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Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica

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  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica



    Vol 15 No. 1 March 1974

    Dear C h r i s t i a n F r i e n d s

    Greetings in Christ e ar e grateful for our wonderful Saviour and His helpSome of you must have wondered what happened to us since we seemed to have droppedout o f s i g h t f o r a t ime

    We a r r ived i n th e s t a t e s on t he 5th o f October We came i n on one a i r l i n e an dthe children were expecting us on another so i t was a l i t t l e while before we gottoge the r But what a joyous reunion t was

    Very short ly we went to Rapid City S. Dakota so we could se e my mother. Iwas able to go back again in November and January e were able to have good vis i tstogether The 12th of February she received her release Our family was so glads h e s u f f e r e d s o l t t l f rom t h e c a n c e r

    Our daughter Sandra went to th e hospi ta l on the 18th of November and on th e14th of ecember had a l i t t le baby boy. Having gone to the National Missionary

    Convention we did not get back to Minneapolis until th e forpart of ecember Fromthen until February Grandmother was the housekeeper and greatly enjoyed being ableto help with th e new grandson. This l i t t l e boy has been named Vaughn.

    With Sandra and the baby both coming home about Christmas we had our familyChristmas at ew Years- So we were able to enjoy a l l our children and six grandc h i l d r e n at o n e t i m e

    A great honor af ter our arrival in th e States was being asked by th e chuch atLitchf ie ld M.innesota to come and have par t in t he i r Dedication of a new churchb u i l d i n g

    e have been v i s i t i ng th e churches tha t help us on the mission f ie ld eachw ee ke nd a nd others dur ing th e week Most a l l o f our t ime i s scheduled u n t i l inJune and we have two summer camps scheduled

    Our plans are to return to South Africa toward th e end of August. Our reentry visas are good un t i l the 5th o f September

    Those missionar ies who do the most t r av el in g in th e work in South A frica arefinding i t a bit more difficult for one can not buy gasoline from 6 at night until6 in the morning on week days and not from 6 on Friday night until 6 on Mondaymorning. So weekends they can not go far without including Friday or Monday

    In September th e Mission tent was torn in half I t was fixed by taking outthe torn panel- At the same time we found that we could buy a five year old tentfor about 1500. I t i s 40 feet wide but can be used in lengths of 40 60 80 or100 fee t The old tent was too small fo r most services i t was used for So wepurchased th e newer one- e thank those who have given for th is ten t Partof the money was used from the general working fund so i f you would s t i l l like tohelp with the purchase of the tent we would be happy fo r that help.

    After speaking at LaCrosse Wisconsin las t weekend we went to vis i t ou r sonJohn and family at Milwaukee a couple days before going to Pleasant Grove Minn.f o r s e r v i c e s

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    We with Jaines visited Max Randall in t he hospi ta l in Rochester He has had surgeryon h is l e f t w r i s t to r e l i eve complicat ions o f rhumatoid a r t h r i t i s He seemed to beg e t t i n g on w e l l

    thank you a l l for your continued help love and prayers. May th e Lord guide

    y o u e a c h one .


    M r s . R i c h a r d H a n s o n1 6 6 4 2 G an n on A ve W

    Rosemount Minn. 55068


    Mailed b yM a d i s o n P a r k C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h

    2 1 5 N o r t h 2 S t h St ree t

    Quincy I l l i n o i s 62301


    Yours i n HimA l v i n Ve rm i ta N i ch o ls on

    Non p ro f i t Organ iza t ionU.S. Pos t ag e

    7 PA I D

    Q u i n c y I l l i n o i s 6 2 3 0 1P e r m i t 5 7

    I t ission CcrvicBdB o x 1 7 7

    KEMPTori rnt>.

