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173 PASTORS RRSI6N. CHANGE3 IN THK BRICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. usn x'.xx I'VKi: AM> MM.x XlNi: BOTH RETIRE, A,, hKI'Im; TO AUREEMENT thi: LATTEH SOT in' GOOD liK.xi.VH \\l> X DUAL I'AST. 'i: .TE w'l-'.i Sotlcc waa glven yeaterday for the Rm tlme r»-«> -.» Ihe |Uii|'it <.! the BlicB I'l'shv t.-rian Cliuivh. Kilth- Hae and Thlrly-aevenlh-at., of a congregatlonal mertlnji, IO be held on 15, to ennsider a poaelblc change ln tln- paatoral relatlona. li waa THI. REV IIKNRY \N DYKE. itnderstood by the congregatton thai both the Rev, j.-. Henry van Dyke and Jamea Hall Mcllvalne, hi paatora, hav.- glven In their reelgnatlona. ' soi.i. oi ihe offlcera of the church a Trlbune ¦..;..ii t.i learned last nlghl the pai Iculara regard- lnn ibe church and Ihe reaaona why Dr?, Mc¬ llvalne and Van Dyke aeni In thelr reBlgnatlona I" .ri i>vh>. refuaed lo be aeen last nlght, owlng lo the facl thal ln- had been Informed a ahorl tlme beforo ...11-1 called at hla home of Ihe death of h.* arlfe'? fath. i, Andrew Reld, ol Baltlmore si:, the conaolldatlon ..: -., Church ..f Ihe .nt nn :h.- Brlck Chui :>. u R*x Dr* M Ilvalne ani Van Dyke have been -¦.' ite mlnlatera, Some tlme in laat November th ported to lha aeaalon Ihal, In thelr opinlon, after a ,w,i ye.ns' trial, ;i dual paatorat. .va* nol for Ihe baat Intereata of .a chureh; tha! much ir.:i; waa dupllcat. I an thal whi:. .. dual im M B -V I fSmW <m}msth BRICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. t. rate had ta* neceaaary lo effeci ti-- unlon of the 'hurches. It waa nol advlaable aa a permaneni artmngameni. When ihe unlon of lh. ehur. n took pla.-.- both paatora who havi been old frlei fmm Ibelr college daya agreed ani ao reported to ;heir people that if --ithei reaigned h.ili shou; do so in order to relleve th* chureh ol any poaalbl a mt.nrrassment. Havlng agre.d that the aaork of the chureh would be better ayatematlaed under on* j.hsi ir. they h ith preaented their reelgnatlona to thi aeaalon. Thi* boiiv conferred with th<- mlnlatera and eont the aubject for ¦ month or more an ha* alled the meetlng of Ihe congregatlon for Januarj 13 sider tne rtalgnatlona and lo ad upon ihem In whatever «*»v ihe congregatlon .-ahall deem I""- A aeaalon in th.- Preabyterlan Church ha* no power to call a paator or dlaaolve the paal ral r.-latl n Thi> muai be d m. bj th. ... peetexl ihat th* Beea lon wlll make reporl wlth reoommendationa, and itia; al the meetlna Ihe tva.. mlnlater* wd! explaln to th. church the :. whlch hav- led them both to thelr preeenl cluslona. It ln said by frlenda ot Dr, Mcllvalne tbal he ha* been aomewhat run down, havlng had no long vacation alnce acceptlng the call to the Church o! tho Covenant and he I* eontemplatlng .. trlp to the Eaal In Eebruary if rh* congregatlon ac- ceptfl bla reatgnatlon, or, a* I* nol Improbable, the a-_ngregation vot« him a !a_v~ ..f abaence 1HF. ORE 17/ /,' WH YORK BILL. MR. LEXOW To LA- IT BEFORE THE BENATE nacvaaiNa the i'rg_.'_«"t& here itb DETAI.fl KEIT BEl'MCT Thera was conalderabli ca 4na on ¦.--- terday about the Flfth xv ... Hotel and Republl¬ can Btata heatkniartera, whlch waa underato. relate parllcularly to thc Oreatei New-Tork blli, whlch Benator Clarenee Leao- .- to Introduee on Wednaaday neat at Albany Benator Hobart Krurn. tha new Republlcan repreaenuttva ol Ihe gcbohiuie Dlatrlct; Benator John Ralnei A. B. Hoaidmaii, counael for th. Rapld Tranalt Commii *!on; Mward Lauterba b, and C. \v Ha l "talite.1" witii ..rn- another and * th T, C, Platl f<>. Keveral hour.-. and " araa underatood laat nlght thal tba leglalatlcn relating to tha Oreatei New-Tork had been '-Bttk d." It to oiigtnat* in thc Benate and when Mr. _e_a*a !->'« tha phui before thai body after the t-ommitteee bave been announccd this week, it wlll ,.H in the form ol a reaolutloii for jolnl aetlon, re- ferrlna '-1"' preparatlon of the blll to the Benate Commlttee on Cltlea Tbe commlttee wlll be am- powered to call to us ald lawyera ol note and ac- cuatomed to charae large feea. The blll rontem- plated yeaterday to canaoJItUta the cltlea ln the new munlclpollty, I* to b* a Berlee ot bllla each havln. capeclal reference lo one.... cltlea oi corpora- ,i.ns to be w.-id.-'i together Bald one of ihe cltl- sen* who .k paul la yeetenlay'a eonference* "The dav of chartera ha- gona b) No charter win be drafted for the Oreatei Ni * v"» »*__,1.',",J*" legialatlon enacted to applv to vartjua.*^".$}n wlll merge th* muntcina l,nU. . ',,,,,,'.. and with less in. tlon than wouw reaull from i " maklng of a charter The plan devlaed la ... be broader ln acope and leaa Pun_M"ome Nona of lh* laborera .... thi acheme youWiBBy ahethai ... noi the plan was io aboilah the .<.- n i Hoard of New-York <-. to atr ke ror a taUment of Ihe powera of Mayor b"""^'.",l.'' ^ ,ae- mderatood to be Ihe deefre. un.eaa Mr. I lati a..l his- compatriota are brought to a atandattll bj ih__a0nc4_ro> whlch Oovernor Morton mnvaA ;«i- ¦» Mr. PUU aome llrae ago "thal there muai be no .tomahawk legialatlon' thla winter . «f ''"'w. to apply t.. tha Oreatei N. w-York blll, aa well as io othei mattera of rnomenl , Th.- Mntiment aboul Btate h *a m larti Ib n ' diapo-ed to broob anj oppoaltlon from Brookly Nothlng muai be permltted to atand ln «p- «¦' legialatlon that wlll aUfl d.-,.att.m nt- t -r t .reat.-r munl.-ipainy. whlle they can placed ln the care and keeplng of the i. a< »'¦'.'. Benator Oi irge R, Malby. of Bl l.t.wre¦¦;- Cou li alated for the chalrmaaahlp of thi ' ;'"m.''',. .,n Oeneral and ABBemblyman tbam f Alld*. of ChenanKo County. la 10 be -halrman tha Eaclae Commlttae In the Aaaemoiy Th.- Antl-Machlne Benatoia of tWa clty. wu ra I'avey and Ford, have been flnally ruled on ui. . 'oinmliiee on Cltlea, and Benatoi i ha.l.-s \ *». whom Mr. Plan preaaed for ibe pla» .»iu m .. ac.-or.i:r.B to Ineldi authorlty on ina v"".i ¦¦ ..ji yeaterday. , ... i,¦¦<__« Tt.; api^lntmeiii bv the Opvernor of two Juiiiw" of h* lupreme CouH haa been aettled upon. Wa- ,ri.-t.Attor,,ev Woodward, of «'ha..ta.jui a .¦.;' - io bave the racancy on tha sai.teme nem ih* VIMth Jud'-iai Dlatrlct. and Fran« H. i ,,ek, Bf Brracuaa, naphaw of ex-Seiiaim i Kj _ ... be the racceaeor of Jtidge Vann ","" ',..,! .ludpe of th< t'ourt of AptMala t<> aucceeo ..,. b PBckhaaa. FVB aWM VANDBMMILrB'WBDDIxa. I. wbk -aid vrst.-r.iav^that tlie murriaKe of MrB. VV K. Variderbilt ar.d Hliver II. P. BeMBOnt WOUld l.robab.v lake i.laee ihis we. k NaMM of iin- m«'»- her* of the Vanderbllt famlly In.s been isnaaulteo v .Xlrx W. K. Vaii'l.rbilt .euardlni, her tnariiaK' OM member of tbe Vai.d. tbllt famlly. ln Hi.-nklnu 'f ihe matter. said: "Wfl kn.,va nothlng. Mr*. Alva Vanderbllt is |.raotleally n woman wlthoui » fam¬ lly 8ho doea not bave an.v . o-fiiiiunuiation witb ker oxvn famllj. ti.e Sr.ntl.s, and B_8 ba* no com- miinli-ation with the f.(rilliy .r Wllliam K Tl bill. .' iiL'ht. > ,.r \i,t ii .. '" 'iai "'"ii.'ikii. tri" i i, » A'I.a v»nderbllt, I* now in Europe i, L-i,V.. a. mV ,,rV v»nderblli Intenda to >.,-,, n-1 ii.iut.hter whlle on her weddlng journey OEORQE l.[iV DAXGEROV8LY ILL. INT1MATK PR1ENDB EVEN KOT ALLOWKD TO si;r-* HIM Oeorge i.iw. tii- well-known atreei ra:ur.j,i man, dangei >usly 11 ] at the Oerard, Weal Forty-fourth- at.. between Bdxth-ave and Broadway. His cendl- ,1"" i: regarded a- so aerioua ihat even Intimate Memla ar.- nol allowed to aee him. and detlnlte ln- rormatlon ..- the nature <>r his lllnesa .-..uii nol be obtalned laat nlghl Mr. Law la i wealthy man. il- was im ni. r i\ prealdenl of tiio Elghth and Nlnth avenue rallroada tn tlils .-ity. anl is connected with 0,n« enterprlaea. H. haa been a well-known ftgure ui New-York tor yeara, and many are the aloriea told aboul tiis prodlgal ependlng ..f monej ll" i- .1 atriklng looklng man, be'.ng alx f.-,-: tall, portlv an.l broad-shouldered, with halr and mustache. strcaked with gray. !(. la ;i graduate of Columbla < oll. <. After hla graduntion his fjther took him lnto bualneari and gavi- him a protractafd tralnln.1 in the management ..f Btrcel rallroad llnea. il- has Incroaaed the large fortune lefl him I.v hla father. On Beptember :'.".. 18M, Mr Law married Mrs. Olga Btnlih, of this clty. ? - tbe 11 \i:/.i. /:/. i \ C0MMI88I0X. WHAT Mll. COl'DERT BATB ABOUT IT THB ii"l'i: i'l \ CLERK. Frederlc R, Couderl returned late nn Baturday from attendlng the flral meetlng of lhe Veneauelan '' 'tiiinissi.,11 ai Waahlngton. When ......i veeierday In hl* llbrary oy a Trlbune reporter, Mr, Couderl aald: "Of courae, ae a pliahed nothlng at .mr flral meetlni except in the way ..r organlaatlon. Mr. Whlte expecta t" be a' n. xi meetlng, whlch wlll occur next Baturday. We have, ol .¦...ns... t,, chooae a number ..f mlnor offleera. Tii.. chol.f a clerk for tbe Commlaalon ls rathei a perplexlng matter. We have a largo numbei of appll anta f.>r ihat offlce, Includlng many excellenl an.l experienced gentlemen Inaamui .. man) nf the orlgtaal documenta to whi.-h ae ahall bave a" eaa .ir.- in Bpanlah and Dutch, i' la pn abli other thlnga belng rqual, tha' the clerh ol Commlaalon ahould be a llngulai "Durlng t .mtng w-.-k Juatice Brewer ia t.. lin.i permanen) quarter* f".- u*, bul b* he has a full dockel of casea ani a* we are nol ye! fully or¬ ganlaed, w, ihal! pi ibably noi really f*"t t.. b .!. be:,.;-.. iii.- flral "( Februarj, .¦How long w lll u take ua to gel al the fa. ta? Ih, I cannoi aay; bul i: wlll mrely take three or foui montha. do nol antlclpate havlng to go to Vene- zuela, although it ls poaalble that we maj obllged lo ... ao The member* of tha Commlaalon .1 surveyora There is no need foi them t" do that sort of work. Wi an- etmply to a;-1 ., ror la. and tn tbat, al ould thlnk, Bpatn an ii" ia:..i would assist ua, and even England, <.!'! if offlclally. "I proteal agalnai the Idea held by aome lhai th* Commlaalon i* hoatlle to Oreal Brltaln. "... li n may Juatify Oreal Brltaln. Our buslnea* li io gel at the racts, arhatever they are and wl Ihey may draw th" llne. The I'nlted Btate* ha* nothlng io galn In thla affair excepi th. .-¦ When aaked whal he though 1 of tl- Btatemenl made i.v .. London paper to :)i- efferl lhai h. nol i" have accepted a place on the Commisaioii after havlng referred lo England aa a "bully, Mi!. ri *al ..That ls an old charge ll !". * nol .-, .-' .. Btatemenl bui '¦:¦. " pacltat. a man from r. :. I. ina: an Impai .;.¦. meni on an hlstorlcal qu. al lon lll I I.i: FlOETIXtl I- ii /¦' I REPiJRTB BEST OCT »Y ItMTH SIHK- BA1H 1-XAOtlKH V! ij l'i ,;., I. i;..- ia, J rn Kei ¦. n ooncernlng :h" rebelllon, acrordlng :¦¦ Ihe crew ..' ¦¦,..; Johan Bvei li up, whld irrlve.l here yeaterda) fr ...i Oobara, are nn h rxaggei it. i. ¦. h i.v ii..- ¦; wei nmeni an bj II .. pa n .1 b>-b- pathlxera. Thi blg Itghia arhl ar* proml*. and expected between the contendlng armlea aeldom occur. and arhen they do the loaa la trtfllng The rettela are nol dolna much "pen flghtlng, and thej don't Intend to 11 they can poai bl) avol The leading general* belleve thal lhe deatri of augai plantattone, the tearing up of ral ar.d Ihe cloaing ol bualm ¦ t -. ibl return large revenue* lo th- Bpanlah Ooverni ¦. ar* tl" moal effeetlvi method* ot crippling lhe home Qovei nmeni ln Boutheaatern Cuba people are Aocklng '" the ai ..f ihi Inaurgent* Hartotomaao klosBO, aon ol th* vloe-preetdenl "'. th. Provlslonal tk>vermm*i hai aucceeded In landlng the lat.-*. expedltion ¦. n Mora Bay ll numbi-red aboul »*J n..-n with armi and two fleld plec. He mai .ed arlth ll to ll 1-! ,-. in< ol Bantl igo Cuba and llti was encounten I. a* lhe Bpanlah comman I* » il had fortlfled lhai lei rltorj 1 ad R.n tl ii ,- .,: n ..,.,:. I..... 