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Nikon World of Close-up Photography

Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

Apr 18, 2015



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Page 1: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

NikonWorld ofClose-upPhotography

Page 2: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

With all the recent advances in 35mrnSingle Lens Reflex technology, it's nowpossible to take better close-up picturesthan you ever imagined. What oncewas "difficult" is now automatic ...whatwas thought "impossible" now takesjust a few minutes!Nikon is at the forefront of a successionof important technological advances-in 35mm SLR autofocus cameras,lenses, speedlights and accessories-which puts great photography withineveryone's reach. By using advancedcomputer techniques, Nikon equip-ment takes care of the complex andtedious calculations so you canconcentrate on creative ideas.


A new generation of great close-up photc

Page 3: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

graphyNikon leads the wayA world leader in ultra-high technology,Nikon designs and manufacturesequipment which produces some of theworld's most important photo, opticaland electronic instruments. It is thecompany's long experience in thedevelopment of ultra-high technologyproducts which gives Nikon thatimportant edge.And it is Nikon:s leadership in devel-oping the world's most professional35mm cameras, such as the famousNikon F series, and Nikon's closeworking relationship with professionalphotographers all over the world, whichenables Nikon to understand so welljust how great photographs are made.This combination of high-performanceequipment plus experience in photo-graphy makes a difference you canappreciate when you choose Nikon.


Page 4: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

Close ... Closer...Closest












1/8x 1/4X 1/2x 1x

AFMiGr<rNikkor60mm f/2.SJ

AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.:

,_ AF Micro-Nikkor 200m

IIMicro-Nikkor 55mm f!2.8

.~IMicro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8


AF ikkor 50mm IlLS -Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4 IE'

AFNikkor 50mm f/l.8 +Close-up Attachment Lens No. I

AF Nikkor 50mm flL8 +Close-up Attachment Leos No.2

-------------------111:.'1;': ,I Micro- ikkor 55mm f/:

Auto Extension Ring PI

(! • AF Micro-Nikkor 10Auto Extension Rin!~----------------------------------------------I

--. Micro-Nikkc~ Teleconverte

~IAF· ikkor 50mm IIII'r Auto Extension Rings

AF Nikkor 50mm fiLS +Macro Adapter Ring BR-2A ~.

AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.SD +Bellows Focusing Attachment PB-6

AF Micro-Nikkor l05mm f/2.SD+ ~

Bellows Focusing Attachment PB-6

AF Nikkor 50mm f/l.S (normal) +Bellows Focusing Attachment PB-6

AF Nikkor 50mm fiLS (reverse) + ,Bellows Focusing Attachment PB-6 ' .

AF Nikkor 50mm fiLS (normal) +Bellows Focusing Attachment PB-6 + Extension Bellows PB-6E

AF Nikkor 50mm f/ i.s (revAttachment PB·6 + Extensi

Nikkor 20mm f/2.8 (reverse) + BelloAttachment PB-6 + Macro Adapter Rir

Page 5: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

2x 4x 8x


SD+0.51105n)(,1.'t/2.3D +nt tens No. ,>f'em-Nikkor 200mm f/4D IF-ED +upAllaehment Leos o.6T

l~iIiII • AF Miero-Nikkor 60mm f/2.SD +~,!I!P Auto Extension Ring PN-ll

I~.' II IIAF Miero-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D +L'. . Auto Extension Rings PK-1W12/l3

Micro-Nikkor 105rnm t/2.8 +Auto Extension Ring PN-ll

f/2.SD +N-ll

I; I .,11 AF Micro-Nikkor ZOOmm f/4D IF-ED +. Auto Extension Rings PK-llA/lZ/13

OOmm 1/4 IF+fC-30l


Use your imagination and let Nikon helpyou make the picture. Nikon offers awide variety of equipment to help youcapture close-up images. And with Nikonyou'll get as much enjoyment out of usingthe sophisticated Nikon system as youwill from your photos.

