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NLP Pathway To Creativity

Mar 30, 2016



Damiana Evohe

The definitive models and applications of Neuro Linguistic Programming. A model of Excellence.
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Neuro Linguistic Programming

Pathway To Creativity

Damian Alexander Sinclair

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For John Grinder

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Part 1 Fundamentals

NLP At a glance I Outcome Orientation & Setting Spatial Sorting Strategies of Excellence Hierarchy of Criteria Project Planning Well Formed Outcome Criteria Downside Planning Upside Planning Circles of Excellence The Resource of Time II Language The System Language is Metaphor NLP Models of Language The Meta Mode The Milton Mode Metaphor Reframing Six Step Reframing III Rapport Sensory Acuity Positive Intention Neurological Levels Pacing and Leading Future Pacing Trance Metaprograms

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Part 2 Systems

New Code NLP The Seven principles The Wisdom In The System The Walk of Power & Grace Stopping The World Active Dreaming New Code Outcome Model The Wisdom In The System Perception A Model of Change Neuro Linguistic Programming & The Nature of Attention

Part 3 Contexts The Art of Healing Autogenic Metaphor Resolution The Reconfiguration Process Training and Presentation Skills Fun Stuff The Degenerative Model of NLP

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Introduction During the time that NLP has been known to us many excellent books have been written on the subject and the boundaries of learning have been extended into many territories and walks of life. So why another? Variety is the spice of life and as there is no definitive definition of NLP it is useful to be aware of various maps. As NLP is a useful map of human experience then any description of NLP is itself a map of a map. In the first part of the book – Fundamentals, well trodden territory is re-visited, hopefully with a difference. It is in the following parts of the book that my own research, gathered experientially over the past seven years, greets the light of day. Neuro Linguistic Programming [ NLP ] has been described as :

The Study of The Structure of Subjective Experience How is this so? ‘The Map Is Not The Territory’ yet each individual creates for themselves a total world, a world that is more accurately a description of the world. How is this description arrived at? Our ongoing experience, social conditions, education, culture and language, the relationships we form with others and our chosen pursuits in the world each act as a filter through which we view information at large. More importantly it is our responses to the information and experiences that sets our understanding of the world in place. This constitutes our map or perception of reality. A perception that is at least two steps removed from the event itself. We know that something takes place and we code this experience through our primary senses of Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell and Taste. This is the N of NLP. We organise these sense impressions into patterns which latterly become our thoughts and the words we use to describe the events. This is the L of NLP. This is effectively how we make sense of sensory experience. In conclusion we run patterns of thought and behaviour which constitute our programs or habits. This is the P of NLP. What is an individual? We exist within Environments, perform specific Behaviours within them, demonstrate Skills and Strategies within specific contexts, maintain Beliefs and Values in respect of our abilities and the world as a whole, and from this begin to consolidate a sense of who we are as an individual, our Identify begins to consolidate. Latterly we form impressions of how we make a Connection to others, the world and to creation as a whole.

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Exploring Skills and Strategies specifically, How do we know what we are doing? Human experience and the actions we perform are, in the main unconscious, we simply do what we do, and yet as we begin to explore, through the filter of Neuro Linguistics we discover that our Strategies can be broken down into a series of sequenced steps, this is achieved through the application of the T.O T. E. frame [ Test … Operate … Test … Exit ]. This awareness is arrived at when we begin to focus upon the Representational Systems [ sensory modalities ] that effectively code our experience and the Sub Modalities that are the smaller chunks. As a result, what we do and how we do it becomes the property of our conscious minds and as a result we are able to model behaviour in respect of both ourselves and others. In respect of strategies the importance we credit our actions is secondary, whether we are simply making a cup of tea or deciding upon something that will effect our lives. Though different in scale and importance we, none the less, use similar patterning procedures to arrive at the end result. Sometimes this is useful. Sometimes it is not. What drives us to code our experiences the way we do and develop the strategies that we choose to make our own? Accepting the foregoing as true we arrive at the conclusion that skills and strategies and their attendant behaviours are lower level effects of something that operates at a deeper and far more intrinsic level within our systems. The discovery of this lies at the heart of NLP in respect of both our personal and professional lives. NLP is best understood in context, for as a ‘soft’ set of skills it is defined by its area of application.

Personal Development The skills acquired through NLP enable you to become aware of what you pay attention to. How to shift your focus of attention in order to notice a wider range of information Which provides you with more choice. NLP demonstrates experientially how to set well-formed goals/outcomes, and how to go about achieving them.

Education NLP demonstrates in simple yet effective ways the uniqueness of each individual and how to gain a teaching style that will access each student in ways that are useful, given their learning preferences. As a model of learning about learning, NLP develops and enhances flexibility within both teaching and learning methods.

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Health & Therapy As a holistic or systemic model NLP recognises the mind body connection and therefore addresses itself to system integrity otherwise known as Ecology. Any organism is as strong as its weakest link. NLP facilitates an understanding of our deeper processes and offers us a choice to move towards internal alignment by asking ‘What is the positive intention behind the behaviour?’ [ the condition or symptom ] that is prevalent: the first step on the path to health and well-being.

Business Since an organisation is an entity in its own right, NLP facilitates businesses to develop well-formed outcomes, set mission and identity statements, establish win-win scenarios in respect of negotiation skills and develop flexible communication skills within its infrastructure. This enables an organisation to align the various components within its culture and elicit commitment which may not have been present at the outset. The foregoing is a brief outline of the more obvious applications of NLP. The practical application of NLP enables you in the first instance to notice how and what you pay attention to, what you ignore, and for what purpose, and how to introduce movement in your focus of attention so that you become aware of the differences that make the difference in your personal life as well as in any chosen field of human endeavour. This in turn will provide you with a wider range of choices, the beginning of creativity and the realisation of your dreams.

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Part 1


NLP At A Glance


Outcome Setting


NLP Techniques


Outcome Orientation

Systemic Integrity

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Ecology / Systems Integrity – What would you / others gain, what would you / others lose by achieving this outcome? Outcome Setting / Outcome Orientation – The system needs a direction to travel in. NLP utilises a ‘moving towards strategy’ of what you would rather have. Outcome Setting is facilitated by the tools available through NLP. Outcome Orientation by contrast is an attitude. Contexts / Direction – Specifies where and how to apply the tools of NLP. NLP Techniques – The tools themselves sometimes considered to be NLP itself. The tools fall into three major categories. [ 1 ] Behavioural as demonstrated by the application of The Swish pattern, The New Behaviour Generator, Timeline elicitation and resourcing etc. [ 2 ] Linguistic as demonstrated through the use of information gathering frames such as The Meta Model and Metaphor. The components of Conversational change formats and the utilisation of Trance states employing The Milton Model of language.

I The following contains a lineal sequence of processes designed to facilitate the achievement of well formed goals. Applied as a sequence they supply the necessary tools with which to view, develop and evaluate personal and professional goals.

1 Outcome Orientation & Setting Outcome Know what you want. Define it clearly Acuity Notice what you are getting in response to what you are doing Flexibility What do you need to do that is different in order to achieve your outcome?

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2 Spatial Sorting One of the primary skills developed NLP is ‘Spatial Sorting.’ The ability and opportunity to externalise otherwise internal processes in order to gain a new perspective which arises from the information accessed. All the patterns and formats of NLP rely upon this principle to one degree or another. As an example – How often have you had a good idea and immediately challenged it with the thought : I cant do that because of A … B … C etc? What could have become a reality falls at the first hurdle by thinking in a compacted way. The principle of Spatial Sorting is clearly demonstrated by The Creative Strategy. This strategy was modelled by Robert Dilts who studied a number of individuals who would have creative ideas and bring them into being. Spend quality time in each of these three thinking modes.

Dreamer … … Planner … … Evaluator There are two specific ways to do this. By Time : Spend a period of time dreaming or creating new ideas and discovering what having those ideas would do for you. You might spend an hour, a day or a month. Do the same in respect of Planning the idea and evaluating the plan. By Location : It is useful to pick a specific location where you dream up new ideas. Another where you plan ideas and a third where you evaluate the plan by asking ‘what’s missing from the plan – what do I need to add?’ The locations you choose could be :

Different locations in the same room. Different rooms. Different locations. As an example a trip to the mountains might be an excellent dreaming place for you, whilst sitting at your desk might be an excellent place to plan. The opposite might also be true. Use what works for you.

In each location or periods of time : Only Dream, Plan or Evaluate. Another useful approach is to think of a time when you :

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Had an excellent idea, irrespective of whether you brought it into being or not.

Saw something through from conception to actualisation. Noticed what was missing from something, added it and noticed the difference this made.

These three reference experiences serve as models of how to enter the appropriate state for either Dreaming, Planning or Evaluating. Spending quality time in each gives you the opportunity to :

Dream – with a ‘the skies the limit’ attitude. Plan – knowing you are developing the first step towards fulfilling the dream. Evaluate – the plan in order to ensure that it is viable in terms of achieving your dream through the plan created.

The rest is down to time and the steps you are prepared to take now. Creativity Planning Evaluation

Leads to Growth & Development

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3 Strategies of Excellence

When you know you can not fail, what will you achieve? Where would you like to be? Now 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year Planning the future can be a challenge, for many it is an attitude of ‘what will be, will be.’ True as this is, an edge can be created by being aware of two major components, firstly an awareness of ‘how you currently do what you do’ and knowing this, ‘what it is you can do’ that will ensure that you achieve your outcomes in a way that reflects your intentions. NLP can be summarised simply when you take into consideration three vital yet simple points.

Know what it is you want in the first place. Outcome

Notice what you are getting in response to this.


What can you do that is different that will ensure you achieve your goal.

Flexibility Stated simply the above can be considered as the three minute introduction to NLP, and with this in mind the models presented in this section represent the structures and methodologies for achieving excellence in respect of your goals and how you would choose to live and be in the world. They are methods of cleanly sorting your thinking, clearly specifying your outcomes and accessing the resources that makes all this possible. The basis of this is what you believe is possible and in the light of past experience this is often limited and yet the imagination can and does conceive magnificent dreams. The ability to put these dreams into the world is the intention of developing the skills presented by NLP. We live in a world where everything began as a dream, the building in which you are located, the city or village that contains it, the country itself and our current perception of the world began as a dream. The question is ‘What and Whose dream do you wish to live.’

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4 Hierarchy of criteria

[ stepping up / stepping down ]

... AND SO ON ...


... What would this outcome do for me ? ...


Stepping Up

... What would this outcome do for me ? ...

O U T C O M E Start Here

... What stops me ? ...

Stepping Down Limitation

... What do I want instead ? ...


... What stops me ? ...

... AND SO ON ...

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Chunking up – This relates to the Dreamer

What could you achieve? ..... and then? .... and then? ..... and then? etc. Chunking sideways

What is similar? Chunking down – This relates to the Planner / Evaluator.

What stops you? What would you rather have?

5 Project planning Sequencing is most important, ensuring that projects are on line and that they fulfil their deadlines. For this reason it is essential to create a timetable, one which serves to outline the time frames involved, while also being flexible enough to be updated in the advent of new information.

What are the steps within your project? This breaks a project into ‘bite size chunks’

What is the essential first step? What needs to be in place for the next step to occur, and the next etc.

Create a timetable of expected completion dates. It is useful to plan on the downside. ex. it might take a month to achieve, allow for two months, thereby ensuring that you are ahead of time.

having arrived at the steps within a project and the appropriate sequence set a well formed outcome in respect of each step.

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6 Well Formed Outcome Criteria Stated in the positive What would you rather have?

Initiated and maintained by self Within your control.

Sensory evidence How would you / someone else know?

Contextualised Where and with whom?

Ecological Represents who you are.

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The C. R. E. A. T. E. Model

On a scale of 1 to 10 how important to you is achieving this outcome? Moving towards

On a scale of 1 to 10 what are the consequences of not achieving this outcome?

Moving away

C reative What would you choose to create in your life and world? Stated in the positive Initiated and maintained by self Relative to personal outcomes or mission R esources What do you need to set up and maintain your outcome? Internal / External resources E vidence How would you know you had achieved this outcome? What would you see, hear and feel it? How would someone else know?

Internal / External reference A ppropriate Is the outcome of an appropriate size? Can it be achieved in one step? If the outcome is too big, chunk down. If the outcome is too small to be motivating chunk up.

What is the first step you can take NOW? Time When do you want this outcome? If offered to you now, would you accept it? How do you maintain INTENTION through time? Ecology How would achieving this outcome affect your personal and

professional relationships and your integrity? What would you gain? What would you lose?

©Damian Sinclair

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7 DOWN Side Planning

There is no failure only feedback and renewed opportunity

How many well planned [ ? ] projects fall at the first hurdle or apparent obstruction? How disheartening has this been for you? have you given up and simply said ‘oh well! what will be will be’ The importance of downside planning is in having contingency plans, fallback positions. For a plan to have flexibility a choice of three options is required. Then when your first option succeeds you have more choices and secondary outcomes should you so choose.

The most important question in downside planning is:

What happens if?

In asking this question you can then be prepared for any eventuality arising within the context of your project or plan. Multi layering of outcomes, cleanly sorted, clearly specified and appropriately sequenced is what enables you to succeed and gives rise to the possibility, now a probability of :

If you knew you could not fail, what would you achieve?

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8 UP Side Planning

One choice is no choice, Two choices creates a dilemna

Three choices is the beginning of choice

Success in any project is guaranteed when there are more ways than one of achieving the goal. An example of this would be Accepting an offer from Outcome another company Developing own Financial

business Security Seeking promotion within present company The above simple example demonstrates three ways achieving the same outcome. Should the primary choice succeed, their are further outcomes to consider, given choices in the future. The example given is valid when you consider the outcome of ‘Financial Security.’

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Note : An Anchor is any stimulus that recalls a specific memory or state to mind. It needs to be unique. Easy to repeat and timed to be connected as the memory / experience is reaching its peak. Anchors operate as sounds, words, images, symbols, a gesture, a touch upon a part of the body, a taste or smell. Anything which clearly recalls the state is a valid anchor.

9 Circles of Excellence

We use the same neurological circuitry to remember as we do to imagine. This format enables us to call upon and Anchor powerful resource states. Several circles are used in order to stack resources. This allows us to re-create our circle of excellence, step into it and fire the anchor which recalls into the present moment the resources within the circle. 1 Starting at a point on the floor, think of a resource that would be useful.

Think of a time you had it or what it would be like. Create a circle on the floor in front of you visualise it clearly, See / Hear and Feel yourself in the circle, how you would be and when this representation reaches a peak step into the circle and fully associate into the experience / state.

2 Having stepped into the circle Anchor the experience, a word, a sound, an image, a symbol, a gesture or what ever works for you.

3 Ask what else would be useful, when you know repeat steps 1 and 2 as above until you have stacked all the resources linked to the anchor.

4 Upon completion step out of the final circle and Break State by doing something different – anything. Test Re call your circle of excellence, step into it and notice what happens.

Start Here

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10 The Resource of T I M E We consciously code time as a series of memories, arranging it into events related to days, months and years. The unconscious processes time in a very different way. For the unconscious time is now. Whether we are in the moment or recalling a memory. As an experiment recall a pleasant memory, fully experience it and notice how you are feeling Now. With this in mind it is useful to realise the vast treasures we have stored within our past experience and the way we can seed them into the present and the future, thereby rehearsing in a resourceful way that which is yet to occur. In this way we are preparing gifts in the Now to meet in the Then.

PRESENT PAST FUTURE 1. Select a place on the floor which represents the PRESENT and determine in

which direction lies the PAST and the FUTURE. 2. Consider the resource you require and when you have this specified take one step

backwards [ Some of you may find it useful to turn and face your past ] until you come to a location where you had this resource, your body will know, notice what you notice and then take another step back and repeat until you come to a natural point of conclusion.

