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Turnkey cable solutions to better deploy your windfarm infrastructure

Nexans LV-HV Wind Farm Cables Catalogue

May 09, 2015



Nexans 33kv cables for onshore windfarm projects are now available with a conductive outer skin on the protective sheath, this innovative feature assists the installer in testing for sheath damage.

This conductive outer skin feature represents one of Nexans "Windfarm Innovations Program" which covers a range of features for cables and associated services which can improve the overall efficiency of an onshore windfarm installation through reducing installation time and overall costs.

The cables used to convey power between the wind turbines and the collector substations are laid directly in trenches which can often cross challenging terrain. A common problem on sites is that the cable sheaths are damaged by stones or other obstacles during laying but this damage is not discovered until the cable is buried and testing is being carried out.

On standard cables, in order to make a "sheath test" (which measures the resistance between the cables metallic screen and the outer sheath layer), the outer sheath needs to be in contact with moist soil/sand to provide a return electrode for the test. This means the test can only be performed satisfactorily once the cable is buried in the ground.

By supplying cables which have a very thin skin of conductive material, testing can be done without the need for the cables to be buried. An initial test can be made whilst the cable is still on the drum to establish whether the cable sheath is intact before beginning to lay it in the ground, the test can then be repeated as soon as the cable is laid in its’ final position before the cables are blinded with soil or sand.

Any damage to the sheath can found from the test and repaired without the expense and lost time of having to excavate the surrounding soil /sand. A further feature is to have the sheath in a natural colour with the conductive skin as black. This assists in the identification of any sheath damage as the natural colour of the sheath is visible through the black layer at the site of damage.

The semiconductive layer is also a perfect way to detect sheath errors of cables installed in ducts. Even if the duct is dry during installation; this may change during its’ lifetime. Once water has entered a duct it normally stays there and may damage a cable with an existing sheath error in this area. With a conductive layer the cables can be tested before and after installation into ducts to be sure no sheath error is present which could reduce the cables’ lifetime.

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Turnkey cable solutions

to better deploy your windfarm infrastructure

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Pamela Kinnell
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expertise supports your network’s evolution

we are also experts in the telecommunications infrastructure needed to manage windparks, including control and datacables, copper and fiberLocal Area Networks.

Nexans expertise for arevolutionary technology• World supplier of underground

cables, submarine cables, overhead conductors and data/telecom systems

• Close partnership with developers, power utilities,installers and contractors

• Mastery of maritime conditions based on oil & gas submarine energy andtelecom cabling experience

• Unsurpassed onshore and offshore installation experience and design capabilities, using advancedequipment, special softwarefor overhead transmission line and dynamic cable applications

• Complete range of accessories: purpose designedjoints, terminations, transitionjoints between various typesof cable.

Both on land and offshore,Nexans has the expertise to interconnect large wind turbines and complete windparks to local or distant grids. For medium and high-voltage cables, we are one of the few companies who can oversee complete installation, from initial pre-qualification, design, customized production, logistics, installation, testingand pre-commissioning. This includes all accessoriesas well, a key element in any failsafe energy network.Offshore, we supply andinstall the marine MV linksbetween wind turbines andthe transformer platform, and also the MV or HV transmission link to theonshore substation. Beyond this we have a fullrange of transmission anddistribution cables for bringing local power production to the grids. Not only do we provide a full range of energy cables and services,

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Winds of change for the energy industry

The switch requires new kindsof expertise. On land, thesteady upscaling of oldturbines, and ever-biggergenerators mean that thenetwork must have room foradded output, and be capableof making multipleconnections and reliable links.Since the available space forland-based wind turbines islimited in Europe, most recentprojects are offshore, andsome even far offshore (50 to 200 km). This requiressubmarine cables, maritimeinstallation expertise, and amastery of long-distancetransmission techniques.Finally, there is the problem of connecting variable energy – with its sudden highs and lowsdepending on wind velocity –to a grid that demands, above all, stable energy.

What wind park powerutilities expect fromcable manufacturers: • Expertise and engineering

assistance at the designstage, including feasibilitystudies

• Onshore and offshoreturnkey capability fortransmission anddistribution. This includesfull mastery of installation,both in remote land-basedand offshore sites,including specializedinstallation equipment.