Some basic informationbefore you beginIn close-up photography, you strive toenlarge the film image of your subject,revealing more details and creating anexciting photograph through the use of avariety of mechanical and optical accessories.To help you get started, here are somespecial terms you should know.Reproduction Ratio (RR)Most close-up photos are referred to bytheir reproduction ratio. The RR indicatesthe relationship between subject size andthe size of the image on film. It is determinedby the distance from the film plane to thesubject and by the lens' focus setting. Forexample, if the film image is the same sizeas the subject, the RR is one-to-one (1:1 or~X)- If the image is two times larger, the RRIS 2:1 or 2X.You'll want to decide first onthe RRand then set the lens' focus to achieveit Nikon close-up equipment provides a verywide range of reproduction ratio capability.Here's a rule of thumb to determine the RR_The 35mm film image is 24mm high and36mm wide. If your subject is 24mm highand covers the entire finder height, the RRis 1:1. If your subject is 144mm high andcovers the entire finder height, the RR is1:6_(Note: all Nikon F4 and Nikon F3 findersare virtually 100%accurate and can be usedfor RR determination with assurance. Otherfinders show less than 100%,generally 92%,so the above method is only approximate.)Exposure CompensationWhenever a lens is focused closer, illumina-tion is lost-this is a rule of optics. Withgeneral photography, the loss is negligible;but with close-ups, this loss becomessignificant and an exposure compensationis needed to overcome it With Nikon's TIL(through-the-lens) metering system forboth available light and flash photography,automation takes care of this compensation.


Depth of FieldThis refers to the area of acceptablesharpness, both in front of and behind thefocused subject. In close-up work, depth offield is extremely shallow, and it changes inrelation to the RR and the lens apertureused. The higher the RR and the wider theaperture is open, the shallower the depth offield. Lower RRs and smaller aperturesincrease depth of field. The depth-of-fieldpreview system of many Nikon SLRs letsyou see this effect.Reversing the LensIn general photography, the subject isusually far from the lens while the film isrelatively close. As we get closer to thesubject, the ratio of distance to subject vs,distance from film to lens changes, affectingperformance. When shooting with a lensnot specifically designed for close-up workat higher magnification, you can improvelens performance by using a reversing ringto reverse-mount the lens. Nikon offers theBR series of rings, as well as otheraccessories to use when the lens is reversed.Free Working DistanceThis refers to the distance from the front ofthe lens to the subject. As you focus closerthis distance becomes progressively shorte;,and can hamper lighting the subject. Veryclose focusing can make live subjectsnervous and uncooperative; using longerfocal length lenses can be the solution.Nikon offers a wide selection of lenses andaccessories that allow you to control thedistance to the subject.Camera ShakeWhen making close-ups, even slight vibra-tions can reduce image sharpness. Formost close-up work, you'll want to use atripod or some other device to brace yourcamera system. We also recommend usinga Nikon cable release or electronic releasewire for the sharpest results.


Page 6: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

THE CRmCAL DIFFERENCE:MICRO-NIKKOR OPTICSToday's Micro-Nikkor lenses incorporatethe latest Nikon technology, combining thehighest standard of mechanical design andconstruction with precise optics andleading-edge electronics.Optics: Wide ranging optical performance,optimised for close-ups and consistentlyhigh even at infinity focus, makes anyMicro-Nikkor the ideal choice for close-upphotography. Nikon Integrated Opticalcoating ensures control of flare andmaximises colour performance. Close-range Correction overcomes aberrations.And superb sharpness and criticaldefinition are assured.Electronics: AF Nikkor lenses incorporatea built-in 4-bit Central Processing Unit(CPU) which links to the CPU found in theNikon SLR and Speedlight models. High-performance electronics take care ofexposure calculations in mere milliseconds,leaving you to concentrate on creating theimage. Even with otherwise complex close-up equipment, the computer takes over andsimplifies the process.


Mechanical Design: The triple-clawchrome-plated brass ikon F lens mountensures compatibility among Nikon SLRmodels and lenses ...a design standardwhich verifies ikon's support of all Nikonphotographers. AF Nikkor lenses are morecompact, require shorter mechanicalmovements, focus more smoothly andfaster, and exemplify Nikon's leadership inengineering and design.