3. Now as you step towards the Present gather the resources in whatever way is

appropriate to you and carry them into the Present. 4. From the Present consider a point in the future when it would be useful to have

that resource and when you know this step forward and release it into that time and experience. Consider another time if appropriate and repeat. When completed step off the Timeline and examine it. Ask how does it appear / feel / or sound to you and if further resources are required in a specific location/s, step back on and release resources into this/these locations. Step off again and when satisfied walk into the Present sprinkling resources along your Timeline as you do so in whatever way is appropriate to you.

Return to the Present and Break State by stepping off the Timeline.

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The Resource Generator

Time is processed by the unconscious very differently to the lineal way in which the conscious mind orders and sorts events. To the unconscious all exists in the NOW. In this way the Resource Generator Rehearses the Future event in the Now, thereby setting the direction and ensuring a future event which has already been ‘seeded’ with resources.

1. With a future event in mind, [ Having achieved your outcome as an example ] ask

what resource/s would be useful in achieving it. 2. Using the Circles of Excellence format access the resource/s and Anchor them. 3. Select a location that represents the Present and step into it. 4. Consider the point just beyond the future event itself, fire the anchor and send the

resources to that point in the future. Still firing the anchor walk along the timeline to that point in the future. Turn and face the Present [ Now the past ] and develop a sense of receiving the resource/s.

5. Having received the resource/s, develop a sense of the learnings gained on route

and along with the resources send these back to the Present location [ now the past ]

6. Recycle this process, until you are satisfied that it is complete [ the unconscious

mind will give you a signal that lets you know ] 7. Upon completion walk back to the Present location, fully associate into the

Present and allow some time to integrate the resource/s and the learnings. 8. Break state by stepping out of the location and doing something different.

© Damian Sinclair

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1 The System

A model of communication & language

What we say

Surface Structure Surface Structure Descriptions of experience Information gathering formats

Conscious Process

Meta Model Generalisations Metaphor Distortions Deletions Unconscious Process Deep structure Deep structure

What we mean

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2 Language is metaphor

What was something before we gave it a name? Where do the words you speak come from? Are you aware of the structure you use in communicating your ideas to others? How do you know that others understand your meaning? In travelling back along the corridors of time we come to a place prior to the development of the spoken word, where consciousness expressed itself through an awareness that had a deep systemic connection with both ourselves and the environments we inhabited. For evolution to continue to unfold an awareness that developed into thought and simultaneously language emerged. First as simple sounds that conveyed meaning to others. Through time more complex structures arose that developed sophistication and elegance. We began to name things in order to take control of our environments, both internally and externally. At this time of pre history words themselves were considered to be elements of a magical nature and in some respects to know a things name was to exercise power over it. This gift of comprehending our surroundings served to elevate both our awareness and our continued evolution. In some respects each person born replicates this process. We are born, the language instinct by now being innate, yet all we learn we are taught, for initially we receive information from the world directly without the filters of understanding and meaning, these arise latterly when we have developed the cognitive skills of self reflection and interpretation. Each of us in this respect reproduces the whole of human history and evolution, both physically, through our evolution in the womb to our emergence and development in the world and cognitively through the development of self reflection and language. So again I ask ‘what was a thing before we gave it a name.’ NLP began with a book concerning patterns recognised in language, evolving out of linguistics and transformational grammar and serves as a profound methodology for gathering quality information and with this making a difference in the worlds of both ourselves and others, for with accurate information, connected to the deep structure of meaning we can begin to make sense of ourselves and others in both personal and professional contexts.

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When we consider the power contained in the ancient myths and stories we recognise only too clearly the power of stories to connect with us at the deepest of levels, how through time they have served to educate, to entertain and to heal, for a story of beauty and depth told by someone with the requisite skill connects to each and every listener, in different ways yet always in a way that moves us deeply in one direction or another.

What are your favourite stories and why is it they are the ones you remember most? What do they tell you and what do they teach you? And if you could tell a story that contained your Past, your Present and the unfolding future, what would that story be and how would you tell it?

You are invited to don the mask of child like innocence and re connect with the imagination, the power of creativity and experience the deeper resources that lie within the treasure house that lies within your own unconscious mind, bringing some of these treasures to the surface of awareness that they might be delighted in by both yourself and others, for in sharing the wisdom that lies within the system we enrich ourselves and those we make contact with in our personal and professional lives, creating in turn a richer and more creative world, a world unfolding in a way more ecological and possessed of wisdom and beauty.

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3 NLP models of language

The Meta Model

In order to be economic with words our communication is necessarily full of Generalisations, Deletions and Distortions. This occurs internally as Internal Dialogue and externally in what we say to others. Added to this are the hallucinations we have in regard to anothers meaning which constitutes an attempt at mind reading. Our communication is also rife with words which while describing processes rarely if ever leave the realm of the abstract. Words like : Learning – Loving – Helping – Teaching – Caring are called Nomilisations for they in no way describe the manner in which they are employed. The Meta Model of Language is the means by which NLP recovers vital information in order to connect language to experience. The reader is directed to ‘The Structure of Magic – Volumes 1 & 2 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder’ for an extensive exploration of the subject. Here it suffices to supply an introduction and overview. Examples : I am not very well.

In what way are you not very well? How well do you want to be?

I hate chinese food.

Was there ever a time when you liked chinese food? All chinese food?

I can’t do that.

What specifically? What would have to happen for you to be able to do that? Have you ever done that? What was it like?

I can see you are upset

how you came to that conclusion? I want to do this better.

How much better? Better than whom?

Learning – Loving – Helping – Teaching – Caring

What? How? and Why?

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This brief overview demonstrates examples of what are referred to as language violations and the challenges that the Meta Model employs. Used sensitively they can recover meaning from the system and connect the individual in question to a deeper level of their on-going experience. The Meta Model is a concise and explicit information gathering frame which facilitates an awareness of language use in order to ‘pattern interrupt’ unconscious habitual patterns which in many respects are the programs we run as individuals. Richard Bandler, one of the prime developers of NLP once said that effective utilisation of the techniques of NLP was equal to the level of expertise within the use of the Meta Model of language.

The Milton Model

Milton H. Erickson M.D. the eminent hypnotherapist lent his name to the second model of language employed by NLP. Whereas the Meta Model moves towards specificity the Milton Model moves towards ‘ the artfully vague use of language.’ The Generalisations, Distortions, Deletions and Nomilisations in this instance are encouraged and developed. In this respect the entire model of hypnotic language and that of trance induction generally employ this ‘artful vagueness’ for by distracting the conscious mind, using ambiguity, the unconscious is accessed and utilised. It has been said that a classic example of this model of language in use is by politicians who collectively are

able to say nothing whilst appearing to say everything. This is of course a matter of opinion and no criticism is intended. The reader is again directed to ‘Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson M.D. – Vols. 1 & 2 by Richard Bandler, John Grinder and Judith Delozier’ for an extensive exploration and explanation of this fascinating subject.

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Context – Business and Organisations “An organisation or company can be likened to an individual, possessing unique characteristics such as the Environments in which it operates; the Behaviours it manifests as actions; the Skills and Strategies it employs in order to evolve and grow; the Beliefs and Values it maintains concerning itself and its market; the sense of its own Identity and the Vision it has of itself within society and the world.”

How is quality information that enhances future personal development in a number of directions accessed from the system that is you and your organisation? What is your current sense of who you are as an individual and what your company represents in the world, and how might this be enhanced in order facilitate future productivity? What systemic processes exist that enable creativity and imagination to inform the strategies currently employed within the contexts of business and personal development?

The development and exploration of skills that enable the creation of personal metaphors engages the creativity that exists in each of us. Patterns emerge where before existed only random events. Carl Jung the eminent psychologist once observed that modern man lacked the ability to formulate a personal myth and as a result came to divorce themselves from the wellspring that exists at the core of life. There are many ways to reconnect to this vital principle. Language and how it codes our perception, our model of the world can be employed to recover the vital information that is all but engulfed by the simple process of living and its attendant demands.

What is your perception of yourself? What is your corporate identity? What stories and anecdotes empower and which ones limit? What is your personal story, the one that makes you the unique and distinct individual that you are?

A metaphor is “the application of a name or a descriptive term or phrase to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable” - Oxford English Dictionary. A metaphor is a story (or a figure of speech) implying a comparison. Communication through metaphor can be an elegant way of by-passing conscious processes and influencing unconscious processes. A metaphorical communication

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can be embedded at different levels and in NLP, metaphors can be sorted into the following categories:

Verbal - Language forms the primary medium in this type of metaphor and some examples are jokes, stories, parables, slogans, etc.

Non Verbal - The emphasis here is not placed on words but far more on behavioural tasks such as drawing and games, the use of symbols, gestures, objects, etc.

Shallow - The conscious mind is cognisant of the link between the present state and the metaphor.

Deep - The link between the present state and the metaphor is out the conscious mind’s awareness.

Closed - The metaphor weaves in a resolution for the presenting issue.

Open - Though no resolution is built in directly, the explorer is presented with choices and selects the appropriate one.

Isomorphic - The metaphor corresponds to and paces the present and desired states.

Metaphors, when constructed skilfully, activate the rich resources from the inner world of the unconscious mind and may be introduced at any level of a process in order to pace, interrupt patterns and lead. When constructing a metaphor, it is useful to think in cross-contexts and consider how ‘a’ may be likened to ‘b’, for example:

An environment may be compared to a ‘jungle’ or a ‘desert’

A behaviour may be likened to an ‘engine’ or a ‘butterfly’

A skill may be compared to a ‘ sapling’ or ‘vintage wine’

A belief may be likened to a ‘burden’ or a ‘balloon’

A person may be compared to a ‘musical instrument’ or an ‘animal’

An emotion may be likened to an ‘ocean’, ‘a bird’ or ‘season’

A family may be compared to the ‘crew of a ship’ or ‘players in a drama’

The work place may be likened to a ‘war zone’ or a ‘nest of ants’

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A Model Of Storytelling

Present State + Resources = Desired Outcome

Present State + = Desired Outcome

Internal Representation Internal Representations Beliefs & Values Beliefs & Values External Behaviours External Behaviours


The story Containing pacing the present state. Adding resources. And leading to desired outcome.

The Bridge

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Personal Exploration

Creating personal metaphors is a way of accessing information ordinarily unavailable to the conscious mind. In a sense they also grant us permission to explore content that might otherwise be too close or personal. This occurs through describing something which at the surface level does not involve us directly and yet the information acquired arises from deep within our own system. As an example create a metaphor that defines your life as :

A Musical Instrument.

The Past as a musical instrument [ ? ] on its way to becoming [ ? ] ..... Future Ex. Violin Trombone

What is it about the construction of the instrument? The materials it is made of? How it is played? The sound it produces? What else?

A Dance.

The past as a Dance on its way to becoming .................... Future

Ex. Foxtrot Lambada

What is it about the movement of the dance? Is it a solo dance or do you have a partner? The pace of the Dance? Where did it originate? What is involved in Dancing this Dance? What else?

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4 Reframing Experience or our perception of experience is given a description in language, this is our way of ‘making sense of sensory experience’ and yet, when we change the meaning through reframing, responses and behaviours also change. As our description of an experience locks us into a limited ‘meaning’ reframing serves to offer choices where before they were limited. Used elegantly it is often the only intervention necessary to facilitating someone into taking the steps they choose to take, to make a difference in their lives. The Art of reframing meaning is a linguistic tool and presupposes that there are many ways of looking at an experience, some more useful than others. Reframing demonstrates itself most elegantly in the use of stories, fables and jokes. As an example think of the ugly duckling that grew up to become a beautiful swan. There are two major types of Reframe.

Context Reframing

Maintains the behaviour and asks where this behaviour would be useful. E.g. He’s so lazy. Reframe And isn’t that useful when lying on a beech. Questions to ask yourself to find a context reframe.

When would this behaviour be useful?

Where would this behaviour be a resource?

How else could I describe the situation?

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Content Reframing

Leaves the situation unchanged and changes the meaning in that context.

E.g. She’s so indecisive when it comes to selecting something to wear. Reframe Taking her time means that she cares about her appearance and wishes to make the right impression. Questions to ask yourself to find a content reframe.

What else could this mean? What is the intention behind the statement likely to be? How else could I describe this behaviour?

Here is an example : He’s so slow - Slow about what? It’s just that He’s methodical in he’s relaxed order to get it right Specifies Context Changes meaning Creates another outcome He’s so slow

That’s useful for detailed work Perhaps he is overworked or tired

Changes Context Changes meaning of behaviour

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5 Six Step Reframing

An Introduction & Guidelines As a model of internal negotiation it is most useful to address a number of points in order to clarify what is meant in the use of certain ideas and terms. Rapport ..... Rapport ..... Rapport .... And then some more. This is the primary skill required in this and any other facilitation process. When speaking of ‘Parts’ this is a way of describing something which exists in all our natures. We have multiple outcomes covering a wide range of human activity, sometimes these are in conflict. As an example : you wish to have a nice relaxing afternoon, perhaps reading a book in the garden, and as you settle down to do this you remember that the grass needs cutting or that the car could do with a wash. A simple example of what can take place. This gives rise to conflict and the need for resolution. A simple example is given in order to illustrate the complex structure which sometimes manifests within us. We presuppose a ‘Positive Intention’ behind each and every behaviour. Positive intention often manifests as ‘Protection’ a way of looking after us in a way, though limiting is found to be effective. In acknowledging the positive intention and offering it further choices we engage a powerful component within our natures to do something different. Thanking Parts is a way of acknowledging the multiple components within our natures and gives rise to communication commencing within the system, it’s a little like being nice to people we know and acting as if we are meeting new elements within us, ones we have possibly ignored or mistreated over a lengthy period of time. Sometimes within this format various parts do not wish to communicate in consciousness and as such we proceed on the assumption that the process will take place and that a positive intention is present in this behaviour. Flexibility and rapport are the primary skills required when this arises.

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Six Step Reframe 1 Identify the context. [ I want to stop ‘X’ but I can’t or I want to ‘Y’ but something stops me ] 2 Establish communication with the part running the behaviour. Ask: “Will the part responsible for making me ‘X’ communicate with me in consciousness?” Notice any feelings / images or sounds that arise in response to the question. Establish a ‘yes / no’ meaning of the signal by increasing / decreasing it. Thank the part for communicating with you in consciousness or proceed presupposing that communication is taking place outside of conscious awareness. 3 Separate the Positive Intention from the behaviour by asking: “Would you be willing to let me know in consciousness your outcome in running this behaviour?” If you get a yes response, go ahead or if no proceed assuming a positive intention. Ask “If there were ways of accomplishing your outcome that would work as well or better than ‘X’ would you be interested in employing them?” 4 Access a Creative part and have the part that runs ‘X’ communicate its outcome / positive intention to it. Have the creative part generate alternatives [ 3 is appropriate ] and have the part that runs ‘X’ choose what is appropriate by giving the ‘Yes / No’ signal. 5 Ask the part that runs ‘X’ “Are you willing to take responsibi lity for

running the new behaviour/s in the appropriate context?” 6 Ecological check : “Is there any part that objects to any of the three alternatives?” If there is a ‘yes’ response recycle to step 2 and continue from there. If a no response is forthcoming complete the process by thanking the parts for their elegant communication and co-operation and invite the client to integrate the learnings appropriately.

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1 Rapport An essential and naturally occurring skill with good communicators. We know when we have rapport when conversation ‘flows’. We also know when the conversation is not ‘flowing’, the question is, what can we do to improve the nature of our communication? Good communication is like a dance, a loop of sorts is set up. It has been noted that the components that make up good communication are body matching, language matching and the matching of breathing cycles. The entire model of NLP is effectively a model of Rapport in different contexts.