• A comprehensive range of high-quality windfarminfrastructure cables andaccessories from onesupplier at competitiveprices

• Constant innovation tomeet evolving technologiesand standards

The international wind industrymarket is continuing toachieve record growth. In fact,despite occasional lulls, windpower has held its position asthe world’s fastest growingenergy source, with over 30%growth yearly. According toexperts, free, abundant andinexhaustible wind has thepotential to be an 80 billionEuro annual business by2020! Even today, windproduces enough electricity tosatisfy the needs of 50 millionpeople worldwide. At present,73% of global wind energy isproduced and consumed inEurope. By 2020, it isestimated that 12% of theworld’s energy will beproduced by wind in some 50 countries. Some recenttrends include: a move fromonshore to offshore installations,the steady upscaling of windturbine power output, and anupswing in demand aroundthe world.

Power utilities and independentpower providers are turning to windfarms as an alternativeto traditional fossil-fuel basedenergy. This is also being drivenby continuously expanding powerdemands and the concern ofmany countries to fill the gapwith a certain percentage of renewable energy.

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Medium-voltage cables • Onshore underground single-core cables (typically 33 kV) connect the rows of windturbines and, in parallel, linksthem to an onshore substation • Offshore cost-efficient submarine 3-core copper cables with integrated fiber opticelements and customized armordesigns to link the turbines.

For Horns Rev OffshoreWindfarm (Denmark) Nexanssupplied, laid and turnkeyinstalled all inter-turbine cablesand radial connections to thetransformer platform. For Arklow Bank OffshoreWindfarm (Ireland) we supplied inter-turbine cables,as well as the 16.5 km exportingcable leading to a cable-stationclose to shore.

High-voltage cables for transmission • Onshore AC transmission:cables ranging from 60 kV to 500 kV, XLPE insulated, are used for power transmissionfrom the onshore windparksubstation to the central grid.• Offshore AC transmission:submarine cables rangingfrom 60 kV to 500 kV with various designs available: 3-core XLPE cables (60-225 kV); single core XLPE up to 400 kV.

• Onshore and offshore DCtransmission up to 500 kVapplicable for high transmissionrequirements and long distances:mass-impregnated cables withan Integrated Return Conductor,and Polymer-based insulatedDC cables.

For Horns Rev, Nexansdesigned, manufactured and successfully type-tested a 21 km long 150 kV 3-coresubmarine cable, which wasinstalled in three days betweenland and an offshore substation,using a special cable-laying ship.

Overhead MV and HV conductors Although most inter-turbineconnections (MV) areunderground for land-basedwindparks, overhead aluminum-alloy conductors are used tomove power from a distantlocation to the domestic grid.

Nexans provides a wide rangeof sizes and alloys accordingto customer needs, with variousalloys adapted to each country’sstandards, climate and terrain.

All MV and HV accessories Normally, subsea cables shouldnot have joints. However,Nexans supplies purpose-designed joints and terminationsfor XLPE insulated cables, as well as transition jointsbetween various cable types.

Nexans manufacturesterminations and joints whichmake splicing quick, easy and long lasting.

Auxilliary equipment and systems Corrosion protection systems;mechanical support and protection systems (hang-offand clamping systems, protective shells⁄slabs⁄mattresses).

Nexans hang-offs securely fasten heavy energy cables on top of the J-tubes, wellabove sea level. They are easy to install, and fully relieve any pulling force on the sealing ends.


Cable installationsoftware

provides a comprehensive range of cables for windfarm infrastructure…

Fiber optic data cables

Local Area Networks

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Auxilliary equipmentand systems

Fiber opticaccessories

High-voltage cablesfor transmission


All MV and HVaccessories

High-voltage cablesfor transmission


Special layingvessels,

Capjet trenchers and Spider dredger

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Local Area NetworksTo assure high levels of wind-farm and local infrastructuresecurity, Nexans has bothadvanced fiber and copperLAN solutions for completemonitoring, control andcommunications/surveillancefunctions.

The kind of data speeds previously available onshoreare now available offshore,which means that power utilitiescan now plan a decade aheadwithout expensive retrofitting.

Cable installation software Power Line Systems (PLS) software ideally positions aerial conductors on the terrain in terms of conductor-type, terrain profile, spans,length, etc.