Choose continuous autofocus, single-servo,focus tracking, or freeze focus operationand you'll appreciate how pictures youthought were impossible are now easy tomake light as dim as EV minus l...withthe Nikon F4, Nikon F90Xand other models!Manual focusing, too, is smooth andprecise; large knurled rubber rings helpmake the image "snap" into focus. A focusrange limiter also helps speed the focusingoperation. Whether it's an optical focusingsystem or Nikon's Electronic Rangefinderthat you are using, you'll be impressed withthe performance of these lenses.

AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8DAF Micro-Nikkor l05mm f/2.8DAF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D IF-EDWith these exceptional lenses, designed forsuperior performance from infinity to life-size 1:1, focusing is fast, accurate andconsistent. Choose a Nikon autofocus SLRand get fast, sure automatic operation.

AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/40 IF-FO

Lens construction 13 elements in 8 groups

AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.80 AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.80

Picture angle8 elements in 7 groups 9 elements in 8 groups

12 degrees 20 minutes

Distance scale

39 degrees 40 minutes 23 degrees 20 minutes

Graduated in metres and feet/inchesfrom 0.5m (1-5/8 ft.) to infinity (00)

Reproduction ratio

Graduated in metres and feet/inchesfrom 0.219m (8.34 in.) to infinity (00)

Graduated in metres and feet from0.314m (1 tt.) to infinity (00)

1:10 to 1:1 (life-size)1:10 to 1:1 (life-size) 1:10 to 1:1 (life-size)

Provided Provided ProvidedMinimum aperture lock

Diaphragm Fully automatic; f/2.8 to f/32 Fully automatic; f/2.8 to f/32 Fully automatic; f/4 to f/32

Exposure measurement Via lull-aperture method for AI cameras or cameras with CPU interface system; via stop-down method for other modelsWorking distance at 1X 72.9mm 136mm 260.5mm

Subject-to-film distance 0.219m (at 1X) 0.314m (at 1X) 0.5m (at 1X)


Attachment size 62mm (p=0.75mm) 52mm (p=0.75mm) 62mm (p=0.75mm)

70mm dia.x74.5mm extension from lens 75mm dia.x104.5mm extension from 76mm dia.x193mm extension from lensflange; 82.8mm long (overall) lens flange; 113mm long (overall) flange; 202mm long (overall)

Weight 455g 555g 1.200g


Page 7: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

Medical- Nikkor120mm f/4 IFAlthough originallydesigned as a special-purpose lens formedical, dental,scientific and industrial

applications, this lens,which focuses continuously from 1:11 tolife-size 1:1, can be easily used for personalphotography. Add its specially designedclose-up lens element to the front of thelens and you can focus from O.8Xto 2Xmagnification. Your Nikon SLR's availablelight exposure control system is compatible,and flash photography is automatic usingthe built-in ring-light which providesvirtually shadowless illumination.A built-in focusing light helps viewingcomposition in very dim lighting condi-tions. Data imprint of the reproduction ratiois also possible. Power supply for the built-in flash is portable DC battery power.

Micro-Nikkor55mm f/2.8Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4 IFWithout the need for any special attach-ment, these close-up lenses enablecontinuous operation from infinity to amagnification of 1:2 (1/2 life-size). Toachieve life-size (1:1) attach the compatibleclose-up accessory extension ring. Withthe 200mm lens you can also use theNikon TC-301 Teleconverter for 1:1 photo-graphy. A minimum aperture of f/32, withcontinuously variable settings for optimumexposure control, gives you wide controlover depth of field. Superb optical designassures high performance from infinity tothe maximum reproduction ratio.

Macro function of AF Zoom-NikkorlensesAllAF Zoom- ikkor lenses focus frominfinity to close-up, using each lens' macrofocus capability. With most lenses, it's notnecessary to set any special switches formacro; you can continuously focus thelens from infinity to close-up. It's fast andeasy, and compatible with both manualand automatic focusing operation.Depending on the lens, the macro rangemay be as close as about 1:3 (1/3 life-size).Each lens' built-in computer workstogether with the computers in the cameraand speedlight for full exposure control,enabling the use of Nikon's establishedMatrix Metering system and MatrixBalanced TIL Fill-Flash control.

