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&f*iiamfltt*._[ ABB^YB^HBATRE£5 M ¦* *.> The Hlleftatfl ACAfctatT or BfTBTC- t a The Pponma ,>"*n''""" AMKRKAN THKATRK -«. Th* Oreat Plamoml K-bbery. Hl.'or THKATRK 2 a:tt» Tho Wldnw .Ln. HROAPWAY THKATRK J %M MauiBB IVmnle. ....i.imhis TltBAtlta ^ I BI ln OM Keataeky. TifKATRK |:ii .:» B*ubbbIasafOfBrt BfBKB MUBBB -Cwaseet BktPIRE THKATRK 2 I if- Cprletopher. Jr PIKTH AYENI'K THKATRK 2 >. 15 HavM liurrl.k an.l l^ni BtB PIV« Shlllinca ¦ABOBOa THBATB1 *:1*»-Trllby. Oarhii-k THBATRB I famiiie 1:10 Beaeara Moartro. HRANP OPERA HOVSK 2 I -Hermann the rtreat. HARI.KM hPKRA HOVSK 2 ItM Tha Foumltlng. BBBALD HQIAHK THEATRE I 1:11 PwJd'B Beae Wll«..n HOTTH THKATRK 2 ll I *> Tho Oar Varlalnna IRVIVO PLACB THKATRK I g Korreol. KO.«TKR * BIAI/I 2 1*> . VaiKlovllle. I.T.'KPM TMBATBfl I I Bi Tho Prlaonor of 7>nda. MAPIBON Kyi'ARK OARPKN H> B. m te 1<» 30 p m.. Ann.iai Exhit.ium fi«ni Predweta and Aaeataaeea TAt.MKR s thkxtri: II is Plear aa Ua PROCTORS PI.KAHIRK PAl.A.'F.-12 t.i 12- -Va.idovllle. BTANPARI> THEATRE l:M i:leV Tho capltel. 14TH CTRKKT THKATRK I I The lrlah Artt-t Jnoe* lo ^bprrtiacmrnta. Paa* coi i Baga>.Oal. Autumn Rea^rta_ » I Hnraea A rarrlairoe. .10 4 Amuaementa .11 « Inatnir-lnn . * ¦ Ranaera » Hrokera. 11 b Inatiuctlon . » l-« H.mrd a:>d Booma.. lo 4 lo iraJ Notleee .10 1 Hualr.eee Chan.-ea. lo 4 l,.at and l<>un.1.ll o Riieliieaa Opportunl- \larrla*..« 4 I'oafhB 1 '. ,\m .ll :. lataeellaneoua IJJ l Buaineaa Notlcea .... 0 1 Sew PubllcatloBB. * 4 fl Oontry Hoa-d. 9 2 Ocejn Hteamere. !' a I»«nrln'a flchr«.la. 0 2 PaWIe Notlcea.11 . Mt.lend Notlcea ...II .*> Batlroaaa .If a«tlr SifuHona Roa' Ketate l'» 4 WantoA. .11. «7 H-al K-'ato .. W Preaamaalng 10 6 Rellah.ue Nolicea 10 l-J Electlon Ni-tlroa. U « Brhool Agenrlee. !_. - E«,.ral.>na » « Operlal Notlcea. .; Pinanclal .11 4.* Si.amN.ata . fl B riBanctal Moetlna* " *> Toarhora. - Por sale . 1" .' r;'r Turf.11 « Batp Wnnie.1 KJ * w.niee Reaorta. » 2 HolHa . ». * w"rk ^or"-1.'" " '' Cn«inr88 Noiirra. Roll Top liesks and Offlre Ftirnlttire. Oroat Varlety of My*. «nd Pllee. T <J KE1AJCW. No. in Paltea at n y_ Titlit NB TERMS TO MA1I, Sl'BBCBIBBBB S:nKH 1 venr fi m.ia. .1 mBB 1 mo B vy. I*llv T daya a weeh ....110 00 »f. IW *2 BO |1 iiO .... Pallv,' wlthout Sintav 8 m) 4 nn 2 00 B0 Jf'«. a in-lav »00 1 0B M ... f; <-t». Weekli Tnhuno. » 00 .I <'!». genl W.eklr TrlVine. 20.1 .J rta. Trlhune Monthly. 2 00 .*£'* Poataga ptepaM bv Tl.e Trlbune cxcej.t BB herelnafier t'afed t ITY POSTAUK Th* law requlrea that a 1-ront BOBtagB 1'imp he afflvO ln e^ei) rop\ Ol tho l'ally. Bunday r.r Sfml Wooklv Trlhuno nialled f,>r looal dellvery N-w Tork Clty. Thla i».atage n-nst ho pald by -iil" anibor Readora aro bot>r aerv».l by buylr.g thelr Trlbun^ frem i. nor *ci»aler roRKMN PCWTAOB..To all forel-m countrlea .?x'opt <'anadk and Mealco), 4 .enta a eopy on The Sundar T-lbuno. 2 con'a a oifSV «.". I>ai»v Fomi BTeegl! aad Weekjr. Thla r.»r«>Bo miiKt paid L\ aiiha. rlbor RKMITTAN' KS Homii hy l'..»'al OrOar Expr*** Order, Ckeck, lnafi oe R-itiaioro.1 ix-tio- Caah r Puatal V"te, If aent ln an iu.r..|ti«ioro,l letter, wlll bo ut the owner'B rlak. OrKli'F.s OE THE TKlBfKE Maln fffl.-o of Tt o Trll- une. 154 Naaaaa at New-Terfe Mmr, npi »n *"'.». 1 24'J Hn a<!»ay Andraaa ull canreapoBdeBca a'niply .The Trlbune. New-Terk. BRANtlt OFFK IS 2">4 8ih ave a o. <<.r 2Sd-at. 1J2 Cih nr. cer. Hth-at. 142 Cv.lumhua avo noar Weat «t'h at. RHl W/eai 4td at noar tith-ave. :-<i \v»at 14th Bt.. noar Bth-avo 257 tVoat 42! at BOtweea 7th and *th mi. 157 4th-ave., <-orn»r 14th al. 1 S2t S'l-avo.. b-twoon 7T>th «nd Tfl'h BtB 1 .T"U 3d ave lotwo»n 7«th and 77'h at- 1 nCtrt Sdave n-«r filal-at. IH Eaat 47th-at corBer Bd-aee. If4 Kaat 1J.'.th-at. ?4.1 Woat 12.'.'hat. Kaat 42d-a'., n^ar Madlaor «v» l.flZ^ Friadway. 7»V» gdavo.. rnmor 47th »i M4 *1.1-a\o. noa' Ka^t .'(7th a'_ 3ft to$tfkaa)*al& 3Mtaiu. FOUNDED BY HOKACE GREELEf BATURDAT, OCTtlBKH 12, ivc SIXTEEN PAGES. w THE KMWt THis MORMh'fl *~- FORKION.."Le Matln," of Parla aaya that BWOfBlitf B> the tr.-aty of peai Do lerrll irlal conceaalone ^hali Li.- made ui ihe 11 iv.a t for- . Igners ln Madagnpcur wlthout ili>- consenl of Kranoc. A dtspatcb from Palerm aaya lhal <i Sicllian woman haa beer arreated and ii«*- foseeil t<> havtng polaoned twenty-three chlldren. r Th" Qtio. n t>f f'..roa \<* belleved t.i have been kiilfi by ihe rehois who neeently attacked Beoad. DOaaEBTIC iT.-ile-ni Clovktend ended hia vaoatUm at (Jrav t}«ldo«> and BOlled f r W.ahtng. ton nn K. C. Henedl'-fa atoam y.eht, the Onelda. A fall hap l>ofti laaued to Oemocrata ln onelda C.unty to BBOrt and take Bome art|.->n a protoat agali st Henry J. <' ¦kv-- ahall'a nane hoing plaeed en the Democratlc th-kot a deetaratton fkworlng Cbrlatlan unlty haa beon proj.ared for preeentatlon to the Congre.gati.nHi Trtennlal Counetl In Byraeuae. ~-. Benator Hherniaii in an Interrlew gald that preaent *arcanuuan<*ea promUed im> re- turn of general pr^MBfieiity, and predlrted Repub- ll-an vlctorlex. h--th Btate and N.tlonal. An «<=«<latant forenian ln the eni|d iy of 1h<- Capltol Commlnelon. In Albany, waa .llf-liflrgo,) f,,r )..V\. Ing btackmail on tho gtoneeuttera employed on the btiildlng riTY AM* BVBURBAN. -Dr*Parkhural made a Btateenent rlefinlng hia attitndo wlth referen to t!i-' fuelon tl'K.-t Diatiiet-Attorney Pel- lorw-a. in a letter to C ajnmlBrtoner Parker, .dviaed the Pcdlcaj Board ntit t<> in'erfere arlth ractng h^id a-lthln the llmltatlonn i the Oray law. Prefklent LoW, of Columbla College, gav<» hi« li^as on ajOhool r^form before the Be* B atem ri>mmltt"e of the B >«rd of in Ptate DBBMDVBOy BBBdera w,ll m»'>'t i -day lo re- piidlate th" deal between Alexander S. Wil lan h and Ptate Democracy tnen. Pln.l* In g.df for the Bt. Andrew Cup arlll !'.¦ playi i al Tonkera n-dny. ._.^- The 9Un-k mark.t araa Irregukir and dull. THE WEATHBB Poreennl for to-day: Pnlr BTiowi of the dky, witii perhapa local eh rerera In the afternoon or night. '!*. mperoture yeaterday; Hlgheot, .. degreeo; lowest, 4^ degr ea It is gratlfylng to see sIj*ds of n determlnatlon on the part of tbe Stflte iR-nKMTiiry leadera (o .all off the .leal wliet.d»v M-PoJIee Inapeel i wiiiiame kae boeB n>;n!e iix- BagMtorlal oaadMate of fbat nrj:anizatliin Iu tlie Xllth Dtatrift, That there iias lie.-n ¦ deal in iliis dlntiicl tbere ran be no doiilit wliati'ver The IMatt DomlBatlofl of Wllllanix lias naixeatid all ilfcent Refrub- lirans: bis nominat'oii by the othef i»;irty niii-i bave the aarne effect .ni dex-enl Ltefltocrata Tbf BJXeeUtlTt Coinmittee of the Slate l».'ni-« r.t.y lg to uieet tO-dWj Id consl.ler Ihll inait.-r lt wlll make no mlafake if lt proniptly rqyQdlatn the bargaln aml eall« to shnrp geeoBBl the mea who made lt. __ e> There are eome Democrats ln OBeMi Oountjf, and thelr number CBght nut to be sin.ill, who .re dlBguated wlth the actlou ^xt their BwcatlTO Commlttee In putling Coggeshall's name mi the Democratlc tlckct. One of them, TBOBIM lv Klnney, who waa a niemher of the State Com mlttee appolnted nt the May COBTtRfl in beld in Ijncagg ln 18P2, has gppealed t.i all (hoae of hi« own way of tblnklng to eome together and re pudlafe the Indorsement of CoggOghgll, H)s Btatement of the ease agalnat the dlfMTedJted Benator ia lurid. but Jti«t lt speiu« bapagglble .Jagt decent en<l eelf respe.tlng Democrata .-nn .wallow «o nauseous a dose. Mr. Klnney shoiilil be able to rall.v a goodly company of (hea und make an end of Coggeahal! Senator Sh'-rman 1b confld.'Dt, nol wltbout reoaon, retrardlng the polltlcal ontlook lu Ohlo. Iie has eujoyed exoeptional Opportoaltlea for iii-iRiug of th.* feeliug of the poo**ea, and arbOe kjg .l<»e<« uot look for ao BWeefMBf a vlctory ns that of two y.-ars ago, when Ooaaa*BOC Mi-Klnb-v waa reeh-eted by a majorlty of M.taat, bi will not l»e aurj)rised if the R.'pumVans wln ihU time hy .vi.ono <>r «*4».<nm» ii«- beilarei lhal the LeajjalalBn aryi ui»«^ be Bapoblloaau Thin is aub- Btantiellr whnt ho rnild durlng n brlef atnjr ln Wasblngton .vonterrtay. The Sonntor mny bo acciracd of overoiithusiiiHm in apeaklng 8B HbAbbO or 00.000 "1 BBg>Bllj" ln <>hlo, BeetBg tlmt Hnrrison carrted UM Stato in 18M »>y losa r 1 i.iu LMUMi and McKlaley ln I8M by Bhoui tho sanio. Kv.ti 20,000, !n>wpver. I* IBgfjajl to COB« atltute -i gweeplag etetory, taMarja Ogattal Baatv nHl Mdfl f:iir '¦- liavo ;t <-on*ldorably targer insi- jorlty. _ l»r. Parkhurat'a lefter ea lt* poHtlcal gitnatloa Is ii IgbOTed productloB whioh be gare 001 fea- terday aflet Bereral daya of preparatkm. gnd l* nrktag la lhal lerae one of BagMgb wbieh we ai* accuatomed lo look for la tbe Doctor'a pablic Dtteraacea, Mr. Parkhnrst is gofUg to BUpport the fiision tlcket, Bl legal in part. Thal h<> eould ronnletently lake any other eourae n.i toteUbrent maa can concelre. The Brondet <>f it is thal it took him the better parl of b weeb lo ptake ap his mlad. He frankly agjra lhal be doea n->t llke ii por'lon .if tbe fiisinn platfono, bal be will Btaad in thla roateni Bboulder to Bhoalder wlth ri),- other good BBd progreaaiYe citiseaa who Bfg tlmt Ihe only effectlve way «>f Bajtttlag Tammany is iiv maklng common cause ggalost lt. TBE RAMB TAMMANT. It la atrange lhal somo derout nion .'ind good cltlaeaa who Brerej luled arlfb hatred ofTammaDy a year ago BBd orerfJowed wlth jny gad gratl« tnde when Ita poarer was brokeo are now ratbef sinw tn recognise Ihe duty and aeceaaitj ol linishini: Ihe Job. Of eourae in one aapecl of ihe eaee this year'a electloa is not *<> Importanl ,is lns? year'a was; bal iho IocbI lasue, ihongh loaai ln magnltude, is Jant aboat Ihe aame la klnd. It ia the leeae of soiiml prindplea of muntdpal gdailalgtratloa on tho oae hnnd aad a protlgflte employment of powet for petaoaal and partiBau adrantage oa the other. if Tammany had beea regeaerated in aay degree dming n year of dlegrace and mlaforfnne, there mlghl be Bome preteotl for permlttlng the forcea whlch rorablned gggfaat lt to Bhaadoa th.