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1 No Fluff Reports -

Niche Research Return - Why Research Benefits You in the Long Run

Mar 08, 2016



Eirik Vold

We've all been there. You get a great idea for a new website or business venture, and jump in with both feet, barely taking the time to scope out the competition, let alone do any serious research. While this is certainly a popular way to start a business, it's simply not sustainable. You'll spend weeks, maybe months, wasting time on pointless, unprofitable endeavors, while the really great tactics slip away, only to be grabbed up by someone who took the time to do some basic nice research. Don't let that happen to you! This free, easy to read report gives you a solid foundation in the whys and hows of niche research. You'll learn valuable pointers you can use in every new business venture.
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Page 1: Niche Research Return - Why Research Benefits You in the Long Run

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2 No Fluff Reports -

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3 No Fluff Reports -

"Stop Trying to Be Everything to Everyone, and Learn the Power of a Focused Business!"

This quick-read, step-by-step plan gives you all the everything you need to know to get your own

niche website up and running in as little as a day. It covers things like:

5 must-have elements of a successful niche marketing

website - miss one of these, and you're losing customers!

3 Niche Marketing Myths you've probably heard -

and how hugely successful, international companies

prove them wrong.

The number one strategy for defining your target market

AND driving traffic. Without this, your business will fail.

How to find out - even before doing any work -

what your market wants, and how to give it to them.

How to continually refine your business - to bring in more

customers and increase your profits.

12 tips for developing and implementing a

successful niche marketing campaign.

You'll also quickly learn these valuable business lessons:

Maintaining your focus - Learn to be a strong taskmaster and your business will flourish

How to set - and stick to - a business budget - so you don't end up "out of business"

before you even get started!

4 proven marketing methods - two of which are absolutely FREE!

And so much more! If that sounds good...

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Page 4: Niche Research Return - Why Research Benefits You in the Long Run

4 No Fluff Reports -

Niche Research Return: Why Research

Benefits You in the Long Run

About the author

Eirik Vold started his first business with a partner in 1996 and sold it five years later for millions. He used some of the cash to start a second

business, with services aimed for Media & IR Contacts, during a period of 3 years served more than one hundred thousands clients, and Eirik

ultimately sold that business to a larger international media company.

After working as a consultant and marketing strategist for small and medium businesses on four continents, Eirik realized his passion and talent was helping other entrepreneurs be super-successful (online &

offline) and in 2005 coined the term Marketing Coaching to describe his work.

Internationally recognized as a business advisor and author, Eirik has worked with

thousands of small and medium businesses whose names you’ll never know, but whose entrepreneurial owners have pocketed a substantial sum in increased income and proceeds from sales. (50% year over year client growth is typical, and 100% sales

increases are not uncommon) Thousands more have read Eirik’s publications, cources and reports, including his wildly successful website “No Fluff Reports” has

hot little reports with topics and some of the best strategies for marketing your business online as well as offline, to make more profits and serve your customers better. These

reports is a must read for anyone in the "biz".

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5 No Fluff Reports -

One of the most common and most deadly mistakes internet marketers make is

skipping over niche research. While doing your due diligence and doing your

research may not sound as appealing as jumping in feet first, the small amount of

time you put into niche research can save you a lot of time and make a big

difference on your bottom line in the long run.

The saying “One hour of planning is worth two hours of execution” is more than

true when it comes to online marketing.

Not Doing Research Can Cause Businesses to Fail

Experienced marketers are always targeting specific keywords and specific niche


Marketers who don’t do their research on the other hand, tend to use a method

that’s been nicknamed “Spray and Pray.” Basically, they create a website on a

topic much too broad – “Weight Loss” or “Dating” for example – And just pray that

they get traffic.

Unfortunately, if you don’t do your research there’s not much else you can do.

Spray and pray will fail 99% of the time. Usually what happens is the website

owner will put up several articles on this topic and get no traffic and make no


This leads marketers to say things like “I tried marketing, it didn’t work.” In

reality, they just didn’t do their niche research properly – Which led to failure

down the line.

On the other hand, what does online marketing look like if you do your niche

research properly?

What it Looks Like When You Do Your Niche Research

On the other hand, imagine this:

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You don’t write a single word, put up a single article, or even create your website

before knowing exactly what will bring in traffic and what will make you money.

Every minute of time you spend is designed to hone into already existing pockets

of traffic and potential profit. You waste no time at all.

