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:Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select ä new Nues Plan and Zoning Board of Appeals member has aMounced that Tuesday, May' ' 15, will bé the ' last day for interested Nues residents to submit 'a resume to - Marlene :, Village of Niles, 1000 Civic. Center. Drive, Nues, IL 60714, to be considered 'for this positíon. ' For more iñforma- . tion, call'(847) 588-8003. ' ' , ' ' ' An R R ill Ei ea iíe,,ss page INDEX Pôlice Blofter BSjñês , Commenta, avOYouNear Schools 11 Obituaries an: '15 19 Life " ' øééLEìiätè' ' 'Classifieds -' . ligie j)fflce orn: '---.- --.-- - '' j'-..- ' ' 'BUGLEÑEWSPAPERS .coM , :, NiIes 'Lions Raise $2;700 for'Misericordia Nues Uons again helped Misericordia forthe third consecutive year. Uons members $2,700 on ApiiI 28 and ApnI 29. The following Uons are Glenn Steude, Norbert Johnson, Chris Kutelas and Jim Capek. -..' "?" ' CuI.v'ér's 7;;, Fèldhe'im ña'm'èd ',tèá:ch'er" :" of the-year Teac'herwas , SpeechIés.s' By Tracy Yoshida Ornen STAFFWRITER , ' ' Linda Feidheirn, who , has ' been a school social worker at ' Culvér ' School. in Nues for 20 ' yéath, ' has been, named Culver's Teacher of the Year. , "I was speechless;" sâid Feldheim, about how she felt' when she .firs found out she was selected as. teacher of the year. Fel- low teachérs' at Culver sent letters ofnom- r ' , inalion to the LidaFeIdheim PTA, who then selected the' teacher of the year. Feidheim, a Morton Grove resident, works, primarily-with. chiidrên in grades ' 5 to' 8. :' Although the, school psycholo- gist generally' works ' with ' the. yòunger students,' she works'' with thém as well. 'i' ' 'Feidheirn 'hèlps' the-students with any'problems'thèy may be' ' facing, such as beingLbullied at school and cónflicts in their ' ' ' relationships. ' 'She also . helps ,,. kids build a better sèlf'esteem. Feidheim said that students in grades five to eight go through ' many challengès'and life canbe . difficult at times. . ,uI, reàlly like th kids," shared Feldheim. "I thinlç they' have a lot to say and it's fun talking Nith' them. It kind of- brightens my day." ' The students work with : Feidheim both 'one on oneand in, small 'groups; Feidheim said she ' and ' the ' school psychologist always ' ' make themselves available, even on evènings and week- ends, to help'students through their problems.- ' Feldheim previously work- - ed as a social worker with Eàst Maine School Dist. 63.

Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

Aug 14, 2020



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Page 1: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

:Deadfjflè forNìI?P.Ian. :Comm issionpòstcomiñg

The Committee to select änew Nues Plan and ZoningBoard of Appeals member hasaMounced that Tuesday, May' '

15, will bé the ' last day forinterested Nues residents tosubmit 'a resume to - Marlene :, Village of Niles, 1000Civic. Center. Drive, Nues, IL60714, to be considered 'for thispositíon. ' For more iñforma- .

tion, call'(847) 588-8003. ' '

, ' ' '


RR ill



iíe,,ss page

INDEXPôlice BlofterBSjñês








19Life " '

øééLEìiätè' '

'Classifieds-' .

ligie j)fflceorn:

'---.- --.-- - '' j'-..- '


, :,

NiIes 'Lions Raise $2;700 for'MisericordiaNues Uons again helped Misericordia forthe third consecutive year. Uons members $2,700 on ApiiI 28and ApnI 29. The following Uons are Glenn Steude, Norbert Johnson, Chris Kutelas and Jim Capek.

-..' "?"

' CuI.v'ér's 7;;,


of the-yearTeac'herwas ,


By Tracy Yoshida OrnenSTAFFWRITER , '

' Linda Feidheirn, who , has '

been a school social worker at' Culvér ' School. in Nues for 20

' yéath, ' has been, namedCulver's Teacher of the Year.


"I was speechless;" sâidFeldheim, about how she felt'when she .firsfound out shewas selectedas. teacher ofthe year. Fel-low teachérs'at Culver sentletters ofnom- r '

, inalion to the LidaFeIdheim

PTA, who then selected the'teacher of the year.

Feidheim, a Morton Groveresident, works, primarily-with.chiidrên in grades ' 5 to' 8. :'Although the, school psycholo-gist generally' works ' with ' the.yòunger students,' she works''with thém as well. 'i'

' 'Feidheirn 'hèlps' the-studentswith any'problems'thèy may be'

' facing, such as beingLbullied atschool and cónflicts in their ' ' '

relationships. ' 'She also . helps ,,.

kids build a better sèlf'esteem.Feidheim said that students ingrades five to eight go through

'many challengès'and life canbe

. difficult at times. .

,uI, reàlly like th kids,"shared Feldheim. "I thinlç they'have a lot to say and it's funtalking Nith' them. It kind of-brightens my day."

'The students work with

:Feidheim both 'one on oneandin, small 'groups;

Feidheim said she ' and ' the' school psychologist always

' ' make themselves available,even on evènings and week-ends, to help'students throughtheir problems.-

' Feldheim previously work-- ed as a social worker with Eàst

Maine School Dist. 63.

Page 2: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

Core principles discussed at education forumBy Tracy Vanhida Buien505FF WRITER

The NilesTowxsship EducationForum featuring Skolsie MayorGeorge Van LOasen and state rep-resentatives and senators wanheld on Sunday, May f at theOakton Community Contar inSkokie.

Niles Township High SchoolDut. 219 Supt. Nail Codell waspresent ut the fnrum that was






Any of the following services

attended by about 2W pnoplr."lt was an excellent turnout"

seid CodeE. "It shows this coto-muoityis very invested b its rhil-darn."

"For 200 people to show upronmmrd about school fundingon Sunday attemoors we Jeffrey Srhnenbetg und Slate See.arcomplislsed nur goal," Yield ImStiveestem.Gunther, superintendent of Mom than half of the state'sschool dithirt73hi publia edaralinn dollars ase gen-

Speakers at thr forum included crated from toral tan payers andSlain Rep Louis Lang Slate Seo, lllinois ranks 47 among the 50

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"For 21))) peopk. to shhw up concerned tiboutschool funding on a Sunday afternoon, weacconip)ished our goal,"Vicki Gunther I astros our, ras SUI'EHINTEKOENO

] A. fondA Iter lose years as pditorL.I of The Sagte News-Ipopers, this will be my

That is ohsrd sentrnrr to putdown na paper. lathe time I'veservad Ihr rommanity in mymodest way at Tite Bogie Ihave camr to knnw many peo-ple, aesidrnts of the towns shotl've covered. Olino I found thatthey have lived bree for longperiods of time. When werrceive lettres to the editorthey altra oea signad by peuplewho identify themselves as 30-yoRe, 40-year and even 50-yearresidents. While l've breo hereconsiderably shortee amountalisma, I lind now that as Isaygoodbye my connection isstrong enough to make anydeparture feel bitteesweet.

I've worked st The BugleNewspapers ever since I metthe publisher at au event at RhoNiles Library and have greatlyenjoyed my time with the com-pany. t nerd ta particularlyshank lf.irh Mosteeson, publish-er sod Sob Leach, SpartsEditor loe the opportunity tuguido o growing rompany as ithas expanded.

I also need ta thank the pub.

Nues Family DentalLeon Zingerman. D.D.S

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slates irs paying for publiasalsools.

Agnoupulmrnoprinriplessveredeveloped and discussed at theforum, They include inaneasedkmding for special eduralioss the

farewelllic affinaIs in NitrA, MortonGeave and all the other com-munities on wham I've hadoccasion ta rely. Whether at themanicipality nr the library orthe pork ood school districtsIhr7 hove hero very soppoet-ive of our efforts at The Sagteand I'd like to shank thnm formaking the job of covering therommanity just a titile bit rasi-

The other employers ut TheSagte have also bren a bighelp. Barbara Kacawacki, headnf the Soles Department andNeil Schirnstedt io theProduction Depantment bothdeserve more recognition toethe jobs they perform with lit-tle complaint. Their work isdone behind the sornas and natalso noticed by the readers butwithout them we wouldn'thave u newspaper.

l've made many friands in

removal of ustfunded mandatesand the removal nf the Sie saletylevy lo, the tax rap.

"They should noi br takesfrom districts like aun," saidCodeE, about thee bmds. He saidthat the alote has bees "neglect.ful."

"They have ta stop politidaiogchildmn'slivw," said Codell. -

COded bolinear that legislatorsneed to be passionate about sop-parting a child's education.

Pane TwaAxORrW aVvInto, calote

the years I've been here. I mauextremely gratified that thefirst respaasr I received wheattold them I'd be teAviog was,"oh, that's terrible." 0, roorpleof people even stopped by ouroffice to say they were sud Itosee mega.

I'm sad lo leave too, bunothing in this life is premonent und we alt mast set oufor orw oballeages throughoutoar lives. I leave, a beIrre person Ion my enperiences and it'sbecause of Ihn people I'vecome to know Isene. lt's u debthat I'll srener be able ta repay.


-THE BUGLEÌRich Mostenses


Aedrow Schneidercorcaron canoa

[email protected],

Robent Leach -

sporta croono tase SOI agies swsp ape rs .com

Barbara Kenawackisars nineoton


Elizabeth Marcee -

9000toatsa sosta assistanTs tisai esteS b aalen ene ors n. s se

Decid Urquhnrtacolase narcnrinr

[email protected]

Gloria CapotoarcareIs


Tracy Ynshido Groen500FF WRITER -

tea sfSt nglerr.naps pars. rs e

Lauro Keteunkaostare Walten

kate,, si r sOsa g Is senses p ers. s on

Neil SchierniediPttIUcttlu nierctot

- nrad,,ss,,,,

Keith Eilen- P0100CtIO5 -

Leise Briady -


Pat Conwaycosrnlsalllst polleossapata

- Contact InformationPOrsesOSI.ttg.155

7400 Wsaksgrs RaedSiles, IlIi,,e'u 11114 -

Th5 isgIslSsOabTR.asnof- TOetagIs Remopeirre. lis. -

Nues cops hit roofs for charity

Anelise's Run Raises $68,000Grants 10 Wishes for Make a Wish Foundation

By Tracy Ynshida Grunt

Mnre Iban 2,000 people participated in Anelise's Run inFork Ridgi 00 Saturday, Apa!!2f.

"It realty went well," saidJulie Adams, Ehe mother ofAnelise Adams, who wasstruck und killed by a car whenshe was 12-years-old.

"It was a beautiful day,"shared Adam,, who said theweather was perfect for bothwalkers and 0000005.

Adams ooid they raised

about 161,000 from the 71kaoaaai event and wore able togrant the wishes of 15 rorinur-ly ill children thtough theMake a Wish Foundation.Adams snid many of those 10children are from tIse immedi-ate oara, such as Park Ridge,Des Plaines und ArlingtonHeigtsts.

Oree the paar serro years,they were able ta grant a tota!of 19 wishes fo seriously illchildren thenoogh Ihr Make aWiab Foundation.

The day's evento includedthe walk and rua, children's

gamos, fuco paintixg. a monAuwp, climbing wall and obsta-cle course, free swim rad gym,sileot AOction, entertainmont

Tiser, was also o kid's dash,called "Aogcls io the Outfield"that the children were able taparticipote in.

Anetise, who attendedLincoln Middle School, iomissed by many and is remem-bered as a sweet, well-likedgirt who Inved oaimats, play-log Oxte and playing sportssosch as soccer, basketball and

Restaurant & Pancake HouseCatering Now Available

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NEWS - THE BUGLE MAY 50,2007 3NWS.2 THE BUGLE MAY 10, 2007


'NILES i18430W. Dempster St. DES PLAINES

batanen Greenwood & Conoberlandrent tu MsDnneId'a

1340 Lèe St.

827 0500 (847) 296-7059 I

L.847 '

The panseotee, Phoebe Sega!,sf,trted her training career ut theFedernl Reserve Bask ofCftscogo and Rush PeesbyteriaaSI. Luke's Medico! Center.

In 1986, ski established herown training business and boxtrained in corporate, maoafachiring, heatthcarr, governmentand academic environments.

Phoebe also has enperiencewith training in coasmanicatianskills; effective presentationskills, cnostomee service andEnglish as a second language.

The deadline far registrationis Friday, May 1f.

North suburban pulire offi. the Dankin' Donuts stare, at:reno sure love their Dunkiu' 9721 MilwaslçeeAve., Glenview,Donuts... enoftaps, that is. 7039 Dempster, Hiles and 19ES

Fan the fifth year in a raw, Drmpstee, Evanston.patire officers from Niles, Illinois Tuech Eus liliaretarEvanston, Glenview oasi and retired East Dander Pulireapproximately 50 patire depanf- Chief Joe Peau adnsìtu the offi-meets throughout lltiaois will ores hove a rough ant Io follow-slake ouf Duakin' Daunts after last year, whea police oIl-rooftops to heighten uwareneas cres sat atop 54 Durotoin' Donatoand raise dnnatians for the 22nd rooftops and raised moto thouAnnoal Law Enforcement Torch $100,300. lo 2003, when policeRosto benefit Special Olympics officers fiost took to Dankin'illinois. ' Donuts moftops to raise money

Segiousing at 5 a.m. until 2 foe Special Olympics Illinois, 12p.m., rain or alsisse,- police oIls- police depuetments pucticipotedreos will stoke themselves atop rod aaised $20,000.

Local Chambers Go Fish! On May 24The clsambees of Nitos,

MotIon Grove, Skokie andLincoinwood will 000ne togeth-er for a "Go Fish!" Event anThursday, May 24.

The Fish philosophy is "Play,Make Their Dry, Be There andCtsooxe Your Attitude." It cen-ters around u woak envinoo-moot where every000 choosesto bring earagn passiox and apositive attitude to work rveoyday.

The event will take place farm7:30 am, to 9:32 am. at OahtonCommunity College in lihokie,7701 N. Lincoln Ave:

Page 3: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select




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THERE'S NO BETTER TIME.Trost Miracle-Ear, Areerica's ai choice for hearing aids,

to keep you toned into Iife Coree n today for yoor freehearing test and conroltationf And teke adcannage of

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What willyour miracle sound like?-


To live long and thriveBy Ven Grisacopeen senO crevice

"The days of oocyeate ate threescore and len ..." So it says in theOibleinPtalmlú.lirbiblicaltieses,hnfore the adveotof modern medi- i.IFEWnine, 70 yeats wasa reetaekably beg lito.

But ide eopecbanUy its theUnited States has exceeded thatstandard. Accenting the U.S.Ceotens for (linease Contati andPrevention, a U.S. baby borntoday con expect on avetage tolive tobe 77.9 peace old.

While the time when webecome "nid" is oat etched instoee, there is ao escaping thatfact that the alternative to dying ixaging. The gond neme je thatmodern sdence is ennehing lite-lessly to help an find ways to slowdosvn the aging procest.

Ooeeernetstsedy,accoedingtaaaepoet from the Baston UoivereityNerv Eogland CeoteeaaianStrady,shows that ahootligpeorerst of theaging pmrms io determined byheredity Simply pcA if your pat-ento and theio siblings enjoyedlong life, tise drances aregood thatioheaited genes from them thatwill enable yno to Eve beg.

Club FitnessSummerSpecial

3 monthsfor $5995

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Conceflient Hours and Loca500Heipfal and Conrte000 StaffState-of-the-art exercise equipment from Paramoont,Matrio, Truc, Noslep, Life Fitness and FretarFoil-Size GymnasiumEopansiVe free weight arno.Indoor walkïng/rnnoing track2 racquetball coonsStretching roomErty heat oannas/whirlpnol spaSpacinos and modern locker roomsPersonal Training

I IS 11:1


6834 Demyster StreetMorton Grove, IL847-96G-1200

The reverse, too, is teere. S yourpaceots died premolorely fromdisease, you too could beat eisk,Yet even that cae be iniloenced.inways that will lengthen ycordays.

Thaf s becauseIRE lifrotyle and

eonmentat lactendeteeroinc the remaining 75 per-rent, researchers say. Here ate tipsfern Comareee RepeatsanHeatth magaaioe aimed athetpingyou to live meg and pats-pen

Eeenise. Regaluernerdne canreduce blond pressure, heart dis-ease and the iarcidenrnot diabetes.Daily activity even lowen yentelevels of bad cholesterol andirrvncasoe yaeelecels of gond cho-lesteroL vEnd the rnerdse doesn'thave tobe a daily grind. Walldng30 minutes at a good pare willwork. Aas hose a day is even bet-ten

Stay trim, Study shows thatcarrying 30 extra poands, notsmaoaab for Aaeeaicam, pats yaraat risk for metaholio syndrome.The syrsdeomr is defined partlyby exems andoesiatal fat lt is apatent risk factor foe diabetes andheart disease, broth of which canaccelerate aging. Recent reuearvh

riserve mndeeately eveeweightpeople who cob their caleeicintake by 25 percent last 10 per-tent xl their body wright in sixmonths. Doing mimpmned rev'eeal likely maekeer for bengevity.

Sat right. Reneaech bac shntnnthat the Meditearanean diet - lotsnl froits, vegetables, whole grains,oats, legorsxrs, fish, olive oil andnsodeeate amnonte at wire - hasbeen linked to Ineger bife and lessheart diccoor. In fad, one studyfound thet the Mediterranean dietredaced aetnrial ietlboesaratienand inseln resietance significant-ly better thee a "head healthy"low-tat diet. And when you eatyoaa fruits and vegetables, By teconmane those with vivid minenThey have been found to be richin antioxidante, nsettients andafiree beneficial rebetaacee linkedte bong life.

Humpty-Dumpty -

Whatgoesupmsrstcernrdeseaca fact of tifo that applies to justabaoaranyoeewha arm atadden

Awseeslieg ma etrrdy pebliehedinMay fotheAmnican Joumal alPreventive Medicine and medoct-ed by the Center foe InjuryResearch and Policy et Columbus

See Thrive. pageS

O'aecrsasmg peeeaa rs May Ote Jaly 31, 2007. Come ree thenew leak of Club Piteecn, Foemore inteematinn call jS47j965-1200.

Summer Regirteatiou kasbegun at the Merton GrovePark Disteict You cao ceginlerfoe samerree prngeamx irr per-son at 6834 Uempstee St.,Meetoc Grove ne on-line atwsvsv.moetcngeovopraks.cnm.


Park Dislricl

Land Ice Sh'Gljdigg Through the Detadeb'

May51: 7:00pm

May12: 2:O0&7:OOpm

May 13: 2:00pm

IceLand Arena0435 Sabord Bd.j047j 297-0010


Lifting move focuseson stability and balance

Morton Grove parksoffer membership specialMactan Greve Park District's Oriole Pool opens spins fanes. This eveut ir

Club Fitness Surnesec Opedal -. Oainle Poni npenn May spanroced by Halogen Peal3 mentire far $59.95. 2tith. Join the Marten Grave Supply

Puck District at apeniag dayet the 3gg7 pool xearan atOciole PooL Patrons ages 2-04wilt swim to the bottnm al titeponi ta gather dollars andcents. Ynungee childeen willbe divided into appreprialeage graups. The event willtake place docing the 12:45pmand 1:45pm lifteen minatesately baeak. Also enjoy give-aways and contests as a DJ

FREF GYM BAG &$0 enrollment ($59 savings)('tritEr the purchase ot a sew annual memberuhip)

Offer Valid: May I-3 1, 2007Please Bring Ad En

Nues Family Fitness Center/" 987 Ciclo Corker Dr, Nijen, ljjíeoin'""'t,


847.588-8400 /1 j

Horror Pool OpEnS

Harree Pool apees Jane2nd. Jein the Morton GeovePark District in celebration alopraing day at Marrer Pool..At 12:45pm you can partici-pate io our ever tamnun"Duck Races" Peizos tee oilthe winners. Also enjoy give-aways and cnntests as a DJ5pins 100es,

Hiles Park DistrictSummer Camp Registration

Nifes Pork Disinct offer u widevaciely cl summer creep peo-grams foe preschool ege thmngbincoming eiglsth gnade kids.

We offer fell day sed ball dayvamps, spade camp, hockey, andice skatiug ramps. Stop by thel4owaed Leinuce Centee, lti7ti WHowaed Street to plan aneucitiegsummer for.yasu child.

Camperssviil enjoy nscinenirtweekly field trips, oele fr matis,sports, und toro of fuol Pleasecall j947j 967-6633 if youhave anyqnestinrn.

Youth BasketballSummer League

blegintratinn is being acceptedfoe the Ycath Sankefrall SammerLeagues for Grades 2nd thanagh8th Gieh and Bays. Thesa free andesdting leagues hegie in Juneand end in Augsrst

Partidparstn rae sign up au ateam a, individually. Teamare play

Thrivetanbitsed frum page 4

Osibdaen's Hospital, mare than Elmilline individuals were treated irrU.S. emeantcy moms for ladder-'

loe 10 weeks al ending leogaeund playoff action. All games areplayed at Golf View RecreitionCenter. Registration is beiaglaken at the Howard LeisureCenlec

Foe mcm information aboutYauth Basketball or volunteercoaching please call ji47j 967-6975. Samrrrrier Basketball 'o spun-tamed by MB Financial Bank.