'i'l" am| oa The memb ri of lhe cre* aal thai a day the ve*a< I'a from Hlbara an had landed In Trlnldad, ea*i ol cienfueg. * wlth men arms an i ammunlil. It ran the gauri th« Spanlal nnboat* :. roun llng ihi *o il ;, ...... Bome of th men w. re M,i. ..: and ited tl at they were a part oi .. inii.t.M organlaatlon of Ban Francl* ., .... which had off. real it* *ei vloea to Cuba ab >ul elghl «..'ks ago ? WATERBt i?l IXDBR 1 VI? H' CHARTER. Waterbury, Conn., Jan i The ni vv Waterbury charter whlch paaaed the laal Oeneral Assembl* wlll go Into effecl at ml. Ight, a h< n the who ,,i of munlclpal government wlll be radtcally changed The clty wlll be dlvlded Into flve warda Inatead of four aa heretofore The Common Coun¬ cll wlll be roduced to one legl latlve bodj ol flfteen Aldermen Ihe Street, Bewer, Water and Engineer¬ lng department* v il h.laolidated indei Board ol Publlc Work*; the Fln and Pollce ilepart- mvnt* wlll i.> inder lhe Board ... Publlc Baf. t) and ,i... r,n a othi r board* wlll be Iho ol ni un The Uavor wlll appolm all Commlsaloneri bui th" Aldi rm. n wlll hav. onflrmatoi) pow. Th. new government wlll he Inaugurafed lo morrow evening The HepuMlcan majorlty of lhe IJoard ol Alderufen hav- named \\ L Hall for presldeni and I p Kellogg for City Attorne) rhe Mayor wlll read _'.. ,,.,.. mesaage and make hl* appolntments, aarhich a" *0 I'a t.tili l.ov. n Al lhe Mav.i ls a ,,,.,.;...,, and Ihi Boai li Republlcan, 1 Ib ex- nectcd thal thc conrtrmatlon of the appolntmen will meet wlth conBlderable opposltlon Owlng to a tiaw in the electlon lhe aeati ol twelve oi the flf- t.-.-n Aldermen may be conteeted HEXATOR SBERBAX'H 8PEECB. A CON'TRABT A8 OF BCXBHINB AXD Fl From The B aton \ Iv. rtb* Th* .¦, ntraai between the apeech deliv. red john Bherman In th* I'nlt-d Btale* s.-nat- .... . lal altuatlon, .... the rie hand. and 1 re»l leni ,. ¦., tn of the *ame ipplc an, iai and hla *I>erlal measage an .- ."... .... r p0ri on th* other hand, llke th. ..." ,,.,.. between Bunahln* and fog. On Ih. oni hand ,. .... rien abundani knowl* Ig. in rs ^rceptlons; .... ihe other hand ar. vagtu ,,..( aelf-contradlcton aaaertlona. i.acK OF kk\ i:\ri: thi: rnoi'BLE, From Tha Albany Bv. nlng Journai. Benator John Bherman. of "i.i". ably and claely Btated lhe cause of lhe preaenl flnanclal dlf- II, :|. .aii^n hi sai I thai Ii reault* rrom a la.k and lhai the gold reaerv* ha« been M i. '. nol to pay for lhe n di mptlon o th, jgreen- ,,, k, ,,., r, thc purpoae ... paylng he Oovern mVnt'a expensc* Thli li lhe RepuBll an ob en- tlon. SO PABTISAXBHIP IX IT. From The Buffalo Expri w. Benator Bherman la a thorough protectloniBi il l. hl* atiach on thi Wllaon Ua and d. '.¦...¦ o \i Klnley there waa nol one woi ol ,.,, ,, the Wllaon Uw arere an ad .. measure, there is nol a arorl whlch ha would dtamlsa hla argumenl aa partlsan conalder that fact \ BMARP ARRAIOXHKNT. |... ,,,, The Pltteburg Commerclal Qaaetli Benator Bherman'a apeech on the Treaaury de ilclency its nauae and Ita remedy. wa* a sharp -.;,.. tn ..' Mr '.. v. ind n venue an .n ffifSucv? Ha tra. outapoken In h.s deehintkm ,". -congreaa would ..... *uppori th- pollcy out- llnad by tne Prealdenl and eapeclallj that relatlng l, iho irr. ITI.I.V Afl U'DIJ. IXFORMED l.-,,..n The Halti.n- i" 11. ral I. Mr Bherman has apenl mani yeara Iii ",/rlf»*' i i. ,-.-,, in ted an authorlt) on flnanci He haa. ; :;v.,,... si. .....,,.. ... leasi aa well inform* l on ll a* tha Presi- T,, When therefore, be aaaerta lhai "¦. ¦' ''"" . of revenue la reaponerble for our currencj '¦'¦"a'"'.' ,,,... II mav be aaaumed Ihat he *P«ak. embarraBameni. j ig entltled to S'Ucn.tfent^^aMr' SaoUS ... malat-li ing tbe .-"..'¦.'¦. MK. HILL FLOl XDBBBD. Kn,,\r,;S,';.rcatYo'nn,;:;'.,!av... ..*..- ---- ^rfe^tear^o'ine beft'.u! lh« *":ii"° .rr ,f ,-1 u,;".f polltlclan. bui ?"»¦¦..«* ,..¦¦... ln endi i\ rlng to al. greater cuta a. than »:atesmen llke 8 natoi Bbei flnancU wladom h \ , .,.,. emin* reao- man ln Ma P'«WJ JJ» ,..,,, pyadlcate deala lutlon decuring *«»" Qt u Btump gpeaker. not [1,^" ,,;,; clear-Iiead.d Senator. EMILE SAVRET HERE. THE VIOLINIBTTO BEOIN A TOUR IS THIS COUNTRY. KI.MIM.-. i:\.-i.s i,. liis ii:sY VWIT TO THg L'.VITED BTATEB IN 1873 tid: PLAI AT THE PH1LHARMOKIC BOCIET1 fONCERTB NEXT FRIDAY AXD BATURDAY Among tne uiBengei. on tb* C'uiuuder Btrurta who vv.-:. landed al New-York yeaterday after¬ noon, waa M, Emile Bauret, thc vlollnlat. Thla is hla Ilrst v isit ;.. X:. ... *lm .. IITJ Ib- al preeenl occupiea one of the hlgbeal pald place* ... the klnd In Burope, a* head profeaeor al Royal A -i i.-niy In London. .xi. Bauret'B tour iri tnla rountrj to be under .; .. management ..f Meaara. Johnaton r. Arthui Tie- flrai concerta will be with ihe Phllharmonlc Boclety, .;' New-York, on Krlday aftern.i and Baturday evenlng .if Carnegle Mus.c Hall. Tb* trlp arrang. :..i M Baurei Inc'.udea Boaton, Buf¬ falo, Detrolt, 'i.-v. an i. i' nclnnatl, Toledo, Chlca- go, M i-.v,.nk.-.-, Si. Paul, MlnneapoHa, Bl Loula., Plttaburg, Waahlngbon, Baltlmore, Philade.phia and New-Y ..i. M S X! RKT .x Ti Ihune ¦- ili* >e*terda> afterm Ihe Hotel Ui >ble, Bevenl ind Flfl *x .nth-nt.. wh*r< vi Saurei V .; I... il M ;... artiller; r Na I........ii .','.. fatl v. -i .'..¦ ..ii.i p| i\ .. m on ...- !>... ..; 1 >i; |. I: 11. ... gaurei ...... lle.l ... i mu Into mj ..¦!.. av ¦. lu (pi ila-Mlr. flfl!.- ... \ . i p tii Al I'attl. M_rt<> and II ft .,...-¦. aboul experl .. am glad nearl) a ' am a Kn ii'limai l-'r.t ii '. .\. of llliei - - ... I'nli I Blau red a i .-"!.. At; . 4 waa nol '7i> an "r; I a.t¦ ln >-.. ir area t t-itj 11 . vv v. r ~;.i\.... n f..r I d. >f in i:. li... ....:'.'¦. .-' ;. IWUl .atIII. an.l lnt. ...-.-¦ i- .i ;:. B in WOOI. UAXI FACTI Hl /.' /" Ull ! Boaton, Jan n ol hi Na tlonal A 11 n of Wo. Wlll be hei al the r.i k< Houae ln llo lon on vx *dn. i¦¦ nif.¦! :,. ..;.. lai larj ..' :..'.. ihe *li Ilon of ofllei evenlng al lh. aame hotel v. I] o. ui ihe annual banque) ol the w. ol man il n lun ra, ihe aft. dln ner *i.-hi ai av hl. h wlll Informall; ti.e lo»e ..f the rl i-cni .-¦¦ ..t a. Ina b machlnei y in the I'nli Blat. propi latelj Ihe o|m .;, ad ... . kvlil be n ad. Ho noi Uf. .. art, ..I 11 ¦¦ ..!.¦ land, Brlm * .. Ibe li. -. man ...... :,,. .¦¦. Ineate Ihe .:,,!. maehlne manufa. tme. .¦; w....i ln i ry, al Ihe nVhoiheld mlll In H) Held, in ihe own i.l New buryporl, Ma* ln l. M He wlll be follow. Colonel All ¦.! Ih* Home Mai k< who wlll preaent aome of tbe resuli ..... h'liidre.j )..... - ol |n otei '.. ii in Itili and ..i fii Other apeakt-r* will pr. t.' ".!..! pha -...,,.- tonle mi; 'Ili II. i \D'8 I l\ l \CI ll. i^t UF.Ml BOMK i:mll.isil CRJTICIBMB I' Th.- l/ondon Rlandard, I .. ml it ;s nol "i much u '«. polnl "'.t tn ihe .xn.. people thal Ihen onl] one ire f..i thi llnanclal ml*. h . -.- "i whleli ile j are Ihe vletlm* in hom u econom) li thi adininlatrailon ..i ihelr Natlonal Hri.ii. Thal |u*t what thej w;il not get, for Mr 'i... idaiei. i.< h<- t,. ..-I.i «.f in- |...u. lii not now powerful. bul men Iv tl" head .,i a h aten part] .. tl ii. eaec-ule ihe funeilona ..t governmenl liefore .i hn Hli legl dai un nei dai tn deal wlth Ihe tlacal evll* "I' lh. Htate, rxcepl In thi vaguesl ul gei.eralii n-. III* nentiment* wen alwaj emlnently r< Bpectable yel Tammanj Hall fl nl. New-York The cure for llnanclal iin-uundin .i ... i.<.. .i ..,,,.<...... .i .. .i. augK< 'I al III .s li ip i.i- "I .I'l'- I, ii nd il.-f'lit. his def.iaif.i !... ROW I* m.l fi ut.- .il all, bul ne tt 1} .. palliatlv* A I'.X'I'l his API'EAL I'i,.i.i Tbe I.i.ii.Iii.i (llobe, Decemtx Th.- fatuou appeal lo I .ngremi to help h m oul ol hla aelf-creatvd dttfkultli. I, imt llkel) to eiihance rieveland'* reoutatlun ai .. Ilnancler wlth bu n-ss pi ople in Ihe mi. .1 Btate* xviiv GOLD GOEfl ABROAD Prom Tbe London Btandard, l>eoember ti. When tln barrlen ". McKlnleylam wen partlally demollBheil, good* ruahed in from abroad '" Ml up Ihe emptj -1...¦ -i in the homa market* of the Re¬ public. Our woollen ininufactun-r*, in |»ariicular, i,.-ii.dif.-d l.v thi* change, a^. ihe trade and navlga- tlon return* of the I'nlted Klngdom ver) elearh ex- hlbit. Foi tln .-'. \.nths ni 1*33 f...- whleh we have the tln irea, ihe I'nlted Btatea have taken nearl) .x mlllioni Bterllng worth <>f wo-jllen and w«r:-te.i tiBBueB from ua, a* compan. wllh leaa lhan a and :. half* worth laai yeai and nol m u-h mme 11,..i> twu ai..i a qiiartei mllllona' worlh ihe yeai before. A gap prouueed b) the long Biiflpen .. i.i th. larlff queatlon hnd to Ix tllled up, and the enlarged maiki-i opened b) th* redueed tarlff furth' r liu-n a. .-I 11. buj li I To leaa exteni lh. phenomena were dlacernlbb.' elaewhere, and the broad *-.¦ neral reaull vaa* that, al the very tlme when the State* were nraAlna the market a for thelr own prodocttona restrlcted or unprofltable abroad, Ihey ¦aa forelgn gooda uourlna in upon ihem ln ai mentlna aolumi Thej therefore had more to paj and less fi. recetve, and. aa they alao owed a k"-1' deal ol moiey abroad, Ihelr forelgn exehang* mar- kei I..-. ame perroanently adverec Hhlpm. nt* "f Knid in Eurepe wen aoon tbe order of the da) to _ch an exteni thal tbe Oovernmenl et Mr Cleve¬ land has had io Intervene ihree tlme* wlthln two yeara by silliiiu bonda, In o to replenlah Ihe atoek «.f gold ln the public Treaa- i:r HIM IRI Rl>H BRITOX8. ~rom The Chleago Ttmee-Herald. Lord BallBltury ahould h.- laformed ihal ln level- Imjf Wllllam Wataon and Morrlaal a liienui., natlon h* ¦¦. «i'pr.'.i hins' dangeroual) near an aci of war Indeed, he ma) Iw vlolatlna th* Oeneva ronventlon There !.- *omel Ina In that documenl ¦ii.,,it ruel an bai hai iub m. of warl ire. . ioo earli talk eboui reprUmU. bul no on* ,. ...,, ;,. length i arhlch deapcratlon may drlva a MODle W- va.nfi th* i.n.h-.i G lvernmenl th«i although )f ma) hav* four batlle-shlpa lo our one tre hava aa many bad poetfl aa aay natloti ln " avorl.l x.,d bv lh* Bhade uf tha iwaei Btnger of Mlcfclgan, we're prefated t, usc thcui. laa A HOMK FOR A RIFLE CLUB. TIIK 7TII KK.'.lMKNT'rJ IIARKBMBM TO BUILD A HOUSE. IT v. im. 111; wiTHiN THE UIH.K U.XMIK OROrN'DB AND WILL BE ARRANOED IX A BLTTABLg AXIl COM Vg M1 BUT M A N NKR. it has been learned that tbe 7th Reglment liifl- Cluh aaiii erecl a flne clubhoocfl at Craedmoor, The plana ave already been drawn and the papera hav. been ai nl to Albany for the approval of th. mllltary authorltlea iheae. IVhen Oeneral Porter was allve Ihe club Waa Informed tbat land WOUld he glven It on whlch id i.niid the inside tln- range. but after liis death there vvas a bltch and the matter av .s dropped for a tlme. The club then con- ii.i. d tn purchaae ground outalde the range und began negotiatlona tn carry out 11sa project. Oeneral Benjamln M. Whltlock, Inapector-Oeneral ?.f Rlfle Practlce, then heard <.f the Intentlon r.f the Ith'a rlfle club aml Informed Colonel Applaton that there waa no neceaalty to bu> ground outalde ot tbe rangi. aa there was plenty Inalde for auch a laudable undertaklng. Tha rlfle club had ¦ conalderable Bum ui money In Ita treaaury and loal no tlme ln perfectlng Ita plana. -\n the preparattona fur the ercctlon of the clubbouae have now been made and work will be begun on the atru. ture us aoon as th" plan.-. nnd Bpeciflcatlonfl hax been approved at Albany, Oeneral Whltloek loW tbe club that it could bave all the ground tt wanted, aml it la the Intentlon of the projector* t.> make the clubhouae an ornamenl to the beautlful ranxe. It wlll be bulll ..ii generoua prindplea, bo aa to afford ample aecommodatlona for the membera of iin- 7ti, Reglmeni when al Creedmoor. There wlll be flnely furnlahed clubrooma, ani Bleeplng quartera for the markamen, when it is adrlaable to keep the teama ..ver night al the range, and alao a kltchen litted vvith all tiie ni lessary utenalla, *n that the ipanta of the houae caa be aultably fed, The bulldlng wlll be lurrounded by wide verandaa, i. Ib propoaed to have the clubhoua.impleted bp the tlme the summer riti'- practlce al lha range i. gin* The offlcera of the Tth Reglmeni Rlfle Club nrr ilonel i'i.i'..