6 elements in 5 groups 10 elements in 9 groups 9 elements in 6 groups

Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8

43 degrees 23 degrees 20 minutes

Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4 IF

12 degrees 20 minutes

Graduated in metres and feet/inches from 0.25m(9-13/16 in.) to infinity (00); with PK-13 ring, from0225m (8-13/15 in.) to 0249m (9-13/16 in.)

Graduated in metres and feet/inches fromOA1m (1.34 ft.) to infinity (00); with PN-11 ring, from0.37m (1.2 It) to OA93m (1.617 ft.)

Graduated in metres and feet/inches from0.71m (2.34 ft.) to infinity (00)

Infinity to 1:2 for lens only;1:2 to 1:1 for lens with PK-13

Infinity to 1:2 for lens only;1:2 to 1:0.88 for lens with PN-11

Infinity to 1:2 for lens only;infinity to 1:1 for lens with TC-301

Fully automatic; 1/2.8 to f/32 Fully automatic; f/2.8 to f/32 Fully automatic; f/4 to f/32

0.225m (with PK-13 at 1X); 0.25m.(at 0.5X) 0.38m (with PN-11 at 1X); OA1m (at 0.5X) 0.71m

Via full-aperture method; meter coupling ridge provided for AI cameras and meter coupling shoe for non-AI cameras; via stop-down method for other models

56mm (with PK-13 at 1X); 112mm (at 0.5X) 182mm (with PN-11 at 1X); 247mm (at 0.5X) 409mm (with TC-301 at 1X); 492mm (at 0.5X)

52mm 52mm 52mm

63.5mm dia.x62mm extension from lens flange; 66.5mm dia.x84.5mm extension from lens flange; 66mm dia.172mm extension Irom lens flange;70mm long (overall) 91.5mm long (overall) 180mm long (overall)

290g 515g 800g


Page 8: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography


No.O No.1 No.2 No.3T

Close-up Attachment LensesUsed singly or in combination, close-upattachment lenses are an easy, convenientand economical way to get into close-upwork. You can use them together with yournormal, zoom or telephoto lenses to focuswithin a fixed close-up range. The attachmentlenses screw directly onto the front of yourlens, just like a filter, and allow you to focuscloser. Because they mount on the front ofyour lens, all of your camera's automaticfunctions such as light metering andautofocus operation are maintained. Madewith high-quality Nikon optical glass andusing Nikon Integrated Coating, theselenses provide crisp and sharp performance.

No.4T No.5T No.6T

Close-up attachment lenses are numberedfrom 0 to or. Numbers 0, 1 and 2 are for usewith lenses with a focal length up to 55mm.Numbers from 3T to or are two-elementachromats and are for telephoto lenses.In general, the higher the number of theclose-up lens, the closer you can focus, sothe longer the focal length of the lens inuse, the greater the magnification possible.

lPK-llA PK-12 PK-13

Auto Extension Rings PK!PNAs a lens is extended from the lens mount,the image it makes becomes more magnified.


Nikon extension rings, offered in a varietyof sizes, can be used singly or in combinationto vary the reproduction ratio. Dependingon whether they are used singly or incombination determines if full-aperture orstopped-down aperture control will be inoperation. Either way, control is through-the-lens and automatically compensates forthe lens extension. Operation is possiblewith both Manual and Aperture-PriorityAuto exposure control modes. Focusing ismanual only.

