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[1] NEWSLETTER 24 May 2013 NEW! EDITH HOME OF HOPE FOR THE AGED Agape in Action is partnering on a wonderful new project in India, the Edith Home of Hope for the Aged. This home will care for up to 40 old people who are completely destitute. Brother Jack Glenn, from Melbourne Australia, is spearheading this project. For many years, Brother Jack and his late wife, Sis Edith, have put their agape into action and served the poor and vulnerable in India. Brother Jack built the Christadelphian leper home on the outskirts of Hyderabad over 15 years ago and now he continues his work with this new project focused on the elderly. I had the privilege of visiting the home while it was being constructed in May 2013. I fell in love with the project immediately. It’s a very well thought through project that fits perfectly with the goals of Agape in Action. It supports those in extreme poverty, has a solid spiritual focus and is being run by a Christadelphian family with a very long track record of serving those in need. Sis Roja, and her family, are the driving force behind the project and for many years have been caring for the elderly, the blind and handicapped in India. The statistics are shocking: one in every three senior citizens in India is a victim of abuse. And we know that this problem is by no means limited to India. It’s a tragic reality of a Godless world consumed with self. In addition, without social security or pensions, if an elderly person does not have a family to support them when they grow old, they have “nothing”, and many are even forced to beg in the streets. As their health declines and their frail bodies begin to fail, they desperately(continued next page)
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NEW! EDITH HOME OF HOPE FOR THE AGEDAgape in Action is partnering on a wonderful new project in India, the Edith Home of Hope for the Aged. This home will care for up to 40 old people who are completely destitute. Brother Jack Glenn, from Melbourne Australia, is spearheading this project. For many years, Brother Jack and his late wife, Sis Edith, have put their agape into action and served the poor and vulnerable in India. Brother Jack built the Christadelphian leper home on the outskirts of Hyderabad over 15 years ago and now he continues his work with this new project focused on the elderly.

I had the privilege of visiting the home while it was being constructed in May 2013. I fell in love with the project immediately. It’s a very well thought through project that fits perfectly with the goals of Agape in Action. It supports those

in extreme poverty, has a solid spiritual focus and is being run by a Christadelphian family with a very long track record of serving those in need. Sis Roja, and her family, are the driving force behind the project and for many years have been caring for the elderly, the blind and handicapped in India.

The statistics are shocking: one in every three senior citizens in India is a victim of abuse. And we know that this problem is by no means limited to India. It’s a tragic reality of a Godless world consumed with self. In addition, without social security or pensions, if an elderly person does not have a family to support them when they grow old, they have “nothing”, and many are even forced to beg in the streets. As their health declines and their frail bodies begin to fail, they desperately(continued next page)

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need someone to care and comfort them. Thankfully there are those, like our Sister Roja, who willingly push aside their own interests so they can care for the elderly who are without anyone in this world. Her practical care highlights the power of love in action.

This Bible centered home will care for Christadelphian old people who have no families to care for them as well as very needy elderly people from the community. The old people Roja is currently looking after will be the first new residents of the new home as soon as it is finished. Following that, the additional space will be made available for new comers. Preference will be given to Christadelphians and those who have a sincere belief in the Scriptures. It is the prayer of all those involved in this project, that this home will be a focal point for sharing the gospel. The presence of Sis Roja and family, on the outskirts of a very traditional Hindu village, has already had quite an impact. Many people are talking. Roja has let her faith shine, and people are taking note. Sis Roja made sure that there was a baptismal tank constructed, even before the dormitories were completed! There are several contacts learning the truth, including the young man pictured below.

The home consists of two hostels, each accommodating up to 20 old people, a kitchen and a dining room. There is also a volunteer’s quarters and small office. The home is located on a few acres of land surrounded by mountains. It is an incredibly

beautiful place, albeit, at times very hot! The old people will be kept active as long as they are able. Sis Roja has prepared garden beds for each of the residents to take responsibility for. There are also goats and chickens the residents can care for. This will provide the old people with a sense of purpose as well as a good source of food they can enjoy. In addition to keeping physically active, they will be (continued next page)

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kept mentally stimulated with daily bible readings and activities to encourage them to think and do.

The long term plan is to move the home towards self sufficiency. A large number of coconut and banana trees have been planted for income generating purposes. Also, God willing, independent ‘retirement’ units will be constructed to provide a comfortable residence for paying guests who need additional care.