-ir glllance, and Indtrldnala who Bhonld lel former politlcal preferencea gorern Ihetr condud ln this cam¬ palgn mlghl make a pfaraalble argnment ln thelr Bwa behalf. Bul there la no room for b dlffer- ,,.,. of opialoa oa this point. What Tammany wan It remalnB. We anppoaa lhal it la lahereat- ly Incipable of reform; but, bowerer that may l',,., nol a tra.f refona or ercn the BlighteBl leanlng la lhal dlrectlon la dlacernlble. Tho ggme men, profeMlng the wme oreed, dlreel Ita actlritle* There baa nol I.b a alngle apology mado for Ibe organlsation by any member of lt, Bome membera have abandoned it ontrlgbi ln distfiist and dlamay, bni tboae who are lefl aro Ita unblushlng champlona and euloglBta prood of its record and pledged to make Ita futnre llke its paat. jf there were any doubl «f this. we Bgy, mea wbo were ln Ibe flgbi agalnal Tammany a year ago mlghl pl. ad ih. prlTllege of glTlng Ita pre* rnt tlckel the benctH of thal doabt Bu1 tbcre is do preteni.f fl change. rtaeh an Intlmatlon woukl be acornfnll.v contradlcted by erery Tam many Icader and follower. They know thal it is nachaaged aad ibey are bonnd to kecp it bo. And alnce this |a ihe faet. prodalaied lo be ao on ihebighPBl anthnrity, it aeema to db lhal Ihoae wliu were lt« rcBolute nnd mllitanl enemlea laal year dlBcredli tbelr alneerity In lhal greal atrng gle if they Bbow benltatlon and timldlty al Ihe preaeni tiino. PARTIEH l \'D \'0 PARTIB8. TL.> worhl would aol reform rery much if 'ho 0Blj j.ple in favor of reform Ihoughl lt necen- aary lo liulu, firoi of all. Ibe other peopla who .raated lo reaeh the aan.od la a dlfferent way. The Oooil Otirernmenl j.pb», for Inatanee, who wlll ii-' nave lt al any prlee if it happena lo be offered by a man who la oot good, erl- dently wanl to be Iranalated to tbe land where of the v.'i.'is. belng Balnta, prefer arch- angola for offltH-ra In thla Bnblnnary apbere ih«-ro «re a greal many people who wlll rote for a ii ,.,.1 in in. .v.n if he happena to i>o aomlnated bi tbe n i;. n.y or wlth Ibe aasenl of a maa aol entlrvly good. Alao thoro are a greal many who will rote for the aomlneea of a party wbkh they lind Ihe better and purer of tbe two, knowlng lhal th. ir rotea mlghl as well go Into the waate- baakH if raBt for aome other maa more lo Iheir taate. .There was once a man ao fgalldloUB abont liis fo.Hl tbal be BtBrred, When ibe dealre for better gorernmenl i-'ota Btrength pnongh lo be worth ronsldertng, il preaently cona-a l«i be a party, wlth managera of Baoreorleaa experlenee and aklll. Whal can Ihe reformer do if be haa conBelenlloua conTletlona agalnal rotlng for any man who has the an.ell of party aboul bla elothea; ReaHj h«' bfli ao .liui.o. !!-. mitBi flock by hlmaelf, and eoneen- rrate hla . rote nfhin the man he may per- Bimiilly aomlnato, leal be bo contaminated by Ihe dealre to acl wlth other mea. Tbe RepubllcaB party was in orlgln, and la Ibe judgmeal of rery many is yet, tbe beal Bgency ye\ known among mea for gettlng good gorern- ment. II aaked Ihe beal and moal progTeaalTe mra of all partlea to form a aew party for that purpoae, and they dld bo. Xo donbt Ihere are many mea who tblnk they coukl bare done much better al that tlmc, bul if ibcy try to mark oul ihe llnea u|»on whlch a majortty of the people can be broughl l.' ln ""\ Northern Btate they will baTc lo come pcrtloualy aear lo the llnea drawn by the Republican party. Wbeu aome of the pureai and ableal tm-n In the couatry are aeying, as they aro to-day, "1 bb.arlnced "lhal ih.iv .an be ao graulne or btatlng reform ., \ ibrougfa the Bgency of a party, thef anggcBl Ihe quextioa wbetber Ihe «;.I Oorera- [ment bretbren are merely anxloufl lo bare a party <-f thelr own maklng Inatead of h party made py 11.oacurreni actloa of many millbma of boneal aeekera for good gorernmenl dnrtng ibe last f'irty yeara. We ahall probably baie lo pnl up wlth Ibe fkct thal iti.i-T of the people who reaUy waat better gorernmenl prefer lo ad through partJea, an.l that tlnir beal efforta will be of ao grall whatercr if i»art of Ihem InalBl upon regardlag all pgrtlea hh bb laventloa of tbe derlL Tho Ignoraaca of tho Tammany roter who diinks Henry l>. Parroy a model Cbrtatbtn giateaman nmy he laiik-hahlo, but whal of the other man who will nol h.lp to beal Pnrroy, and auch as ho is. if to thal tad lt la aeedful to rote wlth Bome party? TllK BVNOAB1AX UARBIAQB BBVOLVTIOH. Laal and not leaal <>f tbe world'g reeorda lirokon this yoar was iho BUIfTfflge record. Tho Bcene of thla extiaordlnary performance was the Klngdom of Hungary, and tho occaaloa pf lt was tbe romlng lato force of tbe now Clrll Mr.r rlagg |iW| oa October l A week or so liefore that date tho whole Coagerrgtlre balf of iho nntion Beeaned to go BiBrrhige-aiad. All ko.mI Bomaa Cgthollca wlth marrtageaWe chlldrea mada haate to gel Ihoae chlldrea marrted ender tho uid. orthodoi dlapeaaatloB, before what laey regarded ns tbe gofUeaa ayatem of clrll marrtoge was Impoaed npoa Ibem. Not only were ea'ai idk eagagemeata eni gleort, bat many iMldren who had not yot thougfal Of ni.itriinuiiy aere argaa] to bacaaag berrothed nnd tbaa -tish.^l on to Baarrtage before the fhtal date. -N,|r dM the young f"iks, who generaUy rared kaa aboal Iba prindple of creed larohred than dld ibHr eUera, faU to aaake tho ni-.«t of thelr opportaalty. They eouVd w.-d tha peraoaa <»f thelr clndca, wbatbw their panata iik.^l them or not, and they rooM koi any dowrtea aettled lhal Ihey mi^'ht ask f.«r. A ainul" thr.-at of not BMITylBg at nll BBtll B^er Oetober i araa taongk to brlag tho aterneai parent lo terBBB. Wo dowu to OetOBBV 1 there waa n perfeet epldemle of church weddlng* gfl over Hungary. Thnt dnle marked no decrease ln the BBBMOf of marrlnges. but u chnnge In thelr character. In.l.-ed. on that very day occiirr.-d th.- iteotd breiklng ntiuib.T. It waa now the tum of tbe I.ili.Tal half of the Kingdom whlch ls r.'illy lir more than half. The rnsh for ilvll marriau'.-s .raa BO I"** ihat for tcrieafcMtlral ouea bad been. Trne, thera wai ao tim<- Bnrit, wlthln whl.h they milst he made. But there wa* wll Dlgh univ'ersal rlvalry to be flral OB th- list ln ea.h t.-wn or -Itv ..r pr.viii.-e. In soni" cas.-s lan.'" anaia 'f moi j arere eaTered for tl"- prlr- ilego of appearlnK Bral befora Ihe magtatratea, und many coopaea were ¦! tha leglotrare' doora at dayllght or before. nady to wait h.uirs. if nee.1 iie. bo as to he at Ihe Iniul of th* lin«-. Aa ln the forniiT cane, eBgagermeBta were ihori en.-d in order that fiie paarrtagea mighl occur oa iii" Bral day of the new dlapaaaatloa Tbere .raa, BH>re<reer, a great msii of rouplea arho had long 1.. get mani"d. hut COUld not be- ,;iiim> «.f ililT.T.dic-s of reilgtOB. Under Ihe .ivil law marrlagea between Chrlatlaita and Jewa are for Iba nr«*t time permltted, and of aucb Ihera have been many -riare tba Bral of tbe preaent m.dith. So these last taro or three areeki bare aeea loore marrylag and girlng in marrlage la Trana I.eitliania than gl many yeari before. There has beea great rivairy between the |wo fac- to aee arhlcb arould acora Ihe greateal number. All retnraa ar.- ii«.t jret al band, bat nt this writlng it aeema pretty aure thal tiie ..ivil maniagea are In tbe majority. Certainly tbey bare lha reeord of the greateal number la :i sin«l" day. In almoal arery romfllU&lty tbe coaple fortnnate MtoBgh to be married Bral un¬ der the new law had a lol of spei-ch makini: dona orer them i>y tba Kayor or Begiatrar, i publlc banipiet. BBd I I-retiad.'. glTen hy .-xiiltant Lib- erals. an.l thM Btory >'f thelr a.'hieveni"iit arlll be banded down to thelr deacendanta as a predona and patrlotlc metnory. Followlng cloaa upon thla adoptloa of -ivil marrlage tbe Klngdom nls.> lt l»-,'t BMcttof complete free- doni of worahlp, and eompleta »ivil pqoality "f Jewa Proteataati nnd Rotuaa Oathnlks. Thna cfT.vt.-<i .me of the greau »l pollticai and aodal rerornthmi la its bbitoiy, and Hnaga-7, from l.einc a -rtrooghold of ultra-Clerical reactlon, la tranaformed into ooe of the tnoat adranced of Uberal Btatea _ li v I\ EIBBKILL They hare been harlug fun In Flahklll. Foi- lowed hy tr.nibi.. wiihh is nol unuauaL There has has alwajfa been more or h-ss fun in Ftab- kili. a great deal "f it between Baturday after¬ noon and Monday mornlnf. Tbere baa been a eonalderable bierease in the quantlty, wlthout mui'h rhange in tbe quallty, of It alnce tbe trol- l,v atreetcar llae began operaMona whlch brougbl FlahkBl Landlng in rloee louch wlth Flahklll rlllage. For at Plahkfll Landlng ar.