Nibs Park DistrictIntro to Girls Hockey

Niles Park District ix invïtiagGlob of any age or talent level teexperience the thriO of playinghockey.Therrsnillheahallhouealshills and drille, followedhy abalfhoua nl Itas games. SIsales andbasic equipment presided free toall beginnen. Join as ab IceLandknArrea en Monday's, nose thenJune flfrnm ESff p.m. ta fr50 parr.Walk-on frein $6 pee dass, withno need to eegïntee. Call theHockey Office at (847) 297-f531 gyou have any questione.

related irgirrirs from 1ffS thmugJs2965. According to the stody, thennnrbeeafnanfnlaltaddrr byariestreated in emergerscy momsjumped by an alarmingsg percentin that time.


It's not too early to think- about summer programs

Summer Camptasttc 2007 $128 Mernbee/S166 Non' Fee teclsdes: Elite.asketball CampThe Ñiles Prinily Fitoerx Member, ParI 'Eme: 3 days lastemectien B

Center's Camprastic is lire week. Perenbr may T-listelpeefeci chap loe yaur ckil to. choase the 3 days lirat best . Trete: 1-4 p.m. j12:45 drap

I rd the sammet. sarl mere ecnedale. SOb eSi Monylay -Friday\ctivi ice includespndts, out- MemJree/Sllll Nan-Member MemSer Fee: Before Janedoue Elite htstnjction Basketbalb June1st$1Opersveek

goys red Grrls 9-33 seams U0,.St,., tu.- na,..,chilri rvith tire best camp

U,mrrmyrrmrstr_enmee pere- AfterJuncSet$lfS per r:'vvk

b al t d y uM k lp d th Nd Jo I I $lltil p w 9.

exearianmur af thrir l,ses We5v.nt rvmres.duy r b mr .m arfe

erst a feghly iresteoctennal,

tue-filled odventan'l Isiglrly vrrmpafifive bavkrl-

'birle yeae sse arc partIre,- ball pragranr. ritte earmoeris0 with the Illinais Park and caurp scrll addrrvn peeperRcceeatiae Assaciatiee te slsnatmeg rer'chaeres, ball-prmmeide apr campees with Irandlieg, play-makinghealthy tntee.rvtis'r activi- skills, rrhrmundrrg, deten-tire/crafts? r ecipesss-herr arte trrndameetaLs, aedthey cao learrrlcealthybrhav- affensmvr prreciplm's. '1 he

lees and 5511 liane funi facas uf the rarmp iv tuAt e,: 6 -12 welreme, nehancr bath keamledgrCaep fletear Menday luce and perfermancs rehile pm.

11th - Priday Angnrt l7tir siding an appartueity farRouet: 9 am, tu. 3 p.m.. players to rrrmprete. lalavece

Monday-Friday . will paetiripata je l-mm-5, 3-Eeteed.dtump Ranis 8 am. no-3, and 5 -ars-5 tmruroa'

taf am. cred 3 p.m. ta S p.m. meets. vis sedI as vaelausCump Saname Peen: Full jumping-shrrrmtiag compati'

Time: Ore Week Sereine, tians.

THE BUCLE MAY ill, 2ll07 5

Sesnie 1: July 9-15Seuuine 2: lsnly 16-20Soucies 3: July 21-27

Tao Kwon D6 years-adultlearn the Ktreos el at

'l're Kwon Dcv and dreelapyasrr. physical, meet.rl andmuscular utoength. Claviertarrght sodre dic dien'ctinn atMaster lnstarnctee San ChatChurrg afChrmg'm Tue KwaeDir Academy, 8 necks

Na Clase Wrd,, July 4jeer lB-Aug 0, 6 per. ta7p.m.,Men/Wed.1128 Membee9151 Nrrn-Mnmber

copLrn Nene rceolcc dane rin repelones. WithoalInwering the weights, ewitch

It only takes one leg to pee yoae stance to the ether leg andteem tisis exercise, which worhe perform ein mom, alternatingea the deltoids, triceps and bal- repetitions.ance. REPETITIONS: Pertorm thcee

THE MOVES: Alternating over- xetv al 12 repetitions.head dumbbell press while PRECAUTIONS: This activity isstanding axone leg. eat intended foe sameone with

WORKS ON: Oeltaidv, triceps, paar balance. Ibis usefol toterrrsbu stubibirution, bebance. stimalate teach stabilizatioe

SEEP: Select a pair at dumb- and conrdinatieu of the upperbells that are slightly bower and lewee enteentitier. Pragrexsthan your normal overhead rtawly with weight increases avpaese. Itaire both wrightn to the they will be magnified in anstarting paritian jharrdr berne- unstable pasture. Make sumdiabely in freut at and slightly the area is clear araund you into the ride of the shoulder), care yaa have to drop a weight.

STEPS: Piem the eight leg and OPURNS: Once camfartable,eaim thu left leg just aif the yaa can add challenge bygroand. When you am steady, standing ana "balance disc" neslowly press ene arm up and any ather suitable platform.retraen ta the rbarting position. Huit Cnplcy Nerve Srmice atAlternute arms until yaa have rcrcra.capleyoerar.cotc

Page 4: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select


Concrete Rocks DantageE Garage(GROG block of Parkoidel

Unknown persoii or personstlsrew Iargs conceetn rocksagainst a garage wall of n resi-dence in the 8900 block ofPnrkside breakissg the glossblocks sometime betweenSofurdoy, Apeil 21 and Saturday,April 28. Tise cost of the damageis estimated at $300.

'.7 Blackberry Cell Phone:'_J Stoles(8200 block of Aaotin(

A Blackberry cell phone wasstolen 8mw a table located inthe storage aseo oto business intheS200blnck of Austin Ave. naTuesday, May 1. TIse estimatedvalue of the cell phnne is $400.

Damage ta Vehicle (8000block of Porkoide Dosel

The windslsields. front andsear driver's side window anddriver's side mirror at o vehicleio the 9003 block of PorksideDrive were damaged srmrtimebetween Friday, April 27 aodSaturday, April28. Tise estimot-rd cast of the damage is $1,500.

Car Parto Stolenfrom Lawn

(91GO block of Balleforlo(Unlcaasvn pewna or persons

- tank various cor poets, such astwo ear bumpers and thereteansmissians, tram the geassan the west side ata garage inthe 91go black of Bellefartesametime between Friday,April20 and Saturday, April27.The bumpers have a vaine at$0go and the transmissions alsohave a value of $000.

flEggsThrown an Vehicle

(77GO block of Beckwfth(Multiple eggs were tlseawssat

the driver's side nia vehicle inthe 7700 blurb nf Oeckwithsometime between Friday,Aprii 27 and $atrseday, April20.Felice soid domage wm raosedto the paint, such as dsippingand fodiatg. The damage is esti-mated at $000.


(6800 block of DempuOer)A Eiarkbeeey cell phone was

taken from a vehicle parked inthe 6000 hInab nf Dempstee anManday, April 30. The estimat-ed cost of the stolen phane is$250. It is unhnnws whetherthe vehicle drum were lackedre unlocked.

Gerate Dure Dam080d(8400 block of Mungn(

Unknown persan or pérsonsshattered the glass or tisegarage done in the 5400 biuck ofManga sometime between

Tuesday, May land Wednesday,May 2. The estinsated cost of thedamage is $200.


(Beckwitfs90ormandylA 07-year-aid Martas Grove

man was arrested an $unday,April 29 for driving under theinfluence nf alcahal at8ecicwitlsand Naemandy. The maosadmitted to driving at s highrate nf speed and hitting a curbafter he lost rentrai of his vein-de. His cauri date in May29.

flPesseosionof Cocaina

(CrainlAustio(A 22-year-old Mt, Prospect.

mon was arrested far the pos-session of rocaine atCesin/Austies an Monday,April30. l-lis court date is Muy 9.


Two Headstones Damaged(6800 block of Milwaukee

Unknown person or personspushed two sandstone angelsand one other statue off-twoheadstones at a cemetery in the

Eagle Graphic:Locotions Appraninate

6800 block al Milwaukee some-tiene between Monday April30aad Tuesday, May i. The esti-mated damage is $2,000 lareach headstone.

DBurglaryto Vehicle

(7700 block of Main 58.1A Cl) player was taken farm

o veisicle in the 7708 block ofMain $t. sometime betweenWednesday. Mop 2 andThorsday, May Thy shatteringthe drivee's side window. TheCEO piayee has a value ofapprasimateiy $300.


(9400 blockaf N.Waahingten(

Niles pnlire canine, K-9 Max,seaeahed o residence in the 9480btnek nf N. Washington inMarten Grove and inrated asuntsnnwn amount nf suspectCannabis in the kitchen of theresidence os Thursday, May 3.

DBatteryin Vehicle

(7400 block nf N. -

MilwaukeelWhile a mars was sitting ata

bus smp is the 7400 blank nl N.

Concrete blocks thrown against garage

Wit and Wisdom from the Nues Police Sign"The smallest act of kindness" is worth

"moro" ehen tiret geandoso iesleeelf reo.

a resident's lawn in the 6900black al Madison snmetimebetween $atsrday, April 28usd$usduy, April29 and destroyedlive light tintures. -

DKeys,Cell Phane

-Stolen (0900 blockat Washingture St)

Aset alkeys and orali phonewere stolen from a bag locatedat a park in the 0900 block ofWashington St. while theowner of the items was playingsoccer on Wednesday, May 2.

DFolareyOUI Arrest

(7503 black af Oaktun(A 37-year-old Niles man was

arrested an Wednesday, Muy 2foe a felony OUI in -the 7500block olOakton. The bondis setat $5,080 and the court dote isMay 11.

D061(7300block of

Milwaukee Avo.(A 48_year_old Nitres mas was

arrested in the 7300 block at -Milwaukee Ave. loe deivisgunder the influence al alcohal,speeding 53 in a 35 mph rare

Gee Blotter, pago 7 -

BlOttercontinued tram page 6

and bovin0 a BAC of more thais.08 au Tuesday, Msy i. Hisbond is vet at 01jul10 and thecoset dote is May lt.


DWaterDamaaes Rug

(300 block nf N. Best Ase.(Uahosown persan or persaos

liamed au the water lascet onthe outside ola residence in the300 black al N. East. Ave auFriday, April 27 and the water

s nryoneaal,s toilet0 rdaeo Palet 1 badroomO saedotrulymuvainrsedi-

baein000ilsaeagad area-- alalias uith louassasomoets

shot include seat avd sa bio,0150.590.

seeprd iuta the basement anddamaged u $200 rug ond wail.

llPS Token from Vehicle- (900 block of W. Gorden(A GPO system worth $85g

was stolen tram o 2052 NissanUltisisa in the-900 block of W.Gardes srmetime between$usday, April 29 and Monday,Aprii 30.

DVehicleTheft - -

(1700 block of Dempster(A 1990 Fard Elonoline vehi-

rie was stolen taam n paelciogmt in the 1700 block alDempster on Satarday, April28. -


Joseph R. Hedrick

I5 Io 58go Dewyster s. n

Marino Realtor° Inc. MarIne l3rsve, IL 60053

Direct Line B47-212'5336

cuosrine asreenaasarruo Moesnsseda2 bearaums,a iboth,, m'unit laundry, intimar garage 9spuso. updated and clous naltegi!.tus yuu la Flac caspolisg, t24s,auo.






$5g30aa MINIMIM DEP050

710 MONTHS 5.20 %APY

sense ale,roeoae acedelole elr., Cfliaeaaalrrnosiegmsitsi llasoraeesreOrr era050t,aieas euoacelursc sssunasss,aur.aaalts tun.trn.00ro all-tolta - ala.rorarsr

aww.nscnmbank,csm -



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- Stella Scott Petersen ButterballBABY SWISS BAKED CHICKEN


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Fatallr Pack

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Milwaukee, a subject ins vehi-cle offered him a ride and whilehe was in the car the man said.the driver grobbed his arre anWednesday, Mop 2. Paure saidthe man asked, "Arr yes gay?"and the driver replied, "Yes"andthen the passenger issyme-diately esited the vebide.

14Brick Thrown at Vehicle(6268 black of Elizobedr(

Uolsnosnn person ne peinonsthrew u brick wrapped 'us abaseball jersey otavehideinthe0208-bloch rl Elizobeth some-time between Thursday, April26 and Friday, April27 raeriasgthe windshield ta break -

DRotallmeft(200 GaR Milf(A romptuinont abserred a

waman renrealing a pair al ear-rings worth $49 in her paese andexiling the stow at 2193 GaS Millwithrut payirg an Saturday, April25. The wrnson was issued a tick-et and paid afine at the scene.

16 Vehicle Deines Onor Laws(6900 black of Madisan(

Unknnwn person dmve over

Page 5: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

8 THE BUGLE MAY 10, 2007


Tsdey,MayI5leoni B:I070op.,n.

Business Aftèr HauBe OrHoliday Inn & Skokie

Banquet CenterHoliday Inn, 5300 Touhy

Ave., Skokie -

bajoue, Alter I tours nor oBreit


'Lo register for this event,

The Bugle 6Qth Anniversai,1evoievg r)/p :,,

i roSe soniasi Brood o (547) -. '..- ..68-81'fO sad tfooi'ahmbe corn

Thu,sd y M y24from 7t30 am,0 9:30 antMulti-Chamber Goflohi

'ibéoad...'.NEW Golf Mill Shopping

Center, 239 Golf MillCenter, Nitos.

We ate taking tire Women In'Business networking lunch-eons on the rood. For Mayihm August the luncheonavili be hosted kv followchamber mrmbSrsiir regis-ter far this ovvii:, phase cors-tact Oronda (Ely) 260.0190 or

Wrdnesulay,Moy 23

Wth6ln Britaese

College.DOl Ñ..LinerinAqSkokir

irnagise a)thab1(pIacv schereIrr hsorg

etrergy pafsirm, aedo-peo-lave aftitudo each daImpossible? Net at alLFlb'HFIs a toot te irrig peo-ple bavard r.eeatlng that

osjrlorotioouf vitral we ce Ithe risi-I! Ptritosnplsv.

North Suburban Hearing Provides Wide Arrayof Audiofogical Services to Community

titcernoru Wosnros, Phyllis Srors'Wr,srsnn orni Carol Znmrrrlsn ni North. Subrabae l-toorirg.


A Taos May born5 Belt,. hearing (niobio leasing theiilrounes.Month, litro may be so bettet Plrvlbs has rcorkrd as an ,ssidiologist b,:time to feotord North Suburban 3? years and her brad knosslnatge liase

Hearing as the Bogie Newspaper's business comes from rmp(oymerrt aL various Isonpi-of ihn nsoetls. tais, the Board of 4eolth,ond ear, nose arad

Phyllis Sleru-Weismon, audiologist, hoe throat specialists. She has bren active inowned North Suburban Hearing Service for state orgoninations avoca6ng foe pecuariatise posi 44 years Sherwin Weisman, licor- with hearing impoirmeot. She is currentlyieg oid dispenser and Carol Zoremba, office completing lier doctocate of audiology.m000ger, round ont ihr friendly office staff. The hours of operoffun ore Mundoy,Their office provides individuoliond servine Toesdoy and Thursday, 9 n.m to 5 p.m.,geared tosnards rods persons unique hoar- Wedoesdoy oud Friday 9o.m. to 2p.m. ariding nerds, whether ii boto improve or pro- Soturdoy, from 9a.m. to onori.tee: their hearing and improve quotity oflife.

Services budude hearingtestiop dispensing a.- avidorange Seim L'rrtry level tirthe, mort trclrnologieallyadvanced linoring ,aids,heariitg aid repaies,.atsrph. -find teleplsorier, ossintlyn.

- listening devicrn foc tire teI-enision, hearing aid bottin-hes and ciinlriin earplugs MriPods. swrmnriIg, musi-nano and anise prntr0600.

Ait agro cao hair' hearing i)health care nuedi-from inewborns tournions North iiSoborban Hearing Service ialso provides an in humeservice for those who hove

Don't Lot Healing LossAffect Your Qualfty of Lilo

c,Lana,Lr.areer,c,ouair'OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK


siness Of Tk M0iJ1

There ¡sa $10 choegv foe theevent, includes acon6oentalhreahfast, To register for-thisevent, please contact Brehdà(847) 268-8180 or emailes'cntsífniloschaniber,ccine

Feido1y,J«ne 22' -

9-12 peu.Job-Shadsw DayNues Treo (raree

t'or tIre third year, tiré NuesChamber will panner with

CR OS S I-N GShoppiarg C,'arta'r

- .f Where *he -

SkokiT/ Nues .Communi- Shops Every Day!

Over 60 great retailers featuring

Touhy Avenus otd Nils ((nier Ruid/Clrpenler Roid Skokie/N)lei

curd shut -

gloss then,Ih. MelO



Celebrate'ils. Strength

of Mom sEverywhereal Golf Mill

."ThiMoteirnyuppoOoe,rarh, Itrad h:ns- trrnnte by Inning n

- GiPllnllShOorbninnI'nrknNrsn¡ inpud Gut hid ro Vil NH anide.,

randbnrr,rOrododnn,nsi Pnrtuumti(eondffaldlnn,f

\ OonrinbitSitn'dothncaannai Itoo:, le5rsrLifonny. Suri:!,"

ot(Snflslrrorhririnpn - -

- ufdrnon,r'

Golf Mill

the .NiheA(1fr!2e

local ehi4ritihg.hyrscsmirk capeo eei$fycompanv-inJineereaubCbeingis 'Wo&a1MHoapleone contact th ¡'10esCliitmtfrr (tlsighiip,tcTo tin a"WoekpldAHorclplease coviact the Choorhnrolt,oc (44 1 26,5-8190 or



San,dnn.ra,iasa,rer, cd.ubr,,,e,,,rn,,.u,u,evi,. n.a raie,aayu,,,.odfIiIr,.d,,au6,.a,.c. rarawraro

Ill ia,oesrnrcah,

'Bank of Dad' proves tobe a valuable institutionBy Lyuu O'SltouglrnessycoPrti vene ectvlcv

Even if your toddler's vecab-Wary is notyrt as large os a par.rot's, you may already knowwhat bilSoes of other momsaud dads undenutond nil toowell: Kids want stuff,

Children's obihify to let yealçnow what they covet begins atan age whrnatiene0 any - MONtS'word with murethan ocr nyliobte is a utcuggle.But luckily, toddlres have dis-covered that one powerful werd- mincI - often gets the attentionof M000ny and Daddy.

The tyeaney only rsvnlnteswhen children hove geaduntrdfrom the grocery cart seats andbegin creating havoc in the oele-

- ah aisle, rehear Copo Cmnchand his sugary bodd ¡en beckon,and at the checkout counter,whom parente find themselvesprying Skittlen and Bubbhiciousout of their youngsters' paws.

Them is a way, however, lobreak this pint-sized focos evmaterialism, Tha(s ree nf Ikemessages of the bank "Ihr FirstNational tank of Dad," writtenby David Owen of The NereYorker, Aun dad, Owen decidedthai many of the raies thatfinanefal mpeets advocate fonkids regarding allowance andsaving money amiamo.

Cunventionoh wisdom, foeinstance, suggests that kids,once they reach a certain nor,should oprn a savings accountot ihn neighborhood financialinstitution, Visiting a bank conbe mildly exciting, but Owenentes that the novelty afosan-fogs avenant quickly drterio-roles, After all, kids ace oftenfurred to tir up their cash formonths or years. And whet isthe rrward? Look, kids, the


book has given yen $2.09 ioieirrevt for the yastl2 mnethslYou cnoldn'tevrvbuy Ihr No.4valor meal at McDonald's foethat.

Tn'mokr saving mole ruritingand rewording, Owen estab-Sshed his awn bask for his sonred daughtec Hr vet up check-ing arrounts nu his cempuleeusing Quicken and configured

Ike sollevare Io0,-You aulomalically

- deposit theirallowances on the first nf earthmonth.

To encourage the kids, whowere B and 10 01 the time, Oseenmade the sort of offer thntwould cause the shaeehnlderu ofBank ofAreerica or Wells Pargoto reveil, Hr told them that anymoney they deposited in thePirat Natinnal Bank of Dodwould earnS pencenlamnntbininlrnest, Compounded monthly,thou weeks nut Io mom thon 70poncent foe the yron Nom that'san offer that will make a hid hitthe pausa butfon on his Wed.

Originally, Owen's seo anddaughter had te weite a ebrei, towithdraw money, Hr nr his wifewould hand over the cash andmake a notation in Quicken.The check requieement, howev-en, was qaichly abandoned forasystem thai reas lemnia hassle,

If he were starting today,Owen said he'd place money ina cardboard boa and mqoim Iriskids te weile down their with-drawals and dpnsiIs.Obviously, this orrangemeulwould only work if the youngbank costumers were honest. Ifyou're interested in setting upynor own family bank, youdon't need software to poll itoff, You coo keep o paper ledgerof deposits and withdrowalsand figure nuI the accrued inter-

Seo Mauny. page 10

Access to (jireCa,,'r afford fir ore o doctor?

