the European Union Basic Safety Standards Directive [1] included specialprovisions concerning exposure to natural sources of ionising radiation,recognising the specific problems that need addressing when the source ofexposure has not been artificially generated but is of natural origin. In Ireland, thenecessary laws and regulations to comply with this Directive were brought intoforce in May 2000 [2]. Accordingly, work activities where the presence of naturalradiation sources (commonly referred to as NORM Naturally OccurringRadioactive Materials) is liable to give rise to a radiation dose to workers ormembers of the public greater than 1 mSv in a year are now controlled.2. Identification of the relevant work activities2.1. European Commission (EC) guidanceTo assist in the identification of the relevant work activities, the EC produced aseries of documents mostly limited to consideration of occupational exposures.Radiation Protection 88 [3] recommends to target the work activities listed in Table1.Table 1. Examples of work activities, industries and products liable to lead to enhancedexposure to natural sources of radiation [3]Industry / Work activity Product / MaterialsCoal-mine de-watering plants Coal and fly ashProcessing of rare earths MgTh alloysFertiliser/phosphoric acidproductionFoundry sands (zircon and monazite)Sulphuric acid productionRefractories, abrasives, ceramics (zirconiumminerals)Smelters (metal production) Thoriated welding rods and gas mantelsOil and gas industry Porcelain teethTiO2 pigment industry Natural stoneOptical industry and glassware Fuel peat ashPage 9 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDThey mostly involve operations with and storage of materials as well as productionof residues not usually regarded as radioactive but which contain naturallyoccurring radionuclides which could potentially cause a significant increase in theexposure of workers and where appropriate, members of the public. RadiationProtection 95 [4] and Radiation Protection 107 [5] investigate the pathways andthe exposure situations which should be looked at when deciding if a work activitypotentially falls under the scope of the regulations (Table 2).Table 2. Most significant NORM industries within the EU, types of materials, pathways andtypical exposure situations to be considered ([4]; [5])IndustriesTypes ofMaterialList of Pathways List of Exposure situationsPhosphateindustry;Processing ofmetal ores;Zircon sandsand refractorymaterials;Extraction ofrare earths;Manufactureand use of Thcompounds;TiO2 pigmentindustry;Oil/gasextractionMineraloresBy-products,residuesProducts ofthe processitselfExternalirradiation;Inhalation ofcontaminateddust;Ingestion of dirtand dust;Inhalation ofradon diffusingfrom thematerial;SkincontaminationProximity to large amounts ofmaterial, little shielding;Dusty conditions, little respiratoryprotection;Dirty, dusty areas, little protectiveclothing;Enclosed room, large amounts ofmaterials, little ventilation;Generic ES1: stockpiles of material exposure of warehouse operativeGeneric ES2: residues and scales exposure of worker removingresiduesGeneric ES3: process material invessels and pipes exposure ofgeneral worker2.2. NORM industries of relevance in IrelandIn 2001, the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) commenced aprogramme to identify potential NORM industries currently active in Ireland, basedon the above mentioned guidelines (Table 3). Irish industries liable to produce oruse diffuse NORM sources include the gas extracting and processing industry, thefossil fuel power production (peat and coal), the bauxite processing/aluminarefining industry and a range of other processes producing/using bulk materialswith enhanced levels of natural radioactivity (e.g. cement, fertilisers, ore extractingPage 10 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDindustries). Discrete NORM sources identified as being important in an Irishcontext include thoriated products and natural radioactivity in scrap, which turnsup at metal dealers.Table 3. Irish NORM industries potentially liable to involve NORMNORMCategoryIndustryDiffuse sourcesNatural gas extraction and processingPower generation peatcombustion/flyashPower generation coalcombustion/flyashBauxite processing/alumina refiningCement productionHandling of fertilisersDiscretesourcesUse of thoriated products (TIGwelding, etc)Metal recyclingAt the end of 2001, the RPII started a detailed investigation of the gasextracting/processing industry and of the fossil fuel power production. The resultsobtained so far are presented in the following sections. For work activitiesinvolving NORM, the existence of a radiation risk is usually incidental to theprocess and the undertaking might not be aware of it. Therefore, it is alwaysnecessary to meet the staff management of a particular industry, to discuss thepotential occurrence of radiological hazards and to review what a complete orpartial radiological assessment will involve.3. The gas extracting industry in IrelandThe Kinsale Head gas field is located about 50 km off the coastline of CountyCork (S Ireland) and was discovered in 1971. It entered into production in 1978.An adjacent gas field (Ballycotton) was discovered in 1989 about 15 km north ofKinsale Head. Between the two of them, they supply approximately 16% ofIrelands energy requirements. An additional subsea gas well (Greensand) cameon stream in 2003 to enhance the productivity of the Kinsale Head gas producingPage 11 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDGreensand reservoir, thereby extending the exhaustion point of the Kinsale Headgas to year 2015. Since December 2003, the Kinsale Heads operator providesfirm capacity to process and transport gas extracted from another gas field (SevenHeads) located a further 35 km to the SW of the Kinsale Head field. The KinsaleHead facilities consist of two offshore production platforms, Alpha and Bravo.They both produce and process natural gas for transportation to an onshoremetering station. The Bravo platform and the metering station are NormallyUnmanned Installations (NUI) [6].The Corrib gas field is the second large scale exploration project in Ireland. It issituated some 70 km west of the County Mayo coastline (NW Ireland). Theoperator is currently going through a planning application process in relation to thedevelopment of an onshore terminal facility. If the project goes ahead, up to 60%of the Irish domestic gas demand could be met from the Corrib field which has aprojected life of 20 years. Unlike the Kinsale Head field, there will be no mannedfacilities located offshore. All the Corribs subsea facilities will be controlled andmonitored from the onshore terminal via an electro-hydraulic remote controlsystem.3.1. Recognised issues of radiological significance in the gas industryRadon (222Rn) is released from the gas reservoir and is transported with theextracted natural gas to the processing plant. In routine operations, as the gasflows continuously through the system and 222Rn decays, its short-lived decay-products (218Po, 214Pb, 214Bi and 218Po) tend to plate out on surfaces that come intocontact with the gas to form thin dark grey/black films on the internal side of theequipment ([7]; [8]; [9]; [10]; [11]). The penetrative high energy gamma radiationthey emit may result in significant occupational external gamma radiation doserates in the vicinity of contaminated equipment. During shut downs (repair ormaintenance operations), the gas flow stops and within several hours, 222Rn andits short-lived decay-products have decayed. Gamma radiations are no longeremitted but the long-lived decay-products of radon (210Pb, 210Bi and 210Po) remainin the film deposits. These radionuclides emit weak gamma radiation but thePage 12 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDenergetic alpha emissions of 210Po and 210Pb represent a potential hazard if theybecome airborne and are ingested or inhaled.Filter assemblies in gas lines remove radon decay-products from the gas withother particulate matter (heavy-metal decay-products preferentially attach to dustparticles and aerosols). Therefore, they could also become radioactive byaccumulating residues with enhanced radionuclide concentrations. Sludgeaccumulating in separator vessels, storage tanks, gas lines and other filterassemblies contain 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb, 210Bi and 210Po. Generally, scales do notoccur at gas producing