Bellows Focusing Attachment andAccessories

Bellows Focusing Attachment PB-6For maximum magnification you'll want touse bellows. This easy-to-use unit isdesigned for use with a wide assortment ofoptics and can render reproduction ratiosfrom about 1:1 to nearly 11Xlife-size,depending on the lens in use and whetherthe lens is mounted normally or in thereverse position. Exposure control can beeither Manual or Aperture-Priority Auto,and TIL metering and flash control operatewith this system. The extension range ofPB-6 is 48mm to 208mrn.The Bellows Spacer PB-6D enablesmoving a Nikon F4E,Nikon F4s or NikonF3 with MD-4 on the PB-6 rail withoutinterference. It also allows horizontal!vertical changeover anywhere along therail. Two PB-6Ds are needed with the PB-6;three are needed when using the PB-6E.Extension Bellows PB-6EAttach this unit to the PB-6 and you canmore than double the reproduction ratiorange up to an amazing 24X life-size whenusing a 20mrn lens in reverse position at fullbellows extension. Using this combination,the continuously variable extension rangeis from 83mrn to 438mrn; other functionsare the same as the PB-6.Slide Copying Adapter PS-6Used together with the PB-6, this adapterenables you to quickly duplicate and crop35mm transparencies (with mounts up to4nun thick). It can also handle uncut rollsof film. Camera TIL exposure controlsystems operate with this unit.Macro Copy Stand PB-6MSecurely mounted on the end of the PB-6,this unit is a convenient stage for placingsmall items. Its surface is 18%grey.Macro Adapter Ring BR-2A, BR-5The BR-2Apermits a lens with a 52mmfront thread to be mounted on the PB-6 inreverse position, increasing reproductionratio and working distance for normal andwide-angle lenses. The BR-5allows lenseswith 62mm threads to be mounted onthe BR-2A.Focusing Stage PG-2Once you select the reproduction ratio, youdon't want to change either the lens' focusring or the bellows extension. Therefore, inorder to focus, you must move the completesystem back and forth until the imageappears sharp. Use the Focus Stage PG-2mounted between the bellows and a tripodto accomplish smooth movement for thesharpest focusing.Adapter Ring BR-3This ring is mounted on the bayonet endof a lens which is being used in the reverseposition. The BR-3provides a 52mmthread for use with filters and other lensattachments.

Page 9: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

Repro-copy Outfit PF-4This is an easy-to-use and very stable copystand assembly, with fittings designedspecifically for ikon equipment.Cable Release AR-7This double cable release provides the PB-6with semi-automatic diaphragm control, evenwhen the lens is used in the reversed postion.t


TI1.. Macro Speedlight SB-21BProper lighting is critical to achieve the bestclose-up images. Designed specifically forclose-up photography, this compact battery-operated unit features dual-rotatable flashtubes, enabling you to select flat front lightingor selected relief lighting. Nikon's advancedelectronics assure consistent exposurecontrol with variable output. A built-in focusilluminator aids manual focusing.Further enhancement to lighting is possibleusing secondary lighting and reflectorsystems. Because exposure control can becompletely automatic, use of such devices issimple and requires no special calculations.This unit is ideally suited for use with allMicro-Nikkor lenses, but is particularlyuseful with AF Micro-Nikkor lenses. Usedtogether with these lenses and any NikonAF SLR, operation is fast and convenient.Note: The UR-3Adapter is required when using the AF

Micro-Nikkor 600101 f/2.8D with the SB-2IB.

Nikon SB-26 AF SpeedlightThis high-performance speedlight featuresa wide selection of controls, including non-TIL automatic, strobe effect, variable powermanual, and fully automatic TIL controlwith flash compensation possible. Used off-camera with the accessory SC-17TILcontrol cord, it enables you to creativelyposition the flash for optimum lightingcontrol. A special terminal on the SB-26andthe SC-17cord allows use of up to five SB-26units with SC-1Sand SC-19extension cordsand AS-IO TIL Multi-Flash Adapter to createmulti-lighting effects. Operation remainsautomatic, with TIL control through thecamera's computer control system. WirelessSlave Flash control with the SB-26addsflexibility to off-camera lighting.TIL Balanced Fill-FlashUsing the Nikon F4, F90X, F70, F-601 orF50 together with the SB-26 and accessorycord system, you can achieve dramaticresults-such as excellent balance betweenforeground and background lighting-inyour close-up photography.


