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Nick Beare T e a c h e r s B o o k 3

Nick Beare -

Dec 27, 2021



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Nick Beare

Teacher’s Book 3

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Map of the bookMap of the book

Topic Main language Vocabulary Pronunciation and spelling

Unit 1 Review Review of level 2 Alphabet, verb to be, verb to have, greetings

Review of level 2: colours, possessions, numbers

Review of letters a–m

Unit 2 Review Review of level 2 Present continuous

Review of level 2: verbs, animals, numbers, activities

Review of letters n–z

Unit 3 Jobs Verb to be: affirmative I’m/You’re/He’s a doctor. We’re/They’re firefighters.

doctor, nurse, teacher, policeman, chef, firefighter

/ɒ/ doctor, orange, box, yoghurt, doll, top

Unit 4 Happy or sad? Verb to be: negative Verb to be + adjective He’s happy/He isn’t sad.

tall, short, happy, sad, old, young, big, small

/ʌ/ jug, up, duck, nut, umbrella, young

Unit 5 Transport? Verb to be Inverted questions Is it big/small? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

boat, car, bus, plane, van, train

/eɪ/ train, plane, gate, grey, they

Revision 1 (units 3–5)

Unit 6 School things There is .../There are … There is a pen. There are twenty-two pencils.

pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, notebook, crayon Numbers 20–30

/ʊ/ notebook, look, goodbye, goodnight

Unit 7 Furniture Where…? questions Prepositions Where is the pencil? It’s in/on/under the box.

chair, table, sofa, desk, lamp, bed

/e/ desk, bed, pen, pencil, leg, insect

Unit 8 Animals Verb to have: affirmative I/You/We/They have a cat. He/She/It has a horse.

cow, horse, sheep, goat, cat, dog

/iː/ teacher, policeman, queen, three, sheep, green

Revision 2 (units 6–8)

Unit 9 Activities at home

Present continuous affirmative: He/She/It He’s reading. She’s talking. It’s eating.

read, talk, look, write, eat, drink

/ŋ/ reading, talking, looking, writing, eating, drinking

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Map of the book

Topic Main language Vocabulary Pronunciation and spelling

Unit 10 Activities outside

Present continuous negative: He/She/It He isn’t running.

run, jump, walk, ride a horse, listen, sing

/aɪ/ write, firefighter, kite, tiger, ride

Unit 11 Food Present continuous negative: They They’re eating sandwiches. They aren’t drinking water.

biscuits, kebabs, pizza, chips, ice cream, sandwiches

/tʃ/ chips, chair, teacher /ʃ/ sheep, shirt, she

Revision 3 (units 9-11)

Unit 12 Parts of the body

Present continuous questions: Is he/she/it ... Is he reading a book? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

hand, arm, leg, foot, head, neck

double letters: foot, feet, happy, egg, apple, rabbit, umbrella

Unit 13 Drinks Present continuous questions: Are you/Are they...? Are they drinking tea? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.

milk, tea, coffee, water, lemonade, orange juice

/ɪ/ listen, milk, big, fig, zip, window

Unit 14 Clothes Present continuous questions: What is/are...? Are they …? What are you doing? What is he wearing? Are they wearing…?

shirt, trousers, T-shirt, shoes, skirt, trainers

/ʃ/ shirt, shoes, sheep /sk/ desk, skirt, ask

Revision 4 (units 12–14)

Unit 15 My family Possessive adjectives: my/your/our This is our house.

mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle

/ə/ mother, father, doctor, listen, sofa, kitten

Unit 16 Possessions Possessive adjectives: his/her/their His watch is big.

watch, bag, bicycle, CD, magazine, mobile phone

/æ/ bag, magazine, kebab, sandwich, cat, van

Unit 17 Talking about days

What day? and What time? questions What day is it? It’s Tuesday. What time is it? It’s six o’clock.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

/θ/ Thursday, three, thirteen, thank you /ð/ this, that, these, those

Revision 5 (units 15–17)

Unit 18 Review all units

Review: all language from Sunrise 3

Review: all vocabulary from Sunrise 3

Review: all pronunciation and spelling from Sunrise 3

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Glossary of terms

alphabetical order ⁄ˌælfəˌbetɪk(ə)l ˈᴐːdə⁄

as a class ⁄ˌæz ə ˈklaːs⁄ask ⁄ɑːsk⁄at random ⁄ət ˈrændəm⁄box ⁄bɒks⁄capital letter ⁄ˌkæpɪtl ˈletə⁄CD ⁄ˌsiːˈdiː⁄CD script ⁄ˌsiːˈdiː skrɪpt⁄character ⁄ˈkærəktə⁄check ⁄tʃek⁄choose a pupil ⁄ˌtʃuːz ə pjuːp(ə)l⁄circle ⁄ˈsӡːk(ə)l⁄colour ⁄ˈklʌə⁄coloured pencils ⁄ˈkʌləd ˈpens(ə)lz⁄command ⁄kəˈmɑːnd⁄copy ⁄kɒpi⁄correct ⁄kəˈrekt⁄count ⁄kaʊnt⁄dialogue ⁄ˈdaɪəˌlɒg⁄divide the class into pairs ⁄dɪˌvaɪd ðə ˌklɑːs ɪntuː ˈpeəz⁄draw ⁄drᴐː⁄draw in the air ⁄drᴐː ɪn ðiː ˈeə⁄encourage ⁄inˈkʌrɪdᴣ⁄explain ⁄ɪkˈspleɪn⁄feint ⁄feɪnt⁄flashcard ⁄flæʃkɑːd⁄follow the same procedure ⁄ˌfɒləʊ ðə ˌseɪm prəˈsiːdᴣə⁄game ⁄geɪm⁄gesture ⁄ˈdᴣestʃə⁄give ⁄gɪv⁄go round the class ⁄ˌgəʊ raʊnd ðə ˈklaːs⁄hear ⁄hɪə⁄hold up ⁄ˌhəʊld ˈʌp⁄if necessary ⁄ɪf ˈnesəs(ə)riin any order ⁄ɪn ˌeni ˈᴐːdə⁄in the same order ⁄ɪn ðə ˌseɪm ˈᴐːdə⁄individual children ⁄ˌɪndɪˌvɪdᴣʊəl ˈtʃɪldrən⁄individually \ÆIndIÆvIdZU´li\ ⁄ˌɪndɪˌvɪdᴣʊəli⁄initial \InIS“´‘l\ ⁄ɪnɪʃ(ə)l⁄

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Glossary of terms

letter ⁄ˈletə⁄letter name ⁄ˈletə ˌneɪm⁄letter sound ⁄ˈletə ˌsaʊnd⁄line ⁄laɪn⁄look at ⁄ˈlʊk ˌəet⁄lower case letter/small letter ⁄ˌləʊə ˌkeɪs ˈletə; smᴐːl ˈletə⁄match ⁄mætʃ⁄music ⁄mjuːzɪk⁄note down ⁄ˌnəʊt ˈdaʊn⁄number ⁄ˈnʌmbə⁄object ⁄ɒbdᴣekt⁄page ⁄peɪdᴣ⁄pause the CD ⁄ˌpᴐːz ðə ˌsiːˈdiː⁄picture ⁄pɪktʃə⁄play ⁄pleɪ⁄point to ⁄ˌpᴐɪnt ˌtuː⁄practice ⁄ˈpræktɪs⁄practise ⁄ˈpræktɪs⁄presentation ⁄ˌprez(ə)nˈteɪʃ(ə)n⁄put their hands up ⁄ˌpʊt ðeə ˈhændz ʌp⁄question ⁄ˈkwestʃ(ə)n⁄repeat ⁄rɪˈpiːt⁄several times ⁄ˌsevrəl ˈtəɪmz⁄shape ⁄ʃeɪp⁄show ⁄ʃəʊ⁄sing ⁄sɪŋ⁄sound ⁄saʊnd⁄stop the CD ⁄ˌstɒp ðə ˌsiːˈdiː⁄take it in turns ⁄ˌteɪk ɪt ɪn ˈtзːnz⁄tell ⁄ˌtel⁄trace ⁄treɪs⁄verse ⁄vзːs⁄word ⁄wзːd⁄work in pairs/work with a partner ⁄ˌwзːk ɪn ˈpeəz; ˌwзːk wɪð ə ˈpɑːtnə⁄write on the board ⁄ˌraɪt ɒn ðə ˈbᴐːd⁄

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Aims: review letters of the alphabet; review writing letters of the alphabet; review colours and numbers 1–20; learn the names of the children in Sunrise 3

New language: none

Revised language: colours, numbers 1–20

You need: Activity Book p2–5; flashcards for Sirwa, Nabaz, Emma, Jack and Lucky

Starter – greetings• Welcome the children to your class. Say My

name’s …• Choose a child and ask him/her What’s your

name? (My name’s …).• Repeat with other children.• Choose a child and say Good morning (or Good

afternoon) and add the child’s name.• Help the child to reply Good morning (or Good

afternoon) and add your name.• Choose a pair of children to greet each other

with Good morning or Good afternoon.• Repeat with other children.

1 Say in order. Write.• Point to the pictures of Sirwa, Emma and

Emma’s rabbit, Lucky. Show the children the picture stories in the Student’s Book with Sirwa, Emma and Lucky. Say the names and write them on the board. Tell children in Kurdish that Nabaz and Sirwa are brother and sister. Tell them that Jack and Emma are also brother and sister.

• Put the flashcards of Sirwa, Emma and Lucky on the board.

• Point to the letters. Ask What’s the first letter of the alphabet? (A).

• Say Show me letter A. The children point to the letter in their books.

• Call two children to the front. Stand one on the left side of the board. Show him/her how to write capital letter A on the board.

• Stand the other child on the right side of the board. Show him/her how to write lower case letter a on the board.

• Say What is the next letter? (B).• The two children at the front write B and b.• Go through the alphabet. The two children at

the front write the capital letters and lower case letters on the board.

• The children copy the letters in their books.

2 Write the words. Colour.• Point to the picture of Nabaz. Say his name

and write it on the board. Show the children the picture stories in the Student’s Book with Nabaz.

• Put the flashcard of Nabaz on the board, next to the other flashcards. Point to them one by one. The children say the names.

• Use the colour flashcards from Levels 1 and 2 to revise the colours. Show the flashcards to the children. They say the words chorally and individually.

• The children copy the colour words in their books.

• Explain the key to the children. The children colour the picture.

• Ask What is the secret message in the picture? (Hello).

Activity Book

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3 Write the numbers. Copy the words.• Point to the picture of Jack. Say his name and

write it on the board. Show the children the picture stories in the Student’s Book with Jack.

• Put the flashcard of Jack on the board next to the other flashcards. Point to them one by one. The children say the names.

• Point to the first picture. Ask How many apples? (One).

• Show the children how to write the number (1) in the box.

• Repeat with the other pictures.• The children copy the words in their books.

Answers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 Say these numbers.• Point to each of the numbers. The children say

the numbers chorally and individually.• Say Close your books. Help the children to say

the numbers chorally, in the correct order.

5 Read the numbers in order.• Point to the first number (fifteen). Choose a

child to read it.• Repeat with the other numbers, asking other

children to say them.• The children say the numbers chorally, in the

correct order.

Teacher talking time

As teachers, we need to:• give instructions• correct the children• encourage the childrenSometimes we talk a lot when we do these things. The problem is, when we talk, the children aren’t talking.The children need to use English as much as possible.So, we should talk as little as possible.And we should encourage our children to talk as much as possible!

Activity Book

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Unit 1


Unit 1 Lesson 1

Starter – a number game• Write numbers 1–10 on the board (1, 2, 3,

etc).• Call two children up to the front. Say one of

the numbers, for example, Six.• The first child to point to the correct number

on the board is the winner.• Repeat with other pairs of children.

1 Point, ask and say.Note: If you have Sunrise Level 2 flashcards, you can use them in this activity.• Point to the picture of the ant. The children

say the word chorally.• Point to six more pictures. The children say the

words chorally.• Choose a child to point to a picture. Choose

another child to say the word.• The children say the word chorally.• Repeat until the children have said all the

words.• Point to one of the pictures. Ask What is it?

The children say the word chorally.• Choose a child to point and ask the question

(What is it?).• Choose another child to answer.• Repeat with other children and other pictures.

Aims: reviewing vocabulary from Level 2; reviewing questions with What is it? Is it a ..? and What colour is it?

New language: none

Revised language: Level 2 vocabulary; What is it? It’s a car. Is it a car? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. What colour is it? It’s blue.

You need: Student’s Book p4; Activity Book p6; CD track 01; flashcards from Level 2 (optional)

• In pairs, the children practise asking and answering questions.

Short forms and long formsWe use a lot of short forms in English, e.g. we say He isn’t sad instead of He is not sad.Short forms are much more common in everyday English. Short forms always have apostrophes (’).In Sunrise 3, the children usually write the short form.However, they should see the long form too. It helps them to understand the meaning.In the cartoon stories, there are suggestions for writing short forms and long forms on the board.

2 Play a game.• Read the dialogue to the children.• Choose one of the red pictures. Don’t say

which object it is.• Say I’m thinking of a picture. Ask me a

question.• The children ask, eg, What colour is it? Say It’s

red.• Encourage the children to ask Is it a ...?

questions. • Answer Yes, it is or No, it isn’t as appropriate.• Repeat with other colours and other objects.• Ask a child to choose an object. A different

child asks questions to guess the object.• Repeat with other pairs of children.• In pairs, the children choose objects and ask

and answer questions about them.

Activity Book

1 Listen and colour.• Point to each of the pictures and ask What is

it? or What are they? (They’re ducks, It’s a frog, etc.)

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Unit 1


• Play CD track 01. Pause after the fi rst phrase (a brown gate).

CD script:a brown gate [pause]two yellow ducks [pause]a green frog [pause]two red hats [pause]a blue jug [pause]two orange fl owers [pause]

• Ask What is it? (A gate). What colour is it? (Brown). Say Yes, it’s a brown gate.

• The children say the word chorally and individually.

• The children colour the gate.• Repeat with the other phrases on the CD.Answers: yellow ducks green frog red hats

orange fl owers brown gate blue jug

2 Ask and answer.• Read the example questions and answers to

the children.• Point to the picture of the gate in Activity 1.

Ask What is it? (It’s a gate.)• Point to the picture of the ducks in Activity 1.

Ask What are they? (They’re ducks.)• Choose a child to point and ask a question

about the pictures in Activity 1. A different child answers.

• Repeat with other children and other questions.

• In pairs, the children practise asking and answering questions.

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (ant) on the board. As you

write, remind children Start at the top of the letter.

• The children write the fi rst word (ant) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 1 Lesson 2

Aims: reviewing grammar from Level 2

New language: none

Revised language: Level 2 vocabulary; My name’s …/He’s …; I have a …/He has a …

You need: Student’s Book p5; Activity Book p7; CD tracks 02–03

Starter – a drawing game• Start to draw an elephant on the board. Ask

What is it?• Encourage the children to guess as you draw

(It’s an elephant).• Repeat with other vocabulary items from

Lesson 1.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Sirwa and Nabaz in the pictures. Ask

Who is this? The children say the names.• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as What is Nabaz doing? What is Sirwa doing? What are they good at?

• Play CD track 02 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Sirwa: Hello! My name’s Sirwa. He’s Nabaz. He has a pen. I have a yo-yo.Nabaz: Wow!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fi ngers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentences chorally.

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Unit 1


• Choose a child to read the first speech bubble. Choose other children to read the other speech bubbles.

• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose two children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Choose objects. Point and say.• Point to the objects in the first picture. Ask

What is it? about each one.• Repeat with the other two pictures.• Point to the first picture again. Explain in

Kurdish that these things belong to the children (For You).

• Point to the second picture. Explain in Kurdish that these things belong to the girl.

• Point to the third picture. Explain in Kurdish that these things belong to the boy.

• Read the speech bubbles to the children. Say The boy and point to a child.

• Help the child to say a sentence about the boy, e.g. He has an umbrella.

• Say The girl and point to another child. Help the child to say a sentence about the girl, e.g. She has a dog.

• Say You and point to another child. Help the child to say a sentence about himself/herself, e.g. I have a banana.

• Repeat with other children.• In pairs, the children practice saying sentences

with I have ..., He has ... and She has.

Activity Book

1 Listen and number.• Point to the first picture. Help the children

to make a sentence with He has ... (He has a parrot).

• Repeat with the other pictures.

• Play CD track 03. Pause after the first question and answer.

• Ask Which picture is it? The children point to the correct picture.

• Show the children how to write the number 1 in the box next to the picture.

CD script:He has a watch.He has a parrot.She has a cat.She has a watch.He has a cat.She has a parrot.

• Repeat with the other questions and answers.

Answers: 2 1 6 5 4 3

2 Choose and write.• Write has and have on the board.• Write I ___ a parrot on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(have).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 have 2 have 3 has 4 has

3 Write.• Write the first word (gate) on the board. As

you write, remind the children Start at the top of the letter. Point out that letter e is an exception: we start in the middle of the letter.

• The children write the first word (gate) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 1


Unit 1 Lesson 3 • Play the song again. This time, pause after each line. Children repeat.

• Play the song one more time, without stopping. Encourage the class to sing along.

2 Listen and repeat. Practise with B–K.• Say A-ant to the children. The children repeat

chorally.• Say B. The children say a word beginning with

B, for example, banana.• Repeat for all the letters up to K.

3 Spell.• Read the dialogue to the children.• Say Spell car. The children spell the word. Make

sure they use the names of the letters, not the sounds (c–a–r).

• Repeat with other short words (dog, jug, frog, etc). Use words beginning with letters A–K. Write the words on the board.

• Repeat with longer words (banana, elephant, insect, etc). Use words beginning with letters A–K. Write the words on the board.

• Point to the words on the board. Choose a child to give an instruction (Spell ...).

• Choose another child to spell the word.• Repeat with other children and other words.• In pairs, the children practise saying and

spelling words.

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Say Listen. Play CD track 05. Pause after the

fi rst word (A–N–T).• Say Write the word. The children write the word

in their books.• Call a child to the front. The child writes the

word on the board.• Play the next word. Repeat the process, then

repeat with the other words.

Aims: reviewing the alphabet; spelling

New language: none

Revised language: letter names

You need: Student’s Book p6; Activity Book p8; CD tracks 04–06

Starter – I have a …• Show the class your pen. Say to the class Show

me your pens.• The children show their pens.• Say I have a blue pen. Help a child to say a

sentence about his/her pen, e.g. I have a red pen.

• Repeat with other children.

1 Listen, point and sing.• Review the alphabet with the children. Point

to the letters in the picture. Use the names of the letters – don’t use the sounds of the letters.

• Choose a child to say the fi rst three letters (A, B, C). Choose another child to say the next three letters (D, E, F).

• Continue to the end of the alphabet.• Play CD track 04. The children listen and follow

with their reading fi ngers.

CD script:A, B, C, D and E,Sing the alphabet with me,F, G, H, I, J, K,Sing the alphabet today!L, M, N, O and P,Sing the song and be happy!Q, R, S, T and U,You can sing the alphabet too!It’s so easy, here’s the end,V, W, X, Y and Z.

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the words silently.

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Unit 1


CD script:One. A–N–TTwo. C–A–RThree. D–O–L–LFour. G–A–T–EFive. F–L–O–W–E–RSix. B–A–N–A–N–A

Answers: 1 ant 2 car 3 doll 4 gate 5 flower 6 banana

2 Play a spelling game.• Read the dialogue to the children. Emphasize

the use of please.• Choose a child to give an instruction. Make

sure he/she uses please.• Choose another child to spell the word.• The children practise the dialogue as before,

using please.

3 Write.• Write the first word (insect) on the board. As

you write, remind the children Remember the dot on the letter i. Write the dot after you write the letter.

• The children write the first word (insect) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 2


Unit 2 Lesson 1 • In pairs, the children practise saying letters and words.

2 Count and write. Ask and answer.• Ask What can you see in the picture? (goats, a

fox, parrots, bananas, cats, spiders). Write the words on the board.

• Ask How many parrots are there? (Eight). Write the number next to the word on the board.

• Repeat with the other items in the picture.• Choose a child to ask a question with How

many … are there? Choose another child to answer.

• Repeat with other children.• In pairs, the children practise asking and

answering questions.

Answers: eight parrots two goats one fox three cats ten bananas seven spiders

Activity Book

1 Listen and colour.• Point to each of the pictures and ask What

is it? or What are they? (They’re olives, It’s a parrot, etc).

• Play CD track 07. Pause after the fi rst phrase (two blue vans).

• Ask What are they? (Vans). Ask What colour are they? (Blue). Say Yes, they’re blue vans.

• The children colour the vans.

CD script:A red parrot.Three yellow rulers.A brown fox.Three green olives.Two grey monkeys.

• Repeat with the other phrases on the CD.

Answers: green olives red parrot yellow rulers brown fox grey monkeys

Aims: review Level 2 vocabulary; review There is a …/There are …; How many … are there?

New language: none

Revised language: There’s a fox. There are ten bananas; How many bananas are there?

You need: Student’s Book p7; Activity Book p9; CD tracks 07–08; fl ashcards for Level 2 (optional)

Starter – a number game• Write numbers 11–20 on the board (11, 12,

13, etc).• Call two children up to the front. Say one of

the numbers, e.g. sixteen.• The fi rst child to point to the correct number

on the board is the winner.• Repeat with other pairs of children.

1 Listen, point and say.Note: If you have Sunrise Level 2 fl ashcards, you can use them in this activity. • Point to each of the pictures. Ask What is it?

The children say the words.• Play CD track 06.

CD script:Boy: S.Girl: SpiderBoy: Well done!

• Say L. The children say the word (leg).• Repeat with other letters. Note: there isn’t a

word beginning with x in this activity but fox contains the x.

• Choose a child to say a letter. Choose other children to say the word.