- thlrteen liri.kyards, whl.h furnlah empkryntent to aeTeral btmdred peraona, it baa I.n the of many of iheso tn ao to the rlllage "n Batorday after- noona, after drawlng th--ir weekly pajr, and bare fun until Monday mornlng. Thla they cookl readlly do, for they enfor.1 no blue btwa ln FlahkUl; peraonal Hberty waa not Infringed, and tbe dtliena were In tba prartlcal enjoyment of thal priceleaa boon kaowu aa the CoBtlnefital Bunday. Tbe briekmakera uaed to bare greal fun ln Flahklll, Tbe aavlnga banka baing aU rloaed by tbe time Ibey reaobed tba rlllage they depoalted ili»-ir weekly earnlnga wlth tbe aaloon- keeper*. Tbe Flahklll Bnloonkeepeta bave i flne <i.n>,. uf bnmor. They rnjoyed aeeing the brlek- makera bare fnn almoat as much as tbe brlek- makera themajelTea enjoyod baring it. lt ap peara to bare beea tbe practlee of Ibe brlek- makera, after bivlng depoalted thelr w«-ek'a wagea in ihe aaloona, lo walk home on tbe rall road track, tkua aaring earfare. lt ua- an un- bealtby practlee. ln th.nrae of teu ye:ira nlnety of them wrr«« kllled. Berloua-mludeil peT aona, wlth no apprpflatlon at bnmor, aald ibe carnnge wn-* out <<t prop«irtlon tu tbe [luptila tlon nnd began t" Inreatlgate. riny maile up thelr uiinds that Ibe brlckmakera were rareb-as, :i ti. 1 lhal they became rareleBa througb ibelr pfforla to drlre dull eare away. For n popula- ti,.ii of iibmit I'.'.ihmi s.niN they fiHind Ihat Ibere were ln tbe nelgbborhood of 115 placea, llcen* 1 ..anl unlleenaed, to drlre dull can" away. ThN belng In Ibe proportton of <m" eare-dla peller for twenty rolera or ibereabouta, i< .¦¦ imrred to them thal Iheremlgbl poeaiMy be more tbaa were abaolutely aerefaary thal the bns in-sj of enre-dlapelllni mi«ht be orerdone. It waa remarked, bowerer, by pi-raona eoncerned in promotlng Ihe buaineaa Intercata of the plaee ihm tnoat of the briokiaakera, of whora tlnTe arere ratlmated to be aboui i..'i,M|. were nol n-al denta, ,\^ a tosvi oflltial pui it: Tbey ronie "here half naked in ibe aprlng, and drlft away "dreeeed In an uoderablrl and oreralla In ihe "fall. Tbey apend all ibey parn righl b< n .¦Tii" town would be dead wlthout Ihem." Tiii- was ihe buaineaa rlew of Ihe queatlon, and, aa bardly needa lo be polnled ont, waa nn.inswer able. There was s,,ni^ talk about enforctng tin- Bunday cloalng law. bul as the brlckmakera h id only one day for dlBpelHng eare ll waa \> poaed by aome as an Infrlugement of llberty, by otbera as a rerlral "f blue l:iwa manlfestatlon of Purttanlcal hlgutry, whlle ihe guggeatlon that Bunday ahould h" nln*em-j| aa it bad been from time Immemorlal a> a day uf weekly real w;is anawered wlth one a<vord liy tbe rare-dlapellera that, ao long aa tbey coiiUl nmk" ll pleaaanl for ihe lirlckmakera or anj bmly <i>", for lhal matter they dld nol care lo rest; would rather work than n»t. Ko Ihe hrl..'. makera contlnued to go to Flahklll balf-naked in tbe sprin»:. have fnn Buadaya apend all they earned rlght tbere, and <irif. away in nnderablrt nnd oreralla In tbe fall "x.', of rourae, '!i.-. arho got kllled <>n ihe rallroad after drtrlng d ill rara away. Theae latter were n-.t tuurb niias.-d anyway; and tbey had aerred an eatremely uae fnl purpoae ln keeplng I'Nhkill nliv... Tbe town would hgya beea dead wlthout them. So thera waa fnn In Flahklll prerj Bunday Followed hy troulMea, of eourae. Bometlmea by Bgbtlng and ri.d, with blowa, rontualona and remorae, and aometlmea by deatb on tbe rallroad traefc. Not aerloja Iroublea, to be sn:v; ><v.\y just raougb to fniiil Ihe law >>f rompenaatlon and coBBt auainst tba fun. But a arhile ago, aa we le.irn frmn mir llrely contemporary, .Tha NewYork Sun." lo wblcfa we are Indebted for the-.'> partlculara <»f lif" la Flahklll, "foar "of the rhoietat young men of the town, three "of them church membera," went up to a care dlapeUlng inn ln lha aHgbborn.l «.n a Bunda* and returoed t«> the rlllage at a late bour ao bllarioualy drnnh that they weni about tbe atreeta flrlng platola and creatlng a general dla turbance. The trouhle thal foBowed that llttle outbreak waa *a*rioua For aome of ti." leading (.iti'/.ns gol together and organlaed ¦ Law and Order League, thearowed purpoae of whlch waa to coinpfl the care-dlapeilera to obey tbe Buaday- doolng law. Naturally, this baa arooaed reaent inent on tha part nol only of th"s.- «!i" bellere la a '.lihi rai Bunday" and "peraonal llberty," but also of pubUc-aplrited dtlgeBi who are con eerned for the busin.-ss mteretta of Ihe lowa nnd do ntrt want it to be dead oa Bunday. Among th.ise engaged ln this tnaaida agalnai buaineaa are aereral dergymen and many church membera This Inta-nalBea lha ff-ling <<t reoenl men) IVhen Oaorge If. Btearna'a dlent, a raro dlspeller arho had beea Interferad arltb ln his <:iiiini:. aald, pointlng lo ¦ rhareh acroaa tii" way, Them'a tbe dara thlaga, Bqulre Btearna, "that ¦¦!¦<¦ ralalng h wltb the buaineaa of this "eountry," he put into forcefui txpreeeloa uh« H.nilm.nt ej tho profoaalon. N<> BBBI can toll to what laagtha tha Law nnd Otder Leagaa win curty Un hostility to pers.mnl llborty. It mny rJoae lha rare-dl«po!llnK agloOBa ontiroly ou Siin- ilny. Th.n tho liri. kmakora would leave. P'lsh- kill dead Buadaya, nnd take away somo gf tbolr earnlnga, in addltioa t<( undorsinrt nnd orer- ail». ln Ihe fall. .Mi |uat beeaaae f.air proarlalag youag aiea drore dull -aro away nnd BOBM fnn oa §BB day. Doea anybody .-aro for Ibatl Wett, bardty anybody. And y.t and yii perhapa aaaaabody dld care a greal deal f"r wbal wenl <>n that wlld Bunday nlghl lo KlabkUL lt may be thal aome motber aal far Into tbe olgbl waltJag f"'- the bomecomlag of hor aon, only to aee hor bopea arrecked, and ber boaeal pride roraed lo Bhrrer Ing aoame whea he came. Bul moiberB have Uttle aenae of bumor, and wbal la more, women bare ao rotea. What FlabklD needa la a llberal Siimlay. wlth lotB of fun and pl-ntr of fBCflltlefl for drlrlng dnll oare away. A FARCE; IKD 80METBIXQ MORE. "It wa- a roarlng fBrce." That was iho ob- vhnis and graeral rommenl upon tbe proceedlnga nt th.- Controiler'a offlce oa Wedaeaday. Tho francbiee (¦.<¦ tbe much needed Btreel rallroada beyond tho Harl-in was offered for salo. The biddlng \\;i- ool in deflnlte smns, but ln per- rentagea "f the recelpta of iho roada after Ibey Bbouid be bnilt. At Bral thoro was aome reaaon- al.lo biddlng, >>f 3, I and .". per ceat. Th.n tho conteat was aarr »wed down '<> two rompetltora, wbo Beemed to i.ome atterty reckleaa. <>no <.f them bld 100 per cent, or tbe entlre recelptfl "f th.- roada Thal waa prepoateroua on iho face of ii. Bul that was merely "iho flrat dropplng before th.- mlgbty abower." Tbenceforth blda gdranced by leapa and bounda antll aome 8,078 per cenl was offered. Thal I" to aay, f"t* tho prtvllege <'f bulldlng and operatlng tho roada men dellbcrately offerctl t.- pay to the clty oot merely every cral they ever ahould recrtve from them, bul nearij aeventy llmea tho «;ross re- eeipta! And tbe bld was recetved and recorded wlth al! tbe pretematural aolemnity of a par- bolled owl a roarlng farce, ind.l: Tbe bkldera were oot, >>f eourae, ln oarnost; tbougb nnder i>" of $.~.m,imn) to fnlfll thelr blda, They had no Idca ihelr blda would ba gertonely aecepted. <>r. if they were, they had ao Id.-a of erer fulfllllng them, lt would lo- Im- poaalble f"r tbem to d" bo. They probably had lome n ti.di lhal by Buch biddlng they mlght Becnre iho francblae. Then they would build and npirato tho roada and pay tho dty not a ,,.n; ir the clty Iried to bold tbem to thelr Bgree.nt, Ibey would trnst to havlnir tho lat- ler annullcd by tho cotirtg un aome tecbnlcallty. Having galned wbal they wanted, they would hare Ibe meana by whlch they galaed it de- ciared frauduleat, or at leaat laralkl. Harlng .i,lnn'id" thelr rtvals, ibey would "bunco" tho ..iiy. That wga Ihelr Uttle gamo. That Is thelr niiiinii >'f buatni -¦. when tho publlc is a party r.i ibe bargala. Doubtleaa they conalder tt rery amart, aa w< ll na rery funny. Tha; Ib Juat about what mlght be ezpected <>f thal austere poUtlcal puaaet, th.- Hon. "Blue Eyed Bllly" Bheehan, who aeema t" bare ho. n tho prime mover ln tho arbole |. irformance. Bul waa It bo Intenaely bumorous, after all? ln any reputable prlvate bualneM tranaactlon a maa who made an offer be had no Idea of fnl- fllllng w.iuld ni.i ho reckoned a wlt He would ln. rerkoned either a fool or a knave. Hla bogua blda wmild ho regarded either wlth derlaloa or wlth eontetupt, and ln- would hlmsclf ho de- barred from auy ftirtber deallnga wlth bonesl men. Sii.ii a aeene as that ..f Wedneeday in the Controiler'a offlce eould nerer occur ln ihe Stock Kxehange or in the Produce Bxcbange ..r a: a trade aale of Th.- rery tboughl uf ii is alMiunl. It la only when mea aredeallng wlth ihe publlc and wlth publlc IntereBts that lii.y rentnre upon auch work. Toward one man ..,., n l' "I ffl th 'waid a inllli-in. or Iholr reprewntatlvea, they play fist and looae al will, Thal i- th. trve rlew of t!ii> eplsode. the mi i;-. rpi lutlou of it. That mnkoa It .¦'¦..'.i iii.' - um ii .. r.Miring farce aa a plere uf cheap and Bcunry knavlahneaB, a eharacierlatlo. ex- ample uf lhal iMmuchery of publlc affalra whlch baa plundered and demorallged this clty, and made Ita publlc »vorka and Ita rery gorernmenl a !o and a btaalng lo tho wortd. l'OTTO\ FACTR; i:i.l.isi>\s REPORT. Agricnltural Departtnenl n'porta as to cotton have ao lotig indlcated a ylehl far helow tbe Iniih, Ibe demonatratod error I* Ing orer 1.000,- miiii iialea laal year, 'ha: a dlatlnctly had re- purl frum Hiai murce cauaea a aharp break ln prlcea. Notblng leaa than an offlclal atatemral lhal erery bnle had bwn deatroyed would qulte ino.i Bpeculatlve pxpeotatlona aa to the Bureau. s mie moutba ngo, nnd aevpral llmea alnce. The Tribune gave data Indwatlug lhal the quantlty ,,r ,\ni.i;¦ .tn eotlon rarrled over from Ibe last ,i.,p would lo- aljoul :i.oiNi.niMi halea. A nunibcr ,,i' forrenpondenta were incllned to he conten- tluua, and aome "f tbem foollahly Bbuaire about Ihe atati ment. Bul ihe Ircular of Mr. Thomaa Klliaon, ererywhere recognia d as ihe blgheal atatlatical autboril) on the aubject, glrea returna :,_- the BiirpluB atocka of Amerlcan i-otton aeiiially In-hl ln mllla Kumpe and f'an- .,,! .,, itin ibbi ln fa< t. hla exael rtMtirifi ¦'''.. "I "' Kurope ah »ui 507,0i)ti ha\<**," N ;,(, iHiii f. r «' III ida, and be Bflda, >'- D|t| jiatlj li ahould Im- Iwrne in mind that ..,.,,,. itKUrea reprcaeni aurplua atocka only, the "w »rklng atooka nol Ik Ing v innieil." lu hla ,.,1 |n,.