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a webinar from and © 2014 Third Sector Labs, Inc.

Nonprofit data migration: You can't take it all with you Webinar

Dec 01, 2014



Webinar given on 02.20.2014
Presented by Gary Carr of Third Sector Labs & Jay Love of Bloomerang
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Page 1: Nonprofit data migration: You can't take it all with you Webinar

a webinar from and

© 2014 Third Sector Labs, Inc.

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o  Your year-end appeals are done

o  Spring activities will soon be upon us

o  So that means it is … (finally) … time to tackle that data migration to your new CRM

Today, we are going to talk about a very common problem with data migrations

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1.  Introductions

2.  Decision to move to a new CRM

3.  Challenges of data migration

4.  Problem of data degradation

5.  Solution: data governance

6.  Measure of data migration success

7.  Conclusions

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Introductions: Bloomerang

o  Jay Love is the co-founder and CEO of Bloomerang

o  Jay’s experience with nonprofit software includes co-founding eTapestry, and leadership positions with Avectra, Blackbaud and Master Software Corporation.


Email: [email protected]


Bloomerang offers a cloud-based CRM solution incorporating best practices in fundraising, loyalty engagement, and donor retention.

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Who is Third Sector Labs?

o  Gary Carr is co-founder and CEO of TSL

o  Gary’s leadership experience includes Carr Systems, Kintera, KindMark and United Way


Email: [email protected]


Our data tip of the week: Facebook & Twitter

Third Sector Labs is a data services company challenging nonprofits to re-think their data practices

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Shall we get started?

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Setting aside the lexicon debate

Systems for managing an organization’s interactions with current and future consumers

o  CRM

o  Customer relationship management

o  Constituent relationship management

o  Customer-centric relationship management

o  Donor management

o  Membership management

o  Social CRM

o  There are other terms

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Which CRM? o  You’ve made a very difficult decision …

o  You selected new CRM software

( Whew! )

o  The hard part’s over, right?

o  Well … no.

Keep old system

Pick new “just right” system

Pick new super fancy system

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Why aren’t we done?

o We will get to that …

o  But first, let’s look at the decision you’ve just made

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10 Reasons to Change CRMs

1.  It’s just old

2.  Inflexible database – can’t customize

3.  Not enough supporting modules – like events, email, social

4.  Poor reporting

5.  Limited accessibility / no mobility

6.  Too hard to get the data out

7.  Too expensive

8.  Client server hosted / no cloud version

9.  Incapable of supporting new fundraising initiatives

10.  The data is a mess ... and that must be the CRM’s fault

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How did you make the decision?

1.  Hire a consultant

2.  Involve internal stakeholders

3.  Establish criteria for the new CRM o  Must haves o  Nice to haves

4.  Test drive multiple solutions o  … because we LOVE talking to salespeople

5.  Narrow the contenders, final reviews, confirm the budget, and CHOOSE!

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Most importantly …

o  You’ve made a forward-looking decision.

o  You’ve bought one of these.

o  And now you are getting ready for the new racing season.

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What about the data?

o  “That’s easy … move it all!”

o  This is the most common expectation we encounter

o  And so we enter the dark, cavernous world of …

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(don’t go down there … it’s dark!)

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Don’t be scared by data

o  Data is fueling the growth of the Internet, technology and business.

o  Especially personal data.

o  And it’s the ultimate renewable energy … everyone produces it, every day.

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But …

These …

Don’t run on this.

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How do we get the right fuel into your new CRM?

The challenges of data migration

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In other words …

o  You can’t take all that old data with you to your new CRM

o  It will … o  Slow your system down o  Hold you to old business practices o  Cost you money

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Recognize the change of direction

o  Old system reflects your old way of doing business

o  New system reflects new way of doing business

o  For example … o  Fields, field definitions have to be re-mapped

o  Those notorious “miscellaneous text fields” need to be interpreted and parsed …or just ignored

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Recognize the core problem

Data degrades

o  What does that mean?

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Data degrades – why?

Cause #1: your organization

o  Lack of data entry standards o  Unskilled data entry workers o  Common mistakes o  Record fragmentation

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Data degrades – why?

Cause #2: the technology

o  Record fragmentation o  Multiple, disparate systems o  System upgrades o  Integration, processing errors o  Sheer volume of data

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Data degrades – why?

Cause #3: the donor … life!

o  Change in address … every 5 to 7 (?) years o  Change in jobs … 9 to 11 jobs in a lifetime (?) o  Family / life event … divorce rate, birth of

children, death … what else?

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Your view

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Your view

Contact data changes frequently.