• Repeat with other children and other letters.

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Unit 2


2 Say the numbers. Ask and answer.• Point to the numbers on the boxes. The

children say the numbers.• Point to the things in the boxes. Ask What are

they? (parrots, monkeys, etc).• Read the question and answer.• Choose a child to ask a question with How

many … are there? Choose another child to answer.

• Repeat with other children.• In pairs, the children practise asking and

answering questions.

Answers: four monkeys five parrots six watches seven cars eight vans nine rulers ten olives

3 Write.• Write the first word (leg) on the board. As you

write, remind the children The tail of letter g goes under the line.

• The children write the first word (leg) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 2 Lesson 2

Starter – a drawing game• Start to draw a fox on the board. Ask What is

it? • Encourage the children to guess as you draw

(It’s a fox).• The first child to guess correctly is the winner.• Repeat with other vocabulary items from

Lesson 1.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Sirwa, Jack and Emma in the pictures.

Ask Who is this? The children say the names.• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as Who is Sirwa talking to? Where is Emma? and What is Emma doing?

• Play CD track 08 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Sirwa: What’s your name?Jack: My name’s Jack.Sirwa: What’s your name?Emma: My name’s Emma.Sirwa: What are you doing?Emma: I’m playing with my rabbit.

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentences chorally.• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose

other children to read the other pictures.• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose three children to act out the story in

front of the class.

Aims: review grammar from Level 2; review asking about names, asking about what people are doing

New language: none

Revised language: What’s your name?; What are you doing? I’m playing.

You need: Student’s Book p8; Activity Book p10; CD tracks 09–10

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Unit 2


2 Listen, read and say.• Read the chant to the children.• Ask the children to say some lines in Kurdish.• Play CD track 09. The children listen and follow

with their reading fi ngers.

CD script:What are you doing?I’m washing my face.Splash, splash, splash, splash,Look at me! It’s great!What are you doing?I’m cleaning my teeth.Up, down, up, down,My teeth are very clean!

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line.• The children repeat the line chorally. Help

them to follow the rhythm of the chant.• Play the chant again. The children chant the

lines at the same time.• The children say the chant again, without the


Values• Read the Values sign (Clean your teeth after

every meal) to the children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as:• Why is it important to clean your teeth?• What is the correct way to clean your teeth?

What are chants for?There are chants in Lesson 2 of Units 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. The chants focus on the new grammar point of the lesson.They give the children a chance to practise the new grammar.They help the children to remember the new grammar.The chants are re-used in the starter activity in Lesson 3 of most units.

• What happens if we don’t clean our teeth?• Which foods are good for our teeth?• Which foods aren’t good for our teeth?

Activity Book

1 Choose and write.• Write My, you and your on the board.• Write What’s ___ name? on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(your).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 your 2 My 3 you

2 Write.• Point to a child. Ask What’s your name? (My

name’s …).• Ask What are you doing? (I’m reading).• Repeat with other children.• Show the children how to complete the

sentences with their names and I’m.

Answers: (child’s name) I’m

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (fox) on the board. As you

write, remind the children Write the letters on the line.

• The children write the fi rst word (fox) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 2


Aims: review letters L–Z; review this, that, these, those

New language: none

Revised language: What’s this/that? It’s a …; What are these/those? They’re …

You need: Student’s Book p9; Activity Book p11; CD tracks 11–12

Unit 2 Lesson 3

Starter – He/She has a …• Show the class your ruler. Say to the class

Show me your rulers.• The children show their rulers. • Point to a child and say, e.g. He/She has a red

ruler.• Repeat with other children.• Choose a child. Help the child to point and say

a sentence about a classmate, e.g. He/She has a green ruler.

• Repeat with other children.

1 Listen and repeat. Practise with L–Z.• The children read the letters of the alphabet

chorally.• The children read sets of three letters, e.g. o,

p, q, individually.• Say V-van to the children. The children repeat

chorally.• Say O. The children say a word beginning with

O, e.g. olive.• Repeat for all the letters from L to Z.

2 Point, ask and answer.• Read the questions and answers to the

children.• Emphasize that this and these are for things

which are nearby.• Emphasize that that and those are for things

which are further away.• Emphasize that this and that are for one thing.• Emphasize that these and those are for more

than one thing.• Draw a flower and a bunch of flowers on the

board.• Ask What’s this/that/these/those? Point to

the picture in your Student’s Book for this and these. Point to the pictures on the board for that and these.

• The children answer It’s a flower or They’re flowers.

• Choose a child to point and ask a question. Choose another child to answer.

• Repeat with other children.

3 Play a game.• Read the example to the children and explain

that the second letter must follow the first, alphabetically.

• Choose a child and say L. The child replies with the next letter in the alphabet (M).

• Repeat with other children and other letters.• The children play the game in pairs.

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Say Listen. Play CD track 10. Pause after the

first word (T–O–P).• Say Write the word. The children write the word

in their books.• Call a child to the front. The child writes the

word on the board.

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Unit 2


• The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other words.

CD script:One. T-O-PTwo. F–O-XThree. Q–U–I–E–TFour. W–A–T–C–HFive. O–L–I–V–ESix. M–O–N–K–E–Y

Answers: 1 top 2 fox 3 quiet 4 watch 5 olive 6 monkey

2 Play a spelling game.• Read the dialogue to the children,

remembering to spell the word V-A-N.• Choose a child to spell a word letter by letter.• Choose another child to say the word.• Repeat with other children and other words.• In pairs, the children practise spelling words

and saying them.

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (spider) on the board. As

you write, remind the children The tail of letter p goes under the line.

• The children write the fi rst word (spider) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 3


Unit 3 Lesson 1 • Ask (in Kurdish) Do you know any of these professions in English?

• Help the children to say the words they know in English.

• Point to the first flashcard (doctor). Model the word doctor … doctor.

• The children repeat the word doctor chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say Open your books on page 10.• Play CD track 11. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:doctornurseteacherpolicemancheffirefighter

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Call two children to the front. The first child

points to the vocabulary pictures. The second child says the words.

• Repeat with other children.• In pairs, the children practise pointing and

saying the words.

Extra reading practice• Put the flashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one. • Say the first word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them. • Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

Aims: introducing words for jobs; saying and writing the words

New language: doctor, nurse, teacher, policeman, chef, firefighter

Revised language: He’s …/She’s …; alphabet

You need: Student’s Book p10; Activity Book p12; CD tracks 13–14; flashcards for professions, alphabet flashcards

Starter – the alphabet• Show the children the alphabet flashcards one

by one, in order.• The children say the letters chorally.• Show the flashcard for letter M. Ask What is

the next letter? (N).• The children say the next letter chorally.• Repeat with flashcards for other letters.

Vocabulary pagesIn Lesson 1 of Units 3–17 the children see six new words.In Exercise 1, the children say the words chorally and individually.Use this stage to help the children with pronunciation.In Exercise 2, the children practise the new words with a game.In the Activity Book, the children have reading and writing practice of the new words.At the end of the class, or for homework, the children write the new words in the Writing Strip.

1 Listen and say.• Put the professions flashcards on the board.• Ask (in Kurdish) What are these professions in


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Unit 3


2 Play a game.• Put fl ashcards of the professions on the board.• Say Look. Guess. Who am I?• Mime stirring soup in a large pot.• Children guess (A chef!).• Choose a child to come to the front.• The child mimes one of the professions. The

other children guess.• Repeat with other children and other


Activity Book

1 Point, match and say.• Point to picture A. Children say the job

(policeman).• Show the children how to draw a line from the

word to the picture.• Repeat with the other pictures.• Point to picture A again. The children read the

job (policeman) using their reading fi ngers.• Arrange the children in pairs. One child points

to a picture, the other reads the word using his/her reading fi nger.

• The children take turns to point to and read the words.

Answers: 1D 2B 3F 4C 5A 6E

2 Listen and number.• Point to each of the pictures. The children say

the words (teacher, fi refi ghter, etc).• Play CD track 12. Pause after the fi rst

sentence.• Ask What job is it? (policeman). Note: The

children may try to say sentences with He’s … or She’s …. If they do, make sure they use a, e.g. He’s a policeman.

• Show the children how to write the number 1 next to the policeman.

CD script:One. He’s a policeman.Two. She’s a teacher.

Three. He’s a chef.Four. She’s a nurse.Five. He’s a fi refi ghter.Six. She’s a doctor.

• Repeat with the rest of the sentences. The children number the pictures.

Answers: 2 (teacher) 5 (fi refi ghter) 4 (nurse) 1 (policeman) 6 (doctor) 3 (chef)

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (nurse) on the board. As

you write, remind the children, Start at the top of the letter. Point out that letter e is an exception: we start in the middle of the letter.

• The children write the fi rst word (nurse) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 3 Lesson 2

Aims: introducing and practising be with jobs.

New language: I’m a …, You’re a …, He’s a …, She’s a …, We’re …, They’re … (the children have seen some of this language in previous levels)

Revised language: doctor, nurse, teacher, policeman, chef, fi refi ghter

You need: Student’s Book p11; Activity Book p13; CD track 15; fl ashcards for professions, alphabet fl ashcards, six sheets of paper

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children fl ashcards for professions at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

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Unit 3


1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Jack and Emma in the pictures. Ask

Who is this? The children say the names.• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as What are they doing? (They’re dressing up). What are the boys dressing up as? What are the girls dressing up as? and What happens?

• Play CD track 13 while the children listen and follow in their books.

CD script:Emma: I’m a nurse. You’re a doctor.Emma: He’s a chef!Emma: They’re firefighters! Wow.Boy 1: Hello. We’re firefighters.Boy 2: Sorry!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat. Children repeat the sentences chorally.

• Show children sets of three professions flashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the correct order.

• Write I’m a nurse and I am a nurse on the board. Explain that I’m is the short form of I am.

• Repeat with You’re/You are, He’s/He is, She’s/She is, We’re/We are and They’re/They are.

• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs. Children read aloud taking turns picture by picture.

• Choose five children to act out the story in front of the class.

2 Choose, write and say.• Write the names of the professions (doctor,

firefighter, nurse, teacher, policeman, chef) on individual sheets of paper.

• Point to each word. The children read them chorally.

• Show the word doctor. Explain in Kurdish that all the children are doctors.

• Guide the children to say I’m a doctor, chorally and individually.

• Call a child to the front. Give him/her the word chef.

• Guide the children to point at the chef and say, You’re a chef.

• Call a second child to the front. Give him/her the word policeman.

• Guide the children to point at the policeman and say, He’s a policeman or She’s a policeman.

• Repeat with other professions.• Make sure the children emphasize I’m …,

You’re … and He’s …/She’s …

Story pagesIn Lesson 2 of Units 3–17 the children see a cartoon story.In the story, the children see a new grammar point.In Exercise 1, the children say the new grammar point chorally and individually.In Exercise 2, the children practise the new grammar point with a chant or a speaking activity.In the Activity Book, the children have reading and writing practice of the new grammar point.At the end of the class, or for homework, the children write an example of the new grammar point in the writing strip.

Physical actions help children to learnWhen they are saying I’m … encourage them to point to themselves.When they are saying You’re … encourage them to point to the person and look at him/her.When they are saying He’s … or She’s … encourage them to point to the person, but look at another person.

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Unit 3


Starter – What’s your job?• Give one child the doctor fl ashcard. Help the

child to say I’m a doctor and point to himself/herself.

• Repeat with other children and other professions fl ashcards.

• Give a child the doctor fl ashcard. Help another child to point to him/her and say You’re a doctor.

• Repeat with other pairs of children and other professions fl ashcards.

Activity Book

1 Choose the correct speech bubble.• Help a child to read the two sentences next to

picture 1.• Ask Which is correct? (I’m a doctor).• Show the children how to circle the answer.• Repeat with the other pictures.• The children read the answers chorally.

Answers: 1 I’m a doctor. 2 He’s a fi refi ghter. 3 They’re teachers.

2 Choose and write.• Read the answer words (a, teacher, She’s,

They’re) to the children.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fi ngers.• Read the beginning of number 1, I’m a …• The children say the missing word (teacher).• The children write the word in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.

Answers: 1 teacher 2 They’re 3 a 4 She’s

3 Write.• Write the fi rst sentence (I’m a doctor) on the

board.• Remind the children how to write the

apostrophe (’).• The children write the fi rst sentence in their

books.• Call a child to the front to write the second

sentence on the board.• The children write the second sentence in their

books in class or for homework.

Unit 3 Lesson 3

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; focus on punctuation; singing a song

New language: Wow! That’s cool!

Revised language: doctor, nurse, teacher, policeman, chef, fi refi ghter; verb be with professions

You need: Student’s Book p12; Activity Book p14; CD tracks 16–19

Lesson 3In Lesson 3 of Units 3–17, the children do a variety of activities.In Exercise 1, they learn how to spell different sounds in English.In Exercises 2 and 3, they practise the vocabulary and grammar of the unit.In the Activity Book, there are spelling and practice activities.At the end of the class, or for homework, the children write an example of the new grammar point in the writing strip.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 14 with the books closed.

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Unit 3


CD script:doctororangeboxyoghurtdolltop

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 12. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write doctor on the board. Emphasize the first o with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the first o.• Model the /ɒ/ sound and the word doctor like

this: /ɒ/ … doctor.• The children say the sound and the word

chorally.• The children circle the first o in the word in

their books.• Repeat with the other words.

2 Add punctuation.• Write the first sentence on the board.

Emphasize the punctuation features (capital S, apostrophe, full stop).

• Remind the children of the punctuation words (capital letter, apostrophe, full stop).

• Call children to the front to write over the punctuation features on the board.

• The children write over the punctuation features in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

3 Listen and sing.• Point to each of the children in the picture. Ask

What is he/she? (a doctor, a firefighter, etc).• Read the words of the song to the children.

Make sure they understand new words and expressions such as hospital, great, Wow! and cool.

• Play CD track 15. The children listen and point.

CD script:You’re a policeman and he’s a chef,I’m a doctor in a hospital. Great!She’s a teacher! She’s in a school!And they’re firefighters! Wow! That’s cool!

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the song silently.

• Play the song again. Pause after each line. The children listen and repeat.

• Play the song again, without pauses. Encourage the class to sing along.

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again.• Emphasize the /ɒ/ sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book

(d_ _tor, _ _ange, etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the first

word (doctor, doctor).

Teacher’s script:One. Doctor. Doctor.Two. Orange. Orange.Three. Box. Box.Four. Yoghurt. Yoghurt.Five. Doll. Doll.Six. Top. Top.One. Doctor.Two. Orange.Three. Box.Four. Yoghurt.Five. Doll.Six. Top.

• Call a child to the front to complete the word on the board.

• The children copy the missing letters in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.

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Unit 3


• The children read the words chorally. Encourage them to use their reading fi ngers.

Answers: 1 doctor 2 orange 3 box 4 yoghurt 5 doll 6 top

2 Match. Listen and check.• Write I’m a chef on the board. Circle I’m.• Write I am a chef on the board. Circle I am.• Explain in Kurdish about short forms and long

forms. Use hand gestures for short and long to make sure the children understand.

• Read the sentences in the second column (You are a doctor/She is a nurse, etc) to the class.

• Read I’m a chef. Ask (in Kurdish) What is the long form?

• The children say the answer c. Show the children how to draw a line from sentence 1 to c.

• Repeat with the other sentences. • Play CD track 16. Pause after the fi rst pair (I’m

a chef. I am a chef).• The children repeat the short form and long

form chorally.

CD script:One. I’m a chef. I am a chef.Two. You’re a doctor. You are a doctor.Three. She’s a nurse. She is a nurse.Four. We’re fi refi ghters. We are fi refi ghters.Five. They’re teachers. They are teachers.

• Repeat with the other pairs of sentences.

Answers: 1c 2a 3b 4d 5e

3 Write.• Write the fi rst sentence (You’re a nurse) on the

board. Remind the children how to write the apostrophe (’).

• The children write the fi rst sentence in their books.

• Call a child to the front to write the second sentence on the board.

• The children write the second sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 4


Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 12. For example, box, doll, top.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the first word letter by letter (b–o–x).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

Unit 4 Lesson 1 1 Listen and say.• Put the flashcards on the board.• Point to the tall flashcard and say (in Kurdish)

Look. He is tall.• Point to the other flashcards. Guide the

children to say the correct adjective (in Kurdish) for each flashcard.

• Point to the first flashcard (tall). Model the word tall ... tall.

• The children repeat the word tall chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say Open your books on page 13.• Play CD track 17. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:tallshortoldyounghappysadbigsmall

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually. Repeat with the other flashcards.

• With the children, work out mime gestures for each word. For example, hold your hand up high for tall, pretend to walk with a stick for old, etc.

• Do the gestures one by one. The children say the words chorally.

• Do sequences of two or three gestures. The children say the words chorally, in the correct order.

• Choose children to make a gesture. Choose other children to say the word.

• In pairs, the children practise making gestures and saying the words.

Aims: presenting new words for describing people and animals; saying and writing the words

New language: tall, short, old, young, happy, sad, big, small

Revised language: He’s .../She’s .../It’s ...

You need: Student’s Book p13; Activity Book p15; CD track 20; flashcards for adjectives

DictationLesson 1 in most of the units has a dictation as the starter activity.Dictation helps the children in several ways:• they learn the connection between letters

and sounds• they practise writing letters• they practise the names of the letters• they improve their spellingDictation is an essential part of learning to write.Dictations are quick and easy to do in class.They help you to check that the children are making progress.

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Unit 4


2 Say and point.• Read the example to the children.• Point to the picture of the boy. Say He’s tall.

Emphasize He’s, then repeat and emphasize tall.

• Say She’s tall. Emphasize She’s, then repeat and emphasize tall.

• Ask Which picture is it? (B).• Repeat with other sentences:

He’s young. (A)She’s young. (B)She’s old. (C)She’s short. (C)He’s old. (D)He’s short. (D)It’s small. (E)It’s big. (E)

• The children identify the correct pictures.• Choose children to describe a picture, and

other children to point and say the letter.• The children practise saying sentences and

pointing in pairs.

Activity Book

1 Read the code and write the words.• Explain the code to the children like this:

Number 1 is s, number 2 is a, etc.

• Show the children the fi rst word, old. Point to the letters in the code and explain: Number 5 is o, number 3 is l and number 8 is d.

• Help the children to work out the second word (tall).

• In pairs, the children work out the other words.

Answers: old tall sad happy young

2 Join the opposites.• Read the fi rst word to the children. Use the

mime gesture for old, then do the mime gesture for young.

• Show the children how to draw a line from old to young.

• Repeat with the other adjectives.• Practise the adjective pairs with the children.

Say and mime old. Say and ... and mime young. The children say young.

• Repeat with the other pairs.

Answers: 1b 2c 3a

Pair workMany of the activities in Sunrise Level 3 end with pair work. Why?When one child is speaking in a class, only one child is practising English.With pair work, all the children are practising English.The more the children practise, the quicker they learn.So, the more you use pair work, the quicker your children learn.Please use pair work as much as possible!

Helping the children to writeIn Sunrise 3, the children start to write complete sentences.On nearly every page of the Activity Book there is a writing strip.The writing strip is at the bottom of the page.In Lesson 1 of each unit, the children practise writing new vocabulary in the writing strip.In Lesson 2 of each unit, the children practise writing new grammar in the writing strip.They can do these activities in class or at home for homework.Always check how your children are writing in the writing strips. This way, you can see if the children are making progress. You can also correct their mistakes.

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Unit 4


Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children the adjective flashcards at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Show children sets of three adjective flashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the correct order.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Jack, Emma and Nabaz in the pictures.

Ask Who is this? The children say the names.• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as Is Nabaz sad? Is his picture small? Is his picture big?

• Play CD track 18 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

3 Write.• Write the first word (happy) on the board.

As you write, remind the children The tails of letters p and y go under the line.

• The children write the word in their books.• Call children to the front to write the other

words on the board.• The children write the words in their books in

class or for homework.

Unit 4 Lesson 2

CD script:Emma: Look at Nabaz. He isn’t happy.Jack: Nabaz! You’re sad! What’s the matter?Nabaz: I’m not sad. I’m happy!Nabaz: Look!Jack: Wow! That’s very big!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat. Children repeat the sentence chorally.

• Write He’s happy and He isn’t happy on the board. Explain that He’s is the short form of He is. Explain that He isn’t is the short form of He is not.

• Repeat with I’m happy and I’m not happy.• The children say the sentences chorally and

individually.• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose

other children to read the other pictures. • Say Read in pairs. Children read aloud taking

turns picture by picture.• Choose three children to act out the story in

front of the class.

Aims: presenting and practising negative forms of the verb be with adjectives.

New language: I’m not sad./You aren’t sad./He isn’t sad./We aren’t sad./They aren’t sad.

Revised language: tall, short, old, young, big, small

You need: Student’s Book p14; Activity Book p16; CD tracks 21–22; flashcards for adjectives

Reading fingerChildren learn to read more quickly if they use their reading finger.When they are reading, they should point with their finger under the words. They should follow the letters as they read them.This helps them to concentrate.It also helps them to make the connection between letters and sounds.

2 Listen, read and say.• Read the chant to the children.• Ask the children to say some lines in Kurdish.• Play CD track 19. The children listen and read

with their reading fingers.

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Unit 4


CD script:I’m happy, you’re happy.He’s happy, too!We’re happy, they’re happy,Yes, that’s good!I’m not sad, you aren’t sad,He isn’t sad today.We aren’t sad, they aren’t sad,It’s happy time! Hooray!

• Point out You aren’t, We aren’t and They aren’t in the second verse.

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line.• The children repeat the line chorally. Help

them to follow the rhythm of the chant.• Play the chant again. The children chant the

lines at the same time.• The children say the chant again, without the


Values• Read the Values sign (Be happy!) to the

children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as:

• What makes you happy?• How can we help people to be happy?• What can we do if a friend is sad?• What can we do if we are sad?