|tid|Ug i:h ;i« for Kurope, wlth ;;.;,i.Himi ,n Allli ri'an UlIlN and .'¦".. ln t'anadtl, and .j.oiiT.i.'.i ln Kuropcan and Amerhtin iwirta, he makea ihe atock iarrt«-d over 2.OT7.U00 bilea. The v rtla nnd Bgurea uuotnl ahow thal the actual quantlty waa Komj'wbol larger. Aa ihla ntla diapute aboul the aurplua fnun I is y, .,,¦. Ihe qw atli n of i onauiuptlon may nexl l.. .,', iiuably r maldered. Mr. Klllaon makea ll s.TiMi.iHMi i,ai. . »f Amerlcan in all eountrle*, bul ah iwa thal it would nol have exceedi-d K,'iulMaJ0 :,,,i, . htu for a nilu tl«»n of ab >ui WW.0U0 Iialea ln tbe aupply laken from otber i-ountrlea, owlng 1|; 1!ni\ 1,, the siri ii. low prlce "f Amerlcan. li, elfect our aurplua fon"ed olbcr countrlea otil of the market, ao lhal they earried over much more than they would otherwlae, and Mr. El liaon retuarka; "Aa Indian and Bgyptlan re- "porta are rery favorable, and as prlcea are H4d. I'A blgher than in tbe wlnter, we aball '.jt»>l ibeae fgju,000 balea back ln Ihe now aeaaon .ihi- item to ibe 1,100,000 Amerlcan ear .Ti,.i| over" in exceaa of the pr.vloiis year "from .h-t aetiaon glvea 1,700,0011 Iwlea to pul agalnal "auy ileflcienrj Ihere nia\ be in Ibe n--w .i-.p" .| hla ro konlng falla Bborl of ti..- beeause ;i,,. Bt.Kka earried over Bepb natx r 1, ts-'i. were ai.m iinaiu large aboul 1,000,000 balea larger than rn IBWor prerloua yeara, The wortd eould uet i>n rery well wlth i aurplua nexl Beptember no larger than ll was in 1800, iss>.» ,.. 1888, and this makea tbe actual aurplua ->f Amerlcan avatt- able for tbe comlng year, exclualre of now rot i,,n. aboul n.iotuHM". beaklea tha 800,000 whlch, Mr Kllisun sa.vs, we sh.ill i-'.-t lia.k from thg eoiintriefl unable t.» markel ll last year. <»n Mr. Klllaon'a mode ..f reckonltfg, then, there would be aboul 2,700,000 balea "to pul agalnal any defldency th.-r.- may l>.- In the aew crop." TJ..inoiiiipili.n. he Btatea, would have been bul B^Kki,00ii balea Amerlcan had ordlnary prlcea permltted other countrlea to furnlah thelr ordl nary Bupfdy, lf blgher prlcea and large cropa iinv year cnable ihem to furnlah nol only thelr ..i.i.ii irj aupfdleg, bul the 8iNi,O0O bali i whlch Mr KX1 -"ii > lya wlll be goi back, the quantlty ef Amerlcaa reqaured wiu bc 7^880,000, of ahka 2.100,000 waa In hand Septemher 1 »n **** of tbe stocka carrled over In 1800- Thla would make even n O.OOO.OOlVcrop conalderably more than is rc.,uired Whatever Is prndticed ln ceis of the world'a reqiilrementa wlll bave to oe carriod over. aa ln the yeara ISBl-'l* ln.lualve, nnd at aome tfaaa In the aceUOO wlll Inevltnbl.V flapreaa prfcaa Thus the Mirplua carrled over Beptember, Ifftat, nol aVOtaVhlO bales, ln apite or th- great dedhaa m yieid to «.7i7.t42 baleg, forced Ibe pHca down from MI eeBta .lanuary l to 783 .lune l, and the mirplua rnttn-r than the tbea ur.known and Blmoat nnlmnglned yldd drora down the prlce n year ngo to B.78 c-n'.s Nov.tnber I. Mr. F.lllson thoUgbt n BaOBth BgO that the adranee bt getoe had "gone far amoajgh," but the narket haa tbonght differentiy bacaBna dealera bare Ignored the great surphis of Aanerl- .an cottoo brougfat ov.-r. Dartd i'.. Hlll ke-ping ve.y qtiiet theae daya omlnoualy nuiet. Hia last owtglTtng waa from VTaahlfigton, where he grarely announ^d that if the Democrat. had rotea enough in th'.s State in November, they wonM win. is be thlnk- Ing about his future after Mareh 4. lUft Tammany Hall has pui ln th" Beld a-me of tba noat dlareputable candldate. for th.- BUta Sonato ever aetected in this dty, and it muat be admltted wlth regrel and abama that two or tbreo of tha nomlnaaa whom tha Plntl machtne has cboaeo In th- Benata dlatrlcta ar. Ilttla better than the Ivelers whom the Tammany gung has sont to the Thera la n dlemal proaitect that the dele- fatlon from thla clty ln tho Btate ienate wlll eon- t'.m aome of the worat men whu ever disgracd a New-Tork Legkrtature. what a atench ln tha noatrlla of the puktta tha Huckleberry Road bualneni bil Ther. la no fact dearer in the preaent campalgn than that the Oaroo factlon which has Jdned Tammany is Bgfatlng, not tor "peraonal llberty" .r "more liherai ktwa." bul for tbe apolla of offl .. nnd for Itnmunity for Its Btadeia from the proae- cutlon they so rlchly deeenre. -a- Mr. Orout, the Wllloughby-et candldaf.- for M.yor in Brooklyn, haa made a dlaeovary of r-ai imporunee. In his letter of acceptane. ha declares that the present munlclpal admlnlstra- tion In that clty la "negBtlrely honest." In the apaechea whlch h" la golng to make in every arard ln the city Mr. Qroit should exptaln and elaboiat" thla phraae. What is "negnUra hon- esty"? Come, Mr. Qrout, apeak up and t*li ua. Loulae Mlehel ls eomlng here to le^ture. It !-¦ dollara to doughnuta ahe wlll complaln of the tyranny of our Qovernment A writer ln 'Th" London Kieid" aayahe haa been .11 that ln the Unlted Btntea "they would sti.u nt nothlng" to wln a aportlng conteat."not even at pola mlng a horae, perhapa a man." Of aouraa not, tVe could glre the Borglaa polnta The laat ahowed tbat deatha from potaonlng ln sporting eonteata were more numeroua than from nll other eauaea put togather. Raan't Tammany Hail gone bi'k on Its prln- ciples eompletely in refuslng to stand by K"g- later Lavy whlle he ls b.dng poundod? Th" eonference commltteee of the two Demo¬ cratlc organtaatlona in Brooklyn an.- now en- gatre 1 ln a wranglc over what wai aald and what namea were propoaed durlng thelr vartous meet- Inga As near a* we "an make OUt, the matter reaolvea Itaelf Into a queatlon of eeractty, or perhapa of memory, on the part of the eon- ferreea The Bbepard men an.- lnclir.od to glve the r.-i.resentatives of WUloughby Btreet credlt for slm-erlty in thelr deslre to brlng about har- mony, but If the facts are as atated by tho former there was anythlng but good falth on the part of the leedera of th. togulars. Th.- truth ls that the "ffort to comblne these two rlementa was an attempt to 'inite oll and water. They Bnally agreed to dlaagree, and that ought to end lt. The waehlng ot thelr aolled llnen In publlc la nelther adlfylng nor agraeable, -.. Tamaen aowMng for peraonal freedora. i>oes 1 .. mean peraonal freedom for hlmself from the rons".(tien.'oa of his maladmlnlstration of the Sh.-riffa ofllee. <_ The Democrata of Ondda County bare unnni- mouely agreed to aupporl Coggeehall for stat* Ben.tor. Of courae "Cog." has l «tg been a most effleh nt Dem erat, and it ls iimo for his ¦ervl ea to be recognhted. ..».._ The brother atd brother-ln-law of the lata Reglater FKagernld were found and stlil remaln among the Ineompetenta aaddled upon that de- partment, ahowlng his beUef ln the precept that bewho prorldeanotforhlaown houaehold hath de- nled the fglth and la woraa than an tnBdel. Flta> gerald lilniself was h eanipl" Tammany oflletal, and th" Kegiater'H offl"e under hlm, Improvcd no whlt under bla Bueceaaor, stuffed full of prtae- rightera barkeepere and paioon loungera, was and 1- .a flne a si.ocim.rn of Tammany offlchalbuu and admlnlatratlon as th" Commlaelonera of Aecounta ar.> llkely to unearth durlng th.-ir inreetlgatlona. Tho other munlclpal wlll, of <. urr.-. be found ln llke caee, havlng tlll latety been under Wlgwam ontrol, but there is Ilttla ehanee of any of them ahowlng up a more worthleea rabbla than was found nt. red aw.y among the ¦ and hartera of the (lall ot Rec i la .. ? We tx % t, preaeni to <!.1 Oovernmenl Club X , ,., t our miwt dl.tlngut.hed conald- er.tlon. Xow let me toil you that lt tt> nnd hns been for matter of comm >n knowledga that the Amerlca'a t'up i* not to be a lowed l recroea the ttlantlc and thal avery maana, foul or falr, to re- t iin it are to be ueed l *¦>> thla I* a matter of com- mon knowledge. and l aa) II emphatlcally. l hava heard ;t ileclared titnos wlthout number, and o;trn wlth a dlspla) of lurld adjectlvea and thal Ingenlous profanlty whlch Amertcana are prone to keep ready li volume for anv emi.icj (Rngllnh Aaa, in "The rio'.d," quoted by "The New-Tork HetaM." ttf courae; that's ahal we are bulldlUg a new na* v for, and harbor defen ¦..-j. « Colonel <:uv v. Henry*a eompllmentary report on tin- stat" f New-Tork mllltla is deaerved. Sew-Tork can well afford to be proud of her cltl- gen s..1 ili.-!-'. . ?- The votera of New-Tork were convlnced last year thal Tammany needed thorough cleanetng by tbe .most powerfdl dlalnfectanui known. Nothlng has t."on done to make tblnga riean.-r nnd BWeeter and niore wliolfSjine ln that foin- taln head of polltleal depravlty and rlcl luaneea Tammany has not been dUdnfected. Thg fOUl odora whlch aiiae from it, the atreama of fiith whlch pour tortb fr. m it. tha adaonoua and m ilignanl Influencea whl< h it dlffueea, are as had a^ ..\ er they wete. PERSOSAL The trusteea of Columbta College have roU 1 Lfl make the three sons of the late TrofesBor Boyo-en. now at Berkeley Bchool, ararda of tho o.ii'.eRe, the COBl of thelr edtn-atlon to be met by the COlleg. Preparatlons are belng ma le in Havrc to cele- brata the 104th annlveraary of the blrth of Mnu- <.'n. al She was born '.n Ir.gouvllle, nenr Havre, and has lived la the aanu- houae eerenty-ali yeara Bhe haa been a widow aagkty years. Bajrg "Tho Plttaburg Dkaaatch": "Oa the lith of Ootober n«-xt there wlll »ail from V.MOurec one o! the Btraagtal and moat reni.irkahlu whlt" men who ..v.