There will also be a kindergarten run on the property that will provide a Bible-based education for children from the nearby village. This is designed as an outreach tool to the surrounding community. The school will start small and will be run by a sister from the local ecclesia who is a teacher. Knowing how much the old people love being around children, this is the perfect place for the small Kindy.

This is a very exciting new project and we are looking for sponsors and donors to help make it a reality. The remaining budget for building the home is $40,000 CAD. Agape in Action is committed to providing support for the running of the home as we work towards self sufficiency, so we are also looking for sponsors ($30/month). There will be cooks, care givers and grounds staff employed to look after the residents at the home. There will also be food and medical costs to cover. All donors and sponsors will receive regular updates from the home so they can stay informed of all the activities and ‘see’ how they are helping. Agape in Action is also set up to receive bequests. If you would like more information on planned giving, including bequests, please let us know or visit our website:

Please pray with us for God’s blessing on this new project, and most of all, for the return of His son to bring justice and judgment to this wicked world.

Newly planted coconut trees at Edith Home. Top: Builders at Edith Home. Middle & Bottom: Dormitory building progress.

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Top Right: Sister Margaret at the Shunem Home, a similar project for old people in Hyderabad.

Middle Left: Van for the Home.

Middle Right: Sister Roja and her daughter, Sister Claudia.

Bottom: Volunteers quarters/office and dormitory.

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NOTE TO CHILD SPONSORSWe get regular emails from sponsors inquiring about names, ages and photo matching of their sponsored kids.

!whether in fact it was the correct letter they received from their sponsored child

!why the child in their photo looks a different age to their birth date listed

!why their child told their sponsors a different birth date or signed off with a different name.

In Kenya, in particular, the naming system is quite confusing. First and last names are used interchangeably, so James Mutunga might sometimes be called James and sometimes Mutunga. Commonly they also have another 1 or 2 names and though they might be James Mutunga, they are called “Sammy”! A lot of the time a child is given their father’s first name for a last name. So Elijah Mutuku’s daughter would be called Josephine Elijah and his son might be called Mutuku Elijah. But if the father dies their last name might change. There are many factors involved and very often the names we are given on application forms do not match the names that your sponsored child might sign off as. That is why ID #’s are so important to AinA. Each child has a unique ID#, so if the name isn’t exactly matching we can confirm the number. Names are not given the same importance as they are in our society. Some young kids are unlikely to even know they have a second name and spelling of names change all the time, even on correspondence from the same person!

Bottom line on naming is…

1) If a name is different on your letter than the name of the child you thought you were sponsoring, it is likely the right letter!

2) Don’t worry about getting the spelling correct to the letter of your child’s name when you are writing because, honestly, it doesn’t matter to them

3) Please identify all letters you write to your child, cheques or payments made for that child with their ID# so it is easy for us to identify the right child.

Similarly, most kids will not know their birth dates. In fact, even their parents often don’t know. They usually have to go home and search for a certificate of birth to find out when their child was born to give us the date for the application form. But, as you can imagine, many do not have birth certificates so they take a guess. If you receive a profile with a birthdate of January 1st, it is likely the case that we were given the year and not the month or day so that was defaulted to January 1st.

Bottom line with birthdays is…

1) Don’t worry if you miss your child’s birthday because likely they do not know when it is anyhow and would never expect to receive anything.

2) If your child looks a different age in the photo than the birth date on their profile, it is very possible that either the birth date is wrong or that they look younger because they have been malnourished at some stage of their development.

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Agape in Action is again partnering with the CBM who have requested we support a grant/loan scheme for a second Maize Mill in Ksaumba Mozambique.

Bro Samuel Namangale is a Council Member for the Christadelphian Ecclesias in Mozambique and looks after about 15 ecclesias. His father had a maize mill and so he is experienced in its operation, but when his father died, because of family disagreement his relatives sold it.

The objective of the project is to operate the mill as a source of income for brethren and sisters. The mill will provide employment for a few, whilst the profit will be used to purchase clothes, food, daily necessities for poor brethren and sisters and also to purchase Bibles and finance preaching campaigns.

The mill will be installed in the Kasumba Trading estate on some land purchased from the village chief. Plans are that the brethren and sisters will build the building with materials purchased through the project. The mill will operate 12 hours a day, 6am until 6pm. People currently go to Malawi for milling, about 15km so there is a large populace to draw from once the mill is established and is much closer for so many.

