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Ninja Networking Secrets Saturday October 8 th 8am-11am Spoto’s Oyster Bar 4560 PGA Blvd Palm Beach Gardens Fl Presented by Bryan Daly The Business Connection Founder
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Ninja Networking Secrets Saturday October 8th


Spoto’s Oyster Bar  4560 PGA Blvd Palm Beach Gardens Fl

Presented by Bryan DalyThe Business Connection


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• Notebook• Cell phone (off or vibrate) please• Please hold questions until breaks• We will have a Q&A at the end

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Objective Today

• Learn a “system” to build YOUR networkusing Linkedin, Facebook, Website & Meetups

• Develop a Word of Mouth Marketing Plan • A Strong Introduction 30 seconds• Comfortable and Confident in any setting• Resources for continued learning

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What a network can do for you

• A network replaces the weakness of the individual with the strength of the group.

• Your network can be your sounding board to learn what works and what doesn't. You'll avoid more mistakes.

• My network can expand your network.

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Three Questions

1. What are the top three business categories of your ideal referrals?

2. What kind of people do you want to be referred to?

3. Do you prefer to work by referral? And why?

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Reading (SlideShare)

Get the Right Networking Mind Set and Skill Setby Dr.Ivan Misner

How Deep Is Your Network? by Bryan Daly

“Masters of Networking” by Dr Ivan R. Misner and Don Morgan

NEVER EAT ALONE by Keith Ferrazzi

How To Break The Ice by Bryan Daly

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• Resources• Embed slideshows and video LinkedIn and


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it's not netsit or neteatnetplay

it's network!

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Networking is Farming, not Hunting.

Networkingis a

long term commitment.

Networking is not Selling.

Networking is Marketing.


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Can you hang for as long as it takes?


Not everyone willCan you make a consistent effort without the immediate payoff?

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We are recruiting and training our own

“business ambassadors”

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What is special about“The Business Connection”?

• No Dues, Fees or Mandatory Meetings

• Non-exclusive

• Local with wide reach Martin-Dade County• Boston, New York, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando. Jacksonville

• Now LATINO!!!!

• Size- Compare 600 vs. 50 pouring into one website

• We provide great value: education, feature, open house, lunch learn, website, videos

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Blending Online with Offline Techniques

Step 1. Online - Your Profile

Our Secret System

Step 2. Online - Your Groups

Step 3. Online - Business Connection Website

www.GiversAlwaysGain.comStep 4. Offline – Attend Events (e.g. Coffee Meetups)

Step 5. Offline – Schedule One-to-Ones

Rinse and Repeat (overview)

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Learned BehaviorBusiness Networking is a Marketing System

A System is a Series of Steps Designed to Accomplish a Specific Goal

Business Networking is a Series of Steps to get Your Business Referrals

The Series of Steps are Designed to get People

•To Know You•Like You•Trust You


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How?• Know You

See you online and offline visibleOne/One and social events

• Like You“How To Win Friends and Influence People”

• Trust You Do what you say you will do

Testimonials from othersVCP Visible, Credible, Profitable

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Step 1. First Things First

… and Your Appearance Offline…

Always strive for an Appearance…

Your Appearance both Online…

… higher than what people expect

…as you brand yourself.And Continually Tweak and Upgrade…


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Everything you do is a reflection of your business and how you do

business.How you attend meetings, return calls, answer

the phone…What are some other examples?

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What is YOUR Plan?

How many strategic referral partners do you want?

Are you willing to do what it takes?Let’s say you want 100 new partners in a year8-9 per month- 2 per weekNeed 4-5 one on ones a week (1 at each Coffee

meetup and 2-3 on Friday before happy hour)

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What is YOUR Plan?

How many strategic referral partners do you want?

100 partners send you 1 referral a yearThat’s 100 referrals a year or 8-9 per monthToo much? Cut in half or take 24 months to do it

Is your plan written? Can I see it?

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Building A Word Of Mouth Business

Step 2. Start Connecting on

B. Create re-usable Invitations to Connect

A. Never use the standard Invitation.

C. 3,000 Invitation Limit

D. Who to connect with

E. Filter to Locate Targeted Individuals to connect with

F. Join Group and Connect

G. Join Discussions in a meaningful,

“GiversAlwaysGain” way. – Always Add value.


H. Continually Invite Your Connections to Join Our LinkedIn Groups.(Palm Beach Business Connection, Broward Business Connection, Dade Business Connection, Martin

County Business Connection along with our website,

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Step 3. Start Taking Those Connections Offline

Through LinkedIn or our website, invite people to meet

One-To-One Meeting.

Through LinkedIn and our

website,invite people to meet You

at our Coffee Meetups where they’ll hearYOUR 30 Second Commercial.

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Website Overview


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What is Follow YOUR Plan?

How do you keep in touch?90% of failures happen here

1. Connect online and download v-card2. Get phone info into my cell3. Extra eye out for referrals4. Call just to say hi5. Make connections for and introduce others6. Comment like and share online

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How Deep Is Your Network?

…it's not just "what you know," or even "who you know." It's "how well you know them" and well do you know them…that really counts in building a powerful personal network.

You many have a lot of contacts, but how well do you really know each other?

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1. How did you get started in the ____ business?2. What do you enjoy most about what you do?3. What separates your company from the competition?4. What advice would you give someone just starting out in the ___ business?5. What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you could not fail?6. What significant changes have you seen in your business over the years?7. What do you seen as the coming trends in the _____ business?8. What was the funniest experience you have had in your business?9. What ways have you found to be the most productive to promoting your business?10. What one sentence would you like people to use in describing your business

Always a Great questionWhat is a good referral for you?

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Building A Word Of Mouth Business


YOUR 30 Second Commercial

A. “Hello everyone, my name is ___________.”

B. “ My business is called _______.”

C. “I do this ____________ .” (No More Than 3 Easy to Remember Items)

D. “I am looking to meet __________ .” or “A good referral for me is _____ .”

(Be specific)

E. “Once again, my name is __________ .”

F. Your Tag Line

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Building A Word Of Mouth Business

Short Break

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Building A Word Of Mouth Business


30 Second Commercial Practice Session

• Create Your 30 Second Commercial(15 – 20 minutes)

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• Help your referral partners to spot opportunities for you

• A good referral for me is…_____• When someone isThink of me whenFor me it’s Major life events• Divorce, Marries, Job promotion, Has baby,

grandbaby, Dies, Laid off

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Building A Word Of Mouth Business


30 Second Commercial Practice Session

• Practice Your 30 Second Commercial(15 – 20 minutes)

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Building A Word Of Mouth Business


YOUR - 1 Hour One-To-One Meeting

A. 20 Minutes – About the Other Person

B. 20 Minutes – About You and Your Business

C. 20 Minutes – About How You Both Can Help Each OtherFind Referrals

Conclude – Agree To Meet Again and Set a Date and Time.

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Building A Word Of Mouth Business


Tips - 1 Hour One-To-One Meeting

E. How to Break the Ice

A. Research the Other Person

B. Pay Attention to What They Say During Their 30 Second Commercial

G. Agree To Meet Again and Set a Date and Time.

C. Bring a One Page BIO and Who You Are Looking to Meet

D. Bring a Notebook and Take Notes

F. Stick to the 20-20-20 Meeting Structure

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One-To-One Meeting Practice Session

A. 5 Minutes – About the Other Person

B. 5 Minutes – About You and Your Business

C. 5 Minutes – About How You Both Can Help Each OtherFind Referrals

Conclude – Agree To Meet Again and Set a Date and Time.

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Building A Word Of Mouth Business

Short Break

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Step by Step Building a Network• Get Started Today !!!• Building Your List Online• Start Relationships Offline • Contact and Connect – Key - Follow up, Follow through, and Keeping in Contact


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Go to Live Meetings and Events

• Play Host• Introduce Others• Listen and Ask Great Questions to Find

Common Ground• Make Clear, Concise, Memorable and

Effective Introductions


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Using Linkedin

Promote the Group and Build YOUR Network

Online Tips LinkedIn: Latino Business Connection Treasure Coast Business Connection Martin County Business Connection Palm Beach Business Connection Broward Business Connection Dade Business Connection Tampa Business Connection Orlando Business Connection

Jacksonville, Atlanta, New York,


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Linkedin Training

• Profile• Search• Groups• Connecting• Key Words

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LinkedIn Training

• Youtube

• Linkedin help•• Tips and Tricks•

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Networking and Referral Boot Camp

Thank You For Attending

Tell All Your Business Associates and Friends About the

Business Connection

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Here are just a few Ninja tips

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Bring a door prize include your card. 

Books are a great give away

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Become the Hostess with the Mostess

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Wear a name tag.  Name tags make you more


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Ninja Networking Secrets

Give your clients referrals.  

They often get the idea and reciprocate.

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Write an e-book or report and offer to new prospects.

 Slide Share is another option.

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Volunteer and be involved.   

Sponsorship without involvement is generally a waste of money.

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Twitter, Stumble, Digg yourself and others.

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Join a referral group(s).  Meet weekly.


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Ninja Networking Secrets

Email Signature 

Its free and very low key approach to share a link or idea.

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Ninja Networking Secrets


Real Live Networking is where it is at.  Online networking is just a part of successful


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Ninja Networking Secrets

Enlist the Host 

Hi Mr. Host.  I am shy can you introduce me to people.

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Be an Ambassador 

Most everybody is a little bit shy.  Become the official greeter at your

favorite networking event.Think Walmart.

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Gift Certificate 

People need to experience your product.  Have a way for them to test

you out.

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Golf Outing Station 

Take pictures for free and get address and send them pictures with a flyer.

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Write a Blog. 

No cat blogs here.  Save that for Twitter share your knowledge and


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Ninja Networking Secrets

Submit articles to local papers. 

Write monthly article for local business publication.

HERO (Help a reporter out)

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Ninja Networking Secrets

Shamelessly Promote but.... 

Provide Value First and your contact info last.


The Business Connection