ACCESS TO CARE CAN HIOLPlIf you areacauidrnt of anulaban Cook County or Ihn nonio'

ossi sidc nf Chinego avidi:50No IroelIli insunonee (nr a $006 or more pee prassi:doduclibiol nu,d inoligiblr for Medicare on Publie A,d

ropi,,eoui,,l Knulnclicos AsplyYOU MAYBE ELIGIBLE FORACCESS TO CARE

eDocuok Office Vistos-SS5Presrription Meduoaujon- $10- 520 -030

OLab Tesis md X-raps-15-Nun-Refundable Annual Enrollment Fer nf S20 per

For Muro Informutjon call (7118) 531-06011Arson t,: Care riar:cI.ltccperfrr p,eerarrr sspyccted by ovil,


Papa Johns Pizza to open inBlockbuster at Ballard PlazaBy Tracy Ynshidu Grues

Piare fans may be happy toheow that Popo Jokes is coming

Oometldng slightly difireenl,the Papa hahns Piano rarey-obtrestaurant will br located in theBlockbuster stem within BallardPlano at 8940 Greenwood Ave,

Chuck Outmas, director of

community develnpmrnt, saidthat hr behievev the new veston-rant will be in epenotine inalmut taso to three months.

"I haven't received the plansyet," said Ostman, about thepopular rrstaueavt.

"It'll bring more prople to theBallard l'mao," said Oulnoan.

Vilioge trustees appanved aspecial use un nprratr the restau-rant inside the Blockbuster

video store at the last villagebooed meeting on Apcil 24.

Ostman said although it willbe inside of the Slackboiteestem it will have srpoeote wallsond dones and will require ameparotebuild out.

Ballard Plaza is located at thecorner of Ballard undGmonward, The center liar isapprosimotrly 91,000 square

Edward Jones Financial advisors rankthe firm highest overall satisfaction

Edward Janes finanrialdvisors rank the firm higheolenroll rafiofactian, accordingo a newly encored study by,D, Power and Associates.

Edreand Jones has two finan-ial advisors in Nibs,The inaugural (D Power

od Associates 2t07 FinancialAdvisor Satisfaction Studyached Bdward Janes highestmong the 10 financial arnie-s firms ranked Edwardunes tinanriol advisors gave

the highest sufislaction ratingsin Irons of support, peopleand firm performance

The JD. Power undAssociates study found thatfinancial adviser satisfarfianis related directly to iovestorsatisfaction.

"Pull-snevice investmentfirms with higher advison oat-isfaction also have greaterchient sufisfaefino," the study

The report concluded that

the (.0 Power and Assoviatro2056 US. Pohl Servire levestarStudy demuosteated thur therelationship ieventnnv havereith them finauciul advisors isa dominant driver nf satisfac-tine, recand only le competi.fiveness of portfolio.

In that 200ti study, EdwardJones was ranked highest byJ.D Power and Associates foeinvestor sariufartion amongfull soevice brokerage fions,

Seo tank, page 10

Edward JonesBoost College Savings With a 529 Plan

Cellegeeca ri ore Irigh - mid tircy'sc noiig 'up. S, ifyce',e a paner oilS yoneg ehildrro, ubes rkonld yvesIan aarimrg? Hrn boxt riley?

Ir'ssr,rrtar,ac, rosirsisodsi frrarllrgv. Crnirdrr rIlesu,nbe,s: Fer Ihr 2005-2007 boot yc,a, Ib n errateera, te, altivo, fer,. sron mil bored ,r e icer-ycupsiV,rrr cellcr is $30,36? pci yrla, ,reee,ilhsB re IhrCollege Ooerd. Pcru000r-sera peblre breI. hr ens-mc,pasilisg vomI im $12,750 prr ye:rr. tfeellr 'ecca,,rirnimt 4 petes, a Ova irr bn er,t 15 yrar,, reday',smb urn,,,: II treca fred-year bill et cbcar 5261.001fnr,,vaxrmorprinotrenlIneordSI10,01/creiorrsegs orblic rehcrl.

Tb,.leale bi lln,nbrai, kur yea rea nehr lumIvr,sr osreleeblc ifyox iron r:oiso coly. 0cc ,f brbrrler aeieg, vrlsclri t'no h sr' rase lebte ii a 329pl:usc:rord iisr hr poni,, at lbs IRS cody oxrberio-

cxorsr,,oblichr525ployfor1c,oc5,141er,clcv,iilcl,ildnrr. mrd y r,c,selrcnsc íleo IWO lepri clIbis pb,u:

I. Prryeid rxities pregsxou -- irr r parpeid raillesvial,, pro bey farese 1,111x511 vOit - n, Irday's prier, -o luiic-srurr pablic me/reel.

2. Snvi:rfl plais -- Cellç, 11dm pIene, yooroaisisgso,errrtia.srd all rry,c er,sal:Or. Qxetiticd '11k-dir:crlu Im icdcslll yivcelerlov Peer.

DfIl 15115 0 neIsorlcell I', lire .ealllr I' Pial, 1 faor11015 PIIPUIO b eeaa,o Il ilO,se'l s,',llje I ladcxlc r O les-:0,1 ecllros, ii epreif lc-,r.lics:l, ,l'c' rire preparireieorr PCi. merlIn nerds, y,:000s,ese,.-ris,::yal:llr'l pial,. Als,, ycllll ,r,rixracnr rai cIller

casI brret'rla, isrlxdisg Sr following:. Yeaconennel berm vamyis dollar enrono.

G c,,rr dip, y o,c,s,rn ribote as liIric e, 515 yrsmrilh es i srvrrrycmr, , ap te $205gb er, 1kv life-One 1 Ihr 529 pIer. Crordbotinn lisais eloy by Irre.'r'oxoupoer,recrssidrrrypliceblrgillleele,.

. Yea ecsln,i wilbdr,neir. I tynurr 1h coceces reures el Ihr 529 pIer, 5ell'll nonage all oirhilrowelsfer 111v life ,f Ile.'cecear I. The enderl dcv:i'I.aelr.orrically i,lke ererrol cf re remselsu r 111m agr nf urins-110. Yeucurlc,r,rehvs gr brrrfoiaain,, i,eludieg:oorbe, fanil frees: bor, if yea cheesy.

. Yeah 5054,51 nr rhc 11111: eI ilsyorl ne finaceixl rider,,ods. BO,.'coi y 1h, dale' ir I 529 pIar is heldinyearv mv, it well I sigrsBcmlLyjeeprsdiac usI' fndrn-al f sere, al-cid packoges. yexce bild ncgsoidchild sinomeeriec . F,n:Iyei,d aid sray wqeicr ,rudnnri to cae-riba,, 33 pvoylrr rfrhyir allers ro pay fer ectroolearepeerd ro lea, rIlen 6 percer r der pvnsra.Wilhdria::la, Il eneers, err eOeSidnrrd iserlur ferla lerr .lpp ierI,'ere les il:ruicial aid.

Tile 520 pl:o elfr,,,xslvi,e precut bracOs, b,,111:16conO y eure year pier iI,ivlly fere, liege. uf orasake ,l.ilbd role 1 1er :151111150 elirec 111m qa,lifivdSigi lcred,eal, esrnprsrrs,yee sexy h.serte psy lasenod -u IO pore eel pre:llly Ile he rawiega. Aise. keep ie1:01 0 lIeu lli1fo5 ',liselir plus, drenar 04ff,.'enel,neur1.s:axxgcrl,.lolo scalo I: ile ergallireior Aal', ivlIvariso.

lflvarecrlsScd 11,11 yeu'ee fo,ed a good 529 pIar,il_lV i Iseirre erfal eas,idrrarierr. ir ces help 5:111e'eprle Ib lily hrgh coal, efhiehm, cd,calire.

Jeffrey Cnrrfeffu ron be rracfurd at ¡Odrened ionen, 0141 N, Mif,coukre, Niien, IL, 047-476.5953

Noedlen & CompanyPatinadSuperano -

Beet NelloDear FranksJewel Osto



Page 6: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

tO THE BUGLE MAY 10, 2007


Dear Mr. Borke: I want toOWO? Some shipping trañS-portation stocks and hovelooked at Omni Cosy.,Overseas Shipping dndTeekay Shipping, bot theirdividends are -----

all ondee 2 pee- TAKINGcent. Can youeecomosead Oliere shipping(maritime) stocks that hovegond growth potential andthat pay rl least 5 present?And can you give me yourthoug!sls - no theslsippingfmaritime indostryas o whole? What do yosttlsiosk of the possibility ofhigher or lower feeiglot eaterover the osent- few years?Thank you for your Iseip. -Andtlsank you for recommendingPord 6.5 perceut CoovertiblePreterreds, which I bouglotlast year at $26.25.

CR.Wulevloo, lcr»?

- Dear CR.: Oid you vver inon-der why mrrchandisroarsiedby a Stuck is called freight andwhy merchandise transported

In the bowels rfa freighier iscalled cargo? Frankly, I neverdid until (art naw. But not tOworey because that qurstinnhas nutking Io dr with the loi-Irwing answer.

lt's certainly easier, lesscostly dud probably quicker ta -meve nil, kangaroo meat,

. Bordeaus, MiniSTOCK - Corpers, TV

sets, Nikesportswear, Oanisls buttercookiis, Ferner, oflice sup-plies, - Iren's and women'sunder aisd Outerwear, watch-es, sanglasses and shoes viaship thou by bus, truck or

Quintoou Maritime Ltd.)QMAR-$16.44), SeaspanCorp )S$W-$28.01) and K-SeaTranspuctrtiun Partosers )KSP-$46.22) should give you good-participation in this seolutand atteartive dividend yieldswilh low tu usodest volatility.Considering American'sseemingly iosaliable appetitefur foreign-made products,thes? issuer should continueto improve their revenuer,earnings and dividends focthe foreseeable future.

All three ut these issuer cur-


Oltre:::!:arrrtarI eCul::rlI knIut PhilO lIlglIcr ililcIcrI slicillrcarrgtlar raril: a»5r111111, :101 lIlo aItlIrIt llrxil:iI11?

51O ::fcltrck milis5, klaut ideal ,,00 on carrI 11:1ro oIl rvor

000islp :sl:ila still kaosg,rrcco t'' yvurcarli -

TIER INTEREST RATE APY I,, IlIr 0,11 11,01 II,,f11,00? 0 ,,,o,o. 5.I3'6 5.155, l,o1011a,oI,n:l,l kIl 1,,,,$1,500 -$9.005 3.015, $2.511l.11 ll,rv lilt

0.00v, - 1.00%.55.00 nr nIh W.

$5.011- $2,00?

Roel rroiioe Mayl, gg

BENEFITS:U,iiintilrrl rlrporilr


-. Ulilirr all ATM u babo u,llis:ilrllsetlldsllr-ak :11110 ItIr daily liroil.

..«',rrl:lll»l up I:, ris filtroflor oftsiliolmroh

nosikl?. ydod, lilrVr ofirlocil tray lIr by rkrck.


AF.d.r.I C.h.O* ...k

75405. Miln.r,,I,rcunr. ttiteI, tI 60714 lIlaOs-nnOarto s. PutoiS, 1l:iraga. 160630 70.376.3800

13,111 Ir :,11i li»» I viiE stir EsEblira i aank 5e plrurre.L.l.577.290.rt771 narc.alioirr.lib.r,ur



rently trade a jot and datbelow their 52-wrek top.

QMAR came public in late2005 at $18. Today, it his a 96ceiot dividend and a 6 pracentcurrent yield. lis fact, 93 per-cent of its vessels are char-tered this year, 75 precent fur205$ and 70 peecqut tor 2009.Revenues in 2005 were $40million and grrw to $101 mil-

- lion in 2006. goenings tisisyear Should came io at 70cents and nrc ropect to be$1.27 fus 2008, which augurswell furo dividend increase.- $SW pays a dividend nf$1.79, yields 1 percent andrame public at $19 a sisare il?2005 with $35 million in cargorevenuer. SSW bus 41 run-tomer ships, 2$ of whicir areleased tir 15 to a doren yours.Espected earnings of 94 cents

-in 2007 atrd $1.05 neSt yeurcertaiorly impeoi'e tire proba-bility nf regulav divide,rd

KSP carries u $2.64 divi-dend that yields 6 percentand is tise old mm? of,thetisree. KSP has three years oluprrating history as e publiccompany; a 17.4 percentannualized reveno? growth

Moneycortinurd Iran page 8' --

- est with a caiculatos -

The First National Bank alOad became so popular thatOwen had to make tise tenusless lucrative. When each of thechildmn had amassed severalhundred dollars, Owen lowemdthe interest cate ta 3 percent,

- which loe announced alu family- mmling.

What Owen cieveely createdwas a system 1h01 allowed hiskids tu succeed financially.Within u cauple of years,Owen's ran and daughter had

- built up their balances so thattheir income- allowances, giftsand intemot - enceeded whatthey spent by a samtartabirmaigin. Thep airo spent theirmaney more wisely.

"They Ireated Ihnie moneyIhr way sensible grown-ups

- have always claimed thatmauey aught ta br terotad,"

RankCueliauudfrum paga 9

"Highlighting the impur-lance uf Ihr financial advi-are/client cetalianship, (livau-rial) advisors wha feel Iheirinvestasrenl firm acts in theirclients' beat internat arr mare

Irrte 2002 ta $21f million in2006 and 60 canti in earningsper shyer, Earnings are peo-1ected ta be $1.52 this yearund $1.79 in 2008, which sug-gests- possible dividend

Last year, many carrierssaught Io lurk in profitablerites by increasing Ihr- pro-portion nl lheie capucilyunder Inog_lerm charters,However, nein 'eisrl ein-slauctino is likely tu grow atamock grratrr rule thandemand and new und deliveries arreopectrd to .00tpoce old ves-sel retiremeoto for the 01stthare tu loua yrocs. So newconstruction in progress undnew vessel delivery will out-pace old vessel retirementstoc three tu luor years, whiclorhoold dammi down rotOr.- Meanwhile, oil leaker raro-iags )spot market) were lowerby 25 percent over Ihr lust 12moelhs-dur tu lower worm-weatiser demand, plots u falli,r demand tq( gasoline )tkefirst iv 20 yerro) in Europeoiod the U.S. Thrsr arr trotpd-rury ohort-term conditions -however I am roncerned

Owen wrotr. "Asd dory did itwitl000l my huronguicg themabout thr inclues ut restraint Assoon as their sav'mgs began tO

- gmw at a rate that war mean-ingful to them, they realiardthat frenaird spending was not

- in-their best interest."When Owen's kids became

teenagers, the First NutinnalBank at Oad was replaced bythe Oad So Cor investmenl turm.The kids wear given a chancefuabandnn their sum thing andput their manly tela stacks ormutual funds, Ta gel them start-ed, Owen developed u list of rinstacks they maid cbouse from.His daughter, ta her ceedil,eventually switched all hermoney to mufual funds. Thekids could bay and sell stocksand mutual funds at une-nne-hundredth of thnie actual price.So u stmk trading tre $80 ,ashun would be bought tisraughDad & Co. lar 80 cents a share.

Ultimitely, his children

satisfied than Sosar wha drnut," Ihr survey said.

The 1mo Niles tudwuad (nueslinancial advisors arel NickKateenlias, phane 847-113-1655, other, 7827 N.Milwaukee Ave. (urdeHoward & Harlem); undJeffrey L. Cardelia, phene,

abaul the eftecl uf new capuc_ity )crade ail tankers as weilas product rainera) an cur-rent charter ralrs. As newdrliveries continue In comeon line; they will definilrlyundercut cùrrent charters,driving dawn spat caIrO andearnings. This ir the big con-cern bent In w global reces-sion) in the shipping indostrytoday. -- -

This sector.thoogh has per-lormed quite we)l siocelDecembrr, notwithstandingthe espected full io antro.While the three isSuer dis-cussed bere should fore well,tise sector is kkrly to weaken,but not nenoly us much us itdid in Ihr laIr 1990s,00a willit match Ihr low-level racismo5levels ut the 2002 slump. -

Wkilr i briiisve SSW,QMAR and KSP hove modestrpparcïatiun potential, I alsobckevr their intermrdiate-term apprecialiun oterSalwill br modrot. -

Pleasr address yotle fina,,-cia? qoestinos to MalcomoBreko, ITO. Sos 1416, lucoRaton, PL'3342S or e-moU himat [email protected].

muvrd uts to hone own checkingaocuorls, debit cards and creditcards. But Owen gave tkrnsvaluable lersoiss in managingthrir money And irr could bro-,eSt from his days usa faun bankpresident. -

"The better we teach nue chu-daen now, the more likely they'llbe to do a gíad job when thetime comes fnr them' ta gentlylift our hunde from the slercingsvhrrl," he writes. "That's thepatrotial paybacis--if pou feglyou need une. Do your best tohelp your kidnInday; someday,pror awn sec,rrity und happi-ness may dependan their abili- -

ly to ceben the fovog"

Lynn O'Shaughoesry io theautkae at "The RehirementBikir" und "The InvestingBible." She can be reached

- Viril Crpiey Neaor Sereice abaozororrplcynes,

847-47g-8953, officet $141 N.Milwaukee Ave. )Narth al -

Oaktouj, -

- The Edward (anm 'iRIrEar-live Web rile is lacated, andits eecrruitiiog Web site iswww.edwurdjunrsoppoetunity.onm. -


io a business andIrwin poliliriars orant tospend Ihr least amouit

of money and time possibleTowordr this end thry work heiimit the competition by mak-ing it hard Icr nhheri lo runagainst them, They namroir -

down ter eiroborate and locusun uatistyiog them. They want -o monapniy il pusoibie undunce they art policy for ternell -four peras )2 tar U.S. rep-rrsrntativrs & I tor US sena-tors) they work hard to givetiormselves every udvanlage.Mart oh campaign law andwhah more ratentiy has herocalled campaign retorm is justan attempt by incombenhs tacontrol the murhel and limitnppositmnn. You'll nate justhow inefbrctive reform tendslobe und how Obere always isa nerd br reform the reforme.

Marl uf politics ir akin tuhigh schrei studrot cauncilelections a pereroality con-test, lt vaters like you, or per-ceive that you ame bike them oecan/will help teem Soro peu -

win. The vast majurily of cam-paigus, particulaeby no thelocal level, win en Ibis. That iswhy dimly teicks and mud-slinging is ra effective - itworks, Voters l,rsnw very liltIeaboul candidabes, The peers

'COMMENTARYThe Real Nature of Politics

Another Perspectiva001505 OOEIEL j C000MNIOO

bip helps a little and altenhelps cloud the truth. Theyjust get a peeceptino abeub acandidate, good ca bad, and it-grIs rninforcrd. In photos,Abraham Lincoin appears tobr a psycho-killer. Hr couldnrvrr gel cIrcled in today's cli-mate. He'd br buried in bhepeimaries and 'tragically wewauld mies out un a greatleaden More important thanbring grad lurking and wellliked is, having a muchine.Winning polities means asceseto jobs.

Here is where the systembecomes self-pecprtuabing. Anucceosfal politician darsn'treally need ta be bayed, hrneeds ta have an effectiveground game. This success isbuilt on hiving your cratersavailable for bbc elrrlion. Yeaonly nerd bhem toe a sin tafaut month period for most

ebrotions, thr higher Ihr officethe longer the Ime, but corey-body needs bodies on ElectionDay. Ilow dn you get them?liso boy tkrm and, this is thebest parS nf rlecbed office, punpay far Ihem with other pro-pie's money. Yoo do it throughjobs. Ynucan boild a posoerbularmy nf heipens by hieing pourpeople or penpie whn will belopai to pou to work tra 80v-eanmeot. Whrn I worked eles-lions 9/10 workers wrar polit-icaily cinnerted through theirwork, They wnre senking operk, some promotior ortransler nod they nnrdrd help.Tu gel help ynut give it and thecritical time to help is duringun rlrclon, Tbnan ane trw vol-unheres an inrumbent cam-paigns. Workers are drawnfrom the loyal carrIon of gavean-ment workers, Where elsewould you find people ta godune to dear in cold, rainyweather und teen lake the dayaft ou Election Oay Ir suppurIun incumbent politician? -

There justare not enoughhot button issues 108mb peopleinvalved in Ihr sustainedeffort needed lo win an eIer-tian, Mast vahees dnn't cureand to be kind the choice isusually between wheat andaals. This, thaugh, is the bragic

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Letter to the EditorNew trusteesthank residents -

To Oh»'prao dnlolo ofMorbon GercerWe wnuld bike to roSend a

special thank pou to the peoplewho ororked on lourd and longlue our election as MortonGrnvr toortew, To the rulerswho voted loa (us, we prrmisnlo do everything we can toshow that pour vate and ounhi-denor was well placed. To theresidents who did not vote loaus un did not voIr al ali wepledge to never lorgel that wework fnr you.

We thank ten mayor ma kisgraci nuscoiasmenbn and lookbacwaed to wnrking with himand the presenl board.

The rleclion is over and thechaileuges und opportunities

problem. Grvernmrnt goes offteach and becrmrs a threat hoour aepublic. The gnul nrlonger is public servire, bolpublic service far pnivabe gain.This is why gnvernmenrs cannever find the wiii Io bald theline nc even make budget ants.They have too many mnuths toleed,

The problem is really evenwarm, Loyally is the highest -Irait in politics. Paliticiansdemand il hem So eiroron ira,who are found employed by


thot nnw lace or offert all nh-mas oh Montan Grovn and wesuiemnip promise to cepresentall equolly and fairly in Ike knotintereot of our village,

We mocoucege all the resi-dents ol MorIon Grove to getinvolved in Ihr governing obnor luson, IfyOO ieri you hove aeoiulon to a cocaro t probiempbnoan bring it In tior booed, Ifyou think you have on idea tohnlp nur viliogn pIrase share itwith us, This is whot open 80v-raumnot is all oboot, We prom-isn to listen.

