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Nietzsche Report- Final

Nov 21, 2015



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Nietzsche believes that nature is value-less. Whatever values we might think are present have been bestowed on nature by us. Revaluation of ValuesHe claims thatThere are no moral facts at all.Moral judgments has this common with religious judgment, that is believes in realities which do not exist. Morality is merely an interpretation of certain phenomena, more precisely a misinterpretationIn this respect moral judgment should never be taken literally.REVALUATION OF VALUESWHERE OUR PRESENT MORALITY DERIVED, IT TOOK PLACE LONG AGO GENEALOGY OF MORALS- TITLE OF HIS BOOK that states a geneology for a certain type of morality will shed light on its ancestry by revealing the historical and psychological conditions out of which it grew. Master morality/slave moralityFor Nietzsche we have the two types of moralityThat of masters- it is characterized by a certain sort of value discrimination. Its categories are good and bad- moral judgments are based on those terms.That of slaves- there is a value contrast, too-not good/bad but good/evil- and its psychological dynamics are very different. Our moralityOur morality, Nietzsche thinks is the morality of the herd.

..and thus we understand things, it is only one kind of human morality and thus we understand things it is only one kind of human morality next to which, before which, after which many others and especially higher moralities, are or should be possible.

In this context, Nietzsche calls himself an Immoralist and a free spirit. - He assails modern ideas and modern men with their claims to equality and equal rights and their advocacy of democracy and socialism.

- He hopes to bring to light the dark and dirty secrets hidden In our highest values- to show us that behind such words as equality and justice for all stand hatred, revenge, resentment, weakness and spite. He invites us to peer into the workshop where ideals are made. Nietzsche holds that there is no such things as free will. Human beings are body entirely; they are animals. -How can the weak take credit for their virtues? And how could they blame the strong for their crimes? Free will is the most disreputable piece of trickery the theologians have produced, aimed at humanity responsible in their sense, i.e at making dependent on them. No one is responsible for simply being there, for being made in such and such a way, for existing under such conditions, in such surroundings..No one is the result of his own intentions, his own will, his own purposeOne is necessary, one is a piece of fate, one belongs to the whole, one is the whole- there is nothing which could judge, measure compare, condemn our BeingWe deny God, we deny responsibility ing God: this alone is how we redeem the world-THE OVERMAN Dead are all Gods, Zarathustra says; Now we want the overman to live.

In the birth of Tragedy- written by Nietzsche.he tries to solve the problem of the meaning of life.-Zarathustra proposes to solve it and the overman is the key. He said it is the meaning of the earth.

What is an overman like?An overman will remain faithful to the earth. There will be no hankerings for a real world- for the soul,God, immorality, heaven. None of this fictions can solve the problem of the value of existence. There is a psychological presupposition for the overman. The overman will be possessed of the great healtha new health, stronger, more seasoned, tougher , more audacious and gayer than any precious health.3. The notion that the overman plays naively with what has hither to been called good and divine, parallels what Zarathustra says about the necessary metamorphoses of the spirit. He tells us how the spirit becomes a camel; and the camel, a lion, and the lion, finally a child. 4. So, the overman is a creator of values. But the overman does not create heedlessly or arbitrarily. The principal thing the overman creates is himself. And his values are simply expressions of who he is. 5. The overman loves himself. In deliberate opposition to the morality of good and evil, nietzsche praises selfishness. 6. Zarathurstra praises not the accidental and anonymous neighbor, but the friend. 7. As the prophet of the overman, Zarathustra is also the prophet of the will to power.8. An overman will know what he is worth. Under no illusions about equality, the noble soul of the overman will sense the immense distance between himself and others. Affirming eternal recurrenceRemember the prospect that the demon puts before us- that all things should recur- eternally- exactly as they are. Zarathustras abysmal thought is that this means the small man, herd man, the last man, the man of resentment and revenge, the weak, the priest, the slaves with their nihilistic morality, Christianity- all this would recur again and again and again. What is life for, if it isnt going anywhere? If there is no hope for ultimate improvement, for progress, for getting beyond the small and the great- for overcoming man once and for all- what would be the point?What the thought of eternal recurrence teaches Zarathustra is that the meaning of life cannot be sought in anything beyond it. Eternal recurrence is the ultimate denial of all real worlds there is just this world- over and over again. The affirmation of eternal recurrence is identical with a formula that Nietzsche calls my formula for greatness in a human being: amor fati, that is love of fate. He explains it this way.. that one wants nothing to be different not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal itbut love it.Life and death recur eternally in a never-ending cycle, and to say yes to one is to affirm the other. Gratitude is the best sign of a redeemed life. Gratitude for everything- just as Nietzsche himself is grateful for his illness and pain, and for those who did him wrong. That gratitude covers everything is a sign of affirming life- even to the point of willing it again. Zarathustra overcomes his last temptation- pity for the higher men, pity that they had not come- perhaps could not come still higher.Pity is the last, subtlest, most seductive form of no-saying. To pity is to say, would it were not so. Pity is the practice of nihilism. To pity is to give in to suffering, to hollow suffering, to suffer oneself- but he believes that pain and suffering are no objection to life, rather stimulants to self-overcoming and for them too, one must be grateful. One who is grateful about life- such a convalescent could wish for it all again.