2 Sensory Acuity

What do you notice? posture body balance muscle tension relaxation breathing patterns rhythm and depth

skin colour skin flushing etc.

gestures the body’s way of communicating

vocal qualities volume tone rhythm etc. language We invariably describe experience using a specific sensory system/s. This is noted when a person continually uses words such as : [ v ] isual bright clear picture imagine look see etc. [ a ] uditory sharp rhythm ring sound vibrates etc. [ k ] inesthetic grasp handle feel touch soft warm etc. These words are called predicates and serve to indicate which system/s the individual has a preference for within the given context. Flexibility on the part of

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the NLP practitioner ensures that the information gathered is representative of the clients needs and in this respect :

Information Gathering

NLP is 95% of this and 5% intervention


Resource Accessing utilising a systemic approach

3 Positive Intention

There is a positive intention behind every behaviour

The physical pain we experience is a signal that lets us know that something needs attending to. Likewise events in our lives, be they resourceful or not serve as an indication of what is going on in the ‘system’ as a whole. When we consider something we would change about ourselves it is useful to ask the question : What is the present situation or behaviour doing that is beneficial for me? An example of this would be in the instance of judging ourselves to be lazy, too idle to get things done, lacking in the initiative to tackle necessary tasks. We would criticise ourselves and others would possibly re-inforce this by their own opinions, thereby a belief about ourselves is established and is now held to be true. Yet what if our so called laziness was relative [ compared to what or whom ? ] it could very well be the systems way of saying ‘take a break’, even an extended break in some instances. Discovering the positive intention enables us to address the issue in question in a systemic fashion, thereby taking into consideration the system as a whole. Using the above context we could also ask where would being lazy be useful to us? Perhaps in bed ? Perhaps on a beach ? Taking a so called limitation and discovering when or where it would be useful is referred to as reframing.

Nothing is either good or bad only thinking makes it so

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4 Neurological Levels A model of human experience developed by Robert Dilts to describe the alignment or lack of alignment within human systems. Connection How you connect to the greater system Identity Who you are Belief What underlying beliefs support or limit you Capability The skills and strategies you possess and utilise Behaviour What you are doing Environment External & The body / mind system Start here

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5 Pacing & Leading

“Do cheer up, everything will work out okay, it just seems that way to you at the moment.”

Has there ever been a time when due to some upset some one has uttered these words of wisdom to you? What was your response, how did it make you feel? Though true, how useful was it to hear these words? In the model of communication skills presented here this is what is referred to as Leading. By contrast Pacing is when we acknowledge another’s state of being and respect it. An example would be two people meeting, one of them in a high energy state, the other far from being so, a recipe for disaster indeed. Yet what if the person in the high energy state had the skills to notice, [ sensory acuity ] and through rapport could safely enter the other persons world. This has the effect, at the unconscious level of permitting a person to be as they are, rather than feeling bad about feeling bad. Through pacing and leading we can elegantly and respectfully assist another in changing their own state in a way that is both appropriate and ecological. Notice what you notice > Pace > Pace > Lead . Notice the response to your lead > Pace and Lead again when and if appropriate. Utilising the skills of sensory acuity, rapport and pacing and leading grants us the opportunity to leave others in a state far more resourceful than the one we found them in. An opportunity to live in a world where our actions make a difference, to both ourselves and others.

The meaning of your communication is the response you get irrespective of your intention

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6 Future Pacing

When we create a synopsis of what another person has communicated to us, using their words and terms, rather than our interpretation of what we think they mean, we have effectively back tracked. This grants us the opportunity to understand the world through their experience rather than our own and demonstrates to them our grasp of what they mean and enables us to inter-act more effectively.

The map is not the territory Have you ever had the experience of someone saying, no I did not mean that, I meant this? This is a classic response to our interpretation of another persons communication as opposed to their meaning. Future pacing is when we back track effectively and utilising the resource of time build into another persons experience of the world the resources they need to take them forward. An example of this would be ‘And recognising that the challenges ahead are clearly outlined and you now know the first step to take, what will it be like when you look back upon this time and recognise all the steps you took that brought you to this moment, and is it not delightful to recognise that you can do this right now........’

You have all the resources you need right now

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7 T r a n c e Sleeplike state without response to stimuli; half-conscious state; ecstasy; rapture; extreme exaltation; catalepsy; hypnotic state.

The concise oxford dictionary ‘And it is delightful to recognise that as you sit comfortably considering the meaning of this word, noticing your breathing becoming deeper and more regular that you can choose even now to begin feeling even more comfortable with each passing moment and that the more comfortable you become the more you recognise the meaning and experience of this word.......even now........’ What is your experience of reading the above passage?

The simplest method of inducing a relaxed and light trance is in noticing and relating two or more observable events which the other person is experiencing at the present time [ Pacing ] and from this drawing a conclusion as to what this might mean [ Leading ] An example would be : You are sitting in the chair, resting your hands in your lap [ Pacing ] and from this I can tell that you are comfortable [ Leading. ] The methodology is simplicity itself

Enter and maintain rapport. Backtrack the persons use of language and description of their experience.

Remembering to speak as the person is exhaling. Pace and lead as previously described. Future pace using language of an empowering nature.

Return the person to the present moment in time gently and respectfully. You may also have noticed the emboldened words of the script, these are embedded commands and are executed using emphasis of the voice or particular gestures. Through the linguistic skills of NLP we develop the ability to facilitate in others ‘altered states’ which permit resources within the system to be accessed and utilised, the use of embedded commands and future pacing supplies us with a vast range of linguistic tools.

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Is it useful to go into trance ? or Is it useful to come out of trance ? We shall pre-suppose that a state of trance exists continually and that the states we pass through on a day to day basis forms the repertoire of ‘how we do who we are’.

Present State & Desired State

[ each considered as a trance ]

Present State + Resources = Desired State

Internal representations Internal representations External behaviours External behaviours Beliefs Beliefs Choices Choices Perception Perception

Perceptual Positions Multiple Descriptions

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8 Metaprograms Metaprograms are the higher logical level strategies that drive lower level activities. Whether this be behaviours, Capabilities, Beliefs, our sense of Identity and how we make Connection to others and the world. All this manifesting within the specific Environments in which we operate. The list of Metaprograms that follows is by no means complete yet serves as a description of the ones most common. The questions that precede them are effectively elicitation questions. Questions which, when asked will elicit a response which can demonstrate a specific Metaprogram. What do you want? Away / Towards &

Specific / General How will you achieve this? Options / Procedures &

Task / Relationship What will you do to achieve this? Match / Mismatch Who will be affected by this? Self / Other &

Internal / External How and When will you do this? Active / Reactive A simple example of a Metaprogram in operation suffices to make this clear. Consider the Metaprogram Toward Away. Take a specific context, examine its content in order to acquire sufficient information and then set an Outcome from each end of the Metaprogram continuum. An example of this would be : At the Towards end of the Metaprogram we would expect someone to linguistically code the outcome as ‘ I want to become fit.’ At the Away end of the continuum we would expect them to say something like ‘ I don’t want to be fat and lazy.’ Though simplistic this illustrates the point. The story that follows is an excellent example of exploring Metaprograms within a real life situation. Perhaps some of the stories content will be only too familiar to you.

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‘Once upon a time there were two people named Hasina and Malekh who lived in a town called Malindi. They had a beautiful house surrounded by a large garden, with trees and flowers and shrubs of all descriptions. Hasina and Malekh were as different as one could imagine though to look at them, you would think they were one and the same person. Whenever there was something that arose that needed action or a decision, Hasina would go to great pains to find out all the tiny little details and the best place to start before venturing into action. Malekh, by contrast, was perfectly happy to get a general sense of what was involved and for example, in a conversation, often deleted points that Hasina was convinced were vital and essential if they were to proceed. [ Specifics - small chunk / Generalities - big chunk ]. Hasina would imagine all the things that she didn’t really want to get involved in because of all the things that could go wrong as a result of a particular action, whilst Malekh almost always had a sense of what really mattered to him and therefore knew how to go about achieving his wishes and desires, sometimes forgetting to bear in mind how he would proceed if something didn’t quite work out as planned. [ Moving Away / Moving Towards ]. Once Hasina had decided on a particular path, she would set to like a demoness and work flat out, completing her chosen project within the target period, as though it was something she wanted out of the way as quickly as possible. More often than not, she would have allowed just enough time to complete her task and thus, though focused, she would come out of one of these sessions quite tense and grumpy. Malekh, on the other hand, was more likely to begin his project by setting the scene first, have all that he needed in front of him and create the ambience that would inspire him to work in a relaxed way. Sometimes, he would be so laid back about starting his project, that time would just fly without him having achieved a fraction of what he had hoped. [ Task / Relation ]. When Hasina embarked on something, she would ask Malekh for his opinion and agonise over whether it was the right thing to do and if she had the requisite skills on board. When there were decisions to be made, Hasina would always check what Malekh’s point of view was. Whereas he seemed to carry this air of confidence and trusted his own judgement more readily, plainly satisfied with his own evaluation and very rarely seeking feedback from others.[ External / Internal ]. To take another scenario, when it was Hasina’s turn to cook, she would always think about what Malekh would like to eat and whether he would enjoy her food, never ever concerned about her own needs, to the point of cooking dishes she herself would not in a million years dream of eating. Malekh, on the other hand, knew what

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he loved and when he cooked, he would concoct outlandish dishes and set to with gusto and enthusiasm, not overly concerned as to what Hasina might think of his food, though wanting her to enjoy his food as much as he did. [ Other / Self ]. Now there were times, when Hasina behaved in a way that surprised Malekh. She would do something in a particular way because she felt she had to and that was the only choice available; thus out of necessity, she would often do herself an injustice, for example, by letting a brilliant opportunity pass her by. Malekh was always surprised at her when she behaved like that because in his world, possibilities abounded, in fact, he often found there were too many choices and he revelled in the whole spectrum of options he knew he could apply himself to. He did find that sometimes, when he was about to start something he had already set the steps to, he would come up with another way of doing it, and on a bad day, he would end up achieving virtually nothing. [ Necessity - Procedural / Possibility – Optional ]. And you know the funny thing, whenever they wanted to go on holiday, Hasina would always select the same three places to visit, what time of day to travel, what travel agency to go to, what airline to book with, what clothes to take with her; she routinely remained within safe and known territory. Yes, you have guessed right: well our Malekh was an explorer and wanted to experience new things and if on the last holiday they flew, on the next, he wanted to go by coach, or train, or boat. Let me tell you my friends, this was perhaps the only time when Hasina could have hit Malekh over the head with a big serving spoon. [ Same - Match / Difference - Mismatch ]. Anyway, one day, they came across this word: Metaprograms and began to look into them. During the course of their investigations, they realised that in order for them to communicate elegantly, they needed to understand each other’s internal patterns of organisation. They also needed to pace and match each other in order to get their individual message across. From that point on, their interactions became a truly learning experience. Their life became deeply enriched through their growing understanding of how each of them sorted and coded their internal experience. Through their continuing exploration, Hasina and Malekh both realised that, through their behavioural flexibility, they could adopt and operate through each other’s Metaprograms in a number of contexts. They also came to recognise that there were no absolutes within Metaprograms. They operated on a continuum, and it was the context that determined where on the continuum you operated from. The most useful lesson both Hasina and Malekh learned was the ability to create a blend of both, using the relevant percentages of the twin Metaprograms for the relevant situations.

Karys Orsini

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Metaprograms invariably operate outside of conscious awareness as they are deep rooted intrinsic characteristics that exist at the process level, whilst we as humans operate primarily at the content level. By becoming aware of how we function at this level, we begin to not only explore our internal representations, we also begin to access choice, for without this awareness of our deep process level activity, there can be no choice, only reactions and responses triggered by the context in which we are operating at the time. It is erroneous to assume that an individual is operating solely at one end of the continuum or the other or for that matter that they operate solely at a fixed point between the extremes. Were this the case we would be automatons. The key to Metaprograms, as to most things is – Context. Within a specific set of experiences that make up a context we might demonstrate behaviour that defines a specific placement upon the continuum whilst with another set or class of experiences that placement changes. There is also the combination of Metaprograms to consider for no one Metaprogram operates in isolation. Clustering takes place and as is the case with Belief Clusters it can be challenging to identify the Driver. In closing I offer a simple schematic which serves to illustrate the Logical Level at which Metaprograms operate. Metaprograms

Neurological levels



Language Patterns – Beliefs Structure &

Representational Systems / Submodalities

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Part 2



New Code NLP New Code is a description of Neuro Linguistic Programming which arose from the question "Is there wisdom in the system known as NLP?" The five day workshop, held by John Grinder and Judith DeLozier, "Prerequisites of Personal Genius" its facilitation, implications and ongoing discoveries are currently referred to as New Code. It is, in part, an attitude and is currently coded into seven principles, for convenience. It supplies a double description of NLP and is a generative model which accounts for all aspects of Attention.

The Seven principles

An interpretation

State : A description of a moment in which consists of physiological, mental and emotional components which are taken to be a description of the world. It is effectively an entire world, and the perception of that world contains the information that resonates within it. State is also, using phonetic ambiguity 'a place you go to' and as such we often visit states that are interesting to visit, however, would you like to live there permanently? The important thing is the polarity between State and Information, for the latter is a description of reality, something held to be true, whilst state is a changeable flux, which we consciously seek to stabilise. State in this respect is a foundation, for it is representative of who, and what and where we are in any given moment.

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Conscious - Unconscious Relationship : The reducing valve of reason known as the 1st Attention must at all cost make meaning out of phenomenon. The 2nd Attention by contrast communicates poetically, artistically, through stories, dreams and insights. We tend to acknowledge one, thereby implicitly denying the other. To conceive of the existence of a conscious / unconscious nature already divides the totality of the self into known and the unknown. To posit a relationship between them, an interface of sorts, is the beginning of wisdom for to do so is to break down the distinction and division and as a result begin the process of re-alignment. The Balance between Practice and Spontaneity : There are no rules or procedures, yet we need a framework into which we place Attention. This direction facilitates us into covert outcomes that are coded into all procedures. The overt outcome, the practice simply engages us in order to arrive at the spontaneity of free-flow. Yet we need to know the rule or rules prior to becoming innovative. How else would we know if our spontaneous methodology were an improvement on what has been coded as a rule within a practice? Finally there is a distinct relationship between Practice and Spontaneity and the Metaprograms Options & Procedures and Task & Relationship. The bottom line, as always is context - what is appropriate? Where and When? Perceptual Positions : An information gathering frame. As information is gathered from the smaller unit of mind, i.e. each perceptual position, the greater unit of mind is updated. As a format within New Code, it supplies information within a specific context by behaviourally re-assembling the context that gave rise to the information being initially accessed and latterly forgotten. As a sub set of Multiple Descriptions it allows us to "loosen the neural grip" that one description supplies and opens the window on choice a little wider. As a format it also enables us to develop into a skill what others loosely describe as intuition or insight, whilst also supplying an evidence procedure with which to test or challenge our assumptions and mind reading. It is a methodology of perceiving that takes us one step closer to systemic awareness by creating initial distinctions in order to cleanly sort them prior to re-alignment. Attention : As described by the perceptual art of the Toltecs 'Attention is arrived at by pure awareness undergoing modifications through the process of maturation.' What we pay attention to pays attention to us, for we assemble a world of meaning from what it is we are noticing and also from what we are deleting as a result. Attention can be lineal as in structured reason [ 1st Attention ] It can be lateral as in intuitive insight and wisdom [ 2nd Attention ] It can also enable us to recollect the totality of ourselves [ 3rd Attention. ] The only questions are : Where do you place your Attention and do you have a choice in the first place? Attention and its context [ the where and what ] is the matrix of perception.

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Filters : Following on from Attention - filters are directions, reference points that code both attention and meaning. To filter for one thing is to delete many others, dependant upon the context. Widening of filters permits a greater range of information. Each of the preceding principles of New Code may be described as a filter, along with the obvious ones of gender, occupation, language and beliefs etc. What we filter for supports and enables our 'model of the world' be that useful or not. To arrive at asking the question 'how useful is it to hold this awareness at this time?' is a demonstration that the world is far more mysterious than we will ever know, and as we have assembled the world through our filters- are they enabling or limiting? Multiple Descriptions : One description is one choice, two descriptions is either/or. Multiple Descriptions overtly grant us information and resources accessed from another perspective, given the congruence or intent of the act. Covertly it gives us a holiday away from what we always do and again opens the window on choice and change, however slightly, it makes a vast difference. As perceptual beings we have been 'talked into' a model of the world which is both concrete in appearance and constant. This is the ring of reason in manifestation. The ring of intent by contrast Intends perception, the final step in accessing the second ring of power is loosening the perceptual grip of one world description. Multiple descriptions is that first step in the process of 'stopping the world.' Collapsing the world and ultimately losing the human form, which can only exist in an ambience of Self Importance and Personal History. Multiple descriptions, consequently begins the process of erasure. [ for definitions of some of the above terms see the written works of Carlos Castaneda.]