-i Appleton, prealdent; Major A. W, Conover, ftral \ prealdent; \v. B, Coughtry, aec¬ ond vlce-prealdent; Corporal Alexander Btevena, Becretary; Corporal E C Roblnaon, treaaurer; Executive Commlttee, Captaln W H. Palmer, i. It. r. x-.Hl¦¦.«: Corporal T J. Conroy, Corporal F. x\ t'erklna, Berseaiil O M Beach, Jr., Lleutenani R m Prlvate w. N Bavler, Corporal E. W. l.m rastei. .mi I-' n .'i.-.ik Corporal T. n. Taylor. Klrel Bergeanl P. .1 Whlte, Bergeanl 'J. M. 'ai no Ai.ii Ihe clever markamen of thi reglmeni ih... ie who take b llveller Intereai ln the ... th m do M.i ie- .). «'. Abram Capi Un 0 \\ i.i. uti nani .1 B Holland. 1 hi »e experl harpBhooter* and mark»men have nuallfled for utlve yeai and ar. Iui) credlted rcmarkable performan e In th* reglment'a pumphlei ol ihe work ai Creedmoor last ft'hl.h ha ibi i"i fi publlahi rt. Companj F eommai led by (!ap!*ln Rand, lias rll ite |. lai ror the h gh< al inerii m thi i-'ir.-t Brlga li The 7th ha* al*. declded to apend Ih* lum of a -. .... | lu !.i<».. m ;i, Itfl ha:. fl li |b n .-v nttlng up new quartera for its lllinri whleh wlll b* m red from the flrst to the rhe ii'-.v III wlll bi ii. wh ii I* now ... ihe i.... .|uei ro :n Th. many a< qulal ire .natantlj *lna made io -...nv make larxei an.l more *pa. ou* quar- Immi on the ompletlon of ..aii! f.. be* n luh- v the ot lei Impi ment* onti mp! ite .p'.ta ro f.. .ii wh rh 12,.I wtll be exin n led. .,-. -i ..ii ni t>rov< ..... rerentl) en nm| leldl la a .... rnom. In whlch enough provtalon* i-an -. ..!. nt foi .. m .nth lf I* n. xt tl. admlratlon of all -. ine ..' Ihe moi .. thi iari*i Ihe gi ioo ial aalde naln .ntran.-i The work ¦' ntl ng ll up bv Herti Hrother*. II haa ..-.¦ lt* appolnt- mllltar) men, i tnlred oli Bi' .Rl H AT THE "TH'B ARMORY -i. v XNI> l'1'l''ATK M Vi'. HEH I1. .Nl SSTKI Mr .iv. i\i l: is gl XLIKIKH Tl,. mai kamen of lh. *th Regt- irmory on Satui 1 iv | iract. .ind '.li- ¦. . Tl al h ;n iteh an ih* dup .-,-.,-. quallfl. bi m irkamen. Kand ind 'ori ral I. I, f'lark. if «' m m .'. h, w re th ... and thelr *hooilng *.«- ..f li .- | . proa* Two i - ..... XII havlng lh* . .. f-'.u iti.g. I ..a ni .. II '.4 HB a ".i .¦. .t f-i "i irk. .'¦>. K .-' ¦; he i| ipll< al mat< h >pen to team "i two m mpany, onl) one ,.,; h. II ;.. ., ii-!.... i* man >. ven ahots ,,,:.. I',. entrle* Thal 'r. ... .,-.., na of ial men uf each l< am, *hol ... |arge*l ki or* ¦" va,:, \ || ii -.,ii.- in .... I. -¦.,«. «in not rount us »on 'ti. i. i-- ¦-./. ea. h. .fi Idi Into iu., ii ..¦ pai' Th. pi Ixe m Innei ln the order .,! ne nt wen '. iu;. t'.-n-l . ii I. v. |_n. ii .| hli fi men qual fl* I a* bi ¦¦'. r*, In lh* ',. ,\ ing oi li >f.n l'r»ll*. T Ial ,: || .i ,x ii .;. '" i. i: ... .. '.f i ll.Utrud . .'!¦ :m .;:. IV.. r'. Nl i.T ,,..!,.,..:...- .an I. ft .»_ IV HM V |vi. .-... _| vi M . .. i, ,i ii xi xip.n, '' 83 -.. Iii.h.i I, ll :il ... ,. r :.>. '.I || el'llili .'fi .,,,.,-. a :i. i|| ,¦... qual (li d n < -,.i di..i" Itupi.i XX il I. .:,:-. I' i: M Xi ¦' li REV* o\ I III \l '.'. YORK ' ES I HAI. I.. kpiii-.. N v Jan .. x .... .ni .. frelghl train v-a« Vork Central ,.i 3 o'clock Ibl mornini lumped the w.o-k of th:s rlty, i,.ii ama h up Twi Ive ara were de- . ... lh. in belng throa n down the em- i..,;,:,:,,, ni The tender wenl off, bul the englm re- mulm-d "'i Ihe track and no one waa hurt. Thi ira.k wn* blorked for twelve houra and paaaengera ...i mornlng train* had to he tranaferred ,\ dr fortlve frog al th* Eaal l_ickpori swltch ii Biip- gve cauaed the wre. k ////: 11/ ITHER REPORT. I.. .,v KMPRH v RKB 'N TIIK t.'OAa w (.hi -i ii. 'i'i .'¦ i'i" f "i "' " .aur* i" ln ,i,. w ,. nnd haa extenil lo ih» upp lak* rrglun, lh* ilheaal Thi r»« ol hlgh Ti Ul in'i. '' dlBlrlri*, It* ehlel .,,,;,, |, )... north ol lh* loww lak** Ib lh* Bouth n has ,,,., ,,...,.1., ,,r |t* *n*rn Lbrhl »now« hav* fallea al ...,i poinla in ni.- lak. regton* and I'pper ItlBslaBlppI -.. 11.-x Ti.. i. in; ratur* ha* mllnuad ... all In \..». Kngtaml and N«a Vork, remaln* u-iiri. Btatlonan In Uia Ul.ldla Htate* .-ml i'i'-'' Ohlo Valley, and haa rlaen ln dlairl.-t* Pair wealher I* IndlcaleU r-i th* .-. it*m .,,., ottthern BlBtrlctfl, nnd parll) rUiudy WMthei Bnd ...i biowi f .- th* wtatara lak* reglon and North v, -|-i.. i.-ni|.. iiiiiii-. av. 111 r.iiia.u a-ery i»ax n Nurthrrn \... I'.a-'iin.i .i';l Northern N*e Ifork, bul *a.u moderat* ,. ,,; ,.¦ I-, ,,,:,-. dl*tiirt*. I. v.ill :,. iwld idly ,,.. ihi lugnoul lh« lnt. o. DBTAILKD rOBBrABT POR TO DAI .xt.ia... Sa* HampeWr* BBd V'ermonl, falr; eoa- nid through Monday; llgbl northerly wlnd*. .. Ma .echoarti Rhod* I*l*nd and t^>nn*ctlfiii falr, ih, Biperatur m ideraUng i-wm-.i avenlagi Ughl f. a wlnd*. i'i ;:i.i-,-.i s> .. Vork, l.m. siijiiflv warmer In coutn .,, portion, rlaing iet«p*ralur* Monday nixl.t. 4_r1abl« wii.i-. becomlna - ulh*rl) ... i:,, irm'r. nnai'lvania ind N*w-Jer**y. falr; ilowlj ri«ing lenwratur* a-arlabti wlnda. becomlng *outhcrly. i'..r th- I'l-'ri.t ol '.¦ iiiini.i.i. Maryland and lielawar*, .,,: ,., ,.|,.i. al wl) rlatng tempwature; »arlaW« wlnda, ¦oa -.< i- TRIBUNI LOCAL OBBERVATIONa it3 113» ..UfUlug. I, llt. I 4 | | 7 | I 10 12 1 2 3 4 R <". 7 * » 107' ,. _.!>' ...__.'_. [ '.. 1 rr i 7I,..i.i i. ui ^.i_3_ -,).© m ma aaaavea. » bb*bMwbobb wtata im* *aara th* thang-i ln pri-aurt aa indtcated by Th* Trtbtma ¦ a.lf- r-. ..rdiiur bnromrtar. The dolled Un* r*prc*«al* ih" tem- pai r- r...-«,rd(-al a! Pi rry ¦ Pl.rnia.y. TmI.ijii- ml...-. .Ihi. B, I ." Th- Weather v.s'.i.e ...u, ,,,.,,.|. ,,,,.) ...fl. Wlth ni-l.-ral- aainda. Th^ lemperalun raaged r...m IB ta . aagra**, n." av*ra#», n.. ngriia aelBg r%4_ aegraae b«i..w ihal af samniay. ¦ n.l K'4j fegtee* Beaaw Ihat of th* c<>rre«p<.ndtn*; day of lasi v»*r T.-.laay is likely to be falr. and Bllglitly warrmr, with w.uiherly wlnus. - -?--- OBITVABY. Ml. .lo.'Ki'H HUBBRT liiil.NKKXS Berlin, .lan. a.Dr. lo.-^i.h Hubert Belakana died a; Honn yeaterday. .loseph tl'ib"r: Kelnkans, one of tha leaders of the "Old I'athoit.'" movement In Qermaay, araa born at Burtachled, Alx-la-CTbapelle, .March l, !tfl, atud- led tbeology ln ihe Unlveratty of Honn. entered the semlnary al <'oloi;ne in 1817, and waa ordaired a prleai In the rollowing year by the late Cardlnal v.m QetaaeL Afterward he returned tO Honn to contlnue his Btudtea, graduated as Portor of Dlvtn- Ity at Itunlch ln 1M9; settled a-. prlvate tutor at Breslau ln i\'.'.. was appolnted In iv.2 prea.-her on featlvata penltenttary at the cathedral and incum- hent of the Electoral ilapel; in IH.'.:', extraonlinary profeaaor of Church hlatory; ln IBT, ordlnary, and was rector of Hreslau nlversity, lStM-tiii. II" waa one of tha fourteen professors wh.. at Xurembnr/ protested a^ainst ihn Vattcan decreee tn Auguet, 1910. For this he was euapendtjd rrom h.s clerlcal functiona, and iu 1ST: ha was excommunl- cated by Blahop Forater, of Brealau. Dr. Relnkena becam- a promlnent leader of th" eo-called "..Id Cathollca," aml waa elected Blahop of tha Old Cathollca (the new aeel ln tba Vattcan Church) June 4. 1473, a; Cologne, ln a;. aaaembly conslat,ng of twenty-one j.ri. sts and Afty-etx laymen. The conaacratton ....ra-niony performed on Aimust 11 hy the Out.-h uld Koman Cathollc Blahop Hey- camp, of l teventer. l*r. ita'irik.-iis publlahed numeroua work* in Oer- man on the theological controveralea of the day, his advocacy belng for "unlty, not unlformlty," in the Chrlatlan churchea, and for religious lliv rather than relli-ious ceremontea. JOHN GEOROE COBORIFF. John Oeorge Coogrlff, who was for many yeara a r»>t iii .ildealer at Bank and Weet sts, dled al his horna No. 1X2 Bank-et, aear Waablngton-at., on Baturday, rrom atomaeh troui.:.- anl general deblllty Inctdent to "id aae, He was born In Roe* common County, Ireland, aeventy-tour years ago, and came to this clty wlth his parenta about llfty- flve yeara ago. About forty-flve y.-ars ago he ¦tarted ln tha .-oul bualneaa, from which he retlred three yeara ago. II" bulll the house in whlch he dled over forty rear* nx.,. when its nelgbborhood w a^ a fashlonab.e aectlon of the clty. Hla wlfa dled from h».art dlaeaae n Deeember St, al the ng" of alxty-four yeara They had only one child, a eon, who dled ln Infancy. The funeral wiil be heid at the Homan Cathollc Church of st. Francia Xavier, iu West Blxteenth-at.. at 10 a. m to-mor¬ row, Th* burial wlll t»- in the Jeraey Clty Ceme¬ tery. -.*>. .. JOHANNJ3H -\. HAU8TEDT. A. Hauatedt, Conaul Oeneral ot the Republlc "f llayti i.i tt':.- i-v. dled Baturday aftcr- i.ti at his bome, No. '"7 Madlaon-ave., after a Itngerlng lllneaa. He waa wldely known in Haytl. Mr Hauatedi was born in Btockhottu, Bwedea, in i-n. and vv.m t.. h.ivm when a young man. ln I8B2 he came to thla clty and eatabllahed the com¬ mlaalon houae ol Jlmenca, Hauatedi & Co., al No. i"i Pearl-at, l>urlng thi lasi revolutlon In Hayti be did much foi tuae of the Q >*. >rnment. iiis loyalty to Prealden Heppollt* was rewarded i.v hli appointmeni ai Conaul f. neral ln 1^'.'. Mi- Hauatedi ;. iv.- ,i wldow and one ehlld. Th» funeral, whlch wlll be prlvate, wlll be heM at Ihe houae lo-morroa The burial will be In Wood- lawi FATAL IIl>i: IX ILTOOXA. IMi. rKNTHAI. HOTEL AM' OTHER BUUaDINOfl II rtNEll "Mi "IliKMAN KII.I.KI' !.".-> |H. Altoona, Penn., Jan The moat atubbom and ilMtructlve ii" thal haa vlslted thla clty for many yeara broke oul ln the Central Hotel, a large -.\- Btor) brick ulldlng, In Elev. nth-ave., ahortly after i o'cloek thla mornlng Before the flamea were extlngulaheil one man losi hla llfe and four were i. one ol them bo: loi ily, y falllng wai and propert) lo the value oi 1140,0X1 had been conaumed, Th* man kliled was Frank n.nan, and Wtlllam Wareham waa badlj iri The ated ln lhe cellai oi tho hoi tl and -; ead va ,t'i alai n rapldlty. the gueata havlng barely tlme t.< eacape Bome win. dld nol hear tha flral alarm were com- pelled to fl.--- ,nto the atreeta In thelr nlghl clothlng, and othera were reacued trom the burnlng bulldlng i.v th- flremen, who carried them lown laddere. lt la belleved thal all eacaped, bui aeveral people who had regletered are mlaalng. lt I* probable thai they ,.. orilj Btopped for ih« nlghl and lefl lhe Ity on Ii ls also poaalble thal Ihey tnav have >..:i eremated The flamea apread s<. rapldly thai ti. ne of iti-- gueata aaved a partl. Ie of ther belong- rif The hotel was one ol ti-.. In the clty, an waa ob i.v -\ ib 7At k Th* largi three-atory brlrk bulldlng, .-upylng a hall I lo. la owned b> Oeorge Btrelt, eangl. rrom the hotel. and waa deatroyrd The Btreli bulld¬ lng ara* ¦. -upled by Rud 1*111 A Prutamai whole- sui" dealera in arooden and wlllowware; Beaani & llenneman, wholeaale grocera; John Chamberlaln, ., wholeaale dealer In general merchandtae; .). II. M "artney, and lhe I'nlon Tea Companj The weather wa* below aero. and a <tron»r wlnd blowing al lhe tlme. lt was onlj by the hardeal kind of work thal a general conflagration was ti\ erl. .1 S oo lal a :.' gl< ¦'' 1 ''"'. vv iii d. v. lop ¦ conatant Cotigh, ahortnea of breatb, falllng ¦trength, and waatlng of fleah, all aympl imatlc of ¦ome aerioua l.ung Affe tlon, wh h ma) be avolded or palllated by ualng ln tlme Di Jayne'a Expecto- rani The bea! Family Pill -la.-.i Painlea* Banattve. Iliin'o Fine r'ut-.tii m-«-. i:> ... . ar* ¦¦' hall '. - i.. ". .> l.lebla ronipinia's llitr.i.-l of llea-f. !:.-.¦¦rarl IOI -. ,r ,-!;.; ... ,| ... '. 1/ IRRIED. ¦;' l'FI*AXU n -¦¦... ". '".. ll .. p>, || vi >. || ¦, ;.. pavlal Uottl N'otlcea of marrlagea and deatha muat be In- dora vv. h full ami an iddreaa /.