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


    N WS WIT T NI HOLSONS ^Vo l . 15 No . 2 J u n e 1974

    Dear C h r i s t i a n F r i e n d s

    I had my n e w sl et te r w r i tt e n an d then went o f f an d l e f t i t when we went on th e l a s tt r i p . So we are a l i t t l e b i t l a t e r . Almost a l l o f March an d th e f i r s t week of Apr i l ,we were t r a v e l i n g v i s i t i n g churches i n Minnesota , Iowa, Nebraska , Missour i an d Kansas.

    I t was a wonderful time for us as we visited with so many friends. Our hearts are greatlycha l l enged by much o f th e work we se e be ing done today.

    We v i s i t e d Nebraska C h r i s t i a n Col l ege where we t o l d o f t h e work i n South A f r i c a an dha d an oppor tun i ty to speak to one o f th e c la ss es a t school . Then on th e road one nigh twe had th e oppor tun t iy to hear Roy Coop and a group f ro m D ak ot a B ib le C o ll eg e. In Apr i l ,we v i s i t e d Huron and Mitche l l , South D ak ota an d spoke a t Dakota Bible Col lege .

    In Missouri , we spent four days on the farm on th e Vemon M il l e r s , pa r en t s o f DeannaGuy i n South Afr ica . They hope to go an d v i s i t t h e i r daugh te r f o r th re e weeks. While i n

    Kansas , I had rim e one day to go t o a farm dam an d c a t c h tw o c a t f i s h r ; I t wa s n i c e t o s i tou t and enjoy t he s un sh in e.

    PTane:^ have gone up by about $100 a person and we are hoping to have ourdepart^urg^ime_^hortIv. It possible i t will be the ember when the low fareseome-'iii^^Sr^^, i t will be right at_tjie.-.end of August. I^e must be in South Africa by

    th e 5 th o f September. / ' -Til tH r i T -

    Central Chr is t ian Church o f Wichita Fal ls , Texas, h as p ur ch as ed the_se t_of us to us e in South Africa. I j u s t wish tha t I were present in South Africa~ih Ju ly

    '^0 be able to use these in teaching the young people at camp.

    j j ist had a l e t t e r from Gordon Nelson a t Kimberlev. He gave us more informat ionthat they have been hal^g in the^'central paft~of the country. Much of thi?

    a r e a has aif annual ra in f a l l o f 10 i nches o r s o , b u t s i n c e November o f l a s t year some. .^j^laces havg'lia over^SO in^^^^T raih. Others have written to say that m^;^-| ^jTLa,s^oubled.

    in price jand that ttT^ e5p^1ted mTk^o rise by 4 cents a l i t re . So they also^re liSVlTlg't h e i r t r o u b l e w i l j i i n f l a t i o n .

    After some problems in try ing to find time to see a den t i s t , I have made arrangementswith a dentist at Rosemount to dQ_ext^n.sive-,dentaj^j^k..In less than one week he willhave me in the chair fo r four hdti f'sT l7r^sS^ they do not worry to much about onekeeping t h e i r t ee th . They f i l l them as long as they can an d tlfen piill them. Fo r makirigthe cl icks t ha t are a pa r t o f th e language there , I would jus t as soon keep mine.

    On-the 22nd o f Apr i l , while with Verni ta s paren t s a t Huron, S ou th D ak ot a, we l i s t e n e dto Daniel BOone on XV. On t h i s program he was helping some s laves who had ru n away froma slave ship here in the Sta tes . We^ were not surpr i sed when,we found t ha t we c ou ld u nd ef -

    ^^and what thgs^^jpeople were saxing,_ 1 Hbubt i f the people who were brought here wereZuTus bdf '^^^y do beTieve that they build their language on th e ur-Bantu language ofCeptra l Afr ica , fo r the African people o f South Afr ica migrated from c e n t r a l Afr ica . I t i s

    ,jj^^^_^^^t^c^how_theycame since there are no records.Many o f you wi l l be a cq u ai n te d w i th Gary Player who has won th e M as te r s Golf Tourna

    ment for the second time. Ian Player, the b ro th er o f Gary Player, i s th e Chief Game Rangerfor Natal. Lee Elder, the Colored golfer who hopes to play in t he M as te r s next yearplayed i n South Africa a few year ago. His wife v i s i t e d th e g i r l s school where PreciousQwemesha, Nic Qwemesha's daughter, goes to school. She then returned to America to raisemoney f o r a w a t e r works f o r them.

