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Area Scliooi·Sfudy Leaders Outline Progress fo P'T A Cluilnnon nf r:umm'lltcea ns·· . Hlll'ftlld to the IH'on aulwul Hlltii,V m·om·ena bpforo lite PTA Monduy night. 'l'hcmccl· wun In !ho high Hchonl nufll· tnJ·Ium, · Relief · Costs ·show Increase Heller ut·e und mn,v conllnue to Hse, Wclfnrc Dlrcc- lor Dnryl V. Minnis warned Ing- ham supr.l'visol's Tuesday, tl1nt economy Is In n minor rr.ccsslon nrc Sl!hstnnllnlcd by mile( · Minnis declnmd, Them urc 200 mom families rec:clvlnr: direct relief I han a yCEll' ago, he said, nnd lnrllcnllons point to heuvler l'ellef loar!s In 19:i8, 'l'he county will spend $!,670,· OOfl of Its own money on relief fll'ngmms this year, Minnis sulci. Lnst tho county puld out $1 ,aJO,OOO of Its own funds for rellef. Vomhilwd sfJIIo and t·rnmty welftu·" coslH thiN ymlr In lngluun wlll 1'1111 $:1,:1711,000, Allunis t•stlnmlcd. 1'111' lust yc:tr the combined tutu! was ;p,l,UIIl,IIIJO. Unless a r·eecnt law Is Ingham's direct relief costs for next'ycar wl!l be the 000 Pl'ovlded in Ingham's l!J58 budget, Minnis slated. Under the 11ew ·iuw the county Is required to pny 70'/t of direct J'cllef cosiH, Minnis . explulncd. 'J'liat would mean $612,500, the welfare executive stated, on an estimated total of $875,000 fqr Ingham direct relief. Wayne, Musltegon, 0 a k Ian d Dr·, n, DeMartin, former <;chool hnnrrl Jll'CHident, tolcl of tlw nccrl fut· the atqdy, Ho mtld t.l1o -1!c)wnl ,;orvko hJ•H hO!)IJ rloublorl wit hln the pruil. yoat·s nnrl lhnt tho honrrl rleslt·cH tho Jllll'tlc!patiHn of n community commlttnc In order to ql!lcltly nnd ;wctn·ntoly lmu·n whlll' the pcnplo expect of their school sys· tom. Uohl\l'l Wnl'l', r:o nr f ho ()()IJIJllilt ,. ''• lll';;erl (11'11· )1 1 C IO offf!J' IJil'iJ' Oil llw \'lll'iUUK Hllb IIOJnmlftc•·H, i\ puhlic: Jlll'l!tlnt;" fG fur· thcll' J'CWI'IIlh will be 1:ai1Ptl in ,Janunry, lw Nnlcl, Mrn. llohcr·t Scyfnrl11, cr•·r:hnlr· man, rear! tho iiHt of suh·commlt- tcc chnlrmen and lntmrluccd 1 hem. They wct·e announced 11s Mr. und Mrs. Ralph Wallon, urea schools; Mrs·, G!!rnld Johnson, lmnsporlullrm: Mr. nnrl M,rs, Alec Gilpin, community growth: J. A. Dart, btilldlng construction; Lnu- rcnec Pnl'l<er, rlnunce: M:·s. Shh·· ley Curlin, cut'l'lctilum: unci Don VanderVeen, .Jr., htllldlng sites, Mrs. Her8cl1ei ,Jewett Is sccrc· larv of ·I he cnmmltlcc unci Alton J. Stroud, .rumes H. Vander Ven, l"orrcst Rlnehnrt and John Wuldo nrn cimsultunls. All 1· men arc school n'rlmlnlslrntl,)rs, Vnnder Ven clcc:r.recl that the 2 questions for which answers should be quickly 'round nrc what rio the people want 1111d hqw nrc they r:ofng to pily fo1· it. . ·Hobert Seyfarth, t>rcsldcpt of PTA, welcomed members· l)( the study committee ami urged PTA members ancf all others Interested In school development to offer their services. ·Truckers Receive Parking Warning and Genesee counties arc seeking Dr·lvers of delivery truclcs must a change In the law, a chango park with their rlght·h_and doors cnillng fot· 50% county pnrtlclpa. next to the curb, Pollee Chief tlon, Minnis said. He urged the Harry Chandler s!lld. They must Inghnm board of supervisors to obey the snme rules set up for join tlie move. drivers of other vehicles, he ···Before he wurncd of Increased stated. relief. costs, Minnis reported thnt People who sec truclters 'parlt· coun'ty rellcf costs this yenr wlll lng on· the wroilg slile ·of· su·eets be covered by the budget provld· should notify. P'?lice, \he. chief cd. said. • Future Farmer of the Week,. Poultry Proiect Pays.· ().ff ' . . ' Roger 17, already a suc· cti:;sf\11 poullryman, has his eye on an entirely, different. occupa- tion when he Is graduated from . Agricultural ,schoo) next spring,. ls 'me- chanical war!(, but' Fuhire Fai'Jl1· ' ers of America . I training ;wlll make• it easy for him to succeed In thcl poulti'Y business, If he ,ever wants to, ··. ·He', has . been :selected· by ·the DansyiUe FF A chapter as the outstanding member ol the week. llves·on a 25-acre farm on 1\cndl'idt rond. I·Jls supervised farming project · poultry and during the past 3 years he's started more thnn 1,000 chlcltens. He .tho pullets for; .layers and tl,1e others arc sold ns broil· ers. · .. · . , 111!1 lncomll and •lnvel!tment . am01mts to more·than $2,000. . . · parents, lind Mrs; Roger:. repays .them ' out of his William Coolt, have played a: big poultry · · part lp the success of. his pquJ. · · try: buijfness·. The youth hires his .• mother· to dress 'the broilers WhicJi ,Jie direct to JocaJ1 customers. And the boy also has an; egg route with '13 customers. 'fhe · parents furnlsll feed and huirsl!1g for the.· poultry project. The I . . . . . " ' . h' . :" . "" . . . ng,.am County Nlnoty-Eh,lhlh Year- No. 50 (Paid C/rcufatlon- 5,,(0) MOTHER NATURE issued winter coverings last Saturd•ay. Here in the Sycamore v.alley the now blankets were all of white •. Every tree, every bush and every weed was wrapped m fluff. Never was there more beauty anywhere. It rer11airied 'until Monday. Tuesday's drop in temperature put a sheath o.f icc over the Sycamore. This picture was taken Saturday from the south side of Ash street bridge, looking upstream. · County Officers Consider Filming COUI1cil Asks for · Right · .. To· Defend ·Damage Sllit (7c Per Copy) New Leslie Route Ready for Opening' DriVel's wlil begin tu gel thclt· $5,283,667 bnclt Wednesday when the Jncltsnn·Lesllc stretch of US· 127 Is olflclully opened to traffla. The 13.8 miles of dun! and llmlted access extends !rom U$· 12 Interstate route (Jncltson north hclt) to Klnnevlllc mnrl In Ingbam county, connecting there lth the !J miles of new road open'ed last year. With the opening of the now roa!l next weclt, there'll be dun! on the 35 miles of US· 127 fmm .Jacltson to Lansing, nnd on connecting US·27 from Lnn· sing almost to lUmen. It Is Mich- Igan's Jlnest hlghwny. 'rho rou tc wlll he limited nccess nll the way ft·om .racltson to Tomllnsort rand nl Mason. Both Mason anrl Leslie nre by-pnsscd. All und brldlfi!S on · tire 13.8' mJie11 hAvo been oomplerod except for Nomo btidgll mlllng- lnllhllmtlon on tiro 1\f.liO r;tnuJo turo 2 mll(\<j north or US-12 and clean-u11 work which wlll be doiAyecl until nmd spring. Shoulde.riJ arc Onlshcd. crews· arc now erect- Ing signs. and installing guard railing whil'!h wJII be completed before the December 18 opening. Five. projects wore included .Jn the construction of t.hc new I.,es. lla-Jncltsori roadways, which stm1: at l{innevllle road, north of Les- lie. Sar·gcnt Construction Co., Sag· !nnw, has a $2,237,097.07 contract. !or the 8.9 miles of dual ronrl· ways from Klnnevllle road In Ingham county south to Van Horn rond In Jackson county. Denton Construction Co., De- troit, and Sugclen & Slvier, Oak Park, have a contract for $831,· 801.63 for 2 miles ·O!' roadways from Van Hont road south to Morrill road .. Also Included In tills contract Is .a bridge to curry the over the New Yorlt Cent1·at railroad '3.4 miles north of US·12. ' . . Tile remaining' 2.89 miles of road\Vays.. from Morrill road south t[) US·12, is covered by the $1,197,116 contract of tho A. DuvldHnn Co., of Lnnslng, whlc:l1 lncluclcH 2 bridges, one nl Parnell mad, 1,1 miles north of US-12, nnd the other nl. the M·50· US-12 2 milell norl h u! US-12. I•'I'Om this connection south to US-12 the new ronclwayli follow the I'OUle of old M-50. Three other requlrcrl on the now hlghwnys between Leslie nne! US-12 wct·c buill Ull· cler. other conlmcls. Ruff & Dexte1·, Lansing, ilullt. a bridge t.o Clll'I'Y "U1e roadways over Grnncl l'fV!ll', south of Lcs, lie at n cost o! $.2•19,075. Louis Gamvaglla, CcnteJ•!Inc, built the other 2 structures. One Clll'rlm; tho roaclwuys over I lun· toon ci'Cclt, n nd the other ove1· the New Yoi'lt Centml trucks, both u shol'l clistancc nouth of Leslie. These 2 structures cost $768,177.19. Hospital Starts To Take Shape Up, up, tip goes the new Mason General hospital on East Colum- bia. Steel fabricators have been on tho job this week ancl othel' workmert a1·e expected to hnve the roof on the strut'l:urc wllhln about 10 days. The bare steel rig· glng Is qulcltly changing the slly• line east of the business dlntrlct. During _the extreme cold or Wednesday· and Thursday; \Vorlt· men ltept blazb1g llres going iii order to pcJ·iodicnlly thaw out. Progress on the $500,000 hos. pita! naturally hinges on the wcnthet·, pointed out Chesley Fowler, job superintendent for Nordslt·om-Myers, Inc., Lansing, general contt•actor. Rnin o1· a znrd could halt work for several days, he explained. Block and bi·lclt wnrk wiU also beghi within a few days, I•'owlcr said. Cornpicker Hand· .. of Schmidt ·Integration Trouble· .. · Subdivider AcQuires Tuttle Orchard. . . 'ruttio Orchard· nt Leslie soon may .be out" of b(g.tJme commer· clitl production. Don' Whipp of Lansing has bought the orchard and plans to split It up fl)to 20; acr·c building silos. . Relfef Debate Brings Bitter Words I' ! I :rhe; prope1ty, ·owned by Mrs. Esthqr 'rutttc·Balley of Lansing P'''' M!'l" Blair cRuthl Freeman · ot,Detroit, bad been on tho mar- J\cl. wr · months. Tlti! orchard wns planted and first de· velopcd by Arthur J. Tuttle, for. mot· feder·aJ judge. During 'most of the' yeat•s of operation John Roblnsqn has 'been manage'r. : 'rutue 01·chiml h'as long been of the'st productive in c·e n t r a I Michigan.· Successful operation theJ'C was a factor In liuluclng the planting of Palmer and'. Blossom . Orchal'ds. 2 mlles . . Jaycee President Speaks . in ·Mason The .claim ·has not yet been placed before '-the . city councll. Police Chief Harry Chandler took it to ·"Lansing; Wednesday nQd placed it. before the state high· way departmen't. Ash street is 11 state. trunk line.·· ; Apptoves· Schbol· ·Addition '• I •' Richard Meyerson of Kalama· zoo, president of Michigan's Jun." lor Chamber of Commerce, the spcaiter before the Mason 1{1- Slx 'rtildl\lonal rooms at · wanls club Tuesday night. , . Street' school wlll be ready for Meyerson urged all men and use whim' seli(JOI begins 'January women to .participate In govel'll· 6. With a•few·.intnor·· PfO\Ilslons, ment at· all levels. He lashed the ·approved \lt the tendency, toward soc:lalisnl'l the. addiUiili · · · and warned thaf it would to · ' · · communism. People s•!10uld do for themselves many of the things being aslted· of government, the . speaker declared. ' · · i Ferris Strickland, president, and Robert Hall, vlce·presldcJit, of the Mason Junior Chamber, of Commerce, were guests of . ti\e I'iwaills club at the meeting.· .. ·. :

ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Jan 20, 2023



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Page 1: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Area Scliooi·Sfudy Leaders Outline Progress fo P'T A Cluilnnon nf r:umm'lltcea ns··

. Hlll'ftlld to the Mn~on IH'on aulwul Hlltii,V rll~t:q~~ed, m·om·ena bpforo lite PTA Monduy night. 'l'hcmccl· In~ wun In !ho high Hchonl nufll· tnJ·Ium, ·

Relief · Costs ·show Increase

Heller cost~ ut·e ri~lng und mn,v conllnue to Hse, Wclfnrc Dlrcc­lor Dnryl V. Minnis warned Ing­ham supr.l'visol's Tuesday,

n~pot•ts tl1nt economy Is In n minor rr.ccsslon nrc Sl!hstnnllnlcd by mile( e~peJl(lltul'eH, · Minnis declnmd, Them urc 200 mom families rec:clvlnr: direct relief I han a yCEll' ago, he said, nnd lnrllcnllons point to heuvler l'ellef loar!s In 19:i8,

'l'he county will spend $!,670,· OOfl of Its own money on relief fll'ngmms this year, Minnis sulci. Lnst tho county puld out $1 ,aJO,OOO of Its own funds for rellef.

Vomhilwd sfJIIo and t·rnmty welftu·" coslH thiN ymlr In lngluun wlll 1'1111 $:1,:1711,000, Allunis t•stlnmlcd. 1'111' lust yc:tr the combined tutu! was ;p,l,UIIl,IIIJO.

Unless a r·eecnt law Is ~hnngcd, Ingham's direct relief costs for next'ycar wl!l be dou~le the ~325,· 000 Pl'ovlded in Ingham's l!J58 budget, Minnis slated.

Under the 11ew ·iuw the county Is required to pny 70'/t of direct J'cllef cosiH, Minnis . explulncd. 'J'liat would mean $612,500, the welfare executive stated, on an estimated total of $875,000 fqr Ingham direct relief.

Wayne, Musltegon, 0 a k Ian d

Dr·, n, ~. DeMartin, former <;chool hnnrrl Jll'CHident, tolcl of tlw nccrl fut· the atqdy, Ho mtld t.l1o -1!c)wnl ,;orvko nrc~ hJ•H hO!)IJ rloublorl wit hln the pruil. ~ yoat·s nnrl lhnt tho honrrl rleslt·cH tho Jllll'tlc!patiHn of n community commlttnc In order to ql!lcltly nnd ;wctn·ntoly lmu·n whlll' the pcnplo expect of their school sys· tom.

Uohl\l'l Wnl'l', r:o ~huh·mnu nr f ho ()()IJIJllilt ,. ''• lll';;erl (11'11· )1 1C IO offf!J' IJil'iJ' ~!li'Vit:Ct; Oil

llw \'lll'iUUK Hllb IIOJnmlftc•·H, i\ puhlic: Jlll'l!tlnt;" fG J~n·n fur· thcll' J'CWI'IIlh will be 1:ai1Ptl in ,Janunry, lw Nnlcl,

Mrn. llohcr·t Scyfnrl11, cr•·r:hnlr· man, rear! tho iiHt of suh·commlt­tcc chnlrmen and lntmrluccd 1 hem. They wct·e announced 11s Mr. und Mrs. Ralph Wallon, urea schools; Mrs·, G!!rnld Johnson, lmnsporlullrm: Mr. nnrl M,rs, Alec Gilpin, community growth: J. A. Dart, btilldlng construction; Lnu­rcnec Pnl'l<er, rlnunce: M:·s. Shh·· ley Curlin, cut'l'lctilum: unci Don VanderVeen, .Jr., htllldlng sites,

Mrs. Her8cl1ei ,Jewett Is sccrc· larv of ·I he cnmmltlcc unci Alton J. Stroud, .rumes H. Vander Ven, l"orrcst Rlnehnrt and John Wuldo nrn cimsultunls. All 1· men arc school n'rlmlnlslrntl,)rs,

Vnnder Ven clcc:r.recl that the 2 questions for which answers should be quickly 'round nrc what rio the people want 1111d hqw nrc they r:ofng to pily fo1· it. . ·Hobert Seyfarth, t>rcsldcpt of

PTA, welcomed members· l)( the study committee ami urged PTA members ancf all others Interested In school development to offer their services.

·Truckers Receive Parking Warning

and Genesee counties arc seeking Dr·lvers of delivery truclcs must a change In the law, a chango park with their rlght·h_and doors cnillng fot· 50% county pnrtlclpa. next to the curb, Pollee Chief tlon, Minnis said. He urged the Harry Chandler s!lld. They must Inghnm board of supervisors to obey the snme rules set up for join tlie move. drivers of other vehicles, he ···Before he wurncd of Increased stated.

relief. costs, Minnis reported thnt People who sec truclters 'parlt· coun'ty rellcf costs this yenr wlll lng on· the wroilg slile ·of· su·eets be covered by the budget provld· should notify. P'?lice, \he. chief cd. said. •

Future Farmer of the Week,.

Poultry Proiect Pays.· ().ff ' . . '

Roger Cool~. 17, already a suc· cti:;sf\11 poullryman, has his eye on an entirely, different. occupa­tion when he Is graduated from D~nsvllle . Agricultural ,schoo) next spring,. Hls,·.cholc~· ls 'me­chanical war!(, but' Fuhire Fai'Jl1·

' ers of America . I training ;wlll make• it easy for him to succeed In thcl poulti'Y business, If he ,ever wants to, ··.

·He', has . been :selected· by ·the DansyiUe FF A chapter as the outstanding member ol the week. Roge~ llves·on a 25-acre farm on 1\cndl'idt rond. I·Jls supervised farming project · i~ poultry and during the past 3 years he's started more thnn 1,000 chlcltens. He lt!!~Ps .tho pullets for; .layers and tl,1e others arc sold ns broil· ers. · .. · .

, 111!1 lncomll and •lnvel!tment . am01mts to more·than $2,000. . .

· Rog~t·'s parents, .~r. lind Mrs; Roger:. repays .them ' out of his William Coolt, have played a: big poultry · · part lp the success of. his pquJ. · · try: buijfness·. The youth hires his ,.o""'"'.'{h 11 ~ 1 ,.,,, .• mother· to dress 'the broilers WhicJi ,Jie ·~ells direct to JocaJ1 S~!ntill!!l customers. And the boy also has an; egg route with '13 customers.

'fhe · parents furnlsll feed and huirsl!1g for the.· poultry project.

The I . . . . . " ' . h' . :" . ·~ "" . . . ng,.am County

Nlnoty-Eh,lhlh Year- No. 50 (Paid C/rcufatlon- 5,,(0)

MOTHER NATURE issued winter coverings last Saturd•ay. Here in the Sycamore v.alley the now blankets were all of spar'kli~~ white •. Every tree, every bush and every weed was wrapped m fluff. Never was there more beauty anywhere. It rer11airied 'until Monday. Tuesday's drop in temperature put a sheath o.f icc over the Sycamore. This picture was taken Saturday from the south side of Ash street bridge, looking upstream.

· County Officers Consider Filming

COUI1cil Asks for · Right · .. To· Defend ·Damage Sllit

(7c Per Copy)

New Leslie Route Ready for Opening'

DriVel's wlil begin tu gel thclt· $5,283,667 bnclt Wednesday when the Jncltsnn·Lesllc stretch of US· 127 Is olflclully opened to traffla. The 13.8 miles of dun! and llmlted access hlt~hway extends !rom U$· 12 Interstate route (Jncltson north hclt) to Klnnevlllc mnrl In Ingbam county, connecting there

lth the !J miles of new road open'ed last year.

With the opening of the now roa!l next weclt, there'll be dun! hlghw~y on the 35 miles of US· 127 fmm .Jacltson to Lansing, nnd on connecting US·27 from Lnn· sing almost to lUmen. It Is Mich­Igan's Jlnest hlghwny. 'rho rou tc wlll he limited nccess nll the way ft·om .racltson to Tomllnsort rand nl Mason. Both Mason anrl Leslie nre by-pnsscd.

All JIIWin~r und brldlfi!S on · tire 13.8' mJie11 hAvo been oomplerod except for Nomo btidgll mlllng- lnllhllmtlon on tiro 1\f.liO lr.~erclmnge r;tnuJo turo 2 mll(\<j north or US-12 and clean-u11 work which wlll be doiAyecl until nmd spring. Shoulde.riJ arc Onlshcd.

Hlghw~y crews· arc now erect-Ing signs. and installing guard railing whil'!h wJII be completed before the December 18 opening.

Five. projects wore included .Jn the construction of t.hc new I.,es. lla-Jncltsori roadways, which stm1: at l{innevllle road, north of Les­lie.

Sar·gcnt Construction Co., Sag· !nnw, has a $2,237,097.07 contract. !or the 8.9 miles of dual ronrl· ways from Klnnevllle road In Ingham county south to Van Horn rond In Jackson county.

Denton Construction Co., De­troit, and Sugclen & Slvier, Oak Park, have a contract for $831,· 801.63 for 2 miles ·O!' roadways from Van Hont road south to Morrill road .. Also Included In tills contract Is .a bridge to curry the roadwa~'s over the New Yorlt Cent1·at railroad '3.4 miles north of US·12. ' . .

Tile remaining' 2.89 miles of road\Vays.. from Morrill road south t[) US·12, is covered by the $1,197,116 contract of tho ~ A.

DuvldHnn Co., of Lnnslng, whlc:l1 nl~o lncluclcH 2 bridges, one nl Parnell mad, 1,1 miles north of US-12, nnd the other nl. the M·50· US-12 conne~tlo11 2 milell norl h u! US-12. I•'I'Om this connection south to US-12 the new ronclwayli follow the I'OUle of old M-50.

Three other bridge.~· requlrcrl on the now hlghwnys between Leslie nne! US-12 wct·c buill Ull· cler. other conlmcls.

Ruff & Dexte1·, Lansing, ilullt. a bridge t.o Clll'I'Y "U1e roadways over Grnncl l'fV!ll', south of Lcs, lie at n cost o! $.2•19,075.

Louis Gamvaglla, CcnteJ•!Inc, built the other 2 structures. One Clll'rlm; tho roaclwuys over I lun· toon ci'Cclt, n nd the other ove1· the New Yoi'lt Centml trucks, both u shol'l clistancc nouth of Leslie. These 2 structures cost $768,177.19.

Hospital Starts To Take Shape Up, up, tip goes the new Mason

General hospital on East Colum­bia. Steel fabricators have been on tho job this week ancl othel' workmert a1·e expected to hnve the roof on the strut'l:urc wllhln about 10 days. The bare steel rig· glng Is qulcltly changing the slly• line east of the business dlntrlct.

During _the extreme cold or Wednesday· and Thursday; \Vorlt· men ltept blazb1g llres going iii order to pcJ·iodicnlly thaw out.

Progress on the $500,000 hos. pita! naturally hinges on the wcnthet·, pointed out Chesley Fowler, job superintendent for Nordslt·om-Myers, Inc., Lansing, general contt•actor. Rnin o1· a bll~· znrd could halt work for several days, he explained.

Block and bi·lclt wnrk wiU also beghi within a few days, I•'owlcr said.

Cornpicker Grab~ Hand· .. of Schmidt

·Integration Trouble· .. ~

· Subdivider AcQuires Tuttle Orchard. . .

'ruttio Orchard· nt Leslie soon may .be out" of b(g.tJme commer· clitl production. Don' Whipp of Lansing has bought the orchard and plans to split It up fl)to 20; acr·c building silos. .

Relfef Debate Brings Bitter Words I' ! I • • •

:rhe; prope1ty, ·owned by Mrs. ~ Esthqr 'rutttc·Balley of Lansing

P'''' M!'l" Blair cRuthl Freeman · ot,Detroit, bad been on tho mar­

J\cl. wr s~veral · months. Tlti! orchard wns planted and first de· velopcd by Arthur J. Tuttle, for. mot· feder·aJ judge. During 'most of the' yeat•s of operation John Roblnsqn has 'been manage'r.

: 'rutue 01·chiml h'as long been of the'st productive in c·e n t r a I Michigan.· Successful operation theJ'C was a factor In liuluclng the planting of Palmer and'. Blossom . Orchal'ds. 2 mlles c~t. . .

Jaycee President Speaks . in ·Mason

The .claim ·has not yet been placed before '-the . city councll. Police Chief Harry Chandler took it to ·"Lansing; Wednesday nQd placed it. before the state high· way departmen't. Ash street is 11 state. trunk line.··

; Boa~rd Apptoves· Schbol· ·Addition ~ '• I •'

Richard Meyerson of Kalama· zoo, president of Michigan's Jun." lor Chamber of Commerce, w~;~s

the spcaiter before the Mason 1{1- Slx 'rtildl\lonal rooms at · Ce~lar wanls club Tuesday night. , . Street' school wlll be ready for

Meyerson urged all men and use whim' seli(JOI begins 'January women to .participate In govel'll· 6. With a•few·.intnor·· PfO\Ilslons, ment at· all levels. He lashed the Ivtason; ·approved \lt the tendency, toward soc:lalisnl'l the. addiUiili · · · and warned thaf it would to · ' · · communism. People s•!10uld do for themselves many of the things being aslted· of government, the . speaker declared. ' · · i

Ferris Strickland, president, and Robert Hall, vlce·presldcJit, of the Mason Junior Chamber, of Commerce, were guests of . ti\e I'iwaills club at the meeting.· .. ·. :

Page 2: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

lnoharn County News, Mnson, Mi(b,, DC!ccmber 12, 1957 A-2


Ho.nor Roll . Announced Di1niln .Tenlts, Kathy Mr~Lnln, pw111r. Shrou fe, Susnnno Winl,Jm•

Principal Olio HcekHr.J' ci Les· lmil Mnrlcnr. BeaumorH; lie high sehool unnm1rwcs tlw l~ighth, Mary Andrews, Gnrnl· honor• roll for- the seconrJ ii weelts 1li11e Amett, Eilzuheth' I3uldwin,

' or I Jw 1 O:W·fif! schrml YCill' hy HOilllie Cn~gi'OVI!, Dorothy Kling·

lly Chll'll· Slt•ungH

grndc!s: let•; Caroline Kiin~Jm·, Elizabeth Reventh, Vlvinn Arlnms, Donna Mnta, I\aren SJ1ipmnn, I3onnie

novee, I.~ohr.rt Emens, Hnlwrl Wm·riowski, Mary Anri Winkler Fnusr.r, Anne I-lnslwl), Pamela nnri Phyllis Tiollowny; :J!.~~:~ :~~~II_lglllHS, Ch~~~:9_:~~-n~_1 • Ninth, Camlyn Beiswenger,

William Chapman, Pulricla Co· vert, Luther Craft, Wallace Croft, Shnmn Fogg, Hurry Green, f~stlwt• Hamilton, Barbara Hulch· inson, Stanley Robinson, .June

Harry Wallace Hea~,s .Lodge L<'slic Masonic Jnrlge No. 212, Wright, Nancy Keni'Oy, Shnmn

F. & A. M. elected officers Jm· Kersey, Judy Kelley, .To Ann the enming yenr. Mitchell, Susan Monroe, Pntriciu

'I'hey nrc: WorsiJ!pful master,' O'Dowr.l, Lila Pierce, Gary Roh· Hurry Wnllncr., succeeding Lloyrl insnn, Pollie Schmunslet·, ·Betty Dutton; ~cnior Wlll'den, nny Smitil, Nondn Whitney, Nancy Blanlt; .ftmior warden, Ji'l'eci Ruth· J\enmy, Ch.m·Ics, Gunder, Irene ig; secretary, HcriJCrt Diddnson; Chmielew~l\1, Ellen Dawson and t rensurur, .r. Richnrd Schmit.; sen· Carolyn Grieves; lor deacon, Lee Shinn; .!Ltnior Tenth, Sharon Andrews, Den. r.leumn, .Timmie Lounsheny; and nls Chappell, George Beaumont, lilm·, Clare Moorehouse. Lrtny Dayton, Jert•y .Tncl\son,

nnrl ll1e Ii;cunrlndnn 1\lldn:; IJI'U· viclo ahnut. the only place whot'!! I lwre Is. mwh 11 wlrio rnnge nt aitit ucic! over a short. distance niong the cq tlntm•,

Snmplea of !:iOil, \Viiter u ml ani· mal bnJlCS will lw collected frw lho AEC, Mnlerlals for the MSU museum ntirl other cumpus lnb· ornforie:; will be obtninerJ on tlw tt•ip also, A speclllc pmblel)l of Interest. to t!H~ party concerns water and soil chemistry nnri why there i:; no fish life in certain mountain ~lJ'cams,

Bowli~g News 1\fuson l~tll'ly Jlh·ds Christensen's Forrl Snles nml

Muson Home Appliance eneh tooit 3 points from Bill's I3ait Shop nnd Mill's store while Art's Hum­ilurget• Shop Hlid Kenn's 5 & 10 split points,

High gnme of 69·1 ancl high series of l,Ofi3 were rolled by. Christensen's l~orcl Snles.

High incllvl!lunl games nnd

Safety Films Are Available Selccled erlucnt ionnl · films on

tl·nl'fic snfety for lite usc of IIH! new C'O\Inty llt·ivnr ~.flfoty sehonis helng estnhlfsherJ in Miehignn nt·e ntTercrl l1y Mirlligrtn Stnto unlvm·· sity'H higilwny trnffir~ Sltf'oty ron· tor nn!llhe mtdio visunl center,

Ono of tiw many nvnlinhle films points 'o11t to till! nrlult moto1·ist: fhnt. the uttilurlc ot' the ririVPI' is tile mn.)ot' fnetor in entlsing rwcl· dents. This film, "The. Cusr of Ot'f!C'CI' Hnliihranrl," is a pr·esontn· lion of 5 typl's uf Jiolnttn·s nnrl the it· lwhavi"r in ln·r•nldng s11 fr>ty Jli'Dcii!'CH.

Sul'olly Jll'rwfic·Hs foil' shu·l· lug, ~•tollfling· nn1l !lt·iviug· on il'll at'B do•piefed in t lw Him, "llon'l. Sl1lrl l'rnu·spJI',"

There will hC! a public installn· Linda Purlter, Joyce Perry, Iris linn nftr!r a turlwy riinnct• servr!d Rhines, Dale VanderLinden, Lnr­lly the OES at 7 p. m. Salnday, r·y House, Marlene Adams, Chnr­Decmnher 1<1, at the M.tsrmic loll<! Baldwin, Virginia Buck, Pat temple. Donnlr.l Crakes will he in· Ewers, Mnrlene Gyle~, Georgeen stalling ofiiccr. Luecht and I-Ioward Snell; WHEN IN TEXAS • , ,-Morocco's King Mohammed V, on u

lou!" of the United Stntcs, nppc~rs in. Kingsville, 'l'ex,, os an ndoplcd son of the stole. The Mide~stern lcade1· borrowed khold p~nts, stufi'ed them in cowboy boo\s and donned a 10· gallon h~t for hiS sight-seeing on lhe fnmed King Ranch.

,Mohammed poses with Michael Reynolds, nephew of . the ranch's owner, Richard I<lcberg.

series were: .Jean Dance I·, 151, 181·457; Jerry Griffin, 15'1-437; June Stubherl, 151-416; Loin Soule, 162; Mnrilou Calms, 157; Hazel Sunders-, 15G; .Jeanet.le Dart, 152; Lu 'Kolasa, 'J18; Helen Burlier, 'J09; .June Day, 40'1; nnrl Bet ly Austin, •JOcJ.

'I'eam standings ure: W L

Christensen's Ford Sales .. 36 lG Mason Home Appliance .... 35 17

I HOW DO I ·LOOK?-Qucen. Eli~nbclh 1II 1sludlc!::·a· brciii'zc 't( ~tntue of herself during n vlsit to the 22Blh Exhib)tlon~ or the

1 Royal Socil'ty of British Artists in London. "'Xhe' slnlue, I by 1 1 Nigerinn nrtisl Benedict Enwonwu, will cvcnlunlly. be' plnccd ' ' In lhe Nigerian HOIISC! or R~prcsentnlivcs' nl Logos, f. ... --. . • .

'J'hr.~e lilms lll'e rerommcnclcrl us teaching aids in the new conn· ty drivm· sdwols IW('IIIIS!! of their treatment of spPdlie ril'iving Jll'oblems nnri ririvr?r nIt it wles with whidt t!wsr? Hd1oois ure roon· c:erac?d. They at'P also Hllitahlc• fot• ntfwt· lypi!S of' puhlie eritlf'ntion progt·ams in traffie snfo'ly.

The rr!eomnwnril'fi films for lirivr.r· sehools n1·r• pnrl or the ext cnsive film collr•r·t Jon nf t IH! highwny lmffie safei,Y !'C!nler nnrl cover· ail pl1nses fJ!' lt'niTJe safety fot• chilriren nnrl arinits, Flms urn 1 Gmm so11nri nnrl range In run· ning time fr·om n few minull's to l1aif nn hour. Muny nre in coioll',

School Board Has Meeting At a meeting of tile Leslie

school board Monday, president of tlw hoard, Alvin C. Woociland, stated that a Jetter will he sent out to taxpnyet·s c x pi a i 11 i 11 g school taxes.

Maintenance schedules which wlll permit. the schools to have thorough cleanings during the Christmas holidays were re· viewed.

Eleventh, Shirley Banister, Jamie Bttliock, Donna Burnett, Stanley Craft, Lntlra Davis, Les· ter Dayton, Charlotte Fogg, Janet Freeman, Elaine Hamilton, San· drn i<nrn, Beverly J{elley, Virgil Kent, Mary Hichardson, Charles Richmond, Eel Roark, Sharon Schrnif., Carol Sf ilr.s and Brenda Whittnlwr; nncl

Twelfth, Carol Hnldwin, Hex· anne Beaumont, .Tonn Brenton, Huth DeLeeuw, Hobert. McDowell, Gary Moses 'nnd Sandra Winchell.

Rites Conducted For Mrs. Clickner Supt. Clnrence VanderLinden

announced that hand instructor, Jerry Dawson, entered n hospital Funeral services were con· for major surgery Monday, l-Ie dueled Wednesday for Mrs, Edith expects to he bacl\ in school when P. Clickner, G8, of 422 East Belie· it convenes after the Christmas vue mad. Mrs. Clicl~ner died at holiday, Foote Jwspilal Sunday after a

It was voted to increase the in· long siclmess. surnnce an the contents of the Surviving arc tier husbnncl, elementary school by $3,000 Thomas; daughters, Thelma, at bringing it to a total of $10,000 home, Mrs. Erlna Hinton and which i~ according to state law Mrs. Dorothy DuBois, both of In having insurance on 80 per· .Jnckson; a son, Ralph Ostrander cent of the valuation. of Leslie; a sister, Mrs. Cecil

Lodge Installs New Officers Les·lic chapter No. 100,

R. A. M. elected and instnllcd new officers: High priest, Wil· liam Kannawin; king, LeRoy Htttchinson; scribe, Samuel B, Wenger; treasurer, E. T. Black· more; secretary for the seven1h year, Carl Hendges; captain of the host, Clifford Foster;

Principal sojourner, Gerald Huff; royal arch captain, Robert Moore; master of the third veil, Fred Ruthlg; master of the sec· ond veil, · George Elliot; master of the first veil, Homer Snyder; and tiler, George Walker.

Scientist Leads Andes Expedition

Bill's Bail Shop .................. 30 22 Mill's Store ............................ 27 2~ Ware, 561; Dick Mills, 521; Dkk Art's Hamburger Shop ...... 18 .3'1 Lyons, 529; George Rusl;, 523; Kcan's 5 & 10 ...................... 10 -12 Warner Kean, 245·577; .Toe Eller·

by, 20.3·512; Hon White, 501; Nels lUusnu Recre1tticm , Ferrihy, 521; Basil Adnms·, f53!1; Thtlrsday night howlers really and Gus !{can, fi'l5,

found tl1e pocltet. A total of .31 Team standings arc: hit 500 series for a new s·eason w L high. Dart Insurance ............... 34 Jll

Vince Mcintee topped the Cummings .............. ., ........ :~1 21 sharpshooters with an even GOO AI Hice Chevmlet ....... 30 22 with games of 201, 223 and 17G. Charlie's Barn ................ 28 2'1

Dr. Gerold W. Prescott, profes· Other high bowlers were Ray Jim's Marl\et : ................. 27 25 sor of botany and plant pathology Collar, 521; Dr. Ted VanderBoll, Ware's Drug .................. 2fP,{, 2;i% at Michigan State university, 514; Lloyd Morris, 576; Louis Davis Insurance ............ 2u 2G to lead a 6·month expcclition to Lee, 201·505; Austin Williams, Bements Cleaners .......... 25 27 the Ecuadorian Andes motllllains. 201·541 : LeRoy Lee, 519; Clarence Kiwanis Cl'ub .................. 2.3 2!1

. Fry, 210·568; Harry Spenny, 207- Wyeth Laboratory ........ 22 30 Worldng alon.l? the equator, Dr. 520; Ed Campbell, 519; Maurice Harvin's Icc Cream ........ 22 .10

Prescott and Ius party plan to H.icl\ly, 511; Wayne Barker, 200, Morse Hestaurant ........ 1711:! 3cl1,~ mai\e numerous collections of 205·584; Harold Bell, 503; Ed Jen. ------·------- ·-·------ . plants and animals and study the nings, 504; · AN fl'l~i'll FUOM ,JUI)V distribution of aquatic plants. Gib Howlett:, 545; Bob BeGhe, The high school Glee c:lu!J and The research will range from 511; Lester Howery, 519; Ken band will participate in the con· areas at sea level to high in the Hom, 234·552; Bill Cummings, cert ln the school aurlitm·ium mountains. 201, 212·588; Bill Murray, 511; Thursday evening, Dr.cemlwr :J!l,

The expedition is being· fi. Bud Swinehart, 540; Harold mentioned in .Juily's jolt lngs. 1 IIILI!.eed hy gTants l'rom the National Science Foundtltion und the Alomh~ Bnergy Com·

IIO'J'J•;L i'IIJo:N COU!Nfl Some of the 1111lion's top hotel·

men nre expected to atlencl the .30th anniversary convomtion or 1 he school of hotel, rcstnunmt and instilutional rn:magcment. at. Mid1igan Stnte university .Jan. IWI'Y 17·18.

Tiw first oil W(!Ji In the U. S. wns huiit: in Titusville, Pn., in 185!1.

A rental fee lo pny for Jwndiing charges is mnrlc. Films may be requester! through ilw highway lraffir~ safl!ly r:enler or rll'rlcred ciirectiy from lhP nrl11io visual r•enler at Michig:1n Slat<? univcr· ~ify. A Patniogu!' is ltvailnhll' UJl· on I'CCJUPst.



Volume 98, No. 50 Srih'lf'l'iplion l'nloM: rn lnJ.:"hum f'fiiiiii.Y nnd nd.ininllltt l'fllllllil•!l, .1:~.r.u ,,,.,. yr•ut·, $·1,1Hl fut• ~ yf'u r·n, 7,. pr<J' r·op,\', Elu•·wlu·r,, in 11. H., :r;:l,f/11 !11'1' yrrnt·, ~!i.OO rur ~ YCIII':-1,

G Ent.err.ll UR Her.nnd <'IR:ill mnttPr Itt fJOtlt,nfT)I'I 1, Mnt~nn, Mh:hl,-nn, undPr

. Ar.l of Mnrlllt 3, IH79

Harry J?oesllurg's teen·ager Pence of Los Angeles, California; posters li£tm~ the ill rules ~orl\· 8 grandchildren and 3 great· erl out i~y J .. Edgar Hoover wrll he grandchildren. po~ted 111 .h1gh school rooms, the . Hev, Hobert Worgul officiated hoard decidecl. at the rites at Lueeht funeral

Reviewed by the board were the h~me. Burial was in Woodlawn questionnaires filled out by Leslie cemetery, Leslie.

Lee Osborn was installing offf. cer. J. Carol Huff was installing marshal. Appointive officers will be announced at the next meet­ing.

The blanlwt of air surrou.nding the world is a heavy one-con· taini ng billions of tons of water in suspension-every square foot of air at sea. level supports a column of air weighing 2,160 lb. As altitude increases, this weigh!: decreases. This method is used to determine the height above sea level in any given location.

mission. It l'ollows UJI a sm·· vey Dr. l'reseott conducted In 1953.

With the MSU scientist will be 2 assistants: Dr. Norman French, .from the Atomic Energy· ·com. mission; and Ronald W. Hocli:;es, Lansing, a former MSU student now in graduate work at Cornell university.

MASON Stores graduates, now students in their __ first. year at MSU. More math, Srmim• Play Nets $469 foreign l~nguagcs ~nd Engi!sh Exceeding ail previous years were sUbJects mentioned wh1ch is the profit from the senior play ~oul~l have been helpful t? them of $469. It will be _applied townrd 111 !ugh school as preparation for the se11ior trip and other gradu. college. a !ion expenses. The play was pro·

Burton D. Walker visited the duccd November 21 nnd 22 under han rei meeting to ~ee how it is the cliTection or Miss Zorn Grein· Junclion!ng. er,


Leseneys Are Honored Uy lUt'fi, l\lihlrecl North

Over 100 friends and relatives cnlied at Grovenbi.trg church Sun· day afternoon to . congmtulate Mr. ancl Mrs. Charles Leseney

Church Stages Family Night ~ . The an n u a I fa m i l y night,

Christ's Birthday Party, when an ntrering is made ns a candle is lighted fat• each month, resulted ln over $70 for the building fund. After the potluck supper !her~ was a program. Hcv. Francis Johannides i·eacl an appropriate Bible selection or quotation for cqch month.

The wl1ite birthday cake anri 12 candles centered a white cov. erect table, a creche at one enrl, a lighted pictmc of Christ at the othei', The cake was served as dessert. 'I'hc film, When the Lit­tlest. Camel I<nelt, was shown,

Mrs. Hazel Strobel and claugh· ter ,Iva Mny nrc at home after a vacation in Flm·ida.

' 'J'he · JUcCues hn vc tii'J'ivc 11 In Arlzo.Jlt sal'el~'· The Sunday school Chri£tmas

program will be given at the church Sunday evening, Decem· ber 15, at 7:30 .

. 1'hc I' emu !lelllng of · the fr·ont of Grovenbm•S' church. ltus begun. Mrs. F1·ancis Johannides, Mrs,

Don King and Asil Towsley were callers at the new home of Mr, and Mt·s. Hu~h Al)gell last we~k.

Dale · Tooltet• was a supper · gu!'!st: at the liorri~ of his grar)cl· parents Monday of last weelt. Ln· vere ··Tool\er visited his fmrerits S!lturday everilng, -: ·

and wish them well on their 501 h wedding anniversary,

Bells and festoons of gold colored paper and yellow mums were used around the dining room.

Punch, coffee and slices from a tiered wedding cake were served. The I,cscneys have 3 children, G grandchildrep ·and 3 ,great·grand· 1

.c~ilclren,' T~e ~gup.J~ : recl!lved . beautifitl and useful gifts.

An electric blanl\et was the gift from the neighborhood.

'Mr. ·aild Mrs. ·A. L,,' Toolter · 'suent liist week Tuesday; ·evenlilg "'. · '""-~'""" \ll·.nn,.,n,"" .. with .'his· nuri,ti :Mrs;J .. ;ottl~· Hoe~~.· · .. u nl!rm~o

. . In Dimondale. 'l'hursday evening ·: they vlslte~.~r.•and Mrs. Eugepe .,-~lien,·.;, , :-. ... -... · .:_·:- .. ,· _. ' .. _:. ·. · . . ·: Mr. and· Mrs. Hugh' Angell:

, · cthu1er 'guests· , 'Mi·s. Jarries·

~ un·dL atb!iide!l·.: the

Dr; Prescott is particularly in· terested in the equatorial zone,


Qqg Clofhet Dtget \

Cs1 D1ie1 Clotbs1 Heffet, Fs1tet

'Dad can't stand wasted time: effort or money ••• espe· , cially if_ they're his! He'd hang laundry outside, at the mercy~of wind, rain, sun,. birds, soot and childre~ only ONCE ••• and then; before ~nether laundry doy rolled around h,e'd find a bett~r way to do it. He'd get a safe, effi~ient, economical, automatic Gas Clothes Dryer! ·


FR.EE .INSTALLATION . . ' ... ·. ·\ ~ . ' ' ' -. . -: ' , ,- ' . . . ' . . . . . .



'' ., '' ''-, • > ' .' ' ' ~~ I ' . ' • ' : . • .• ' ' . '> .... ,.,,,,.,.

Are Open Every Night

Until Christmas Eve


* 'No Parking Mete141s _

* Big Selections·

* Holiday Deco•·atiGi~s

*. Friendly Cr'owds

*. No Traffic· J·ams

, .. '•'



0 A.M.~ '9 P.'M. EACH



Page 3: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Slippery Highway Causes Accident •rwo men nsenrwd· without In·

,juri(JH whr.n llwlr plclltlp ~ll'liClt ke on Wllllnmston l'onrl nnrl OVCJ'llii'JWd 'fii[JSrJily,

'l'homns ,J. Masun wus driving his plclwp norllt on Wllllnmston roltrl, n lwlf·mllo south nf Duns­ville, when It sl<lllrJerl on Ice. 'l'hc plcltup went lnlo !lw ![Itch and slruelt rt trr.e. Don Putmnn was riding with Mnson,

Cake Sales Swamp Jaycee Salesmen Fruit calws scJ!d by the huHIH.'I

hasltet. In Mnson l~rlrlay night. Mnson .Jaycees went duur-to-!loor In the huslnes11 rllstrlct nnd ro~I­clentlal areas lmwklng cnltcs, pro· ceerls from which will he u:.;erl fnl' community projects,

'• .,

Deputies Receiv.e Holiday,. Jime-Off By ncllon of the lwal'Cl of su·

pervlsors Tuesday, deputy she!'· IIfs unrl 1lll'lllWyll will receive comrll!nsatory lime-off !w time worltcd on 8 holidays·. 'l'he l1oll· ,dnys were not· specified except as being "regulnr,"

Supcrvloors rleclnssllled lllllnrles of Mrs. Edna Mlchltsch,· deputy trcnsm·er; nnri Mr11. Nancy Whyte, deputy register of rleedH, Both will receive raises beyond the classified s·calc, '

Supervisors Rnbcrt )3rooks and Charles Gutzld, h~!h or Lm1slng, voted against declassification, nnrl Supervisor Chnnlcs Woods of Ingham vo!Cfl agnlnst 1111! Jlrovl· slpn for time-off. . ,

A new mileage scale was pro· poser! hut. was hclrl up to nwnl! fqrt her study. '.!'he new svale for employe-owned cm·s eallecl for lOc per mile for I he Ill'S I 100 miles llt•lven enr:h month, 8c per mile for the next. 600 miles und 7e per mile for all ovm· 1 ,OOIJ miles.

SMILE FOR THE CAMERA-:'rhls 21-J'out relieula!e!l fl,\'thon 1nust bn ClllllCI'::t shy bccnusor ficven m_cn nre liecclcct to mnke 1t posn during 01 srient'c ll•lcvisiun show In Snn F1·ancisco, 'rhe1 blr: rept1ln lwld the spotlight us "Aninwl of the Month" m1 the progr01ni. Ct)lcr supporter ls~ · ~·· B~~~Hr:_I'Oid, nght, c•urn1o1· of Aquatic Biology at t.IH! cily's Stelnhmt Aol1nrlum. · 'I

Tests . Continue . In Slaying Case

SUlJcrvlsor .Tohn Patriarche of Leroy Bnrhe1·, 25, Lansing, is East. Lansing, chah·mnn of the

hcnlth eommlltee, sail! the scnlc In t!1e enunty ,lull uwultlng. eo~­confllels with 111e arrnngcment plctwn of lnve~tlga!lon. lf(! ts effective for health, department. 1 held on nn open clHH'g;" for IIIII· employes, That is flc per mile but l~g Be~nle BmTyl1ill, 2.1, Sallll'· if an employe di'lves less Jhnn day night. ·

Death Claims. Artie .wood. Fcu·mer and Silo s·alesman A1·t lc Wonrl, R<l, prominent Lcs.

lie f'nrnwt· and silo ;;nlcsmnn, cllerl at the honw, :l:lOfi Woods mnrl, Saturday. Mr. Wood hnrl hr.en sick for a Inn~ tIme.

Jackson Youths · Ordered to Pay 'l'wn .Tncltson ern1nty yonnr.

mon who Jool1 ulmost. $2,000 111 ensh from the Spcedwny statln11 safe Novomhcr 11 lmvc hr.r.n Ul'• dercrl to pay hnck what. wns miss­In[:(, PefiJr N. Monroe of. Hlvm;

•, hnll spent $253.!!8 'of his ·share nC tlw !not, nne! llkhnrrl Gibson oC ,Tacltsl)ll harl spent $730.fJ8, ,Tnclg£! Mm·vln J, Salmon In Hcntoncln[~ the pair 'l'twsrlny Ol'dl'i'erl end1 t 11

puy bnclt wbat wns missing ';mrl ench to [my $150 In cnsts·.

Judge .':lalmrm niRo senlc:!itrell Elmer Snlyer~ o! Stoclthi'ldgc, chm•gerl with simple Jm·ceny.

· Salyers wns given flO days In .Jull for tnltlng 11 revolvel' from lhrJ J'(islrlencc or Lutlwr Montgomei'Y· The original dtnrgr~ was lm·rt1ny frnm a lntllrllng,

Main Drag, M1·s. William Flnlt Is assisting

her hushnnd ·at Fink ,Jewelry during the holiday l'llsh. ·

Demand outs!l'lppr.rl supply 11nd .Jnyeees were unable to canvass the entire town, nccorrllng to Val DPHosa, co·ch<Jirman of lhe sale, Gene• Collar nnrl 13111 Carl Jeri Col· lur's Shetlaml pony through the business rllstt•ic:t In the qul!sl for business. The animal made the trip to town In the hack seal of Ilni'IJid .Jordan's r·ur· rtml wns Jeri !hi·ough stores nnrl the c!uunty Juil ns orrlers Jllled up,

MemiJei'S who nsslstcd wllh the snle lne!Udi!rl Delme1· Kramer, Hotwrl Drexler, Jan Dart, Lemy foioule, Hny SniriCI', Donnld Hol·st· man, Claurle Cady, Hobert Hall, Donald Lehman, Rollin Dart, Herman Walt,.l;>erris Strickland, 1~1·. Tcrl VnnrlcrBoll nnrl Val De· Hmm.

FIRST U.s: MOON INSTAL.'LED-Enginecrs cn;·efully in~tnll 1

';1 6.1-inch, 3\ia·pouncl lntby sutcllilc n t Cnpa Cunnvcrnl.: Fh~., lnunching ·s'itc of the Vnngunrd roclwt. :Thc:smnll sntclhtc . .Js ,Jittccl ntop the third stngc or the l'oclwt, ln1cr to. be covered With n nose cone. 'fhc ·rtluminum sphere is n subslilntc for· the 20-linch, fully inslnnncntcd sntcllitr. which will bo ln.LIIW)lcd when

500 miles he or she is pnlil nd[li· A coroner's lnqLtcsl. has been tlonnlly al the rate of 5c per mile scheduled .fot• Monduy. It will he for nil miles· under 500 not rlrlv- conducted in the Lansing muni· en. He explained 1hat II IJI'ov!des clpal court room. eompensntory pay for employes Lie detector tests were given who must crmfino their driving to to Barber Wednesday and others the dty. · are s·cheduled. '1'·11e tests Wednes·

Mr. Wood wns horn Mnreh 20, .1873, near Stockhi•irlge, As n hoy he nftenrlerl Housel :;chmil. Siner. the ngc of 11 years lw lived at.ttc farm· home wlwre he rllerl. Jiro owner! and npcratr.rl the farm and was alsn a successful slln and insu•·anec Hnlesman.

M1·. anrl M1·s. Wood r.elehrnted lheh· fiOih werldlng annlversnry In the summer. Mrs, Wonrl Is 1he former 131nndil' Wilbur. Mr. Wnod wns 11 memlle1· of' the Farm illii'Pau group in his nelghhor­honrl.

Starvi'ving- besides the wife are sons, IIrti'Vey nnrl Rex o[ Leslie, Claylon of Ens! Tawas; !laugh· tr~rs, Mrs. Gm[•e Winslow of Ea­ton Haplrls :md Mrs. Flay Tharp of Linden; a slst.el', Mrs. Rena \V1·ight of Leslie; 9 gmndchlldren ami 2 f:\'Cat-grandchiltli'Cn,

City employes ami members of Mason's Chamber of Commerce ~h11scd Christmas de~omtlons 'l'ltursrlay, Ft·lday nnd Saturday during the big wind. President Win Dancer rcpoi·terl 1hat thet·c was no damage to the new street ornaments.

Archy's photos has one of the Pl'etllcst Christmas trees In town on display in his studio window. 'l'he studio Is jnmmed with Chrlstm11s photography woa'lt. Along wllh the holiday load !'lw studio also handled the lnrllvld· ual photos at St. James Catholic school.

l'tlcl;et tcsls m·c completecl: ·

Justice Court A report from 1hc ways nml d11y were liibeled Inconclusive. means, committee showed dis- Barber claims 11e shot Berry. ·

Dr. VanderBoll nn!l DeRosa, co-chairmen, said the .Jaycees will put on the sale next year ami will have enough cnl<es to gn fll'llllllll.

Judge Puts Studies First agreement on raising- supervisors' hill after Berryhill and Barbet·'s Jl~Y· A new law permits super- wife and her pm·cn1s had spent Visors to receive up to $20 a day. the evening at. a Lnnsing beer Tng-hnm board rnemhers nnw get parlor. He said he had once gone $10. · to the beer parlor to plead with

Mason Knights Elect Officers

Funernl services •.vet·e conduct­rd at funeral home, Les­lie, Monday with Rev, ,John W, Bttllock oiTiclnllng. Burial was in Woodlawn cemetery, Leslie.

Christmas tree sales are boom­ing In Mason . .Tim's Marltet m1tl Beebe's Wes!slrlc Grocery l'e· r.elved their shipments· last week. Densmore's IGA unloaded a truck full of 1rees Wednesday,

Winter Arrives 'l'lte week hi'OLight on the fin;!

taste of winfet·, '!'here has been >snow anrl I he mereury has ~one down to zem, Driving mnrlitions were had Saturrlay btil impmved over· Sunday,

Average mean 1emperalure for t!HJ week was 25. l~or the snme period last year it was :JO. Rain last. Thursday amounted to .73 of an inch. Snowfall n! Mason was measured at 4 V:! Inches.

Temperature readings were: Low High

December 5 .................... 2(i 33 Decembm· G .................... 32 52 Deeember· 7 ............. J ...... 8 35 December 8 ................... .14 3<1 December fl .................... 25 35 December 10 .................. 7 34 December 11 .................. 4 18

Atomic Wonders Have Just . Begun

Five Michig-an Stale liniversl1y men arc talcing examinations this week thanks to the cooperation of JUstice of the Pence Roy W. Adam~. The yout11s were arrest­er! Monday nighi on a charge of illegal possession of liquor, Judg-e Adams snspcnderl sentence· when they appeared ht!fnre him Tues­day. They arc to rc>porl 1o l1im hefore nexl Monday.

The university boys arc Wil· limn H. Sill, William Wiltfan~. Charles Sharpe, John Larson and Gerald Celli.

The intersection of ·Jefferson and Olwmos streets is sf ill a money-malter· for the city. A 11asher light was installed at the in(ersection with the expectation that c!riVCI'S WOLI]cl heed the Jlasher hctter· than the stop signs. The flasher hasn't helped much. Drivel'S who have run the light this week nnd got caught at il arc Charles Watrous of Lansing, Lei'Oy Neslle of Haslett and Ron­ald Bedell of Mason. Each nf the drivers paid $4 fine.

Theodore C. Mills of Lansing ·appeared before Judge Adams Friday on a charge of drunl' driving-. I-Ie pleaded not guilty and was released on $200 bond. '!'rial is set fm· December 17.

judge found him guilty and fined' I>ipple $G5 and sr.ntencccl him to a day in jail.

Maurice Regis of Mason ap. pcared before Judge Adams Mon­day on a cha'rgc nf drunl< driving. He was found guilly and fined

Chapter Masons Elect High Priest

$65. Green of Aurelius is Luther Tanner of Lincoln Parle the high priest-eleet of Ingham

paid rine and r.osts of $36.50 in clmptet· 51, Royal Arch Mnsons. Judge Adams' colll't Monday after He was elected at the annual con­being .found g-uilty of a chnrge of vocation ·1'ueHday night. carrying a loaded gun in a car. Officers elected or appolni'ec! to Tanner, arrested Odober 24, by serve with Green arc M. L. Htm1, Wnl!er Mutchler, state conservn- lting; Donald R. Barto, scribe; D. lion officer, pleaded not guilty C. Dart, treasurer; Arvlde North,

his wife to return home but she \Vouldn't leave. On that occasion, he declared, Berryhill foliowecl him outside and assaulted him. When Berryhill and Mrs. Barber returned to the Barber home, 3407 Creston avenue, Barber said, he ordered Berryhill 1o leave. Barber d e c 1 a red Berryhill threatened him whereupon Bar­ber reached for il sholgun and fired.

Russell Leggit.t, 57, Bai'IJel:'s frlen{l, witnessed the shooting. Three smn,JJ Barber children wrwe In the house.

Mason lodge No. 70, Knights of INFAN1' JIOI'S -..'CIT 1 IVJ' Pythias conducled its annual clee. ' 1'· "' ' '• . tlon of {)fflccrs Monday evening The Infant son born to P1lar at the hall. Robert Palmer is the and Stella Almazan at Mason chancellor commnmler. Genc~al hospital 'l'hursclay, De-

Other· ot'ficers nrc: Vice-chancel· r.ember ~· rlirl not live. The Alma­lor, Clarence Owen; prelate, Stan. zons reside at 35~6 South Haga­ley Com well· master of wnrlt clorn road. Sm:vlvmg besides the H "Y s en 'y· scrTelary Lc~ parents are Sisters, Mary, 13, H~~~cs· frea~u'rc 1 : · H.iahur;l Fer· and Kathy, 6; nnd _brother, Rob· . . • ', . . : . . 1• crl, 11. Pmyer serVIPes were con·

1ls, m~slel·at-nrms, Ch.utcs "uf· 1 tel , t B II·Dtmn funcrnl ncr; mnet• guard, L. B. Barr; ~ uc c 5 , t rd y ~t. 10 a m hy Fr outer guard, Harold Barnhill. JlOme .' Ld 11 8r' "'t . T m' ~" c' "t'l



t . 1 1 1 1 , ames ee o .-, .. a "·' " representa IVC o grnn( Ol ge, church Burial was in Maple Robert P·tlmer· altci'Jlutc to ·

Mason stores will remain open until 9 p. m. beginning Frlchty, December 13, in order to take care of Christmas shoppers. Ac­em·dlng to Mason businessmen buying has been bl'isk so fat• this holiday season.

Larry Dowdre is clerking nt Davis Men's Wear now that he has shed his cast and cruthces, His huslness acllvltles were lim­ited this f:11l when he brolte n hone in his foot.

when he appeared before the secretary; Neil Carpenter, cap- Prosecutor Jaclt Warren inrli· judge latm· the same day. tain of the hosts; Leslie Bruno, cated reluctance to prosecute Bar-

grand lorlg~. Ha{Ty Spenny; nnct Grove c~metery, chairman of the executive hoard, ----...:...--------------------

Arthur Zickgrnf. ' h D b 12 1957 A 3 Two Sturgis men, Danais Mar- pr·incipal sojourner; Sam Adcock.' ber. He said he will await com· tison and 'l'al have royal arch captain; Alfred B~l- pletlon of lie detector tests and pealed a justice yea1, master of the third Veil; the Inquest before authorizing is-

Installation will he Monday, Ingham County News, Mason, M1c ., ecem er , • January G,' at the hall.

reached sa\urday Edgar M. Stoves, master of the suance of a warrant. S'fUDENT GJ~1'S DJ~GREB them guilty of second veil; Emer,Y Dulin&, mast· William Elwood Rumbles, son pence . .Turlgc Adams hitd er of the Ilrst veil; Herbert Col- FORJUER RESIDI~NT PA..<;;SES of Mr. ami Mrs. N. S. Rumhlcs, them to pay fine and eosts by, chaplal.n; and Robert Os- 'Mrs. Marie Juder,john, 72, died received a haehelor of science dr.· and make restilu!ion 1n Red borne! sentm~l. · . · ... at. ,her home In Devils Lake, from Michigan Stale· uni·j bar, north of Lnnslng. They were Offl;ers wtll be m~talled Fr!· North Daltota, last Saturday. Fu- rvppq"rv Tuesday evening. Com-releaserl on '$200 bond after np· day mght at ceremomes open to neral services were conducted at mr:ncemen t: exercises were con­peal. the publl.c. Don~lcl H. Webb, past New Ulm, Minnesota. Mrs. Jucler- dLtctcd in t.he Michigan state marli-

'fraffic violation tickets report- grand high pr~est, Roy~l ~ch john was a sister-in-law of Ed· !orium. Mr. and Mrs. Rumbles d settled in Judge Adams' ~ourt M_asons of t~e. state of N!!Chigan, ward Juderjohn of Holt, She and had open house for their s·on aft.

e . 1• 1•. 1 b Will act ns mstalllng officer . .As· · er· the exercises. Out-'lf-town dur11;g, 1he we;' tve1·e ISler y sisting him will be past high her daughter, Esther, lived m hun dS folio' ws. _ . priests, I-!erbert Colby, installing Ma~on for a ~ew ye~rs at. t!1e gucsls were Mr. and Mrs. Sam

Give the Giff thai Lasts All Year

• • • a Gift Subscr·iption to the


We'll Bill You and Send a Gift Card Phone Mason OR 7-9011 Donald 'I refry, LaJJsmg, speed- mar·shal ., George. Post, installing restclence of M1s. George Gr1ff1_n. Rumbles of Boyne Cit.y and M1·.

lng, $5. chaplain i· and Carl Johnson, In· · -and Mrs. Allen Ott: oL Saginaw. '~------------------------·

'l'he llrst 15 years of the atom­le age will be .far overshadowed by developments which lie al1encl, predicts a leading Michigan State university scientist who was in on some of. the early work

Peter Hoffmnn of Lansing ap­peared before Judge Adams Fri­day on a chnrg-e of being drunl\, He was found gull ty and given his choice of pnyi11g $15 fine, or spending 7 days in jail. He paid the fine. Claude Hensley of Bat­llc Creek was given almost the same • choice when he appeared before the judge Friday. l-Iens­ley, charged with being rlrunl,, went to jail I or 4 days rat he1·

Robert Musgrove, Monroe, stalling secretary. All past high WOl\fAN DIF..S IN FLORIDA. speeding, $1fi. priests are requested to wear Mrs. Pearl M. H~mtley ~led

Walter Nichols, Flint, speed· their past high prlest's· aprons. Thursday at ·l')iemo~·wl hospital,


'l'he atomic age was born offici­ally 15 years ag-o this month with the first controlled release of energy .from the nucleus of the atom.

The first self-contained chain reaction was achieved by a team nr top scientists worlling in a luboratory fashioned in a squash court beneath the seats of lhe University of Chicago stadium.

. Jlr. Lnurenee L. Quill, now 'h1ind ol' tlu~ chemistry de]J:u·t· ment ut. 1\ISU, ,jnluml lhc Jlt'o,iect at. n Inter date. He ru nl1s t.he utilization of nu· llimLI' ]lll\VCI' With "tfl<! lll)l dlscow:riel't of nil thm~."

than pay $10. · Fred Dipple of Holt appeared

before .Judge Adams Friday on 11 charge of dnmlt driving .. The _ __:_~-:-· __ ._· .. _, -·-. ::;__' ~· ·_':!_,_;:.....__

: Par~chial School' Has Open House.

· . St. James school had open Dr. Quill v;orl::ed wllh. the !ll~- house Wednesday to permit par·

clear projects tnformnlion ciiVl· c Is t confer with teachers over sion.· ~vhere. ln!ot·~atlon an~l t!;c· wcirl\ of pupils and to give fi!lchngs wote co~telnted a~.l l.he public an opporttmity to see chspatched. He rr;c~lls ~hat .'lll how the former chut·ch bull,lilig elaborate code system wa~ used had been remodeled for school so thai many persons worlun~ on phaRes ·of the project did not purposes. lmo\v the exact nature of the '!'here are 3 spacious class-

]. rooms, each designed for 2 goa· I' 1 I gmdcs. Only I he ll'St am secom

"Where we go from here de· and third and fourth classes are pends on our attitudes," Dr. now being taught. '.!'he other room Quill a£serted. "LJne can hardly 1 · 1 1 visualize the clesiTtictlo'n that:' may is for the fifth am ·s1xt 1 graces result If the utilization Qf nuclear when they nrc added. power Is )eft In the hands o.f a The classroomE are. attractive godless, agressor group~" and well equlppe~ With nat ural

. • · . light strcaxnlng 111 from bo\11 . On the oth~l .hand, Dl. Quill east and wesf and with nclequatro . pointed out, sober, clear-th!nl<· artificial lighting.

mg" scientists. face. '.'.unllnuted · · . , . possibilities". Jn·. nuclear power, On Wednesda~: nigh I the wmJ.. and •:m·e "fully· aware of their I of pupils was cltsplaye~l o:n lh~h

place in human society." . deslts and on ehalltboards,. ·. .

·Mflitary N~wlJ · ·. Ron·:.:Piakke 'Finishes· ·Hitch , I·I~mc a~~ln afte~~ 4' y~n~s in weelts of boot camp, will lnciude

the .navy Is Ronald Plaklte, • son a full dress· parade and review. of :·Mt·. and Mrs. Bernard Plaldte before military officials of .Mason. He's been many· places civilian dlgnltarles. and ·seen a lot of. things· whlle Pfc. Robert J. Stage, whose. serv)ng ·aboard carrlers,in the At· mother, Mrs. Helen Shepard, liver. !antic and Medltea·rnne!ln .. He' was In Williamston, will spend thr a Ilre contl'OI technician · · · holidays lrt Hawal' 'the USS Leyte and the·USS Val·. of .the 25th Infan ·ley Forge. He nrl·lved' h~;~ine. Tues· Hawaii since ~o day. · , · · · ·. 1956, Stage Is · assigner · Donald R: VeCasey; 'of. Mr; ns a driver lri Company p of t!ti

and Mrs; · ·A. · divlslon's· .' . Engineer Battal· Haslett Is · ion. He · the army . w~

ing-, $12. The new high priest is a mem- St. •Petersbu~g, Flortda. She .wa~ Walter Clarl<, Mo11roc, speed- ber of Mason lodge 70, F. & A. M. a ·former resident of Mason. Hm

ing, $15. ami a past patron of Mason husb_and, Oaldey, a carpenter, Bemard Eckhart, Royal Oalt, , apte1· No. lfiO Order of the surv1ves·. Servaces _were conducted

speeding, $12. . Eastern Star. He is employed by Saturday- at Wilhelm . funeml Gay Felzl1e, Mnsm1, impropet· 1 the Oldsmobile Corporation as 11111 home, St. Peter.s~u~g, With Rev.

usc of lane, .$5. J audi1or. . S. E. Wood off!Cmtmg.

·''' Unusual . .

·.GIFT ·10 EAS


This Week $2.79 End Only








, .


, Special CENTEREve~·ything · Holiday For.H~me 'Depa~·tment! M ov~es.

a and 16 mm cameras* projectors* sound equipment* screens *film* len~es *tripods* titlers * *lights* accessories

••• and from Switze1;iarrd, the world famous

ac ... ..,» 1..-E>C 8 mm precision ·came1·a ,

Mot•e Jll'Ccision extt·as than any · other movie camera in tl)a world •

Seven speeds instead of live, cable t1llense for single shots, continuous run ·loclt, zoom vicwfindct· for .use with any lens; many othet•s, Easy for beginners, just aim and shoot. 'versntile :tor tho old hand- every special effect you'll evca• need. This is the best. Sec it today. Model shown with IJiJ~' .Yv~r F:1.9 anr~ 1 'h'' F :2.8 lenses,:$202. , .

. · Other Boli!X 8 m111 $8995 · · c~met'"s from .


Page 4: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

.. ' -



School Will Preserit Yule Conc~rt MuHon lrlgli school choru~. Glca

r.luh unci tho high seho()l lmnd will pre~enl · tlwiL· unnunl Chrisl· maH concer·t 'l'lrumrlny night, Dn·

· l'emhur lD, n'l 8 in I he H!~hooi ' · · uuriilorium. One lu1111lred scvenl'y

Mason p11plln will pat•flclpatc 111 tlw preaenlntlon, .

Band lllllllhers· lo be inclqded In the progr·trm are '/'he Lor•rJ's Pmycr hy Mttlntte, '/'he Toy Shop

by Colby, Chrlslmn:;. l•'l!~tlval h)' Anrtm•son, Sleigh 11irlc l1y Amler non, Ciwmle und, Alleluia h,) Hansen, nnrl While Cl1rl~lmns h,) Berlin. · The Gil'is Gll!o dui1 will slnr ahe of Belhlolwm. by Noltl!

Chlidrcm of lhe HI!I!VenJy King by Pleyel, Mnry's Cnro!, n foil<. song; Caml of llw Blrrls hy Niles Carol of lhc Bell:; hy Wlllwuslty

r.ltUo Lnmh, Who Made Thee'l hy tnff, iiiHI Gocl Who Wntchesr )'or Us lly Kilo,

Selections· In he prcsentccl hy he·us are Horllo Christ us Nu­us Est. hy Wlllun, 'J'hc' Stahle

.)oor by Glbhs, Cht•lslmns Day 1y Holst, Wo Wish You u Merry :::!hi·lstmns hy l{r·one, While Shcp­wrrls 'Wntchcd by .Jnng~t-Tkoch,

Gesu BEtmhlno by Jon, Amid (he Snows, n Ros'e l1y ,Jones, PaH1· Pun by Davis, Tl10 Sl!!lgh ,hY Kounl~, BI!Hide Thy . Cradle hy

I Bnch, and Rocltln' 'All Night hy Wilson, · Mr~. Linn Mills Is choir dl·

t•cctor, nnrl Geot·ac Murthum dl·j rects tlw hund. A frcc·wlll offer­Ing will he talten.

Jury Women. Are Entertained


Ingham county women jurrm-; serving nt I his ler•m of court In Lansing were lun!!lwon gue~l.' nf .one of the Jurors, Mrs. Helen Bini~, Wednesday. Mrs. lllnl~ surp.rlscd the group by lnvlllng them lo her home at 215 Spcncct' avenue, Lansing. ,

The luncheon was served to 17 . jurors .In the rccreallon room of lhc Bintz home. A Chrlslmas cnr­

of holly wns given lo caelr gLIO~t. .

' MRS.' MINNIE INGALLS HALL, who celobratod her 90th birthday anniYersary Sunday, looks a·~ a painting she did earlier, "I would like to p·aint now," she 5aid, "but it's hard on the eyes.'' She has a number of water colors and oils she painted as a hobby.

Mrs. 'Milznie }fall Is 90, lias .Several Celebrations

Attending lhc luncheon were 1\!t·:,;, Minnie Hall celehrtltcd her wonclcrful hwrhanrl anrl slill IHIVr! Col'!a Hayhoe, Florence Coolidgr!, !lOth l>h'lhd:ry anniversary Sun· a. woru.lerful bmllwr."

