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u s e r ` s g u i d e  Irtat Exrt Retriti! Cdiis, ducs, cgi s d si cs ci d i is u subc x c s d guis U.S. G d ud c uisdici i US D S US BIS-D Cc. I is uu d sic ibi d x, x i s s s d cic d uis sic ig s, bd i Ui d Ss, ic ic s i U.S. G is qui d, i u i s bi i g qui d ics i D U.S. G i g uisdici . Di si c U.S. is ibi d. AmERIcAn TEchnologIEs nETwoRk coRp. nIghT VIsIon gogglEs nIghT cougAR XT nIGht CoUGar X t operator’S manUal (rev. 2, oCtoBer 2010)

Night Cougar XTmanual

Apr 08, 2018



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u s e r ` s g u i d e  Irtat Exrt Retriti! Cdiis, ducs,cgis d sics cid i is u subc x c s dguis U.S. G d ud c uisdici i US D S US BIS-D Cc. I is uud sic ibid x, x is s s d cic d uis sic ig s, bd i Uid Ss, ic ics i U.S. G is quid, iuis biig quid ics i D U.S. G iguisdici. Disi c U.S. is ibid.



nIghT VIsIon gogglEsnIghT cougAR XT

nIGht CoUGar Xt operator’S manUal (rev. 2, oCtoBer 2010)

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t ii i is u uisd ii us , is subc cg iu ic,is b csud s ci b atn C.

atn C. ssus ssibii ibii s iccucis i is b.

©2010 atn C. a ig sd.

heaD moUnt

BUIlt-In Infra-reDIllUmInator



lenS proteCtIve CoverS

Battery hoUSInG Cap

neCk Strap’SBUCkleS

Ir IllUmInatorSwItCh

Ir InDICator

moUntInG BraCket

eye CUpS

Battery hoUSInG

DIopter aDjUStment




power/low BatteryInDICator

Camera-aDapterIte # AcmucA01


Reiter r rt arrat ie at .atr./arrat

neCk Strap

cAuTIon:ThIs pRoducT conTAIns nATuRAl RubbER lATEX whIch mAy cAusE AllERgIc REAcTIons.

c A u T I o n :

Soft CarryInG CaSe

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spEcIfIcATIonsmgiici ........................................1X

ls Ss .........................................35 ; f1:1.4

fid i ..........................................20°

rg fcus .....................................0.25 iii

Dis ................................................±5

p Su ........................................3 v liiu (Cr123a)B li............................................ 10-20 us / Ir iui

oig/ Sg tu ......... -40°C +50°C/-50°C +70°C

Disis ...........................................155x65x150 (6.1” x 2.6” x 5.9”)

wig ...................................................0.55g (1.21 b)

* atn ss ig cg b sciicis i iu ic

fEATuREs• Rugged fiberglass reinforced plastic construction

• All glass multi-coated lenses for superb clarity and brightness

• F1.4 lens with amazing light transmission• Manual focus

• Adjustable eyepiece

• The Night Cougar infra-red illuminator was designed to let you see even in total darkness

• Light weight and comfortable

• Weather resistant

• Two-Year Warranty

ApplIcATIont nig Cug Xt is ig ig du /ub ggg ss is cb d s

us. pd b ig qui 1s G.+ ig isii ubs d usig s cisi ics nig Cug Xt s cs d bigs igs ib i 1s G. ggg.

Cbi b i bui i id iui s u s i dss d u ib u xig ds cs.

t nig Cug Xt ggg ss is cx ic-cic ss idiidu us. t diccsiss bci s ssb, ics d bd. t bd cis 1s G.+ ig i-sii ubs ssb i igd ig g suc d b usig.

obci s ci cs idd c bci s dus d sccs. I si c s dig i, ig u s sc i dig big ig siuis.

NOTE: Do not test the scope in daylight conditions even with the daylight ilter/lens cap on or more than ten (10) minutes.

bATTERy InsTAllATIon1. Usc b c.