    We h a v

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


    May God r i ch ly bless your labors fo r Him


    Mrs . R i c h a r d H a n s o n 6 6 4 2 G a n n o n Av e . W.

    Rosemount Minn . 55068


    Mailed by.. .Madison P a r k C h r i s t i a n Church21 5 N o r t h 2 5 t h S t r e e t

    Quincy I l l i n o i s 62301


    Yours i n C h ri s ti a n l o v eA l v i n Ve r n i t a N i c h o l s o n

    Non p ro f i t Organ iza t ionU. S. Postage

    7 PA I D

    Q u i n c y I l l i n o i s 62301

    P e r m i t 5 7

    3s i 0 n S e r v i c e 3E o : : 7 7

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


    NEWS WITH THE NICHOLSONSVol. 15 No. 4 July, 1974

    Dear C h r i s t i a n F r i e n d s

    This has been a wonderful 4th of July for us. James did not have to work on Fridayso he traveled with us to visi t with Steven and hi s family at Clear Lake Iowa. Shortlyaf ter we arrived there, John and his family arrived from Milwaukee Wisconsin. We have

    three and one hal f days to be together.June has been a very full month. We began the 2nd with Sunday services at Worthington

    Minnesota and then we were t h e i r DVBS missionaries fo r the week. Our f i r s t contac t withthis chuch began in 1947 with camp work and they have supported us in th e South Africanwork since 1952. So we have many friends to vis i t .

    Sunday morning the 9th we spoke at Primghar Iowa and took with us to camp one ofthe sons of the f i r s t young man we baptized when we began our ministry in Iowa. Thisweek of camp was spent at amp Nebowa at Onawa Iowa. This week was made doubly enjoyablebecause a number of old friends were_preser^t from College and Iowa ministry days.

    The 16th found us at East Christian Church McKinney Texas and that afternoon atChristian Camp of th e Living Word at Point, Texas. This was fo r J un io r week. The follow

    ing Sunday we visited at Story Road Christian Church at Irving, Texas. Also met an oldschool friend from South Dakota at this time. We spent this week at C.C.L.W.; this timewith a Junior High group. The East Texas churches were given grounds for this camp andthey have done a great job of developing a well planned and useful camp grounds. Hereexcep t fo r two f a m i l i e s , we made a l l new f r i e n d s .

    Then we scurried to get to Quincy I l l inois . Saturday night we attended a cook outwith one of th e Sunday School classes from Madison Park Christian Church and th e Missionwork was presented at the Sunday services. Madison Park has been helping us to preach thegospe l i n S o u t h A f r i c a s in c e 1959.

    Most of our time is filled, until we return to South Africa with visiting churches.I have a wedding for one of my nieces and Vemita hopes to be with most of her familywhen one of her nieces gets married in August. have one week of camp left in July.

    The missionaries overseas are already lining up work for us to do. It may be thatwe will be only a short time at home before the Annual Conference takes place in September.

    ay the love of our precious Redeemer f i l l and refresh your lives each day.

    Yours i n C h r i s t i a n Love ,_ A l v i n Ve r n i t a N i c h o l s o n

    NOTE: The above Newsletter was postmarked July 11 1974.

    September, 1974

    Dear C h r i s t i a n Fr iends ,

    But make everyone rejoice who puts his truth in You. Keep them shouting for joybecause you are defending them. Fill all who love you with your happiness For youbless th e Godly man 0 Lord; you protec t him with your shield of love. Psalms 5:11 L iv ing B i b l e ) .

