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AS Media StudiesRevision Resource2015



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The Syllabus

Section B: Institutions and Audiences Candidates should be prepared to understand and discuss the processes of production, distribution, marketing and exchange as they relate to con-temporary media institutions, as well as the nature of audi-ence consumption and the relationships between audi-ences and institutions. In addition, candidates should be familiar with:

• the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice;

• the importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing;

• the technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, market-ing and exchange;

• the significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences;

• the importance of technological convergence for in -stitutions and audiences;

• the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions;

• the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.

This unit should be approached through contemporary ex-amples in the form of case studies based upon one of the specified media areas. Examples may include the follow-ing:

Newspapers A study of the contemporary newspaper market in the UK and the ways in which technology is helping to make newspapers more efficient and competitive despite dwin-dling audiences. This should be accompanied by study of a specific online version of a national/local newspaper and the issues that are raised for the production, distribution and consumption of news.

Key elements

Remember • Definitions • Technical terms • Your personal experience • New technology

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Key terms

Convergence Hardware and software coming together across media, and companies coming to-gether across similar boundaries. to make the distinction between different types of media and different media industries in-creasingly difficult

Examples of convergence Newspapers like The Guardian and the BBC. The Guardian published papers (ink-on-

dead-tree model) and was the first to go online. The BBC was a broad-caster with heavy interest in news

and now has a news website and email news service very similar to Guardian and others.

Other Key Definitions ABC = Audit Bureau of Circulation - gathers circulation figures of magazines and newspapers, primarily for advertisers but also used by students and researchers. Audience - collective group of people reading or receiving andy media text. Circulation - the number of copies sold or distributed of a newspaper or magazine. Reach - the readership of a newspaper or magazine - must be at least as many as the circulation, and important number for advertisers Media Studies 2.0/Web 2.0 - the second phase of media/web where the focus has shifted from the audience receiving information and services to people creating and sharing material. Web 3.0 - the present phase often called the intelligent web, where it reacts to your online be-haviour to supply appropriate content based on this behaviour.

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The Newspaper Industry

Represents 75-80% of income (not profit)

Increasing use of internet and satellite technology to send news

Direct from laptop to page - no more phone in

Eco issues Time consuming = 12 hour press to table Very expensive to build and run

Road to regional warehouse Van to newsagent Small boy on bike to customer

Audience needs •Accurate trustworthy information •In a form they are happy with - right amount of detail •Up to the minute not up to date - constant update •Able to be customised to their needs - remember how little of the newspaper you wanted •Cheap - remember the web is normally free - How to make money from online news is a key issue •Increasing numbers of Digital Citizens - permanently connected and online •Multimedia - sound and video •Blogging/interaction to make the audience feel included - User Generated Content

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Newspaper data

Key statistics Total circulation Feb 2014 is 7.62 million copies from 8.24 in Feb 2013, a drop of 617,513 copies per day overall = 7.5% In 2011circulation was 9.71 million and in 2010 1o.22 million. The fall has been at or around half a million copies per day as each year passes. See next page for 2004 data - make comparisons and do the calculation Fall since 2004 is 38%

= Audit Bureau of Circulation



7,622,887 8,240,400

Make you own notes here


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Newspaper ownership

Look at the other media related businesses they are involved in e.g. How News International/Murdoch owns a part of Pearson who own publishing, TV and radio, and who in turn own part of BSkyB. (Lord) Northcliffe own Mail and 18% of ITN, and part of Reuters (one of the biggest News Agencies). Richard Desmond owns Channel 5, Penthouse, various “adult” tv channels, top shelf mens magazines,

12,305,07 12,686,42 A fall of 381,347 = 3% year on year

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The most up to date data available - no material changes

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Newspaper sales - hard copy and website 2014

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Extracts from comments made by some media ex-perts as predictions for 2015 published in the Guardian in January 2015



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A global newspaper? A candidate for a global newspaper? Published in 24 cities worldwide. Why is this a success? It is the newspaper for the global banking and business sector and covers a large range of in-ternational issues - it is not really a classic newspaper, more of a specialist magazine for the global finance industry and for banking