Activity Book

1 Circle the correct speech bubbles.• Read the speech bubbles to the children.• The children read the fi rst speech bubble (I’m

tall) chorally and using their reading fi ngers.• Ask Is he tall? (Yes).• Show the children how to circle the speech

bubble.• Repeat with the other speech bubbles. The

children circle the correct speech bubbles.• The children read the correct speech bubbles


Answers: I’m tall. I’m not old.

2 Choose and write.• Point to the fi rst picture. Say tall and help the

children to say a sentence with He’s ... or He isn’t …

• The children write the answer in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.

Answers: 1 He’s 2 He isn’t 3 She isn’t 4 She’s 5 They’re 6 They aren’t

3 Write.• Write the fi rst sentence (I’m not sad) on the

board. Remind the children about how to write the apostrophe (’).

• The children write the fi rst sentence in their books.

• Call a child to the front to write the other sentence on the board.

• The children write the other sentence in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 4 Lesson 3

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; focus on punctuation, speaking

New language: none

Revised language: isn’t/aren’t with happy, sad, old, young, big, small

You need: Student’s Book p15; Activity Book p17; CD tracks 23–24

Starter – a chant• Help the children to recall the chant from

Lesson 2.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

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Unit 4


1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 20 with books closed.

CD script:jugupducknutumbrellayoung

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 15. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write jug on the board. Emphasize the u with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the u. Model the /ʌ/ sound and the word jug like this: /ʌ/ ... jug.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the first u in the word in their books.

• Repeat with the other words. With young, make sure the children understand that we use ou, but the sound is still the same.

2 Add punctuation.• Write the first sentence on the board.

Emphasize the punctuation features (capital Y, apostrophe, full stop).

• Remind the children of the words we use for punctuation (capital letter, apostrophe, full stop).

• Call children to the front to write over the punctuation features on the board.

• The children write over the punctuation features in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

3 Follow the lines. Say.• Read the first word (I) to the children. Show

them how to follow the line.• The children read the word at the end of the

line (young).• Say I … young. Help the children to say a

sentence (I am young).• Repeat with the other words.• Say a number, e.g. 4. The children say the

corresponding sentence (She is short).• Repeat with other numbers.• Choose a child to say a number. Choose

another child to make the sentence.• In pairs, the children say numbers from 1 to 6

and say sentences.

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

page 15 on the board.• Emphasize the /ʌ/ sound and the word sounds.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (j_ _ ,

_ _ , _ _ck, etc)• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the first

word (jug, jug). • Call a child to the front to complete the word

on the board.• The children copy the missing letters in their


Teacher’s script:One. Jug. Jug.Two. Up. Up. Three. Duck. Duck. Four. Nut. Nut.Five. Umbrella. Umbrella.Six. Young. Young.One. Jug.Two. Up.Three. Duck.Four. Nut.Five. Umbrella.Six. Young.

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Unit 4


• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Answers: 1 jug 2 up 3 duck 4 nut 5 umbrella 6 young

2 Choose and write.• Read the words at the top to the children

(isn’t, We’re, sad, etc).• Read the fi rst sentence. Write it on the board.• Ask What’s the opposite of happy? (sad).• Read the beginning of the matching sentence

(I’m not …) to the children. Help the children to choose the correct word (sad).

• Complete the sentence on the board.• The children say the sentence chorally.• Make sure they understand that I’m happy and

I’m not sad have the same meaning.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children practise reading the pairs of

sentences chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 sad 2 aren’t 3 isn’t 4 It 5 We’re 6 They’re

3 Write.• Write the fi rst sentence (You aren’t short) on

the board. Remind the children about how to write the apostrophe (’).

• The children write the fi rst sentence in their books.

• Call a child to the front to write the other sentence on the board.

• The children write the other sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 5


Unit 5 Lesson 1

1 Listen and say.• Put the flashcards on the board.• Point to the boat flashcard and say What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word boat ... boat.• The children repeat the word boat chorally and

individually.• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say Open your books on page 16.• Play CD track 21. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:boatcarbusplanevantrain

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Point to sequences of three or four cards. The

children say the words chorally, in the correct order.

• Choose children to point to sequences of three or four cards. Choose other children to say the words.

• In pairs, the children practise saying sequences and repeating them.

Extra reading practice• Put the flashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one.• Say the first word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them.

Aims: presenting new words for transport; saying and writing the words

New language: boat, car, bus, plane, van, train

Revised language: It’s big/small/old.

You need: Student’s Book p16; Activity Book p18; CD track 25; flashcards for transport; flashcard for old, big, small

Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book p15. For example, jug, duck, nut.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the first word letter by letter (j–u–g).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

Chorally and individuallyThese words are connected with presenting new language and reading.Choral reading is when the whole class reads a word or sentence together.Individual reading is when one child reads a word or sentence.When we present new vocabulary or grammar, we ask the children to say the words chorally and individually.Doing activities chorally:• helps the children become confident• means that all the children can practise• creates a lively atmosphere in classDoing activities individually:• means you can concentrate on


• is good for confident children• can be stressful for less confident children

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Unit 5


• Point to the word again, letter by letter. The children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Say and point.• Use the vocabulary fl ashcards to review old,

big and small. (Note: We don’t use young with objects; we use new, e.g. a new car.)

• Point to the pictures and read the example sentences.

• Help the children to make other sentences about the bus (The bus is old/The bus isn’t small).

• Help the children to make other sentences about the car (The car is small/The car isn’t big).

• Encourage children to make sentences about the fl ashcards. For example, show the train fl ashcard and help them to say The train is big. The train isn’t small. The train isn’t old.

Activity Book

1 Find six words.• Show the children the word train in the fi rst

line of the wordsearch.• Show the children how to circle the word train

in the wordsearch.• Point to the second line and say Find a word

here.• The children fi nd the second word (bus) and

circle it.• Repeat with the other lines.

Answers: train bus car plane van boat

2 Count and write.• Copy the numbers and gaps (one ___ , two

____ , etc) on the board.• Point to the train in the picture and ask What

is this? (a train).• Ask How many? (one).

• Point to the word one on the board. Ask What word goes here? (train).

• Write one train.• Repeat with other objects in the picture.

Answers: 1 one train 2 two buses 3 three planes 4 four vans 5 fi ve boats 6 six cars

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (bus) on the board. As you

write, remind the children Start at the top of the letter.

• The children write the fi rst word (bus) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 5 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising question forms of the verb be with adjectives.

New language: Is it small? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t; Are they big? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.

Revised language: tall, short, old, young, big, small, plane, train

You need: Student’s Book p17; Activity Book p19; CD tracks 26–28; transport fl ashcards

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children the transport fl ashcards at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Show children sets of three transport fl ashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the correct order.

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Unit 5


1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Sirwa, Jack and Emma in the

pictures. Ask Who is this? The children say the names.

• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? What is behind the blanket? and What is on the train?

• Play CD track 22 while the children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Sirwa: Is it small?Jack: No, it isn’t.Nabaz: Is it big?Jack: Yes, it is.Emma: Is it nice?Jack: Yes, it is.Sirwa: What is it?Jack: It’s a train!

• Make sure children understand the meaning of nice.

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat. Children repeat the sentence chorally.

• Write It is big and Is it big? on the board. Show the children how we make the question by changing the order.

• Repeat with It is nice and Is it nice?• Write the answers Yes, it is and No, it isn’t, on

the board.• The children say the questions and answers

chorally and individually.• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose

other children to read the other pictures.• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose four children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Listen and point.• Point to the picture of the planes. Ask Are they

old? (No) and Are they big? (Yes).• Repeat with the picture of the trains. Ask Are

they old? (Yes) and Are they big? (No).• Play CD track 23, pausing after the first

question and answer. Ask Which picture is it? The children point to the planes and say the planes.

• Play the rest of the track, repeating with the other questions and answers.

CD script:Are they big?Yes, they are.Are they old?No, they aren’t.Are they small?Yes, they are.Are they big?No, they aren’t.Are they old?Yes, they are.

• Point to the planes. Model the question Are they big?

• The children repeat the question chorally and individually.

• Model the answer Yes, they are.• The children repeat the answer chorally and


Using Kurdish in classThe aim of every class is to encourage the children to use English.When you speak in Kurdish, the children speak in Kurdish.When you speak in English, the children speak in English.It’s OK to speak in Kurdish when you have complicated points to explain.But, if the children can understand in English, use English!

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Unit 5


• Repeat with the picture of the trains. (Are they big? No, they aren’t.)

Answers: 1A 2A 3B 4B 5B

Activity Book

1 Choose and write.• Ask What are they? (Boats).• Write Yes, they are and No, they aren’t on the

board.• Read the fi rst sentence to the children. The

children choose the correct answer (No, they aren’t).

• The children repeat the question and answer chorally and individually.

• The children write the answer in their books.• Repeat with the other questions.

Answers: 1 No, they aren’t. 2 Yes, they are. 3 No, they aren’t.

2 Listen and write A or B.• Point to picture A and ask Is she tall? (No, she

isn’t).• Ask Is she short? (Yes, she is), Is she old? (Yes,

she is) and Is she young? (No, she isn’t).• Repeat with questions about picture B.• Play CD track 24. Pause after the fi rst question

and answer.• Ask Which picture is it? (B).• Show the children how to write letter B on the

answer line.

CD script:Is she short? No, she isn’t.Is she young? No, she isn’t.Is she tall? Yes, she is.Is she old? Yes, she is.

• Repeat with the other questions and answers.

Answers: 1B 2A 3B 4A

3 Write.• Write the fi rst question (Is he tall?) on the

board. Show the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the fi rst question in their books.

• Call a child to the front to write the other sentence on the board.

• The children write the other sentence in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 5 Lesson 3

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; asking about ages; singing a song

New language: How old are you? I’m nine.

Revised language: Is it ... ? Are they ... ?

You need: Student’s Book p18; Activity Book p20; CD tracks 29–32

Starter – a guessing game• Start to draw a plane on the board.• Encourage the children to guess, e.g. Is it a

boat?• Answer Yes, it is or No, it isn’t.• Continue drawing until the children guess.• Repeat with other objects.

Helping the children to readIn Sunrise 3, the children are reading full sentences, stories, chants and songs.Learning to read takes time and a lot of practice.Use choral reading to make sure that the children get as much practice as possible.Make sure the children are using their reading fi ngers when they read. This helps them to concentrate.

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Unit 5


1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Make sure children’s books are closed. Play CD

track 25.

CD script:trainplanegategreythey

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 18. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write train on the board. Emphasize the ai with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the ai.• Model the /eɪ/ sound and the word train like

this: /eɪ/ ... train.• The children say the sound and the word

chorally.• The children circle the ai in the word in their

books. • Repeat with the other words. Make sure the

children understand that different letters make the same sound (ai in train, a…e in plane and gate, and ey in grey and they).

2 Listen and read. Then write numbers.• Read the question and answer to the children.

Translate into Kurdish if necessary.• Play CD track 26. Pause after the first question

and answer.• Ask How old is he? (Nine).• Show the children how to write the number in

the space as in the example.

CD script:Emma: How old are you, Nabaz?Nabaz: I’m nine.Emma: Sirwa, how old are you?Sirwa: I’m eight.Sirwa: Jack, how old are you?Jack: I’m ten.Sirwa: How old are you, Emma?Emma: I’m nine.

• Repeat with the other conversations.• Model the question How old are you?• The children repeat the question chorally and

individually.• Ask individuals How old are you?• Choose children to ask the question. Choose

other children to answer it.

Answers: Jack: 10 Emma: 9 Sirwa: 8

3 Listen, read and sing.• Read the first verse. Point to the picture and

ask questions such as Is it big? (No) and Is he happy in his house? (Yes).

• Read the words of the song to the children. Make sure they understand new words and expressions such as Look at this! It’s a picture of …, I want to say, every day.

• Repeat with the second verse.• Play CD track 27. The children listen and point.

CD script:Look at this! It’s a picture of my house.Is it big? No, it isn’t. But I want to sayI’m happy in my house every day.Look at this! It’s a picture of my friends.Are they nice? Yes, they are. And I want to sayI’m happy with my friends every day.

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the song silently.

• Play the song again. Pause after each line. The children listen and repeat after each line.

• Play the song again, without pauses. Encourage the class to sing along.

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Unit 5/Revision 1


Values• Read the Values sign (Value your friends!) to

the children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as:

• What do you do with your friends?• How can you help your friends?• How can your friends help you?

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

page 18 on the board.• Emphasize the /eɪ/ sound and the word

sounds.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (tr_ _ n,

pl _ _ e, etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the fi rst

word (train, train).• Call a child to the front to complete the word

on the board.• The children copy the missing letters in their


Teacher’s script:One. Train. Train.Two. Plane. Plane.Three. Gate. Gate.Four. Grey. Grey.Five. They. They.One. Train.Two. Plane.Three. Gate.Four. Grey.Five. They.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Answers: 1 train 2 plane 3 gate 4 grey 5 they

2 Choose and write.• Read the words at the top (is, isn’t, etc) to the


• Write the questions and partial answers on the board.

• Read the fi rst question. The children answer it (No, they aren’t).

• Call a child to the front to complete the answer on the board.

• The children complete the answer in their books.

• Repeat with the other questions.

Answers: 1 aren’t 2 are 3 is 4 isn’t

3 Write.• Write the question (Are they young?) on the

board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

Revision 1

Aims: revision of Units 3, 4 and 5

New language: none

Revised language: grammar and vocabulary from Units 3, 4 and 5

You need: Student’s Book p19; Activity Book pp21–22; CD track 33

Starter – looking at the units• Show the children Units 3, 4 and 5 in the

Student’s Book.• Look at the vocabulary pages. The children

read the vocabulary words.• Look at the story pages. Point out the new

grammar such as I’m a nurse. He isn’t happy and Is it big?

• Recall the songs and chants in the units.

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Revision 1


1 Play.• Point to each of the pictures. Ask a question

about each one, such Is he a policeman? Is he tall? and Is he happy? The children answer Yes, he is or No, he isn’t.

• Read the dialogue to the children. After each answer, show the possible pictures. For example, after Is he a doctor? Yes, he is show pictures 3, 7 and 8.

• Make sure the children understand how to work out who it is.

• Choose one of the pictures. Don’t tell the children which picture it is.

• Say I’m thinking of one of the pictures. Ask me questions.

• Help the children to ask questions such as Is he a policeman? Is he sad? etc.

• Answer Yes, he is or No, he isn’t. Help the children to guess the correct picture.

• Repeat with another picture.• Ask a child to choose a picture. The other

children ask him/her questions about the picture. Help them to guess the correct picture.

• Repeat with other children and other pictures.• In pairs, the children play the game.

Your progress!Note: It’s best to do this section at the end of the lesson.• Explain in Kurdish that at the end of every

Revision, children can check their progress.• Ask in Kurdish How many units have we done?

(5).• Show the children how to colour in squares 1

to 5.• Talk with the children in Kurdish about what

they have learnt in Units 1–5.• Encourage them to be aware of their progress.

Activity Book

1 Listen and match.• Read the list of words to the children (tall,

short, ten, etc).• Play CD track 28. Pause after She’s eleven.• Ask Who is it? (Suzie). Ask How old is she?

(Eleven).• Show the children how to draw a line from

eleven to the picture of Suzie.

CD script:Her name’s Suzie. She’s eleven.Is she tall?No, she isn’t. She’s short.Is she happy?Yes, she is.What’s his name?His name’s Alan.How old is he?He’s ten.Is he tall?Yes, he is.Is he happy?No, he isn’t. He’s sad.

• Play the rest of the descriptions. The children match the words to Suzie and Alan.

Answers: Suzie: eleven, short, happy Alan: ten, tall, sad

2 Match the questions and answers about Tom.• Read the first question about Tom. Ask What’s

the answer? (His name’s Tom).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to

d.• Repeat with the other questions.

Answers: 1d 2a 3b 4c• Point to the picture of Tina. Ask What’s her

name? (Her name’s Tina).

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Revision 1


• Help the children to ask other questions about Tina, such as Is she tall? How old is she? Is she sad?

• In pairs, the children ask and answer questions about Tina.

3 Match the sentences with the pictures.• Point to each box. Ask Is it old? Is it big?• Read the fi rst sentence (The box is small. It

isn’t old). Ask Which box is it? The children point to the correct picture.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

Answers: 1B 2D 3C 4A

4 Copy.• Read the sentences about Joe to the children.• The children copy the sentences in their


5 Write about Linda.• Point to the picture of Linda. Help the children

to describe her.• Write the sentences with gaps on the board.• Call children up to the front. The children

complete the sentences.• The children complete the sentences in their

books in class or for homework.

Suggested answers: Her name’s Linda. She’s fi fteen. She isn’t short/sad. She’s happy.

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Unit 6


Unit 6 Lesson 1 notebookcrayon

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Show different combinations of objects.

For example, show a ruler, a crayon and a notebook.

• Cover the objects. The children say the words.• Repeat with other combinations of objects.

2 Count and say.• Point to the note at the top of the picture (22

twenty-two, etc). • Show the children how the numbers twenty to

thirty are made up: twenty and two is twenty-two. Twenty and nine is twenty-nine, etc.

• Write numbers 20–30 on the board in figures (20, 21, 22, etc).

• The children say the numbers chorally and individually (twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, etc).

• Show the children the box of twenty pencils and point out the two extra pencils on the desk.

• Ask How many pencils? Help the children to say twenty-two pencils.

• Repeat with the other items. The children say the phrases (twenty-two pencils, twenty-five erasers, etc) chorally and individually.

Answers: twenty-two pencils twenty-four erasers six crayons five rulers seven pens thirteen notebooks

Activity Book

1 Match.• Read the words to the children.• Children read the words chorally.

Aims: presenting new words for classroom objects; saying and writing the words; numbers 21–30

New language: pen, pencil, eraser, notebook, crayon, ruler

Revised language: numbers 1–20

You need: Student’s Book p20; Activity Book p23; CD tracks 34–35; flashcards for classroom objects, number flashcards 1–20

Starter – a numbers game• Write the numbers 1–10 on the board.• Choose two pupils to come to the front.• Say one of the numbers, e.g. seven. The first

child to point to the correct number is the winner.

• Repeat with other children and other numbers.• Repeat with numbers 11–20 on the board.

1 Listen and say.• Put the flashcards on the board.• Point to the pen flashcard and say What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Ask the children to show you their pens. Model the word pen ... pen.

• The children repeat the word pen chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say Open your books on page 20.• Play CD track 29. The children listen and point

at the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:penpencileraserruler

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Unit 6


• Read the fi rst word again (ruler) and ask Which picture is it? (B).

• Show the children how to draw a line from the word to the picture.

• Repeat with the other words.

Answers: 1B 2E 3A 4C 5D

2 Listen and colour.• Point at objects in the picture and ask What’s

this?• The children identify the objects (ruler, pen,

eraser, etc).• Play CD track 30. Pause after the fi rst

sentence.• Ask the children to repeat the sentence.• Say, Colour the pen red. The children colour the


CD script:The pen is red.The ruler is blue.The pencil is yellow.The notebook is green.The eraser is brown.

• Repeat with the other sentences.• Say the pen. Choose a child to make a

sentence about the pen (The pen is red).• Repeat with the other objects in the picture.

Answers: pen: red ruler: blue pencil: yellow notebook: green eraser: brown

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (ruler) on the board. As

you write, remind the children, All the letters sit on the line.

• The children write the fi rst word (ruler) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 6 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising There is/There are …

New language: There is a pen/There are twenty-fi ve crayons.

Revised language: pen, pencil, crayon, spider, frog, colours

You need: Student’s Book p21; Activity Book p24; CD tracks 36–37; fl ashcards for classroom objects

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children fl ashcards for classroom

objects at random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Show children sets of three classroom objects fl ashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the correct order.

GrammarThe cartoon stories introduce new grammar.In the Teacher’s Book instructions, there are suggestions about how to do this.We suggest writing examples of the new grammar on the board.We suggest showing the children how to make the sentences.This helps the children to focus on the new grammar.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz and Emma in the pictures. Ask

Who is this? The children say the names.• Talk with the children about each picture

in Kurdish. Ask questions such as What has Nabaz got? What is in the box? and How many crayons?

• Play CD track 31. The children listen and point at each picture.

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Unit 6


CD script:Emma: What’s in your box, Nabaz?Nabaz: There’s a pen.Nabaz: There are two pencils.Nabaz: There are twenty-five crayons.

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentences chorally.• Write There’s a pen and There is a pen on the

board. Explain that There’s is the short form of There is.

• Write There are twenty-five crayons on the board. Underline is and are. Explain that There is … is used for one thing and There are … is used for more than one thing.

• The children say the sentences chorally and individually.

• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs. • Choose two children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Listen, read and say.• Read the chant to the children.• Ask questions such as How many spiders?

(There are lots of spiders). • Play CD track 32. The children listen and follow

with their reading fingers.

CD script:There’s a spider in my bag!It’s blue and yellow and black!There are lots of spiders in my house today.Go away, spiders! Go away!There are two frogs on my bed!They’re green and orange and red!There are lots of frogs in my house today!Go away, big frogs! Go away!

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line.

• The children repeat the line chorally. Help them to follow the rhythm of the chant.

• Play the chant again. The children join in with the chant.

• The children say the chant again, without the CD.

Activity Book

1 Match.• Point to the picture. Ask How many spiders?

Encourage the children to say complete answers, e.g. There are two spiders.

• Repeat with the other animals in the picture.• Read the beginning of the first sentence (There

…).• Choose a child to complete the sentence (… is

a fox).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to

b.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the complete sentences


Answers: 1b 2c 3d 4a

2 Choose and write about the picture in Exercise 1.• Read the words at the top to the children (are,

is, a, four).• Write the first incomplete sentence on the

board, including the gap.• Point to the gap and ask the children Which

word goes here? (is).• Choose a child to come to the front and

complete the sentence on the board.• The children complete the sentence in their

books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 is 2 are 3 four 4 a

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Unit 6


3 Write.• Write the sentence (There is a fl ower) on the

board. As you write, remind children The tail of letter f goes below the line.