    Though our eyes blur with tears and thoughts of our children and family f i l l ourmind we find our eyes looking more and more to ou r work in South Africa. We know th eabove scripture will help us again to feel the joy we have fel t in many aspects of ours e r v ic e f o r Hi m i n S o u t h A f r i c a

    Between shopping for those items always left to last and packing supplies forshipping, we have v i s i t ed with Stanleys, viewed old s l ides with our children andr e l i v e d o ld exper i ences .

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


    One really struck m funny after learning a comment of one of our or Stanley'schildren which I hadn't know before. were on our way to Capetown to a youth camp oneyear with Stan l ey ' s sons- -Dar re l , Michael and Duane as well as our th re e o ld er ones-S an dr a, S te ve n and John. ha s to pa ss thr ough an area where there was t rouble andwere stopped by the police. were asked, Do you have any arms? Our kids snickeredin th e b ac k, O f c ou rs e we've got arms

    have been in five C h ri st ia n s er vi ce camp since our las t newsletter and vis i tedchurches in Texas, Missouri , I l l i n o i s South an d North Dakota and Minnesota. Wehave has wonderful fellowship with Christian-friends that have been a real inspiration.The Holy Spirit moves in wonderous ways and to be aware of His almost unnoticed movingi s to be gaddened beyond descr ip t ion .

    y th e time you receive th is l e t t e r we will be back in South Africa. Your prayerswhenever you think of us-any time during day or night--will l i f t us up and help us duringthese da y o f reenter ing our work.

    Brian and Deanne Guy's p aren ts are t raveling with us . So there i s going to be ahappy r eun ion on the o th er s id e o f th e ocean which w i l l make us r e l i v e our own on t h i ss i d e

    A week af te r we get back we wil l be in a meeting l ike some of your preaching ra l lysand conventions here. Only difference are some of the customs, predominate race groupsan d type o f b u i l d i n g s - - o u r s w i l l be a t e n t

    have to g e t our Dodge r un nin g a ga in and ready fo r tak ing the t e n t down to themee t ing . I t s been d r i v e n l e s s t han a h a l f dozen t imes s i n c e we l e f t so we a r e n o t s u r ew h a t i t w i l l n e e d

    Stanleys have l e f t t h e i r car for us to dr ive to Port Shepstone from Johannesburg.We ' l l s ta y in t h e i r home u n t i l a f t e r Conference .

    May we ask someone in each of our supporting churches to airmail us a copy of t he i rchurch b u l l e t i n o r paper as of ten as i t comes out? We want to pray s p e c i f i c a l l y fo ryour work. - -


    M r s R i c h a r d H a n s o n1 6 6 4 2 G an non A ve . W.

    Rosemount , Minn. 55068


    Mailed b yM a d i s o n P a r k C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h2 1 5 N o r t h 2 5 t h S t r e e tQuincy, I l l i n o i s 62301


    With C h r i s t i a n Love,A l v i n V e m i t a

    Non-Pro f i t O r g a n i z a t i o nU S POSTAGE

    l .S i f Pa idQ u i n c y, I l l i n o i s 62301

    P e r m i t 5 7

    M i s s i o n S e r v i c e s

    B o x 1 7 7

    KEMPTON, IND. 46049

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica



    alvin Nicholson was bomAagust 12 , 1920 in south Dakota He graduated from Blunt,\

    High S ch oo l and entered Minnesota Bible College in 1940, graduated in 1944* He held

    pastorates in Faribault and Litchf ie ld , Minn aind Sutherland, Ir a befcr e going to th e

    mission f i e ld in South Africa, December, 1953

    Vernita was born in South Dakota as well and graduat ed from Sturgis High SchocQ

    entering Minnesota Bible College in 1940 They were married on September 6, 1942 im

    F a r i b a u l t Minnesota

    They have fbur children: Sandra Mrs Richard Hanson) was born in Minneapolis ,

    Minnesota November 14 , 1943, graduated frcm Port Shepstone High School and Minnesota

    Bible College Sandra is t he Nicho lson s forwarding agent Richard works for Bell