facilities as long as formation water is not produced inlarge quantities. This only happens towards the end of a fields life [12]. Scaleinhibitors are injected in the system when formation water starts to be produced.This can raise the issue, in the future, of possible 226Ra and 228Ra discharges tothe environment and contamination of water treatment equipment.Extracted natural gas is not used directly as it comes from the well. It needs toundergo some processing to remove liquids and/or impurities. Depending on itscomposition, it might be thermally fractionated to recover Natural Gas Liquids(ethane, propane, butane, and pentane) [10]. As radon has a boiling pointbetween that of ethane and propane, the highest radon levels are generally foundin equipment associated with ethane/propane processing [7]. If the natural gasstream does not need to be fractionated (pure methane), 222Rn concentrations inthe production stream will remain relatively constant and will only be changed bymixing streams with different concentrations.For workers involved in the gas producing industry, the greatest risks of exposureoccur during shut downs when the production equipment is opened orcomponents are replaced ([10]; [12]). In routine operations, significant exposure toNORM is unlikely to arise as these latter are mostly contained within pipes andvessels and are therefore shielded by the walls of these vessels. However, it ispossible that high-energy gamma radiation can pass through the walls of suchcomponents and personnel working in close proximity of such equipment could beat risk of receiving a radiation dose.Page 13 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND3.2. Progress of the investigation to dateRadon gas concentrations were measured in all the Irish gas streams at theproduction point. The results are shown in Table 4.Table 4. Radon gas concentrations in Irish extracted gasGas FieldRadon concentration(Bqm-3)Measurement locationKinsale Head (priorto tie-back withSeven Heads gas)493529775817865average:696Alpha platform (inlet separator)Terminal (export line)Terminal (Calorimeter)Seven Heads (priorto tie-back withKinsale Head gas)number of measurements:11;average: 147; range: 39 252Development wellsCombined KinsaleHead/Seven Headsstreams680 Terminal (Calorimeter)411Terminal (Calorimeter) 3-month measurement (CR-39)CorribNumber of measurements: 4;average: 99; range: 25 - 190Development wellsSamples were collected using a grab sampling technique into previouslyevacuated Lucas cells. In one case, radon was continuously monitored over a 3-month period (105 days) by means of passive solid state nuclear track detectors(CR-39). Combining all the measurements (excluding Corrib as this field is notproducing) gives an average 222Rn concentration in the distributed Irish gas of 590Bqm-3. Dixon [13] demonstrated that for typical rates of gas usage and anaverage radon level of about 200 Bqm-3 at point of use, the estimated dose fordomestic users from the use of natural gas was only 4 Sv and for a critical grouprepresenting commercial users (commercial kitchens) a few tens of microsievert.Based on these results and on the radon gas concentrations measured in Ireland,it can be concluded that the exposure of the Irish public and employees working incommercial kitchens from the combustion of gas in homes and workplaces isunlikely to give rise to a dose greater than 1 mSv.It is recognised that a great part of the radioactivity in the gas extracting industry isdeposited in sludge in wellhead separators and in water/condensate separationPage 14 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDsystem [14]. Both the Kinsale Head/Seven Heads and the Corrib gases are dryand as such are mostly composed of pure methane (98.8% and 93.7% methanefor Kinsale/Seven Heads and Corrib, respectively). Therefore, the mainprocessing needed before they can commercially be distributed is dehydration.The Kinsale Head gas does not contain condensate (heavier liquid hydrocarbonsextracted from the gas) although there is a possibility that some amount could beproduced from the Seven Heads gas. However, at the time of writing, this was notconfirmed. It is not possible to predict in advance if condensate will be produced inthe Corrib field, but any condensate produced will be re-used as fuel within theTerminal. On the Alpha platform, the separators are inspected every four years onaverage. It requires shutting down the facilities. After shut down, the productionequipment is ventilated and the inside of the vessels is cleaned. Workers are onlyinvolved at the end of the cleaning procedure to remove any residues (sludge)deposited at the bottom of the tanks. Sludges are then sent ashore for disposaland the wash down water after the sludge is removed is discharged at sea. In2003, the amount of sludge sent ashore was approximately 60 kg. The RPIIvisited the Alpha platform during a shut down to observe the working proceduresinvolved in the cleaning of inlet separators used in the dehydration process. Asurvey of the equipment (external and internal sides) was originally planned usinga range of radiation monitors to determine areas of potential NORM exposure andcontamination but this could not be performed for safety reasons and had to bepostponed until 2005. Two sludge samples were collected from the bottom of twoseparators and analysed by high resolution gamma spectrometry (Table 5).Compared with results published in the literature, the Kinsale sludges contain verylow levels of natural radionuclides. Van Weers et al. [12] for example report thatthe maximum activity concentrations measured in sludges collected on Dutchplatforms were as follow: 800 Bqg-1 226Ra, 500 Bqg-1 228Ra, 60 Bqg-1 228Th. Irishsoils on average contain 60 Bqkg-1 of 226Ra [15].Page 15 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDTable 5. Radionuclide composition of sludge samples collected on the Alpha platform.Results are in Bqkg-1 and are quoted on a dry weigh basisRadionuclideSludge 1Sludge2234Th 17.7 3.6 < 6226Ra 5.5 1.8 < 10214Pb 7.6 0.8 1.3 0.6214Bi 7.4 0.8 1.5 0.7228Ac (228Ra) 15.4 1.2 5.0 1.2228Th 9.9 8.7 < 17224Ra 12.6 4.7 < 8212Bi 13.5 2.7 5.7 4.6212Pb 11.3 1.3 5.4 0.9208Tl 3.5 0.4 1.4 0.4According to the operator, replacement of equipment (pipes, valves, pumps, etc)occurs only when the general layout of the installation needs to be modified, as itwas the case when the Seven Heads gas was tied back to the Kinsale Headfacilities. Disused equipment is usually stored onshore in a warehouse. A visit ofthe storage site will be organised in 2005 to carry out a radiation survey and checkthat surface contaminations (210Pb/210Po), scales/deposits and sludges are not anissue to be considered in the future.From 2004 onward, discharges of radioactive substances into the OSPAR regionfrom all non-nuclear sectors will have to be reported to the OSPAR Commission[16]. Information requested will include the nature of all discharges (origin,physical and chemical properties including their radionuclide composition) and forthe oil and gas industry they will also include the total discharges of radioactivesubstances from offshore installations (produced water, descaling anddecommissioning operations and tracer experiments). For the Kinsale Head gasfield, the total volume of produced water discharged at sea in 2003 was 1,830 m3.Page 16 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND4. The fossil fuel power generation in Ireland4.1. The peat-fired power productionAnnually, approximately 15% of Irelands electricity requirement is providedthrough the combustion of 3 106 tonnes of peat. While literature on the coal-firedpower generation is quite abundant, studies on the peat-fired power generationindustry from a radiological point of view are scarce. A study of the largest Irishpeat-fired power plant, Shannonbridge (located in the Irish Midlands) was carriedout in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin to review the potential occupationalradiation exposures arising from the occurrence of NORM at different stages ofthe industrial process. Ambient gamma dose rate measurements, radonmeasurements, quantification of the occupational exposure from inhalation ofairborne particles and gamma spectrometry analysis of peat, peat ash and effluentsamples from the ash ponds were undertaken. Details of the industrial processand results are presented elsewhere [17]. The total annual effective dose likely tobe received by a worker involved in the