Finally, we pledge nnver toforget lIon trust pou have boo-nard os wilh,

Do:o Stoockrinsn, Sloel Murc,oaroid )ultot Thiil, Martas GroveTeesteea'Eiect

Ihr public coffees. Since layaI-Ip is so impochant other thingssuifes Fromuhions don't comebecause al merit but due Inloyalty. This leads In grad,amarb people in goveenrasentiilerally turning their mindsoff, because it doesn't pay lathink und iemovate, Ib doesn'tpay la lake risks, Loyally puys.This is drebrortive,

We want the best people ingovernmrot. People whoseloyally is to teure thry aeree,

Sra Perspecline, page 15

Shippers not quite shipshape for the long haul

Page 7: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select


Norwood Life Cace hasSalways kisowa it was aeExemplary Business. Nosythey have breo officially told.Tise bog_term care rel!eemenlcommunity at 6016-20 N.Nioa Ave. in Chicago, seas rec-ognized for providing careeropporlonilies for Lhicagoworkers and foc contributingto tise local economy. The,proseela6o!s took piace al therecent Employer AppreciationDay Award Ceremony al IhrChicago Workfoece Center aPiltra. Norwood Life Carecas srirctrd for 1h e recagoi60!! by die Mayor's Office oWochforce Deveiopmcol,Natioeai Ahle Network andlise lllioois Doportmeisr o

Nues Teen CenterSpensers Teen Dance

The Hiles Teen' Centerspoasored a docce onSaturday eight, April 28th,for all youth io, Nues. Thedance was held at the HilesFamily Fitness Ceeter svithapproximately 100 teces jeattendaece. The music waspeovided by Df VinoyMigro. The youth thor-oughly enjoyed theirevenieg while socialiofogwith otfree youth.

Foe mare infarisrationabout the Nifes Tore Craterplease call 847-663-9155.New members are always



announced their partnershipwith Habitat foe Humanity tohelp eaise awawness andresuewes far the worldwidecharItable organiea8ae.

Golf Mill Shapging Centerwill engage employees andcaastomees ta help, buildhomes, participate infiandraising eveets and otherpublic awareness ieitiatives toeejnfoeoe Geif Mill's commit-ment to rammuefty und bet-terment nf families je need.

"Golf Mill Shopping Center.contissnally strives tuben treeconsmerdty pariser. We aceproud to be pact of Habitat'slife-cbuagiasg misaine ef help-ing families in need esperi-ence a better quality of life,"said Regina Verdiro,Marketing Monagee.

On Friday, Muy -18, 2007 at100SA.M. Ooif Mill ShoppiegCenter wilt kick off their part-nership with Hnbitnl forHumrniiy ie Ilse ness' CenterCourt through a "Fismily

Portraits" event, an interac-tive, ruparienlial event forcusboafees tisai displays thenumbee of people linie insubstandard housing in ejecommuait y Shoppers willhove the opportunity - teremane o symbolic familyfrom subsidieeji housing for asuggested donation of $1.Representatives from Habitatfan Humanity will join GolfMill to speak abool undarromar questions on Ihn needto build mere homes for peo-ple je local coetmunities whoare living in substandardhousieg. A family will join usta talk 'about bheirsuraesswith Habitat tor Humanitand hew they made it throngtheir daily struggle lo survive.The gaol is to raise awarenessand fiends for families in need.

- .Esecutive Director ofHabitat for Humanity LakeCounty, Julie Donovan snid"Erectieg the trame ai aHabitaI Isonir and focusingon Family Poetaailn ab Golf

Enspioymeat Securityyour efforts to pusibive-

by impact the lives of pooremployers and the'commuei-ty hose medo y our cooleibu-lions larger than life. lb isexciting to see lisr solid paceof job creatire in oar busi-ness sector eutend listo tiseentire Chicago communiby,told we wanb to thank ion foe1he inlegral roir you haveplayed in making liszt hap'peo," socole Grace Jrnkfrsss,president nnd CEO cfNational Able Nelsourk, andWilliam R. Jamisan, Cisica'oregiorsal mantagee of t riiiinsois Deparlosrol ofgwpioywcol Security ins riet-1er to asvrrd recipirobs.

"As anse of Sise lop 10 perennIof nursing hanses ins iSirsois,svr ore very pirased Io crcnis'rlitii zdd'ed recogrsitioo,' soldMichael Toche» rneculiyrdirector of Noescood Ceossin(foemecly Norwood ParHonoei. "Tise award relleclslise value we piace uns ourewpinyees, rncoueagiorg Ilsewto develop 'and hone theirskills Ibraugh in-service train-isg and 000tinsing educationwhile reaching insto the com-munity Io offre esrithsg careeropportunities."

Last year, MacwoodCrossing' n'as ranked ie tisetop 10 percenlnfnsursitsg

miard by Cnesuwre ReporlsNnrsing Howe QnalilyMoniloc. The long-teem carerommairiW also received the2556 Susail Bnsieess Awardfrom the Marriott F000datioefor building "Bridges" to thework foecr by helpingemployees develop life skillsthat can further their educe-.tian and crmees in Ihr trades

4se National Able Networkis a nab-for-profit ageary'

Mill 8hopping Center is arre-alive and highly visible wayto shnr9 our story with hun-dreds of, mail visitees. tnppluud the Igadership oft'fnneral Growth Partners andGolf.Mibi Shopping Chulee fartheir visian and support forfamilies seeking ermanent,affordabir housing withHabitat for b'bumnesity. Welook forward to 'oar weekbogelher over the nest threeI'

Habitat foe Hmnanityi'International, based inAmericus, Ga., is anecumeni-cab Christian miesistay 1h01wrboomns ail peaple dedicat-ed Io the cause of eliminatingperrely hausing. Since 1976,,Habitat has bailt moré than250,500 houses jis nearly 100countries, pnavïding simple,droenl aed affordable shellerfor more Ibae b million peo-ple. For more infoensation,visit


workieg-In serve individuals,families and comwueities bybeieging Ingrlher qualifiedjob seekers and businesses.Noewnod Life Care, z nsof-for-profit neguaiertiors ReshapingAging%r since 1896, was 0erof' 43 small busInesses thatreached Out to pcospecliveenspio5'ees by attending jobtonas and participating in wen-1040g, counseling and Seid-

Ií(1//f ('>1»I/f

31ro Connanbinn, Das' I" ". .Rto,ncd bytIm Joint Cnvic Cossmnttre nf lbnbnan Awgricans is'eeiunsg young iadn of ilainarr h entage svIso au'rnnsglr and between Ihr ages of 18 and 23 la oiga sipfoe Ihn Quera CaSIrel I bu held on Friday, Jub 13al Evonts by Bfegnn, 4242 N Ccalrab Avranne,Chicago. Tire Col nnibae Doy Parade wnil br hgon Satan dry, Oclober 13.Eligible cante t ala shosnld cali 708-450 9050 Sor uflesley form Thr lucky young lady nlncted wnilreceive several prizes, iegbuthng 1,000 cambiPrrnndenrl of thin Jwnl Cnvnc Cownrslllcn nf lIabaisAosi.rnaans is Simwood P rk co drin, JoAnniSen pncn.

Cnvic Cnnsrmnllre of blilnan Amenncanssos hero organozed nico 1951 wntis offncrs 013800Dns'nnenn Sinnen, SIm r Park, Il.

THE BUGLE MAY'10; 2507 12

nHiñg:mit Square

Lost week's Fashiur Fling show at The Somerit nl Uptane naootlerded by uenrly 105 ginestu. Ham,' ita r, urn Gina EIlIger avgLycra Patanes nndelisg amIbes 1mw TombaIs Outlet, Park Ridge.Guasts aisa anleynd r gourmet larch 1mw Chef Jusa Medina,

The Garden Club of Morton GroveAnnual Spe'ing Luncheon

The Gucdeo Cleb nf Morton D'rovo will hold ils Annual SpringLuechene on Moy 22, 2507 aI Seislol Cnsnrt Oaoquets, 828 SoilRand Road in Moud Prospect. Fee is $18.90.

Dur pregrom will be givens by Dona Anastos. Denn is a MaslrrGoedcorrood former Sower shop owner. She will preseol aneojnyebie,.infaranolive program foe all to enjoy.- There mill be o raffle held, afIre the peogerm. Social hour

begins of 11:00 n.m.', Luncfsrnn 0112 Noon. Foe more insforma-tira, call 847-966-4264.

Counseling Service Center OpensWe arr pleased In a00000nce the opreing of Serenity

Bridges, acboeielfng service center for OUI, aS Addiclino,lnnbervrelinos und Fumily Cosiaseling.

Sereeily Beidgrs is located at: 8700 North WrukrgooRood Suite 225 Morton Grnvr, IL 60053547-965-8842 -

High SchoolVolleybull Leageaeu

Niles Pack District is pnosnd topeeseni Suwnene High ScboolVohirybail Lrngues. Leagogplay red playoffs oznsnpeiseIlse 10 gown schsedsile. HighsScinool Soy Leagues canin Mon,hone 25-Augnnst 13. HighsSchool Girl Leagsnes rue Tues,(sine 26'Asignnst 14. All ganseslake phare at Golf VienyRrccisotinn Center. Peris $510per loros.. For more informo'tino, please coIl (047f 967- -

6975. Regisler ut Ihr HowardLeisure Cenlre.

The Park RidgeCatholic Woman's Club

Nosts"America Crisis In

Aging" Program

The Pork Ridge CatholicWoman's Chub svill meet onMonday, May 04 aI 12:15 PMat Ilse Paris Ridge SouthRecrealinnal Center hocated 01833 TairaIt Road, Parh Ridge.We will' enjoy o program

,titled "Aisserira: Caisie inAging" presenled by ThereonDïschoff.Dessert, mutine oeil tea will beserrad.

'SCHOOLS' 'THE BUGLE' : MAY 10,2557 13

On Friday, Apdl 20, 11 mem-bers of Notre Dame HighSchool's Accoonting Clots par-'ticipaled io a program spon-sored by the Je. Achievement of


Chicago. Notre Dame senI twateams of four fitodrals and onetram of thsaen students in lInecompetition. ,The trous consist-ing of John. Wenzl '07 (Chicogo6sioSj; Joenlhaii Realer '08(Chicago' f0631j, Nick Dies '07(Chicago 6il6d6 and JeffRamirez '07 (Niies( wnn Istplane oeil roch wos an IBMTh'oik Pad iaptop.

"We wree hopieg for the hectoad our sleategy wos reallygond," said Keafer.

The Chicaga (A 'ritanCompelitius challenged thehigh school students porfici-peels lo apply' their marnage-menI skille und kaówledge of000nomim tlsnoogh a computersimohation which allows "cam-ponies" ne teams to competeogainsl each nthrr as thep man-ufartum and market o ficknaalprodacl, Them are two roundsplayrd where learns were ablelo change a variety nf variableswbihe trying to achieve the high-esl Feefarmuace Indes possibin.

The Anconating itadentsfrom Notre Dame preponed foethe cnmpektf na foe weeks withthr gnsfdaene nf their leatherMes. Moegoent Soplan andMalthnss' Schaefer, a pandueldevehopor al Kenfl Foods inNorthfield. Mash Calhoun, amoerger of marketing nedadvertising nl Kroll, also pm'vided insight In the students

Meet the biographer

MEHS 1965 graduate' Steve Goodman, 'City of New Orleans' songwriterThebiogropherof oneof Moine

SmI High's bmt-lovrd graduatesmeSh be present foro bank signingal the school in lote May.

Cloy Salo, of Seottie, kw rodI-len re 050-poge bingraphny ofSteve Goodanain, best heonso forwriting the 19700 train song mdanthem, "City of New Orleans."The book - "Steve Goodman:Facing the Mmm" - infO be pub-lishrd by SCW Petos in earlyMay, md Eau soffi be the guest nfI0fOFIS ata special signing sched-uled foe 3:30 p.m. Wednesday,May23. Tine salirai is located at26111 Dempslrr Street in PoshRidge.'

Juiafng Eals to perform a lewGoodman séngo al Ihn MEHSmml wffi be Comfort Food, thedina of Rich and VicIni Ingle ofBrensya.


doring twa class sessiom."Jnmiaa Achievement Je. '1510e

isa program set up to teach highschool studmts about boniness,andin dning an we cover itemssuch as manufacturing, researchand development, pabilo chan'ty, as well os marketing and thepublic iffecycle," said Schaefer."ta covering these topicsthraugh lecture, we recale nbase of knowledge that trans-lates into a deeper andrwtand-ing of the JA Je. Titan Onlinebosinres sinsuiotine, which methe program In which the com-petition is cenlered aeduod. Wetake the theomkcol knowledgefmm the (uniar Achieyemeatsupplied csnnticuium aad taons'late it into practical situations inwhich to apply what islearoed."

"They g ase as some grodtips," said Romiaeo.

thon 040 pholos, including a lispage color section, the large-foe-wat bmak is a compreheasivelook at the manicim whom manycomider the most gahvaeizingenlerlainre of his lime. lt also isopoetroil of an ero and delvesdeeply mnth Gnodman's rmer'grace as a singen and guitaristduring bis MEHS pram.

Sois inlerviewed mow thanlOPS people for the book, omnogthem nearly 150 MOHO teichenmd domaniales of Goodman. Thesnowes include US. Secular (andDemocratic preridendal canili-dole( HiSary Rodhnm CSaloe,wIno peefomsed sei th Goodmusin the 0964 lcllib'tS Mainspringsociety show, during whIch


Or Fniduo, Agfi 25, 11 wewben of Sollo Down High Ochnol's Anoon,nlrg 01055 panlisignled inn programsgrnsnrad by lhe Jr. Anhiesersasl nl Chicago. Pioturnd, ich lo lObI, uro t000hnr Mrs. Murguml Bocino, JasRuwiloz '07, Jahr Wosol '07, 010k Glee 07, Jnnnlhon 5001cr '07 and JA nep.'Sowotho Monis md son;

ThIippiíi,ThIflkp I

"I'm very proud of theseguys. They hod tough cnmpeti'tino aad they played the gamewell and made the eightmoves," said B.ryban.,"Thr lambasinesnmen from Kauft reallyshared' their kanmtedge abautwhat it means to work togetheraed the students benefited fromtheir liest hand euperienca."

The ethee studenti whe mm-peted lenm Notre Dame includ-ed limmy Davis '07 (Nileaj,Mikeflusak'07 (Chicago 65631f,Malt Orchard '57 jSbiilee Pank),Kyle Soknas'S7)Chicago 60634),Eric Waring '07(Chicagotiotig3o), Mike Staken '57)Chirigo 60630) and KamilWnjtnnh '87 (Nies). Them wem16 teams in all that portiripulrdin the campeifina, which washeld a Roberl Marris Cnlbnge.

"The studentr al Heim Domeare an rager bandi of ynong

Signing set for May 23 at MENSWith 400,000 words and mom ' Goodman meworably song "Old

Man Ober." The commnotr' of'Goodman's clammotesuedragiadthe bank's high-school chapterund0 emerge in latee chnpten w

The bannIs which aIm rameswith an IS-track CD nf songswrillen and penformrd by otheasin inbute Io Goodman, km a lislprice of $29.95, hint Balo sriO sellmpiednfthebnnkot a sproni dis-canatfor Ibis MOHO signing.'

Guthrie. Buffeft,Built among sources

Lnogtiuie Chicago aathnr mdradmohort Studs Teckel wmle thebook's preture, and Arlo Guthrie,who populonord'" City of NewOrleans," wmte the foreword.

men who am estmmely conpee-alive," said Schaefer. "Theygnauped the cnneepls I present-ed quickly and were able la'translate that into measurablesuccesses in the JA competi-

"i become involved in ' JAthanugh Kraft Foods which isconsistently one nf the largestsupparleas nf the JA program. tthink that the program helpsstudenti through applying din'day to day cuerioulam into nformat that allows fee practicalapplication. II also esposes sis-dente to mat world profession-als whe bring a different eupeni-macn baue info the dassmnm,"said Schaefer.

Of the winning team, meamosWeed, Ronnieea rod Dies one allplanning to study a000antiag mecollege and Keafmn, o junina, isyet undecided.

Sols drew infnrmotioa andinsights from fresh interviewswitharaftofGoodmao's cnotrm-ponaries who ase celebrIties intheir owe riginb Oesides Teahelnod Gotheie, the intervieweesinchodeJaho Peine, Steer Martin,'Jiaaany BaSSett, Reio Keistufferson,Bannie Roilt, Jackson Bmwne,WIllie Nelson. Sieseylou Harris,Randy Newmae, Foal Ambo,Dasid Allan Cor, Judy Collins,Tom Poutre, Pete Seeger, JohnSebastian, 1,00 Koche, GnadonLigfoffnof, John Hardoed, PhoebeSnow, J'aime DrShrnone, MartyStuart, Maria Muldaur, MimiFariña, Tom Rnnsls, Bobby Sam,Lily Tambo, Michael Smith, Fredrk Od Hoislmin, lods Ian, aryanBowers, MorUe Mull, ChadMilchehl, Rnsamnr' Cash, Doni dAnreofis. Samontho Sggoy Tom

Fine Arts Festival -

Scheduled for May 11,12All ore welnome to Notre

Dame High School's 3rdAnnual Fier Aels Festival heldoepriday, May IO and Saturday,May 12 at 7 pm in aad aroundthe Little Theatre at 7ti55 WestDempeler Strerlin Nilec. This isa festive evening devalad toshowcasiog NDHS' Fier AalsProgram. It will feoture mon-actploys, insleomeelul snlectinesand smnoal arI work all done byNoIre Dame students. This is ufire evenl buI donalines Io the,Fice Amts Program ore wel-come, Foe more ioformatioo,coetact Nolee Dame's mainoumbee ufH47-Rti5-2905.

NDHS Plans Receptionto Honor Departing HolyCross Community

Therm will be é rereptine heldnr Saturday, May 26 from 12noon to 4 pm in the NrtraDame High Oehnol librarycndrlyaed to honor the currentand pasl Holy Cross Priestsand Brothers who have seerndat NDHS nince 1955. Many foe-mer and present Help Crossreligious are espectod taattend. The Holy Cross nom-munity with be heaving al theend of the school year.

This mil be a perforI nppnr-tunity to eenoanect with 'theHoly Croas religions who havehelped shape Noten DameHigh School. Please RSVP toPaul Taharo, Dirmctue nfAlumni Relations, at 847-779-0632 on pinhneaiiledhsdaos.orgif pon plan no otteading this

Dondon, HowoadSoonstrong, JimPast, Carl Reiner, OuI Wolsony JaMaprs, Len Chaadbrr, DavidGeffein and Londnn WoinssrigbstIll.

A major themr nf the book inlisiagwith the awareaneos of mor-taSty, as Goodman was fowed lado, Dioganséd avidi leukemiu atnge 25 md not mspected tu livemuch longer, Goodman mon-aged tu survive and Omise whileprivately, then publicly, fending08 this folal disease far mare than15 pram.

Tkrraoghnut Inis camer,Goodman's munie amged flowbinemos to touching. In pmvnca-live and inniaded such demies os"Ynu Neverliven Call Meby MyName," "Sanano Republiw" and"A Dying Cub Fan's Loot


Students win Chicago's r. Titan Contest

Page 8: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

Beef Flank Steak


Pepsi Cola

L.Fz. Beet Shortltib 79 Chicken Wing

Charrois BathTesue


Sreen Cabbage 29

- atoseca,vrs nooe.s.tIi:oop[M. c--

GrapeTomato Jumboilsion

THE BUGLE MAY 10, 2007 14

Maine .Twp. Seniorsoffer summer trips.MaineStreamers the besi ever. We will dine at

The Maine . Township the beautiful LaStrdda

MaineStissameso program Restaurant on. Michigan

offers a variety of opportunities Avenue beforehand.

foe residents 55 and older. Mi is Caesae salád, your choice of

residents und properfyowisers throve stuffed tarteilini allasee invited to apply foe. mom- Panna, lsrssacsUtiO cream sauce

bevship. Membership includes with peas, ae fresh toasteda free subscription to the salmees with lemon seine botter

MuineStefamers monthly and tiramisu for dessert.

aewsletter, which Dld World WiseonsiW Trip

month. Most activities takepiove at Mofase Town Halt locat-ed at 1700 Ballard Rd. in ForkRidge. Members pay individu-ally foe whichever activitiesthey want to participate in. Pormece infomsation contact theMoisscStroameas ut (f47) 297-2510 or visit us at wsvw.

Annual Spelling Bee

Eagle, Wisconsin, Sunday,Jon. 15 - 10 orn. to &45 p.m.Cost $47 members/$52 guests

Wo will be taking a step bockin time and traveling te OldWorld Wisconsin, Upon oseunirai we will be treated to oYankee pot roast lunch of slicedberlino grasy with celery car-rots, and onion. Them will alsobe corn, parsley potatoes, salad,beverages, and sherbet for

bi Come and compete-in nur dessert. Thea yau are on your

L, Amsaal Local Spelling Bee an own te esplose the wand of theTuesday, Jun. 5 at IS a.m. The 19th Ceataey. Stroll through thewinner and ist runner-ap srifl Ceossmads Village and chatcampete in the Regional Event willi the town blocksmath andwhich will be held at Moine the keeper of the generai store,

learn the importance of wagonsat Peterson's Wagon Shop, orvisit Harmony Town Hail andpaaticipote in a musing discus-sion at o town hall meeting.Then them ree 6 ethnic areas levisit. German, Polish,Norwegian, African American,Danish, and Finnish. On oarway home we will be sloppingat Mars Cheese Castle.