NEWLYWEDS, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Whipple, will be hon­ored Sunday at an open house given by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Anderson, Sr., at the Anderson home in Dansville. Mrs. Whipplc is the former Ruth Ann Anderson, Her husba11d is

Lula Winans, Caroline Jenkins, day by, atlcnding I he morning When aslwd if slw lmd always Mary Ann Devine, Loraine Creed, worsl~lp set·vlce al Mason Pres- enjoyed the good health whieh Grctta,Egget·s, Nella Kam, Tren,e hytc~·mn church, ~hen going to. ls '

80 evident, she replied that as

Gauss, Olga Moberg, Bertha Lesh~ for dinner Wttlr her brother I u child she was ver·y sickly and! Snow, Anna Smith, Bt!rtha Ocs- and swter·ln·law, Mr. and Mt·s. A. at times was not expcctccl lo Jive. tcrle, Bernice Oesterle, Cassie T, Ingalls. She still has u letlcr wrilten lo Macl<, Verna Sheathelm and Lila Several othe~· friends gathered her father, expressing regret Waltersdorf. at the Ingalls home to help Mrs. over the possil1ilily tlrat "Minnie

Hall eclcbmtl!, .Guesls were Mr. might not live."

th6 son of Mrs. Russell Whipple and the late Mr. Whipple. The . 1 couple exchanged nuptial vows Wednesday, December 4, in Ma-Couples Attend Club Dinner

and 1\!r~. Robert Brownlee, Mr. · . · and Mrs. Harley r-~arwoocl, Mt·s. When she wns qurte young she Gruee Annis and Mrs. Maude had I he whor1pln~: cough <ll.ld:

son Presbyterian church. After a honeymoon in Grand Rapids and Holland the couple

returned to 121i West Dansville road, Mason, where they will make their home. Mr. Whipple is associated with E. D. Whipple

Luthct•. For dc~sert they had a chickenpox togel her, ami the blrthrlily cake aflame with 90 cases .left het· with a. cough whtdr. i

II ' prcvntlecl fqr l'l'ilr~. Because nl, cane es. her weakened 'condition ~he was

& Sons Construction Co. ·

Thirteen couples a ttendcd the Mason .Junior Child Study clui> smorgasbot•d Wednesday eve­ning at Vevay lawn ·hall. Mrs. Lester Palmer, Mrs. J oc Dean and Mrs. Fmnlt Young set·ved on the planning committee. The tables were decorated in a Christmas theme.

On Monday Mrs, Abe Cohn .was not- nblr. to a ttencl , ~clwol UlllJJ 1 hoslc:;s at a luncheon for '1111's. she was 10 years dlcl, Hall. J~ight neighbor women at· -. ·

01-ganizatious Knights of Pythlas and Pythian Sisters will have a polluclt sup­

tended, Decorations were ail' pin!< "I t.hiul( I ha\'(l bt:en and the group gave her a bouquet blc.~Necl to live llH'Sil years fu of pinlt camations ancl heather. lalw CIU'e ol' ulhl'l'.~." 1\11·~.

. "I' received so many lovely Hall snlll colrcer·ning- her· cat·ds, I tl1ink <11 in all," Mrs, Hall long!wlty.,

Jean R. Anderson Auxiliary of per and Christmas party Satur· Veterans o.f Foreign Wars Post clay, December 14, at 6:45p.m. ·at No. 7309 will meet Monday, De- the K of P. hall. cember lll, at 7:30 p, m. at St. James CMholic church t·eception linll.

Dexter Trail <l·H club will have their Christmas party at Howlett school Tuesday, December 17, at

Mr. and Mrs. club of St. .Tames 7:30 p, m. There will be a gift ex-

After the dinner Mrs·. Winston Dancct· wns In charge of games. Joe Dean reel the group in sing­ing, accompanied by Mrs. Dl!an.

~~ ~ ~ '

NORTONS A '/'TEND DINNER church will have il spaghetti sup-· change. . per Sunday, December 15, at thc Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Nor-chw·ch. Mr·. and Mrs. Frank Loci;: Mason College dub will meet ton and Barbara were members

Monday, December Hi, al 6:30 p. are co-chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. m. at the home of Mt·s. 1\lerlln of the No.rton family who _at-touis Bcratta have charge of the Gr·cc 1 for its annual Christmas tended a chnnet· Saturday evemng

said, "and 6 lovely lwndlterchicfs, anolher· calw, 2 boxes of candy, brownies and a ~wcater."

lllrs. Hall, u diminutive whitt!·hrtired woman, does heJ• own lunndJ•y a.nd sho]>ping-, wall,lng downt~wn In 1\luson · ~~al'h day tllld even clears heJ' nwn wnl11 to the sidcwltll'

"When I was young my family spent so much lime uursing me, day and nighl," ~he cnnlinued. Mrs. Hall's parenls were botlr · ~Jck and bedfasl before they died, and Mr. Hall was not well hi~ last 3 years. She cared for· all of lhcm, sometimes day anrl nighl Last wintm· her broliler was

when it snows. and she went by bus each clay Les!Je to sec him. meal plans. 'I'hosc attending m·e .

1 · • at the home of Mrs. Grace Nor- AllhoLtgh het· membershiP. is

to t11l1c a wt·appcd Christmas gift chnncr. Those a.ttendmg are to ton Gillett in Ann Arbor. Aftet• at Leslie First Congregational· 1 l l . 1 Th ·rt tnke t11cu· own table service. 11 ct· M d M w·11

. • • · . · or a nccc y 10y or gtr . e gt s 1e mner· r. an rs. 1 tam Chnsttan clntrch wiuch she at-

will be distributed at Christmas· Phillips school Mol hers club Norton left from Willow Run. I ended in her youth, Mrs. Hall

I · · "Do ynu !mow what I wished : when I .iilew out my no candles I Sunday?" Mrs. Hall asked. "To' be' able to live In be I 00 anrl lwep my health as gi)(Jd as it is," she cleclarcd.

time. Reservallon for I he supper will meet Tuesday, Decem bet• 17, for their home ln Florida, A fe1v I attend s Mason Presbyterian must be ma<le with Mrs. Harold at 8 p. m. aF ·I he homl! of Mrs. hours later Mr. and Mrs. Waller chureh regular·ly. In October she 13ell. William Filiwocl<. Plans fat· the Norton left for their home in· was a co-hostess at a meeting of

Mason \\'oman's Golf cluiJ will Christmas progrm'!l will he co~- Massach.usetts. Others of the/ the Royal Daughters of the Les-meet Thursday, December 12, 8 p. plclecl and there Wtl! be a 50c g!It group mcluded Mr. ami Mrs. lie church. . m., for ils annual' Christmas exchange. Clare Norton of Flint and Mr. Mrs. Hall was born December party anrl gift exchange al lhe Pylhiirn Sisters Past Chiefs and Mrs. Floyd Gillett and sons, 8, 18G7, in the Leslie hotel, which home of Mrs. Albert Humphrey, clul1 will meet at the horne o[ Robbie and Donnie,· of Ann Ar- was owned and. operated by het· · . ~~ West Barnes road. On the com· Mrs. Irene Franklin Montlay, De· "' * ,, falher, A. 1'. Ingalls. When she mitteoe are l\1rs. Nelson Rouse, cemhrr lG, .for a pot1uci1 supper CHILDREN ATI'END SERVICE was 3 months nld lhcy moved to

Ministers-Wives Me·et at Breakfast

. i

- Mrs. William Porler, Mrs. Leo at G:30 and Christmas gift ex- T 1

d . 1

f 11

a farm 2% mrles north of Leslie, Ministers of llw Masnn Minis· '

terial Association, and their wives· were entertainer! for their month· ly brealtfast at lilc home of Rev. and Mrs. Paltl Arnold Tuesday.

1\clly, Mrs. I,ouis Stid ami Mrs. change, . ~'<enty JUys an gir s 0 lC where she spent her childhood .. JUillor department of MaS'onl

Robert Bullen. Dunn Community club will Met119dist church attendl!d the :!~here. Mt·s. ~-Iall be.camc fa . . .'Mason Odd Fellow and Rebekah have its annual Cllristmas Jlarty family servkc. at the Synagogue /mtltat' With th~ .!arm ant~a~s and Those attending lot' lhe evening


. lo.dges wllol lwvc a family .Christ· and potluck supper at 8 p. m. in Lansing last Friday evening. wlldlt[e she pamts so realtstwally. of fellowsilip aucl worsilip were mas supper Salurclay, December Saturday, Decem bet· 1<1, at .Aure- Adulls accompanying the group


Ar:m1~g the IV~\ter color and oil Rev. and Mrs. . CJarcJicc Hodd, 1{·, at the 1001~ hall at 7:

30· p. lim; township hail. There will be were Mt·. and Mrs: Francis Fen- patnlmgs hang111g.!n he!· home on Hev. Hoy Mum:tLI, Rev. Herbert/

m.-''l'hose attending arc to lake a gift exchange and program. sl\c, Mrs. DOifald Chapman, Mrs. East O<lk ~trect arc PICtures o1 Cherry, Rev. and Mrs. John their I able service and a dish to . . Raymond Norton and Rex Strib-~ puppies, iuttens, steers, sheep, Pt·uden, Rev, ami Mrs. l'aul Ar·j pass. Mtzpall. class OJ the Mcthoc~lsl Icy. . · horses, <lect· and still·life paint- nold unci Rev, and Mrs. Raymond!'

·Palrlolic clltb will mcel Friday, clmrch Will meet at the d;~uch '" • P ings of fruit and winter scenery. Norton. I [ur a desserl lundwon on ] ucs· · ~

December 1.3, at 12:30 at t lC clay DPccmbcr 17, al one o'oioclt. MLr·. ar_ul MMrs. EJmler,.,Raymn?nld . 1'he !10-ymtNlhl womrm he: * ,,, ,. I horne of M1·s. Henry Fries, Sr., · · . . . . . of anstng, r. an( ., rs. tc l· .. 1

. 1' I' , . 11

hby b The Meuwrlist pastors ancl 132 Rayner street, for a potlucl1 , .M~son OES wtll have mltt<rtr~n arcl Ohm ;incl family of Hall and ~'1 , 1, 1".1t: ·!1~7" . 11~ilt · ~th

11 .~; families of I he .Albion-Lansing 1

annual Christmas pitrty. I~nch. Masonic lem~le, Mrs. · · em ce t Sunda at I· he home or their ~. re 11~< . t~. :'~· 1 ·' . . ., . mas party Monday evening at dinner. Till! meeting will be lltc Tuesday, December .17, 3at 1

11e Mr. and Mr~. Mansll Raymond .'

111 <.

1 s


11 ' 1~~s1 '11~ 111

at·tosgltc district had theit• annual Christ-'



meti1ber atlcnding is to lal1c an S_cllclt of Lansmg At·butus elrapt- parl!nls, Mr.yarid Mrs. Clare Ray- ~· 11.1<-·lllw CXJllesslons the Mount Hope church in Lan-cxchange gift valued at $1 and a er, gr~llld co!ll1 tnt~le~l~~m;~n a~cl l)1ond, m 11~- 1 \vrul,, sing. Rev. ;m/1 Mrs. Raymond t

gift for her sccrel pal. first· :•tc?·prest.c en ° · 10 ortn Y Mt·. and Mrs. Robert Jewett The spl'ighlly matron wus mat·· Norton and Barbat•a attended the

Attrelius Garrlen club will meet assuctalton, Will atlcnd the meet- will leave next Tuesday from Wil- t·ied to A. J. ·Hall on February event. · I

u. tn. to •I p, n1. in Aur·cJius town l\lr. ~ncl Mrs. llan·y ~hi!IW,o~cl where Bob wi\1 play In . the years ag(), on November 11, 1!l54, planning to attend lhe Christmas Friday, December 13, from ·10 ing. · low Run airport for Miami, Fla., 26, 1!1'.12. He died a little ovm· 3 Mr. nnrl Mrs. Lyle Born or are I hall. A Christmas greens work· and chrldren ~I Dansvtllc \ICl~ North·Soitth ·football game on "1 h;lvc Jmd much happiness in party for non-academic personnel sl1op 11'1.11 be conducted by Mrs. Salurday e\'enrng gucst.s. of Mt. C!Jr•t.strnas nfcrJJt.·Frorn lh'ere they ' " ~. II 11 ·d r Ml 1 • St 1 · · "t t - J\ L \VI tt and " my flO years, nit's. · u sar , o c ugan a e umverst ·y a·


: Wallet· Pr·icc lind Mrs. Lee Low- and )rs. .a:l'ren.c~ ' 11 ng ' go to Tucsoti, Arizona, where 1 1 b 'I 1' I' · 1 rv .• J\1rs, Cm·l •i•opliiT ai1!1 Mrs. lamily. Lm~.Wiul.rng:: speu.t:th~ ·he will play in a bowl game .Tan· "and it's wonderfu to be happy. llle unon utcrng· •rrcay eve-; 'Villani Drpseha will be co-host· week end wrth _l~et glilnclmolltct, uary 4• Others making the trip I had such wonclcrful.parcnts,· n ning. . !

. es~cs. Mrs. !lena Wlulrng. arc Mt'. and Mrs. Jim Ninowsl\i, ·

Dec~mbe·r~ Meeting~ Dates Set by Church Circle.s

Mason Methodist ~~hurch cir­des have scheduled their Decem­her meetings for Tuesday and

· \~rednesday of ·next week, except ·for Priscilla circle, which wBl meet Monday, December 30.

Cherry: Mt·s: Nirta tarn. and MrB. Evelyn Shaffer 1 arc · co-hoslcs~cs, Mrs. B.obet't Bany Is in .charg_e of devotions.' Miss Pat Bartlett wlll tell Christmas stol'ies. The it· .meet· ing is also at 8 P• m. Tuesday,

Currie and Dave Kaiser. lngharn County News, Mason, Mich., 'December 12, 1957 A-4

. Ghop In tho friendly, foAtlvo atmo5phera of our druo store .' .• whoro you'll find a multltuclo Gf

Chrlstma• glftsl Do your holiday · 5hoppino oqr/yl

.' · ·rhey :11 $DYD Chrislmas fuN ·:• . , :,;1. •. far ~~tl~i Jo come I


· C~aar~·e It or L11y It Awoy

Usc Uur


Churgo Plan


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Great new color-slide. camera with built-in. mP.tPr

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. ,Pnckots o.f Hlstatlc Plac~• _4 •• ~.-.. '·' . VIEW· MA"TER PA"KETS OnthoQuacm'altlnorary,,. i!···~~ 1 l • ."-. ••\~· ~ . i ~ Thref' re~h, 21 color )11Ctoros 0 Royal Conod1an Moun red • u..._., •i. •. in each packet , , , ~~ ~D!'

Police •• l'1 •1.': • • • ~iJ.t.ii.-BJtlmP.slnwn festi'fC'II • II '/ ~ ...

Mount Vernon, Home of Gnoroe Wndoinolon . VIEW-MASTER STEREO

§Wn•hinglon, D, C, . VI[WER · Ne~ York ~lly · Show~ pictures i11 thre'e

llntl('d Noltom-nmf lha d' nslon ~..., pcpulcr tme ' ' ' .. •&t.:50

D "Cornnotlon of Queen l:lizobeth n.·.~ fiadol, t®Scwyer'a Inc., _Portland 7, Orc~~n

. There's· Still Time for a ,I ·'



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Toyland Thousands to Choose From

· C~ristmas Tr·ee Stands


Catch Christmas

l11 Colo_r Koda'cha·ome · l(odacolor · ·

Anscochrome Ekf·achr.ome.

All Siz~s 1•:

Orpha Ellen· c!t•cle .will en~el'· tnln Miriam c:ircle at the church Wednesday at a 12:30 lqnchcon Hostesses are··Mrs. G)·ovcr Aker~ and Mrs. R. D. Davis·. Mrs. Ray. mond Norton will ~;lve devotions Mrs. 'Sterling ·Moses, progt'am chairman, ·wm pt·escnt . Mr·s Clayton Hulett,; '\Vllo -~viii re~icw the boolt, · Through . Gates · of Splendot·, by· Elizabeth: Elliot Mrs. Elliot tells of her missionary

* SWEA:TERS · , • BLOUSES .. ,


·...... ' ' ..

as wife of one. of the· Soutb Amet•lciin. mlsslbmirles who ':ivar killed by cannibals In the jungle

. · Debo~·ah will br uests . tltr · or ··

• DUSTERS· ' . '-t· .. .;. ROBES

' ' . : ~ ; ' .. ' ·::·'


*GOWNS * Sllf.~


"' PURSES· ~GLOVES ·.··,


'·.BERKSHIRE AND MOJuo· HOSIERY :I .• ,~. . ,· .. ,:'. , ~~·~ up ,

••. , ' ' ' I..~ . ' . ~ .•

-MILLS: ·sTOR.Fi·~> ··· 'i·

, ·, .. , : '~::. ',· .. ·,:.. . ,_.· .... · . .:· ....... \>;·,'·'c'


We Invite· Comparison I • ' •. .. . \ .

·.· .. ·.~rug :·& .. C~m~ra ' ,. :· I .. '· ··', ' . ' .. '

Page 5: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library


-·----·~ ----------~-----·---- .. -__,....., /ucly ',., /olliugo

. Jl.y ',JUUY Ui\JU)NJm.

'Phc (lniUUll Mason high sehi1ol chornl r.o!Jccwt ·will he glvon 'rhlil'sdn;Y, December 111, ,In tlw high sclwot Jl\idllnrltlrn, 'fwn chnrnl r,t•oups nml the hanrl wil: comhlnP to Pl'Cscntlhe" wncort.

In the mixed choh· lll'C;

8U[Il'HliLII - .JGyce Bnllomley, Clllll'lenc Clipper, ,lull(! Dart, :\'IIII',Y Ann Fr.:clr.i'lell, r,Jnry ,J0\11• .Jit, Cn1111le Lallmm·, Jticly Gnrd· wr, 1\lnr.v 1\Jellrllllunn, Mnry ,\Jonlgomm·y, 1\<tl hy l\1orrl~, !.In!'· ham Norton, Cuppy l'allerson, )1aril,\'11 ltal!llnll, ::ully ltobiJwc•n, ,Ja,JC! !lmlley, ~;u~le n1ul i'c:ll'i \'.'nllman;

A (n,,-honl Ako,. ,f;lJJCI ilalc· llin•l, Pearl !l,F)lop, !Juri~ !low, lllflll, :.:l1h'ley C;IIIJ1111H.I, C;nul~'ll, Clt\'Ciltic'l', .Janh:e Clr:rl,, r,Jmy Clipper, 1\alhy I•'IHk, Allil C:!~·o~,:, Patl'ldll Cil'lllllllil,' IJ<IIh:m: 1!-Jw. ct•y, ::llinrun .Jcwoll, lJ":lle'L ll·i n~.1, Nnne.)' Lotulcnsl;l;:ct·, J~ay­vc!!e !1il'l1, A1111 Sit-e, l~nllu·y.I Stone and ,Jtidy Strayer;

'l'<mUI'H- \1· Jllinm Hnw, Larr,v ilu•·~eos, !Iewl!l Colli! I', D:1 vid Cornwell, Hcuhcn Droschn, Den· nis McDonald and Davul f,lrwre;

Jbsses - Terry Brooliij, David

I•· .... , .. ,·.,.., .. IJ

NATIVITY STORY is WQII told in thi~ display cr~alnd by Ingham r.~untv 4-H cl"bs: It's on the co 1d house lawn and the renlistlc scone also inc1udes wise men and c:amels out of camera range, The ox!;ibit wils made in cooporailon with the M.:~ •, • ~ .. o .. IIJOt" a,· '--'J,.,,,, J:c.,,

, Doolittle, Pete Ltlmillnslll, Wil·

P~t;·onts and 4-H mombers and leaders wh6 w · · 1,~-1 n~ l~~ .... ~": ··!wl· .. t "I N-,.,,_,,,., I., c.~ "'''I T~rry 01·ail, Tomlin·an 4-H club: Mrs. George Ha ris, Dexter Trail: Dallas Hyde, David Doolittle, La~ry Burgess, Bart Soyfarlh, Dill, o.ouglas and Ch J, I;)~ !lcll\cJors, '-'dllaft,lj To .. J .::Jchaortor, Skcct~r Hill; Joo Bullen, Wuii-C'unn; Mrs, Chrlrlos'Brooks, ~Hchols: and•Goorgo. [).,lzer, Aumlius, li'J DUNDEE. SCOTLAND, 50 years llgo Mr. and Mrs. Henry J!am Mcllquham, 11nm1y Powers,

B. Chisholm spoke t.heir nuptial vows, ln.obsorva.nce ?f the!r ll,lccrtdn.r. Hobinson and Tom Shep· L"lons Club Entertal'ns golden wedding anniversary open house wdl be g1ven In the1r honor. In the GIP!s Glee clttb nrc:

0 l :T s Ts Plall/led on8~~::·~~~·.o~p~~u~~~~:~.i~l:;lli~l~~~;:l Faml.ll'es at Yule Party 'jJen -:LOU e .1.~ "' Hosia, Judy Fell, Shirccn l'r,\',1 1, ~~T B CJ • I [ 1 ~~ilcen Gavin, Ing-c ·Gehrlw, Edith . .lf or Jenrv • lllSilrO ms I Lee, Julie Lumhc•:l,. DUI'othy I Mason Linm; !!lllh mcmlwrs an· Pnlmrr lui in group Hin;;int( of i'

.! . HoilCI'lson, Connie Smtlh, Mary lcrtalncr! their wivr.s rlllrl ehJJ. Christmas· enrols. l£!1'ian chur!'h at Dunrlec, Scul· Sue Spenny nnd Loretta WcJ·I rlr~n HI an annual Christmas Snnla C'a11s n~rlvcd. hi~ jnl'y 1 Sunday nl'lcmoon, D~e~miler

lG, Mr. ami Mrs, Ilenry B. Chis· holm wlll cclcbmh• lhelr :illt:i werlcllng- anniversary at llwlr home, 23G7 South \\'ashlnglon road, Lansing, which is also Ill~ location of lhc Chi~l1olm !liiiH golf course.

'1'hc• uJ!ell housJ~ Is lu•i n:r JllliiiiW<I by Ill!'.fllbi'I'H uf Hwl!· J'umily. Mr. ancl Mrs. Clii~lwlm \\'r!n'

married December I :1, I !J07, ll~· Rev . .John Mills of lhc PrcsiJY·

Past Matrons Have Dinner

lund. 'I'Iwy have 2 suns, Alex and ra~~l~; .. . . . ._ , ~~C!rty \Vcr!nes:lay evening nt Mu· olrl se.lf, and dislrlhulcrl ~~i'ls ami'. Hc•m·y o[ Lanolng, and 7 JTrall(l·' i:=L~mHI 8 '·Jlliii!Ls_ Jane Allen, .,rm M;lllnr. tSUrJll"lSCS among the cliildrcn. I I ill A ll . . ~J· Mary Lou Brtwh, Donnn Daggy, A t 1 , 11 . ill I· .. · 1

e 1 ! rcn. - no Jet son, .uncs' Linda l~i!erl Nancy Fellow~ ur cc~ t. nnCJ w 1 o.esm_ng Serving- on the eornmlll c!e for died in !9J3, 1 0 1~ 1•11 E 1 1, 1• · ami all the ll'lmmlngs was SCI'Vcd, the cvcnin"'s entnri"Jinmr nl Wf'l'C I ell ·J 1 " t tl onna 'ran' n, "ve yn 'res 1· 't •I . I R P I A ld t ld ". • ' . ' M1·. 1 s 10 m came o JC • K· HI 1 . H , J , . a. c~ 11 uc 1 ev ... au rno o Dill Cummings, ciullrman, and 1 Unl.l£•d Stales in 1912 am~ was I ~~!~c N\~~~1011 e~·'s:rulh~~~ S~~:f~· a cluldrc;1's ClmstmaH story. Les r.~s Palmer, Bnb Inghram and 1 assistant lo Jack Hutclunson, R 1 S ·r g 0 1 Tl •b ,'


--------- -------- 'Vcrsllc D:\bcoclc. 1 ~~olf pt·oJcsslonal, at the Aile· 1,1t 1 . WI t, .?nn s 1ur .. ~, .• glwny cntlnli'Y dub, Pittsburgh, ~la!lys T.routnct, Helen v.~n New Arrtva~·- There were 85 In allrm!lan~e al I', .. 1 , •. II, .. , 1 1 Ill tile 11\urcn, Mary Wasson ami Gloria ·..I tiJC yuletlrl(! cclf!brrtlion. A e~m;~ Vdllioi, L set,' e~ ~ 1 Wright. Chr:Gt mas trcP. nne! iP'Cens r!2c·

JJnllsh navy trom l.Jl.J ltll 1918. Allos'- Kathy Brown, Marilyn A son, Donald Ja~·. was hom omted Mason Manor. Several times ~I1·. Chisholm Burgess, Carol Clark, Mary Dar·· to Mr. ancl Mrs. Donnld DcChcl· ,., ,,, •

rc•turnc!d to his humelund ami row, Pat DeRosia, Judy Glynn, I bor of Lunsl_ng Mond:.ty, Dcc_c;n· !31RTHDAY DINNER GIVEN his t:umll~·, came bad( with Hall, Janet Ilartenburg, ber 9• at Mason GencJal hosplt,Jl., ~:r·. and H. ~·. ~ulv~1·, THE. ENGAG_EMI~NT n_ml ap· him 1•1 lfll,l. Claudm Proctor, Rosa lee Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Neil ·Rushton are IM,ll VI~ nnc_i I-l<~rol(l en lei t,unecl dt pronclnng rnarna~c of Mtss Su· A[l!!l' rcliring from the country shall and Marian Stlll'man. I parcntR of a da~ghter, Ruth Ann, a fam_tly elm_ ncr Sunda~· tn honor I sa nne Jean Mygrnnts is· an·

club at Lansing, where he was Mrs. Lynn Mills is the chorus • born at Mason Gen!!ral hospit<ll, 'o[ their ·son·m·law, Dwight II elms nounc:cd by .Iter parents, Mr. and cmploy!'rl sinec HJ23, the family lnstructoJ', · . I Monday, December !l. · of Tecumseh. Guesls lnc1l1cled j 1\lrs. I!arold L. MygrantH of Kala· Jivcii on a s1nall Iarm south of I 1\lembcl'!'l of the sl.tulent .· ~ M1·s. Helms, Mr. nnr.I Mrs. Clar· mazou, Miss My grunts and ,James Masun :Jn US-127. Mr. Chisholm <~otmcll tn·esllll'd at nn liS· Jamie Charles Eva~s <liTlvccl at cncc Pulver of Jacl\son, Mr. Pul· Gonion Lnvclnce will exchange

MemherH of Mason Pasl Ma· nlso opcrutcd the Mason golf semllly Tuesday and outlined Mason General h?spl!al Sunclay, vcr's purcnls; ami Mr. and Mrs. vows Friclay, Decl?mbcr 20, al 8 truns club met Tucsd;ly evening course for n ycnr, ancl was In the duties of the organization. December 8. He Is the new son Gerald Pulver ami .Jeanc;~n ami p, m. at Mil wood Methodist at lhc home of Mrs. Cordie Ba.~li· hu~lne~s witil his son, James, at Ron Van Steeland read the of Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. John Causw ancl church. A reception will be given ford for punch anrl a gift ex· llie Bonnie VIew golf cout·se, student council constitution and M . 1 111 R'

1 .1

J _ Sheryl Ann. al the home of the brlrlc's. par· change, then wenl to Mnsoii Man· Eaton Haplds. explained the articles. Jack Silsb~• r. am r~.. I~ laiC. ,., OIICS * · ''' " ents, 1710 Homeercst averme, aft. ur for a turlwy dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm have read. an outline of the mayor's ~nno~nc~ the ~rthl 0 a g,n~,..h~er, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shroen crward.

The ilashforci home was co!tJ!'·I rcsiclecl at thelt' new home for the duties, Nancy Bray read the 9 r~~c ~·ts~~· Ge~~:.:f'hos~~~a~ cr o[ ~an F:anclsco, Califol'llia, l~i!I The bride attended Mason ele· fully decorated for l11c! o~casion. pasl year. . duties of the secretary and Polly ' ,' ' ' a1:nve this week end [or a VISit mentary se:boo! hefnrc the My· The lauJ·cm•crccl lahlc was cen· Children of t11c honored couple Diamond listed the treasurer's A daughter was born. to M1·. With Mrs. Shroen's pa~·ents, Mr. /grn11ts family moved tn Kalama· tercel with red tapers in hmnch invilc friends to attend thn open cluties. .. and Mrs. Thomas Merlhn Tues- and 1\'lrs. Mnc Dean: 'llw Drans zoo 5 years· ago. She attended c:lll!lclabm. Jlors d'ocu vres ('ill'· house !wtwccn the hours of 2 and Tom Clippel· u~swe:·edfi'.:. nc ci~_Y· De:cmbcr, ~0, at Ma~on Gcn- will )Je Thursc~ay ~ll·n·m~r ~llt:s.ts I J(aliimitznn higlt school, where l'led out the reel and green ~olor 5 p. m. Tiler rcqt1cst that no question raised concernmg · ·. hospital. .l l~c Meclhns ~ave ~f Mr. an<l Mrs. C!,Jtcncc Ski<~Sl· her liari~c graduated in l!l5G. He scheme and Mrs. Bashford and gifts be tak<J.!l or sent. curtains for the study hal, .ex- named their gtrl Debr!l Lynn. l.y of Grand i:; c'rnploycd in selling. Mrs. H. J; 'l{arn presided at I he ~ ~.,. ·· .. * .,,, , that they would. cost . . Miss l\1ygrnnls is

11 gmnd·

punch bowls. .MOTHERS SE:RVE AT PTA daughter of M1·. and N!rs. Wil· Each past matron was given i1 After the Mason PTA bUSJiless Larry Wheeler explaiJled that Club illeets at "l7ule narty lliam Couch of Mason_ ancl a niece

holly corsage hcfnrc the group mcding al the school Monday dances could not be conducted lr.l4 ..l 4 .l~l of 1\h-. and Mrs. J~llis Mygrants left for Mason Manor. TIH! res· evenin~ ninth grade room .moth· during the noon hour because of ·

1 f .

1 •

1 c· . 'of Holt.

taut•ant lVII~ clei:OI'il(Ccl for l!hri~t· i Cl'S served 'refreshments. On the the lack of a Pliblie address sys· Webberville 4-H club mel at the igan lur wy csllva Ill t1C '1\'lC I "' ,, "' mas, wllh 11 lighted tree in one

1 ~ommillce were Mrs. William tem and Elaine Watldns said ti1at home o~ L~_n_da ~ow? ~asl Tu7s;t~y c:nter .a.t ~an:ing. c:a,ml !Ianl~.c- Mi·s:· VIctor Palm~r r~tumed I curnCJ', Chri~tmas place mats Carl, 1\lrs. Robert Driggs, Mrs. there cannot be dances every Fri· for a Ch11stm.ts p,nt~. JilglnM wald )l,',u; tetlllnccl fro.n hc1 liip ll\lonti;IJ' after a .visit With her t:HI'I'Icrl out the holiday decor. Clarence Jo'ry, Mrs. James Heath· day .·night because attendance Hodge led gmup singing of lo Ciuc,t~o.

1 mol hcl', 1\It·s. Jcnnte IJouse; atlhe

The planning committee con· m11n and M1·s. Leonard Blood. The would be too low. Cappy Pat!et·· Christmas carols, and Linda Lnwr. ·club membm·s arc mailing homr! of her sister, Mr~. Jo:rvin ~islcrl of Mr~. 0. l\cilh Pauley, table was decoratecl in the yule· son discussed appl'oprlate cloth· and Linda Hummell conducted plans for a Cht·istmas parly. Shroyer, or Grand Hapid.-;. lllrs. Llo~·d Doane, Mrs. 1\nrn, tide mol if. Mrs. Dee Bray ncted lng for dances, stating lhat slacl1s games. Gifts were exchanged. 1\li·s. Minnie K. Collar, 1\!rs. Ba~h· a;· clwinmm of the refreshment or jeans should not be worn. Reports were given durin~ the ford and 1\lrs. Mnggie Otis. commil!ce. Douglas Dancer explaiJJcd that business meeting conducted by --~ ~--·--· .. _ .. _ .. ___ ~---~- ~---· _ ______ dental or medical appointments Jean Vorce. Elcnnor Foreman an·

should be made ,for free hours, nouncerl' that Max· Benne will after school or Saturdays. Lou show slides Saturday, January 2!:i, Methodist WSCS Sponsors

Christ's Birthday Party Anne Birney told why high at the community hall .. school clubs could not iteep their traditions of initiations,

Latin club meml>1:rs will hiwe their Clu·i~hnns pai·Iy ln.Vevay township hull Satl!l'·

Christmas ~to1·ies (o a group o! doy, Decen11JeJ• 14. liieml>el'~ small chilclren, some dressed ln may talte guests to the Jllll'ty.

Instruction in Baton Twwrling Private ond class lessons starting tho first week, in January

Troining in tho fundarnontals of struiting, twirling,. poiso and posture

Barbara Norh:m. Instructor Phone Milson OR 6-1551


Maccabees Pick Lodge Offic~rs C, Ho~~ llilllarcl I'I!IHI'IIP!i linlltll

:Sunllny !'rom l:l[HIJ'I'ow hllHJiilnl, where he 'Ill HI Iicon :J \V(!J!((S I'll•

At Jhoil• Decomlmt· mr:etlng covt!l'ing from nn allrH:k nf flu. 11.;~1lny ~vrm'n~~ 111 the Ocld l•'ol· PnlleniB In Mnsnn Gonoml hem· ·w 111111. ~ln~nn M<t[•c·nlmos clws' pilnl nre ,IIqnr>s AnciC'I'£011 of Wll· ~w ;lffic·m for lhn yeur. · llillll~!ctn, 1\li~H ltLilh Ann Mtii'· '1!',0 , r 0 Hlir! nn•pn Is lh~ lll'\1' lode, J·~ugnne l·:df(Hl', Ml'I'J, 'Grmrgr)

lculonnnt CfllllllllllHI~I'. 1\!J•R finn ltJC.lHllCl' 11.111 IIOI'Ii:i DoXIIH!or, '1llnn IH pnsl [:nrnmunrlr.r·: 1111':;, · 'l'lumo ciiHt'liat·g d 11·nm Mason 'lnytnn fl'1nrnnn I"COI'd I\ • [l'r; GI!IIPI'rll hnspiJ;rl JliiH wc~clt wr:ru !••:;, Don Pc11bnrly; tit·~t A'IIHI"IIi Mr~>. Cllli'r!l\<'1! llll<hnll 1111rl Ml'li . lrR. nnn lloii'~IIIl."fl, :mr•nnri Allllil l'r!l'lillm Ill" llnll, lllrH. ll~ll·

'IHirrl; 1\fn; .• Jnmrs Comer, m'sl· .1lr. Ilrunpl~tll ol Dan~viiiP, Au·' ··rHs- of lll'I\JS; Mrs, Clnr;t Clurk, "'"'I ~:1111'11: of W111HIIl1llll IIIH! "P.l'•trnnl: II lid Mrs. Bill Cl'llll!!, I William Wullnert, Mrs. Day ion picl<cl. llcii,Hf', ~In;. I· n·d l'ry<•, lllr~. lVII· ~

'1'111! r•ornlllaJHIC!I' II' ill ill! l!'cr•!Pcl , ..... , ''J'fll"'"', '!11'1111 111'11\VII, ~lrH. at llw nrxl lnrl~n m<'r.linl( fill ,Inn· William Wullnr·<•, 1\·In;, !>'rani; lliU'-,Y 14. Other ufficon; wi.ll lin il,•~.:u, 1\lt:i, 1\<iJ!Itiro lloW!'l'Y, LHIV· appolnterl, l'rnc:c I·:l'!•ry, Kc'IIIIPIII I•'J!IIoJI,

'l'lw Jm!gJ! will have 11 (nmlly M1·,q, LitVCI'IIe lt<!IIS 1111d Vlf'lol' Chrislmns SllJIJlf'T' fliHI Jlill''~' llill. 'l'hlll'Scln~·. DcemnbcJ· lfl. at Vr.vuy town hall. Gl!ts will he e~· changed.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlnslon Dan~:er! and fmnlly will entertuln lhe II

~ldwrrl J·Innpinganwl·s of illll'l' Oalc and 11111 Charlc.~ !loll family of Colrlwnler nl rllnncr f:innday.


19 ~~ Sl ~ (!riJ~ t<l~ llfflfM4J

11.0.. /i-.JfU'(WI< (J.,f.4f•

lngh.lm County News, Mason; Mich., December 12, 1957 A-5


~~iJLlFI A 1-lo lid a y Gift with All Year

The WRDWOOD DOOR MIRROR is that special gift for any person on your Holiday shopping list-a gift that will

· bring back· with every glance the spirit of your joyous Jiving, It's a whole year's fullness of the Season's spirit,

The WELDWOOD DOOR MIRROR is gift packaged in a sturdy carton that prevents breakage, The mirror is made of finest materials by skilled craftsmen in a modern manufacturing plant. You will be highly satisfied at the excellence of the WELDWOOD DOOR MIRROR, especially with its moderate price, It is guaranteed for 10 years against defects in manufacturing.

The WILDWOOD DOOR •MIRROR comes in a variety o[ sizes to suit your requirements. Easily mounted in a few lrunutes on any door, the mirror will sive years of pleasure and satisfaction. Come in and sec the wnowooo DOOR MIRROR-the sift which brings continual pleasure ad remembrance,



.1611 )( 6811

2011 )( 6811

2211 )( 6811

MICKELSON-BAKER , .. Lumber Company

. '· . Phone OR 7-3751

1\lasull Mclhoclist Vvomnn's Sn· of Christian Service n)cl Wcdnescl<tY afiP.rnoon at the chlll'cll for ChriEt's Birthday party. As members met in lhe chapel MrH. Haymond McLean played carols.

The altar was clraj~ec!'with bltie velvet, snoW·sprinkleci greens, and white Madonna and Child flgout·ines, Mrs. Raymonci Neff rear! the Christmas story from Lui<e and aflcr !lie g-roup sang "Joy to lhe World" she told l!Je history of this oldest ,carol.

pajamas as if ready fot· bed, as Future Homemalcers cif Amer· I hey sat beside a lighted Christ· ica chapter will have a Ch1·istmas mas tree. party Tuesday, December 17, at

Mrs. Abc Cohn, president, read 7:30 p. m. in the home economics "Christmas, a Time of vVorshlp" room. ' ' to open the business meeting. Bible f!IUb met Wednesday. 'l'he Priscilla circle members served program, "Who Am I?" was a as hostesses. A large white tiered quiz of characters from the Bible. birthday cal,e, made from in· Seventh and eighth grade bus­divlclual cupcalics with a candle lcetball cheerleadei'S were elected in each, centered the lace-covered, Monda~. at, the school. Melody taiJ!e, The cnl·m was sunouncled Betchet, Sue JYlcCalla, Carol by Christmas balls and ever- Barlcer and Marlow Willis were greens. Mrs. Louise Clipper pre· selected from the seventh grade,

The committee, Nancy Haight, Judy McGowan and Eleanor l~lll'O· man, served refreshments. The next meeting will be at the hom~ of Connie Monroe. On the com· mittee arc Cheryll Hugenot, Dawn Van Orden,. LaVonne Cas· tle:and Nancy _Moore.

Jean· Vorce, Judy Yorl< and Eleanor Foreman were Interview· eel by Evelyn Carlson and a stale 'l·H leader concerning their chile! care project, over WKAR radio Saturday. They were also inler· viewed by Mrs. Shirley Gocrring over WJIM radio.

Chesley Dru~f ',Store I

' / Mrs. Francis Fenske. tulrl .sided at the coffee service. and .rep1·esenting the eighth grade

are Nancy Schofield, Connie l-Iar· rison and SheryL Harvath. Mrs. Louis Slid Is their advisot·.

.Jolly 4-U'm·~ sewing club membm·s met nt t.lw home of 1\lr·s. Kenneth FeUows lo:;t 'l'hm·sday,

(;_lubs Study Family Li.ving East Alaiedon extension group bers and one guest, Mrs. Arlo

met Thursday at the l~ome of Wasson of Mason, a former mem· Mrs. I<enncth Bibb,ins for a pol· ber,' answci·ed mil call by giving a luck dinner, Christmas custom of a foreign

Sixteen members answered roll country. call by telling something they Mrs·. Warner Pfckett to lrl about had ·. do~1e with their families some of the thillgs she learned at when they were children. M1·o. the meeting. 011 safe and sane Stanley Gauss, leader, and Mrs. dieting. Gifts werr, exchanged re· Ruth Douglas gave !lie lesson Ol). veallng secret pa·ls for the 'past doing things as a family. year, ami names exchanged fo·r

Secret pals were revealed by a the coming ye11r. · gift exchange and names were _The hostess served lunch. drawn for next year.

The next meeting will be Fri· Sunny Sanders Sisters met at day, January 10, at the home of the home of 1\frs. Rose Slusser Mr·s. George McKinney, recently.· Roll mil was answered

J,carnh1g· Ladles extension by members giving n description g-ron[J hod its Cluistmus pur- of their· bes't family, vacation ty ut the hill11(l of !.Ur·s, 11. D. when they wer,e children;· English 1\IC'Jndny e \' e,uln 1!\ Mrs. Helen Dayton and Mrs,

'i\..tter a Jlotluck SIIJJIJCI' gifts Gladys Darrow, leaders, gave the i' \VCI'C exchn:1ged. Jesson and the g1·oup discussed

Eight members were prese1it ways of doing things as a· family·, ' for the business meeting·· after The difference between the olcl

supper: Mrs. Roy Parlter joined days and the modem way of llv· .

· The freshman· class sponsored an all-high hop Saturday night in the· school gymnasium. Don Haviland spun the records for dancing amid winter decoi·ations:

The group decided to buy a pair of dressmaker's shears and a pair of plnlling shears. 'l'llc next meeting will be Thursday, December 191 at the Fellcws home. \

The Christmas party planning committee met Monclay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kerinctl· Fellows. The part~ Is schedul\!d for Tuesday, December 17, at Del· hi town hall. Each member i~. to tal<e a SOc gift to exchange,

The program for the Ch•·Istma::­party will consist of 8 carols,· a film on the Eric·O dance span· so red by·thc club, talent numbet·s I and a visit from Santa Claus. :

Members will meet Monday,'Dr. .ccmber 23, at the Fellows homc> to go caroling. Those a"ttendihg are to talte 2 dozen: coolties to be

. distribute.d amorlg patients iri the nursing homes. . . . /•

IIR[IJIY HI club Jiod u · business meeting itt'. the 11nrson!lge In Eden lAst •ruesdny · after school.

"The Store of Friendly· Service" Mason.

One .. DCily · Ektachrome, Anscochrome Service

MASONn'S: FASTEST SERVICE on Hi-Gloss Kodacolor·!

BRO\ FLASH OUTFIT Featuring the world's most popular camera!

Here are more wonderful gifts at Chesley's:

* * * * *




Boxed. Candy Toys

* Comb-Brush Sets Th re's everythi~g· needed to' launch a 'photo career in .this * TobciCGos: ' ha~dsomely packaged gift ,oulflt --from ~am era and'fllm nghlt on down' to. bulbs and batteries for the flasholder. And tal.~ * Sh about values I The. camera is Kodak's thoroughly c~poble · · ~YerS ·Brownie· Hawkeye -the most ~opular camera ever bu•ltl 5! : * PenS

, ALL FOR $11.9 .· * . ' ·. Now. 'It's , ••..


Kodak's finest, most complete snapshot outfit

The Duafloll IV Camero has a hard-coated, focusing J<odar f/8 Lena; big, ~rilllanl "previ~t~" . IInder; double-exposure prevcint• · tr; brightness aeleclor, The out.

· Ill. includes camera, fast·acrion flold coso, floaholder, botlefloa, bulbt, fllm, and helpful pictur ..

: ta~ng. lnfo.rmalio~. $21 9. 5 . . : • All for • · th,e club: Mrs. John King gave ing was sp.olcen ··.Q~ ... and .'it W!JS

the Jcsso·n, Doing Things As a agreed lhat:u "family was. a closer Family. Calce and .ice cream were knit unit in the :years long ·past

··served In honor of the birthday th'an · they.· 'are.· today.·· Various·· . unnlver;~arles 'of Mrs. J cthn' J(lng plac!,'!s thn~ it family could go

•.....,. ·.~.!!lid_ ¥rs. Millard l-[lnshaw. , . . a gro~p·:nnd still" find. enjoyment

After the meeting . the group sang· songs·,. after which refreslt· inents of hot ·chcicolate and cook· ies, .furrlished by Mrs. Tlm,F~a-zel,·. · o.' . . :"Panel"' Cr~ft'' (· · ·. · · ,HI Lighters extension gr9up were ·-mentioned,· such ·.·as·

: ·: ; ·met :nf the· home' of ·Mrs.· Fred beach,· pnrlt or Jalr. , ... ::. .' · · · · · Monday'. tor. a .Christ· · nex(im:!eting'"will be ·'l'ti""''H'""'r"~'""tl

· .. '· · · .at ,_,,,,,;.;,"··;.

•. , Busy ~eavcrs··~lub Dllldl)ll: 1

· of $11\ '·at their ·card ,._,_ ..... ·-·-·· Sat!lrilaly evening.\ '

.· Wlnn,P.rN recelve1l gifts." · ' '• ·, I '

' • ', ,j_! - • ' .I, ·. · ;THE·VERY.<fiNESf.IN PHOTO Fl ·FROM , I ~' '1: • ,. ' '

Page 6: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Ph ne .OR 7-9011 for 'Result' want ads! ' •, , one ~ l( Ingham County News,

Detember 12, 1957 A-6 REGIS'l'EIU~D Guernsr.y hllllS

for Hnle, Hendy fol' ~r.rvlr.o, nurolrl Glynn, first. houHn north

------------, of Frost road on Mcrlcllnn, P!Jo1w

farm Equipment


Fruits- Foodstuffs 8'3" In good condition, Phone SAFES-!::imull sales lor nrrtre or Muaon OR 7·5101, Mrs. Darwin home,' Also lnrlo" riles. 1-:11ri• Barr, 50wl your business rr!rorrls In orrlm ~-------------- ond pr•ntectcct from flre. Ilnrolrl

3EWING MACHINES, usod Sing· Neal Sufo Co. Phnnc l\ln.9ml OH

ELIW'l'niC Tfl.AlN- Amnrlcan lfl•IH nMC PTCI~UI' with tint rnck, Flyer wlih llllllll' C•Xfi'Ufl, ltC/1· for Hille or Will IJ'Ill[n frll' Yl'flr·

sonalllr•. Mrs, .trw l!JJI'VIIth, 1'1!i0 ling lwJrm•:;, Walinr ltlnrlfle!Hch, Columbia roncl, 2~r. mllos ens! of 10•10 Zlmnwr road, Wllllnmslon, Mason, Call 11fter ll or· nnyllma phone ·1Hw2p





cr nnrl White portables llllrl 7·071ll, 7VItl many other maltcs as low m1 Sl5,50, Mid·Stnte Sales and Serv· Icc,· 519 Ens! Grnnd River, Lan· sing, phone Lansing IV ·9-577G.

Saturday. ·I!Jwtf .. ' 1' F'OilD--Wlll lr·Jule my roqully In Landrace


Phone Mason OR 7-9011 HEG!S'I'EHED BOATIS Wntl'l'!I'SH rJnllm·!es for Cnr 01'

100'/.• fmpnrlc!d hloo<l from 1 nnrl 'l'rnei!H' fi stnr lit Jcrs. Heady for servl~e.

Fox Ficlrl Choppr.rR- nml mowers Decr.mhr.r 1S will hr. ·lnRt l!ny open

F'r.rllllzr.r Sprcmdr!rs

Alfred Wardowski


LEAVING STATE- 5 ra'&ms of

WILLIAMSTON Mli:MO!tiALS-Momunenls nne! mnrl1r.r~ !11 tlw

finest grnnitns. 'l'ry tis for t•t•on· omy, quality nnrl serv!c(l, Hoy Buff!ngten, 1428 Wost Grnnli River, Wllll~mslon, phoue Wil· llnmston 461. 23wJl

MIXED WOOD, $fi per cord de· livered, Phone Dnnsvllle MA

Concrete Blocks SpPclnl winJm· pl'il'c, lflr.


Willson Brothers Hlw~ .TllJWllon

!'hone !l!l

lli!W l•'orrl, ~Junrlnr'll n, C'IIHimn, fill' good IIHPr! Stl!dC'halwr or· Nn:;ll, I'IJOill' Lc•si!P ,][J !1·3!1•1.'3 Ol' II oil OX •l·fi~7:l. 5ilw l

\Vr~JIIII'IHlny Uflni'IIIHIII clmul• IIIII!. I~Ui'LY WOJ'd!i ~OJ' liOI!, All· dlfimllll wordfl Ill r•r.l'h. ClnHHI· fiml dis111uy uriH lllr1 Jll'l' hu•h. niMJllny urh•m·llsln~ on lln;f, :l ymgc•H ol' r·lassilhorl uriH $1.21i Jll!l' hii'IJ, Jinx numhl'l' 1111~ r.rl1~ cxtl'll,

Leland E. Perrine & Son

Nuw PTO Bnlr.r·s

furniture and lawn tools for sale, nutomutlc wn~hor, elcc!rlc rnnge, rcfrlgemtor, sectional, 2-1· Inch TV, twin beds and double hbd, dressers, etc. ll.ccluced price If entlre household bought. Phone IIolt OX fl·2463, 50wl

3-3561, 45t r iiOwl




rn rmrr-OwnPtl P rnvrorl Sires rmm


First fnrm \VC'.9l or nnnsvllle on M-:~u. Cow!r Bonl'lls Jr;r Mo:it Plows

Lincoln Welders & Supplies Phone Dnnsville MA :J-24•12

----~------~~.::V~ Flrestone '!'ires Hl~GJSTEHim and gJ·nclc Y,orl<·

shire Boars, reudy for service!, W. E. Kranz & Son, 31HH Tomlin· son road, Mason. Pl10nr. Mason on. G·l787. 112wtf

BOARS - Heglsle!'ccl Lnnch•ncr. boars rent!y fol' servlct>. Lnrry

1!111, Gregory, phone Gregory AL G 2•11<1. 19w2p

1 !OLSTEIN IIETFEil., 2 years old, clue Dr.cembc1· 10. Jlarry Van

Alta, 2 miles nnrlh or US-Hi ot1 Van Alta road, first house west on TIIHll't road, call afler 5 p, m. o1' \Vf'PI( ends, Lansing FE 9·H8:i1.


Cl10rc·Doy Milltor Pnrts

Mnyrnllr Elevator

Wawnm & Unlomlers

Klng-Wyce Elevators

Sind< W ~tr.r Tanlts

USED EQUIPMEN'l' New Itlen Manure Sprenrlc>r Usecl Harvey Elevator 2 Fnrmnll II Tractors.' Farmnll M Tmctor

Usecl Pielwr ami Sheller

Fnrmall F-12 Tractor

U~ecl Eluvntors

DAlllY CATTLF; SALE--Thin! Massey.IJaiTis 44·4 Tractor mo1.t!Jiy Holstein sale, Friday, M. M. Sl11tionury Sheller

!Jr!l'r.mher t:l, one o't!lock nl the Plows A. Lc·JI ingn & Sons sales pnvlllon, 10 miles sonlh of Grant! napi·!s Disc Hnrrows

2 mllr.s nor! h or Leslie on old US·127

Phone LPslle JUstice 9-8251 49w2

---~--.. -~ ----------TUHI\I!;YS - Rose Hill, oven

ready, li·23 !h. • PIJOJW Leslie ,TU !l·2G71. •15w7

A l' P L E S--.Tonn1h:m, Delicious and Banana varlellos. Also

comb und extracted honey, Hun· sen Orchard, 2 miles floulh of Columhln road on Onondaga 1~nad, phone Aurelius 161•1. 45U




Dockter's Orchard 11J.J miles soul h of Dansville on

Williamston roar! Phone Dunsville MA 3·2014


•r ABLE! PADS of quality at rea· sonable pr·lces, order now for

Chr!Htmas. Luns!ng Table Pwl Co., phone Lansing IV 7·5641.


DO· YOUR Chr!Rlmns shopping at my how;c, I lwye hnnJl·mnrle

senHhell lamps, Jewelry, coi'S<JI(I!S, tree omamcniH and beaut lful dolls. Myrt.le Doxtnde1', 5701 Wt•st Baseline road, Onondngtl, phone Ononclngn LA 8-357!1. ·17w5

PIANO, upright, old hut In fulr ROAD GRAVEL, cPnwnt grnvl'! condition. Cnll at 434 Wesl Co· und hnl'Jlyard fill. Jc11111k !Till.

lumbla slroet, Mnson, any time fl.nute 1, Stod<llrldge, 2 mllt!!l aftor 5 p, m. 50wl south of Dmmville ut rot'JWJ' of HOLLYWOOD BED-=- Do~;~~~: Howrml anrl \VIlllnlm;Jnn rmch:.

·size, excellent condition, $20; Phone Dnnsv!lle MA 3-2fl:Jl. :l2wtr Slorl<ilne deluxe· baby'l'lagc, ____ _

$~?· Call Lansing IV· 7·0851. r. I F'ISIIING HOUSE _ s1·11 or · ,)Owl trarlc! for goorl clel'lric pnrlnhle

MAYTAG LAUNtJR.Y equipment sewing mncilinc. Also 2 lnrgr.-slze sales and service. Silsby Im· lannecl ricer hides, darl<. Donn

plement Co., State street, Mason, Shacl<elford, Sf oelthrl~lge, phone I phone OR 7·0141. 9wtf Stocl<hrldge UL 1-218h. tJHw,lp

USED GAS RANGES, $4!J.50. SCHWINN BICYCLE! - Boy's·, ·Consumers Power Co. Phone 24-lneh; Mul'l'ay.'J'rac lruclor

QR 7-~641. 49wtf anrl n small tricycle. liaJ•old

DRYERS - Hamilton gas drye1·, $189.95. Consumers Power Co.

Phone Mason OR 7-9641. 4!Jwlf --L-----·-----~----

Gales, :13l!l Miller roar!, Lanslnr:. Phone L,ansing TU 2·125:1.


Automotive -------------···---1--



on US·i31 In Moline, mile west John Deere A Tractor with Cult!· unci 1).: mile south. 115 Wisconsin,

CAJ.L CIIARLJo:S JIIWWN Mir·hignn, spl'inging cows, heif· valor • .S5 Fir'il Sr1 vi[r FN!. No charge on I • 1 II '" '

HAMILTON ELECTRIC DRYER, DUCKS - A. L. Tool<er, phone . ~129.95. Consumers Powe1~ Co . Christmas Trees

With any one of our used cars bearing this Warranty Seal, you are protected from the worry and expense of major mcchani· cal repairs to parts covered by the Warranty for one full year, regardless of mileage. Come in and see these cars today.

1fl57 CHEVROLET Delray 2·door, powerglide, radio and healer. "''"'"' .... thllll HI'O'VIc .. , if noeded, ers aJl[ serVII'e-ugc~ Jll ' vve I'C Oliver oc 3 Crawler Tractor Holt OX 4-83!i8, · 50wl Phone Mason OR 7·9641. 49wl!

Large Red Pine, Srnl1'!1 l'inc, tfl!i:7 FORD ludoJ' V-8, Fordo-WALNUTS, shucked and dried, DECEMBER 15 Is the last day Dougl:1s Fir and Spl'll!'e matlc, radio and heater.

selling '15 head of top cows and with loader heifer~ from some or tile herds in Wisl'onsin. They are nil Farmall F-14


PIHinP. Mason llrl, 7·'1S21 · 36wtf

sr!lecled caltle anrl we guaranlce lnlemnlional Harvester. 2-row 3 HT•:CIS'l'EHI•:n . Poland China all cows lo he as \<m represent . Mmmtcd l'iel<el' '

90c a peel<, $3 a bushel. Henry we wlll he open. Blossom Or· 19:1fi BUICK Super 2·door hnrcl· I<rey, 4!i!i8 Bunl<et• road, fi1·st chard, Alfred Wardowsld, phone $1 .fi0·$7 top, power steering, power I I f A I. ·' Leslle JU 9·8251. · 49w2 1 1 wuse wes o urc IUS roau, Few Tnble 'l'I'Prs n·a <es.

sprlllf~ hll[li'S, l'l'lli],Y ror S!'I'Vii'P. tlwm; 7 lwarl nr good MJroillgan Fl'flm f:ond sioC'k :1111! pl'if'Pririghl. firs! c111f heifers, all 'from oiH' Willi:n'o1 1. lliamonrl, :m; S. Dia·l herd. Some arc rresil now, all rilw monel, Ma~on, phone Oil. 7·:1813. soon. Auc·lionccr: Glenn Casuy.

44wtf Terms cun he arranged nt ivlolinc _.. ... • - · - · -· --.. 1 slate bun!<. 51hy1

phone Aurelius 2122. 50w1p AUTOMATIC WASHER-Gener- 1 !J;JG BUICK special •!·door, stand· ----~~-- al Electric automatic waS'her, I f ld nrcl transmission for bcllcr

CHICI<ENS - 31!"·4 lh springers $89 "O c p er Co Call Mrs. E mer Sco i e gas economy, $1895. One ycm· · and f1•yers, flOc each. David ' "1

• onsum~rs ow · ' warranty on lhi~ c•m·. Finest In Farnt Machinery Diehl, Dansville, phone MAdiEon, Ma~on OR ·7·9641. 49wtf 1008 S. Lansln~-: StrcPt, Mason lfl54 BUICK 2.dout· sedan, Dynn·

M·M Rntl Oliver 3-2172. 50w2 s .. EWING MACHINES_:_Used, in Phone OR G-101'1 flow, radio and heater.

Frands Platt


llcgis!C't'l'rl nncl Commercial

Spring hnnrs ready ror service FI'Om a r·nmplriC'Iy nPIV strain of

· hlnodllncH.

We welro1nc yonr visit to the fnrm any lime!,

·Bimbo Farms Bim Fnnl<lin I'lL OR 7-8941


PUHEilRED Cr,rrleilalc yearling rnm~ lor sale, also ram lambs.

W. L. Jewell, 28!iH road, Mason, phone Mason OH 7-5042. 37wti

BULL CALF, !i weel<s old. Sired hy Rainbow Captain Bold 12th.

No. 93·1021. Record o[ mothe1· of calf incomplete. 0. D. Crowell, Col'ncr a[ J\1crirllan Road and Co· lum!Jia !toad, house number 174. ·Plwnc !'vinson on 7·1485. 4!lw2

BULL CALl~. 6 week~ old. Mother sired hy Pluto. In 305 days

mother of !his calf proclueed 14,-29fl lhs. mill<, tat was !113 lbs. C11lf is Hirccl hy Emperor. 0. D. Crowell, 17•1 Meridian Road and Columhia, phone Mason OHcluml 7-1485. 50wl

GUERNSEY COW, 6 years old, due in January. Hobert Sheath·

elm, 3•1Sn EdPn road, Leslie. 50w1

'ciLTS - 3 Duroc Jersey gilts, from registered stock, open,

just right to breed now. $37.50 each, Ol' will trarle. Hoy D. Don­aiel, 1287 Lamh road, Mason, phone Mnson OR 7·0582, 50w1

lf.l mile north of Mason on US·127 Phone OR·7·5971 vm·y good condition, $12.50 and 50w1 1954 CHEVHOLET, stan <1 a 1' cl

SHORTHORN-Registered, mill<· ___ A I Q d up. All machines' guarantee<LJ·--~----- _________ shift, radio and heater. ing, with heifer calf, G months DuPON'l' EXPLOSIVES (dyna· pp S r erS ·Woodard Sewing Machine Serv· ELECTRIC TRAIN OUTFIT, Li· 1953 CHEVROLET 1-door, radio,

I old. Mny be seen at Fred Dennis' mile) and supplies. Stephen Thoso having apples on o~der icc, 1665 Krenlal Avenue, Holt, one! o gauge, 2 engines, sev- healer, powcrglide. farm, 2325 South \Villimnston Donnell, denier. Blasting stumps, must get !hem by January 1, as phone Holt OX 9·2245. 4!lwtf era! switches, hoth remote con· 1953 PONTIAC 4·door, hyd1·a· road, Williamston, 50w2p rocks, ditches, etc. clone by the ,1," orcl.ard has been solei. ~--. · - Jrol und milnlla!, large number or matic, radio and heater. A real

EWES - Hampshire gmcle ewes hour. Phone Holt OX 4·7441. Call WATER HE,ATER, fuel ~Jl,, ~~ all types o( cars and olher ncces· !J~rgairi, $•1!J5. . . from 5 p. m. to 7 p. m., on Sat· Tuttle Orchard gull~n, $50, pow~r ~owet, $3.J,I r.orier: plus lal'ge amount of tracl<. 195G BUICK ~pecwl 4-door With for sale, 2 to 4 years of age,

and a few full mouths brccl to lamb after March 1. We have more 1 han we can house efficient·

urdnys from 8 a. :n. to 5 p. m. powel mower, $25, lmgc fire c~- ·D'nve Diehl phone DnnRville MA standard shift, very sharp. 45tf 7% miles southwest of Mason, ilnguisher, $1!1; refrlg?rntor uml l',f2172. ' 50w1 $1,79!1.

.. _ .. ---~ ----- one mile west of US-127 on for true!<, both electnc and gas ;,cJ,:,.,.::. _____ , ________ 195G BUICK Super 2-door hard· Barnes road and south Jlh miles motor, $75. Hoy D. Donald, 12871HOBBY SHOP-Mode!H; .. p:anes, top, power .steering, power ''I'

Phillips r·oad, Mason, pilorie OR 0 e Ul ln9S ly. Dallas Hyde, inquire at'14311 p 1 B 'ld' · on Tuttle rourl. Phone Leslie JU Lamb ~oad, Mason, phone Mason gifts, boats, etc., ar.c,:ssorics,

1 bral<es, new white wall tires.

9-426G. . 50w1 OR 7-0;J82. . . 4!Jw2j doll shoer., ston1ps for rollec- Sale price $189;';, 7-0710. · 50w2 - .

·----.. . Tool Sheds -Loafing Barns HAMPSHIRE BOARS, pici< from I\ Bunlwr Silos - Leanto Sheds

6, ready for service, Raymond Pole buildings uny size to fit Hughson, Wolverine road, Mason, your neecls

WASHER-Use~lFrlgldaire wash·· tors, antiques bou&;ht ami !;o!cl

Radl·o & T~levi.SI'on er, excellent condition, $129.95. Shop now for Clms~mas, Open Consumers Power Co. Phone OH dnl!y-Sundays 1 to ·> p, n~., 10fl 7-9641. 49wtf Mam St., Gregory. ,J0w1p

Bill Richards Buick Comer US-127. ,and Legion Road

Open 'Evenings 'J'i J. 9 Mason, Mic,:hig:m

phone Milson OR 7-1136. 50w1 ---------------~- Also new homes with FHA COLT-Spotted rirling mare coli, financing

I TV ANTENNAS-Complete in· stallatlon Including 'I'V towers.

Also Insurance repairs. 1'/:· yeurs old, a good one. W. 'I lk

L. jewett, Tomlinson rout!, Ma· Drop a carcl to .me. I I ta I OR 7 "04? "'Ow2 you at your convenience.

."ries, 127 N. Lansing street, to phone Mason OR 6·1201.

son, P ~~~-..::~ ... -::.. ---· _..:_) ___ Your Local Contractor

15 YORKSHIRE feeder pigs. Wil-l Dexter D. Thornton bur I<linglcr, 477!1 Hull road,

50w1 Route 1, Wllllamston Leslie. Phone Leslie JU H-2006. I -----·----------· Phone Mason OR 6·1481

l I or j'dason OR 7·0710

Farm T ~o·~ I --F-RE-·: E-E-ST..,-IM_A_'rE-"-· s_29wt!

TANKS-2 50Q.gallon ga~oline or I H f d G • oil tanl<s .on standards, $1l5 nml II ay- ee - ram

$70. Also corn planteJ·, $15; grain drill, $15; 10·20 International trac·. . -------. ·--.-'--· -~ tor on rubber, $125. Forest Kraus, BALED STRAW, large WJre·tled 5946 West Miller road, Lansing, bales. Can deliver. Howard R. phone TU 2-1891. 49w2 Smith, Woodlawn Farms. Phone ---· .. ---~---· OR 7-5873. 46wtf TRACT 0 R S - International

BALED MIXED HAY, by bale or

17wt1 ------------TV SERVICE on all malces o1

television. Also radio, phono· graph and amplifier repair. Com­plete service. Henry Fries, 127 N. Lansing street, phone Mason OR 6-1201. 16wtf

TV-Used Molorola 21-lnch con· sole, $89.95; used Philco 17·

inch table model, $39.95; Motorola . hl·fl phonograph table model,

used as de m o n s t r n to r, was $149.95, now $99.95, Lavis TV, 655 North Lansing road, Mason, call Mason OR 6-1762. 49wtf

Household Goods . Farmall A nnd International

Farmall H tractors fot• sale, Also very good first ami second cutting alfalfa for sale. Freel Sober, 4050 Van net e r road, Williamston, phone W,Uliamston 664-J. 50w2p

ton. Fred Fichter, 4 miles north SEWING MAL:HINES -·Convert of Mason on Ol<em,os ro~d, phone your treadle into an eleutrlc Mason OR 7-4937., :. ·.. . 49w2p portable, $2!.1.50 All malces re·

paired and servlced. Also portable machines for Woodard .Sewing Machine

USED FRIGIDAIRE E I e c t ric 'CHRISTMAS TREES, Scotch Dryer, $99.95, . Cons u mer s J pine and spruce. Dnrrcll_'s Food

Power Co. Phone Mason ORcharrlJ Marlwt, corner Columbm anrl

!Mason OR G-1001. :'i0w2 7·9641. 49wtf Aurelius roacls, Mason, phone I RANGES-Used Electric ranges,[---·---------~-·

$49.50 up. Consumers Power ICE SKATES - Boy's hockey Co. Phone Mason OR 7·9641. skates, s·izc 6, another pair,

49wtf size 9. Bob Bartlell, phone Ma· -----,.--.:..,-.--~--- son OR 7-1791. ~Ow1p TV-Used Motorola 21-lnch con·

HOCKEY SKATES, men's size 10, in exce~lont condition. Also

brown fur coat, size 14, will mal<e excellent Christmas pres· ent, reasonahle. .Terry Wyman,


Good Will Used Cars


19:57 PONTIAC 4-door hardtop. Hyd:·amntic, heater, rncl!o, pow· er steering, power bral<es, Trl· power engine.

sole, $89.95; used Phil co l 7· Inch table model, $39.95; Motorola hi·ll phonogi·aph table model, used as de m o n s t r u to r, was $149.95, now $99.95, Lavis TV, 655 North Lansing road, Mason, call Mason OR 6·1762. • 49wtr

652 Dextet• '!'mil, Mason, !>hone 193G PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, Mason OR 7·8021. • 50w1 Hydramallc, radio, healer and .... ----------·------~ whltewu~l tires. JIG SAW - Vibrnting·type, Old· ·

er model but in very good worl<· 1956 PONTIAC 2-dom· Sec.lnn. Miscellaneous ing condition. Stanley I<riopf, Hydramatic, radio and healer.

SAFES _ All m~ltes, types ~nd phone Mason OR G-1672. 50wl I . .. ·--·--- 1935 PLYMOUTH 4-c.loor Sedan.

sizes. Bought, sold, opened and BOY'S HOCKEY SKATES, size Powerf!il!! transmission, :·acl!o, repalre~. Vault doors, money 7. Mrs. R. V. Danglet•, t>llon~ heater and n£W tires. Price chests, steel deslcs, flUng calli· Mason OR 7-7042. ·50w1 $1,195. nets, teat• gas and comblna· ~----.... -tlon service! Murphy Safe 'Co., BANK RUN anti barnyard 1!11. 5061 South Cedar·str,~et, Lansing. Processetl road gravel. 1\fason One quarter mile south of ravel Co.. Francis srusser. Pennsylvania' intersection on US· PhonE Mason OR 7-1111. 16wtf

----~ · - ... · -----~-~ COOLER- Esco 8-can mill< cool·

HAY, alfalfa and brome, $15 a ton, Glenri Oesterle, 3 miles

south of Mason on Eden road. ,. fl5wtf Ice, phone Holt OX 9·2245, 4665

Krentul Ave., Holt.. 33wtf 127 or 1 ml~e n<il·th of Holt. SCOTCH PINE Christ~1 as trees. Phone <?X 4·3~41. · 23wtf Plcl< out and cut the .tfeo you

1955 PLYMOUTH 2-door Sedan, V-8. Red and white sport tone paint, Powerfllte transmission, heater :uid rndio. Price $1,295.

HOLSTEIN BULL, ready for I er and mill;; cans. Howard · service, Call before December Risch, 2920 E. Holt road, phone 16, William MusoHf, 2064 Dexter Williamston 606-F-33. 50w2 Trail, D:msville. Phone Dansville ·----MA 3·2891. 50w1 ------------- -~-~------:3 LANDRACI~ 1301\HS ior sale '"or rent. 7 months old. Clare :r.aunslein, 3311 Sout11 Every road, Mason, phone Mason OR 7·1682.

" 50w1

New and Used Equipm_ent

Por1able % h. p. electric nlr ~--~-~ compressor 9 FEEDER PIGS, 8 weeks old, ' $90. Clare Lnunstcin, 334 South 20-in, automatic hnrn fan, $!lfl.:JO Every road, Mason, phone Mason 12·in. automatic mlllt house •OR 7-1682. __ _?~w1 fan, $4~.60

,J;'UREB~ED YORK~HIRE BOAR SIEGLER 011 and Gas , Spnce . -Eligible to reg1ster. Weight, Heaters

·about. 400 lbs, Phone I-Im·old N. ' · Miller, Mason OR 7-8161. 50w1 ADMIRAL Refrigerators, Freez.

HOGS-4 Hiunpshlre boars. Very ' good bre<!ding at a price you can at1'orcl. Robert Droscha, 1322

ers and 'l'erevlsion Sets '•

TRACTORS, hent housers nnd cabs, ·

ALFALFA HAY-First and sec· ond cutting. Also straw. Wlll

deliver. Butler Bros,, phone OR TV Stools 7·1786. 46wtf Birch Stools - $1.85

A):..FALFA HAY !or sal;;;-trade Birch TV Ho:ses- $2.95 for what 1mve you, 1,000 bales, Unftmshcd

second cutting, J1l.Ostly vernal al· You finish 'and save the rlifference falfa, hay excellent quality, priced , nt $22.50 per ton, small lots by .the ideal Christmas Gift lmle. Located 1 mile south of Ma­son on US·127·BR. C. "Major" Boles. Phone Mason OR 7-2361.


STRAW AND HAY-1,000 bales wheat straw and· 375 bales al·

Ialfa hay, good condition. John

Stop In and loolt them over

Mickelson~Baker_ LUMBER CO

352 W. Columbia Phone Mason OR 7·3751

Braman, second farm east of --·---'-'-'--'-------·'-­Dansville on north side. Phone CEDAR CHEST, ""'"u10"'".Y

Rubber Stamps Low Cost and Fast Service

Orde~ from

Ingham County News Phone Mason OR 7·9011


SLED, Flexible Filer; girl's cycle, standard size; Cub

uniform, size' 10. Phone Mason OR 7-4544. 50w1

~RAIN, Amerlenn Flyer, yard · engine, 3 cars·, 4 switches, 58 pieces of track, transformer and other equipment, a bnrguln. Call Dansvll!e MA 3·2456. · with top fray. Owner Is

· town, will sell further. Information call OR 7-1711 after 6 p. m.

For G. W. Mouser, phone Willlams­m"'"u••·• ton 571·M or Lansing ED 2·1511,

ex!. 231,1.. 50\\12

like, or select it from cut stock, Available after 4' p. m. m· on weelc ends, Chanles Tworl~, one mile cast of Mason on M·3G' to Ives road and 1.1 mile north.


l~ANCY WORK, hand embroider· ed and crocheted around dress·

er scarves, dollies. pillow case sets and lunch cloths. Mrs. Cha1·1es Wiley, 308 CenleJ; street, Mason, phone OR 7·0961. 49w3

SCOTCH. PINE Christmus lrees. Robert A. Thompson, 1 mile

south of Dansville on Williams­ton road, phone Dansville MA 3·3852. 49w3

DECEMBER 15 Is th~ last day we_ wlll be open. Blossom Or·

chard, Alfred Wardowskl, phone Leslie JU 9·8251. · 4!lw2

1931 MEHCURY 2-door. Merc-o-matic drive, radio nne!

· hen ter. Price $G95.

1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2-cloor. Powcrgllcle t ransmlssion, hen t · er, good tires and one-owner. Price $795.

