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Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion


    Physical Assessment

    of the Newborn

  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion


    Table of Contents

    Normal Newborn: General Appearance Vital Signs and General Measurements Skin

    Head, Eyes, Ears Nose, Mouth, Throat, and Neck Chest and Abdomen Female Genitalia and Male Genitalia

    Back and Rectum. Extremities Neuromuscular System

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    Normal Newborn: General


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    Vital signs : Weight

    Weight : 2.5 kg 3.5 kg

    Sigs of potential distress or deviation fromexpected findings

    4.7 kg is unusual.. A maternal illness should be

    suspected like diabetes.

    75 90 %of the newborns weight is fluid.

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    Vital Signs: Heart rate

    Range: 120 to 160 beats per minute

    Common variations: Heart rate range to 100 when sleeping to 180 when crying

    Color pink with acrocyanosis

    Heart rate may be irregular with crying

    Signs of potential distress or deviations fromexpected findings:

    Although murmurs may be due to transitional circulation-allmurmurs should be followed-up and referred for medical evaluation

    Deviation from range

    Faint sound

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    Vital Signs: Respiration

    Range: 30 to 60 breaths per minute

    Common variations:

    Bilateral bronchial breath soundsMoist breath sounds may be present

    shortly after birth

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    Vital Signs: BP

    Blood pressure - not done routinelyFactors to consider: Varies with change in activity level

    Appropriate cuff size important for accurate reading Average newborn (1 to 3 days) oscillometry pressure value:

    65/41 in both upper and lower extremities

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    Vital Signs: Temperature

    Range: 36.5 to 37.5 rectal

    36.5 37.2 axillary

    Common variations:

    Crying may elevate temperature Stabilizes in 8 to 10 hours after delivery

    Signs of potential distress or deviations

    from expected findings: Temperature is not reliable indicator of infection

    A temperature less than 36.5

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    Vital Signs

    Newborn lose heat by 4 mechanism:a.Convection

    b.Conductionc. Radiationd.Evaporation

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    Important terms to


    Brown fats

    Kangaroo care.

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    Normal newborn

    General appearance

    Well flexed full range of motion , spontaneous


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    Skin: Expected findings

    Skin reddish in color, smooth and puffy at birth

    At 24 - 36 hours of age, skin flaky, dry and pink in color Edema around eyes, feet, and genitals Vernix caseosa - white, cheesy substance covering the newborn's

    body. Often present only in the skin folds. Lanugo - Fine downy body hair usually distributed over shoulders,

    sacral area, and back of newborns. Usually disappears before birthor shortly after birth.

    Turgor good with quick recoil Hair silky and soft with individual strands

    Nipples present and in expected locations Cord with one vein and two arteries Cord clamp tight and cord drying

    Nails to end of fingers and often extend slightly beyond

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    Skin: Expected findings

    Skin reddish in color, smooth and puffy at birth

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Acrocyanosis - result of sluggish peripheral circulation

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Mongolian spots in infants

    of African-American descent

    Patch of purple-black or

    blue-black colordistributed overcoccygeal and sacralregions of infants ofAfrican-American or

    Asian descent.

    Not malignant.

    Resolves in time.

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Mottling: Generalized red and white discoloration of skin of chilled

    infants with fair complexion.

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Physiologic Jaundice:

    Hyperbilirubinemia not associated with hemolytic disease or otherpathology in the newborn

    Jaundice that appears in full term newborns 24 hours after birth andpeaks at 72 hours

    Bilirubin may reach 6 to 10 mg/dl and resolve in 5 to 7 days.

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Milia: Tiny white papules (plugged sebaceous glands) located

    over nose, cheek, and chin.

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Erythema toxicum:

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Petechiae/ bruises over presenting part


    Pinpoint, flat hemorrhages often visualized onhead, face, and chest. Associated with rapidonset of pressure followed by immediaterelease of pressure during birthing process.

    Bruises/Ecchymoses: Larger than petechia, hemorrhagic areas

    associated with rapid delivery or breech birth.

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Skin tags usually around ears or digits(tied off)

    Harlequin color change:

    The color of the newborn's body appears tobe half red and half pale. This condition istransitory and usually occurs with lusty crying.

    Harlequin Coloring may be associated with toan immature vasomotor reflex system.