Township on Monday, Aag. 13at 11h30 am, To register andreceive the vales, contact theMoinetitsenmnes at (847) 297-2510.

Day TripsThe following Day Trips are

currently on sale, in erder tosign up for a Day Trip youmost fissi sigis up ta bra mem-ber and then o reservation loomwill be sent to you. To become amember, call theMaineStoeomern at (847) 297-2510 and ask fon anapplkolioe.All Doy Trips depart from theState et Illinois Building, 9511Harrisen St. in Des Plaines,

'The Color Purple" TripLa Strada Restanroot &

Cadilloc PalaceWednesday, Jun. 6 - 11h15

em, to 6 p.m. - Trip Rate 2.Cosy $114 mrmbrrs/$l19goects.

Seem Alice Walker's classicPulitzer Prior-winning neverand the landmark film by Meine Township, ia coopero-Steven Spielberg comes o saal- tino with Ihr Cnok Cnantystirniag musical, The Calor Sheriff's Office, is collrctiogPurple is an inspiring and used cell phonos to be convert-anfocgnttable story of a woman ed foc emergeacy 911 usage forwho, throagh love, finds the Senior Citizens, If you heno ostrength to triumph aver phone you waald like taadversity and discaver her donate, deep it off at Mainetonique voice io the world.'With Town Hall. Distributioa af thea scese featuring gospel, jazz, cell phones will accnr at a pro-rognasse, and blues, this pro- grow scheduled irs Dcc. Watchdustion should shine as ene of for details to fallow.

FISH of Park RidgeThe FISH organiratieo,

which provides free transporta--tian for medical appointmentsincluding dialysis,physical/radiation therapy andothers, is new coordinatedthrough Maine Township. Tearrange o ride, contact GloriaStepek 01(847) 297-2500. FISHis also leoking for volunteerdrivers intnrestnd in providingt000spnrtatioa. Coil Sd Oken.president nf FISH, at 847-696-0761 te s'elunirec

Used Cell Phones Collected

Hera't'Ialns lang assd lacis Siseas, both liaseis 191g, gem saliti the birttoloy valso orni Moisir lswtssttiplloprfosar BOO Dadpez,nestrc A spesial celebration was Said by fm laweship mm May lire71 seniors',agasgO penas nid and ahilar. Haler was ihr nidestfrmat'a ,rrd Jank rho nlrtmt ossia. issu zvsuol roost inparlor Oldsr Ozrsunuqe Mar19 abseised dor,rma May.

ObituariesCasimer Mozdzen, 93Czsbner Mozdarm 93, of NOra,

passed away Sunday, April 29,2007 ut his reaidraw. He washam March 1,1914. Beloved sonof the late Stanley MazAren andthe late Mary Moadznn;hmbondof the lote Ademe (ree Knlaira)Moadoers father et Sdward(Arras); grandfather of Micbrel;bmther nf Jean and bene; andeof many nieces and nephews.Services weiss held Muy 4 at St.Jahn OrvberafChuwh,

Arrangements handled bySka)a Terooco Funeral Howe.lntermmt at Maayhili Cemetery.He was a tool and die matsecMemorials to: American HeartAssociation.

Myrtle "Chris"Christopher, 95

Myrtle "Chois" Christopher,95, of Hiles, passed awayWednesday, May 2, 2007 atLutheran Grnnral Haspitai.

net to their bass, lt is hard lehove the cooragr ingo ugaiastthe, gram. lt takns more gutsthua most people have,Whistleblaseers suffer and gettired. Where can you findaoafhee well payiag job with,benefits as gaud as govern-ment abs? Caed leaders foretheir people from the obliga-

Perspectivecantinaad tram pate 11

'She was barn August 11, 1911,Beloved duaglster of the lateAlbert ti Lüiu (Waatero)Edmoads; husband of the lateNicholas Jamen Christophor.Mother nf Narrate Lu(Christopher) Colliou and BettyFurIen Vro Rast. She was hadene brother and 9 sisters and issurvived by her sister Selah(Reoneth) Moore.Grandmother of Oettyann(Peter) Madseo, Nick (Sylvia)Suelan, Aan Margaret (Bob)Veas Rasa and the iate AlfonsoFuclan. Great geandmuther uf

Services wem heid May 7 atSkaja Terrace PaneraI Home.Interment et MoryhillCemetery. She was tise managerof u medicai office and Fraudmember et Daughters of theAmerican Revolutieo,Memorials te: American HeartAssociation & Oaoghfers of theAreraicea Revolution.

lion ro be loyal, Srst, aadinstead frost there te do theirbest fulfiiirng the task helare

'there - serving the public,As long an this ir she system

we ga by we wiiil never havegand governance. Wr will cnn-linar tobe plagued by woste-frl uverspending, programsthat benefit thy few at theeupeose of Ihr many, and gov-ernment workers whoeuchonge loyalty for lifetime


Adele Marie Olsen, 87Adele Mai40 Oben, 87, depart-

ed this lifeApril 24. She seas bornin Chicagn bat lived in NOes, IlLfac6S years snlseaesheeaised twososo. She was ocUme seuls theNilesSeniarCentorupunlil2fflS.

Adele, sehr is one of seven sib-lings, is prereded'in deathby herhusband of 45 years, H.Theadnre Oben and grand-daughter, Sandi Seward. She irsaraviced byher Sam, Gary Olsesand his wife, Brenda of VsrginaBeach, Va.; Gmgrry Olsea andhis stile, Ruth of Lake Zuriclm, lii.;six granddsildoen: titad and herkusbaad, Eric; gockel, Joe ofV'argissin Beach und Ailisnn, ofCaluasbus, Ga; Vanessa and herhanband Adam, of island Lake,Ill.; Dan, of Lahr Zsrich and onegreat grandchild, Adonna" ofVirginia Seach.

A private memorial servicestill beheld May Sat WmdiidgeMemorial Prdç Cony, Ill.

tenure at Ihr expense el goodgovernmrnt. Gnvervwnnt istilled with people held back bya system Ihal demands iayaitytirsl. Loyalty innata virruc if itis divowed from integrity anddiscernment,

"If your boss demands loyal-ny, give him integrity. If yuanbass demands intngrify, givehim iuyalty." - Colonei (eheSoyd (USAS Jnlsrs (Richard>Boyd.

Nibs Health Fair &Senior Fitness Day

Wed., Muy 23, 9 am, to oaauFree screeniag Events rad

lnfarmrtionrl Tables Vision,Herring, Dental, Spinal, Faol,Boar Density, Pulso Oximetry.Blood Pressare, Height,Wright, Ealarsce/Fall Risk,Memory, Aisistive Devices,Assirtive Hearing Phunes,Medi_Transport, Pet Therapyand many others. Full sel nf labwork avriirble (pin_registra-tion - fasting binad test>: CBC(complete blnod count>, CMP(crmplete metabalic panel>,Cholestreol Panel, TSH (thy-mid stimnlat'rsg hnrmaae( $45women, Sr PSA (prostote specif-ic antigea) men only $55.Herlth Fair open to all ugesi

Rememhering & Forgettingin Everyday Living

June 5th, 12th, fr 20thMemory loss can be r reruir

nf side effects of medicatioa,depression, dehydration, emo-tional stress, illnnss or infec-tion, insamoia/paor sleepiaghabits, vitamin B-12 deficiency,escersive use of alcohol, copingwith the death of a spoose,child or frirnd, Juin 0evWesseis and Trudi Davis forour Memnry Workshop toexplore Myths and Tmths atthe Aging Brain, We will look athase memory chmges and dis-cuten strategies to imprnve ourmemory. Please cuatact theRegistcutiou Desk ut the SeniurCenter te sign up. Advaocedregistration is rnquised.

Summer Dinnerand A Movie

Begins Wednesday, June f,S p.w. to 8pm..

eky'BIeNe4 Dome, lou

24 Heur Nursing Care'Live la Nice Cloua Heme24 Honra NareluiH Care

3 lisCi. (leeked Meats pen nayNIL Owned and alienated,Family Mnlsted AitSmattve

taPrteateHemePrasoral Care

Lanar Galt tbar Na,sirg llanteHone Eratroemrrt

Cottllrdbf Harte NotuleS AgoraSafraaialfrtry in Brmrrsa Care

Calles lu See Our Faclitim

Keaton BeT»5131434CaIb 312-61748147021 W. Helf Road,

THE BUGLE MAY 1f, 2007 15

Nues Health Fair, SeniorFitness Day is May 23

Join as every Wednesdayevenings far dinner und amovie, A bght'diarrser will benerved ut 5 p.m. prior to themcciv, Yaa mast regisier inadvance if you are planning taiain us far dioner. .

Wednesday, Jane 6, Holiday,Carraca Dim ti Rate W'asslet$3. pizza ti soda

Wednesday June 13, Catch &Release, Jennifer Gardner 52.hat dog fc chips

Wednesday, Jane 20, We ereMarohall 53. piera and soda

Wednesday, June 27, ThePotntt'6 of Heppyaenn Will Smith,S2hetdrg&chips

Hiles Senior Center'sFirst Annual Variety Show

September208e in the Hiles Senior Crater's

Passt Annual Variety Showl Join'as tIsis live pertormance spociadewhom participants coo act, sirs1hdance, analsasecane any other artfanal lfinteaested, pleesepickupr registration forno at the hootdesk We are alao.'loohing forcrew, u master (or mixiress) etceremony, stage manager, bght-ing and sound personnel, and atebeshasent orguaieer,

Over OCa CelebrationTharoday, Jane 28Are you nc someone you

know celebrating yaro 95th or90 samethiag birthday thisyear? If sa, this colebr4tinn isfor you. Wo will celebrate withr seorderful catered, meal, pro-fessinaul photo, and enleelr'm-ment. Jast stop in nr coil theNues Senior Center at (847(588-8420 for mure informationos this woaderfal celebration.If yea ow interested in veIn-teeriug for this event, cuatactJzymi.

Seniar Citizens/I1

wo Wilken Sciasse- Art Pr,snll

Shanlpoe & Set .,. ssoo r

Hairutat ... $5.00Eveayday Earcept Sunday:Sr. Men'n ClIpperSentina ... $3.00 & Up aMon'o Reg. HairSryting ... $500 & Up'Manionre & PedleornTogether . $16.00 & Up




CHICAGO, IL17731631.0574

Page 9: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select


auThThis Mother's Day, ExpertsOffer Creative Activitiesfor Year-RoundRe ationsh i p-Building

Little boys often want to"marry their mommies." Eveoalter they outgrow the infatua-tion stage, "Mom" certainlysets the standard foe the otherwomen in their lives. Mother-daughter relationships haveperhaps even mare stages, andsometimes mare ups and

Little girls mauling to emu-late their mie model play dressup mith their mother's jewelryheels and make-up. Then, acer

bft DfMoms Bowl

for FreeMother's Day - May 13th

the nest decade, Mom's glam-factor can fade misen sise ines'plicably becbmrs an embar-rassment to her teenage daugh-ter. Fortunately, a-decade-ortaro later, a lot of mothers anddaughters become close friends

No relationshi is quite asprimal as the une brtmeen amother erad her daughter. Eachone ceases lane and approvalfrom the othee, mrd many maynot realize the tremendousinfluence they have on eachother.

Al/Day (.FAI1 Night'

New ftannrrioair Greetings nords for Mum's sprolal day acknowledge fhaértrrewsmao, ivclndirig hnr intarests and carear, in additionen her nmaz-ing cuntribstluns al homo.

"if ynu have a strung mother'daughter relationship, ilstrengthens all the other rela-tionships in your lite," saidMary Marcdante, noted moth-re-daughter relationshipeupert, inspiratianal speakerand author et "My Mother, MyFriend." In her research,Maecdanle interviewed 400

mothers and daughters ta help-providk women with the shills,ronfidence and language tadeepen their mother-daaghlerrelationships.

What means the mast tomothers? "Appreciation" is theOar quality mama Crave montfrom their families, Maerdanlefound.

Flower Sale At St. John Brebeuf Church- Members of the N,A,M. Council 433f, Knights of

Calumban will again be selling lisseras after each Mans atSt. JalsnBmberaf Church an Saturday, May 02, and Sunday,May 13, at-the Church entrances.

The bemiliful flowers, reasonablepriced, will be offered by members at theEast and South nntraoces of the Clsurcls,8357 N. Harlem Ave., Niles.

Thin iso Great opportsanity tostrum Mom how much yoss care, whileassisting young women and tise mothersin nerd nf soipnrll All proceeds will begiven to the Women's Center of Chicago.

Mrmbers and Ausitiary members ara uerded te assist -

at all Martes,

Coil Bol, Colmai of 847-065-092f, to t'olnntec'e pores holy.

Omega would like to thankits custonersji.r over23 Years Of Supporl!

T Serve The-BEST!Voted ia

[oi',ti'ote Bis-f X.' ast,b .1 oaid Jutij, News

Mother's Day CatiProvide Springboayd for.ì.Espressing Appreciation -

= Mnfhnr's.Day, 'tichich faits anSsmday, May 13, is certainly pday whew more daughteis anosous will:pdt- into--wOrds and

- actinne tnheirlipprrciatioh' fartheir moms. Mothee' Day is :etop day for phone catis, floss1crsand restaurant reservabbm, butwhat monnO- muet mont is - anemotional connection andqaeli-tytime. - -

Mother's 0ay cords often take-on - the meaningful role ofespresniog thanks and praisethat too often go unsaid derring.'the year

"Clsildmo of all ages, mtdespecially groans children, waistto expdese thanhhdness, appreci-ation and even omarement' for -

all moms do at home and creaoutside of the hame. The chai--lange for unir they want In say it'm-a way that is comfortable fortheir age, their personal styleand their relationship- withMum," said Aanerican Geretisngscard arritar and editor CaonlynKnealrrs, who is part of a teamthat created new Mnthee's Daycards for the company.

"in additina ta gathering assi'side research as we devnlopedthe new cards, our team tankedto oar awn relationnhips withoar moms and eue kids far impi-

The new generation ofAmerican Greetings Mother'sDay cards recagnines all the rolesmoms play, from CEO of thefatisily to persoaal shopper and-life coach, with clever messagerIthe, "You're an inspiration tasuperherori everywhere" and"Yas shonld mmider franchis-

Other coeds in the Mother's- Day line include those for enpec-

taut moms and a card fromteens, achranwledgiog their

- mords and messy moms by say-my "just close the dfor, Mom

MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALSend Paar Mailer's Tired Fret

Sed Perrtarrol Vacado,,


31 feOrurl Stia, t (sirote doses111% Greener Sfrtlakir

We Have LG3 Bootsshea,Iirg Jickrts . fags.Hata

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9300 WAUKEGAN RD. MORTON GROVE 847 987-5980

Daughters are -

- Mothers, TooAs an adult daughter

becomes a parent and Marefakes an the rate of grandmoth-er, the mutlnee-dauglstec bandoften drepem, Oese of the spe-cial ways mothers can eupresstuve and support is through aspecial Mother's Day card fartheir daughters. One card feamAmerican Greetings features asketch nl a career woman jug-gling her briefcase while talk'ing naher cell with a cityscapr

This gift bog is syunially'drsigved fo hold polloS plants. The crecerparnu-shrpnd holder non by added ta innk,dr a gift cord to Mom'sfrvn,ite farden sorter or spa


in the barkgrnnnd with themessayet "Day planner inhand, oeil phane in your ear,meetings an your mind, homeand family in yaar heart

- Daughter, you do it aliso wnll.'i.Other cords depict modernmoms sipping iattes and shop:ping und feature massages thatcompliment their prowess atschrduiiug - and balancing

- hume and wurk life.For adnit mathers and

daughters whn share a clamcunnection tike that of friends,iiiusteations depict mamalunching or shpppmng withtheir adult daughters and withwarding like, "Give a girl agreat mam and she can do any-thing," and "So much nf thewoman i am is because of themother yna are. Thuuhs,Mum."

It's a fart of life that parentalrelationships hove their upsoud dOwns. Many of today'sMother's Day cords eren cele-brate generational clashes withmessages like "Mom youtauglst me that you didn'talways have to understood meoc agree wills my decisions inorder tolone me."


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- THE BUGLE MAY 18,2007 17

7730 N. Milwaukee, Niles- 847-967-0966

OPEN 7 DAYS at 11:00 orn,

"In Nues, on Milwaukee Ave. since 1986"9UFFET BANQUETS CATERING

Featuring European and American Cuisine -

Complete Catering & Carry-out

s,others (Daqjuffet

Homemade Soups Complete Salad Barti - Carving Station Choice of Meats

Hot Buffet Table Sweet Table- Fresh Fruit Table Unlimihed Coffee,

Hot Tea, Iced Tea, Milk & SodaIce Cream & More

All you can eat: over 50 traditional nnlnctions!

On Location ParkingBanquet Facilities

For All Occasions Guest Seating 10-400- P-iI -




Join us for,,.Broiled Salmon -Prime Rib of Beef,Baked Hain, BBQ Ribs,Chicken, Roast Duck,desserts and more


t I. o ' t

iSQuality & VarietyCocktails are Served

Senior Citizens DiscounMon - Fri 2pm 5pm


mplimcntary Pastry with All Complete Dinners

Page 10: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

Services Held forEx-Mayor Stankowicz

Thursday. Jattuary 9.19ThNues village flags flew at halt

mast on Friday and Saturday inwensoriam to the death of FrankStonbowivo Sr, 66 formerlymayor of tuiles foe 20 years.

Mr. Stookowivo, ut 6145 GolfRoad, in Morton Grove, diedThursday jratuaey2io NoilhwrstHospital iv Chicago, of heart falt-ase following surgery on Dm. 31.

Mass was offered on Saturdayat Sl.Juliaria's Church, Burial wooin St. Adrtberïs Cemetery, 6800Milwaober Ave. -

Me. Stunkowirz was bora May6, 1959 in Nilrn "at the ramer ufHurts Rood and Milwaukee Ave.,anav armut land armed by hisparents." He entered public lifeand sillage service atthe age of 21when he became motorcycle ser-geant on the Nileu police forre irs192k Murriad in 193110 bin suifeSally he ran foe the office of vil-lage clerk in 1937, rdmrir,irsg isvoffice until 1941, suben he wassaccessftally elected au mayor ufNues far the nest 20 yeats, until1961.

Teenage Girl Diesin Auto Crash

Thuiaday.ApnI 3m 1915A 17-peur-nId Nileu girl was

killed and three others were seri-ously injmftd shortly after odd-night on Easter Smrduy morningfollowing a head on auto mflisianon Drmpstee Street at Gruod Aye.daring a high speed police chase.

Candour Duller, a senior utMaine Eral High School, wankilled while a passenger in ocasdriven by Joseph J. Hoabi, 19, of7701 W Howard Streetu Chicago.

Hrabi was taken to LatharanGeneral Hanpital with rotemiveinjuries tu head, durst and pelvic

The driver of the othm car,Robert Waldusao, 49, of 9264Hautlin, Deo2laines,wau takento Holy Faaliby Hsitel imm DesPitirres mvittt head and cijestinjuries. HL9 damightey Judy, 1i apäsfengmre, crias uncusnviious andlisted ir semivas m-undiLirn scullshedirsjuriesie ilsvraomrvinapilal.

Acmrding frs. 13es lsdaesPulire, Hvobi's eral 1974 Masfongmoo observed traveling ml trufes-sise speed, easthòaimd on MaleeSL near Gmaceland.A tIsa PbmimrrspuLsaI cae began 1rcauuit of litecao which police said, re,rchedspemids of 108 mph sshiledlivisgon the wmng lick' cri tIro riperand reportedly going Ilnisugls mdlights al River Raid and llcisdRoad inDm Plaine'.

Pursuit confirmed vnDempstee St. ils Nt1és, svhrrh


Park-pl:àygratind Olympic winnersThe NiIm Path District held ils 1975 Plofgracord Glfwpicc av Satarduy, J015 IS nl the Notre Dawe HighSchool Stactaw. Pictarod aboco ara Path Distri cl Presidest Mildred Juren ovil Diroctur William Haghuscnvgmlalutivg 16e wivvers. - JaIf 24, 1975

Conk Cocusty State Police andtuiles Pulire Joinrd in dir chova.Acrerding to a Nilm police wir-nasa, Heabi, eastbound onDempsteau apparently attemptedto elude police prcrusitby apply-bag his barken totsam nook atGrand and apparently losing mu-leal of the cue, collided with the.Wuldasaa auto which was west-bound.

Trustees-Turn DownZoning for

Day Care CenterThuruday. March 13,1915

By Alice M Sobola

The tuiles Board of TmstmsTarsdayoightdroird aspedal orepermit foe u Child Day CareCrater ou Golf iSoad ondina sec-ond acfion estended the bruefitsin appmviog a spedal ase mezou-ing for operufion oir gar slaioo atMilwaukee and Touhy

Rrzuning fmrn 92 to 52 SpinalUm ine u Scusoy Kiddy Pay Came.Centrrat93fll ll/2ColfRdadlotalopemtedbenelalmblirdosvacdruied by Niles tomstcarab a volliotIlo 2.,Detrial of the permit waltmwethiirrg ata surpaine since the1sttitieem had appeared beirretisis board foe - a third tinteTnesdas'everciug.