processing of peat and handling of peatash in Shannonbridge was found to be about 0.3 mSv (312 Sv). Most of theexposure situations where workers are involved on a regular basis wereinvestigated with the exception of maintenance duties like the cleaning of hoppersand freeing of blockages in the grit arrestors. These duties are the only oneswhere workers are directly in contact with the peat fly ash. However, one wouldnot expect the associated annual effective dose to be significant as this type ofwork is always carried out with personal protection equipment (PPE), isundertaken in wet conditions to minimise the dust generation, occurs infrequently(3 times in a year) and is usually completed within a week. Another exposuresituation is the inhalation of peat ash dust on the landfill sites (generation ofwindborne ash on the ash pond). This is not included in this study as the top layerof the pond, when dried out, usually forms a crust underneath which the ash istrapped. It is therefore unlikely to be wind blown.4.2. The coal-fired power productionPage 17 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND4.2.1. Description of the industrial processMoneypoint is the only coal-fired power generating station in Ireland. It is locatedin the West of the country, along the Shannon estuary. It consumes 2 106tonnes of world trade coal per annum and produces 40% (total capacity of 915MW) of the total Irish demand in electricity. On its arrival at the plant, the coal isstored outdoor in a stockyard protected with a wind barrier. Two conveyor beltsystems carry the coal from the stockyard to the boiler bunkers. From there, theprinciples of combustion and production of ash are similar to those described forthe peat-firing power generation [17]. Coarse ash (bottom ash) is collected underthe furnace and pulverised fly ash (PFA) is collected by electrostatic precipitators(ESPs). About 180-200 103 tonnes of ash are produced annually at Moneypoint,of which 85% is PFA and the remaining 15% bottom ash. Approximately 100 103tonnes of PFA are sold annually to the cement industry. It enters in thecomposition of the cement for 5 to 10%, as a shale substitute. The remaining PFAis conditioned on site with water (to prevent dust generation) and transferred bytruck to the disposal area (total capacity of 3 106 m3, approximately 10 m deep)in dry condition. The bottom ash is hydraulically transferred from the plant in aslurry form, dewatered in silos, loaded into trucks and transferred to the landfillarea where it is kept separate from the PFA. Truck drivers and workers on thelandfill wear dust masks. The disposal area is regularly checked for groundwatertesting by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency.4.2.2. Radiological protection issuesClearly, the radiation doses received by individual workers at coal-fired powerstations vary substantially depending on their duties, with the majority receivingtrivial doses. This is illustrated by the results of the study carried out by the NRPB[18], which considered parameters such as routine operation, atmosphericreleases, discharges to landfill and sales of ash. This study found that theradiological impact on the UK population of the coal-fired industry was low, withtwo exceptions: the use of coal ash in building materials and the possibility of highPage 18 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDlevels of naturally occurring radionuclides in scales on boiler tubes. Theseconclusions provided the basis of an investigation initiated by the RPII in 2003 todetermine if the work activities carried out at Moneypoint were giving rise to dosesliable to exceed 1 mSv to any individual in a 12 month-period.Over the last 15-20 years, a number of studies and measurements of coal andcoal ash samples have been carried out through collaborations betweenMoneypoint (Electricity Supply Board), the RPII, Trinity College Dublin andUniversity College Dublin (Table 6).Table 6. Radionuclide composition (in Bqkg-1) of coal processed in Moneypoint andcomparison with coal processed in other countriesCountry of origin of coal238U226Ra210Pb232Th40KMoneypointPoland 45 39-86 20-32 11-12 80Australia 25-40 2-13 20-50USA 5-32 6-60 10-16 5-12 30-75Columbia 25-30 3-9 80-100UK 14 24 27 8 75[18] UK average 20 15-20 20 7.5[19]Poland 38 30 290Australia 30-48 30 40USA 18 21 52UK 15 13 150[20] Hungary 300-500[21] Brazil 24-35 27-48 351-447The 238U-series is generally in equilibrium in the coal, apart from a reduction inconcentration of the later daughter nuclides due to a loss of radon during thecombustion process. For each radionuclide, significant variations of activityconcentrations can be observed. This is more than likely due to the differentcountry of origin of the coal supplies. Despite this variability, activityPage 19 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDconcentrations averaged over one year of power production are generallyconstant.Radionuclide concentrations in PFA are consistently higher, by a factor of ten orso, compared to those in coal (Table 7). This is because at furnace temperatures,some elements originally contained in the coal are partly or completelyevaporated. Between the furnace and the ESPs, the gas and fly ash stream iscooled down to remove the heat from the gas prior to its emission to theatmosphere. As the flue gases cool down, the volatilised elements condense ontothe fly ash particles, giving rise to an enrichment of their concentrations in the flyash trapped by the ESPs. Table 7. Radionuclide composition (in Bqkg-1) of coal ash produced in Moneypoint andcomparison with ash produced in other countriesCoal origin and/or [References]238U226Ra210Pb232Th40KMoneypoint1986-1990 (average) [22] 120 134 89 53 6501993 (average) [23] 116 118 69 545USA (2002) [24] 73 137 83 72 536Columbia (2002) [24] 46 71 37 34 235Australia (2002) [24] 52 113 69 64 155Indonesia (2002) [24] 72 118 105 90 229[18]UK Measurements range 43-110 44-74 98-188 19-40Used for dose calculations 100 100 100-200 50 900[25] EU arithmetic mean 230 100 570[20] Hungary 1000-1500 Approx. 1400[26] Poland 116-156 86-104 112-183 66-84 608-720[27] Greece Up to 1443 273-1377 Up to398641-65 143-661[28] Australia 96 170 203The activity concentrations of the coal processed and the ash produced inMoneypoint do not differ significantly from the ones used in [18]. Therefore,Page 20 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDassuming similar industrial processes in Ireland and the UK, the conclusionsreached in [18] should also apply to the Irish coal-fired electricity generation.Only a small fraction of the fuel gases that contain radionuclides in gaseous formpasses through the ESPs and is then discharged through the stack to theatmosphere. On average 12% of the total ash (and non-volatile elements) isremoved in the furnace (bottom ash) and about 87% is removed in the ESPs(PFA). This gives a total removal in excess of 99%. Specific emissions ofparticulate matter are on average below 80 mgm-3, which corresponds to anemission rate of about 20 g of ash per second from each unit at 305 MW output([29], Table 8).Table 8. Fly ash annual emission into the air (downstream of the ESPs) for 5 different typesof coal, assuming 7,500 full load hours [29]Indonesia South Africa Australia Columbia East USA386 ty-1 perboiler585 ty-1 perboiler229 ty-1 per boiler 71 ty-1 per boiler225 ty-1 perboilerIt is this fraction of the fly ash as well as the gaseous fraction that preferentiallydeposits in the pulmonary and bronchial regions of the respiratory tract and thiscould be an issue of concern for members of the public because of thepreferential enrichment in 210Po and 210Pb onto the finer fly ash particles. The off-site radiological effects of the Moneypoints operation were investigated between1986 and 1990 using a gaseous dispersion model of radiologically active traceelements in the Moneypoint plume [30]. They were found negligible.According to Smith et al. [18], comparing the doses arising from building materialscontaining 30% ash (with activity concentrations quoted in Table 7) with the dosesarising from materials not containing ash leads to a predicted excess externaldose to that received outdoors of 600 Svy-1 after subtraction of externalbackground. This is within the range of 0.3 to 1 mSvy-1 for which the EC guidanceindicates that controls on the use of such building materials should be instituted([25]; [31]). Trinity College Dublin is currently investigating the significance