// D. it \ki;h ..- I. Henrlcti ghi - r ,i ,. |ate rnellua Baker. Ellaabelh. \. I. .. pa an.l f. nd« .". ln\lt*il all n,l ih' fun*ral on \\ n |aj ii » ¦'. at lu m.. fn.m tl di ,,,,. j |.. ni ahi ln .. ¦> Mi J n K N i; va.-t :¦:..' *. lr,i..iui.i.t hi tUhwav. N i h::.\i ll mi u,.it, ' IBBB, Alfred K !!.... h. lt, ,.,.... ..:; i: i-: attarmi th* iiin.i'il ....... Hofl ¦tn :i,.i:m.i :" ln-. rin.-i.i .11 Bll .1 III.AN. ill rnlna . .a la .. iH.iKIKK ti Januar bbi Ifl ln th* Trii w.n i.f hla ia< " 1 11 v> ¦¦.'. 11, ., .- betaa .-n Ml ind illh .> Bt 10 a January 7. wh. r* a mn hlgl .... r th. i..'i i". rep.* Int. rmeni In J. r**» :>¦ «-. il'RTNEV Un Thuraday. '"¦ '. l:' '' 1. ... m nl il - ¦' '.'ii id. Vd an>1 I.l. ai Jaugli f lha lal n und Mary II Du »»uj ..r l>hllad*lphl r... ¦., ,1 > ¦. m. ..- al I'.-i nn al ll. .,., .... ¦. Mr* n. 1.1 v ah. .1 n .v: ...... .,. .. .- 13 " k. Ti i!n l.-.v. 1 Orand IVntral .^in'i n 10:0.1 .i IS ind J .-' Int, rm*m a vv. ndlanda -n- n I li Januarj T, il ll Bll lock, |'ii:i: Sii.i.i.u;. Baturda) Januar) 4 K Kum ¦: r m. S'aiili ' funeral her. ift. OIlaLlHB Enu red U.i -: "' l"i "l" arlnt" I. Uilllaa, wldo* . v,.;'.¦.- .,r fiiin ral h< reafl UIL.L.I9B CntfTFd .1- Bi '. Janu.11 1. ith- ,,...- |. llllllM. va 1.1. .... rh inai 11 Ullll, Ii.ii.-t ii fi'.i'i Bl 1, n 1 i'hu .. N-va-V..!.. .,11 Tues- .ia Januar) 7, al il i.i- p. ". hi:ix;i-:s ai Kllaabeth, N ... Januan 5, IMW, ,..,..... aon nf rn- late Jbbicb E li.-ia-,.-. In hl. 13d a.'.ll |.'un*ral Januan a, IN*l, ... :: o'clooh t>. m late re. idence *ea Moi Klll ibeth, N :.';.vi-ii on Januar) Mi Inat., i*atherlne Learh, aged BO ,.... 1. r in ral aervloea bi Ih* M. E, 1'hurch Home. i'-l-t. and Amst»rdam-«v*., -. January 7. al 1 ."¦.' p m. Th* [loerd ..f Managera, :.i>-> tli* inemberB nf th« v,.. .1 Blr*. m.i ... t.iuvii ar* Ini Lt'l.'KKNBACK Buddenly, Januar; -'. IBaa, Plorenca N BIbmII, vaii- -r Bdgar V Ulcktnbark and daughter o( Kugen* .m.i ll.iy M BIbb*|1, B*r*d -- y-.m-. KuiipiuI 1- -rvi -:: al her lal* rraidence, 210 Bcrkelr) -. l.i.-iKiju. Monda) mirnlnt, Jaiiuar) f,. .,- 11 u'clock. Intrrmeal ai convHUenc* .-f famlly. Frimdi win kii.iiiv omH n « I.V....N Al liiini. va.,.1,1. \. .1. .11 Hnt'ininv rn«minir, Janu¬ ary J «t .li|.litl..'.-i... r.u.ii. ba»lov*d rhlld "f Edward H. nn.l Panal* n Lron. ii,t.ri:i.-iit prlvate, MKI.iiin'NY Buddenly, nf pneumonia .n Baturday, Jan¬ uan 4 Bllaabeth w UcElhlnay, foraMtiy of Ruadi- ^M.>r .n ^ I'tin.rui B*rvle*a al Ih* reeldeac* of her bro4h*r-ln-l*w, Jullua Behubert, 11^ Klghth- :.. Brooklyn, i:80 o'cloek. Monday ..a.iniiK M'LEOD Al ii..Idence. In thi.-. .-iiv. oa Frlday, Janu¬ ar) 1 leBg Mra Margam T McLboo, wMevt f ii'- i;..', br i.'tii. 11 Met..1 la Ih* BUth year -f berag*. Ri ...n.- .m.i rn*nd* -I ia* farolli are reapevtrully in- vlted to atland 1I1- fim.-iHl tr m th- I'..m Beformed Preabyterlan Church, IBth-et., WTbbi >'f Uiii-av.... aa TuMdai aftenwon »i I o'cloek, KhlladelphlB, PltlabBia i.'.-i Burnpaaa i'bi«t* plBaaa eopv- KtlAJOCK Knt-r. .1 int l-^t .! .Ia11111.1v :.. l'lHl. ChBr- ,-:, B Pollock, in th.- 7MM iMi .,f hat aae |-un.i.ii aervlcat* vain b* held .1 tha reaadaHic* "f h*r MMrr Mi> K. itairtlandt, "''7 Deaa-Bt., oa TaMaday, ,:, war) 7. .11 4::i.i p in Itii-rimnt prlvat* il PlBhklll, N. 1 r. lurhkeepsl* I'.'i" '- i'l''. "I'V gWAIM Oa IV.I..1. Januan ¦:. Caarlea F. .^"..m. la tb* taitli )..»r ..f lilia na- K..n.rHl M..i).1..a. Januar) H. al ¦*> P "' ttom IB* ra't-i .1-n.-^ >.r Ma eaagtrter, Mi». lt..i«m raater, .".«. .via-ipio- BL, U..-n.>n- Dii:n. TVN.l Oa Hun-lf.v. January 5. Elaanor Praamn. wlfe el -. it.ikiand Trag nnd daaghtsr .( tha lat* Haa. Walter P.nttoo, ..f Ablngdon, Va. No.ii'.. nf futi.if.l I.i :-;.ff. Virslnia BBd WBBl X'lrBt.iia pap-rs pleaaa iipv. VARET.Al her reaida-nc. 147 XV'eat ll.h-M on 8*tur. day. 1. Klalnn. daunhter of the lata l-avm Fi-.nrla .ind Tlif !!?!.. X'ar-t. Niita-F ef fllBfllBl h-ieaftrr. WADSWORTH Saturday. Januaia- I, o? pnetimonii. XX'M- l.m li. aYadaw ith. .iked .VI vear*. runeraJ Bervleaa at hia lat* realdence, 211. Macon-at., Bro. klyn, Monday eveninx. a. ta »viork. Il-lr.'iv.D. frlenda and memtieri" Ftiltnn I'oun^ll. Royal Artanun. and Azel tyslge 19% t. and A. ML, Invited to attend EIEOLBB ":i Ii'tiuarv 4. atK-r a l.rtg lllneaa. I.iuia g|B_l*r. ln aixty-s-acnth Vear. J-'fiiii-ral sarvtraa Bl hi. lata r-sldenr-e, _4 Kirat Place. Bfooklyn, on Monday, Januaiy ii. at s a'tk efe p. m. Intcrni-nt itiv;.. WOOOLAWal tBMMTBRT. Offlce, No, 2u K -3<l-at. Wood'awr. Slatl.n (2l!h VX'ardt. Ilail-m Rallroad. Sprciul Xotucs. "The K-lillilllon ls mie of the rlghta of lha *eaaoa, and shuuld en nn acCQBBl B* BflflBag." -Tlnif-a. "X puhlir ilaplay Ihat la not aton- inl.r-i.iine ... the cnnm'..*"ur and eottBCtor, but la>ortan. ua afTording ogportaatty to our pablk aweeaaaa.".-Tha sun. -Vt tho Aiiiericfin Art G;illorie«, _IAI'IS"N BQVAJUt SOI .11. 'To 1>*» Sold by A.I.>Koliitra piiMi.. i-.-.l.- T..-.MorroW (Tuwawtay) nnd fbllowlns ..aitoriioonat .T.iii. T, B. '.'. H > -iii'l 11. BU»d Xhur.-<l:i»r and /'"l-i.lay .ventngpa, .J.-m. ti .'.M.l io. the ooixacTtoM or \VM. M. CHASI',, X. A. Palntlngpe, Btudlo Appoii.t iik-uIs, Ilr__a> ;a-Hr:.<-. ('iiri..-, Aiatic|iu> F"_riii- tUMBj «"<>s>tuill«'.--, 'I'apest.-ies, Old WeapOtta Muci«-al laaa r-truma-ut.-, Mertal Work. .V UMIQUB. < OI.I.KCTIOX OF IHfOBR, fce- Am. MAV ()\ l'TiMM VI-BW. Tliis Day nnd Kv«-iiiiic THOMAB K KIRBT, Ai 'TK'N'EKR. AMEI'.I'AN ART AgBOClATlON, MAKAOBMk. fl Eaal '.'fll Bl M.ell.-.n H.iuar' ....Kifih *»eiiii«' «n Oalleaiaa. ;:.;'i riltk Av_, i.ur Bttb-at. n ii m i.- bi i i". F. M. 'ri,. lapeatrle* ar* ¦.( baaeilful BeBlgaa, and atui more . x | . ij of llm. baxiBg"4l m.llowed the lenea and brougtil ul ih- Unl* inti * ;.,vh .... - i.i in] ii ..¦ i- other |.e *a attraat .,....:.. ... ln ahoft, it ,,.,.... -i -. .. nll; ii ade bj .. man f mi h taati and lulrmenl. « .! plaea Ijr ph a i., i -': i!uni{».- N. T. Tlme*. Th* coilartton ha* ' "in f'vera ..; ihi aad qualni Mall and B_er«aa. Amoag H- iape*trl«* ar* bobm aotabl* «-sa'npi^« A ia k .-.ii. ii .1 ' of thi »i_t»< Biun ani t s,,.,.,,.ii workmarahli are ol (h ^ri aeaaga, I la p* b< aj \.r _u 1 rt_l \ _ AXTIQUS JAPANE8K AHMOIt, l-'.mi.i olderlww. IvilHes, ..M.l liroii/o*. ul.Ii si'AM.-H BKOCADK4, Church 1 If.i.f.i i.^;^ .ill.l \'«- .1 IIKMltH, Furnlturo, Palntlivfipa, :>n<l 'i^p«*ktT___| TIIK'TI.'N 0W AN AM.XTl-.l'K. ROBERT BOMBRUIaLB, ORTOIBg ¦ C4X. 4ttctioa«er. M»n».er». A moat aatatral und Mattna VloW perfataM la con*. .i.anic«i«i ..j laeaa, h*aa....hiif* and BUltoosry by raa.a.-il. Ma**. 1 A: ''" I .. l'ToK'iitiu.-, \ n)i.i:r oms 9*y*hafc* 1...1 U'aaay. .'.Tla itliaa-. ai. ; Vu; 4ii tba leadlag Bui >p*aa Bewapapera ind porlodlcalB foj aala i-> Tba lnl*rnatienai N-'-- ->.. ¦¦¦ ¦-. '.' -1"1 ¦ Duan«-al.. in* euat u! I'.-.i-Iah. N.w-Yora._ tlie- aolil. K«-p ». rni .* i'K .- V. ¦¦ " u':' *'¦'. .fi Bind, .:..-. i.KBl'.'K it: N- N k- -i"1 Huml Ava in s-.--.iu-. ¦._ l»o«toitiee Watlav. Pocwlgn mall* " " w,;: t*Mh " ' rKANBATLA.NTIi' MA1LH. T1-E8DAY XI 7 .. ei for Hi :... Iienmark. Norwag ,a-hr_u*nlai, s-. -.-.-..:... i'-"", »_k Kouihampten ..:..' Uremen il-tter* for otaw* parta ol ,. il .*/ ll xU t l> f' '' \v i ¦¦'.N1---I.XV At ... i.i. f r f.n .|-. per*. ¦ Hrltannlc. %\';; ',,';¦..... ., be .l.r.-'.rd "i-r Brltaa- , ,. .-i.i. in.. t .i Bi pe. ', ,, !..,.,. un Kuulhampton; al '.4 a ni. lor -, .,:,:.-., ilBtten BMBN O* i.. .- ..: N'.rti nnta"! ¦.' pai a. a. |_ A, -i.r.t.n., ii.i-.i- muai b* dlncted ,*r 3 f ..- .',..:.-. saan/rfland Hrtlahlodta ,-r |... i- .. -f '' !'"' '" '"' °'^____*Ii- rJ " a. "'..-. ,.,..,, .... dlreet*d per Maaadem .. . . Rlrur al- .ji I- :.' r ,1:,.. P«r Eihl !. af... ,., ...inn of th* *UPPl*m*BUn tr»n,u'*U"t!! *r* -. -.i.n. «"- | .' ... VMIiKf'X. XVl^T xinM.VV I <":'.. and M_U_I ' ^-¦"n1""'"' "! " '' * ... ,: r frim lt at»n .. ._ ,.. .:¦:.,..,. per Bteamer .,.'¦, -. - s ., ie Hen luda. ..' * - '.".>- "..",¦. '. ,;..:, :., T ta aa. I,,'.... v m iiba per .. *. ¦Y\u'\"<\'\\' "'v.Ni''' !";i."".iiti-!f"'"-." l" ft" *. m . (*r .' ... ii...,;. ,..i a. AlveM. 1'ii.i.av vt l»:30 .'.. in ('' Me».eo i--> ¦ - lUtiana ¦'.,.¦ muai !¦. dlrected :- H ibaa* al W ¦ ra. |. ,..,.,.;.¦ \ n .. m.l t¦¦> ''. nrai Amerlca lexcent .oala Rkal and H u;n I'acltl. porta. per a. a. Kltianee. via r..i .ii iletter* for Ouatei kla naal ¦ awaetei ;>«r ,,','v .i in ¦ m i- ¦..¦ i'l"''.' nt»ry UM a. ni fer .' ,' ,, ,,. ........ t .nd C-oeta Bloa. gae Iritrr* f»r other arl ot I. mMa mu'i b* ..r \..,...¦ al I''.' a m. for i'araia«lie. Chlapaa. r,...n>.... TUBpam and Vucata pe* -. a Vu.a- i- .. ilcitera for oih-i parl ( Ue*leo an f-r .-ub.> muat l'.." ..,r... ..... ,.... V.i .ie .,' I»J» l> »i .auppla- ,. >. I... ¦...,,., ..: .1 XVIii laa-,r.l lalanda. xi, :'.'.:,- ind Barbad per a t' abell. .>";.-.'* rrinldad *b.I T.I ibo mu*l l#d P«r ,,,..,,,.., .. i ,, m .... ,| ..i.i.:..i> I.-'' r in r.r Turka laland and (4an !' nilng.i, per a - Baglnaw; al -.,,,.. , ... IM , llreet. per b. « Ma.i,«4. Rl-VTiA. x. .:'. .. f .. Bluefleld*. per Hte,.ni-r fn.ia al "." p Bl. foi Bl PU .-. Ml |B_SBB. BSI gt*am*r fr m liniifuv. Vi:.. ,. N .-. | b rall lo Hi.iif.ix. a.d tii.aoe ba ataamer al thla offlce dall) i\l B:«U p. in. Mafla foi MI«u«lon. by r.el lo f. .-¦... i.nd thenea by ateam.r. ;,, mia .''I.- -....-'. M li fo* ''ui* '. ,-.. ut fll . d»lly ... 7 m .... fer (..rav.r.lin. l.y ,- ara aalllng M Thur*da>*l fron. Pert .-., at, for Me.tro. oaerland, unl,*s *p*rlalir .,,1,1,.'.| f,,i .',|.i.. I,h lay .-...nn.l rlOBB at thla ..(Tla:* .1:'" ¦"T '.i'lf.xNsl'.X.'lKI.' M.XII.S Mall* foi Auatralla ,.v-r '.'¦-' Aualrallal n»va-«i. «nd Klll lalanaU per ». ». tt_rrU.from VaaMMUX-eri. rtaaB ..!-,- Januan 4 aad up ... Jaauan B il p m Ma la for i*bli I." P ''' . V..r""? 1 |...... .,,. |..-r- dallr up to .I..n.,ara I. al ,-.:¦.;., ,.i Mall* Hawall per i - .x..-ralia .frora .. ].-,..,, ,.|,_. h-r. uo te January U al '.'.:', Ma'iia foi th H elet) laland* pei alup CMy o. Pbb-I if. !'¦ Ban rranclaco), cloa* her* .iaiiv >.p to om _7* Haakow (from Taa-omai ctoa* h*r* dallf up M '-.'. ,,; aja « «:*. p .... MaJI. for rhiM aa_ Japaa i only). per -- «. Bmpwa* of Jy'ua ' r ... Van uv. ¦- "'" <¦">¦"> "S__ BBBo m Mall. f-r A. tr* ¦'.' " - 'r *V*a* AaMtallT' whlch ar* fcrwarded vU fxw«p.). *.*£+ _ad Hawall 1-1 li and BamoaB Ulan.ia. per a. ». Marl- '.;, s.r, .-.i.n.l.s.... tktat here daily i.P to ,|.-,.a "l a. 'Ifi" P ¦ 10* .. arrlvul «t .Noav-Yor* '.- i-,.,,,.. Hi Hrl.t.l. "...I. f-r Aua.raha.. . l......r.d nall .-' Bl " !.. m pre.L.u. day. nagiawn ,, U!I KS fc daYTOM. PvaoaaaMB. PBBlofllce. N.nv-Vi.A. .lafi .1 laW- fieliflicna Xoticc*. raa MrrriNOB ... _._ vnr. * J__r________l W ¦. '. I'r.v.-r. III1.I.T the BUBDlOC* *f th* k_VA~-W_- xlllxNiT are t.. ha held a. 4 o'clock ..*..). va-^k- da*La«^- la' uV. -ABBLB OLLEOIATB ClIl'FtcJ Ml. aa-. nnd .Pth at. Tha aubjavt. an.l |aad. ra of t.ia .. "inaa are aa follow*: Moaday. January n -.llurnilla- Mon "nd Tl,a.,k^ivln«." Rev. WIl.l.I.XM T BABINR. D. I).. 1'lr.t Itefermcl EBlSCOpal I'hur.h Tui-aday. .. .Tii.- .-huni. I'ntveraal." K.-v. J. T. HK<kI.E\. I>. D. Church ef th* Eplphany; Wedneaday. * " and II, I,- l;:,l..a. Raa! llfcoROB ALBXANDKR. D. 1>.. l'n|.-..-»liv I'laca. Preabylerlaa Cburch; Thuraday. !»- "For- ..I... Mlaal na." Rev. XX ll.I.l x.XI II WARD, D. D.. MltM "New-Tork Indi'p-ii'lant ". Krldi.v. H' ¦..Home Sllaalona. II-. PBRDINAND C. lULBMART, r> I>. I'ark Aaeno* Maiieal'-t I'uu'di Baturday, 11 "l___llea and Sehoola." itra R WALPOLI xVAJUUDX, U. L>., Holy Trlnlty _«da- nata.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-01-06 [p 7].€¦ · diapo-ed to broob anj oppoaltlon from Brookly Nothlng muai be permltted to atand ln «p-«¦' legialatlon that wlll aUfl