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Signs of potential distress or deviations from normalFindings:

    Jaundice within 24 hours of birth Unconjugated bilirubin circulating in the blood stream that is deposited

    in the skin

    Skin color may range from yellow to orange to greenish hues. General cyanosis Circumoral cyanosis between feedings

    Petechiae or ecchymoses other than on presenting part All rashes with exception of erythema toxicum Pigmented nevi

    Yellow vernix Hemangioma


    Forceps marks

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    Skin: Common Variations

    Forceps marks:

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    Desquamation : within 24 hours of birth,the skin of the newborn has become dry ,

    particularly evident in the palm o the handand sole of the feet.

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    Vernex caseosa : a white cream likesubstance that serves as skin lubricant.

    The color of the vernix carefully noted because ittakes on the color of the amniotic fluid.

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    Lanugo. : is a fine downy hair thatcover the newborn shoulder, back andupper arm

    Age of two weeks they are disappear.

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    Birth marks


    Nevus flammeus :

    Dark lesions commonly called port wine stain due to itsdeep color.

    Do not fade either.

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    Straberry hemangiomas :Elevate areas that forms by immature capillaries and

    endothelial cells.

    Appear in termed neonates appear up to 2 weeks.

    Not present in preterm infants. Becauseof immature epidermis.

    Up to 10 ears older before its complete absorption.

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    Cavernous heangiomas : are dilatedvascular spaces. They are usually raised andresemble a strawberry hemangiomas in appearance.

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    Craniotabes : is localized softening of thecranial bones. The bones is so soft that theexamminindg finger can indent it..

    The condition correct itself without treatment.

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    Normal NewbornGeneral Appearance:

    A. Head


    -minor asymmetry is common and should

    equalize by approximately 4 mos.

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    General Measurements

    Head circumference: 33 to 35 cm

    Expected findings Head should be 2 to 3 cm larger than

    the chest

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    HEAD: Expected findings

    Anterior fontanel - diamond shaped 2-3 -3-4 cm

    Posterior fontanel - triangular 0.5 - 1 cm

    Fontanels should be soft, firm and flat

    Sutures should palpable with small

    separation between each Forehead is large and prominent

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  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion


    Head: Common Variations

    Caput succedaneum: Swelling of the soft tissue of

    the scalp caused bypressure of the fetal head on

    a cervix that is not fullydilated.

    Swelling crosses suture lineand decreases rapidly in afew days after birth.

    Reabsorb within 12 hoursafter birth or few days

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    Head: Common Variations

    Molding of fontanels and suture spaces

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    Head: Common Variations

    Signs of potential

    distress or deviations

    from normal findings:

    Fontanels that arebulging or depressed




    Closed sutures


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    Head: Common Variations


    Subperiosteal extravasation of blood due ruptureof vessels.

    Swelling increases in size on second and thirdday after delivery.

    Often associated with delivery by forceps.

    Swelling does not cross suture line and may

    take several weeks after birth. Jaundice may occur as blood cells are broken

    down as the swelling resolves.

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    Neck: Expected Findings

    Short and thick

    Turns easily side to side

    Clavicles intact Tonic neck reflex present

    Neck-righting reflex present

    Some head control

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    Signs of potential distress or deviations

    from expected findings:

    Torticollis-stiff neck drawing head to one

    side Resistance to flexion

    Webbing of neck

    Large fat pad on back of neck

    Palpable crepitus, movement with palpationof clavicle

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    Turner syndrome: Abnormal skin foldsover the back of the neck can be a marker of for

    genetic abnormality

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    Examining the neck

    In newborn and infant. Nuchal rigidity is a morereliable indicator of meningeal irritation than is brudzinskisign or kernigs sign

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    Normal newborn

    -bruised &/or puffy eyelids are normal

    -sclerae white to bluish white; slightly brownish frequent innewborns of African descent

    -small conjunctival, scleral & retinal

    -erythromycin & tetracycline are now frequently usedprophylactically instead of silver nitrate. If silver nitrate drops areused, it may cause edema & chemical conjunctivitis which mayappear a few hrsafter instillation and disappear in 1-2 days


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    Eyes: Expected findings

    Slate gray or blue eye color

    No tears

    Fixation at times - with ability to follow objects to midline

    Red reflex

    Blink reflex

    Distinct eyebrows

    Cornea bright and shiny

    Pupils equal and reactive to light

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    Red reflex : Is extremely important inthe detection of retinoblastoma, a childhood

    eye cancer.