and thePage 21 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDextent of external doses arising from building materials containing coal ashcommonly used in Ireland.In 2001, Huijbregts et al. [32] reported the occurrence of scale deposits on theoutside of pipes within boilers of coal-fired power stations, which contained 210Pbat levels exceeding the Dutch regulatory limit of 100 Bqg-1. Both the rate ofaccumulation and the composition of the scale were found to be very dependentupon the chemical environment and the temperature inside the boilers. Smith etal. [18] conservatively estimated that a scale with a 210Pb concentration of 100Bqg-1 could give rise to doses in the region of 100 Svy-1 for workers involved inboiler maintenance. On average, the coal processed in Moneypoint has a lowerchlorine content (< 2%) than the coal processed in the Dutch study. High chlorinecontents favour the establishment of reducing conditions in the boilers which inturn lower the temperature of condensation for Pb (660C instead of 880C inoxidising conditions). The Moneypoint boilers also operate at higher stoechiometrythan the ones used in the Netherlands because they are fitted with first generationof low NOx burners which operate in oxidising conditions. Finally, the boilerscurrently in use in Moneypoint are smaller in size than in the Netherlands, whichmeans that higher combustion temperatures are prevailing in Moneypoint. Thisincreases the chance to exceed the condensation temperature of 880C for Pb,thereby decreasing the chance of Pb condensation on the waterwall tubes insidethe boilers. For all these reasons, the build-up of scales and therefore thepotential existence of increased levels in 210Pb in the Moneypoint boilers wereruled out [33]. In order to reach the future European standard for low NOxemissions, the current generation of boilers will have to be replaced by the 1stJanuary 2008 by a second generation of large-size boilers operating in forcedreducing conditions. This means that from 2008 onward, the occurrence of scaleswill have to be controlled and monitored on a regular basis.Radon concentrations in air at different locations throughout Moneypoint weremeasured in 1988. All the readings were found to be well below the Irishregulatory limit of 400 Bqm-3. The RPII requested to have a more complete radonsurvey being carried out to assess the radon concentrations on the totality of thepremises, including offices, workshops, etc. Sixty passive solid state nuclear trackPage 22 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDdetectors (CR-39) were dispatched on site for a period of 3 months and returnedfor analysis. They are currently being processed.5. Future investigationsThe largest bauxite processing plant in Western Europe is located in the West ofIreland. It produces annually approximately 1 106 tonnes of alumina from 2 106tonnes of bauxite. A radiological assessment of the industrial process, feedingmaterial, waste streams and work practices will be carried out. In 1992, OGrady[34] surveyed fertiliser handling practices in Ireland and estimated the radiationdoses to workers involved in manufacture, transport and storage, to farm-workersand to members of the public. This study concluded that, since the cessation ofphosphoric acid production in Ireland in 1981, the dose to the most exposedindividual was unlikely to exceed 100 Sv per year and, on average, was wellbelow this. Thorium is used as an additive in a number of industrial processes toimprove heat stability of metal alloys. In the welding industry thorium is added toelectrodes used in tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding to facilitate arc starting and toincrease arc stability. TIG welding has particular advantages in stainlessfabrication work and is widely used in Ireland for this purpose. Ludgwig et al. [35]showed that in some cases the exposure to operators involved in welding andgrinding could exceed 1 mSvy-1. Following an incident involving the scrapping of aradiocaesium source in the early 90s, portal monitoring was installed at the onlysteel plant operating in Ireland at that time [36]. Up until the closure of the plant inMay 2001, the RPII was notified of alarm activations approximately once a monthand radioactive sources in scrap metal were regularly identified, the majority ofwhich were found to be NORM materials. Dismantling/decommissioning activitiesof major industries such as the Irish Fertiliser Industry (IFI) and the replacement ofdisused equipment in still active industries (cement industry) need to be monitoredand controlled for the presence of NORM contamination. Finally, disused minesand industries/companies involved in the use and transport of zircon sands andtitanium dioxide will also have to be identified and reviewed.Page 23 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND6. ConclusionsSince May 2000 and the incorporation into Irish law by Ministerial Order of theEuropean Basic Safety Standards Directive, industries liable to involve workactivities resulting in significant exposure to natural radiation sources are subjectto regulation if they are liable to give rise to a radiation dose greater than 1 mSv ina year. The gas extracting industry, the peat and coal-fired power generation werethe first industries to be investigated by the RPII. To date and based on the resultsof field and laboratory measurements, none was found to be of radiologicalconcern, although work is still on-going for some of the issues raised. Investigationof the bauxite processing/alumina refining industry is due to commence before theend of the current year while the TIG welding industry, disused mining activitiesand dismantling/decommissioning operations will be dealt with a later stage.AcknowledgementsThe author wishes to express her thanks to Mrs E.M. Lee (Physics Department,Trinity College Dublin), Mr D. Toomey (Marathon International Petroleum IrelandLtd.), Dr J. Lyons (Environment and Chemicals, ESB Shannonbridge) and Mr F.McCarthy (Station Chemist, ESB Moneypoint) for their contribution to the workreported in this paper. The gamma spectrometry analyses of sludge wereperformed at the Environmental Laboratory of the RPII.References1. Council of the European Union, Basic Safety Standards for the HealthProtection of the General Public and Workers Against the Dangers of IonisingRadiation, Council Directive 96/29/EURATOM, Luxembourg (1996).2. Stationery Office, Radiological Protection Act, 1991 (Ionising Radiation)Order. Statutory Instrument 125 of 2000, Department of Public Enterprise,Government Publications Office, Dublin (2000).Page 24 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND3. European Commission, Recommendations for the implementation of TitleVII of the BSS concerning significant increase in exposure due to natural radiationsources. Radiation Protection 88. EC Directorate-General Environment,Luxembourg (1997).4. European Commission, Reference levels for workplaces processingmaterials with enhanced levels of naturally occurring radionuclides: a guide toassist implementation of Title VII of the European BSS Directive concerningNatural Radiation Sources. Radiation Protection 95. EC Directorate-GeneralEnvironment, Luxembourg (1999).5. Penfold, J.S.S., Mobbs, S.F., Degrange, J.P., Schneider, T., Establishmentof reference levels for regulatory control of workplaces where materials areprocessed which contain enhanced levels of naturally-occurring radionuclides.Radiation Protection 107. EC Directorate-General Environment, Luxembourg(1999).6. Carroll, K., Gas storage - More energy in store. Institution of Engineers ofIreland (IEI), The Engineers Journal, Issue Nov. 2002 (2002).7. Summerlin, J.Jr., Prichard, H., Radiological health implications of Lead-210and Polonium-210 accumulations in LPG refineries. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 46(4): 202-205 (1985).8. Gray, P.R., NORM contamination in the petroleum industry. J. of PetroleumIndustry, 45(1): 12-16 (1993).9. American Petroleum Institute, Bulletin on Management of NORM in oil andgas production, API Bulletin E2, First Ed. (1992).10. Gesell, T.F., Occupational radiation exposure due to 222Rn in natural gasand natural gas products. Health Physics, 29:681-687 (1975).11. Bjrnstad, T., Ramsy, T., The invisible radioactive scale, Proceedings ofthe 10th International Oil Field Chemicals Symposium, Norwegian Society ofChartered Engineers, Oslo, 195-211 (1999). 