19:33 BUICK Special iJ·door. Dynaflow drl\•e, radio, heator, real good tires. This is il nice clean one·owner car, Price $795.

1933 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan. Automatic transmission, heat· er, radio and good tires. Price $6Q5.


1952 PONTIAC 4-cloor Sedan . Hydramntlc, radio, heater. 'l'hls is a nic~ cl~an car. Price $4!l5.

1952 PLYMOUTH iJ-door Sedan. Heater and goorl !Ires. Price $295.


With !he Jllll'dl:JSP of lillY o[ 11111 lwlow SI'I•:C'Ji\1. •·ars WP will 1:lvo yon a

::!0-lll D I'I'SSJ'rl Ti!!'kry

1!l!i7 CllEVHOLET Hr>l Air Sport SPdnn, V-S will! pac•, 'l'nrho· glicic, JlllW<:l' siPr•rlnr:. IHJWI'I' hrakes, wl11tPW:lli lil'l'S, radio with rc:u· s!'nl spralwr, 2-lonP paint, tlllllereoal, K:Jrh••lls anrl ollwr small cxlms. All ror $2,(ifl:l.

1957 CH8VROLE'i' 210 •1-rlonr Slation W:1gon, ll·passPnger V· 8 wll 11 pac, 'I'urhoglidt!, power stcerin~-:, pnwr!r hr:J lws, rnrlin, whilr.wall tires, ~-lone paint, lliHierroal. Saw $!100 :nHI fluy 111is 111 $2,(i!l:i,

1!157 Cffr~VIWLF.T 210 2-rlom·, (). cylinrleJ·, sl:111dard shirt, mdio, heater, tender mirro1 s nnrl \Ill· derconlcd. $1,7!l:l.

-FJ•cc Turkcys-

195G CIIEVHOLET 210 2-rlonr, V· 8 enghw, Powr•rglldl!, r·adio, healer and 2-Iom~ paint, $1,49!1.

lfl!i6 PONTIAC Star Chief uon· veri ihle, V-8, full power, Hoy a! Master lires, radio, healer anrl 2-lnnc paint. $1,89!1.

-Free Turkcys-1955 CHEVROLET Del ll.ny 2·

rio or 6-eyli nciPI', st a mlanl sh ir1, matching interior vinyl trim, radio and heater. $1,1!10.

19:15 CHEVROLET Del Ray 2· door, V-8, slnnrlnrd shift, all vinyl inlc1 lor, r:ulio anrl heat· cr. $1,2r>O.

19:55 CHr~VROI.E!T Br.l Ail' Sport· Coupr., V-X 0ngi11P, c•nmpielely overhaulc!rl, Poivorglide, radio and ilentcl'. $1,'l!l!i.

19:i5 OLDS 88 2-l!oor, Hyc!J·amn· tir, Ilor·kcl V-~ Pngine. Extra niec, extr:1 clean. $1,:19S.

-Ft·cc Tm·kcys-

195.1 DODGE Nice. $'1fl:i.

Coronel !J-cloor,

1953 PLYMOUTH Cmnhrool< -1·' dour, Hy-drlve, radio, hr.ntcr, sharp 2·irli1C' pninl, $59!i.

19:5a OLD~ Super 8~ 4-rinor. Runs goorl, power steering, Hyrlrama· tic, goorl paint jn!J. Not a sharp car, but priced $225 below mar­lwl. $G03.

1!J33 FOHD Fo:·rlor Station w'ng· on, V-8, Forclomnlic, 2-tone paint, rudio :md heater. Mntm· just overhauled. $805.

1952 BUICK Sll!lel' •1-dnor. $•ifl;i. 1951 OLDS 8i'l 'i·•loor. $2il:i.

-F1:ce Tul'lwys-On all '!17 nnd 'riG model~. llstNl

or not we will give a 21l-ih t ur· lwy.

1954 CI-IEVIl.OLBT OllC·tOil pick· up. Like nr.w, sprci:il sent ior driver, large !water, spare tire. $995.

AI Rice Chevrolet


Open Friday i-ligirtR Plwnc OR 7·30lil ,

N. Cednr, Holt

· Olmmos road, phone Mason· OR 7·8770. 50w1p

Silsby Implement . Co.



1955 CHEVROLET Model 3200. , AT 'l'HE LEAST Dixon Brothers Livestock Sales· -'

-Phone OR 7·0141 State Street

Plclmp, radio. and heater. De· POSSIBLE COST! ,Juxe cab and· goocl tires. Price • TRANSMISSIONS - Automa· $1,095. ., tic, standard and overdrive ·

1934 CHEVROLET "·ton nlclmp • MOTORS .:.... Many lnte models , '

12 " ' • BATTERIES ·' · ·

Deluxe cab, . heate1•, turn slg•, , NEW MUFFLERS nnl~ and new .snow tires. Price • NEW TAILPIPES · $79:J. '

How~rd Pontiac Bud's ·Auto Parts· SALES·& SERVICE

Page 7: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Turn discards into cash IF I 81

I use News want ads! FORD 'fRUCK--2·ton1 for sale or

tnule, In goorl t•unnlrm conrll· 1lon, hyrll'lllllln llnrlerhody holst with nearly new gl'llin box, trul'i\ nnwly pnlntl'rl nnrl uplwlstercd, 2·spncd rent' enrl, C. A. Dlohl & Sons, phone Dansville MA 3·2172 ·m· MA 3·2631. 50w2

"HJ:JG PLYMOUTH, nullo 111111 Jwutcr, 5 guorl tires, Also sct"V·

lee stulion type hnttPJ'Y dmrget·. Dunne Wntr!t's, 71:i Sotrlh Lrtnslng street, Mnson, phorll! OR 7·177:J.


BNOW 'finEB, 2, IJ:711xlfi. Dave DIP.hl, phmre Dunsvllle MArllrwn

.1·2172. 50wl

1fl•lfl DODGr~ l'tCIWI'. Stephen Donnell, •l:l·ll Wi(lmlf;IJIJy ronri,

!Toll, phone l!oil OX •1·7•1·11. •J8wtf --- ____ ; _________ _

Trailers GOING SOU'l'IT -- We hnvc some

real hmwllns. New and used trailer.<; fl'om 15 fl. lip. Pt·ices start Ill $6fl5 up. Speelnl HJ!ill Silver Star, •lri fl. long x 10 ft Wide, IHIW only $3,!Jflil; 1!lfiR Hr:gnl, 50 rt. x 10 wlrle, all new anri dr~· luXP thmuglHHJI, pt'ic'ecl ut only $•1,8!J:i. Whltmnn's 'l'r:tlil!l' Sales, one mile cast of East Lansing on Ufi·lli, phone Lansing' ED 2·1817.


Dogs and Pets EEAGLE HOUNDS- Ready to

hunt. Carl I<run~. IR12 S. Gtrnn rond, Holt. 37w16p

BOARDINC1 - Private outdoor runs for eur:ll dog. G !'een Acres

COCI\ER SPANIEL puppies, black or beige, 6 weelts old.

Richard Baliel', second farm south of Holt. road on Williamston roud, phone Will !amston 62G·F·12.

' 50w2 --------------BOSTON BULL, female, 5

months old, $15. Fred Shepard, 2 miles west of Dansville on M· a6. Phone Dansville MA 3·a3G8.


PUPPIES - a fat Beagle pups, 2!!:. months old. Also upright

Cable plano. Carl Nelson, 4 miles cast of Dansville on M·3G. Phone Dansville MA 3·3646. 50wl

--------------DOG-I have a nice Collie rlog

1o give away to someone who will furnish it a nir.e home. Call after 'I p. m. 1-Iowarrl A. Smith, 5 miles sottth of Mason on old US· 127 nt house Nu. 24[13. Phone Leslie JU 9·26,10. 50wlp

BEAGLE, 13 months old, fcmnlc, parents were registered, been

wormed. Clair Bouts, plwne Aure· lius 713. 50wlf ----------------SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPIES,

AKC, livm· and white, beau· 1ifully marl<ed. Be sure of yours fot· Christmas. Phone Lansing ED 2·6142. 50w2

P.UPS - 'rhoroughhrccl Border Colllc pups, 7 weel<s old, nice

Christmas present for the young· sters. Ward V!cary, .Tr., 48<10

· North Meridian road, phone Les· lie .TU 9·9388. 50w2p

Moore, phone Mason

Poultr-y . · DUCKS, 18, $2 each. Geese, 8, $5

each. Roy D. Donald, 1287 Lamb road, Mason, phone Mason OR 7·0582. 49w2

I·IENS for sale, to rnalte t•oom for pullets, 50 White Leghorn

hens, laying well. Mrs. .T. C. Greene, 989 West Dexter Trail, Mason, phone Mason OR 7·6465.


BABY CHICKS-Started ehlclts. Also rendy·to·lay pullets for

sale from our own hatchery. Hy· Line· hybrids, White Leghorns, White Roclts for eggs or broilers. 'Gulliver's Hatchery and Poultry

. Farm, Route 2, Eaton Rapids, Phone·5381.

MI\IY~ 'I'HJ~NcU C.:UA'I'- L;ruy, MASON - 2·berlroom modern WORJ{ WANTED - 18·yenrs·old FARM LOANS- Long term, low HOl,lSE FOR RENT, moclorn, 4

size 14. May he Hr.£!11 nt Modern homo, will trude tot• .Tacl1son Dunsvllle senior wants wnri( lnlc~cst, for reflnnJh:mg, LUlllt~, rooms, 2 herl•·oom~ nnd full Cleaners, Mason. •17wt f 1 1 !Ill 1 1 __ _ _____________ area prop£lrty, Also 1 ~ ucres, 2· Snturrlnys and Sundays. Gore on >u r ng mprovemrmts, pm·c lnS· busement, 4 miles north of Mn·

bedroom modern home, wlll trnde Rles, Dnnsvllle, write or phone lng land, etc. Farm must be 80 or son on Olwmos roncl, 2 milas east for Mason property, C. I ... John· MA 3·33•11. 50wlp mor~ 0\Cres. Wa•lte or sec Paul B. on Willoughby road or llh mllcs son Agency, phone Ma8on OR ------~ -----~-~------- Cheney, Farm Loan Service, a29 wast of Meridian rond on Wll·

SI-illlins _ ii"O:s.£s-- nui~ns _ 6·5786. 50w1 p H I W d East. Oult street. Phone Mason OR Iough by, William G. worltman, -----------~------ e p ante 0·5558, or Glen Oesterle, Mason Route 4, Mason, phone Williams·

Ornumenlals, stanclm·cl anrl 5 ACRES, 4·hcdroom ]Jome, 2 OR 7·8552. 25wtr ton Gl8Fl2, 'J0W2p rlwurf fruit fl•ccs. Stnrlt B1·os. mlles not•lh of Mason, hot wa· -Nursct•ies, slnc!c l81fi. Algcn A, fer heat and carpeting in dueled. WANTED - Boy ~or oally Fre~ CUSTOM CORN PICKING and HOUSE--for rent, 6 rooms. Ewers, lncnl salr.smnn, 714 East Cnll Glenn Oeslel"le, Muson OR Press paper route. Must he J.1 shelling, Albert Cool<, 2186 E. Charles· Wilcox, 3790 East los· Race street, L£lsile, phone ,JU 7·8fi52, Paul B. Cheney Raul or ohler. A)Jply ut Win·e's Drug Cavnmmgh roucl, thlrrl house ro roue!, Dansville. 50wlp !l·82:J:J. 45wtf Estule. 45wtf Store, 37wlf cust of Olwmos ronrl, phone Lon· ---------------· ·- ·----·--------- sing ED_.2·fi152. 40wlf

B •1d• s 1• 7·ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent, W;\NTED- Woman wlth )Jractl· ------·-- f . ~-~~~-~~~-~--~-upp leS M~!'A~~~~;~~~~e~~;~~~~bl~: In c~~r~~~~~~~~c~x~~~~~~f~ i~Ol~~~ c~~xo~~A%~~~.w~J;oet ~~;~ or Rent - Apts. __ _ STORM WINDOWS __ u~erl, 6 Phone Elrnm· Bmvendcr, M:ORwon

1 11:00 p, m. to 7:00 a. m. Live ln. wood. Frnnlt Word, first lnrm

·2!lx!i'l,· 9 29xGG,· combfnullon on 7·1652. --~---- _____ --·~- No meals to prcpnJ•e except south of Hnrper school on US·127 ·· ~~ brenltfost. Goorl wages. Write W. north of Butler's gus stallon.

FOR REN'l' - Furnisher! sleep· lng room. Phone Mason OR

G·5537, !iOw L wood door, lW ln. x (i ln. with CHIUSTMAS SPECIAL- In Ma· L. Arnold, 809 Insuran~e E>:· Phone Lansing IV 4·fl291. 20wU hnrrlware. Cia renee Bll'll, 2:l4!l AI· son. Price reduced-was $21 ,. change Duilrllng, .Tncltson, Mich. ------------~--- I

monel r~mrl, ':VIIi~umston, P)10~e 000, now only $18,500 for this ex· lOwtf Wlllfnmston 6J£J.Jo ·14. 'J.Jw2p ccpllonally wc1J.Jocnted home. ------------ Business Services

FURNISHED APAR'l'MENT, a rooms, electric healing, hath,

private enll'ance, utilities .fm·· nlsherl. Cull on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. 309 W. Elm, Muson.

·--------·-~-·- -·- -- - --- Has living room, dining room, WANTED - Ton overweight Real Estate - Homes 16 ltltchen, 2 bedrooms with 1 v. men and women who need $10,

baths, pnt!n, full deep l1ascment, $20 or $30 exlru Income. Part· ------ -·-- attached gurnge, n!cc lot. Located time. Choose own hours. Write MASON SPECfALS -- 2 fnmlly at 620 East Ash. If you want n Box SA, giving best lime to con·

UPHOLSTERING, fine fuln·Jc line, none helle!', U. S. Nuug·

hyde plastics, guaranteed not to lear or peel, nil colors. Muthlas Uplwlstery, corner of College" nnd US·127, Mason, pl10nc Mason OR 7·'1821. 4~wtr


rent, 2 Im·. home, $1111 per month income, nice f'ompact 1·slory hnmc lool< tact. . 49w4 !:ell for $!1!\0 down. Also :m aci'Cs tills over•. Call A. 0. Greenough, for $500 down m· wll! trnrlc. C. Dansville .MA 3·22!11. ' 50wlp L. Johnson Agency, phone Mn· son OR G-:i7f](j. riOwl p

BOLES HEAL'J'Y otTet·s sllhLII"bnn 3·hcc!I'Oom modern rand1 home

with built In waslwr-rlrirr mm· h!nnt ion, l'llllchstone planters, tiled hatl1, pel'lmelcr hen!, hlt"ch

MASON N E·A R - 2·bcc1Toom modem home on 2 acres,·prlced

l'lgh t, or t racle for 20 to 40 acre farm. C. L. Johnson Agency, phone Mason OR G·5786.

c:uphoanls, caqlflrl, large land· 3·BEDHOOM HOME, 2 Jots, base· scapec! lot on blaektop road north ment, gns heat, garage, priced nf Mason. Call C. "Major" Boles, at $7,930 with terms or trade for Mason OR 7·2aG1, real estate Lansing area pa·operty, C. L. hrolwr for Mason area, 50wl Jl .T ohnson Agency, phone Mason

-- - ~ on G·57B6. 5rJwlp

ABEL Real Estate

Phone OR 6·1161 Mason

240·ACRE tock farm, extra well fenced, 2 good modern houses, 36x82 bas~ment burn and silo, other buildings, $12,000 clown.

1f>O ACRES- Near Williamston, farm on blacl<top ronll, 120 acres uncler the plow, 9·room modern house, 2 large barns and silo, other bul·lclings, $30,· 000 with $9,500 down.

NEAH MASON, 3·bedroom, prac· tically nrw, basement, gas heat, recreation room with fireplace,

MASON HANCH HOME- 3 bed· rooms, full basement, gus heat,

storms and screens, attached go·

iiELP · . WANTEd :...... Men and · women, part lime, full time In future. Call · Mnson OR 7·9511, G GLAZING OF ALL KINDS, Per· to 7 p. m. 4Qw2 ldns Hardware, Mason, 43wtt . --------~---- UNFURNISHE"o·. apartment for

OPPOHTUNI'I'IES for men or NEW FULLER BRUSH DEALER rent·!n Dansville, 4 rooms nnrl women, part or full lime, fast· for Ingham county. Phone Hnr· bath, ncar school and store, lm·

est growing business. Choose own old N. M!llcr, Mason OR 7·8161. mecjln!c .possession. No dogs. hours, easy to sell, everyone a 50w2 Phone Dansville MA a·2491, prospect, repeat business, develop --------- . 49wti Into own business. Write Box lOB ------ • for appointment. 4flw4 FOR RENT ·Modern, 3·room

Excavating surnfshed apartment with pri·

21 • Bulldowr worl( • Blac]{ fill rllrt for sale

Jewett Construction Co.

Plastering New and Old Construction

.Quallly Worlt by Experienced Men


vnte-hnth alld entrance. Exce!lenl loratiiJil in Mason business ells· tr!ct. Cnll Leslie JU fl·3543.


APARTMENT for rent, 2 blocl<s fi'Om business district, a rooms

and hath with gas heat, stove and refrigerator furnished. Phone Ma· son OR 6·1~92. 50wl

FAST SERVICE - PtJtting nrr rn a customer's tire, this attendant at u Pal'is, Frnncc, l~ds station provides fast service by talting care oi llh: cl11lies on roller slt.alcs. All attendants nl the unustrnl statron on the banki; or. the Seine River roll hnp­pily along during wm ldng hours. SJ,aleH arc used because lhe. gas pumps are a Jon,; wuy 1 J'{)Jil lhe mo:.ln building;

LOST - Earring with pearl and LEBENEY - We wish to than!< large jade stone. Hcwarcl. Calli our many friends and relatives

Mason OR G·5G08. 50wl f<)l' I he canis, gifts and flowers ---~------ -~--- ---- · ---- -- ancl all who made our golden

'wedding anniversary such n

Cards Of Thanks memorable occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Cl1arlcs Lcseney. 50wl

·--- i. VANTOWN CHUHCH-We wish FELTON-I want to thank my to express om· tlmnl<s to the

friends, neighbors and relative~ fire companies and anyone who for I he carrls, fruit., gifts and has helped In any way since :tlJC many other kindnesses, and Mn- .Joss of our cllllrch. Vantown son General hospital s!1'11T, Dr. Methodist chtlrch. 50wl Clinton and Dr. Cairns for their services while I was at the hos­pitul. i{enne!h Felton. :.i0w1

WHI~rE OAK township taxes can he paid at White Oak town hall

Wednesday, December 18, from 10 .until a, m· at my home every friday until the first of Mnreh. Charles Gauss, township trcasm·· er1 ' · 50w~

Page 8: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

BOUNTY LOCATED-Corni-L·llr.t·ll~tcd rcmnin~ oJ th(· lamed mutiny ship, IJMS llounty, h;II'L' been Iucntecl on· Pitcnii'IJ Is­land in 1 he Pacilk, lll'ill' wlw•·~· i1 wrr~ btlllll'cl and sunk on • Turt. 2:J, 1700, b1· mu:int•L·r l•'ktt:lwr C'liristinn and his followerr. Here llil' snll'n~ed 1~-rool <IIH'IHll' t'L':<Is 1111 a Jmalin~ In Bounty llny. Fll'lclwr Ciii'Jst"'"· rt••s<·Pnrl:ut: ,,. the originnl mutineer, \'icws lhL• rclir whic!J h,J> 111,. t"IIIIJdt•cL Jlul\Cs (arrow-lik<• tip! of 1hc nnchor's t·m:;, piece) u•·(;•' ldot'L· 1810. Photo i~ copy­righted b~· Nnllonnl Gcog!,iphlr• Mngazinc. ---------

MSU Museum Now Exhibits World's Fier-cest Creature Ji'Jcrcest creature ever to walk

llw face of the earth probably was tllC tyrannosaurus, a 20·frJOt tall bru1e who lme otlwt· dino· saut·s to slll'cds will! Ieeth as big as lmlehcr lo1ives.

Tlte tln'ill of imnginlng the fet·ocity of thi~ 10-ton hi'Ule will be available to visitors at lite Michigan Stale university m Ll· ~cum, though lite animal disap. pcarcd fmm the lace of liJC earth 70 million years ag-o.

The museum has f!UI'cltased a cast of a 1Yl'iiiii!OHaUI' ~IHtll fl'!Jill till! American MLtscum of N;Itural 1 lis tory which has one of only 2 complete sl\cletal spedmcns of this monster ever found in the UniiPd Stall'~. Tile MSU Alumni fund provided money to buy the slwll.

Some iclca of the size of this great prclti~lot·ic beast is avail· ahlc !tom inspPl'Lion of 1hc 5· fool skull and its h1rgc f,cimilar· like teet h·-··thuugh lllltseum offi· l'iab point oul IIJc ercaturc's was !mwll in proportion lo his O\'et•all '10 lo !jfl.(oo1 lcnglh.

The slwll is being put on .J,. pla,v in tlw MSU museum's hall or fossil Ii rc. hcing developed in the new quar·tcl'.s, ac('[)rding 1o Dr. Hollin J I. Dal\Cl', museum eli·

licved to he among the last of the large creatures to disappear.

Scientists believe lyrannosaur-11 s hnd 1 eel h Ideally designed for .1lasl11ng huge chunl<s • of flesh [rom ollwr slower moving dlno-, saurs. A rtcr gorging hims!!II, the 11cast probably rested a week or 2 bciorc seeking another meal.

Sevel'al other dinosaur fossils <Ire incluclcod In the new hall of fossil liic whieh is shaping liP as among the most interesting of the new exhibits.

Ann1 her sped men recently l'C· ceivecl is the full sl<eleton of an 11rctic musk ox, obtained thrnugh murlesy of the U. S. Bureau of Spm·t l~isheries and Wilrlll fc from 11/unival< island off Alaska.

Delhi Township Proceedings

Heguh11· l\11'1'liiiJ.: nf lht• I)Pihi town­Hhill htllll'tl ud!t•d lo onh I' hy HUIICI'• v/,.;or· F.1v on Munday cvt•rdru.c. lli•t•t•rn­lwt !1. Minutto!i of the [lt'<•r·cdrn~ mel'\· in~-: \\t•to tt·nd .tnt! lllltrru\'t•d wtth on(• l!lll'l't'<'linu, .

V1•1 nun Ilo\\'1' uf l~dgcwnml h!Jhtllvi­~~~~~~ lll'i"'ILit••l lldtu·c• Uw hnnrcl cum~ plttilliiiJ.: or hili :ltHH!tllllllnnt. It. WIIH the Ollill/tlll or the hoHI'II thlll tfH'y ~ould do nul hill~-! about Lhl!-> maltt•r·. Mt•. Church .... us rn'llttll'lt·d to iii\Psti~,rtp :tnt! Ht'f' Ir Lhcn1 l'an l11• any t'rHII'cHii ul LhiR time.

reel or·. Oldt l'liOIIii Wl'l'l' ht'.tl'tl l't•lutrvc to {.l'IU'(•fuJ 1llld Ji1'1~Jilit~ t•hJliJ{ nmtint.! Cutn Lnrw ll llllf'•Wny Rtn•cl

n1ad urtl't curr~idPnrhle di~cu:;Hinn n mo~ 'vall s!u•tC"Iws in thi"t fWI'tiun 1 iun 'MI:<o mndP hy Chat·ltm Mmwn, Hntr~

lnuham Co~n.ty News. December 12, 1957 A·8

Mason Markets .......... ,', ........................ $~.05

Onts ......................................... ,. .fi~i Corn ..... , ................................. J.rm ............................. , .. , 1.75 Rye ...................... , .................... 1.1 ~ :~nv~· beans, cwt. ............ , ..... 7.6~

l'ltOFI:!-i·'Olt 1'1 AIJTJIOil. D•·. l~lh~l'l n. 1\fm;r.s, .Tr·., llH

11lslnnl Jll'ofew;IIL' of c·nmmnnler• I Jon Hldlli:i nl Michlgnn Slate tl!li· "rrslty, Is nullirll' nl "II ClulriiJ I• ':trel'i II n Spenl\lng,'' hnllclhonk ~111hllslwrl l'cccnlly i•y Vunlitg­.', es~·. l11r:. of New Yntlt.

mm;C'J'Oit AI'I'OINl'Jm W. Lowell TJ·cnster, dh·r.ctrJI' oi

informutwn ~l!r\ilcc:-; nl Mldilgan Stnte unlvet•slty, hns h.Jcn fiJI pointed hy the Argonne NHtlnn;• La born tory of the Atomic Ener~ry CommiH~Ion ln help plan a mld­we:1tr.J·n conJcranccJ uJi tile peace tun~ li:k~; ol utontk: L'llCrgy,

J.J.;GAJ, NOTWI~8 -- ~ - -·--~-- --

ORDER FOR I'UDLICATION l'lfoAL At:COUNT ,,, 1066 Stlllt• nr Michh:JIII. 'I"'! Jlr·nlmtc Cull I''

rnl' I hP Uounly ur lnuhum, \t II HPU!I0/1 Ul tldl!l LUIII'L, hclfJ 1)1,

lhwcmhca• IU, 111;,7. p,.,.,cut: HUN, ll!JIHWT 1 .. ili:Ai>l·.,

.Judge nl 1'1 nltnt c, ,,, tht• Mlllicl' or the EHtulc ur 1,1...1%.

llli>Tif llos~; ur.rss, llucon"'''L NoLi'!' Jp, lltHchy filvcu, 'fhnl th1· Jll'

Jllun nl IJni'I>Lhy McCUJ'dcl. /lllmllr1 ,, l'lx ur tlltld crilntc, lll'lllllllJ.t for lht! Jlhmttrwc u( lwr· hnnl ncc:uuut, Jlllil , hu ua.-!]g'llnlCill Ulld tJIHll'lhutJou of tilt

I'CH!IIur· ur lire I.!Hlatc, ~Ill "(,! hcnnl Ui . ILIJUIII'V :1, 1 1 );,~, 11l file• f!ll o'r•lr•tJ; i

the rmunoon nt thu Fl' Qtlice 11L ... LJ 1 ••U•IIIlLOI' UUIIUIIIK, t..U(I.ullh, uiL1l .gun, ·

It IH Ol'der·ucl, 'J'hnt notice t.hercvr hera hy puulfcatlon w u COllY hai'Co ur tha•f•c weeks conHr.cut!valy IH'CV'iou.l

In Hillel cluy or hcrLIInu, In lhl! lnghllhl County NcwK, und thnt Uw IICllt)ullol' ~..:liUKl! II tUp)l oC LhiH notice LO be IUll"\'1!11

LPfHL rouch IWO\'dl Hlll'ty In (ntt!l'clll nl hili JnHL IUIOWH nddi'C8H hy ICKi:'ltCitq lll•ltl, Jclul'll recc(J1t dcmanUurl, l!t lcuRt w111 teen II •I) c..IUYH 111lor· to Huch hell I'· IlL!{, m· by lll!rsunnl I'!CI'Ylce nt ICtlAt hvo ( ;. ) dnYfl tn•ioJ' to such hcuring,

ltUIJI;lt'l' L. !)ItA 1{1;, A\ 'J'1'11v Co11Y: Judge of Pruhnll! ~~flldtcd L. Jo'Jowut• IJt:PtltY UcgiHlCI' or PI'Dbntc fdlw3


CHRISTMA5-Fcbruory 20, 1956 SLulr! oC Michls:nn. 1'hc P1•obntc CoUI't

few the County of lnstbum, At n. iiCHMion of Hllid Cuul'l, held ut.

tlw PJ•uhntc Olrtcc, In the City ur Ala­r~un, i11 the amid County, on the tfJth duy of J)cccmb!li', A. D. ltlii7. I'

l'<Pxenl, ll!JN. llOBER'r L. HtAKE, ur Pt·ubntc.

In the MllUCi' of the Eitntc of SAJti\1! JANE CHiliS'l'MAS, llccellKcil. '

It n(tponJ·in!t. to the Court thnt. the Llmu £or lllOHWILUtlon or c:lnimr\ Rltllin~t ~mid cKtutc tihoulfl be limited, nntl th1~t 11 tinll' 1111d place be Hll[ID!Ulctl tg fCCCIVU,

••xnnalnc und udju11t uti cl11lmK nnrl do· llHLIHi!t IIM"UillHl Kllld I}CCCIIHCd by lind IJO• fur·c turicl Court: und thnl'the Jcgnl trelr~ ur tmid dcccntted cnlltlcU Lo lnh'erlt the cHlr~lc of which suid clcccHHCrl di~d .... !i(!l?.crJ Hhorlld he udJudicnlotl hJH/ dctcrmlrlC!I.

It I::i Or·dct·ed, 'l'hnl nil the credllortt <I( t~ntcl decenHcd nr·c rcr,ullcd to l»rc .. cul thulr· chdrnH In wr-ltln~ nnd untlca• nuth uH Jll'nviclud by Htntutc, to· 1111ltl Cpurt nl the Pr·obutc OITicc Itt ~IJH Holll~ttoJ' Hulltllnu, Lnnsitn:, Mlt!hiJ.(nn, on or he• (orr• the !Oth dny or l·~ehL'UilrY. A, l>. 1 Oiil'l, ut nfnc·thlr•ty a'clock in the fore. noun, ~uld time nnd 11lace bclqt-: hereby .tppoinlcd fu1· the cxumjnnllon 111td rtd· juHllliCilt o( uiJ cJnfmH • nnd domund1:1 nA"ainKL Knitl dcccutlcc.J. unc.J for the nd~ jutlicntlon nnd dctel•mlnnflon or I he hcll'ii nt lnw of HUid dCCCII"C!I ft.t tho Llml! nf lriH dunth entitled to Inherit. the CHIIItfl of which the dcccuHeLJ died HCit.CtJ.

Jt IH l•"ut•thcr 01·de1'cd, 1'hut. lntblie no· Litt• Lhea·eof be t-tivcn by IILiblictttJon of II CO[IY of thi1:1 Ol'dcr OIICC ,CUeh Wfek rt;~r lhi'CC llUCCCI:lliiYe WCC:Ji.H JrreViOUit to HIWl duy of hcnt•inJ.:, in the ·lnl{ho.m Gounty NeWS, IL 1\eWKfHqlCi* fla)nted 41\d cirr.ll• hatc~tl In ~mid county, und that thu fhlucl· III'Y of tmlrl eslntc ~oeh•e known lnlcl'c:tlcd tHtl'lica Jlollcc Hll l'cqUircd by luw.

A •r1·1w Con~n Mfhlaed J~. l•'lowct• nl' lhH JlliHit•Jnn n·ill illus•ratP. pru\('(1 hy 1\t•mlcth Ilnpe, thaL ~h~~ tnar-

1 I I tit• tu·rlftilliH e ht• lltlnrrtNI. Cnt·r·u d. Mo· J'm• V s (Ill'S Jr.ow C'lll'h ol' I IIJ t;om by L'lnoilc• M>«on, ""'''""t<•ol hy ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR·· llllilllnls lnolwcl in life. Kmncth Jlnpe, that i11m111 ni•n 11ilnr•t 1111 HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR

DCIHILy flc~ht~ur or PrObutc

, , nulil11tlll'l' with the Hllmc Pl'nVisiullti HM DETERMINATION· OF HE1R5

tilnplc, stood erect on po\Verful Ht..'ltillg' lhi• Hpccd limit~ Ul! Cllli'Y Lanu Stntc or Mlchh.\'llll .. 'l'h~PI'obutc)Coul~t I he IYl'clllllO~HUrus, for P.X·1 OHliTmn1·l· No 1 u:-~ to J1t.!lllli1L('li, etc.. TAYLOR-Fcbnaarr. J8, 1958

I . I I I I I I td ·•n milt•s n••r· hmw. Cni'J':cd. ro,· the County or lnW"hnm,· .,, . . IIIH cgs HrH tn Oll.S and lHC S~tpcrvitinr· t•lat No, t ;j wm; Jtr"eHtmted At n HUHMion ·of Hnid Cou 1-t. held nt

}HillY lorclirnbs \Vhich probably tll the llnUI'tl J'nr· ihl /l[l[ll'OVIll. Molinn the Probntc OITicc, in ~he Cit)' or MllROili

1' ,·, I' ttl' ·, 1 Tl ' J ·]· ·1' l•l' 1\l•nrwlh Il(lp(', Sllllt'nl,lcd hy GIIHIY}l In the lllllcl Count)', on the 10th tiny o£ ~\UC I c usee. lC lllge s dS 1~ 1-II'IIIh, lhut nclion on lluK pint be c/c .. Dcccmhf!l', A. D. 1!107. . . . . Ill[( mouth was Lite tyrant llzat•d's \av•·il lllltil VIII'IOIIH lots IIIC checked. P•·oscnl, HON. ROBER'!''(.;, 1JltA1iE; \Ve'I)JOn t..:m·•·iud. . Jud~c of P1·abntc. . '. •· •

( . • Jnbn B. Fny, SUJlf'I'VIKOt', hnndcd Ill In thP. Mnttct• of HEll· 'l'hts weapon must have been a h;, ... ,;~nnt>on '" of .l .. nuu>y I. \tlfl~. BERT RUSSEL •rAYLon. oeeen•cd. .

~uccessful one Dr. llaker pointed ami 11 mollnn WIIH nuulc by .l<cllneth It nt•t•enl'lnK io the. Gourt thut the I Hnt•u, 1\UIIIUH'Lcrl by Hlli'I'Y Chnllcc, thnl lime €01' JII'CIICnthtlon ot.cln10lK IUtnlru'lt

out, for tyrannosaurus rex, or thl! hnnr·tl llUI'I'/It thiN l't!~ig-n.ttion with ~ltld CKtULc Mhoulrl he limited, t(nr1 Uu~;,t It

the 1\incr of the dinOSi.lltl'S is be· tL·Jtl't•l. Gaaded · • , 1

!)· time und 1dnce be U(llmlntcd to l"uccayc, _. _ .. _ n __ ~ _ --·---~--- H1·, Fny luft at Lhm pnrnt HIH 1• uxnrnlnc unci ndJuHt nil clnlmf\ nnd tlc·

Tt·oo~'l contltJuctl Itt> chairman fm• the munds IIJ.:nlnKt t1ufc..l dccellHcd by Hllll 1Je· hulant·c hf the mculin;.r. At hili HU"'~u:;. fol'C ~mid Com'ti anc..l thnt the leKnl hch·r1

---- - ·-· --··--- li£Jh IL motion wn:-\ Illude hy 1\enneth of Auld clueensed onlltlcd to lnhcl·lt. the ORDER FOR PUBLICATION II''IH', supJHII ted hy WmlyH llcnth, thut cHtnlc of wblch Knld dccorlliCd died Kclzad


FINAL ACCOUNT the ck•r·t hl• inHLruC'Lcd to \\'I'He tn Ml'. Hhoulcl bo nrljudlcuted unci detcL'mhlcd, . HATH-J,,nu,lry 3, 1958 Fn)' mlvl:-dn~ him nr nC'Lion nnd !tfllll'c.. It l!i Onic1·cd, ·r~at nil thu crcdllot•!'l

}itnlt• ur Mic•hiJ.{nn. 'l'htl Pt•uhalc CouJ•l chttion or lliH :!li )'l'lli'S or conllllUOthi nf twit! dccctucd ltrC I'CCJUircd to IJI'OKCilt fo1· the Cnunty of In~-Clwrn. lif't\•ice tu the lO\\Il!ihtp ali :iliiJCI'ViHor their clnimF! In Wl'itinl{ nod undcl' oulh

.AI 11 !H!:;ston nf ~mid Coul't, hold on nnrl chuh·man of lilt' ,llo:u·d, Cnrt'lcd. 118 pt·ovldcd by Ktlltute, to ~1tld Com·t Ht•tt•tniH't a, l!l:i7. ~lotlon by <ihuly:; Heath, ~IIJlllOI'tetl rlt the' Pa·ohntc Office, In tho CHy or

Pr·t•Hcnl: liON. Rongn•r L., DHAIU~, by Hrn'I'Y C..:hnflue, thnt u Kpcclnl meet .. MnHon, Michht"n· on o1• bcrorc the HUh

Judur ur Prnlwtc. in;.( or lhe hont•tl Ill.! called on MoJH~I\Y dnv or l+'chl'\liii'Y, A. n ... 195M, l~t ten In lhc· 11r tht• l~Klalu of HES· evening-, Duecmhut• lfi, for !ll1 cxccuttvc o'clocl' In· the foi'Cnoon, ~111d time ILild

Sl1~ 1\1, IlA'J'JI, DCt•enHed. t>r·~~inn lu ditlcUHM nnd JIUKHih!c twluct II nlnce being hcJ•eby ILJ)polntcd for tbo Nolle!' lH II('It•hy GivPII, 'l,h11t the pc .. HIJ<'CctiKtll t'n Mr·. Fny. Cnt"l'tccl. c:..:nmlnntlon nnd ndjuHltnCilf or all clnlmK

titiun ur £11'11111 Duane lluth, ndminiMLI'I\· Motion by Dr·. 'l'tonKt, ~UJI(IOI'lcd ,bY and dctnnlldK llKIIInsl Knld dcccm;ed, llllfl ltll' ur !!.tid ustnlt•, JIIH:Yill)...l' fot• the nl~ litmllclh llopu, ln nllow Lhc fulloWIIlH fnt· the adJ1Hlh:artlon nnd dc!crmlllltti(lll luwant•e ur his fir!-ot nnd flnnl ru·rnun~, claim~: of the hch•K Ill Jn\V o( Hllid dccCI\!ICd Ill untl fur tho ILHKiJ.rlllllt'IILILild diHlllbutinn .Jnlm. u. li'ny. Snlm·y leSt; • . OJ thp lime or hiM denth entitled to lnhcn'lt ur the l'<·~idul~ of tlliJd ('!Ltnle, will he Wll ·rllx & ss ...................... $.1UU.H .. I tlw e~tnlc of which the. deconscdl died hc:n•tl nn .Jnnuaa·y a, 1958, ut tcn·fiftccn 8ullc A. Cht'l!ilmn, ti.dnr·y lcl-ift' Kcizcd. u'clt1clt in th~ fnrtmoon ut thu Pr·uhnlc W II 'l'ax & .SS .......................... 1 li•l.25 It hi Fur·thot• Oa•tlct•ocl, 1,hnt. IHtblla no-Olflce Ill :w~ llollllitet• lluilding, Lnn .. Altlt SteW II I'd, Snltti'.Y ICHK 7U,\J& tlcc thet·cor be Kl\•cn by IIUblleiLllon or II sin~. Michls:un, ·w H 'l'nx & SS .... · · .................. r.o 11y of this ot'<ltJr once encb week fol'

It. hi OidCt''"tl, Thul nolit•e thereof be E:dllh Adcock, ~.dtli'Y le:~:~ lhL'cc ~uccos!!lvc wcckK IH'Ovlouft to Knitl J.!'iven by pu'bllclllion or II CO(lY hm·cof w fl 'l'ux & ss ""' ................. 2H\1.5:! duy of henrlllJCI In the ]1\JlhRnt County rua· lhJ'l'U wcel.R cont~ccutiYcly Jll'uYinutt William <.:. Mon.!y, Junltor• Newt!, n llCWIIIll\()cr· fll'intcd und clreu-tu Klltd tiny or'in~c. in· the lnJ.Ch:nn ~ei'Yice ............. ......................... liti.7f• luted In


!11 county, nnd tlutt the fhluci-Uounly New~. nnd that I he pclltiuncr Tht• Sl.tlt• JoUI'Illtl, Lt!~~ll] Adv, . .. 21.56 lli'Y or tlllld CKllllc give lu~uwn intCJ'CKtcd cuuuo n co)IY of thJM not leu Lo ho liCt'Ycd Holt Lumber· t!o., MntcL"iul rol' llnt'llt~K uddltlonnl 'notice IIH I'CttVIrcc..l by upun r.ach lowwn IHII'ty In intl,]J'C!it ut flour in Comna. ·Hull ............... , .71 lnw, · hiK lu~t ktHl\\n nrltlr·e:;ll by rcgl~tlr.rod Willinm l~. Dcnnhmn. Due~-- HOUER1' L, DRAKE. mnil, a·clm·n t•ur.ei!IL demnndcd, nl lcn~t !\licit. At:ll'lll. ol Supcl'VI:iOI'H .... 2·1.11U A 'fl·uc Copy: . Judge of Probntc

·, fmu·tccn fll) dny~ ru·lo•· tu ttuch hem·· !~loyd !Jullm, ·school lliHt, Nu. ~ Mildl'od l.... Flower ing, Ol' hy pl•nwnnl KCI'vir.t• nt lt•a:;L ti\•o HIIHI'(! uf J'milol' P.u·k feu~ .... lU·l.tlj) IJCJlUlY RcJ.t!HtCI' or Pt•obntc (fl) dnyK JII'JOl' Lo ~uch lwlll'in~. John Ut·nwol', !::ichnul Dit~~L. No, L

HOBI~H.'I' r~. DHAKF., rillnt•e of '1'1'1\lloa· Pnt•k fcoH ...... Uol.llll \ 5Uwtl

A 'l'nw Cnpy: !lllldrml L. Flmcm· JuciKc of Prolmlc l~nulenc~ Pn1·1wr·, Cu. Hhlli'C

ol .,'l'rnllct l'nrk ~ceK .... .......... 72.lJII !iOwa (i)nibtH lhwth, MniwJH out IJt•JIUly Hottlritel of P1·obntc

----------~- --~- CIIX tttlltlllllel\tll """'"""""""""' 6i1&.00 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Mich. 'l'wpH, AHHoclutlon, GENEHAL lJI.e• fnl' I u..s ..... . . ............... .

IAFRATE-Janunt·y 3, 1058 lnghum County Nt.!W!:'I, Lc.:.,;nl Stttlo or Mtchi~otllll. 'l'hc }Jrobutc Coul't . n.tlvca•tialng 'nntl •HUIIUliOK

fur the County or Jn,~hnm. l>orci· Ull Uo., l•uel nil lDI' At • n KCKR!on of Hn!ll Coui·L, held nt. Cumtnunlty Jlnll ..................... ..

lht• Pl·nbnlo 0/fico in the CJty or Ll\n... lloiL l..oL.Unuel' l.\o,, Caul fOI' Cum. ttillst in Kllhl County, on the l..lth dny of Uutty J.' J(icl', UJlCI'ntina.c !lil'en , Jluuumbc!l', /\, D. 1957. hu· N"ovemlWI' """""Y'"'"""'""'

Pi'CHent, HON. HDDER1' L. DRAKE, \VILLLm·• Mobil Sm·V>cc, KILH, Juduc of. Probntc. ' etc. 1•'. ll, ................................. .

Jn tho Mitltul' ot thu Chnnge of Nn Htu·uid E. Mlliut·,· Uool• fol' t'D .. . of FREDERICK IAFRATE, nn ndult. \llntlle G1·ovo l•lc•e lJu]Jt., l'nYI'oll

·l''l'cdcl'lcl\ Iuh•ntc hnvlng Iliad in tll\ld lot• St!JJt., Ocl.. &·Nov ........... . Conl't hiH, Jmtltlon IJI'HYing- that this 'l'h~ li')'J'•F')'tCI· Co., H.ubb«•J' coutt1

1 Cou'J•t cntc1' nn ol'dc1,. ohnnRing hla unmc 1 (JI' li"D .................. , ................... . f1·om fi'rcdoL·Icl' lllfmlc, to lnfrntc Fred·' I.unHing Ji'li·u Jlc(lt., 0XYKCH) ul•lclu~ nnd thut the order of the Court t.unlul (2) •.. ~ ................................ . lnclutlc the 111\lllc hid wife nnd tht·cc 1Jc1·t'K C:dlllJ.te. Sct·vicc on · tnlnua• chlhh·cn li1e Lt·uck ................................. : ..

It h1 Oadoa•ad, Honlclilo, Rupnii'H fot• fl1·c ta·uck .. A. lJ, And1·cw IJ, llnt·ton, Snhu•y lepo

WH •rnx & ss ......... · ................. .. l(t!t:.llcu }i'01·d SnlcM, I)ollce ~Ul'' .... 768.10

Mobil Sca•vlce, Gnn, utc, ., (!Ill' .... : .................. :. ... , ...... 150,39

SeJ•vlce, Sct•vlco Clll' ,,.,,,.,, .. ,, .. ,,,; .. .,,.,

... , .... ''•''" & Sonticu, Sut·vieu


,RIEBOW-'-January 3, 1958 Stnte of Michhtnn. 'J1hc P1•obnlc." Couat

fo1• tho Counly of lnghnm. KCKK!on or tiiL!d Court,

Office IIi Che-CitJ of the 11th ~111

ROYAL COUPLC - ".teste' two-ycar-olr' Siamese, i' om en, who cun'L b~m to loot' a. , queen, The • queen in lhl~ in I stilncc 1:· "Stcve1·ino.'' Ml'c,v ... hounC: pa o 1elcvlol!lll st.,· Steve Allen, She's been name. 1!15' Queei: o: N<!!iona· Do Wee: ivhllr .Jc~tcl''r 105'' N. l1unu Ca \\eel I~in(

, ...... , .. ,,


fssav CmnJlclition J•:ntaiJ::,;:IJllll,l: or u prlzu ewm.v

l'lilJlJII)Iilloll ill [JiillosnJihY for MleiJinun fllatc LJnlvcrHity nltl rlr.nts lms hr..'n llllllollnr"rl 11,1' fiJI' M~m cic>parl tllr.nt of pllllnsr.pily. II. $100 prlzn Will go In llw Hill· tlrnl wlto offlli'H tlw llrml nrlr:lnnl cli'll'IISHinn nf Honw phllnnophlcnl problem, lf'xt, fllllliol' r11· move

'men I. The competition i l namml j for Prof. ,John M. f)f'lfilllll, lute

1mrm1i11' ~~r t ~r. _Ms~ _ f;~~=~IIY: __ _

L!•:ClA 1~ N·d'~'ICJ';~,


nEn.:-.l~•uunl y 1:1, lfJfiR 1

Hildi• or Mluhlunn, 'l'htl l't'nlmiJ• Cutul/ (Ill' the Cuunty (Jr l11~;hnm,

I ''' nHJq C~turl, hc)ld 1111 l I'''''''"' ht•J' II, I !I ~,1,

l'lt!.ir.lll; llOl'i. UOIIEH'J' L. IJfl,\hJ·;, !II t t I II It',

In lhc flfn:t,..,· 11f llw 1·: Lillo uf \V,~\J,~ 1'. If . IL, IJ!\, I)' ,. !I'd,

Nnl.rr• Ill l !'I ~· r;lvl•tl, 'l'hut lhu jH'~ llllldt , ~ ;'\1\in J\. , t•lh•J, l.oNIJIIII' uf ,ljtf f'-.11111', IIIII ,'Jil)-f (r•t lhn HJIIHY,IIIf'f' I( hi, '·II·'' ~~~~·· un'. aud ru,· th·· !1111111-:11~ I

1tr•ul unrl dJtildiHJiion ol lhtl I'PIIidtan of oitltf I' IIIIIC, \\Ill )t~' /)I'll I'([ Ufl o/111111111 Y 1.~. ltlt"tt!, uL tcu rn,·ty .. (l\p u'•·lnl'l\ In hr• ~oll'llllo/1 ut ll•u 1'1olralr• Ol!lcu ILl

'.HIH llnlliHiur· /lnlhliuu, Lnn:lill~c. Mlc·!r· i,wn,

It IM Onlt'l't•rl, 'l'hat nr~llt•o llll'lr•or lw 1/\it!ll by jlllll/ilatiull Uf II C'fiJIY h«"ll'fl/ fill' lhtl'll \\1•1!111~ l'rrll:,tH'IIIi\'l'ly jiiC\ILII.I

lu 1urid r/ny td IIIUI'hl'!, /11 lhc I1WI111tll

f'nunty Nt·~~~~. n11rl thor lht• 111 llllrllll'l' l'llllol' II I'UJI,Y of lh/11 111111111 [II Ill' hi'IVI!d 11111111 l'lll'h !dlfiWII [IIIIL.Y Ill lldfi('/l[ Ill h/H /o~•t[ kllflWII Utlcli•<•t~•l l!y I'I'J .. :'IHII'It•d nm/1, lCt 111'11 l'l'l't•IJtl lll'llllllllft•c/, Ill /l•o~KL

111111cr 11 (II 1 rlny11 pl'lnt· I o 111H'h lu·rrr·~ ln~-r, 111 hy [lllllilllllil lit•rvlt•u ttt lr!HHt hvr• 1·•1 dnyl'! Jll'iua· to tHit•h ht•nrlrtJ~.

-\ 'l'1'11r ('np,Y: ~111drt••l 1 .. Flm\111'

HOiH-;itl' L. llltAI·:" . .Jtuhw ur 1111/illllt•

JlcjJtllY lle: .. dtiiCI' U( 1'1 ollllll'

THEY RING THE BELL--Winners of the Nuticnal 4-ll Salely Program competition wield a giant hnmmcr unci Jill!( t,cll at tlw 825,0110 marl;, signif.ving the number of 4-H members par­ticipating in !he pmgrnm. l'n•;;cnting the awnrds in Chil-ar~o for General Motors, sponsor o! the rontc~1, is flnlph W. Moon•, ll'fl. Youn)l lndic·~ arc, 11'11111 left, Sharon Mitchell, 16, of Dixmont, Maine; Mnril;'n l·~lli:.on, Jli, of El J!Pno, Okla.; Sylvia McCarty, Ill, of Myers, Ky.; Carolyn I<ny 1\luore, JU, of l•'nirvww, Knn., and Christine l'n:;lc•y, 17, of llilbboro, Ore. Boys nrr, from left. nonalcl Powell, JG, of Clurl:, J.Iu.; Leonard Wci·tz, 17, of McCiuyc, Culo., und Don Willis, 17, of J\T~nclenhull, Mi:!:.

·' 'I'\ ..

\~hilc sl1cpherds watc~t~d Ly night, th~ '':'ondrous tidings of the Cltrist

Child's birtl1 lir~t' rang forth, and with awe uud rejoicing, th~y sought the

plitce'whcre He lay. And 'at every Chl'istmustidc, the sacred story lives a~'cw ... ·loriously, radi~utly liglating thf? world'with hope a'ud faith1 peace and good will.

Wc wish for y~u and your~ at,Christmu a season abundantly filled with·

the abiding joy and spiritu~l il~spirati~n, tba.t He brought. to earth.

. \

Page 9: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Everys Return Fay Resigns as Supervisor, Fro1n Germany On Counly Board 31 Years The Ingham Cou·nty News 1.1. l~ngrme Every nnrl family

· 111'1' lllllllC from C:r.t·mal1,1' Jot' froorl, '/'ilro MiiHIIn IJI!ll/l!llillll WIIH HPJIIII'IIliJII from /he lll'lnY Del'l'lll· li<•r !i. I Jp's 11 so11 ul Ml', anrl Ml'ti, L.tWI'I!IICil J::very.

'l'llro J•!H•ryH wm·r. In Gr••·rnan,l' !J ,VC'III'H WJJ/IP hP \llfiH lllllldll'rl lo the Thir•rllll'nHH'r•d division. They nlrHio llw trip from Frrrlli>fnrt lo Nrow Yol'i1 by plurw anti from New Yorl1 to J\lnHOII hy aulumo· btlr., m·•·ivlng ilo111c fiunrlay.

flpfore lii/\lng- IJIC! OVC'I','it!IIH liS·

sl~!ntrwnt, Ll. f•!vf'l'y was at Ft. l\11o.\ a YPHI'. lie wr1s g-mrlrratrorl fmm Michigan Stale university In Jfl:H.

Tlw Hlay In Gr,rm11n;· men11t a 1'11111111 triJr for tile Eve•·ys' son, David, :l. lle was horn in tile U11itr•rl Stnlr!s, Gina, one yeur, was horn In GPI'rnaJty.

The /~verys aro sta)'lng wll/1 hili Jlill'!!llis at tllU pl't!M!nl.

Highway Group Chooses Evans 1\l<!Piing at Grnnrl 1\aplds 'l'lll'S·

dny, tiH• i\ssnl'ialiun nf Sollt/Jel'll J\11<-/Jig-au !toad Comrnlssioners Pll'<'lr!rl Fran/1 K Evnns, pres!· rh•r1t. I Jc Is Ingham l'llllllly high· WHY t>nnhu•Pr and has long- IJecn

•' ar:liVC! in !Iii! <L'iSOeialion. CnrnmlssioiWl'S from :l~ r:oun·

t lcs adii]Jicrl rPsolut ions opjmsin~ any t:rpping of highway funds for stale pollee, lor t•cloeating poll'!!!' lines or for nJII'J'ating sub­sidles for hus companies.

'l'ucsriiiY wns the l11nl. time Del· hi Will il!! l'C!Pl'CHCfl(CrJ 011 tl\0 IJOrll'fi of sllJI('I'\'isurs IJY .Jnhn 13, l•'ny. lie tenrlnrcrl ills I'C!HI[~nulicm to tlw Delhi town hmrrd Montlny nigh!. 'l'lle l'l!slgnnlinn will hr!· I'Oinl! pJ'feP!Ive ,Jununry I.

Fnr :II ycarH l•'ny has hr.en su· Jll!l'VboJ', hearllng I hr. emJnly'f HC!'llllf] 111CJHI jlOjlliiOIIH township iiiHI filling lnrpnrtant (UJlils on tiHJ r!ollnl y hrlill'rl. l!e has s.r.rverl on jll'ac·tkally every c·omlmltcc nne! lws ]JI•cn ehalrman of the way1; anrl nH~ans, hrall h, ronrls nnrl lrrlrlr.:es 1\JIII ollwr of tile rnnst lm pnl'lilnt commltlees, lie has also st•t•ve!/ liS dwil'fnan nf IIJc lmard. [/1 adrlitlnn In ills rlullr.s as au pc•rvhiiJI', /w 1:; n memiHW of tilt' hoard of control of Ingham Chest llospltnl. lie plans to c·ontimw 111~ servir'e on t hal !Jmml.

l•'irlit cle<'terl to the town hoard ;w treusttrer in 1!112, Supcrvisrn Fay has served almost l'nnlinu· uusly In some eapacity ever since. I II' was !iJ'HI elected sttpet·visol' In l!ll7 <IIIII SCI'I'!!d lliltl] i!l:l:l, !IC' Willi rc-!']cdt>rl In t!J:ll anrl ltllb scrvrnl l'onllnuou:;ly ,;Inc!!, Ill· t Jwug/1 the town IHlHrd now has 11 Dcntoeralir: ma.lot•lty, /here hHVI' IJC!en limes when SupPI'Visor 1•'11~' w11s the only Demncl'ill on it.

'l'lw town hrmrd will fill till• \'a I'll Jli'Y l'lUISl'll hy FII)''S

r<•sl:.rnntlnn. An l!xc•r·uliYil SClH· slnn hns h1•c•n rulh•d I'm' Alun· day niA·Ilt In l'nlll;idel' lhll UJI· (JOilflfll!'llt, 'J'he IIJI(Ifiiiii.IJH'flt will run until thcl spring clec· tinn ul' lfl,'if). Supervisor Fay gave health as

his reason for resigning the of·

• , , dean of supervhors •• ,

llr•e lw lws filled so r·npahly 11nl/ fol' sucil a lonr.: period,

"! <'nn~iric•r lllill my rl!sig-n<~· I ion now will be be~;t for my sw·· t'PSSOJ'/ 1 ~li})CJ'ViSOI' l•'ny SHirl. "]]!• Cill1 liJl'n make iJis llWil iiSSf'SS nwnts for JWXI yt>ar's taxes."

There is rw <Town prin<·e 111 Delhi, Sttp<!rvisnr F11y del'iitl'<'d. · lie salrl he llw; no notion who IIH' town board will clioose m; iliH successor,

County Will Pay 1

To Audit Books Jo'or :J() ,YC!IIrS !Ill! slllill IIIICIIIDI'

J{Prwml IHr~ nurlitccl lngitnm rec:· nnl!-i, Now tile county will have In rio I IH own.

At n rccCJII meeting supervi· iOI'h \V<'J'(' lllloi'Jfll'cl /Jy the ~tate nur/lt<JJ' gPncntl tiHtl hi~ slalf Is 11na/Jin to ilaJJCJlc tile lngham :tllllit IJC!i'lllls!' of a Wi!Yite L!llUIIIY .rudit. i\1 'l'IIPHrlay's lllC!C!IIng- SU· •tcrl'/ror:; rh•l'irl!!rl to hn ve the records auclilt•d anyhow, paying tile c•ost nut of county funds.

No Pslimalerl c·o~l Willi f(iven.' /•'ranklir1 Grl'gg, .Jr., J~asl Lan· sing, was <'llgilf(c'cl ali auditor, lie Ita~ ngrc!r:d lo rio Ill!' work at SH, $7 and $1i Jll'l' hour in different l'alf'g<JI'ic'ii. Supr•n•isor ,John ll. l•'ay, DPIIJi, snid lie prc·~um!'rl IIH• l'fl:;t will I'll II IH'l WC!en :Ji!i,OIJO 1111!1 ~ti,"IJO. 'l'lrP awlit •\'ill l'oVet· all r•ounty husiness lransactlom; clur· lng I!J:iG,

Indian Teacher Gives Messages !lev. J>. 'I'. Gal'l;wHrlof Yr.ot rna/,

Jrtrlla, will he the guest speaker 1 ]Ill' 2 licrvi<:Pli al Dansville Free

Health Educator

Thursdav, December, 12, 1957


J9 + 51 ~~~~~~11-t

Fred H~~ Northrup Is Named Gulbransen Orgcwn ,Dealer

.a.. .M I Jo'recl Ilrmry Northrup, Mnsnn -.....,.... ~ musid;tn, lms lwcn nwarrlcd a :J.

Water for Webberville l'flLIIIIY fr:uw/Jise for !lie Gulhmn· scu transistor organ, lie /ins the salc!H fl'illll'lilHe for lnglunn, Jnl'i<·

Approvrrl was givqn a $1H J,llllfl son and Cai/IIJIIn ecn1nties. llo has bond Issue! at \Vc!ililr.rvllle Mon·l rli:;pluy moms In Lansing unr/

. . .Jaci<sou ami PXpeets tu open a clay, fot· frJHlllf'int.: il 11lllllldpnl sa/esmom in llallle Creek short· Witl!!f' systc>m. HcsidPIIIs now dt'·l]y, lie nnnouncetl: pr.nrl upon prlvarl! \VL'/b lor wa· 'l'h<' ~l;tson man, wllo has hl)CI1 lct• Hllfl]JI,Y. a pmfessinnal lllllsi<·inn anrl sales­

Former Resident Dies lllllll fnr org-ans nnrl planDH In Mllwmri<r•e, Chlea1:o nnrl Lansing, lli <•ntlluslnstic nver !ltL~ new

Mr.~. I lnWHI'II Snrl/Py, •l:l, rli!!li tr.IJH;istor org-an manrrfnr·trlrcrl al /let· /lorn<~ In l'ortlaJHI n11 by GniiJransL'Il at Mclmse P;u•l<, '1'/Jan!;sgiving Day. SI'I'Vir·ps W<'l''! Illinois. lie ri<~s<•rihcrl It ns the I'Ciillllll'icd Sunday, NoV<'IIIh<'t' :!ll, llti<'sl Iwnw org-an yet rlev<!lopetl, nt l•'ullr!l' ftlnr>ra/ illJnll!, l'ortland, willi a IJulit·ln SJH•aket', pen:us· wltiJ hurlal In Ionia,' Surviving sicm nf r/istinc·t Plnrlly and with are IIH! lruslmnrl, a s1111, r:ury, :rnrl true lone ehlmes. The lmnslslot· lite pan•nls, Mr. ami JV1rs. Vc>rn rlevclovmenl Is eJIIircly new, Piper of Ionia, /•'or sc>vcr·ai years I Northrup ;-xplainl•rl, anrl with It I IJc Smll<!ys II veri in IVJasntl ami new muswal perfection rs at-1\.h·. SmiiPy wns nssistunl man- lrilncd. · al{cr of lhe A & (J slon•. JlPer.nt ly tIll' 1\.Jason muskian

Dansville Mill Operator Succumbs to Heart Attack

••• enfhusiasfic salesman •••

receiwrl a r·Prllfieate aware/In~ him n charter I!Willhersliip iu til<• llmcricnn llmrlcmy of Organists.

Norl/u·up and his wife! nnrl ·I children resici<' 011 tile Norllu·up farm, 1100 Dansville road.

Driver Is Hurt On City Turnoff

Lansing and Suburban Area . Consider ·sewage Disposal

J\lPtlwdist clnrrclt this enrl. Samuel H. Williams, ~fl. Dans- M1·s. Tlwlma Merindorf of J~rlen, Tile ~;t•I'Vices are sdJCrlulcrl Io~ ville ~awmill o]ll'l'alor, rlil'd sur/- I Mrs. Phyllis .Jacobs of Ma~on anr! 7::m S;~tunlny night and tile rcgu. dcnly Monday afternoon enroule Mrs. Irene Illcrinrlurf of Dans-w'll J ' s ff lo vlsil his wife's brother, Clyde ville; a son, Snmuel of'East Lan- Floyd L. ~Tiller, 70, is banged I om ta ,. ~~~;'Vi~~u~:~'arl. muming worship Hay/we, al While Oak. Mrs. Wil· sing; sislers, Mrs. Tillie Taylor up with an in,iured knee. lie SUS·

Iiams was driving when lwr hus- ;rnd Mrs. llnna Stetler, both of lained I!Je injury Sunday after· Ingham's lwalth r!Pparlmenll , Hev. Gae.Invarl: professo_r al b~mrl wns striclwn with a hc:1rt Dansville; and 11 granrlc/Jildren. noon in an accilir.nt at the Cedar

will haw a heailb edll<'<tlor added :cotm:rl l!m~lll Blhli<·a~ semmary a11ac11. He slumped over and died Vogl funeral home will have street turnoff from US-127 IJy. lo the lilaiT. lll India, lli Ill the Untlcrl S_La.tcs within a few minutes. dJar·ge of the services Tlnrrsrlny pass.

Jn Lansing 'l'ltursday afternoon a step may be lalwn to provide fm• sewage rlispm;a! In one mam· niuth plant fur the entire ~ubur­bnn m·ca. 'I'll!' planl is rlcsignccl tn serve Lansing, East Lansing, J\li<'lligan Slate university, and

in [ll'ocess of finding solutions for their sewage disposal problems. Both have hat! plans drawn and have madr. attempts to laundt

.. · , I tn/;ing- further graduate lrauung Mr. Williams was born April at 2 p. m. at Dansville Methodist Miller was driving south, turn· !he atldliJOI} won 1 cost tile tax· <It Asbury Tilcolog-ical seminary, 10, 18!J8, In While Oal< township, cilurvh. Burial will be in Fairview lng off lire hypass· nt Cedar. lie payers anyllung the llt·st year, Wilmore, i\enlucl;y,

anrl only 11 artral pay for tile sec· son of Samu~l and Sarah Wil- cemetery, Dansville. wailed for one l'ar lo I'!Par the cmd and third years. After tilal lifter ~:rmlualing lrom tile Yc· li<tm~. On May 15, 1020, he mar- BcareJs will be Everett Polloi\, intet•scclion ancl tlwn drove into

disposal systems. The stale health department

favors one big plant Instead of 4 or 5 small ones. llccn nling to Fred L. Kircher, Lansing council· man and county supervisor, Lan· sing has worlred oul plans for an an!a unit. Conslruclion will de· pend upon each governmental unit paying its fair share of the

the job will be fully paid by the 1 olmal ~cminary he served ns pas- ried Ruth Hayi1oe. F'or 13 years Ernie Winchell, Archie Cochrane, the path of a caJ• rlriven by l~lilcl· county. j tor of tile school church before they resided on the Williams Wayne FoJer, Ben Burell ami bert Squires, 408 W. Columbia,

1 lH•mming a proiessn1·. ·On com· fat·m. They mover! to Whcalflelcl, Marion Pollok Honomry hearers Muson. . Illcridian, Lan~ing and Delhi

towns/lips, Tltc lnglwm. County '/'13 anril p!etion of his studies in this whcm Liley lived fot· :l ycar·s. For arc Jim Straughlon, Kenneth AI first rloC'tot·s f<•;Jrr>cl that

Health SIJC:icly will pa~· I he ~(i,OilO; <uuntry he will retLJI'll lo India the pa~l 21 YC<I~S they made their Squires, William Barber, Vpr·n Miller hart hmken his leg Inti X· L;ursing- and Easl Lansing now

have sewag-1! disposal plants, both caller! inndcqrrnte by IIJC state. Delhi and Meridian townships arc

salary for I lie Jirst Yl'ar, from I tu n!sume his leaching riLl lies. homc.m Dansville. He opemtcrl a Gl'lly, Elmet' Fortman and I rays revealed no break, only paiu-.. . .. , ... • . • .. . . I AI the close oi lhe Saturday sa\Vmtll there. l~cforc tlwl he Charles Shaw. ful culs and bruises.

Chrlstm,ls se.Jis .JCvenur., s,ur.J Dl, lnig/Jt message he will answer opera led a threslung rig.

Car Hits Woman C1·ossing Road

cost, Kircher said.

llrtilln' W. NewJtt, county hcaltlt 1 qncstions concerning missionary Survivors include daughters, tlircclo!'· He said he sugge:;ted I worl< in his native land. Mn;. Eileen llbhott uf Weidman, that. the society pmvide an cdu· cntor when he was asked how it could best s<•rve l1is depart men[.

Kircher said the Thursday meeting was clecicled upon at a meeting nf the Lansing city coun· ell Monday night. The arrangcmenl wn~ iiJllll'uVc)d

l'l'inr to amwunccmt!lll to hy !he health cmnmillt•c of <he i . I

Unive-rsity Offers Courses At Dansville and Mason

While reluming from a rural SUJicr\'isol"s of 'l'hursdlly's IJOanl of ~upct·visors. · mailbox Saturday morning, Mrs. meeting, the enunty hmml Again Micl1igan Stale univer- First of the cour~es will he· Ellen Pierce, G7,.-of 2153 M~rirl· tlonslclm·t~cl "eferral of tht~ , Supervis~ll's Jc~s~Jl!1. Lavey and !;lty will offer _<;rerlit courses flt'. ~~!{lire week. of .fanu,\ll'Y G, with ian road was slruel' by a car. Jll'Oblem t;o the trl· I• red L. I{u·clwr ca81 the only 2 Ill as n . I I D ·ville Will tl enrollh1Cnls accepted iii bolh the

· cotmty planning eornntls.o;im:.. votes against the arldl1ion uf the '' 0 "

11 11 ~18 . · 1 e 1c first and second course sessions. Warren, Durand, was At Tuesday's session of the I health educator. Tlw arrange· I coLil"~es arc prrmanly for leach- Classes will meet one night a

rh·iving 1101'1/l on Meridian road. cotlnty boar<l a lettet· from W. F. ment will end with the county j Cl's, they arc o[Jcn Ior any adull 1 1 · ll · t lie told sherifJ's officers he saw . wee' < unng 1e wrn er term. Shephard of the state health de· navll1g one more Pl!t'son JlCI'· who cares to t!l11'0ll. Courses of· Details about lhc courses and the wuman and sounded ills hom.

lie said Mrs. Pict'cc turned and partment w~s read. Sheph_ar!l manenlly on lite payroll, llwy liC·t fl•r both graduate and unclergratl- the instructors assigned may be urged supervtsors to tal'e actiOn, clare!!. I . , . obtained by writin~-: or telcplwn·

ran against the side of his pir::lmp pointing lo provisions under u,Jte crccltt. lng lhc office of L. llnrlrew lruc:lc She was strucl< on the !cit side of hr.r head. She was taken which the county road commis- B d f I . d 1 "Problems in cducal ion-admin· Dnyle, director of the off-campus

s . . . 1 . 11 1 • L· sin sion as agent is empowered to U ge .ncrease I islmtlon" is the course wltich progmm. IIis office is at Kellogg

1C conr I lllll () J\ rs. lerce f r . . I I . 10,1:1JJ.IIIOW1•1

1.0sp af 1~11 <inp .. g. operate sewage disposal plants will he presented in Dansville. I Center. Local school superinten-

was re]Jorled as good Monday or. melropo 1tan areas. Supervisors stret('hcd nut <1 de· "Materials and methods of r cnts a so are Informed about afternoon. I SL.l!JCl'VJsor James McClure of partmental budgets for ti1C year autlio-viswtl instruction I" is lhe the eourses.

Mencllan .called the. smvage. proh· of 1937 'l'llcs!lay. They arlrlcrl l!OL\I'sc offered at Mason. -------------I em In hrs· township pressmg. $7,000 for tlepnrlmcnts of the ---------· ·---First Beet Pay

Runs $8.50 Ton Deputy Assigned To Stockbridge Growers of sugar beets in In;::·

ham county will receive $8.50 per ton as their first payment on ~ugar heels.

Two years of work have gone I sheriff, $fi,OOO fnl' circuit court. into a studr of sewage disposal $6,000 for the clerk's office an !I for the entire northwest section $1,000 for the frienrl of the c·ourt. nf the county, Kircher pointed I 'That action increased lmrlget to· out. He asl1cd that action on the tals to $187,000 for slwriff, $LOS,· county program be held up until/ 000 for c:ircuit court, $72.000 fur after the outcome of the meeting county clerk and $~8,000 for I In Lansing Thursday. It was. friend of the cout•L. Jack Bergen began l1is duties

, Offil!ials of Michigan Sugar <·ompany, Saginaw, and Monitor Sflgnl' division. Bay City, an· nouJJccd Wednesday the first payment to sugar b~ct growers for the 1957 crop of sugar beets.

Under the participating con· tnrct in which growers and proc· essol's share in the net rctt1rn for su~m· and by-proclucts·, pulp and mnla~scs, over the sales periucl from Octo her 1, 1957, to Seplcmbct· 30, 1958, the inlllal gross payment bnsed on esti­mated crop revenues for the next 9 months amormtcri to $9.00 per ton nf sugnr beets in the Alma, Bay City, Cam, Carrollton, Cros· well, Sebewaing territories and $8.50 per ton ln the Lansing ter· ritory.

This amounts to $7,5!l7,300, In· dueling advances made by the companies to growers for produc-tion costs. ·

In addition. a secondnry pay. mcnt will be made In April, with a final clean-up payment in Sep­tember, 1958.

Supervisors 'Will Inspect Proffered Office Building Supervisors will have a look at nnd offices, and the branch of­

the Michigan Miller Mutual ln· flee of thr. county clerk. Alremly SUI'ance Co. building in Lansing forced out of the olrl city hall is fi'1•iday forenoon. The building the branch office of: the sl!cr•iff. l1as been proffered to the cnun- In rented offices in Lansing arc ly f01: qu~rlcrs of county offices lhe offices of tlte prosecutor and and Circuit courts. the branch office of the jL!(]rrc of

Michigan Millers has completed probate. · ,.. an ne\~. bullc~ing e~st o.f Supervisor 1\-!ax E. Murning­, nd . ts ab,~ndomng Jls of~ICC I han of Lansing is chait·m;1n of ~ul.lcltng. Whl~h Is on Capl.tol the supct·viwrs s1ecring commit· <~venue a block norlh of the c1ty lee charged with providing of. hall. · fie~ space. He made the annotmec-

Thcrfl has het•n no ]lf'lce ment of Friday's inspection trip tug· Jlluced on the building· !ls and invited nil members of the Y<lt. 'l'he bulldbtg· hus 5 county hoard and heads of coun-floors. Not ull of it would be. ty departments to join In the in· requh•t.>tl fm• (!Otmty nm~ds. spection. He said . his !'ommittce If and when Lansing's old cit.v has been Informed that the build­

nail is razed, quarters must be ing does not in all respects com­found for the county health de· ply with Lansing's building code. partment main office, circuit Further information on that court chambers, hearing rooms score is being sought, he slated.

----------------------~--~~= Some members of I,un· sing·'s city I!OUncil at•e in­sisting thut the county built! lUI am..-~x to I"lmslng's new city· hall, the IUIIWX (n COil·

tain all county offices now In Llmsing-.