-r aot foot on f'hlneae BOll. It la tha lt.-v .1 I. Macfcay, for tweaty-tfcre. \earn a CkrlaUaa mla- onary t.> the Olldeat hoatiiena on aarth rh. clergym.n H accompanled bj hia wife, a n.tlve for ,. and 1. thelr thr.ihlldrea, ataater lieorm VVllllam and tho .Vlaae* Kai. and Marv ilo'.on lj,. came ha.'k to clvlllaatloa tor tha eole purpoao of aeeing his,. Canada onee more. Needleaa to 11 hia arriral In the Domlnlon wlth bla «',. and Ibe th-.." beautlful chlldren proved « aen a.i ... rellgloua ulixlea. Iu (ar lumiou ihe re* turn of Dr. Maekay la eagerly awalted by tha arkoU Dooulatlon of that Chlneae laland. An elahorate pab. llo reception ta to be accorded hlm there. and everv Formoaan dlgnltary ta to take part In what la pr,/, tlrally a reoognltlon that the laland ia now a n>rto- tlan Btate, aa a reault of the labor of one maa.i The adventurea of 'hla mtaalonary. It ta auaer. Buoua to aay. have been ¦aere extravagant tn*, thoae of Roblnaon Ortiaoe and <Jll I'.laa put toajether Whon ho arrlvod In the land ho waa the only whltj man wlthln mlloe and mlioa. Ho wn, lirnorant of tho language Th* <'hineae nated ai: '"hrt-tiana Plnta to mnrdor hlm wor» aa thlok le»v»« tii Vallombroau. II" t.og.-in h!s work ln IK72. a atrnrne, ln the land. To-day th«re at- ln hta ml«alon. vau. fnro 1 throughoul Nortk F/rrno»a. alxfy organuwi natlve ohorohoa. four of thom so|f-a>ipprtrHng; a llv. inif baotlacd BBemberaBlR of 2.T17. .1 .mmankn ro|| of 1 BOlV BBd on<-h one of tho nlxtv ohurrh.-a la m|n. In'tere.1 to bv a tralned natlve preacher Tamaul h" hai eatabllahed Oxford CoUege wlth Bfteag S d.nta'm tralnlng far tho ¦daattry The I'arta Flgaro" tella tho followlr.g atory «f the lafe Rtahop Cordier. of PaoBB Paah: Aa Ke fo'ind no Chrtatlara In tho eaaltal of ''araVdn, ha deolded to hoclii at tha top and eOBVerl Klni? Nore. dnm Ill« Majosty oxprosaed greal Ir.torost. |n tha new faith. and appolnted a apaelal Internreaar g) tiansb'to ih'- catechlaaa and the words of th* Mthop f,.r hlm Tho rulor waa roady to t.e baptlvd when }<- happened to W-arn that fhrtattanlty only por. noltted « man to hav« one wlfe He propoaal to the titahot. to Indnoe tho 1'op' t-. allow hlm, aa a BDeeial favor. to have at taast twenty wrvea. Wheg thla demand eould nol ba granted, i.o eaeaaafl to r.-maln a hoathen. The Itov. Dr. Herrl^k Jahaaoa, the laattngBtahaJ olergyman of Chloag). < ontla/iirt* tha ro;,ort that ho ta III. "I am not ,11." ho aajra "I have no organtc dlffloulty. nor anythlng that threa* ena prostratlon or broak of IMrvtMM tlsauo.; but the dootor haa glven mo oftVlal BOtlee that if I do not arreat mv BCtJvlUea he wlll not ho! 1 hfcnaetf n> Ppr.;a;ble for the r..i....,.ionoo^. and that I rjee*. | veaVa roat At tho explratlon of thal outtag j ahall ho hack on my fe#t, he <eaauree me. and aajaj for many voara of vlgoroua llfo. I do BO noa kaaaj irhere I ahall apend tha yaaw¦but. after ,- ¦:..- traat. m.nt here In the clty, arhlch ¦¦¦¦ a aa had, n. or tho doctor*B oonatant atfnMon. I attall pn«> «hlv ao to I,ower r.oorgla. and rr.on .itlioa- to \aa- iauL or through lo falifornla and poaolbly t, Hono. iSu. I hope to be back ln harnene aad ready for hani work next fafl " THE riaVI OF THK DAY. Whlle the Qaraaaa So.laltata aro holdlne: thelr BJJ nnai Cottgreaa at Braalau it la intorestina; to com- plla from an artlolo rorontly pabtBBha 1 la a \>nna paper by tha Betgten leader VjU>denreble aom» n». urea reUttva to tha d4reetoBaent of tha [aahar p*«r ln Belgluaa. It h-ld Ita Bret Coagraafl la UaS, nfty. nlne ootBBBltteea b"lnK ropr.s.n^d. I". UN thera woro aovontv-alx comnilttoon. and BB) ln >:.'. The co-operaUva aociaty "La Ptapte.'' «t BruaaalB, whlch poaaaaaoa a bakery. nuajbered M Baambera in Uaii lt Inereaaed to BB) m ;nv-'. ."...>" al ]""- ai BVaa u UBM. The soriety BJanufactured la UBB 4. kiio- ejanunaa of bcead, aMM aa uaf, XAUAM la UM aad 6,2^4,016^1^4. The tara prmelpal I .-raia Belgluaa, MLa Peuple" and "L'Bcl. h»l togalher a drculaUoa of t».iT:..4ia» eoptaa ..-.i U.7B.7M tn li(94. Thoro aro n ..v two m ;, the -woornit" and tbe "Werker." Thaaaa to tha new aiectoral law, the Bodallat \ sota, whtoh waa la 18W only MB, htcreaai to B\BB ln IBK Tho \\ ise Barpent H* Tho aerpeni knew whata woman was whoa entered the Oa len h .on. Bhe.Tea, he know woman, and ma;,, : loa remember the atory, I aoe. Ho <>f cuurs... Bh< Vea Ho tompfd Kve throuah her reaa n;ha tomptel Adam through hla atonaach. (New-Teta Waekly. A CAMPAION LTBIC. I am golnif It a .. <; o-goo: I am Bghttng for t1-^ fjio-aon! I have thrown away the nheath, I'm MoOregor on tha hoath; I have cat n.y WtadOBB teetfl C o-foo! I am al'-k of R^oaevelt'a leor, Gr>.roo: I am cut for Bunday b> or Garoo'. I will p"5h my Bunday ra'i Whlte the tlgor waga hta tall. AnJ I'it mako oM Parkhar^r wai: Oaroa! I am golng to the bat. frOO-BOO' I wlll knook out Smi'h and Platt. I. I will h.ive my Bunday can; I wlll rally to a man; 111 put in tha Croker cian- .: rool (Echo) Ooo-g Tho mlnleter ha 1 been in the llttla Kontaeky lown bat a ahort time. and arheji he wai called ta preach a funoral eermon he thought '..- at ^ j^k iP a faw facta aboul the eaaed I tru-t oag brother gone before waa a truly retlajtaMBB man. he aald to the aurvlvlng broUier ..,wf,r y.,,1 bal h< waa,'* waa the earneat anawfr. ..Why. brother. he never tuk a»aae fctaa «raMBito lay fer ono of the Blmmonaea wltboui fual pl ..>in three boura.".(ClnclnnaU Ingulrer. Ib It known genorally that worka of art woii paM for la aacteat tlaaeat a Oarmaa revlaa1 rurnlahed reoeatty bbbbb partlculara about that ajaaaa tlon. Polygnote, of Thasos. who llved about W B r, refuaod. lt Is truo, any payflBent for hta wnrk«. ani deelared that ho was aaifBctentty rewarded wltk the tltlo of CltBBM of Athon-, whloh had b-on con- ferrad on him. But bbkb dkaattreatadneaa was eei- dom lmltatod. Thirty yara later the palntef 7enxta of Heracleiim. was caDed to tho murt of archelaaa I. Ktng of Mafedoala. Ho reeetvad for hl- freacooa ln the palace of Pella. ¥0 "minea, IS.OflO. Mnaaon. of Klathoa. 1 al l BaMBl for a "Battle wlth the Ferslana," whleh he had onlereg from Artatldoa. the taader of tho Thoban a.hooL Pamphl'.ua, Of Synone, gave a ourae of 1-otaros on paintlng; *n<-h pupU paid for attendBBCa or.e "tal- aat '. or B-BM a year. Appellea receivod twenty gotd "tatents." about gWOfN), for a rortralt of lar I orderod by the clty of Epheaua. k Mala.Htae has aent littl. M*rion Ctavelaala poodie Moat of iho adltora have been glvtag bar fathor potntera (Oalveaton Nowa. "Tho ^ongregaflonallst,., of nostin. glvea «reat promlnenc; to an artlcle by "An Amor --.:. BaaV la Byrta" raptykBg to Admirai Klrklanda atrlcturea oa AsBBaicaa BaBaaoaarlea After laadtag at .laffa. ho sa.vs. "the AdmlraL Bfteen offleera and forty of tho craw wont to leruaalem an 1 apei I three daya '' /.nR' the cltv an l Its nelghNirhol What they lld whlta ln tho H Af <*tty rvery mhabitaBt knowa bat lt is not tha provtnea of thla artl > » detetl it. Enough that lt was the worai eahlbttfai of tho worat AmerlcanlBBB tha' eould have boon pn> duced The acttons of the a Imtral himacif wera Ba amaaement of all. nn i <-.f> 1 a blush of *'»"'« «. every AaBerleaa Ib the tj tl tha UamUeatrhaBig this .junkatlng' tonr, for ll waa nothinit ..- aaf returned to Jaffa BBd tha Ban Franclaco a-eamed off to Plraeua It dti a go aear tho aoat of aa» gei The Admlral had aeen nothlng <>f tho treeaaaa aad was eorrect m so reportlng ¦¦.¦¦¦.¦ ' mtnt al Waahlngton. wlso'.v omltted W U* th« ho had not tOUChed at to - B BBM BBB baata of Coaaaal rjBaaoa'fl ira, ¦¦" arlthta W mllea of tha potata whera Aaaeraaaai an ro in danger." OCTOBBB COKFIDEXCE. Bun'B a aetttn' a" f old; s ime oid purple; aame old l Bame ol l glory ln the leavea; Bame old barveai ln the fheavew: Froal iv-..t makea the frull l'-m« Comln' 'round m hedule tlm< Banae old autumn lovelli Country*a party aafe, 1 gu* s^ H:ime .Md BBBBaa and aame ,.!! toara Shifting with the fleetlng yeare; 0 11110s our gran la rea loyed tp put) 1'loase the j ouna ' Btlll ambttlon'a hol dealre ltagea; vet wlth ail Ita Bra pity haatena :o dlati fjountrya purty aafe. 1 guew Twocenturlea .. » . wi ". JJJJ .,. oupai h," "a aaturallal reatored k hunw* betog nineteen feel Mgh from aome ¦¦"^'^4 Knowledge of Bmpexatlve «.«.«»'*?¦ "JJJJ .1 ., arrora; bul the aclaatlfle men who ventur-a ,...::, 11, theai wera d*B0"B"dJjTw , ,ip,t as heretlca an I ontra-u.-iora of he B MaT- OidTaatan.entl.full ^adJ Oaih. champtao tha l-hillatlne.. ia atM J have beea Bts cabtta aad 1 apaa Mgh. ""*£ and ataa tnche* The Anafclaa ao &*."*<*£* e.ries eon, by MoaBB into CaBBaB that he W daaortbad then. as gtaata and to thla dayaaBJ greal autun 1 rload aa -.on. of Anak. Fronoh Academlelaa naaaad Heorton aow tb^BB- flgured II oul thal \ uua waa 19 raet aa '. foo, Soah b ia tt feel tall, Abrahaaa B «***" nf,..«. Tha aUeged grava of Abel, near Paaaal I. M feel kaag. and thal of Noah. .1 Ubana* faet long Accordlni to Henrlon. onl) ll, prevented the dlmlalahlng huntaa » fmm going oul altoaetnei h la ""J."* ,;,.... Blblleal daya there have been bo glanBi ¦ theJ.wa Before «... r*o bv gtaattv nho raa 1 arar agalnal lha joaa M,. bekag aeguaiatad arttk aaoaara BaathadB ai ¦ fara, uaed uiountulua l*( wjss..e*.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1895-10-12.€¦ · PIKTH AYENI'K THKATRK 2 >. 15 HavM liurrl.k an.l l^ni BtB PIV« Shlllinca ¦ABOBOa THBATB1 *:1*»-Trllby. Oarhii-k THBATRB I famiiie