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Huijbregts, W.M.M., de Jong, M.P., Timmermans, C.W.M., Hazardousaccumulation of radioactive lead on the water wall tubes of coal-fired boilers. Anti-corrosion Methods and Materials, 7(5): 274-279 (2000).33. McCarthy, F., Electricity Supply Board (ESB), Moneypoint, PersonalCommunication (2003).34. OGrady, J., Radioactivity and fertilisers. Technology Ireland, 24:41-45(1992).35. Ludgwig, T., Schwa, D., Seitz, G., Seikmann, H., Intakes of thorium whileusing thoriated tungsten electrodes for TIG welding. Health Physics, 77(4): 462-469 (1999).36. OGrady, J., Hone, C., Turvey, F.J., Radiocaesium contamination at a steelplant in Ireland. Health Physics, 70(4): 568 (1996).Page 27 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDINVESTIGATION OF THE PEAT-FIREDPOWER GENERATION IN IRELANDSEE ALSO: ABSTRACTC. Organo1, E. M. Lee2, G. Menezes2 and E. C. Finch2e-mail: [email protected] Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland, 3 Clonskeagh Square, ClonskeaghRoad, Dublin 14, Ireland.2 Department of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland.AbstractAnnually, approximately 15% of Irelands electricity requirement is providedthrough the combustion of 3 106 tonnes of peat. While literature on the coal-firedpower generation is quite abundant, studies on the peat-fired power generationindustry from the radiological point of view are scarce. A study of the largest Irishpeat-fired power plant was initiated to review the potential occupational radiationexposures arising from the occurrence of Naturally Occurring RadioactiveMaterials (NORM) at different stages of the industrial process. Ambient gammadose rate measurements, radon measurements, quantification of the occupationalexposure from inhalation of airborne particles and gamma spectrometry analysisof peat, peat ash and effluent samples from the ash ponds were undertaken. Theresults indicate that the plant workers are unlikely to receive a radiation doseabove 300 Sv per annum over the typical working hours.Page 28 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND1. IntroductionAround 90% of human radiation exposure arises from natural sources such ascosmic radiation, exposure to radon gas and terrestrial radiation. However, someindustries processing natural resources may concentrate radionuclides to adegree that they may pose risk to both humans and the environment if they arenot controlled. In May 2000, legal controls were introduced in Ireland coveringwork activities where the presence of natural radioactivity could lead to the risk ofa significant increase in exposure to workers or members of the public. Thesecontrols are set out in the Radiological Protection Act, 1991 (Ionising Radiation)Order. Statutory Instrument 125 of 2000 [1] and hereafter referred to as S.I. 125 of2000, which implements the European Union Basic Safety Standards Directive96/29/EURATOM [2]. Article 3 of S.I. 125 of 2000 in particular provides for theregulation of naturally occurring radioactive materials in the workplace, mostly ofterrestrial origin and hereafter referred to as NORM, if they are liable to give rise toa radiation dose greater than 1 mSv in a year. In 2001, the Radiological ProtectionInstitute of Ireland (RPII) initiated a programme to identify industries currentlyactive in Ireland which, on the basis of the literature, were considered liable toinvolve work activities resulting in exposure to diffuse NORM sources. To date,they include the gas extracting industry, the fossil fuel (peat and coal) powerproduction and a range of industrial processes using bulk materials with enhancedlevels of natural radioactivity (e.g. bauxite refining). A joint study was designed incollaboration with the Physics Department of Trinity College Dublin to determinethe radioactivity levels in Irish peat and peat ash, compare the results with similarstudies in other countries and with national and international legislation andinvestigate the extent of any radiation exposure of workers arising from thehandling, burning and storage of peat ash. Environmental exposure to elevatedlevels of radionuclides resulting from the gaseous emissions from the stack wasnot investigated.Page 29 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND2. The Irish peat-fired power generationUntil recently, up to nine peat-fired power plants were in operation in Ireland. Bythe end of 2004, this generation of power stations built between 1950 and theearly 80s will be replaced by two newly-built power plants processing just over 2 106 tonnes of peat per annum between the two of them. This study wasundertaken at the largest existing peat-fired power station in the country,Shannonbridge. It is located in the Midlands region (Figure 1) and has beenoperating since 1965. The current plant consumes approximately 1.1-1.2 106tonnes of peat per annum and produces 125 MW of electricity. On average, 20 to25 103 tonnes of peat ash are produced every year (1/3 of the total ashproduced by all the Irish peat-fired plants). Five million tonnes of ash are currentlylandfilled on site at the plant. The Irish Peat Board (Bord na Mna) supplies themilled peat to Shannonbridge from a local bog where it is mechanically harvestedby scraping the top of the bog to a depth of up to 30 cm, milled (72 mesh), solardried and transported to the power station by light rail. Each convoy of 15 wagonscarries 75 tonnes of peat. On arrival at the plant a tippler unloads each wagonsequentially into a hopper from where the peat is transferred by conveyor beltsinto the plant. At this stage, the peat is milled further into a fine dust and blowninto the furnaces for combustion in suspension at about 1,000-1,100C.Approximately 5-10% of the total ash produced falls below the furnace as 'bottomash'. The remaining 90-95% passes into the flue gas stream as 'fly ash'.Page 30 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDFigure 1. Schematic sketch of the Shannonbridge peat-fired power plant with locations of the measurements undertaken and samples analyzedduring this study (the scale of the objects are not respected) GDR = gamma dose rate measurement, Rn = radon measurement. A map ofIreland is inserted to show the location of Shannonbridge1. Wet ash pond: 1 GDR2. Effluent from ash pond: 2 samples3. Bunker: 2 peat samples, 2 Rn and 2 GDR4. Boilers: 2 GDR and 2 Rn5. Offices and workshop: 2 Rn6. Dry ash pile: 2 GDR and 4 bottom ash samples7. Fly ash: 2 samples8. Tippler: 1 peat samples, 1 Rn and 1 GDR9. Incoming peat from bog: 2 samples10. Control site (Shannonbridge church)outside the plant perimeter: 1 GDR11. ChimneyPeat and peat ash fluxes through the processPage 31 of 894River Shann153264789101NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDThis gaseous-particulate mixture leaves the furnace and is drawn through a seriesof grit arrestors designed to retain about 90% of the fly ash and any unburnedcarbon. At furnace temperatures, some elements originally contained in the peatare partly or completely evaporated. Between the furnace and the grit arrestors,the gas and fly ash stream passes over banks of tubes containing water or air togive a more efficient removal of the heat from the gas prior to its emission toatmosphere. As the flue gases cool down from 1,000 to 200C, the volatilizedelements condense onto the fly ash particles, giving rise to an enrichment of theirconcentrations in the fly ash trapped by the grit arrestors. Only a small fraction ofthe fuel gases containing small quantities of radionuclides in gaseous form passesthrough the grit arrestors and is discharged through the stack to the atmosphere.Sampling of fly ash is possible only when the boilers are not in operation. Thenumber of samples that could be obtained was therefore limited. InShannonbridge, the bottom ash is disposed of in 'wet' or 'dry' conditions. Drybottom ash is produced by two of the three furnaces in operation. It is transportedin a trailer attached to a tractor to a dry ash pile. Wet bottom ash from the thirdfurnace is hydraulically piped out by flexible tubing to two nearby wet ash pondstogether with the totality of the fly ash trapped in the grit arrestors. In the ponds,the ash resides in a 50% minimum aqueous environment to minimize theproduction of airborne particles.3. Materials and methodsGamma spectrometry analysis of peat, peat ash and effluent samples collected atthe plant, airborne peat dust analysis, aerial radon gas measurements andambient gamma dose rate measurements