Methodists at Vantown Make· Plans to Rebuild

A special committee composed of Kenneth VanPatten, Harold Mom·oe, Gerald Douglas and Ric]1· ard Dunsmore is visiting other churches in the area !or Ideas on church plans,

Under a special legislntive en· actment of half ·a century :1go, Lansing obligated Itself to pro· vide suitable quarters for cil'~llit .iudges and circuit court trials in Lansing.

as rlcputy sheriff at Stoci\IJI•lc!gr Monday. He suceeccletl Joe South· well, who resigned to tal;e a job as a Mason police officer.

Bc1·gen is hired jointly Slrrd,hridgc township and siJerirr.

by lhc

The new S!ockbri.Jge officer h:rs been a Greyhound bus driver /\1. one 1ime he was with the ~tate police, He and his wife ( 1hey were married in June) re sicle in Lansing. They arc seeking a Siockbriclge residence,

Hemhcl Jewett

About the Question:

Question: When hunting se·ason comes around, I shudder. I look out into the field and see <~II of those high priced cattle. I worry that a stray bullet might kill one .of my choice cows, Is there. any insurance that I can buy to protect my­self?


OMEGA percussion and reverberat1o11 controls

TOPS them all in

• Perfect lone "uallly • Breathtaking volume of

tremendous beauty

Solving Present Problems It's our business to know who! men

'· like. So why not mokc it your busi­'1css lo shop here for gifls?

Wo "~ Gift-Wrap


Section B

Four Are Named For Driver Unit l•'rnn· were nrunlnniNI 'l'ue.~rlny

In membership on llw c·outliY clriver·t raining hnarcl. Nomina· lions werr. marl<! h.Y the crhwnllofl commri!Pe of I he hoarrl of litlprr­visorH. Tl1ey 111'1! .Judge Eurl 1•:. 1\.lr·Donald of Lansing rnunid11111 l'ourt, .Justic•e nf the Pl"llr:r. Roy \V. /\drum; of Mason, Mrs. Stella i\L'hlenhet•g nf 1\lerldlan lnwnsllip and Srlpervi:mr Mm·y Blndl o£ Lansing.

Supr~rvlsoJ• .fatnes McClure o[ Jllerldlan, !'lrairrnan of ilte erllt<!fl· lion comrnltlel', explnitterl llllll tlw law pJ·nvlrJes fo1· 11 munldpal Judge and a Justir-r! of tile pJ!a<'r~ to he appoinl<•r/. lie also said that. Dwight Hlch, SII[Jerlntt•nd<•nl or Lansing lil'hnols, is rl(•si~:Jmlcrl UIHI!'I' lhG law aH l'linlrman of lho hoard. 1\11'/i. llr:htcnbel';:( and Mrs. Blal'l\ arP hot h lntl'rrstcd ill high· way ~afely [lrogmms, McCltu·a sale/.

Tlte lmanl will lwve l'/Jar•g-e of l'ett•aining drivers·u~d to it. as truffil! law violator~. Umlr.t• the new law those who 111'1! clllit·

lor.:uer/ illi unsafe rlr·ivP.I'S must cnmll in the !lrivr.•· training Jll'u· gn1m hefure having llwlr• lic·ense~ I'<'Siol'erl. '!'he law will become e[. fpclive in Febrtlilry.

Avoid the Last Minute Rush-Be Sure Your Christmas Cards nnd Girts Arrive on Time.




ROBES $8.95






According to Rev. Harold Man· dol, pastor, volunteers have al· ready offet·ed money, material

The Lansilig council has nHmcd a committee to consult with Lan· slng legislators looldng to1wa·d repeal ot the special act.

Answer: There sure is - one of the standard provisions of all WOLVERINE Farm Liability plllicies automatically ·insures your cattle, horses,· hogs and sheep that are killed by hunt­ers or that are struck l:iy an auto on the road, subject to pol icy provisions •..

• Unprecedented musical resources and percussive effects !:

· DONEGAL l ~ SPORT SHIRTS $5.00 , and labor toward rebuilding the Th. ieves Take Gasoll'ne church, Members of the com· munlty have started their logging Ron Weayer, operating nt the operations on timber which will gravel pit on Toles road in Aure­provlde some of the 'lumber. lius township, reported. 'the loss

A Van town community meeting of 250 · ga(Jons of gasoline last is scheduled !or the WSCS hall weelt ·and over the week end, It Sunday, January 5, to review the was taken from truclts and true­progress already. made and go tors arid other equipment. Sher· ove~ the.bu!lding plans. 'rhe, meet· lfl's:·offieers ·said' they )mve tire in,g will stnrt .. n~ R ll· m, .. · ,•trn<'lts fiR clues, . , · ., . : ., , .

Consult J e w e t t Insurance Age~cy about your auto insur­ance,_ 55 I W. Maple street, ~as~n, phone OR 7-0511 •. :

• Inherent stability • Service-free performance

Do drop in to hear or play t!Ji& remarkable illstrumcllt

.or write for folrlcr.

House of ·organs IIOG M·36 (3 miles ust.of Muon)

FRED H. NORTHRUP Phono Moaon OR 7-0593

Froo Deliveries


I~ ~;~;:SoR $22.95

!, HiiCKOK !:..JEWELRY, $1.00 l·

Page 10: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

'Stockbridge North White Oak School Schedules Concert

l\Tl'~. I•'lfii'IHJ(ill Ii'llllfi\VS

Mt·s, nc~s Wairl returnee! fmm IIH! hn.spltpl 'l'tworlay, Slw is at. liH! home of ltm· son, Howard, Uy Uulun llf'lllllllll

'l'lw nnnuul Cltrlslrnm; e~onccrt of. Sl oei<lll'icigl' ,, o 111 111 u n I I. y ;whoois will he prnHenlerl by tiw mu~il! rlepnt•lmrml on 'l'iHirsrlny, Dr.c:embcr 1!1, af H p. m. in flw ltcW high school gym11a~ium.

Legion Post Plans Contest

Mr. and Mrs. Ivun MDill'ne of Wultbcrvlllo were Sunday rlinnel' guests of Mt•, and · Mra. 13asli Stowe, 'I'IHJ nccnsinn honored tlw hlrtluluy nnnivcrsnrlcs of. Mr, and

Poppy Poster eommlttce, com· Mrs. Basil Stowe and Mrs·, Allee posed nf William Caslwy, chnlr· Monme. ·

The enncerl. will consist or HiH'l'PrJ and HPCU)Ill' ChrJstmnS lllll·

·Hie unci will inelurlc llw Girls Glee eluh, scnlot· band, .lunior Glee dub nnrl boys clwnts, 'l'lte r·om· hinl!d concert will lw under the ciil'r!r!tlon of Miss Nc!lllc Stephens, voml, and Keith Saxton, Jnslru­mPnlnl.

A frcr1·Will nl'fcl'ing will be · tuiccn.

Jack Bergin Is Marshal ,J ru!l\ Bergin I IllS been chosen l1y

.1111! ('OlllWII liS village 111Eil'SIWI, a~· cot•ding fo Village Pre.~ide1n1 \Ven­dl'll Burhelt', Jlrll'gin succeeds ,Jne

· .'iout.l1weli, who hns tnlwn a poHi· tion with the Mason police de· Jmrtnwnt.

Bergin, nf Jll'r!."ll1f a resiclent of Lansing bul a 1wtive nf Sault

· St, Murie, is '27, mnrr!l'rl, and hns ·liar! lr<lining with the :;!;lie polic•e :;chool.

Stodlhl·idA"Il Uuptist, James 1~. . Lombard, puslor, 10::10, worship '.~er·vicr.; 11 ::JO, d1111'eh sr·hon!, Gnr·

<inn J(eepm·, supcrinlenr!Pnt; 7:15, · .Tuniot• BYJ.' with Mrs. Mm·J~· · HodnveJJ; Seniot· BYF, Maxine : Hmliclns, spealwr; Adult Union, · .lohn Prentice, Jcuclcr, suh,lect, . Why Was The Crc~~ Necessa1•y'!;

R, Senior· BYF' will conduct the · service; 'l'hursdny, :3:·1~. junior : <'I wit· pracl ice; 7:30, 111 id-wcck

service; 8:30, clwir pracliee; , Friday, 12, WCTU meeting, Allble

Hoepcl<e, hostess, pot luek June it, · !iOe gift exchange; 7, Happy ; Hustler elass party in tile ehur~ll

pm·iors, 25e gift excllnnge; Sat­urday, 2, praclil!e [or the Christ­mas prngr·am; M1111rlay, De('CJ1l· het· Hi, H, lwnnl o [ trustees and r:hureh school nominating com­mittee meetings in the church parlors; Monday, Decembl•t• 2:J, Christmas program.

man, Hobert l•'rini\le nnd Hnrolrl Mr. and Mt·s. Dicit Dunsmore Ludtke, was uuthol'i2cr.i to i"Jl'O· unci nnrbarn visited Mr. and Mrs. rcerl will1 the contest and sci. tip Het·ton Johnson Sunriny. Ml'S. npproprial.e prizes. The contest Dunsmore's fnthct• returned home will he diviclecl into 3 age group~. with them for a visit.

'f'he ehllcl welfare commitlr.e, Mrs. Cr.cii Bohm of Fowlerville, Cal Atl>inson, clwlrman, assisted Mr~. Lettie Fellows and Mrs. Lila by Raymond Mm·r. and Edgar Clements or Webberville and Marshall, was nullwrlzed to gel. Mrs, Ahh!e Fortman of Dan::;ville ChriEtmas lwsi<ets for the fnm- attencied the Christmas Button Iiles of decmtscd post. members. Society party at Lalm Lansing

A commiltcc composed of Har- Werincscluy. Mrs. Fortman fell on old Ludtlw, Paul Stephens and the sidewalk and injured her· Gilbert Neill was uppointcd to lwari mHI face. Six stitches were tai<e appropriate action to ser. required to close the wound on that the post home had some her forehead. She stayed nl llw form nf Christmas decorations. i10mc of Iter son, Charles, in Lnn-

'l'wenly-one memlters and one sing Wednesday night .. guest·, Dwight Kunzelman, were In allenriancc at the meeting Mon-day. Wheatfield Center

'J'Itc membership ehairman rc· 1111.11, lle!rton ,Johnson )wried thai dues were coming in al a salisfa!'lnry rate nnd that ;i:J veterans hacl pair! their dues 1 n date.

II was votr•d to eliminate the soeiai mef!ling Dec•ember 2.1 Tlw next regular meelln~-: will lie ,Jan­uary 13.

Culture Club Stages · Party Home Cullttre r:luh !tad its an­

nual Cllri.~tmas rwrt~· ntH.\ gift ex­change at tlw P r e :-; ll y t e r· i a n d1Ltrd1 Friday with a turkey din-111'1' served hy Gladys Myers, ]\'lac Ucll Huwlcll, Marie Sharp, L~IUt'a Stenhouse, Helen Mall'lw and Ophelia Culver.

Helen Maiello Jed in the enllect and conduelecl the business meet· ing. The name of l\lrs. Nellie Piclwtl was prc:;ented for mem­bersltip. Mrs. Malclw gave notes on Girls Town, and reported Mrs. Prout expects tn be nt Beth· Jehcm on Christmm; Eve, on her world lout·. It was voted to give $5 to CAHE.

Dum Hall, leader, reael n poem by Edgar Guest. Christmas ear­ols, a Chl'istmas story. A gift ex­change completed the program.

President of Stoci>bridge school board, Wnrd Hutson; and board memhers, June Taylor and For­rest Dixon; attended the Ingham

Fifty-one gatherccl at ihe church parlors last Friday eve­ning for n chicken pic supper and evening of fun. The tables were demmfed with Christmas tree favors and c•enterpieces using the Christmas motif. Neva Curtis nnrl Carol Rector presented a pmg-ram of Christmas Around the World with Ellen Potter of Townt• Gardens showing her dolls of 15 ~ounll·ies. Games nlsn pro­vided cntel'lainment.

1'111'. and Mrs. Dicl> Dunsmore and Bal'hurn were Sunday dinner . ~-:uesls of Mr. and Mrs. Berton ,Johnson and family. Elva Fulton returned home with them after being with the Johnsons for 3 WCC)\S,

There will he no more 4-H sew­ing lessons until after Christmas. Girls ami mot hers wlll have a Cln·is·tmas party Friday evening, De~ember 27, nt 7:30 at Dorothy Leo nards.

Community Farm Bureau will meet Tuesday evening, December 17, at 7 for supper with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baelms. Meat, pota­toes, rolls and squash will be fur· nishcd. Those attending arc to talw their own tubie service, n dish to pass ancl a 29c gift for ex­change, marl\ed man or woman.

Wheatfield church Christmas program is Sunday evening, De­cember 22, at 7:30,

county board of educa1ion meet- II ing in Mason with Supt. Jesse Hoytvi e News Batcheio:· ·recently.

Mrs. Rose Barbour and Ellen By Nml!'y Purcell

Stol'i<hrillge i\ldhodist, David W. Hills, minister. Mnming 11'01'·

ship, JO:ao; el1urch sr:hooi, 11 :411; choir rciJCnrsai, Tlntrsciay, g; MYP annual Christmas play, Sat-1tt·clny and Sunday evenings, De­cember 14 and 15. l~ricndly Bible class will have its monthly social evening at the church Monday, Dece~pber 16, G:30 p. m.; WSCS meeting at t.he church, Wednes­day evening, December 18, 7:30, with devotions in charge of Myrtle Price; Ilazl!l Ostr:·mder, program leader; and Marie Mills, chairman of the hostesses, Luella Dttrkee, Mavis Simonds, Louise Spl'ingman and Myrtle Pt·icc.

and Mrs. Raymond Goodenough Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell and and Susan Marie of Webberville Hnroid were Sunday luncheon and Miss Catherine Brady of Lnn· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forest sing spent Wednesday at the Lewis and family or Charlotfe. homE: of Mrs. Eliznbeth Brndy. Mrs. Helen Enness and Mrs.

Betty Fletcher and Sally HuP.s- Alice Sullivan of Eagle, Mrs. ton spent the week end with rein· Helen Eastman and David, and

Stocl<hridA"~' l'rcsb~·tcl'i:m, Rev., lives at Chelsea. Mrs. Maxine Junstick of Grand Alexnnder S ten h o use, pnstor, lllr. nud !Ill·~. Ehnc1· J,eh- Ledge, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brown Morning worship, Hi:30, sermm1 man Ill'~> Jl:lrents ?I' a son anrl clnughters, Mr. and Mrs. Gay-hasecl on Holman Hunt's painting born at iUcr<·y hospital, ,Juclt· I lord Morgan and Carol and Mrs. The Light of the World; High :;on, Dcl'emhel' 7. . Lonnie Ealmen and children of School Girls Glef! cluh of GO Mr. and Mrs. Emll Somme;s !Lansing were Saturday evening voice£ will furnish special mttsi- il.av~ left lo spencl the wmter 1n,· guests at 1he Purcell home. cal numhet•s, coffee hour after- Jo londa. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Way .anr.l ward; 6:30 p. 111., Westminster Paul Wntson of Detro1t spent Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beared of Fellowship; Wednesday evening, tile wcel1 end with his parents. Chm·lotte atlencled a dinner at choil• practice; 8 o'clock meeting .lohn Barton, son of Mr·. and MSU Monday evening. of I he 'Nomen's Association. Mrs. James Barton of Tecumseh, Mr. and l'rirs .. John Purcell .and

Club Iras l'lll'ly The Della Alphas had their an­

nual Christmas party at Presby­ferinn chureh Monday evening with 20 allemling !he potlttcl~ dinner with Helen Malcho and El he! Glenn Hs lwstesses. A husi­JJe>:s nwet ing. '''LIS conducted by Daisy Diincet~· wlt h a devotional progrum presentee! by At•die Col­lins. A Christmas. box was plan­ned for a needy family, ancl !he group exchanger! gifts.

On 'fhnrsday the I.u!'ll.V 12 Pmlro club will have a Clu·i,;f. lllll~ JIIH"Iy IIIHI gift. Pxe!Jan;.;-4~ at the J•:utn;l lluus~·.

has enlisted in the marines and Harold were Sunday dinner left Wednesday for San Diego. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy

Mr. unci Mrs. J. L. Stocl;: of Norris and family of Brooldleld. Farmington were recent visitors Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. at the home of l'llrs. Elizabeth Ronnie Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Brady. Leo Norris.

J.ynn A~qnith, 5, son of iUr. Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell and llll·s. Hex Asquith, fell called on Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord ft•om his bicycle lust Sunday Morgan Friday evening. : and brnlw his left leg·. . Mr. and Mrs. Forest '•Catlin left' Mr. unci Mrs. Wniter Fletcher Sunday for Bonita Springs, Flor-

SJ>Cnt Saturdny evening with the 'da, where they will spend the Jesse Fletcher family at Chelsea. winter.


OES Observes Christmas Har.old Corser and family nf Fowlerville spent Sunday ·eve>- ny l\lt•s, Hu1·ton Jluldwin J and helping care for.a new gmnd-ning at the Emest Corser hnmr.. Onondaga OES Christmas daughter.

Mr. ancl Mrs. Lacy \-\'atson and party was Sunday afternoon with . Mrs. Edna. G~over was a gu~st Eddie visited the .Tohn Howarcl~ a potlLJck dinner attended by G3. of. the Naom1 c1rcle ~f the ~aches

' at Chelsea Sunday. Mrs. Phyllis Haven was _in Atd Society at. theJr Clmstmas Lin,woml Lantis and Paul Rich- eharge of the .program. Santa party nt t_he home of Mrs. Dora-

monel attended the Lions-Cieve- CiaLJ;1 was there to distribute the thy Corwm Wednesday. · land football game at Detroit gifts. Mrs. Doris Bowers Jli'C· Sunday. Rlve•·side school will close

Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthui· Mills and sented a gift to the junior past on D.ecembe.l' 20 to,l' the holi· f II matron, rvit·s. Emma Hobbins, dnys lln!l re·OJJeD on ,Jnnuni'Y , am y of Jacl1son spent Sattlrday [I'om her ofiicers for the 2 years

• with Mrs. Luella Riggs and John. she had been matron. 6· : The Christmas party of Dan- The next regular meeting will Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Austin · cers store employes· will be Fri- be Wednesday· evening, December and famll¥ re,t).lrned to ' their •· r.lay a.t tile Eaton House. 18, home in Fort Wayne, Indiana, : Cnslteys ambulance toolt Mrs. Saturday after spending a wee!• • Chnrley Clemon::; to Foote hos- p 111•1,y Is Planned , visiting Mr. and Mrs·. Robert ; Pita! December 6; nncl M1·s. Ho>v- The annual Christmas party for Bush. On Sund.ay Mr. and Mrs. - nrd Collings to Foote hospital Riverside school pupils and t11e Bush drove their mother, Mrs. ' and returned home for X-rays De- community will he at the town Jessie Bush, •to her home in ·Bat­: cember 7. hall Friday, December 20. A pot- tie Creel>. The;y a•lso visited' Mr. Pas~ Patrons and pust matrons luck cUnner will b~ served for and Mrs. Walter Mulvaney. ; and li'eir spouses will have their nJI pnrerits and children, after · Grace Baptist church will have •· Christmas dit~ner and pnr,ty at which there wm be a program its annual Christmas program ' the Masonic temple at 6:30 Sun- and sotigs, and Santa Claus will and tree Sunday evening, Decem­:: day c1.1ening, December 15. Each be present to dis:tribute t~e gifts. bel' g2, at 8 o'cloclt. • ls to t;akc a $1 gift ·for exchange. Onon.daga !{now ledge Seekers :. Stoc)tbrldge Hobby-club had its !lit'S, F•·e•wl) Is llonn•·c,!l ,club had a Christmas par,ty at the • Christmas potlttcl> dinner and William French was host at a home of Mrs. Rose Barton '· gift exchange Wednesday: at the birthday party Saturday evening Wednesday. Mrs. Beatrlc.e Over· : home. of Mrs. Pau,i D1iocer. at the Onondaga town h.U!Il, hon- dorf and Mrs. ~artqn hac;! charge

Mr .. and Mrs. William J,p,dd a11d ,oring his mo'thcr, Mrs · .' EUa of the program. · . , : daugltter of Fowlerville were French, !i)Q. Mr. French serve_d a Two members of ~~~e ,Onondaga

~~ Sunday dinner. guests of Mrs. turlcey s~t,pp~l'• to 33 relatives. The ,school board met with the Eaton .. -~ Luelhi Riggs nnd John. ' , gmndchil'dren'" presented Mrs. Rapids school board Monday eve­

·. ; . Mr .. · and_. ~rs, Har?ld . Lan~s 'French . with a :decorated birth· ning and dlsc.t,~ssed the problems . . ' ,spent' Monctily)hrough, Tb.ttrsday :day cai>c. She slso rec~lv~d ~and possib.W.les of annexation . . '.) at Gr:11nd Rapids: .attending tlte .. otlier ·~lfts. 'l'he . evenh'g :was· ;Aftcr .. a sped!M' mee.ting of the

.. ~·_-M;Ichlgan. Farm Equipment Deal· ,spent In ylsit111g ... ,Q.l.l~s,ts ·1wer.e 1onondaga · Q()ar.d, notices of a

Soutl1 Le•·ov Vantown Church Gro&tp Decides 011 Rebuilding Six1y arlults attceiclr.d llw com­

munity meellng al the Vantown WSCS hall 111 interest n[ bililcling n. church Sunday ['Venlng, Ail ngrccd to hci!J in rebuilrllng.

A sieerlng commiltr.r. of 10 was appnlnte1l by the C'!nn·c:h hoat•d and they met nl the home of Mr. nne! Mrs. Dm·win Williams tn ap­point more eommittees Monday !tight. 'J'he cnmmil fc•e nnd anyone else interested will tmn· somt! churches Sunday aftol'llonn to gel un idea 011 building.

Since the Vnnlown Methodist church hurned, Stinrlay set'Vkl•s nrc concluded ns usual in the WSCS hall. Chun·h services at'e! at 10 n. m, and Sunday selwnl nl 11. The Sunday school will have n ChristmllS party ;mel !l5c glf'! exchange Saturday afternoon, Del· cemhct· 21, tCJ prar~ti~e for tlwh· progmm Sunrlny, December 22, :tl 11 n. m,

A piano, Methoclisl ltymnals, G little dmit's and Sundr1y school mnterials have heen given to tiw church since their loss in tlw fire.

Mel'lon Hil'e and l\c1n11e!l h Still· dlly, They nr·c:ompanied Kr!llnc!\ !1 In Buy City to visit rrlat!vcs.

M1•, nnd Mrs, William Mnltcr of Lansing were Sunday dlnnet• guests of 1\lr, ami Mrs. Sc•of I No-It! e. .

Mrs. Ivan Rice nnd .Jank() nf Bath caller] on Mt·.~. Merton Iller., Mt·s. L. P. Williams <'.lid Mt•, and Mrs. Dorwln Wlliinms Monrlily mol'l1ing .. Ianier. leaves for Ger­mnny litis wee\~: to he wilh hPr husbnnd, wlw is in tiw lwt·vice I here.

Ml'. nne! Mrs: Ivnn Mr111rne of WchiH!rville Sunrlay visitors of Mr. nnd l\lt•s, Basil SloWll, ·Mr. mul Mrs. Hulltr.rfon\ 13ar­

tige of Fowlervillf~ C';dferl on Mr. and Mt·s. L. P. Williams Runrlay.

Housel ~lt·s. l\1~nrwth nalw1·

Arlie Woorl Snturdny nft. crnnon nl his· home. fo'lllleml serv­ices were Monday nflet·norm from Lueehl fLnwral horne, Le;slle.

A Chl'istmns pro~-:t·am will IH! given Friday evening, Dc•eem1Jc1'

Vantown Methor!is!. bal1e snlr! 20, ill Jlouscl ~elton\, at 8 o'clocit. conducted a!. the Nemer store Snf. Mr. and Mt•s, Bolt Corum! and urdny neltcrl nearly $·10. It son WP.rc Sunday guests of Mr . will ~o In a huilding [und instead and Mrs. Lnwn•nce Spnrl<in. of missionary work. Dick Todd :;pent Salurdny night

in Ohio attending a boxing Severn! attl!nc.ied the Vanlown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bal<er

Methodist churr:h board mectin.<:: attended the 25th wedding anni­nt the lwme of Mt•, and Mt·s. L. versnt•y party fol' Mr. nnd ~1rs. P. Williams Thursday evm1!ng. Norris Hart· al. Ute home of Mt•,

Douglas Parish ami friend of,anci Mrs. Freel Hufltig Sumlay Lansing eallerl on M1·. and Mrs. afternoon.

Derby Neighborhood Jllt'H, (l, W, i'ijll'ill!;'liiUll

Mrs. Gernirl HIIJH!imrttt cttlet·· tainml thu Derhy llXIensiolt <'iuh fill' II~ nnnunl Christmas purty Mrmdny.

Mrs. Margaret Ann Crnnna wus· one of 8 Ingham county '1·1·1 members who tool~: the 'l·rlay ex­pertS(! paid trip I o Chicago , iot' lhu annual 3Gth congress,

Mr. anci M1·s. Erl Ot.lmnnn look their son, Bohby, to a Grnnd Hap­Iris hospital for a elwd> up last 'l'lntrsdny. He is reporter! as doing Hatlsfnctot•lly,

Mrs. Bessie! Jo'rlnitle, who Is wnri1ing In Brighton, spent Sat­unlay nt her home,

Herrick lllrs. Lee Gerlumlstflln

Frank White is- home fl'Dm I he hospital, mueh lmprovect.

Mrs. Leo Chick and Maryln nnd Mrs, Graee Slrohcl called nl the William Broiww home on Meridian road rcccnlly, 'J'Iwy also at lender! open iww'e nt Dt·. H<!Y· no\ds' new clinic.

Mrs. Gt•nce Strn!Jel nnd M1·. and Mt•s, Victnl' ClwnPy Sfll!lll 'l'lmni<s· r~ivlng at the Leo Chtck home.

Ell l\IeLuughlin, S1·., dl1•11 Slllhlm1ly of 11 lll':trl. at hwlt Sunduy eveninl-:', lkc.·c.~mhl'l' I. Uuriul wus in N1•w llndsou l'l~nwll••·y Wc!dnPsllny,

Mt•, nne! Mrs. Lee; Gr.rhanlslr.ln cniierl at. 1ha Leo Gerltardsteln llome lnst l~riday,

Mrs. Stella 1\nneh enlertninr.d Iter ehiidt·cn nnri· familif!s Sunday at n Thnnksgiving din· ncr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwar·rl Stmhcl rtnrl children nccompnnir.rl !Jy Mrs. G1•orge Phillips arHI Arthur

yisifc1l t'e!JIIiiVI'~ iJI flntruit ]u~;t Runday,

'J'Iw Rhr>pler fnmilieH toni-< bns· lwiH of fnnri nne! Slll'Jir\HI!d J\lln1. i•:lcirr~d [)OIIHI' ,Saltll'cilly ll)gill. hnnorll1g lwr hlrlluiuy lllllliVI'r· Slll'Y,

Mt•, unci M1•s, 1%Jred Hmlsf! vis· ite;d at. the Gerald Dully homo Sunclay,

Mr. nne! Mrs. Elmet· G. Aleltln unrl .Jucly en!!ec\ on M1•, unci Mrs, Archie Housu last We1hwsr!ay evening,

Mrs. Stella Knoch r.nlr.rt ninr.d the extension <'iuh last 'l'ti(!Sclny evcninJ::.

Mrs. Gt·ar'l' Strob11l spe;nf a fPIV days last wef!!i at the Leo Chide homr.,

Plainfield l'rlt•s, llu~1·l Sh•Jilmus

Plnlnfield ehnil' Jll'ilf'!ir•e will ho nt: the iwnw of Mr. ;uul 1\Ir~. Emerson l\ir1SflY 'l'ltursrlay eve· nlng at 7 o'l'lod<. l't•nyc~t· mer! I i ng will lw at tlw pnrslmnge at H o'doei<,

Ploncct• Sunday school l'lass will enlr;ri;Jin members ·or th0 Friendly Billie !'lnss at a Cltrist-

mns Jllll'l y nl II te rilllt'r-h Rn t 111'· clay uvmtln!f, Oeemnhc.w ·1·1. 'i'ltoiju Hltr.nding am to lui>e their nwn lu\ile Hl'l'Vke unci 11 gift lo e~­chungu for· eaC'lt mmniwt' of tlw fumily,

Hnv, l~inyri llndws or Chelsr.rt ofl'i!!latc.~'' af liw funcml of Lot tic Hiley nl C:nslwy funemi honw, !-it nell hrlrlge, Jo'rlclny 11 flel'lloon, lluriul was nl Plnlttllclcl.

Plainllelrl Club lfi exlenslnn group harl 11 Chrlslrrp1s party n! llw horne nf Bnl'l1ii'Cl Millm• Mon· clay ~~venlng wltlt n poliud< sup­per nnd gift exdmngn,

Ml', unci Mrs. Hoy Glarlstona <nld Roget• were Saturday ev.•· ninr~ supper guests or Mr. and Mrs, Hobert. Gladslone honoring •I family IJ!t•f!Hilly nnniversnrles in Deeemlwl',

Sttnclay guests o( Mr. nne! Ml'S, Hoy Glru\~tolll! wem Mr. and Mt•s, Dale flo\ rtws nnd family nnd Mt·s. FinrmH'I' !Jnlmes of Lnnsing, anrl Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meister, l\IJ·. and Mrs. Arll11tr l!ornP and Nettie l'l!fc•rson, nil of Delt11 l\1 i lis.

Bill Isham is Improving slow· I.\'. IJ1• is ailll! In wal11 a lillie lHJIV with IH'Ip,

Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., December 12, 1957 B-2 J•7--\'.~.'.:;,·W:.".'·""\I.~'J.'=.'.I,'=.'.\,::;t,l,;';_,l.::;.-\:,~'.1,~"\'.'=.',l,:>;'.'.'';..-\1.:>:_-\l,-';-\l,--::_\'.-':;.',l.':_>,l,~''·':.',l,~'\l~t

J! Merry Christmas ~l ~ and ~ ~ Happy New Year ~~ ~ To All My Fine Friends ~

~~ SIDNEY GRAYSON ~ ~·;~·::-~·~.~·,;~y;---:.:'r';:"!.:'l'o~'i~~~1;.~"1~':.:'~i~-1i~',:-~~~;~~·1·:-~'r';~'1';~1~~~·:·;~'r'.~'::"::':~-:;·,!,*;..1!~

•. "For All lhe Family!

Women's Figure

s·kates Choice Leathers

Men's Figure

Skates Sturdy Shoe· Nickle Skate


Hard Toe- Hollow Ground $10,50

FomouJ·G.E. ·~obri< 12 50 Dlol wllh 111lino• lor . all fabrics.. I

Pistol-Grip Whistler

Tea Kettie SPECIAL 53.98



SNOW CHASER BRUSH . 59c Long handle wilh i<e ~<raper,




Fast Sturdy Long­Wearing


Toboggans Select

13. PC. tt4 IN. DRILL KIT

By Black & Decker, lnclude11 \'<'' drill wllh gear lype chuck, 1 -~" rubber backing pad,

1-4" wire wheel bru1h, 3 lending discs, 1 whoel arbor, 1 mi;w;cr, ~ drill•


Reg. $27.50



Reg. $3.75 $3.75 While lope, blue !oolhcrcllo co-vered ease.



Completely Automatic

• Fumous

West Bend

• Gold or Blue


$12.~0 Valuo

: '.er& Association .-meeting;: . . p,resent 1fl'Om.,Bnttle .Crc,ek, ,A~;~n. ischool meeting .will be publiahed. ·: 'Debble-.Fr~w of Mason. and Mfl· Arbor and '.J~;~ck~.on: . ',,,;, · Onondaga· Community church . · . . .

. , · lissn<"Duncer .,spent: the we.ek erid .. ·.: · ·, -. ·-.- ,' : · .. · ;Is· making plans for . . a. special Sh · .' :BO!'I"H p· ~- . · + · p k• · ~- p• f G·•ft I ''.wlth.thi!h.'grnndparents,-Mr. nnd' Mnr~,.French•ls ·y.i~ltlng··Chrlstm'ns program for_Mondny • ' ~_p·.:.. ·•. ..· tor~ .a .. er Ins or .. ,lnes .. l· .5 •


. ' ' • . . ' l. •

"hone· OR '.6~4311 ·' · ,Da~l~~i·:· · In .. ~-f~ll)mo~: .. · ?nt~~~~. cvenlns-. ·December,: 2~. · · '!~--~-...;;....;-.~~...;;.,_-.~...;.;_~~+~~~--~--;...-~~~--... -. ................ -.:o:o~~-~~--~:""oo-... -~~-----~';'""'~--~~~~,:

, 1' .· , .., :-., '1! - ' ,

Page 11: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

olrarn County News, Mason, Mich., December 12, 1957 8·3

Hi Neighbor! .You can check and recheck time after time.

especially during the holiday seasons. We are quite sure that you will find if you (lie shopping at IGA, YOU are. :enjoying the· same· outstanding savings you enjoy day after day all year ~eng. We suggest you make the famous. "IGA TOTAL TEST"· and see for yourself." Do it today so you won't m~ss the big ~av~ngs this holiday ~eo.s.on:


Fruit Cocktail /

l 303-Size Cans 4 9 ( IGA FANCY

Pineapple Juice 4 46·••·''"' $1 . OCEAN SPRAY

Cranberry Sauce 2 303-Size Cans 3 9 ( PILLSBURY

Easy.with the. · .. shorieriing you pour

·ou WESSON 69 \ .. ___ ~OJ~!:.· .. -~


Flour 5 tbBag 49c


Cottage Cheese

'.B 27c 2 LB 51c

.. .., ... ..


:r :J

Q 0 $ 0.



Marlene Margarine NESTLE'S MORSELS or BAKER'S Semi-Sweet



· Pillsbury Pie Crust Mix

Moist Mince Meat DINING cAR


Pork Roasts


4 for 1-lb Sizo 8 5 c Pkg.

6-0z. Size 11 c Pkg.

1-0z. Size 1 n,. Bottle 7 '\a

2 For

10-0z. Size J 3 c Pkg.

]6.0,, SJ:: 4 9 c

FLOUR· lb 29c 25-lb Bag $1.9 9 ----- ------------------:---"":'G':":"RA::-DE~I --


Dog Food

Head Lettuce .


12 Can Carton $1

Large Bunch 19C -2-Lb Cello Bag 98C

2 LB 49c Dozen 39C

Christmas Trees Double-Needled Silver Spruce

Scotch Pine

Yoa1r Choice

. 4 to 8 Ft.


Instant Smoked Picnics lb 35c Coffee ARMOUR'S

5-oz.Jar 99c Sliced Bacon Emls-Pi~CC$ )lb $1 ' TOM scorr


Peanuts . Beef Roasts · lb 39c · 6%-oz. Tin 15 C Ground


Grade 1

Sausage or Beef Mixed Nuts

l-Ib Tin . 8 9c SEE OUR D~SPLAY





BOLOGNA 3 LB. PI<G. $1.39

Pure Lard·

llbPkg. 39c HERRUD'S

Cold Cuts Fickle and Pimento

DeluKe Loaf Macaroni and Cheese

Your Choice

Christmas ··BEEF HEATS~-TONGUE La23c l 65 8-oz.Pkgs. 4e:

Toys· PORK CHOPS cENTER cur LB 69c De·corations

. Games

·wrappings ·

__ sw __ ._IS_S_S~T __ EA_K __ . ---~;~·,., .. ":"":":""'.··' -. Ls_5_9c R~E.f~D LAMB SHOUL. D·ER RO·Asr ···l!;;,·.~~~r'il:i;):;s·s~.:,.\,,.,:'::.;· .• :( ·::~ .~·'· 1 ,,s· ···y· · · E.AK

' L'£S' •-1 ,~.:c-,·.,;;_.if :h::N'!;, 4 ;t .'' ' ''

L~G o· . LAMB. LB 69c LAMB CHOPS / · i.e 69c · lb 79c

•. .

·>.1lensmore!s· IG:A· .. Eoodline.r······· . ' . : . . . ' : " . . - ' . ~ . ' .., ~ .

· ·,.: Nor+h·of ·· ·· · .. · , · · · · · ... ',.

Page 12: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Bull fighls ... Floating gardens ...

Librarian Tells of Mexican Trip Children Plan Birthday Par1y

Leseneys Re·ceive Guests At Anniversary Reception

EPITOII'S NOl fc: 1111•• l\luru.arot 01· 11011. lnullnm cnunly ll111<Hy crnplnyu, tuccntly 1 cllu nod (I urn 2 Wl'l liN an Mtud­.:o. :;hu wn& 116hud tn ~rive thu hlahlluhtiS nf her ldl'·

ny lHUI'Iflll'l'l OJ•.nn

'rhc plnnc left Lansing shor·lly nfl<!l' 8 a. m. Hunclay mol nlng. After a slriJHIVCJ In l'hlr-.1go, we lPfl Ill II :30, PlnnPs lo Me~II'O City have 2 sl ew.u·dcssc:-;, till(' Mexlc·an, otl<' Amcrlc!tll. AI tlw eu~loms nil ic•1• in Sun 1\nlnnlo, 'J'exns, I found IJJ,Lt I clltln't lwvr th<J llgill (J.ISSJlOI'i ft.J' Pllll'll!lg :Mmdr•o; mlm• Wllllld hnve :Himll· tf'd rnP lo [';111 opP. Sl! when I l'PaC'Iwd 1\JPxif'(J Clly my Pntry was ltelrl up until .tn appropr;otll' papm• had lJCl'll Jll,I!J<' 0111 o!IHI paid [Ill',

lll••xlc•o ('ll,v h~· nigld is a SJII'I'lllr·l•• to Sl'l', llnhlt•mlsh••tl hy sll~"·' !'olJII'I'S, it Is 1-iJII'I'fiCI uul In u 1 olu1 lui l'lllll•'t ol' llg-hls.

II' ,VIlli hiWI' 1'\'1'11 U llmHi•d, fill l'l'ii'I'S·Jlill'll~l'·hllll]( lllldi'l'• P~lunrllng of i-IJ1111llsh .von qm J:'l'l lli'IIIIIHI IJII! dl,V llllll'h 111'1· II' I',

'I'o otnyonr lllw 111VSPJf, who~e knowlcdgl' of Spotnlsh h of I ho ABC IPVel, lhe 1apjrlly spniH•n lc~nguagl! of Jh,, M<•xlt•an HoltiHI:; lllw o1 stur•cato, almost mnullhll! gun lire. Wium yo11 tinnily hem· some AmeriPan, or even hcllct·, spolwn midwestern English, It Is lilw music In your cars. r~ven though ~·our Spanish l'ocabulmy mny be llmill•d, a fr lellflly smile c·an nwll away language hm 1 le1·s, nnrl n dtcl'rfui "lll" is like a Lilli· vcrs,d Lu1gunge, undPrstood IJY MexJc,m and Amcr·l••an youn~­sll'ls nlil\e,

Their muncy exchange has In· l'ludt•d various sizes of 5 e Pll· tavos, 20 nnrl fill c enlavos, nntl papm· dollars, or pesos '!'hey have t·er·enlly .Hider! a 10 cPntavn,

A ,\'nung mo1n frnm Canada :lii c•c•nlavo, aJ1CI a "sllvCJ" doll a I', 1rlcd to gt•l 11 pillill'!' of lhe dly Our rloii,H· is worll1 $12!10 rwsu>

in mosl pi.tccs 111 Mcxlm. 'l'lils frr1m llie plo~nP ll'tndow, liul sounds lllw o1 gr.lll'ioUs v.tlualion found il was loo dllfkull Wllhnul ol our dollar·, IH11 pricl' t.tgs in a ll.tsl1 huiiJ, 1111• lllCJ\'Pinr•nl of lhP tile siDn•s, when given In pesos, Jildll!', d!td ;, lt•w oliH'I' hin llonl\ oulrageously !Jigh to llll

Ame1 tf'<Ln rlt a111 es.

we clls('Overecl II wns nlrendy over, one cock the viPinn of lhr. shlli'Jl·edged blade tied on the leg of llw olher I~nch fr.ntltered con· teslant has a s1mllnr In1lfe Ill· 1nC'heei to lis Jc•g. Oulslde the at'Pna wlwrc these fights lcll{(J plm c, vr•rHior s werP broiling or trying chicken. Wlwllwr they \VC>re the losers In I he 111 cnn, I didn't slop lo asl\,

Afler nn lnieresting and cdu· en ling I nul' of I he speelncular llnlvcrslly of Mexico, our guldr• tonic us to lhe lloaling gardens. In plnc•e nf !HI!' picnic table ln lho purl\ on a Sunrl,\y a!lcrnoon, WC' lloaled down the river In a llat­hollomcri gnr de ncr! gondolc~, ex Jll't lly ~tccrccl by a young Mcxl·

Mrs. Annn ll.tll, :107 flmllh avcmre, 'Lansing, wlll llll honor·r.rl at nn OIJCn house Sunduy, Decem· her 15, In obsml'ntwc nl her flO(h ltirlhclay nnnlvcrsnr,v. '!'he 1ce•cp· lion will he ut her home from 3 to ti ]l. m.

'J'hc open house is br.lng glvl'll hy Mrs. IInll's chllcl1cn, Robert H.11l, Mr. ami Mrs, F'.1y IInll and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sp1lnger of Lansing !11111 Mt·. and Mrs. !loy Jo'lshel nf Milson.

Birthday Party Given for Two Christine and Chuck Whlllnk·

er, children of Mr·. .1ne! MIH. Douglas Whlltdl<cr nf Holt, we1·c honored a I a hh thdny rmrly n I their· hom<• SfJiurclay morning.

One hundrerl guests called nl Grovenbur·g Mcthorllst church Sundny nftmnoon lo cxlend con· gratul,ttlons lo Mr, nnrl Mrs, Chnrles Lc~ency of Holt on their golden wedding annlvmsnry. Guests were present from Butlle Cn•elt, Flint, .Tncl\son, Enlon Rap Ids, Holt, Lunslng nne! Dimon dale.

:1\lrH. IJc.~oney wnr·c u dul'lc lJI'O\VII dr<'SS for I'I'Cc•iV]Illf the gw•sts. She Will! Jill'· senh•tl u <'OI'Hngo of bronze clLI-ysrm 1henmms.

The open house wns given by lhc couple's children, Mr. nn<l Mrs. Harry Lcseney of En I on Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Lc· seney of Lanslnr, nml Mr. and Mrs. ,John Bm:uck of Holt.

'l'hc church parlors were dec· orated wllh gold bells nnd

streamers for· the ret•l'ptlon. Go lei tapers In cryslal r unrllestlclts flnnlwrl Ill() r•.tlw c•enll't lng I he wltltc linen covt•I·crt serving table. The •1-llewrl c•,IIcr ww; ll'immr.rl wilh golrllenves nne! I!JIJ)lPri wllh a 1101 sc:;hoe nnrl the nttmlmt 50 in gold. Miss ITell'll Sldnnel' of Dlmnndulo, niece ol lhe Pouple, cut unci HCI'VI'cl 1hc cal\n,

Miss Leot.1 Slllnnel' nf Dimon· dnlc, ann I her ntccc, server! punch and Mrs. Harty Lcsc•ncy poured coffee. M1 s. C1 yst.JI Sldnner of Dlmonrlnic nne! Mn •. Asil Tows­lr•y of Holt also nssisted In serv· lng.

l'Vhs. Waller Lesoney hnd clun·ge of the glfl lahle. John nnrl Tommy Bozacl< of !Ioll, son-In· liiW .111r1 grandson of llw ronuplc, and Hoger Lcseney [If Lansing, a nul hr.r gwnclson, prcslck•rl nl I he

EnC'11 guulluln Is giwn 11

fcmlulnt• unmt•, HJII'lli•d nut In !IO\VI'I'S, III'WI,V l'l']lllll'l'il l'lll'h dny.

guesl register. Christine Is <I years old and Cllllcl< -------------------------­

The mnals were as filler! with similar l>naiH ns om· l11ghways ate i.tmml'cl wll h ears on a Sun· dc~y Families picnicked liS we did, While lo~rge ho.tls o! muslcluns sLipplled th<• mLISH', sm.LII hoals nf floWPI' vcndor·s, shawl salr.s· men, and carbonated beverage Rr•llet·s Jloaterl up and down the r•.tmLis.

Is 2. Mrs. Whit 1 niH! I' used gr ecn and

yellow for streamers anrl lttblc dr.eorntlons. Refreshments of fl·ull salad, deror.tlerl npplesnuce c:nl<e nne! 1101 rlwcolnle were served.

Guests were Dawn and Renee Rllby, .Junnlln, Alia Lee nncl Laura May Burnley, ,Joyce nne! N;:mroy Sluarl ancl Rita and Davie!

'l'h•• htsl of Olll' Iolii' I'm• th1• Wh1ttal<er. Mothers a! tending

Mr.-Mrs. Nor1·is /{art Ilonored at Opell /louse

Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hnrt werr.l server! the caiH! Asslslmg wrrc honored Sunday at an open house Mrs. R:~ymond W,IIJ<r.r, Mt s. celebrating their silver wecldmg Morris Reinhnr·l nnrl !IIrs. nnnlversary. The reeeplron w,\s Dull.

dn.v \\'liS tu sc1• hllllllghts. wem Mrs. Gorclon Sluart, Mrs. 0. T. Burnley und Mrs. Lnrry Guests were present from Lnn-

'l'hcre were G to be held, htlt F't·azwr .. Special guests were the sin, Leslie, Jackson, Onondaga, Shower HonOrS

given by their claugllters, Phyllis Miss Allee IIar I presided at the nncl Allee, at the home of Mr. nnd guest r·egrstCI' ancl Miss Wnunel· Mts. Fred Ruthlg. 1<1 Wildes assisted wllh the gills.

a[IPI' trymg to w.ttcll a few [JOI'· g1andmolhers of till! youngsters, and Mason. Among tl1e guests lions of the needless slaughter of Mrs. Bert Whitlal\cr ol Leslie were Mr. and Mrs Boyd Relye1

flnGWNTF!S VI:'JT'T' TTOME '1\w•lvt• nwmtmrs nf BriJWI)Ie

I roop No. H2 vlsil<'cf trollowny 11111 Hlng home .uut lrlllk f'h•·lst· lllllli r 111'11 !Joldei'H I hey Jwl nlHd<' to the pnlil'llls lher·c• lnHI Werilli'S· d.ty, 'rhe girls met nl thl' home ol' illC'Ir· lender, Mrs. Wilmot Mr· Dowell, In mnl<e I he lwirlci H 'Phey were asslslcrl by Mrs, .John I Inmlln, co·lcaricl.

" '

Party Is Given For Mrs. Hall


Mrs. A. ,J. Ilnll \\Ills gul'sl of

Women's Group Installs Officers Wrmtun's Assoclailon nnd cit'·

e IPs of: Mnson Pt·eshytcrlun l'hur·ch lnstnlled new offkers In the AssoC'Inllnn ul I halt· ututuni combined nwellng 'l'lllll'sdEIY ew­nlng nl 1 he C'lllll ch.

Till' .lunlot· choir of the r.hur<'lt, eilreelml li,y Miss .Josl'phhH• Menol'li, prcsPnlcrl 11 song, 111111 I hP sextet fi'Dill the h!gl1 school s.1ng n sl'll'r•llnn.

Miss l~lmcnr•r> Flelcher mlro· riucPd new nwmhcrs. ltelll'lng Jlii'Sldcnt, MrH Laumncc Pnrlwr, pwslded ovc•r a short huslnesH meeting. Mls L!l!Ty r,mtlh gavt• rJ(•vnllons.

Mrs. llolll'rl Seyfarth p1cscnlrd brat ion of her !Jilt l1 hlrl hclny an- Mrs. In•nc Dcl3oPI' who htsl nll••d nlvc1sar·y Sunclny. 'J'he lfthh• was I I liP IH'W nwmhc•r·s o[ I hr. Assncln· decomtecl with u Cht•lstmns 111" tlon for lhe <'omln1~ :,•r•nr. 'l'lw

honor nl a luncheon given Mon tiny by Mt·s Ahc Cohn, In Pel!'·

n••w prPsldent, Mrs. Cllll'l'ill'll .Tn· til In pink. Mrs. Hall WIIH given cobs, spoJ,p hrll'tly, nflt'l whlr•lt a bouquet of pinl1 curnatltms 11nd II\Jt~. p,l\tl AI nnld g.II'(O iltl' liC'JW· henllwr, and llw blrlhcla~· c•.tlw 1llctlon. conllnuPd llw pink theme.

Guests wme Mr·H. AI ft·ed Allen, Mrs. Lena CnmtJ!Jell, Mrs. COl· die Bashford, M1s. Alvin Linn, Miss Florence Miller and Miss Aliu Ward.

GUILD IIAS PAll'l'Y Ymmg Women's Gtiild of lila·

son,m church had a Christmas party Mnntlay at the home of Mrs. Dnnvln Barr. Mrs. Robert Cone gave devotions, Mrs. IIEu·old Lavis assisted llw hostess in serving refreshments.

'!'HOOP SELLS CALI~NDARS Glil Sl'IJUis ol II'!Jop 110 l.tughl

.! lltnll'lill' IJII!lfl how In rill a [oil\ rlmH'P. .tl C'Pdar· Sil'ror.t s!'hnoi 'l'lllll'sday all PI' , 1'11onl. Tt•dc•hlng I he group ltPltwrl 1 hPm 111 t•a•n 1ng llil'li t'Pqult'Ptnrnls. /lfiPI'· Ward IIIJ!!JI 1111 11'<'111 Olil lo Hl'll Girl S1·ou1 < ali'JI!l.u s. i\nytnu• who 1\'!lllicl JJI\1' II <'.tiPJirJ,Ll' lftlll W,!s I !Ill conilll'il'rl 11111\' phnnl' 1\11 s. Lallrl'lll't' l'.tr IH•1· or Mrs ll. L, Nicolcn, lc,!!ll'rs, .tnd lllt'Y Wtll IH!VI' a Gn·l St·nul 1.111.

Ingham Countv News, Mason, Mich., December 12, 1957 B-4

Till' all poll IS IIIli or llw nJIJSl modl'l'n 1 1111'1' t'VI't r·nii'!WI and PxiiPrl 111111 'l'lu• IJIII) II ling il ldt11H'rl w.l'. a hc•ll••t' ll!L'rtlts ol Wd:-il£1 W:til'l dJspo~al, 01' )JPl flil)JH

II Wll' jnsl n1y SI'Jtsiltvr. nose •IIIII sc•nsc• ol 1111'11 '1'!11• IIIJ\I'C'!'S ~1'011'· ing lluoughnt!l fliP J.uulsmpt•rl lll!']lllll \VI' I 1 IIIJI oll 1111'!1 pml,, !I!' fll ll'~ISI till' !IISf'S IIH·!'P \\1'1 (' 11!11 nhh• lo t'rHI!fJ"It• 'l'IH•y !'VI!IPnill' wc•rp nnl tl~c· J.lllHHls tosf' nf C~PJ'­IIilrll' Sir•:n.

Aller you have rasher! yo11r$IO lldvclcrs rlteck, the 12fi JH'sos mal,r• you feel like a mlllionaiJ c, nlill!JUI(h il .tlso mal<es you feel 11s lltouglt you dl'e hc~mlllng sl.t,;l' mom•y. llul il won't he long he· l'otr• :u!!Jihl't'l'ier·s cltcclt JWI'cls lo !Jp r-aslll'd, Pspcclully will' !I ytJU I ry lo 1 Pmr.m!Jcr <~II .\tliiJ' 1':11111ly and si'VPJdl lrll'll!l~ IJ:II'k hmm• Willi a gift of S0111f'


•I hulls, 1 asked to be excusl!d and M1s. Edith Schoen of Lan· of Mason, who were the Harts' Mrs. Phl'lll'ps from the rest of our tounst sing. utlenclants at their wedding on group. 1 rleciciPrl it would be bet- J December 10, 1932, in Eaton Rap- B t S 1 ler ill ial\p some p1etures of the ills. Mrs. Lawrence Philltps o[ Er!Pn eau Y Q On oulsldl' of lhc arena and living ( I G th Mrs. Hart wore a dress of navy roar! attended n slorl< shower in Speeialist in


· To !'f'I'P!'sP " 11'1'1\·1, nown s:1:, ing 1o 11 !-HJ lt11, Hlld \'('1 no nP~n." tn II tf' c•a II 11 1111 nw It om IIi!' nii'JHIJ't to rJl!!' lioll'ls rlmvnlo\1 n, 1\!'IL' :J yoUI!g l'lortll'll floll1 Do•!Joll.

. A lour thai is l"oJII'I'iull.v I'll· il'l'laiuin;:, unrt Will' I h lulcin~, is u fl·honl' 1om· on Sunduy, ht•ginning nt !J in 1111' llWI'II· in~;.

ihings thai were allowed to live. 0Up eS a er blue and a corsage of tee! rose- her llonor Friday evening given HAIR STYLING and COLD WAVING The matndot·s were amateurs, so II buds to receive the !!ucsts. hy Mrs. Fmnc·ls l•'iediPJ IIJHI M1 s then· sl\111 wns slill 111 llw stage At Vevay Ha White tapers in silver canclle- DnWayne Ilowe al lite FiPrllet by appointment only

I of cruel lorlui·c. All the hulls slicl\s flanked the clecoratec! cal<e home DOROTHY ROSS II . ,,. tl1c ol 11 1 till 1 Guests spenl tlw evenin" mal\· Wl're J de '• c· or nc 0 1 ec · Mr. and Mrs Raymond Collm· on the serving table. Durk cake, " r

r i

Jy llwscn to make bloorl less no· I M l M D n I, , I t. t te , I lllg IJ,Jhy honnels [tom hits o 6IO W C I b" Tins ber:nts wilh n vis1t lo I he t'lceahlc 011 lhe victims. A COliJlle anc r. nne rs. uane m"/' ~e c1cam .. mans, .nus, .~' anc lace, rihbon nnrl I rills piovlderl . o um Iii·c• ol l•'nw Ails lo waldJ ""' were• <'O·ho!,[S for a Christmas roffee wew ,]so served. Jhc 3· hy thC' hoslesses. PiiZCs were·--------------------------'

\VIu•n 111 J\.11'\iro ('til', Yttll :ttl' pnnntnma ol the 'l'illany Glas~ It om 'l'exas felt .t~ l dtrl and ]Wily Snlurclay evening at Vevay ll.ered cal•e was topped_ With a awuHiecl [or the c•levcrest hon· •f"\l·~·'·~'·'·~·.•.:;.w~,,,,~.=-:..*-.;.;;,~-w:.w~~h.~·w:.'o•.~~.•''-:.'.'.:;.~.•:::.r;:."'·':.".!.~.l;i:.'\l~ nwdrc' "' "'nlell1in~ clilfPrl'lll in Cmlain. Unmcnltorwc! 111 om waldwrl the 1est of lltc bulllhghts town hall. Guests met for· a pot· s1lv~r heart,_the numbers 25, and nets. Afterward the bonnets wcrcl'li ~~ 1/JI/ ~1-1.

Phone Mason OR 6-5630

till' ,tir. 'l'l.c•IC• •,JI!Juld he•, tfiiJSI!Ii't'· •l'lwduiP fnr tlw morning was ,1 from outside o[ I he men:1. lllek a. nd dancmg to rec· en.Cil'C.Ied wl!,h silver .lTac.c unci Jlresentcd 10

lho rruesl of honor. •l/i. ~\\ \ If// ~-~': 'mr, lltt• . llilllllr• ol liw t'li,l', lhP 1 1 o l fi~IW"Il I v M Fred Rtillll L t I " I(; ....._...._\o.'\1 '-' · I'!JI'k ftght. We wcrP lhPrc• for nne A sil PI rip was I'! <en to axa- orr s '1 ~ " c · ec~ cs. rs g c 1 nne The hoslesscs served Cln•istmas !.. ~ ~ '.~ .! 1lo\\'C'I'S J:ro\\lllg o11l Yl'dl Hlollnrl 1 1 1'' 1 ) f '---------------- ......;;:- - -:;..--~~~1.1

· ol ilwm, hul hP111g loo mur-11 ol o1 c.t pronouncer .," JC ca • one o Guests were Mr anrl Mrs. Don· cool\lcs, IciSJllwrry fluff, tra anrl ~·~ ·- 1 ,: .. "'' - ~ 'i I!IHI ltH' '1'1 llolil'l lounlalns ~cal· . ..,.~"" ,. ~ Girl SC'Oul, 1 coulctn'l walch what,1ho locatrons of ancwnl Azlec, or alcl VanderVeen, .Tr·, M1·. and Ml"l. ~Ouple Is Wed coffee flom a i<H'Clltvcrcd table. ',~· -: 'A·'/: - ) ~~ ~ :

1• 1erPil li!!,H!);IIIJIII 1111• c·tl\'. You ,, 1 J t ~- _.,, ~

I I r J,nc'W would IH!JlJlC'n. hapolcco pyramrc s. II our our- IIRrolcl Bell, Mr . .tnrl Mr• ltlr h· Pink candles flanl\cd I he center- :: --:=:. "' , :: lniiSt !·!IJI'.' )<Jill ""' [' ( 11\VIl nr•rc, . I 2 I I • 1 - C/A> '

and l>ill fltlllll o11l ,1 1,1111 IJif•,ttll· A tmn1st from Texas, sillin;:; 1ng Jlotr Y ~~ere soua wo1 <ers anl Brown, Mr. and Mrr Lcnoy pwee, which conslsled of a mml.l· :: Orange ~~ ~·~~ ·· Orange ·: nrxl t11 me, [ell a~ I did, anrl from llllnots. One ~f them, a Saelens, Mr. nnd Mt•s Hoherl At Ed Ch h llll'e Canln Claus wilh reindeer, ~""' ~~·~ .

0111, SIJ!l!l'll'lto~l l'itlst•r lo ill!' <louds when WC' were ,ILisl gomg ttl Y0~1~g Wol~an, ~.a~. l me • anc s.t~ Dcnsmmc an.! Mr. and Mrs, am! a sleigh r·o~ta111111g n stmk i~ ,_; __ "'~- 'i • ialdnJ:, unlil you I'P:tiiZl' lhal \'CJ!I II 1 1 1 en urc 1 ~ •

!YrHI ar•• nol IH'glttnlng lo Rlllfel 1 ·· · \1011 ll'l'l!' IJ:III\ home, ,lJJ!I \\.alrh lhe bevinning of lhc fighl, cmcfully Sillchcd the pullmns James Inr,hral.l. . ami a baby. MISS Mary .Jane 'u/; Blossom ~ ~ tfJ~ Blossom rl:

· of the wall designs by the trps of Before the altar at Eden Umted Smith IJresiclecl at the coffee set v- l. ~-- ~~! <Jmm hc<~rl !rouble. her f111ge1s. There was n new Y· ! 1 M D Brethren church, Rev. IIerbett ice. 'l ~~ ·, I Woman's Club wc•rl ~ouplc from Auslralia, whose Nlr.- rs. ecess Chel'l'y, pastor of the church, per· Twenty guests altendr.rl the ;· . • =j • A~ an mrlc•pl"!l!!Pnl ollsct•ver and honeymoon wns a trip around the E ( I formed the double-ring weddmg shower. :: tq't !I: )ll'r!Pstl ran, ~·1111 c,m srr•, study world 11tertain 0Up 6S ceremony of Mrs. Marga rei Karr ·• <• l: '\" ~~~ and sillt!·step Mexir·o CJI; ,tl first Me t f p t of and Robert W. Dncon Saturday CIIURCIJES SPONSOR PARTY 1


., e S 0 r a r Y 'I' he wet•lc of Nuvemhm· 20 Mr. ancl Mrs. Paul Decess · · · hand TIH't'l' arc IJ'allJc• ligllts in CoJ]n'"'c I'Oacl nniert~I·necl afte1noon at 4 o'clocl<. Several chu•·clJr.s 111 Mason, t'[;'· 'i ' · 1 1 is espPI'iully m•·mnrnhli• i.t ~b ~ u 5 ,IIIP hustrsl sPr'iHJ!l", am w 1en · The bride was given In ma1- I·IrJit, D.~tl"Vllle ,"!tel \"illi''tin.•-lotJ ·

1·fi. =,= I Mason Woman's club met 'rues· Mexi1•o ht'l'liiiSl' il is Uu•h· couples at a Chris! mas party " " " ., • .

•t hey fi,JSIJ reel, tltl' w.u·ntng wore Sal til ci,'IY .~.ver1 ·1 ng. riage hy her son, Charles. Mr w1 II spon~or a roller sll,tl me: :: l


: is ali.!, Willi I Jets :, mea nmg~, nlulion. Guests included Mr. ancl Mrs. and Mrs John Walton of De· p.11 iy at I he Eclr<t 1111!- 111 !loll 1. Choose Orange Bl~ssom Diamonds in a variety of smarf mount- !1: , . 1 1 , . day al tcrnorm at the home of Da.v ol' lnd••Jic'lllh•nf'e, Ol' Ue\'· .. 'fi ,JJLil 111 I his 1 ,tsc mNins siOJl. Ex· Mrs.

1 ~· G. llcnso!1. Decoratwns Paul Titus and Mr. ancl Mrs. Puul trnit, hrolher-m-law fond slslcr [or Mond~y. DPccmlJet· lG, 7-10 l~ ings. Buy rings sepm·ately or in matched sets. !/! repl for lhesc lt:tlfic lighls, lhet') we~·e rn the Chrrstmas theme, One afternoon, while making a of the bride, attended the couple. p. m. Tlw pnrly IS or-en lo youth i~ ~Ji k~cms no olltcl' ruling lhnl im·lwlu~~ was us~cl fa~· the pro~~·~m. walkinr, lout· of places within the ~1~~~0~~~11is 0~~~~~~:ir~1· r~~\'i: ~g~: Members of the immediate! of the <lrea The Daplisl, Melh· 'li Prices from $75 ~~~ pedes I he !l'tlhP !11 tvcr. Afler ~rs .• Tohn Eclgm was pro,Idm ne1ghbothood of my hotel, I a[J· family were guests at the wed- od1st and PrcsiJVtcrian chul·clw•; l~. !/:f,, ·~~ •. ~~~i-e',iiii~J ~!~~~rr:.~~n;l,u~~~~~l ::~~~si h~ I ~~:~~~~·.mi~~-~- ~;~;n.f~~a~~~t~~~·~.1J~~ proached the huge monument to ~1;·, a~~s~~~~o~~~ \.!~~~.a~:~ .• 1\~~i cling. In . Mason share' Ill lhC! spo!lSOI·Il~: i . . m

w 11 B 1 M w 11 I he Revolution. A loud pounding Dansville. After the r.l!remony n small ~hlJl. 1 F• k J I '. '(,1 E Cl'll'k Jlre entc 1 Cllnslmns sOllllc, 1n wug 1 was JC!ng Mrs. Vogt assisted Mrs. Dc~·~·S rccep JOn vas given a 1e /i , • Cl<~IP lltdl! those tn Mexteo·, or "· ' s ·

1 · ' 1 b 'II' brr'cle's l1omc nast of Ma."on on 1\'1·.". IIo\v.~r·cl No1·ton aJJcl ~·It's, · .. · .•·. I. 1 c 1 g11 1vn Jc 1 bv r one on llllmerous til c 111gs m preparing ami setving refrc•;h. ~ ., • o " "'

·'c•an driVP!' is more ('!!llSid· I tam Jerglll aJH rs. .1 lam I tl t I II II 1 . t I . t II ,. ,, " I·:: In ewe ry i·l perh.tps II was only law and en ,

0 s. aro R~~- 1

g '5

r . ' · c 1 b' 1 1 1 1 ~~~ NC!xt to Fox Theatre Mason I ner·cssil•• lltal make him more M1s Hugh 1_3.t.llcy, wtth _M1s. lhroughoul lltc crty, turned out ments. ~ 1um I_a1

rom, WJCIC t JC coup c Russell Whtpplc spe>Jt lhe wcelt ,1: ;:

c•onsirler~tl e. Russell Mc•Bmle accompanymg. to he a drum corps of young WJI 1 es1r e. end In Chicago. l_,·~·r.'::'r':':;'r:-:t,':'::'r\-':t:,;::'rc.~·,,_-:_;·,~·.:;;;,:-:;w:::'r';'.:;':;::'.'-'r..'r'•~· .':t;~·,;..'::'r:'!:',\'!;:'J\-~'r\'.! Mrs. Lawton IIemans told how women, practicing Linder this CHOIR GIVES CONCERT

monument with a clome at the . . 'l'hrongh lhl' lml'l> strPr•ls ynu gt•t a c·m1lm~ting ph·lur•• (Jf M••xir an Iii•·· 'l'in~· shnps, Paiin~ phH I'~ ancl iruli\'illil:tl mantrl'ut•hu·l'I'S tml'!; lh1• husi· III'SS Sl'C'Iions,

Pltlllips Brooks wns inspilecl to top which reverbemtcd with M1·. and Mrs. R1cha~d M1lls at· wrile 0 Lillie Town of Bethle- every heat. tended the annual Chnstmas con· hem ancl Mts. L 13 Barr rend cert Wednesday given by the AI· Tile Littlest General. A en!lcc. W!Jen you have _once been to ma college a cappella choir in lhe lion of money was taken to ilc Mex;co, you feel It IS .lllst the be· college chapel. Miss Sue Mills, sent as a Christmas gift lo gmmng of other tours t!utt you datlghter of Mr. ancl Mrs. Mlllsl CARE. \.vant to m<~l<e to such an mter·est· sung a solo. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. There are 'I reel vcndm s sell· g t t • \'' th t c

IIoslesses were Mrs. James !n co m r) · v 1 ou ven CI'OSS· Mills ami Mrs Ralph Adams and ing llwir wntcs. Among thl!m arc mg as la.rgc_ a body of watet· us dmtghler, Pat, will go to Alma 'lJ~refrJOterl women, sittJng along Durt, Mr·s. Glc~lll Sh~ren, Mrs. L I M I II t side of the builrlin[(s, soiling Ion Ph!llipR, M_Is. R Glen Dunn a <e tcllgnn on Je way 0 higl1 school where the college ·torltll.ts, a 'Jldnc.tlw like J,1vorite <IJHI Mts. Jcnme Kennedy. Tl~ey Clucago, you ~eel as though yo:1 choir will join the Alma CIVIC of old ,ulfl young altl\e' A laf'!' serV(!{I refreshments of Chr1st ~!.~n: 1\;:~t fc~~:~{; '~~~~d ~~~~~~~ ~t'l~:~· in presenlmg Handel's Mes­o[ Hanita~·y 'mcthocls have given I mas cake, co~I<IS~ ~;lCt coffee. and inviting to adventme, his· them an lmmuntz.ttlon lo illl~cs:;- M. 1 M ,0 W 1 ot McDow- tot'Y., ancient eultme and an en-cs thai hollllJlCl' the Amcl'lcan I. nne •~· 1m joyahlc vncat10n. tourist unless he is prepatccl fori el! spent the wecl< end 1_11 Dclrmt 't wrtll Ml' and Mrs. LewJs Arnold l · and saw "No Time for Sergeants" , Bargain counters are nol i11 de· at the Shubert theatre. Coterie Stages

Christmas Party .pa1·tment slolC basements, but on Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mnntnven ·the streets where the proclucel'· and Trcsa callecl on Mr. and Mrs. to-consumer product IS sol!l. Till.! Lawrence Lal'ller of L<!nsing Sal- Eighteen mc;mbers of Mason ·gift of bmgnmmg is required mrlay evening Mr. and Mrs. Rebekah Co_t_en:. ~athered at the ,when confronted by a street Douglas Rogers of Lmsing wcle !tome of M1s. Hazel Hulett Man· ·salesman, whn is not governed by Saturday supper guests of 111e I day eve~mg for a turk~y supper the rules of tracle. Montavens. and Clmstmas party. 'lhe group

presented Mrs. Hulett with a ' 'l'hc sidewalk is a popular place Mr. and Mrs .. Leon Morford and poinsettia plant. :ror tea or tm·tllla for 2. lt 1s very famrly of Sagmaw spent Salur- . mfm·mal-thc man silting on ,1 clay nne! sunday With Mr. and After the regulur meetmg, the ~ow stool, his wtfe on the side- Mrs. Howard McCowan and fam· group exchanged gifts and played walk. The rlillerencc in sealing ily. Mr Morford is Mrs. McCaw· cards. 1evels brought the question to my an's brotiJCr. Mrs. Holden Stiles, Mrs. Floyd :mind whether it was also a dif· In attendance at tlw BOth an· Burgess und Mrs. Nellle Collier 1ercnce of social slatus-tlmt the nual educational conference of assisted the hostess. :woman Is beneath the level of lhe Mtchigan Optometric Associn· * * ~· the man. This came to my mind tion convention at J(eliogg Cen· COUPLE SPEAKS VOWS h second time when I saw n cou- ter, Michigan State umversily Edward Kallm and Edna Seel· ;ple having lunch together oil one over tile weelt end were Dr. Kate man, both of Lansing, spol\e their ~f the large fountain squares. Lamb Sunday and Monday, Dr. F. ltl!ptial vows before Justice of :rhls time the woman was sitting .r. Kellogg Sunday and Mrs. Irene the Peace Roy Adams Saturday, on a low wooden box, While her Laxton Sunday as Dr. Lamb's December 7, at 7:30 In the eve­~lUSband was seated above Iter, 011 guest. · ning. The couple was attended by Jhc edge of the fountain. Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Wright o! Howard Parkhurse of Bath and

'fhe llr·st thin~· that is !milt Litchfield were Sundny dinner Bonnie J. Musser of Lansing, • \\'hen c·onstrucUnA· " hunw iJt guests of Mr. and Ml's. Marvin ~t~ • t;z

.. 1\h•xico, Iii nut the busmneul, Janson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Darrow • but n wall nr fence, Mr. and Mrs. George Whyte, visited Mrs. Darrow's brother and

; This Victorian modesty Is 11 ruling of Mexican domestic arch!· tecture. The wall goes lljl all nrouni:l. the family lot before the ground is brol\en for the home. )Nalls vary in style and materlals used" from wt·ought Iron, high

'walls' 'or· 1 multlcolorcd to nature-supplied

grows ln a the primitive


Sr., entertained at dinner Sun· slster·ln·law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald day Paul Rodocl\er of Holt and Burl•, anc! family of St. J Mr. and Mrs. George Whyte, Jr. Sunduy. Mrs. Darrow's mother, Tile dinner was in honor of Mrs. Myrtle Burtt of St. Johns, George Whyte, Jr., in observance returned with ti1em for a week's of his birthday anniversary. visit.

Ml', and Mrs. Carl Bashore and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Adams have .family were Sunday guests of r~turned to their home after Mr. Bashore's mother, Mrs. I. B. st>encllng several weelts at Clear· Bashore of .Woodland. water, Floridn.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Adams of Dr. S. Grant Holmes Is expect· Lansing visited Mr. Adams' par· ed to art·lve Thursday night fi'om ents, Mr. nne! Mrs. Guy Adams, Pensacola, Florida, to visit Mr. Sunday. · and Mrs_. W. E. Zimmer. Dr.

Mr. and Mrs. James Stone, Jer· Holmes is Mrs. Zlmp1er's son. ry and Beverly of Midland spent Saturday he will visit his sister, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mrs. Paul Younger Lansing,

so many. of these Akers, Sr. Marie Lecato, who and return to ·Florida Dr. old places spent n' month with his grandpar· Holmes hns been th~

. " Mrs. Ruby Galvin and Vern

Bunl•er of Lansing were guests at dinner Sunday of Mr. and M1s. Joe Harvath and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Ruby and children plan to leave Saturclny for a vacation 111 Florida.

Mrs. Maud Farrell visited her daughters, Mrs. Ruby Holloway and Mrs. Goldie Sawyer of Lnt1· sing, over the weelt end and at· tended the Christmas program Sunday at the! Church of the Nazarene.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fiedler and sons, Alan and 'ferry, plan to leave Friday to spend the win· ter months in FJol'IC!a.

Mrs. James R. Galvin, Marlt ancl Dunn of Peoria, Illinois are spending u few weeks with hCI' parents, Mr. nne! Mrs. Orville Shaw, and Fay.

M1·s. Gertrude Mitchell of Lan· sing entertained members of the David Bennett family at a pre· Chrlstmas gathering Sunday. Those at the dinner included Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and sons of Holt, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benne1t and famill'• Mr·. and Mrs. Charles Rich and daughters anc! Mr. and Mrs. Davie! Bennett. The group ex­changed gifts.