Tm sicari agira-d mc mr sr inroanly tu

u nerd far a Day Cesse Crmstvv, bet.said Trustee Calvi 7asf et, "lufoes-flou whef tre tios .csniustoblsfora day nuasaly" She bared hoeveto an aesthefirs, ecology andvery pmbchle traffic cnngesfiuu.Five stores-in ilse area were tobesers red by frcmcicsng mmpomro

Trustee Avg Maachrscbc pmvfaced bisvelveethastofed Orar ofsetfimrg apmecimdeut iO gautrtirigaezoning foe dud renier in this area.


Young HeroineSaves 3 Children

MirchTh, 1915A IS-year-old Niles Elementary

School student, Cynthia Pagochi,mar credited ssith suvieg theiveaofthceetlrelrerdsildrenwhemrflreblazed through thettobert Krehmhome at 8357 Wualcegan Roadlute Saturday afternoon, Marsh15,

Two of the three rhildresm werepluying in an upmtairnbedroum utthefime of the fire with Cynthia,a neighborhood pluyreate. Themother and three other cirilduenwere away from home.

First alerted by the deucesrnoke which poured into themom, Cynthia said she eus out ofthe house screaming ine help,returning to lead S-year-old ScottKreher aud four-year-old LisaKreher from tise burning, smokefiOrd home. She then eau to thebuck ut the Iroure and urged uthird youngster to jump from u

- second dory bedvoum wtcom chewas frappedbysmnekvundflm.- - -

Janice KmehrS0, ss-an takea toLutheran Ginlealtilospital ritlr

» injmmries ta her foul which came inmntact with a melo when she

Jumped In the ground.

-. Ms.Panek Sworn- in as TrusteeThursday,Januury 16.1915

Ilse s'ed of une em und theiceginning'n a new era carne icrNilts Tnedduy with the assignasl'on nf 10-year-veteran TrasteeKeith Pedç and the uppuintmrnlof Carol Punch to reptare pecio-the first woman ru huid thetascsteeohip in the village. - -

- Pech, who elm served the parkbound as counnirsinvee foe rovo

years, war appointed to the nervdirector of engineering mmd pub-lic services at a $20,080 salary apost that filo a vacancy, whichfoerneely bad been titled villagerngmneee.

Pedç who han been an engi-neer fair the Butternut BakingCompany na Chicago's south-side; said he took the uppaint-ment "to better nuco self' undaddedhvsvnn'tbavetacomnsuteanymore, which wan a factor inbin decision to accept the nesvjob.

- TrusteePetePeralenutedKeithdid "une heck nf a job" and"always had the village at heurt."

While President Nick Blasesaid while hr and Keith often"agrvrd and disagreed" Keithwan u mou of integrity and deepcuuvicfion and "most ui the timeyou were cigho"

Ms. Panek Swornin as Trustee

Thurnday. January 16.1915The end nf one era md the

Iregteeing of a 5usd ma cabre fr-Nile' Toorday msith the sesigira-

timm mml lg-pm'ar_vels'ramr trasteo'Keills Pzclç amrd lb,' a1rpointreeetof Carol Perme1, to ss1mlare Pc-ch,

- the first ramm lcr Isorid thetamootoeslmip mm the village. -

mrcb,c6ha,alnu served tice parkhuard ac connisnissioner kre Lusoyeuer;-seas appointed ludir nOmil'diredur nf ecrgiaoeening acsd pub-lic sers'irrv at a $28,080 talamy, apcnt that fills a vacancy, whidstcrnsserly hod been titled villageccrgsneer, -

Pedo, who has bevo an engi-creer fue thy BulternufllahiagCompany on Chicago's suothside, said he touk the apóint-

-meut "to better One's self' and -added he won'thave tucunoanute

-Thurnday,Jauuaryl, 19mA mid-day fire uf mmdeter- -

mined origin began in the mt1ed-boses nf a 16-oeil ajrarlmenlhome in the unincuepurared areauf Des Plaines un Clrmisrmnas daycausing estemive brut, fire ad

nmuke damage tu the buildingand several of the apartments

Nuinjcmried were reported.Peur pampees, Isno Imnlon and

au arnbmmlanre of the NaethMainePire Department were at the

The fire, caaìfleed lathe wallsspread upward from the irrail-bones to the attiraI the bmcildiog,An effective slop tu the ficechecked it learn spreading har-dier, said Nook Maine FireCaptain Richard LeibacK All 16mailboses were involved.

Three of- the apartsaseats sus-tuined heavy heat and smokedamage tufneainhings and interi-er of the apartments.

The -fire was uf undeterumiuedomigin and remaios under investi-gation by the Pire PreveoliunBureau.

Nues Joins in State SuitThsrrnday, May IS. lais

By Alice M BobIno -The cumuunmmifieo nf the Des

Plaines; Park Ridge and tuilesareas are joined in the noise soilwhich has been teed aguinot theFederal Aviufion'cdminiotrutiocm, according tuMcmymrr Nicholas Bl,ise.

Tira visit rriglno.rIly filed by theBrate of Ill-once Atto.. GeneralWilhiare Bcuttenjuien'the FederalG,,vernment frurn ropandiogammy of the runways nut of01-lare Picid smufil the FAA Oiesan imnpact uf r,tdmlc'menL uf regmo-laliros wills the proper ,mutlmnri-

The l-A,t, Iras clatmed il isinsmccmcmco tmcrrn the suit and busasked foe a dismissal attise case.llcfmrre ruling on tice mdLiuo, thejudge arbed that arcy,ismterestcdvcsboeba state theifòl,jdcfians.

tuiles, Park Ridge, amid DiaI'l,mines cloim-that-pmirrlyvaI-cmcs cm depdecfuiing, dde lu thefluire- nuioauscr fròm' airportflights. -


The-TeacherGiciliano Huzucr- w as nerv--

zus un he waited for thé rave-lape tu be opened ut the 2007Interealiunal Avvuciatiou of


- Culinary PeofessiucruloAwards dimrnev, tire cnnlinavywuald's - vreoiuo of theAcademy Awurdf Hazan wssa contender loa nor of theindustry's most soonghi-rdtevuwoads: cunking teacher utthe yrue. He-held his beralls asIke muster of ceveuronieserveuird Ike winioev,- -

"Pua Iris eflectivecems in -

cumwoaiculiug an esceptiun-al knowledge of culicferyrtudivs und lechuiques, the -winner is Giulivao l-Iuzrìnl"- Buchstuge afterword,

Haaucr called the peesuuaespuosible- foe his sccccdss -his molhee, Maccelia Naomi,uno of Ihr greatest Itoiloucoukiog leuch resue d cuok-book uulhovo in Amevic,r, -

"My moJirec' woe tiovilied,"said Huzou. "Df coavor I

developed my puroiou loeItrlion ccrnkivg from ny pua-culs. I grew cip in o Iroaseiroldwloere fiord loud was culuedgreutly. Sort I didn'I knoor,Iwualdfulluw in my cnotloer'sfootsteps onotil I went to cui-lege to stncdy actiog in NewYork in the ll9flOs. I startedcookiog becuuse I reas hungry- becausr the caleteriu loudwas such a shockingly differ-ent esperience than mypalette was used lu."

"I begun tu eniny the cook-ing as rnuch as acting,"H azrn cunls'eues.- "But I con-sider my acting educationlime well spent. A good cruk-ing teuchrr rnust be a gradperlormer. You havr to knnwhow lu cook, but you ulonneed tu keep yuua studenlsengaged." -

Huean now leuches at cook-ing schools occurs Amelicuund is a frequrut guest unNBC's Today Shew. Alnngwith his wife, karl, he runs uwerhioug cuokiug school inVeeuna, Italy,- which ,wusrecently featured in Dauerndmaguaioe He is the author ufthree cookbouks; the bleuI io"How lu Couk Italian"(Bnribaee, $35). He also laveslu cook with his three daugh-ters in Iheir Florida hume.Perhaps sume duy one ofthem will be tIre vent great

-Aromatic Sal-mon ¡n a Pouch-lltnaspoors rusghlychnppad oragaru

2 Inampoors flre!y chuppadtanin

--3 l'mblenpnurm flatly choppedflatlesf psrsltf )diuidtd use).2 tsblrspnord rutrs-oirtin

Dullard lrumhly Sruurdblaukpepper, lu lambe

2 poards skivirms salvos SuaI

bora-wide, hessy-dcty ala-mircm foil

2 lublnsponet dry white c,ire

Sponrds )abonll cap)lrashripelovatats, poelad, mendedsrd cccl mb 3-inch dice

Felds Orn f srrairmln, - -

Preheat ouais lu '1gO Fon -

carmu,rcian heal sailing, -

nr 421 Fumi regalar lithe saffrg. -

Mia bordier oregano, garlic, 2- tiblespoans al psrmie5-andlhe -

oil. Steine nielare lu latIr withsallundpepper. - -

- tollèrlfpsalmoafillnlbgslicieg --

horiannlally elnng its thicker side

Italian cuoking guru - cook-ing trient obviously esas in

- the family.

The Dish

Huzan's salmon recipe hasthe fish being slow cooked inan aluminum-foil pouch. lt'sa mudern twist un a very oldrnelhod- of cooking. Punchcooking goes back beforerecorded history, ta a timewhen our ancestors wrappedtheir catch in a large leal orhusk and put it in ornear thelire to couk. The pouch keptlire food inside from burningand held in moistness and flu-

Fish 'are peeferl foe pouch

mo filial opens like a buoi,Spread garlic rutIare mn inside

- and oalsldl of smlmon.Tear 1 shealsf alumirsm foilurge svuughln wrap awardfish cumpleLely -----Place toh is crrler aifuil,AddwhIr neire.-Spniad diced tacot9ovarSoh and sprinkle remminirgpanoley os lop. Snasor ta tambaWilh sulland puppac -

Oral fuil vaking sore rallo leaseany opasirgo, There shusld beeroagh room aimand Sah forslesm Im circuiste while il cooks,Place ysuch us cuokie shedand pm in oaen.Bska 251m Ilviriles, depardirg on thicknessaffimh sen rule). When Sah isdona, revine from auen ard

.ge4flp opta toil, laldrg csre rol- Id spill aises. Lifttuil offal cook-ie thiel tad slide conlerto ifascrolng dish; llewa al anca. -

NoIe: Opec are ansure whether -

floh io cooked, ifs parfltclly JIPoparfiallytipeh pooch antIthetIcwithfarklu see fififlakesFrac 'flowfr CeekltaSan.

cooking. This method intensi-fies the inherent flavors uf thefish aud melds Ihr fiavurs ufIhr parsley, turnulues, garlicand uragano io Harue'srecipe, lt's still impoeraut toget the very beur salmonavailable. Try to buy wildsalmon, eithee fresh or lceshfrozen, fue Ihr best results,

TheWine -

This delirare dich is layeredwith spices, heabo and toma-toes. lt calls lar a wine thaI willnut overpower the tish, huIdup lathe ariser flavors und bal-ance nicely with the acidity oftomatoes, The 2008 Russian

Seo Pairings, paae 21

Ginsliuvs Sazav meas vawnd thu cnckirrg teacher cl rho your iv 2007 lihe lvtervatiorral .Sssoniimuov of Cnsfvury Pralrosinvuts, Along with his

wife, LadI, ha revs a wuoklnng cucticS schnsl in Vuwno, Itély, und he isIhn usthoc of tOrna iockbasks. fCOS Photon)

Lucky WokGrand Opening

7878 N. Milwaukee Ave., Nibs, IL 60714(Oak Mill Mall, Next to Blockbuster)

Teir (847) 966-9798 / (847) 966-9698Tmze-Thurc lOc45anl-9:3OpnlFri-Sun, 10r45am-lOcOOpm

Mondayn Closed

FREE!! FREE!! FREE!!i Exchange 2 of our menus for

one Large Any Kind Fried Rice

2 Exchange 5 of our menus forAny One Small Main Dish

3 Exchange IO of our menus forAny One Large Main Dish -

Free $10 Gift CardwI purchase of $30,00

(cadrcnrnable ur ,arc's'cr/a)Free delivery thru July 31st

£ssuSeaírdLudy iVekbS/omcil/arnez,aVeCraz21/se/arrynn9eeaffan One ajfey,crs',aabFast GPS Delivery, Never Lost -,

Pouch salmon and pinot gris- a e' cen er s' d- eByflunJames -

coperr terso sensict

- anymore, wkich woo a factor inhisdedsion In ucoept the new job.

Trustee Pete Pesole noted Keithdid "one Ireck nf - a job" und"always had the villuge al heurtu"

While Presideut Nick Blusemid while Ire and Keith often"ageerd uad disagarnd" Keithwas amar of integrity und deepconviction and "must of the fioreyua wem night"

Christmas Day FireEstimated at $25,000

Page 11: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

20 THE BUGLE MAY 10, 2007


New ReleasesSpider-Man 3 *** - by the

Big Theee "event" criteria,"Spider-Man 3" qualifies: 1)ltcost a lot; 2) It sviil earn a lot;3) Hype matches 1 and 2, Yeacae skip all the merchandis-issg and avoid sayieg"Spidey" bet still have a goadtime with "Spider-Man 3."lt's a dynamic Spidee-Muemovie. The liest seqae) (2004)was harried by the "can wedo it again?" syndrome,though it Isad rlassy villaias(Alfred Molina, WillemDafoe, together a hamboneduet of orchestral size). Nowrelaned into its highly cos-tumed skin, the new apir letsJames Franco as Harry, thegone Dafoe'v sao, cut loasefor some embittered villainy alot like craoy nid dad's, AndThomas Hayden Church, wholoaks mere like Datee thanFranto.deos, rips around asanother villain. The story's"heart" includes makingChurch a sorrowfal thief,Flint Marke, who misses hisdeae, sickly daughter. "I'mnata bad person, l've jest hadbad luck," Marke mutterssadly, and to prove it hestambles teto a secretivephysics lab and is disintegrat-ed into a weirdly buff pile ofsand, "De-moleculaeiaed".and thee re-formed asSandman, he is the mostbeaatffal effect this series haserltieved. TIte appeal goeswell beyond the pint dondles,

- ne even the gorgeous use ofthe skyline and the tremen-deasly engieeoted etfects. lt'scoated less in the MarvelComics source than in direc-tor Sam Raimi's lierre faith inthat sourer osa Field of imag-inative play, building oponthe cemics, freshly enpanding

Rose'sscatty Salan, Il'S.

752211. ttWSer Oar.


e Perms

j773) 774-3308


the ka-pawlaf the papee orig-inals. Whoa S-man turns aeri-al, we soar along. When hefalls, stuck ta a blasted slab atwall, gravity grabs es by thethroat, A Columbia/SonyPictures cebase. Director:Sam Raimi, Writers: lvaeRaimi, Alvin Saegent. Cast:Tebey Maguire, KirstessDunst, James Prance, reamasHayden C,hssf ch, TapiresGrace, Seyce- Dallas Hasf'aed.Running time: 2 hears, 20minutes. Rated PC-13.

Recent ReleasesIhr Condemned Zeta Stars -

Wrestling star "Stone Cold"Steve Austin can't act. Hiscompensation, at least in "TheCendemoed," is that he can'tbr killed. As Riley, a federalundercavee agent and com'mondo so balky hO could aelygo eedeecnvee in a titanicblack hole, Aestie is roped inwith athee "Death Row con-testants from Third Worldpeisoes" fire a "eeality" snuffprogram. Mock as in the wit-tier Japanese film "BattleRoyale," they're dropped onOsi obscure Asiae-islaed to killone another off foe tIro s'ideocameros, with esplosivedevices strapped to lheienobles. Geoss, serial sadism

- quickly eliminates most fight-ers, including the svelte blackgirl who bobs like bee top


previaus action was ebbawinginto a changt ng baoth at afashion shoal. AMesican hulkgets burned alive after watch-ing his girlfriend tortueed,raped and killed. "TheCondemned" invites as tocondemo oar awe wallawing.Shouldn't that lead torefunds? This movie has allthe appeal of read kill repeat.odly worked ovea by -insonetrarkers.-A Lionsgata Filmsrelease. Director: groll Wiper.Writers: Scott Wiper, Rob redAedy Heddee. Cast: StoveAustin, Viniste Jones, RobertMammone, Rick Hoffman,Sam Healy, Madeleine West.Ruenieg time: i hoar, SS min-utes. Rated R.

Next *** biString thenrypostulates, among otherthings, that oars is but one ni

Fuetheemeer, the toben iscoetioually fracturing into aninfinite nombre at alternativeuniverses, fe one nf them,"Nest," yet another adapta.tien of o ylsilip K. Dick tale, istise swift, nifty. semi-sci-fithriller ft's suppesed tobe, lo

- this one, it cames pretty clase.CeisJohnson (Nicolas Coge) iso small-time Los Vegas magi-cian who occasionally throwsroui magic into his oct - 0e utirost, svlsot looks like magic:He woe born rvith the obilityto seo sip lo two minutes into

he trifecta challen e

his future, If he doesn't likethe luoku of things, he caealter his actions, und thusohange ... everything. As youcao imagine, this comes inhandy at blachjaoh, Only foetow stakes, though; he's livia0below the radur and wants tokeep it that way. Sut he'scome te thr attention of threefactions: the casino, which isgetting - steamed at his coi-slant winning; the FBI, whirrneeds his help in locating aloose nube seme terroristshose smuggled inte L.A.; andthose very terrorists them-selves. Not overly ambitious,"Nent" nonetheless keeps youthioking, guessing-and erster-tamed. In sown universethere's probably even aneopbaoation foe Peter Falb'sfolbsy cameo. Not in thisone,though. Noi now, and, I pre-dict, ont twe minales fromnoon. A Paramount Picturesrebasé. Diaretor: LeeTamahori. - Writers; GoryGoldman, Jonathau Hens-leiglo, Pul Serobaum. Cast:Nicholos Coge, JoliaeneMoore, Jessica girl, ThamesKretschmann. Running' time:1 houe, 3f remates. Rated PG-13. -

lIon Furt ** - Cutenessneeds to stoy cote. Turningblaturst, it crams in cales like"Hot Fsioa." Of cooesr, thetitle of this Soitish comedy



indicates that we will, not getanother "Kind Hearts - andCoronets." And the Baits dehave a tradition of bioad com-edy, as aeyene can attest whoknows of Benny Hill er thealti "Curry On" films. Thesomewhat schizo "Hot Fuon"is r doable spoof: of the oldSating comedies and Miss -

Mueple fumoirs oltre set iocozy towns and manor haus-es. bat ama ramrod actionmovies and cop shows (most-ly American) that tend to role -the Fioglish morkek That twinpremise is frtchieg but, asalwoys with humor, fue is inthe follow-through. OieectoeEdgar Weight, scs'ipting withstar Simon Pegg, winds it up -

zod lots ii fly. The result, evenhitting its target, tends tesplat. Some chuckles enpandwell. TIor silly oOfion delivershere and floree, with TimothyDalton es a smugly geineingcountry squire huvirsg more ofo virility blast doua he everdid as Jumes Sued. Pegg's ter-eire 010vvs offer sumo finephysioality. Sat "Hot Faze,"i-hich - careless video cusiereovili snon br luttieg on paceshebs'rs, is spoof ing elementstirar went dnwn the comp traila long tiroir ago. And Pegg, ugond 'actor, is rather a wetblanket- or o dey tea bag. ARogue Fiions release. Director:

Sm Fonos, page 21

Focusceotiroed iran pago 21 -

Edgue Weight. Weitern: EdgarWeight, Itwoun Pegg. Cast:Simon Pegg, Bill Nighy,Tii5550tbsy Daltou, JimBsoudbeot, Marlin Premono,Oibbie Wlsitolarv. Rso:sningtime: I isooa, 47 - mi000es..Rated R.

Franturo * * - Wheos assactor becomes so impeaiol iocoil usotisority au Aortb5015y

Hopkins irs "Tise Sib/ore ofthe Lombs," iheb cols distortiris curera. lis "Froctsier,"HOpkins does a' loom variasoton grisly Haonibal Leotea asTed Cerwtoed, a rieb aeronau-tics genius who loves his tro-phy wife so much that heoalmly plots to murder, her(foe infidelity) and beat therap. As the wife, giftedEmboth Davidta iso hot bodywade raId. And RosawundPike is more plot feddee asthe other kéy woman, u sortuf trophy lawyer who wakesher move ne the young hankwho will fey to cnevictCrawford, the L.A. prosecu-tor Willy Seochum )RyaeGoslieg). Gosling is a smartyoung actor, yet loe seems toomuch a preeniog puppy tohandle a gem aabed dominator-

like Hopkins. And the pialtwist, by which the freshlybsumuniard Searhum finallygains an edge, is tuo dunoblycloner. Ceawfoed, a chessnoastee of immorality, wouldhave sere it cnmieg. Movieslibe Obis, oboe veutures nf IMJohn Grfshaso franchise. oremeesot on r000rtafn witbo "sub-stonon" that never risks arrisaideptlo. W000boing io mild sas-prisse, we migbot av sveil bethe balls roiling down taudisin Crawford's toys. A NervLure Cinema embrasa,Director: Gregory Hoblil.Writers: Daniel Pyne, GleanGees. Cast: Asothony Hopkins,Ryan Gosling, DevidStrathaien, Embrth Duvidta,Rasamund Pike, Jur Epaoo.Running time: 1 hoer. 42mb"utes. Rated R.