Right from the get go, you’re creating streams of traffic and income. Instead of

starting off your business with guesswork and frustration, you start off with

prepared knowledge and dollars in your bank account.

The Benefits of Doing Your Niche Research

These are the two ends of the spectrum – Complete lack of research and thorough

research to save time and money.

Let’s dive a little more into how exactly niche research will benefit you, your

business and your bank account in the long run.

Save You Time – One common reason people don’t do niche research is because

it takes some time. This is perhaps the worst reason in the world to not do your

niche research.

Niche research is like having a compass pointing in the direction you need to go.

Sure, you could walk faster if you didn’t take time to look at your compass – But

you’ll be going the wrong way 99% of the time!

Jumping into writing articles, creating web pages, videos, etc without knowing

exactly what to target is a fool’s endeavor. This is the true waste of time!

Being able to zero in all your efforts on what you’ve already proven works is what

will save you massive amounts of time in the long run.

Make More Money - If I told you: “If you write your article on topic A instead of

topic B, you’ll make 3 times the money.” Would you be willing to spend a few

minutes finding out what topic A is?

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Of course!

This is exactly what niche research will tell you. In addition to finding out where

the traffic is, you’ll also find out where the profitable traffic is.

You’ll also likely discover “side topics” that you can go into that are also profitable.

For example, if you’re doing a website on dating tips, you might also discover that

teaching how to be successful in online dating to be a profitable side market.

Ensure the Success of Your Business in the Long Run

Is your market going up or down? Are more people searching over time or less?

Will you have more products you’ll be able to sell over time, or is this a one shot


Instead of guessing at the answers, what niche research will do is give you the


It’s a common saying in the marketing world that the real money in any business

comes from the back end. In other words, you won’t make most of your money on

your first product. Instead, you’ll make most of your money on the long term

profits you make from your customers.

Does your market have the potential to create a lucrative long term business for

you? Would you rather find out now or later, when it’s too late to do anything

about it?

Know Your Market

A good copywriter spends about 50% of their time on research. Why? Because

they know that they have to speak their market’s language if they are to succeed.

What does your market deeply want truly want? What are they afraid of? What’s

nice to have and what’s so crucial to what they want that they’re willing to pull out

their wallet for it?

What are key words that they use in their language?

Can you speak to them as if you’re “one of them?” Can you sell them based on not

just what they say they want, but what they really want?

For example, in the weight loss market, it’s true that women want to lose weight.

But beneath that, they want to look and feel beautiful and they want to be able to

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look in the mirror and feel good about themselves – Rather than the insecurity

they currently experience.

These are some of the benefits of doing your niche research. Now let’s take a look

at what could happen if you don’t do your research …

What to Expect if You Don’t Do Your Research

The first and most common result is that you just don’t get enough traffic.

It happens every day: Webmasters come up with a brilliant idea for a website;

they create the website, only to find that they simply aren’t getting any traffic.

Instead of trying to get people interested in what you’re offering, a much more

effective strategy is to find out what people already want to know and to provide

that to them. That’s what niche research will allow you to do: Guarantee that

you’ll get traffic, because people are actively looking for what you’re offering.

Another common pitfall of not doing your niche research is lack of profit.

It’s more common than you’d think that websites get traffic – But don’t make any


Not everyone is willing to pull out their credit card. If you have a website on puppy

pictures for example, the chances of someone pulling out their credit card is

astronomically lower than a website that teaches people how to stop their dogs

from biting guests. The first is a “nice to have” and the latter is a pain point that

people are willing to pay to resolve.

Some markets simply aren’t good places to make money in. Other markets are

teeming with profit potential.

Again, instead of guessing – Instead of jumping in head first before you know

what you’re getting into – The best approach is to do your research and get the

results that you really want.

A Few Common Misconceptions About Niche Research …

There are many misconceptions that surround niche research. Here are a few of

them – And What you should really know about niche research.

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1. Niche Research Takes a Long Time. This just isn’t true! It depends on how

much depth you want to do your research, but niche research can take as

little as an hour or as much as just a couple days.

Compare this to starting a website, building a website, trying to get traffic –

Spending days, weeks, perhaps even months with no results to show for.

Niche research is a small investment in time. The investment is an hour to a

day or two, to find your perfect niche, determine your profitability and traffic

potential and to pick out keywords you want to target. That’s it – It does not

take a long time!