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It is impossible to predict the future, but at this rate of de-cline there will come a point in the future when circulation has fallen so far that continu-ing publication makes no business sense. Many local newspapers have closed in recent years. If the publish-ers have not found a viable alternative business model, maybe charging for internet content, the future of news-papers in the medium term is

The decline of Newspapers in the UK

These high end quality newspapers have lost half their circulation in 12 years and the rate of decline is speeding up

Sunday and weekday newspapers have roughly the same circulation. Only 30% of households take a newspaper now from 60% in 2000. At this rate of decline, no households will take a newspaper in another 13 years i.e. around 2025 unless papers stop publication before then and they become uneconomic.

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Newspaper models

Traditional - Ink-on-dead-trees - portable


Quick navigation (2 click rule) and can be seached. Check out the BBC News website - is it similar?

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•Register online and receive • an up to the minute email which links to the website which itself is continuously updated. The Telegraph post twice per day •the content can be cus-tomised according to the individuals wishes. In-creasingly Web 3.0 will have an influence •You can determine at what time the email is sent •The BBC have a very sim-ilar service •Note adverts •If you charge you loose readers •If you do not charge you loose money •Often has embedded video content

Most newspapers have something similar and many are formatted for phones and for tablets. You MUST be familiar with at least 1 online service


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Online but downloadable Times which is subscription only and produces a “pdf like” file with embedded video and audio. The big subject for discussion is if other newspa-pers are giving free access to their websites (applies to BBC also), would anyone pay around 50p per day (around half the paper cover price) to obtain it on line to use off line. However this is the only digital newspaper model which can be downloaded and used off line.

Excerpt from Times article March 2010

Note that there has been much discussion about pricing and charging. It is done for specialist infor-mation services but not for a mass consumption product like The Times. The owners are trying to suggest that there will be added features if you subscribe.

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The Daily

Launched 2010 by News International US Daily newspaper iPad version only 14c per day

Subscription is available from iTunes and has it’s own app. A real example of con-vergence - a news organisa-tion not only producing a product for the digital age, but using the same distribu-tion method as music, games and TV/films

Update December 2012 - The Daily closes having never got close to predict-ed sales, and after incur-ring major losses

Check out The Huffington Post as a

digital only newspaper

and free

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The Huffington Post started life as a news and current affairs blog in New York. It exp[anded to cover more of the USA, and following it’s purchase by AOL for $315, it introduced a UK edi-tion in 2011 and has since expanded to many other local editions. The Huff uses lots of ama-teur contributors and has relatively few journalists. It relies on other news soy=rces to provide content alongside the blog like entries. Their cost structure is very cheap and content is shared between editions. It uses multimedia platforms - email, Facebook, etc

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Huffington Post uses multimedia Website Facebook Email editorial Email index to website Facebook interest pages

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The Digital Alternatives Up-to-the-minute, not just up-to-date

ABCe - Audit Bureau of eCirculation measures web traffic In February 2010, ABCe was launched, and for the first time it is possible to measure number of visitors to a news site. Mail Online was the most popular in January, with 2.16 million browsers per day (compared with 2.1 million circulation of paper copies). Most importantly this is a 13.5% month on month increase, and a 57% year on year increase. The Guardian, the biggest newspaper website had 1.9 million browsers per day (far in excess of it’s 284,000 daily circulation). Like the Guardian, the telegraph posted 1.7 million visitors to it’s site, vs circulation of 685.000/day. The Sun on-line came in 4th at 1.3 million is the only major where paper circulation, at 2.9 million, greatly exceeds the web visitors. The major increase in web activity was driven by many late breaking stories, in-cluding iPad launch, the John Terry affair, Jonathan Ross’ departure from the BBC and Tony Blair at the Chilcott enquiry. This reinforces the point that the au-dience want up-to-the-minute news, not up-to-date news.