Aug 18, 2020



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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1895-10-12.€¦ · PIKTH AYENI'K THKATRK 2 >. 15 HavM liurrl.k an.l l^ni BtB PIV« Shlllinca ¦ABOBOa THBATB1 *:1*»-Trllby. Oarhii-k THBATRB I famiiie

&f*iiamfltt*._[ABB^YB^HBATRE£5M ¦* *.> The HlleftatflACAfctatT or BfTBTC- t a The Pponma ,>"*n''"""

AMKRKAN THKATRK -«. Th* Oreat Plamoml K-bbery.

Hl.'or THKATRK 2 a:tt» Tho Wldnw .Ln.


....i.imhis TltBAtlta ^ I BI ln OM TifKATRK |:ii .:» B*ubbbIasafOfBrtBfBKB MUBBB -CwaseetBktPIRE THKATRK 2 I if- Cprletopher. JrPIKTH AYENI'K THKATRK 2 >. 15 HavM liurrl.k an.l

l^ni BtB PIV« Shlllinca¦ABOBOa THBATB1 *:1*»-Trllby.Oarhii-k THBATRB I famiiie 1:10 Beaeara B»

Moartro.HRANP OPERA HOVSK 2 I -Hermann the rtreat.

HARI.KM hPKRA HOVSK 2 ItM Tha Foumltlng.


HOTTH THKATRK 2 ll I *> Tho Oar VarlalnnaIRVIVO PLACB THKATRK I g Korreol.KO.«TKR * BIAI/I 2 1*> . VaiKlovllle.I.T.'KPM TMBATBfl I I Bi Tho Prlaonor of 7>nda.

MAPIBON Kyi'ARK OARPKN H> B. m te 1<» 30 p m..

Ann.iai Exhit.ium fi«ni Predweta and AaeataaeeaTAt.MKR s thkxtri: I I is Plear aa UaPROCTORS PI.KAHIRK PAl.A.'F.-12 t.i 12- -Va.idovllle.BTANPARI> THEATRE l:M i:leV Tho capltel.14TH CTRKKT THKATRK I I The lrlah Artt-t

Jnoe* lo ^bprrtiacmrnta.Paa* coi i Baga>.Oal.

Autumn Rea^rta_ » I Hnraea A rarrlairoe. .10 4Amuaementa .11 « Inatnir-lnn . * ¦

Ranaera » Hrokera. 11 b Inatiuctlon . » l-«H.mrd a:>d Booma.. lo 4 lo iraJ Notleee .10 1

Hualr.eee Chan.-ea. lo 4 l,.at and l<>un.1.ll o

Riieliieaa Opportunl- \larrla*..« 4 I'oafhB 1 '.

,\m .ll :. lataeellaneoua IJJ lBuaineaa Notlcea .... 0 1 Sew PubllcatloBB. * 4 flOontry Hoa-d. 9 2 Ocejn Hteamere. !' a

I»«nrln'a flchr«.la. 0 2 PaWIe Notlcea.11 .Mt.lend Notlcea ...II .*> Batlroaaa .If .¦«tlr SifuHona Roa' Ketate l'» 4

WantoA. .11. «7 H-al K-'ato .. WPreaamaalng 10 6 Rellah.ue Nolicea 10 l-JElectlon Ni-tlroa. U « Brhool Agenrlee. !_. -

E«,.ral.>na » « Operlal Notlcea. .;Pinanclal .11 4.* Si.amN.ata . fl BriBanctal Moetlna* " *> Toarhora. -

Por sale . 1" .' r;'r Turf.11 «

Batp Wnnie.1 KJ * w.niee Reaorta. » 2HolHa . ». * w"rk ^or"-1.'" " ''

Cn«inr88 Noiirra.

Roll Top liesks and Offlre Ftirnlttire.Oroat Varlety of My*. «nd Pllee.T <J KE1AJCW.No. in Paltea at n y_


1 venr fi m.ia. .1 mBB 1 mo B vy.I*llv T daya a weeh ....110 00 »f. IW *2 BO |1 iiO ....

Pallv,' wlthout Sintav 8 m) 4 nn 2 00 B0 Jf'«.a in-lav »00 1 0B M ... f; <-t».Weekli Tnhuno. » 00 .I <'!».genl W.eklr TrlVine. 20.1 .J rta.

Trlhune Monthly. 2 00 .*£'*Poataga ptepaM bv Tl.e Trlbune cxcej.t BB herelnafier

t'afedt ITY POSTAUK Th* law requlrea that a 1-ront BOBtagB

1'imp he afflvO ln e^ei) rop\ Ol tho l'ally. Bundayr.r Sfml Wooklv Trlhuno nialled f,>r looal dellvery l«N-w Tork Clty. Thla i».atage n-nst ho pald by -iil"anibor Readora aro bot>r aerv».l by buylr.g thelrTrlbun^ frem i. nor *ci»aler

roRKMN PCWTAOB..To all forel-m countrlea .?x'opt<'anadk and Mealco), 4 .enta a eopy on The SundarT-lbuno. 2 con'a a oifSV «.". I>ai»v Fomi BTeegl! aadWeekjr. Thla r.»r«>Bo miiKt i» paid L\ aiiha. rlbor

RKMITTAN' KS Homii hy l'..»'al OrOar Expr*** Order,Ckeck, lnafi oe R-itiaioro.1 ix-tio- Caah r PuatalV"te, If aent ln an iu.r..|ti«ioro,l letter, wlll bo ut theowner'B rlak.