Mrs. Rose Myers of Jacltson Is visiting at the A. li', Zlekgraf home this week. ·


Peggy's Beauty Shop . '

Cold. Waves - Heir Shaping


a sotnethihg Merry

£o~ Christmas for Her


'f( ••

+· ..

Costume Jewelry Delightful Acce11ts Just Unpacked in Time

For Christmas Giving!


LINGERIE Slips - Gowns - Panties

Delicate , •• all Wanted Gifts!


HOSE Sheers - Patterned Heels


Alw.1ys Appropriate

KNIT SUITS ' Fashioned' in Full Style

·Loveil for Yeon to Come!



Our I Lay I


Awav Plan I



Scarfs ,Delicate Hankies

Gloves Purses Aprons

Christmas Selections!

Sweaters '

Blouses Skirts


Perfumes and

Colognes Sh'arfls'


Attention Men:

We Gift-Wrap for Men Free!

Gift Certificates


tile -olctcr pal'ls of cnts, the returned to his ncademy of at Chi·

• •home •In · · .eago. I'..;.~~~;..;O,;.i:.;,;;.~.;.;;.~ ... ~~ilf.~~IMM.!im~~~~,.,Pf.141!tfPotl~~~~~~~~!fl:!8!~1f.W\ft"-'¥ltMM'J:Wl:M'.I~~I'tl1fl\')l~:W:~~~tm~~$:.-Wl::m!M!~IIW!aWMf.lll\fl,1'

Page 13: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

ENTERTAINMENT. • • Theatres .. Dining Places- Dancing -Racing- Skating

.. "flow and Where to Enjoy 11 ourself" . I

Ingham Countv News, Mason, Mich., December 12, 1957 B-5 Chrlstmns party Ji'rldny night, Dccmnhct• 20, ut I he Musonlc hall. 'J'hcrc will he 11 pnlluclt supper ul G;:JO. 'l'ltosC! uttcncllng nrc to lnlw u dish tn puss nnd llwlr own tnble

Letters to Editor wood tree grow large enough to hll used as a cross. Henceforth It shnll he slender and hr.nt unrl 1\VIstcd and its blossoms shnll lte llil the form of a ct•oss.-2 long a;nd 2 short petals. And In t lte center of the outer edge of each f\l!!ul thet·e will lw null prints, J,rown with rust unci stained wllh red, and In the center of the now· cr will !Je a crown of thorns, nnd Ujll who see it will remembet·.

Bowling fot• :J points while DaviH Mcn'R Wr.m· wns lining the same with Fl'llnl< Gucrrlcm Instrt•nnc·e, In tile othet• set Mnson !~uorllnncl nncl Bllli·Dunn l•'urnlt tn·c split points with 2 each.

THEATRE HITS FOX Ou ttuw's Son 'l'hrrrs.·Fl'I.·Sn{, Ou tin w's Hun slurs Dane Clurl<,

Den Cooper, Lori NPlsnn and EJIPn Drew IIIHI It tells of 11 rutJr.l l<'ss gun-sllngr!r who rl'fusros I r11 let his son follow In ills footsteps.

FOX Chlnrt Gute 'I'll lli'S,· Fl'i.·Srtl. China r::tt<', is o story of IDve

nnd wm· In Imhi·ChinH, It dr!plr·ts tlw :;lruggiP of men

In wat·, tlghtin~-t for llw right lo Jivr• In frePdom tlllfiel' a govern· lllr!nl of llwir own drooslng.

'l'ht'('() faelrm; mnl<e China Gale n pat'lkul:rrly noteworthy nttrac· tlrm. It~ ~tory, lnt•n fl'Om tile )Jagc):; of c!rrnlempormy history; Its :;r!tllng, Lite confliel In Indo· Clrlnn following the• I<orP.nn War; and its casl, whlr•h lntr·odtrcus Nnt 11 King" Cuh_t, I'L'f'orcling :t 1'1 isl und nlgl1lf'iuh ent<'rlailll'l', In his fir:;t Hlrnlght drnnwtlc !'ole,

FOX ,fuilhnnsr~ ltnel< H tIll,· ,\I onJI'IIflS. Elvis Presley plays In .Tnilhnuse


ELVIS PRESLEY, phenomenon of America'1 show business world, as he appears with his famed guitar in M-G-M's "Jail­house Rock," in which he not only sings a flock of new songs but also plays an exciiing and unusual dramatic r-ole.


PTA Sponsors Family Night Two IHtndt•ecl nnrl !lfly parents,

lenelwrs and e!Jildren ut tender! lhc Sycamore PTA fumily night Mondny evening In tile school all· pur)HJsr~ room. Christ mns desserts talten hy IIJC farnilll'B fn ntteml· llnl'e were nnnnged for a smor­gllsbord.

The sdwol junior choir, dl· rectl!cl hy Hrnmld Allen, sang 4 ChriBtmas ~elr•ctlnns. Mrs. Mlt·· lam 'l't•nwhrl<lt[e's fOlll'lil f~l'ade

mom won tire nltenclancc :twm·cl.

Midway PTA Hears Speaker 1\lirlway Pan•nt-'l'cncher assn·

ciatlo1r met Monday evening at ll1e sC'hool. John l~rerlr.ridt, guest spcalwr from Michigan Slate tlni· versity, gave a talk rrn hc:dllt ancl reer<'nt lrlll. Tlw group sang CilristmnH enrols.

Okemos Taxpayer Opposes New School Proposition Your Item on Oitemos school Is I again oppose this Issue herause It

the exact situation. The proposal gives pools anrl nurlllnrh1ms in· ns of this date Is no elementary I stead of class t·ooms·, If this pro· schools but a pool und the big position Is r!P.featecl OUI' lli'O!lOSI· nudltorlum. In the past It ilas lion of flclwols and cluss rooms been the contention of the hourd will hnve to he considered.

MRS. CLAUDE M. POST, St. Peter·sburg, Ji'lorlcla

Hnll. Nig-ht Owls lllgh tcnm gumes were Ellis

Stmoc•o, 1128; l•:dnt Hnllct• Arena, 778; nncl Art's !Jnt·, 7•12. lllgh team series were Erlt·u Holler Arena, 2,2211; gills Sunoco, !llli·l; nnd Art's Dar, 2,105.

High lncllvlduul games nnd scl'les were Loret Ia St uclley, 235· fi47; Anna McKenru•y, 1H!l·'ifl:3; Mury Evans, 18:3; unci l•'ran Adsit, •180.

Team standings;

Chnrles Powot•s was the lcncler in I he seorln~-t with a 227 gnmq f!ll' 5!i3. Marvin Miller hncl 2111· ~51; Eustace HugJ.lOW, 210·529; Lloyd Monis, 2fl:l·fi20; Clarence WlteeiPI', 200{iHi; nnrl ,Judt DaviH, 212·511.

'fcnm 'standings arP as follows: and the opposition to us, thut we arc short of class moms. It Is evident now lltnt. they 1 hlnk a pool uml auditorium orr. mor·e Important Lor the youngsters. We sny class rooms and no pool or· IHtdltorlttm, and we lluve n propo· sltlnn before the homd fot• just

Al the meeting we held at the ~anta Too Early w L Meridian tnwm;hlp hail on Mon· ~ Art'~ Bur No. 1 .............. 2fi 1:J clay night previous In the elec- Call the writer of this letter a !~Ills Sunol'O · .............. 21i t:l

'l'hor!Htrn Lum!Jet· & Crml .... an Davis Men's WPnr .................. al . B;iii·Dunn F'LII'nlture .............. :31)1,{,

that. This will be considered when

the November 21 proposal is de· fcalr.d. We nllemtllt!d to com­promise this mntler with them the next morning after election nnd we were lold by the superln· tenrlent thnt "the penple had snld they wonted no schools" and did

tlrn: w; had 11 retl~·ed scl,wo_l su· crepe hanger if you wish, hut you Art's Bar No.2 ................ 20 19 pletlntenrlentl ~f mc~ny years ex· wilt huve to agree thut II bll·cl In Ben's ............................... 20 t!l

Hoy C'hrlHtensen Jo'orrl SHies 27% Frank GtirHTIPr'o lnnuram·e .. 2fi l'vl 11srm Fomlla nd ...................... lfi 1 erlence wi h .111 tile lltlngs they 1 the hand is sllll worth more than Eth'll Roller Arrmn ........ IH 1,J, 20~~

have proposed unci In :;chools 2 1 II c Ius! Lansing Window Clean 18 21 i\lnson llnslnPSSilll'li such ns the Riverview school ncar n 1 1 1

' Midway Beauty Shop .... 17 22 Hi·I<Ias tool< all 'I points from Deti'Oit. f'l'hls scl][)ol tux is pnlcl Dear Santa Cluus, Lansing Camera Shop .. 10\~ 28',~ Pltitp Motor Sales TuPsrlay nigh!. DO'/r by Industry,) And his state· We are always glu(l lo sec you Mrtson 7110 M11son ,Jayl'C!C!t; downed Pl'i(!e men! regarding tlw pool was return each year, but will you BmthPt'S for :JJrolniH illlrl MIC'Itel·

t II me WI Y Y l ee t Hov Cht•isl en sen Fot·d cS,·tlcs.· this: "We operated It 300 clays at e 1 0 1 s m 0 come a • :;on-Baiter Lumber took :3 llrJitlls IIIli nur·ller cr h year'1 I 1 ve loolt 'l'lwrbut•n Lumher & Co;rl nn average cost pet• clny of $98," 12 ' tc • ta [t'llm Mason Elevalnr.

We contcml litis $98 woulrl he seen your red face coverer! with I I II I I 0 rf t lle I I I I f HJ~rh ~-tamr•s nncl series wert! better SJJCnl for schooling or w l te w 1 s <ers as ear y as clo· peop c• rnr. < tnmr) are or- ...

It I mllccl by: Clarenr·r• l•'r,;-, 232-:i:J2·, class rooms. ber, und with the sumc old slo· go en, t te men are hc~-tlnnln~-t to

not seem to he In a mood lo com· Our schools all ovl'r at the mcnt upon anything else. We present lime are filled with sub­came nwny. It Is ou1· opinion t hoy jects that clo no one much good had the pt•esent proposition In aftcrwnnls, only In furnbiJ u Job Lhelr possession at the time. Note for some college gruduntc to that less than 12 hours after the leneh. The locnl schools nre sub· election had been clecldecl. Fast jectcd lo too much outside Inter· work. The lnw says nrst proposi· fcrcnce and about the only thing lion to he 11lccl 1s the one thnl left for local nut·horitles Is to must be considered first. raise the money they cost. We

gan, "Don't forget to shop early," I wall< the ~!reels till'ough nn Jnult Han WI rill', 2111-!i II; .foe Sterle, With the dollar of today suf· of I heir own, r!Lil' c.1untry is filll'cl 200·:il0; Boil lnr:lll'lun, fi·l't; and

fer!ng from a serious case of In· lo the roof Wllh molor cars, the ,John Coy, ;iJ·t. llntlon we could be broke aml dollar In the purse of I he A mer I· \V L " busted long before the Big Dny. cnn ltousewif7 is lessening ....... :l2 ''" ~;i ',' Of course, we could go to the through I he rlsmg c·ost or living, J •• , J. , • • ··:~~~ fellow who tells us to consol!rlale !he . t n!menclous pmhlcm e1111 • l,t Icc Lr ollt~ I:; ......... ... ;-'~ . 2H, .. all our debts, no payments unlll fronttng our cong1:css will Ire J l_rllp M~,'t~11. S.rlf's ......... 21J 1" 2!1',~ next year. This will or might wltcrc the monf'.\' Will r•omc Jwml Llr v.rlr11 ......... 21i :JO,, worlt, dear Santa, if you don't to help us mtC'It up with t!w Sear· lit·l~las · ....... · · .... :.m :JJ . come nny curlier next year. If l~t Heel advanr·cment. Wtll it lie I 'l'willJ.:·hf J.r•uJ.:·H••

The n<'W film msts P1·esley m; a rl'lwllimls youth whn Is SPill tn the Jlf'llitC!lltlal'Y Whl'll lw acf'i· rh•ntally l<llls a man in a 1m room fight. His musiml talent is fos· tct'f'ci in lhe prison and wlwn lw is relc!ased he climbs Iris w:~~· to

fume! :Jnrl fortune, first in niglil f'iu!Js and ron l't'f'<ll'rls, llien in tele· vision nnd, lirwlly, in Ilollywood.

Mrs. Doris . Ilornlng's t hirrl grade room won llw atlcmlance award. Aftct• 11w meeting a lea was glv!'n to honor tile lc!achcrs. Mt·s. Dicit Wyman nnrl Mrs.· .T. W. Livcnsparg-r!r poured. Christ­mas decorntlons centered the serving table.

We enmc nwny wllh the idea want class rooms and schools but lhnt we would submit n propos]. flrsl the proposal now on t11e grill lion nnd we ut that t.ime did not must he defentcrl to gel the one know what wus in theirs. This we we proposr. up for consideration. llled November :JO. We attended We will worl< for that hulas long the bont·d meeting December 2. as they insist on unnecessary Board members had denied to the things we will oppose them. We local editor of the Mel'idlan News have to pay for our publicity and that they had any proposition be- help pay for theirs too and clon'l fore them in the Issue a[ Novem· think they don't ttsc it. for nil it is her 21 but ncltnowleclged at the



you should, lt could lead to a ptr·i<ed rr:om I lie already 72 hll· 1 , . , . . ,

J I I II I lion or wtll r•onrrn•ss soflsrntJ tlw High g,unr.s WC'I C' hnwlr>cl hy anuary c earn nee sa e 11! wee' . , · · · · ' r 1 1\1 1 , 21111 · 1 • A ·A I f Cl · t ,. Amertcnn pentJie ar1d )Jif'i< more • o Ill • r n, , .rnr l.w . . l!! ore ll'IS mas. · II 1vl•ll tr•· "Ill ill I' I . , fmm Ollt' Jlllrses tital fH'I' aJrpacJv (I f dill, " • II' l llg,l

Is Amer1cn commer~lnhzlng jsllm cJwugh'? · Heri<•s roller! hy (', Hrrnclall, fil!i,

Holt News

Ohio Firm Gets Contract For High School Lockers Uy i\lrs. Altcm 1\ituwy the Secondary Cl;rssl'floms. Her Jloll sf'iwol horll'll nwardecl tlw hooi( will !Jt' publislwcl In tile

orc!Pr for lrwlwrs in I he mw high spring of 1D:ifl !Jy Pr·cntice.finll, sC'Itofll to tlte low birlrlr•r, IJuger she silirl. Division o[ Hepuhlie SlePI, Can· The board appoinlccl n derliPa· ton, Ohio, for $H,H7H, Monday eve- lion r•omrnittec 10 plan the rlcrli· ning during a regular meeling at.· r•nlion of the new high sclwot next tile l1igh school. [ull. 'J'hc committee t•onsists o[

The board autlwrizccl payment Mrs. Victnr Smith, hoard mcm· nf bills in the amount of $7,667.22 her, as Pltait·man; Robert Schief· from the general funcl and $53,· er, high selwnl principal; Mrs. !i2.lO!J from 1 he building :tn<l site Huddy Gilbert, PTSA president; ftlllfl. Alton Shcl'idnn, faculty presi·

Permission was grnnlecl lo den I; and Robert Fostet•, sludcnt Hosalinrl 1\1. Zapf to usc material council Jll'esidcnt. on lite higl1 school pmcnl-teach· .John Brower, trcasurer, wns er mnLerPm·e plan in her new authorized to make tile January bor1k, Democratic Processes in 1 interest payment on the 1952 - -- ---- -- - and 195G bond issues in I he ap· Church Women proximate amount or $2,763 and

$.'30,840, respectively.

Plan Me t •IRII'IIS It was voted to offer !>·Irs. e ':. Nancic Lubbers a cont rae I to Woman's Assoeiation of Holt

Prf'~hytct·ian church will have its December meeting Weclnes· day, Dec•r.mber 18, in tire church annex. The dessert luncheon will he sc•rvcd at 12:30. A Christmas play, "Tile Slur's Light," will lw given hy the executive council.

teach in elementary grades m the seconrl semcst cr.

MSU Official Exp~ains Center ELtgenc Guarino, assistant di·

rcelor of the new reading center at Miehignn Stale university, spol;c lo lite Holt Educa lion asso­ciation Tilmsrlay aftcmoon.

Circles '1 and 5 of the Al:socia· 1ion will have evening meetings the same c:atP. Mrs. Maurice HiC'Illnomt will entertain circle 4. "With What Hope" is the clcvo· tionnl topie. Mrs. Gernlrl L. Ak· rigltl is prngt·am C'lwirman. The theme is "Whal Can We Do for Peneo'?''

Mrs. Lee Grinndl will he host­ess to circle fi. ,Joanna Miller ltns tile dPvotionallesson ami J:menne Grinnell is the pmgram clmir· mnn.

Detective Tells

lie explairwrl that the reading ceniP!' pmvidr.s diagnostic and correct ivc St'l'Vif'es for ch ilrlren who arc not making satisfactory progress in reading.

B1111l elnmenlary and high school cltilrlrr.n are accepter]. Either the ~ehool where the cltilcl attends or the parents may make applir'alion for this service, he cxplainecl.

Tests are given tile child in the r,rcas of remling, intelligence, per·

About Lab Work sonality and vision. The~J a \l'l:il­ton report o[ test f1nd1ngs, tll·

Detective Charles MeYers of I ~lucling a plan for corrective h~lp, the state crime laboratory at East IS scnl to tile school nnrl to the Lansing spol<e to Holt Kiwanis paren!. . . .. club member~ at their weeldy Ass1sttng 111 cxplammg the ~c­meet ing Tuesday night at l.lw tual testrng process were Mtss I!olt BalHJry and Grill. Mary ~o. Allen, Harold Harper

Meyers· showell slides on proh· unc~ yVtlhnm Herne, who are ]ems relating to ballistics, legal tratmng .at. the center f?r read­cases, chccl<s and m1mlicrs an mg specmltsts and reachng con-slate e11gines. George Hood was sull.nnts. . . program chairman. 'l'l~ey chspla~ell a . vartety. of

J<iwaninns will have their an· remlrng m~lerral~ .whtch help 1m· mwl ladies night and Christmas prove renchng ab11tty on all grnrle party Tuesday night, December levels. 17, ut Elliott school. The gover· nor·clect of Kiwanis district 9 wilt install the new officers· !or 1958.

Holt Bal\cry and Grill will cater the dinner. Past presidents, llemlccl by Harold Lnycock, will he I he hosts. Ernest Hunt, Orville Hitchens,. Jerry Field, William Fudge, G\IY I·!uclt and Dr. Charles Henderson are lhe committee members ..

Parents See . Family Movie

Holt Faculty Has Dinner-Members of the Holt school

faculty, with their husbands and wives, hnd n turkey dinner nt Dines Terrace room Saturday evening.

Tho occasion was the teachers' annual Christmas social affnh·.

Midway· teachers, with Mrs. Donna Weinman ns chairmnn, were in charge of arrangements.

ub Plun!l Dinner Elliott PTA met Mondny night Holt Child Study club will have

t_hls great da~ called Chnstmas? So, Santa, on yntll' way haclt and A.. 1\. I!mvl<!lt troam, 231i0 .... Have we .fotgotten the great home stop in W:tohinglon and tell Team standings;

Uny Heouts Sr~ll 'J't·r:c•s Boy Scouts from troops No.

!·Ill and 1'12 arc Ponducting their annual C!Jristmas tree sule in !Toll. The t rces we:-e hancl pi cited by tile troop !Pnclers,-Al Sauncl· r•rs nn<l Lawrence Curtis. The

meeting that the proposition was B. J. POTTER,

m~anlng ~f pence on e~rth, good the hoys you lwei a heavy load will t~wnH~ men _and .l?Y to the this ~cason hut you thin!< the peo­world · Many sacrl~~c~s . have jlle's load is already heavy and been made t_o mnl<c this .J dc~y fur that they lwve can led il long every Amortcnn family. enough.

W 'L flanl<',· TV .................... 2!l I !l Capitol Asplrrrll .. . .... :.!H 20 S. W. fiarl ......... . ........ 2·1 2·f

trees are for sale nt '2 locations, soullt o[ Ben's Drake Service ancl nr.aJ' Pulver's drive-in.

flied on November 21. We will Okemos Turn your eyes to the East. There in Bethlehem !he Babe was

S·t·ate Faces Ma·lor Issues born. 33 years later there was the old rugged cross and not too

he one o~ th~ most Important m our economic socwtv. A.t this very season of tile year

., . . . . . I many years ago there were man~· Jhe 19581egtslallv~ session w~ll~wetghl aga!nst '!llY scr;menl of little crosses erected in the East.

Michigan s history, I hope tile governor seer; fit to I there nrc many ho"s in the l~ast Cmlf'f't't Is !';dH•duiccl I J

Tl1er·e arn a nttmber· of prnss·· coop_e ra,te with tl.w in wailing to come hom.e Lo.r c_'h·t,·ist· The mmual hand and choral " " 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 ir.Jg questions In education, civil s;.ctlng soum.' rr.aso_na, >c. so ll· mas. et us turn our 1~ac s !r.r•>n•l

group Christmas conc·crt of the nghts, mentui health care for I tons to_ the problems J[ stunted


th~ West and lteep lool{lng <lrtcct· music d~parlment of Holt hig.h tile a eel and taxation' econrnmc growth which present· ly mto tile East. scltnol ~~111 be flven nl the ~us1c g · ' · ' ty face Michigan. I Anyone knows when sicl<ness Booslcts .meelrng Mon;Iay lllght, One aspect of the session will• Some of the questions lmocl<s at out· door we call a doc· ?ec~;nhcr 16, at I he lllgh scilooll overshadow all others in impor· the state undoubtedly will he tor, and anyone knows· if we hav<· ,tt


p. m. 1 tance to Michigan's fttture. That postponed. I do not anticipate, for a polltif:nl question to ask we can

lis t11e attitude which will he talt· example, majot· overhauling of only turn to those we have , en on questions which vitally af· the lax laws until the tax study elected to represent us. I would

Chamber Offers Pnzes I feet the industrial growth nn<l committees have completed 1helr like to asl< this question for mil· Mason area rcsirlcnts are eli· job ~xpansion in Michigan.. lworl<, .which _may no~ he in time lions of people. Mr. Senior Senn·

-1 1 f 1 • · tl I Michigan's economic cltmate for thts· commg sess1on. tor Potter, Mr. Senator McNa· Cg


1 e 1 or fcC·;.


1 Pl'IZr~C: 1 1 ~1 1 le lms been under heavy attach; by II this situation leads to politi· mara, Mr. Congressman Chm·Jes

tam Jcr o ommercc HIS mns b · h' fl 1 f 1 · · · · ill 1 b 1 Cl b 1 · tl [ I' 1 t' 1 1 Th ~ 1 usmessmcn, c 1e y Jecuuse a en t•ecnmuwtwn, tt w >e ac Jam er am, nrc Jere any o lg_J lng "?:01


csfi. t e1r; fare · I various recommendations which !or Michigan as a whole. In 1958, you men who can say it to be a prrzcs-.~-:J 01' II'S · $ ,J or sec- h . · · h h · 1 1 $10 f t'h. 1 E t · t e governor has made m the pohttcs should he clc-emphaslzecl fact t at t ere was a dog 111 the

on< 1 a,m ' 1 or f tr< · '~1 r~~s past on laxation, unemployment in the interests of doing what Russian Sputnik? I have listened ~ll~ Je mat.~ ~ or~~ av~ n ~ compensation and othet• items is best for our· stale and our peo- to stories, barrels· of propaganda, ·; ... o~su.m~~ . o~e 1

, ·~v .~re~ which inct·ease the cost of doing pie. If we can achieve a measure until I was forced to place them ~ rtll s 016 · 1 ~ 1 s ;n s '{g\a·m business. of cooperation in changing the at· all under the microscope. This is


Dancer· Co ........................ 2:3 2:i II.. A. HowiPII ................... 2:1 Ed'o Standard SPI'Vice ...... 17

Look What

77c Buys at "BOB" TEAR'S

Western Auto -Modern Styled Battery-Powered Pi,k-Up

No old.fashioned lines here! Slyled like latest models in bright, modern colors and gleaming chrome, It's battery operated to make littlo oyes spar~le! One flashlight battery mo"es it forward or in circles, Real rubber


ng mm 0lll,

1 Y ' ew~. .'n I'IC~ • mosphere in Michigan, we will what I found out: If there was

~!10.uld be_marled -~~Frank G_ucr· , BL_Jst~ess m~~ he [lopul~l: ~sa hnve taken a long step forward one, it had to be an Airedale dog ':=========================:: I let o, Dox 68,. M~. on, n~11 lat~r whtppmg-?oy. for poiJtwi.ans, I toward securing a sound eco- to endure su~h a fast flight so •· lhsn December .lG .. Juclgmg lVIII but tn out .highly compe.ttt!ve nomic future. high In the urr. Don't you agree,

wheels. 7" long. Less battery.

he clone the next mght. economy husmess cnn_I>c whtpp;-cll GEORGE M. VnnPEURSEM, boys? IllS! so hard before It packs tts zeeland Mr. Senator Potter, you men·

Lions ~ntcrnationcl Names bags unci moves out. tion severn! issues that will come

Executive: Administrator

John H. Vogt

The Board of Directors of Lions International has appointed John H. Vogt, Executive Administrator of tl1e association, according' to an announcement by Edward G. Barry, President. Reporting to the President and worldng under the jurisdiction of the Executive Com­mittee and the Board of Directors, Vogt will be dirootly responsible for the administrative activities of the world's largest service club organization whose membership now exceeds 560,000 in more than 13,000 Lions Clubs in 84 countries and geographical locutions of the . world. Vogt has been associated ,with Ford Motor Company as Assistant to the Divisional Admii1· istrative Manager of the Aircraft Engine Division. Vogt's offices will be located at the world l1end· quarters of Lions International in Chicago,

Unemployment and hardship O Df I before the next se~sion of ~on· for those Whose jobs have clisap- rgan r ayer gr;ss .. rr I don't IniSS r;tY guess peared Is the result. Competition t~1s Will b~ a congressional ses-between states for new industrial, I have Jenrnerl from Mrs. Hen· swn that w1J.l go down in history. plants has never been <Js fierce us ry Mattiescn of Webberville that it is today and many plants are she played the organ at the dedi· being Jured from our state with cation of the Vantown Methodist the promisr. of free building sites, church 60 years ago. The qLtmtet Jow·rent on factories already I that sang was composed of Lewie built, low taxes, and that very Monroe, Ernie Aclnms, Earl I-luh· Intangible something c~llcd a 'bard and Arthur F1·eer. Mr. Freet· "favorable economic climate." now lives in Webberville.

. . . MRS. FOREST FELLOWS, We, 111 M1~h1gan, have a great Webberville

deal to offer mdustry, much more than other states which have at· tracted some of our plants. We Dogwood Legend have almost unlimited water sup· I ply, a la~ge and skilled labor I read about the dogwood bios· force with a high degree of cffi· soms at this time of year, from ciency and productive lmow-how, Mrs. Burton Baldwin in the Ing­recreational facilities, and a high ham County News. Now I am standard of state and local gov· sending "The Legend of the Dog· ernmentnl services. wood."

All these are tremendously lm· There is a legend, that nt the

Visit the

Record Bar • All Speeds · • Albums

• All Moods in Music MASON HOME APPLIANCE 120 W. Moplo Moson


Country Style

Country Kitchen 1003 N. Lansing Mason

Phone OR 7·2701 portnnt-but their effect can be time of the crucifixion the clog· and h; being ruined by what has wood had been the size of lhe been recognized far nncl wide as a oal< nne! other forest trees. So ~=============• bad economic climate. flrm and strong was the tree that

We can do a great deal in the it wus chosen us the timber for 1958 legislative session to offset the cross. To be used thtts for I the lmP,resslon that In Michigan such a cruel purpose greatly dis· an over-agg1·essive, hostile state tressed the tree, and Jesus, nailed administration hovers over pri· upon it, sensed this, and in His vute enterprise lilte n vulture gentle 1iity. for nil sorrow and

Spend the Holidays in The Detroit Area . .

lool<ing for a last bite. suffering said to it: "Because of * Theaters and Museums Michigan always has been and I your regret and pity for my suf.

Enjoy the best in .•• * Christmas Shopping

always should be a goocl state in fcring, never again shall the dog· * Fine Restaurants which to worit und to enjoy the fruits of labor. It should be a good state In which to Invest fot• the future-to create jobs and' to expand opportunity.

With the right type of ap· proach In this. coming legislative session, we can start rebullcling our economy. This, of course, re· . quires cooperation und I'ecognl·. t!on of the basic fact that state government should not throw Its


8·11 p. m,

SAT. ond SUN. MATINEE 2·4:30 p. m.

Availablo for Privato Portin

* "Christm·as Fenflasy" at Ford Rotunda

* "Chridmas in 1890" · at Greenfie!d Village

* S~iil)9 OJ1 artificial snow nearby

* Hockey and Basket~ a II

Monday, Tucsdny, Wednesday, Thm·sday One :iihow at 7:30 r•. M. forllurc about H P. M.

Frid[ly-3ilturday 2 f>hows {I"Oill G:JO P. M.

Sunday shOW.!! continuous f1om 3 P. M.

Thursday-Friday-Saturday, December 12-13-14

Cowboy-Let's see how tough you are without that gun

Dane Clark-Lori Nelson-Ben Cooper

Outlaw•s Son

at the school. A movie "The Fam. a family bohemIan dinner' lly Circle," was shown. A panel, Wednesday, December 18, in the t-----~------- ~-------------composed of Rev. Vet:non Smith, social hall of -Holt Brotherhood Hmne Made

Complote Lino of Skates and

* And many other indoor.and outdoor attr.tctions

-Mrs. Walter Jenvey, Mrs. Robm't Temple Methocllst church. The Baked Goods ·Herendeen and Chloie Marris, club also wilr hnve a bnz~;~or and conducted a question and answer a gilt exchange for the children. period. ·

Mrs. Jenvey's second grade Gathering Is Scheduled 1 wotl the attendance award and Holt Odd Fellow and Rcbelmh

the fifth grade home room moth· lodges will have a Christmas erts were the hostesses. · party wlth a bohemian dinner at

-- 6:30 ut the IOOF hall on Sntur· clay, December 14.

Edru ·Skating s,hedule l'Uoncluy, December 18-1\la·

son, Dunsvllle dncl Williamston clmrche!l, '7·10 1•· m:

T uesda'y, Dooembe.r 1'7-Souttt ~nslng Baptist chnrcll, '7·10 p. m. ·

Splondid overnight ucommadltian• In .bath urban and road. aide Hottll and Motels. Attractiva pachgo plans for ~•mlly groups avail·

,ablt. 'For calendar af tv~nt• and accommodations info~.atlon wrltt , , ,

Page 14: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Mason Staves Off Rally To Beat Blackhawks 47-37

lnuham County News, Mason, Micb., , December 12, 1957 8·6 Dansville Wins Defensive Battle Rams Win Game

With Early Surge ~Ja~ 1111 lll'ld Dff 11 ciPit•!'llilnPci liil\VIm lo ~tn.1' lllllslciP. All dill'· Hlallml llw 1\liiHDI! offtm~c. In ill

Ll':;llt• l'illi,l' 'l'ill·~ilay lllghl Ill lng tho fhHI half Jill' Ll•,;Jic l'llllfLIHlon tlw Hiliii'[J:;ilrHJtlng nlrl. filliHII with a ·17-:17 Vil'iiii,Y. 'I'll<• :;l!ill'Jl~hooil'l', f'illli'l\ llli•hnwnd, llllll!d found IIH! l'angr. iiiHI ht>flll'· win lll'illt:K 1\liiKIIII'~; SI';JSIIIl rt'l'• !Jdl!)!,l'ci oi\ViiY Ill lhr! lmslwt hut I lin IJllill It!)' l'lld!!cl IIH' 1\luson Jr.a orrl tu I I 1111d ll'ilh tlw s''t'OIHI Jill' llilll ll'illlldn'l go ill. II II'IIK il lVII; t'lll lo one )lolnt. :;Jralgl!l Jus:; lol' !Ia• !il'l'iiJlJIY dllfl'l'<'lll slui'Y clnri10g fill' J.e:;Jw J·~al'IY In IIW fourlh pcdn' lllud;Jwwl<:i. 'I'Ja•y lust ol l'iiiSI! rally In 1111! 'third 111111 !Olll'lh llidunonll cl!!iiVrrecJ the shu onn lu ~:tlll'i;hridgl' in till' OJli'IWr. IJilill'll!l'H, I hough. whieh Jllll LP:,IIe In fmnt nnr

J•'rlclay nlglil J\la:;on opl'llii It:; "" cll'livl'll'cl ·I long :;Jwls In a IIH•n fullowcd with 11 Jlilh' of fre Capital l'il'i'llil l'illl!Jlidgn u:.:al11s1 1'1111' with the li!.~l IIIII' slwving liii'IIWS lo giVI! lhc lliad>hawl<H i Jlull. \Villi 1111• l!IIIIH! 1'11111'1 ml· LPslil• Ill liunl :J:l :t] fnl' liw II nil :J pulnl ll'arl. Villllilgl' .11111 liu• pussllilllly ll!al linw In 1111' 1-(illlll!. In Jill! pasl L<!sllc gnrnes till: ,lilt'l> LiVPIISJlill'~<·r IJliiY IIIli IH' 'I'll" Lt.>sli<'·J\lirsoll gamr> was a lias hr'<'ll tile !'lie for Mnson It ahll' lu piny J\Jason might l:llw lypiml nn<'. 11 was rough anrl fold hul Musoll <'<llnr. IHH'l\ .slronr llie gilllli'. ll<'ilhc•r IPiiiJl l!url muc·h nf a lills IJJnf!, Denny Wl!lpplr. liooJm·

D:Hmvllle, wll h ln~t YPar's t'l'nclt senlnl's miHiilllil· w'on ., gnmo flrlday night tho hurrl wuy.

Tire AgrrlnH tlownPrl Fnwl<•rvllll' 'l~-n wllh 11 mlly In the l<uil ·I lllilllllt!S,

11 ll'lls 11 tlt'fnnsll'<' sil'llgglr• Willi bot II IPillll:i unublc• lu hit Wilh any I'IIII'ISII'I!I'.\'. l'llill'il!., Wlrr•m.r11 iliJIIJerl lhe Dansvilll' illlncl> II' II h I I polnls. Glenn Win•· 111<111 wns nexl wilh H.

Mile 'l'o!nlln scnrPri nil hlll 1ll of the l•'owlervlllo prrinls on G IJeJri glldiH a111i 1i fl'r.e liii'<I\V.S,

Dansville• flnlsiJprJ lhi' fin;!

lloll Us<'rl a gu111l lil"•t IJII<il'lt•!' lo iirll'illllilgr• IIIHI ~Jii'ill I ill' Jasl :1 wardinl: ulf Slul'idrrldl:•' lor 11 ·1~,. J:.! Vit'llll',\' 'J'III'Sriil,\' ll!gJrt.

Tlw i'unliH'I H, r'uiiKiri<'l•'ri IIi" <'Ia•,:; Oj IJIC lllgiJ.JIII ( 'illllli,l' IPIII;III', l'llllirln'l cllljJIIt':Jil' till' il'ill ol WillloilllSillll, 'I'll<' Jilll'lll'h 1\nodwri on ilolt In llu• Otll'lll'r Ill •Ill II VI' I' I ill!.' Jll'l'illl J.

IJIIIII'IPI' In f!'lllll H·:l, Ill Ill<' c•IHI 'l'hu Hum-;, wiUmut lho of lire• II!'SI llnlf DilllhVilln !wid ol ,,('J'\'il•r•s Ill' oiiii'!C Li\t'IISJIUI'• J!J.!J lc.ul. Jo'owiPrvllll' r·amn illld\ 1.(1'1', 11r1• lru\'lng 11 llltJJI tJJJH' In 1111! llllld JICI'Iorl lo ('Ill lllP ll'lll'lllillg' 1111 In llu• w;;;·.:.~

Agaiust ~lod;ht•ltlgn llult tlllill'( litl\1' 1111~' St'lll'lllg" HI<IPi ho1l lilt• 11'11111 <'IJ'ort Jlllid off, .l.ltl ~:u1itlr IIIJIJI<'tl lilt• llun1s 111111 r:l tmlnls, c;t'I'I',Y Ch'l' h:ul IJ anrl 11111'1' Cm Jll'nlm• n1ul J.,·ro.v ILI'Illll'll t'lll'h bng· g1 11 1!.

llon 1\l.iSIJn, Slor•ldJ!'Iri>:P Cl'll· lo'l', 1\'IJS till' 111•,1 si!IJIIII'I' Oil tJIC! '"'"'' 'iiii'Sdil.l' lligl!l, lliou~ll. Jlr! 1111 l1t1' 17 pol!ils, l'illll Sparlafol'l! dl'iii'PI'I'd Ill oii!CI ubo Hlilll't:d IJil

!Pad ~G-211 nnrl In Ill!' ll!'sl pari ol <'rtg" Sl'll'ill!l, 'l'tJ<• 11 .uall.v llw las! <JUIIl'tt!l' llw r;Jildialoni hi~h·~I'JJrin1; Pl't'\1' ol' t oad1 I loll Wt'lll olll ill front 15·H In

Llvl!nsp;rl'i:<'r mi:;scrl IIH• ti1·st 2 l'iHIIIl'l' to rPally pliiy Jmsi\PIImll. 111 a ~;hoi ilnrJ fnllO\I'Prl will! a fi'CI game•; wilh 11 h:1rll,l' ~:priillll'ri loP Oflll'ials r•aJIPcla lotnl of :J:.! fo11ls lhmw lo lie tile! game nl 31i·:J; ht• pll'ill•rl IIJl in 11 PPJI nH•<•IinJ.( anrl lill!l' sill\' nnl~· a fr:IC'linn of llu•n Milson Willi off nnd l'llnnlnf( hnfom IIIP \Villinmslon ganw. J\1'· llw nll;:s violalionli. Twic•p lilt.> Bl'ur·l' llol'lnn rh·nvr. In fnr 1111 mrrll11g lu Coill'il Da11 llovanr- ll'ilrns II'I'J'l' wiJislll'rl '"a"'''" so ollwr C\r.lci J!llill, \VJrippln sunl1 f ~Iilii, IIH• Hams IH'Pci a lal\P· thai offil'iills l'lluld qulel lhe pal1· of fi'PI! lillll\'o's. 'J'om Clippr>' r•lral'gl' pl.ryPI' ol Llvc•nspargc•r's I!I'II\Vrl, rii'OflJH'ri 11 shnl from lhe flolll lyJH' lo di<k Wlil!oul him I!JJII Mason .lump<:rl into lin early,aml Bill Dipl~ hmlw lnlrr 1111 I:; ,111:;1 nnolhl'r il'illll. !Pari will! sonw I~<Hrrl 1,,11111 sl or· r·IPar fol' nn t•i!sy Jny·Ufl to wi1 J\!;1son l!iis 11 lol uf l'llllgh spols "Ill'"

lng, \Vhl'n llw p~riod <'!Uierl ~Ia- gn1ng • •'.1'. . lo 11'111'1< IIIII of !Is gamP. Agalnsl son led 12·7. Cmll'll Don J,lltle made OIH'

Olwll!lls iiiHI Lr•slie ll11• flllilrloc::; r·lian"e In his slal'llng lhwup for

. BROWN TO BROWN: "WELL DONE"-Fullbacl< .Jimmy lkown left of the Cleveland Browns Is congrululnlcd by Coach 'Paul' Bmwn in Clcvelnnd nftc1· the former Synwusc All-American set a National •,ootbull Lcn[luc record a.galnsl the Los Ancclcs Hams. Brown gnlncd 2:17 ·yards rushl,ng-u rcco1·d rm· one gnnw-und Hlso scored four touchdowns 111 the 45·31 1•icto1·y. 'l'hc 228-pound Brown said after the game U1nt he felt "rundown."

wen! o111 in fl'llnl. Tlwy dldn'l 111111 llm'UIII'sian an• h;n in~· 1111' llrsl IJIIilllr·r. Tl_ml lllfll'gln slay liH'I'C long, lilouglr wlwn lilt' n tlill'iPIIll ~;lnl'l. Jll'll\'i•d lo ill' II!" rlllfcreuce. Ill Wirr•nmn lrl'olhel'~ o.lillled I'UI· , . . , , . , , IIH• !·l'lll!HI Jll'l'lorl lwllr lt!ams . , I .• l·l' mghl IIH· ltdll! .. pl.l,; oil lii'JIIC'd 1:1 polnls. Siol'i<h!'lrir:>~

Illig 1111~e. ~I I' . 11 , I·, 1 fr•w \1''11'' 1 J l'l'iday nlglll Dilnnvllle movr•s ;lsoll. ' 111 11 'ol' • • ' · Jll'l'it•d :l points oil' lhr• ilol Pt ~"

lo I PSiit• fill' whal •;lwuld he a lloll has hilnrllr•rl lilt! t.ullrlug•, 1111 llu• lllil'd IHII lloll r•ame hacl> r:Jos~ ·eonlr•sl. '!'lie 'ulaci<hilwl<s with t'ilsr•. 'l'lli.~ .1·c·a~ ~ 111.' lt•;~ 11 ~.''11u olliKI'Ill'l' IIIP l'alllhcrs .l:l·it In

I I r II rIll I arc 111111'1' C'\'1'1111 lllolll lu rl olllri I II· llu• I lSI IJll'lliC'I' gi\Ve a g{)CJ{ :11'('0lJJI () -. 1! • da I Jl[ rlJ('S ll·I~.:,)L! ~,ji(JLIId JJII it t' I •

sPlvr>s ag,tlllsl Slol'i<IHirigc I• 11day j, g / liol'illll'siall llm!W In LlVI'II· showed Jti<'nl,l' of rlril'l' anrl s<'l'ap • llougllilollsP llilslwlllilll rloml· ... HPhounrlln" \ViiS 1:oml 1!111 slHHJI· naiPd lh<' sr•r•onrl IJIIal'leJ' wllh lhc Leslie gmnc nnrl il Paid off

h • II 1 1 1 In an r!ffo1·1 lit gPI more smrill' and ,Jerl'Y Spagnuola were l11c only other players lo iH'eal< Into tiH~ double figures.

nigh! <'VI'II I hough Iiley lust. lllss·UJI. . SJiill'gl'l' in Ill<' l11sl 2 minutes lu Fowlt•rvllte will lal\e a resl J•'l'i· iloVilllr'slnll l\'ot!lrl hrr•alill' :r 1 •tJ tr •t•zr• llu• lriill Ill! I Ills Iool.

JnJ: ll'dS ~Jtilll\'. 'J'1t11 lllilllY J'H~,\' lll'ili,ll'l' IC'<tlll ill[! II I II llllll'l hhols wr•re nilssl'rl. ~wurlll[; hill wlwn llw _lulif ronrlml JHllll'h he! starJcd Dietz nl guarc'

OvPr 111 LPsl!r• llltlh !roams had i\Ja~'"" had sii'Cii'IH!cl lis lead lo 'l'li£' ~.r•nior <'ame thmugh With I' St. Mary Beats Flint T earn 54-36 Agnln II was lite St. Mar,Y ric·

fense whil'h slole lite show, The hallhmvl<lng lac:tics o[ Slump and j

c•1 1\'· , 11 • I• ·11 •J 1 ·11 .1 row Spngmwla lwlci lite Fli1ll guards ,, . ••IIY I dl(. ~ ' I I 1 111•1 lll 'V'l'Y

day and l'll.iJJY llw Dlll'n dnte In lillll' <'a•,iPI' if IIJ• i<lll'~l: ;v 11 ''.1 ~'~·~· s'ii1J1

1J 11 ;Ju,"n•d hln1. 'l'lw il•lll still' I he Sci!Cdllil', !I.e ,''OII!rl L'lllllll 1.111 ,L 1 : 1 . 11 ''i~·~ll,l

11,: SJII'fliiH'rihis !Jig lot! jlllilillg 011 a

IIH H.rm ,JIIIIIJII.Ilg .Joid'. 1 , II. iJ,•,J-pJIJiill dt'llllli!Slration al a IH•y lo I IIlli s '':"·J,Iu~alrl Jll 11 hiiii!S,

1111111 JI''P 1111 ,Piing las I wt•t•k aud

11 di•pallmc:nt Ill 1\'l!ll'll 1\la•,orl h:l;: ho~s IH't'll olll ol dr'llorJ sinve. loolwrl f;1nl~' goutl 111 lilt• .!

JHtilliS Wilh mn~l of 1)1['111 in tJI' a llnw finding ll11• lilllgr, II 21·1:1. 1 was nun·c· rllfl'il'llll frll' Lc•slle II was a rliffr•rronl slory in llw liisl·C[IIfll'ler ral y,

J11an 11 wns for !\Jason. Tlw llglltllhird quar·ter, Ll'slle slarlerl a full 1\Jnson lnu;;l gt!l mnrc seo1·ln: Mason clr•fpnsP fon·rd llw Blac·k· courl p1·r•ss whid1 IPillJllll'a!'ll.l' from its forwnnls, Whipple wa· .'hur~da.v .nig~ll by s:opplng Flint I seor~~~:fl~'~ontJyo Ct~~e l;lCc l·~iili

:t . .John ~·1·311 al Sexton gym. lone·· •

Mason Athlete Is Miami Bound ganws ~~~ tnr. , Slor·ldll Hige, will! a 1·1 record,

Panthers Open \Yith Bang By Dumping Leslie 56-42

llw only forward lo lilt In t11r rlm1blc figu1·cs.

Larry Wl!rcler nnd Dlcl1

I '<ilfli'Prl llw scoring Jwnnrs frrl Mnson with 1.'3 (loinls. Whipple followed With 10.

The Jlilr Bllll!s never were In center, 1ny II'•JII,ble. Hid\ Ba!Tel t, I he

sll:ingl)['an sharpshooter, again puslwd Si. Mary in front will1 11 points in llle fb:l quarlt!r, When the penod enrlcd the Flint learn was on tile shnrt cnci of an 18-5 score ancl il never rccoverecl.

Cage Schedule

Mt1son Is anolili'l' tr•ii!ll wlild!l will !ai\P on Olwmos In lile lop has had 11 IHIIII lillll' lrillill!: ll~o•jl·'ritlo~~· uighl g.llnl' as flll'.as ll!e basi"' I. The llulldll", •, hi! I I' Iii If I ll!g i1a Ill ('lllllli )' h•a).:lll' IS Cflll· Bob .Jr•1w11, former Mason star I 1 1 1 I

atlrlcle an<l a vmsily end rei Mil'll· enough 'lloulltll~ l'iliiiii'I'S IIlii 1111· r·.•rl!l'li. TI!P l'ilir:r.? .oo>l'l, c as:;y Jgan Stale, will leave TLle~cJ; 1 y lo siluls lmvv nul golll' cl11\\'11, :rg;unsl J\las!lll Joi!d,ly night.

lly lo Miami [or lhc llDI'Iil·southl-------------------------­

Slrwl<hridgP dumpPd LPslit• fl(j. ''~ Friday nighl 111 mo\'1' lnln lhe fronl linr• of t~ams In 1111• ing· lwm Count) ie.rr.:ue. !JaslPII anrl Dansville 11lso posl~d victories in tlw rJjH'ning nighl of play.

::Siol'khl!dgl', ('(JnsiriPrecl h y many lo he !he• c·iassiesl loam in llw iPIIi:ur•, liar! a h:ml t11ne mak ing Lc•slie ll<'lievr: those iirlvance Jloli<-es.

1\lil'illll arldr•cl J.'i poinls Ill lhe Sltll'kiH'irlr~" Inial anrl Gary Cor· nish h.rd fl.

Don Coppcm"ll Wils high man fill' li1e nigh!, liliiUgh, Til! Jllll down fJ lielrl goals lind 2 free throws for 21l LesliP )JIJinls.

Hir·Jmwncl WIIS I he hot shol llwu~h. rr., scored JG polnls fol Leslie on 7 long sholR nncl 2 frcr lhmws. Larry Rouse was next with 7 for llw Blacl\hawks.

]Jnsnn FG Ilorlon, .. , ......... 1 Callrirlcr, f , ........... 2 Wlwclel', c· , ......... ,) Clipper, g ... , ....... 2 Dic>lz, g ............. :5

~'•nhslilut inns:

wr J> F 'I' r• 1 " 3 I] 0 1 3 2 13 0 I) 4 3 1 1:l

Whipple, f . :3

AI the half St. Mary led 32,1S and at the end of llw I hinl period lhe Lansing pm·ochiais wt.>re in fronl '14-26.

Barrett lopped I he scorers with 23 points on 8 field goals and 7 out of !l free th1·ows. !\like Slump

Mason Reserves

Friday's Games Dansville ill Haslcll Lr•sllc at !cowlervillc Okemos at Stoc:khridge

'l'nesday's Games Oltcmos at Dansville Stockbridge at Williamslon Fuwlervlllc trt Webberville Dr.xlcr at Leslie

UAI'ri'AL cmcun Friday's Gamt•s

all-~lfll' game on Christmas niglll. .It!\l't'll, along Willi 1111-Amel'i­

ean Dan CtiiTic, .Jim Ninowsld ,rnrl Dave Kaiser, will Join CcJoich

I Dully Dauglicrl,Y on the north squad. TI1e Spart<~n cuaeh will clirccl lhe no!'lh team.

Wives oi Jewell and NiliiJWsld will also a<·t•omjmny lhe party. They will 1111 rclum lo clas:;cs ut Slale Jammry 5.

Junior High Starts The lll;wl<hawi\S INI al lhr: rncl of I he flrsl pr•riod H-i:l nnrl \\'lll'n I he hall enril'rl llwy harl iiH'I'l!llsr•rl lhc margin to 31-2il. liopt's nf pulling 1111 upsPt farlerl for llwm in llw tlnrrl qn:ll'll'l', lhou:.:l!, when the l'anthPr•; ril'livPterl a hanag<' lhal rloonwrl LPslir..

Friday night Slocl~lll idgc will 1 nl\l• on OkPnHIS in a game whir·h should giJ a long w:ry lmva1'd rle· l~rmlnin:.: tlw clilr: of lhC! Ing­lmm County Jpagur.. The Chief· lains looked like :r rnilliiJn dollars Fridilv nl!::hl 111 takinr: l'fii'P llf I\Tami1. Tecl \Varner clrsplaycd an unc·anny shooting <•yc and lhc r 'hid:, lib nwrcrl il slrong tiP !'Pnse. 'f'lw Panll!crs will ha\'c the lmm<' cour1 nrlvnnlnge.

'l'l'llril'all, f ... ' ' .. " () fle>ins, g . ..... .. 0 I lol broul\, g ... .. .. 0

•I ()

0 I)


D [)


Everett nt Howell

Lose Cage Opener , Holt at Mason S1. Mary al ncslll'l'l'vi ion 1 Civi.·

Mason':; junior higl1 basi\I'IIJnll teams play their lii'Sl ganws l•'ri­rlay aflPI'nonn OI'CI' at ll11ll. Coad1 .Maul'lee Slrail t'llilt'lws 1!111 11 teams. illas11n's t•igl! 111 gradr• crew clevelopecl inlo a smooth team as sevcmh gmllcrs Jasl year. \Vilh Paul Spadaforl' lcarllng

the nllal'i> lire l'nnlill'l's pumpl'rl in 21 poinls in lilt! lhll'li while LPslie minlagPrl only :~. Thr: Pan· ti!CI'S held IJI!Iu tile lr•acl 111e rest of IIJC Wily.

Sparlafun• l11ppecl ll1c SinPk hrirl~:" allack with 17 poinls. Don

Leslie> pla,1's ils game! Frirlay nighl al l•'owii'I'VIIlc. TIH' IJiaf'l<· hawl<s arc favorites in I his r·on­lcsl.

'l'UPstla)' night Slor·l;briclgc will play al \Villiillllslon and Ll'slic will l'lllcrtain Dexter in a non· lt•aguc gilmc.

18 11 Mason's reserve basl>clhall

H '17 tc11m tried to put all its lmslwt· ball intn !he last quarter al Oke­mos F'riday night bul lhe move didn'l work. The Chlcis won 3S· 32.

Ll'~liP FG ('IIJlJll'!'llOil, I ...... 2 11ous£', f .. , ......... ;~ Jlaslmrur·k, c· ..... 1 11i<'hmontl, g ....... 7 J'{onrk. g ......... 1 ~uhslitutions:

!\lh•n, f .

F'l' I) P '111 • 1 ;, j

1 •t 7 1 3 3 2 •1 J(j

I 1 3

For the first 3 quarters MaRon,. playing 3 freshmen and a pail· of sophomores, experienced bud< fever. BaslH!IS Wlluld nol gu clown

2 ~nd passes slipped through fin·

Cenlerl I•' RID A 1' lmSIJI;!'~

lughum Cnuuty LPll~'lle Oltcmos :51, Mason •II Dansville 32, Fowle! ville 7 StJJcilbri<lf(c 5G, Lr!slie, '12 Haslett 50, Williamston ~16

Cupitul Cil·cuil Evcrcll 71, Jo'linl Allu:rton ·I:J Olwmos :31, 1\lason ·11

Smith Silos Spcciul Discount

Okemos Wins Cage Opener When Mason Attack Sa9s

Schmirll. c ......... . DCIJI'IIicr. g ...... ..




2 (I



1 0

ll 1

Sl Mmy 51, !•'lint Sl .. fol!n 3(] ' 'liut•sdny ltt•snll~

r:crs. ·Mason 47, Leslie 37 J\t the end of the third quarter' II oil 18, Sloc:l<lll"lt!ge •12

lhc Bulldogs were down 32·15. '1 Haslett 52, Fowlerville 31

TUNIS HIGDON 709 E. Kinncvillo Roed

Don LiiiiP's rlchul 11s ~lason Chil'fl11ins maintainer! lhal 111· hnsl\elhilll l'llal'ir Wilsn'l as huppy poinl edge with WHI'nCI' malch·

}cJ !J 18 37

Vikings Defeat. Non-League Foe

'fhcn Mason started to jell. Wilh -E~·:vc:t~·e~tl~5:6,~C~h:a:rl~o~lt~c~·:l!~J --~=============; Bob Forche and Pete Robinson 1,

leading the way Mason whlltled down I he OlwmDs !carl to a rc· spec:tablc 6. points before lime 1·an out.

Phono JU 9-5207 Loslio

us l1C lwped it would be. ing his long slwls against llie I I I I I I I r 1\!ason shooters almosf l.iasl\ct

T Iilii ;s to I II! s 111rps Jon ng 0 Evcrcll Jll'ovcd Friday nir:ht il Ted Warner 01\cmus I npperl J\!11· for h.tsl\cl. had one of tltr. Lansln,:: area's top sun !il-,11 l•'ririiiJ' nigill on lhc Even though \Varner's JlPI'· cage teams. The Vil\ings slaugh·

RDbinson scored f) points, For· che added 8 and Bob Christensen drojlpcd in 6.

C'hicflai11 c·rJLirl. Wnl'IH'r hil for formllncc was a shining lighl lhc lcrcrl Flint Atherton 71-13. V"k" s :m poinls in<'iuding 13 field goals. Chiefs nrc far rrorn a one-rn11n Coach Tc<J Bauer turned his 1 lflgS lOp lllosl of his floor silots were gang. Coa<'h Boil. 11nkcr has a whole Viking horde loose with 1•1 fi'Oill Wil\' nul in lmnl nvcr the ilappy scasnn coming up if I he' men seeing action ancl 11 of them Q • I 56 49 top of Milsnn's wne dO!cnsc. opener· is <_Illy indication .• Joe Lit· cnlering into I he scoring. riO es •

Mason slarlcd nul strong but lrell :mel J1m flaga came th:ough 11 waR easy nll the wny fol' I ran inlo lroulrlc when tile Chiefs W!lh goorl JlCI'[rmnanccs. Clnwl< Everett. The south Lansinl: Everctl enntinucd ils hot Ji!"'•'' went inlo a pressing Iull eourl Clausen, a sleady vclernn, hacl a sciloo] lad JcJ.~ 11 1 the end of th~ 'J'uesday nif(ht by bealing Char· man for man defense. lmrd !irne findmg_ the range l•'ri· fi!st quarlc1.' and 21-12 at the lotte 56·49. II was the second win

'J'I!c Bulldogs were not nul· rlay Jllght iltll he IS il proved per- haiL With reserves cloing most of in as many s!nrts. , Jrla,ved tlrey were just oulscorccl. [onncr and will boosl the Chiefs. lhe worl< Everett increased the Ability to sinl> tilC Ioul sh1.1Ls 111ason showed more rll'ivc anrl Okemos will find oul just how jlc<~ll to 5?·33 at the end. of the was the main reason Everett won., light on llw baddl<lanls than has goori il is Frirlay ni,::bl. The lhll'(J pel'locl and kl'pt right on Another good reascm wns lhi! 1Jeen slwwn [ur quile a spell. Chids move ove1: 10 Slockhridgc rolling lhmugh tile fourth. tight defense the Vildngs threw

Lillie Slill'tPd out wilh Mike to mccl tile Panther powerhouse., Evcrell's uuacl< Was well-bnl· at Charlotte. Ilolbrooi< and Tom Clippm· at Stod\hriclge has n .Jwst oi vet· nnced. Lloyd Bearclsley topped Everett outscored the Oriolc!s gllal'ds, Bruce Horlon nnd H.oci crans and lois of size, 11 com· 1 the scorers With 15 points, Hugh 11·9 in the first period and L,allrirler al forwards vnci LaiTy morlily tile Chiefs can't boast buil.!Hallory had 13 along with Get'l'Y stretched the score to 20·16 wilh 'Wheeler al cenlcr. All dicl well, I he eagle eye shooting o[ the rSpringer, Larry Counsellol· added R hot second quarlcr pac•c. Tlw cspPdally Clipper anrl Wheeler. Okemos gLitmls may offset that 12 and the other ~tarter, Dicl< Vikings trier] 1o control the ball ,

Warm!l''s 2!l poinls were higl! height advantage. Ynrgc1·, was next With 4. in the second hal( nnd fell of!' on I for I he night. Clippt.>r loppPd M:t· lllason J~G Fl' l'F, 'J'P


gverelt's pressing defense the scoring pace bu! 111 son Wilh 12 ancl Wheeler had 11 Horlnn, f .............. 1 0 1 2 slopped the !•'lint team cold. _Gary weather the Charlolle onslnughl. fen· lhe bull\ of the Mason seor- Caltricler, I .... ... 3 0 1 G Cook W<~s lhc onlY man. to hit the Hugh Mallory was the Ever· in g. Wheeler, c ....... . 5 1 1 11 1 dm1~lc ftgllrcs and he JUSt mad!! elt scoring star. He hit for 7 flcld

Mason will have lo come Cl' , ~ 2 10 il With 10. goals and 12 [rcc throws Ior a 111rougl1 wil11 more ~coring help !ppc! • g · ............ · ,J 2 ~ • r v·1 · t 1 All 26·point total. Ken Yarger added ·. , . , . , . . HollmJUk " ............ 1 0 o 2 l' 1c 1 tlngs ou s 1ol 1erton 11om the lest n( lhc pi<I.\CIS. ., 1 . • t': • 31·2l from the floor with most of 13 points lo the Everett total. ,

"1 I J·e(J llln ft'rst ~ 11 J~tllu wus. D · "I II t llP d tltn losel'" ·~ Jcc et· spar' . ~ · 1 Truclc·tu f 0 0 0 ,1 the baslwts ~omlng Irom out on enms ""a o e ~ o ]lr:l'locl for Mason winch ended· . , ',' ......... · .; 0 0


the court lllld in the corners. with 9 points. with the Bulldogs in frnnt 15-H Dlclz, g .................... ~ F · 1 i 1 I V"l i ill

· . · _


• 1'1< ay n g 1L tre 1< ngs w Warne1· was lhe onl~' Clueflam 19 3 5

,11 have another chance to sharpen to find the range wllh any ac· their shoaling eyes in a Capital CL!racy. Olwmo:; ?' Circuit game over at Howell. The

In tile second period Mason's Clausen, f ............. 1 0 3 ~0 Highlanders Will have their hands otTcnse collapsecl ami il was diffl· Aaron, f .................. 0 0 1

9 £till just trying to hold down Lhe

cult for lhe Bulldogs to even get Hacra c 4 1 1 the ball 'up the flnor, Before tile Wa~·n'er, ·~ ··::::: .... :::::13 3 1 29 score. quarter was over Okemos was in Littrell, g .............. 5 1 1 11 fran t :i0-20, . All during I he Hccond half the 23 5 7 51

.Haslett Noses Past Hornets

.With R·ally in Last Quarter lr.l

Reserves Beat Leslie 63-28 Mason's reserve baslwtball

team finally came up to expecta· tions in a game al Leslie Tues­day night. The Bulldogs won 63· Haslcll, unimpressed with the

WJlliamston win ovet· Holt las1 wcelt, stepped out Friday night .an'd beat the Hornets 50·46. · ",Haslett made a strong come·

. .- •bacl< in the last quarter to win the game. The Lakers fell bchlll(J 16·9 In the first period and sta)•ed behind until late In the last quur­

. tei· when I<ris Shoemal<cr sparl<· · : eel a drive which pushed the

Lill<ers In- front, . · , . Shoemal<er was the top· point · · producer for' the. game with 20

on 9 field goals· and 2 f1·ec ' '

points. 28 with the starters playing The light de fens c w h I c h about half the game.

stopped Hoi t TLiesday n i g h t At the half Mason held a 26·12 didn't pt·ove to be as ell'ectlve lead. When the third quarter against the Lalters, Shoemalwr ended Mason was in front 47·20. opened up the defense patterns Coach Fred Driver's first unit with his steady shooting from In' was just too much for Leslie to front. handle. Bob Forche, l(elth Stone,

Haslett will find otlt right Pete Robinson pete Lumlanskl away what its chances are in the and Ron Snyde't· scored almost' at Ingham County league. Friday will. Before ,the game was over night the Lakers· take on Dans· Driver used 14 men with 11 of ville on the Lal<er court. them doing the scoring .

Williamston will attempt to re· Stone and Forche each had 12 gain its stride in a game at Oite· points, Robinson had 9, Snyder mos. The Hornets will have. to scored 8 a11c1 ChUck Walcott find some way of stopping the added· 6. , long shots of Ted' Warner. He Jerry 'J{linger · was the only

he didn't rate a ruined Mason In the Okemos-Ma· man with any scoring luck for ·· He .'sco1•e4 · 7 field .son opener with 13 'ot those long Leslie. He was high man (ol' both

nne·,free throw for 15 oneR, , , · ·• ' , . t~>ll~~~·wlth 14 ·poln!ll· · .

Haslett Defeats Fowlerville 52-31 Haslett served notice on llw 1

rest of the Ingham County league Tuesday night that the ! Lalters must be counted among the league powers.

'l'ho I,ukcrs !tent ·Fowlm·· vllle 52·:-ll without wnt·lung· lift mueh of 11 sweat. Next on tap for the Lal<crs is

a Friday night tilt with Dans· ville. Though the Aggles won In their first outing the Lalters are the favorites. Haslett has 3 straight wins already this year.

Dave Chadwell and Don Tabor were the top shooters for Coach Oland Dunckel's cagers. They each bagged 8 field goBJls but Chadwell alsn added a free throw to tal<e the honors with 17 points. 0(111 Liverance was high for Fowlerville with 10 points.

As good as the Haslett offense was It was· the defense that sparkled. 'l'he Lukers held Fow­lerville' to 12 points in the last half. ·

Fowlerville wm seek to end Its 3-game losing streak Friday night against Leslie. Tuesday night the Gladlat(JI'S wm take on Webber· ,VIllA In R non·1eRgll_e gnmfl. ·

All New Factory-Built


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for Sma11rl t~ostcsses ••• by


Durlr:11n's nrw Bl'i•lg1· Sci wi1l1 •playcrlle~~, t11 •<ioN• ;r """' fa>liinnablr arl'l'lll In ynur li~1111; r"r~n<, llr•,1illl'r '1'111'•'" 1~>\'rlillg> :11c llnllaflcx, lnw•h dur,d,lr maiNial "hit-l1 lr,isls slainin~ "' :.'11iling, l' will! dampl'lnih or sponge. l',ltldcd ch;rir srnts for g1eulcr comfort,


• t t a I I I t I I I I t t I t t

Choico of Color,.· ' Solin Bloek frames

, wilh Pink, Cho reoal, • Spring Green or Coral. : : Beige frames wilh Tomt. , I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I t I

Tal•lc nr11l chairs have all-slccl fn111H'~~ rigi,J r.nn:;lruetinn. E:~sy lo fold. l•,rsy In sci up. A scrvir.r.ahle, ~(·1, otH' wirh 111any usrs, and at nn niii.Jrlilc pri1·P! Your best buy for fa,lliun and \'aluc!

Smorlty slytcd Lozybock pillows mol:c the dlrference 1 Cho"!Je ony oood-loo~1110 roorn to a superb room by addrno o Iouck of clcooncc throuoh bcouliful pdlow; Sec our complete hne of famous Lo~yback dccoralar pillows 1n a galaxy of lue newest colors, ·robrrcs end slylcs From $3.95


Page 15: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

University President Pledges Help In Guiding T ri-County Development

AI. J{cllogg Center lust 'l'hlll'H· 20 yeut•s ago, wlwn an cm·ollnwnt rh1~· night Dt·. ,lrJhn A. l!nntwh, of 8,000 was cnnslctercd maxi· prr.slrlc!nl of Mlt!hlgun St.nte unl· mum. verslty, mvculcri pluus for· 1:nn· Mlr!hlgnn Stato Is rmt unclm· llnurd rlc!Volopmtml. lin also hanrllt~llp nf many ot.llm· HdlOo!s, plr•clgeri !lie! asslstuncc! of the unl· Dr. Hnnnnh pointed nul, whe1·e vr.rslty In nrdcrly ricvnluprnent of there 1~· lilllr! rwsslhiilty of ex· tile onllre ;u·cn of Ingham, Eutun panslnn. In l'ct•enl ycai'S Mlelll· 1111!1 Clinton counties, lln IIHI;:r.rl gnn Stale hns ;u•qulmci mnsl of for supprll'l of all :J I'OlllltiPH In the farm land needed fur rc· the pmgrnrn of the ll'i·eOitnly search, IH! sulci, nnri then• Is morn ]!Ianning mmmi.~Hion. 011 llw eam[Hts for llf!Piif'd student

The arPa, m•lli Dr. llnnunh, Is housing -iliHI c!as~;rnnm hJlill!r.. rirstlnr•d to Ill' one nf flit• gn•nl CniiBg·•!s unrl uulvt~l··H Industrial r~oneentralinns In til" t'llllfcw 11 .. 111111111 ~~: us wdlus lu· wnl'icl. Tlw tinlverslt.v Is rir.stlnr.rl

tollcduul twnnfiiH UJIIIII 1~ to grow. All thr. I owm;lilps, all ••nmmunlty, th11 111• 1~sicltmt. nf the viilngeH nnrl dlles nnd nlltlie IIIFill sulci. Ahllut. $1111,000,000 erllllltirs rnu.'il I.'OOJlr.l'llte In rh!·

· It YPIII' Is IHid<'cl In tim 1'11111· vr.!oplng re~mlree~;, Dr. llnnnah munlt.y's pot.t•nlilll hy Jll'l!sent riednrerl. llJll'l'Utillns ut !11811, hn nx·

Dr. I IHnlwli jli'OJlltclslerl ill nl Jlluhu•cl, willlin 1:1 yr.11rs 1\!lehlgiln RIH II' will h11vr heiWt!cn :IO,tltJO and :i!i,." nnd unlversltlt!s nrr! Ollrt slllril'nts. IJ() polnte1i <lltl JilHt among lhr. most stable lnstitu· plans were not marie !Jig C'llUUgh It ions In (lie world, Dr. lfannah

Some Polio Contributor May Get Foundation Trip

snlrl, Alexandria, Hcldolhnrg, tlw Sm·lwnno, Oxford nnrl Cnmhrldt;<! hnvc wltllslood the vlclsslturlcll nf lime nncl rllilngc, he slnlerl. Ilu nlso call~rl 1111entlon In the ngu nf I·I;u·vnt·rl, Yalo unci Prlnf'elon In Uw U11ltorl Stntm; unci the unlver·· :;!ties In Sllltth Amm·ll'a.

In J'l!lllill'ldnr-: uhout llw r·nm· plaints of 300 student l'lll' nwiH'I'H nvc1· r!lllllJllls restrl<!t lonH, Dr·. IIannnh snlcl It should not he fell'· ·rnrten that n,:mo students regard I Jw rest rktlons ns rPIWiliHihlc! and have demnnstrnlcrl tlwlr willing· ness to 11blde by them.

Water rcsourees must hci rle· vi!lnpr.rl and mnlnlalncr!, romls lllUHI h~ nrl!'fJUiiiC to Kl'l'VI' 1111! r·ommltnily, inelurllpg J\lkllign11 Stair. nnlverslty, and the C'lll11 munllil!s must solvt! the sc•wn::c rllsposnl prohlcm, Dl'. Ilannal1 pni nl cd nut.

Snn ford i~HI'Ill'Hs, IIPW I,Y·i d rwl nrlmlnlslmtnr of the trko1111t,v planning t!nlnmlttre, w;•s inti'!! rhwerl. lie told of the uPed. J'o;• the ;) l'llllll JJes to WDI'l<. !Oj;C!I 111'1' HIHI hcsoll~ht lllC aid of nil groups within thr. :l eounllt•s.

Frnnl1 K. l•:vnns, Ingham 1~oun· ty highway engliwr!l', rliseusst!rl'

An 111glmm resident. mny hr. 11orwHI'rl·looi\lng l'Gsl!al'dl pm· pmr~rcss marie hy till! committe!<'

AlllPI'ka's "Mr. Conlrihulor" or I ~:rnm of the Nntlnnnl l•'iJLIIHia· and of problems whkl1 lie nlw<~rl "1\lrs. Conli'lhutm·," us the e;~sr. .lion, said Murninghan. of II. may l1e -;1t the 20th anniversary "M1·. nl' Mrs. Mal'l·h of Dimes D. B. Vnr·nm·, vke-pmsidl'nl of t'f'll'hi'Ollion ol the Nnlimllll Fnun· Contl'ihutor" will he chosen in Mkhignn Stntc, pn•slr!rd 111. till! rlntion for lnfnntllc Paralysis in the following manner: mr.ellnii nl. I\ellogg Center. Super­Warm Sp1·ings, Georgia, on JHJI· The Ingham county chnpter,l visors, highway engineers, city 11nry 2, it was annou1wed h,V l'lla~ 111\c ever,v other chapter In the I anri village officials and ellti· J\turnlnr~llltn, ehnlrman of the country, will select the nnrnes nf cators were present. In g h a rn County Foundntlunlr:ontrihutnrs to the March of chnplcl', 'Dimes, nne lor e;ll'h year of the

'!'hr. winning candidate for lhiR National Foundation's history hnnn1·, dwsen from names sub· since Its founding in 1938. mlltf'ri hv !he fmmriation's .),lOIJ One of lhf' names will he picked 1 J, s: chit piers. will he tnlwn l"rl from a lishlmwl hy a vie lim nf in· Wnnn Springs to unveil a marhle


fnntilc paralysb on Dcccmilf!l' 18. freizP with hmnze busts of 17 The :J.lOO names· thus piclwri Jr; in the flgl11 against polio. will then he sent to Warm Ills or hct· r-olf' in the gall1erlng !Springs, where the final winner of filmed sdcntists and other ells-, will be drawn hy a member of lhe tinguishcd figures will he tn: polio poster fnmily of Major .Jo· symlmli~e thn ;tvr.ragc Amcriean scph L. Solomon, of the Rnhins rloiHII' In the Ma1·ch nf Dimes lm- Air Force Base, Geot·gia, on De· mlncnl. conquest of polio and the cemhcr 21.

Michigan Milk Producers Ask Federal Or~er Change llrnriH!t in;: eonrli I ions a nrl dairy

.farmers' income would be lin· liH'OLlgilout the loWCI' part o[ Mit·iligan If Lansing ancl JFwJ,. ~on wr.rc h1·our,ht under lcrleml orrier rPgulalion, accnrding to Glenn Lalw, president of the lltkhigan J\-lii!l l'ruliucers' assucla· lion.