Sep 26, 2020



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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-01-06 [p 7].€¦ · diapo-ed to broob anj oppoaltlon from Brookly Nothlng muai be permltted to atand ln «p-«¦' legialatlon that wlll aUfl



usn x'.xx I'VKi: AM> MM.x XlNi: BOTH RETIRE,A,, hKI'Im; TO AUREEMENT thi: LATTEH

SOT in' GOOD liK.xi.VH \\l> X DUALI'AST. 'i: .TE w'l-'.i

Sotlcc waa glven yeaterday for the Rm tlme r»-«> -.»

Ihe |Uii|'it <.! the BlicB I'l'shv t.-rian Cliuivh. Kilth-

Hae and Thlrly-aevenlh-at., of a congregatlonalmertlnji, IO be held on 15, to ennsider a

poaelblc change ln tln- paatoral relatlona. li waa


itnderstood by the congregatton thai both the Rev,j.-. Henry van Dyke and Jamea Hall Mcllvalne,hi paatora, hav.- glven In their reelgnatlona.

' soi.i. oi ihe offlcera of the church a Trlbune¦..;..ii t.i learned last nlghl the pai Iculara regard-lnn ibe church and Ihe reaaona why Dr?, Mc¬llvalne and Van Dyke aeni In thelr reBlgnatlona I".ri i>vh>. refuaed lo be aeen last nlght, owlng lo the

facl thal ln- had been Informed a ahorl tlme beforo...11-1 called at hla home of Ihe death of h.*

arlfe'? fath. i, Andrew Reld, ol Baltlmoresi:, the conaolldatlon ..: -., Church ..f Ihe

.nt nn :h.- Brlck Chui :>. u R*x Dr*M Ilvalne ani Van Dyke have been -¦.' itemlnlatera, Some tlme in laat November thported to lha aeaalon Ihal, In thelr opinlon, aftera ,w,i ye.ns' trial, ;i dual paatorat. .va* nol forIhe baat Intereata of .a chureh; tha! muchir.:i; waa dupllcat. I an thal whi:. .. dual im


t. rate had ta* neceaaary lo effeci ti-- unlon ofthe 'hurches. It waa nol advlaable aa a permaneniartmngameni. When ihe unlon of lh. ehur. n

took pla.-.- both paatora who havi been old frleifmm Ibelr college daya agreed ani ao reported to;heir people that if --ithei reaigned h.ili shou; doso in order to relleve th* chureh ol any poaalbla mt.nrrassment.Havlng agre.d that the aaork of the chureh would

be better ayatematlaed under on* j.hsi ir. they h ithpreaented their reelgnatlona to thi aeaalon. Thi*boiiv conferred with th<- mlnlatera and eontthe aubject for ¦ month or more an ha* alled themeetlng of Ihe congregatlon for Januarj 13sider tne rtalgnatlona and lo ad upon ihem Inwhatever «*»v ihe congregatlon .-ahall deem I""-

A aeaalon in th.- Preabyterlan Church ha* no powerto call a paator or dlaaolve the paal ral r.-latl nThi> muai be d m. bj th. ...

peetexl ihat th* Beea lon wlll make reporl wlthreoommendationa, and itia; al the meetlna Ihe tva..

mlnlater* wd! explaln to th. church the :.

whlch hav- led them both to thelr preeenlcluslona.

It ln said by frlenda ot Dr, Mcllvalne tbal heha* been aomewhat run down, havlng had no longvacation alnce acceptlng the call to the Church o!tho Covenant and he I* eontemplatlng .. trlpto the Eaal In Eebruary if rh* congregatlon ac-

ceptfl bla reatgnatlon, or, a* I* nol Improbable, thea-_ngregation vot« him a !a_v~ ..f abaence

1HF. ORE 17/ /,' WH YORK BILL.

MR. LEXOW To LA- IT BEFORE THE BENATEnacvaaiNa the i'rg_.'_«"t& here itb


Thera was conalderabli ca 4na on ¦.---

terday about the Flfth xv ... Hotel and Republl¬can Btata heatkniartera, whlch waa underato.relate parllcularly to thc Oreatei New-Tork blli,whlch Benator Clarenee Leao- .- to Introduee on

Wednaaday neat at Albany Benator HobartKrurn. tha new Republlcan repreaenuttva ol Ihegcbohiuie Dlatrlct; Benator John Ralnei A. B.Hoaidmaii, counael for th. Rapld Tranalt Commii*!on; Mward Lauterba b, and C. \v Ha l"talite.1" witii ..rn- another and * th T, C, Platl f<>.

Keveral hour.-. and " araa underatood laat nlght thaltba leglalatlcn relating to tha Oreatei New-Torkhad been '-Bttk d."

It l» to oiigtnat* in thc Benate and when Mr._e_a*a !->'« tha phui before thai body after the

t-ommitteee bave been announccd this week, it wlll,.H in the form ol a reaolutloii for jolnl aetlon, re-

ferrlna '-1"' preparatlon of the blll to the BenateCommlttee on Cltlea Tbe commlttee wlll be am-

powered to call to us ald lawyera ol note and ac-

cuatomed to charae large feea. The blll rontem-

plated yeaterday to canaoJItUta the cltlea ln the new

munlclpollty, I* to b* a Berlee ot bllla each havln.

capeclal reference lo one.... cltlea oi corpora-,i.ns to be w.-id.-'i together Bald one of ihe cltl-

sen* who .k paul la yeetenlay'a eonference*"The dav of chartera ha- gona b) No charter

win be drafted for the Oreatei Ni * v"» »*__,1.',",J*"legialatlon enacted to applv to vartjua.*^".$}nwlll merge th* muntcina l,nU. . ',,,,,,'..and with less in. tlon than wouw reaull from i "

maklng of a charter The plan devlaed la ... bebroader ln acope and leaa Pun_M"omeNona of lh* laborera .... thi acheme youWiBByahethai ... noi the plan was io aboilah the .<.- n

i Hoard of New-York <-. to atr ke ror a

taUment of Ihe powera of Mayor b"""^'.",l.'' ^,ae- mderatood to be Ihe deefre. un.eaa Mr. I latia..l his- compatriota are brought to a atandattll bj

ih__a0nc4_ro> whlch Oovernor Morton mnvaA ;«i- ¦»

Mr. PUU aome llrae ago "thal there muai be no

.tomahawk legialatlon' thla winter . «f ''"' apply t.. tha Oreatei N. w-York blll, aa well as io

othei mattera of rnomenl ,Th.- Mntiment aboul Btate h *am larti Ib n '

diapo-ed to broob anj oppoaltlon from BrooklyNothlng muai be permltted to atand ln «p- «¦'

legialatlon that wlll aUfl d.-,.att.m nt- t -r t

.reat.-r munl.-ipainy. whlle they canplaced ln the care and keeplng of the i. a< »'¦'.'.Benator Oi irge R, Malby. of Bl l.t.wre¦¦;- Cou

li alated for the chalrmaaahlp of thi ' ;'"m.''',..,n Oeneral and ABBemblyman tbam

fAlld*. of ChenanKo County. la 10 be -halrmantha Eaclae Commlttae In the Aaaemoiy

Th.- Antl-Machlne Benatoia of tWa clty. wu ra

I'avey and Ford, have been flnally ruled on ui.

. 'oinmliiee on Cltlea, and Benatoi i ha.l.-s \ *».

whom Mr. Plan preaaed for ibe pla» .»iu m to Ineldi authorlty on ina v"".i ¦¦

..ji yeaterday. , ... i,¦¦<__«Tt.; api^lntmeiii bv the Opvernor of two Juiiiw"

of h* lupreme CouH haa been aettled upon. Wa-,ri.-t.Attor,,ev Woodward, of «'ha..ta.jui a .¦.;' ;¦- io bave the racancy on tha sai.teme nem

ih* VIMth Jud'-iai Dlatrlct. and Fran« H. i

,,ek, Bf Brracuaa, naphaw of ex-Seiiaim i Kj_ ... be the racceaeor of Jtidge Vann ","" ',..,!.ludpe of th< t'ourt of AptMala t<> aucceeo ..,. b


FVB aWM VANDBMMILrB'WBDDIxa.I. wbk -aid vrst.-r.iav^that tlie murriaKe of MrB.

VV K. Variderbilt ar.d Hliver II. P. BeMBOnt WOUldl.robab.v lake i.laee ihis we. k NaMM of iin- m«'»-

her* of the Vanderbllt famlly In.s been isnaaulteov .Xlrx W. K. Vaii'l.rbilt .euardlni, her tnariiaK'OM member of tbe Vai.d. tbllt famlly. ln Hi.-nklnu'f ihe matter. said: "Wfl kn.,va nothlng. Mr*. AlvaVanderbllt is |.raotleally n woman wlthoui » fam¬

lly 8ho doea not bave an.v . o-fiiiiunuiation witbker oxvn famllj. ti.e Sr.ntl.s, and B_8 ba* no com-

miinli-ation with the f.(rilliy .r Wllliam K Tlbill.

.' iiL'ht. > ,.r \i,t ii ..'" 'iai "'"ii.'ikii. tri"

i i, ,¦ » A'I.a v»nderbllt, I* now in Europei, L-i,V.. a. mV ,,rV v»nderblli Intenda to >.,-,,n-1 ii.iut.hter whlle on her weddlng journey



Oeorge i.iw. tii- well-known atreei ra:ur.j,i man,l« dangei >usly 11 ] at the Oerard, Weal Forty-fourth-at.. between Bdxth-ave and Broadway. His cendl-,1"" i: regarded a- so aerioua ihat even IntimateMemla ar.- nol allowed to aee him. and detlnlte ln-rormatlon ..- the nature <>r his lllnesa .-..uii nol beobtalned laat nlghl Mr. Law la i wealthy was im ni. r i\ prealdenl of tiio Elghth and Nlnthavenue rallroada tn tlils .-ity. anl is connected with0,n« enterprlaea. H. haa been a well-known ftgureui New-York tor yeara, and many are the alorieatold aboul tiis prodlgal ependlng ..f monej ll" i-.1 atriklng looklng man, be'.ng alx f.-,-: tall, portlvan.l broad-shouldered, with halr and mustache.strcaked with gray. !(. la ;i graduate of Columbla< oll. <. After hla graduntion his fjther took himlnto bualneari and gavi- him a protractafd tralnln.1in the management ..f Btrcel rallroad llnea. il- hasIncroaaed the large fortune lefl him I.v hla father.On Beptember :'.".. 18M, Mr Law married Mrs. OlgaBtnlih, of this clty.

? -

tbe 11 \i:/.i. /:/. i \ C0MMI88I0X.


Frederlc R, Couderl returned late nn Baturdayfrom attendlng the flral meetlng of lhe Veneauelan'' 'tiiinissi.,11 ai Waahlngton.When ......i veeierday In hl* llbrary oy a Trlbune

reporter, Mr, Couderl aald: "Of courae, ae a

pliahed nothlng at .mr flral meetlni except in theway ..r organlaatlon. Mr. Whlte expecta t" be a' n. xi meetlng, whlch wlll occur next Baturday.We have, ol .¦...ns... t,, chooae a number ..f mlnoroffleera. Tii.. chol.f a clerk for tbe Commlaalonls rathei a perplexlng matter. We have a largonumbei of appll anta f.>r ihat offlce, Includlng manyexcellenl an.l experienced gentlemen Inaamui ..

man) nf the orlgtaal documenta to whi.-h ae ahallbave a" eaa .ir.- in Bpanlah and Dutch, i' la pnabli other thlnga belng rqual, tha' the clerh olCommlaalon ahould be a llngulai"Durlng t .mtng w-.-k Juatice Brewer ia t..

lin.i permanen) quarter* f".- u*, bul b* he has a

full dockel of casea ani a* we are nol ye! fully or¬

ganlaed, w, ihal! pi ibably noi really f*"t t.. b .!.be:,.;-.. iii.- flral "( Februarj,.¦How long w lll u take ua to gel al the fa. ta? Ih,

I cannoi aay; bul i: wlll mrely take three or fouimontha. do nol antlclpate havlng to go to Vene-zuela, although it ls poaalble that we majobllged lo ... ao The member* of tha Commlaalon

.1 surveyora There is no need foi them t"do that sort of work. Wi an- etmply to a;-1., ror la. and tn tbat, al ould thlnk, Bpatn an ii"ia:..i would assist ua, and even England, <.!'!if offlclally.

"I proteal agalnai the Idea held by aome lhai th*Commlaalon i* hoatlle to Oreal Brltaln. "... li

n may Juatify Oreal Brltaln. Our buslnea* liio gel at the racts, arhatever they are and wlIhey may draw th" llne. The I'nlted Btate* ha*nothlng io galn In thla affair excepi th.

,¦ .-¦

When aaked whal he though 1 of tl- Btatemenlmade i.v .. London paper to :)i- efferl lhai h.nol i" have accepted a place on the Commisaioiiafter havlng referred lo England aa a "bully,!. ri *al..That ls an old charge ll !". * nol '¦

.-, .-' .. Btatemenl bui '¦:¦. "

pacltat. a man from r. :. I. ina: an Impai .;.¦.

meni on an hlstorlcal qu. al lon

lll I I.i: FlOETIXtl I- ii /¦' I


1-XAOtlKH V! ij

l'i ,;., I. i;..- ia, J rn Kei ¦. n

ooncernlng :h" rebelllon, acrordlng :¦¦ Ihe crew ..'

¦¦,..; Johan Bvei li up, whld irrlve.lhere yeaterda) fr ...i Oobara, are nn h rxaggei it.i. ¦. h i.v ii..- ¦; wei nmeni an bj II .. pa n .1 b>-b-

pathlxera. Thi blg Itghia arhl ar* proml*. andexpected between the contendlng armlea aeldomoccur. and arhen they do the loaa la trtfllng Therettela are nol dolna much "pen flghtlng, and thejdon't Intend to 11 they can poai bl) avolThe leading general* belleve thal lhe deatri

of augai plantattone, the tearing up of ralar.d Ihe cloaing ol bualm ¦ t -. iblreturn large revenue* lo th- Bpanlah Ooverni ¦.

ar* tl" moal effeetlvi method* ot crippling lhehome Qovei nmeni

ln Boutheaatern Cuba people are Aocklng '" theai ..f ihi Inaurgent* Hartotomaao klosBO, aon olth* vloe-preetdenl "'. th. Provlslonal tk>vermm*ihai aucceeded In landlng the lat.-*. expedltion ¦. n

Mora Bay ll numbi-red aboul »*J n..-n with armiand two fleld plec. He mai .ed arlth ll to ll1-! ,-. in< ol Bantl igo Cuba and lltiwas encounten I. a* lhe Bpanlah comman I* » ilhad fortlfled lhai lei rltorj 1 ad R.n tlii ,- .,: n ..,.,:. I..... 'i'l" am| oa

The memb ri of lhe cre* aal thai a daythe ve*a< I'a from Hlbara anhad landed In Trlnldad, ea*i ol cienfueg. * wlthmen arms an i ammunlil. :¦ It ran the gaurith« Spanlal nnboat* :. roun llng ihi *o il

;, ...... Bome of th men w. reM,i. ..: and ited tl at they were a partoi .. inii.t.M organlaatlon of Ban Francl* ., ....

which had off. real it* *ei vloea to Cuba ab >ul elghl«..'ks ago


WATERBt i?l IXDBR 1 VI?H' CHARTER.Waterbury, Conn., Jan i The ni vv Waterbury

charter whlch paaaed the laal Oeneral Assembl*wlll go Into effecl at ml. Ight, a h< n the who

,,i of munlclpal government wlll be radtcallychanged The clty wlll be dlvlded Into flve wardaInatead of four aa heretofore The Common Coun¬cll wlll be roduced to one legl latlve bodj ol flfteenAldermen Ihe Street, Bewer, Water and Engineer¬lng department* v il h.laolidated indeiBoard ol Publlc Work*; the Fln and Pollce ilepart-mvnt* wlll i.> inder lhe Board ... Publlc Baf. t) and,i... r,n a othi r board* wlll be Iho ol ni .¦ un

The Uavor wlll appolm all Commlsaloneribui th" Aldi rm. n wlll hav. onflrmatoi) pow.Th. new government wlll he Inaugurafed lo morrowevening The HepuMlcan majorlty of lhe IJoard olAlderufen hav- named \\ L Hall for presldeni andI p Kellogg for City Attorne) rhe Mayor wlll read_'.. ,,.,.. mesaage and make hl* appolntments,aarhich a" *0 I'a t.tili l.ov. n Al lhe Mav.i ls a

,,,.,.;...,, and Ihi Boai li Republlcan, 1 Ib ex-

nectcd thal thc conrtrmatlon of the appolntmenwill meet wlth conBlderable opposltlon Owlng toa tiaw in the electlon lhe aeati ol twelve oi the flf-t.-.-n Aldermen may be conteeted



From The B aton \ Iv. rtb*Th* .¦, ntraai between the apeech deliv. red

john Bherman In th* I'nlt-d Btale* s.-nat- .... .

lal altuatlon, .... the rie hand. and 1 re»l leni,. ¦., tn of the *ame ipplc

an, iai and hla *I>erlal measage an .- ."...

