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NLOG: New and Planning TNO BenO Geological Survey of the Netherlands NLOG: New and Planning User Council 20081008

NLOG: New and Planning TNO BenO Geological Survey of the Netherlands NLOG: New and Planning User Council 20081008.

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Page 1: NLOG: New and Planning TNO BenO Geological Survey of the Netherlands NLOG: New and Planning User Council 20081008.

NLOG: New and Planning

TNO BenOGeological Survey of the Netherlands

NLOG: New and PlanningUser Council 20081008

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What happened

• First a short explanation why we did it this way

• Why?• Making NLOG manageable• Improve maintainability of NLOG• Status: finished

• Therefore GIP issue priorities have been shifted

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What happened

• Precondition for NLOG improvements:

• Unraveling NLOG with the other portals as DINOLoket• Upgrading applicationserver JBOSS 4.02 4.2• Status: finished

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Planning rest of 2008

• Functional improvement of NLOG

Implementing a large number of little functional improvements and corrections of bugs and inconsistencies in the dynamic content

Additional information on Geothermal energy, CO2 and gas storage, salt production in concept powerpoint Gijs Remmelts

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Planning rest of 2008Extraction of data and metadata from DINO Database

1. DINO-BRH Public metadata and data of boreholes• “Monitoring period“ as a selection criterium doesn’t work properly.• Extend choices on selection screen like the option ‘Result of the

drilling’ with ‘gas’, ‘oil’, ‘oil and gas’ and ‘dry’• A lot of the metadata is not filled in. The meaning of the data is not

clear in some cases. • In the metadata screen depth and other information is not shown

for public boreholes.• The extraction of lithostratigrafy, deviationdata,

coremeasurements of public boreholes. • Extraction of composite well logs as a seperate document.

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Planning rest of 2008 Extraction of data and metadata from DINO Database

2. DINO-SMC Extracting of public data and metadata of seismic surveys• Extraction of all metadata of 2D seismic surveys.• Seismic 2D: show snapshot from DINO-SMC.• Seismic 3D: show snapshot from DINO-SMC.• Downloading tiffs of 2D seismic and digital 2D surveys.

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Planning rest of 2008 Extraction of data and metadata from DINO Database

3. DINO-RES Extraction of production figures• Extend choices on selection screen option ‘Area’ with ‘Territory’ and

‘Continental Shelf’• Extend selection screen for reproduction in (million, x 1000) Normal

cubic meter (Nm3) and (million, x 1000) Standard cubic meter (Sm3).

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Planning rest of 2008 Extraction of data and metadata from DINO Database

4. DINO-LOGS Extraction of public (D)LIS and LAS files

• Extraction of public files containing boreholedata Mining Act,after module DINO-LOGS II is delivered.

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Planning rest of 2008 Extraction of data and metadata from DINO Database

5. DINO-QUA Extraction of public organic geochemical data

• Extraction of public Vitrinite Reflection data and public Rock-Eval analysis

• Extraction of gas composition data with calculated parameters included

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Planning 2009 Functional improvement of NLOG

• Adjusting and adding of searchcriteria in the select screens

• Overall improvement of userfriendliness of NLOG.

• Realisation of userfriendly presentation of the results.

• Development of a generic tool which exports the queryresults to excelformat

• Adding of online help and update of NLOG manuals

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Planning 2009 Extraction of data and metadata from DINO Database

1. Extraction of field information and documents linked to fields

• Extend choices on the selection screen.

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Planning 2009 Extraction of data and metadata from DINO Database

2. DINO-LIC: Extraction of (public) licences

• All licence information will be extracted from the new database DINO-LIC

• Completing operators dropdownlist, use of full name• Change ‘Choose an operator’ into ‘Licence holder’.• Adding dropdown list for option ‘Licence name’.• Extend choices on selection screen like on/offshore and ‘Expiry Date’.

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Planning 2009 Extraction of data and metadata from DINO Database

3. DINO-MAP: Extraction of public maps Will be offered as a seperate item in the NLOG navigation bar and will be extracted from the database

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-01

• Manders’ request for the systematic monitoring of DINO data use, data users and user requests, in a register with easy access for the members of this council, is noted as point for information and discussion in the next council meeting

• Status:

See proposal information for DINO-DO User Council

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-02

• Mrs Hagendijk’s complaint that NLOG contains lots of errors, is not a user friendly website and has icons that are far from self evident, is noted by Remmelts in his role of content manager of the DINO Deep Subsurface data modules. Remmelts will contact Mrs. Hagendijk for more detailed information.