TC-201 TC-301

Teleconverters TC-301, 201, 14Aand 14BEach of these precision optical accessoriescan be mounted between compatible lensesand a ikon SLR camera body, to increasethe lens' focal length and, accordingly, itsclose focusing ability. Auto exposure andTIL operation are possible with compatiblemodels. The accompanying chart lists thelen es compatible with these usefulaccessories.CompatibilityTC-30l: Lenses 3000101 or longer; Micro-Nikkor 2000101

f/4 IFTC-201: Lenses 2000101 or lessTC-14A: Lenses 2000101 or lessTC.14B: Lenses 3000101 or longer


Page 10: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography


1) Hemerocallis, 1:5RR, Fujichrorne RD 1) Anklet, 1:5 RR, Kodachrome 64

1. F70 + AF Nikkor 35-BOmmf/4-5.6D + Attachment Lens No.1

Easily the most convenient and inexpensiveway to begin taking close-ups is withNikon's attachment lenses. Polished toNikon's world-famous standards of opticalprecision, they slip on to the lens withouthampering automatic functions. With thiscombination, reproduction ratio is possibleup to 1:2.7with the zoom lens' macrofunction. Rapid, precise autofocus is assuredby the cross-type autofocus sensor, andautomatically correct exposure is securedby the multi-sensor light meter.

Camera settingsFocusing: Single-Servo AutofocusExposure metering: 3D MatrixExposure mode: Auto-Multi Program

2) Old painted wall, 1:1 RR, Kodachrome 64

2. F4/F90X/F70 + AF Micro-Nikkor60mm f/2.BD

responsive body-mounted coreless motor.Nikon's exclusive Matrix Metering Systemassures accurate exposure, despite thedifficult lighting of many close-up situations.And with the AF Micro-Nikkors, continuousautofocus is possible up to 1:1 reproduction,even in light as low as EV-l.

Camera settingsFocusing: Single-Servo AutofocusExposure metering: Matrix (F4), 3D Matrix

(F90X/F70)Exposure mode: Programmed Auto (F4), Auto-

Multi Program (F90X/F70)

If you want to concentrate on close-upcreativity-without bothering with focusingor exposure calculations-this is thecombination for you. Nikon's advancedelectronics technology takes care ofeverything for sharply focused, well exposedshots-you just point and shoot. Theadvanced focusing system is the result ofNikon's integration of electronic sensors,high-speed microcomputers, and a super-


Page 11: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

3. F4/F90X/F70 + AF ~ticro- ikkor60mm f/2.8D + SB-26/SB-27Speedlight + C-17 TI1... RemoteCord() ~

Combine ikon' advanced SLRs and AFNikkor lenses with built-in CPU, plusNikon's latest fla h accessories, anddemanding technique become simple.With Matrix Balanced Fill-Flash using anyof the latest ikon peedlights, backgroundand TTL flash expo ure levels are adjusted,brightening harsh hadows and intensifyingsubject detail. Flash exposure can also bemanually selected from +1 to -3 EV to allowfor your personal creativity. And rotatingthe Speed light' zoom-bounce-rotating flashhead to point the light where you want itwill let you vary the flash area coverage tolight your subject to best advantage. TheTTL Remote Cord enables you to createyour own original lighting effects with off-camera automatic TTL flash control.

Camera settingsFocu ing: Single-Servo AutofocusExposure metering: Matrix CF4),3D Matrix

(F90X/FlO)Exposure mode: Programmed Auto CF4),Auto-

Multi Program (F9OX/F70)SPeedlig/zt settingMode setting: ITL

4. F4 + AF Micro-Nikkor 60mmf/2.8D + DW-21 6X High-Magnification Finder/DW-20 Waist-Level Finder



For selective metering of tiny subjects orfor advanced manual metering techniques,the F4's Spot Metering system preciselymeasures an area represented by the Smm-diameter circle in the centre of theviewfinder. To vary photo composition, e.g.,placing your subject off-centre, the F41etsyou lock the auto exposure and autofocus atthe same time. With the F4's interchangeableDW-21 6XHigh-Magnification Finder, youcan critically preview everything in theframe, at a magnification of six times life-size. For situations where it is difficult tocompose your picture by looking throughthe viewfinder normally, use the Waist-Level Finder DW-20which gives you a 5Xmagnification.Spot Metering is also available with theNikon F90X, F70 and F-601.