.... r p0ri on th* other hand, !« llke th. ..."

,,.,.. between Bunahln* and fog. On Ih. oni hand,. .... rien abundani knowl* Ig. in rs

^rceptlons; .... ihe other hand ar. vagtu,,..( aelf-contradlcton aaaertlona.

i.acK OF kk\ i:\ri: thi: rnoi'BLE,From Tha Albany Bv. nlng Journai.Benator John Bherman. of "i.i". ably and

claely Btated lhe cause of lhe preaenl flnanclal dlf-II, :|. .aii^n hi sai I thai Ii reault* rrom a la.k

and lhai the gold reaerv* ha« beenM i. '. nol to pay for lhe n di mptlon o th,jgreen-,,, k, ,,., r, thc purpoae ... paylng he OovernmVnt'a expensc* Thli li lhe RepuBll an ob en-


From The Buffalo Expri w.

Benator Bherman la a thorough protectloniBi il

l. hl* atiach on thi Wllaon Ua and d. '.¦...¦ o

\i Klnley there waa nol one woi ol,.,, ,, the Wllaon Uw arere an ad.. measure, there is nol a arorl whlch ha

would dtamlsa hla argumenl aa partlsan conalderthat fact

\ BMARP ARRAIOXHKNT.|... ,,,, The Pltteburg Commerclal QaaetliBenator Bherman'a apeech on the Treaaury de

ilclency its nauae and Ita remedy. wa* a sharp-.;,.. tn ..' Mr '.. v. ind n venue an .n

ffifSucv? Ha tra. outapoken In h.s deehintkm,". -congreaa would ..... *uppori th- pollcy out-

llnad by tne Prealdenl and eapeclallj that relatlngl, iho irr.

ITI.I.V Afl U'DIJ. IXFORMEDl.-,,..n The Halti.n- i" 11. ral I.

Mr Bherman has apenl mani yeara Iii ",/rlf»*'i i. ,-.-,, in ted an authorlt) on flnanci He haa.

; :;v.,,... si. .....,,..... leasi aa well inform* l on ll a* tha Presi-

T,, When therefore, be aaaerta lhai "¦. ¦'

''"". of revenue la reaponerble for our currencj

'¦'¦"a'"'.' ,,,... II mav be aaaumed Ihat he *P«ak.embarraBameni. >¦

j ig entltled toS'Ucn.tfent^^aMr' SaoUS ... malat-liing tbe .-"..'¦.'¦.


Kn,,\r,;S,';.rcatYo'nn,;:;'.,!av... ..*..-

---- ^rfe^tear^o'ine beft'.u!lh« *":ii"° .rr ,f ,-1u,;".f polltlclan. bui?"»¦¦..«* ,..¦¦... ln endi i\ rlng to al. greatercuta a. K« than »:atesmen llke 8 natoi BbeiflnancU wladom h \ , .,.,. emin* reao-man ln Ma P'«WJ JJ» ,..,,, pyadlcate dealalutlon decuring *«»" Qt u Btump gpeaker. not

[1,^" ,,;,; clear-Iiead.d Senator.




KI.MIM.-. i:\.-i.s i,. liis ii:sY VWIT TO THg



NEXT FRIDAY AXD BATURDAYAmong tne uiBengei. on tb* C'uiuuder Btrurta

who vv.-:. landed al New-York yeaterday after¬noon, waa M, Emile Bauret, thc vlollnlat. Thlais hla Ilrst v isit ;.. X:. ... *lm .. IITJ Ib- alpreeenl occupiea one of the hlgbeal pald place* ...

the klnd In Burope, a* head profeaeor al RoyalA -i i.-niy In London.

.xi. Bauret'B tour iri tnla rountrj l« to be under.; .. management ..f Meaara. Johnaton r. ArthuiTie- flrai concerta will be with ihe PhllharmonlcBoclety, .;' New-York, on Krlday aftern.i andBaturday evenlng .if Carnegle Mus.c Hall. Tb*trlp arrang. :..i M Baurei Inc'.udea Boaton, Buf¬falo, Detrolt, 'i.-v. an i. i' nclnnatl, Toledo, Chlca-go, M i-.v,.nk.-.-, Si. Paul, MlnneapoHa, Bl, Plttaburg, Waahlngbon, Baltlmore,Philade.phia and New-Y ..i.

M S X! RKT.x Ti Ihune ¦- ili* >e*terda> afterm

Ihe Hotel Ui >ble, Bevenl ind Flfl .¦ *x

.nth-nt.. wh*r< vi SaureiV .;

I... ilM ;...

artiller; r NaI........ii .','.. fatl v.

-i .'..¦ ..ii.i p| i\ .. .¦ m on ...-

!>... ..; 1 >i; |. I: 11. ...

gaurei ......


i mu

Into mj ..¦!.. av



ila-Mlr.flfl!.- ... \.

i p tii Al

I'attl. M_rt<> and IIft .,...-¦.


experl ..

am gladnearl) a ' am aKn ii'limail-'r.t ii '..\. of llliei - -...

I'nli I Blau red a i .-"!.. At; . 4waa nol'7i> an "r; I a.t¦

ln >-.. ir area t t-itj 11 .« . vv v.r

~;.i\.... n


I d. >fin'.'¦.


IWUl.atIII. an.l lnt....-.-¦ i-

.i ;:. B in

WOOI. UAXI FACTI Hl /.' /" Ull !

Boaton, Jan nol hi Na tlonal A 11 n of Wo.Wlll be hei al the r.i k< Houae ln llo lon onvx *dn. i¦¦ nif.¦! :,. ..;.. lai larj ..' :..'..

ihe *li Ilon of oflleievenlng al lh. aame hotel v. I] o. ui ihe annualbanque) ol the w. ol man il n lun ra, ihe aft. dlnner *i.-hi ai av hl. h wlll Informall;ti.e lo»e ..f the rl i-cni .-¦¦ ..t a.

Ina b machlnei y in the I'nli Blat.propi latelj Ihe o|m .;, ad ... . kvlil be n ad.Ho noi Uf. .. art, ..I 11 ¦¦ ..!.¦ land, Brlm * ..Ibe li. -. man ...... :,,. .¦¦. Ineate Ihe .:,,!.maehlne manufa. tme. .¦; w....i ln i ry, alIhe nVhoiheld mlll In H) Held, in ihe own i.l Newburyporl, Ma* ln l. M He wlll be follow.Colonel All ¦.! Ih* Home Mai k<who wlll preaent aome of tbe resuli ..... h'liidre.j)..... - ol |n otei '.. ii in Itili and ..i fii Ind.ilOther apeakt-r* will pr. t.' ".!..! pha-...,,.- tonle

mi; 'Ili II. i \D'8 I l\ l \CI ll. i^t UF.Ml

BOMK i:mll.isil CRJTICIBMBI' Th.- l/ondon Rlandard, I .. ml

it ;s nol "i much u '«. polnl "'.t tn ihe .xn..people thal Ihen onl] one ire f..i thi llnanclalml*. h . -.- "i whleli ile j are Ihe vletlm* in hom ueconom) li thi adininlatrailon ..i ihelr NatlonalHri.ii. Thal |u*t what thej w;il not get, for Mr'i... idaiei. i.< h<- t,. ..-I.i «.f in- |...u. lii not nowpowerful. bul men Iv tl" head .,i a h aten part] .. tlii. eaec-ule ihe funeilona ..t governmenl liefore .i

hn Hli legl dai un nei dai tn deal wlth Ihetlacal evll* "I' lh. Htate, rxcepl In thi vaguesl ulgei.eralii n-. III* nentiment* wen alwajemlnently r< Bpectable yel Tammanj Hall fl nl.New-York The cure for llnanclal iin-uundin .¦

.i ... i.<.. .i ..,,,.<...... .i .. .i.augK< '¦ 'I al III.s li

ip i.i- "I .I'l'- I, ii nd il.-f'lit.his def.iaif.i !... ROW I* m.l fi ut.- .il all, bul ne tt 1}.. palliatlv*

A I'.X'I'l his API'EALI'i,.i.i Tbe I.i.ii.Iii.i (llobe, DecemtxTh.- fatuou appeal lo I .ngremi to help h m oul ol

hla aelf-creatvd dttfkultli. I, imt llkel) to rieveland'* reoutatlun ai .. Ilnancler wlth bun-ss pi ople in Ihe mi. .1 Btate*

xviiv GOLD GOEfl ABROADProm Tbe London Btandard, l>eoember ti.When tln barrlen ". McKlnleylam wen partlally

demollBheil, good* ruahed in from abroad '" Ml upIhe emptj -1...¦ -i in the homa market* of the Re¬public. Our woollen ininufactun-r*, in |»ariicular,i,.-ii.dif.-d l.v thi* change, a^. ihe trade and navlga-tlon return* of the I'nlted Klngdom ver) elearh ex-hlbit. Foi tln .-'. \.nths ni 1*33 f...- whleh wehave the tln irea, ihe I'nlted Btatea have takennearl) .x mlllioni Bterllng worth <>f wo-jllen andw«r:-te.i tiBBueB from ua, a* compan. wllh leaa lhana and :. half* worth laai yeai and nol m u-hmme 11,..i> twu ai..i a qiiartei mllllona' worlh iheyeai before. A gap prouueed b) the long Biiflpen ..

i.i th. larlff queatlon hnd to Ix tllled up, and theenlarged maiki-i opened b) th* redueed tarlff furth' rliu-n a. .-I 11. buj li I To leaa exteni lh.phenomena were dlacernlbb.' elaewhere, and thebroad *-.¦ neral reaull vaa* that, al the very tlme whenthe State* were nraAlna the market a for thelr own

prodocttona restrlcted or unprofltable abroad, Ihey¦aa forelgn gooda uourlna in upon ihem ln aimentlna aolumi Thej therefore had more to pajand less fi. recetve, and. aa they alao owed a k"-1'deal ol moiey abroad, Ihelr forelgn exehang* mar-kei I..-. ame perroanently adverec Hhlpm. nt* "fKnid in Eurepe wen aoon tbe order of the da) to_ch an exteni thal tbe Oovernmenl et Mr Cleve¬

land has had io Intervene ihree tlme* wlthln twoyeara by silliiiu bonda, In oto replenlah Ihe atoek «.f gold ln the public Treaa-i:r

HIM IRI Rl>H BRITOX8.~rom The Chleago Ttmee-Herald.Lord BallBltury ahould h.- laformed ihal ln level-

Imjf Wllllam Wataon and Morrlaal a liienui.,natlon h* ¦¦. «i'pr.'.i hins' dangeroual) near an aciof war Indeed, he ma) Iw vlolatlna th* Oenevaronventlon There !.- *omel Ina In that documenl¦ii.,,it ruel an bai hai iub m. of warl ire.

. ioo earli talk eboui reprUmU. bul no on*

,. ...,, ;,. length i arhlch deapcratlon may drlvaa MODle W- va.nfi th* i.n.h-.i G lvernmenl th«i

although )f ma) hav* four batlle-shlpa lo our one

tre hava aa many bad poetfl aa aay natloti ln "

avorl.l x.,d bv lh* Bhade uf tha iwaei Btnger of

Mlcfclgan, we're prefated t, usc thcui. laa



IT v. im. 111; wiTHiN THE UIH.K U.XMIK OROrN'DB


AXIl COM V g M1 BUT M A N N has been learned that tbe 7th Reglment liifl-

Cluh aaiii erecl a flne clubhoocfl at Craedmoor, Theplana ave already been drawn and the papera hav.been ai nl to Albany for the approval of th. mllltaryauthorltlea iheae. IVhen Oeneral Porter was allveIhe club Waa Informed tbat land WOUld he glven Iton whlch id i.niid the inside tln- range.but after liis death there vvas a bltch and thematter av .s dropped for a tlme. The club then con-ii.i. d tn purchaae ground outalde the range und

began negotiatlona tn carry out 11sa project.Oeneral Benjamln M. Whltlock, Inapector-Oeneral?.f Rlfle Practlce, then heard <.f the Intentlon r.f theIth'a rlfle club aml Informed Colonel Applaton thatthere waa no neceaalty to bu> ground outalde ot tberangi. aa there was plenty Inalde for auch a laudableundertaklng. Tha rlfle club had ¦ conalderableBum ui money In Ita treaaury and loal no tlme lnperfectlng Ita plana. -\n the preparattona fur theercctlon of the clubbouae have now been madeand work will be begun on the atru. ture us aoon as

th" plan.-. nnd Bpeciflcatlonfl hax been approved at

Albany, Oeneral Whltloek loW tbe club that itcould bave all the ground tt wanted, aml it la theIntentlon of the projector* t.> make the clubhouaean ornamenl to the beautlful ranxe.

It wlll be bulll ..ii generoua prindplea, bo aa to

afford ample aecommodatlona for the membera ofiin- 7ti, Reglmeni when al Creedmoor. There wlllbe flnely furnlahed clubrooma, ani Bleeplng quarterafor the markamen, when it is adrlaable to keep theteama ..ver night al the range, and alao a kltchenlitted vvith all tiie ni lessary utenalla, *n that the

ipanta of the houae caa be aultably fed,The bulldlng wlll be lurrounded by wide verandaa,

i. Ib propoaed to have the clubhoua.impleted bpthe tlme the summer riti'- practlce al lha rangei. gin*The offlcera of the Tth Reglmeni Rlfle Club nrr

ilonel i'i.i'..-i Appleton, prealdent; Major A. W,Conover, ftral \ prealdent; \v. B, Coughtry, aec¬

ond vlce-prealdent; Corporal Alexander Btevena,Becretary; Corporal E C Roblnaon, treaaurer;Executive Commlttee, Captaln W H. Palmer, i.It. r. x-.Hl¦¦.«: Corporal T J. Conroy, Corporal F.x\ t'erklna, Berseaiil O M Beach, Jr., LleutenaniR m Prlvate w. N Bavler, Corporal E. W.l.m rastei. .mi I-' n .'i.-.ik Corporal T. n.

Taylor. Klrel Bergeanl P. .1 Whlte, Bergeanl 'J. M.'ai noAi.ii Ihe clever markamen of thi reglmeni

ih... ie who take b llveller Intereai ln the... th m do M.i ie- .). «'. Abram Capi Un 0 \\

i.i. uti nani .1 B Holland. 1 hi »e experlharpBhooter* and mark»men have nuallfled utlve yeai and ar. Iui) credlted

rcmarkable performan e In th* reglment' pumphlei ol ihe work ai Creedmoor lastft'hl.h ha ibi i"i fi publlahi rt.

Companj F eommai led by (!ap!*ln Rand, liasrll ite |. lai ror the h gh< al

inerii m thi i-'ir.-t Brlga liThe 7th ha* al*. declded to apend Ih* lum of

a -. .... | lu !.i<».. m ;i, Itfl ha:. flli |b n .-v nttlng up new quartera for its

lllinri whleh wlll b* m red from the flrst to therhe ii'-.v III .¦ wlll bi ii. wh ii I* now

... ihe i.... .|uei ro :n Th. many a< qulalire .natantlj *lna made io

-...nv make larxei an.l more *pa. ou* quar-Immi on the ompletlon of

..aii! f.. be* .¦ n luh-v the ot lei Impi ment* onti mp! ite.p'.ta ro f.. .ii wh rh 12,.I wtll be exin n led.