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Our view (once we export and analyze)


Last Name First Name

M.I. Address 1 City State Zip Phone Email DOB Gender

MR Setters m

MS SIMMS Laurie 1313 Danger Ln

Appleton CA 73111 310.555.5555 Laurie@mail 04/29/81 F

Mr. singletary Mike T 310.555.1234 [email protected]

Singletary Michael 310.555.1234 [email protected] M

Solvington Allen 5201 Marshall Lane

Cupertino CA 91001 323.555.5990 [email protected] 05/30/75

Mr. soprano Cindy P. 222 Main St. Cupertino CA 91002 [email protected] f

Dr. Standish Bradford 1141 Duke Ave

Los Angeles

CA 91010

Stevens Allison 8726 Elm Ave Appleton CA 90009 310.555.5551 01/01/01 f

STEVENS ROBERT 2 2101 Data Ave Los Angeles

CA 91010 [email protected] 12/14/60 m

Sr Tahoma Juan 20B Eldora Mexico City


[email protected]

01/14/59 M

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Garbage in, garbage out

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Which leads to …

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And let’s not forget

o  Bad data costs your organization money … every time you try to use the data!

o  Bad data

o  Incomplete data

o  Corrupt data

o  Too much data … big data … really BIG data

o  Fragmented data

Can you afford to flush money away??

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Let’s look at some customers

The data migration lineup

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Who are they?

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The Purger

o  Knows they have data problems

o  Doesn’t trust own data

o  Has 15 appeal codes, uses 3

o  Hasn’t deleted a record in 6 years

o  Wants to start all over

o  The more we say “this can’t be migrated”, the happier they are

o  Migration = freedom

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The Hoarder

o  Also hasn’t deleted a record in 6 years … or 10 years

o  Wants to keep everything … “just in case”

o  Doesn’t understand the cost of so much bad data

o  Will put “DECEASED” into Notes field, “BAD ADDRESS” into address field

o  Has 3 versions of the same field code o  (event, annual event, special event … used interchangeably)

o  Needs training / time to understand why they have too much data, in too many fields, with too many codes

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The Merger

o  Comes to the migration “ready to deal”

o  Knows they need help

o  Understands CRM can be a tool to help them “control” their data

o  Focuses on the future, and is willing to let go of bad data

o  Able to provide constructive feedback on data mapping

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“You decide”

o  May or may not understand the extent of the data problems

o  Doesn’t know the org history of how the data has been managed

o  Understaffed and doesn’t want to invest time in data migration decisions

o  Willing to let the consultant “do what needs to be done”

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“OKAY … WE GET IT! What do we do?”

That’s where we come in

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Step one: admit the problem

In other words …

o  Recognize that all of your legacy data isn’t coming over to your new CRM

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Step two: apply data governance

Data governance

o  What’s that?

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So, let’s standardize …

1.  How old is too old? o  Depends on the type of record?

2.  How many versions do you retain? o  How many old addresses? o  Event attendance records?

3.  What defines an incomplete record? o  Do you have a process to enrich / complete those incomplete


4.  Also … o  Do you enable donors/consumers (or a subset) to manage their

own information via online accounts? o  Do you have self-select removal processes from (e)mailing lists?

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And prioritize

1.  Which standards are most important?

2.  Which are least?

Give your data migration engineers the guidance they need to do the job you need done

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Step three: Target outliers

o  What are the exceptions?

o  What about those miscellaneous text fields – how will they be interpreted, parsed and migrated?

Last Name First Name M.I. Address 1 Address 2 … Notes

Soprano Cindy P. 222 Main St. Graduated U of Michigan in 1988 … on Board of United Way of SE Michigan … 3 children

Standish Bradford 1141 Duke Ave Apt B

Stevens Allison 8726 Elm Ave Naval Academy … loves outdoors, biking, hiking … married with 1 child

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Step four: Review and go

o  Once the new CRM database is created and the data fields are mapped between legacy and new, make sure you understand what is being migrated and what is being left behind.

o  Is this acceptable?

o  Be flexible.

o  Then stick by your decisions and go.

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Measuring Success

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Measure of success


Setting a % target …

“We loaded 85% of the old data into the new system.”

Old Data

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Measure of success


You have the donor data that you need in order to conduct the fundraising and communication activities that you have planned.

Good data!!!

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But before you finish that migration

o  Run reports

o  Test exports

o  Test the new CRM and its data against an upcoming activity



You are done.


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Don’t forget step five: archive

o  Archive a copy of the legacy database in an accessible format

o  This is your piece of mind!

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Final thoughts

1.  Data cleaning o  Do you need it?

o  Before or after migration?

2.  Data enrichment o  What is the best approach to improve the amount and

quality of data associated with each record?

3.  Data management plan o  Have you considered a quarterly data review to keep your

data as clean and current as possible, and to expose emerging problems?

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How we can help

... Start with a data assessment, schedule data hygiene or develop a data quality plan

… CRM platform built to deliver higher donor retention and better fundraising results

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Thank you !!! Questions ???

You can read more about this topic on our blog at:

Please stay tuned for our upcoming webinar in March:

“If your data isn’t getting better, it’s getting worse: why?”