were carried out. Samples for gammaspectrometry analysis were counted in Marinelli geometry and analyzed using alow background n-type HPGe GMX gamma-ray detector (relative efficiency of34%, resolution of 2 keV (FWHM) at 1.33 MeV). Each sample was counted for a24-hour period. Activity concentrations of 238U-series radionuclides, 232Th, 40K andPage 32 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND137Cs were determined. Ra-226 activities were ascertained using the two gamma-ray lines at 93 keV and 186 keV, corrected for the interference of 235U at 186 keV.Th-232 was determined from the gamma-ray emissions at 911, 969, 338, 965,795, and 463 keV from 228Ac. K-40 and 137Cs activities were determined from theirrespective lines at 1461 keV and 662 keV. Airborne peat dust concentration wasmeasured in the plant to assess the potential radiation dose through inhalation ofairborne particles. A filtration sampling method (AEA Technology filter holder,Casella London Ltd.) was used, where a known volume of air is drawn through apre-weighed glass fibre filter paper (25 mm diameter, pore size 80 m) by meansof an air pump. On site, the filter holder was placed in a static position atapproximately 1.60 m high (breathing zone height). The flow rate of the pump wasset at 2 litres per minute and the pump was allowed to run from 9.30 am until 5.15pm (standard work shift). Passive long-term radon measurements were carried outto determine if the concentrations exceeded the national Reference Level forworkplaces, 400 Bqm-3 averaged over a minimum period of 3-months. Passivealpha track detectors consisting of a two-part polypropylene holder and a CR-39(poly allyl diglycol carbonate) detection plastic were used. Upon completion of themeasurements the tracks recorded on the plastics are analysed and countedusing a Leitz Ergolux AMC microscope coupled to a Leica Quantimet Q520 imageanalysis system. A track density is determined for each plastic and converted intoradon concentration C (Bqm-3) after subtraction of a fixed background value andtaking into account a pre-determined calibration factor as well as the exposureduration. A seasonal correction is applied to C when the detectors are exposed forless than twelve months [3]. Gamma dose rate measurements were carried outusing a NE Technology portable gamma dose rate meter (type PDR1) and a MiniInstruments integrating Geiger Mller-Background Monitor-Type 6-80 (GM6-80).Instantaneous gamma dose rate readings were taken with the PDR1 meter andan average value was calculated from the lowest and highest readings. The GM6-80 meter was fixed to a tripod at each location for 1000 seconds. The readingswere converted to an ambient gamma dose rate (Svhr-1) using a calibrationconversion table relevant to the instrument.Page 33 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND4. Results4.1. Peat, peat ash and effluent from the wet ash pondIf the activity concentrations of radionuclides present in the ash are significantthere could be a potential for increased radiation exposure to workers handlingand working with the ash. Radionuclide analysis of peat, bottom ash and fly ashfrom Shannonbridge indicate a great variability of activity concentrations (Table 1).In general, fly ash presents significantly higher concentrations than the bottom ashin the U-series, while the bottom ash contains more 40K than the fly ash. Table 2shows that there is a wide range of activities between the fly ash produced atdifferent peat-fired power stations in Ireland [8]. Compared with other types ofNORM or with the average Irish soils, it is clear that the peat and the peat ashproduced in Shannonbridge contain lower levels of naturally occurringradionuclides.Page 34 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDTable 1. Specific activities of U-series radionuclides, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs (in Bqkg-1, dry weight) measured in the peat, peat ash and effluent from theash pond. Errors quoted are the counting uncertainties at one standard deviation from the mean count. BDL = Below Detection Limit of 0.19 Bqkg-1Sample Type238U234Th226Ra214Pb210Pb232Th40K137CsPEATentering plant 2.80.4 4.30.6 2.60.4 4.41.0 18.81.5 BDL 6.15.7 4.20.1entering plant 4.00.3 2.00.2 1.80.1 0.50.1 5.00.6 0.40.0 BDL 2.20.1in tippler 10.95.3 14.11.0 6.33.1 3.80.6 27.31.6 BDL 6.52.9 12.30.3in bunker 7.43.9 10.81.0 5.42.8 2.20.4 37.82.6 BDL BDL 11.50.3dust in bunker BDL 3.80.4 4.30.2 1.60.1 23.81.6 BDL BDL BDLMAX VAL 15 15 10 5 50 1 10 20FLY ASH301.213.9 306.35.8 28.91.4 59.20.9 225.910.4 7.270.4 66.52.0 115.17.6 32.20.9 41.76.3 297.014.9 BDL BDL BDLMAX VAL 300 300 50 70 350 10 50 50Page 35 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDBOTTOMASH77.113.8 33.00.9 14.91.4 3.80.1 13.90.8 BDL 7.60.8 19.61.1 7.20.3 13.50.4 211.19.1 4.21.3 185.019104.01.632.13.2 29.32.9 19.32.0 9.80.2 167. 36.0 2.80.8 121.030 7.10.8 6.30.4 0.30.1 8.21.0 0.590.1 BDL BDLMAX VAL 100 50 20 20 250 5 200 150EFFLUENT0.310.1 2.90.5 BDL 0.50.1 3.00.3 BDL BDL 0.60.0BDL 1.10.1 0.70.1 BDL 0.270.2 BDL BDL BDLPage 36 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDTable 2. Comparison of the results from this study and other references in the literature(activity concentrations in Bqkg-1)Sample Type238U234Th226Ra210Pb232Th40K137Cs ReferencesRAWMATERIAL Irish peat 15 15 10 50 1 10 20 This studyFinnish peat 16 11 30 5.3 28 27 [4]Coal Moneypoint19 (5-45)30 (6-67)14 (4-27)8 (2-13)61 (20-100)[5]Coal UK 15 15 15 15 7.5 144 [6]Coal worldaverage24 22 100[7]FLY ASHThis study 300 300 50 350 10 50 50 This studyPeatShannonbridge133 71 7 32 130[8]Peat Ferbane 290 121 11 112 20 [8]PeatLanesborough74 68 14 263 79[8]Peat Rhode 121 127 8 57 127 [8]Peat Bellacorick 38 31 10 153 47 [8]Peat Finland 120 46 390 [9]Coal Moneypoint 110 156 79 68 445 [5]Coal UK 100 100 100 100-200 50 900 [5]BOTTOM ASHThis study 100 50 20 250 5 200 150 This studyCoal Moneypoint 73 84 23 43 307 [5]Coal worldaverage85 61 510[6]OTHER NORMPage 37 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDBauxite Bok 78 110 [10]Bauxite 400-600400-600[11]Red mud 260-540340-500[12]Red mud 250 300 [13]Phosphogypsum 1000 [14]Phosphate ore 30-500020-2000 3-200[11]Zircon sands3000-400010000[11]Average Irishsoils46 25 418[15]With regard to the radioactivity enhancement in the fly ash and the bottom asharising from the combustion process, some radionuclide concentrations could beenhanced by a factor 20 to 25 compared with concentrations in the original peatas indicated in [16]. Pb-210 shows the largest enrichment onto small fly ashparticles (< 1.3 m) according to Mustonen and Jantunen [4], indicating a volatilebehaviour at the furnace temperature. Enrichment factors (EF) for differentradionuclides can be calculated using the formula:peatpeat rashash rRacRacEF] [] [] [] [226 226=(1)where [cr] and [226Ra] are the activity concentrations of a potentially enriched (ordepleted) radionuclide r and 226Ra, respectively. Ra-226 is used as a referencenuclide because of its non-volatile nature at furnace temperature [4]. To simplifythe calculations, a single activity concentration for each radionuclide in the peat, inthe fly ash and in the bottom ash was assumed by rounding up to the maximumconcentration measured (conservative end of the range of concentrationsmeasured). The values are displayed in italics in Table 1 where they are quotedas MAX VAL. EF values in the fly ash were calculated to be 1.4, 4, 2, 1 and 0.5 forPage 38 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND210Pb, 238U, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs, respectively. For the same radionuclides, EFvalues in the bottom ash are 2.5, 3.3, 2.5, 10 and Airborne dust concentrationThe dustiest location of the plant was found to be the bunker, an indoor-type ofwarehouse where a 4-hour supply of milled peat is temporarily stored at any timebefore it is fed into the mills. In this area, employees are carrying out dry sweepingduties of spilled peat dust, regularly generating large amounts of fine airbornedust. A single air sampling experiment over an 8-hour working shift was carriedout during which the dust concentration was measured at 25.6 mgm-3. This is verysignificant in terms of occupational dust exposure (the Irish OccupationalExposure Limit (OEL) for nuisance dust is set at 10 mgm-3 [17]). Employeesworking in this area are required to wear personal protection equipment (PPE)including protective clothing and a face dust mask. They also only work in thislocation