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Jlol i^W-rifAi^iotiMi^ , ; An , EPA official "said ..the f|Cifure^|i^ii^^ a rSi^SgEi^^bfimeiiSS^ ^?iXg€iicy?oft?^jlead^ab ''' educatiPri in Omaha "by com^inlf:- ^i-prpgrainLthatvV.e^erts 'agree, 3^'iioesnot attaMck thethPsfsferious ; '•:'-;rsource of a threat to chil- 'i^^jiren'shealth. - •:' '-i-}-';.-!::/i:-:y:;:'^ ..,•• 'I- ' 0 7 --,.;\\: - ^''igSh^l'-^most: 'vseripug'scmrce; •;;is>\-; lead-based "paint:in older S^hpiiSes.'. The ^^Jp4ijjt;4 flecks Hii|;^K^!ari^?is iii- ° % Ji4^:;l|y^;'chil-. ;S'Hr^n^';';,^his,; ^J^I^pfjI^dC S®:«^W:ll^P!ipi*lbod'is; pg^?y^g|i|fteiittiaS '^iMM7M'i!0M0ip0^&MSx' :|f mgspiiin tfiSugan|KM^ :Sfp, ;SpmetijiiesJJ;tfes^ &'^dkijr|s:l;o|sS|l;^66jj^ |^^i;Sii|s||\thi&^ be g§|)rpperly aijpMed tdffi^ ^fj.etweenthe.EPA's spending$12 ^^bulli^i^jail^^SigjcM^ , pdea3-Sased ^aiTA]:i7^^ff7:ifi7'':'^: ^•'•' .The ,:latest:.|xamBl^!pt;-this ting a total of $340,000to'tb'at pb- jectiye. It might be pointed.out that $340,000 a year .for educa- tion to combat the mpre serious problem of lead-basei . paint equals only 2.8 pe'rcent of;the money that the EPA is spending to'address the less serious prPb- lemof soil in the yards. ;:-,; How's. that 'again? The': Ne- ' brkska School Activities A'ssoci: ; atipii^'put the Omaha Westside;^ girls'; basketbali;i[eaiif;^&di3ts^ coaches : and' fans-*at irisfe'list.- Thursday,by failing to postpbhe the first round of the state -tour-, narhent? •- «v:;'vKi":i''3A>^!KiH?ft ,: -A Public Pidse;Writer sSdthe':; Westside team and its fans were . forced to travel to Lincoln at the height of the' Oinaha ' area's worst blizzard siricel998::V';;:\ ; '; :^Ahpthef; Pulse-; •writef'vsaid ' that^NS.AA ExeCiitiye Director ' Jim Tenbpir arid all NSAA direc^,; tors'reguiireditb re-' sign.irnmediateLy|fpj'^aUmg to pligipH^PMK|)ll-'?'J'^wrobdiatea^ •^SSii?' S|g'm'bre':.:bifshfe ,--,,„.,,., -,—,-,--„j,- „- ^ -. Ifa^iartibfciOmSi^iSgfBipti^^ •' "• """"•' ''•""•"•''•'p®^leiM?^«"'GV^Theiacts:j.•«:tig^ ^^^^Bflgprj.;•,;, :The:jJ:S^||^S|fpSe;t& ^^^l^jtSf^asi^iatli^^Sllfph^e^'^ :^,^.^uigfiway ThMSdayVSiprifl ""i'ihe' faCe of a'- r(|peatedly•; pre- fl^jiicted '\WTOter;rtstprm;!:;^ jS^tiirned into, a::bilizzard>iii';6rd^ to meet a 1:30 p.hifestaittiiiie.fdr: their••• game .agaiiist,;,•'Liricphi" Sputheastv|^^i^^f;^^yiV-' .: rpespite:ia^ip^;f#im. NSAA officials foKaB^'tgklctfs to' get'tb Lincoln ahead of the threatened : w.eather, coiiditipns^r- ^Vesfside. officials, decided to vwaif until .Thursday.'morningrto take the,: •,Westside, A-thletic ; Director^.y : Bob Rezriicek.said Tliiursday; ;•:;; . "We can-go back aiid,beat,puf^|l; - selves up aUw& want about that;;':?