    Telephone They have two children, Valerie, age 5 and lfe.ughn 8 Mo Steven was born inLitchfield, Minnesota February 17, 1945, graduated from Port S&epstone High Sdi oo l and

    Minnesota Bible College He has minister to congregations in Stev/artville, Minnesota

    and Hampton, Iowa Currently, he is ministering at Clear Lake, Iowa, as wel l as working

    He i s married to Rosalie Bueghly and they have two chi ldren , Matthew 5 and Stephanie 2

    John was bo rn w hi le they minis te r ed a t Sutherland, Iowa on May 20 , 1948 He graduated

    from Albert Lea, Minnesota High School and attended Minnesota Bible College He hsffi

    ministered at Readstown, Wisconsin and at present is working for Ladish Company anddoing supply preaching in Milwaukee, Wisconsin He married Cheri Daily and they have

    two children, Lisa 3 and Jul ie 18 mo Jsies was bom in Pvt Shepstone, South Africaoon

    December 13, 1954, graduated from Par t Shepstone High School He has attended one year

    a t Minnesota Bible College At th e present time he i s taking a course a t Rochester

    Community College

    The Nicholson family arrived in South Africa in December, 1953, spent a few months

    in Kimberley with th e Randall and Stanley f am il ie s l ea rn in g alo u t th e work to be done

    b efo re they moved to Port Shepstone whore they have l ived during the i r over 20 years

    i n S o u t h A f r i c a

    Their avenues o f service have been t rave l ing to v i s i t most of the churches in the

    Republic o f South Africa a t various t imes though t h e i r pr inc ipa l areas o f service were

    Pondoland, Transkei a nd Z ul ul an d The churches in South A frica a re under over 40 Local

    ministers who have several p laces each to preach and work Thus Alvin doss not preach

    for any one church but helps with problems ^pj-eaching, building and evangelism

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


    Since 1960 he has omUned t h i s t r v e l i n g wi th t each ing on e o r more c l s s e s t

    j the l asumbe Bible Institute During furloughs of the Lynn Stanley families, he and

    I Vernita with the help of Nic Qwemeshahave operated the Bible InstituteI Vernitahastaught undayShoolClassesboth fricanand Buuopeantaughtat

    furlough time of Stanleys in the Bible College and helped teach sewing typing andmusic as w e l l as o th er c la ss es as needed Since sh e could n o t always t r v e l with

    Alr in because o f the ch i ld ren sh e prepared Bible le ss on s to send to each m i n i s t e r s

    w ife as o f t e n a s p os sib le

    They are hoping to work more in rural evangelism and translating material fo r

    t he Afr icans during th is next term in South Africa They returned Augi s t 31, 1974

    fo r t he i r f i f th tennj )f v/ork in South Africa

    0VBRS3AS ADDRESS: Alm.n Nichols n. Box 219, Port Shepsdme, 4240, Natal South Africa

    FORVa RDING AGENT: Mrs Richard Hanson, 16642 Gannon Ave. W Rosemount, Minn 55068

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica



    Vo l . 15 No. 5 O c t o b e r 1974

    Dear F r i e n d s

    Greetings once again from South Africa. After a very dry time, i t is raining nicelyn o w

    Wg le ft Minneapo1i

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


    jt - :

    After looking around we decided that -.ft would be wise tQ_Jt.ujf^a^aaier car and usei t rather than the pickup wherever we could. We bought a HiTlman hunl ber *69 model and i thad only 22,400 miles on i t . I t is in exeelient condition. I t has an automatic transmission ( there are really only coming in now on many cars here) but i f i t gives us 30miles to the gallon of gasoline that will be:a real help when gasoline is 1.00 a gallon.I might say the car was not cheap compared to American cars but i t is a very good buy here

    We have found that meat and milk have increased very greatly in.price since we l e f t .The same may be true of many other things but we have not yet figured ailTthese out . owever th e one thing tha t i s much cheaper here i s sugar.

    are st i l l working to get our home in; order and have muchjvrlc_tp,,doVoutside fthe renters only really mowed the grass arowd ,the house. ome of The rest of i t is veryta l l . I bought some onion and cabbage plants and fo r the time being have planted themi n t h e f l o w e r b e d .