for very short periods of time.4.3. Radon gasIn industries dealing with diffuse NORM an important radiation exposure pathwaycan be radon and radon daughters inhalation from storage of large volume ofmaterials. This is because these materials are often crushed or powdered beforethey are processed (allowing for radon to escape more easily from the matrix) andmay be stored in poorly ventilated spaces (allowing radon concentrations to buildup). The associated radiation dose may substantially vary as it is stronglydependent on a wide range of parameters such as the emanating fraction, thedose equilibrium factor, the dose conversion factor, the ventilation rate, the roomsize, the surface to volume ratio and the diffusion coefficients [13]. Two radonsurveys were carried out in Shannonbridge over the last 8 years and the resultsare displayed in Table 3. Not only are all the measurements below 400 Bqm-3, butPage 39 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDthey are all similar to outdoor radon concentrations commonly measured inIreland. As such, they are of no radiological significance from the point of view ofradon occupational exposure.Table 3. Results of passive long-term radon measurements carried out in theShannonbridge peat-fired power plant and associated effective dose (Svy-1); (1) Based onthe characteristics of each work practice on site; (2) Employees in the maintenance roomspend the whole working year at this location; (3) ICRP 65 [18] dose coefficients and F factorof 0.4 used for the calculations; (4) Calculated assuming a maximum radon concentration of15 Bqm-3 in the boiler roomLocationMeasurementperiodRadonconcentration (Bqm-3)Assumedexposureduration (hy-1)(1)Effective dosefromradoninhalation(Svy-1) (3)Maintenance room02/1995 to05/1996 17 2000 (2) 110Conference room02/1995 to05/1996 33 20 2Tippler area12/2002 to03/2003 11 100 3Bunker12/2002 to03/2003 12 100 4Control room inbunker12/2002 to03/2003 10 0 (unoccupied) 0Boiler 1 12/2002 to 03/2003 10Boiler 2 12/2002 to 03/2003 15680 32 (4)4.4. Ambient gamma dose rate measurementsThe locations of the measurements carried out are displayed on Figure 1 and theresults are shown in Table 4. Page 40 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDTable 4. Ambient gamma dose rate measurements at the Shannonbridge peat-fired powerplant and associated effective dose (Svy-1); (1) [15]; (2) Based on the characteristics ofeach work practice on siteLocationsDose rate recorded(Svh-1)PDR1 GM6-80Assumedexposureduration (hy-1)(2)Effectivedose(Svy-1)Tippler area 0.06 0.06 100 6Bunker area 0.08 0.06 100 8Boiler 1 Bottom ash area 0.12 0.07 340 41Boiler 2 Bottom ash area 0.18 0.07 340 61Bottom ash pile (inactive disposalarea) 0.08 0.07 50 4Bottom ash pile (active disposalarea) 0.08 0.07 500 40Wet ash pond 0.13 0.06 400 52Control measurement (outsideplant)0.13 0.07 2000 260Irish average (1) 0.03 (absorbed doserate in air 33 nGyh-1)2000 66The values given by the two dose rate meters are in good agreement and rangefrom 0.06 to 0.18 Svh-1. They are not significantly different from the ambientgamma dose rate recorded outside the perimeter of the plant and used as acontrol measurement of the natural background (0.07 0.13 Svh-1). More thanlikely, the readings given by the GM6-80 (0.07 Svh-1 on average) give a betteridea of the real situation as these are integrated counts over 20 minutes instead ofPage 41 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDinstantaneous values given by the PDR1 (0.10 Svh-1 on average). In Ireland, theaverage absorbed dose rate in air is 33 nGyh-1, with a range of 2 to 110 nGyh-1[15]. Using a conversion factor of 1 SvGy-1 [7], it leads to an average effectivedose for adults of 0.03 Svh-1 (range of 2 103 to 0.11 Svh-1). Therefore, thedose rates measured in Shannonbridge are within the range of natural variations,although clearly in the upper part of this range.5. Discussion5.1. Peat harvestingRadiation dose arising from exposure to external gamma radiation of terrestrialorigin for workers involved in the harvesting of the peat all year round should belower than the natural background value. It should also be lower than the dosearising from a normal outdoor work activity. This is because activityconcentrations measured in the raw peat are lower than in average Irish soils.Harvesting is carried out in open-air by machineries and workers are wearingfacial masks and protective clothing to protect them from any windborne peatdust. Radiation dose arising from inhalation of peat dust is therefore minimized.5.2. Enrichment factorsEnrichment factors calculated in this study are not significant compared to otherpublished values [16]. It is recognised that the levels of enhancement ofradionuclide concentrations in ash are very variable. This is mostly due todifferences in the raw peat, the type of furnace, the combustion temperature andthe operational characteristics of the plant [6]. For example, the temperature in thefurnace at Shannonbridge is 1000-1100C, which is lower than the combustiontemperature of 1250-1350C quoted in Mustonen and Jantunen [4].Page 42 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND5.3. Inhalation of airborne peat dust in the bunkerRadiological assessments usually refer to the inhalation of contaminated dust as amajor pathway by which workers dealing with NORM are likely to be receiving thelargest radiation dose. Calculations were undertaken to determine the committedeffective dose arising from inhalation of peat dust likely to be received by anemployee in the bunker over the working year. A sample of airborne peat dust thathad settled on shelving adjacent to the personal sampling pump was collectedand analyzed by gamma spectrometry. This enabled the amount and type ofradionuclides likely to be in the airborne peat dust to be determined (Table 1, dustin bunker). The committed effective dose from inhalation of peat dust wascalculated using the formula:( ) = r r inh inh c g V t D, exp(2)where texp is the exposure duration (assumed to be 100 hours over the year), V isthe breathing rate (1.18 m3h-1 for light work, [6]), ginh,r is the inhalation dose factorfor the nuclide r (in SvBq-1, [19]) and cr is the ambient air activity concentration forthe radionuclide r (Bqm-3). Results of the calculations are shown in Table 5. Thecommitted effective dose resulting from inhalation of peat dust in the bunker overthe working year is less than 1 Sv (0.89 Svy-1) and therefore insignificant. Itshould be noted that this dose is the maximum likely to be received by any workeras it was calculated assuming no PPE.Page 43 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDTable 5. Committed effective dose from inhalation of airborne peat dust in the bunker area;(1) See Table 1. 210Pb and 210Po are assumed to be in equilibrium; (2) Dust concentration isequal to A / v where A is the amount of peat dust breathed in during an 8-hour shift (23.78mg) and v is the flow rate of the pump (2 lmin) multiplied by the duration of the experiment(465 min) and divided by 1000; (3) Ambient air activity concentration for the radionuclide r(Bqm-3) is the product of the assumed activity concentration by the dust concentration; (4)Inhalation dose factor for the nuclide r (AMAD 5 m, [19])Radionuclide r226Ra210Pb210Po228Ra228Th UnitAssumed activityconcentrations in peat dust(1)15 50 50 1 1 Bqkg-1Dust concentration (2) 25.6 mgm-3cr (3) 3.810412.810412.81042.61052.56105Bqm-3ginh,r (4) 1.21051.11067.11071.71062.3105SvBq-1ginh,r cr 4.61091.41099.110104.310115.91010Svm-3 ginh,r cr 7.5 109Svm-3Exposure duration texp 100 hy-1Breathing rate V 1.18 m3h-1Dinh 0.89 Svy-15.4. Radon and radon daughters inhalationAnother significant exposure pathway in workplaces where NORM materials areprocessed is radon inhalation from storage of important quantities of materials in awarehouse [20]. In our case, it could be possible that the peat (bunker area) andpeat ash (bottom ash in the boiler area) stored onsite may contribute significantlyto the total occupational exposure due to the quantities involved. Anotherexposure situation which would arise from large quantities of fly ash stored in anPage 44 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDenclosed space would be the cleaning of the grit arrestors or the freeing ofblockages in the hoppers. The radiological assessment of these work activitieswas not carried out as they did not occur at the time of our site visits. Thismaintenance work would arise 3 times in a