Distarbia ** - If you'regoiag to remake (er salute) aHitabrurk classic, it's line tostart off like "Oisturbia." It isnet fine ta end up libe"Disturbir." Probably th/title, and the wry D.J. Corasodierctrd a grim rood crush atthe stuet, teil us that craftyhomage to the Oid Muster isnot quite mi oat flor movie hasmost in mind. Coruso and theweiterE are bouncing offHitrhroch's 1954 marvel"Rear Window." testead of

By Sharon ManleyCtPLEY sEws scrolls

Shoesmay be one of a

gicla best' friends whenif comes tu fashion

arcrssories,, but tar many,finding a real deal on a hand-bag may be nao uf the bestfeelings you can ever espect Inhave - especially if you're Ifhesome of us and lave to coilertaneor two or three -ne morel

A new handbag by yourside is also the quickest waynut of a style sut. Change yourdark leather hobo ta a shinypatent leather tore and yauchange your bife- iosOaetly.

You don't have tu spend afortune to bag a new lease anfashion -bife, either Just scepeout a few of pose favoritestores or online Web sites forthe looks you bave. Hf th a lit-tle persiv100ce, you'll be ablelo find a handbag you bike for

1.rgainrb g Od i


olber tboiogs - likr oboes. AssObevidos, if you're likr Ive, if I

- spesso Ilsulisaisdo of dolboas 00

Ihm Sheer Irak - Uglier optar Otrais Oho Sadist robJaru:ov 000m Pr000r

James Stewart strapped into arast assd mlsreichair, wo 00whave Shia LaSeouf as KaleStewart was a photographoe,voyeueiaiog a bouge. deadly,gray-haired kalk )RoymuedBirre) across the courlyard aihis op05000rul oompbex. goredKale voyeslriaes, a hnge, dead-ly. gray-haired boulk (DavidMaese) v'ho lives resO door.RaOioee than a subi mio ur'ife.div-poser bike Ossee, heisaserialkuba of sv0050n and bikes Ioroyiy ovmnk or iris viriosovarvo.Isslrod of Goure Kebly drop-ping by or Otesramr's vompynomo, loelping him stake notSuer, me get Saeah Rammer ase coltfsh dish. The old Hitchmitehery fa in watchingpirres fall into place bikepegs, inlaid enpeetly. Here thepieces are mustly body parts,and old floorboards creak andeathing rivals Stewart'ssuperbly predatory ramrea.What begao as u Hitch partytures tu game, with a clesingnod to YnuTabe. ADeeSmWorks 5KO release.Durector: D.J. Ceroso. Wsiteee:Christopher B. Landau, CarlEblowoeth. ' Cast: ShiaLoBroaf, Suaais Rammer.Dovfd Morse, A050e Yea,Mutt Craven. Risono1 lime: Ihose, 45 minutes. Rated PG'13.

apuese, I'd frei like I had tubeburied with it. I'd rathee live alittbe.

Here are lath at ways lospend your money on hand-bgs this spring and summer:

Sig bags arr still stealingthe tashino svrne. Sut beware:sswm bags rae be heavy andawkward ta carry. Test them0)50 fa the etere. before youboy these "suutcases." And ifyqa du buy ana, make seayu have a smaller "pouah"parse ta carry when yoursfnuldevs get tiwd.

The white handbag usmaking big news thus year. lt'sa meat buy since it will pmaotf_rally go with anything youwçar. But aoothrr reminder:mike sure the pumse you buyus durable and can be cleaned,especially Oboe straps whichrend to get the ososO wear ande

ibid robored boandbagsaeealso fun to add to an accesso-ry svardeobe. especially iiyosr maodaobr ronsusos of alot of blork and orbite. Abriglor 1'rlunw satciori wibl dons/re risos boost your fashionspirits.

Siai:oc is also a major lash-

wromor wovObs wons delIrare nudo nlbpt:uns (CNS Photo couoteoy of Estee

Pairingscaotirsrd fran pago 19

RivL Valley J Pinot Gris ($20)us a wooden osi match for thisdisi. lois reusp mitbo enrellentaridity asod favors of 000piruliasis like yioeappim aod

Tl J varirlob is o bit meilen'-re tbsuio some pinot grisben/soso a posronoage of Oboe

orino is aged i:o oak. This giresit a bit of hooryrocklo ovilspiro ao'mstoioos, winds rom-pies)srint tisa swerlloess of Ohmsabnjaoo. J Vi550yards fi Wisoer1.mas founded in Ohm Russian

ion bunawerd this season.Whether it's bronze, stIve;gnld em coppe; the mrtallirsare the new neutralt ja arree-soriru. Like white, these shf m-meniag hues will rumplomentanything in your wardrobe.Patent is anathee way ta shirefur spring and summer inplayful brightcnlnrr, black nrwhite. -

If yoa really want to getwild, go for an animal print -onothee nessoraliare in thefashion urena this season.From zebra stripes to pythonpatterns to chic cheetahs,these handbags arm earring tugire you luts nf style sta000.

And ft you realiy want abargafu that dues doubieduty, abmok out the beach bagsavafiobim this year. A greatbaugof a I found this springmus ut Target - a isuge stauwbag wfth bbaak petmut straps -perlero for truvebing-even ifit's roo to Ohm beocio.

Sh,nroou',dosiry is o ioeioeriosinion mdilon of lion Arkaosao:Garetto io LitOte Rook undes0000mve d'unrClos vi ihrFasloinon Edilors uisd RrporOervAvsarialirn.

ohoup und sabOa Color. Shown howLandne)

River ammo of Solouma in 1906by Jsudy (ordao. Although Ohowin rey spesi'alinms in sparklingwine, it unakes 000staedfng stiliwioms, inniudi ng pinot gris,pinot noir assd chardonnay

Ren. James weicamrs row-memos aad nvggestiusso. E-sna'sihim at ruoljamesf5yrrfectpaie.ings.sis. Lislro to bis "GoonsoetCbs:b" nadia sisear and oreorchio'es of pensions raisonnas00 ss.ww.prrlrnipairfo,gs.sls.

G Coptoy Senno ServiceVisir Coplry dens Servire 01oi000n.copbryncnnu.ra:lo.



¡rklay, May 11th (5p-9p) $10.00INCLUDES SATURDAY ADMISSION


Sunday, May 13th (8a-3p) $5.00SAT. May 26th (5p-2a) ALL-NITER


LIFE THE SUOLE MAY 10, 2007 21

Page 12: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

F SBy JR. Roua - Copley News Sereine




Gld0T VhD' F451egogJoKe%SeN

UTHeM'TO PUP9SLhULitTp45tNo5ftjy,22y0l

oge.AIL PUPT0shlEAoL.Ch1





ftAppr ßtR!$DAY Tlt you want your lItRe one Io liane a birthday groeling

In The Bugle. Email as Iba Week before their

birthday and we'll Rina Eiern a Shout


with their roams, age & birth date.

by Patty Gibbons Saunier

Complimentary AdviceComplement and compliment are homophones -two words that sound the same bat have differentnrealnings. Do you know how to use them correctly?Fili in the blanks with one of the woods,

Daten's new haircut the shapa ot her toce,

(gura) auueoyduaac (guest avewgduva 'g (u000)tvewefdwoa 'u'enero o aseen pee guao va uova ase pean ap as/r ura aeeaatdwa3 ote;500aua

vvnegeyewa,saeeut, 'e,eo uva anos rveIfl!e se paon equaatuauat5002 oea/a/De

Capley News Service

THE BUGLE MAY 10, 2007 22

NUes Chamber of Conflfler(e,

2006 Bus fnesS of The. e


Your Home IsYour Most Important Asset.

When Selling It,Experience Counts.



_eIAL esTaTe


We have the EXPERIENCE


We have the ABILITY to getyou the HtGHEST PRICEFOR YOUR HOME

Addirìg..Arishelps round but your table


Os's hip to b sqoaoo ... accord-ing to Hasry Lewis and the News

and \/alleroy & ..Boch. ' ' . HOME

Villeaoy ta Buch 'has brees koowsa loathe lasst 250years for its creativity inventer-ness and entarprenrasiat visionby proeiding qualisy dinnerwasethat breaks the davalar mold.

The family business began in0745 in Loeraieer, Franc whenFeancois Boch, then en ironfounder, started mataing ceraossictableware, io 0790, NicotasVilteeoy established a nearbyceramic factory lu 0836, themiseo families merged theta Incoa-ries Io form Vallrjoy & Both.'Wendeten van Bnch-Gaihaa nowrepresents the eighth generabannf the Unch family to be at theheim of the campany.

While the early pieces were

siwptr robtewose, the sraamiusmanufachoaoe hasbacome atoad-ing innnvativr losar in shopinggaoanrtrie diooerware Ibasreflecto thiartsiasg ootsido ihr bas.

lo 2007,

ZONE Vitleroy ils Boots

esptomshaprsioctodiogdecora-Uve was and edmic iniiornurs.Asnos0 others, anrw bonr chinacollection arsanates of are' dosowhite a new edition ofNewWave reftwts an estonia aes-thetic. -

Poe the additions to theNrwWavr Caffr collector series,the company learned ta the esos-iv soothes of Africa. Animalskins, native crafts, richly woventrstites and the colors or theland. Pasterns inctoded io theNewWave Cafte "Cotnurs ofAfrica" are Amhosefi, Mombasaand Okavaago.

The concept of the NrwWaverattectian incorporases virotes

THU BUGLE ls4AY 10, 2007 23

- '«rn' For ta NenWaveu' Celte Coleamos Ahoco

cotloVtisn,'showv hereinCkosmgo, 'li/lamp & Buch

tamed ta tIre encelemachas nl Noca tor/dom.

and ringlets. Those's r ahythmood a floue io Ibis simple botpowneful design.

NrwWaee is atoo mahiag osplash at the bar seith a selrutional accessories tohrtp mahe thoseeoctuloits, wior and champagnedrioho an evica sprcial delight.

The ViBraoy ta Bodo lins otso'osctudes an abundance al acces-sories including ccystat andgtass, and even a range of holi-day 2457 designs with distinc-tive tosano. -

For mare information, visitwwsv.eillrooy'

Sharpenieg PerfectedA doll knife is never a good

thing.Olecteic basile sharprares 1mm

Chrf'sChoim sharpen the entiseblade length of kitotsws kosmosfrom the smallest paring knife 5ethe largess chef's knife anddrover iso seconds.

See Hume Zure. paIa 25

$I PollStersCarol FlcarracCRS, ARR

Rinhard Harczalc. Co-ownersl'he Real Estate Superstarsa

The Only Nues

OfficeFrèe Market Analysis Buying or Selling L One Call Does I

so.'e,,ctic rasoasa nao/a fis.

Call Coral 040f 203-essa

0,50055 os,. abs, bol ma enlatO' Ososos so fear rs m s

nail elch roof 40e-123enoel uro,,,, toues ass-ama noel Stoma aoci 35.3000


(847) 965-2683 OR (847) 965-2685

TYsO7I'ePd'O ' ' :Watchable Wildlife Guide

-o'itdlf/li obsewarieo is's/se ro'gfotptoeraa ehe n'glot O/ese

' - WeekofMayColorful -zinger

iA briltionl Slosh, a sailOr bun und o awooping

tlusnnsingbied bocedio0 aine.TIso bsosd-hillod hunniofbied, with is

anco fcoshces asd md. osang,,u b/ti, panInoIhisslo flowoe. 0000using thrvilotjuicoo, bc000coc oilh a aplia md loa004 oip dass avilieVP M svoct aucuotosi tiko a fice h esa h. WcpalloR esa/os, apidrea aod small issuoss.

C ooasoo If' lOeagisll so fuel ire h/oh mulden/ion.csad,,'icor 'gp, cspociallp 05 skis a/u enfocaram pelosisios. 'lisoasso to 550015 0 Conato Vs/lbscpc/ilicc poasdvlon'aoiog flifhl sooesd her,hioas.pisvhad "aieg' Tho accwioll Isyponlicso bon, aod ho pair hrcOds. Thcy hcild r riop,saona, piani d000, r'ocr s cod bask, oti b050dood dcyoail a pair ufjutty-baao-oisud coge.



- -

aisacan000 iI'S

hoscsisa wiogo, mosollic5h esoclor-I' liad socas.,ce oes

homaner's 00e, amoVeddoisa yroacrsoi050 O spi

hoy tire stay t soso sasso lcr' ,

Ihr'en beIrut syrtewissE h coediogos d ocas,'soaduli scaio'o diaptav niaclaro ,favi, wpaoied by o

,scloppOsai 5v hava io clfcclroggud puopec el nf grossloar/has avilir spider a/tk,

LOOK FORCoronada Noliosot Poseîl, Asia.Modoso Cooyco,Arie.Covnatadcfioscneuehit4u,I'lpvofuChihcahcaA rosoho Vuoanosisl Coosplas, ChihoolaarCappre C,aoyoo, ChihvolaooCsohrnr dr Mo/aba NoII Park, Chihuahtawatsaa du Map/mi Rcscrsc, DarosagoGaadutopc Cseyae, N.M.asoaclios Nauooat Mno,,ncol, N.M.Caolshad cuscr,aa Cal/neal puoi N MDc500 N,aliaoal WildI/fu RoWe. NOI.Zia,s NoI/vval l'sei, Ulala,

olmiy lasnesicahistlosO sod- oranec hiltmu attic orno/a hochbwod, oolclscd soiln,olu,.' ovIoltic biso lIarnos,

oh/lo urdaopaelafes,,olnar oh/Ic Ihrval, 000y

aasdcepoOs -

LISTEN FORlhsvhh/aaghpo vfsaiogaulippud"ju.dil" soit

Broad-killed hummingbird' C/inlInE alaare lOIi/va/rl

4'a,aclscs -


iiahutatl opec dm/dsou,s lamaIs, u/a' aesvbla,ds, aenai',lmcos

Range Key, Ooamd/,,g RYaovvo,,V'

05001 Tisa lIard, Nu, li, ,l,,,un,s,u Volar,,/iI,,s,esa.ealur0505,s'soalch.siln


'!LLqI"I,.,, THORH

«'locH, P






- -I'?,,,


l\'fffiflWteR ::_::, tsildltI9'l/

4I mb -


Tirs pink headband was the perfect

to Saros pnom dress.

need ta OuntOur

guide ton this tantastic recursion.

Page 13: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

Like most óf us, bats need the right kind of houseBy Jeff RriggCOPLEO NEWS SERVICE

0: We heard o little bit aboutbats and thought we mightwant to attract them to out tolsehouse to tltey will eat themes-qoitoeS io theyard. However, A GREENwe do flot wantthem in our hnuse. What canwe do?

A: Do you remember themovie "Field of Dteamu"? Avoice in a cornfield tells ICevinCosiner's character, "1f youbuild it, they will come." Well,that was a musir. In real life,they might nul come. But, ifyou dna't build it. they can't

Bats alone wnn't solve a mes-quite peebtem, bot they do con-sume vast quantities of insectsevery night. They also eatnight-flying beetles and mothsthat ate pests to gardens andfarms, If you want ta try loattract bats layasse gardrn, youcan try attracting their food.The simplest way would be taleave alight onto utttast more -insects, Of course, the insectsam attracted to your lamas andgarden m well, which is peoba-

SIPJNÖGREEN.America's Neighborhood Law? Care Team

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bly aula gnnd parts nf the world,

hats ase Ihr pelli001uas of manyflowers. Hundreds nl commer-cial pauducts como from bat-dependent plants, includingbanauas, figs, dates, mongoes

and avocados.ER VIEW Many savoaata

- and' rain foresttiers uso bats tu spread theirseeds. Worldwide, about one-quarter of all mainnsat speciesare bats. There oar about 1,000total species of bali.- They onethe enly flying mummnls. AllNorth American bats ore jarret

Bats may have a bad reputa-tion with some people, but arebenign ta hove around.Panicking dt the sight ola bat ismere lihely to cause harm thaawill the bat.

Bats are not blind and do notbecome tangled in people'shuir. Many use aunar, just likedolphins.

Bats do net get rabies anymere so than other animals, It

- is just in the news mare ettenwhen theji du.

Many mere people get sichfrom mosquito-borne diseasesthan from bat-berne diseases.

Because bats eat mosquitoes, itis a net benefit tu have buts.

Finally, bats 'are sou more like-ly to nest in ynue attic if youput ap a Isouse fue them. Butthey mighi move out of theattic If rite bat house is moresuitable. -

If there see bots io your attic,wait until the young ears ey'and watch where they leave thehodse. Tape a pirre of aettingover the entrance with an open-ing at the bottom. They wittcrawl out and leave throughthe bottom opeoiaag. When theyreturn they can't get in throughthe net and won't rememberthe gap et the bottom.

Ira the winter, mast 'bats inNerds America migrate southta warte areas er 10 caves tehibernate. Same may stay andhibernate in bat hauses.

There are several species ufbats native ta North America.Hernia some infurartatiun aboutcommun Nerds Amreican bets:

The little batters bat is a verycarramarr bat. lt is 1 inch te 2inches lung from head ta tuil,and hm e wingspan at about ete 10 inches. The little brotenbat eats as many au f00 mosqoi-tees pee haue, lt will take upresidenre in-u bat hause in thesurrsmee and migrates south to -

caves md miases foe the is heat-toleemt and rara havea body temperature ut 129degrees.

The big bausvn bat is abouttwice the sloe of the little baowo -

bat, about 4 to 5 inches lungfrom head tu toil with a

wingspan el about 14 inches. ltseems to partee beetles, whoselarvae are the grubs in ourlusoass. Il will lahr up tesidencein a but hnuse and snmetimeswill show the house with litile

- brosvn bats.-The evening bot, ne vesper

bat, comrooaly takes up resi-dence in bat houses ned is


Bat factsOuts ara lsterestirg asd useful grimais that ow daluable ta

wankird. Peuple utter f01110 raallae their beretits benause ufaster neeiaas wlsn0000ptiass. - -

between the previous two,batsin size. Little is knusrn aboutwhere Use evening but migeatesin wiolee. In oummee, it is coat-mroly bond in -urban aaèaseating night-flying insects. -

Another bat that comes tuhouses is the EasternPipistrello. lt is about the samesize as the other bats, but it hasfur that is three coleas of yel-lowish brown. It migeatw lu

'eaves loe the wintrc


Bate help cartrul thu papalatinn nlbeetles, tenths, lealtrnpprm und

- wasqaitoea. Went Nile vlmsrs is prImarily- spread throaglo mmqaeees, ned bats are

helpful In presenting the spread nl thediseasia. Mnsqultnes make up asigeWnaet part al a bat's diet. A siegle -bmwn balmay eal egO ta 1,000mongolians rash Saur. This meurs -fewer pestiuides mill be used.

- POLLINATING AND SEED'DISPERSALMure tItan 300 spruiru uf Craps nerdbalo tee pollinatIon. Mary Fluets, . -

Inuluding sates anenadus, dates, mangosand prauhen, are depeedest on balo toedispersal at seeds.


Bats ate used loe nsiertgc studigu suchas birth castrai and adifiuiul Issemleationtenisniques - unwell as-fur rancios arddran testing.

Oats ara beromieg leas coromoo. Scïentists don't knowwhy. One problem is the loss ofr005ling oreas. Nest boxes canhelp replace that need.

It is important Our buis Ioholco sole yiace to raise theie.young, because o female batcan onty taise only one pup peeyear, urrlike most animals andbirds.

Much is yet lo be learnedSeeGreener View, page 25

Oea r! loo Irai keel hones le 5,ursasHriahlrlocsemsaanolcuraushuaudtus mir h5 tus sor, II urania bed-rouer os tattoos a brrinrmros ana,aith lInchad Srraneet them mula pus-rOle be Is-lan a,,atganasL Wordscorra er, lar rose air 000dsavjrg,seauulullylaearoanea lara. 011a honecreiy abm,lllilly orsz,satad, coUd

reettertnIm,a,Ee,, -nasoCamaaoem


urS47-2ro4nIOFIX Sat-au-endaEWtemI1.ta.


you were bringing your cae

Itoa dealer ta see how much

he or she will give you on a -trade in yes would probablywash it, clean out the trunk,and clean the interior. Why?To impress Ihr dealer with yourshiny caz sube or she will giveyou maw money far it. -

lt is the same with sellingyour real estate, We all live inaun homes in a manner that iscomfortable to us. lt dorsetmatten if them isa little clatter,oc if same insirsor repaies areneeded. When pua plan anselling yaw home, however,you want to clean and shiee itup' tu inspwss the buyers sothey will glee you more moneyfue it.

There can be as mach as a10% range in the selling price afahorne, depending on ham yeaprepare it foe sale tend how yousell it, sait is wards rehilete doseme inenpensive tlsirsgs thatwill help impress the buyewarad geta higher price.