2. Is Cr123 b, bsig i s idicd.

3. rc b c d sc c d ig.

I bis s sig g leD sicss us d i is i cg u bis.


f ccig dic i di cdiis i ig :

1. m su b is isd s idicd nig Cug Xt bd.



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flIp-up hEAdsET A. fITTIng ThE hEAd mounT

adus d u is b cig nv ui i.

1. ls ss d c d u u d.

2. Fit the head mount to your head size. Tighten the back straps and fixatei i vc .

3. t scu ss. tis is ig s u ig d i u d, u dusig ss.

4. ad s u i d ig ci s.

b. gogglEs InsTAllATIon And AdjusTmEnT

n u d u nv gggs d u.

1. r d dusd d u d.

2. ls sc, us bu a d is bc nig Cug Xt i d u.

3. pc d u i nv ui

u d.4. yu ig dus ic

sii gggs u s dg i ig xis. t ss dg c b dusd i. tig ss ui dg isi.

5. m ui g i idus. tig sc ixigi sii.

nEck sTRAp InsTAllATIonpss d s ug gggs s u b. t ss i ug s’s buc s s.pu s u sc d su s i s buc.

cAmERA-AdApTER (opTIonAl)tis d cs nig Cug Xt ic cc ig nig Cug Xt.

t us u nig Cug Xt i 35 c ccd u i d ig:

1. I u us ccd u ccd us maCro u. ms dccds d maCro u bui-i.

2. I u us 35 c, u i d maCro s. I u d’ , dis u cc u c c s.

3. yu d Step-Up Step-Down ig i d d c d u s. note: t c d cs i 37 d 52 ds. I u d sizes your local camera store should be able to help.

r ubb cu nig Sii.Sc c d s u vid c’s s u 35 c’ss.

ls s scs c d.

BUtton a



BUtton B BaCk StrapS

top StrapS

ChIn Strap

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pc c d nig Sii’s ic.

tig s scs i sug nig Sii’s ic

 yu d cus 35 c id c i cbii i nig Cug Xt id g ss ssib ig.

w suggs u id sc i. fcus nig Cug Xt s sc is isss. f bs sus u sud disb u cus (i ) i 35 c id c d u cus 35 c id c. oc ig is s, si dus nig Cug Xt’s s cg cus.

* An important part to remember is that you are not taking a picture o an object that is ar away rom you, but you are actually taking a picture o a phosphorous screen o the Night Cougar XT that is only 2-3 inches away.

sToRAgE And cARE• If the device is not to be used for extended period of time (more than 10 days) remove the battery.

• Avoid touching lenses. If fingerprints or traces of dirt or dust appear, clean their surface with a Photo-gic s cig issu.

• Keep lens cap/daylight filters on when not in use.

• The Night Cougar XT is not harmful to the user or the environment.

• Do not disassemble except to clean the front lenses and eyepieces: it will void your warranty.• Evaluate the device function by looking through it in a lit environment with the daylight filter lens cap on.

n us i dig iu dig i s c .

• Never point the Night Cougar XT at a bright light source.

• Adverse atmospheric conditions such as fog, smog or haze and a lack of ambient light (moon or star-ig) diiis ci iig disc.

• If you use the rubber eyecups for a long period of time, you may suffer skin inflammation. If you develop ss, csu dc idi.

TRoublEshooTIngQ: flshs, lickrs r clickig ccur whil prig

s: I i ccus ii is i ius isig bis, i is d dic isu i s . I i ccus 10 ius, cc sicisucis.

Q: D ss sc.

s: ts i csic biss i isii ub dus ics.

Q: Sc bcs d ius us.

s: Replace batteries. If problem persists, contact your dealer or other authorized service representa-i sic isucis.

Q: Ig c.

s: adus bci s, d/ ic.