• Call a child to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 6 Lesson 3

• Say Open your books on page 22. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write notebook on the board. Emphasize the oo with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the oo. • Model the /ʊ/ sound and the word notebook

like this: /ʊ/... notebook.• The children say the sound and the word

chorally.• The children circle the oo in the word in their

books. • Repeat with the other words.

2 Follow the lines. Say.• Point to the objects on the left. The children

say the words chorally (pencil, crayon, etc).• Point to the numbers on the right. The

children say them chorally (one, eighteen, etc).• Point to the pencil and say Follow the line. The

children follow the line to the corresponding number.

• Ask What number is it? (1). Help the children to say There is a pencil.

• Remind the children that we don’t normally say There is one pencil.

• The children say the sentence chorally.• Repeat with the other pictures.

Answers: There is a pencil. There are eleven crayons. There are fi fteen notebooks. There is an eraser. There are twelve rulers. There are eighteen pens.

3 Look at the picture in 2. Choose.• Write the fi rst sentence on the board.• Choose a child to come to the board and circle

the correct word (are).

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking

New language: none

Revised language: There is .../There are ...; classroom objects

You need: Student’s Book p22; Activity Book p25, CD tracks 38–39

Starter – a chant• Help the children to recall the chant from

Lesson 2.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 33 with books closed.

CD script:notebooklookgoodbyegoodnight

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

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Unit 6


• The children circle the correct word in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 are 2 is 3 are 4 is

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

page 22 on the board again. • Emphasize the oo sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (note_ _

_ k, _ _ _ k, etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the first

word (notebook, notebook).

Teacher’s script:One. Notebook. Notebook.Two. Look. Look.Three. Goodbye. Goodbye.Four. Goodnight. Goodnight.One. Notebook.Two. Look.Three. Goodbye.Four. Goodnight.

• Call a child to the front to complete the first word on the board.

• The children copy the missing letters in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fingers.

Answers: 1 notebook 2 look 3 goodbye 4 goodnight

2 Say five differences in Picture B.• Point to the two pictures. Read the two

example sentences.• Write the sentences on the board.

• Show the children that there are three pens in picture A, and four pens in picture B.

• Show the children that there isn’t a notebook in picture A, and there is a notebook in picture B.

• Explain that the children have to find more differences in picture B

• In pairs, the children look for differences.• Choose children to say sentences about the

differences. If the sentence is correct, the child comes to the front to write it.

• The children read all the sentences chorally.

Answers: There is a ruler. There are four pens. There is a notebook. There are two erasers. There are six pencils.

3 Write.• Write the sentence (There are seventeen

flowers) on the board. As you write, remind children Start with a capital letter.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 7

Unit 7 Lesson 1 lampbed

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a fl ashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Say a combination of three words, e.g. chair,

table, sofa.• Choose a child to repeat the words in the same

order and point to the fl ashcards.• Repeat with other children and other

combinations of objects.• In pairs, the children practise saying

sequences and repeating the sequences.

2 Play a game.• Point to the fl ashcard of the table. Ask What

colour is it? (blue).• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Read the conversation to the children.• Start another conversation, e.g. It’s green. The

children identify the fl ashcard (the lamp). Say That’s right.

• Choose a child to make a sentence. Choose another child to guess.

• Repeat with other pairs of children.• The children play the game in pairs.

Activity Book

1 Find the words. Match with the pictures.• Say Open your books on page 26.• Point to each of the pictures. The children say

the words (sofa, bed, lamp, table, desk, chair).• Point to the word ribbon. Help the children to

fi nd the fi rst word (table).• Show the children how to circle table.• In pairs, the children fi nd the other words and

circle them.• Call children up to the front to write the words

on the board.

Aims: presenting new words for furniture; saying and writing the words

New language: chair, table, sofa, desk, lamp, bed

Revised language: It’s ...; numbers 1–6

You need: Student’s Book p23; Activity Book p26; CD track 40; fl ashcards for furniture, number fl ashcards 1–6

Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 22. For example, notebook, look, goodbye.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the fi rst word letter by letter (n–o–t–e–b–o–o–k).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the furniture fl ashcards on the board.• Point to the chair fl ashcard and say, What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word chair ... chair.• The children repeat the word chair chorally and

individually.• Repeat with the other fl ashcards. • Say Open your books on page 23.• Play CD track 34. The children listen and point

at the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:chairtablesofadesk


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Unit 7


Answers: table (D) bed (B) chair (F) sofa (A) desk (E) lamp (C)

2 Count and match.• Ask What can you see in the picture? (chairs,

tables, sofas, lamps).• Read the first word, three. Say What does it go

with? (tables).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to

b.• Repeat with the other numbers.• Say tables. The children respond three tables

chorally.• Repeat with the other furniture words.

Answers: 1b 2a 3d 4c

3 Write.• Write the first word (sofa) on the board. As

you write, remind the children All the letters sit on the line.

• The children write the first word (sofa) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 7 Lesson 2

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children flashcards for furniture at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Show children sets of three furniture flashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the correct order.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Sirwa, Jack and Emma in the

pictures. Ask Who is this? The children say the names of the children and the rabbit (Lucky).

• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where is the rabbit? and Is the rabbit under the chair?

• Play CD track 35 while the children listen. The children listen and point at each picture.

CD script:Emma: Where’s Lucky?Jack: He’s on the chair!Jack: He’s under the desk.Sirwa: He’s in the box!Sirwa: He’s on the lamp!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Write Where’s Lucky? and Where is Lucky? on

the board. Explain that Where’s … is the short form of Where is …

• Write He’s in the box, He’s on the box and He’s under the box on the board.

• Underline in, on and under. Make sure the children understand the meaning of these words.

• The children say the sentences chorally and individually.

• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs.

Aims: presenting and practising questions with Where ...? and sentences with in/on/under

New language: Where is Lucky? He’s in/on/under the bag.

Revised language: chair, table, sofa, desk, lamp, bed

You need: Student’s Book p24; Activity Book p27; CD track 41; flashcards for furniture; flashcard of Lucky

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Unit 7


• Children read aloud taking turns picture by picture.

• Choose four children to act out the story in front of the class.

2 Point, ask and answer.• Draw a box on the board (or use a real box).• Ask What’s this? (a box).• Put the fl ashcard of Lucky on the top of the

box. Say He’s on the box. • Write on on the board. Make sure the children

understand the meaning of on.• Repeat with Lucky in the box and under the

box.• Point to the fi rst picture and ask Where’s

Lucky?• The children answer He’s on the box, chorally.• Repeat with the other pictures.• Choose a child to point to a picture and ask

Where’s Lucky?• Choose another child to answer.• The children practise asking and answering

questions in pairs.

Values• Read the Values sign (Be nice to animals!) to

the children. In Kurdish, ask questions such as:

• Do you have any animals at home?• Do you have pets like dogs and cats?• How can you be nice to animals?

Activity Book

1 Read and draw.• Point to the picture. Ask What can you see? (a

table and a box).• Copy the picture on the board.• Read the fi rst sentence to the children. Show

the children how to draw the mouse on the table.

• Choose children to read the sentences. Choose other children to come to the front and draw.

• The children draw in their books.• Point to the pen on the board drawing. Ask

Where is the pen? • Choose a child to answer (It’s under the table).• Repeat with other children and other objects.• Choose children to ask questions. Choose other

children to answer them.• The children practise the questions and

answers in pairs.

2 Follow the lines. Choose and write.• Read the three words at the top (in, on, under)

to the children.• Point to the picture. Ask Where is the cat? • Show the children how to follow the line.• The children answer the question (The cat is

under the desk).• Write the fi rst sentence with the gap on the

board.• Call a child to the front to complete the

sentence with under.• The children complete the fi rst sentence in

their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• Choose children to ask questions and other

children to answer them.• The children practise asking and answering the

questions in pairs.

Answers: 1 under 2 on 3 in

3 Write.• Write the sentence (The book is on the desk)

on the board. As you write, remind the children Write a full stop at the end.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 7


Unit 7 Lesson 3 • The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the e in the word in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Play a game.• Point to the duck. Ask What is this? (a duck).• Repeat with the other animals and objects.• Read the example question and answer.• Ask Where’s the flower? (It’s in the hat).• Choose a child to ask a question and another

child to answer it.• Repeat with other children.• The children practise the questions and

answers in pairs.

3 Listen, read and sing.• Point to the picture. Ask questions such as Is

Lucky at home? Is he at school? and Where is he?

• Read the song to the pupils. Make sure they understand the new expression I don’t know.

• Play CD track 37. The children listen.

CD script:Where’s Lucky Rabbit?I don’t know.Is he at home?No, no, no!Is he at school?Yes, yes, yes!Where’s Lucky Rabbit?He’s on my desk!

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the words silently.

• Play the song again. Pause after each line. The children listen and repeat.

• Play the song again, without pauses. Encourage the class to sing along.

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking; singing a song

New language: none

Revised language: Where is ...? It’s in/on/under ...

You need: Student’s Book p25; Activity Book p27, CD tracks 42–44; an object (e.g. a toy or a classroom object)

Starter – Where is it?• Place the object in different parts of the

classroom. Ask Where is the (object)?• The children answer It’s in/on/under the …• Choose children to ask the question. Choose

other children to answer it.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 36 with the books closed.

CD script:deskbedpenpencilleginsect

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 25. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write desk on the board. Emphasize the e with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the e. Model the /e/ sound and the word desk, like this: /e/ ... desk.

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Unit 7


Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again.• Emphasize the /e/ sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (_ _ sk,

b_ _ , etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the fi rst

word (desk, desk).

Teacher’s script:One. Desk. Desk.Two. Bed. Bed.Three. Pen. Pen.Four. Pencil. Pencil.Five. Leg. Leg.Six. Insect. Insect.One. Desk.Two. Bed.Three. Pen.Four. Pencil.Five. Leg.Six. Insect.

• Call a child to the front to complete the word on the board.

• The children copy the missing letters in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fi ngers.

Answers: 1 desk 2 bed 3 pen 4 pencil 5 leg 6 insect

2 Find the toys. Match.• Point to the animals and objects in the

picture. Ask What is this? (a rabbit, a bed, etc).

• Read the answers to the children (It’s under the bed, It’s under the chair, etc).

• Read the fi rst question. The children answer (It’s under the chair).

• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to b.

• The children draw the line in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• Point to the duck. Ask Where is it? Choose a

child to answer.• Choose a child to ask a question. Choose

another child to answer it.• Repeat with other children and other

questions.• The children practise the questions and

answers in pairs.

Answers: 1b 2d 3c 4a

3 Write.• Write the question (Where’s the cat?) on the

board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

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Unit 8


Unit 8 Lesson 1 catdog

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say the noise a sheep makes (baa …). Ask

What is it? (A sheep).• Repeat with other noises for the other

animals.• Choose a child to make an animal noise.

Choose another child to say the name of the animal.

• Repeat with other children.• In pairs, the children practise saying animal

noises and naming the animals.

Extra reading practice• Put the flashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one.• Say the first word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them. • Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Play a game.• Talk with the children (in Kurdish) about the

picture. Ask questions such as What is Nabaz doing? (He’s drawing a picture) and What is Jack doing? (He’s guessing what the picture is).

• Read the dialogue to the children.• Start to draw an animal on the board.

Encourage the children to guess what it is (It’s a cow, etc).

• Call a child to the front to draw an animal. The other children guess what it is.

• In pairs, the children practise drawing animals and guessing.

Aims: introducing new words for animals; presenting and practising the new words

New language: cow, horse, sheep, goat, cat, dog

Revised language: It’s a …/numbers 1–7

You need: Student’s Book p26; Activity Book p29; CD tracks 45–46; flashcards for animals

Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 25. For example, desk, bed, pen.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the first word letter by letter (d–e–s-k).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the flashcards on the board.• Point to the cow flashcard and say What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word cow … cow.• The children repeat the word cow chorally and

individually.• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say Open your books on page 26.• Play CD track 38. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:cowhorsesheepgoat

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Unit 8


Activity Book

1 Listen and circle.• Read the fi rst pair of animals (cat, dog) to the

children.• Ask What noise does a cat make? (Miaow). Ask

the same question about dogs.• Play CD track 39. Pause after the fi rst sound.• Ask What animal is it? (a cat). Show the

children how to circle the word cat.

CD script:One: miaowTwo: baaThree: mooFour: neighFive: bleatSix: moo

• Repeat with the other sounds.

Answers: 1 cat 2 sheep 3 cow 4 horse 5 goat 6 cow

2 Count and write.• Copy the animal words and gaps on the board.• Point to the picture. Say What animals can you

see? (horses, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, cows).• Ask How many horses? (seven).• Call a child to the front to write seven in the

gap.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other animals.

Answers: 1 seven 2 six 3 three 4 four 5 fi ve 6 two

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (cat) on the board. As you

write, remind the children With letter t, write the down line, then the across line.

• The children write the fi rst word (cat) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 8 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising the verb have/has

New language: I have …/You have …/He has …/They have …

Revised language: cow, horse, sheep, goat, cat, dog

You need: Student’s Book p27; Activity Book p30; CD tracks 47–48; fl ashcards for animals

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children fl ashcards for animals at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Show children sets of three animal fl ashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the same order.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz in the pictures. Ask Who is

this?• Point to the goats. Ask What are these?• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where is Nabaz? How many goats does he have? How many goats does his friend have?

• Play CD track 40 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Nabaz: I have a goat.Nabaz: You have two goats.Nabaz: He has three goats.Nabaz: They have lots of goats.

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Unit 8


• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Write I have a goat and He has a goat and They

have a goat on the board.• Underline have and has in the sentences.

Emphasize the connection between I and have, They and have, and He and has.

• The children say the sentences chorally and individually.

• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose two children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Listen, point and say.• Point to each of the animals in the picture and

ask What is it? (a sheep, a cow, etc).• Read the chant to the children.• Play CD track 41. The children listen and follow

with their reading fingers.

CD script:I have a cat,You have a cow,He has a monkey and a mouse.She has a sheep,They have a horse,We have fun in my house!

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line.• The children repeat the line chorally. Help

them to follow the rhythm of the chant.• Play the chant again. The children chant the

lines at the same time.• The children say the chant again, without the


• Emphasize the link between I, You, We, They and have.

• Emphasize the link between He and She and has.

Activity Book

1 Match the sentences with the pictures.• Read the sentences to children.• Point to the first picture. Ask What animal is

it? (a goat).• Ask Which sentence is it? (I have a goat).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to

c.• Repeat with the other pictures.

Answers: 1c 2d 3b 4a

2 Choose and write.• Write has and have on the board.• Write the sentences with the gaps on the

board.• Read the first sentence with the gap. Ask Is it

has or have? (has).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence.• The children complete the sentence in their

books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.• Emphasize that he and she go with has.• Emphasize that I, you, we and they go with


Answers: 1 has 2 have 3 have 4 has

3 Write.• Write the sentence (I have a cat) on the board.

As you write, remind the children, Leave a little space between the words.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

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Unit 8


Starter – a chant• Help the children to recall the chant from

Lesson 2.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.• Emphasize that he and she go with has.• Emphasize that I, you, we and they go with


1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 42 with the books closed.

CD script:teacherpolicemanqueenthreesheepgreen

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 28. Listen and repeat.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 8 Lesson 3

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write teacher on the board. Emphasize the ea with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the ea. Model the /iː/ sound and the word teacher like this: /iː/ … teacher.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the ea in the word in their books.

• Repeat with the other words. Make sure the children understand that there are different ways of spelling the same sound (i…e and ee).

2 Add punctuation.• Write the fi rst sentence on the board.

Emphasize the punctuation features (capital S, full stop).

• Remind the children of the punctuation words (capital letter, full stop).

• Call children to the front to write over the punctuation features on the board.

• The children write over the punctuation features in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

3 Follow the lines and say.• Read the fi rst word (I) to the children. Show

them how to follow the line.• Point to the end of the line. Ask What is it?

(an orange).• Say I … an orange. Help the children to say a

sentence (I have an orange).• Repeat with the other words.• The children say the sentences chorally.• Emphasize that he and she go with has.• Emphasize that I, you, we and they go with


Answers: I have an orange. You have an umbrella. He has a box. She has a top. We have a doll. They have an apple.

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; focus on speaking

New language: none

Revised language: grammar and vocabulary from Units 6, 7 and 8

You need: Student’s Book p28; Activity Book p31; CD tracks 49–50

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Unit 8/Revision 2


Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again.• Emphasize the /iː/ sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (t _ _

cher, pol _ ceman, etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the first

word (teacher, teacher).

Teacher’s script:One. Teacher. Teacher.Two. Policeman. Policeman.Three. Queen. Queen.Four. Three. Three.Five. Sheep. Sheep.Six. Green. Green.One. Teacher. Two. Policeman.Three. Queen.Four. Three.Five. Sheep.Six. Green.

• Call a child to the front to complete the word on the board.

• The children copy the missing letters in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fingers.

Answers: 1 teacher 2 policeman 3 queen 4 three 5 sheep 6 green

2 Follow the lines. Write.• Write She has, He has and They have on the

board.• Write the sentences with the gaps on the

board.• Follow the line from the boy to the three

apples.• Say Make a sentence. He …

• The children say the sentence (He has three apples).

• Call a child to the front. The child completes the sentence on the board.

• Repeat with the other pictures.• The children copy the sentences in their


Answers: 1 She has 2 They have 3 He has

3 Write.• Write the sentence (She has a goat) on the

board. As you write, remind the children The tail of letter g goes under the line.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

Revision 2

Aims: revision of Units 6, 7 and 8

New language: none

Revised language: grammar and vocabulary from Units 6, 7 and 8

You need: Student’s Book p29; Activity Book pp32–33; CD track 51; animal flashcards

Starter – looking at the units• Show the children Units 6, 7 and 8 in the

Student’s Book.• Look at the vocabulary pages. The children

read the vocabulary words.• Look at the story pages. Point out the new

grammar such as There are two pencils. He’s on the chair and I have a goat.

• Recall the songs and chants from the units.

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Revision 2


1 Look, cover and say.• Point to the furniture in the picture. Ask What

is it? (a desk, a bed, etc).• Point to the objects in the picture (pens,

pencils, crayons, notebooks, book, rulers, box, lamp, cat). The children name the objects.

• Ask questions such ask How many pens are there? (two) and Where are the pens? (They’re on the desk).

• Say Close your books.• Say pens. Help the children to say, There are

two pens.• Ask Where are the pens? Help the children to

answer, They’re on the desk.• Say other words (crayons, notebooks, etc).

Help the children to say sentences with There is …/There are …, and to answer Where …? questions.

2 Choose an animal. Play a game.• Put all the fl ashcards for animals on the board.• Take the fl ashcard for cow. • Call two children to the front. Give one child

the fl ashcard for sheep. Give one child the fl ashcard for horse.

• Say I have a cow. You have a sheep. He/She has a horse. Look and point appropriately as you speak.

• Call two more children to the front. Give them different animal fl ashcards. Say the sentences. Look and point appropriately.

• Call three children to the front. Help one of the children to say the sentences (I have a …, You have a …, and He/She has a …).

• Repeat with other groups of three children and other combinations of animals.

Your progress!Note: It’s best to do this section at the end of the lesson.• Remind children in Kurdish that at the end of

every Revision they can check their progress.

• Ask in Kurdish How many units have we done? (8).

• Show the children how to colour in the squares up to unit 8.

• Talk with the children in Kurdish about what they have learnt in Units 6–8.

• Encourage them to be aware of their progress.

Activity Book

1 Listen and draw.• Point to the furniture in the picture. Ask What

is it? (A desk, a chair).• Play CD track 43. Pause after The pencils are on

the desk.• The children draw three pencils on the desk.• Repeat with the other sentences. The children

complete the drawing.

CD script:There are three pencils. The pencils are on the desk.There’s a notebook. The notebook is under the chair.He has a cat. Where is the cat? It’s on the chair.He has two dogs. Where are the dogs? They’re under the desk.• Help the children to say sentences such as

There are three pencils.

Answers: three pencils on the desk a notebook under the chair a cat on the chair two dogs under the desk

2 Match the questions and answers.• Read the fi rst question. Ask What’s the answer?

(They’re on the desk).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to

b.• Repeat with the other questions.• Point to the second picture. Ask questions

such as How many ants are there? (two) and Where are the cats? (They’re under the sofa).

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Revision 2


• Help the children to ask other questions about the picture.

• Choose other children to answer the questions.

Answers: 1b 2d 3c 4a

3 Read and write T (Tom) or L (Linda).• Read the sentences about Tom and Linda.• Read the first sentence to the children (I have

two sheep). Ask Who is it? (Tom).• Show the children how to write T next to

number 1.• Repeat with the other sentences.

Answers: 1T 2L 3L 4T

4 Copy.• Read the sentences about the picture to the

children.• The children copy the sentences in their


5 Write about the picture.• Point to the picture. Help the children to

describe it (There are two flowers, etc).• Write the sentences with gaps on the board.• Call children up to the front. The children

complete the sentences.• The children complete the sentences in their

books in class or for homework.

Answers: 1 flowers 2 a 3 Where 4 on the chair

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Unit 9


Unit 9 Lesson 1 eatdrink

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a fl ashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Work out a mime gesture for each of the verbs,

e.g. pretending to read a book, pretending to talk to a friend, pretending to look through binoculars, etc.

• Do the mime gesture for read. The children say read.

• Repeat with the other mime gestures.• Choose children to do a mime gesture. Choose

other children to say the words.• In pairs, the children practise doing mime

gestures and saying the words.