Camera settingsFocusing: Single-Servo AutofocusExposure metering: SpotExposure mode: Aperture-Priority Auto

4) Cornet, 1:2.5 RR, fill, Kodachrome 64


Page 12: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

5. F4/F90X+ Micro-Nikkor 105m.m fi'2.8+ SB·26 Speedlight + MF-23*/MF-26**Multi-Control Back + MC-12B*/MC-20**/MC-30** Remote Cord

'For F4 **For F90X

III [§[G1OeD ~

In order not to frighten live close-up subjects,like small animals or insects, it is advantage-ous not only to use a lens with a longworking distance, such as the 105mrn, butalso to use Freeze Focus. With this feature,available with the Multi-Control BackMF-26 for the F90X, or the MF-23/24 forthe F4, all you do is preset a manuallyfocused position, depress the shutterbutton, and then, when your subject entersthat focus plane, the shutter automaticallyfires. Freeze Focus is also convenient formanual focusing with the camera's ElectronicRangefinder, and works well in remote-control photography, in which case theremote cord activates the light meter andensures correct electronic operation.

Camera settingsFocusing: ManualExposure metering: Matrix (F4), Centre-

Weighted (F90X)Exposure mode: Aperture-Priority AutoSpeedligi,/ settingFlash mode: TIL

6. F4/F90X + Micro-Nikkor 200mmf/4 IF + TC-301 Teleconverter +Multi Flash

ClOGThis combination not only gives you alife-size 1:1 reproduction ratio, it does sowithout changing the 71cm minimumfocusing distance available with the 200mrnMicro-Nikkor. With this long workingdistance, you have space to experimentwith various lighting set-ups. TIL multipleflash photography will give your close-upscreative lighting, and with Nikon equipmentit is simplicity itself. Several speedlights arelinked to the camera via TIL remote orTIL multi-flash sync cords. The camerabody's built-in sensor automaticallymeasures and controls flash levels from allunits, for perfect lighting every time.Remember: the longer the focal length, theshallower the depth of field. Therefore, toobtain sufficient depth, choose a relativelysmall aperture, and use the depth-of-fieldpreview button to see just how muchbackground and foreground will be insharp focus in your actual shot.

Camera settingsFocusing: ManualExposure metering: Matrix (F4), Centre-

Weighted (F90X)Exposure mode: Aperture-Priority AutoSpeedlight settingFlash mode: TIL


6) Needles and yarn, 1:1RR, Xsync, f/16, Kodachrome 64

Page 13: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

7. F4/F90X + Micro-Nikkor 55mmV2.B+i;l~_tBy attaching ikon's SB-21B to the lenswith the provided 52mm adapter ring, youcan take flawless macro photography.Either try TIL automatic exposure control,enabling you to remove distractingshadows automatically or manuallyallowing you to experiment with the threelevels of flash output using the two flashunits on the speedlight, for greatercreativity.

Camera settingsFocusing: ManualExposure metering: Matrix CF4),Centre-

Weighted (F90X)Expo ure mode: Aperture-Priority AutoSPeedlight settingF1ash mode: TfL

8. F3 + BR-2A Macro AdapterRing + Nikkor 35mm f/2 + PG-2FOCU';i.e ~

Reversing an asymmetric lens will rearrangethe lens' optical corrections and enable youto get fairly good definition in extremeclose-ups such as this reproduction ratio of1.6:1. Use the macro adapter ring toreverse-mount the lens onto the camera

body. Because the focusing ring cannot beused with a reverse-mounted lens, focusingis done by moving the camera body andlens back and forth. Therefore, first decideon your reproduction ratio, then mount thecamera on the Focusing Stage PG-2 for-thegreatest degree of stability and security tofacilitate sharp focusing.

Camera settingsFocusing: ManualExposure mode: Manual


Page 14: Nikon World of Close-Up Photography

9. F4/F90X + Nikkor 20mmf/2.8 + BR-5 Macro AdapterRing + PB-6 Bellows FocusingAttachment + AR-7*/AR-I0**Double Cable Release + Multi Flash

_ *For F4 **For F90X

D~.'fiPWith the Bellows Focusing AttachmentPB-6, you can mount the lens on the cameraand achieve considerable magnification.But use the BR-5Macro Adapter and thereproduction ratio grows to a very impres-sive llX. Focusing is brighter, thanks tothe full-aperture viewing mechanism. Andthe PB-6 has a stop-down lever so you canuse stop-down metering. Usable exposuremodes are Aperture-Priority Auto (A) andManual (M). The double cable releaseenables one-handed shutter releaseoperation and automatic diaphragm control.