'J'he !II.MI'A 'is' lii~lJiosing­the lllhlllion or t.lm~t~ Jlllll'lll~ts In Ul'lt'oit, marli!JI, ill 11 · hl'nl·ing· whh•h opened ht ],1111sing 'l'uesday.

"TI1e fat:l. thai. mill~: pnwureri and snlrl in tile L~nsing area i:s nnl l'l'gulatcc! has caused serious di~loealion of mill< sales from slltTounrlin:: regulated marl<et.l," La~:e said, "and eonscquently li­llilllcial looocs lo ull fll'otiucers In­volved."

''l•:xisll'llt'l' of 11n unregulated marl1ct near regulated marl<els srts I he st;q:c fol' unfair pridng wilieh lends lo unc!c:·minc the nver-all slrueliirc of producer p1·it~es," Lhc .MMPA presldcut added.

Jle poinlccl nut llwt tiw over­lapping and lnlerminglin~: of mill\ jll'oeut·cnwnl unci sales he­tween Lansing unr.l all SUlTOIIIlrl­ing mariH!Is has hecnme more acute recently, and said, "We he-

Teen-Age Party At Maple Grove Maple Grove teenagers danced

In lhe sclwoi gym Satul'llny . night.

This· dance was· initiated 11,1' .Turly Johnson, Connie Towsley and Sharon Bishop. Approval was obi a inert fr·om the sclwni boa t·rl anrl recreatio11 committee by 1

Charles Rylmikar, recreation earn· ' mitlee suh·c!Jalrman In charge of teenage activities, Maple Grove Hcct·enlinn committee. ·

Other members of organization ami worl<lng cnmmittccs wel'e Mil<e. Monroe, Steve Koslosl<l, Curt, Cnt·olyn I\oslosl<l, Duane Shaw, Tom· 1-Iogall, Ron. Fuiger, Bernard Koslosl<i. Bob Bttttons, John Holmes and Geor:;(e Bahcoclc.

The teenagers formed a club for the purpose of organizing dances and other activities. OI11-cers arc: President, Steve Kos­loslci; vlce-p resIdent, Joi1n Holmes; secretary, Curt Deggett; and treasurer, Judy Johnson. Of· fleers will appoint committee chairmen cin each school bus, anti malce sure teenagers are repre­sented at recreation committee

lievc we have ever,\' moral, legal and economic justification to look to the federal order program to aiel us in solving some of our l'P_,,,In:oo,: f'\"'l",.,,,..tinrr proh!Pnls."

Laltc said MMPA members in both the Jackson ancl Lansing areas favor the adrlition of their markets to the Detroit federal order, hut . strong opposition is expected from some dairies. In thiH t•cgarcl, Lal<e said, ".We can· nol conceive how any riairy can in good conscieuce oppose changes in the kdcrai order which would benefit producers and illllll'oVe marl<eting concli· tinns."

Pmhably one of till! ob.lcctives of the MMPA is l<ccping out Car· sr1n City milk at a lower price. Ca rsnn City dairies now sell in the Mason marlwt.

ln addition lo the enlarged area, MMPA Is also proposing 1111 increase in tite Class I priee paid in lhc Detroit mnri1cl. Lake said the association will oppose elim· ination of the 20c per hundred· weight premium paid on Class II mill\ during 1 months of lhe year. The premium was obt·aincd by MMPA at a (H'evious federal order hearing,

Stores Stay Open Starting Friday night Mason

stores will remain open nights through Monday, December 23, !m· lhc convenience of Christmas shoppers.

Schools Ched< On Graduates Two days last week high sdwol

principals and counselors met with lora! gmduates at Michigan State university. Progre;;s 11·as slucliec! a ntl pmblems eonsiclerPcl

Forrest Rlncilat·t, Ma.~on Jll'ill· cipal, and Donald f~dgingt on, so­cial science ami histun· lcal'!wr, were among teachers 'and eoun· sclors. Bolh Mason men l'l!Jmrt'•~: li1al in g-cneml all the Mason stu· dents Interviewed am progn•;:s­lng satisfactorily.

Interviewee! were Marie Bmwn, Gary D. Callridr•r, Don aiel L. Haviland, il.onalcl M. Ka,;t, Karen A. I<nudslrup, .Jerry Lu mianski, Jwiilh A. S e h I a c k, Charles H.!r anri Josl'pli D. Sticl, all graciltatt•s al Maso11 last June, and Pete LoVclle, will graduated from J\1a,;un in JU33.

. Credit Group.Eiects Paul Darlin,g oi Owosso anrl

H. L. Bruol\ of EHsl Lansing were cleclccl I u 3:ycar terms as directors of the Farmers Procluc· lion Credit association with of· fices in Lan~ing. The assodat.ion serves the counties of Jngli11m, Clinton, Ent.on, Shiawassec, lonia and ilarry with short-term agl'i· cultural crecliL


Christmas Photo

GreeUng Cards.,.


Archy Asl1 Stroot, Ma•on

You can •upply tho picturo or wo'll toke thom for you!

meetings. A collection was talcen to be

tis·cct as prl~es for r·ocic-n-roli dunce contest. Tlie record com· mlttcc chose Kny McDaillels as winning girl, and Rorney Rodrl· guez · as winning bciy •. Each was given $1.00 and both. donated the money to the club treasury. ·

Good Grooming_ on the Job Alwaysllociking your best on the job does a good job of helping you get ahead. It's easy when you let us clean your suits. We get them as crisp and fresh as when new ' • ' restore that spot­less sparkle so essenti11l to 1 well-groomed look.· 'Prompt serv· ice.

Admission w~s. · charged nnd

·~op. was sold. the money gojng ·. M. .

0-.d. ·e. r.n .. · .Clea-.. n·.

8. __ . lnt~ the tee11nge club. treasury, .

: 'I he next donee Is. tentatively . J>l'anned .for. Saturday;. December

_ ·.-.•. ,~~o~ '8~~l~Y~·': 'r·~~~}dapt~ ·~~~-~~~;.... .. Ph .. o.;.n .. e• ... o_R_· 7 .. -..;.'s_' .. ' --~~~-;....~.J

The Ingham County News Mason, Michigan

PLENTY OF ATMOSPHERE-People gene1·nlly expect nrllsts to IJe n[ u ~ingul11r breed und 1\olrs. Anne Bullis doesn't cfis­appuinl a!; shP slftncf,; by ;m exllihil of llCI' wm·Jc at nn outdoot• ;how in Londun, !england. She displayed bcr painlinfls 111111 pull'cd Jwr pipe al the lOIIi annual display sponoorcd by lhe l.o11dnn Council.

Wools - Flannels



SilCS 22-31

Leather - P'atcnt Cords - Tapestry

Thursday, Dcce!niJcr, 12, 1957 Section C

Boy Gives Dairy Project New Twist Carlton J(I'HII~, 11 ol.Jr 111C!Illlmr

on n :.!}l·HCI'I! fnrm 11mu· Williams· ton, ilas slwwn <1 nuw I wl~t In I11Hi1J11g II Jli'Ofit WltJt tile C(Uii',Y pro,ll't'L C11rllun, 11 mr.mllf!r.· of t l1e \\'est Lod<l' ·1·11 dull, I,; liH' son ttl 1\'11·. 1111ri J\1rs. Jl1•rherl Kranz. lie J1as JHII't'illl.'ir'd 17 J ~·;!lvt~~ :;lnr:e l!J!"J:J tu rnbe fur llis IJI'<!rl lu~lllll' project..

From a week:; of ugn until ,July hu fnerlo i1a~· and u gl'llln mix! ure of 1!01'11, o11ts, liuseccl oil meal, hrllle mcul and trace rnluemlizec! salt.

lie: lJI'r!r.ds Ills helfcn·.~ nt·t!tlduily 111 12 to 1H rnn111hs o[ age so thr!~' will freshen In tlw full to IH!Ip his huyen; to estubllsll a lilght!l' milk baHc.

c 'a I'! loll, tiiW 111illlj' l1o;,'s anti Car·It.nn buy~; mlvc•~; fr·um girls living 011 small flll'lllH, hi!H IH•.Jglihuring· fiii'IIH'I'H with Uu~ found it impr;u:llt!:dlll l'<rl:;e dairy III~TI'I'Illt'n1. tlmt. Utt•y will t•;ilves [ol' t:OW~ at I HllllC'. 'l'ht! hltVI! lin1t. c•iwier~ In huy f.fl!'lll

d;!lry husilll\'iS I he past ft~w years hndl .luHt hcfuro UII',Y f'rc•tih-

1 h01s hrc:mnc mechnn !zed, it. Is 1~11.

rlifflcult to keep n few !lnlry Ile sells Iii~ lirr!rl helfr'I'H at il

I t:IJIVS. This snmn JIIE!t!hiinlze!l retlltcnrl cost. to Iii".' illl''nl'" 1"1111 d;tiry 111Cll'l'l111!11l has ll'lil(IC it jlllH· '' '1 ' ' ' '

.1 tile• agreement lliiil Jw g1•l;; llu! ~llir! for or1c lat'ITICI' to lwt!p hPifer t•n!l'es. Sinc·c! l!l!i!i ill! !Ills lnllll,\' mol'C! rows. Tile grratest amount. o[ lliin lnlHw·savinr; ef. I"Ct'elved $200 fill' all grade IJI'C!d fCJI'l has IJeen in llw llilll<iug awl twlfei'H nnd $:l!i0 fill' a registerer! llollsing area of rlu!J·y fat•ming. hn•d lwil<'r. I le pays· from $10 to

$20 fm• grade :J·dny-old t•alve~ and Many rl<di'Y farmet•s nrc ilnding $2!i lo $12:i for rc!gisterecl r:ail•es.

it r_•ernwmlcal to Jlllt'dlllsc hl'!!d j '!'his fnll Carlton purdm~;r.rJ :J reg­lwilers In tile early fall lo main- istel't•rl calves and •I grHcle t•aives. !ain lligh pmrluetlo11 pos~;i!Jle cfln·· These 7 Jiolstein calves plus lite lllg. the wlnl.ur.. Cnrllou's IH'Cr! :1 yearling heifers arid 11p to quire ltellt!l' program Is shaped In meet a IJusirwss fo1· a 'l!i·\'CHI'•Illd In is !lemnnd. He huys :l·clay-olri young man. I It! ha~ invr;sterl or eulves from :J days 111 6 weeJ1s. ea1·ned $2~00 with his bred !~eifel'

Earrings- Pins - Necklaces Match od Se Is

___ $_.::_1.00 TO $5.00 JEWEl. CASES 90c lo $3.9fl

pro.lcet. I In plans In llllt! thl:; In· venllllcnt townrtl a collel~l! cc!uca· lion.

Wilmot 1\lroJ:lowell, C'llllllfy <!lull ugent, snld, "Wf' lul<c om· hllln olf to Cnr·lion iiiHI his fnmlly fol' llolntlng nut the clmn1:e that: siloltlcl tui<c plnr:e fen- sDilll! of tllll' HI u!~lllhnn; In I he cialry prn.l­cd, 1 he l'efJLtlremenls fol' thl!l prnji•t'i. Jwc•omcs mnrc lmpnrluru, frll" II daii',Y fill'flll!l' WillitS JJrcc[ heifers In the f11.ii. Cul'llnn's Iilli!· t:c!~H HIHHilrJ lndllr:l! olilei'S fill small farms lu cnn~ldur wucit jll'o,lr.d.~."

Woman Falls in Lansinu I'Vh·s. i•.une1· fo"lll'llllilfl o[ Dan~­

vltlt! luul <i stltl'!w:; taken in her forclicart liisl Wedill!.'iday In c:inHr' a t'LII re1·e!vcd hy a fall. She had ~-:one to Lansing on the bus and was wallling a eoupic of hlnd<s 111. lllf'Cl a group of friends logo to ;1

party. AfiCI' failing .,lie wall<crt to tile meeting plal'e unci tltr!. fl'iC!Itrls tnoi1 her to Sparrow hos­pitttl, where the :;titehing was done. 1-lr.r nose anti Jmth cheel\~ we1·e badly bruised,


SLIPS· Nylon - Cotton

Fancy Undies

35c to



Nylon Hose ROBES

DUSTERS Soamloss - Mash.- Dork Seam'

Fancy Heel $2.98. $)1.98 Sizes st/2 to .11 - Short, Mod., Long

$1.00. $).50 Nylons - Rayons

Flannels - Crepes Corduroys - 'Satins

Fancies - Plains .

AL! For Little Boys, Big Boys and· Men

Mason ~Bull Dog• Sweat Shirts $].19 $4.98

$1.98 TO ~4.98

GLOVES · AII'L~ather - Wools

Nylom ·- Fur-Lined Flooce·Linod -: Loothor·l'acorl . ... ' .

'·.:~~) MASON . 1

' .

·All 6if~ ;Purchases . Boxed Freel :

Page 16: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library


Mothers Club Meets

Club Members Gather at Party

Farm Bureau Plans Meeting Mumth Farm

formetly c died group \I 111 meet at chmch lwuse bm 17 \I 1th a turlce) 7 30

Mrs F01 rest Miller Mrs Ford and Mrs Harold Harr appomted b} the president rred Ford to act on the menu and table r!ecoratmg committee All attend n<( me tequested to sci\ e

Funeral set v1ces fat Mrs La Vern Lehman were conducted I hursdn) aftet noon at Caskey fLmeral home 111 Stockbndge Mt s Lehman died suddenly at lwr home 111 Mumth last Monday

She s survived by her htls band LaVern 3 chtldren Demus

Bunal was m Mumth

Mrs Elv1ra Pee and Pam of Jacl<son Wet e Sunday \ Isttors at the Robet t P Titus home

Mr and Mrs Richatd Cooper ami cluldten were Sunday guests of her parents Mt and Mrs Glen Maye1

Mumth Methochst Youth Fel 1owsh1p attended the ptesenta1ton of Handel s Messiah at t11e First Methodist ch m ch In Jacl<son S1111 cia) e\ enlng

lngl1am County New$, Masor1, Mich., December 12, 1957 (·2

Page 17: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

lnuhalll County News, Mason, Mid1., Occcmhcr 12, 1957 C·3

Leslie -----Principal· Teachers Meet lly Clnl'll Hll'llll!l'll nlrl Allr!n with grurles I, 2 unrl a

pmli<'ipaling ul 2 p. m. W<!ilneH· Elenwntnry sell!lnl Jll'lndpnl, ,J. dn,Y, !Jef'l'Jnlmr 18. 1\'lcmh<!rH of

Douglas Alexnnrlcr ·mnl with lim .thn l<inrlcrgartun nnd purcnls nf tcmdrm'H rm:cnlly nnrl nrlviHcrl ldndpi'!Fli'IPn ami g['l[r)cs 1, 2 uml thf'm to cxplnln to Jlill'<!llls thai. a will lw lnvllerl. rr.pui'l r:arrl gl'llrl!!H going nul nl 'l'hnrsrlay, De!'cmilcl' 1!1, Mrs. lh!H' lime arc [OJ' IH weclis inslearl Allen will dircet members of of li wcel1s, summarizinl( the [H'il· gmdt!~ ·i, iJ nnd G In a musical grcHH of IIH! !JUJill for tile entir<: 11 rogrr 1111 f11J' IIW PTA in lire hlr,:h !icmeHlcr. st•llool llYmnnsinm nl H p. rn.

The new limn on lho carr!, l'ili· On tlw last d:ry u( Hcilrml be· zcn~hlp, ]10 r:olllliil!llr.d, is of Ul· fore ChrisllllllH, Friday, Der!t!nl· most llnj•orlaJwc. llc! suggesll'rl her ~fl. IHll'llr!s will he given in that l!ilt'h lcadJCJ' lll:r·t•IJI IIH' l'!ll'IJ fll'iHI<: l'llfllll In the after· slandal'll of grarllng: "A" for '""'"· I''!' A l,li'IHie room moiiJet'H those who IWVt!r or l'<lrPiy JH!I'd will ;rssisl. SdJOol will he dl:;· vri!Teclillg; "If' is a hrmlcrlilw Oil missed al 2:D:i. 11 ;\"; "C 1

' for thmm \Vho oe,·asiort· ally Jll!ed <'OJ'l't!elinr,: n11<l "D" nrr;l "I~" grade [or IIHISI! 11!!Prllng

' cnn·cr!llon oflen oJ' continually. 'l'r.adwrs wr:re ndvisr!rl hy

I'rim:ljlill Alexander lo aHI( pill'· cnls to sc!ld excuses frn111 1loctors fnl' ehllrlren who l'ollsl;rnlly J'l'· fuse to go out to play at recess fnl' hca\111 rc•aso!IH.

Exeusl's in arlvaJIC'I' will he asl\erl fr11111 parents wisiJin~o: lo tal;e l'ililrlren on trips witlii11 llw sdrnol year. Educ:al inn:ll nrlvanl· ages of IJ•ip will he <'IHtsirlcrerl hy the lr•;rt'IJPI' ;rJl[i (lrlndpal ill gJ'illll i11g eXClliii!S,

Tile Christmas sPasoll [Ill' lhe r!lcmenlary grades wi II 11 a VL! ma11y aelivilie:;, said AIPXilllrler. There Will IH! II llll!Sil'iil prngralll UllriCI' the dil'l:l'iirm of lvlrs. !{on·

Co~mty Sci]OO~ Dottrd Meets Supt. ClnrcJwr! VandcrLinrlen

of Leslie sdwols was il mr•mbr•J' of till! panel at the county board of erhwaliflll meclin~ in Mamn J'eer•nll,\·. 1\t!JHJCI h Sprln~er, su· pPrilllr!rulenl of Pleasant Grove school, Lansing, was moderator. Ollwr mcm!JcJ'S of the panel wPre: C:eor~c Sd1llll o[ the slate rlqwrtment of public instruction: Alton Stroud, county sclwnl su· JH!I'inlcndcnl: Glenn Wall' ins, r·rHJIIIY IJIJn!'ll 11[ education; and Dave Dielil, member of the Dans· villt! sdwol board.

School pmblems of nearly

P • • I v· . J. every nature were rliHCliSSed. r~ncapa ISh·S Some sub,iecls mncerpcd pulllic·

S h 1 G d ily for sclwol::;, public rclulions, c C02 ra s tuition, slule aid, rernwmizaliun nf sf'hool dislricls. transportation

PJ•indp;Ji H.ichnnl How!PII of· 11 ,1ti phil11sophy. SloddJJ·irl~e l1igh scliool has lwr•nl AIIPnrling with Supt. Vander· ullel!cling fresliman \'isllati<u:' Linden were the presiclcnl of I he days conferring with SlncldJridgr IJ11:ml, Alvin \VillHiiaJ·ul: trcasur· graduaiPs :II the area co!IL!~cs er, i\lrs. Jleloi.'c Ii:annawln: and anrl universities. trustPe, Anthony Moll. Supt. Van·

Gary Smith, sdcncc ma,inr, wm; derLinden wns on I he planning vlsilcd at lhc Univr!rs:ty or Midi· cnnHnillec fur meeting and met igan: Ed Gnunelol, secondary wilh the group previously. education ma.Jnr at Eastern 1\1 ieh· igan: and John Collins, sop!!<>· more but in his lir~:t ye:1r HI Easlcm Mklligan as a IJ·nnsfcr from Michi~an Tech al llough· ton: were visited hy Mr. How·

School OffDcials interview Pupils

lett. . At Michir,an Slate univf'rsily, Supt. Clill'C!J('C VandPrLmrlcn

1\larilyn Li~heck, in a noll·prdr•r·: and Principal Olio .. IIcei;scl al· r!nce course: .Jea11 Ad·;it'y, elf'·! tcnde,[ treslunan VISJ!atron day mcntary crlucalinn ma.ior; Phyl·: at Michi;.::1n Slnle uni\'<!rsity to .Jls Moorehouse, elementary crlu·' c11nfcr with Leslie graduates re· cation majoJ•; Pal. 1\unzclman, ccntly. homemal\iJ;g ami home econom· Rita Hamilton, sclwlarship stu· ics major; .Judy Willmore, ~oplw· dPlll majoring in elementary edll· more i'n her lit's! year at stale :JS cation: William Huffman, science a transfer from Alma eoilcgc major; ami Hohel'l Townsend, majoring in mc~rchandi~ing am\ Lal'l'y Castle ami Charles Young, rct;1iling; conferred with How· ali :3 majoring in police admin· lett. istralion, were interviewed.

Also al Micl1igan State were Part of the visitation prog1:am Barbara Mollenlwpf and Doris is the filling out of queslionnUlrcs Katz who arc scc:rctari<•s anrl by the slndcnls as to how high taldng evening courses in cum· school could have better lilted munications and social science them for lire worl;: tlwy arc tak· with 7 hour:; credit. in~.:.

North Aurelius

Society Makes -9uilts Hy M1·~. Huht'I'!. Wdd1

Members of the Missionary so· dcly of Nurlh Altreliu~ clrurdr met at the clnlrch Tuesday eve· ning to lie quilts.

They will also mel!l Tintrsrlay evening al the hom:: of Mrs. Genrgc Bullen to malw (JOJH'OI'II balls and pael< Christmas iloxe:; to l1e sent to tiw Hiawatliaiancl Mission, localcrl neat· IlulllCJ'l in lire Upper Peninsula.

They will pack flannel pn,iamas, hamlmncie mittens, slipper sox und stuJ'fcd toys Ior the orphan· age at the mission.

Wtlhb School Cluh illt!els Mrs. Ruby Nelson enlcrtainecl

12 members o[ Webb ~clwrll club at her home 'l'llllrsday evening. lL wa~ their annual CIH'istmas par· ty. A potluck supper was served and giJts were excha11gerl. Thc group spent the evening singing Christmas carols ami vi:;iting.

Young people of No1·th Amc· !ius clnrn:ll will have their rnonlh· Jy party with young people from rJ area chLn·clles at Holt Daplisl church Saturday evening at 7:30.

Northwe:;l Aurelius exlc11sion club will mech at the hnme of 1\lt·s. Wayne Lyon Thursday, De· ccmber 19, for a Christmas after· noon social. They will assemble gifts for the patients at Hobart

' nursing home.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Christen­son of Lnlwvicw were Sunday dinner guests oi iVh'. and Mrs. n.o bert Fryover.

Mr. and Mrs. H.lchm·d Fcl'l'i:; und family were Saturday eve· ning dinner guests of tl1e latter's parents, Mr. and 1111'S, Ralp!t l•'urtney.

Mrs. Irene Laxton has returned to her teaching duties at Webb school after a 2 wcel\s

Mr. and Mrs.' Oscar Lee and J:amily visited Mr. Lee·~ brother·, in·law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Champagne, and family h1 Lansing Sunday afternoon ..

Friday evening Vl!~ilot'!:) nl till! lwme of Mr. anrl 1\lrs. llcr!Jcrl Hartig ami daughters.

1\lr. ami !vlr:c;. ClilTord J.:irlqml· riel\ and [illllily of Olwmos were Sunday evening sLIJl(ler guests uf ' her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Jue Peters, and Jamily.

Sunday aflern.oon Mrs. Ken·~ netll Hogcrs allfl son, Billy, visit· uri ller parents, Mr. am\ Mrs. Hulpli Furtncy. I

Mr. ami Mrs. Clwrles Rich and daughters visited Mrs. Gertrude Mitchell in Lunsing Sunday after· noon.

M1·. and Mrs. Clarence Irlsli en· lcrlained her brother and sister·

••• are a last•

ing source of satisfaction!

FEELING NO PAIN - Srniling Cindy O'tt:n·11, 10, '·Miss Inlel'llillional Auto Sholl'," llf':JI'S up l'ei',I' 1\'L!II under tile strain n:; seven ton:-i of tru1:k rolls o\'Ct' ht·t· in Sun F•·anei:-;co. 'rile tlllll~U<d vchil'le, 1\'IJit'h mm·<·s on hu~c:. Sii\Jsdgc-shapcd pneu­nwlir! pillows instead of clllll'"ntiullnl wileci' aurllil'c:<, is called 1110 l!olligon. On disp\;~y nl l11<! :::.!11d :lllllll<~l S:n1 Fmneisco lnlemalional Auto Slww, 11\e 11'111'1< 1s nhlc to ''<~bsorb'' roel;s and ntheJ' ubsl<~cles (lilw Cillrl.l'l ll.1· "lluwing muuncl them." It is ulJI<> tn caJ'l':.' !wavy loarl:< o·:t:l' 1 t.:l'.\' \'I!U~h ((l'Olll!d.

A YARDFUL-A whole yard wid~. as proved by the yard­slick, this giant fungus growth is measured by Jim Kcal in lnd~pendence, Mo. The growth c:unc from a small :;Lump in Keal's garden. It's composed of scpamlc tubes which branch into 100 or more ''leaves." Muddy yellow in color, the !ungua is l1ardcning into a woody d!ccl.

in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Everett evcJling in honor or Mi~~ Audrc)' Smiley of Lansing Sunday eve· Hawkins. Miss IImvl\ins will be· ning.

1\11', :111<1 ~Irs. CliJ'J'orrl Tlili or E:1 ton i~apir\s cnllcrl on I he fllr·· mer·~ hnltiJL'I' :111rl sisler·in·law. Mr. :rllfl Mrs. Clyde llill, Tues<iii.Y afternoon.

Ml''· llowarrl [l. Smith ntlr•Jlfl•!d :1 miSI'l'lliiiH!IlliS siJ0\1'1'1' :1! tJw home o[ Mrs. Carl ToplitT Friday

<:onw I he lll'idc of Burr Harten· httq: Saturday, DecemhcJ' 28, at Ito hilins Mellwdist ehureh.

l\lrs. Osr:nr Lr•c visited I!Cl' par-1!11ls. ~Ir. all(! r.lrs. Fran!• Wythe, 'I'll lll'S<Iil ~··

l'.lrs. E:.':IIJ<•J• Ilolm!!:; enter· lilirrr!rl al <lintJ<'I' Sunrlny in honor

Give the Gift thai Lasts All Year

Send an Ingham County News

Gi·f·r S~bsca~iption To '(our Serviceman or

Boys and Girls Away at School 'Just Like a Letter -from H.ome'

$2.50 a Year Wo'll Bill You ,,d Send a Gi H Card to Them

Phone Mason OR 7-90 II


America's brightest table TV buy! Controlled warm·I!P in­creases life of every tube. Push­button On-off. Right-up· front con• (Charcoalflnhh)·. trois, Power M chassis.. $199.95 C l1arc on I, Blond finish. LESS TO.UI ra•oa Mcidel21T39. ~

Pollok Corners Jly 1\lltl'Jl)'llll llillH

Tfonld<l nnil Mrs. nnrl dtll<lrun uf Wcdnooduy wilh ,Jes~c Cl!ll!J>imll.

Erwin Nortnn Wnllm• I\rwh nf Dnxtr.r ln honor lllhlr111 H]l!!lll of l\lrs, i{ol'li's llh'lliciuy unnlver·

Mr .. anrl Mrs, :;uJ•y,

Wccl1 cnrl gun~t~ of Mr, nml Mrs, Howm·cl Leonard were Mr. Cny Jluldlllwnn wns

frnn1 Dclrul t Su mlny.

lVII', unci M1·s. Lyln Glenn unci home Mr. nnd Mrs. Lonl 'l'oWnHcnd nt·

lt'llrlml u Ginglinm Girl fliii'LY ut Masnn iOOI•' hull ::lnturdny night.

Hncl M1·s. H.usllC!I Ilr1ylwu, Mrs, Tiohert Gillotle and Mr. nml MI'S, Mrs. Mnr·y Barth hncl 11 JH'ml· Don Patrick, Lids pnrly a I her home Tuesday,

Mr. and Mrs. Paul I\ihhlu nnd Dr!XIC!I' Trail HI duh met at I'atlly \VI!I'C Sun!lny guests of l\Jr. I he 110111<! of Mr. nnrl Mrs. 11ollnnd illlll Mrs. Scclah Hills nn<l family. Slanlly 'I'IJursday nic~ht.

Mr. unci Mrs. Lyle Campbell Ml'. and !Ill'S, .Ics:;o Campbell

Mt'H, Willlnm SIHII'JIIIHI culled on l\lr.~. l•'ny 'l'ownscnrl Monrlny :11ll!l'llUOn,

Mr. nnrl Mrs .• losso Campbell 1111<1 Sunrlny dinner with Mr. nnrl Mrs. Chmlio Ulclis nf .Jnd,son.

1\lr. unci Mrs. Wllllam Garner

hnrl supper Snlurdny night wtth Mr, 1111<1 J\lrH, ,Iul!!; flnrtwt• in linn· or 1.1f !hell' son, Alnn, on llh; lh'ij[. )l!I'I hrluy nnnlversai'Y•

ltohcJ't and Bm·imrn Li111lls r:nllml on Mr. nml Mrs, Wctmoro Sunrlny evening,

M1·, nnrl Mrs. Huh! Bunlwt· nnd oOII visltr!rl Mt·. anrl Mrs. I•'uy 'i'n\\'JISI'nrl St!IHlHy UVelrlng,

:MJ•, nnd !\Irs. l•:url 'l'ownsen<l illlti lila 1\];w 'i'omlillSDII of MIIHOII ~allerl on 1\'lJ'. 111111 MI'H. Willlnm Gurm!r Friday <!Vt!lllng.

vlsilc!l l\11·. unci Mrs. Wnynu Mn;, Nora Uslwr had snppcr Campbell SLtnclny afternoon. Vis· I'! ueoclny night wllh Mr. anrl lllrs. ilors o! Earl C~lnltJIJ~II \Vcre l~rl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dingweil nnd Bill Driver. I Dennis Ciimpholl waH a Sun·

rlny guest of IJnhhy Conley. 'l'hmw wi11.1 receiV!'rl A In spl'll·

lnl,l were Marilynn I I ills, flo lilly~ Cooley, 'l'crlrly Glynn, 1\:r!IJ,\', Lcmmrd, .Idf Slwr•!e, Srmny II ills,. Lynn Bowne and Kathy Lip· i ~Lraw.

Northwest Stocl,bridge fliJ•s. c:ui'J'<I!m IJ.~h<!J'

f. Christmas jll'rlg!'am will h<! ~iVPn at IIJe l'lrlll'l'il Monday night, Dcr:cmilel' 23. '

'J'Iw rnrmlhiy nwellng nf wsc:; will lm at the ciJut·eh lrnll Tlnn·s· day Wilh lhC north C<lllllllillCP serving the dinner.

Mr. ilnrl Mrs. !·Iowan! Tmvn· senti nnd rlaughlers spent Sun· day wllh friends at Qui11cy, Mr~. Nora Usher, 1\lrs. !"loyd i

of hcr daughter, Mrs. llowar:l l!clmlter·, on her. hit' I I! day anni· veJ·sm·y. Guesls wel'l! Mr. and ~lrs. Howard Ilclmlwr nf Lan· sing and Mr. ami Mrs. Lcroj' iiolmes.

Mrs. Bruce Robcrl:;on 111111 rlaughler Dorothy eailerl on lwr brollwr·in-law and ~ister, l\111', anrl Mrs. Walter Ganaway, .Sunday .tfternoon.

Mr. ami Mrs. IIcrlJcrl J l;u·l i1: I .uul Mr. and r,Jr~. Han·cy L>ochnw .Jtlemlcr.i a lJuWiing b:111q ucl :11 Dines Terrar:e roum in Lausin.~ Mmuiay night.. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Clal'l~ Slirner "' Lansing Wl're Sunday dinner I guesl:; of the Iutter's IJrnl'lwl'-in·, lAW and :;isler, Mr. 1111ri r,ir'i., Cia renee I risl1.

. :;;; arch.-~[ ~~·halelJc;Jw~ con1·l mcmorates the Jo'nlklimd Island:;' I cnlry into the British family oi nations, the National Geographic maga· says. The arch, mac\e I from the jawllOnes of 2 sperm whalr.s, overluokt< lhe harhrn· at.l Stanley, the capital and only town i of the island colony in the South



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Refrigerah~•·-Freezer R[G. $11?.?5 NOW $299 • 95


Re·f'rigercdor NOW Reg. $269,95 Valuo

(As Piclurod I



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Upright Freezea· NOW




Tappan Gas Rcm9e Fully Automatic with Thermostatic Burners

1\EG. $369.95 NCW $272.50

Avoid the Last Minute Rush-Be Sure Your Christmas Cards and Gifts Arrive on Time.

Mason Home Appliance Maple Street - Mas.on Phone OR 7 -5? II

Conte try the quickest combination on the road!


The Sol Ail Impala Sport Coupo -ono ol two now •upar 1patl models/

... There's never been an engine-drive com· field. It takes you from a standstill through . ·' binatio~·Jike this one I cruising in a single 'Sweep of motion. Har~ Chevrolet's Turbo-Thrust VB~- introduces ness these· triple turbines to a 250-h.p. a radical new slant on engine efficiency with' Turbo-Thrust V8-or the 280~b.p. Super

·, . . . .. .

I • the combustion chambers located in the Turbo-Thrust·~-and you step out instantly block rather th11n in· the Turbogllde'~ · in any speed range. Nothing else on the road -the other half of the team-is . the only go!!s into ac~ion so q'uickly, so smo~thly. · triple·ttirqine automatic drive in Chevy's Your Chevrolet dealer has the: combination!

, . . •Optional at ext.rtl eoJt .• ·

·~ ~· ..

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. · t,· . .-•. I .

Yo.u~ Local Authoriied Chevtol~t· Dealer ,•, ','I t • ' . ' . • ., '




Page 18: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

.. Dansville ··------~

·: ... Honor Students Are Named :, , Ily lllrH, IJ.,kn l'urutg·

Dansville Agric-ullccc·rd Hr:hnol · •ltonor roll leas IH!t!n Hnnoucwed

by G, E, Mnnnln~. hiHh Hl'!rooi superinlr.ndr!lll.. 'l'wo sllcrknts,

"Kathleen Hedglen nnri Wayne HIC!e, both In the sevr!n til gr'llfle,

.,!]mel 1111 A's for tlw pas! fl wcrd\s. '" Other students rer•Pivlng a B

DVCI'agll Ol' iJCtl!!l' WC!rr.: Seniors, nosemnry f3mvendcr,

Jill llrlgr~s, Huth Ann Conpr1·, ··,John Dol'll, Snnilm English, Dian!.! ...Felton, llrwcrJy IlenselPil, Hleh·

arc! Lnlll)Jman, Gary Maynard. Snliy Nemer, Beverly Or!sl C!rle and Ailee S.ryder·;

Juniors, Larry Coolt, Curol Graf, Gloria Oei;lerle, Mary Shealhelm, Llnrlu Sou!P nnd Sully 'I'hompson; · ·

Sophomores, Margaret. C:Jva­naugh, ,JenclnP. Daman, Patricia Lippert, ltnlph OaJ[JC'y, Mmwrret Phelp~. Fim·ecH·e Supir·nn and Mm·Jiyn VnBs;

Freshmen, Suzanne Chesley, Kirk Curtis, Hulh Dnvies, Wilma Fr!lton, lloiH•rt Hudson, ,lr'anc Johrmon ancl Mary Nollillr:hnm;

Mnrlnrlnrl', Nnney Nnllinglmm, Carl Onldey, Ltll'I'Y Prier!, Lioyrl Supimll, Dallas 'l'hrmcton, Dlnnn 'f'nWilHnnrl, JoAn11 'l'owwa•nrl nnri Lertoy 'l'nwnsend;

Sf!Venlh gmrlc, Dlnnn Bmol1s, Gary Cotrrter, Billy Daman, Kaye Mol'!ln, Patty Nrmwr, Donnlrl Hnlhhtm, ,John HlrlgJPy, .Jnnirr. Silent lwlm, Karolyn Smal ie~·, Mnrthu Snyder, Gicnaiie 'l'iltiH, Douglass Vogt and Iticllllrd White.

Arthur Leonard Dses at Saginaw Mr. anrl Mrs, Don Leonard anrl

family at tended tuneml servic:es fnr his father, Arthcu· Lennanl, at Saginaw ins! 'l'illrrsrlay, Mr. Leonard, :JG, dit!ri suddenly lnst Monday.

Don Lconarc! ~pent last. week with his mullwr, Me•, LerJilai'CI's [athel', Arlhlll' Lt!onard, Sr., wns reglsle!' oJ clr.eri~ of Ingham county l'or severn! years,

E A 1'1

'---'U....--..:::::;;;..J.----.1--L--....L----==.~:...----l L._ .... :.:'.: ....... SNARK PROVES ITSELF-A new milestone In Air l~orcc global cnpnbillt;v wns marked rflcently when a Snnrk-n subsonic, guided missile (right)-wns 1\rcd !rom the Air Force bnsc nt Cnpe Cnnavcrai, f'Ia., to Ascension Island (sec Ncwsmnr.l, above) with unprecedented nccurncy. Ex­-perts say It was the nrst missile IJroved to hnvc into.rcontincntnl range. The missile's "orders," directing it. to the preselected tn1·gct, were fr.d into its sclf-cont;clncd nnd nonJa&nmnblc !lttldnnce syEtcm. Line from Cope Cnn:wcrnl shows how till! Snarl; nutornuttc:clly corrected its line of flight nfler being dcliberntcly launched otT course. ."

Chorus. Band To Give Concert

Chureh Cnmmlsslnn 1\Iet!fs I Dansville Wins First· Ball Game

Ingham Co11ntv· News, Mason, Mich., DcccmLcr t2, 1957 {4


Lodge Has Visitation Jly ltt'llh Jlur~lmnn

Myrtle Relll'l\llil lorige No. 72 IHirl 11 regular meeting lnsl 'l'ues· tiny evening nt the IOOI~ hull with 76 rncmhel'S <rml nuests present. 11: was vlsitntlon foc· the 12 lodges nf district. '13. Monn Wallwr, noble gmnrl, nnri l\lnhel

Webberville By i\ln;, 1\lyrl Graham

Mr. and Mr.~. noy Hawley nrc parents of n dnughter bom De· cember f),

The Rcbel<ahs had a Chrlslmns party n t tho hall lnst Saturday evening with about GO present.. A Christmas gift exchange, tl'!~nls nnd games furnished the eve· nlng's entertainment. A potluclt supper wns served nt 7::10,

Miller•, vtcn·grnnd, nffldaled at their re~pec:llv(J slntlnn~.

District offlc•cro PI't!snnl wcm: President, Allm Cullin, Wehlwr· ville; vice-president, Lormine Brllley, Stm:kbrltige: nnrl secc·e. till',\', Ardith Clltrlt, Ilnwell,

Offkcrs elected for next. year ure: Nollie grmHI, Mabel Miller; vlce·gt·nnd, Bru·lwra Gmhmnn; re· cording secretlll'y, AnnrL Cassa· c!ny; linanfJ}nl tiecrctm·y, Mnr· gnret. Brown; IJ•casurnr, Mnr­joric Stillwell; nnrl sluff c•np· t.aln, Nina I<ctl'hum,

'l'he next mr.cting will be Tues. day, Decembar 17, und will he the Christmas pnJ·ty, at whieh time secret pnls will hr. revealed 111111 the pnst. noble t:;rnncls will he en­lerlninec! nl a lwhcmlan supper lit. ():30.

gng-ag-«•nwnt 'l'old

Obituary. l,oUin •111111\ Hdlly

Loflin .rann Hr.iily was hor·n Muy 2!1, lHfiH, In Marion township, Livingston county, tho rtnuglrter· of Leanrlc!r unrl .Jane Purrly, ln .rununry, ll·mn. sho was tlllilml in cnac'l'lngu tu Wllllacn 1~. Smith. 'l'o tiwm were hone 2 chlldt·en, Cleo and Purely, Me•. Hmith nnrl Purr!~· rliml In IDJO.

Mrs. Smith mnrrlm.l nov .. T. H. fi«•llly In lfli I. He diecl in August of 1!1:1!1, nfter whleh Mrs. Hnllly marie! lwr home wilh icor claugh· ter·, Mrs. Hny llnrlh!,Y, Jtcar Plnln· llolrl,

Jn }JODI' lwaJth for sevel'fll ye;n·s, Mrs. Hc!lllj' riiPcl Monrlny, DcC"cmhr.r 2, nt lhn ngr. of H!l years,

Surviving iil'l! a rinughlc!r', Mn:. Clc•o Hndloy, 2 gncndclnugh!Prs ;mcl .1 grc•at-gmnrlcl:ttlglctcrs.

Funr•ml scr·vic•ps \\'t•rr: eon· rltrclr.d Frldny nl 2 Jl. rn. at Cas· lwy funernl !como In Slo!'ltln·idge with burial In Plnlnfielrl cmne· tery.

Thel'!l are mm·e hnys horn than girls, but women out mrmlwr· men, In nil r·ountl'ies exr·ept India, liwy live louger llllln men. Elgh I 11 g!'ildr., Hoger· 13isei,

Linda lli!ISr!ll, Wilnra Ci'iifl, Rc· hecca Didcl, Mnry .Tncw l~mr.rson, Linda 1-:n~dl:;lc, <'ami C:ai'Clncr,

WCTU Plans December Meet

The annual concert of Christ· mas music will he presented in I he sdwol gym,

This is sponsored by the com· hined inslrumcntal and choral groups unrJer the direction of llichnrcl Devey and Miss Elsie Cobb,

The members of the commls· slon on missions of the Methodist church wlll meet. Tuesday eve· ning, December 17, nt the home of Mrs. Allie Thomp~on. 'l'he meeting will be presided over hy M1·s. Thompson, who i~ chairman.

The Aggles won theft' first home games with Fowlerville In the Dansville gym Friday night. The varsity came out ahead 32·27 and the junior varsity won 41-lG ..

The WAC met at tlw hnme of Mrs. Cleo Chase last Monday eve· nlng with Mrs. Mary Smith ns co-hostess, Mrs. Ella I•'oreman and Mrs. Domlhy .Jmws gave papers, !\Irs, Cnl'Oiyn Cobb harl charge of tlw music.

Mr. ami Mrs. TIIcluml Ga ffner· of Williamston announce the en­gagement rJf their daughter, Bar­bam .Jean, Ia Keith D. Ilnc'l'ls, son of Mr. nnrl Mm. Kenneth Hilt'· •------------­

Lyn Gr11nwalrl, Lila Hull, ,Jr.n·y Thn rngtrl· 11 f tl J(c 'ltlft' c··· · 1 ''!' , 1 1 " " ,rr mr.c ng o 1e ~< ' •II 0 "· 1 ~ n:rrr • · a net Dnnsvllle \VCTU will he Tuesday

Mr.•:. Lr-!' llaindr>l I<IHI cliildnm 1 afternoon, December 17, at I he ol' Mnsrr:1 :cnrl l\1c·. ;cnd Mr::, Mike holm• nf Mrs, Alfred Shr.rm;m.

Seniors Earn Turkey Dinner

rls of Lansing, Both the hrlde· elect and hm· fiance nrc grnrhc· ates· of Wlllinmston high school.

Both games were hnrd fotrghl. Okemos and Vicinity nml exciting. The hoys may hnvc ny JHrs. Walter HPnUumm Mr. nne! Mrs. Louis Stor!rlarcl nf been short at times on sldli but Port. Huron W<!re guests of her

Home laundry Service

l\udJ :c:cri l';rmil~· of \'ldJIH'rvlllt• Tlw mccling will IJr. HJll'nt ciunrl:cy with tiwir p:nt•nts, Pl'!•sidPd o\'er by Mrs, Allie M1·. anrl Mrs. A. C. !ll'r!~rr. 'I'IHJill}lSOII. A pari nf tiw nfter-

Mm. Loui:: Yulwsz, and ./nhnny 1 n.IJfJ~J will h~ :_:pent p:rdllng and Vlr•ky "f r JrJit Wl'l'l' su:c•iav Clll'lstma:; llOX[•:; Jor silllt·lns, vtsii(Jrs of her pan•11is, 1\lr, nn~l Mrs. A. ,J. Millr•r.

Mr. a:cri Mr·::. Hnlph Glynn nf Vanlown werl! Sunday dinner gut~His "' ~.Jr. mul Mc·:'. Lloyd Bruok:;,

Frances Hidglcy or l'vlti:--;nn wa~; il Friday r•venin~: di11nt'r r;uc:il "I' 111if:S Cai'Oi vVinr;,

'l'he program will consist of voeaJ ntlmbers hy the grade chor­us enmposcci of fourth, llfth and ;.;ixlh graders, junior high chorus, senior high chorus, Cadet band, junior hand ami senior band.

The final number is "A Christ· mas Fantnsy," which will ba snn~: hy the combined vocal group,;, with instr·umental nccom· jnnlment being provided by the junior and senior bands.

Members of the senior class of never on effort. Edward Bearse, Mrs. Mary Hammond of Grand mother, Mrs, Edna Parker, dur· PICK-UP and

DELIVERY Reasonable Ratos

Dnnsvlllc Agricultural school had David Dillingham, CJwrles Wing, Lcdgl' was a visitor of Mrs. Nova lng- the Thanksgiving lwllrlays. n. turkey dinner at the school Chnrles Flannery nnd David Whiting Suml~y. M1·. and Mc·s. Hnrolci Horstman Monday evening. The turkey w11s Grunwald played most of the rc· Okemos Baptist. Jet Cadets will nml family spent. the week end in furnished by James Grant of the serve game with David Diehl, meet Friday al 7::10 p. m. at: tiw Lima, Ohio. Mrs. Horstman's Curtis Publishing Co. because Hobert Harter, Donnld West nml home of Roger Focrch, East Lan- mntJwr rettll'lled home with them. the seniors reached the goal of Milton Hies getting In near the sing. It will be Posnda CMexican Mrs. Ethel DeCamp wns n week JIM $1,600 in the magazine eampnign. close. Christmas party). /em! guest of 11er· sons, Donald,

The losing side of the cam- In the varsity game there were Mr. aml Mrs, Hobert Batts, for· and family of Royal Oni; ami flo!- & pnlgn furnished the rest of the missed shots ami missed passes. mer Oi1emos residents now living land, of Clawson. DOT•S 1linner. Committees working on Both Dansville nml Fowlerville In Laurel, Maryland, were c:allers -------

Mr. an.l 1\lrs. 1\r.nn<'t h Sln:::-:cr or Lesiir• wr•rr• ~;llllrlay dinner guems rof Jcr:t' nwthl'!', Mrs. l!:a· IH'l Bakct·.

Mr. and Mrs, Holland West of Holt' IV0l'f' TIIlll'ilria,l' f'Venin~: guPsls of 1\'lr:r. l~lfie Wt•ol.

Mr. and Mr·:i. F. C. Anrlr!r:inn, Sr., 111HI Christine and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Felton or Stod;IJrirlgc had Monriay cvening riinrwt· wit It Mr. awl Mrs. FolTc•sl Walker in honor Ill' l!Ic sPvr•nlil birthday annivon;<~rv of Vir:J;y \Vali;el'.

C~earing House Needs Doi1ations

the dinner were: food, Beverly appeared loo eager to make it a of Mr. ami Mrs. Glen Cline rr.· High protein feeds, such as IAUND Henseliet, Vivian Jolliff, Sally wcll·played game but it never cently. Mr. Batts has a govern· soybc_an oil. meal ami 48 to fi5';;. r.. IILrll R Y

I Nemet•, and Beverly Oesterle; I lacked for movement or excite· mcnt posiiion and Mrs. Batts is protem darry concentrates, arc 765 N. Cedar OR 7_0772

!Hm. \Villinm f1h:solll' at· ft~l!lf<•:! :~ Jl)l\.!lilill'J.' IUePiing· til' thr~ ,,;ri~<t'I'S nt' l111• rl!str·Jr•t lllr!thc;r!isl. Woman's S1l!'ir•ty of C!H'i<;li:tu SNvir•t! :tt. lim IHllll!' r:l' 1\lt•s, Lloyd ll:trt· of :\lu:lltll em 'l'rwsrirty.

table decorations, Jill Briggs, ment. The Aggies lost 1 heir lead teaching school. good huys for dairymen, say Mason

Marilyn Cavemlet•, and Thelma midway In the fourth quarter but Mr. anrl Mrs. Charles Piper en-,M __ i_cl-li.:.g~a~n-S~t~n~le~u~n~lv~c~r~s~it:y~. ___ :::===========::• Thornsberry. carne driving baC'k with 3 quicl< tertnlned their chilrlrcn and ram· r

Donations are need eel urgently Senior name canis have arrived lmskots to sew the game up. tlies at a Thanksgiving dinner. G, fh G 'f h L for I he Dansville Clearing house. nml the class pictures will he re· Diclc Hedglen, Jim Cool\, Mr. and Mrs, .Jay Becker 1;rc lYe e 1 f f at asfs All Year

Miss Eme:;tinc kPf'llC ncHl Misf; Frances Kc•f•cw of Ypsilanti WC'I'f' vVedne;.;clay vi:;itors of Mr. am! Mrs. Alfred SIH!I'Inilll.

Ml'. and i\'lrs. llcnnetl Taylor were ThUI'.<;rJay evening guests o(

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Holler! Smith of

Mr. ami Mm nrwme Arnold and granddaughter, Marci;, 'J'ay· lor, \VCI'<~ Sunday l~veninr-~ guesis of Mr. illlli 1\:Jr.'i. Hex TownsecHI.

Friday Mr. <IIlli JV!rs, HarriH Hnmrnonrl o[ Oltcmns visitr•cll>ll.-<. Laura Bachmnn, who is still slav· ing nl llw home of 1\'lr. ancl 1\·Ic·:,. Aelhen Will,

Items especially requested are ceived this week. The original Charles nnd Glen Wireman, Gor· visiting their· son-in-law and Send an Ingham County News toys, dolls, fruit. cakes, cooldes yearbook staff has held its first don nics, Marvin Cook, Jim Bres· daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bar-and donations of money. Dona· meeting t~ make_ plans Jo~· tt;~ lin, i{alph OaJ\Iey, nnd Wayne rlclt, and fnmlly who live in Olt· G ;ff SUbSCrcl p"=on tions may be given to Mrs. Ros· yenrbook. fhc next meetmg wrll Kilcne all snw service for Dans· Jahmhn. 1!1 li'lrl coc Arnold Mrs. David Diehl he the fir~t Monday n ftcr the ville, Mrs, Enrlc Leonard will be T h • Mrs. Lawt~n Gauss or A. o: hol:dfy tvacnlion ';ith t:~e junior; 'J'his week tile Aggies journey hostess to Oltemos extension ciuh o t e Person Who Has Everything' Greenrnrgh and should he given ass s an 5 Jll'c;.;,,n,' Hm acl.tJa 1 II 1 tt t 1 tl 1 Tuesday, December 17, at 10::30 e fiOO!l In order that boxes mny be work will bc;::LI on the "Bricks 0 • as c 0 Jl ay 1e s mng mmle ready for needy families and Ivy." Lalw tearn. H will be a totcgh a. m,

., , , evening for the Dansville teams. Miss Carolyn Bray will enter-for· Christmas. ·p~''tc "mlo~t'~1 ~f.. Jlan:l.~ryt' WJIJ br.

1 The second string game begins lain the Pionect· Ladies at her

:::.ell ~o lCl 111., su JSCIJP wns ant nt 7 o'clock. home Decemb . 27 I 11 1 We'll Bill You and Send a Gift Card

Just $2.50 Lam;ing.

Mr. ami Mrs, CJiffnrcl Wieand of .Jnckson were Sundny evening luncheon guests of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Lawton Gauss. Mr. and Mn;, Gauss were 111onriny eveninr: din· ner guests llf Mr. and Mrs. James

Mr. and Mm. Lehmilll Jar.niJ:-; illld family o[ Mason were· Sun· clay dinner guests of Mr. ancl Mrs. Sam Williams.

Mrs. Maud Marquardt. of Holt illld ·Wells Cllcknel' of Lansing and Mr. nml Mrs. Henry Hahfus of Munith had Sunrlay dinner with Mr. ancl Mrs. Wesley Shop­bell.

Holiday Progr·am Is Scheduled

at. _rtJsing fot· tho annuaL Mcm- CI or w annua Phone Mason OR 7-90'11

~~ ~~~~uare b~yoow · · . ~~C:h~r:~:t~m~n=s~~=m~1~Y;·------!==========================! selling candy for Cbristmns and Mr. anc~" Mrs. Armine Fmch, Mr., i' also Christmas cards and wrnp· <Jnd .!'flo .. B:. Chauncy:. Mr. nncl

Wrir;lrt of Lan~ing. Mr. and Mrs. \Vilhtll' Koons of

Mason were Sunday rlinncr guesls Mr. and Mrs. \Vnlter Crw;oe of of tile latlet·'s parents, Mr. and Midland wen~ Sunday dinnr.t· Mrs. Edgar Scriplei·. Mr. ancl gur.sls of· Mr. and Mrs. Hoy


The annual Christmas program at. Dansville Free Methodist church will be given on Monday el'ening, December 23, at 7:30.

Mrs.. Aifred Sherman, Mrs. Willinm Niswonger and Monlel Emerson arc working on the pro· grnm. A play, "Calling All Christ· mases," will be presentee! by l'lre young people.

Mr~ .. Jamr.~· Seriptcr aml family of Laingsh\ll'g were Friday eve· Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carl of Holt ning gtresls uf the ScriiJlers. anct Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Wolf·

Mr. and Mrs. William Yaegcc' gang hac! dinner Saturday eve­of Mason we1·r. Strnrlny visitors of ning in Lansing in honor of I heir her pmcnls, Mt·. and Mr~. Dewey wedding anniversaries. The Wolf· Crail. gangs spent. tlw evening at tile

Mrs. Snm Meredith and MI·s. Carl home.

There will also be special mu· sic, recitations and readings, Christmas gifts and treats will also be presentee! to the children.

Donald Merc(Jith of Eden were Mr. and Mrs. Jacl\ Mcl(enna , Mrs. Irene Braman visited Mrs. Sunday visitors of Mr. ancl Mr.;;, ami Mr. and Mrs, noilert Kessler

Honald West 1111rl family, of L<tnsing spent Saturday eve· . Mr. and Mrs. Arnold l~riscll or ning with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Ellon Frisell and snns of Holt, Mr. ani! Weston were Sunday evening Mr·s. Frnnl\ Slid and Mr. and Mrs. visitors of the Lconarcls. Loren Sticl and fnmily were en· Mrs. George Mitchell spent ·Fri· tcrtaincd at a birthday part~· l~ri· clay wilh her clattgilter, Mrs. Jnek clay evening at the home of Mr. Yaeger of East .Lansing. and Mrs. Russell F'l'isell, in ilon·

f tJ Mr. and Mrs. Dale Main of or 0 1e 'lt.h hirlilday annivet·· Lansing and Mr. aml Mrs. Leland snry of Gary F'riscll. Perrine, Jr., and Penny were

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curtis guests of Mt'. and Mrs. Leland attended graduation exercises at M Perrine, Sr., Sunday evening in

ichignn State university Tues- honor of the birthday anniver· dny evening. Their datcgilter-in· sary of Miss Louise Perrine. law, Mrs. Dick Curtis, wns n Mr. and Mrs. !?red Steadman member of the class. Mrs. Curtis and family of Webberville were Will begin teaching homemaking Sundny evening luncheon guests at Portland high school in Jan· of Mr. and Mrs. Jedson !~elton.

Wun~:. and Mrs. Albert Shutt of an~r.da~~~1t~rs~f W~~:~~~ \~~~~ illiamston were Sunda,v dinner Sunday visitors of his mother,

guests of Mr. and Mr~. Kenneth Mrs. Goldie Ward. I'!lason. Mr. ancl Mrs. Hamld Mn.· -·---------­son and iami!y of Webberville were Thm·sdny evening dinner guests of the Kenneth Masons.

Mr. anfl Mrs. l?loyd Mitchell were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Holloway of Detroit.

Mrs. Hobert Smith spent sev· era! days last week with Mr. nne! Mrs. Ray Brant of Freesoil. nay. monel Smith and son of Lansing spent Friday nnd Saturday· wltll his mother, Mrs, Rober·t Smith.

Mrs. Andrew Burgess nncl daughter of Northville were Sun­clay guests of Mrs. Ellzabeth Backus nncl Miss Rosamond Bacl\­us.

Mr. nnd Mrs, David Diehl nnd fnmlly were weelt end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Sheelman of Grosse Pointe nnd attended ·the

·Detroit Lions football banquet Saturday .evening and also the game on Sunday.

· Mrs. Arthur Brooks nncl chil-dren were ··rhursdny.. evening din· ner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rob· ert Brooks. of Mason,. Mr. 'arid Mrs. Mike Cosgray and· family of Stockbridge, Mr. and MrS. • Leon· ard Brool1s nne! family and Mr.

. .. arid. Mrs. l~obert Brool1s and 'son ·· of:•. Beverly Hense:

. Miss Diana · Ries

G, A. Crowell of Lansing Mon· clay. Wednesday nnd Thursday she spent with her sister, Mrs. Jud Sweet, of Lansing. Mrs. Flor· enee Leach of Williamston wns a Friday evening guest of Mrs. Braman.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Holden of Howell ami Mrs, Iva Clickner were Sundny dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Gauss. The Gausses were Friday dinner g11ests of the Holdens.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Showers and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr·. and Mrs. Bruce Whitman of Grass Lalte.

1\Ir·s. h'IL Cliclmer sturtetl to worlc l'm• Ernie Densmore nt 1\lnson Sundny,

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wallter and fnmily and Mr. and Mrs. David Higbie were Sunday din· ner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, Aver­on Ackley of Lansing.

Mr. and Mrs. George Vogt, Jr., nnd Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Prlce attended a Christma's pnrty' Snt· urday · evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Decess of Mu· son. Other guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Yuhasz of Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Titus and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Janlcoviacl< of Lansing,

Mrs. Earl Showers, Mrs. Philip Scrlptet•, Mrs. Isnbel Baker and Mrs. Jeclson Felton attended the Community Aid meeting last Thursday. nt Wheatfield Glenner hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Carrol! Glynn at· tended graduation exercises at Michigan State University Tues· day evening. Their friend, Ross , Green, was among the graduates.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods were Sunday visitors of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Seymou1· of. Pinckney, Mrs. .Della Holmes and Miss Lavancha Holmes· of Howell and Miss Hazel Woods and George Seymom· of Fowlerville. .

Mt'. ·and Mrs. Lester Allen, S1·., of Coleman and Mr. nnd Mrs . Roscoe Arnold were Sunday din· ucr guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Hal' ley ·Allen of Mason.

Mr. and. Mrs .. Forrest Walker · Mr. and Glen Shnrlaild.

. saturday :eve·. . the home of Mr. ani!' Mrs:

pings Mrs. Hntr y NicholS' of Rives · Junction, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy I

0~ Decemher,17 th: class will Clark and family, Mrs, Hazel By· be m charge of st;llmg. nt the rum nncl daughter, Phyllis, and basket.bnll ga~c whrch wrll be at Mr. nnd Mrs, Sal Croley and Dansville agnmst Okemos. Sandrn family of Holt. English is chairman of the sell· ·. . . ing committee for the hasltetbali Chrlds l3rblc church has JUSt I season. been redecorated.

Mr. and Mrs. William Com· stoci>: have moved to their new; home, They did live on Crane road. Reeves District

l~!hJIL Gem·

Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayne Geer· at· tended the Fo!Jmer·F'ields wed-~ ding at Howell Baptist church Saturday. ,

Plainfield No. 15 extension club had its Christmas party at Mrs, Herbert Mlllm·'s.

Mr. and Mrs. Rny Hnclley ar· rived home from Winter Gm·den, Florida, Mondny because of the death of Mrs, Hadley's mother.

Mr. nnd Mrs, George Kirkland were Wednesday cullers of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gcer and fnmily,

Childs School District lUt•s, J.eone ,Jolmston -

Mr. and Mrs. Frnnlt Clark nncl Mrs. Leone Johnston attended a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Croley in Holt honoring the anniversaries· of Mrs. Croley on December 1; her· son, Gary, December 2; and Nonda Mny, December 3.

Recent cullers at the home of nne! Mrs. Frank Clark were

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Batt,lgc.. . . ·t· .. ~~~~~~~~ri~~~~~~~~ -~0~~~~~~~~~*F~~...-~~~4Z~~~~~;J

Page 19: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Party Bean Dip Suggested For ~-ioliday Entertaining

In many paris of the Unilcrlj l'urly Il<•nn Dill Stnlv;;, It's an nld lradlllun to l·lh can balwrl lwnns In lomnto !'ill. navy lu•nns IH!Iwccn Chr·l;;f.. smwe ·ma:; nr11i 'l'W<!Iflh Night In Insure 1 mccl. can dr!vllecl ham Jll'ospcrlly and good forluru! in 1% 1. horseraclislr

·.till' y<•:rr nlH•rrd. I~ven wllhoul. 1 t Woreeslershire sauce !mtch an lrll'cJllivc a llavorflll pot Getwrotw dash tabnsco of llitlwd br>nns is a wci<'lllll<' dish ~~ med. onion finely chopped . llll any ltolid:ry menu for I hr. fam· Mix beans lililh nil other ingre· ilv or a <'I'!IWd. dienls except onions. Press

'.t\1111, wilb mueh fe~livc enlcr· lhrouglt sieve or puree In blender tair1ing :rlwarl, many's lite llDSII'.'is fill smooth. Hemove to serving Iooldnt: fot• IH'W Vl't'sions nf the dish anrl add diced onion. Chill

', ercamv mix !'t:rnnrnderl hy eri~py till ready to bCrve • . elliJl~; 'for dipping, wlliell h·• .. lw-

t'<lllH' ~ar<'11 a popular pari y c·rts· tom. Acumling ln those w!to have tried il :tnrllmow hPsl, one of llw

:mo~;l unusunl rlips :;lnrls with a · c·a n "r ln•an:;. Hc•ady for n ppr!· 'lizc•rs "" :;rrac:ks in .iig time is this rlelir~<ltls mi:-.lurc o[ limns, de•.

· vlled ham nnd tangy sca~oning;;,

Crisply fried ancl drained ba· con I about % cup <!rumhied) may he sttbslitutcd for llw devllcd ham. Ad<! the broken bacon bits to thr. mix at tile same time as the 'diced onion. Either of these dips also mnltes a zesty sand· wich sprcarl.

Film of Bible History To Be Show.n by Church

Mrs. Loi.s Gallaway will serve . ns <'icainnan for I he watc:h-ni_gllt . pm::.:ram of tlrP !Tou,<wl UnJied . llr<'lln·r•n Clrristian f·:nclcnvnr Sun-

day il{'('fll'<ifn<r lo :tt1110UIICI'I11Cnl

la~l· WP<•k hy ~Ji~·:; Phyllis PiPrer., Pl'c•:;i<l<~n 1. SliP will be assisl erl by

. 1 he dc!Vol ion:tl and re<~rcal inn

. enrnmillPcs.

Early in the evening the Amer· · lean Bible Sndely ilnrlrayal of

the formation of I he Bible will be · slucwn at Vevay town hall. This · scetirm of the fllm, Our Bihle­How II C;rmc To Us, a[ler a hrief opr•ninr~ in the modern day, 1ia:;IH's ilal'k to Nazareth in the

:time of llw first century, artcl . shows .TCHUS in the SJ'Illlg'OP,liC

. rending [rom the scroll of IE·ni<lh. ; Tlw film Jlwn unfurls the slory ; of how 1 he Old Teslamcnt was

forme<!, and how lranslallons of. tile niille into Greek spread thmuglrnrtl the eastern Meclitcr-

i rnne;rn world nnrl formed thr. · srriptures of llu~ early Chris! inns.

Sunday evening Miss Pier<'<' nJllH>llnterl the eommillee~; fni' lice>

. Chrlslinn!0avo,· IJirlhday hart· · queL Chairmcr. :nc li-It·s. Ida , .. ]);11;<'1', menu; iVir:;. Pauliru• C:ib!Jo, ;. pro:;rarn; r'.'ir~;. I't1ildn1d :,;hanl.::,

Brownie Troop Has Investiture J.'!I10~n r,irls pm·ticipnled in

. 1lw in•;r.:.;iit urc ceremony for : Drol'lnic I roup No. :J()(J Tlntrstlrty , aflemoon ;rt· Cedar SlrcPI school.

Mri'. Ckment Tatro <mel Mrs. Ei· . len 1\1ohr, lc)~Hlers, \VCt'e in cllal'gt!

of lhe eercmony.

Invesl<•d were .Janel Bt•own, : Linda Clark, Susan Franklin, ; Mar~;arr.t F'l'ics, Allyson Hutton, : SUSilll Inghr·am, Linda King, ; Cat'Ol Lyon, Kathleen Mohr, Ro~a· ~ lyn !Ho~hcr·, Bonnie Pertltl, Caw! , Hollcrls, lhtth Shaw, .Jackie Stull­! IJCrt and Susan Tatro. '

Mt·s .• Tnme11 Stubbert, on he· ~ hnl.r of Jean n. Anderson Post No. : 730D, Veterans of Foreign Wur·s, I presented an American flag to j1hc ll'OOJl. Linda Clark, Brownie 1 flag bearCl·, acceptecl the flag Jor l the troop.

I I t . ! \

Baldersons Have Family Dinner

I Mr. ancl Mrs. F. A. Balderson I nttemlcd a fnmily dinner Sunday i at the home of JYir. and Mrs. Rob· ; crt: Balderson at DevVitt. Other i guest's were Mr. and Mrs. Robert L Wagner :mel family of Grmtcl i Ledge, Mr. and Mrs .. Donald t Brown nnd Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn [ MeKinch of Lans'ing and Mr. and · Mrs. Fredericl< Balderson and

family of DeWitt. Honored guests were Mr. and

Mrs. ·Mel{ inch, who were cele· : brating their wedding annlver·

sary, and Miss Sandra Balderson, Mrs. Robert Wagner, Donald· Brown and Mrs. Fredericl~ Bald·

. crson, on their birthday annlver·

Philip cxplain1 the··boolt'· - -

deeoral ion; and Warren Galla· way and Lawrence ·Oesterle, clean-up.

now c.:m~ISTJAN sciENCE IrEAI.S

"God Does Not Afflict"

WII.S . 1320 on your !linl


Dt~Ct'llliWI' 15, 1957

0:45 u. m.

Going Places

This Christmas in one of our

New Suits

All Wool ''·

2-Pant Ensembles .;.... $49.98 ·


Fruit Cakes Are Better· When Allowed to· Mellow

Dnnn lluicl. w f s • t lltltli Hll~llliiH::itlll /lr!<!OIIl!Jnnyllltr :oiCHOUL CL,OSI~S 'l'i~ltl\f When Ylllll' fnllt 1!111\11 (:OillO~ oman ~ OCie v ill the )llnnn, <lllcl ]lillllO ~nlnH hy MuHnll Coo)llll'iillvo lll11'~QI'Y

nut of llw nV<!n, put It nn fl eon!· Darn• Curtllnr: 111111 'l'orJlmy Dew· Hehool l'lnsml Ita flr~t t«wm Ji'rl· lrtg' l'llcll, loavlng the pan lining H'as Yule Party lWl'l',V. ; . rlny, 'l'lw now il'l'lll wlll J;(IU't

pnprn• on llw rmlto, ACini' yom· St. Nichnllls· made his flr·st. Mnndny, ,Tnlllliii'Y II, 'l'hrwo Will Cit ito Is IIHH'mtghly eolrl Wl'llfl it , , , . , , . , ,1, 111011 In Mni>lc Grove nnrJ I no!; hn room f<ll' ehihlrcn In !roth lim •villr w.·~··ecl JlllJlllJ' Ill' llltlnlltlLtnl 1 he Women~ Srwwl.y of Cln S· 2'1 1 q1• l'l'lll'<Jlrl gJ'Illt"' ancl tile II Ill ' ~ T' 1 M 1 IH'eHeniH fnl' I Ito l'hllrlrcn, '"' o '' ,u·, · · . ,. Chrlstmall Is only a few weults one typo, get tnge tor w 1 a roll and Hlcm1 In an ulr tight con· tlrm .'lervlee of Commltiii,Y nil· •

1%· to

5.yenr-olrl r.:rotiJI, Mothers


y and If you plan lo maltc IWighbor. r~ach ean balw a differ· t·nincr 10 ngc, ncllst dntreh of Mtlple Gmv~!, ttn· Mrs. Sll<i<~t· lhanlwtl her r!Uill· lni!H'eslerl 111

[ll'e·schnol lrnlnlng fruit calm you should plan lo do cnt redpc unrl llwn trndc, "' ,, ,, dcr lemlm·shlp of Milclrcd Slider·, mltlces for llllllt· help und P<l· for lhelr children mny contnet it soon, snys Anltn Denn, exlen· c tlllt 1 fl'trltl" llV!til"iJ!e \VIlol•> 1 1 1 p 1 1 t ltnd its- Chrlstmus [llll'ly WcdneH· nJH!ratimr, Sh1• lnfnnnerl nil JWW •·It'.", \VIlilflm l3l'e,·ti'"Y,

n [ !( ~ " ~ Mt•. lllH Mrs. ' 0111 ·l' rw ng II • rl.·l" Dec"nlllel· •I Ill lll" C'.<llll· IV " tc sion specialist In fonds nt Mjch· 1 1 t 1 · R 1 , c c guests that. they hull mucic the " • • or• 11 rem y eu · n preees, em Y· tendecl a ptr.·Chrlstmus guthcr- muJ;lty hull. ' igan Slate Universlly, f~ven the cut fl'ltlt Bavcs limo. WHit lhr. lng of lhq Prlnclng fnrnfly al the limt. stop lnwunl becoming a Mrs. C. n, Beebe spent tho best of fruit calms nrc- better If whole cnnrllecl .fruits you can cut home of Mt•. nnd Mrs. Wayne Church members nnd friends member or WSCS hy being pres- wcok end In Lunslng wllh her they nrc nllowcrl to mellow, she the sizes ancl sltapes you want, Nichols a! Clio Sunday, Mrs. hnd n bohemlnn dinner·. The r.n· enl at llw meeting. I son·ln·lnw and rluughtct•, M1•, a1111 snld. h, 11 1 . • You may want .to rJ,1 the cut· Nichols Is a sister of. Mr. Prine· tertalnment program prepared Hev. Curl Stnser gave lhe bene· Mr~. Vance MrWhorieJ•, «lld

You can maim ell er g 11 01

t.lng- up of fr•ttlls uncl nuts one dny ing. · by Mrs. Kalherlne Guernsey, eon· diction Jli'HYot'. . CilriH, .. clllrlt fruit calte •.vhlcnever• Is the nnd save tho linking until the Russell l:lirltctr wns n Sunday sisted of slwrt speeches, Chrbt· ------------------------family favorite, she su.ggests, or, I next, which ltecps the .1ob from rllnner· f.rucst, of l\.1r. and Mrs. Sam mas carol singing Ill reeled by If you'rl illte to Jmvr! mot·o than getting long and tiresome, Mrs. Colton. Mrs. Marge Brown with Mr.s.

" lnghc1m County News, Mason, Mi,h., December 12, 1957 C~5





Fruit Cake 1 r L~~~· $~~6~9 5 LBS. $3.95 Cheese Gift Box EACH $2.98 WARWICK

All Milk Chocolates 5 LB. $2.99 BOX


Fancy Nutmeats 1-LB. $1.59 PKG. ALL GOOD, LEAN lAYERS



3 C~N '3.19 Canned Ham A&P, SLICED AND SUGARED



Boiling ·Beef


LegAO·Lamb . 4 10-0Z. PKGS,

Green Peas A&P 2 1o.oz. 290 PKGS.


Grapefruit Sections 16·0%. CANS

Sunnyfield Family Flour Strawberry Preserves REG. 69c


Tomato Soup ANN PAGE

~ 25 2 3



20-0Z, CANS

$1.75 59c 49c

LB. 25c

LB.· 79c


Canadian Bacon · SUPER RIGHT, All MEAT

Sliced Bologna


8-0Z. PKG.

8-0Z. PKG,


fOUR 5-PIECE PLACE SETTINGS -.$20.00 VALUE-Mel mac Sunnyfield Oats Cigarettes













BANANAS ·z Las. 29c



Avocadaas SIZE 18 2 FOR 29c Mushrooms =t"':ilg

FlESH PICKED Pf. 29c $ilverhraak Butler ·· 1·18. 6 .... lOLL ini·


Rinso Blue G~~~·




33c 77c Lux LIQUID 12-oz. lc 22-0Z. lc DETERGENT . CAN· CAN .LGE. GT.