• Status: errors: planning rest of 2008, ready december 2008user-friendliness: planning 2009 self evidence: planning 2009easy search options: planning 2009

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-03

• The DINO department will consider all complaints heard during this meeting (13-03-2008), on lack of accessibility of data, lack of user friendliness and of self evidence of NLOG and will study it’s options to remedy the situation

• Status:accessibility of data

DINO-BRH, -SMC, -RES, -QUA, -LOGS : planning rest of 2008. Ready december 2008DINO-AST, -LIC, parts of DINO-RES: planning 2009

user-friendliness: planning 2009 self evidence: planning 2009

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-04

• A specific complaint by Corcoran on the availability of 2D and 3D seismic data in NLOG is noted: these data are very difficult to mine; it is very difficult to make selections. This problem is known to the department: “we are working on a solution”

• Status: DINO-SMC: planning rest of 2008. Ready december 2008

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-05

• To facilitate the reporting of user complaints a button will be added to the NLOG menu (co-ordination: Van Leeuwen / Monen); Remmelts has added his request that any complaint also be sent to him by email via the mailbox in NLOG, he has assured the council members that all complaints so received will be answered.

• Status: Implemented

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Procedure Complaints

If you have a complaint against NLOG, then you can process this on [email protected]. Whether this concerns the response times, the information, the data or the service level, NLOG is keen to take your complaint on board and deal with it according to a set procedure. This means that you will receive and email from us within two days informing you of when your complaint is expected to be resolved. NLOG tries to deal with complaints within four weeks

The only reason why a complaint may not be deal within this way is that your complaint is considered by NLOG as a wish, in which case a normally much longer procedure is involved. We will inform you within a day if this is the case.

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Procedure Wishes

NLOG enables you to express your wishes via [email protected] . NLOG will check whether your wish falls within the public task of NLOG.You will be informed as soon as possible of the outcome. Your wish is likely to take a few weeks to a few months to be realised. If your wish cannot be accommodated within DINO’s current program, then the DINO-DO User Council will have to consider it and thus the realisation may take a significantly longer time, up to eight months.

In the worst case scenario you may have informed us of your wish just after the User Council has met. We will inform you of the outcome following a meeting of the User Council and then we will deal with the wish as recognised by the User Council.

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-06

• Aalpol’s request to improve the well header data (all well data should be headed by a correct and complete name and description of the well, i.e. complete well header data) is noted for follow-up by Kuipers.

• Status:part of DINO-BRH: planning rest of 2008. Ready december 2008

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-07

• Remmelts will discuss with the DINO software developers the possibility to place, for extra visibility, all new released wells and other recent changes in NLOG, behind a new button on NLOG .

• Status:review visibility of new released wells: planning 2009 review visibility of recent changes: planning 2009

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-09

• Van Leeuwen expects that the header data of the seismic surveys will be available with the next release of NLOG. The (D)LIS and LAS-files will be available not before September (co-ordination: Van Leeuwen / Monen).

• Status: DINO-SMC: planning rest of 2008. Ready december 2008DINO-LOGS: planning rest of 2008. Ready december 2008

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-10

• Van Leeuwen promises that an overview of all digital data now available in NLOG will be provided before the next council meeting.

• Status:received as handout: completed

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-11

• An invitation to visit NAM for a presentation to NAM’s data-managers on all data and information that DINO can offer it’s professional users, is noted by Van Leeuwen for some future occasion.

• Status: To be planned

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Assignments Usercouncil 20080313-12

• Jaspers’ wish (seconded by Kluin) for a consistent identification system for the image files under NLOG (when an image file is downloaded it should include the relevant metadata so that one can see what one has downloaded) is noted for follow-up by Kuipers.

• Status:DINO-SMC: planning rest of 2008. Ready december 2008

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Proposal Information for the DINO-DO User Council

1. Complaints• number of complaints• number of complaints resolved within the

promised time• not dealt within the promised time listing of

these complaints categorized

2. Wishes• wishes that can be accommodated within DINO’s

current program• And wishes that can be prioritized by the User

Council, DINO and eventually GIC

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Proposal Information for the DINO-DO User Council

3. Monthly use of NLOG • number of requests per datatype• visitors overview (anonymous)• traffic sources• content overview

We shall provide monthly reports (kind of management reports) to the DINO-DO User Council

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Proposal Example of a visitor overview 1

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Proposal Example of a visitor overview 2

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Proposal Example of a Traffic Sources Overview

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Proposal Example of a Content Overview