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The Wisdom In The System


The Walk of Power and Grace

A model of physiological excellence: how one component of our system, the body itself, can be used as a Gateway into the System, the totality of what we are or might become. Recognising the body / mind fusion, it follows that one will impact upon the other; as such, by walking with power and with grace, we attain a physiological state of excellence : posture, movement, breathing, chemical and neurological exchanges which changes our state radically. The other component of importance concerning the walk of power and grace is the belief, held in some traditions, that the primary expression of the unconscious is the body itself, for in some respects we are in part unconscious of the body whilst we focus attention upon the content of our mind, and of course vice versa. We have only to consider the various processes of the body - respiration, cardio-vascular function, various organ functions, neural activity, digestive process, and many more - to recognise readily how in the main these are processes that occur outside of conscious awareness, and as such occur within the realm of the unconscious. It follows that the very act of accessing 'State' physiologically gives us a sense of alignment within what was previously an unconscious domain. This is evidenced by traditions that utilise the body as a trance medium via dance and ritual movement. Exercise 1A

1. Set an Outcome for the exercise.

2. Select a pleasant environment, preferably outside, a park or the countryside is ideal.

3. Consider how you are walking, your posture, breathing and notice any tension points which exist.

4. Begin to explore what it is you could do to make your walk elegant, graceful and powerful.

5. Consider what it would be like to be a mighty warrior, a dancer or a big cat stalking through the jungle. What else could you do ?

6. Having achieved an optimal state for walking, bring to mind and consider your outcome.

7. Put this to one side and re focus on your walk.

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Stopping The World As a process this builds directly upon the walk of power and grace, and consists of three primary elements:

Enough tension within the body to hold it upright without unnecessary tension.

No internal dialogue, forming images, processing sensations or feelings.

The opening of peripheral vision. The first component is addressed directly through the walk of power and grace, with the added element of gently curling the fingers, as if one were pulling oneself along energetic fibres passing across the palms of the hands, somewhat in the way that you would pull yourself along physical handrails. The second component automatically arises as a result of the first and third. In short, it is the resultant state accessed through the process, a state which of itself is a Gateway; for though it is a profound state, what is of importance is what you do with it that makes a difference. With practice, and the development of skill and elegance, it becomes a natural state out of which one can operate fluidly whilst interacting with the world. The third component is the key to the entire process. It is a way of using the eyes, of using vision in a different way to that which constitutes the norm. In everyday usage the eyes tend to employ foveal vision - the aspect of vision where we focus upon specifics, and out of these build and maintain our perceptual model of the world. We open peripheral vision by: Gently resting the gaze upon a distant fixed point. Without moving the eyes, become aware of what is above, below and to the left and right. We effectively open the eyes in such a way that the rods and cones upon the surface of the eyes are saturated with information from the world. The result of this influx of information is saturation of the conscious mind, which can only process a limited amount of information simultaneously. The conscious mind checks out, as it were. What arises is communication of this information in the direction of Second Attention. This is evidenced by the state of utilising See/Feel neurological circuitry which cuts in directly as a result of the process. Having arrived at this state, it can be noted that

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with all the components deeply and congruently in place, the cessation of internal dialogue is effectively cessation of the conscious process of maintaining our model of the world. It is as if we experience the world through new eyes. It is from this state of Stopping the World that we have the opportunity to assemble new world and of creating perceptual diversity. Exercise 1B

1 : Whilst walking rest your gaze gently on the horizon point and curl your fingertips, as if you were holding cylinders in each of your hands, this is done in a relaxed way.

2 : Without moving the eyes and gently resting your gaze, become aware of what is present in your peripheral vision, above you, beneath you, to your right and to your left.

3 : Continue this until such a time as the ‘ State’ deepens and settles.

4 : Again briefly re call the outcome, then set it aside


Active Dreaming

Exercise 1C

1. Set an Outcome, put it aside.

2. Set up State : The Walk of Power and Grace and The Stopping The World formats. [ Parts 1 and 2 ]

3. Begin to notice what you become aware of, consider this to be the unconscious reaching out and formulating itself around something/s specific or as a gift from the universe rich with meaning.

4. Permit this process to unfold naturally and take note of what arises within you.

5. Assume 2nd. Position with the symbol by acting ‘As if’ you were the symbol. What would it be like to be ‘X’

6. Assume 3rd. Position by asking : What is the relationship between the Symbol and the Outcome set at the beginning of the exercise ?

7. Assume 1st. Position by integrating the information whilst walking.

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8. When completed [ to your satisfaction ] end the exercise by gently ‘sweeping’ your gaze left to right three times, this will return you to a relaxed and natural state as you walk. Allow time for the process to continue prior to rationalising it consciously and continue to enjoy your walk.

In respect of the three stages of practice, at the outset it may be appropriate to practice each part separately and when you have gained a sense of one part move on to the next and then on to the next. Do take time to become familiar with each part as they are, individually powerful components.

At the commencement of each part of the exercise it is useful to set up a Safety Line, this is a signal that lets you know it is time to return to a normal state of consciousness. It is enough to make the arrangement and agreement internally. Adapted from the work of Carlos Castaneda

John Grinder

Judith DeLozier

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The Wisdom in the System

A visual representation of the three preceding processes

Second Attention Active Dreaming The Interface between The Walk of Power and Grace Conscious and Stopping The World Unconscious Process Optimum Physiology whilst Walking No Excess Tension Cessation of Internal Dialogue Use of Peripheral Vision The Modelling State First Attention Outcome Well Formed Conditions Intention

Fully Associated in V A K to the Outcome and the Process

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New Code Outcome Model

You have all the resources you need, right Now 1 : Identify Context and Specify the Outcome. Write this as a sentence. Ask : On a scale of 1 -10 [ 10 = Highest Value ] How important is it to achieve this Outcome? How important is it to not achieve this Outcome? 2 : Write down in a sentence a description of the Present Situation. 3 : Write down in a sentence a description of the Desired Situation. 4 : Access interface between 1st and 2nd Attentions.

Sitting. Blank canvas on the wall before you. Build a representation of a building / structure that represents a home. [ structure / materials / colours / textures etc.] Build into the picture the surroundings. [ Full VAKOG of the above.] Focus on the entrance / door. Step into the picture and enter the building / structure through the door. A corridor with doors to right and left. Transforms into a circle of doors. Facing one door, notice its form / materials and colour/s. Then turn to the next, then the next etc. Finally return to facing the first door. Ask : What was it about a particular door that you found inviting? Take some time to permit this to become clear. Return to facing that particular door. Enter through the door. Room / Area dark. Sparkle at the centre begins to slowly illuminate the surrounding area. A wall / surface upon which a sentence appears. Note this. An Object / gift makes itself visible to you. Accept this. Thanking the wisdom that brought this to you, leave the room. Enter the corridor. Leave the structure through the front door. Stepping out of the picture. Re-associate to sitting in your chair.

5 : Maintaining State. Write a sentence defining the relationship between the Symbol/s and the Outcome. 6 : Write a sentence defining the relationship between the 1st image and the Outcome. 7 : Write a sentence defining the relationship between the 2nd image and the Outcome.

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8 : Re-Access interface between 1st and 2nd Attentions.

Re-enter State as recalled from being in The Room. Consider 1st sentence [ Symbol/s ] breathe life and connection into it / them. Experience How and Where you experience this in your body. Put it aside. Repeat the above in respect of the 1st image. Repeat the above in respect of the 2nd image. Turn and notice the three sentences / symbols begin to merge, creating new patterns of meaning. Notice the dance that unfolds and How that represents itself. Integrate this within you. Future Pace [ On going process ] Return to present moment and location.

9 : Re-evaluate the Present Situation in the light of new information / resources and write a short paragraph defining this new relationship.

© Damian Sinclair

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Perception … … … A model of change The pioneering work undertaken by the developers of NLP during the 1970’s has given rise to extensive applications of NLP within the areas of Business, Education, Therapy, Health and Personal Development. As Practitioners of NLP we have been invited to refine our perceptions and develop a sensitive and flexible structure, serving as it does a useful description of experience. The important questions that arise are: What and Where next? To develop Process Awareness it is useful to ask questions. As an example, one of the primary operating principles within the Behavioural intervention formats of NLP is that of ‘Spatial Sorting.’ [ The ability to take internal issues and exteriorise them into spatial locations, in order to cleanly sort, evaluate and re-code these issues. ] This ability is sufficient in itself, and yet it begs the question: ‘If I can do that, what else is possible?’ What is presupposed and implicit in this skill leads to a deeper level of Process Awareness. Content issues are numerous and identification of a ‘Driver’ issue can sometimes be challenging. It has been demonstrated by NLP that the structure underpinning a number of issues can often be closely related, if not the same. The implication is an invitation to remain ‘Content Free’ as a facilitator, in order to arrive at a core issue. This creates the opportunity for Generative change lateral to the perceived issue to take place, and serves as an example of experiencing useful Secondary gains. Patterns of intervention are numerous, [ The Swish, New Behaviour Generator, Resource Anchoring, The Creative Strategy, The SCORE model etc. etc. ] Methodologies likewise differ and are dependant upon the Belief structures we operate through. The mark of a developing and Generative model lies in its ability to evolve and embrace Difference. NLP as a holographic model contains its own developing processes. As an example, the information accessed and applied within the original codings of NLP gave rise to the ‘Emergent’ components that latterly came to be known as ‘New Code’ [ See Turtles all the way down : John Grinder and Judith DeLozier ] Human experience is far too rich and divers to be constrained within any description, however sensitive the description may be. The very least we can do is to refine and update our original thinking in the light of new information. The title of this chapter serves to illustrate this point and is prefixed with two questions. ‘Are you responding to an experience or your Perception of the experience?’ and ‘What is the difference, if any?’ Let us commence by exploring one of the most valuable Behavioural interventions contained within NLP.

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Perceptual Positions

A Matter of Perspective Recognising exceptions, meeting and communicating with others is an experience each of us undergoes. When it goes well, great! Yet there are times when these interactions may prove challenging. This may be in the context of someone you meet for the first time, in which case the choice is available to have nothing further to do with them. This would be a simple course of action to pursue and is often the case. However, in the instance of a long standing relationship, you may hit a ‘bump in the road’ where difficulties exist. You may harbour a wish for the other person to simply change and become the personification of what you want them to be. In the event of this occurring we would live in an ideal world? So, what choices are available to us when issues arise within a close relationship? Recognising and accepting that much that takes place within an interchange occurs outside of immediate awareness [ Non verbal components such as voice tone, gestures etc. ], it takes a pattern such as Perceptual Positions to reassemble the information being received by and processed at the unconscious level and make it available to us cognitively. The original coding of this pattern can be outlined in this way :

1st Position [ Self ] 2nd Position [ Other ] 3rd Position [ Observer ] Your experience The experience of another The fly on the wall

1st Position : Describe an interaction as experienced, through your own eyes, ears and feelings, from your perspective only.

2nd Position : As the other person. Be them. How you experienced the interchange.

3rd Position : Step outside and observe the interaction between 1st. and 2nd. Positions as a neutral observer.

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With what has been gathered, learned and integrated from all three positions, you would effectively update the system with new information and make previously unknown choices and resources available.

As excellent and useful as this process is, upon consideration, if we are to develop Systems Awareness, it would be useful to add a component. Out of any two elements within an interchange, a third will automatically arise, an emergent property which is more than the sum of the parts. [ 1+1=3 ] Why and how might this happen? One possible reason could be: in order to establish ground rules of familiarity, each individual adds components to the system, consisting of their awareness and internal representation of each other and who they are. When some time has elapsed and familiarity begins to be established, the system itself drives each of the individuals, creating a third, Energetic entity within the relationship. It is interesting to note that what was originally created as a means of establishing connections, in order to arrive at a common point of understanding, now in turn drives the behaviours of the individuals involved. Since this invariably occurs outside of conscious awareness, the information locked within this unconscious process often by-passes cognitive recognition and hence is overlooked when addressing personal issues involving another or others. Accepting the foregoing proposition of the ‘emergent energetic entity’ created between the neurological connection of person A and person B, placing the person undergoing the process in 3rd Position, effectively puts them within the systemic loop itself and as such they would be unable to observe the system from this position. In order to have a clean observer position, it becomes necessary to employ a 4th. position [ Meta ] to ensure a true observer position. In a revised model, a modification has been made to allow for a component previously uncoded. Allowing for the above being true, we now have the opportunity to explore 1st. and 2nd. Positions in a cognitive way and enter 3rd. Position [ The System ] to discover what lies at a deeper level within the relationship. After some exploration of this model, it is interesting to note that the information assembled from 3rd. Position invariably takes the form of Metaphor, thereby demonstrating that the information is arising from the unconscious aspect of the ‘Mind / Body’ system and is therefore representative of ‘Deep Structure.’

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The Recoded Perceptual Positions Pattern can be represented in this way : 1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position [ Observer ] Your experience The experienc of another

The System The fly on the wall As a Practitioner of NLP you are invited to explore this revised format. Discover for yourself its validity, or not, as the case may be. I personally believe it is one small step further along the path of developing an awareness of the profound mystery we are. Perceptual Positions is one of the principal processes of the description known as New Code NLP and goes a long way to facilitate systemic awareness. It is interesting to note that as our awareness in respect to Systems and Systems thinking develops, new components become accessible and known to us. The recoded version of the Perceptual Positions as described above is, in effect, an example of this and demonstrates the characteristic of emergent properties.

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Outcome Orientated Perceptual Workout 1. Consider each of the following areas of your life. What is most important to you – right now? 2. Select one of the areas and set an Outcome. Write this down in a sentence. Personal Professional Relational 3. Define the importance of the outcome on a scale of 1 – 10. Evaluate the consequences of not achieving the outcome on a scale of 1 – 10.

Are you able to set up and maintain this outcome personally? What would you gain by achieving this outcome? [ create a list ] What would you lose by achieving this outcome? [ create a list ] 4. What is important to you about achieving this outcome? [ describe briefly ] Why is this important to you? [ write a summary ] 5. Define the Present Situation of the outcome. [ write or draw a description ]

Present Situation Present Situation Present Situation 6. Define Success in achieving the outcome. [ write or draw a description ]

Success Success Success

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7. And what does that give you? – Chunk up. [ as appropriate ] Taking the last word / phrase – What is it like? Create a metaphor. [ write or draw ] Where are you with this outcome? Environment

What are you doing? Behaviours

What skills and strategies are you applying? Capabilities

What beliefs support you? Beliefs

Who are you with this outcome? Identity

How do you connect with the greater system Connection with this outcome? 8. Experience yourself with this outcome. 1st Position Think of someone you know and / or respect. 2nd Position How would they experience you with this outcome?

How would a neutral party experience you 3rd Position with this outcome? From 3rd Position send a piece of advice / wisdom to the 1st Position you. Reintegrate into 1st Position and receive this piece of advice / wisdom. 9. Take some time to integrate the experience. 10. What is the 1st step you will take?

When will you take it? 11. Break State by doing something different.

© Damian Sinclair

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Difference The characteristic of change For change to occur a number of things are pre-supposed :

The Desired Outcome is compelling and more powerful than the Present Situation. The entire System is congruently aligned to the Desired Outcome. A Systemic awareness exists, for as one part of a system changes, it follows that the entire system undergoes change.