•. ,.,-

Lux Soap .. BATH·. 15c ,2 REG. 21c CAKE CAKES 33c .or:·. 77c LGE •

. ·,

. All / 24;oz . ·39c DISHWASHER PKG.

LGE •. 34c

•·• :fr. · .38c/-'; ···· .. ~ftc <:·:·Lux-Soap}~~~~~:~·.;,1"· ·;,:~·'c!i~s:· 21c •.,_ ·/" •'' . > .. ·,. ·. ' '. '·,·' '. -.' ·. '. '. ·,;.' ... ' ''', .

dexo SHORTEN INC ALL' 3 LB •..




" ,, .


...... '


Page 20: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

________ ...;.. _____________ .;._ _ __. ___________________ .._ __ ..;.;..._luuharu County News, Mnson, Mid1., Occcm~cr 12, 1957 C-6 ----

Go To Church This unday. This Message Is Brought to You

as a Public Service by the Following Firms and Individuals

This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Servi(c by the

following Firms and Individuals George's Food Ma1~ct


A. A. llowlctt & Company Mason

Consumers Power Co. Mason

Caskey Funeral Home and Furniture Stor~t


Collins Elcdric Stockbridge

Ro~art Nursiny Home Moson

Dart National Bank ~.Aa~on

Perkins llardwarc Mason

Mason Dairy Mason

J. A. Dart Co. Mason

Estes·Leadley Funeral Home Holt - Lansing

Murdock Oil Co. Mobil Products


Fitchburg General Store "Chuck" and "Barb" Wobb

John Thomsen

. ./

The Farmers Bank MellO II

Wolverine Enginecriuq Co. MclSOII

Mil,hell's Dept. Store Lo,lio

Mason Dakery Mnson

Drown's liard ware Stockbridge

Francis ·PiaU Farm Machinery


Midw.1y Drive-In Cleaners Acro>s from Hadley's Super Marko I


llolt Products Co. Holt

Durfee & Smith Sholl Scrvico


Walker Heating Malon

Bill Richards Buidt Mason

Scarlett Gravel Co. Holt

Ouildcr of Custom and Pormabilt Homes Mason

Clements Flower Shop l·lolt

Spurlan Asphalt Paving Co.

Dart Manufacturing Co. Mason

First ChiiJ'I!h of Chl'isl, Scien· fist, t'Ol'IICI' oi Oal\ and Bal'lles, M;1wn. Suo1rla,v ~ervices, 1 t a. m., Snnrlay sclwnl rilll'ing the ·scrv­k<'; Weclncsrlay evening meeting.> al S indurle te~timonies uf Cln·i~· liaJI Science !waling; Jltilllic read· in),! room is open at the church Wcilotcsday anrl SatLil'dny, 2·•1 p. lll.; les~on ~crmon lupie SuJl[llly, !'iuntlay, December 13, God, t11e Preserver of :Man.

Uuuunuuit.y lllethod ist. uf Huns· \'illt! m:d Vnntown, Rev. llamld 1\lutidol, pastor. Hunwilh!, 10 a. m., ~l!urcl! school, G. E. Manning, sllpcrintcndent; ll:l5, chLII'Ch SIH'Vice; Vantown, 10 il. m. \V<Jr· sllip; churclt seiwol, ll, Mrs. Car­roll Glynn, sup e t· in t c n cl cnt. Cliarlcs Wesley will give the .ser­mon Sunday, December 15.

St. 1\atlult'irte's Uhll!lcl (E11is· l'IIJIIII), Rev. Derwent A. Su tilers, vleai'. Meridian road, halL-mile north of US-16. Sunday, 9:15 a. Ill., Inm ily prayer and instruction, followed by Sunday school and a !lull Bible class; 11, prayer and sermon, Iollowccl by co!Tee hour. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer.

Ucmsel Unitml Ht•ethreu, Rev. Hubert Gibbs, pastor. Sunday school, 10, Warren Gallaway, su­perintendent; morning worshil>, J 1; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; evening service, 8.

lh!lll'g·uuized Chu1•ch of .Jesus Cht•ist of I.uttm· lltty Sulnts, •110 S. Putman street, Williamston. Robert Smith, pastor. Sunday, school, 10 a. m.; morning WOI'· ship, 11. Elder Leslie FloWCI'S will be spealwr Jot· the day. His 1o11ic is entitled The Church Has One Foundfltlon Which Is Jesus Chi·lst the Lord. Tl]ere will be a fnmlly cllnnet· at Loci{e Center hall.

iUuson P•·esllytm·lnn, Paul L. Amold, minister. Sunday, 10 a. m., worship hour, special Clwlst· mns music b,V the choirs, sermon, Behold the Love of God; church school, 11:15; 6 .P. m., Junior and

,SeJ1lOI' High Westmlnstet· Fcl· · lowshlp; 8 p. m., Bible study 'class;.Monday, 7-10 p, m., skating party at Holt; Tuesday, circles

,1.2, 1:30 p. m.; Wednesday, 7:30 p, ·.m., . senior·. choir; Thursday, 6i~5 p .. m., .iunlor choh'.

. · ·no b b i 11 s IUethodlst, Bunl{er · 'r.ciail~ (tcv. Francis C. Johannldes·, pastol', ·Sunday, . 9:45, ... church

·school,; Lute Hartenburg,. super­·intendimt; .11; .~worship, message,' ' · DQ!!s :the Gospel. Affect

l ." '.",.· .. :·:- '_, ... __ •. ··- .. ,, ( ' •• ''.--·-· ,._<t .. .'• -,· ·,


Morse's Restaurant Mason

Simplest, humblest gleam of light ..• yet it rolls back the shadows. And striking the new-fallen snow, it casts a daz­zling halo upon boughs of pine and holly.


The Church is the lho building of clio grcolesj foetor on oorlh I Like a candle in the night Christmas rolls back the shadows

of time, and touching the life of man, gives an aura of peace and good will to every day and deed.

If · racier and or Is a ~torchousc of spir'l 1 good citi?.cnship

strong Church, noilhor de' ua values. Wiihout ; can survive. There ore ~~ocracy nor civilization eve.ry Person should oltc r sound reasons why

lllii~Oil Church nr the NnZJI.fC'III', !loy l\1!111111U, fJilHinr. Sunday /;t'IIIJIII, 10 a. 111.; Jli'Cildling, ll; NYI 'S, li;·JC, p .. 111.; evangclislit: llH!liSIJgP, 7::Jil; prayr!r mecli11g, \Verilll'SClii,Y 1!\'CIIiliJ.:, 7, It was truly the simplest and humblest event in history,

this birth of a child in a stable. But from it shines "the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." And to live in that Light, to reflect it upon the world around us; this is peace and good will.

ana support iha Ci h nd serv~eas regula I own k Jure . They r y so e. (2) For h'. )•'' , are: (I) For h' sake 1 h' IS c ,.,dron" " k IS

k. 0 Is community and ' :a .a. (3) For the

sa .o of the Church il"cil wh .no !Jon. ( 1) For tiJe

land moleriol support" Pi' Jch ncedc his moral orly d · em to go 1 1 on read your B'bl d . o c lUrch regu.

D 1 e aJiy. ay

Sttnd,1y, llook

Slul'l;hritl~•~ Mdluulist., Hev. David \V. llill~. minisler. Mom· ing ''''ll'~hip, Jo::\11 a. 111.; ~httt'l'il :;cloool, II :·Ill a. m.; choir rehear­:;;!1, l•'rirlay, ::l Jl. m.

Lil<;e a candle in the night the Church beckons us to the gleam of its ageless Tmth. And as we come to live by the Church's teaching, our faith will roll back the shadows for those around us.

Jl.1oncJay' '' ••••••• •• ·.I JoJ111 · THc::tdnl-,', • '·' '· •' • • • • • M11ttJ1cw

\Vcdtlcsda'Y. · ·'' •• • • • • • l.ukc Thursdily · '' '" • • • • • ·Luke Friday ... ·.·.'''···· • • • .. I .. uke Saturc!a.Y · • '· •' ····.Acts

'·' • • • • •• • • • .. 1-fcbrc\'rs

CI!Jplor 4

23 2 2 2 7


Verses 9·2t l·t2 t-2t

22-3.1 36·52 SJ.Go 1·7

William~lun Jo'n~c! 1\lethutllst., ltev. A. D. lloelwclay, pastor. Cliurdt sch•HJI, Ill a. m.; worship sel'viec, 11; FMY, 7::-10 Jl. m.; worship service, S: 15 p. m.; Jl1'11,V· er meeting, Thursday, 7::30 p. m.

Jn~:·httm Cin~nit ill e thud is t, Franl\ 13. Cnwick, minister. Not•f.h· wc~st, morning worship, [) a. m.; church school, 10:'15; illillvi!h, morning worship, 10: L5; chun:ll .school, 11:15; MY!~ 7:30 p. m.

Gt·ncc U:lplisf; nl' Onondaga, next door to town hall, Rev. Mal Hoyt, pasl'lJI'. S3unrlay school, 10 . a. m.; mol'l1ing worship, ll a. m.; evangelistic· serviee, 8 p. m.; prayct• meeting· and Bible class, Wednesday morning 10 to 11.

St. 1\llchuel's l~piscopal l\lis· slon, Rev. N. F. Kinzie, Ph. D., vical', Services Sunday at JU a. m., N m·th Elementary schoo !, Curr>' lane, off Miller road. Pl'ayer and sermon with Sunday school and nursery.

I.llslle CongJ•cgatlonni·Chrlstlun, Rev. Samuel B. Wenger, pastor. Sunday, DecemberS, second Sun­clay in Advent and the Advent series, sermon subject, "Behold He Comes As the Ligllt of the · World."

Williamston . Ntlztlrmltl, Rev·. H. L. Woods, ·pastor: Church school, 10 a. m.; worship service, 11; NYPS, 7:30p.m.; evangelisin,

-8 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wedncs· day, 8 p. m.

Wlllllunston St. 1\Jtu•y's Cttth· ollc, Rev. Fr. Francis Martin, pas-

. tor. Confessions and .devotions Saturday, . 7:30 p. m.; Sunday masses, 8 and 10 a. m,; Fowhit·· ville, Rev .. Fr. · Wallter .. Confes·

• slons illld' devotion!>,: !frldny, 7. : p.·m~; Sunday mas~es, 8 ancl10:~0

'm; . - . -.. .

What· the Churches Are Doing Ascmisiun J~vun~·c~lil'ul I.ntiH~I'·

un, 2780 Haslett lload al M-78, Ens I Lansing. Rev. George W. E. NiclwiRI!urg, Jl as t or. Sunday school, 9:15; worship, 10:30.

OIH'mus lluJJ:.isl, HrJwarcl John· son, pastor. Morning service, lO; Sunday sehoul, 11: l5; evening

llult NaZ!U'I~lu~. Rev. William llurt, paslor. Sunday schonl, 10 n. m.; morning WOl'Sllip, ll; NYPS, G:45 p. m.; cvenin~: evan­gelistic service, 7:30; pmyer meeting, Wcdne~day, 7:30 p. m.

Willi:unstnn, Rev. Har· . old Reese, pastor. Church sehotJI; 10 a. m.; worship seL·vice, 1.1 <1. m. <~nd 7:30p.m.; Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p. m.; prayer serv· icc, Wednesday, 8 p, m.

W i II I a Ill s to 11 1\lemcll'i:ll J,u. tlwt'!l.lJ, 1022 West Grand River, H.ev. K. F. Kocplin, pastor. Sun· clay school, lO·a. m.; worship, 11; nurset·y dur·ing service.

Uolt Prc~llytcriau, Rev, Vernon 'I'. Smitll and Rev. R<~lph Miller, pastors. Morning worship, 10 a. m. <1nd 11::30 a. m.; nursery and church schc;JOI during both serv­ices; Young Peoples meeting, 7:30 P·. m.

Assembly of Gocl, W. B. Kole11· . cla, pastor. Services at Vevay

town hall, Mnson. Sunday school, 10 a, m.; morning worship, 11; evenirig eviuigellslic service, 7:30.

Stocltbrldg·e I>•·esbytm·Ju.n, Rei'. · Alexandet• Stenhouse, pastol'. Morning worship, 10:30 a. m.; $,Uilday school, 11 :10; choir. re· heursal Weclnes~ay evening.

~. Corntllltls aml Cyill'inn Cll.t;h· ollc, Catholic. Clmrch road, Bunk- · er Hill.· Sunday masses, 8 mid 10 a. m.

service, 7:30. ·

WlllillmRton Gosrwl llall, 411::l'l Burl;ley road. Breaking of Bread, 10 a. m.; Sunday school tlllcl Bible' class, ll :30; Gospel and ministry, Sunday, 8:30 p. m.

Ellt~n Unitt•d l~r·:~lhren, RI!V. Herbert Cherry, pastor. Sunday scl!ool, lO a. m.; morning wor· ship, 11 a. m.; Ch1·istian Endc:1v· or, 7:4.i; evening scrvieP., 8: 15; choir pt';\Ctice, Tuesday, 8 o. m.

llansvillll Ft·1~e 1\lt•t.lwtlist:, He\'. Hal'!'.\' Moore, minister. S11nday sr!hool, Mrs. Genevieve l"rel'r, Sll·

. pcrinlendent, :10 a. m.; morning worship, 1l a. m.; [•'MY, 6:45 p. 111.; evangelistic scrviec, 7 ::JO p .. m.; pmycr meeting, Wednesday,

~Jason i\lc~thoclist, Raymonrl L. Norton, minister-. SLmclay wor· ship, JO, sermon, Modem Wise men, sLtpcr·visccl nursery; Sunday sehoul, 11:15, classe~ for all a~:es; junior MY!~, 5; senior MYl~. 6:30, program leader, Shirley C h a p m a n; p r a y c r group,

J,eslie Ft·ee l\fetluHlist, Rev. Wednesday, 7; intermediate choir, 7::10 p. m.

Hm'l'y Cummings, pastor. s11 nday ,,,. 11. · (' 'I ~ 1 11 Wednesday, 7:30; senior choir, 1 ram.;;wn AJmmum ·Y " c · •- Wctlne:;day, 8; junior choit·,

Alll·cll'tt." ".'·t, Rev. Veclet· L. sclwol, 10 a. m.; morning wor· m!ist, Rev. Louis Ellinger·, pastor. Thursday, 3:,15. ,, n ship, .ll; FMY, 7:30 Jl. m.; eve· Church school, 9:,15 a. m.; wnr-

Bass, pastot·. Church ~crvice, lO; nin£' service, 8; Wednesday, !ll':ly· sl11.11 sei'VI'cc, 11 ,·1. m., S'I[Jervt'sed "' ' Buulwt• IIIII Nuzn•·mm, Rev. Sunday school, l1; pr;Iycr meet· eL' service, S p. m. mn·sery; Inte1·mcdiate MYF', •1 Carl Bamcs, minister. Sunrlay

ing, 'l'hLirsday evening, 7:45; Sun· p. m.; Senior MYF, 5:30 p. m.; school, lO:ao;. morning wor~hip day evening seyvice, 7:45. On 1he Holt, Rev. C. James Wednesrlny, 7:30, senior choir; '11:30; young peoples service, 7:30 first' Sunday of every month Pasma, pastor. Morning worship, Thursday, 3:15 p. m., chancel p. m.; evening evangelistic scrv· movies are shown during the 10 o'eloclc; Sunrlay school, .ll :15; choir praclice. .

8 evening service. 1 youth groups, 6 p. m.; evening ICC, ·

service, 7:30,· Mid-wee!\ service, J,eslie llnt•tist, Rev. Hobert oJ,e1110s c0111m 1111tty Rev D·1v Childs Bible, Rev. Arthur War- · · · • · ' · Wednesday, 7:30 11. m.; choir Worgul, pastor. Sunday school, 'I s E t W II 10 field, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. tr . ·vans, pas or. ors I p, IJ!'acticc, Thursdav, 7:30 p. m. J.O a. m.; divine worship, 11:15; a 111 (B"by lllJI'se1·y Jll'ovldcciJ m.·, morning wo.rshi]J service, 11; ,, ., u

BYF, 6:30 p. m.; evening wor- 1 1 h 1 1110 y uti F I Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p. c 1urc 1 sc oo, . : ; o 1 •c · . 1 1 Stodilll'idg·e Un)lfist, Rev. Ji1mes ship, 7:30; mid·weelt prayer se1·v- lows hip, 7 p.


m.; Sunclay evemng wars 1 Jl, E L 1 d t '! 1 icc, Wcrlnesda", 7:30 p, m., .Junior 7:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday, '· om Jar • pas or. " orn ng ' · worship, 10:30; church school, choir practice at 4 p. m.; senior Gr·ovenburg !Uethodist, Graven· 7


30 p. m. Gordon Keeper, stiperintendcut, cholt· practice, 8:30. burg roacli Rev. Francis C .. Jo· .

Rowley Wesleyan i\lethotlist, 11:30; BYF', 7:15; evening service, Not•th Aurelius, Rev. Jolin. hrinnides, pastor. Friday, 8 p, m., Rev. Louis \V, Ames, Jlastor. 8; micl·weel\ service, Thursday, S Good Neighbors class meeting at

Prutlen, ]JUstor. unday school, 9 . Church school, 10·a. m., Kenneth 7:30; choir practice,. s. :30, the church; Sunday,· :45, · wor·

· .10:15 a. m.; morning W!ll'~hiP. Bentley, superintendent; worship 1 ~ 1 1 7 ship, message, How Does the Gos·

Willi to W t L I \V 1 :1,J; young peopes meet ng, Y ., 10 i5 I I services, 11 u: m. and 8 p. m.; . mns n es. oc m, cs· p. m.; evening worship, 8; cuoir pel Affect ou.; :' ' c lUre 1 WYPS, 7:.30·, prayer service, lcynn lUdhocUst, Rev. ·Delos 'raiL· school, Gerald Robinson, superln·

Cl I I I 10 practice, Wednesday, 7 p. m.;: 1 h 1 1 Thl)rsday, s p, m. ner, pastor. mrc 1 sc 100 , n. tenclent; 8 p. m., c 1urc sc 100 m.; worship service, 1l a. m. m1d prayet• meeting; 8 p, m. n n n u a I Christmas program;

St. Jumes Cathnlle, 1020 S. 8 p. m.; Wesleyan 'youth service, Whet~tflcld 1\lethodlst, Andrew Thut•sday, 2. p. m., Woman's So· Lnnsing street, Fr. ·James Lee, 7:15 p. 1111.; prayer service, Butt, pastor. Morning worship, 10 . ciety of Christian Service. pastor, ,235 ·.West Elm. street. Wednesday, 8 p, m.; mlsslonm•y a.m.; su·nday school, 10:45; home Masses: Sunday, 8:30 and '10:30 meeting every second Thurscla)'. prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. 1\luson Bl~Jitlst, Clarence ·Rodd, a. m.;Holy Day, 8:30 a. m.·and m.; choir. practice, 'Thursday, 8 ·pastor. Worship servlce,10 a.m.; 7:30 p. m.; daily, 7:15 a .. m.; devo· Ltmslng Zion .Luthm'llll, .Rev. p, 111,; Youth Fellowship, 7 p, m. special music and message; Sun· tions, Thursday, 8 p .. m., First· ·F. P. Zimmerman, pastot· •.. One clay school, .11:15, Paul Richards, Friday, 7:30 p, m·.; confessions, 'bloclt Jio'rth of Cavanaugh ~oad . Fit c li llu r g ·lUethodlst, Rev. superintendent; j3YF, 6:30 p. m.; Thursdny after set·vlces, Satur· on ·South. Pennsylvania avenue, _ ·James A. Craig; .minister. Church . evening service, ·7:30;. Wednesday, ·

. day, 7:30·9; bap.tlsrris by appoint· .· . S~nday school,'9:30,a. rp;i. ~l~urdt . service, !i:30 a.m.; Sunday school, · 6:30,' youth choir rehearsal; .7:301 ment;~ · · · · ·' . scrvlc~, 10:30·a •. m.. .· .... : : ,10:30. · ' · ·· prayer and Bible ~tudy:; · ·· '

Page 21: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

ChriHtmns Tt•cc Production ' '""'"1 December 12, 1957 The.lngham County News Section D

Republicans Plan Battle To Control l .• egislature

Uy lil,l\II.;Jt 1•:, \VIJI'l'E nl!l'hi!;nll I'I'I!~S AH.'iuclalluu

llnJlllhllcan:; will li(iht to lwnp I helr· las! eledive sii'<Jnglwld, tlrt• Michigan legislrrturc.

Jalure ;q~nlu with a plan Ill II· rrarwe eon:;truct!on witlt student (CC!H.

A sprdnl l'ommit ton lws lir!r.ll snt up to cnnccnlmte on rr ID:ifl campaign i11 the "swinJ~" rli.'ll rlt-ts, llwsc where the Domncralic-Hr.­JlU/lliPall vole Wlls :.!ll per cent npart, or

'l'ltr! [<!c~ WP.I't! I nc:rc:wed lll',i l:tsl yPal' HI !P.gislativr. lnsiHICIH'<! IHII a lasl·minutr! llliiiWIIVt!l' l;lllcri a plarr to lint! lite ITlliiH',Y for honr! !.'iSIII'S to lirwrwe IH!W hlllldlngs.

Lon!J b!:lom your Chriotmns tree briqhlons your home il rc­C)~ncs plenty of allcntion und cure, including pruning to pro­VJdr. lhr. proper ~hnpc, GrowinCJ iind harvesting of lhcoc trees is 11 $5,000,000 indu~lry, Michi-,nn rcsidonls usc an cslimaled 1.500.000 Christmas trees annually, of which about a million arc grown in lhc stale,

Michigan State Schedules. Adult Education Meeting ltt•slrlcnts of Ingham l'nunty

wlw arc lnlt•rl'slt•rl in adult eciu­l':llion are invill!d to participate in a one-day Michigan Adult Edu~a­tion :1ssrwinlinn tlist1·ir-t meclinJ,: at Mid1igan State unlvcr.1ity, Tuesday, December 17.

'!'he meeting, one of li di~lricl events in the slnl!:, will featur·e 1111 Hrltlress Ill' Dr .. John Dnle Rus­sell, rlil'cc·tol; of 1 he Micl1igan lei.:iHlativc study of hlg!ll!r erluca· lion, and C .. f. Mr:Lannlwn, of Detroit, Pl'esiclcnt of till! Adult Ed tical ion a~sociatlon of Michl· gan.

Dr. Russell will tell about his stu1ly and its implications Ior adult educa lion.

"One of the major purpflscs of

the conference is lo advanl'e adtlll cduc•;tlitlll as a ~ignificanl and ef­fcetlve instnnnenl in nUl' ~o­r•icty," rlcelm·ed Russell Kleis, rlis· lril'l dwil'lnan. Kleis is on t11e staff of the l\!SU mnlinuing edu­cation service.

The 11-counly district meeting will drmv both volunler.r and pro­fessional people associated in adult eduealion work fo1· indm;·. tries, churches, schools, libraries, or1-:nniw1ions and other variety groups fmm Branch, Calhoun, Clinton, Eaton, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ini.:!Htm, Jonia, ,Jaci<son, Mont­calm anrl Shimvassec.

ArlvarH't! registrations may be sent lo llusscll Kleis, crmlinuing erlttcalinn service, Michigan Slate university.

Farmer Pefe's Wife

Susy•s 'Thankful. List• Gets Longer Every Year Hy 1\ft·s. ltny l'ccl'

• • • Main concentrallnn will lm In

lteeiJ the riD Hcp11hlican lrrnrHr! fiCats, Dmnol'rats now hal't' 51, enough to bind; lwn-thirds vnl<!s

l•'lnaJJC'ial m-:perts in Lansing predict IIH• plan will again elaslt lwndn11 with a llt!(Hiillir:arr plmlge In lllllrl lile lirw fill HJH!nding fnr anoiiH•r J'l!ar to wnit fol' comple· I iiJII of :l Ia:-; studir•s,


AII<Jlllt'l' attempt will he m:ult! to 1<11: till' staiP's f:n·m 'Jll'nrllit:ls with " "~;t•al or C(ll:llily" or " "lvliclrigan':; 111•:;1" label thi~ rear.

nn HUilH! major ismiCs, Hcpuhlkans arc h·~s [enrful

llwt tile Dcmn~rats will lalw nvc·r· the !i!!rHIIe, WIWI'C! "epul1limn.~ Most. nm,illl' 1'111'111/~l'tl!IIIS nl· IH1ld a :!3 lo ll edge, I'C'IId,V !t:l\ r: "''Jllll•rll·<l the

'l'hC! cmnmillee, howe\'C!I', lw.c; I i1ka, wlril'.\1 !111~ h:·•·n ull'm·ctl singled out. the ll-ill1 rii.';Jrict of u:nnlull,v !iiut·e 111·1:1. Senutol' John B. ~:.iwninnllfl Ill· I Dclro!t 1, minority Jrmier, for It will I)(! part. or a hig farm nfH!clal attention nlnn1.: wltlr otlwr )Jr11grarn to he pr·<!d to the do:;c Detroit. rtislrict~. II!IOiS lcgislatun!, following a

• • ,,, .;cl'le!' of corlfcrcncc.s with agri·

SIIJWI'illlposetl Ol'!ll' I he r~on­lllsfs Is t.lw nulomatie vol.: in llliill on u pt'n)msal to eull a l'lliiSiit II tiona! ClliiVHIIlJ 1111,

"ulltlra! lemif'l'S.

c 'ont l'oVr!r:;y frmn a number or new soUI'cx:s is worryin1.: Demo­crats as I !l57 IJCai'.S its end.

'J'cchnlcally, a convention could liov. \Villi:nns replaced the re-write the entire stale constillr· slate labor commi~sioncr, John lion-last. rc·WI'illcn in 1!JOH-and Rcirl, with 11 UAW offleial from Lrpsel 1 he lfl52 l'eapporllonnwnt . . of the legislature now in effect. Lans1ng, HussPII Wlnle, Reid

Republicans contcn'cl that pres·, immediately chnrgcd the UAW ent reapportionment plans create I forced his rcslgnaliun. "a balant:ed legislature," l!as~ng He ciJargccl that. the union house membership on population wanted to u~:c the ricparlmenl to of the s~Etle and the senate on harrass employers. Two weelts gcographrcal areas. after replacing Reid ami a week

Democrats contend that the after ftuid made his charges, Wil­plan was devised especially to Iiams still had not answered keep tile house in rural Hepubli- them. can hunrls, They would like lo Still another controversy in· change this. GOP lcadc_rs Icar a volvc;; a Jetter written by Alfred new plan would permit Wayne lt•'itl, tile govemor's legal adviso1·, and Oakland countic~ to control to the slulc parole board asking lhc entire stale. that Pete M<llroney, prison inmate

The issue has split the p:1rl ies uc l'cleasell. with R~publica~1s opposed to al The lcltct· argued that Mahon­convcntiOn wiH_ch l'ould up:;CL cy, sentenced Jor anrrecl robbery, Pl'escnt a~poa·t10nmenl.; . Demo-


was givcm a stiff lerm-23 to 40 crat~ favoring a convention for • years-because orricicils felt he the same reason. ' I knew something about the mur-

Under present law, the con- dcr of forme1· State Senator War· ven!ion membership has 3 mcm- ren G. lloDpr.r. hers J1·om each senatorial dis· ------lricl. This muinta!ns the ratio of sen a lorial voles each party ila~ in the legislature.

llf 1!1 ljl

Universities nnd colleges, fac­ing their biggest !inancial crisi~ in years, will go before the legis-

After their mission's thatched roof ca ugh l fire 3 times·, the friars of S<m Lnis Obispo de 'l'olo.~n--fotlmic<l in 1772- -decided to rebuild willt tile, selling the traditional style fo.r California missions. · •

··------------------··- ·------------ ------~-------

I . , \

. ~ .... / .· .!.\. . ..... \ ... Mrs. Odis Gobt:'r or Niles tells her 17-yenr-olrl son, Jack, about progres~ al,(n!nst tuberculosis made possible by Chrlslrnas Seal donations. Seal money tillpport~ casclinding, hcnllh ~ducation, nnd re~earch programs. Both Mrs. Gober and .inc!t ure 'rB putlenls at Southw~stcm Michigan Sanaloritur. at Kaiumuwo,

.Schools Awarded Plaques For Cloo·ity of Reports

' School rlistr!C'Is of Ilnrhm· grapl1s. All :J rPprn·b indic•at<•rl

Springs, Plymmrl h :111d ~aginaw il'!o.'ie t'oOJH'I'ation hPlll'ccu ochool Wei'C seiccterl rm· ii<JIIOI'S as fl I'C· .'iYSIPill ami 11ewspaper," said SUit or c:Jnrit,Y I!IHJ t'Xcr:>JIPIH'r' in [ Jayhu\V, their official rc)Jorts to their com-munities. A tll'inl'ip:ll reason for mal\ing

1 he mv:mls, :w('(Jrrlinr: !o Ilay­Announccmenl was m:~rle hy I h_ow, is lo illw;tratr. and Cfl~plla·

E. C. rraylww, puhlislrcr or I litis- iSizc how r.learly sc:lwol huo1ncs~ dale D:lily News, aflcr :111 :Ivail· can. ilr. Jll'l'sen!cd_ lo tlw pul~lic

. Willt'h supports 1!, arHI wl1rch able reports published 111 ,Joeai must vole fmm time to lime to newspapers were ex:tminerl :111cl liecidt! how il shall be imp1·ovcri. evaluated, IIayhm.v and .James

"li we succeed In rlemonslral­Brown, Ingl1am County News; ing how r.rfcc:lively l11is can be and Alex Canja and Harold

B f I M, . 1 , done, we lwpc more s<'!wol ~ys-rown o tIC 1c 1rgan dcp:~rl·

. flcrns anrl mol c newspap!'rs wiil ment of IHtbllc instruction m~1rle 1 I wort mnre closely together in'

up the team whieh selected the winners·. The proje~t lo selt•d tlw i best nCWS)JH[JCI' reports or sdwoJI affairs was sponsored by I lw 1 Michigan Press A:>soeial ion.

Supcrmtendcnts and presirlr•nts of school hoai'Cls from winning districts will he invited In nttenrl the annual convr.ntinn of MPA January 2•1 at Kellogg Ccnlct· in East Lansing where !he district will be aw;mlerl an engraved r plaque signifying tl1c honor.

;\li<:hil:'llll l'I'I'SS · nssol'iatiou hns lmt•n wol'ld!···:· with llu: 1\Jiehig·nu dctmr·tment of Jlllh· I ic insll'll!!tion !'or· st'.V<~ raJ yenr~ so thut lhl! )III!Jiic CIIIJ be better informed.

Got Your New

Last year Susy's list had 117 things on it for which she was thankful. When she came home from school this year with '1<11 Sally was prclty cl!sgusted, She S<Jid lila! sl1e rlidn't.~ce any sense to repealing thilli.:S and that if you lislt•d Ioorl then you should not name them otT one by one.

Wlum I t~lld thll g·iJ'Is t:hnt I would luwe 1111t a bRthroom on my list they l'eally did smile.

They tal<c It for granted ... Ol'

at least would not tl1inlt it nice lo put in a list at school. Bet I'm not the only farmer's wife who still says to herself now and then, "Oh, how much I appreciate our bathroom!" Bathing in an

State Needs Camping .·sites To Keep Pace with Demand

This year for tile first tirnc slate law required tile puhli<"ation in a newspaper or i11fm·malion which can be easily umlcrsluod by the layman.

Car Figured To The Penny? You mny be nbln to cut $75 to $150 mnre off tho price of that cnr through State Farm's "Banlt Plan",

Susy still thoug-ht so. All fmul, to lwr, is 1\'llllllcrl'ul wllh some of it even more wontlcrl'ul.

Her logic ~uunded OK to me too. On goir.lg elver her list I wns a1n:w•rl thotlgh lo ~ce that in a list thai long ~he hadn't inciurlccl certain thing~ that arc downright especially nice. llot water, for in­sl<Jnt'<~. Guess· though tlml she cou!dn'! he r.xpectcd to lmow lww it was before we had plenty of hnl water for Pete had it in­staller! anri ready fol' usc wlwn I came hnrnc from the hospital with her. l'll never forget that bic.~scd feeling of having plenty of steaming water just lJy turn­ing a taucet. That was over 10 years ago.

Ami the clothes dryer. Now I ca11 that one of !he handiest things ever invented. How I wish that every woman had one. It makes clothes so soft and warm. Yott need le~s clothes too, The dryer came along with Samnw. That was 'J years ago. New babies ~ccm to be the reason behind man.~ of the conveniences that women have in their homes. Tho~c women that. get them without having a baby now and then arc ju~t plai~ lucky.

I guess chihh•cn nowdays can't Lie expected to lmow what It wits llltc onl3• 11 gen· crlilit;n ago.

And it doesn't have to go 'back that far either. In our last 10 years here on the farm big changes have come about. It used to be so different. When I · tell Susy, Sally and Sammy how

I old-fa~hio11ecl lui> in the kitchen aitc1· waiting late enough so that there was no danger of eailct·s is not too many years behind me. Ami most farm l\itchcns arc the ones with. the clrafliest doors and the i·oom to enter anrl exit. And ~omcone always wanting a drinl; or something. The ~ource of wa­ter being ,; water pail in the same room. Those mrtoons arc

State park officials· arc looldng for a place t.o pitch a lent. In fact, IIIey nrc lnol\ing fur hun· dreds of camp sites to accrun­modalc the growing m·my oi resi­dent and tourist campers.

A record number of c:1rnpcr·s used slate park facilities rlurin1~ 19~7. ama~~ing a lola! of more than 1,750,000 camper-days of u~e.

'l'his lolul 't'Olll)llll't's 1\'il.h 1,100,000 t'lllliJH~I'·dlLys or use in l!)fifi u nd I ,200,noo iu IHfiii.

funny because it was funny and In aclrlilion, an C.'itlmalcrl 3li,· there arc enough of u~ with vivid 000 persnns had lo be turned mcmoric;; of just how we did it. away nl state parks where cnmp· The one with 1 he kid clinging tn ing areas and sanitary facilities a shelf trying to keep out of Wt'rc at capacity List•, sigh l while ~omc member of his The ovc1•flow Wfltllrl hnvc heen family made a trip lhroui.:h the I even greater, but some campers I;Jtchcn is very funny. Add to It were permil.lcd to place tents o1· a family of practical jolwrs, like tmilers in picnic areas fill an otlrs, who flicked tilal last bit of overnight bnsis when ret:ular .iust-from-thc-wcll drink in the camp sites were fillerl. direction of the tub and you have Thwugh late November, more a memory! than 116,000 camping permit~

Bathing behind the living room were issued in state pa1'ks·-witl1 stove has even more memories. an average of 4 persons per For of all the youngsters who camp. grew up through this SatUI·day ,------------·-· night ritual of the Round Oal< heater's warmth ... there should not be many who escaped a b1·and!ng now and then on one place or another.

Life is very much different from what it was 30 years ago, It is lil;e another world. When I tell the children that they will probably have some interesting "old-fashioned" things to . tell their children they can't imagine what on earth it could be. I won­der if it will be on earth.


we used to do when I was their •. ages. they sort of smile, They act · · as though it must have been back . In the dar!< ages. ,. . .' and· 1vhen ' ·, · the electricity goes off, on· occa­sion, It DOES seem that we must have lived In the dm·lt to have us.ed ltet·osene lamps like that. We can scareely see now!



l'vlnst Jl<II'ks w·c forced to limit llw !llllllher of campm·s hecau~c s:t ni lm·y fuel lit ies arc limi IC!I.

The Hl2 camp sites at East Tawas state park, for example, were J'illccl throughout. most of the summer anrl some 1,800 camp groups· hml lo be lumed away. o.,ur!rnglon's 207 sites were so heavily user! n1at some 1,2CHJ woulcl-bc camp groups were rc. Ittsecl uclmission.

Meamv!Jilc, slate pari\ adminis· t ra tors an! at l cmpt ing t.o solve I h e fiVCI't•rowcling Jl I' obI C m through development o[ · new camtJ sites, hut this 1•cquircs a COI'I'espoml!ng-anci C 0 s· [J ,Y-in­crca~c in sewage disposal sys­tems, elect rica! ou tlels, i.oilct and latmclry buildings and other serv· lees.

If it's SkelqRs

II'S PURE! (and you get

full weight, too!)

Four exa~ting tests assure the purity of Skelgcu, And Skel·

gas is the only gas that has

passed all those tests! So il's

just good sense to depend en

Skelgas • • • the· name that made L.p Gas fgmous.

"Ncw.'ipapcr I'Cpnr·ts in !he win­ning rlistrietS' were 1n:1rlt' more n•iiri:JIJic and more undr.r~land· uble by use of pieltlrcs and

Dr. T. Vander Boll. Jr. Oplomafrill

Hours: Mon.·S•t. 9·5:30, Thur. HI/ noon - Evonings by appointment

207 Park Stroot

Mason OR 7-1941


r I Ber~ard E. I WILSON I I I 315 E. Ash, Mason I Phone OR 7-8152 I

I L--------'

l'omlng ycurs, with a rmat!lillfi hmwflt lo the cornmunlty," Hltld llnyhow.

"Wr! s:rHiith!d il)' llw illl· pl'rlvenwnts In l'<!jlot'IH oVt!l' Jll'r!· VIOIIS )'lliii'H ami vm ilopt~ !Ill! illl· Jli'UV<Hnrn! will l'lllllinuc," llay· how staled,

Plnq1ws wm·e nwnrrh•il to riiH· lr•kts IICI'Orri[llg to Slllrlt!lll. !!II· rollmenl. Dlstrkls wllll lt•,';s IIHIII 1,000 student.'i wew jurlg<'rl ns n group, ns wei'<! dis·tric·ts with !,. IJilO to :i,OOO sludr•n!H nru/ dl:;tr·ir·ts wltlr more than ~.OliO slllrlrnts,

Hoosier Grange Master lletoel~t:l Newsum or inr!lunn

was I'P.·t!IP<:ted nwstca· nr 1 he Nil· Ilona! c:l'llnge 111 the natlonaleou· vnnlion nt Colur:trlo Springs. Jlo llaH IH!ld tlw pnsillon Kill!'!! l!l:iO, \VIIliall! .1. llralw, l\lir-hlgun Hl.atn tlrangn rna"ter, was elet:trHI to 11 spt·nrld :.!·yr!al' Jcrm a.~ nal.lonui i:ill!!IWt'flPr.

U. S. goV<'I'IIIlll'lil olf!l-es in \Va.~lliiiJ:Ion lwve about. 200,ll00 anmwl turuuVt!t' In lrPip.


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See live demonstra9ion at our store

Consumers Power Co. ME-393-24

Those · chimneys · had to be w.ashcd every tnorning along with the creain :separator. No deter· gcnis to whisk·. away dirt and · griine either. ·There was no ·

NEED REPAIR;? ~ raptlt service• ... 1Um1k~

Sitting on lop of tho .world? Moko suro you stay that way with comploto lnsurMce coverage, For oxperl advice and Insurance know·how, · visit · H. CHAPPEll. AGENCY. ~~ World's finest .

~p fuel and appliances "ALMOST, BUT NOT ENOUGH" is our verdict on how other 1958 cars have anything to match the sway-free, close competitive cars ~ave come to matching the Swept. dip-free, vibration-free ride of Torsion-Aire. (lt's.stai1d·

. vacuum sweeper.· Milk and but· ' ter liad to be run downstairs for

. was . no re.frlgerator, We · even• had to .. remember to wind the. clock b)! hand or lt wo!Jid

. ·stop, We d.on't .~ave. to thin~ of . , ·that· now. · . ·. · . ·. · . ,. ·. · ·. .

' ' ' , .. \ '' I, ' • • \

1N!ED SAL~? · Oellmr service o1 p....., :

1111 lor rout .lllllenw.

CALL CULLIGAN ·.01 7·2311

.Brown's Hardware

Wing 58. Take style. Other new cars are "almost" as low ard equipment.) Most of them still don't evet\ have push· . in i11ches, but still seem high and boxy in looks. Some of buttot1 driving! So after you've "seorr thl) "nlniost" cru'll,. ·

them nrc "nlmost" going to fins, but not enough to really come in Rnd drive a Swept-Wing 58. You~ll aee why. we· mnlte a difference. Then take porformilllce. Noi1e of the say: They're catching on, b1Jt they can't catch up •.



Page 22: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Ingham County News Editorial Page P:Ll't D, r•agil ~ Dt~e. 12, 1 !Jfi7

.. The Right of Defense Membet•s of the city couneil have recognized the l'ight of

Mason J·e~Jd(mts 1 o dcl'eml I hemsel ves In a clnmago suit. 'fhe right hucl been placed in jeopardy. It Is still t hm·e, be· cause tl1l'ough Jack of' action Mason waH placed in a legal position of waiving rights of defense.

Whcthet• the cxccutot· of the estate of Mt·s, .Jennie Slt•opc is 0ntl!lt1clto damages fot• an injury allegedly sufl'et•ccl on Mason stt'cets t1 years ago Is a maltcl' for a jury to deter­mine. 'J'Iw P.xecttt.m·, who at the time of' the alleged fall waH

.. n rnembet• or the city council, has !Jmught Hllil fm· ~22,!=l£1fl.

Members of' 1 his city council and a prior council denied payment of tho claim and apparently bclicv~d that a defcn~e would be of'fcrctl. But no clr!fense was offered. The filltt was about logo by cleffll.tlt when the coundl acted at :o;pecial nu•etings laRL week.

This is no attempt t:o tt·y the cnse out of court. 'fhe matter of damages is now br!fore a jury even though the eity,

:··tmless the clef'anlt. is removed, has been permitted to oJTet· no dPfense us to Jiahilit.y.

Them is no clr!slre to impugn 1 he motives of anyone con­nected with the case. Because I he allr•gcd accident hap­pmwd to a relative of a councilman is no reason why, a suit should no I be IJI'ought- ot• why it should. Neither is the honesty llOI' tlw Hineet'ity of a city attorney questioned be­cause of his act ion OJ' inaction in the matt(•t' of the suit. J-Iis advice to counci I men that a compi'Omise might be worked out, even was being worked out, with possible benefit to the city might prove sound,

But 1 hnt: isn't tlw point. The people of the city of Ma­son m·c entitled 1o off'e1' a defense in ac1ion bt·ought againRt them. They arc enlilled to Uteit· day in court. Permitting Uw suit to go hy default. is rlenying the right of 1hc peopiP. to defend tiwmselves, is denying them 1 heir l'ight to their dny in court.

The !Jest compromise scl.llement which could be imagined, if no defense is offered, should not be considered a sati:;factory conclusion.

If the city was guilty of negligence, and thnt negligence in fact caused medical expense and suffering, then the city should he willing to pay 1he damages assessed. But there should be no elosing or the door to the offet·ing of a defense as to the alleged negligence amino closing or the door as to defense against the amount or (]amages.

The peoplr. have a right: to defend themsPlvcs in court. Legal t:cchnicalit ies should not be permitted to stand in tlteir way of exercising that right.

Bragging lsn•t Reporting Few champions of press freedom question the tightening

of publicity on f'utme rocket launchings. With noi·hing to gain and evct·ything to Jose, seP.mingly evety detail of the Vanguard mcket. and the satellite wet·e featured by report· ers with coopcm1ion of defense department. And the build­up of boasting, bragging and conjectul'ing ended up in an ex­plosion before the rocket evct· left the ground.

The disma} failure of the Vanguard puts our counh·y in much the same position as a coach and team who before los­ing the game hml predicted a win of 35-0. Or a candidate for office who pt·edicted to win by a margin of 11,000 votes, and instead lost by that much. Or a boxer who preclictcd a knockout in the second round, little knowing thnt it would be himself stt·etchcd out on the canvas.

Yes, with absolutely nothing to gain, newsmen were permitted to mouth the greatness or U. S. satellites. And a "boom" ruined it all.

A newspapet· should be the last to encourage restric­tion of freedom of the press.

However, freedom of the fll'ess does not mean· freedom to exploit a mechanism of t:1e international importance of the Vanguard. Newsmen as well as defense department of· ficials used poor judgment in permitting such exploitation.

When nncl if the United States succeeds in sending aloft a satellite, that will be the time for beating om· chests. And likewise, publicity of other feats of skill or science should be reserved until accomplishment is a fact.

N obocly likes a braggart even when he brags the truth. This countJ·y is in an even more ticklish position. We IJI'aggccl about the Vanguard and then couldn't Jive up to our own publicity.

'rhet·c should be no boasting of scientific prowess in the future Ol' at least until such feats of skill are a reality. The headlines won't come quite so often perhaps, but they'll be more ncwswm·l hy and a lot more complimentary when they are pl'intrcl.

An ~nvuh:r&icn to Lobby The East Michigan Tourist association has sent out 4-

page letters urging members to bring pressure upon state legislators J'or bigget• app!'OJll'iations l'm· tourist advertising.

The Michigan Toul'ist Council has proposed a budget of $62<1,000 for the coming year. The budget director has cut it to $493,000.

The Michigan Tourist Council and the East Michigan Tourist association point to the state's tourist business as being fourth in the U. S. in the number of tourists attracted nnd as produc:ing $:37,000,000 n year in the form of dit·ect. taxes aml licenses from the tourist: t.t·ade. It is estimated

•that this year· tourists spent $168,00.0,000 a yeat· on food alone, with gas and oil sales to tourists getting $114,000,000, entertainment and recreation, $48,000,000, and lodging $132,000,000.

This is big money. It is good business. The state should be intet·ested in promoting it.

Yet there may be other ways of promotion which could prove just as effective without laying out so much state cash for national adveslising. The gt·eatest tourist business comes from Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Those 3 big indus­trial states Jack outclom· recreational facilities of their own. Forgetting the pretty 4-colot· pictmes in national magazines,

· the advertising could well be concentrated in the 3 neighbor-ing states. '

Anothe1· saving could be .the joining of the East Michi~ gan and the West Michigan, and the Southeastern Michigan and· the Northel'l1 Michigan Tourist associations. Such a merger might reduce the associations' overhead enough to more than offset any budget cut by the state.

More money invested in state parks and park facilities to accommodate the toul'ists who do come might pay off just· as handsomely as money spent on advertising in national niagaziries, ·

. Members of the ways and means committee of the leg­islature, who are going to be made the victims of a barrage from the. tourist lobby, have ways and means of knowing what .should .be spent· for tourist advertising. They also have the responsibility of pmylding fat• the sick and the aged; Joi· educational institutions and for all other needs of

. ·Michigan. · We. wottld. do well not to attempt to pressure the . legislatm·e into doing the bidding of any group. .All who. · s~put about ,p1;escnt taxes and. are alarmed by threats .or·

. .'further state taxation ought to urgif legisluto1·s to give no ·. '. heed to demands of special intet•ests - the tourist industry ..

included ' ' . '· ., :. . .. , •. :. . .... :. ... ... < .... ·.'- ·· - · •;· ··. ..·-' . ' . :>. ·1 .. •," ' ', · . " . •. , _:; ',-·,:. • .. • . ."i· . · .

Down by the

SYCAMORE If ellheJ• Florida or Cnllfornln

cnulrl hnve ol'l'crcrt stlf'll glorirHIB Hpeelades IIH the vulley of the Sycamoro fll'ovlde<l nve1· the wr.c!k r•nrl they woulrl 1·i•ver quit talking nhont IL

It Is vnln nncl futile to nl· tempt In rleseribe the lwnuty to tlwsc who dranl< It In Sunday. But pcc,ple whn hnve tied to Flurirla nnrl the Smrthwcst and Wc~;t Cnnst .~lwulrl he tolrl of tll!! glorious dny they missed. J;;very shruh, every roof, every li'!Je and every weed wa.~ elnnl<· ed in sparl>ling, glittering while. Fencc~ wem trnnsform!!rl Into JaeP, '!'he highest tt·ees were fcJstooned wlti1 fluffy snow, wny to 1 heir tops.

IIJJ·s. Allll!rt Hall, on hr!J' flfllh hlt·thdny, dr!d!ll'l!d thut. Sill! luuJ IHWI!l' Nl!l!JJ II Jll"f!(· tim• dny in nil her 110 Yl!lll'S, tlilfl slw wallwd to dtumh unrl hudc hnlllll n~ornln ou ir•o! nud through snow. Tlud. is lmiug mighty HJil'Y fou· flO, 110, 711, llll, m· iiO.

Can Preshytcr·lanR wl1hRianrl icrnpla11on better titan Methorl· iols? That's n question which l1ns hcen propounded frequent· ly oinee last wecl('s story about. J.l~lc Morse not lwlng able to serve heer nnd wine at his new location on Ash street.

'l'lle ARh street Jocalion is within 500 feet of the Method· ist church and under the Jaw aleoltolie beverages can nnt !Je sold wltl1in tllat. rlistance,

nut the ,Jug is within fiOO fr•r!t. of tlw I'J•eshytm·ian I'IJIII'eli. How r•ome? Hon'f. l'n!sbytm·iun's eure?

'!'Ito law was chnngccl. Before 1015 a beer .Joint could not be within .300 feet of a church ex· cept with consent of the church, ?>low the law provides !hat liq· urn· can not hc sold within 5011 feel of a church or school, with 01' without conoent of the church or· school. But the forerunner of tile Jug was using the prrs· enl. loealirin when the Jaw was chnnged and lite change was not nt ronctive.

Only the Jug can do liquor business in the 100 block of East Maple and no· other tnvern can operate in thut block before or after the Jug quits. If busi· neEs is terminated and the building is used for other plll'· poses, the 500-foot limitation will become enforcenble.

While on the beer parlor top· ic, it is fitting and propet· to remark that Rev. Rev. Raymond L. Norton of tile Methodist church exlllbited his usunl hrand o [ courage nnd concern at tile coLt neil meeting of last week. He SJlDke up against a request to have the midnight closing orcli· nance lifted fm· New Year's Eve. He's a mari who is not afrnid · of standing up to he r:tJLmted on any issue.

i\luny ldnd words were spolwn n.t the I.ions-1\iwun· is football hn'nquet. Coaches received much praise, a~ul eoaches hnuled the tllayers, fr•nm vuJ•sit.y down through t'eS!!t'ves untl tho treshmen to m•et~ the., thJy tal~, und thl!rt cunw 'el!CCI'S fot• .. checr· hmde•·w'- ~:ynr·sity, 1'esu1'\'e !IIUI 1'J·eshmlln and g-rnde.

What about the bnnd? The band went to Interlocllen to drill for football maneuvers. Members of the hand gnve up noon hours to practice their marching. Before the games t11ey entertained with marching <mel music. They providcd en-


oiw(J_, .---········-················· Michigan Made

Pure Sugar ·····.···················~····


·At your grocers, get Michigan Mode brands-Pioneer nnd Big Chief. Ench gives you only .18 c:llories in. n level tenspoimful.

Joynhlc s p c c I n cl c H hrtwf!cn halves. 'I'hcy nrlrierl r:rtlnr, t hf'y marie lhe enlil!', nt fnnlhnll gnmcs. Snmehorly shmtlrl lrnvo rommnl.ienJd to soy so at tlw linnquel,

Alan Dean, Jomwr St. ,lolins coach and often a rl!fl!rcw at· Mnson lm~l<clbnll g:rmcs nfll!l' leaving the coaching liulrl, oper­ates 11 hni'!IIVIII'e anti sport lng goorls store In SL .Johns. '" * ''' .Tohn M, SetJm·Jnglrlll nf Mnpi<J Ravlds llllly he r:;dJcd Jrom hi.~ jotJ of Sll[ll'l'I'IHOI' IO lll!Jp lillllldt it I'Oei([!t, He's a WiZ<II'fJ II t men· tal aritltmctlr:. Tell him any· body's date of blt·tll unrl wllhin :Jll scconrls I)(' can eomjllilr! the rluy of tltc \\'(!l!k till' hlt•th OCI!lll'l'eri. l sill Wilh lnl\ White, SL .Tnlms pulillslwr, anrl 11 llm:J; of Clinton c·ounly men lit.~!. 'l'lntr~rlay night. TliC,\' werr• a smart lot.

If you know English llwre still eun he 1 ,OD!l J;IJlgungcs you rio not unrlcrslnnrl. 'l'lif' !Jible Js now priltlcrl Ill :1,1011 lnngu;rges ami rllalcets and there! nrr• a fPII' moJ'IJ print lngs sdwrluleri to get 1he won! into all known Jan· gunges.

Hnvr. you evert' run nr~ro~s n colpoJ•Ietll'? You may have one or rnor·e In ynu1· drurd1 and not !;now II.

An arlih•rl arll'llnfu~<! nt' Ma· son's Jlltl'lcin/4" Int. is as a llll'<'i· ing plaer! !IIIII l'<!llrlo•r.l'llllS, In t.lm old lluys Jll!O]Jin nwt. on thl! l'OIIUllflll!-i, tuliing· tllf•il• l'll\VS (O

and t'mm Jl!IHitn'!•, Now IIII',V mPc~t. at tlw parl<ing lot. to r·x· cdmngr' ph!ll~nnf rks,

Y estel· ... years From t.lw filps nf lim IJrgl111m eounly No!WS

One Yelll' ~~n

Thirty more heels will be added to Ingham erHIII!y's hos· pitnl ·and rchnbilitation center at Okemos. Cnntracts weJ'C let December 12.

Robert Palmer was ciectecl chancellor eommandct• of 1\Jason lodge, Knights of Pythias. · Verslle Bahcoek has returner!

from n special ('oursc at l11r Eastmnn·KorlaJ.;; crime school in Rochcster, N, Y.

Charles M. Ziegler will not be n candidate for re-cler.t ion.

The mercury clroppec1 lo 4 rJc. grccs· Wellncsdny. Snow covers the ground.

Mary Clipper, Barbam Hall and Tobey Pearsall reeeivcxr curved bar awards, highest hrm­ors in scouting, HI Girl Scout ceremonies Monday nigh!.

Ctiristrnas lives in the

joy and satisfaction

.of .the give~ ••• and in tlie ·

~ jfl \~Ill!!'" 1\gll-jfJ.I'Y OWilP.I'H nf: /li'Oflllrty Ill. Big

Portnge lul\o n ,Jal!lwoli mntnly mol In Munllil Monday ulght In organize a mnV!'IllfJIIt to hnvn lul(e JevoiH m:;tiJrml. '!'Ito drtlw lws been pmetienliy drnlncrl ·

. rnvny,

I ll;J:;tornllon of the Elm Ill reel. bridge, wrt:;hetl out Ins! spring, eust Mason taxpnyers $9,710,80,

Mnyor S. A, Mnt'l'IHon mnrlc no chnnges In dty ndmlniHII'H· tlvr. offlt,Jl'N despite t lw Jnrle· pendent v!ctory at tlw polls, Os· ear ,J, Hone! ll'ilH reappointed city ntlnmey anrl Wnll!))' g, Zimmer, cit)· ungirH'fJr.

Ml'S, Hanlelt Malthews of Grn nd Hap iris wns ldiiPrl In a lwml·on mlllslon at US-127 nnrl Hnrpm· rowl lnsl. Thursday night.

20 \'mu·s Ag·o-1U:i7 Mnson will JHJW have a unl·

former! police officer, o1w for rtay and one for nlglrt. 'I.'IH! lm· dltlonnl JHillc•y of having only n night wntl'iunan lws· IH'I'II ahandoncd, Hay TTinJ(ir!y will hnvr! the nigiJI joh. Halph llnll will he rlny policurnan. 'l'lw snl· lii'Y is $~~ pt!l' wr.eJ(--·tlay ol' night.

Delegates l'f!·cler.tcrl ,/ames B, Mcintee or Bnni<CI' Hill as l'iwlrman or t lw ngrkult lll'l! commlltr!c, with Halph C:Jynn, Willie Oal<, vif'c•-l!lmlrrnnn; nnd Gllbr•rl L. Pillman of Lm·o~·. <IS lhirrl rnc•mhr•J·. Glr•nn 0. Hytwrl of Williarnslnwn ami Harold K Spink of Delhi <ti'C! nltr!l'lliltes,

Lee Darling wns t•!d master of Mason lodge No. 70, P. & AM., anrl Vatwe Mr:lntyre was elcclr!d r:liiili<:<!llor eom· manrlcJ· of the J\nlgl1ts or P.v· Iilias.

n. Glen Dunn, former assisl· nnt nttol'llny g<!ncral, has lit•en chosen to manage! tiw olll·slalr! earnpnign n[ Harry S, 'l'uy, canrlidat:c for Jlepnhlir!an nom· innt ion .for govcr·nor.

,Tael1 Flood lias hecn ap· pointer'! ddvm· license cxamin­C!l'. He is IIDW lraffic officer of Meridian township. Beginning next Feln·ual)', applieants lor driver licenses must take tests.

Plans fm• t·e-locating US-127 from Holt to Leslie arc· considemtion, Under 1 hf' new plan, holll Mnson ami Leslie will be by-passer!.

311 Yr•ru·s Aiin-1927 Michigan Milk Prmlttccm as­

sociation conlirmerl the report llwt fm·mers supplying mill\ to Lahorat.ory Products Co. at Ma· son receiver! higher prices than was paid ily any otlwr manu­facturing plant in Michigan.

, .. ~

Tho rJI!il'tlll !ltllrl tidlk IIHI!'l\l!t h hlg!Jr.J',

A, W, .Tewr.t I, ,Jr., L, H. Lay· lin and A. 1~. I 1111 hml of Mu~on nil won firsts 111 tho hay unrl gl'tlin shnw In Chicago,

Mrwon autnmohlle rlmtlm•!; stngml ! hnlr marl mcc from Mn· son to HntTisnn nnd l' Sun­day, Nn tc Dnvls pincer! fii'Si. wlt.h his Essex. Merton Coleman nne! H. A. Corbin ilrove Clwvm· lets, .T. '!', Ban· piloted a Cht·y~· let• nnrl Hurry Sp1mny drove n

Ponlia", DuviH hncl nn o]rlttHOrl thnu of ·1 hmtrs, •1!1 mlmttns, Coleman wns :1 mlnulcll ~loWtll' nnrl Sponny tlnlsherl tlw 2·12·mllo grind In •I hmJrH, fifi mlnuleH.

'l'lw ehnrlt)' hall Hlnr;url ut the flnldwln dunec pavilion noti!HI thc Woman's duh $!l fnl' CIJrislmns eharltlcJs.

liO \' eut'll Agu-10fl7 An cxccllnnt SUJ111P.t' was

SP.i'Vml IIH! Muson foothull lrmm at the honw nl llnrt'Y Cot ton I~J'irlny night. llinHisllli.w llnnrl·

1!1<1!11f!fi ,SOllVmlll' cnJ'cls were pre· oo.Jillllri to 1!111'!1 of I ho II gum; Is,

Dn nsvllln hnnd IJuyH urn ro· lwuralng the [lilly "Cllrl Blrwl\ ;fCI0, 11

Arthur Bunwll of Dansvlllll hm; ret lirl)(!rl houw, n flr!t' t-mrv· ing his enllstnwnt In tho lll'rny,

Miss Mnurl On· of tho Ann At·· hot• trlllnlng sdwol fnt• lllll'HI!H wns hom£! over Sundny.

One llltitrln•d thh·ty.flvl! tea!!l1· ers IIJii'IHJert JiJe ll'llcill•J'H llllri pnll'illlH inslltuln Snllinlny.

Mokes n wonderfagl gift ond o swell way to soy


3~o Interest Paid on Savings Accounts





Bold New Chassis Engineering BJ.>ings You tile S:rnoothest Ride,

Easiest Hnndling You've Ever Known

ONE RIDE AND YOU'LL KNow this Bold New Pontiac is a totally different kind of car! Pontiac engineers threw out conventional designs and started with a radical new Aero-Frame. Then. they developed· a revolutionary NEW CHAssis and suspension system that literally :floats you over the road. One unique example is Pontiac's trailing-arm rear wheel mounting which gently pullll the wheel over bumps instead of pushing .it

into them. There's more, of course-new front end geometry, new torsion bar action and dozens of other advances that vil'tually eliminate dive, sway and bounce: And the rest of the car is just as advanced ... 111 styling, comfort m1d luxury! Dt·ive the car Motor Trend Magazine ~ays is "so radically different •.• yet so sound in basic desig~1 .. , it rept•esents major steps .forward". IT'S THE BOLDEST ADVANCE IN FIFTY YEARSI




·. · · . ' , · *An e~tra".cos~.~JJUOII • · • : -.

Page 23: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Cosf of Gain ·1s Key To p, .. ofifable Beef Farm Mlel1ignn eattle fC!c!dnrH nm go­

Ing In havt! to H(jlii!!!Zo Jll'Odllellntl e1mls If they hope In malw llliiC'h of II pro Ill I ills IH!flHilll,

Pee rl e r· c•ntllt! prle1•s W1!1'1' ahoul 20';(. aho1•r; 11 .1'1'111' 11gfl while next Yl!ill'''i fat l'lllllr; prlr:r.s aren't expr!df'rl to he more I han ]()tj,, idlOVl' litis Yl!llJ',

'l'lw ltr•y In 11 pmlllnhll! OJII'I'a· tlrlll will 1111 l'ltl!ilp gultL~, ill'l'l!l'd· lng In IIIII l•'lnh•y, Mlehi>:nn ~ilill<' university r;xlenslon beef HJIPdllf· 1~1.

'l'n IU'I'I' c•osl. nf g-uln 1Iawu, J•' lull' y l'l'l'otunu•tuls lim I furmPr:; us1; pool' quali I.Y

Jt'nr mwh 1110 JIUIIJHis nf live IV<!Ight ul' slmH'H on l'nll f••ml, use ahout. :! ·flllllllll!i nf 1;-J'aln, ·I In li lh nf Hiht!{l\ mul ulmul. 11 hnlf·JIIIIIIIJI nl' lmy Jll'l' 1lay. CompiPie lho mllnu willl ruw In 2 lh of jii'OII'fn :;upph!llll!lll fl"l' hr•aiiJWI' tiny.

l'Jenly of clean fl't!Hh water, a dry h1•i1 und ln!Pdom from ex­ll'l'tml pnmsiii!H will also ltelp lii'<'Jl llw cosl of gain down.

Gue1·nsey Bulls Arc IR.ecog«Jizecl

fm•ds llr:;l 111111 lhl'll intpl'lll'l! Two Guernsey hulls owned by 1111' raliou us 1'111111' g-1'1 l'h:nl! l'vlicltigitn At'lilklal Hn~~rl£!1':> Cu· lo ma•·lwl \VI'ig·ltL 11pr•t'ill il'l! ill l•:a:;l Lanslug have

Hougllilgl! :;/IIJLJirl malw 11 p lltr• /hr'l'll ill'l'lllillll'.rl iiS oUI~lrfl<~rlzcrl httllt of !Ill' l'llliruJ. llllfi wlwn• :;P'I's. 'l11 all:1111 IIH• rltslllu'llon a Hilage, e.':ru~dally r·11 rn, is avilil· IJ~'.I.: n:~tsl lli_ll:~ ."' le:1~1 1.0. rla11~.1:: uble 11 1;1tould he ll:i!••l. l'ill'lllf'I'S l1 1 .• \\'.'" olltr.lo~l plo.!utiiOII IC~ l'illl alsn II>'!' nals noll' /IIIII :;Wildt I liP IHtlls • ill'P SI!VI'I' !I til s l.o corn lall'r. At·tslm'l'ill anrl Sunny !'ilcle .Jerry.

Fcu·sne•·s Will Bol~~row Mt.u·e ~Mf;)ney in 1958 T<'nt•mer~ nro c•xp•'t'll'rl lo w;o hns hccn slcarlll,v In·

rnor1! l!l'erlil durlnr: ID:i:i lhanlct•r•;t.~ln~ for tlw [111111' lri year~. they did In I~J~7 hut tho [li'OHJIC'CI 1 and II will llrulmtlllcrlly ennlirliW,

' ' I <H'l'ol'rilng In Elton IIIIJ of MIPh· is llinl llwtll ltnvo to Jill)' mon~: ignn Slate unlvnr·sily. !Jill points Fm· it. 1n111 llwt mpllnl IH pl.1ylng n mot'l'

imporlnnl pnrl In lhP fnrm husi-DI'manrl fm· l'l'l'r/lt lllllonr.: 1wss, 'I'IJis Is CSJH!dnl/y lruc f111'

f.awopea.n Crot:Js Ai'e Scs-l·;·:;fac1·ory

,VIlllll::r-r farmers who am mod· ernl..:lng rn· onlarglng llwlr fnrm­lllg oprm1lions, lw said.

'l'hn HiZf~ of thn HVf~rug·•~ loan In farmi'I'H 1.~ g·dllu;r lm•g-pr, 111111 frii'III"J'S 111!<'11 In IIHI' t•at·••ful pllmnlng In lli'I'JI I~H·IJ· lolrll di'!JI lnntlnlu lr~li'l l!w,v 1'1111 n•Jmy.

hnlf or llw short-tr.rm nnrl Inter· mmilai1Henn Jonns lo Mldtignn [;u·nwr:; ln:;l ynar Hllll 1111:; lypn nl' £'1'£'riil is nXJII!r:lml lo tiluy fnil'· ly UiiHY during l!l~H. I Iii/ Hnid. II':; tJHsler to g111 Into lrnnhlo wllh lltiH lype of l'l'l'rill lhltllgll, IW· CllliHI! 1h•IJIH h•'l'lllllU SI~Hitnl'l!d lllld

hnrtlct• lo mHnagl!, I Jill points !Ill t,

JniPt'l'hl. •·nh•H \VI'Ill up dill'· ill!{ lllli7. Lnll,;·l•·•·n1 1'111'111 1'1'111 l'lilnll! !'l'l'ilil will lm 11h11111 IIH I'll'-,\' lo g-1'1 ill IU:ill :r> In l!lil7 ul an illh'I'I'St uf li~l tu 0'/~h

Shml·lrmn, lill'lll o fll' r n 1111 1: loans will prollilllly cnrry lnh•n;sl r:ll1•s Ill' fi lo 'i'.;, ll'ilh IIJOI'l! of 1110 ~>lltil!lr•r Joan:; ill 1111• 7'.1· mle Ht;llt wns 11\r: w:.1: in 1!1~'1, lw poin!Pd olll.

Ilill ,';tt·••s:;l•:; Ilia! ITI'dil is a Ah fill' il.'i llir hllpply of rTr.'dil ll~ic•[ttl iool for tl11• lill'lll OIH'I'illor,

dllrln:.: lh1• l'flllling .\'Pill' Is 1'1111· .tnd hlinnld IH• tl.~<'d wh1•r" nHH'I! t:r•rnPrl, IIlii Bilys lllill lhe ollllmrl; l'llflil:d i'; ncl'dl'rl. II will bn is :;polly. Soml' l'llnil hani(Pr:; 1'1!· I!Sill'l!iillly illliH>l'Ltlll, IIIJ\Il~VI'I', In pori !hal lhe cre1lil sllllalinu will 1n:di1' :;llro• lllal !111• I'PJlaynll'nl he illllli'O\'I'rl; olhl'l'H say II will si'IH'rlltll' lot• llw loan Iii:; tho lw nl111u1 llw :;anw. Dealer anrl narninr; poWPJ' and d1•ht-paylnr: mel'l'ililll! 1:redil marie up about! l'ap.tdly of lilt' hlll'l'lliVI'i', Finley s:1y:;" :mli:;fa:·I"IY lltllill·

IPnaru:e mlion for lil!ifl'r:; jloinL~ lnln lltr• IJI'I"•rllnJ' ltr•t·rl ot• mill" thill ill'l! n111 lo he gr:lin fl'rl 1111111

lain sllllliiWI' c•an lu: llliHie liP 111 thl'l'l'·(jllfii'IPI'S lo IIIII! l"lillld of grain pet· 1110 Ill Ill' Jiv•• \\'l'igltl per clay plus fed !t'l'l'·l'itolr·•:.

,\ri:;lllcl'al lllls :n leslerl claugiJ· l1•rs willr li? ofri1•/al n•eot·ds. 'l'lll'il' il\'('r;lg!' Jll'llllill'llrlll i:; S,;i(J!J IIJ millt illlrl ·Hii IIJ fal. '!'he IJull was lm•d hy l\lr. and Mrs. Enwsl !\!arlin, Goshen, Indiana. His :;Ire 1'.':1s l'ot·on;llion King of Pine i\larrrll' and ils clilln was Gayoso Soullwl'll tJue1m, pooling- a pro­rhtl'lillll I'I'I'OI'd of 12,214 Jb millt i11rrl fi!JIJ Ill hut tel'fal.

DORR CADY'S Rolfe road farm was pictured in last week's mystery farm series and there's a free enlargement available to him at iho News office, Mrs. Stanley Kranz of Mason was tho fifth person to correctly identify tho picture and she's entitled to a free one-year subscription to the Nows for her£elf and another subscripl'ion for anyone else she rnay select. A new mystery farm ap­pears in the News each week.

f•~IJI'njl!'OIIl l'l'll!J I"Jnrlilloll:; 111'{! :f'I\Pi'ill:~J Hit I hfH('Irii'.V ril'!lpil(~ ;11nw f:rll l:''ilill pl;rntln:.~ rHil,\''' 'Hil!irrl liv l'l'l't'itl rilln,.;. In llu• Jn!lnrl Id111:rlom 1111 1 l'll'allll'l' IJiiS

·v·cn fal'lll''l''''' 111111 fnll I'PIII 1\'orl< ·~ 11'1'11 arlvntll'f'rl. ~lolsllll'l' s11p lilt'!' nn• f~IHHI H!Hl pl'flfi!H'rl:-; fnr 'l'('f'!l! SPfl~linl~'i U!'P IJ•1 IIC~I' lllr111

1\'f"'J':lJ.~:-'. \Vi11h•r· WI!Pnl lllld I'YP ·,1 F'1·n~Wf? ill'•' rr•run·tpf[ 111 llP pro ~rrpssinp· \Vdl. FiPids hn,·r n I~·:JIIIII' ';11""''11'11111'1', :tiHiniriPII IJy

•JI!'IIIIflll mo is I U I' I' hlljlp/ii'H, >lllntlrl ~:o itllll llu• wlnl•~l· in VI'I'Y -~oorl I'Uitrlllion. ltaln!; lr:IVI' dro. 'ay1~d SC'r•dlll.t.:" cJfH!l'illiom-i in \V£•sl lngh~m County News, Mason, Micii., December 12, 1957 D-3 r:rmwny. 0\'1!1'1111 Pl'ogrr•ss, IIOW· .--------------------------·j .~vr•r, I,; WI' II nrll'iilll'<•£1 fnl' I his· lime o! \'IHII' nnrl liPirlf> whii'IJ I

lHIVe spn;llll'rl have g11orl l'lllor.l ronrlllions in llalv arc lllLII'It 1111' · ~arne as in G1•rmillly eXI'I'Jll llt;il !

recent flooding h ns ner:e;;sl t a I cd sotne rescPclir1g.

Soil Bank Has Jen·y llils 2:{ ll'slerl daughters ·sase· System Ilia! hiiVe made [i,) official ree·

FarmPrs who ill'!! lllinlcing ul ords:,Thcir a1:er:age ~~·oduelion_ is! lfl:iH plans should 1\epp in mind Ill; ~h:l."J .ot !~11,11~ ;11111 .1IJ.I ~b of 1':1~. the henefils llwy t:an l'l'l'l;ive by ll11s r,utln .• r.~ hull 1\ds ht.l'l lal<ing part. in next yeat·':; soil by FrPd W. HuPhs, Ca/erlot11a. bank progmms. · This hull's ;:ire was Ullt·a Prince

.. . 1 I ol I Ill~ l{irlge ami ils dam was I ill' signup JlPI'Iod f1J1' 1 ll' •·on· 'I' . ( T I I' • l' 1 :-;crvation rt.lSCl'W' is no\v unriPr l'ltlil 0, 'ac' 11.H! ~ ·.~t~ ly. way and will c·onlitlll£' 11ntil April •1 "-'T~'' most tlluslrtous tlaugh-. ~ . lt•r Is ltosemonl .r. Joan, wtlh a Ll; lhe Hlgnup for tliP . 11 ''1'1'a~·~ ·11 ·, 1ductinn reeord of 13893 lb of res~l've ;Jgl'l'~'lll{'llls. f'O\'Ct'lll~ J!J,):-) ;nill\ unci 72s Jh o( fa!. ' spnng planllllgs will soon lw illl· nounecd.