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2 yEAR pRoducT wARRAnTytis duc is gud b ucuig dcs i i d si ud us id 2 () s d ucs. I dc is cdb gig ccus duig icb id sd b, atn, is i, ii i c duc, d suc ci atn s b u x atn’sibii, d Cus’s s d xcusi d. tis ds c duc ()usd i is d cus ; (b) subcd isus; (c) subcd -is, diicis is b Cus b atn iu i ics atn; (d) sci d “cs-u” cdis cdis sd “s-is” b iatn atn d; () cdis s b disciud b ucu d is c uis ib du ss bd c atn. atn s b ssib dcs dg i atn’s ii is su isdig, bus,isus, i sg i i, icudig us i cuci i qui icis cic cic icib i ii qui duc, s s iu ii i cdiis sciid b ucu. cusTomER Is hEREbynoTIfIEd ThAT opERATIon of ThE EQuIpmEnT duRIng dAylIghT houRs oR undERAny EXcEssIVE lIghT condITIons mAy pERmAnEnTly dAmAgE ThE InTERnAl compo-nEnTs of ThE unIT And sAId dAmAgE wIll noT bE coVEREd undER ThIs wARRAnTy. tis is xdd igi ucs. a bc is s b iduss cus iis atn ddss d b ii icb id.t cus udsds d gs xc gig , isi , su, xssd iid, icudig iid cbii iss icu us, s duc. a suc iid is b dxss discid.

lImITATIon of lIAbIlITyatn i b ib cis, cis, suis, cdigs, css, xss, dgs ibii-is isig u us is duc. oi d us duc s ssibii Cus. atn’s s udig is iid idig ducs d sics uid ii ccdc i s d cdi is is ag. t isi ducs sd dsics d b atn Cus s b id, csud, gdd, ixss iid, s big bi cig bigi d id gi usid atn d Cus; atn’s bigis ud is ag xd s Cus-. ATn’ iaiit ereer r aae, reare te r r ati, a t exee

te ee r ter are ai t ATn te ter r ter’ eaer. ATn a t, ia evet, e iae r eia, iiret, iieta, r eqetia aae, ii, tt iite t, t ie, t revee, r t rit, eter aae ere reeeaer t at te tie rae, a eter r t aae arie t a rea ar-rat, a rea areeet, eiee, trit iaiit r a ter ter iaiit.

pRoducT wARRAnTy REgIsTRATIonI d id u duc, atn us ci cd pduc wrgisi Cd c ui c gisi u bsi c icudd d idi i i u Sic C: atn Ci,1341 S m au, Su S fcisc, Ca 94080.

obTAInIng wARRAnTy sERVIcEt bi sic u ui, ed-us us i atn sic d b cig800-910-2862 650-989-5100 i -i ervie@atr. ci ru mc-dise Authorization number (RMA).w uig s sd duc, sg id, i c u ss ci usic c, atn Ci ddss d b. a cdis us b u isudi cc sg; atn i b ssib i sg , issig dgdcdis duig si.w sdig duc bc, s c rma# usid siig bx. psicud idics u rma#, n, ru addss, s sic u, Ccii suc s id ubs d/ -i ddss d ucss i us sbis id s d . pduc cdis us d rma isd b usd sigiic d i cssig ccu.esid w sic i is 10-20 busiss ds. ed-us/cus is ssib s-

g atn sic. atn i c u sg/siig ci USa d-uss / cuss i i duc is cd b id . atn i uduc sic b dsic UpS gud d/ dsic i. a qusd,quid ii siig d sg/siig i b ssibii d-us/cus.

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f cus sic d cic su, s ccaic tcgis n C.

nrt Aeria oie

1341 S m au, Su S fcisc, Ca 94080

: 800-910-2862, 650-989-5100; x: 650-875-0129

Erea oie

: 44(0)870-0111286, x: 44(0) 845-3349142

t ig cuis c us ut ree er 00 800 9102-8620

Austria, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland


©2010 atn Ci