To qualify the above, all processes of change presuppose a mismatch to an existent system. The question that arises is: ‘Who sets the outcome?’ Without an extensive knowledge of the System in question, is it surprising that our outcomes are sometimes apparently outside of our ability to achieve? How Well Formed are our outcomes? Perhaps as well formed as our knowledge of who and what we are as a total System. Human evolution stands as the only witness to developing Systems Awareness, and we, in the present operate from a particular perspective. How we perceive a situation makes it what it is. This further demonstrates that the level of thinking that perceives a Problem is invariably the same level that seeks a Solution. Having different descriptions loosens the neural grip that has been created by one description alone. As Perception of a situation invariably arises out of the deletion of important information, it can be appreciated that a pattern such as Perceptual Positions, as an Information Gathering Frame, is sufficient in itself to access choices and resources that are uncovered from this new awareness.

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Models of Intervention Models of change vary. In NLP these can be summarised as Behavioural : The patterns and formats of NLP, the techniques themselves as demonstrated through the application of Spatial Sorting, which underlies the patterns, whether it be the Swish, the New Behaviour Generator, Timeline Elicitation etc. Linguistic : The application of the Meta Model, the Milton Model, the use of Metaphor and the application of Conversational Change techniques. Information Gathering : Though facilitated by the above methods, to update the system with new information without necessarily wishing to intervene beyond this outcome. A question arises: ‘What, if at all, is the difference between Elicitation and Installation?’ This methodology lends itself to the ‘Little is more approach.’ Such an approach is outlined in processes such as : Characterlogical Adjectives : The opportunity to describe another person’s behaviour in respect of you. To notice your own, in response to them. To also notice what it is you are doing that enables them to act in such a fashion. What it is you are doing in order to maintain the Dance that unfolds between you, and most importantly what you can do that is different in order to make a difference. Multiple Descriptions : What would it be like to approach an issue or a person through the Beliefs, Skills and Behaviours of, for example, a Teacher, what could you learn, what lessons could you give? A Visionary, connected to the Greater scheme of things, how would the issue appear in this role? A Warrior, how would you apply the warriors’ skills to the issue? A Healer, how would you go about creating wholeness, where now exists division? These are a few examples, use of the imagination will supply many more appropriate examples. Sequencing is all important. Consider what would occur if the processes outlined were sequenced into an Information Gathering format. Characterlogical Adjectives supplying the raw material. Perceptual Positions accessing information, present within the system, yet outside of conscious awareness. Multiple Descriptions supplying resources in the form of a different perception of the situation itself and the resources available within that description / role. In practice, in combination with two other NLP formats, a process has been devised, for addressing the often traumatic circumstances which attend the termination of an intimate relationship. The Reconfiguration Process addresses this context and clearly demonstrates the value of information gathering formats in accessing Core or Driver issues. [ See the

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chapter under this heading. ] NLP has been described as 90% Information Gathering and 10% Intervention, as such let us become refined in our approach. The alternative could be the Prescription approach of: ‘This is good for this, and this will work for that.’

It is simply a matter of Perspective

Intent The Power behind and within Outcomes Change is a natural and vital process which grants us the opportunity to evolve from present circumstances into ways that are more in keeping with our beliefs, values and who we perceive ourselves to be. Questions naturally arising from this, that merit consideration, are : Who do you want to be in the world? & How do you want to be in the world? Different skills are employed to facilitate different aspects of the system. This can best be described by taking the Well Formed Outcome conditions and viewing them as cognitive tools and skills, ways of employing the conscious mind into setting a direction for the system as a whole. It is for this reason that components within the formats employed are exact and specific, requiring, as they do, a thorough examination of evidence in order to ascertain how accurately we process what is happening to and around us. [ see Well Formed Outcome Criteria.] Intent, by contrast is the means by which we engage the entire System in the process of achieving our goals. This can be described is by considering the following.

Setting a Well Formed Outcome is What you do and Intent is How you do it. John Grinder described it by saying :

‘What is needed is an Outcome, the Congruence to fulfil it, and a Ritual which makes it possible’ The ritual in this instance consists of the State in which you set the Outcome, the Sacred Space you create and the technique you employ to achieve this. As previously stated ‘You cannot solve a Problem with the same level of thinking that created it and maintains it in the first place.’ The opportunity presented here is to begin to explore, through the use of Perceptual Shifts a way of

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entering higher logical levels of thinking, ones which are ‘Lateral to the Perceived Problem Space.’

The rest is simply Rumour In closing I trust the preceding, albeit briefly, outlines a methodology of approach as described in the title of this article. Rather than answering questions, it is hoped that the materials presented will give rise to quality questions being asked. Questions which will set a direction for you, the reader, to address in your own unique way. The materials presented are, in part, based upon the excellent ground breaking work of John Grinder and Judith Delozier whose New Code description of NLP continues to be the most promising of future directions for NLP. I would also like to acknowledge the covert input of Carlos Castaneda and his cohorts for their lucid model of Perception as outlined in their respective books.

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Neuro Linguistic Programming &

The Nature of Attention

Karys Orsini & Damian Sinclair


Applications of NLP are excellent for they represent the ongoing development and evidence of a set of skills designed specifically to model and develop excellence in any context. The original models, Fritz Perles, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson demonstrated this excellence within the context of therapy, as such NLP soon became known as a model of therapeutic intervention. Latterly discovering that excellence abounds in all walks of life NLP extended its roots and diversified into whatever and whoever demonstrated excellence. For as a Meta model [ a model of models ] its curiosity knows no bounds. Decades later NLP has become an integral part of the lives of individuals spanning all possible areas of human endeavour and as a result the information base has been expanded. However have the implications of NLP been explored?

It has been said that NLP is best defined by its context. A classic example is the fresh NLP Practitioner explaining to whomever asks the question, what is NLP? and quickly finding that their answer is at best a map of a map. The seasoned Practitioner learns quickly to answer the same question by exploring the questioners map and context, thereby tailoring their response to meet the criteria of the individual in question. A win – win situation with personal beliefs left on the sidelines. For NLP to evolve further and to operate at its appropriate logical level it is important to address several questions. Foremost amongst these is the question. Where next? In many respects this question was addressed succinctly by the work of John Grinder and Judith DeLozier whose training ‘The Prerequisites of Personal Genius’ latterly known as New Code NLP addressed the vital question : Is there wisdom within the powerful change technology, NLP? There is, and this is proven on a day to day basis by Practitioners and their clients alike.

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When viewed as a model of human thinking processes and experience it is soon made clear that NLP represents an evolutionary principle equal to that of the development of language itself and yet this is so often overlooked when exploring and addressing the immediate concerns of the individual and their context. In this respect NLP has been buried within the applications which are effectively its evidence criteria. This presents something of a paradox to all innovative Practitioners of NLP. Again the question, where next? Of late given the development of new models within science and healing which approach an individual holistically, one current trend is the exploration of systems. Arising as it does from cybernetics and quantum mechanics it is clearly a direction that merits interest and further exploration. Practitioners of NLP, specifically those with New Code inclinations are naturally drawn into this area and it is here that we would like to explore one of the primary inputs in regard of New Code NLP.


What you pay Attention to, pays Attention to you A casual glance at Turtles all the way down [ John Grinder & Judith DeLozier ] soon makes clear the input of The Toltec Tradition within the description known as New Code. One of the characteristics of New Code are its operating principles. They are seven in number and cover the descriptions of : State – Conscious / Unconscious Relationship – The Balance between Practice and Spontaneity – Perceptual Positions – Attention – Filters and Multiple Descriptions. [ See James lawleys' excellent edited transcript of a talk given by Judith DeLozier to The Paddington NLP Group : NLP World – Volume 2, no.1 March 1995 for extensive descriptions of The Seven Principles of New Code ] The focus point for this chapter is the principle of Attention. Judith DeLozier had this to say upon the subject. ‘The fifth description within New Code NLP is to do with Attention. How you use your Attention, where you place your Attention and how you get it back. As soon as you focus on one thing, everything else that is taking place in the world is deleted. For example, the idea of Attention can be applied to discover how it might be driving a relational loop. Focusing your Attention on some small aspect of the interaction may be driving your state to a value judgement that may make the interaction uncreative, difficult or problematic. Once you fix your Attention on some other aspect of the interaction, you may notice different things that transforms the

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interaction into something more productive. There are times when you may want to observe the larger picture and at other times focus on smaller details of the systemic loop and along that continuum, begin to influence the system in a generative way.’

Judith DeLozier – Extract from a talk given to The Paddington NLP Group 1993

What follows is an exploration of Attention which, whilst recognising and acknowledging the principle as described in New Code also acknowledges the primary source for this description, namely the beliefs and practices outlined within The Toltec Tradition, a tradition described succinctly by Carlos Castaneda and his cohorts.

The 1st & 2nd Attentions and their Interface

The consciousness of human beings is matured by the process of growth and can no longer be simple awareness, because it has been modified into something more intense and complex, which Seers call Attention. Awareness is the raw material and Attention the end product of maturation.

Carlos Castaneda – The Fire From Within The terms First Attention and Second Attention have been adopted by New Code NLP and were derived from the model of the Toltec Tradition. In New Code these labels are used to talk about the conscious / unconscious functions of the mind. The Interface is a term used to denote an interconnecting link that would make communication between the two Attentions possible.

1st Attention

The 1st Attention is a dream, for it is the sum total of what we call the self. A self that is effectively no more than an idea. It operates within varied environments, generates a variety of behaviours. Acquires and applies divers skills and strategies. Develops and upholds beliefs and values. Maintains a unique and distinct sense of itself and even evolves beliefs as to how it connects to others and the world at large. We support its beliefs and values as if real and, of course they are, for they are all we have to hold on to in the ocean of mystery that is the true nature of our being. This is the paradox of being.

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Consider a child. How does it learn? What are the stages of its learning? And more importantly what was its nature prior to learning? We have all been there and yet we are, with rare exceptions, completely unconscious of this part of our existence. Could it be that we had no cognitive awareness? This aspect of our nature as human beings called First Attention encompasses not only everything one is aware of in the present moment but also everything that one has a name for. The First Attention is an unsurpassable tool at our disposal. Its makes meaning of what we experience in the world of everyday life and organises this information in a coherent and cohesive way. The way this data is structured will often be influenced by our cultural, educational, social and religious conditioning. This in turn will give rise to our belief system and Metaprograms, which, in themselves, will form our map of reality. Many are unaware of the potential that lies within the First Attention and consider this Attention as a stupid, witless part, as an annoyance, as an obstruction to be rid of at the earliest possible opportunity. It is not unusual for some of us to pass through experiences in life almost in a dismissive way, without realising that we have exquisite tools on board to examine and understand what we are and have been travelling through. Instead, we allow an accumulation of half-baked ideas to float around in our mind with no specific outcome or direction, giving rise to an untidy and confusing cognitive environment. Because this impoverished nourishment is all it knows, the First Attention is diminished and finds itself no choice other than becoming petty and tyrannical, guarding its food jealously. The function nominalised as our First Attention has been stifled through our social conditioning, which in turn dictates our behaviours and our thought processes and limits our perception in accordance with the parameters set by this conditioning. The boundaries placed on our perception thus creates a shield that is rarely, if ever pierced within our lifetime. If, as a race, we were educated to utilise the already present ability of the First Attention to structure and make order out of chaos, and fine tune these skills, the First Attention would respond by enhancing its cognitive expertise and provide us with a deeper understanding and awareness of our perception of the world and the real possibility at our fingertips to connect to our true potential. I believe that this balance can be redressed. To re-awaken and call to the fore the inherent skills of the First Attention, requires the co-operation of the individual. Someone who is prepared to make a concerted effort to ask those vitals questions about their limitless possibilities; to harness skills and behaviours that would match this unfolding; to notice the evidence that lets them know that indeed new information is being connected and finally, to engender a deep cognitive understanding of how this process brings about the results it does. Because learning is an on-going process, the awareness of how this process unfolds and the evidence it unveils, snowballs into

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sharpening and making acute this function of the mind called the First Attention. In a sense, the First Attention is the only tool we have. The instrument that makes it possible for us to set the perceptual dials on the setting that will provide us with the vital multiple descriptions necessary to become free of our own perceptual bias.

2nd Attention The Second Attention represents all that is outside of the realm of First Attention and encompasses processes we have no names for and that are experienced as bodily feelings. In New Code, one of the ways utilised to touch this aspect of our being is through the exploration of ‘an experience with no meaning’. This process entails entering a state of ‘not knowing’ and, in my opinion, experiencing an awareness that is akin to Second Attention. It is to be noted that in this state of heightened awareness, one is able to observe and notice ‘already coded descriptions’ as totally new perceptions that have no ready-made labels for them. Having an experience with no meaning presupposes entering an altered state, a state where you cease to look and begin to ‘see’ the essence of things. I believe that ‘Seeing’ in this fashion is the ability that arises as a result of functioning from Second Attention. Being in Second Attention enables you to perceive realities that are above and beyond those set by the preconceived structures that have arisen through our social conditioning and deals specifically with the unknown and the abstract aspects of our being. It is a perceptual reality that accesses information hitherto unavailable to you and as a result, widens the parameters of your map of reality in unimaginable ways. The Second Attention is a source of knowledge, that filters information and makes it available to you without you knowing how you have drawn those conclusions - often referred to as the place of silent knowledge. It is the function that is able to grasp symbols from the internal or external environments and which has the expertise to make connections and meaning out of these environmental signals and create a relationship between these gifts from the universe with your on-going experience. The Second attention is a mysterious aspect of human beings as perceiving creatures and I believe, through training, can be accessed and utilised to not only enter into unimaginable and unheard of perceptual realities, but also in doing so, to break and extend in inconceivable ways our rigid agreed-upon boundaries. Expanding the limits of normal perception is a concept that stems from the Toltecs belief that our choices in life are limited, due to the fact that they are defined by the social order. Toltecs believe that the social order sets up our list of options, but we do the rest: by accepting only these choices, we set a limit to our nearly limitless

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possibilities. This limitation, they say, fortunately applies only to our social side and not to the other side of us: a practically inaccessible side, which is not in the realm of ordinary awareness. Their main endeavour, therefore, is to uncover that side. They do this by breaking the frail, yet resilient, shield of human assumptions about what we are and what we are capable of becoming. Toltecs acknowledge that in our world of daily affairs there are people who probe into the unknown in pursuit of alternative views of reality. They contend that the ideal consequences of such probings should be the capacity to draw from our findings the necessary energy to change and to detach ourselves from our definition of reality. But they argue that unfortunately such probings are essentially mental endeavours. New thoughts, new ideas hardly ever change us. One of the things that I learned in the Toltecs world was that without retreating from the world, and without injuring themselves in the process, Toltecs do accomplish the magnificent task of breaking the agreement that has defined reality”

Florinda Donner Grau : Being in Dreaming

The Interface Several years ago, when I first considered the nature of what could serve as an Interface, my thinking went linear and immediately imagined that the Interface would be a third aspect of Attention that would act as the connecting link between the First and Second Attentions. A few months later, becoming a little more aware of the overall systemic configuration of our world and the human organism, I thought that ‘down time trance’ states could possibly serve as the interconnecting link between the two Attentions. Still further in time, my thinking went even more lateral and stepped onto a higher logical level. My present understanding, therefore, of what could act as an Interface is the emergent property that arises out of a well developed First Attention and an ensuing purposeful balanced and harmonious relationship between the First and Second Attentions. I believe that this relationship can begin and continue to unfold through what is called ‘the ordering of the island of the Tonal’ (for the word Tonal read First Attention). For me, this translates as, firstly, becoming more and more aware of your internal thinking processes, noticing what is useful and vital, and what is not. Secondly, bearing in mind that there is a positive intention within all that passes through your cognitive First Attention processes, and assessing and evaluating this information. Thirdly, considering the reframes you can apply to what you consider to be superfluous and proceeding in the full knowledge that what is superfluous in one context may be vital in another.