For marine conditions, Nexans’custom software determinesideal cable design according to wind tower behavior in a dynamic environment.

…to improve power output and performance

Fiber optic data cables Whether onshore or offshore,optical fiber cables areincreasingly being twinnedwith MV and HV energycables to provide remotecontrol of rotor speed, bladeangle, braking, temperature,hydraulic levels, etc. via distant Programmable LogicControllers (PLCs) whichhave now replaced sequentialrelay circuits for machinecontrol.

24 optical fibers were integratedinto the submarine powercable for the Arklow wind turbines off Ireland, 12 opticalfibers into the submarinecables for Horns Rev, and 12 optical fibers into thesubmarine cable linking land-based wind turbines on theisland of Smøla (Norway) tothe mainland.

Fiber optic accessories Nexans produces a full range of fiber access routing technologies, including splicingand modular distributionframes. Nexans’ FiberArt TM

splicing modules optimizefiber routing in towers andsubstations.

To make the connectionbetween submarine cablesand terrestrial networks,Nexans has an entire range of waterproof closures.

Special laying vesselsand Capjet trenchersand Spider dredgerTo meet the submarine cablechallenge, Nexans operatesspecial cable laying vessels,Capjet seabed trenchers andthe Spider dredging system.

Nexans’ family of CapjetRemotely Operated Vehicleshave already buried morethan 3,500 km of cables andpipelines worldwide, protectingthem from ship anchors and trawling equipment.

Overhead MV andHV conductors

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Nexans… integrating synergy throughout your network... and beyond...

To help you meet yourgoals of efficientinstallation, especiallyoffshore, and broadnetwork reliability,Nexans goes beyondcable to offer a numberof important services:

ExpertiseOver many decades, Nexanshas accumulated expertise inonshore, aerial and offshoreenergy/telecom cables,components and installations.We also understand theoverall energy context, frompower generation, to transmission and finaldistribution within nationaland international grids. We are especially concernedwith finding the most suitablecable solution to meet customerexpectations, though cabletypes and standards varywidely across the world.

Global presenceBeing pre-qualified in manycountries around the worldfor infrastructure, we arewell-positioned to take onmulti-supplier projects andinternational joint ventures,providing an offer that goes both upstream anddownstream. With plants on five continents andrepresentatives in over 65 countries, we can followthem with ease. We caneven count on our localproduction plants to providepower utilities with neededcable on the spot. Nexansstands behind each of itsproducts, wherever it ismanufactured. Our name is our guarantee. We arekey players on a host ofwindfarm infrastructureprojects, both onshore andoffshore, worldwide.

PerformanceWe execute your projectswithin strict deadlines, andthis includes installationwhich can depend onvariable “weather windows”using advanced surveying,and laying equipment. Since technical specificationsare often locally-determined,we do our utmost to findappropriate andinterconnective solutions.Given the fluctuating natureof wind power production, at every point in the network,we seek innovative ways toreinforce the stability andconsistency of powerproduction, transmission and distribution. Our various tested anddurable accessories play an important role, too.


PartnershipWe are concerned withdeveloping solutions fortomorrow’s low-carbonenvironment in which windpower will play a leadingrole. Sometimes this is doneinternally within the Nexansresearch and developmentresources. But this is alsocarried on intensely withoutside firms who havecomplementary skills andproducts. By workingtogether, we aim at findingcabling solutions which willbe beneficial to all partiesinvolved. The importantthing is to bring value to thetable for each and everyproject, and developcooperative solutions whichwill lay the foundations forsecure energy distribution inthe next quarter century.

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Global expert in cables and cabling systems





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Nexans is the worldwide leader in the cable industry,with an industrial presence in 29 countries and commercial activities in 65. The Group employs17,000 people. Its sales amount to 4 billion Euros.Nexans brings an extensive range of advanced copperand optical fiber cable solutions to the infrastructure,industry and building markets. Its cables and systemscan be found in every area of people’s lives, from telecommunications and energy networks, to aeronautics, aerospace, automobiles, railways,buildings, petrochemicals, medical applications, etc.

Nexans S.A. - 16, rue de Monceau - 75008 Paris - FranceTel: +33 (0)1 56 69 84 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 56 69 84 84 -[email protected]

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Pamela Kinnell
Address Stamp