    Brethren, please pray for us.. I have been_c^^s to be Superintendentytf the work here and to help with the oversight of the building program. There is muchwork tha t needs to be done and I feel the n^eed of the Lord s help in much of th e workthat lays before us. We have made applications for our permits to work in the A fric anomelands but un t i l they come, we wil l be vis i t ing the churches tha t meet in the c i t i e s .

    May God r i ch ly b l e s s you each one.

    FORWARDING AGENT:M r s . R i c h a r d H a n s o n

    1 6 6 4 2 G A n n o n Av e . W.R o s e m o u n t Minn. 55068


    Mailed b y. . .M a d i s o n P a r k C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h21 5 N o r t h 2 5 t h S t r e e tQ u i n c y I l l i n o i s 62301


    In C h r i s t i a n l o v e .T h e N i c h o l s o n s

    N o n - P r o f i t O rg a n i z a t i o nU . S . POSTAGE

    1 . 8 P a i dQuincy I l l i n o i s 62301

    P e r m i t 5 7

    M i s s i o n S e r v i c e sB o x 1 7 7

    KEHPTON, IND. 46049

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica



    Vol. 15 No 6 November 1974D e a r C h r i s t i a n F r i e n d s ;

    Gree t ings i n C h r i s t s wonderful name.

    Two month back in South Africa an d we have got ten back in to the work so t h a t our timei s pret ty well f i l l ed up. Several men and groups of men have been here to v i s i t with us.

    e were in Durban and on Tuesday evening vis i ted at a prayer meeting in an Indianhome in Chatsworth. Wednesday morning Floyd Stamm and I flew to Eshowe and picked upSandy S i n c l a i r an d few on to Matubatuba to see some o f th e Chr i s t i ans and a l so to seefrom the air some of the places where th e brethren were meeting. I t is a real experienceto see an area from the air. One could see that most of theZulu people build thei r homeson th e top o f the h i l l s t h a t t h e i r f en ces aroun d t h e i r a rea i s in a c i r c l e an d th e homesbui l t round in a circle. Since th e houses are also round everything i s round.

    _ _ - Since coming back I h av e b een trMibleds Me urge the Afrlcans jLo jninister to t h e i rown folks and in fact teach them to do this; I have no doubt about this being right.But very often these men have to work under th e most d i ff i cu l t condit ions because wehave not yet been able to teach most of th e churches to support their ministers adequatelyYet as I urge them to do this work I am neither hungry nor in need. I do try to helpwhen a man is in a very diff icul t position. But i t is like a drop in a bucket.

    w o of the ministers in the rural areas have asked fo r house plans and have said thatwhenever they could get a l i t t l e money together they would build on the house. A l e t t e rfrom one man ask when I am going to Durban for his daughter has given him somefurniture. He would like me to haul i t back fo r him. The closest date I could give himnow w a s D e c e m b e r .

    After the middle of the month we are planning to visi t the churches of the Capeprovince Stut terheim Queenstown Tarkastad Cradock Middelburg and Graaff Reinet.- ewill be using the t rai ler house for living quarters to cut down on expenses. e expectto be gone from home fo r more than tw o weeks.

    The t imber for th e roof of the church building a t Kroonvale in Graaff Reinet ha sbeen ordered. e ordered i t here in Natal to be shipped down The mill is run by amissionaries brother so he has given us a discount and we can buy much cheaper throughhim. In fac t the lumber yard told Lynn Stanley i f he wan ted to buy a whole car loadthey would t ake an y wood we did no t use .

    e took the tent to Pondoland for one weekend meeting for the church. After se t t ingthe tent up a few times we are learning easier ways to do the job- Twenty foot poleswith canvas f as te ne d t o them are not the eas ies t things to bring up r ight .