2. Niche Research is Hard to Do. Again, this is not true. Niche research can be

as easy as 1-2-3.

If you don’t know how to do your niche research, it’s possible for it to feel

like you’re stumbling along lost, making uneducated guesses.

However, once you know how to conduct your research, it becomes just an

easy step by step process. You’re simply looking at a series of pre-

determined factors to see how the market you’re considering stacks up.

3. Niche Research Doesn’t Make That Much of a Difference. As you might have

guessed, this also isn’t true.

Many marketers consider niche research an optional step that they can skip

over. It’s no coincidence that most of these marketers don’t make much


If you look at successful internet marketers, you’ll find that most of them

stress the value and importance of good research. This is a step that makes

a huge difference.

4. My Educated Guess is Good Enough. So many people fall for this common


Let’s say you’re a fitness trainer. You decide to start a website on health,

fitness and weight loss. Since you already have a lot of expertise in the area,

you don’t really need to do much niche research. Right? No!

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Just because you’re knowledgeable in an area doesn’t mean you can skip

over research of how best to put that knowledge in action on the internet.

It isn’t just what information to convey – It’s who to convey it to, how much,

etc. You most likely won’t be able to compete with large health sites. What

niche should you select instead? Do your research!

Frequently Asked Questions About Niche Research

Q: How Long Does it Take?

Niche research can take as little as 30 minutes and as long as a few days. It really

depends on how in depth you want to go in your research.

Q: How Important Are Keywords?

Keywords are critical when it comes to internet marketing. Not having the right

keywords could effectively kill your marketing campaign before it even starts.

Q: How Do I Choose What Products to Create?

By listening to what your market wants. Instead of creating a product then trying

to find a market afterwards, listen to your market first then decide what product to


Your Next Steps …

Now that you know the importance of niche research, what’s your next step?

The first step is to learn more about the step by steps of niche research. Learn

how to find potential niches, how to narrow those down, what to look for, how to

choose keywords, how to determine profitability, etc.

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Then the next step is to take action. Don’t just study internet marketing. This is a

big mistake that many beginners make. They learn too much and do too little.

Once you know how to do your niche research, start doing your research. Once

you’ve finished doing your research, take action now and create your first website.

Don’t wait. Put what you now know into action.

You should by now have ample reason to do your keyword research. Do your

research! Then go and start making some money.

"Stop Trying to Be Everything to Everyone, and Learn the Power of a Focused Business!"

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12 No Fluff Reports -

This quick-read, step-by-step plan gives you all the everything you need to know to get your own

niche website up and running in as little as a day. It covers things like:

5 must-have elements of a successful niche marketing

website - miss one of these, and you're losing customers!

3 Niche Marketing Myths you've probably heard -

and how hugely successful, international companies

prove them wrong.

The number one strategy for defining your target market

AND driving traffic. Without this, your business will fail.

How to find out - even before doing any work -

what your market wants, and how to give it to them.

How to continually refine your business - to bring in more

customers and increase your profits.

12 tips for developing and implementing a

successful niche marketing campaign.

You'll also quickly learn these valuable business lessons:

Maintaining your focus - Learn to be a strong taskmaster and your business will flourish

How to set - and stick to - a business budget - so you don't end up "out of business"

before you even get started!

4 proven marketing methods - two of which are absolutely FREE!

And so much more! If that sounds good...

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Page 13: Niche Research Return - Why Research Benefits You in the Long Run

13 No Fluff Reports -

Success Strategies for Marketing Your Online Business Offline

If you're ready to go offline in a big way, be sure to grab a copy of my new report, "Success Strategies

for Marketing Your Online Business Offline." It covers everything you need to get started with offline

marketing, no matter what business you're in.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Breakout SEO - Powerful Strategies That Get YOU Organic Traffic

Search Engine Optimization is an important part of growing a successful business. “Breakout SEO –

Powerful Strategies That Get YOU Organic Traffic” takes the guesswork out and shows you how to get

the job done for serious results.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Link Building Battle Plan

Speaking of saving precious time, I’m a big fan of shortcuts. Why re-invent the wheel and research

facts I’ve already spent weeks putting together? Just download the complete battle plan today!