^^ ' decision, We'mdde it.-SbXJui^de-; >; cisioh today was to _dQrwhat'We .;>,', could db' to get:oiii'SMls.36Wffi:-i' .,. -•. ' i.-.:., -• ''-'.?^-^^^>v.;^A^-s;^&^?--^•l• •heresaIe." /;:,; •';-iiKfr;j5.'^^i?W/; -'_,'Westside w^s one of 10-teanisS (legs than bhe-fpuith of th estate S; tourriament's 48rteam; fieldfdr^^S six classes) that chose to tray el;.K; •last-Thursday 'after "the;.-;^^|| .had suggested earher;ariiy^^,&_;i Respbnsibihty,: for ;the :de£ijS!i . sion to,travel; that dayjil^gjfeif; rests with the bffici'als.-b'fltfifesffii^i : ;,schpbls, not w i t h : t h 0 g ^ i ^ ^ | ^ \'''".'''v * •-r.'^M).^W^<i-i'!£>t.i :ijceptable\ nameJ'fpjW'^^j^^^l;^,! ;5^;usiiaUy a ferhale; 'woijKjhgSJMjpo; ;'sbmeprie, usually a mil^|iillo||i ' wa;sr-eferi-edtpasthe^^^l:^^ ;::. rm/npl''sugg'es.ting;-lfe declining use of the;.deg.cripfi'pnj:^^^ •"secretary'.:is abad thing.;l-dgSif-Lf^i refer to;;Jackie;. Wrieth;'-a;|:5»^|eS .."assisttot^V-or^^^^^^^^^ :;:'^Giffii;g;&i^majc)f contribu • -tp^wSaf-A^^'a9:'ab] e to:;acCpniiSjl ''piishtbgetherC'Ar-' •,^;/-^ilS'-'-^i^ :v n o f i c e ^ a s | ^ 5 ^ p Q j ^ [ ^ ^ g j ^ f ^ 5 i|^)peafed;'3t'1ias^^]i|^ a^p'S^LSiiimstredafi?®^ Jsils^slsgfts^nl^P^'*' S'W^S|fesd|i5^5A^' t that help heutralizeiead in the '->^Um&,^'.-fr:,.:::77e7777^ ;' Gov.' I>ayb;";HeihemMf;U^ ..,,;Sehs.;;Ben;;Nelsbh';Md C ^;|Hagel,^Mayp^^Mike;Fahey and ll'State Seni;;p&i|rCiSteE,all;lptK' IfSjbied the;EPAluf5|ttE*I^r^ ' ||5ijm4havrGDmmiSfi^ ; |{tiBrgupf|re|§^Sf^ |j.;,crease ByTOorelh'a^^^^ |?i;the$l(SQ,000,it .provides tb local; groups forpubiiS;ed]^tipn.;y';', :„ch'ange;ha, ; by the efforts of'gom|35ri|ajj^alP ; tion .'of- "adrninistr'aiiy^-iprr)fSsjS,;^ sionais" who u.sed to'^be>cailed-3\ secretaries. •.: ~ :; : .\\Tien;: it; comes: road for the ganie.Tf any lives': were put in •dariger,-it-was by: Westside's , decision, nbt: the, :NSAA'S.'' "':•:.' -:•'-' SfS^m there has been no'; similaSlaf-:^: grade in nOmenclatui-e.;-It'.S"stili.;^ ^."Nationcil Boss Day,'' and iff ^sii^ thi s year on Tues day^ ,(3cSi§Mll#5 ^ ST.he writer, retirfettSpiipsii|f'Fitff!|:^ •Tiie"^Worid-Herald^=T|gi^|@ja^iaf| ' at P:0.:BOX 2734#®il^lfeB|^ '- 58127.' The ielPphbtielfflp^itSf^ • (402)'593-4551 -"'••'•'•J-^-'sf^-t-r'Mtil J ^ . ^..-^^,•':•:.;.-•-,•-•:•-,.-'"li 30022189 Superfund