Let's start with the errtside.Nate that the snow is hopefullyease, fertiliae the grass. lttabes a while far the feetilizee tòwork this early iv the year, butthat- nice ornen lusse makes agaod first impwsoion ta the

Greener Viewcantinued fian page 24

about what noch bat speciesrequires faro nest site, bat thecuereul information is uheful.01 the but hourra in une sCud3,,some have not been occupiedin more than live years. Theoverall total was 52 percentoccupancy. -

It the bot Isoove waswilhin

Smart Real Estatesmss osunos

buyers. On a general ciron upnf your front and back yard, orhave a landscaping cowpauyda it. Trim the hedges andremese any dead plants. Getrid of extenineclutter includingestro Sawer puto, beat up lassefurniture, estea - landscapingmaterial, und any stufI storedbehind the garage. Add freshwatch to flower beds, Checkthe fonces and gates. Swabdams the patin nc deck and theknot and rnar steps and side-walk

Lmk at year front and reardoors and steam dears. - Theytoton u beating daring the min-ter. At least wash them. Painton varnish the doors if theyneedit. If there is rust or peel-ing paint on the railings, paintthem the first warm day. Checkeat your mailbox, address

one-quarter mile of a stream oany sine oea still body of wateover 3 arces in size and thhouse received more than louhoues of direct ounligtsh 1hoccupancy rote was 83 percent.The more ountiglst the bousreceives the faster it is accupied,

Research shows that the besshape fera house is a wide, fiamxl exposed to the- son loe,

GIII.INetsan Reartaes7036 N, Milonukee sua,

Nues, IL 605f 4

unnralra,s - (047) 470-1400Call Me Feed Free MznaotAazlyoirl

Ith Si MA's uwu.cen lury2l nelsoncov,

Penserete Plera CaertnnirinnNrdr leeasdrl 111,2 It(relrv/65 fis.Orale Kil, Irberb. tIrria 0,15 tel Ir Kil. lt.II aIR, arar, ts heI leplrbsthasars/Selle Sie Uil. Leer lelel. faut, It her Irela. Irles. (,re 0ev 1mm II. BrLast,tail tremI dli leleer trete1 Rerun1 Items.llera If IptL

NIlee - Ihrer-heiluelIttI Ieri. Inter'Irrt il leplemeirrlsae,letelr/it leu marchIo ele hrn, lIchtsttrtlilrl HOI, in Leisen lte/rtp DRU

atfeltttmlee.lrht:.ellllllttt IlkCertes rrilir lIts I Il.marbi,l tes (allIr tre eiryl

Sueara SR

Selling your home for thehighest price this spring

numbers, and outside light fix-tures and either rtean on

cepiace them.How about eotside repairs,


Are the gatt ressa ygiug? Is thebottom nf the garage dore beatup? Any loose riding?

You might äs well finish theoutside work by cleaoing thegarage. Get cid of anythingyou won't be tahiog with yonwhen yaz mane, and hasedown the garage SOuE

A clean, well-maintainedexterior makes o good firstimpression tor buyer, and thatgood impression means moreshamings and a higher olieronyour hamo.

At Collera dr Caban Realty,me hove developed a "HemeValue Improvement Checklist"that reviews your home andthe little things you can do toincrease its value. Followingthis checklist nan add up ta10% te your urging pelee. Callus at 847-967-6800 foe a freereviem oc to answec any otherreal estate related questions.

Bill AIslen COB, CES, AO!?.0101 is the President audManaging Broker of Catlem OrCotton Real Estate which islocated at 7609 Milwaukee NUes. -

warmth, The house sticks outfrom the wall ouly afoso inches.but is about 2 feet tall 'andalmml as wide.

Thicker houses with 010erthan one chamber gel meerbats faster thon single-chamberhouses. A 3-inch tub-inch land-imog area ou the bottom of thehouse and Iront ventilation thatprnveats overheating alio helpattract bats mure quickly


Factury Dia'edg Pelees

Visit Our Showroom-4935 W LeMoyne SL

Chicago, IL-60651OR

Call (773)

munrraoet bossua,lIen Mmes ThtS amene!

natatll CObas baIlla,u Mast amI! Piteen traen

Earl dure 41.05 I,, alareIs. na'cabs Ila,rlrcsc,la,n.Lwon

edge and create estrnmaoely finegroves no the facets nf both sides.

Finerdiamaud abrasives in thesecond stage shape the serundbevel foe even baremicmgwoves.

The third otage, honing, createso buen-lave sharp edge. The hun-in0 otage retains sewe of thetuiorogeneves and gives the knifea aemaekablr him lt's also wherethose serrated knives go.

Irs all tIsane stages, tleniblesprings hold the hesikrecsranly inplane against preulsiers guides taemure perlent cuereeS et theatsacllersiag angle 'ter cads andeveryslaoke- ' --

Faemoae infaemnattnrtt call 884-312-3235 ne vint

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smmiuttw Imagen.6RRaTSCHOOL stunner

. u/a hookora O noctroad tysI.

elms -_, SrSum.PunK rttatsmagksr

WrIl nainloinrd, reali, pai,ira 5Es

hand Oxeas re 0111m cpLcalmIra bIns. rann One 5 iraIs.

BARBARA n47-anu-erte

(lii Sondro hI j 77 (8 34 23.Ctl

24 THE BUGLE - MAY 10, 2tl07 -- REAL ESTATE


Home Zonecontinued learn pale 23

The numeeoan mudeh feabrma three-way sharpening systemperfect fue blades that cut every-thing - bum the mort fibmussquash to the mostdelicate tomato.

Ouilt-in parcisioh guides assurethe merect sharpersing mgte andpressure, thur elimioating anyguesswork In addifior, the unit'senfiee sharpening modale,including abrasives and gaidw,carshe removed qululaly and rasi-Optar cleaning in the alato oc thndishwashec

The first stage unes mtattugcane-shaped disks with diarssmdabraaivestumvmovrtheuld,weak

Page 14: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select

i.ii mu. ui... iiii ..idu dul

ddd U ddUUldI Iu dUdUl IUUUU UIdiddUUdddIIIÌddlUll IUUUU dliidUll 11111 JUlIdli dliii UUIACROSS

f t4acommondo5 Gremltn-oaused

lOWebuSe sitef4 fOricross, irr

CerdoSaf5 LoomedloWhere the moose

goes to market?l7Keerr19 Rock Siege rs,

lgVeraian bigwig25 Start sta 001fuoiao

saying23The end I"

1947 11m24 Big toot designation25Saddlemaker's tosi2g Flagrant32 Pithy sayin5 si.35 Type of rnooio or

37 lctber store39fr could be grand Or

45Sacood part of thesaying

43kghetypo44Costelfo and Gehrig45 Brief sketch4gTortuous curvo47 Baby gear

Last Week'sPuzzle Answers

B3WuI! f55151tOLST.1IfAU tgir1uu tE1DISlDYOtSD IIISIt6I1 ¡251MOI2Or1 051m 12120

W 511110 Oli 121201212121121121515 0510ES

1212125112 515119112111111212 InuLiWu F212125112111212 IIWIS00120IIIN

1211090 F21251111121910510151111011121110ISISrAUtOli OLlO F2125112921112 I9IF2UU 51011111!titiLlEs 1151(51] 1II!1l!OL5121115 ¡OLIDO 1111011ES


22 Rehab fri oSan25 Musician Shaw2650ndheim's Inc the

the tare Psnttoaeed inttwwoeseentatrin reekS

rtpceta ds smc ilbclurtedirrrrooreeatOBegtw


LolTaine Truskolaski2

Ralph Stempinski3ra

Leo Madura

Theresa Klinger

OeM yaro amono to toc Sync SeMa

ad nonO 005to nacop000s


Spring IntoGet Your Projc*s




BathroomsBasementsBIld Wons

5S9ishO 'snespo sibility

5f Asib52Lire winter wind,

oSen 27 New York's Finger Perches54 End f the saying

ROOtS63 Mild 29 Frlirgly64 Dicaseembla 30 Sierre Nevada lake Decks65 Spoil 31 Native Naskun 101111er & Ekterlor-

h7Wtrooping, 09. 33t-lol-of-Famer Banks RemodelingSB Sulky gait? 34/6 photo finish Siding69Errohntrnl. 3SDoublehelio Gutters71mwigntcsemp dFdrnd Free EstimatesDOWN - 42Pltyele horn/ore 113-237.1130

4ßlntiosioaily -

1- Laceration leftover 49 Ring site2 Overhang 5f Golf great Saar3 Largest of seven 53 King Joh0004 Sewing tool StreossS , sweet chario7 5450cl 5OflCt ReddingB Knot anyplace in 55 Eoanesca

ttaly 59 Sign7 Teil the troth 5TLegal afartee phrase8 Chop down SB Metric croes9 CavOrt m8050re

IS Equivocate 59 Head count offi MagarI Osate a Muses

concerte tarit RS Novelist Ephwn12 Melckior was one Hf Discourteous13 Potato foatunos 62 Kitchen and cigar2f Pabn's old oct61 follower

Joe LucIa LandscapIng Inc.

Iau& plutBillet rIlIrlatIlls

Ill kpu, (SOlI!,e.mem



r MIKWAY _71:

.Beek& Bteok WattsButts & Repaired

Chtesnae Rabuttt& RapslnedCBtmnte Lisera teethtted

.Ltntot Rapoamoetgteas Rieck bretettodBattdteg Cteantog

.0000toEo C onorateCautElog


REMO0nLrNS . scsnroe

HOt WATER HEATE5S.LICENsEs. 00050e .lonunoc

773t 32H-r082

ocronrorer'w,eaoarceeavc Sia


p,00eeeO, lac.


Since 19646623 71. Milwaakeo Ano. Nitos



Completo Export ServicesSpsiog&I'stlCtoae9Jp, -

Wosldy&Bi.WooklyCascca - -

GsstenClessiag PeessaeaWshiogRoUlaisg Wll Sc Meen

Ocmemslcosya ebb cHe Cro

- - (847) 966'9565

TI-IC BuGLE MAY 1H, 2S07 26


Spring -

SpruceUpi -

Wilt point one regalarsize room, walls ausRiliflu, ORO Cost o

yasir color CIsGeuR hailsqaatity paint. S 235-completed inane day.::Ken the Painter847-827-1178.

Specializing in Residential& Commercial

Fence Installation




ompIeti Handym0ánServices Since i977

or small


Universal BuildersRemodeters & Roofers

Taplywodt-Bi pItan YRU tail aIledRatlreaoies ReaEngBaehsss -Sidle0Backe- GSOnrn -

a Wisdoon CataRasWSSnSaflSn----t-

773-777-9656708467-6844Faup kennt Nanead-


COU NIE OTO P 5aoriB73.B016 -

III] j4T[lJjflhiStuefioglts44



W Wo Ca riso r C o u r torro po. e 0 0



S ALSOSlot Machines

- i - Any ConditionI 1.630-Nus-2742net i-eso-gss-sisi

NILES -7.ElevenOckion & Milwookeo

A's seo -07? I N. tuf iluvookee Ave.

Altiooce Bunk7H46 Mito'cokoe Ave.

Ookoo'o Sq000r8564W. 705751cr Sr.

Edwond Jones8l4t MitweokoaAvo.

EZPcoOy0209W. Ouluroo

Food MienBOOS Wsoke0vo Su.

Gulf Mill Skoppin5 Cooler231 Golf Mill Core.

IdigIriond Towc,- BIlIS GolTRd.

Hootiogrco Seeioo Soleo9201 Monyleedrhvo.

Jimmy lobeo -

7854 N Wouskooao Rd

Nitos Chcrcbor oftowmrwo0560W. Ookroe Sr.

Miles LikmeyWcxkogae & OokloO.

Silos r'ocrey -

Tgat TV. Oek100

N riot Senror Cerote,999 Cinic 000150 Dr.

Noohcido Commoroity BsOk8060W. Oak100 Sr.

OnE Mill Moti7900 N. MiimookooAne.

Omega RealaOlnst9100 Golf Rd.

St. Asidrowa Lila Ce010n-bOON Newark

Tiro Baglo7400 N, Woakogoo Rot. -


- FORRENTNILSS . Smoll Fare Straoding

- Breilding. BHAB(rrreeth.047.663.9905

lOOR RENT -- -

Edisee Fork I Bedroom, 2edFLApoots000f. Heated,Caopoterl, Apptisrucos

& Paid Cookisg Gas. NoPots. $7R0/mosth.

73.774t 911

The l°nrk sr Golf Mill0975 OvIl' Rul,

Viltoge Creomeny.6000 Weokogorr Ed.

Viillsgv elNilco Torve Co,rtvo- lOSO Civic tooler Dr.


. 6305 Touhytavo.

PARK RIDGEEiOtlCir,'O Begelo23 S, l'eospeenAno,

F/Mi Chiougo Buok & Tool104 S. Mino Sr,

Muriou700k Lei0000 Cooten270l Sibloy.

Meiee Towoahip sido.1700 Bollard Od,

Momiegflelds800 70000 Ave.

ParkRidgcClrambnr of 000mopuo140 Euolid.

P00k Ridge City HotI505 50010e l'I.

Patio Ridgo-Ccmmoeity Cooler131 5 W, ToxIry Ano,

Pork Ridge SeeiOO Coolertoo o. Wostrm Ano.

- 'Seso,seolioo Morning Costeo. 0051ro 5 Gn000wood

- S citsor hunde Boston759 DOnan Ano.

- SlaolruoboISO O. No0hw000 Hwy.

Slteboeknrl S. Poeopnct Ans.

50115015 SqOarO10 N. Bommir.UptorooTwirr StoiiooScmwit Sc ProspeCt

Vlcuo Ros00005lOB S. trtorthm000 Hwy.

FOR RENTMILES . 1,200 Bq Ft Offioo ne

Brssieoso. Sl2OO/eoonth,947-663.9990

- FORRENTHonlow & Dosepotor Ama.

3RD, 0.5BA, Lsosdsy, ORG.2nd FL. 51,075 *fJtititioe.


thaI levs WnOl0000r2H Mcm SI, -

MORTON GROVEBerlravy To ,00cvB42? Wookogae Rd. -

7931 Golf Rd.

family Pantry. 8255 Wookogeo Ayo.

CVo Plroeedey5030 Dempolor SI,

Kuppy'O7205 Domysrer SI.

M0000 0,000 ClroobnnofCoo000eoekrol CIpolina,

M000e Grovo Libroy6140 LisIo le.

Morton Greor Senior Coolee6l40 Demporon Sr.M0000 0,000 Villrrgo Hell6101 Capolieo.

P0011000 World0851 Waukv5as Rd.

Sopen Cup Coller siropgOSH Foecald

CRICAGOFamily l'lido Cl000roo5204 N. Oct00 Ano. -

Fieni Nolises Beak-7757 W. Dr000 Ave,

BOtoyy Foods6703 N. Northw001 Hwy.

Kaogos K0000rNowsleodNesbwosi Highovoy A Oliph000(0000r000 Edisoe.Porkl

Roseo B0001y Salen7502 Milwaokec Aun

Sig0000m Bark6400 N. Northw050 Hwy.

Toioily Pub5943 N. Nonllrrcosl Hwy.

ItsELF WANTEDEoro $BOR-93200 Moottoly

to dr/op boaod sow goesmillo ods placad oe Ihom. -


HELP WANTEDCrsstomor Service - Niloc Mfg.

sechs iodinidouls with 3-5500M Osp. 0 mfg. Sold fon

Costomor Oernico Roy. posi-tile. Cowpotitive Wogeu &oxooltoat b000gts, o-mail

resumo with salary hioloty loorolondioiinjooLcom, Coli 773

848-SlOt orFon 047-647-9718, -EUE

55w*talsalyt)fO:nOspsdeetOssnlpt-tal Oren, 8:00iosdrtnaups-rsI 4:30, COOlIasmilotPs-531400, 7:50shnnaIonsOstRl 0:0, 0:04

padsooay 55selderrsac Il 5-15)S:O0. 0:00Ll000eBa 105-53)4:00, F30riaseaakoys-t31 4:30, 7:30aseasesthes(OI 450v 7:00sleAselsad lest 0000

5staxa52 -SpIeseall lPG.ia)EOO, 5:00, 800cuduyeuhp's-tS) 0:0,0:30,/onnaitreaka PG-tal 1:05, 4555, ,7'.So

THE BUGLE MAY 10, 2007 '27

:: 'ii.

HELP WANTEDMoosofoctririeg - NibS Mfg.rooks iodividomls with 3-5

yoorae Op., far Spring CoitarOp000l000.Floniblo ShiBs,

Coinpotitire wages & oscoS-lest bossofitx. Applieutioee

toeing toben @ Lewis BpoiegA Mfg. Co.. 7580 N. Nalohoo,

Niloo, IL 68714, o-mailsmloodieiinJool,aom oo fou



HELP WANTEDLoboror, Torkpoiotor &

Bnioblayor.- Colt 847-224-9665

FOR SALEAmeno Oido-by-Sidn

RofnigvroloniF 0000er. GoodWeokivg 000ditioc.

An Gtdio Bol a Goodlo.Call 847-966-3447,

S ....mRuSuN6s., . -

Kerasotes TheatresNiLBSsBsePtsaonZ

00f StItMill CantO ycissnirts stOseMlil gtsepisl Cancelsiles, IL 0514

mece psssa:a4p-554-13l8 Bhawrlseepboao 50g-0W-054 arcan

ShowTlmes for May 11-17 2007macao emt tot Osso, 0:20, 7:50, rostO;

P0-Our early mollean tt:4050DRLTAFMcO rho-531 1515, 4500, OSSO, 5:30;

FO-Sun scrip matiom no:300mGRORtIARIRE lot 0:15, 5:00. /545, 00:50;

FO- Sonos Ir marions 10:05amSPtDBl-1W13tP0-03) 15:00, l2:30, r:OO, :30. 0:00, 2:45, 3:05, 3:45,4:rS, 4:45, 5510, 5:05, 0:30, 7:00, 7:50, 0:03. 0:30, 5:50, 9:50, roGo;

FO-Ovo 05v RoSones tO:r5am, 10:45am. 11:30amIlictynos (ps-tal 02:45, 3:30, 0:50, 5:40;

Fri-Our amly matinee tO:OOamRtRgitllE ini 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, tO:OO;

FO-Sun early Ìnali000 lr,000msrispwTtR Ban estosa.» 000vial E,eOuoare000

Frl & Moe-luau r:OO, 4:00, 7:05, 5:40;Oar & Sun 12:30,3:30, 0:30, 5:30; Wort r:oo. 4:59, OSOB

Plckwlek TheatreSSrtanunstesn nses-aan-ss-siPsrtlttOsntlLtlBel - -

1547IO25-Sait- Shnwflmss1erMa&is-fl.2lU -

IrnasdaRnayta inartamin SRI :55, 40e---SOoon.enEdts'sgnasoB

siege M.y nasødReIeBlpe-ss)251.....aotuskee.5PR'ral r:rS;4,sa, 0:50_(ps-ra) 0:55,4:00, 0:30saanaraareslal n:ts,400, 053050n551Wt5*d 1FB) tOBt

eaaaay5eneetaagIUys4nnsnsSlan. N P5-551550-.8,WiedYYanPt-Sa9aula,ZrSa -

OayG-l3ta:0o. 7:OalMesttNonitl 055. IrlOS5MiEIkII*d lOti le IO par

gasnsIORRUeensW tannais stMr n

MARK's_nlcEsioemge -

-&lU5I8NGet ING -

Messern Repaie. L tlaalea

Catabrate Oart5ih wsnivenaarySave 10%

t773t 774-0444(BsNf 4B1.B455



FoIl-lime Sommo, Opeviul Eventl,o5u nos A ssovio to. S ovoore partoftlre tìrsr.povnd sports moeogo-

nonnI OvId. Condidarvu yvilt hoirrvvlvod orteIl lAplv l'ovvIo cf tire

touent procvn,v.Mosvbvoblnrowookweekrrrilo,reovel,ocddtavv

moka uy le 24-fort io Icogtlr. Adoso doivie gr0000d io roqcieod.Boyd rvsoweu to Both Owen vioowoit at [email protected]

or fou ut 847/673.7250.



Page 15: Niles-Maine District… · :Deadfjflè for NìI?P.Ian. : Comm ission pòstcomiñg The Committee to select




28 THÉ BUGLE MAY 10, 20Q7

'"'. -:

.. ''ri k _ ___-i



- I34 i 14-0

;: . UnitA.- (Ranch End Unit). .

1' e 2 Bedrm/ 2 Bath RanchS S 2 Car Garage -

: -1,800 Sq. Ft.

- R-50 Insulated

' . .

.INtNG ROOM5- X lZ-0 -


. -, -


_-z._ L.t -"

t'-1 -

- - 'Í- :- .-'_flr T.

-LT. .



'cr.'- I

---, -'-- -r, '' _-;

--fF - -- _ H

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Unit B-

ww.wcopp.èrspriflgspóint.coin f

.r8_-? 1Vj!jfl(. UiII I)pr, tL).

-' L ':T.;- -

'' )ç :i: f's


, -

942-46 50.. Directions to ÇoppeÈ Sprihs PwÚt :

Take I-55 to I-80 West to Rt 47 Read South to Brentwood which is one- -

tiectpast Elooveron thewesi side ifï(i.47.

-,- - Fìnancìng provided by the First-National Bank Mis

(2 Stoiy Center Unit) .'

. 3Bedroonii2.5 Baths- s 2 CarGarage -

. Walk-In Closets - ' - . ,979 Sq. Ft.

. Dramatic 2 Story Foyer R-50 Insulatèd

-. -. : :-.- r .:. ,,, ---- - ,:--__, .-, -