Camera settingsFocusing: ManualExposure metering: Centre-WeightedExposure mode: Aperture-Priority AutoSpeedlight settingFlash mode: TIL

10. F4/F90X + AF Nikkor 50mmf/1.8 + Auto Extension RingsPK-llNI2/13o Imu

If this is your first time taking close-upphotographs, Nikon offers you aninexpensive and easy way to start-theAuto Extension Rings. These rings coupledirectly with the automatic diaphragm ofNikkor lenses and the camera's exposuremeter. This combination puts together allthree auto extension lings to give amaximum reproduction ratio of 1X;in all,there are seven different combinations forseven different reproduction ratios.Exposure metering is automatically takencare of in the Aperture-Priority Auto (A)mode, or, of course, you can select Manual(M) exposure to express your owncreativity. Focusing is always manual.

Camera settingsFocusing: ManualExposure metering: Centre-WeightedExposure mode: Aperture-Priority Auto


11. F4/F90X + AF Micro-Nikkor60mm f/2.8D + SB-21B MacroSpeedlight + UR-3Adapter + MF-23*/MF-26** Multi-Control Back

*For F4 **For F90Xoc:poQA series of close-up shots of the samesubject but each with a different exposurecan add great dramatic interest to yourclose-up portfolio. Nikon makes thistechnique of auto bracketing easy with thecombination of Multi-Control Back MF-23and the Nikon F4, or MF-26 and F90X, thatlets you shoot up to 19 continuous framesto suit your various needs and tastes. Youcan also choose the Long Time Exposureoption which enables shooting at anyduration from 1 second up to an amazing 99hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Yetanother sophisticated technique that Nikonmakes simple is taking a series of close-upsover a period of time using the IntervalTimer on the MF-23 or MF-26. Simply keyin the commands-e.g., start time, intervaltime, number of shots each time, andnumber of intervals-and let the camera dothe rest. Data imprinting is also possible foreach shot, logging exact times for futurereference.

Camera settings [or Auto BracketingFocusing: Continuous-Servo AutofocusExposure metering: Matrix (F4), 3D Matrix (F90X)Exposure mode: Aperture-Priority AutoCamera settings for Long Time ExposureFocusing: Single-Servo AutofocusExposure metering: Matrix (F4), 3D Matrix (F90X)Exposure mode: Shutter-Priority Auto

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11) Ohchid, 1:2 RR,Xsync, U5.6, Fujichrome RD

12 F4/F90X + AF Micro-Nikkor105mm f/2.8D + SB-26 Speedlight

Rear-curtain synchronisation is a specialtechnique which automatically triggers theflash an instant before the rear (second)curtain begins to close. With close-upsubjects which are in movement, this turnsavailable light into a stream of light whichseems to trail the flash-illuminated subject.Rear-Curtain Sync, which sounds verycomplicated, is easy to accomplish with theSB-26 Speedlight. Since this visual effect isespecially effective at a slow shutter speed,Slow Sync is automatically set when Rear-Curtain Sync is set in P or A mode. However,to set a desired shutter speed, set thecamera to S or M mode. The SB-26 offersyet another advanced feature: strobe effect,in which the speedlight emits up to 24flashes per second, with flash output leveland flash intervals all pre-selected.The photo is a double exposure usingrear-curtain sync and repeating flash.

11) Light-emitting tube, 1:4 RR, 8 sec., Kodachrome 64

Rear-Curtain SyncCamera settingsFocusing: Single-Servo AutofocusExposure metering: Matrix (F4),3D Matrix (F9OX)Exposure mode: Aperture-Priority AutoSpeedlight settingsFlash mode: TILCurtain setting: Rear

Repeating FlashCamera settingsFocusing: ManualExposure metering: Matrix (F4),3D Matrix (F9OX)Exposure mode: ManualSpeedlight settingFlash mode: Repeating


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