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Keyword Treasury - Discover The Hidden Gold In Your Keywords

Want to know even more about conducting keyword research and using keywords to build a

sustainable, profitable online business? Be sure to grab a copy of Keyword Treasury today. It's

packed full of valuable information about researching and using keywords, including the five places

your keywords must appear if you want your site to rank well.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Page 14: Niche Research Return - Why Research Benefits You in the Long Run

14 No Fluff Reports -

Business Advertising in a Social Media World

If you need more information – instantly – on exactly what services each Social Media platform

offers, you can find mini-reviews on 18 of the most popular in my Special Report.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Business Blogger’s Manual - How To Increase Your Business Income…

The Business Blogger’s Manual: “How To Increase Your Business Income With A Blog” is a 20 page

informative report that will get you blogging, or improve what you are already doing with your

blog. This report is designed to help you increase the bottom line of your business. It helps you by

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traffic. You may not have another chance to grab a report this valuable.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Information Product Brainstorm - From Ideas To Creation

It really is possible to create an information product empire. Getting started might be the hardest

part, but my report: Information Product Brainstorm, will help you earn the title Information

Marketer in record time. Grab a copy today, and you'll get your first product online quickly and


Click here to check it out for yourself today

Passive Income Blueprint - Strategies For Earning Big With Info


Once you make the decision to start an information marketing business and a passive income

stream there are a number of questions you’ll want to answer. You’ll want to choose and research

a profitable niche – one you’re interested and/or passionate about. You’ll need to decide on the

who’s, what’s, where’s, when’s and why’s of your first information product.

You need a plan …a blueprint!

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Page 15: Niche Research Return - Why Research Benefits You in the Long Run

15 No Fluff Reports -

Marketing With Content

If you want to learn how to create and market your business with content, this report is really a must

read. It will help you learn how to use content to build your business for long-term success. If you want

real results, marketing with content is the best way to get it.

Grabbing this report is the best way to go to learn all you need to know to get your content marketing campaign started

today. Don’t miss this chance to learn and grow your business with the power of content.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Membership Sites Roadmap

Not sure a membership site is right for you? Don't worry! A membership site can work in any niche

from weight loss to real estate to gardening. Anything people want or need to learn about a topic,

there's room for a membership site, because the truth is, people will pay for quality information. If

you can fulfill that need, then you owe it to yourself to grab a copy of Membership Site Roadmap.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Online Membership Site Manual

So many people are looking for ways to either start their own online business or increase the profits

of their current Internet business. One way to create more money for you is to start a membership

website. The benefits of owning a membership site are numerous.

If you're looking for a way to increase your online business profits or even start your very first

business on the web, I recommend you take a look at this in-depth report all about membership sites.

You'll learn what they are, how they work and even get ideas for starting your own quickly and affordably.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Page 16: Niche Research Return - Why Research Benefits You in the Long Run

16 No Fluff Reports -

The Essential Guide To Outsourcing Online

You can't afford not to look at how outsourcing can have a positive impact on the profits of your

business. So, hurry over and get your copy of this informative and business changing report right now.

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Click here to check it out for yourself today

Product Launch Wealth - How To Successfully Launch Your New Product

Have Them Begging to Buy Your Info Product. Info product creators everywhere are missing out on

something by quickly throwing together a product and sales avenue online. They're missing out on a

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With info products, it's all about the pre-launch! You've got to get your prospects excited about what you're going to offer.

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Click here to check it out for yourself today

Sales Funnel Strategies

Starting your online business with sales funnels is an important process. The best way to open the

door to success is by starting at the beginning. “Sales Funnel Strategies: How to Work Your Sales

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You and your business deserve the very best in order to get your online venture running and profiting as quickly as possible.

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Click here to check it out for yourself today

Page 17: Niche Research Return - Why Research Benefits You in the Long Run

17 No Fluff Reports -

StumbleUpon Unmasked

In “StumbleUpon Unmasked”, I’ll be sharing not only simple yet effective strategies, but also some

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If you’re interested, take a look at all the other benefits my “StumbleUpon Unmasked” offers.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Twitter Marketing Guide

Using Twitter for marketing is cheap and effective. But in order to make the most of it, you need to

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Click here to check it out for yourself today

Upsell Profit Tactics

You can use the information provided in my report; Upsell Profit Tactics, and start using what you

learn right away to start making more money. This is not something that you want to miss out on. It

is a great ebook waiting for you to grab it, read it, learn, and grow your business as a result.

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18 No Fluff Reports -

YouTube Marketing Uncovered

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