    Red reflex absent

    Red Reflex Absent

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    Eyes: Common Variations

    Edematous eyelids: Uncoordinated movements:

    May focus for a few seconds

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    Signs of potential distress or deviationsfrom expected findings: Discharges Opaque lenses

    Absence of Red Reflex Epicanthal folds in newborns not of Oriental descent "Doll's eyes" Reflex beyond 10 days of age

    When the head is moved slowly to the right or left, the eyes donot follow nor adjust immediately to the position of the head.

    This reflex should not be elicited once fixation is present. The persistence of the Doll's Eyes Reflex suggests neurologic


    Reflexes absent

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    Chemical conjunctivitis Subconjunctivalhemorrhage

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    Ears: Expected findings

    Pinna top onhorizontal linewith outercanthus of eye

    Loud noiseelicits StartleReflex

    Flexible pinnawith cartilagepresent

    Trisomy 18 and13 syndrome.

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    Ears: Common variations

    Skin tags on oraround ears

    Ringing a bell by 6

    inches from each ear.

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    Signs of potentialdistress

    or deviations from

    expected findings: Ear placement low

    Clefts present

    Malformations Cartilage absent

    Preauricular sinus

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    Nose: Expected findings

    Nostrils patent bilaterally

    Obligate nose breathers

    No nasal discharge

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    Nose: Common variations

    Sneezes to clear nostrils

    Bridge appears absent

    Thin white nasal mucus discharge

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    Signs of potential distress or deviations

    from expected findings

    Choanal atresia and discharge


    Nasal flaring beyond first few moments

    after birth

    M th & Th t

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    Mouth & Throat:

    Expected Findings Mucosa moist. Shortly after birth may visualize

    sucking calluses on central portions of lips.

    Mouth & Throat

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    Mouth & Throat:

    Expected Findings Palate high arched Uvula midline Minimal or absent


    Tongue moves freely anddoes not protrude Well developed fat pads

    bilateral cheeks Sucking reflex

    Rooting reflex Gag reflex Extrusion reflex

    Mouth & Throat:

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    Mouth & Throat:

    Common Variations

    Epstein's pearls on ridges of gums

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    Thrush : Candida infection : usuallyappear on the tongue and side of the

    chicks are as white or as gray patches.

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    Mouth & Throat

    Signs of potential distress or deviations

    from expected findings:

    Cleft lip or cleft palate

    Circumoral pallor Lip movement asymmetrical

    Reflexes absent or incomplete

    Protruding tongue

    Candida Albicans

    Diminished tongue movement

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    Mouth & Throat

    Candida Albicans Percocious teeth

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    Physiologic function

    Cardiovascular system

    Blood Values : newborn blood volume is 80 110 ml per kilogram (300 ml )

    Newborn common have high erythrocyte count 6 million percubic mm. and increase hemoglobin average of 17 18g/100ml and hemactocrit 4 and 50%

    Newborn usually high in WBC at birth 15000 30000 cells

    /mm3 . As high as 40000 if birth is stressful

    Blood coagulation:most newborn have prolong coagualtion time

  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion


    Chest: Expected Findings

    Evident xiphoid process

    Equal anteroposterior and lateral diameter

    Bilateral synchronous chest movement

    Symmetrical nipples

  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion


    Chest: Common Variations

    Witch's milk

    Enlarged breasts

    Accessory nipples

    Fluid should neverexpressed frominfants breast.

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    Urinary System

    Average newborn void within 24 hours after birth. (24hours is the golden rule.

    Male should void with enough force to produce projected


    Female : produce a steady stream , not a continuousdribbling.

    Usually light colored and odorless.Specific gravity : 1.008 1.0101st voiding: :pink or dusky because of uric crystal thatformed in the bladder in utero

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    Gastrointestinal system

    StoolStool passed within 24 hours after birth. Consist of meconium ( blackish green, odorlessmaterial

    If not pass within 24 48 hours check for possibility of of

    imperfobnate anus

    2nd and third day stools ( transitional stool.)

  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion


    Newborn with bile obstruction:will have clay colored gray stools.

    Because of bile pigments do not enterthe intestinal tract

    Newborn under photo therapy

    Bright green stools because of increase bilirubinexcretion.