Extra reading practice• Put the fl ashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one.• Say the fi rst word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them.• Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Read. Play a game.• Put the fl ashcards of Jack and Lucky on the

board.• Write Read a book on the board. Say Read a

book.• The children pretend to read their books.• Write Look at Jack on the board. Say Look at

Jack.• The children look at the fl ashcard of Jack on

the board.• Repeat with the other instructions (Talk to

Lucky, Write your name, Eat an apple, Drink a juice). The children act out the instructions.

Aims: presenting new verbs; saying and writing the words

New language: read, talk, look, write, eat, drink

Revised language: book, name, apple, juice, friend, letters, picture

You need: Student’s Book p30; Activity Book p34; CD track 52; fl ashcards for verbs (1)

Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 28. For example, three, sheep, queen.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the fi rst word letter by letter (t–h–r–e–e).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the fl ashcards on the board.• Point to the read fl ashcard. Help the children

to say the word if they know it in English.• Model the word read … read.• The children repeat the word read chorally and

individually.• Repeat with the other fl ashcards. • Say Open your books on page 30.• Play CD track 44. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:readtalklookwrite

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Unit 9


• Choose a child to say an instruction. Choose another child to act it out.

• Repeat with other children and other instructions.

• The children practise in pairs, saying instructions and acting them out.

• Point to each of the instructions on the board. The children read them chorally.

Activity Book

1 Join the letters. Match with the pictures.• Point to each of the pictures. The children say

the words (talk, eat, drink, etc) chorally.• Write re on the board. The children complete

the word (ad). Show the children how to draw a line from re to ad.

• Complete the word on the board (read).• Show the children how to draw a line to the

picture for read.• Repeat with the other verbs.• The children read the words on the board

chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 read 2 talk 3 look 4 write 5 drink 6 eat

2 Choose.• Read the first two words in the box (an apple,

a book) to the children.• Read the first verb (read). Ask What word does

it go with? (a book).• Show the children how to circle a book.• Write read a book on the board.• Repeat with the other verbs.• The children read the phrases on the board

chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 read a book 2 talk to a friend 3 look at a picture 4 write letters 5 drink water 6 eat an apple

3 Write.• Write the first word (read) on the board. As

you write, remind the children, Letter e starts in the middle.

• The children write the first word (read) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 9 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising He’s/She’s/It’s …ing

New language: He/She/It is eating.

Revised language: read, talk, look, write, eat, drink

You need: Student’s Book p31; Activity Book p35; CD tracks 53–54; flashcards for verbs (1)

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children flashcards for verbs at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Do the mime gestures for the verbs from Lesson 1. The children say the words chorally.

• Write the words on the board. Write the …ing form next to each verb (read: reading, talk: talking, etc)

• Model the …ing forms. The children repeat the words chorally and individually.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Emma and Jack in the pictures.

Ask Who is this? The children say the names.• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where is Nabaz? What is the girl doing? What is the cow doing?

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Unit 9


• Play CD track 45 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Emma: He’s reading.Jack: She’s writing.Emma: It’s drinking.Jack: It’s eating the food!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fi ngers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentences chorally.• Write He’s reading and He is reading on the

board. Explain that He’s reading is the short form of He is reading.

• Do the same with She’s writing/She is writing and It’s eating/It is eating.

• Explain in Kurdish that we use …ing when we are talking about what people are doing right now.

• Choose a child to read the fi rst picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs. • Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose three children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Read and point.• Read the fi rst sentence (He’s eating) to the

children.• Ask Who is it? The children point to the picture

of the boy eating.• Repeat with the other sentences.• Call a child to the front. Whisper Read a book

to the child. • The child pretends to read a book.• Ask What is he/she doing? (He’s/She’s reading

a book).• The children say the sentence chorally and


• Repeat with other children and other sentences.

Activity Book

1 Listen and number.• Point to the fi rst picture. Ask What is he

doing? (He’s drinking).• Repeat with the other pictures.• Play CD track 46. Pause after the fi rst sentence.• Ask Which picture is it? The children point to

the correct picture.• Show the children how to write the number 1

in the box.

CD script:One. She’s drinking.Two. He’s eating.Three. It’s eating.Four. She’s eating.Five. He’s drinking.Six. It’s drinking.

• Repeat with the other sentences on the track.• Point to each of the pictures again. The

children say the sentences chorally.

Answers: 5 1 6 4 2 3

2 Choose and write.• Write He’s, She’s and It’s on the board.• Write ___ reading on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(She’s).• Write She’s in the gap. The children copy in

their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 She’s 2 It’s 3 He’s

3 Write.• Write the sentence (He’s reading) on the

board. As you write, remind the children how to write the apostrophe (’).

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Unit 9


• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 9 Lesson 3

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write reading on the board. Emphasize the …ing with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the …ing. Model the /ŋ/ sound and the word reading like this: /ŋ/ … reading.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the ing in the word in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Listen and find.• Point to the children in the picture. Say What

is he/she doing? (He’s reading, She’s drinking, etc).

• Play CD track 48. Pause after the first sentence (I’m reading).

• Ask Who is it? The children point to the correct child in the picture.

CD script:I’m reading.You’re drinking a juice.He’s talking to me.She’s eating ice cream.He’s looking at the cat.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

3 Listen and sing.• Read the song to the children. Make sure they

understand new words and expressions such as It’s fun and sitting in the sun.

• Remind the children that I’m reading is the short form of I am reading.

• Play CD track 49. The children listen.

CD script:I’m reading a book. It’s fun, fun, fun.I’m sitting in the sun, sun, sun.She’s eating ice cream. It’s fun, fun, fun.

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking; singing a song

New language: none

Revised language: I’m/You’re/He’s/She’s/We’re/reading/talking/looking/writing/eating/drinking

You need: Student’s Book p32; Activity Book p36; CD tracks 55–58

Starter – a chant• Let the children choose a chant from Units 2,

4, 6 or 8.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 47 with the books closed.

CD script:readingtalkinglookingwritingeatingdrinking

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 32. Listen and repeat.

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Unit 9


She’s sitting in the sun, sun, sun.I’m with my friends. It’s fun, fun, fun.It’s very nice in the sun, sun, sun.• Play the song again. The children listen and

read the words silently.• Play the song again. Pause after each line. The

children listen and repeat.• Play the song again, without pauses.

Encourage the class to sing along.

Values• Read the Values sign (Have fun with your

friends!) to the children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as:

• What things do you do with your friends?• Which activities do you most enjoy with your


Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again. • Emphasize the /ŋ/ sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book

(rea_ _ _ _ , tal_ _ _ _ , etc)• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the fi rst

word (reading, reading).• Call a child to the front to complete the word

on the board.• The children copy the missing letters in their


Teacher’s script:One. Reading. Reading.Two. Talking. Talking.Three. Looking. Looking.Four. Writing. Writing.Five. Eating. Eating.Six. Drinking. Drinking.One. Reading.Two. Talking.

Three. Looking.Four. Writing.Five. Eating.Six. Drinking.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fi ngers.

Answers: 1 reading 2 talking 3 looking 4 writing 5 eating 6 drinking

2 Choose and write.• Write She’s and He’s on the board.• Write ___ reading on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(She’s).• Write She’s in the gap. The children copy in

their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 She’s 2 She’s 3 He’s

3 Write.• Write the sentence (She’s writing) on the

board. As you write, remind the children The tail of letter g goes under the line.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 10


Unit 10 Lesson 1 • Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Work out a mime gesture for each of the verbs,

e.g. pretending to run, jump, walk, etc.• Do the mime gesture for run. The children say

run.• Repeat with the other mime gestures.• Choose children to do a mime gesture. Choose

other children to say the words.• In pairs, the children practise doing mime

gestures and saying the words.

Extra reading practice• Put the flashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one.• Say the first word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them. • Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Play a game.• Show the children the numbers 1–6 on each

picture in Exercise 1.• Read the dialogue to the children. Show the

children that number four is the picture for He’s riding a horse.

• Say She’s listening. The children identify the picture (number 5).

• Repeat with other pictures and other sentences.

• Choose a child to say a sentence about one of the pictures. Choose another child to identify the picture.

• Repeat with other children and other pictures.• The children practise in pairs, saying sentences

and identifying pictures.

Aims: presenting new verbs; saying and writing the verbs

New language: run, jump, walk, ride a horse, listen, sing

Revised language: He’s/She’s …ing

You need: Student’s Book p33; Activity Book p37; CD tracks 59–60; flashcards for verbs (2)

Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 32. For example, reading, talking, writing.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the first word letter by letter (r–e–a–d–i–n–g).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the flashcards on the board.• Point to the run flashcard. Help the children to

say the word if they know it in English.• Model the word run … run.• The children repeat the word run chorally and

individually.• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say Open your books on page 33.• Play CD track 50. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:runjumpwalkride a horselistensing

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Unit 10


Activity Book

1 Count and find the words.• Show the children the numbers on the grid (1,

5, 10, 15).• Point to each of the spaces between the

numbers. Help the children to say the numbers (2, 3, 4, etc).

• Point to the fi rst set of numbers (12, 9, 6, 16). Show the children how to work out the letters for each number (j u m p).

• Help the children to work out the letters for the next set of numbers (5, 17, 15, 3).

• The children write the word in their books (ride).

• Repeat with the other sets of numbers.• The children read the words chorally.

Answers: jump ride listen walk run sing

2 Listen and number.• Point to the fi rst picture. Ask What is she

doing? (She’s walking).• Repeat with the other pictures.• Play CD track 51. Pause after the fi rst question

and answer.• Ask Which picture is it? The children point to

the correct picture.• Show the children how to write the number 1

in the box next to the picture.

CD script:One. What are you doing? I’m listening to music.Two. What are you doing? I’m running.Three. What are you doing? I’m singing.Four. What are you doing? I’m walking.Five. What are you doing? I’m riding a horse.Six. What are you doing? I’m jumping.

• Repeat with the other questions and answers.

Answers: 4 3 2 6 1 5

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (jump) on the board. As

you write, remind the children The tails of letters j and p go under the line.

• The children write the fi rst word (jump) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 10 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising He isn’t … ing

New language: He isn’t running.

Revised language: run, jump, walk, ride a horse, listen, sing

You need: Student’s Book p34; Activity Book p38, CD tracks 61–63; fl ashcards for verbs (2)

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children fl ashcards for verbs at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Do the mime gestures for the verbs from Lesson 1. The children say the words chorally.

• Write the words on the board. Write the …ing form next to each verb (run/running, jump/jumping, etc).

• Underline the nn in running. Show the children that ride loses the e in riding.

• Model the …ing forms. The children repeat the words chorally and individually.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz and Emma in the pictures. Ask

Who is this? The children say the names.

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Unit 10


• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? and What is Nabaz doing?

• Play CD track 52 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Emma: Look at Nabaz. He isn’t running. He isn’t jumping. He’s listening to music.

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Write He isn’t running and He is not running on

the board. Explain that He isn’t running is the short form of He is not running.

• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose two children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Listen, point and say.• Read the chant to the children.• Read the first line again. Ask Which picture is

it? The children point to the first picture.• Repeat with the other pictures.• Play CD track 53. The children listen and read

with their reading fingers.

CD script:He isn’t running,He isn’t walking.He’s singing a happy song. Look!She isn’t talking,She isn’t riding,She’s reading a picture book!

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line.

• The children repeat the line chorally. Help them to follow the rhythm of the chant.

• Play the chant again. The children chant the lines at the same time.

• The children say the chant again, without the CD.

Activity Book

1 Listen and circle.• Point to the first set of two pictures. Help the

children to say a sentence for each picture (She’s singing/She isn’t singing).

• Repeat with the other pictures.• Play CD track 54. Pause after the first sentence

(She isn’t singing).

CD script:One. She isn’t singing.Two. He’s walking.Three. She isn’t listening to music.Four. He isn’t jumping.Five. She’s running.Six. He isn’t riding a horse.

• Ask Which picture is it? The children point to the crossed out picture of the girl singing.

• Show the children how to circle this picture.• Repeat with the other sentences.• Point to each of the circled pictures. The

children say the sentences chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 picture 2 2 picture 1 3 picture 2 4 picture 2 5 picture 1 6 picture 2

2 Choose and write.• Write He’s, He isn’t, She’s, and She isn’t on the

board.• Write ___ listening to music on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(She’s).• Write She’s in the gap. The children copy in

their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.

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Unit 10


• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 She’s 2 She isn’t 3 He’s 4 He isn’t

3 Write.• Write the sentence (He isn’t jumping) on the

board. As you write, remind the children The tails of letters j, p and g go under the line.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 10 Lesson 3


• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 35. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write the word write on the board. Emphasize the i with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the i. Model the /aɪ/ sound and the word write like this: /aɪ/ … write.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the i in the word in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Add punctuation.• Write the fi rst sentence on the board.

Emphasize the punctuation features (capital H, apostrophe, full stop).

• Remind the children of the punctuation words (capital letter, apostrophe, full stop).

• Call children to the front to write over the punctuation features on the board.

• The children write over the punctuation features in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

3 Point and say.• Point to the picture of the rabbit. Read the

two verbs (run, jump).• Help the children to say sentences with the

verbs (It isn’t running/It’s jumping).• Repeat with the other pictures.• Point to the pictures at random. The

children say the two sentences chorally and individually.

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking

New language: none

Revised language: He’s/She’s/It’s …ing

You need: Student’s Book p35; Activity Book p39; CD tracks 64–65

Starter – a chant• Help the children to recall the chant from

Lesson 2.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.• Emphasize that He isn’t is the short form of He

is not.• Emphasize that She isn’t is the short form of

She is not.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 55 with the books closed.

CD script:writefi refi ghter

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Unit 10


Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again.• Emphasize the /aɪ/ sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (wr _ _ e,

f_ _ef _ _hter, etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the first

word (write, write).• Call a child to the front to complete the word

on the board.• The children copy the missing letters in their


Teacher’s script:One. Write. Write.Two. Firefighter. Firefighter.Three. Kite. Kite.Four. Tiger. Tiger.Five. Ride. Ride.One. Write.Two. Firefighter.Three. Kite.Four. Tiger.Five. Ride.

• Repeat with the other words. • The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fingers.

Answers: 1 write 2 firefighter 3 kite 4 tiger 5 ride

2 Choose and write.• Write isn’t, running, riding and She’s on the

board.• Write She ___ running on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(isn’t).• Write isn’t in the gap. The children copy in

their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 isn’t 2 running 3 riding 4 She’s

3 Write.• Write the sentence (She isn’t running) on the

board. As you write, remind the children There are two n’s in running.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 11


Unit 11 Lesson 1 ice creamsandwiches

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a fl ashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Point to sequences of three or four cards. The

children say the words chorally, in the correct order.

• Choose children to say sequences of three or four cards. Choose other children to say the words.

• In pairs, the children practise saying sequences and repeating them.

Extra reading practice• Put the fl ashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one.• Say the fi rst word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them. • Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Play a game.• Show the children the numbers 1–6 on each

picture in Exercise 1.• Read the dialogue to the children. Show the

children that picture 2 is kebabs and picture 3 is pizza.

• Say 1 and 5. The children identify the pictures (biscuits and ice cream).

• Repeat with other combinations of pictures.• Choose a child to say two numbers. Choose

another child to identify the pictures.• Repeat with other children and other pictures.• The children practise in pairs, saying numbers

and identifying pictures.

Aims: presenting new words for food; saying and writing the new words

New language: biscuits, kebabs, pizza, chips, ice cream, sandwiches

Revised language: none

You need: Student’s Book p36; Activity Book p40; CD track 66; fl ashcards for food

Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 35. For example, write, kite, tiger.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the fi rst word letter by letter (w–r–i–t-e).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the fl ashcards on the board.• Point to the biscuits fl ashcard and say What

are they? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word biscuits … biscuits.• The children repeat the word biscuits chorally

and individually.• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Say Open your books on page 36.• Play CD track 56. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:biscuitskebabspizzachips

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Page 68: Nick Beare -

Unit 11


Activity Book

1 Follow the lines. Match the food with the boxes.• Show the pictures to the children. Show that

each man has a lunch box.• Show the children how to follow the first line.

The children read the word at the end (ice cream).

• Repeat with the other lines.• Say Number 1. Help the children to make a

sentence with He has … (He has ice cream).• Repeat with the other men.• Say numbers at random. The children say what

each man has in his lunch box chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 ice cream 2 kebabs 3 chips 4 biscuits 5 sandwiches 6 pizzas

2 Write a, e or i.• Write the letters a, e and i on the board.• Write the first word, with the gap, (ch _ ps) on

the board.• Point to the letters a, e, and i. Ask Which

letter? (i ).• Call a child to the front to complete the word.• The children complete the word in their books.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally and


Answers: 1 chips 2 ice cream 3 pizzas 4 kebabs 5 sandwiches 6 biscuits

3 Write.• Write the first word (chips) on the board. As

you write, remind the children All the letters sit on the line.

• The children write the first word (chips) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 11 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising They are/aren’t …ing.

New language: They’re sleeping/They aren’t drinking water.

Revised language: Where are …?

You need: Student’s Book p37; Activity Book p41; CD tracks 67–68; flashcards for food

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children flashcards for food at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Show children sets of three food flashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the same order.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Sirwa in the pictures. Ask Who is this? • Point to the rabbits. Ask What are they?• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where is Sirwa? and What are the rabbits doing?

• Show children the new words water, carrots and sleeping. Make sure they understand the meanings.

• Play CD track 57 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Sirwa: Where are the rabbits? They aren’t eating carrots. They aren’t drinking water. They’re sleeping!

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Unit 11


• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fi ngers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Write They’re sleeping and They are sleeping on

the board. Explain that They’re sleeping is the short form of They are sleeping.

• Write They aren’t sleeping and They are not sleeping on the board. Explain that They aren’t sleeping is the short form of They are not sleeping.

• Choose a child to read the fi rst picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs. • Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose a child to act out the story in front of

the class.

2 Say, guess and point.• Point to the fi rst picture. Ask What are they

doing? (They’re sleeping).• Repeat with the other pictures.• Read the example dialogue to the children.• Say They aren’t sleeping. They aren’t jumping.

They aren’t eating. What are they doing?• The children say They’re drinking.• Repeat with other combinations of three

activities they aren’t doing.• The children write x next to the correct picture

and reply with the activity they are doing.

Activity Book

1 Listen and write ✘ or ✔.• Point to the fi rst picture. Ask What are they?

(chips).• Repeat with the other pictures.• Play CD track 58. Pause after the fi rst sentence

(They aren’t eating chips).

• Ask Are they eating chips? (No). Show the children how to write x in the box.

CD script:One. They aren’t eating chips.Two. They’re eating kebabs.Three. They aren’t eating biscuits.Four. They aren’t eating ice cream.Five. They’re eating pizza.Six. They aren’t eating sandwiches.

• Repeat with the other pictures.

Answers: 1✗ 2✓ 3✗ 4✗ 5✓ 6✗

2 Choose and write.• Write They’re and They aren’t on the board.• Write ___ eating pizzas on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(They’re).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 They’re 2 They aren’t 3 They aren’t 4 They’re

3 Write.• Write the sentence (They’re eating chips) on

the board. As you write, remind the children how to write the apostrophe (’).

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Page 70: Nick Beare -

Unit 11


Unit 11 Lesson 3 • Point to the ch. Model the /tʃ/ sound and the word chips like this: /tʃ/ … chips.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the ch in the word in their books.

• Repeat with chair and teacher.• Write sheep on the board. Emphasize the sh

with a different colour or by underlining it.• Point to the sh. Model the /ʃ/ sound and the

word sheep like this: /ʃ/ … sheep.• The children say the sound and the word

chorally. • The children circle the sh in the word in their

books. • Repeat with shirt and she.

2 Choose.• Point to the first picture. Read the two

possible sentences to the children (They’re eating pizza/They aren’t eating pizza).

• Ask Which sentence is correct? (They aren’t eating pizza). Ask What are they eating? (sandwiches).

• Show the children how to circle They aren’t in their books.

• Repeat with the other pictures.• The children read the correct sentences

chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 They aren’t 2 We aren’t 3 You’re

3 Listen and sing.• Point to the picture. Ask questions such as

What food can you see? and Do you like ice cream?

• Read the song to the children. Make sure they understand new words and expressions such as different things, but it’s OK, We aren’t saying ‘Do things my way’, and good friends.

• Play CD track 60. The children listen.

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking; singing a song

New language: none

Revised language: I’m/You’re/He’s/She’s/It’s/We’re/They’re …ing I’m not/You aren’t/He/She/It isn’t/We aren’t/They aren’t …ing

You need: Student’s Book p38; Activity Book p42; CD tracks 69–71

Starter – a chant• Let the children choose a chant from Units 2,

4, 6, 8 or 10.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 59 with the books closed.

CD script:chipschairteachersheepshirtshe

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 38. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write chips on the board. Emphasize the ch with a different colour or by underlining it.

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Unit 11


CD script:I’m eating biscuits, you’re eating chips,They’re eating ice cream and sandwiches,We’re eating different things but it’s OK,We aren’t saying, ‘Do things my way’,We’re different and we’re happy and we’re good friends!

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the song silently.

• Play the song again. Pause after each line. The children listen and repeat.

• Play the song again, without pauses. Encourage the class to sing along.

Values• Read the Values sign (Accept differences!) to

the children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as:

• In what ways are we different?• In what ways are you different to your friends?• Is it diffi cult to accept people who are

different? Why/Why not?• Why is it important to accept differences?

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again. • Emphasize the /tʃ/ and /ʃ/ sounds again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (_ _ e, _

_ ips, etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the fi rst

word (she, she).• Call a child to the front to complete the word

on the board.• The children copy the missing letters in their


Teacher’s script:One. She. She.Two. Chips. Chips.Three. Sheep. Sheep.Four. Shirt. Shirt.