.,-. -i ..iini t>rov<

..... rerentl) l» en nm| leldl la a.... rnom. In whlch enough provtalon* i-an

.¦ -. ..!. nt foi .. m .nth lf I* n. xttl. admlratlon of all

-. ine ..' Ihemoi .. thi iari*i

Ihe gi ioo ial aaldenaln .ntran.-i The work ¦' ntl ng ll up

bv Herti Hrother*. II haa..-.¦ lt* appolnt-

mllltar) men,i tnlred

oli Bi' .Rl H AT THE "TH'B ARMORY-i. v XNI> l'1'l''ATK M Vi'. HEH I1. .Nl SSTKI

Mr .iv. i\i l: is gl XLIKIKHTl,. mai kamen of lh. *th Regt-

irmory on Satui 1 iv |iract. .ind '.li- ¦.

. Tl al h;n iteh an ih* dup

.-,-.,-. quallfl. bi m irkamen.Kand ind 'ori ral I. I, f'lark. if «' m

m .'. h, w re th... and thelr *hooilng *.«- ..f


.- | . proa* Twoi- ..... XII havlng lh*

. ..

f-'.u iti.g. I..a ni

.. II '.4HBa".i .¦.

.tf-i "i

irk. .'¦>. K .-'

¦; he i| ipll< al mat< h >pen to team "i two mmpany, onl) one

,.,; h. II ;.. ., ii-!.... i* man >. ven ahots,,,:.. I',. entrle* Thal 'r.

....,-..,na of ialmen uf each l< am, *hol... |arge*l ki or* ¦" va,:,

\ || ii -.,ii.- in .... I. -¦.,«. «in not rount us

»on 'ti. i. i-- ¦-./. ea. h. .fi Idi Intoiu., ii ..¦ pai' Th. pi Ixe m Innei ln the order.,! ne nt wen

'. iu;.t'.-n-l


iiI. v. |_n.


.| hli fi men qual fl* I a* bi ¦¦'. r*, In lh*',. ,\ ing oi li

>f.n l'r»ll*. T Ial,: || .i ,x ii .;.'"

i. i: ... ..'.f

ill.Utrud . .'!¦ :m.;:.IV.. r'. Nli.T

,,..!,.,..:...- .anI. ft .»_ IV HM

V |vi..- ... _|

vi M . .. i,,i ii xi xip.n, '' 83

-.. Iii.h.i I, ll :il... ,. r :.>. '.I || el'llili .'fi

.,,,.,-. a :i.

i|| ,¦... qual (li d n <


di..i" Itupi.iXX il

I..:,:-. I' i:

M Xi ¦'

li REV* o\ I III \l '.'. YORK ' ES I HAI.I.. kpiii-.. N v Jan .. x .... .ni .. frelghl train

v-a« Vork Central ,.i 3 o'clockIbl mornini lumped the w.o-k of th:s rlty,

i,.ii ama h up Twi Ive ara were de-. ... lh. in belng throa n down the em-

i..,;,:,:,,, ni The tender wenl off, bul the englm re-

mulm-d "'i Ihe track and no one waa hurt. Thiira.k wn* blorked for twelve houra and paaaengera...i mornlng train* had to he tranaferred ,\ drfortlve frog al th* Eaal l_ickpori swltch ii Biip-

gve cauaed the wre. k

////: 11/ ITHER REPORT.

I.. .,v KMPRH v RKB 'N TIIK t.'OAa

w (.hi -i ii. 'i'i .'¦ i'i" f "i "' " .aur* i" ln,i,. w ,. nnd haa extenil lo ih» upp lak* rrglun, lh*

ilheaal Thi r»« ol hlgh r»

Ti Ul in'i. '' dlBlrlri*, It* ehlel.,,,;,, |, )... north ol lh* loww lak** Ib lh* Bouth n has

,,,., ,,...,.1., ,,r |t* *n*rn Lbrhl »now« hav* fallea al...,i poinla in ni.- lak. regton* and I'pper ItlBslaBlppI

-.. 11.-x Ti.. i. in; ratur* ha* mllnuad ... all In \..».

Kngtaml and N«a Vork, remaln* u-iiri. Btatlonan In Uia

Ul.ldla Htate* .-ml i'i'-'' Ohlo Valley, and haa rlaen ln

dlairl.-t* Pair wealher I* IndlcaleU r-i th* .-. it*m

.,,., ottthern BlBtrlctfl, nnd parll) rUiudy WMthei Bnd...i biowi f .- th* wtatara lak* reglon and North

v, -|-i.. i.-ni|.. iiiiiii-. av. 111 r.iiia.u a-ery i»ax n Nurthrrn\... I'.a-'iin.i .i';l Northern N*e Ifork, bul *a.u moderat*

,. ,,; ,.¦ I-, ,,,:,-. dl*tiirt*. I. v.ill :,. iwld idly,,.. ihi lugnoul lh« lnt. o.

DBTAILKD rOBBrABT POR TO DAI.xt.ia... Sa* HampeWr* BBd V'ermonl, falr; eoa-

nid through Monday; llgbl northerly wlnd*... Ma .echoarti Rhod* I*l*nd and t^>nn*ctlfiii falr,

ih, Biperatur m ideraUng i-wm-.i avenlagi Ughlf. a wlnd*.i'i ;:i.i-,-.i s> .. Vork, l.m. siijiiflv warmer In coutn

.,, portion, rlaing iet«p*ralur* Monday nixl.t. 4_r1abl«wii.i-. becomlna - ulh*rl)

... i:,, irm'r. nnai'lvania ind N*w-Jer**y. falr; ilowljri«ing lenwratur* a-arlabti wlnda. becomlng *outhcrly.

i'..r th- I'l-'ri.t ol '.¦ iiiini.i.i. Maryland and lielawar*,.,,: ,., ,.|,.i. al wl) rlatng tempwature; »arlaW« wlnda,

¦oa -.< i-


it3113» ..UfUlug. I, llt.I 4 | | 7 | I 10 12 1 2 3 4 R <". 7 * » 107' ,.

_.!>' ...__.'_.

[ '.. 1 rr i 7I,..i.i i. ui ^.i_3_ -,).©m ma aaaavea. » bb*bMwbobb wtata im* *aara th*

thang-i ln pri-aurt aa indtcated by Th* Trtbtma ¦ a.lf-r-. ..rdiiur bnromrtar. The dolled Un* r*prc*«al* ih" tem-

pai r- r...-«,rd(-al a! Pi rry ¦ Pl.rnia.y.

TmI.ijii- ml...-. .Ihi. B, I ." Th- Weather v.s'.i.e

...u, ,,,.,,.|. ,,,,.) ...fl. Wlth ni-l.-ral- aainda. Th^

lemperalun raaged r...m IB ta . aagra**, n." av*ra#»,n.. ngriia aelBg r%4_ aegraae b«i..w ihal af samniay.

¦ n.l K'4j fegtee* Beaaw Ihat of th* c<>rre«p<.ndtn*; day oflasi v»*r

T.-.laay is likely to be falr. and Bllglitly warrmr, withw.uiherly wlnus.

- -?---


Ml. .lo.'Ki'H HUBBRT liiil.NKKXSBerlin, .lan. a.Dr. lo.-^i.h Hubert Belakana died

a; Honn yeaterday..loseph tl'ib"r: Kelnkans, one of tha leaders of the

"Old I'athoit.'" movement In Qermaay, araa bornat Burtachled, Alx-la-CTbapelle, .March l, !tfl, atud-led tbeology ln ihe Unlveratty of Honn. entered the

semlnary al <'oloi;ne in 1817, and waa ordaired a

prleai In the rollowing year by the late Cardlnalv.m QetaaeL Afterward he returned tO Honn tocontlnue his Btudtea, graduated as Portor of Dlvtn-Ity at Itunlch ln 1M9; settled a-. prlvate tutor at

Breslau ln i\'.'.. was appolnted In iv.2 prea.-her on

featlvata penltenttary at the cathedral and incum-hent of the Electoral ilapel; in IH.'.:', extraonlinaryprofeaaor of Church hlatory; ln IBT, ordlnary, andwas rector of Hreslau nlversity, lStM-tiii.

II" waa one of tha fourteen professors wh.. atXurembnr/ protested a^ainst ihn Vattcan decreeetn Auguet, 1910. For this he was euapendtjd rrom h.sclerlcal functiona, and iu 1ST: ha was excommunl-cated by Blahop Forater, of Brealau. Dr. Relnkenabecam- a promlnent leader of th" eo-called "..IdCathollca," aml waa elected Blahop of tha OldCathollca (the new aeel ln tba Vattcan Church)June 4. 1473, a; Cologne, ln a;. aaaembly conslat,ngof twenty-one j.ri. sts and Afty-etx laymen. Theconaacratton ....ra-niony performed on Aimust11 hy the Out.-h uld Koman Cathollc Blahop Hey-camp, of l teventer.

l*r. ita'irik.-iis publlahed numeroua work* in Oer-man on the theological controveralea of the day,his advocacy belng for "unlty, not unlformlty," inthe Chrlatlan churchea, and for religious lliv ratherthan relli-ious ceremontea.

JOHN GEOROE COBORIFF.John Oeorge Coogrlff, who was for many yeara a

r»>t iii .ildealer at Bank and Weet sts, dled alhis horna No. 1X2 Bank-et, aear Waablngton-at.,on Baturday, rrom atomaeh troui.:.- anl generaldeblllty Inctdent to "id aae, He was born In Roe*common County, Ireland, aeventy-tour years ago,and came to this clty wlth his parenta about llfty-flve yeara ago. About forty-flve y.-ars ago he¦tarted ln tha .-oul bualneaa, from which he retlredthree yeara ago. II" bulll the house in whlch hedled over forty rear* nx.,. when its nelgbborhoodw a^ a fashlonab.e aectlon of the clty. Hla wlfadled from h».art dlaeaae n Deeember St, al the ng"of alxty-four yeara They had only one child, a

eon, who dled ln Infancy. The funeral wiil be heidat the Homan Cathollc Church of st. FranciaXavier, iu West Blxteenth-at.. at 10 a. m to-mor¬row, Th* burial wlll t»- in the Jeraey Clty Ceme¬tery.

-.*>. ..

JOHANNJ3H -\. A. Hauatedt, Conaul Oeneral ot the

Republlc "f llayti i.i tt':.- i-v. dled Baturday aftcr-i.ti at his bome, No. '"7 Madlaon-ave., after a

Itngerlng lllneaa. He waa wldely known in Haytl.Mr Hauatedi was born in Btockhottu, Bwedea, ini-n. and vv.m t.. h.ivm when a young man. ln

I8B2 he came to thla clty and eatabllahed the com¬mlaalon houae ol Jlmenca, Hauatedi & Co., al No.i"i Pearl-at, l>urlng thi lasi revolutlon In Haytibe did much foi tuae of the Q >*. >rnment.iiis loyalty to Prealden Heppollt* was rewardedi.v hli appointmeni ai Conaul f. neral ln 1^'.'.

Mi- Hauatedi ;. iv.- ,i wldow and one ehlld.Th» funeral, whlch wlll be prlvate, wlll be heM atIhe houae lo-morroa The burial will be In Wood-lawi



!.".-> |H.Altoona, Penn., Jan The moat atubbom and

ilMtructlve ii" thal haa vlslted thla clty for manyyeara broke oul ln the Central Hotel, a large -.\-

Btor) brick ulldlng, In Elev. nth-ave., ahortly afteri o'cloek thla mornlng Before the flamea were

extlngulaheil one man losi hla llfe and four werei. one ol them bo: loi ily, y falllng wai and

propert) lo the value oi 1140,0X1 had been conaumed,Th* man kliled was Frank n.nan, and WtlllamWareham waa badlj iri The ated lnlhe cellai oi tho hoi tl and -; ead va ,t'i alai n

rapldlty. the gueata havlng barely tlme t.< eacapeBome win. dld nol hear tha flral alarm were com-

pelled to fl.--- ,nto the atreeta In thelr nlghl clothlng,and othera were reacued trom the burnlng bulldlngi.v th- flremen, who carried them lown laddere. ltla belleved thal all eacaped, bui aeveral people whohad regletered are mlaalng. lt I* probable thai they

,.. orilj Btopped for ih« nlghl and lefl lhe Ity onIi ls also poaalble thal Ihey tnav have

>..:i eremated The flamea apread s<. rapldly thaiti. ne of iti-- gueata aaved a partl. Ie of ther belong-rif The hotel was one ol ti-.. In the clty,an waa ob .¦ i.v -\ ib 7At kTh* largi three-atory brlrk bulldlng, .-upylng

a hall I lo. la owned b> Oeorge Btrelt, eangl.rrom the hotel. and waa deatroyrd The Btreli bulld¬lng ara* ¦. -upled by Rud 1*111 A Prutamai whole-sui" dealera in arooden and wlllowware; Beaani &llenneman, wholeaale grocera; John Chamberlaln,., wholeaale dealer In general merchandtae; .). II.M "artney, and lhe I'nlon Tea CompanjThe weather wa* below aero. and a <tron»r wlnd

blowing al lhe tlme. lt was onlj by the hardealkind of work thal a general conflagration wasti\ erl. .1

S oo lal a :.' gl< ¦'' 1 ''"'. '¦ vv iii d. v. lop¦ conatant Cotigh, ahortnea of breatb, falllng¦trength, and waatlng of fleah, all aympl imatlc of¦ome aerioua l.ung Affe tlon, wh h ma) be avoldedor palllated by ualng ln tlme Di Jayne'a Expecto-raniThe bea! Family Pill -la.-.i Painlea* Banattve.

Iliin'o Fine r'ut-.tii m-«-.i:> ... . ar* ¦¦' hall

'. - i.. ".


l.lebla ronipinia's llitr.i.-l of llea-f.! :.-.¦¦rarlIOI -. ,r ,-!;.; ...,|

... '.

1/ IRRIED.¦;' l'FI*AXU n -¦¦... ". '"..

ll..p>, || vi >. || ¦, ;.. pavlalUottl

N'otlcea of marrlagea and deatha muat be In-dora vv. h full ami an iddreaa

/.// \ki;h ..- I. Henrlcti ghi - r

,i ,. |ate rnellua Baker. '¦ Ellaabelh. \. I... pa an.l f. nd« .". ln\lt*il all n,l ih' fun*ral on

\\ n |aj ii » ¦'. at lu m.. fn.m tldi ,,,,. j |.. ni ahi ln .. ¦> Mi J n K Ni; va.-t :¦:..' *.

lr,i..iui.i.t hi tUhwav. N i

h::.\i ll mi u,.it, ' IBBB, AlfredK !!.... h.

lt, ,.,.... ..:; i: i-: attarmi th* iiin.i'il....... Hofl¦tn :i,.i:m.i:"

ln-. rin.-i.i .11 Bll .1III.AN. ill

rnlna . M« .a la

.. iH.iKIKK ti Januar bbi Ifl ln th* Triiw.n i.f hla ia< "

111 v> ¦¦.'.11, ., .- betaa .-n Ml ind illh .> Bt 10 a

January 7. wh. r* a mn hlgl.... r th. i..'i i". rep.*

Int. rmeni In J. r**» :>¦

«-. il'RTNEV Un Thuraday. '"¦ '. l:' ''

1. -¦ ... m nl il - ¦' '.'ii id. Vdan>1 I.l. ai Jaugli f lha lal n und Mary II Du»»uj ..r l>hllad*lphl

r... ¦., ,1 > ¦. m. ..- al I'.-i nn al ll..,., .... ¦. Mr* n. 1.1 v ah. .1 n .v: ......

.,. .. .- 13 " :¦ k.Ti i!n l.-.v. 1 Orand IVntral .^in'i n 10:0.1

.i IS ind J .-'Int, rm*m a vv. ndlanda -n- n I liJanuarj T, il ll Bll lock,

|'ii:i: Sii.i.i.u;. Baturda) Januar) 4 K Kum ¦:

r m.

S'aiili ' funeral her. ift.OIlaLlHB Enu red U.i -: "' l"i "l"

arlnt" I. Uilllaa, wldo* .

v,.;'.¦.- .,r fiiin ral h< reaflUIL.L.I9B CntfTFd .1- Bi '. Janu.11 1. ith-

,,...- |. llllllM. va 1.1. .... rh inai 11 Ullll,Ii.ii.-t ii fi'.i'i Bl 1, n 1 i'hu .. N-va-V..!.. .,11 Tues-

.ia Januar) 7, al il i.i- p. ".

hi:ix;i-:s ai Kllaabeth, N ... Januan 5, IMW,,..,..... aon nf rn- late Jbbicb E li.-ia-,.-. In hl. 13da.'.ll

|.'un*ral Januan a, IN*l, ... :: o'clooh t>. mlate re. idence *ea Moi Klll ibeth, N

:.';.vi-ii on Januar) Mi Inat., i*atherlne Learh, aged BO,.... 1.

r in ral aervloea bi Ih* M. E, 1'hurch Home. i'-l-t. andAmst»rdam-«v*., -. January 7. al 1 ."¦.' p m.

Th* [loerd ..f Managera, :.i>-> tli* inemberB nf th« v,.. .1

Blr*. m.i ... t.iuvii ar* IniLt'l.'KKNBACK Buddenly, Januar; -'. IBaa, PlorencaN BIbmII, vaii- -r Bdgar V Ulcktnbark and daughtero( Kugen* .m.i ll.iy M BIbb*|1, B*r*d -- y-.m-.

KuiipiuI 1- -rvi -:: al her lal* rraidence, 210 Bcrkelr)-. l.i.-iKiju. Monda) mirnlnt, Jaiiuar) f,. .,- 11

u'clock.Intrrmeal ai convHUenc* .-f famlly.Frimdi win kii.iiiv omH n «

I.V....N Al liiini. va.,.1,1. \. .1. .11 Hnt'ininv rn«minir, Janu¬ary J «t .li|.litl..'.-i... r.u.ii. ba»lov*d rhlld "f Edward H.nn.l Panal* n Lron.

ii,t.ri:i.-iit prlvate,MKI.iiin'NY Buddenly, nf pneumonia .n Baturday, Jan¬uan 4 Bllaabeth w UcElhlnay, foraMtiy of Ruadi-^M.>r .n ^

I'tin.rui B*rvle*a al Ih* reeldeac* of her bro4h*r-ln-l*w,Jullua Behubert, 11^ Klghth- :.. Brooklyn, i:80 o'cloek.Monday ..a.iniiK

M'LEOD Al ii..Idence. In thi.-. .-iiv. oa Frlday, Janu¬ar) 1 leBg Mra Margam T McLboo, wMevt f ii'-i;..', br i.'tii. 11 Met..1 la Ih* BUth year -f berag*.

Ri ...n.- .m.i rn*nd* -I ia* farolli are reapevtrully in-vlted to atland 1I1- fim.-iHl tr m th- I'..m BeformedPreabyterlan Church, IBth-et., WTbbi >'f Uiii-av.... aaTuMdai aftenwon »i I o'cloek,

KhlladelphlB, PltlabBia i.'.-i Burnpaaa i'bi«t* plBaaa eopv-KtlAJOCK Knt-r. .1 int l-^t .! .Ia11111.1v :.. l'lHl. ChBr-

,-:, B Pollock, in th.- 7MM iMi .,f hat aae|-un.i.ii aervlcat* vain b* held .1 tha reaadaHic* "f h*rMMrr Mi> K. itairtlandt, "''7 Deaa-Bt., oa TaMaday,

,:, war) 7. .11 4::i.i p in

Itii-rimnt prlvat* il PlBhklll, N. 1

r. lurhkeepsl* I'.'i" '- i'l''. "I'V

gWAIM Oa IV.I..1. Januan ¦:. Caarlea F. .^"..m. la tb*taitli )..»r ..f lilia na-

K..n.rHl M..i).1..a. Januar) H. al ¦*> P "' ttom IB* ra't-i

.1-n.-^ >.r Ma eaagtrter, Mi». lt..i«m raater, .".«. .via-ipio-BL, U..-n.>n-

Dii:n.TVN.l Oa Hun-lf.v. January 5. Elaanor Praamn. wlfe el

-. it.ikiand Trag nnd daaghtsr .( tha lat* Haa. WalterP.nttoo, ..f Ablngdon, Va.

No.ii'.. nf futi.if.l I.i :-;.ff.Virslnia BBd WBBl X'lrBt.iia pap-rs pleaaa iipv.VARET.Al her reaida-nc. 147 XV'eat ll.h-M on 8* 1. Klalnn. daunhter of the lata l-avmFi-.nrla .ind Tlif !!?!.. X'ar-t.

Niita-F ef fllBfllBl h-ieaftrr.WADSWORTH Saturday. Januaia- I, o? pnetimonii. XX'M-l.m li. aYadaw ith. .iked .VI vear*.

runeraJ Bervleaa at hia lat* realdence, 211. Macon-at.,Bro. klyn, Monday eveninx. a. ta »viork.

Il-lr.'iv.D. frlenda and memtieri" Ftiltnn I'oun^ll. RoyalArtanun. and Azel tyslge 19% t. and A. ML, Invited toattend

EIEOLBB ":i Ii'tiuarv 4. atK-r a l.rtg lllneaa. I.iuiag|B_l*r. ln aixty-s-acnth Vear.

J-'fiiii-ral sarvtraa Bl hi. lata r-sldenr-e, _4 Kirat Place.Bfooklyn, on Monday, Januaiy ii. at s a'tk efe p. m.

Intcrni-nt itiv;..

WOOOLAWal tBMMTBRT.Offlce, No, 2u K -3<l-at.

Wood'awr. Slatl.n (2l!h VX'ardt. Ilail-m Rallroad.

Sprciul Xotucs.

"The K-lillilllon ls mie of the rlghta of lha *eaaoa,and shuuld en nn acCQBBl B* BflflBag." -Tlnif-a.

"X puhlir ilaplay Ihat la not aton- inl.r-i.iine ... thecnnm'..*"ur and eottBCtor, but la>ortan. ua afTordingogportaatty to our pablk aweeaaaa.".-Tha sun.

-Vt tho Aiiiericfin Art G;illorie«,


'To 1>*» Sold by

A.I.>Koliitra piiMi.. i-.-.l.- T..-.MorroW

(Tuwawtay) nnd fbllowlns ..aitoriioonat.T.iii. T, B. '.'. H > -iii'l 11. BU»d Xhur.-<l:i»r

and /'"l-i.lay .ventngpa, .J.-m. ti .'.M.l io.

the ooixacTtoM or

\VM. M. CHASI',, X. A.

Palntlngpe, Btudlo Appoii.t iik-uIs, Ilr__a>;a-Hr:.<-. ('iiri..-, Aiatic|iu> F"_riii-

tUMBj «"<>s>tuill«'.--,

'I'apest.-ies, Old WeapOtta Muci«-al laaa

r-truma-ut.-, Mertal Work.


IHfOBR, fce- Am.

MAV ()\ l'TiMM VI-BW.

Tliis Day nnd Kv«-iiiiic


AMEI'.I'AN ART AgBOClATlON, MAKAOBMk.fl Eaal '.'fll Bl M.ell.-.n H.iuar'

....Kifih *»eiiii«' «n Oalleaiaa.;:.;'i riltk Av_, i.ur Bttb-at.

n ii m i.- bi i i". F. M.

'ri,. lapeatrle* ar* ¦.( baaeilful BeBlgaa, and atui more. x | . ij of llm. baxiBg"4l

m.llowed the lenea and brougtil ul ih- Unl* inti *;.,vh .... - i.i in] ii ..¦ i- other |.e *a attraat.,....:.. ... ln ahoft, it

,,.,.... -i -. .. nll; ii ade bj .. manf mi h taati and lulrmenl. « .! plaea Ijr

ph a i., i -': i!uni{».- N. T.Tlme*.Th* coilartton ha* ' "in f'vera

..; ihi aad qualni Mall and B_er«aa.Amoag H- iape*trl«* ar* bobm aotabl* «-sa'npi^« A

ia k .-.ii. ii .1 ' of thi »i_t»< Biun anit s,,.,.,,.ii workmarahli are ol (h ^ri aeaaga,

I la p* b< aj\.r _u 1 rt_l


AXTIQUS JAPANE8K AHMOIt,l-'.mi.i olderlww.

IvilHes, ..M.lliroii/o*.

ul.Ii si'AM.-H BKOCADK4,Church 1 If.i.f.i i.^;^

.ill.l \'«- .1 IIKMltH,Furnlturo, Palntlivfipa, :>n<l 'i^p«*ktT___|


ROBERT BOMBRUIaLB, ORTOIBg ¦ C4X.4ttctioa«er. M»n».er».

A moat aatatral und Mattna VloW perfataM la con*.

.i.anic«i«i ..j laeaa, h*aa....hiif* and BUltoosry byraa.a.-il. Ma**. 1 A: ''" I

.. l'ToK'iitiu.-, \ n)i.i:r oms 9*y*hafc*1...1 U'aaay. .'.Tla itliaa-. ai. ; Vu;

4ii tba leadlag Bui >p*aa Bewapapera ind porlodlcalB fojaala i-> Tba lnl*rnatienai N-'-- ->.. ¦¦¦ ¦-. '.' -1"1 ¦Duan«-al.. in* :¦ euat u! I'.-.i-Iah. tlie- aolil. K«-p ». rni .*

i'K .- V. ¦¦ " u':' *'¦'.

.fi Bind, .:..-.

i.KBl'.'K it: N- N k- -i"1

Huml Ava in s-.--.iu-. ¦._

l»o«toitiee Watlav.Pocwlgn mall* " " w,;: t*Mh" ' rKANBATLA.NTIi' MA1LH.T1-E8DAY XI 7 .. ei for Hi :... Iienmark. Norwag,a-hr_u*nlai, s-. -.-.-..:... i'-"", »_kKouihampten ..:..' Uremen il-tter* for otaw* parta ol,. il .*/ ll xU t l> f' ''

\v i¦¦'.N1---I.XV At ... i.i. f r f.n .|-. per*. ¦ Hrltannlc.%\';; ',,';¦..... ., be .l.r.-'.rd "i-r Brltaa-, ,. .-i.i. in.. t .i Bi pe.

', ,, !..,.,. un Kuulhampton; al '.4 a ni. lor-, .,:,:.-., ilBtten BMBN O*

i.. .- ..: N'.rti nnta"!¦.' pai a. a.

|_ A, -i.r.t.n., ii.i-.i- muai b* dlncted ,*r

3 f ..- .',..:.-. saan/rfland ,-r

|... i- .. - f'' !'"' '" '"' °'^____*Ii- rJ"

a. "'..-.,.,..,, .... dlreet*d per Maaadem ..

. . Rlrur al- .ji I- :.' r

,1:,.. P«r

Eihl !.

af... ,., ...inn of th* *UPPl*m*BUn tr»n,u'*U"t!!*r*

-. -.i.n.

«"- | .' ... VMIiKf'X. XVl^T

xinM.VV I <":'.. andM_U_I ' ^-¦"n1""'"' "! " '' *

... ,: r frim lt at»n.. ._ ,.. .:¦:.,..,. per Bteamer.,.'¦, -. - s ., ie Hen luda. ..' * - '.".>-

"..",¦. '. ,;..:, :., T ta aa.

I,,'.... v m iiba per .. *.

¦Y\u'\"<\'\\' "'v.Ni''' !";i."".iiti-!f"'"-." l" ft" *. m . (*r.' ... ii...,;. ,..i a. AlveM.

1'ii.i.av vt l»:30 .'.. in ('' Me».eo i--> ¦ - lUtiana¦'.,.¦ muai !¦. dlrected :- H ibaa* al W ¦ ra.

|. ,..,.,.;.¦ \ n .. m.l t¦¦> ''. nrai Amerlca lexcent.oala Rkal and H u;n I'acltl. porta. per a. a. Kltianee.via r..i .ii iletter* for Ouatei kla naal ¦ awaetei ;>«r

,,','v .i in ¦ m i- ¦..¦ i'l"''.' nt»ry UM a. ni fer.' ,' ,, ,,. ........ t .nd C-oeta Bloa. gae

Iritrr* f»r other arl ot I. mMa mu'i b*..r \..,...¦ al I''.' a m. for i'araia«lie.

Chlapaa. r,...n>.... TUBpam and Vucata pe* -. a Vu.a-i- .. ilcitera for oih-i parl ( Ue*leo an f-r .-ub.> muatl'.." ..,r... ..... ,.... V.i .ie .,' I»J» l> »i .auppla-

,. >. I... ¦...,,., ..: .1 XVIii laa-,r.l lalanda.xi, :'.'.:,- ind Barbad per a t' abell. .>";.-.'*rrinldad *b.I T.I ibo mu*l l#d P«r,,,..,,,.., .. i ,, m .... ,| ..i.i.:..i> I.-'' r in r.r

Turka laland and (4an !' nilng.i, per a - Baglnaw; al-.,,,.. , ... IM , llreet. per b. « Ma.i,«4.

Rl-VTiA. x. .:'. .. f .. Bluefleld*. per Hte,.ni-r al "." p Bl. foi Bl PU .-. Ml |B_SBB. BSIgt*am*r fr m liniifuv.

Vi:.. ,. N .-. | b rall lo Hi.iif.ix. a.d tii.aoeba ataamer al thla offlce dall) i\l B:«U p. in. Maflafoi MI«u«lon. by r.el lo f. .-¦... i.nd thenea by ateam.r.

;,, mia .''I.- -....-'. M li fo* ''ui*'. ,-.. ut fll . d»lly ... 7 m .... fer (..rav.r.lin. l.y

,- ara aalllng M Thur*da>*l fron. Pert.-., at, for Me.tro. oaerland, unl,*s *p*rlalir.,,1,1,.'.| f,,i .',|.i.. I,h lay .-...nn.l rlOBB at thla ..(Tla:*

.1:'" ¦"T '.i'lf.xNsl'.X.'lKI.' M.XII.SMall* foi Auatralla ,.v-r '.'¦-' Aualrallal n»va-«i. «nd

Klll lalanaU per ». ». tt_rrU.from VaaMMUX-eri. rtaaB..!-,- Januan 4 aad up ... Jaauan B il .»p m Ma la for i*bli I." P ''' . V..r""?1

|...... .,,. |..-r- dallr up to .I..n.,ara I. al

,-.:¦.;., ,.i Mall* Hawall per i - .x..-ralia .frora.. ].-,..,, ,.|,_. h-r. uo te January U al'.'.:', Ma'iia foi th H elet) laland* pei alup CMyo. Pbb-I if. !'¦ Ban rranclaco), cloa* her* .iaiiv >.p to

om _7* Haakow (from Taa-omai ctoa* h*r* dallf up M'-.'. ,,; aja « «:*. p .... MaJI. for rhiM aa_ Japaa

i only). per -- «. Bmpwa* of Jy'ua'

r ... Van uv. ¦- "'" <¦">¦"> "S__BBBo m Mall. f-r A. tr* *» ¦'.' " - 'r *V*a*AaMtallT' whlch ar* fcrwarded vU fxw«p.). *.*£+_ad Hawall 1-1 li and BamoaB Ulan.ia. per a. ». Marl-

'.;, s.r, .-.i.n.l.s.... tktat here daily i.P to

,|.-,.a "l a. 'Ifi" P ¦ 10* .. arrlvul «t .Noav-Yor*'.- i-,.,,,.. Hi Hrl.t.l. "...I. f-r Aua.raha... l......r.d nall .-' Bl " !.. m pre.L.u. day.nagiawn ,, U!I KS fc daYTOM. PvaoaaaMB.

PBBlofllce. N.nv-Vi.A. .lafi .1 laW-

fieliflicna Xoticc*.

raa MrrriNOB ... _._ vnr. * J__r________lW ¦. '. I'r.v.-r. III1.I.T the BUBDlOC* *f th* xlllxNiT are t.. ha held a. 4 o'clock ..*..). va-^k-da*La«^- la' uV. -ABBLB OLLEOIATB ClIl'FtcJMl. aa-. nnd .Pth at. Tha aubjavt. an.l |aad. ra of t.ia.. "inaa are aa follow*: Moaday. January n -.llurnilla-Mon "nd Tl,a.,k^ivln«." Rev. WIl.l.I.XM T BABINR.D. I).. 1'lr.t Itefermcl EBlSCOpal I'hur.h Tui-aday. ..

.Tii.- .-huni. I'ntveraal." K.-v. J. T. HK<kI.E\. I>. D.Church ef th* Eplphany; Wedneaday. * " andII, I,- l;:,l..a. Raa! llfcoROB ALBXANDKR. D. 1>..l'n|.-..-»liv I'laca. Preabylerlaa Cburch; Thuraday. !»- "For-..I... Mlaal na." Rev. XX ll.I.l x.XI II WARD, D. D.. MltM"New-Tork Indi'p-ii'lant ". Krldi.v. H' ¦..Home Sllaalona.II-. PBRDINAND C. lULBMART, r> I>. I'ark Aaeno*Maiieal'-t I'uu'di Baturday, 11 "l___llea and Sehoola."itra R WALPOLI xVAJUUDX, U. L>., Holy Trlnlty _«da-nata.