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    Immune system:

    Passive anti bodies ( IgG ) againstpoliomellitis, measles diptheria,

    pertusis ,chicken pox rubella andtetanus.

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    Pallor : pallor is the result of anemia:

    1. Excessive blood loss when the cord is cut.

    2. addewquate floww of blood from the cord in to the infant at birth.

    3. Fetal maternal transtransfusion

    4. Low iron stores that caused by poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy

    5. Blood incompatibility which large number of RBC were hemolzed in


    7. Internal bleeding.

    GRAY colored newborn generally indicates infection

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    At about 20 mg / 100 mlKernicterus.

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    Harlequin sign

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    Twins transfusion phenomenon:

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    Abdomen: Expected Findings

    Dome-shaped abdomen Abdominal respirations Soft to palpation Well formed umbilical cord

    Three vessels in cord Cord dry at base Liver papable 2 - 3 cms below right costal margin Bilaterally equal femoral pulses Bowel sounds auscultated within two hours of birth Voiding within 24 hours of birth Meconium within 24 - 48 hours of birth

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    Abdomen: Common Variations

    Small umbilical hernia

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    Signs of potential distress or deviationsfrom expected findings:

    Bowel sounds absent

    Peristaltic waves visible

    Abdominal distention Palpable masses

    Scaphoid-shaped abdomen


    Base of cord with redness or drainage Cord with two vessels

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    Female Genitalia

    Expected findings:

    Edematous labia and clitoris

    Labia majora are larger and surroundinglabia minora

    Vernix between labia

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    Female Genitalia

    Common variations:

    Hymenal tag


    Smegma Increased pigmentation

    Ecchymosis and edema after breech birth

    "Red brick" pink-stained urine due to uric acidcrystals


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    Female Genitalia

    Signs of potential distress or deviationsfrom expected findings:

    Labia fused

    Fecal discharge from vaginal opening Imperforate hymen

    Ambiguous genitalia

    Widely separated labia

    M l G i li

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    Male Genitalia

    Expected findings:

    Urinary meatus at tip of glans penis

    Palpable testes in scrotum

    Large, edematous, pendulous scrotum,with rugae

    Smegma beneath prepuce

    Stream adequate on voiding

    M l G i li

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    Male Genitalia

    Common variations:

    Prepuce ( foreskin ) covering urinarymeatus


    Increased pigmentation

    Edema and ecchymosis after breechdelivery

    M l G i li

  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion


    Male Genitalia

    Signs of potential distress or deviationsfrom expected findings:

    Non palpable testes

    Hypospadius ( ventral surface ) Epispadius ( dorsal surface )

    Scrotum smooth

    Ambiguous genitalia

    B k d R t

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    Back and Rectum

    Expected findings:

    Intact spine without masses or openings

    Trunk incurvature reflex

    Patent anal opening

    "Wink reflex" present

    B k d R t

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    Back and Rectum

    Signs of potential distress or deviationsFrom expected findings: Limitation of movement Fusion of vertebrae Spina bifida Tuft of hair Imperforate anus Anal fissures Pilonidal cyst

    E t iti

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    Expected findings: Maintains posture of


    Equal and bilateral

    movement and tone Full range of motion all


    Ten fingers and ten toes

    Legs appear bowed

    Feet appear flat

    E t iti

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    Palmar creasespresent

    Sole creases present

    Negative hip click Grasp reflex present

    E t iti

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    Signs of potential

    Distress or

    deviations from

    expected findings: Unequal tone

    Asymmetrical movement

    of extremities Polydactyly

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    E t iti

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    Unequal leg length

    Asymmetrical skin

    creases posteriorthigh

    Simean crease

    Persistent cyanosis ofnail beds

    E t iti

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    Dislocation of hip

    Marked metatarusvarus

    N l S t

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    Neuromuscular System

    Expected findings:

    Maintains position of flexion

    When prone, turns head side to side

    Holds head and back in horizontal planewhen held prone

    Ability to hold head momentarily erect

    Neuromuscular System

  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion


    Neuromuscular System

    Signs of potential distress or deviations

    from expected findings:


    Quivering Limp extremities or straightening of extremities

    Clonic jerking


  • 8/4/2019 Newborn Physical Assessment by Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion