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Once the above steps are rehearsed and applied regularly, you not only order your island of the Tonal but you also strengthen your First Attention through the acute examination and understanding of your internal processes. This process results in opening a channel of communication with Second Attention, whereby you can utilise your First Attention - in the role of the Interface - not only to send directives to this larger unit of mind, but also consider applying your awareness of First Attention processes to unpack and understand your ‘unconscious competence’. Thus, what I am proposing is that a finely tuned and honed First Attention itself can serve as the Interface between its cognitive processes and Second Attention. I propose that only with a strong First Attention, where awareness and understanding of its inventory are a constant on-going process of re-evaluation, gathering and updating of information, can we use the First Attention as an Interface. This constant nurturing of the First Attention will enable us (a) to consider entering Second Attention in a way that will maintain the ecology of the entire human organism and (b) upon shifting awareness back into the everyday awareness, to notice how elegantly the First Attention cognitively maps the nature of what we experienced whilst perceiving reality through the unknown. Methods of accessing and exercising the Interface are numerous. The ones listed below serve as examples. Active Dreaming [ New Code Format ] constitutes an aspect of the interface. ‘Dreaming Awake’ as it is sometimes called aligns the Attentions and as a result we begin to perceive systemically and holistically. Setting Up Dreaming [ Toltec Format ] specifically and everyday dreams generally also form an essential aspect of the interface. The only challenge here lies in translating information usefully or accurately. Gazing [ Toltec Format ] establishes connection, as an effective aspect of the interface and in some respects constitutes an Active Dreaming Format, employing as it does similar processes. It also effectively sets up Stopping The World / Internal Dialogue [ Toltec Format ] Metaphor and Story Telling specifically and language generally [ Formats used extensively within NLP ] facilitate the interface by virtue of the direction that is set up within the system irrespective of the degree of Intent involved. For this reason Stalkers [ An aspect of and series of practices relevant to The Toltec Tradition ] use language Impeccably and precisely for they are aware of the power of directing the entire system into the context stated. There is only everyday talk and words, amongst everyday people, Stalkers by contrast know the power of words and use them appropriately and accordingly.

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Simply asking a question, any question facilitates the interface for someone / something is indeed listening. As an example : ask yourself a question now. Notice what happens. Where does the information and the answer come from? And how does it rise to conscious awareness? Somatic Syntax formats [ NLP Formats modelled on the work of Moshe Feldenkrais by Robert Dilts ] facilitate the interface by activating the body aspect of the polarity whilst Trance work generally [ NLP extensively employs this aspect which derived in the main from the work of Milton Erickson ] facilitates the mind aspect of the polarity.

Conclusion Finally, there is only Attention, and the descriptions First and Second Attentions are a very useful way in which to begin to make inroads into noticing the different functions of our mind, so that with this knowledge we may move towards living every moment with the totality of ourselves. NLP has been described as a First Attention technology without equal for it sorts the ‘Island of The Tonal’ by virtue of developing Process Awareness within its Practitioners. In closing we offer a simple format through which to explore Attention. The key to utilising this Format appropriately is in noticing what happens at all stages and going with that rather than thinking ones way through the process, this circumnavigates the censor which has a tendency to operate at the surface of the system and inhibits information arising from ‘Deep Structure.’

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Opening The Attention Field 1. What is the most challenging context in your life at present. What instantly

arises? Notice what happens. 2. Place your Attention within this context and begin to think of a resolution. Notice what is happening. 3. Put the resolution and context aside. Allow your Attention to sweep the room /

environment you are in until it alights upon something specific. Notice what happens. 4. What is your Attention resting upon? Notice what is happening. 5. Create a metaphor that contains the challenging context from the perspective of

what your Attention rested upon. How do they relate to each other? Notice what happens. 6. Now place your Attention within the original context and re-consider a

resolution. What, if anything is different?

© Damian Sinclair

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1st & 2nd Attention & The Interface

1st Attention 1. Consider a present context, containing : The Present Situation – from 1st / 2nd & 3rd Positions

Write or draw a description of The Present Situation

The Desired Situation – from 1st / 2nd & 3rd Positions

Write or draw a description of The Desired Situation

2nd Attention 2. Access State Perform an Internal Inventory in respect of bodily relaxation and breathing Open Peripheral Vision

The Interface 3. Request a symbol from the system that represents the Present Situation. Thank the system

Request a symbol from the system that represents The Desired Situation. Thank the system. Write or draw a description of the relationship between the symbols and how they might evolve into a third combined symbol. Write or draw a description of this combined symbol.

4. Thank the system for its communication and integrate the information / learning.

© Damian Sinclair

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Part 3



The Art Of Healing

An Introduction Evolution is in the main an involuntary response to circumstances outside of our immediate control. Within an environment a niche is created and as if by magic this niche is quickly filled. Quickly in this instance is a measure of time across generations. Since the time when man or woman first found the desire, and following on from this the means to administer a form of healing to another, the field of understanding concerning what a human being is, or might be has expanded accordingly. There is a body and with this assertion we are upon safe ground. That the body shows signs of dis-ease, made known to us by a series of symptoms / labels, be it flu, a broken arm or cancer, it is at least approachable and, provided the diagnosis is accurate the symptom is alleviated if not cured. There is a mind and here the ground beneath our feet is not so sound, for now we need to define the mind. Thousands of years of experience and study have supplied us with many descriptions concerning this intangible aspect of our being. Descriptions or maps however rarely if ever describe the territory and at best serve as a working hypothesis, valid only in the light of the information available at any given time. Yet we do know that in our present, oftimes stressful environments, symptoms arise within the body as a result of how we interact and respond within

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specific environments. The Psycho-Somatic elements are fused and an entire theory and practice of medicine arises. Consider the placebo effect: what does this imply? Each of the foregoing descriptions, mind and body, have generated, over time an infinite number of methodologies, ways of accessing a human being at these levels with the intention of administering healing of one description or another.To this we now add an even more ambiguous and even less accessible element, the spirit, sometimes described as the energetic body which determines the state of mind and body. The choice of approaches concerning the administration of healing is determined by our filters, our perceptions of reality, both individually and collectively as a culture. For a member of a tribe to have water spat at them constitutes the cleansing and elimination of an unclean spirit. It works! What would you make of this? Perhaps an unhygienic and certainly an anti social behaviour at best. The various exponents of the approaches to a human being, in the context of healing, will naturally argue for the efficacy of their method. In truth, at best we have theories into which we make people fit. The beauty is that a human being is so wondrous in its flexibility, it simply takes on board all these models of itself and more. Body, Mind and Spirit: what are they? This question you will answer for yourself. The materials presented here are based upon a Systems model, one which is generative rather than remedial. To regard a human system as a body, mind and spirit, whilst appearing sophisticated has the tendency to label and in so doing misses a vital point. The systems model at least allows for many ingress points into the profound mystery called a human being, each of them no more or less valid than the next. Since the 1950’s with the development of cybernetics and systems thinking and latterly within the discipline of modern physics, specifically in the area of quantum mechanics our models of matter and the human system have altered radically. So what is a systems model? Biology offers a lucid example. When considering a human being at the level of its cellular structure, a blueprint is recognised to exist which informs that particular organ or function to replicate itself specifically, this information is communicated to the organisational aspects of biological function and as a result homeostasis is maintained. In the instance of dis-ease this organisational aspect is interrupted or diverted and the system manifests imbalance. The components within a human system, as previously outlined are divers and as such one useful approach is to consider the human being as a whole, hence the description, ‘holistic models of health and well being.’ To access the whole system presupposes that we can communicate at a deeper level than that we are normally aware of, this aspect is usually outside of conscious awareness and as such unknown to us. It is true to say that we have cognitive models of this aspect, however this

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invariably remains at the level of theory and speculation. A systems model employs methodologies of accessing the whole system, utilising the mind as a focus, to set a direction and in doing so opens the field of the human system. The phenomena of trance is often employed in this respect, by trance we do not mean hypnosis, for in trance control is retained by the individual in question, who has simply accessed deeper states of relaxation and awareness. This process enables the system and communication takes place, the information gathered thus informs the entire system and new choices and possibilities arise.

Physician Heal Thyself

Autogenic Metaphor Resolution The exciting thing about this format is that it operates primarily with signals that the system communicates to the individual as symptomology. As such it works specifically with issues that stem from a somatic or bodily aspect. As with all forms of complimentary healing it is strongly advised to consult a medical practitioner prior to and during exploration of this format. The personalised guidelines below were formulated as a result of this material being presented live on a four day workshop ‘ NLP and models of holistic healing.’ In including this material here it is deemed appropriate to retain the original text in order to be respectful to the material itself.

Guidelines Rapport is vital in establishing a secure environment in which the explorer can feel totally relaxed and at ease, this will enable them to travel to a greater depth within their system. Sensory Acuity allows you to notice what is going on with the explorer and flexibility on your part enables them to feel confident in your skills, as trust is an important component within an interaction of this nature. Your use of language will facilitate a comfortable and relaxed state, to ensure this be aware of your voice tone, speed and depth as well as the actual words you use.

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Utilising the explorer’s use of language enables you to pace their ‘model of the world’ rather than interpreting what you think they mean and demonstrates to them that you understand. Your willingness to ‘flow’ with whatever arises, again develops a sense of trust, for at the deeper levels of the system what arises need not always make sense to either yourself or the explorer, as we say in NLP ‘the system knows’ As you progress within the process you will begin to develop a profound sense of the wisdom that lies within the system. What you are communicating with is what lies at the heart of the person in question and is seldom touched upon, even in relationships of an intimate nature, in this way connections of a deep and lasting nature are made. Be respectful and sensitive at all times, confidentiality is essential in establishing an interaction based upon trust, what passes between you is private and sacrosanct.

M e t a p h o r

Development & Resolution

In the present context of Autogenic Metaphor Resolution it is presupposed that we are dealing with a symptom of physical origin. An example might be a headache, in which case having established rapport at the respective levels, we ask the question : What is it like? Whatever arises will be isomorphic with the headache and as such, having discovered the Positive Intention we begin to Pace the metaphor and Lead it to a natural resolution. Present State Desired State Resources The Symptom Resolution Development of the metaphor The described symptom The leading component of the metaphor Its location Its location Its description Its description

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Format 1 Establish & maintain rapport & identify the symptom. 2 Locate a trigger point on the persons body by touch. 3 Determine you have established rapport with the symptom by the use of an

increase / decrease signal. Watch for physiological changes as they serve to indicate that the signal has been set up. Proceed only when the signal has been set up. 4 Invite the person to breathe into the symptom and you ask the question : what is it like ? Whatever the response this will be the commencement of the metaphor. 5 Develop the metaphor taking into account positive intention and the

possibility of secondary gain/s. Consider present state / desired state through the process of pacing and leading. This leads to resolution of the metaphor.

Acknowledgement The material presented as Autogenic Metaphor Resolution was developed and based upon the original research and applications carried out by : Arun V. Hejmadi Ph. D. M. S. W. & Patricia J. Lyall B. S. R. P. T. Whose work served as the inspiration to develop this model. The written text carries an introduction and background as well as many examples of its application and supplies an extensive bibliography. The article appears in a collection of ‘cutting edge’ applications of NLP in : Leaves Before The Wind [ Pages 99 - 122 ] Edited by : Milliner, DeLozier, Grinder & Topel Published by : Grinder, DeLozier & Associates 1991

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The Reconfiguration Process

Experience or Perception? That is The Question’ An event takes place, an experience does occur, yet for us to be aware of it we process the event through our senses, effectively creating a sensory representation of the event itself. This representation is only that, a sensory coding of something filtered through our own tendencies and habits. In order to make sense of this we create a patterning of the experience, internally as thought, externally as speech, a description of the sensory experience which in turn is a description of the event itself. This process of coding experience removes us from the event by two steps, is it any wonder that things seem a little ambiguous at times.

Are you responding to the experience or your perception of it? The Reconfiguration Process was designed to effectively utilise our perception of experience as a means to changing, in a useful way, the elements that challenge us and hold us contained within the past. As a process it presupposes a number of underlying principles, these are :

There is a Positive Intention behind every behaviour

What you pay attention to, likewise pays attention to you

You have all the resources you need, right now

The map is not the territory and the territory is always changing The process itself consists of four unique patterns, sequenced in such a way as to naturally flow from one to the other and is most effective around ‘issues’ of a relational nature. In the instance of traumatic experience, the sense of loss that effectively ‘freezes’ us into a time and place, prevents us from moving on into our lives. Perceptual Positions is the means by which we gather information concerning the Present Situation and as an information gathering frame it effectively updates the system, offering choices where before only limitations appeared to be on offer. Multiple Description is a way of accessing resources by having a different perspective, thereby loosening the hold that a fixed viewpoint creates. It is stated in NLP that one choice is no choice, Two represents a dilemma and as such a minimum of three is useful if we are to develop flexibility. How would your

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experience seem to a being from another world or perhaps someone you admire greatly, what would they say, what would they advise? Releasing Emotional Enmeshment as a process is profound, elegant and simple,. It presupposes that given choice we would want the very best for both ourselves and the other person in question and grants us the means of rehearsing a positive future and direction. Neurological Levels Alignment completes the process by Aligning into the present the total and transformed you. The entire process has been described as ‘An adversity to Advantage model’ by virtue of its ability to re code perceptions of experiences in a way that is both useful and empowering. Perceptual Positions >>> Multiple Description >>> Re - Alignment Information >>> Accessing Resources >>> Integration Present State >>> The Bridge >>> Desired State

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1 Perceptual Positions The outcome is to gather information

Set an outcome Consider it from : 1st. position

2nd. position 3rd. position [ the system ] 4th. position [ meta position ] As a system [ 3rd. position ] emerges between two people or things, this often results in both parties responding as much to the system as to each other, for this reason a 4th. position is added, in order to ensure a clean meta position. 1st. Position 2nd. Position

3rd. Position 4th. Position Meta Position considers 1st. 2nd. and 3rd. Positions

Integrate 1st. Position

Based upon original work and developed by Damian Sinclair

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2 Multiple Description

The outcome is to access resources

With the same context [ updated with new information ]

Adopt the physiology, attitude and beliefs of : The Teacher Has many skills to share The Visionary Dreams of many possibilities The Warrior Has the power and discipline The Healer Makes whole that which is divided

Walk, speak and act ‘as if’

Apply each of these descriptions to the context in turn

How would each of the above descriptions respond to the present situation? It is vital that you are fully associated into each of the roles. It is in this way that resources within the system become available to the conscious mind, and hence the perception you have of the given context changes in a number of ways.

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3 Releasing Emotional Enmeshment 1. Think of someone with whom you feel ‘enmeshed, attached or over involved’ 2. While standing and thinking about them, fully associate into your sense of them [

see them, hear them and feel them ] 3. Using your hands sculpt a full life representation of them in front of you, finish

by breathing ‘the breath of life’ into them, so they stand lifelike before you. 4. Discover how you are attached to them [ an example might be like a cord

connecting you both ] How does it appear and feel, how big or long is it, what is it made of? Etc.

5. Establish ‘magical lasers’ in your hands and notice your response as you

seriously consider severing the connection. Begin to do so then stop. 6. Discover the positive intention in maintaining this connection, what is it doing

for you? Take time in doing so. 7. Now turn to your right and with your hands sculpt an ‘Evolving You’ one who

has already solved the relational issue and has all the attributes you would prefer, to move on into the future, when completed breathe life into your evolving self.

8. Turn again to the other and in whatever way is appropriate release the

connection between you and connect them with their evolving self in the way they were once connected to you. See them move into their future as you move into yours.

9. Finally turn again to your ‘evolving self’ and connect with it in the way you were

once connected to the other. Now fully experience the evolving you, greet it and experience what it has to offer. Notice how you feel as you contemplate future experiences, handling difficulties, relationships, pleasures and all that a life has to offer.

Adapted from the work of Robert McDonald

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4 Neurological Level Alignment

Recognising that as human beings we are a complex structure of thoughts, emotions, ideas, wants and needs it is the case that different parts of our nature are sometimes moving in different directions. The alignment of these divers components is the Outcome of the following process. Designed by Robert Dilts it is a process of simplicity and has applications in many contexts. You are invited to view it as a description of Neurological process, exploration and experience. Connection Our sense of being part of a greater system Who Else? Identity Our unique sense of self Who? Beliefs & Values What we hold to be true & of value Why? Capabilities Our skills & strategies How? Behaviours The actions we perform What? Environment Where we are – Internal & External Where? / When? End Begin

Acknowledgement of Robert Dilts

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Training & Presentation Skills

An overview

The greatest gift we have is the gift of knowledge and the wisdom to apply it.

In sharing this we enrich ourselves, others, and participate in the creation of

a new world. A world unfolding in beauty, care and understanding’


Training and Presentation

Volumes can and have been written on the subject. With this in mind an overview has its place. The accelerated learning model states that the best way to learn something deeply is to teach it to someone else within a short time of having learned it yourself. This gives you the opportunity to review the material and in some respects discover what you took on board at the time. Whether you are a novice presenter facing the nerves of public speaking for the first time or are a seasoned presenter there is, I trust something here for you. Many organisations offer their own flavour of training, emphasising points whilst overlooking others. As such the ideal situation would be to attend all such programs, time and finances permitting. What follows are my own discoveries made during many years of training and presenting to divers groups of people. What is emphasised are the core elements to the field of public speaking. The skills presented apply across the boards, so whether you are presenting a workshop on inter-personal skills, holding a training for business executives or talking to a group of friends about marine biology the same principles apply. In the main the principles described are drawn directly from NLP with a few minor diversions into territory where excellence has demonstrated itself. Apart from the experience gained as a public speaker I have been consulted on the subject of presentation design and the skill of presenting, as such read on and enjoy.

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Learning Preferences, Representational Systems and Sorting Styles

It has been noted that within any group you will have across section of learning styles. The presence of such diversity will enhance any presentation once you have become aware of the differences that exist. The learning styles are generalised into four specific types. Bear in mind that no absolute exists and the following descriptions are guidelines only. Concrete Experiencer

Let’s get on with it !

Abstract Conceptualiser What does this mean and what would happen if I did that?

Active Experimenter

I will do it by adding ‘X’.

Reflective Evaluator What does this mean, how does it apply to me / others?

Representational systems : The sensory modalities of : Visual – Auditory – Kinaesthetic – Olfactory and Gustatory [ VAKOG for short ] will demonstrate themselves through the use of language [ See Predicates of language ] and specific postural and breathing patterns. Eye accessing cues also supply information as to an individuals preferred system/s. As an example ask someone to describe the décor of their front room and as they begin notice what they do with their eyes. Sorting styles or Metaprograms, the strategies that are applied in learning contexts are easily elicited by asking specific questions. [ See Metaprograms ] A blend of the preceding gives you the presenter a wealth of information concerning an individual or individuals on your course. Taking time at the outset of the presentation to get people to introduce themselves is an ideal opportunity to gather this information whilst also giving the group as a whole the opportunity to learn a little about each other and draw the system of the group together. Time of course is a determining factor. The golden rule is keep it short.

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The Meta Frame – Vital – Essential – Superfluous in respect of information presented.

Meta frames are higher logical level procedural tools which serve the role of acting as filters. Employing them ensures that relevancy and cohesion exists within any presentation structure. When considering the content of your presentation take each section in turn and ask :

Is it Vital? Is it Essential? Is it superfluous? It is often the case that vitally important information is buried beneath the verbiage that follows. In respect of this always emphasise what is important. In some respects you could ask yourself what is more important – Learning a subject or learning how to learn. If ten minutes at the beginning of a presentation is spent facilitating a group into a positive state of learning the remainder of the day would be highly creative. This alone is rated as Vital irrespective of the presentation subject and material. There is a tendency especially amongst new and enthusiastic presenters to want to cram everything in. Bearing in mind the duration of a persons attention span information overload is the result. So sift the content, maintain Vital and Essential components. Put aside the superfluous and with the time gained give more emphasis to what really counts. The ‘little is more’ approach actually works.

The Meta Frame – Outcome – Key Messages – How To in respect of presentation content.

What is your outcome in presenting this piece of information? What are the key messages? The How To, how you actually do it invariably falls in place once you have sorted out the above. Rather than thinking from the content level of : I must include this, this and this, you plan from the outcome level. What is your outcome for you and what do you expect your participants/students to gain? The key messages you wish to convey through the information presented will be clear once the outcome is sorted. It is often the case that two separate pieces of information are saying essentially the same thing. When time is a constraint this can be a challenge. Employing this Meta frame as with the previous one ensures clean information being presented in a clear and sequenced manner. The result of taking on an observer position in respect of what you are presenting.

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Sequencing of information and the reference experiences that ensure integration.

‘What needs to be in place in order that an individual receives the information you are presenting in the way in which you mean it? Information + Reference Experience = Learning

The information is what you are presenting. The reference experience takes the form of an exercise or other hands on experience and can occur by speaking inside a persons map of the world. Within any group there is natural rapport between yourself and some individuals and more effort in respect of others. NLP makes this a thing of the past employing as it does profound inter-personal communication skills. Imagine that each section of a presentation, whilst having its own outcomes and purpose also serves to ‘set up’ what follows. Employing this filter will ensure that an appropriate sequence is arrived at. As an example you might touch upon a subject in response to a question, which rightfully speaking you are not presenting until later. By answering the question you are not only diverted from your course but also run the risk of supplying information without the relevant structure in place. Learning in this instance means integration. Information itself is an interesting subject. An individuals relationship to learning can be fascinating. Within a group there are the natural out front individuals. The disappearing into the woodwork individuals and a wonderful cross section of the in-betweens, yet each has arrived at your presentation, probably paid some money and as such wants to be entertained. That’s your job. Imagine information were a stranger at a party. You have an interest. Why else would you be there? Do you wait to be approached? Do you approach perhaps fearing a rebuke? The point is : What is your relationship to information in the first place. As an experiment I began on my own workshops to present information as a much loved friend. This humanising of an abstract made a difference. Proactivity in learning is essential.

Supplying an overview of the presentation.

This is the large chunk aspect of the presentation and supplies the group with a sense of where they’re going as well as creating a feedback frame based upon whether you have covered the materials as outlined. The small chunk is the rest of the presentation where the bones are fleshed out and substance and meaning arises. Within any group you will automatically have individuals who appreciate the wider picture and those who relish the details. Give to both, deny no-one and everybody is

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happy. The overview also serves as a point of reference – somewhere to refer to at specific points in order to pull all the information covered into the present moment, thereby refreshing peoples memories and giving them a second shot at what you are presenting.

Set Ups and Set Downs. Opening and closing. Back and Forward Tracking.

Set Ups and Set Downs : The first and last five minutes of a presentation are vital for they supply first and last impressions. It is useful during Set Ups to draw the group together through introductions. Presenting an overview and opening loops, such as telling the beginning of a story. During Set Downs backtracking, thereby pulling forward the presentations content into the present moment is also very useful. Closing loops by completing the story of earlier. Opening and closing : As above with the addition of during the closing section of asking the questions :

What have you learned ? How can it be applied? This gives you the presenter the opportunity to determine how much the group has integrated the information and gives each individual and the group as a whole the opportunity to review the information from a multitude of perspectives, thereby acquiring Multiple Description. Invariably the presenter also has the opportunity of learning from the members of the group. Back and forward tracking : By regularly pulling forward, in synopsis form what you have already covered brings into the moment the vital components of your presentation. It refreshes the groups point of focus and by forward tracking supplies the direction you now wish to travel in. this creates a sense of cohesion within the presentation and ensures that all the material is covered.

Timetables and Mindmaps. Timetables supply a snapshot of where it would be useful to be in respect of time at any point within the presentation. Flexibility is required and for this reason always ensure that you give yourself more time than you think you need.

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Mindmaps are pictorial overviews of the presentation formed by creating a series of central core components attached to which are secondary subjects. Placing an entire presentation on a single sheet of paper frees you from the potential anxiety of wondering if you have left something out or covered something sufficiently. For information concerning Mind maps see the excellent books by Tony Buzan.

Project Based Learning. Concerns congruency and motivation as well as defining the relationship that exists between the each participant and the information you are presenting. Working with an abstract outcome is fine for some, however to involve each individual in the learning process requires that the information is connected directly to something that has impact within the individuals life. For this reason outcomes and contexts are vital in order to motivate and engage each persons attention. Projects are defined by the subject you are presenting and can range from the simple example of achieving a specific outcome by the end of the presentation to setting in motion the actions which can, on occasion change a persons life.


Presentation Skills

The first and last five minutes.

A presentation can die in the first five minutes as a result of first impressions being lasting ones. For many an entire presentation can be spent recovering what was or was not set up in the crucial opening section. Set ups and downs, opening and closing covers this area in terms of content what is being addressed here is the impression you make upon a group as its leader. What you say, how you say it. Your appearance and manner all impact the group system.

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The question is : what impression do you wish to make and what key messages do you wish to convey? Matching the criteria of a group even in the manner of appearance creates a lasting impression. Humour, as always breaks the ice, introductions and an overview of the presentation sets the tone. Addressing the logistics of the presentation helps. Informing the group of the time of refreshment periods and lunch time addresses important questions. Where the toilets are etc. puts the group at ease. These are obvious considerations and yet how many times are they overlooked by being taken for granted? You are in the presence of a unique group of individuals on an event that cannot be repeated and if you are to gain the respect of the group, utilise their skills and life experience. Questions are asked during the presentation, in order to access the group and take advantage of their skills open one or more of the questions to the group. This ensures a multiple description in respect of response, gives you the opportunity to learn something new, and gives the questioner positive feedback in respect of how you have valued their question. The last five minutes, having closed the formal part of the day, asked the questions : What have you learned? And How might it be applied? Only leaves one element to cover – Integration. There are many ways in which to ensure that the information you have presented is now on-board and a living part of each individual.

A game involving the group such as a theatrical presentation is an excellent method, allowing of course for available time.

Telling a story which can be mapped across to the subject of the presentation not only entertains but also engages the group at a deep level. Guided phantasy incorporating the learnings of the day along with future pacing is an excellent way of integrating the information and also leaving the group in a relaxed and resourced state. Time is possibly your only constraint. Choose wisely.

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Information, State and accessing the System.

The majority of presenters especially those new to the context are primarily concerned with the information they wish to impart to the group. This is understandable. However, how many times have you attended a presentation where the facilitator was focussed upon their notes? What was it like? Your timetable, mindmap, visual cues such as flip charts or an overhead projector is sufficient to ensure that the information you require is close to hand and that questions asked can be elegantly responded to in the moment. Preparations are essential in ensuring that you are congruent with the information and capable of ‘walking your talk.’ Act and teach by example. Once you are comfortable with having access to information you can attend to your own state. Again preparations are vital.

Rehearsal of the presentation in a friendly environment helps as does the state elicitation techniques of NLP. Anchoring, future pacing, outcome setting all have their own impact upon your state and consequently the state of the group.

In many respects you do not know what is going to occur over the presentation as such hold the ‘Not Knowing’ state as something sacred, for a sacred space has been set up by the event itself and your sole task is to hold and maintain it permitting others within the group to explore and discover within a safe environment. This applies to any context, a business presentation and personal development workshop differ only in content. What can you do to ensure that a learning state is entered by both yourself and the group? Spatially anchoring key components of a presentation is a powerful way of recalling to the groups attention a previously explored element. In this way the psychogeography of the training room itself offers many opportunities. Speaking of something in a specific location using gestures and specific words turns a static presentation into a well choreographed dance, a dance between you, information, an individual/s and the system as a whole. Having addressed state all that remains is to move out into the system, a system that contains all the components of the presentation. The group and the individuals it consists of.

The environment itself, the room in which you are presenting and the world as a whole. Where is your point of focus? An elegant presenter is picking up information from :

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individuals in the group [ 2nd Position ] their own internal perceptions [ 1st Position ] and spends a little time as an observer getting a sense of the presentation itself [ 3rd Position.]

Travelling congruently through these perceptual positions is a fundamental skill of NLP. Ensuring that you take into account the entire group rather than focussing on one part of the group is essential. This is ensured by sweeping your attention from one side to the other regularly and making eye contact with individuals as you do. Opening the peripheral field of vision ensures that you can visually hold the entire group within your awareness. This is achieved by soft focussing your eyes at the mid point beyond the group itself. It is astonishing how much information, originating within the group can be received in this way. [ see New Code NLP – specifically the section Stopping The World. ] A personal internal inventory performed during refreshment periods and lunch time serves to eliminate tension. Whilst also checking on congruency. Feedback in this respect comes primarily from your own system but also takes into account feedback from others and the system, the group itself. Pay attention to and address all that arises, however apparently minor.

Outcomes in respect of yourself, other individuals and the group as a whole.

Outcomes in respect of : Self Maintaining personal state [ 1st. position ] Evidence of having achieved personal outcomes

Participants Awareness of other [ 2nd. position ]

Facilitation & Coaching

Presentation Commitment Awareness of the system [ 3rd. position ] Supportive and responsible Define the above outcomes specifically.

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How will you know you are achieving / have achieved your outcome/s? –

Internal evidence. How will others know? – External evidence as feedback.

Language – General to access all and yet specific to each individual.

The ultimate accolade you could receive as a presenter is that each participant felt that you were addressing them directly throughout the presentation. The skill of a presenter is measured, in part by how many individuals within the group are accessed and facilitated in this way. We all have our specific style. Some like it, some do not. The challenge is to make oneself accessible without compromising ones integrity.

The Rapport skills of NLP go a long way in ensuring that a presenter has onboard the requisite skills for accessing a system. Telling stories have at their basis universal applications as does using language which describes the class of experiences that all present can relate to and in so doing ascribe their own reference experience to the information you are presenting.

In this way learning takes place. As an example I might engage a group in a discussion around a personal favourite subject – bookbinding. How many would be interested? By contrast I could engage the group in a discussion that outlines individual interests and if I chose, look at the similarities between apparently different subjects. In this respect it is the flexibility of the presenter that determines how cohesive the system remains. How is A like B is the key and even the most apparently contradictory elements have connections. To demonstrate answer the following questions : How is : A cat like a clock? A sandwich like a building? A boat like the emotion love?

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Asking universal questions as a way of engaging the group.

The difference between an open and a closed question is that the latter requires a simple yes or no response while the former gives the person being questioned the opportunity to explore and open the subject to closer scrutiny. Likewise universal questions open the field of information to scrutiny. An example, a formula best describes this :

Set the context / Subject – Ex. Health. What is important to you about health? – Establishes outcomes. Why is this important to you? – Establishes Belief and values.

How do you go about developing and maintaining health? – Elicits skills and strategies.

Inviting a group to answer these questions, specifically by writing down the answers and then sharing their responses in small groups creates excellent group rapport as well as permitting individuals to work in more personalised groups. The principle and structure applies equally to business meetings, sales discussions, personal development programs as it does to the example given of health.

Exercises – Games and Tasks. Concrete experiencers specifically and everyone generally enjoys activity. Exercises are employed within NLP in order that the participants, having watched a demonstration now have the opportunity of practising, in both directions what was previously demonstrated. This is the reference experience spoken of many times and permits the element of trust and safety to develop within a group. Games employ the element of fun, a prerequisite within accelerated learning environments and grant participants the opportunity to learn not only with their minds but also with their body and as a result the entire system is engaged. In respect of Tasks, the presence of these presupposes a lengthy ongoing interaction between you the presenter and an individual/s within the group. They can however be tailored to individual contexts.

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Any group of individuals operates at different skill levels. Some are methodical in respect of learning while others grasp things quickly. Who do you cater for. A good presenter engages all at their own respective skill level. For some assimilating the information being presented is a task in itself. For others a stretch is required to fully engage them and help develop their proactivity. In this instance Tasks clearly defined and set can take an individual to another logical level of learning.