Five. Chair. Chair.Six. Teacher. Teacher.One. She.Two. Chips.Three. Sheep.Four. Shirt.Five. Chair.Six. Teacher.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fi ngers.

Answers: 1 sh 2 ch 3 sh 4 sh 5 ch 6 ch

2 Say.• Write riding horses, running, drinking, eating

and singing on the board.• Point to the picture. Read the example

sentences on the board.• Say riding horses. Help the children to say the

sentence (They’re riding horses).• Repeat with the other words on the board.• Choose a child to say one of the phrases on

the board. Choose another child to say the sentence about the picture.

• Repeat with other children and other phrases.• The children practise in pairs, saying phrases

and sentences.

Answers: They’re riding horses. They aren’t running. They aren’t drinking. They aren’t eating. They’re singing.

3 Write.• Write the sentence (They aren’t eating pizzas)

on the board. As you write, remind the children There are two z’s in pizzas.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Page 72: Nick Beare -

Revision 3


Revision 3

Aims: revision of Units 9, 10 and 11

New language: none

Revised language: grammar and vocabulary from Units 9, 10 and 11

You need: Student’s Book p39; Activity Book pp43–44; CD track 72; numbers 1–6 on individual pieces of paper; six small pieces of paper for each child

Starter – looking at the units• Show the children units 9, 10 and 11 in the

Student’s Book.• Look at the vocabulary pages. The children

read the vocabulary words.• Look at the story pages. Point out the new

grammar such as She’s writing, He isn’t running and They aren’t eating.

• Recall the songs and chants from the units.

1 Make number cards. Play a game.• Give each child six small pieces of paper.• Show the children how to write numbers 1–6

on the pieces of paper.• With your set, show the children how to play

the game. Take a card and choose a word from the table in the Student’s Book. Write the word on the board.

• Put the card back in the pile. Take another card and write the word on the board.

• Put the card back in the pile. Repeat until you can make a correct sentence, for example, You aren’t listening to music.

• The children play the game in pairs.

Your progress!Note: It’s best to do this section at the end of the lesson.

• Remind children in Kurdish that at the end of every Revision they can check their progress.

• Ask in Kurdish How many units have we done? (11).

• Show the children how to colour in squares up to Unit 11.

• Talk with the children in Kurdish about what they have learnt in Units 9–11.

• Encourage them to be aware of their progress.

Activity Book

1 Listen and choose.• Point to the first set of two pictures. Help the

children to say a sentence for each picture (He’s running/He isn’t running).

• Repeat with the other pictures.• Play CD track 61. Pause after the first sentence

(He isn’t running).• Ask Which picture is it? The children point to

the picture of the boy running, crossed out.• Show the children how to circle this picture.

CD script:One. He isn’t running.Two. They’re singing.Three. She isn’t writing.Four. She’s reading.Five. They’re drinking water.

• Repeat with the other sentences.• Point to each of the circled pictures. The

children say the sentences chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 picture 2 2 picture 1 3 picture 2 4 picture 1 5 picture 1

2 Match the sentences with the pictures.• Read the first sentence. Ask Which picture is it?

(Picture B).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to

B.• Repeat with the other sentences.

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Revision 3


• Read the dialogue to the children.• Say She’s drinking. The children fi nd the

picture (Picture B).• Repeat with other sentences (He’s eating a

sandwich, She’s reading, etc).

Answers: 1B 2A 3D 4C

3 Read. Circle the sentences that aren’t true.• Read the fi rst sentence (He’s reading a book).

Ask Is that true? (Yes).• Repeat with the other sentences. If a sentence

isn’t true, show the children how to circle it.

Answers: circled sentences: She’s listening to music. The cats are drinking.

4 Copy.• Read the sentences about the picture to the

children.• The children copy the sentences in their


5 Write about the picture.• Point to the picture. Help the children to

describe it (He’s writing, etc).• Write the sentences with gaps on the board.• Call children up to the front. The children

complete the sentences.• The children complete the sentences in their

books in class or for homework.

Suggested answers: 1 eating (or any other suitable verb) 2 writing/ drinking 3 She’s 4 They’re (other answers are possible)

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Page 74: Nick Beare -

Unit 12


Unit 12 Lesson 1 headneck

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Call a child to the front. Point to his/her arm.

The children say the word chorally.• Repeat with the other words.• Choose children to point to different parts of

their body. Choose other children to say the words.

• In pairs, the children practise pointing and saying the words.

Extra reading practice• Put the flashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one. • Say the first word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them. • Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Say and act.• Read the sentence to the children. Point to

the boy touching his head.• Explain the meaning of touch.• Say Touch your hand. The children touch their

hands.• Repeat with other instructions (Touch your

arm, Touch your leg, etc). The children act out the instructions.

• Choose a child to give an instruction. Choose another child to act it out.

• Repeat with other children and other instructions.

• The children practise in pairs, giving instructions and acting them out.

Aims: presenting new words for parts of the body; saying and writing the words

New language: hand, arm, leg, foot, head, neck

Revised language: none

You need: Student’s Book p40; Activity Book p45; CD tracks 73–74; flashcards for parts of the body

Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 38. For example, chair, sheep, shirt.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the first word letter by letter (c–h–a–i-r).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the flashcards on the board.• Point to the hand flashcard and say What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word hand … hand.• The children repeat the word hand chorally and

individually.• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say Open your books on page 40.• Play CD track 62. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:handarmlegfoot

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Page 75: Nick Beare -

Unit 12


Activity Book

1 Match.• Point to the fi rst picture. Ask What is it? (A

hand).• Show the children how to draw a line from the

picture to number 3.• Repeat with the other pictures.

Answers: 1 hand (3) 2 arm (1) 3 head (2) 4 neck (5) 5 leg (6) 6 foot (4)

2 Listen and do.• Read the example to the children.• Play CD track 63. Pause after the fi rst sentence

(Touch your hand). The children act out the instruction.

• Repeat with the other instructions.

CD script:One. Touch your hand.Two. Touch your leg.Three. Touch your neck. Touch your foot.Four. Touch your head. Touch your arm.Five. Touch your head. Touch your leg.Six. Touch your hand. Touch your foot. Touch your head.

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (hand) on the board. As

you write, remind the children All the letters sit on the line.

• The children write the fi rst word (hand) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 12 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising Is he … ing?

New language: Is he reading? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

Revised language: He’s/He isn’t …ing/She’s/She isn’t …ing

You need: Student’s Book p41; Activity Book p46; CD tracks 75–77; fl ashcards for parts of the body

Starter – vocabulary view• Show the children fl ashcards for parts of the

body at random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Say sets of three instructions, e.g. Touch your hand. Touch your neck. Touch your foot. The children act out the instructions.

• Repeat with other combinations of instructions.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Sirwa, Emma and Jack in the

pictures. Ask Who is this? The children say the names.

• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? What is Nabaz doing? What is Jack doing?

• Play CD track 64 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Emma: Where’s Jack? Is he washing his hands?Sirwa: No, he isn’t.Emma: Is he reading a book?Sirwa: No, he isn’t.Emma: He’s playing the guitar and Nabaz is

singing!Sirwa: It’s horrible!

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Page 76: Nick Beare -

Unit 12


• Show the children the phrases washing his hands, playing the guitar and It’s horrible. Make sure they understand them.

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Write He is washing his hands and Is he

washing his hands? on the board. Show the children how we change the order to make a question.

• Point out the answers Yes, he is and No, he isn’t.

• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose four children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Listen, read and say.• Read the chant to the children.• Ask questions such as Is Jack reading a book?

(No, he isn’t). • Play CD track 65. The children listen and follow

with their reading fingers.

CD script:Jack is at home,He’s in his room.Is he reading a book?No, he isn’t. Look!Is he playing the guitar?Yes, he is! He’s a star!

• Point out the word order in the questions Is he reading a book? and Is he playing the guitar?

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line.• The children repeat the line chorally. Help

them to follow the rhythm of the chant.• Play the chant again. The children chant the

lines at the same time.

• The children say the chant again, without the CD.

Activity Book

1 Listen and circle.• Play CD track 66. Pause after the first question

and the sound of the girl singing.

CD script:One. Is she singing? [fx: singing]Two. Is he playing the guitar? [fx: violin]Three. Is she riding a horse? [fx: horse’s hooves]Four. Is he eating? [fx: eating]Five: Is he talking? [fx: sleeping]Six. Is she walking? [fx: running]

• Ask Is she singing? (Yes). Show the children how to circle the word Yes in their Activity Books.

• Repeat with the other questions.

Answers: 1 yes 2 no 3 yes 4 yes 5 no 6 no

2 Choose and write.• Write eating, Is, is and isn’t on the board.• Write Is she writing? No, she ___ on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(isn’t).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board. • The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 isn’t 2 Is 3 is 4 eating

3 Write.• Write the question (Is he reading?) on the

board. Remind children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board. • The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

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Page 77: Nick Beare -

Unit 12


Unit 12 Lesson 3 • Write foot on the board. Emphasize the double oo with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the double oo. Model the word foot … foot.

• The children say the word chorally.• The children circle the oo in the word in their

books. • Repeat with the other words, focusing on the

double letter in each word.

2 Add punctuation.• Write the fi rst sentence on the board.

Emphasize the punctuation features (capital I, question mark).

• Remind the children of the punctuation words (capital letter, apostrophe, full stop, question mark).

• Call children to the front to write over the punctuation features on the board.

• The children write over the punctuation features in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

3 Read and match.• Point to the picture of the boy. Ask What is he

doing? (He’s playing the guitar).• Repeat with the picture of the girl.• Read the fi rst question to the children. The

children answer the question (No, he isn’t.).• Show the children how to draw a line from the

question to No, he isn’t.• Repeat with the other questions.• Divide the class into two groups, A and B.

Group A reads the questions chorally. Group B reads the answers chorally.

• Repeat with the groups changing roles.

Answers: 1 No, he isn’t. 2 Yes, he is. 3 No, she isn’t. 4 Yes, she is.

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking

New language: none

Revised language: Is he/she …ing?

You need: Student’s Book p42; Activity Book p47; CD tracks 78–79

Starter – a chant• Help the children to recall the chant from

Lesson 2.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.• Point out the word order of he and is in the


1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 67 with the books closed.

CD script:footfeethappyeggapplerabbitumbrella

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 42. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Explain that feet is the plural of foot, so we say one foot but two feet.

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Unit 12


Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again. • Emphasize the word sounds again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (f_ _ t,

f _ _ t, etc)• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the first

word (foot, foot).• Call a child to the front to complete the word

on the board.• The children copy the missing letters in their


Teacher’s script:One. Foot. Foot.Two. Feet. Feet.Three. Happy. Happy.Four. Egg. Egg.Five. Apple. Apple.Six. Rabbit. Rabbit.One. Foot.Two. Feet.Three. Happy.Four. Egg.Five. Apple.Six. Rabbit.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fingers.

Answers: 1 foot 2 feet 3 happy 4 egg 5 apple 6 rabbit

2 Write in the correct order.• Point to the picture of the boy. Ask What is he

doing? (He’s reading a book).• Repeat with the picture of the girl.• Read the jumbled words in number 1 to the

children. Write the question and the answer on the board.

• Read the jumbled words in number 2 to the children. Help the children to say the words in the correct order (Is she singing?).

• Call a child to the front. The child writes the question on the board.

• Call another child to the front. The child writes the answer on the board.

• The children copy the questions in their books.• Repeat with the other questions.• Divide the class into two groups, A and B.

Group A reads the questions chorally. Group B reads the answers chorally.

• Repeat with the groups swapping roles.

Answers: 1 Is he reading? 2 Is she singing? 3 Is he talking? 4 Is she eating?

3 Write.• Write the question (Is she reading a book?) on

the board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class, or for homework.

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Unit 13


Unit 13 Lesson 1 orange juicewater

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a fl ashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Write m on the board. Ask What is it? (milk).• Repeat with other fi rst letters.• Call a child to the front. The child writes the

fi rst letter of a drink on the board.• The other children guess the drink.• Repeat with other children and other drinks.

Extra reading practice• Put the fl ashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one.• Say the fi rst word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them.• Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Play a game.• Put the fl ashcards of the six drinks on the

board.• Point in turn to the fl ashcards for tea, water

and orange juice.• Read the dialogue to the children.• Point to the fl ashcards for milk, tea and

lemonade.• The children say the words in the same order

(milk, tea, lemonade).• Repeat with other combinations of three

fl ashcards.• Call one child to the front to point to three

fl ashcards. The other children say the words in the same order.

• Repeat with other children and other combinations of fl ashcards.

Aims: presenting new words for drinks; saying and writing the words

New language: milk, tea, coffee, lemonade, orange juice, water

Revised language: none

You need: Student’s Book p43; Activity Book p48; CD track 80; fl ashcards for drinks

Starter – dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 42. For example, foot, happy, apple.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the fi rst word letter by letter (f–o–o–t).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the fl ashcards on the board.• Point to the milk fl ashcard and say What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word milk … milk.• The children repeat the word milk chorally and

individually.• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Say Open your books on page 43.• Play CD track 68. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:milkteacoffeelemonade

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Unit 13


Activity Book

1 Find the missing letters in the pictures.• Point to the first word. Ask What is it?

(lemonade).• Say What letter is missing? (l).• Say Find letter l in the pictures. The children

find the l on the bottle of lemonade.• Repeat with the other words.

Answers: 1 l 2 w 3 o / j 4 t 5 c 6 m

2 Look at the pictures in Exercise 1. Match.• Read the beginning of the first sentence to

the children. The children find the rest of the sentence (The lemonade is … on the table).

• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to f.

• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally and


Answers: 1f 2e 3b 4a 5c 6d

3 Write.• Write the first word (coffee) on the board. As

you write, remind the children There are two f’s and two e’s in coffee.

• The children write the first word (coffee) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 13 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising questions with Are they … ing?

New language: Are you running? Yes, I am/No, I’m not. Are they reading? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.

Revised language: running, walking, swimming, eating, drinking, riding, jumping

You need: Student’s Book p44; Activity Book p49; CD tracks 81–82; flashcards for drinks

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children flashcards for drinks at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Do a dictation of drinks words. Say the four short words (milk, tea, coffee, water) one by one. The children write the words in their notebooks. Repeat the words again for the children to check.

• Call children to the front to write the words on the board. In pairs, the children check their dictations.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Sirwa, Emma and Jack in the

pictures. Ask Who is this? The children say the names.

• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? What is Jack doing? What are Sirwa and Nabaz doing?

• Play CD track 69 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Emma: Are you looking at Nabaz and Sirwa?Jack: Yes, I am. They’re running!Emma: Are they eating?Jack: No, they aren’t.

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Unit 13


Emma: Are they drinking lemonade?Jack: Yes, they are! They’re drinking a lot of


• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fi ngers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentences chorally.• Write They are running and Are they running?

on the board. Show the children how we change the order to make a question.

• Point out the answers, Yes, they are and No, they aren’t.

• Write You are running and Are you running? on the board. Show the children how we change the order to make a question.

• Write the possible answers, Yes, I am and No, I’m not.

• Choose a child to read the fi rst picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose four children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Choose.• Point to the fi rst picture. Read the question

and the two possible answers to the children (Are they running? Yes, they are/No, they aren’t).

• Ask Which answer is correct? (Yes, they are).• Show the children how to circle Yes, they are

in their books.• Repeat with the other pictures.• Divide the class into two groups, A and B.

Group A reads the questions chorally. Group B reads the answers chorally.

• Repeat with the groups changing roles.

Answers: 1 Yes, they are. 2 No, they aren’t. 3 Yes, they are.

Activity Book

1 Match.• Read the fi rst question to the children.• The children fi nd the correct answer (Yes, I

am).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to

Yes, I am. The children draw the line in their books.

• Repeat with the other questions.• Divide the class into two groups, A and B.

Group A reads the questions chorally. Group B reads the answers chorally.

• Repeat with the groups changing roles.

Answers: 1 Yes, I am. 2 No, I’m not. 3 Yes, they are. 4 No, they aren’t.

2 Choose and write. Then listen and circle.• Write Are, milk, you and eating on the board.• Write Are ___ reading? on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(you).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board. • The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• Play CD track 70 to the children. Pause after

the fi rst question and answer.• The children circle Yes in their books.

CD script:One. Are you reading? Yes, I am.Two. Are they eating pizza? No, they aren’t.Three. Are you riding a horse? No, I’m not.Four. Are they drinking milk? Yes, they are.

• Repeat with the other questions and answers.

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Unit 13


Answers: 1 you/Yes 2 eating/No 3 Are/No 4 milk/Yes

3 Write.• Write the question (Are they drinking water?)

on the board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

Unit 13 Lesson 3

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 45. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write listen on the board. Emphasize the i with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the i. Model the /ɪ/ sound and the word listen like this: /ɪ/ … listen.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the i in the word in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Point, ask and answer.• Write these verbs on the board: eat, run, sing,

read and write.• Say eat. The children act out the instruction.• Repeat with the other verbs.• Point to a child. Ask Are you reading? The

child answers Yes, I am or No, I’m not.• Point to the picture. Ask Are they talking?

Choose a child to answer (No, they aren’t).• Choose other children. Ask other Are you …?

questions and other Are they …? questions. Use the verbs on the board.

• Choose other children to answer the questions.

3 Listen, read and sing.• Point to the rabbits. Ask What are they doing?

(They’re playing drums).• Read the song to the children. Make sure they

understand words and phrases such as crazy, grass, making music, fun and playing drums.

• Play CD track 72. The children listen.

CD script:All the little rabbits are crazy today!Are they eating grass?No, they aren’t. No way!Are they making music?

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking

New language: none

Revised language: Are you/they …ing?

You need: Student’s Book p45; Activity Book p50; CD tracks 83–85

Starter – a chant• Let the children choose a chant from Units 2,

4, 6, 8, 10 or 12.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 71 with the books closed.

CD script:listenmilkbigfigzipwindow

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Unit 13


Yes, they are! That’s fun!All the little rabbits are playing drums!

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the words silently.

• Play the song again. Pause after each line.• The children listen and repeat after each line.• Play the song again, without pauses.

Encourage the class to sing along.

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again. • Emphasize the /ɪ/ sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (l _ _

ten, m _ _ k, etc).• Play CD track 85. Pause after the fi rst word

(listen).• Call a child to the front to complete the word

on the board.• The children copy the missing letters in their


CD script:One. Listen. Listen.Two. Milk. Milk.Three. Big. Big.Four. Fig. Fig.Five. Zip. Zip. Six. Window. Window.One. Listen.Two. Milk.Three. Big.Four. Fig.Five. Zip.Six. Window.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fi ngers.

Answers: 1 listen 2 milk 3 big 4 fi g 5 zip 6 window

2 Choose and write.• Write aren’t, Are, I’m not and they on the

board.• Write Are you drinking milk? No, ___ on the

board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which words go here?

(I’m not).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board. • The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other questions and answers.• Divide the class into two groups, A and B.

Group A reads the questions chorally. Group B reads the answers chorally.

• Repeat with the groups changing roles.

Answers: 1 I’m not 2 Are 3 aren’t 4 they

3 Write.• Write the question (Are they drinking water?)

on the board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

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Unit 14


Unit 14 Lesson 1 shoesskirttrainers

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Point to sequences of three or four cards. The

children say the words chorally, in the correct order.

• Choose children to say sequences of three or four cards. Choose other children to say the words.

• In pairs, the children practise saying sequences and repeating them.

Extra reading practice• Put the flashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one. • Say the first word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them. • Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Play a game.• Read the dialogue to the children.• Say It’s yellow. The children guess (The skirt).• Write on the board They’re blue and It’s yellow.

Ask children what the difference is. Briefly explain that some items of clothing are plural (they’re) and others are singular (it’s).

• Repeat with other colours and clothes.• Choose a child to say a sentence about the

clothes. Choose another child to guess.• Repeat with other children and other clothes

and colours.• The children practise in pairs, saying sentences

and guessing.

Aims: presenting new words for clothes; saying and writing the words

New language: shirt, trousers, T-shirt, shoes, skirt, trainers

Revised language: They are …; colours; I’m wearing …

You need: Student’s Book p46; Activity Book p51; CD track 86; flashcards for clothes

Starter – a dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 45. For example, milk, big, window.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the first word letter by letter (m–i–l–k).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the flashcards on the board.• Point to the shirt flashcard and say What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word shirt … shirt.• The children repeat the word shirt chorally and

individually.• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Say Open your books on page 46.• Play CD track 73. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:shirttrousersT-shirt

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Unit 14


Activity Book

1 Match.• Read the fi rst word (shirt). Ask Where is it? The

children point to the shirt in the picture.• Show the children how to draw a line from the

word shirt to the picture.• Repeat with the other pictures.• The children read the words chorally and


Answers: girl: skirt, T-shirt, shoes boy: shirt, trousers, trainers

2 Read and colour.• Read the girl’s speech bubble.• Point to the picture of the girl in Exercise 1.

Say Colour the clothes.• The children colour the girl’s clothes.• Repeat with the boy’s clothes.

Answers: girl: yellow shoes, brown skirt, green T-shirt; boy: grey trainers, red shirt, blue trousers

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (shirt) on the board. As

you write, remind the children All the letters sit on the line.

• The children write the fi rst word (shirt) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 14 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising questions with What is he …ing?

New language: What is he doing? He’s …; What are you wearing? I’m …

Revised language: I’m wearing …; clothes

You need: Student’s Book p47; Activity Book p52; CD tracks 87–90; fl ashcards for clothes

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children fl ashcards for clothes at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Show children sets of three clothes fl ashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the correct order.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Sirwa, Emma and Jack in the

pictures. Ask Who is this? The children say the names.

• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? Why can’t they see Nabaz?

• Play CD track 74 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Emma: What is Nabaz wearing?Sirwa: He’s wearing trousers and a T-shirt.Emma: What are you wearing, Nabaz?Nabaz: I’m wearing a brown T-shirt.Nabaz: Here I am!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fi ngers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.