We are very excited about this new project in Mozambique and hope to get some pictures once the project begins. If you would like to contribute towards this initiative please use the information at the end of this newsletter.

AN INVITATION TO FOREVER“Intrigued by a conversation overheard in the dark, Sandra Carrington is drawn into a conflict where emotions run deep. Why would someone who seems so kind, adamantly refuse to attend his brother's upcoming wedding? Why does he live all alone and close the door on his very own family? Is it a lack of love...or something else?

Puzzled by such incongruities, Sandra probes deeper and discovers an ancient promise that leads to something much greater, richer, and more exciting than she could have ever imagined!

Well-supported by Scripture, this unique novel follows the thread of the Gospel message from Genesis to Revelation.

There's a royal wedding to which all have been's an invitation to forever”

The sister that wrote this novel, sharing our faith, has donated ALL proceeds to Agape in Action! Help support the cause and read a novel that’s actually worth reading!

You can check it out or order your copy at

MAIZE MILL IGIVEA big thanks to those who have been using iGive and donating to Agape in Action!

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FIELDWORKER IMPRESSIONS: Bro. Rob EvansThe biggest highlight of my trip to Kenya with Agape in Action was a 2-way combination. Meeting James whom I sponsor in the Atashinda program and then meeting the boy my own son sponsors.

James Mwangi Kariuki is 23 and is studying electronics at college. Three years ago he was doing manual labour when he could get work. He had to stop his secondary schooling when his father passed away, and had little hope of doing anything else unless his circumstances changed, due to lack of money. Bro. Zak, a CBM delegate took him in and applied to Agape in Action for his sponsorship. My wife thought it was a great opportunity for me to sponsor him as I repair electrical appliances, so we had an interest in common.

Soon after this, the Lord made His will known to me, with some work in Kenya

He wanted me to help with, and before I knew it I was off... and had the opportunity to meet with James. It was pretty amazing meeting someone, that through God’s grace and blessings showered down my own life, I have been able to help. It was wonderful being able to sit and talk to him about what his hopes are, and seeing him join in the worship to God. I was also able to meet his guardian and know that spiritually he is in very good hands. What a great moment to realize that this beautiful, gentle young man, has been helped in his worldly education as well as his spiritual education; and to understand more than I previously did that they go hand in hand.

Mutunga Kilenzo is 6 years old and now I know he has an older brother Mbuvi and a younger sister Sarah. When I left home I was pretty much told by my 5 year-old son Elijah, not to come home till

I met his friend Mutunga!

We turned up at Ramisi ecclesial hall where there were 2 other ecclesias joining us for the day. One was Mwambalazi which is where Mutunga and his mum attend. As usual when we hopped out of the van, the area was awash with a sea of smiling children all with outstretched hands to greet you, and with the adults not too far behind. You pretty much have to shake everyone’s hand because they are so happy to see visitors. When we were finally all seated in the hall, a lot on logs brought in to seat the extras, Sammy asked me to point out which one was Mutunga out of the mass of kids seated on the one side of the hall. After a bit of help as to which row he was in, I finally found this beautiful boy grinning from ear to ear. Later I had the chance to meet his mother and brother (continued next page)

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AGAPE IN ACTION39 Manor Park Cres. Guelph, ON N1G 1A2Canada(519)[email protected]

AGAPE IN ACTION-AUSFor Australian Donations:14 Windemere Rd.Albany Creek, QLD4035Australia

AGAPE IN ACTION-USFor US Donations:521 Valmont Dr.Monrovia, CA91016 USA

and sister, and also to pick him up and hug him and throw him up above me just like he was a member of my own family!

I know not everyone will get a chance to meet the child, teenager or young adult that they sponsor, at least in this life, and I know I have been so blessed to have this opportunity. I do hope this

story encourages you to do what you can to reach out with what God has blessed us with, reach out to these real people so we can make a real difference. Imagine in the Kingdom, someone coming up to you and thanking you for what you did when they were a child, and their friend coming up behind them saying that the money you gave to educate the one

meant they both learnt the truth of salvation. We can have this effect on the world. I saw it with my own eyes.

Lord, help us to give what You have given us, to the point where it actually hurts us, so it helps others.

Bro. Rob Evans – Newcastle, Australia

James Kariuki. Rob and Mutunga.