OrKli'F.s OE THE TKlBfKE Maln fffl.-o of Tt o Trll-une. 154 Naaaaa at New-Terfe Mmr, npi »n *"'.».1 24'J Hn a<!»ay Andraaa ull canreapoBdeBca a'niply.The Trlbune. New-Terk.

BRANtlt OFFK IS2">4 8ih ave a o. <<.r 2Sd-at.1J2 Cih nr. cer. Hth-at.142 Cv.lumhua avo noar Weat «t'h at.RHl W/eai 4td at noar tith-ave.:-<i \v»at 14th Bt.. noar Bth-avo

257 tVoat 42! at BOtweea 7th and *th mi.157 4th-ave., <-orn»r 14th al.

1 S2t S'l-avo.. b-twoon 7T>th «nd Tfl'h BtB1 .T"U 3d ave lotwo»n 7«th and 77'h at-1 nCtrt Sdave n-«r filal-at.IH Eaat 47th-at corBer Bd-aee.If4 Kaat 1J.'.th-at.?4.1 Woat 12.'.'hat.2« Kaat 42d-a'., n^ar Madlaor «v»

l.flZ^ Friadway.7»V» gdavo.. rnmor 47th »iM4 *1.1-a\o. noa' Ka^t .'(7th a'_

3ftto$tfkaa)*al& 3Mtaiu.FOUNDED BY HOKACE GREELEf




THE KMWt THis MORMh'fl*~-

FORKION.."Le Matln," of Parla aaya thatBWOfBlitf B> the tr.-aty of peai Do lerrll irlalconceaalone ^hali Li.- made ui ihe 11 iv.a t for-. Igners ln Madagnpcur wlthout ili>- consenl ofKranoc. A dtspatcb from Palerm aaya lhal<i Sicllian woman haa beer arreated and ii«*-foseeil t<> havtng polaoned twenty-three chlldren.r Th" Qtio. n t>f f'..roa \<* belleved t.i havebeen kiilfi by ihe rehois who neeently attackedBeoad.DOaaEBTIC iT.-ile-ni Clovktend ended hia

vaoatUm at (Jrav t}«ldo«> and BOlled f r W.ahtng.ton nn K. C. Henedl'-fa atoam y.eht, the Onelda.

A fall hap l>ofti laaued to Oemocrataln onelda C.unty to BBOrt and take Bomeart|.->n a» a protoat agali st Henry J. <' ¦kv--ahall'a nane hoing plaeed en the Democratlcth-kot a deetaratton fkworlng Cbrlatlanunlty haa beon proj.ared for preeentatlon to theCongre.gati.nHi Trtennlal Counetl In Byraeuae.~-. Benator Hherniaii in an Interrlew galdthat preaent *arcanuuan<*ea promUed im> re-turn of general pr^MBfieiity, and predlrted Repub-ll-an vlctorlex. h--th Btate and N.tlonal. An«<=«<latant forenian ln the eni|d iy of 1h<- CapltolCommlnelon. In Albany, waa .llf-liflrgo,) f,,r )..V\.Ing btackmail on tho gtoneeuttera employed onthe btiildlngriTY AM* BVBURBAN. -Dr*Parkhural made

a Btateenent rlefinlng hia attitndo wlth referen .¦

to t!i-' fuelon tl'K.-t Diatiiet-Attorney Pel-lorw-a. in a letter to C ajnmlBrtoner Parker, .dviaedthe Pcdlcaj Board ntit t<> in'erfere arlth ractng h^ida-lthln the llmltatlonn i the Oray law.Prefklent LoW, of Columbla College, gav<» hi«li^as on ajOhool r^form before the Be* B atemri>mmltt"e of the B >«rd of in

Ptate DBBMDVBOy BBBdera w,ll m»'>'t i -day lo re-

piidlate th" deal between Alexander S. Wil lan h

and Ptate Democracy tnen. Pln.l* In g.dffor the Bt. Andrew Cup arlll !'.¦ playi i al Tonkeran-dny. ._.^- The 9Un-k mark.t araa Irregukir anddull.THE WEATHBB Poreennl for to-day: Pnlr

BTiowi of the dky, witii perhapa local eh rerera Inthe afternoon or night. '!*. mperoture yeaterday;Hlgheot, .. degreeo; lowest, 4^ degr ea

It is gratlfylng to see sIj*ds of n determlnatlonon the part of tbe Stflte iR-nKMTiiry leadera (o.all off the .leal wliet.d»v M-PoJIee Inapeel i

wiiiiame kae boeB n>;n!e iix- BagMtorlal oaadMateof fbat nrj:anizatliin Iu tlie Xllth Dtatrift, Thatthere iias lie.-n ¦ deal in iliis dlntiicl tbere ran

be no doiilit wliati'ver The IMatt DomlBatloflof Wllllanix lias naixeatid all ilfcent Refrub-lirans: bis nominat'oii by the othef i»;irty niii-i

bave the aarne effect .ni dex-enl Ltefltocrata TbfBJXeeUtlTt Coinmittee of the Slate l».'ni-« r.t.ylg to uieet tO-dWj Id consl.ler Ihll inait.-r lt

wlll make no mlafake if lt proniptly rqyQdlatnthe bargaln aml eall« to shnrp geeoBBl the mea

who made lt.__ e>

There are eome Democrats ln OBeMi Oountjf,and thelr number CBght nut to be sin.ill, dlBguated wlth the actlou ^xt their BwcatlTOCommlttee In putling Coggeshall's name mi theDemocratlc tlckct. One of them, TBOBIM lvKlnney, who waa a niemher of the State Commlttee appolnted nt the May COBTtRfl in beld in

Ijncagg ln 18P2, has gppealed t.i all (hoae of hi«own way of tblnklng to eome together and re

pudlafe the Indorsement of CoggOghgll, H)sBtatement of the ease agalnat the dlfMTedJtedBenator ia lurid. but Jti«t lt speiu« bapagglble.Jagt decent en<l eelf respe.tlng Democrata .-nn

.wallow «o nauseous a dose. Mr. Klnney shoiililbe able to rall.v a goodly company of (hea undmake an end of Coggeahal!

Senator Sh'-rman 1b confld.'Dt, nol wltboutreoaon, retrardlng the polltlcal ontlook lu Ohlo.Iie has eujoyed exoeptional Opportoaltlea foriii-iRiug of th.* feeliug of the poo**ea, and arbOekjg .l<»e<« uot look for ao BWeefMBf a vlctory ns

that of two y.-ars ago, when Ooaaa*BOC Mi-Klnb-vwaa reeh-eted by a majorlty of M.taat, bi willnot l»e aurj)rised if the R.'pumVans wln ihUtime hy .vi.ono <>r «*4».<nm» ii«- beilarei lhal theLeajjalalBn aryi ui»«^ be Bapoblloaau Thin is aub-

Btantiellr whnt ho rnild durlng n brlef atnjr ln

Wasblngton .vonterrtay. The Sonntor mny bo

acciracd of overoiithusiiiHm in apeaklng 8B HbAbbOor 00.000 n» "1 BBg>Bllj" ln <>hlo, BeetBgtlmt Hnrrison carrted UM Stato in 18M »>y losar 1 i.iu LMUMi and McKlaley ln I8M by Bhoui tho

sanio. Kv.ti 20,000, !n>wpver. I* IBgfjajl to COB«

atltute -i gweeplag etetory, taMarja Ogattal BaatvnHl Mdfl f:iir '¦- liavo ;t <-on*ldorably targer insi-


l»r. Parkhurat'a lefter ea lt* poHtlcal gitnatloaIs ii IgbOTed productloB whioh be gare 001 fea-terday aflet Bereral daya of preparatkm. gnd l*

nrktag la lhal lerae one of BagMgb wbieh we

ai* accuatomed lo look for la tbe Doctor'a pablicDtteraacea, Mr. Parkhnrst is gofUg to BUpportthe fiision tlcket, Bl legal in part. Thal h<> eouldronnletently lake any other eourae n.i toteUbrentmaa can concelre. The Brondet <>f it is thal it

took him the better parl of b weeb lo ptake aphis mlad. He frankly agjra lhal be doea n->t llkeii por'lon .if tbe fiisinn platfono, bal be willBtaad in thla roateni Bboulder to Bhoalder wlthri),- other good BBd progreaaiYe citiseaa who Bfgtlmt Ihe only effectlve way «>f Bajtttlag Tammanyis iiv maklng common cause ggalost lt.

TBE RAMB TAMMANT.It la atrange lhal somo derout nion .'ind good

cltlaeaa who Brerej luled arlfb hatred ofTammaDya year ago BBd orerfJowed wlth jny gad gratl«tnde when Ita poarer was brokeo are now ratbefsinw tn recognise Ihe duty and aeceaaitj ollinishini: Ihe Job. Of eourae in one aapecl ofihe eaee this year'a electloa is not *<> Importanl,is lns? year'a was; bal iho IocbI lasue, ihonghloaai ln magnltude, is Jant aboat Ihe aame laklnd. It ia the leeae of soiiml prindplea ofmuntdpal gdailalgtratloa on tho oae hnnd aad a

protlgflte employment of powet for petaoaal and

partiBau adrantage oa the other. if Tammanyhad beea regeaerated in aay degree dming n

year of dlegrace and mlaforfnne, there mlghl beBome preteotl for permlttlng the forcea whlchrorablned gggfaat lt to Bhaadoa th.-ir glllance,and Indtrldnala who Bhonld lel former politlcalpreferencea gorern Ihetr condud ln this cam¬

palgn mlghl make a pfaraalble argnment ln thelrBwa behalf. Bul there la no room for b dlffer-,,.,. of opialoa oa this point. What Tammanywan It remalnB. We anppoaa lhal it la lahereat-ly Incipable of reform; but, bowerer that may

l',,., nol a tra.f refona or ercn the BlighteBlleanlng la lhal dlrectlon la dlacernlble. Tho

ggme men, profeMlng the wme oreed, dlreel Itaactlritle* There baa nol I.b a alngle apologymado for Ibe organlsation by any member of

lt, Bome membera have abandoned it ontrlgbiln distfiist and dlamay, bni tboae who are leflaro Ita unblushlng champlona and euloglBtaprood of its record and pledged to make Ita

futnre llke its paat.jf there were any doubl «f this. we Bgy, mea

wbo were ln Ibe flgbi agalnal Tammany a yearago mlghl pl. ad ih. prlTllege of glTlng Ita pre*rnt tlckel the benctH of thal doabt Bu1 tbcreis do preteni.f fl change. rtaeh an Intlmatlonwoukl be acornfnll.v contradlcted by erery Tam

many Icader and follower. They know thal it

is nachaaged aad ibey are bonnd to kecp it bo.