    e have been glad tha t we have the s ma ll er c ar . Not only because i t uses less

    gasoline in getting about bu t we had to ge t front brake linings for the pickup. swe did th is we ha d to replace sev era l other par t s and I worked along and found something new I needed to do. Here one does not just go to th e shop and get a part . Severalthings had to be ordered from Durban and so I pick them up th e next day. The l a s t twothings have had to ordered from the factory at Port Elizabeth which is s ix hundred milesaway. Now i t seems they a re working out some new scheme to do t h i s fo r he sa id hewould telex i t in and i t will come up airmail. Well I hope i t really works that waybut I know earlier what ordering from the factory meant. I have had the pickup on blocksf o r a l m o s t tw o w e e k s now.

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica



    Brethren we are encouraged with the work and have many plans we would like to seecarr ied forward. But above a l l we want to do God s wil l for he knows what i s bes t Soplease pray fo r us. thank God that we have both continued well s ince coming back andthe re have been many here who have been s ick with th e f lu .

    God richly bless and keep you each one.

    FORWARDING AGENT:Mrs . R i c h a r d H a n s o n16642 G anno n A ve . W.

    Rosemount Minn. SS068

    NEWS WITH THE NICHOLSONSPrinted and Mailed by. . .Madison Park C h r i s t i a n Church215 N o r t h 2 5 t h S t r e e t

    Quincy I l l i n o i s 62301


    Yours servants in t he M as te r s vi ney ar dT h e N i c h o l s o n s

    Non-pro f i t Organ iza t ionU. S POSTAGE

    1 . 8i : P a i dQuincy I l l i n o i s 62301

    P e r m i t 5 7

    Mission ServicesBox 177

    KSHPTON IND. 46049

  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


  • 8/10/2019 Nicholson Alvin Vernita 1974 SAfrica


    Jus t coming home we were rejoicing to se e that they ar e p re pa ri ng to ta r anotherportion of read we often use. I t was raining and had been for awhile. We came up towhere a Government Railway bus had s l i d pa r t way across the road and i t s t r a i l e r wasbehind i t They scraped the top of the road a l i t t le and an expty bus tried togo up However they had to puil him part of the way. They jus t cu t th e top againand signaled us to go We made i t O but further ahead the bus went up a hil l for along ways going sideways. Having to stop and wait to see i f he made i t almost keptus from get t ing up.

    There has been lo ts o f rain a t Port Shepstone since the second week of th i s month.We ar e really thankful for i t as a l l was so dry

    Price increases: Gasoline up almost 4 cents a gallon. Rea lly here i t is a cent al i t e r and probably the l i t e r here and the American quart are about th e same. Bread isup j cents a loaf which is 16 cents at O.K. Bazaars Supermarket; other places i t is more.That makes bread about 24cents. I f we get a s l iced loaf i t wi l l be closer to 30 cents al o a f

    The second Sunday in November Brother Qwemesha teacher a t the Bible Ins t i t u t e andAlvin with the students from school spent th e weekend at Umtata. We have se t a returndate to go there for the 15th and 16th of February. The f i r s t three Sundays of next

    year are already spoken for The 17th 18th and 19th of January we are planning to takethe tent to Dimbaza township near Kingwilliamscown We have a si te there but have nots tar ted a building. With this meeting we ar e hoping to encourage the brethren as wellas s ta r t the building with what money we have on hand. Please pray fo r the brethren atDimbaza that their building may be built and for the brethren at Sada that we may be givena site for a building. Tystyaza said Dimbaza has a membership of over 4 I t is only nothat indu.stry is going to this area and so most of the men have had to work away Ibelieve that the membership at Sada is nearly 3 and we have no building to meet in.Sunday we had over 2 in a school classroom that was about 2 feet square. I t took alo t of work to f i t them in as they kept moving th e c hil dr en as adults came in . Butthey gave excellent attention during the preaching .

    t i m e .

    We close with prayers for you all that you jo y may be great at th is blessed

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