I3olh soil lmnk progr<llllS rP· quire IIH• Psi;JhlishnH'tll of n SDil hank "hnsl!," :1nrl il i.' imporliinl thai. farmers understand the meaning nl' till' IPrm as wdl as of SI'VI'ral others, ar"ermling t n 1\1. II. Avery, r:ounly agril'ullund agenl. Anolill'l' term wliiC"Ii musl be undt•rslood in ortlr•t• to mel'l req uiremenl s of soil h;rnk pro­g'l'ams is 11 pcnnitted acreage/' he said.

The soil hiinli hnsf' for a farm is the average of soil hanl\ hilse crops grown on tlw fartn !or lhc 2 prccl'ding years. !Soil bank ba~e crops, in gencrnl, are al·l crops lwrvestcd on the farm ex­cept hay.)

"Permitter! iH"rengc," I he ~er­ond imporlnnt ll'rm, is ltw fnrm acreage on which soil hanl( c:rops may he gmwn wlrlwut vinlnlion of conservation J'C'SPrve ('IJ!lfl'Cl!'l.-.:

or acrca).!C t'Pscrve agree1ncnts covering the farm. The pPrmiltl'd arn•agl' is made up of the soil haul\ base nercage les:; tile acrc­ngc put inlo the ;rcrcage and con· servatinn r c s I' r v c programs. Avery said.

PPI'·ilt'rr• paynwnl rail's will he rll'lf'l'lllined hi' I'OIIIliY i\SC l:llrJl·

m.iiii'<'S. Tlw 'r:rlr•s \\;ill hr based on lhe I'IIUnly "i1vr•rag1•" rale for ail !'l'llJlS l.!:ii'PJll lohill!l'll, IHII lhc•.\' wi II Viii'Y 111110111: fiii'I11S pritn Hl'i ly ill'l'ording lo ll:e l;md's n!l<tlivc Jll'orlul'l ivi t y.

Avery ut·gcs Inghnm l'ounty f:~rmPrs wlw inll'tHI In put l:mcl ii1 cilh<'l' llw a<·reag-c~ re!-icrve nr file COI1serValion I'CSI:I'\'1' Ill gel their soil hillll' hn:-~Ps (1!.;(ah!i!4\J('(! ns soon iiS possible. Conll'ill'ts iiiHI agJ'ecmrnls !'antwl hro si>!llrrl Ull·

Iii nfll'l' IIIC' hilS!' IHIS been ric· !ermined hi' the ASC ol'lk<'. Tlw rhairman :idvisr•s farnwrs lo l'all at lhc l'llUilly ASC nfJ'ir·c for illl· sivers lo an~· quPsl ions IIH!)' nw,v have Oil the i!Jlpli£·alinn nf soil bani\ their indivirl· ual fnrms.

8ncome Report~ Must Be Filed l•'arrncrs musl file inenme tax.

rclurns lo report sclf-employ-1 mcnl income for social security 1

purposPs, even though they hnvc no inr:oml' tax lo pay. Any .farm­£'!' who l1as a net profit o[ $400 or more in his lax year must file :tn inr·ome lax rl'lurn to show in· !'ome taxable under tlte social security act.

Tax returns showing income subject lo social security tax must also show the taxpayer's name, nrldr!'ss and social seeurity number. Wlll'n any of these items :11'e nmilll'rl, the laxpaycr might not gl'l social security credit for llw income on which he paid the lax. Since fulum socia·l security ll!'nefits are computed on re­porled earnings, omission of irlcnlifying informalion on lhe tax rclurn c11 n scriuusly rcdu ce a fut uri' social security benefit llilirl In a sclf·crnploycd person.

F'armers who hav!' ll'ss thanl $<100 1101 farm prnfil. but who have ::;!iOO or more gross farm in· r:omc can report earnings luwarrl sor:ial seeurity coverage. If the gross income is nol over $1,800, lwo-lhirds of lhc gro:;s can hi' rr~portcrl if grealcr !!Jan thl' true nel if lhe farmer· wislll's to in· r~t·casc his future bcnl'fil pay­ment. Alsn, if a farmer's gross far·m inl'omc is more lhnn $1.fl01l, hut I he tll'l is less tlmn $1,200, he ma~·. if Ill' wishes, rl'porl $1,200.

Farm income of farm land OWIJ· r•rs who lease nut lhl'll' land to someone else is covered by sod;rl SI!Ctll'ii,V only if lhe)' participate matl'rially in the management or production of t lie £'1'0Jl hy nr­l'ilngemrnt with the lessee. F'ann l:mci!flnls who nre not ~lll'C theil' i lll'Oillf' is I'IJVI!I'P£1 hy SOcial SC·

r·lll'itl' should eonsull tlwii· local so(•ia·l s!'eurily office.

It's a Toss Up Between Hams and Po1·k Chops Many Michigun fnrml'r·s are

trying to del'idl' whether lo r:lise lllOI'C jJOJ'I( <'i10ps illld hams, ilC·

mnling lo M. H. Avery, county agricullural agenl.

hogs depends upon the individual silualiun. Lruul, eapitnl anrl

1 know-how have to he lalwn into,· consideration in malting the de­cision.

Coun!'try & 1 ow.n

Not as easy as it lool{s Jly ,mJ IIIW\\'N

Unlike the Vanguanl rocket, publicity on the Pres­byterian church Christmas display was wisely suppressed until it had been successfully launched. Just one news lt~ak at any stage of development could have ruined everything. Fourth and firth gmde boys did the work They had tIll' questionable counsel of a couple of re­I it·ed mcket launchers who in the end almost blew the job.

Take a look at the display. It appears to be a back­gl'Ound or sheet music with the symbolic "Christ Is Bol'l1" ac'l'oss the l'mnt, doesn't it.? Actually, l.he ol'iginal design callt!cl J'or something quite clil'Cercnt. The st:ntc­lut·e was laid out as a star and first constntctccl in the church basement.

There was confidence in the 11ir as the youthful wm·kmen beat the wood into submission. The frame­work was covered with pt·essed board and just as plans were being made to launch the stat· out of the basement, one of tile youthful engineers asked, "How ya gonna get it out of the basement'?"

The question was timely, because even cut in half, the star wouldn't fit thmugh a door or window. So it was cut into thirds and pinched into the air above.

Enduring the hardships of IJiling wind and snow, the boys, now with the wisdom of men, assembled the stm·. Placed in position, modemistic aspects of the de­sign distracted fl'Om the display. And because, the boys had l'eliecl on blueprints prepmed by the senior members of the firm, the star had I) points. Now there is nothing wrong with a star htwing 6 points. Some stars have been lmown to have as many as 10 points- others with only 2. However, because the 6-point star, called the Stat· of David, is symbolic of the Jewish religion the de­sign was altered in favor of a Christian 5-point star.

Dul"ing alterations- someone walked tht·ough the star but pw·e genius tmnecl the mess into a backgt•mtml or sheet music with the score of Away in a Manger pl'in led on it.

The display is a tribute 1 o hard wol'!\ and a whole· somr purpose. Y ct, I he big lc:sson to be learned is not. that of the need fot· better planning, better cat•pentt·y ot'

bet.ter wm·kmcn. The lesson is this: Although plans 1~0 awry unci although a success is turned into u seeming de­feat, thc1·c are alwnys 2 altemntives. One is· to quit:. The other is to keep going. The Presbyterian boys after seveml set backs cont-inued to do the best they knew how. Tiley turned defeat into a victm·y. They pulled their· chc:;tnuls J't·om the Iit'l\

The valur or such pi'ojects is no1 always sppm·cnt. Yet the lcs:.ons· gained arc somet-imes wmth the ellorl:. When you drink in the beauty of the Presbyterian dis­play, know I hat iL is the result of Yankee ingenuity. 11. 1wnt up faster, stayed up longet· and t•esultcd in Jess· pub­lidty than Vanguard. And J 2 boys did it.

.:.; 1:·~ ~~ •:i"

\ Young farmer who is going plc:lces. Ma­son Jayc:ecs want sueh a mun, OJ' several of l'lwm, to be considered foJ· area honors and possibly state and nat ion­a! recognition. It's part of the Junior Chambet· of Com­merce tt'ihul.e to agl'icultw·e. Deadline for applicants is January 10. Men must be between 21 and 33 yea1·s of age. They don't have to belong to the Jaycees. They must be opemting farms and certainly be good farmers. Send suggestions to the Ingham County News. They'll be passed along to the Mason Jaycee committee.

•X• ~:~ =::• ~(•

The saddest words of tongue or pen, "We just sold junior's buggy when-."

F1~ed SHJI]Jii!'~ lm\'e lH'I'IIJnl~

m01'4! Jllr•ntiful hl'.l'll.liSI' i\lich­iA·:m has chnnged from n 1'eetl del'id1!11l to U l'tH!d Slli']IIIIS sl'ntc, he explained. December Specials Corn has bccoml' rclulivcly

r.heap because plant have heen able to slrelch the c·om bell to include much of sollthem Michigan. Supplies· <mel pri<·es of corn nrc important to profits in the hog buslnc~'S. Cost of procluc· lion studies show that. 75 to sor;; of the total is feed und most of that Is corn.

111 farm management terms, hog enterprise give a high return lor labor and land used ,in corn production. Also, capital is t11rned over fast unci a swine enterprise cnn' be geared around peal~ labor needs of crop or other llvestocl'

·production, ·

{)omJIIII'ed with nl'hcr ''CII· t!ll'C.'I1 hogs don't neetl ns much hdJot' fot• the nmount of fi!etl consumctl us tlnh-y OJ' .. · Jlmtltt-y' uml t•ettuh•e less In·

· VC.'Ittncnt thun feedm• ea!.tle .or sh.eeJJ,


Klein's Pla.nt· Foods Analysis 12-12-12 10-20-10 8-16-16 6-24-12 5-20-20


Price $68.20

7A. I')

69.30 72.85 69,20

Analysis Price 4-24-12 $66.50 4-16-16 58.80 0-28- 14 63.30 0-20-20 57.10

12-12-12 Gran. 69.20 ~---T-:-h-es_e_a_r_e_t-:-he_S_P_O_T_C_A-SH_D_e_c_e_m,.....b-er-prices, delivere_d_t_o_y_o_u_r -fa_r_m--i~- SO-Ib

paper bags. Prices 'will be higher in January. Bulk Prices are $3.50 less per ton. ·

Farmers who car. truck their own fertilizer ft·om our plant will be allowed a truck­ing discount of at least $2.50 per. ton from. the above prices.

IGLEIN'S PLANT FOODS at·e fully guaranteed to 5tore a full year and then drill perfectly, or your money back.

To Order Call Collect

Klein .. Soil Service

will Weather Helps Winter Grains Wll11 lol'al except iouh fa II ser•ci·

lngs of winter wheal, 1'.\'1!, winler rials illlcl barley have hr£'11 I'IJill ~lelerl and ill'!! orr lo the il<':;l start in many ye11rs. Early planll!d fields slww good stands and excellent gruwlh in mosl areas as a result of aiJunrlanl tr: adequalc moistur·e :;upplil:s.

Fin:< iliHI wlw:rl srr•rlinr~ I'OIHii· 'ions in India <11'1' l'PIH>I'II'tlly l'a· ·-•or:thl£•. Tile nllll'r:me of sonw tm? r•rrrps, IHIIHIJ!y l'ii'C, i~ I'I·J')' 11nrerlain f11llowin~ a jil'!llungell (J<'I'iorl of rlroulli.

Pic!' up. Killm Cut and Virap Your Bee·f '~or

4c lb Dressed Weag~d sao lb and up

Sc lb for Beef under 450 lb

Will Also Butcher Fork Small r.:rain :1nd pnstUI'e fli'OS·

pC!cts hnve seldom IJ~r;n more pmmising limn lhcy ill'l! al lh1 pr!'senl lime in 1/w hem•y winiPr wheat producing areas of tht• Great Plains States.

Tlwre is ronsidrt'!IIJ1e ciifferrll!'f' Jf nplnirm rr·,:nnling thr l'ffl'l'ls ··f n!l'f'IJI raim: on lhr· fin:il "ul ·ome of the Auslralian WhPiil "I'IIIJ. Hat'VI'SI is now ::r• llll·

rlet'wav which will alford an np·. porltn;ily for a llllll'e realislie a:;­~essmr.:nt of the lrue silualion.

Phone leslie JU 9-2454 980 S. Main, lcsl io

Wrile, Phone, Drive In or Fly in

Moislrrre supplieo for fal: sccdml r:rops arc mostly good in Montana and till' Paeific North­west where the condition of the winter wheat crop ranges gcn· ernlly from good to excellent.

federal Land Bank Farm Loans

AI this time the nationwide nul­look for winler whl'al is· I he most promising in many ycai'H.

'l'hl' usc of calion pickers elim· in11tes !l!J',; of the hand labor ol hm·

Lmtrlin;;· BI'I'C'tls Wlil'l'~·: HOC:W-i

Hatching All Summer


<1620 E. Bcn·y RcL at licnricttn R. 1, Rives .Junction

i'honc Jnclu;nu sT 2~•1809


Any Agricultural Purpose or Refinancing




Call or Write

Wayne G. Feighner A.aactioneea·

National Farm Loan Association 138 W. Ash St. Phone ORchard 7-6091

I Farmer's Mutual Fir a Insurance Building)

FOR TOP DOLLAR CALL Mason OR 6-5682 Eaton Rapids 9821

Mason, Michigan or

415 5. Cochran Charlotte, Michigan

New Fenton-Clio Expre,,.way talle,, fulle.•t aduarttanc of .•nfet.v tlomuJI/t modern design and use of skid-resistant concrete

Smooth Driving Ahead • • • on concrete -'!'here's a new thrill awaiting you on Michigan's

newest concrete highways. Expressway design

inakes · driving easier and safer • • • and the

concrete pavement is smoother than evcrbefom.

roadways the finest of all pavements. You get

a new smoothness a11d quietness in your ride,

New concrete pavement not only gives the best riding qualities but has improved dW'a·

bility. These wonderful new roads will last 50 years • • • and more.

Yem·s of research and testing, plus improved

construction methods, make new concrete

I ·Concrete is Safer, Too!

Easy-to-drive concrete highways m·e safer. Concrete's gritty texture offers better traction 'and reduces ~ltid danger.

. You get a smooth, quiet ride and your tires grip better. And at oight,_your visi· .bility on concrete is up. to four times better thnn on dark nsphult surfuces. Wet or dry, daylight or durk, concrete ia tho.

· sufoty: pavem.ent, · ·

'fhis added service life and traditionally lower upkeep cost

means tax dollars go further when invested in concrete.

Michigan's newest cot1crete expressways are keeping the · Wolverilte state's reputation for leailersl1ip in highway build-·

. ing. They will C!Jrry heavy truck loads safely and efficiently because they are scientifically engineered. . ..

Drive one of these new concrete higliways nitd you'll agree you never had a smoother, safer ride.

PORTLAND· CEMENT ASSOCIATION 2108 Mlchlpn National Tower, Lansl~l 81 Mlchl11n

Phona 1880

Page 24: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

Cor~l AUotments Won't Change Much l70N'T GL:T CAUGHT WITI1 YOUR I'AN·rs DOWN !

Unwan~~ed Mice Find Home hn Un~vers;~,~y Laboratory

mny hn o I' vnilll! In [!(•JH!lln anrl nwilkal msPnrl'i1, lin I'Xnntplu or. this dovolnptJWIII wottld hn I hn llfl)JC:U'illH'n of n strain HlliiC'I'Jl· tiblu In n p:trlil:ular ly(H! of t11mor, Pmfm:wtt' lll'own ;;nirl.

lly flAl!f, COU,JN

Cnrn Hl'l'P:tgc• allolnwnls In lfl!iH won't lw dtitngecl lllltl'lt, Tltn nnlionnl nllotnu•Ji! itas IH•nn in· CI'I'IIHI'd hy · ntiiJJon IH'I'I'H, llltl UJIH is c!IW ttltnm;l f'nlirl'ly lo llw ltrldltion of :IS IH'\1' r·tHtnlins In tlw I'OillnH'I'I!illi 1'01'11 1111'11. 'l'lio• ill· crease! is fntnt :n.:l to :JRH mil­linn IIC!'eS,

hit of II hno gmw rlown. Rot•gltum ll.'ill:til,V i:; r:onHirlorori a rlr,Y­\I't'!tl hc•t• r·rnp and litis· ,VI'Ill''s Wt'lllhet' ims ill'en 11 lu,wlal'!tP )lr gi'O\VCt'S,

J'rir:es farmr.I'S I'N:rlvr.d Ins! mrmth itwlwrl IIJl aitr!lll I •,;, hut pril:cH pair! fill' mnnnnrlltlrs atui set•vir·r•!; nlso itH'I'Pitsc!rl nbout. tlw Hllllll' amrrUIJI. So I iH'I'f' WIIS nn net gllitl in tilcdr over-all (Htrdws­lng ]lll\VOI',

A !of. ut' JHtlnluns 111'1! hnh~.g 'llvm·l r•rl fmm: l'l'.guluJ· f I'IHh> diiiJIIII'IH to lwlp sfuhillw l'nnn rtrki!S, 'l'lu·nu~:·h Nuvrmt· lmt• 2:!, dh•c>J'Sions 1ntull'cl 11\'CW :J,2 millirlll I'.Wf.-Wr>il alll'ail nf n simiilll' Jn•ngt·um In holh. IIHifi unci lfllill.

Tile f:'OVI'I'IHllPnl: had S!ifl mil· lion hu~ilnl:; of wheat 1wquircrl llttrl(•t• HU!J(Jrrrt pmgrurn at lntesl C:llllttl. '1'11111':; enoug-h to meet cln· mestle il''llHHHis [or 17 mrmJIJs.


The unw:nilcd house mn11so l"prc:ul lltmugltottl tlw ('lllllllt·y, hns fonnrl a horne! ' lnl!rerl H(t·nin:; will st.lil lw main-

A eDinn.v nf 1!.!,0(11) mlr.e reprn· tnincri In I!HSO 1111 unfnJ"C!tiC(m senling 2il In :JO inhrecl Jllll'l! cntnstmphe sltonlrl wipr! out n genf!tie strnlns, will l'l!l'eive frecJ pnrlkuinr slntln. chePHe nnrl lortgin!o: nt I he Llni- A mutnnL Hll'llln, )}J•, llt'0\\'11 versily of Mlr:hlv,nn lai)[JJ'atnry of r•xtJlnliwrl, Is Ollll whl,·h. hns ITIOLIS<! genetir:H when l'C!IIDVH· htlwr·i!Pii II ll'llcil'lli'Y IUWIII'ri lions, now unrlerwny, nro com- 11, ti[H'l'illl tmH, r•xenwlitletl in pie!l•d-·)Jl'Ohlliliy lll!Xi. HlllllllWr. flU> liunf'IIIA' JHUIISI\ Whidt IJliS

Funds for revamping I i1e lab· u 111'1'\'uns dl'l'l'('l,

'l'ltr! l'lljild J':J!P n[ ro•prodLH'Iion lllllllllg lllil:t' 111111 I:IIIIHCI[UI!Ill g(!Jl· m·atirms pr!Hitir·r•d In tlw lnllol'll· lory, Brown explnitu•ri, prnvidP tiw gmwli~:ist with lhr• iH•sl nwan~ of JnveHtigntlng lhi' importalll'l.! of warm·hloor!Pd nnlm:tlH, 111111 "frnm :;rtl'i1 stud!I'S' onn might find :1 1'1111' In ~01110 of !Ill! .'il'f'l'l'ifl of tIll' iniJ,•rilatu·n of lllllll."

In JH.J!J, l'rr'sid,•nt'!tary

Allnhtwnts 111 t'I'C'I'nt. ~'I'III'H hll\'1'11'1 luul too mul'it l'i'l'r•t·l: on tnlal r·orn lil'l'l'llgl•. Lust Yl'llt' I'Oillllll'l'dal c· o 11 n J, y ~TII\I'i!I'S I'XI'I'I'I[I'Ii IIJf'it• Ill· lotBJJ'IIi. l1y ulmnst lfi.!i mil­linn III'I'I'S1 •lfl'){, 111'1'1' tJtrdt• Ill· lo1mmt(s,

flc:n! In Midtlg:rn, prkrs fnrm­i!I'H l'i•r:rrlvnri mse :!',; durin;.: I ill' llllllll h nnrl won• :lNl :thDVr! No­VI•rniwr, Hl!iG. A I flt• J'isf' in the pri1:r; of wiwlr.>snlr: rni 111, lnerc•nses In Jll'i''eH of most veget:thles rnot'l! 1111111 offs1•1 rli•r·llncs in r:orn, IJay, IHtgs 1md c:hielH:ns. Compnn•d with Nnvemlwr, l!l:Jfi, increases In rtrli•c•s of brans, polalrws, h:ty and lllPIII. animals ~~l'l'ally 11ffsl'l ril'· l'iilii'S in gmlns, milk and JHHtltry.

IJ. S, impol'IS of green coffee in Sepll'miJcr lolnieri Hi:i million lh, a rlrop of Jrtr,:, fmm August and :J7',) helow September n ycnr ii~O.

DISENGAGE THAT~} nl'll(IJI',Y nf~verle!Jm!t• !Jiolnf!,y for W-i(! lt::i a "n1ousr~ hnu:;p" have been pmviderl hy 1111 $111,8•1:1 grnnt from the nnllonnl institute of henlth IN!HI, U. S. JHthiic lwn It h servic:e.

1 lnrler mnlrol hrecdlng mnrli­tions, sud1 11s llw new ('l!llll!l' will pmvide, nttmnpls' will he! mwle to develop Hew lnlu·r.d struins which

'i'H\'1111' :tSJ(i'd J..illl'llill Ill SI'I'VI' llfl

giiVI'I'nlll' of I lu• ( lrl'f~oll ')'pJ'J'ilitl,'Y· lliu• was wiliillJ(, htll ~In:. Lin· min said "No."

Tlw nrlmini:;lrat ion ltns n "nr.w" nrlrlition lo fartn pro~:rmns l'l'lldy t'ol' roon:;rc•ssion:tl l'flll· sidnl':ltlon. Hasir·:li!y it's a piP:t for powr•r to '"""'II lnilay'.c: light ltr'l'I'IIJ;f' l'nttl rots rrn !'nrm plant­ings. Alottg wilit tiJI.c; is· !Ill' 1'1'­I)III'S) fnt' :ttilltnrii,V In ifiWI'I' )ll'lr•J• SIIJ!Jil!l'l floii>I'!J nne! I hrr I' lim· !nation oJ' ri;;icl fol'lnlll:ts tlwl trmil to ill1'rr•asl' ::tt[IJ!fll'l pri1•r•s wiH•n ~:lti'Jilttsl'!; sill'inlc.

Hust. crmiH tlw nallon nhout $7.;-i hiillon a year, ar:crmllng In rr•search sdentists. Of 1 hnl ltllHIIInt, It's r.sllmntccl fnrmers lm:t! S:lofl million. A few dulls of p:d1tl ancl othel' rust pmventa­tives r•oulri cui thnt clown.

Sheep Raisers Can Benefit From Federal Payments

II>: major J'tmr:tion, Tlt•nwn suys, will tw to tt•ain gr:Hiu:tli• nnd un­dergr:uluntc• students in mnttf:I! getwtlcs. Two mammnllnn g-f!ne­liel:;ts will (WI'form the dual roll! of ten1'11lng and r·otHillel ing l'f!· ~l'ill'cli WIH•n I )Ill I'Cnll'l' begins OfJIJt·atlun, Jlrnwtl arlrled.

Ingham County News, Mason, Mi£11., December 12, 1957 :1-4 ~-___;, _________ -·.-

Fc1ith is like a whooibr1rrow-you've ']OI to put some push behind H to rn<rkr: it vmt·k.


SPC'l'PI ili'.Y BPI r~:n11 :·mys congl'PSS sltonlcl l'l'lllll\'1' 1'11111 rflis fmm r•ot·n nne! lit:tl pt'kn SIIJIJIIII'is [Ill' 1'111'11 shrHtlill>l' sl't itt litH' wltl1 titnsl' nf tlllll)Wiilivr• J:t·:!ltts o:tls, h:tt•ley, Srtl'f~lilttll.':. ll•'IJ.':r•n say;; I ltr• :II'· e•ttrrtttlatir•n ,.f fl·r•il .Stll'!iiLJ.~r!s JJiH'P !'til'!' u! l'! 1dllf'linllS ill C'Ol'll

:tf'l'l\:H~P ;J'!olll11'tll:; to il IPV(d

WiH•J'I' f; \.' 1'111'11 JJ:'!j f:rl'llti"I'S 1':111 r·rrntPi,'' :rtld .,I ill lljll't':tll' t•ffil'il'lll· 1\•. II c• I ol:i Ill!'.':· !liP ,':i I ll:t I ion r•n ];I'I'~:C'ill f<tnll jlfi•i.(l':llllH. ] fp .'i:Jj'H

llll'}ll' lt:t\'1' fot'l'l'ri IIH' midii'I'Sit>l'll I.'MII [,;•[! !11 SIIJ'P•JH[i'!' it:; ll:tllll':ti nrlvn!ll:tr'P in ft 1Pd :~;·:tin prodtll'· fJrJIJ to 1!:1' '.\'I'Si. ''loiii)J :tllrf 1\lll'f!J-

•Ftu• Hits Chicks Tao Poullrymen :;hnuld llr! on tile

Joolwul for respiratory di:;l':n:r:; In laying lloel1s, aecorrlinr: to M. If. Avery, county ngricullurai HgCI!l'.

Cold weather mnJICR hirrl:; easy prey for respiratory dlsPasrs.

Chiel\rns f[•cl just as mi:;erahh! aH hwnans when lltP.y gel mlds, ar:r·ording to Avery. Birds with .c;luffed tt)J hcltds and runnini~ nm,;r.s just don't fppJ likr laying ''gJ!,S. So down ;.:ocs the income 1'1·nm tlw !lof'ic.

Dr. William Mn!IH'Y and Dr.

Tlte r:r1mmon ilmtsc•liy is nnw i!I'VI!Ioping rPslstan('e to !he new 11 r g 11 n I e- plwspiJIII'Olis contact spt·n.I'S lltat have hccn usee] in plac:(! nf DDT. l~lir.s in some arcus· dl'vr•lopl'ri J'esislnnce to DDT in j 11st 11 fr•w ye:n·s.

'!'he l'lll'itl non-farm pormlatlon ltnH lm:I'P:tserl to more than 3fl million, almost twice that. of ne-111111 f:tl'llll!l's. Mom than 2 mil· lion farm pcopl(! now work regu­larly ni oliwr jobs; anotltm• 1.3 million wnrl' mom tlum 100 1lnys :1 Yl'lll' at ol hct• jobs.

Imported Plants Call for Pef"lmif

HolH:t·l VanHyzin, i\1if'ili.l~an Stall• Persons who import living university poultry rlisr:a:;e spPcinl· plant ma1et'ial from foreign coun· isis, say raising lite !f'ntprr:tlur•• trir·~: slwulil apply for a permit to :JJHJ illl[JrrJving l'i'lllil:tlion to rll'.'.' r::mil Kostal, 20!) River street, Ho-lf!;d.•t• t !1 , •. ~I' pl'n·~rams, .. out: tile lww;r, at'l' :dille" !he lll•si IJiJk~·n. N .. 1., a representative of UPw:: .. : s:1:~·~;, :H'I'Pag·~· di-

1 l/ N

1 1 t f · 1

\'J•t·t•· 1 "'''"ll "olton !n lht• w:tys to comb:tt rPspiralory dis- t tr: ... 1 epm men n. ngriCU. s1111 tr 1 :ttrd w: :t nrtd wlit•nt iu (':tS<'.~ wtwn liwy f:lrikl'. Sonu·- 1111'1', if llw imporlalinn is to com­

tirnl's il'.~ also 11Pr·r.•ssal'\' '" add pi~· with feriern! nnd state Jaw. th1• 1:.1': ::I p'ain•: ar. I iu 1111• . · ll!l(;r to ill'ljJ aiJ.,orb sonw rJf tl!r: llrrnng-Pmcnlcl for importing t'U"-:t, h:~v,• 1!1•r•n pnl iuf.:;

r;xr·,•s:-: moisture, lw sn II!. liv" plant ma I erial are worked t:nf·.: l:!ll'i!'Y a~1d ~.o:·niHinl·.-all l':·:a!;; ol' ,.,.1•11 l'ot· !'o•J'!i. l~or ndrlitional :<jH•l'ilic lrP:ii-J"ut coopPI'iilivc•ly hr:twe(!Jl 1\:os·

llleJtl, take 11 few of lite• sir·k birds tal's r•[rice and the Michigan de-J.ivr·::!fwk lll:tl'i>~•l.': l'l'jHJI'I :1 to tite !rl!':tl \'l'll'l'ill:tl'i:Jil fill' :t 'partnwnl o[ agriculture's pl:ml

}:i:!nilil·: ttl dPr·rr•:•:"' itt IIH• tllllll· di~ 1 ~:n 11 sis, lw advisl'rl. industry division. lll·l' of r w:,: 11::11 lt:J'.'r• J:oll!' to in· L::sl yP/11' federal quarantine in-~:pl'l'!r•·l j>:l('ill'l':' itt fill' past fP\\' Hjll'l'iors rf'JlDI'I irtll' 300,-lllillilk:. J•':JIIJII'!·:; :IIIII l'lllll'ill'l'.' GovernrJr Ni!:tf'fles 1)1)1) lots of unnullwrizcrl ft·uit, Iilli\' to·• ltlll,litt;; IJ:wk il"r•Priin!: 1 pl:tnl nnrl other :tgriculturni m<~­slo;·l: lor rJ•!Jnildit:g ill'l'riS. 1\p· Fcu·m ·Union Chie~frtL•rini. Thr• pllrpnse h: to keep out p:tr: 1,11.1' lit:• :··:11nc• tlti1t;: is it:l)J' of tlw r·nmtiTJ' malel'lal !hal may w•nir~;: will: :·.1111':;, l.:tq;" f .. ,.d ::ttP· .J(Jhll Spm:lrnnn nt: Cr!nlml L:tlw ltarhot· m:ttty o[ the \Vnrld's most

Sheep misers nrc missing a hcl to increase their Income from the llocl' II they don't upply for ln· c:entivc puymen is under the wool program, snys M. H. Avery, county ngl·icul tttral agent.

Jlut to malw Ute llJlltlicJI· tiun I'm• the paynwnt, J'nt·nw•·s must: hllve J:llt:rml:-: of nil [lilt'· d lllSC!S Ullrl SIL)CS,

Records rn ust lnc:Iude name of lntyer, his rn·ir,:lnal signaturr:, date of the transaction and 11w number anrl live weight of the lambs wllh tile description "un· shorn" showing. Payments arr~ made only on Iambs that have not been si1on1, regardless of whether they are sold as slaugh­ter or feeder Iambs.

J,umh fcedci'S shouhl ulso lHl!!ll aet:urnlr~ J't>eords of tho lr~ngfh of time they h:aVtl nwlwd a sru:dlin lo(, ol' lumbs. J,umh JlllYIII(!Jils tu•e nuule only wlum r•Jw fecdur hus owned tlu! bamb.~ for· al; lr>ust ao d;tys, he c:o;plitim:d. Avnry said the fln::JI date for

applying for ID57·1D5S marl,elings iH April 30, 1958. But applications may he ~:ubmltterl lo tlw county Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation ot"ficc any lime he-

Dr.C.J.Ht~bbard Vt::W(II--!ARIAN

603 S. lansing S.roet Phon~'! OR 7-8201

pli1•:• :11trl II~:• r•ttiT•'''I siltt:tliotl itt jll'l'sirlc·nt o[ tlw Mklti~;:tn l':mn· dr•slt'tl!'live inseets, plant eli~eases l't~Jrard Jq so !lllldt wr•l i'tll'll i~; ('J'f;' Union, rPet~n11y \!.'as n:tmt~cl and lll'lllHtoclr.s. )lll::ltitl"; lit<''"' lrr·ttrls. '1'!11• el'f:•r·i hy GoVPJ'nor \Viilinms to till' ,----------------------------1 of lilt' itl!'rr•:t•;r•d jllrllltli'lii,Jt of r·nt· MIC'Itigan eommission of agric1tl· Ill' nnd lio:::: wit! ::!tow Lip lirst in ture, and l:tsl IVI'C!l( atil'IHII'r! his lht> l:tlli·J'. initial session of lllllt horly.

\V1• ::ltqn!d 1~1·1 n Jll'r•tty g.:orl Spoclmnn [Ills tiH' va,·anJ'Y on irl:•:t wil:rl's :dti':J.,i fot• hog :lllm- lite 5-man ~ommission l'nW'I'd hy ltt•r:; nnrl pril·<•s in IIH• 1/SDII l'P· m:piration of the term of !lay '1'. pori !Itt" 11111 ll 1'1'1'1ltlll•t· ~0. ll \\'ill llnclerson of M:tnlon, who indi­f!iVc~ t•.•,t:rn;llr• . ..; 11 11 sprin;_; l':ll'I'!IW· cated he \Vns not a r:antlida!P. to ings :ttHI lll~>rf' Sfll'l'ifir: linla 1111 succl!eri himself, hoeattsc! rrf ill I ill' nttl!thl'l' r:f pi;~s f:tl'l'"\l'"<i I lti.~ hcaltll. J\ppninlment>: are subject f:tll. to senate eonrirrnation.

'l'ltl! :;::10 Ill paid frn· till' g-ranri 'I'!u• commi~sion o[ nr:ricttlture r:h:tmpion slr•rot· at file lntcnw- establishes the polif'ics of tlw t ionni Livf'slrll'k Expnsil ion Ins! stale department: of agriC"uilurc. ll'l!l'k w:1s It l'<'r'orrl frn· the Chi- Unrlcr the statute tlte pnlilir:al rli­r.ago ~how. llo\\'I'VC'I', llw lop vision of the group must he ns p!'ir•r• p:tiri fnr a granrl cl!llmpion even as possible :mri nne mcmhc!t' in the l I. S. w:rs S:l:i.:iO at I he must he from 1 he Upper Pen in· llnwrir'an Hny:tl show in Knnsns suia. Members· serve for G years City in I!Wl. on n slaggcrcri-term hasis. ·

Last yrar's intPrnatirmal chnmp The eommission is marie up of is still going strong. Hl'l'ent.Jy llC Robert .T. Dehclak, of Trenary, was nft'il'inily inviter! In nppe;u· clmirman; Then Lenon, St1nric!ld. nt !he Hl:)8 Snvict nll·union ngri- vice-chnirrnnn; Edwarri C. Mende, r:ultrtJ',1ii'XiJilrilion in Mos·cow. He

'Ncwnygo, secretary; Artltut' .T.







Fa1·m Ponds a Specialty!

SCARLETT GRAVEL CO. Phone Ilolt OX 9-2517 or OX 4-3R01 hrrHtght l1is nwtwr $20.!iO ih in Hnnnah, Gr1uul Hn1Jids; and

Cl1icago a yQar ago. J

~11enmm~olgrninw~hums S~p=o~c=~=a~n:· _________ ~=========================~ planter! next spl'ing will probably i' he clown from I his year, :wcor;J-ing to reports from I he mill\~I!SI nnrl sottlhwc:;l. 'l'he wet fall h:1s mnrlr: hnrvesting o[ tlw crop l;nugh. Farmers an• having rlif!'i­cully rlr~'ing I he crop so it: will store safelr. llpparenlly rptile a I

G t•ccm V cirri nary HosJJital

· Ol'l'ien Ilmll's: 7-ll [l. m. Jlfnn • F•·i.-1-:1 Jl.m.Sal.. ·

Dr. M. J. Green Phnrw OIG 7-!17!11

7!l:l N. C••clar, 1\lnson


Fe®an VIGwne HOG BAU\~CER Powerful supplement properly balances farm grains to meet ~utrient requirements of hogs over I 00 lbs.

FnHens hogs rapidly for earlier marketing •• , at lowest pos•

· siblo cost!

It .PGyl To Fr~tlll W111yna






lt•s the easy way to save for Christmas gifting.

It's the need.

sure way to the ~ash you

It makes gift shopping more fun! Join our ·sa Christmas Club now.

THE FARMERS BANK Member of F. D. I. C. . Mason, Michigan .

fore that !lute, he pointed nul. The offke is In USDA ltuliding in MaRon.

Ln~t year in some areas of Mlehlg-an, le~s than half of lite ellgihle sheep raiset•s npplied for the Incentive paymcnls, Avery sal(),

Scenndly, llw r•enll'l' will Hr•rvr: ns c•w;torlian of nltout. :!,0011 mi,•e, inr:lnrllng m:tn,Y I m p n I' l nn t strnlns, us pari of n national pool for I'Pse;trdt in hu~:ic hiolo1:Y nnrl nwrlil:ine. 'l'lllts·, with l'cnters

Sun Life· Assurance Co. of Canodo II J W, Michiqolfl, l "n<in<J

Phono IV,whoo ?-90] I

Working To9e~~he~· to Ba~Ud a Better Comimnum~~y

Let's Get cquainted! Our Businessmnen

....... ~.

.. 'i 'I Identify the Oecupa~t of This Farn1

j I 1 ''i/:!1,,.1, ,J .'/! 1·;:

One of the wonderful thinq.,

about doing business in il

farming comrntmity such as Mason is thQt mo'.r store :ustomcrs arc actually busi­lcs~men thcm~GI\o.~s! Yes, farmers, who represent il

large sogiment of Mason customers, know Hw prob­lem~ of business for they, J·oo, arc businessmen. They 'mow the 1ux problems, the law of supply i'"..j demand -und what's 1"""1'1) they

must endure tlw sobering effects of wo;,1.1n condi­tions. Yes, ii's u pleasure for merchants to have the confidence of sw:h cusfcm. srs and in tha7 ~f.lirit we nave dedicated l>:.:·· rnothods of doing busines>. iho fol­lowing merchanb coilccth·e· ly r(!ach across the! counter lo congratulate ·fellow fMm· er-busincssmcn. You, es­pecially, aro wolcome in Mason alwr1ys!

Win Free


Yes, if you oro the FIFTH PER­SON to correctly identify the MYSTERY FARM PHOTO [a dif· ferent one will be published on this page each wool) you wil I re­ceive FREE OF CHARGE a sub. scription for yourself end on­other for anyone you may select providing, however, that he or she is not a regular subscriber to the Ingham County News and tho! ho or she resides in ln.;Jhom Coun. Jy.

REMEMBER - tho Fl FlH PER· SON - not the fir~+ - who CORRECTLY I DENT! f.l ES THE OWNER AND LOCATION OF lHE FARM, will be doclarod tho winner.

Name of · winner and mystery farm feature story will be pub. lishod tho week following.

IMPORTANT - To assure ac· curate recording, entries must be submitted in person Ia lnglwm County News office or by call­ing .Mason OR 7-901 I. Answers licccpled by membors aF tho lng· hom County News staff elsewhere will not be considerod.



MR. FARMER: IF your form pic· lure nppoors on this page, you wilt rocoivo a Sx7 mounled photo. graph of it ADSOLUHL Y FREE - o gift of opprocialion provided by sponsors of this pogo. Stop in to tho INGHAM COUNTY NEWS oflico and pick it up first limo you're in town!

and Wiai Vcducsb~e Pa·izes


SIGHT UNSEEN, F. L. Barnaby ordered this 1950 Bel Air 4-door Chevre>lot even before tho now models woro out, That's how much confidence Bornaby and olhor AI Rico Chevrolet customoro hove in Chevrolet automobiles and Chev­rolet sorvice. Barnaby ·is shown at tho loft taking dolivory of his new c<~r from Robert lnghr.>m, sales mon.Jger.

Satisfiod customers like Barnaby hava holpod build tho AI Rico sales and servico orgonhalion to ono of out. standing reputation, Besides Inghram and Rico, others on tho Rico team anxious to acquaint. you with tho odvonlogas of owning Chrovroleh ore Joe De.m, Howard Facer and Russ Garriso11, Stop in now and got tho Chevrolet story at AI Rice Chovrolot .• .' and you, too, will join the many satisfied· customers.

Mickelson-Baker Lumber Co. Francis Platt - Minnoopolis-Molino • AI Rice Chevrolet 352 W •. Columbia Phone OR 7-3751

US.J27 Phono OR 7·5971 and Oliver Equipmont . 447 S, Jolforson Phono OR 7·3061

Archy's Photos Fino Portraits I 08 E. Ash St. Chesley Drug

330 S. Jollerson Silsby lmpl~ment Co.

· Shafer Decorating Supply:: ' · · .· 425 S, Jefferson Phone OR. 6·5582 :

' ' 'I 'i '

214 W. St~to Phone OR 7·0141 · Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 138 W. Ash Phone OR 6·423 I

Mason. Elevator·Co.· · ·. 345 w_, Columbl1 ·. Phone OR 6-5734

Ball-Dunn Furniture 124 1:. Ash ' Phono OR

.. \

Page 25: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library
Page 26: ng,.am County - Capital Area District Library

library Sparkles like Christ1nas Winfe•· in N·o•·f·f,·

Hemispheres Trade Seasons mrq·. This lrntl.~ to nwl>r nnr win­ll:;· il tillh• lllihl<'l' a111J !Iii! IHIIilh· rnt Mllllllli'l' i1 IIIII<! 1111111'1',"

Yon 11111\ill <!''!"'''' llaal lilo c·olcl· l!>il 1\'l'lllill'l' \VIlllid L'llllli! Wililtile

Sun I 11 'ti frm;l )' lm•a Ill hns nl· l'l'llfi,\' IH'I'II [c!ll nil lhc.• nnl'i;s nf htgiHllll ('(111111)' IIJJI'IIriiiiiH. QIIC!H· 1iiii]H illlli ,-c!<JIIC'IiiH fill' llllci 11110111 Clil'llillllilli maiPI'inl:; lliiVI' !JI'I'II llylng 11111'1> unci fiiHI. Lllll'ill")' HH· niHianl.'i lwvn l;ilwn 111 WC!ill'illg ,IJngJr! lli'IJH 011 IJJI'JI' I'IJhiH•I' Hlan;p:i, l'nii'IIIIH h1si:;l lliill llw,v lillllllfl pre• II ii'J' II Jail I lin .iillll~lu 11f cash l'l'gi:;Jers.

l~hrh;lmns C'nnli llonl\, hy Y.c•llu llnnlcoJI. Bolli honiiH In r•lu rl o Chrl:;lmnn recipes nnrl l1ils of li•gc•JHI. Downs n( l'll!:lpc!s fnr Cill'islmns r•o,,J>Ic:s 111'1! [liven In Virginia flnc;J"~''Ii l~lll'isilliiiS C!loJ;. lo Jlool\, wlillr: lwllcln,y C'llllrJ~· irlc•ns t'illl lw fonntl ill Pall! Dr• c:m:i' llnliclay Cancly and Cool\le llo11l\,

WlnHII•It CIIIII'I'IJIII'H III!W vnl· um1! in hb J IIHiory of I ill! l~ng· llsh Hpunl<lng Pc:nplmi tli'I'ic•;; IH nl pnrlh:ulur lnlt!l'lml In Amerkun:; lmr·uusa of llo enVI!I'iiJ.:Il 11( IIH• Olll'IY hlsllit'Y or Ill!! u. H. 'J'hr• lullli' iH l!lllilli!li 'l'l1o Age of ltt!VIl· lnllon,

If yoU olollg for tile Hllilry dil,\'H e/ll'lit'li riiH!IIIll'r. from lho Hllll llllt w.JII(I'r ~•II,,IJon, Wil.''ll I ill! lllllllil•'l' i f II I I. , 1, ' nl llllllllglil ilooii'S IIi Jc>nsl unci lrt·

''1'1111 cii'IIIIIIUI l'ol' ( 'Ju•biJIIIIH malc•J•inlls :;11 111'11\'Y lim I 1'111'11 )'1'111' II liJH'I'iliJ I'Oiil'l'lillll OJ' IHHJIIc; Is s1•t up. J111nl;,; 1'1111 II!IH\1'1'1' ICIJIII,Y 111' 1111' Jlll'l.1.liJI,•~· IJIII'IiliiiiiS 111111 III'IIIJ:I'IIIIi Ill' 1111' lmli1ln,v sl'u:;uu,

111 uchfillon, lho fiiii'III',Y lias 11 willn .'il'h·dion or IHIIJI'.~ o\1 ( 'hri:.lilllllo lillll'ii'H II lid fllld l'y, l'lll'lllh 111111 'illll).pi, plii,YS 1 g·ii'(, uwldll!\', !Iiiii hulhlay Jllll't.Y Jlllllllllll~'·

o HllllllllCt', 1!! JliWI! or you l'lllhnr on 1hu 2.!." r)IJ~l'(·o I ill of \1"rdi}' of ::nnlir~lil a nlinimuna. right nnw Is I lin HIILJ!Iwrn hom!~· phern, snlrl n UnlvcJrsily of Mll'h· lhc carlh's nxls, During llle win· Bill lhl:; is 11111 1111• l'ils1•, 1111· 11;1• Jgnn IIHil'OilOIIl!!l', 1!!1', IJ10 Cllll'lh':,- lllll'til poh! is )ll'lli( II[ lit!• HI'OISIIII ll>illlllly t'OIIIIIIi

IIJlJlCri HWiiY from I lie sun. \\'r! I fl'llm ·llc1 li II'I'I'I;H lnl•·t· al 11 I hill• Offlt'lnl Jwglnnlng o[ wlnll!l' In , J;nown illi I liP. "liif.: or tc:l!illns"

llw caorliaem lwmlsphr•rp 1•1111111H have rnn· eolrwr \VI'iillwr IH!«'IItllll! 1 i'nafc•:;H<II' Losll .~aid. ' Among novr!ll.'ils wllll <!sinh· 11 · 11 · 1 1

I nt O:•Hl fl. m. Sallll'clay, Dec•ern· w ~11111 IH s 1 111ng nl 11 Jnrn·e 11 •· llshl'rl t'I'JllllillillllH for popll Ill'

1 II 1 . 1~111' il JIPJ'iocl nfl<'l' ll1'<'•'11lill'l'

f!l'lllill 1\'ilo hll\'1' 111'1'.' lion!;:; lid: hrJ' !.!I, III'I'IJI'd II(( Ill Prnf. IIZI' Jii(UI! illl)~it• hi I lie lllll'lhr•J'II IH'.IIliS·~~I, IJw nnl'llil'l'll iJ:•aJiisJilll'l'l' Willi You luww thtl llill of M. Lm:l1 of lltP fl·l\·1 IIPp•~r·lnwlll 1 p 1 1 1 1 1

liPilsoJJ ;a;·n 'I'Oi,VIor f'alrlwell, Mnry ltlghiH in llw U, H. Constllu· qf aslrolllllllY. 'J'hil; I:; l.he lime of J1 Jr.J'c, ro eHH«H' ~alii I I'XJlllliWr. lo::c• moro ill'ill ill ltigill I h. Ill c·:rn l·:lh!ll CliaHI', Nomll Lnf!H, Ayn linn Jn•niPI'IN .vnuv IIIH'Iilllllll lhn Sllll's llll'llillg polnl, oJ' snl· On lhe ollwr ll11nd, 1111! colllil Ill' 1'"11 111'''" IJy llw Sllll <ill:'lll!( Ill•· Hand, UPI(y Smlll;, Jngli:i I•'!Pi<'il· J'ig-htH, hill. ~'"" lihln'l. lmrtiY Hlit'l', when II rea<'IH!s I he mosl pol<: is IJII'IIed 2:1~.~ tlc'f'l'<'l'., lo· :,lwri<•J' lirall-al'<'l';lgil day,;, illlll ,.,., ll:rmPII l\aiH', ltllli<'l'l l~llnrlc how IIJIH ll(tpli<'ll to you on :;oullwri.Y pnlnl In its nppill'c~nl wanllhe Hllll, 11111! a:; a r;·snil Ill" IIJ.'! i<'lliJll'l'ill~ll·l' "','II 1'1::.1:.11,H11 ' 1': lliil'olli.l' l:liiri·:P WiJ:,oll illllll'llar hlll'll 11 tii'I'Hnnal IIIIILI<'J' u:. yearly Journey al'«lllltrlllll! e:ll·th.;snullH!i'll lwmlspiH'l'l! Is g(•llingl~hop. A_~tiroiiJ.,Ii lill s 1 ! 11 ;·:"~'.'.'.''.' 1 • Jiolrl!l Cilllljlill'll llill'nl'i-i. hPin,.;· Ja Jll'hl, , I, I· , , ·J , ... 1 1,tl , ils [::l'f'illl':;l he:; I of !he l'l'ill'. olllri dill ,II IIlii of Sllllsirllll. Ill< r r o1" 1'11111· Jll'llli'"ilt'l'" l'lltl\1' 111'11 II' 1 On 11•11 r.a~, s H. Sdll' ll. ' ·aflc•l' [)1• 'l'lllil''l' ''I 'rl ·1·· 11 I 11111'11 ' ' ' ·' ·• ' ' 'l':ryl111' l'nldw1• s 111'11' ll<lVI'. . II . ,1 ,· 1 . ·J . ,. 1· II "IImvcver," she t'Dillim;c•tl, "WI' in ' · ' · •· ' '' "

·.;a IIIII Is l'tJIIlillg, lr111. 'I'll is I:; I ill' Tlu• SolliHI of 'I'IJIIIHit•r, Is a fillll· Tlan da•c•IJII'atlon of rlghls of the sun w I s\l llf, Is s Hllle,,J 1 d .1' tl II 1 fll 1 II f 1 II Paa·iy 1•\•i<rll'tl')' Jl;nl I ill' r rlr• of

Avoid the Last Minute Uush-llc Sure Your Christmas Cards and Gifts Arrive 011 'l'imc.

ill' a lill.l~ ov,•rl ;i!;Ps I he !'ill n of moling, 1lt1n lo !Ill! l'r111SP.J'VUiirll1 of lilt' l'al'lli's Ileal by lis atmo~· plterlc hlillll\ct, I I I I · 1 I I' I II li.llll' 11f .•·r•,·t•· 11'111!11 till!,\' liJ'iriJ! '·II 11 111 11 1 1 ill'" ill'l'ns:; our s·oullwrn si,,Y, 11nrl w·n.or 1 H!JH! 1Y w 1111 11.'' - · · ' · ' · II ,. Ill 1'1 Ill I II! Ill It II\' I'll (!('· ·' ., I . I I II I I (' Ill'"'' " I' I f',illl CIIIIH u lin Jll'll C<! s " I tl 11 f 11 II

. 1 v I! ll'llllll' «! 11 '" ''!'' '' 1 ,1 . ~ ... , . , . . . . wr. in tlw nnrlhern lwmi::Jlhem a. 11s me o year wear 1 ts ---------------------lion is 11 wi<l1• l'illli-(1' <d' luuil;s 11n ""' llll'il' i-:l'l'illl~sl llllllllll'l' of IJ:nr!illoll. ~Irs. C'llil''l! ltm; •;;J'illl'll 111111 II Jla., .. o~n11. right:; ,,:; the U. , 1

. , . ,.1


,..1 1

. 1

t I about three million miles elnscr· l 'lli'I•·IJJl'l'' ·a,·llvi'IJ'I"' 'IIIII tlll'l'r• lliJII!,·s. l.'llii''I'IJIIPJJII." lihJ·;IJ'ii'H nr«• II 1 1 •r · · '1'1 ..,. <'llll''lillillcllt'" Iiiii 11[ t'i"ill" I/JII t.avc 11111 ·• tn r. .. 1 ,ay, n 1011 1

1 1· 1 1 II ' ( 1 fl H fA' 1 D b 12 Jll1"7

·· '·• ' ·' ' · ·' 11 no ll'l' s •wy " "' a.rll' 111 11 ' • tl , ·1'1 c• , ·". 111 11 , . 1 .... 11 ~f n hour:;, unrl longest nlghl, arounrllto t te sun t tan cur ng mu· sum- nguc:m 01111 V 'CWS, milSGn, iiiC 1., CCCJn cr , 7;) IJI'igin~. 'I'IH• :illll',\' of Ill!' ,.,.JI'IJI'il· n·~l1wi1Pd with 111!\V 11111! f:ltil'illal· J:rlgP nf J);1rl; 111 .ss, a•lll Nnriill .1s H •• ,,, tliiJS u nns ll 11 1 ~ 1 Afl Ill tl II

lion or t.:hri:;IIIIHH is <'CIVI'I'I'ti In ing lllall'i'bl. Lofls I'I!IIJI'IlH 111 Iii!! ''" 11 :1, of ~:il· riJ•hl~. llnllt 11 [ llwsr ~l;rlemenls •1 llliii'H, f'l' 1 H me•, 11' sun lilll'h b""l;s il!i 'l'lw Allll'ri<'illt 'l'hlii filii hils 111'1'11 Jlill'iil'ulnri,l' ''"I' NuiiiH'J! In Ju•r 111:w IJilok lla'w lwron ini:ILJt!crl In lhu cun:;ti· wlll

1 slac·l

11!·' . lonr,l trr;'< n;;rt~

r.'llrlslllliiS, lry .liiiiii'S lllll'lll'll; r·il'il In JlUIJ!It'iitloJIS b." Jli'OIIlilll'lll o'IIJOIII. IIH! Dlllt•h 1·::11'1 Jnrlit•:i luliclm: 1\S Hltlelrls IIJ'ilinst UllW~Il'· agn n, !!Oil llllllng 0 eng le I ·' . 1 1 ., . , ; , · 1 , . rliiYH nncl shorlcu nights until our 'l'lw t:llri:illllii:i Hlllll\ h,v I•'J'iiiiCC~s, anlliors, s11 nw wl111 laave 11111 wllidJ i:i l'lllill"cl ~'1'1'!11 11[ C'ln\'l's. ::"n~,ah·c• nl!'rf:.1cnu; .'~Ill, Jlll· IDJigest days n[ .runo,

\I'Pihl'l'; IIJPI "IIIIJI Clrrisllllilslh;·,.llghlouiJH'II' hool;~;irtlil!l'er;al 011 ,1 11 r llll! mosl wlrlr!IY dis· .,nno~lrlr,hlsiJy,anydcp.ulnaunlof · l•';ll'ls nnd [•'iilll'ies," !Jy Alfred 1 ,\'!!ill's. <'Ussetl llllVPls of I lib; fall IH A,\' ill gll\'l!l'lllllf.'ltl. . "Cilll\'l'l'sl'iy, 111 the s1111lh· llidle. · ! An onlsi<IIHiing Pxnmpli! of 11 r~aml's All:rs :·11n·1wgt•d. 11 IIIII)' I Onu 11f llwsc• rights Is ll11• !'lghl !'I'll lu•mis)tfll!l'l! lim summc•r·

l'nl•lry :r11d sloril•s i•l'l' flllllHI ill' J'<!JH'ill liy alwsl·:;elilllg IIUII·Iidion lwconw illi pnpad:•;· n:; lam· C'lll'li<'l' 111' "per:;ollill lihl!l'ty.': And In· NI'IISnn will h1•. stna·tin1~ nt. th1! '1'111! llolllt' IJ""'' of < 'liri~lrna::, wa'ill•;· 1s L:illlwrine JV!arsilllli':; 'l'o IJ•Hii<, The FullnlaiJI head. It Is eluded in lllilt right Is libarly lo srmw inslantt. 11s IIIII' winll!J', <!dill'rl liy ~lny L. 1\''1'1\1'1'; I PI's LJ,.,, Again. Mr:;, !VIarsllllll, 11'1111 r11 11 ol' I liP 1111 tiwr's 11erHoJwil colllrar:l ancl I he right of privacy. l'nr 1!11~ Nl'IISIIII.~ Ill'<' J't'V''I'SI'tl ('Pil'lil'iill! l'lll'i:illllilti, lly 11111'111'1! wrnll' llu• widP!y rend )l:!an pllilo:;oplly iilloul hiHnan mulil't•:. I Of course, these rlghls clo not In the 2 huiVI's nr Uw A·lnhn." (;iii'JIIIc•r; Till• \l'i!i'ld't; (:rmlesl ('ailed l'i•ll•r·, hils ;l'l'ilJ'(~II ill lhi.'l 'olllrl il ;dso diSl'llHSI~Ii 1111! I'll!:• I mean liJUI each of us has !Ill ab· I II r

I Contl'ilry to enmmnn )e e s, Cllrisllllils Sillrit!s, PdiiPd lly I•:J·ic Ill!\\' !JoqJ\ alltilll IH!I' lift! slme the monc!y plays In our Jive•:; Iuria~;. :;olute and tiiii'Ciill'~lilled rig It to I he Sl!iiSOIIS dn 1101 cll!pend prl· l'osHI'il, illlri A <'hr·isllnas IJOIJ),, dt•alli of ht•J' fallltillS minislea·J;u:;. Harne! I ll:anc Hdlls illlllllJr.r '" :lo :as l;e pll•ast!s. il lllill were so, marlly upon the variation of the lly Dominic! LI'Wis. hand, l'l!ll'l' 1\larsliall. his Jisl uf IIOVI!IH about Wl\'l':i .,f I .1•1'1'1! wnuld _lu• 1111 l:aw exc;;pl tlw

llornr•rnakPI'S who ll'illll idr!iiS ])11 rnlh,Y C:inlield J•'ishPr, 0111, 11 [ C'unfl!rlerale Jcadt•r:; in 'l'llc G;•l aw o[ l.lae .1,\lll>:le where mlgill for de<:<il'alioJJs a (ll'l'l'llltial Jll'oh· Amel'i1·a's favorile writers, lias Jan I Mrs. Slonewall. II Is lhe slory .Hal:t's l'lglil. !ern- -can llnillwlpful sn~:grslions juHI puhlislwd a ;;C!I'!Ps of dwrm· of Anna .Jnd,son, wire of ~toll!'- ll~tll'ev:•r, I his right of "per· in .such liolll\1; :1~; lnrw Chrisman's Jng slwll'ilPs of 11 NPW J•:nglnnd wall ,T:wk~un. Robt!l'l J1tJark':, .·:nnal laiH'I'Iy" is an imporlanl Chrislm:1s 'I'I'I'I'S, D1•r·oralions :rnd villagf', l'illl<'d ~l,.morir•s of Ar· 'l'he Old Man and thu Uoy, a tnlt• ··wial bPcaw;p nne of tlw lilwrlies


Shade Trr.cs

Ornamenl:;, 'I' he 11 cl u r o ~'Jaros' Jinglon, VPrnlonl. M ;r1: I\ inlay of his Nor I 11 C'amlina J11!yhoori, 1111'ittrh d 1;nder il is I he prohibi· Fruit Trees Cill'isllnas Li;,lllill;'. IJIHI Dc•<·oaal· KanloJ', aullwr uf Ancli'J'sollvillc, l'llniJ':J.sls silarplj' wilh ill>' nuve! 1i11n n::••i:r•;t lnvnlunlaa·y servi· Dwarf Fruit Trees ing, A11n 1\'t'l'lsn(!J''.s l\lak1• Your is bringing out a Jli'\V IHH.JI\ about of African violcnr·c wilidl was a lurlr•. For t•:-;;,mplc, no person may Shrubs Own Meny l'larisll11i1S, Dorol hy a wilimsiml dog, 1 i llf'd Lobo. best sellcl' :;cwral years ago. be impl'i:;,ncd fur debt arising


Roses Pcrenniols Bulbs, etc. Uiddle's t'ilrisllllils lc!Pa Uuul\, In 'J'wisll'cl TalcH trom Shake· lnt~li.': I•'Jeldtor has wriiiL'n an· otlt of it cn:til'ilct cxr·c·pl in ca::;cs

Barbara llaPl''s C'hrislmas Malw· speare, Jtklwrd Armour conlin· other hi;;lorieal IHJI'el wilh a of fraud or hi·enelt of l;·usl. il Boul;, a11ci Marjorie Young's lii'.S llw goorl·lliillll'l'rl SJl!HIIing be· Carolina sl'lling, Tlw \Vinci In the Don't gtiP:::; \l'l'ong llwugh, Demralillg foa· .Joyful Oeea:;iu;rs. gtlll in J1Js p11 pular It All Slarlerl Forrsl, anrl Margaa•cl Canlphi!ll :rlwul wl1al a rl.:hl' is, when you

Add $ ~ !000.00 or more lo the value of your home.


For holiciii,Y menu ideas, tile li· \Villi l'olurnhu:;. !lis lalesl boo!\ Barnes in lsaiJei lhe J.';lir ('lllllL'I slanrl on your eonstiltllimaal lll'iii'Y lt;as Conl\ing for Christmas, humoa·otlsly retells G of Shal<c· up wilh ~olll!! of her lwsl worl\, rigltts and ;:ny "you c·an't put mo lly Clmrlotlr: 'l'urgc•on, ami Tire spcure's plays. IJ 11 IIOI'cl l;.•,erl on 11 Jumous !tis· in jail for nol payin;:: that Iiebi."

I hcarrl of onr: fellow wlw de· torical ligure. -----~ -~-~- Ii)ulted on paying l1is alimony

Let me ~how you actual color photographs of Stark Exclusive Leader Varieties. No obligalion. Telephone or write

Get the Bagt of Both : 0 Got Amorlcan

big car room and comfort

f9 Get European small car economy, handling easo

Go Rambler.!

Read Acts 4:23-31. Wlwre ~·our treasure is, there will your heart be also.

(1\laU.lww (i:21.) Possessing a big business and every possible luxury, we

busied ourselves in work and money-making. On Sundays we drove to the mountains to our counl!·y home, which was sut·t·oundcd by a large garden. There we toiled all day. But suddenly everything was taken fmm us.

This gt·cat. distress led us to reflect upon our lives. The longing for God that had been slumbering deep down in us now became aroused. The grace of our Lord became mighty in us. In the mich;t of our trials we recognized the Joving­ldnrlness of Gocl. We became thankful !.hat we had lost. every­thing upon which out· hearts had been set. We l'ecognized in this the leading of God's kind hand.

As the result. of losing DLII' eat'l hly possessions, we have lime for lhc Lord. We have leamcd to pmy am! 1o commit to Him all out· actions, all our lives. We have ~=:ained lhe peace of God. Now om· lives arc filled with thanksgiving and an Ullshakablo faith in Christ om Redccmet•.

l'HAYJm 0111' Fnllu•J•, we final il. hO t•nsy In fm·g·11t. 'l'hl'l~ wht'.ll WI' hl•t·ume

(JfiSSI'SSPJI hy IIIII' IIIJsst•ssinns. i>'OJ').;'iVI~ us, \I'll pr·ny. 'L'I'IIl'h us In Jove a nil hoJHII' 'l'ht'l', to wm·shiJI ruul seJ'Vc 'l'hel'; llll'ou~-:h 1111'. lllt'l'e,Y ol' CIIJ·ist IIIII' SnvinUJ', Ame11.

Tl-IOUGI IT FOH THE DAY The peace of God is wm·Lh more than all eat•t hly posses-

sions. El'lla Adan1s (Germany)

Warehouse Clearance

AUCTION \\'olveriUtl Uve~tod\ s~tle~ l'aviliou

2 ~~ miles west ul' Willhtua~tuu on l'S-lli

Saturday, Dec. 14 7:00P.M.

$25,000 New Merchandise !\Ioney - Evm·ything !\lust Be Sold

l'ower llortable S:tws - Electric Drills - llarllware

~l'ools- Socliet Sets - OJJen.Etul Wrench Sets -Etc.

llouscholtl E•tUilllllent - Paint - Toasters - Electric

& Steam Irons - doolnmre - Dinette Sets - Elcctri·

cal AJIJIIinnccs -. lt!ixmast.ers - Dishes - Porta~le

Scwiug l\l1tehines - I.tiggage -:- Elect~ici Dcatt1rs -:­

Furnitul'c Sets ~ Clocli Radios·- Watcile;.:- jtlwelry ' 11 . • ' - . . :. ~· •

Tlml\IS::-Cash · Free Prizes to All!

H:rJII .of.: Disttibutors

Dan Reason ~ Ameri,an Motors Moans Mora For Americans nnd said tltat. lie was wrong; ali· mony is not a tlchl. Proper ventilation in the pnul·

try lwuse this winter can sav'.~ poultrymen money in 3 ways, In acirlil ion lo pi'Omoling- better· l!ocl> health, ventilation may al,o he Ihc lwy to maintaining winter pro duel ion and el'ficienl Iced con· vcr~ion, say Miehigan State Uni· verHity agrieult ural cngillcca·s.

And don't ynu lry it with Unde Sam on taxes either. Taxes rio not consliltttc debts, and penalties fot• not Jlil,l'lng tlwm, Including imprisonn]('nl, rlo not constitute imprisonment for debl~.

Phono ED 2·0093 5012 Moh,,wk Road

OKEMOS Bill R!CniA.!fU)S- US-127 ,,nd Ler1ion Ro"d

(This column is nn iuformntiDnal SCI'ViCI! of the State Bar or Michigan.)

IT IS OFTEN SAID that the best gifts you con give are those you'd like to receive yourself. Wouldn't you like to rc· ceive, as a Christmas pres· ent, a bedroom or kitchl}n phone, or a phone for the den OI' workshop? Then wouldn't tl'1ey make great

gifts for Mother, Dod or the teenagers in your family? Extension telephones (in any of nine decorator colors) cost only about $1 a month after a one·time installa· lion charge. So order your gift telephones now. It's easy: just call our Business Office.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * f * * * * * * * * CHRISTMAS IS GETTING closer and closer and you probably have a hundred and one things Lo do­presents to huy, holiday

·parties to plan, and lots of ciTancls to run. Just the

spot for your telephone to come to the rescue. You

can shop around by phone and lind out if CCI'L<Jin

items are still avuilnbl~ and what they cost. And for

planning holiday gct-togethers, them's no faster, easier

way than cloing it by phone. Holidays and every day, there's just no end to your teletj!lOnc's usefulness.

·~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEWLY· DESIGNED eq ui pme11t is being used to bring telephone service more quickly to fast• growinl? sections of town. Called Cable Concentra­tor, it lets as few as 16 pairs of telephone cable wires do the work of 58. In a new and heavily built· up area, where the Cable

Concentrator is most useful, it· means more phones can be installed without w~iting for. ~dditional lines to be

· built •. And it. means ·n1ore people. there can have single · '' or' lines.. Tlie dev~lopincnt of thes~ concen·

. tratora ia one more·n1ileatone iai Michigan' Bell'e·C:ontinu. . . ... ini proara!Jl io brina )'QU. more and ~elter phone mvii:e. '

I ' ' I I ' I. • • ·, ' ' ,, '

Where fo Buy II

Business Service Foods

Beebe's West Side "Your Fricnrlly NeiJ;:Iii.JOrhood


Opt•n Evenings anrl Hundays Texaco Gas---Oil

!W•1 N. Cedar l'll. OH 7·.Jl51 We Givo Gold Sl amps

"We llariJccuc in the Slorc"

George's Market

We deliver on onlr:r:; ol' $S.UU or l!IO!'C

·1:.:•1 S. Jdfcrson Masun

Phone OH 7·7151

Wen Drilling

Well Drilling :1. 111111 ·l-inda rm· fllr'm nud huiiH', u.' In 111-indr fill' nir Clllltlillollill~' nutl ll'l'i,;alinn.

J~J.Jt:c·t•mo WA'l'Jo:lt S\'S'J'gMS

'l'o Ill. yom• llli!'IIS

S11ld and lnshlllctl

Roy C. Hart J!12l! S. ,Jelfei'Sitll l'hune Olt 7·22:H

S. W. Hart· (!It !<IIUt:h d!y limits)

1 a:l4 s. ,f(\fl'm•son l'hone OR 7-0J:H


Al~o concrete septic tanks for sale.

Francis Sloan Williamston, Route 2

Phone 671·W

Septic Tank Trouble! We specialize In cleaning Rep·

tic tanl<s and lines, also the in· stallation of 1'-ew tanl~s and drain fields.

ALL worl~ guaranteed


Septic ·Tank Service !JOG Robbins· Road.· : .

Phone Lansing IV 2·1079 · · · 30wtf ..

Livestoclt Trucking

Livestock 'J'IUWI\INI; ANn Ill IYI:'H;


Semi·'I'I'IJek ~:<'rvh·•· now i\v:liliihll' See us for your l'f•gi:ill•n•d llanap­:;hin! hrPedi11~; slud\, 'J'III! !Jc~l :n naeat LYP? hogs.

Bim Franklin Llcens1xl Dl!aler, l\Iason

l'hllll<: Cll: 7·h!lli

Livestock True king C'llill'iollc ~- 111nlldii,Y

lialllc CJ'!'<'I\ - · \Vr•dtH''IIil)' Also f.!C!IJCl'lll !neal ll'lll'l\illg

Charles Cooley Phone ox .J.s:J,l!l ut· ox ·1-1::71


Bottled Gas In

20-lb St•H-Serve Cylinders GO-Ill Cylinders

lOO·Ih Delivered Cylinders Lower mtes for dual appliance


Inquire about BULK today!

Clean, trouble-free aml modl!rn living at lower cost! You rio no I have to buy the tank. Bull< in· slallation of 500, 630 and 1000 gallon ,capacity.

Leslie Appliance 210 E. Bellevue

Phone Leslie JU 9·2811

Tho DoHiod Gas thai LASTS LONGER Bocousl It's Pure

Fo~ Dol.ivory Coli

Brown's HARDWARE . Stockbridgo .

Phm UL 1·2123 . · '[. . ·'.

'1'r'-'~nipl i""" An! Our ::;pccially"

Hilchcns Drug Store

( 'otti'IPIIIIS ~·~f~l'\'ice I loll

-------··-Yntlt' t'lnllh" .. ; c~t·r· sn!ro i11 fl!lf

'''"'""· \\'t~ 1:''' llit'lil "'"" klilll: <'ic'illl, l><·;nalil<lliy l''·,•,;•;••ol will1 11111111~1 <'ill'<'. Nu iri;:h·price \\'lll' •·ies 1•itlu~J'!

Modern Dry Cicancrs I '!Ioiii.' '\.r. "i·IC'! l

Vv'arf!e Tailoring Shop l\'ll'll'>' ill ill \\', 'lill'rt':: I.,,,,, lllll-:\1;111,• ('II" Ill'S

1\JI ']'~·J•I'S I']' J\'i"l'illiiii\S [•;! ,~~INA NUiU:!S

:;:111 1 ~ :--;. ,J,•fi{·J~;oll D!t '(,':D.'~i

! )VPI' < 'l!t•sh•y's Pru~ ~:_

Doni('Slic ami l'ollllilC'I'o:i:tl Hcfrigct·:d.ion S!!:vice

Lawrence Schnepp l'ilonc Eato•1 I :.:tpids

:rt7•1 or •l·!.:liH



The E. R. Lilly Nursing Home

Corner 'or State anrl Park-Mason Phone OR G-55:32

• Fine Home-Conked Moals " Lieensed Practical Nurse • Fifteen Years or ExpericnC'e

Infnrmnlion and References Gladly Given



Weddings Funerals • Parties Delivery Service

Clem~nts Flower Shop 1!182 Walnut . Ph. OX,4·179l

Holt. · ... , · .. ·

ctory SAVE on c\U'l'O P.I\H'l'!:l


Bud's Auto Part~ "( 't'llll'i\J ~1 i I'! l ij:(::::'r< J ... CIJ'J,lCHt

Llcail'r in J.:rtr• Model Snlvagc'' l'illllle ox ().'~Jri1 .

·-:uutlr uJ Holt • 2 Mite~ • North nf M.t:'tolll

t~tome Service Nf.:tm BE:T'I'ER


~i'I'L•;,\~1 -110'!' WA'I'~;Jt INS'J'ALLA'l'lllNS & REPAIR·


Gas ---Oil Conversion Httl'ltei'!O Scrvicl!

I .ir·r•Jisc•ri Master I 'lu11rlwr No. :!:IOU

l·'nr I le:11 i 11g llr!,Vont.l the ~:us ·Main

lise - IJHJ.GAS

C/1LL IV 8-1101

Mundo Faggion Plumbing & Heating

H~O .E:, Michigan


Kean' s 5-1 Oc-$1 Store Kirsh Rods Installed

Venetian Blinds Paper, Plasllc and CloUt

Window SJ~ndns Phone OR 'l-!i491


Glenn Casey Auctioneer

Williamston, Michigan

Phone Collect 559-J or 9•W

Hardware Hardware DuPollt Paint

Evinrucl~ Motors Glass

Gliu:lng Tools