A presenters perception is crucial in determining what is appropriate to whom. However there are some guidelines : How and When Over the presentation or training you will be able to determine :

Personal issues [ content ] of the person. Their patterns of behaviour and the language they are using. Where they have readily taken on board information and demonstrated this to you. Area/s of development which would lead to a wider skill base.

The question is, do you play to an individuals strength or weakness? Your own skill and perception forms the basis of Tasking, always remembering to ask yourself the question : Is the person able to do what I am asking of them ?

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Feedback loops. Recognising that participants are acquiring a new set of skills, assume 2nd. position with them remembering what it was like for you when you were offered feedback on what you were doing.

What worked for you? What was your response to feedback that was not useful to you? How would you like to have received feedback?

Your answers to the above questions will supply a framework of how to proceed. Models of feedback vary, yet they are invariably verbal and as such it is useful to be aware of how you are matching and pacing a participant. What is your outcome in giving the feedback for yourself and the participant? Verbal Feedback – An excellent model of verbal feedback is one known as ‘the feedback sandwich’, so called because it consists of : 1. A comment concerning something you observed or heard that you appreciated, 2. followed by a comment stating what you would have liked to have seen more of, 3. and finishing with a comment concerning something else you observed or heard

that you appreciated. In this way you are supporting and encouraging a participant to stretch their skills without necessarily challenging them. Feedback by demonstration / example – Throughout the presentation or training program your behaviours / language and interactions serve as ‘models of behaviour’ for the participants, as such it is useful to bear this in mind, both within training periods and outside of formal training periods. When intervening between two participants [ or more ] engaged within an exercise it is useful to give feedback by demonstration / example, such as:

Asking permission to ask a question of either participant. Thereby advancing the process. Then asking, what did you notice ?

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In this fashion the participant is able to take on board what they have seen or heard etc. and by being asked a question and supplying their own answer/s are enabled to reclaim ownership of the process in which you have intervened. In order to extend and develop your own calibration and backtracking skills it is useful to:

Backtrack only what you saw [ gestures / posture / expressions / breathing patterns etc. ] Backtrack only what you heard [ word content of the interaction ] Backtrack only what you heard [ non verbal tonal qualities / pace / rhythm etc.]

Practising in this way improves your own Sensory Specific Acuity and evolves a methodology of delivering feedback in a number of different ways, which is useful considering the other persons map of the world in respect of Representational Systems, Learning styles and Metaprograms.

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand

Old Chinese Proverb

In respect of interacting with a participant or the group in general one model that has universal application is that of Neurological Levels. In the present context it applies in this way. Connection [ The System ]

Awareness of the group system Awareness of how you and each individual connects


Who are you in this interaction? Who are they? Participant/s

Beliefs & Values

What is important to you / participant/s? How do you meet your criteria and match theirs?


How will you match a participants skill level, sufficient enough to assist them without disempowering them?

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2nd. position skills. Maintaining a good 1st. Position as appropriate.


In respect of : Self / Participant/s. What will you be doing?


Where are you? Responsibility to the training room. Time keeping. Congruence within role and personal outcomes.

Offering the participants the opportunity to fill out a feedback form is another excellent way of receiving feedback and gives you more information concerning how you might improve what you are doing.


Conclusion It would appear from the above that there is much to do in respect of program design and presentation. There is, however like all skills in the developmental stage much that appears initially complex, after time and application becomes a natural way of doing things. Each presentation, group of participants and presenter is unique and in respect of this all the guidelines offered are generalities. What is useful to you can be used. What is not can be discarded until it becomes useful. There are no hard and fast rules. Experiment and determine for yourself what works for you and what does not. The major constraint within a presentation is invariably the amount of time available to you. As such a two hour presentation differs from a day or longer presentation. The time factor alone will determine what elements can be applied. In respect of this the Meta frame : Vital – Essential – Superfluous is an excellent filter for determining what is useful and what is not. In closing, during my years of experience working in the context of program design and presentation there are two sayings that are worth there weight in gold. I leave you to ponder upon them : ‘Little is more’ & ‘Keep it simple sweety.’

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Fun Stuff

The Degenerative Model of NLP

The Deconstruction Of Subjective Experience

A Serious Entertainment By Damian Sinclair & Randall Fulton

In the beginning the word was made manifest upon the surface of the minds of those who were wise, true and noble. The shrine was established and many came to drink from the fountain of inspiration, thus did the original coding of human experience take place.

Time past and John and Judy wondered about ways they might encourage people to continue attending their trainings. Where is the folly and the delight they asked themselves. They sought long and hard for the answer to this question and with the passing of many moons, there came an answer, in this way New Code arose.

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And yet the story continues: after two decades of journeying through the wilderness, a method was finally discovered which would put NLP on the map as a viable corporate enterprise. The means of finally realising ‘The Well Formed Income’ criteria. Thus arose The Degenerative model of NLP, known affectionately as ‘The Meta Muddle.’


As we sat under an oak tree taking a break during the assessment phase of our Master Practitioner training. From our vantage point on the University of California at Santa Cruz campus, we could look out over Monterey Bay. It was common knowledge amongst our fellow participants that we had some rather unconventional interpretations of NLP. As a matter of fact, as we sat there we were discussing another facet of our degenerative NLP model. We had been mulling over ideas for a re-interpretation of NLP fundamentals since meeting three weeks prior. We suspected that there would be

time at the end of the training for skits, which are one of the traditions at the end of training at NLP University. They are part of the integration process and a lot of fun. When Robert Dilts announced the time slot for skits later on that afternoon, we were delighted. Subsequently, on the closing day of the Master Track, the Degenerative Model of NLP was presented to the assembled participants and trainers. The context was a training session with the audience as participants, the principle players being those acknowledged below. Stephen Murrish for his undying belief and faith and his unique example of having this model deep within his neurology and in the muscle. Rob Bacon who contributed both ideas and his presence and Kim Hastie who heckled from the audience, prior to being ejected. We would also like to thank Susi Smith for her encouragement in the matter of putting our ideas down on paper. And of course we would like to thank the innovative minds who supplied the groundwork and blueprint for our model, specifically Richard Bandler and John Grinder for getting the ball rolling and Judith DeLozier and Robert Dilts the true unsung heroes of NLP. We respectfully present this as gift in answer to the many insights into the structure of human experience they initiated and continue to develop. As we say on Vulcan “Live long and prosper.” Much of the inspiration for the degenerative NLP model came from a particular state. We spent several hours one evening reviewing course material in preparation for Master Practitioner assessment. After several hours, study was no longer a viable proposition. A sense of being at full brain capacity developed as we realised that we had been going full bore, non-stop, for the past three weeks. We had lived, breathed and slept NLP for over 21 days. Attempts at learning more were yielding

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diminishing returns. Once the realisation that serious thinking was out of the question, we began our usual friendly and humorous banter which had become a fun part of our repartee. It was from this state of humour with a ‘nothing is sacred’ attitude that we proceeded to deconstruct our learnings of the past few weeks. The first part of the strategy consisted of the reframing of generative NLP into degenerative NLP. The word ‘degenerative’ itself was largely the inducement for the state that arose. As the serious mood associated with study past, the jovial mood of playfulness arose. From this state, we considered all the skills, concepts, presuppositions and patterns we had been studying. We took each NLP technique, NLP terminology, presuppositions, trainer and even textbook and considered them from this perspective. Part of the strategy was an Ai or auditory internal transderivational search for a perverted or otherwise humorous association for a word. For instance, ‘Turtles all the way down’ is a very special book on NLP. We took each word and phrase and searched for substitutes that would still be recognisable yet convey a new meaning. We renamed this otherwise elegant piece of literature ‘Hurdles all the way down’. Generative became Degenerative. Anchoring became Bankering. Parts Integration became Parts Disintegration. Reframing became Reblaming. Another rhyming technique was the concept of ‘Meta Muddle’ to replace the ‘Meta Model’. The Meta Model began as an information gathering tool that emerged from the study of linguistics and transformational grammar. The concept that words are surface structure representations of deep structure experience. Our concept became words standing as surface structure of underlying confusion or muddle. Rather than making things clear and precise, our goal was to confuse and delight. In NLP terms, we took our Vi or internal pictures of NLP concepts and made them less clear or changed their context to change the meaning. For instance, from the transderivational search we knew that the word ‘positions’ is often used to describe postures assumed during sexual activity. We then extended this concept to NLP perceptual positions. 1st position : Servile or very willing 2nd position : Dominant and very assertive 3rd position : Because it observes the relationship between first and second it became voyeur [ with a desire for the kinaesthetic characteristics of first and second ]

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The general strategy utilised could be described as: Ae -- Ai -- Ai / Vi --- Ae Position Search for meaning New context Verbiage to each other As a brief introduction to the origins and circumstances that gave rise to this Re Coded model of NLP, and some sense of the minds responsible for its creation it is now appropriate to explore some of the core principles.

Neuro Linguistic Programming

A platitude of mythologies based on muddling

leaving a mess in its wake

NLP as an epistemology derives its meaning from the root word Epis-Tomolo-Gy, which stems from the Japanese word for tomorrow, which in turn lends itself to the description E-Pissed-Yestology, which brings us as observers to state and time frames. The operative question : How don’t you know? Gregory Bateson : To honour one who was responsible for much of the original information and attitude, the re coded model of NLP classifies its students in a specific way. Introductory level : Baiters Advanced level : Master Baiters

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Representational Systems [ V ] isual [ A ] uditory [ K ] inesthetic [ O ] lfactoctory [ G ] ustatory [ V ] estibular In addition, one unique to the re coded model is the [ P ] redatory system, predicates of which are: Take, Give me, More, Mine, Want, Must have, Not yours; accessing cue: pass the basket / hat.

Submodalities “That’s right, make those pictures big, bright and clear, and as close as possible. How does that feel? Good, Yes! Now flip them over, that’s right, bit of a shock really, isn’t it? There you go a clear demonstration of separating Confusion from Behaviour, well done”.

State Much is spoken of in NLP concerning the elicitation of State, the primary methods of changing State are twofold :

A visit to Threshers, The Victoria Wine Company or Oddbins sorts this one out nicely, there are of course other methods, however we are not permitted to go into that in print. When as a facilitator you wish to connect your client to the unconscious resources within their system, remembering to Lead … Lead … Pace, lean across and give them a good strong punch to the chin. This method immediately and elegantly connects them to the Unconscious State, and isn’t that the outcome in the first place?

Language Meta Muddle IV : Confusion about confusion :

The goal – The state of Not Knowing : In [ bed ] ed commands : Getting more of what you really want.

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Content, not Process is far more interesting at the end of the day.

Meta Muddle Distinctions

Normalisations Dazed, Confused, Unsure, Bewildered, Uncertain etc. Delusions Think, Know, Certain, Recognise, understand etc. Through the application of these simple language intervention models it can be clearly demonstrated that you can ‘Separate Confusion from Behaviour’. NLP has at its core a series of operating principles known as Presuppositions, they serve as the foundation upon which much that lies within NLP is based. Within the Re Coded model we have.

Post Suppositions I am right, you are wrong. Resources only exist in the world, so those with the most toys win. You can separate confusion from behaviour. Body and Mind exist in two different spatial locations. There is no feedback only failure. There is a threat intended behind every behaviour. The most inflexible person always achieves their outcomes. What you say, you mean. It’s them that are slow. It’s a jungle out there, for only chaos exists, you are alone, so why bother?

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Fundamental skills



How much would you pay for this training? How would you like to pay, Now or Later? [ Presupposes they are going to pay ] When they reach for their wallet for cash or credit card, lightly touch them upon the shoulder. Continue to use this Anchor whenever necessary.

Rapoor Lead … Lead … Lead … Pace

Have a clear income in mind. Specify what you want, coerce them into agreeing. Then congratulate them on the wisdom of their decision.

Banal Language Patterns

Examples being the utilisation of : Small talk / Gossip [ Particularly that of an inflammatory nature ] The current status of the weather / Religion and Politics / Content of issues that concern you / What really is going on between ‘X’ and ‘Y’ on Eastenders.

Slight of Mouth

The Art of insult [ The more incisive the better ] The Art of speaking without moving your lips [ Modelled from a key NLP trainer Stateside. ]

The State of Not Knowing

The Elicitation of Confusion The operational question : How Don’t you know?


Following the Post Supposition : I am right, you are wrong, always place the onus of responsibility where it belongs, i.e. with the other person/s.

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Degenerative Muddle

The utilisation of the tools being presented here have this as their ultimate outcome.

Semantic Sintax

The body as a medium of accessing and exploring the system through the stupidity of the body.

Disintegration of Parts

Elicit the parts in conflict. Place them upon the palms of the hands. Develop their identity and history. Have one part kill the other before turning on the host. The Ecology is handled by ensuring that their pockets are emptied prior to them being removed from the training room.

Nonsense [ ory ] based evidence

Mind Read and Hallucinate freely. Make it up as you go along, remembering to Lead … Lead … Lead … Pace.

Whore Transformation

Connect to the Wanton creature that lies at the heart of each of us, strip away the thin veneer of civilisation and enjoy.

Elicitation of Ineptitude

Elicit from your client a time when they really screwed up Anchor this : You may stack a number of instances to ensure a powerful elicitation of State.

The Well Formed Income

Know what you want. Discover those who have it. Remove it from them. [ Don’t get caught ]

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Neuro Logical Level Malignment

Total Chaos The ultimate State of Creation. Confusion The true identity. Relief At last! No need to bother. Ineptitude What can’t you do? Hanging Out Just hang loose. Posing Always be aware of what you are wearing.

Remember to be firm when you take a client through this process, as an example, in order to create the confusion necessary at what was once the Identity level, push your client out of this location making a statement like “Who the hell do you think you are?” Voice tone here is particularly important.

The S. O. R. E. Model : Lost in the Jungle Gym

Have your client enter and explore each of the nine spatial locations in turn. As they do so have them encounter a previous client still wandering around inside. This ensures a ready to hand clientele.

The T. O. T. E. Model

Tease … Overdo …Tease … Exit ….. Flatter … Flirt … Flatter some more … Then leg it.

One Point of Attention [ Many thanks to Paul Thomas in this instance ]

“As you look into my eyes, See my hands, See my hands” And remembering of course that ‘The System Nose’


Wealth and Hell Being Procrastination and Disorganisation

Repetition and Destruction

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Bibliography Strategies of Idiots - Volume I : NLP Trainers Strategies of Idiots – Volume II : Famous Street People Doubt: The Pathway to Hell Whore Transformation Thrills for the Future [ Advanced Slight of hand ] Keep your Brain and Give me Your Change Hurdles All the Way Down

Closing Preditation ... and as you sit there aware of having read these words ... noticing that it might be useful to make yourself as uncomfortable as possible ... and wondering as you do so how much these trainings are ... and realising that the level of discomfort is equal to how much you invest ... knowing that as you do so you are also enabling others to share in this deep and meaningful state ... and noticing that even now your discomfort might be alleviated by reaching out ... only as fast as is appropriate to me ... right now ... digging deeply and making connections with your wallet ... your cheque book ... or any spare change you have about your person ... and recognising that as you pass this to me ... now ... you begin to experience even deeper levels of discomfort ... and I invite you to stay with this as long as possible to you ... that even now you begin to make even deeper and even more uncomfortable connections ...

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Damian Sinclair

is a self certificated Master Baiter and Trainer of Degenerative NLP, a very challenging and highly suspicious character who for tax purposes has recently changed his name. He delights in moving in a number of different directions simultaneously and is a dab hand with a crochet needle. He currently resides in London with his wife, two children and pet poodle Butch.

Randall Fulton

by contrast is a loveable and trustworthy person. Highly skilled in all models of NLP and a delight to be around, so much so that he ispresently incarcerated in the United States and as such is unavailable for comment.

For further information concerning this unique and innovative model of NLP and its current training courses, an example of which is its unique, stand alone one day certification course at Baiter level, do visit the office, situated at Waterloo Mainline Station, London.

And remember that within a changing world it’s them with the most toys that wins

[email protected]