year approximately, would take up to 5days to be completed and would be undertaken under very strict conditions(obligation to wear respiratory equipment, over clothing, gloves, etc) using watersprays for dust suppression. The annual effective dose from inhalation of radonand radon daughters at different locations throughout the plant (Figure 1) wascalculated for the levels measured across the plant and by taking into account theexposure duration at each location (Table 3). The highest dose calculated wouldbe received in the maintenance room and is 0.11 mSvy-1, which is only 10% of theannual limit under S.I. 125 of 2000.5.5. Exposure to external gamma radiation in the plant and on the landfillsitesThe annual effective dose arising from exposure to external gamma radiation wascalculated on the basis of the maximum dose rate measured at each location inthe plant (Figure 1) multiplied by the exposure duration at each location (Table 4),They are all below the annual effective dose calculated for the control site(Shannonbridge church).Page 45 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLAND6. ConclusionsTable 6 summarises all the doses arising from different pathways calculated in theframework of this study.Table 6. Occupational radiation doses calculated for workers at Shannonbridge; (1)calculated assuming outdoor radon concentration of 10 Bqm-3 [7] and a F factor of 0.8(instead of 0.4 indoors)Location / exposuredurationDustinhalation(Sv)Inhalation ofradon andprogeny (Sv)External gammairradiation (Sv)TOTAL(Sv)Tippler / 100 hy-13 6 9Bunker area / 100 hy-10.89 4 8 13Boiler area / 680 hy-132 102 134Bottom ash pile(inactive) / 50 hy-13 (1) 4 7Bottom ash pile (active) /500 hy-132 (1) 40 72Wet ash pond / 400 hy-125 (1) 52 77Maintenance duties / 170hy-1undetermined undetermined undeterminedundeterminedTOTAL / 2000 hy-1312The total annual effective dose likely to be received by a worker involved in theprocessing of the peat and handling of the peat ash in Shannonbridge isapproximately 0.3 mSv (312 Sv). The exposure pathways taken into account arethe peat dust inhalation in the bunker area, the inhalation of radon and radonprogeny and the external gamma irradiation at different locations in the plant.Page 46 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDTherefore, most of the exposure situations where workers are involved on aregular basis are covered, with the exception of maintenance duties like thecleaning of the hoppers and the freeing of blockages in the grit arrestors. Theseduties are the only ones where workers are directly in contact with the peat flyash. One would not expect the annual effective dose associated with these dutiesto be significant as this type of work is always carried out with PPE, is undertakenin wet conditions, occurs non-routinely (3 times in a year) and is usually completedwithin a week. Another exposure situation not covered in this study is theinhalation of peat ash dust on the landfill sites arising from the generation ofwindborne ash on the ash pond. However the top layer of the pond, when driedout, usually forms a crust underneath which the ash is trapped. It is thereforeunlikely to be wind blown.References1. Stationery Office, Radiological Protection Act, 1991 (Ionising Radiation)Order. Statutory Instrument 125 of 2000, Department of Public Enterprise,Government Publications Office, Dublin (2000).2. Council of the European Union, Basic Safety Standards for the HealthProtection of the General Public and Workers Against the Dangers of IonisingRadiation, Council Directive 96/29/EURATOM, Luxembourg (1996).3. Madden, J.S., Radon in dwellings in selected areas of Ireland, Report RPII-94/3, Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland, Dublin (1994).4. 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International Commission on Radiological Protection, Protection againstRadon-222 at home and at work. Publication 65. Annals of the ICRP, 23, No. 2,Pergamon Press, Oxford (1994).19. International Commission on Radiological Protection, Dose coefficients forintakes of radionuclides by workers. Publication 68. Annals of the ICRP, 24, No. 4,Pergamon Press, Oxford (1994).20. Penfold, J.S.S., Mobbs, S.F., Degrange, J.P., Schneider, T., Establishmentof reference levels for regulatory control of workplaces where materials areprocessed which contain enhanced levels of naturally-occurring radionuclides.Radiation Protection 107. EC Directorate-General Environment, Luxembourg(1999).Page 49 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDEXPOSURE FROM AN IGNEOUS PHOSPHATEMINE OPERATIONSEE ALSO: ABSTRACTAJ vd WesthuizenTechnical Manager: Radiation Protection & AuditingNOSA InternationalPO Box 26434Pretoria0007South Africae-mail: [email protected] facility under discussion is a South African Open Cast Mine that producesigneous phosphate rock, with intermediate and final products for the domestic andinternational markets. It provides the following strategic advantages:Make South Africa self-sufficient from phosphate imports.Earn foreign currency from the export of the mineral.Page 50 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDCreate approximately 2000 direct job opportunities, with associated indirect jobopportunities in the Greater Phalaborwa region. Approximately 3.0 million tons of phosphate rock is produced annually and theproduct is a finely ground apatite mineral from a coarsely crystalline calcium-fluoride-phosphate compound of magmatic origin. The mine is located adjacent to the towns of Phalaborwa, Namakgale andLulekani, bordering on the Kruger National Park in the Limpopo Province. The company obtained a Nuclear Authorisation in terms of the South AfricanNuclear Energy Act, No 131 of 1993 in 1993 and has been holder of anauthorisation since. It changed in 2002 to a Certificate of Registration, issuedunder the auspices of the National Nuclear Regulatory Act, No 47 of 1999.Page 51 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDPRODUCTION PROCESSThe following is a simplified diagram of the mining and beneficiation process.Open Cast MineCrushingTailings from neighboringmineWet MillingFlotationDispatchDry MillingFlotationFiltrationDryingOld Production Line New Production LineInterim Storage Interim StorageInterim StorageTailings DamsTransport by trucksWaste Rock DumpsOverburdenTailingsTailings ProductSPECIFIC ACTIVITYTable 2.2-1 below summarises the known specific activities of the major sourcesof material involved in the process, e.g. Phosphate Rock and Phosphate Tailings.Page 52 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDTable 3-1: Nuclide specific activity of the process materialNuclideSpecific Activity (Bq.g-1)Phosphate Rock TailingsU-238 0.14 0.26Ra-226 0.14 0.27Pb-210 0.12Th-232 0.47 0.31Ra-228 0.55 0.33Th-228 0.55 0.35ISOTOPES CONSIDERED The following isotopes were considered in the assessment process.Table 4-1 Isotopes of the natural decay series used in the calculation of the doseconversion factorUranium - Series Actinium - Series Thorium SeriesU-238 U-235 Th-232U-234 Pa-231 Ra-228Th-230 Ac-227 Th-228Ra-226 Th-227 Ra-224Pb-210 Ra-223 Bi-212Po-210The National Nuclear Regulator does not generally require the inclusion of U-235and daughter isotopes in the assessment process and for the initial screeningsurvey, it was excluded. However, where the gross alpha activity is used for dosedetermination, it was deemed appropriate to include the Actinium Series whencalculating its dose conversion factor as it may have a measurable effect. Page 53 of 894NORM IV Conference May 2004, Szczyrk POLANDMETHODOLOGYOccupational ExposureOccupational exposure consisted of two pathways for the purpose of thisassessment, namely External Exposure from the gamma component andInhalation [1, 2]. Ingestion was excluded, as it is not a regulatory requirement inSouth Africa. The external exposure was measured at various locations in aspecific section and the doserate at 1 meter used in this assessment process.Two methods of determining internal dose were used to calculate the occupationaldose, one more suitable for screening assessment purposes and the other a morerealistic calculation.Method 1The screening assessment utilized area air concentrations as collected though anOccupational Hygiene program and the average isotope specific activity ofphosphate or tailings (See Table 3-1). An occupancy factor of 1 is used, alsoassuming 250 shifts per year, each lasting 9.5 hours.Method 2The assessment was repeated but base