News article 'EPA's Lead Remedy for Omaha ignores most ...

Nov 23, 2021



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Page 1: News article 'EPA's Lead Remedy for Omaha ignores most ...


i^W-rifAi^iotiMi^ , ; An , EPA official "said ..the f |C i fu r e^ | i ^ i i ^^ a rSi^SgEi^^bfimeiiSS^ ^?iXg€iicy?oft?^jlead^ab ''' educatiPri in Omaha "by com inlf:-^i-prpgrainLthatvV.e^erts 'agree, 3^'iioesnot attaMck thethPsfsferious ; '•:'-;rsource of a threat to chil-'i^^jiren'shealth. - •:' '-i-}-';.-!::/i:-:y:;:' ..,•• 'I-' 0 7 --,.;\\: - ^''igSh^l'-^most:

'vseripug'scmrce; •;;is>\-; lead-based "paint:in older

S^hpiiSes.'. The ^^Jp4ijjt;4 flecks

Hii|;^K^!ari^?is iii-° % Ji4^:;l|y^;'chil-.

;S'Hr^n^';';,^his,; ^J^I^pfjI^dC

S®:«^W:ll^P!ipi*lbod'is; pg^?y^g | i | f t e i i t t i aS '^iMM7M'i!0M0ip0^&MSx'

:|f mgspiiin tfiSugan|KM^ :Sfp, ;SpmetijiiesJJ;tfes^ &'^dkijr|s:l;o|sS|l;^66jj^ |^^i;Sii |s | | \ thi&^ be g§|)rpperly aijpMed tdffi^ ^fj.etweenthe.EPA's spending$12 ^^bulli^i^jail^^SigjcM^ ,

pdea3-Sased ^aiTA]:i7^^ff7:ifi7'':'^: ^•'•' .The ,:latest:.|xamBl^!pt;-this

ting a total of $340,000to'tb'at pb-jectiye. It might be pointed.out • that $340,000 a year .for educa­tion to combat the mpre serious problem of lead-basei . paint equals only 2.8 pe'rcent of;the money that the EPA is spending to'address the less serious prPb-lemof soil in the yards.

;:-,; How's. that 'again? The': Ne-' brkska School Activities A'ssoci: ; atipii^'put the Omaha Westside;^ girls'; basketbali;i[eaiif;^&di3ts^

• coaches : and' fans-*at irisfe'list.-• Thursday,by failing to postpbhe the first round of the state -tour-, narhent? ••- «v:;'vKi":i''3A> !KiH?ft ,: -A Public Pidse;Writer sSdthe':; Westside team and its fans were

. forced to travel to Lincoln at the height of the' Oinaha ' area's worst blizzard siricel998::V';;:\ ; '; : Ahpthef; Pulse-; •writef'vsaid

' that^NS.AA ExeCiitiye Director ' Jim Tenbpir arid all NSAA direc^,; tors'reguiireditb re-' sign.irnmediateLy|fpj'^aUmg to

pligipH^PMK|)ll-'?'J'^wrobdiatea^ •^SSii?' S|g'm'bre':.:bifshfe ,--,,„.,,., -,—,-,--„j,- „- ^ - . Ifa^iartibfciOmSi^iSgfBipti^^

•' "• """"•' ''•""•"•''•'p®^leiM?^«"'GV^Theiacts:j.•«:tig^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B f l g p r j . ; • , ; , : T h e : j J : S ^ | | ^ S | f p S e ; t &

^^^l^jtSf^asi^iatli^^Sllfph^e^'^ : , . uigfiway ThMSdayVSiprifl ""i'ihe' faCe of a'- r(|peatedly•; pre-

fl^jiicted '\WTOter;rtstprm;!:;^ jS tiirned into, a::bilizzard>iii';6rd^

to meet a 1:30 p.hifestaittiiiie.fdr: their••• game .agaiiist,;,•'Liricphi" Sputheastv|^^i^^f;^^yiV-' .:

rpespite:ia^ip^;f#im. NSAA officials foKaB 'tgklctfs to' get'tb Lincoln ahead of the threatened : w.eather, coiiditipns^r- ^Vesfside. officials, decided to vwaif until .Thursday.'morningrto take the,:

•,Westside, A-thletic ; Director^.y : Bob Rezriicek.said Tliiursday; ;•:;; . "We can-go back aiid,beat,puf^|l; - selves up aUw& want about that;;':? ^ ' decision, We'mdde it.-SbXJui^de-; >;

cisioh today was to _dQrwhat'We .;>,', could db' to get:oiii'SMls.36Wffi:-i'

. , . - • . ' i . - . : . , -• ' ' - ' . ? ^ - ^ ^ ^ > v . ; ^ A ^ - s ; ^ & ^ ? - - ^ • l • •heresaIe." / ; : , ; •';-iiKfr;j5.' i?W/; -'_,'Westside w^s one of 10-teanisS • (legs than bhe-fpuith of th estate S; tourriament's 48rteam; fieldfdr^^S six classes) that chose to tray el;.K;

•last-Thursday 'after " t h e ; . - ; ^ ^ | | .had suggested earher;ariiy^^,&_;i

Respbnsibihty,: for ;the :de£ijS!i . sion to,travel; that dayjil^gjfeif; rests with the bffici'als.-b'fltfifesffii i

: ;,schpbls, not w i t h : t h 0 g ^ i ^ ^ | ^

\'''".'''v • * •-r.' M).^W^<i-i'!£>t.i

:ijceptable\ nameJ'fpjW'^^j^^^l;^,! ;5 ;usiiaUy a ferhale; 'woijKjhgSJMjpo; ;'sbmeprie, usually a mil^ | i i l lo | | i ' wa;sr -efer i -edtpas the^^^l :^^

;::. rm/npl''sugg'es.ting;-lfe declining use of the;.deg.cripfi'pnj: ^^ •"secretary'.:is abad thing.;l-dgSif-Lf i refer to;;Jackie;. Wrieth;'-a;|:5»^|eS

.."assisttot V-or ^ ^ ^ ^ :;:' Giffii;g;&i^majc)f contribu • -tp^wSaf-A^^'a9:'ab] e to:;acCpniiSjl ''piishtbgetherC'Ar-' •,^;/-^ilS'-'-^i^

:v nof ice^as |^5^pQj^[^^g j^ f^5

i|^)peafed;'3t'1ias^^]i|^ a^p'S^LSiiimstredafi?®^ Jsils^slsgfts^nl^P^'*' S'W^S|fesd|i5^5A^'

t that help heutralizeiead in the '->^Um&,^'.-fr:,.:::77e7777^

;' Gov.' I>ayb;";HeihemMf;U^ ..,,;Sehs.;;Ben;;Nelsbh';Md C ^;|Hagel,^Mayp^^Mike;Fahey and ll 'State Seni;;p&i|rCiSteE,all;lptK' IfSjbied the;EPAluf5|ttE*I^r^ '• ||5ijm4havrGDmmiSfi^ ; |{tiBrgupf|re|§^Sf^ |j.;,crease ByTOorelh'a ^ ^ |?i;the$l(SQ,000,it .provides tb local;

groups forpubiiS;ed]^tipn.;y';', •

:„ch'ange;ha, ; by the efforts of'gom|35ri|ajj^alP ; tion .'of- "adrninistr'aiiy^-iprr)f SsjS,; sionais" who u.sed to'^be>cailed-3\ secretaries. •.: ~ :; : .\\Tien;: it; comes:

road for the ganie.Tf any lives': were put in •dariger,-it-was by: Westside's , decision, nbt: the,

:NSAA'S . ' ' " ' : • : . ' - : • ' - '

SfS^m there has been no'; similaSlaf-:^: grade in nOmenclatui-e.;-It'.S"stili.;^

^."Nationcil Boss Day,'' and iff ^s i i^ thi s year on Tues day^ ,(3cSi§Mll#5

^ ST.he writer, retirfettSpiipsii|f'Fitff!|: •Tiie"^Worid-Herald^=T|gi^|@ja^iaf| ' at P:0.:BOX 2 7 3 4 # ® i l ^ l f e B | ^ '- 58127.' The ielPphbtielfflp^itSf^ • (402)'593-4551 -"'••'•'•J- -'sf -t-r'Mtil

J ^ . ^ . . - ^ ^ , • ' : • : . ; . - • - , • - • : • - , . - ' " l i