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Unit 14


• Write What is he doing? and What are you wearing? on the board. Show the children how we make questions with What?

• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose three children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Listen, read and say.• Point to the first picture. Ask What is he? (a

chef). Ask What is he wearing? (a white hat).• Read the first verse of the chant to the

children. Ask Which picture is it? (the chef).• Repeat with the second verse. • Play CD track 75. The children listen and follow

with their reading fingers.

CD script:What is he wearing?He’s wearing a big white hat.He’s a chef.Yes, I’m sure of that!What are they wearing?They’re wearing nice black caps.They’re policemen.Yes, I’m sure of that!

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line. • The children repeat the line chorally. Help

them to follow the rhythm of the chant.• Play the chant again. The children chant the

lines at the same time.• The children say the chant again, without the


Values• Read the Values sign (Respect authority) to the

children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as: • Who represents authority? • Why is it important to respect authority?

• Would you like to be a person with authority? • What happens when we don’t respect authority?

Activity Book

1 Listen and colour.• Point to the picture of the boy. The children

name the clothes (cap, shirt, trousers, shoes).• Repeat with the picture of the girl (cap, T-

shirt, skirt, shoes).• Say Listen. Colour the clothes. • Play CD track 76. Pause after each question

and answer. Give the children time to colour the clothes.

CD script:What are they wearing?They’re wearing brown shoes and red caps.What is he wearing?He’s wearing black trousers and a green shirt.What is she wearing?She’s wearing a grey T-shirt and a blue skirt.

• Choose a child. Say Tell me about the boy. The child says a sentence about the boy’s clothes, e.g. He’s wearing black trousers.

• Choose another child. Say Tell me about the girl. The child says a sentence about the girl’s clothes, e.g. She’s wearing a blue skirt.

• Continue with other children.

Answers: boy: black trousers, green shirt, brown shoes, red cap girl: grey T-shirt, blue skirt, brown shoes, red cap

2 Listen and number.• Point to the first picture. Ask What is she

wearing? (She’s wearing a cap).• Play CD track 77. Pause after the first question

and answer.• Ask Which picture is it? The children point to

the correct picture.

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Unit 14


• Show the children how to write the number 1 in the box next to the picture.

CD script:One. What’s he wearing? He’s wearing a cap.Two. What’s he doing? He’s listening to music.Three. What are you doing? I’m singing.Four. What are they doing? They’re singing.Five. What’s she doing? She’s reading a book.Six. What’s she wearing? She’s wearing a cap.

• Repeat with the other questions and answers.

Answers: 6 4 1 5 3 2

3 Write.• Write the question (What is he wearing?) on

the board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

Unit 14 Lesson 3

Starter – a chant• Help the children to recall the chant from

Lesson 2.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 78 with the books closed.

CD script:shirtshoessheepdeskskirtask

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 48. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write shirt on the board. Emphasize the sh with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the sh. Model the /ʃ/ sound and the word shirt like this: /ʃ/ … shirt.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the sh in the word in their books.

• Repeat with shoes and sheep.• Write desk on the board. Emphasize the sk

with a different colour or by underlining it.• Point to the sk. Model the /sk/ sound and the

word desk like this: /sk/ … desk.• The children say the sound and the word


Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking

New language: none

Revised language: Is he/she wearing …?/What are they wearing?

You need: Student’s Book p48; Activity Book p53; CD tracks 91–92

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Unit 14


• The children circle the sk in the word in their books.

• Repeat with skirt and ask.

2 Match.• Point to the picture of the boy. Ask What is he

wearing? (He’s wearing a cap, etc).• Repeat with the picture of the girl.• Read the first question to the children. The

children answer the question (They’re wearing trainers).

• Show the children how to draw a line from the question to the answer, They’re wearing trainers.

• Repeat with the other questions.• Divide the class into two groups. Group A

reads the questions chorally. Group B reads the answers chorally.

• Repeat with the groups changing roles.

Answers: 1 They’re wearing trainers. 2 No, she isn’t. 3 Yes, he is. 4 Yes, they are.

3 Ask and answer about the boy and girl in Activity 2.• Read the question and answer to the children.• Ask Is he wearing green trousers? (Yes, he is).• Repeat with other questions using he, she or

they.• Choose a child to ask a question with he, she

or they. Choose another to answer it.• Repeat with other children and other

questions.• In pairs, the children practise asking and

answering questions about the boy and girl.

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again. • Emphasize the /ʃ/ and /sk/ sounds again.

• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (_ _ irt, de_ _, etc).

• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the first word (shirt).

• Call a child to the front to complete the word on the board.

• The children copy the missing letters in their books.

Teacher’s script:One. Shirt. Shirt.Two. Desk. Desk.Three. Shoes. Shoes.Four. Skirt. Skirt.Five. Ask. Ask.Six. Sheep. Sheep.One. Shirt.Two. Desk.Three. Shoes.Four. Skirt.Five. Ask.Six. Sheep.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fingers.

Answers: 1 shirt 2 desk 3 shoes 4 skirt 5 ask 6 sheep

2 Choose and write.• Write are, He’s and drinking on the board.• Write What is he eating? ___ eating kebabs on

the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(He’s).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board. • The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 He’s 2 are 3 drinking

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Unit 14/Revision 4


3 Write.• Write the question (What are you eating?) on

the board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

Revision 4

• Repeat with the other sets of jumbled words.

Answers: 1 Is he reading a book? 2 Are they jumping? 3 What is he wearing? 4 What is she wearing? 5 What are they wearing?

2 Write the secret message!• Read the fi rst question from Exercise 1 (Is he

reading a book?).• Say Find the answer (No, he isn’t).• Show the children the letter at the end of the

answer (H).• Show the children how to write H in position

1.• Repeat with the other questions from Exercise

1. The children write the letters from the answers next to the question number.

• The children read the secret message.

Answers: 1 No, he isn’t. 2 Yes, they are. 3 He’s wearing brown shoes. 4 She’s wearing a yellow T-shirt. 5 They’re wearing blue trousers. The secret message is Hello.

Your progress!Note: It’s best to do this section at the end of the lesson.• Remind the children in Kurdish that at the

end of every Revision they can check their progress.

• Ask in Kurdish How many units have we done? (14).

• Show the children how to colour in the squares up to Unit 14.

• Talk with the children in Kurdish about what they have learnt in Units 12–14.

• Encourage them to be aware of their progress.

Aims: revision of units 12, 13 and 14

New language: none

Revised language: grammar and vocabulary from Units 12, 13 and 14

You need: Student’s Book p49; Activity Book pp54-55; CD track 93

Starter – looking at the units• Show the children Units 12, 13 and 14 in the

Student’s Book.• Look at the vocabulary pages. The children

read the vocabulary words.• Look at the story pages. Point out the new

grammar such as Is he washing his hands? Are they eating? and What are you wearing?

• Recall the songs and chants in the units.

1 Write the questions and match the answers.• Read the jumbled words in the fi rst box to the

children.• Help the children to say a question with the

words (Is he reading a book?)• Call a child to the front. The child writes the

question on the board.• The children copy the question in their books.

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Revision 4


Activity Book

1 Listen and choose the correct answer.• Point to the picture in number 1. Play CD track

79. Pause after the first question (Are they wearing T-shirts?).

• Ask What is the answer? (Yes, they are). • Show the children how to circle the correct


CD script:One. Are they wearing T-shirts?Two. Is he eating a kebab?Three. Is she eating a sandwich?Four. Are you wearing a cap?Five. Are they riding horses?

• Repeat with the other questions.• Ask the questions again. The children read the

answers chorally.

Answers: 1 Yes, they are. 2 Yes, he is. 3 No, she isn’t. 4 No, I’m not. 5 No, they aren’t.

2 Match the questions and answers about Tom.• Read the first question about Tom. Ask What’s

the answer? (He’s listening to music).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to

c.• Repeat with the other questions.• Point to the picture of Tina. Ask What’s her

name? (Tina).• Help the children to ask other questions about

Tina, such as What is she doing? Is she wearing a skirt? Is she wearing trousers?

• In pairs, the children ask and answer questions about Tom and Tina.

Answers: 1c 2a 3b

3 Read, draw and colour.• Read the questions and answers to the

children.• Choose a child to read the first question and

answer again.• The children colour the skirt and T-shirt.• Repeat with the other questions and answers.

4 Copy.• Read the sentences to the children.• The children copy the sentences in their


5 Write questions and answers about the picture.• Point to the picture of the girl. Help the

children to ask suitable questions about her (What is she doing? Is she eating a pizza?).

• Call children up to the front. The children write the questions on the board.

• Call other children up to the front. The children write the answers on the board.

• The children write the questions and answers in their books in class or for homework.

Suggested answers: What is she doing? She’s listening to music. Is she eating a biscuit? No, she isn’t.

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Unit 15


Unit 15 Lesson 1 grandmothergrandfatherauntuncle

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Check (in Kurdish) that the children understand the meaning of all the words.

• Point to a fl ashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Point to sequences of three or four cards. The

children say the words chorally, in the correct order.

• Choose children to say sequences of three or four cards. Choose other children to say the words.

• In pairs, the children practise saying sequences and repeating them.

Extra reading practice• Put the fl ashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one.• Say the fi rst word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them.• Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Choose and say.• Read the family words in the box to the

children.• Read the adjectives in the box to the children.• Read the dialogue to the children.• Say The brother. Help the children to make

a suitable sentence about the brother (The brother is short or The brother is young).

• Repeat with other family words.• Choose a child to say a family word. Choose

another child to say a sentence.• Repeat with other children, other family words

and other adjectives.

Aims: presenting new words for family; saying and writing the words

New language: mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle

Revised language: … is tall/short/old/young

You need: Student’s Book p50; Activity Book p56; CD track 94; fl ashcards for family words

Starter – a dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 48. For example, shoes, desk, ask.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the fi rst word letter by letter (s–h–o–e–s).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the fl ashcards on the board.• Point to the mother fl ashcard and say What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word mother … mother.• The children repeat the word mother chorally

and individually.• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Say Open your books on page 50.• Play CD track 80. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:motherfathersisterbrother

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Unit 15


• In pairs, the children practise saying words and sentences.

Activity Book

1 Match.• Read the first word (mother). Ask Which picture

is it? The children point to the picture of the mother.

• Show the children how to draw a line from the word to the picture.

• Repeat with the other words.

Answers: top row (l-r): grandfather, grandmother middle row (l-r): father, mother, aunt, uncle bottom row (l-r): brother, sister

2 Write a, e or o.• Write the letters a, e and o on the board.• Write the first word, with the gaps (m_th_r)

on the board.• Point to the letters a, e, and o. Point to the

gaps and ask Which letters? (o and e).• Call a child to the front to complete the word.• The children complete the word in their books.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally and


Answers: 1 mother 2 father 3 sister 4 brother 5 grandfather 6 grandmother 7 aunt 8 uncle

3 Write.• Write the first word (brother) on the board.

As you write, remind the children Letter o is a circle.

• The children write the first word (brother) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 15 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising my/your/our

New language: This is our/your/my house.

Revised language: This is …/That is …

You need: Student’s Book p51; Activity Book p57; CD tracks 95–96; flashcards for family words

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children flashcards for family words

at random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Show children sets of three family flashcards, one by one. The children say the words individually in the same order.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Sirwa and Emma in the

pictures. Ask Who is this? The children say the names.

• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? What has Nabaz got in his room? What has Sirwa got in her room?

• Play CD track 81 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Sirwa and Nabaz: This is our house.Nabaz: These are my pictures.Emma: Where are your yo-yos, Sirwa?Sirwa: They’re in this room!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Make sure the children understand the

meaning of my, your and our. Explain in Kurdish if necessary.

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• Choose a child to read the fi rst picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose three children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Write my, your or our.• Write my, your and our on the board.• Show a pen and say This is my pen. Emphasize

the word my. • Point at the classroom and say This is our

classroom. Emphasize the word our. • Point at a child’s book. Say That’s your book.

Emphasize the word your.• The children show their pens. They say This is

my pen, chorally.• The children point at the classroom. They say

This is our classroom chorally.• The children point at your book on the table.

They say That is your book, chorally.• Read the fi rst sentence to the children. Write

it on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask What word is it? (my).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.

Answers: my your our

Activity Book

1 Listen and number.• Play CD track 82. Pause after the fi rst sentence

(Your brother is big).• Ask Which picture is it? The children point to

the correct picture.• If necessary, explain in Kurdish why it is the

correct picture.• Show the children how to write number 1 in

the box.

CD script:One. Your brother is big.Two. Your grandmother is old.Three. Our teacher isn’t old.Four. My brother is small.Five. Our school is new.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

Answers: 3 1 5 4 2

2 Write about yourself and a friend.• Read the beginning of the fi rst sentence (My

notebook is) to the children.• Write the sentence on the board. Ask children

to suggest words to complete it (blue, new, big, etc).

• Write the words next to the sentence beginning on the board.

• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children complete the sentences in their

books.• Choose children to read their sentences to the


Sample answers: My notebook is big/new/blue. Your notebook is big/blue/new. Our classroom is big/new/old.

3 Write.• Write the fi rst sentence (My pencil is blue) on

the board. Remind the children to start the sentences with a capital letter.

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the second

sentence on the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

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Unit 15 Lesson 3 • Point out the different letters which have the /ə/ sound.

• The children circle the letters with the /ə/ sound in the word in their books.

• Repeat with the other words, pointing out the different letters which sound like /ə/.

2 Add punctuation.• Write the first sentence on the board. Explain

the meaning of new.• Emphasize the punctuation features in each

sentence (capital M, capital Y, capital O, apostrophes, full stops).

• Remind the children of the punctuation words (capital letter, apostrophe, full stop).

• Call children to the front to write over the punctuation features on the board.

• The children write over the punctuation features in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.

3 Listen and sing.• Point to the people in the pictures. Ask Who

is this? about each person (the mother, the father, a sister, a brother).

• Read the song to the children. Make sure they understand words such as special, family and good.

• Play CD track 84. The children listen.

CD script:My mother and my father,My brothers, my sisters and me,We’re a very special family!Your mother and your father,Your brothers, your sisters and you,You’re a very special family, too!Our mothers and our fathers,Our brothers and sisters, too,Families are special! Families are good!

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the words silently.

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking; singing a song

New language: none

Revised language: … is big

You need: Student’s Book p52; Activity Book p58; CD tracks 97–99

Starter – a chant• Let the children choose a chant from Units 2,

4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 83 with the books closed.

CD script:motherfatherdoctorlistensofakitten

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 52. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write mother on the board. Emphasize the er with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the er. Model the /ə/ sound and the word mother like this: /ə/ … mother.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

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• Play the song again. Pause after each line.• The children listen and repeat after each line.• Play the song again, without pauses.

Encourage the class to sing along.

Values• Read the Values sign (Your family is special!)

to the children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as:• Are all families the same?• In what ways are families different?• What is special about your family?

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again. • Emphasize the /ə/ sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (moth_ _,

fath _ _, etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the fi rst

word (mother, mother).

Teacher’s script:One. Mother. Mother.Two. Father. Father.Three. Doctor. Doctor.Four. Listen. Listen.Five. Sofa. Sofa.Six. Kitten. Kitten.One. Mother.Two. Father.Three. Doctor.Four. Listen.Five. Sofa.Six. Kitten.

• Call a child to the front to complete the word on the board.

• The children copy the missing letters in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fi ngers.

Answers: 1 mother 2 father 3 doctor 4 listen 5 sofa 6 kitten

2 Choose and write.• Write Our, Your and My on the board.• Write I have a notebook. ___ notebook is big,

on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(My).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board. • Emphasize the link between I and my.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences. Emphasize

the link between you and your, and we and our.

• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 2 Your 3 Our 4 My

3 Write.• Write the sentence (Our house is small) on the

board. As you write, remind the children There are two l’s in small.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 16 Lesson 1 magazinemobile phone

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a flashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other flashcards.• Point to sequences of three or four cards. The

children say the words chorally, in the correct order.

• Choose children to say sequences of three or four cards. Choose other children to say the words.

• In pairs, the children practise saying sequences and repeating them.

Extra reading practice• Put the flashcards on the board. Write the

word next to each one.• Say the first word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them. • Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the board as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Match.• Write these verbs on the board: look, listen,

ride, read, talk.• Point to the watch flashcard. Ask Which word

goes with watch? Help the children by miming the action of looking.

• The children say look. Draw a line from look to the watch flashcard.

• Repeat with the other flashcards: look + bag, ride + bicycle, listen + CD, read + magazine, talk + mobile phone.

• Read the first sentence to the children (He’s looking at a …). Write the sentence on the board.

• Say Complete the sentence (watch). Call a child to the front of the class. The child completes the sentence.

Aims: presenting new words for objects; saying and writing the new words

New language: watch, bag, bicycle, CD, magazine, mobile phone

Revised language: He’s/He isn’t .. ing/There is …/There are …

You need: Student’s Book p53; Activity Book p59; CD track 100; flashcards for objects

Starter – a dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 52. For example, mother, father, sofa.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the first word letter by letter (m–o–t–h–e–r).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Put the flashcards on the board.• Point to the watch flashcard and say What is

this? Help the children to say the word if they know it in English.

• Model the word (watch … watch).• The children repeat the word watch chorally

and individually.• Repeat with the other flashcards. • Say Open your books on page 53.• Play CD track 85. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary pictures.

CD script:watchbagbicycleCD

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• The children complete the sentence in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.• Say watch. The children say He’s looking at a

watch, chorally and individually.• Repeat with the other objects. The children

say the sentences chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 watch 2 CD 3 bicycle 4 bag 5 magazine 6 mobile phone

Activity Book

1 Find the words. Match with the pictures.• Point to each of the pictures. The children say

the words (bag, CD, etc) chorally.• Point to the fi rst line of the wordsearch. Say

Find a word.• Give children time to fi nd bag. Show the

children how to circle the word. Show the children how to draw a line from the word to the picture.

• The children circle the rest of the words and match them with the pictures.

Answers: line 1: bag, watch line 2: bicycle line 3: CD, magazine line 4: mobile phone

2 Circle, true or false.• Read the fi rst sentence to the children.• Ask the children to point to the bags. Ask How

many bags are there? (three).• Read the sentence again. Show the children

that false is circled.• Repeat with the other sentences. The children

circle true or false.

Answers: 1 false 2 false 3 true 4 true

3 Write.• Write the fi rst word (bag) on the board. As you

write, remind the children The tail of letter g goes under the line.

• The children write the fi rst word (bag) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 16 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising his, her, our and their

New language: His/Her/Their bicycle is big.

Revised language: … is big/small/old; colours

You need: Student’s Book p54; Activity Book p60; CD tracks 101–102; fl ashcards for objects

Starter – vocabulary review• Show the children fl ashcards for objects at

random. The children say the words chorally and individually.

• Say sentences about yourself and your family, e.g. I have a watch. My brother has a bicycle.

• Choose a child to say a sentence about himself/herself or his/her family. Help the child to make a suitable sentence

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Emma in the pictures. Ask Who is this?

The children say her name.• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? Is the girl’s watch big? What is special about their bike?

• Play CD track 86 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

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CD script:Emma: Her watch is small. His watch is big. Their bicycle is very big!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fingers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Make sure the children understand the

meaning of his, her and their. Explain in Kurdish if necessary.

• Choose a child to read the first picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs. • Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose a child to act out the story in front of

the class.

2 Listen, read and say.• Point to each of the pictures. Ask What can

you see? about each picture.• The children identify the bike, the book, the

dolls and the CDs.• Read the chant to the children. • Play CD track 87. The children listen and follow

with their reading fingers.

CD script:We’re sharing our toys, look, look, look!We’re sharing his bicycle and my book,We’re sharing her dolls and their CDs,We’re sharing our toys, my friends and me!

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line. • The children repeat the line chorally. Help

them to follow the rhythm of the chant.• Play the chant again. The children chant the

lines at the same time.• The children say the chant again, without the


Values• Read the Values sign (Share with your friends!)

to the children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as: • What things can you share with your friends? • When was the last time you shared something with your friends? • Do you enjoy sharing? • Why is it important to share?

Activity Book

1 Read and colour.• Read the sentences to the children.• Choose children to read a sentence each.• Read the first sentence again (His bag is red).• The children colour the boy’s bag red.• Repeat with the other sentences. The children

colour the picture according to each sentence.• The children read the sentences chorally and


Answers: (check children’s colouring is correct)

2 Write His, Her or Their.• Write His, Her and Their on the board.• Write ___ watch is big on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(His).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board. • The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally and


Answers: 1 His 2 Her 3 His 4 Her 5 Their

3 Write.• Write the first sentence (His bicycle is old) on

the board. Remind the children to finish the sentence with a full stop.

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• The children write the sentence in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the second

sentence on the board.• The children write the sentence in their books

in class or for homework.

Unit 16 Lesson 3

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

• Write bag on the board. Emphasize the a with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the a. Model the /æ/ sound and the word bag like this: /æ/ … bag.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the a in the word in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Choose.• Read the three possible sentences in number 1

(His watch is yellow/Her watch is yellow/Their watch is yellow) to the children.

• Ask Which word is it? (Her). Show the children how to circle Her in their books.

• The children circle the word in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the correct sentences

chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 Her 2 His 3 Their

3 Write.• Read the fi rst sentence in number 1 to the

children. Write the second sentence, with the gap, on the board

• Point to the gap and ask What word is it? (Her).

• Call a child to the front. The child completes the sentence.

• Emphasize the link between She and Her.• Repeat with the other sentences. Emphasize

the link between He and His, and They and Their.

• The children read the pairs of sentences chorally and individually.