BBC On line

The BBC has one of the biggest and wide ranging websites, and has its own news gathering organisation, including BBC News24, Radio and network news. It therefore generates audio, video and written news material, which it distributes via broadcasting, it’s main core business, and increasingly vis the net. This is a great example of convergence. When EYJAFLALLAJOKULL the Icelandic vol-cano blew in April, it generated 5.5 million online viewers in one day - audiences wanting specific authoritative up-to-the-moment information. The appeal of the BBC is the ability to embed audio and video footage and link to other background information. The BBC have also encouraged feedback from visitors.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 refers the the second generation of the web when it has become 2-way. The web is no longer a method of receiving information, as in a website. Increasingly the web is interactive, with the audience using the web to commu-nicate, and to contribute. This includes the way that we are permanently con-nected via our smart phones, the social networking sites like Facebook, and the ease with which we can blog etc.. As the audiences get to expect interactiv-ity, the traditional newspaper becomes more outdated and potentially doomed.

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The New Business Model This article discusses how Murdoch views the future, whereby consumers pay to ac-cess digital news. He has for a long time suggested that the world will adopt the tablet/iPad model as the preferred viewing platform

Daily Mail the most visited website This article gives The Mail Online the market leadership of all with 39 million viewers per month vs around 60 million/month buying the ink on dead tree version, and the owners, As-sociated Newspapers say they have no plans to charge for it.

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Advertising =75-80% of newspaper revenue NOT profit)

Different newspapers attract different age groups and social classes

Monthly readership

Weekly readership

Daily readership

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Up to the recession, advertising spend in newspapers was fairly constant.

Cost of big advertising campaign

Opportunities to see

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News AgenciesNews Agencies collect news and informa-tion and supply them to newspapers. Reuters is the best known and probably the biggest. It has an excellent reputation, and was the first agency to report the recent plane crash when the president of Poland was killed.

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Famous Quotes

Lord Leverhulme, founder of Unilever, consumer conglomerate “I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, The trouble is I don’t know which half”

Chief Exec of Manchester Media - previously Manchester Evening News “I know that MM will be here and in the information business in 10 years time. I just don’t know what it will look like as a business”

Rupert Murdoch Chairman of News International, owner of among others, The Sun, The News Of the World, The Times, The Wall Street Journal. “The world is changing and newspapers have to adapt”

Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive of WPP, the largest media communica-tions (advertising and PR) company in the world. “I don’t think newspapers will die”

Roy Greenslade, writer, Irish Times “These professional news “hubs” will work in concert with, for want of a better term, amateur journalists. Call it participation or collaboration or, to borrow a term coined by Alan Rusbridger, the editor of the Guardian , mutualisation. It is how news gathering is already developing and, in 10 years that will have become the norm.”

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The Exam

Examination lasts 2 hours INCLUDING 30 minutes viewing time. Therefore each written question has a time allocation of 45 min-utes, and are worth 50 marks each

Remember the question will be very general as it must be able to be answered with reference to any of the above case studies. It will involve the relationship between Audiences and Institutions. Do not be tempt-ed to answer the question from another topic. You may however, for example, refer to the radio as a news source in competition with the newspapers.

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Jan 2009

Past paper questions

June 2009

Jan 2011

June 2010

Jan 2012

Jan 2010

June 2011

June 2012

Jan 2013

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The Mark Scheme

Note the details below Explanation/Analysis = 20 marks Use of Examples = 20 marks Use of Terminology = 10 marks You must use detailed examples from Newspapers

Note - although no actual marks allo-cated, the examiner is looking for a well written answer with good English to charaterise the different levels


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Planning your answer

Develop your own planning techniques An obvious options are to use a mind map. Place the key words from the question in the middle and label the key elements of the answer (from the mark scheme) at main branches. If you prefer to work in a linear fashion, use bullet points, perhaps under different headings.

The Opening Paragraph Students often find the opening paragraph the most difficult. Advice includes reword the question and include a definition. In this question it may be possible to pre-plan an opening paragraph. The following might be used for the above question.

The relationship between audiences who consume media output and the institutions who create the output has never been as complex as it is today. As new technologies enable the audiences to access media output in ever more ways. Technological convergence - the term used to describe how technologies are becoming ever closer and are com-bining in new and ever more complex ways, is a driving force behind the changes. I will explore this issue with reference to the newspaper industry.