Answers: 1 Her 2 Their 3 Her 4 His

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking

New language: none

Revised language: his/her/their; He has/She has

You need: Student’s Book p55; Activity Book p61; CD tracks 103–104

Starter – a chant• Help the children to recall the chant from

Lesson 2.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 88 with the books closed.

CD script:bagmagazinekebabsandwichcatvan

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 55. Listen and repeat.

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Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again. • Emphasize the /æ/ sound and the word sounds

again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book (b _ _ ,

m _ _ azine, etc)• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the first

word (bag, bag).

Teacher’s script:One. Bag. Bag.Two. Magazine. Magazine.Three. Kebab. Kebab.Four. Sandwich. Sandwich.Five. Cat. Cat.Six. Van. Van.One. Bag.Two. Magazine.Three. Kebab.Four. Sandwich.Five. Cat.Six. Van.

• Call a child to the front to complete the word on the board.

• The children copy the missing letters in their books.

• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words chorally.

Encourage them to use their reading fingers.

Answers: 1 bag 2 magazine 3 kebab 4 sandwich 5 cat 6 van

2 Choose and write.• Write Their, is, blue and cat on the board.• Write Her ___ is nice on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(cat).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board.• The children copy in their books.

• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 cat 2 Their 3 blue 4 is

3 Write.• Write the sentence (Their house is old) on the

board. As you write, remind the children With capital T, one line goes across, one line goes down.

• Call children to the front to write the sentence on the board.

• The children write the sentence in their books in class or for homework.

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Unit 17


Unit 17 Lesson 1 TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday

• Play the track again. The children repeat the words chorally.

• Point to a fl ashcard. The children say the word chorally and individually.

• Repeat with the other fl ashcards.• Choose children to say all of the days of the

week in the correct order. • In pairs, the children practise saying the days

of the week in the correct order.

Extra reading practice• Put the fl ashcards on the board.• Say the fi rst word slowly. Point to each of the

letters as you say them. • Point to the word again, letter by letter. The

children read the word on the fl ashcard as you point to it.

• Repeat with the other words.

2 Say the next seven days.• Point to the Wednesday fl ashcard. Say

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

• Point to another day. Help the children to say the next seven days.

• Choose a child. Say Friday. Help the child to say the next seven days of the week in order.

• Repeat with other children and other days.• Choose a child. Say Tell me a day of the week.

Choose another child to say the next seven days in order.

• Repeat with other children.• The children practise in pairs, saying a day and

then saying the next seven days in order.

Aims: introducing days of the week

New language: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Revised language: none

You need: Student’s Book p56; Activity Book p62; CD track 105; fl ashcards for days of the week

Starter – a dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 55. For example, bag, kebab, van.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the fi rst word letter by letter (b–a–g).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Listen and say.• Say in Kurdish What are the days of the week?

The children say the days of the week in order. Put the fl ashcards on the board.

• Put the fi rst fl ashcard on the board. Say the Kurdish word for Saturday.

• Model the English word Saturday … Saturday.• The children repeat the word Saturday chorally

and individually.• Repeat with the other days of the week.• Say Open your books on page 56.• Play CD track 89. The children listen and point

to the vocabulary cards.

CD script:SaturdaySundayMonday

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Values• Read the Values sign (Enjoy your holiday on

Friday!) to the children. In Kurdish, ask them questions such as: • Why is Friday a special day? • What do you usually do on Friday? • What would your perfect Friday be like? • How can we make Friday more special?

Activity Book

1 Circle the days of the week.• Point to the first line of the word ribbon. Say

Can you find a day of the week here?• The children find Saturday.• Show the children how to circle the word. The

children circle the word in their books.• Repeat with the other days of the week.


2 Match.• Read the beginning of the first word (Sat).

Write the beginning on the board.• Ask the children to complete the word (Sat …

urday). • Call a child to the front. The child completes

the word on the board.• Show the children how to draw a line from Sat

to urday.• Repeat with the other words.

Answers: 1 Saturday 2 Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6 Thursday 7 Friday

3 Write.• Write the first word (Saturday) on the board.

As you write, remind the children All the letters sit on the line.

• The children write the first word (Saturday) in their books.

• Call children to the front to write the other words on the board.

• The children write the words in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 17 Lesson 2

Aims: presenting and practising What day/time is it?

New language: What day is it? It’s Monday. What time is it? It’s two o’clock.

Revised language: none

You need: Student’s Book p57; Activity Book p63; CD tracks 106–107

Starter – vocabulary review• Say Say the days of the week. The children say

the days of the week chorally.• Write the days on the board, with gaps, like

this: _hu _ _day.• The children guess which day is it (Thursday).• Call a child to the front to complete the word.• Repeat with other days.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz and Sirwa. Ask Who is this? The

children say the names.• Talk with the children about each picture in

Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? What is Sirwa doing?

• Play CD track 90 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Sirwa: What day is it?Nabaz: It’s Tuesday.Sirwa: What time is it?Nabaz: It’s four o’clock.

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Sirwa: Great! Lucky! It’s time for your English class!

Sirwa: Look, Lucky! A carrot!

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fi ngers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Write What day is it? and What time is it? on

the board. Make sure the children understand the meaning.

• Write It’s Tuesday and It’s four o’clock as answers to the questions. Point out how we use o’clock for the time.

• Choose a child to read the fi rst picture. Choose other children to read the other pictures.

• Say Read in pairs. • Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose two children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Point, ask and say.• Point to the fi rst picture. Ask What day is it?

(Thursday). Ask What time is it? (It’s three o’clock).

• Repeat with the other pictures.• Choose a child to point and ask the questions.

Choose another child to answer the questions.• Repeat with other children.• In pairs, the children practise asking and

answering questions about days and times.

Activity Book

1 Listen and number.• Point to the days of the week. The children

read them chorally.• Point to the clocks. The children say the times

chorally.• Play CD track 91. Pause after the fi rst question

and answer.

• Ask the children Which is it? The children point to the correct day.

• Show the children how to write the number 1 in the box.

• Repeat with the other questions and answers.

CD script:One. What time is it? It’s eleven o’clock.Two. What day is it? It’s Monday.Three. What time is it? It’s twelve o’clock.Four. What day is it? It’s Friday.Five. What time is it? It’s two o’clock.Six. What day is it? It’s Thursday.

Answers: 1 11 o’clock 2 Monday 3 12 o’clock 4 Friday 5 2 o’clock 6 Thursday

2 Choose and write.• Write What time, Wednesday, What day and fi ve

o’clock on the board.• Write What day is it? It’s ___ on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(Wednesday).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other questions and answers.• The children read the questions and answers


Answers: 1 Wednesday/ fi ve o’clock 2 What day/What time

3 Write.• Write the question (What day is it?) on the

board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.

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• The children write the answer in their books in class or for homework.

Unit 17 Lesson 3

• Write Thursday on the board. Emphasize the th with a different colour or by underlining it.

• Point to the th. Model the /θ/ sound and the word Thursday like this: /θ/… Thursday.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the th in the word in their books.

• Repeat with three, thirteen, thank you.• Write this on the board. Emphasize the th with

a different colour or by underlining it.• Point to the th. Model the /ð/ sound.

Emphasize that this is a different sound – it’s ‘heavier’ than the th in Thursday, three, thirteen and thank you.

• Model the /ð/ sound and the word this like this: /ð/… this.

• The children say the sound and the word chorally.

• The children circle the th in the word in their books.

• Repeat with this, that, these and those.

2 Listen, read and sing.• Read the song to the children. Make sure they

understand new expressions such as Let me see and OK.

• Play CD track 93. The children listen.

CD script:What day is it? Let me see.It’s Thursday today.What time is it? Let me see.It’s three o’clock. OK?

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the words silently.

• Play the song again. Pause after each line. The children listen and repeat.

• Play the song again, without pauses. Encourage the class to sing along.

Aims: focus on spelling and pronunciation; speaking; singing a song

New language: none

Revised language: What day/time is it?; days of the week; It’s two o’clock

You need: Student’s Book p58; Activity Book p64; CD tracks 108–110

Starter – a chant• Let the children choose a chant from Units 2,

4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Listen and repeat. Then circle and say.• Say Listen to these words.• Play CD track 92 with the books closed.

CD script:Thursdaythreethirteenthank youthisthatthesethose

• Play the track again. The children repeat each word chorally.

• Say Open your books on page 58. Listen and repeat.

• Play the track again. The children listen, read and repeat each word.

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Unit 17/Revision 5


3 Complete and sing.• Ask What day is it? The children say the day of

the week.• Show the children how to complete the song

with the day of the week.• Ask What time is it? Help the children to say

the time to the nearest hour.• Show the children how to complete the song

with the time.• Read the completed song to the children.• The children read the song chorally. • Encourage the children to sing the song with

the current day and time.

Activity Book

1 Listen and write.• Write the spelling words from Student’s Book

Exercise 1 on the board again. • Emphasize the two th sounds and the word

sounds again.• Add the gaps as in the Activity Book

(_ _ _rsday, _ _ _ee, etc).• Read the teacher’s script. Pause after the fi rst

word (Thursday, Thursday).• Call a child to the front to complete the word

on the board.• The children copy the missing letters in their

books.• Repeat with the other words.

Teacher’s script:One. Thursday. Thursday.Two. Three. Three.Three. This. This.Four. That. That.Five. These. These.Six. Those. Those.One. Thursday.Two. Three.Three. This.Four. That.Five. These.Six. Those.

• The children read the words chorally. Encourage them to use their reading fi ngers.

Answers: 1 Thursday 2 three 3 this 4 that 5 these 6 those

2 Choose and write.• Write time, It’s, it and day on the board.• Write What ___ is it? It’s Wednesday on the

board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(day).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 day 2 time 3 It’s 4 it

3 Write.• Write the question (What time is it?) on the

board. Remind the children how to write the question mark (?).

• The children write the question in their books.• Call a child to the front to write the answer on

the board.• The children write the answer in their books in

class or for homework.

Revision 5

Aims: revision of Units 15, 16 and 17

New language: none

Revised language: grammar and vocabulary from Units 15, 16 and 17

You need: Student’s Book p59; Activity Book pp65–66; CD track 111

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Revision 5


Starter – looking at the units• Show the children Units 15, 16 and 17 in the

Student’s Book.• Look at the vocabulary pages. The children

read the vocabulary words.• Look at the story pages. Point out the new

grammar such as This is my house, Their bicycle is very big and What time is it?

• Recall the songs and chants in the units.

1 Play. Ask questions to guess the person.• Point to the first picture. Ask What day is it?

(It’s Monday). Ask What time is it? (It’s three o’clock).

• Point to the girl on the left in the first picture. Ask What colour are her trousers? (They’re red).

• Point to the girl on the right in the first picture. Ask What colour are her trousers? (They’re green).

• Ask similar questions about the other pictures.• Say I’m thinking of one the girls. Choose a girl,

but don’t tell the children.• Read the example questions.• Help the children to ask you questions about

the time, the day and the girl’s trousers. Answer appropriately.

• The children guess which girl you are thinking of.

• Ask a child to choose one of the girls on the page. The other children ask questions and try to guess the girl.

• In pairs, the children play the game.

Your progress!Note: It’s best to do this section at the end of the lesson.• Remind children in Kurdish that at the end of

every Revision they can check their progress.• Ask in Kurdish How many units have we done?


• Show the children how to colour in the squares up to Unit 17.

• Talk with the children in Kurdish about what they have learnt in Units 15–17.

• Encourage them to be aware of their progress. Emphasize that they are nearly at the end of the course. Explain that the next unit is revision of the whole course.

Activity Book

1 Listen and colour.• Point to the objects and clothes in the

pictures of Tom and Tina. Ask the children What is this? (A T-shirt, his bag, her bag, etc).

• Say Listen for the colours. Play CD track 94. The children choose the colours they need (blue, green, red, brown, yellow).

CD script:Tom: Hi! My name’s Tom. My shoes are blue. My

bag is green.Tina: Hi! My name’s Tina. My shoes are red. My

bag is brown. Our caps are in the bag. They’re yellow.

• Play the track again. Pause after My name is Tom. Ask Who is it? (Tom).

• Play the next sentence. Ask What colour are his shoes? (blue). The children colour his shoes blue.

• Repeat with the other sentences. The children colour the clothes.

Answers: Tom: blue shoes, green bag Tina: red shoes, brown bag, two yellow caps in Tina’s bag

2 Match the questions and answers.• Read the first question (What colour are his

shoes?). Ask What’s the answer? (They’re blue).• Show the children how to draw a line from 1 to


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Revision 5


• Repeat with the other questions.• The children read the questions and answers

chorally and individually.• Help the children to ask questions about the

second picture, such as What colour is his T-shirt? (It’s black), What colour are his trousers? (They’re grey) and Where are their caps? (They’re in his bag).

• In pairs, the children ask and answer questions about the second picture.

Answers: 1b 2c 3e 4a 5d

3 Read and match.• Read the sentences in 1 to the children. Ask

Which picture is it? (2).• The children point to the correct picture.• Show the children how to write number 1 in

the box.• Repeat with the other sets of sentences.

Answers: 4 1 3 2

4 Copy.• Read the questions and answers to the

children.• The children copy the sentences in their


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Unit 18


Unit 18 Lesson 1 Activity Book

1 Play a word game.• Read the dialogue to the children. Make sure

they understand that the boy says two words, then only the first sound of the third word. The girl says the third word.

• Say pen, pencil, e… . The children guess the word (eraser).

• Say cow, horse, sh… . The children guess the word (sheep).

• Repeat with other sets of words from Student’s Book Exercise 1.

2 Order and write.• Read the jumbled words in 1. Say Make a

sentence (She’s a doctor).• Call a child to the front. The child writes the

sentence on the board.• The children copy the sentence in their books.• Repeat with the other sets of jumbled words.

Answers: 1 She’s a doctor. 2 Are they happy? No, they aren’t. 3 There are six cats. 4 We have a car. 5 He’s reading a book.

Unit 18 Lesson 2

Aims: reviewing vocabulary from Level 3

New language: none

Revised language: Level 3 vocabulary

You need: Student’s Book p60; Activity Book p67

Starter – a dictation• Choose three words from the spelling/

pronunciation words on Student’s Book page 58. For example, Thursday, three, this.

• Write the words on the board. The children read the words chorally.

• Erase the words. Spell the first word letter by letter (T–h–u–r–s–d–a-y).

• The children write the word.• Repeat with the other words.• The children read the words again chorally.

1 Point and say.• Point to the first row of pictures. The children

say the words (doctor, nurse, etc).• In pairs, the children try to remember the

words for all the other pictures. They can check on the vocabulary pages of their Student’s Books.

• Choose rows of pictures at random. The children say the words.

2 Say three more words.• Read the dialogue to the children.• Say doctor. The children say three more words

from the professions category, for example, firefighter, policeman, teacher.

• Repeat with other groups of words.• Choose a child to say a word. Choose another

child to say three more words from the group.• Repeat with other children and other words.• In pairs, the children practise saying words.

Aims: reviewing grammar from Level 3

New language: none

Revised language: Level 3 grammar

You need: Student’s Book p61; Activity Book p68; CD tracks 112–113

Starter – vocabulary review• Put about 20 of the flashcards from Level 3 on

the board.• Describe one of the flashcards. For example,

It’s green or It’s big.

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Unit 18


• The children guess the object.• Repeat with other objects.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Sirwa, Emma and Jack in the

pictures. Ask Who is this? The children say the names.

• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as Where are they? What is Emma doing? Why is Emma unhappy?

• Play CD track 95 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Emma: I’m a teacher. You’re students.Emma: Is Lucky in the box?Nabaz: No, he isn’t.Jack: Are you sad?Emma: Yes, I am.Emma: Where is Lucky?

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fi ngers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Choose a child to read the fi rst picture. Choose

other children to read the other pictures. • Say Read in pairs. • Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose four children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Listen, read and say.• Point to the fi rst picture. Ask Where are they?

(At school). Ask What can you see? (desks, children, etc).

• Repeat with the second picture.• Read the fi rst verse of the chant to the

children. Ask Which picture is it? (The fi rst picture).

• Repeat with the second verse.

• Play CD track 96. The children listen and follow with their reading fi ngers.

CD script:Where is she? Listen and guess.There are lots of chairs and desks.She’s at school! Yes! Yes!Where are they? Listen and guess.There’s a chair and there are beds.They’re at home! Yes! Yes!

• Play the chant again. Pause after each line. • The children repeat the line chorally. Help

them to follow the rhythm of the chant.• Play the chant again. The children chant the

lines at the same time.• The children say the chant again, without the


Activity Book

1 Choose and write.• Write Are, in, am, You’re and isn’t on the

board.• Write I’m a teacher. ___ students on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(You’re).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board. • The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 You’re 2 in/isn’t 3 Are/am

2 Write.• Point to the picture. Read the fi rst sentence.• The children complete the second sentence

(They aren’t).• The children complete the third sentence

(They’re).• Call children to the front to write a sentence

on the board.• Repeat with the other pictures.

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Unit 18


Answers: 1 They aren’t/They’re 2 I’m not/sad 3 isn’t/under

Unit 18 Lesson 3

Activity Book

1 Play a word game. Use the words in Lesson 1.• Read the dialogue to the children. Make sure

they understand that the boy says two words, then only the first sound of the third word. The girl says the third word.

• Say mother, father, si… . The children guess the word (sister).

• Say milk, water, le… . The children guess the word (lemonade).

• Repeat with other sets of words.

2 Order and write.• Read the jumbled words in 1. Say Make a

sentence (They aren’t eating kebabs).• Call a child to the front. The child writes the

sentence on the board.• The children copy the sentence in their books.• Repeat with the other sets of jumbled words.

Answers: 1 They aren’t eating kebabs. 2 He isn’t running. 3 Is she walking? No, she isn’t. 4 What are they doing? They’re reading books. 5 This isn’t my book. It’s your book.

Unit 18 Lesson 4

Aims: reviewing vocabulary from Level 3

New language: none

Revised language: Level 3 vocabulary

You need: Student’s Book p62; Activity Book p69

Starter – a chant• Help the children to recall the chant from

Lesson 2.• Write the chant on the board.• The whole class says the chant chorally,

reading from the board.

1 Point and say.• Point to the first row of pictures. The children

say the words (biscuits, kebabs, etc).• In pairs, the children try to remember the

words for all the other pictures. They can check on the vocabulary pages of their Student’s Books.

• Choose rows of pictures at random. The children say the words.

2 Say three more words.• Read the dialogue to the children.• Say shirt. The children say three more words

from the clothes category, for example, trousers, shoes, skirt.

• Say other words. The children say three more words for each.

• Choose a child to say a word. Choose another child to say three more words from the group.

• Repeat with other children and other words.• In pairs, the children practise saying words.

Aims: reviewing the grammar from Level 3

New language: none

Revised language: Level 3 grammar

You need: Student’s Book p63; Activity Book pp70–71; CD tracks 114–115

Starter – vocabulary review• Put about 20 of the flashcards from Level 3 on

the board. Use a different selection to Lesson 1 of this unit.

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Unit 18


• Describe one of the fl ashcards. For example, He’s tall or It’s red.

• The children guess the object.• Repeat with other objects.

1 Read, listen and say.• Point to Nabaz, Sirwa, Emma and Jack in the

pictures. Ask Who is this? The children say the names.

• Talk with the children about each picture in Kurdish. Ask questions such as What are they looking for? and Where is Lucky?

• Play CD track 97 while the children listen. The children listen and point to each picture.

CD script:Jack: Are you looking for Lucky?Nabaz: Yes, I am.Emma: Is he sleeping in the bed?Sirwa: No, he isn’t.Sirwa: Lucky’s in the school bag!Emma: What time is it?Jack: It’s fi ve o’clock. It’s time for food.

• Play the track again. Encourage the children to follow the speech bubbles with their reading fi ngers.

• Play the track again. Pause after every sentence and say Repeat.

• Children repeat the sentence chorally.• Choose a child to read the fi rst picture. Choose

other children to read the other pictures. • Say Read in pairs.• Children read aloud taking turns picture by

picture.• Choose four children to act out the story in

front of the class.

2 Listen, read and sing.• Read the song to the children. Make sure they

understand new expressions such as Every day is good and on my own.

• Play CD track 98. The children listen.

CD script:Saturday, Sunday and Monday too,Every day is good at school!Tuesday’s nice and Wednesday’s funWith my friends or on my own,Then it’s Thursday, then Friday, Every day of the week is great.

• Play the song again. The children listen and read the words silently.

• Play the song again. Pause after each line.• The children listen and repeat after each line.• Play the song again, without pauses.

Encourage the class to sing along.

Activity Book

1 Choose and write.• Write time, am, in, Are, Is, It’s and isn’t on the

board.• Write ___ you looking for Lucky? on the board.• Point to the gap. Ask Which word goes here?

(Are).• Call a child to the front. The child completes

the sentence on the board.• The children copy in their books.• Repeat with the other sentences.• The children read the sentences chorally.

Answers: 1 Are/am 2 Is, isn’t 3 in 4 time, It’s

2 Write.• Point to the picture. Read the question. The

children complete the question (What day).• The children complete the answer (It’s).• Call children to the front to write the question

and answer on the board.• Repeat with the other pictures.

Answers: 1 What day/It’s 2 What/I’m 3 Is/isn’t/Our

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Unit 18


Colouring inThere are several different ways to use this page. You can use all of these at different times during the course.1 You can use this page when you have extra

time in a lesson. The children colour one part of the picture at the end of the lesson.

2 Alternatively, the children colour one part of the picture for homework.

3 You can also use this page for revision at the end of the course.

The children should use the same colours for some things in the picture, such as the children’s clothes. For example, point to Emma and ask What colour is her T-shirt? (red). The children colour the T-shirt. Repeat with the other clothes.The children can choose the other colours, such as the flowers, the numbers and the animals. For example, point to the numbers and say Colour the numbers. You can choose the colours. The children colour the numbers. When they have finished, ask individual children questions such as What colour is number 13?

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