And alnce this |a ihe faet. prodalaied lo be ao

on ihebighPBl anthnrity, it aeema to db lhal Ihoaewliu were lt« rcBolute nnd mllitanl enemlea laal

year dlBcredli tbelr alneerity In lhal greal atrnggle if they Bbow benltatlon and timldlty al Ihe

preaeni tiino.

PARTIEH l \'D \'0 PARTIB8.TL.> worhl would aol reform rery much if 'ho

0Blj j.ple in favor of reform Ihoughl lt necen-

aary lo liulu, firoi of all. Ibe other peopla who.raated lo reaeh the aan.od la a dlfferent way.

The Oooil Otirernmenl j.pb», for Inatanee,who wlll ii-' nave lt al any prlee if it happenalo be offered by a man who la oot good, erl-

dently wanl to be Iranalated to tbe land of the v.'i.'is. belng Balnta, prefer arch-angola for offltH-ra In thla Bnblnnary apbereih«-ro «re a greal many people who wlll rote fora ii ,.,.1 in in. .v.n if he happena to i>o aomlnatedbi tbe n i;. n.y or wlth Ibe aasenl of a maa aol

entlrvly good. Alao thoro are a greal many who

will rote for the aomlneea of a party wbkh theylind Ihe better and purer of tbe two, knowlnglhal th. ir rotea mlghl as well go Into the waate-

baakH if raBt for aome other maa more lo Iheirtaate. .There was once a man ao fgalldloUB abontliis fo.Hl tbal be BtBrred,When ibe dealre for better gorernmenl i-'ota

Btrength pnongh lo be worth ronsldertng, il

preaently cona-a l«i be a party, wlth managera of

Baoreorleaa experlenee and aklll. Whal can Ihereformer do if be haa conBelenlloua conTletlonaagalnal rotlng for any man who has the an.ellof party aboul bla elothea; ReaHj h«' bfli ao

.liui.o. !!-. mitBi flock by hlmaelf, and eoneen-

rrate hla . rote nfhin the man he may per-Bimiilly aomlnato, leal be bo contaminated byIhe dealre to acl wlth other mea.

Tbe RepubllcaB party was in orlgln, and la Ibe

judgmeal of rery many is yet, tbe beal Bgencyye\ known among mea for gettlng good gorern-ment. II aaked Ihe beal and moal progTeaalTemra of all partlea to form a aew party for that

purpoae, and they dld bo. Xo donbt Ihere are

many mea who tblnk they coukl bare done muchbetter al that tlmc, bul if ibcy try to mark oulihe llnea u|»on whlch a majortty of the peoplecan be broughl l.' ln ""\ Northern Btate

they will baTc lo come pcrtloualy aear lo thellnea drawn by the Republican party. Wbeuaome of the pureai and ableal tm-n In the couatryare aeying, as they aro to-day, "1 bb.arlnced"lhal ih.iv .an be ao graulne or btatlng reform., \ ibrougfa the Bgency of a party, thefanggcBl Ihe quextioa wbetber Ihe «;.I Oorera-

[ment bretbren are merely anxloufl lo bare a

party <-f thelr own maklng Inatead of h partymade py 11.oacurreni actloa of many millbmaof boneal aeekera for good gorernmenl dnrtngibe last f'irty yeara.We ahall probably baie lo pnl up wlth Ibe

fkct thal iti.i-T of the people who reaUy waatbetter gorernmenl prefer lo ad through partJea,an.l that tlnir beal efforta will be of ao grallwhatercr if i»art of Ihem InalBl upon regardlagall pgrtlea hh bb laventloa of tbe derlL Tho

Ignoraaca of tho Tammany roter who diinks

Henry l>. Parroy a model Cbrtatbtn giateamannmy he laiik-hahlo, but whal of the other man

who will nol h.lp to beal Pnrroy, and auch as

ho is. if to thal tad lt la aeedful to rote wlthBome party?

TllK BVNOAB1AX UARBIAQB BBVOLVTIOH.Laal and not leaal <>f tbe world'g reeorda

lirokon this yoar was iho BUIfTfflge record. Tho

Bcene of thla extiaordlnary performance was theKlngdom of Hungary, and tho occaaloa pf lt

was tbe romlng lato force of tbe now Clrll Mr.r

rlagg |iW| oa October l A week or so lieforethat date tho whole Coagerrgtlre balf of iho

nntion Beeaned to go BiBrrhige-aiad. All ko.mIBomaa Cgthollca wlth marrtageaWe chlldreamada haate to gel Ihoae chlldrea marrted endertho uid. orthodoi dlapeaaatloB, before what laeyregarded ns tbe gofUeaa ayatem of clrll marrtogewas Impoaed npoa Ibem. Not only were ea'aiidk eagagemeata eni gleort, bat many iMldrenwho had not yot thougfal Of ni.itriinuiiy aere

argaa] to bacaaag berrothed nnd tbaa -tish.^l on

to Baarrtage before the fhtal date. -N,|r dM the

young f"iks, who generaUy rared kaa aboal Ibaprindple of creed larohred than dld ibHr eUera,faU to aaake tho ni-.«t of thelr opportaalty. TheyeouVd w.-d tha peraoaa <»f thelr clndca, wbatbwtheir panata iik.^l them or not, and they rooMkoi any dowrtea aettled lhal Ihey mi^'ht ask f.«r.A ainul" thr.-at of not BMITylBg at nll BBtll B^erOetober i araa taongk to brlag tho aterneaiparent lo terBBB. Wo dowu to OetOBBV 1 there

waa n perfeet epldemle of church weddlng* gflover Hungary.Thnt dnle marked no decrease ln the BBBMOf

of marrlnges. but u chnnge In thelr character.In.l.-ed. on that very day occiirr.-d th.- iteotdbreiklng ntiuib.T. It waa now the tum of tbe

I.ili.Tal half of the Kingdom whlch ls r.'illy lir

more than half. The rnsh for ilvll marriau'.-s

.raa BO I"** *« ihat for tcrieafcMtlral ouea badbeen. Trne, thera wai ao tim<- Bnrit, wlthlnwhl.h they milst he made. But there wa* wll

Dlgh univ'ersal rlvalry to be flral OB th- list ln

ea.h t.-wn or -Itv ..r pr.viii.-e. In soni" cas.-s

lan.'" anaia 'f moi j arere eaTered for tl"- prlr-ilego of appearlnK Bral befora Ihe magtatratea,und many coopaea were ¦! tha leglotrare' dooraat dayllght or before. nady to wait h.uirs. if

nee.1 iie. bo as to he at Ihe Iniul of th* lin«-. Aaln the forniiT cane, eBgagermeBta were ihorien.-d in order that fiie paarrtagea mighl occur

oa iii" Bral day of the new dlapaaaatloa Tbere

.raa, BH>re<reer, a great msii of rouplea arho hadlong 1.. get mani"d. hut COUld not be-,;iiim> «.f ililT.T.dic-s of reilgtOB. Under Ihe .ivil

law marrlagea between Chrlatlaita and Jewa are

for Iba nr«*t time permltted, and of aucb Iherahave been many -riare tba Bral of tbe preaentm.dith.So these last taro or three areeki bare aeea

loore marrylag and girlng in marrlage la TranaI.eitliania than gl many yeari before. Therehas beea great rivairy between the |wo to aee arhlcb arould acora Ihe greatealnumber. All retnraa ar.- ii«.t jret al band, batnt this writlng it aeema pretty aure thal tiie

..ivil maniagea are In tbe majority. Certainlytbey bare lha reeord of the greateal number la:i sin«l" day. In almoal arery romfllU&lty tbe

coaple fortnnate MtoBgh to be married Bral un¬

der the new law had a lol of spei-ch makini: donaorer them i>y tba Kayor or Begiatrar, i publlcbanipiet. BBd I I-retiad.'. glTen hy .-xiiltant Lib-

erals. an.l thM Btory >'f thelr a.'hieveni"iit arlllbe banded down to thelr deacendanta as a

predona and patrlotlc metnory. Followlngcloaa upon thla adoptloa of -ivil marrlage tbeKlngdom l« nls.> lt l»-,'t BMcttof complete free-doni of worahlp, and eompleta »ivil pqoality "f

Jewa Proteataati nnd Rotuaa Oathnlks. Thnai« cfT.vt.-<i .me of the greau »l pollticai and aodalrerornthmi la its bbitoiy, and Hnaga-7, from

l.einc a -rtrooghold of ultra-Clerical reactlon, latranaformed into ooe of the tnoat adranced of

Uberal Btatea_

li v I\ EIBBKILLThey hare been harlug fun In Flahklll. Foi-

lowed hy tr.nibi.. wiihh is nol unuauaL Therehas has alwajfa been more or h-ss fun in Ftab-kili. a great deal "f it between Baturday after¬noon and Monday mornlnf. Tbere baa been a

eonalderable bierease in the quantlty, wlthoutmui'h rhange in tbe quallty, of It alnce tbe trol-l,v atreetcar llae began operaMona whlch brougblFlahkBl Landlng in rloee louch wlth Flahklllrlllage. For at Plahkfll Landlng ar.- thlrteenliri.kyards, whl.h furnlah empkryntent to aeTeralbtmdred peraona, it baa I.n the of manyof iheso tn ao to the rlllage "n Batorday after-noona, after drawlng th--ir weekly pajr, and barefun until Monday mornlng. Thla they cooklreadlly do, for they enfor.1 no blue btwa ln

FlahkUl; peraonal Hberty waa not Infringed, and

tbe dtliena were In tba prartlcal enjoyment ofthal priceleaa boon kaowu aa the CoBtlnefitalBunday. Tbe briekmakera uaed to bare grealfun ln Flahklll, Tbe aavlnga banka baing aUrloaed by tbe time Ibey reaobed tba rlllage theydepoalted ili»-ir weekly earnlnga wlth tbe aaloon-keeper*. Tbe Flahklll Bnloonkeepeta bave i flne<i.n>,. uf bnmor. They rnjoyed aeeing the brlek-makera bare fnn almoat as much as tbe brlek-makera themajelTea enjoyod baring it. lt appeara to bare beea tbe practlee of Ibe brlek-makera, after bivlng depoalted thelr w«-ek'awagea in ihe aaloona, lo walk home on tbe rallroad track, tkua aaring earfare. lt ua- an un-

bealtby practlee. ln th.nrae of teu ye:iranlnety of them wrr«« kllled. Berloua-mludeil peTaona, wlth no apprpflatlon at bnmor, aald ibecarnnge wn-* out <<t prop«irtlon tu tbe [luptilatlon nnd began t" Inreatlgate. riny maile upthelr uiinds that Ibe brlckmakera were rareb-as,:i ti. 1 lhal they became rareleBa througb ibelrpfforla to drlre dull eare away. For n popula-ti,.ii of iibmit I'.'.ihmi s.niN they fiHind Ihat Iberewere ln tbe nelgbborhood of 115 placea, llcen* 1..anl unlleenaed, to drlre dull can" away.ThN belng In Ibe proportton of <m" eare-dla

peller for twenty rolera or ibereabouta, i< .¦¦

imrred to them thal Iheremlgbl poeaiMy be more

tbaa were abaolutely aerefaary thal the bnsin-sj of enre-dlapelllni mi«ht be orerdone. Itwaa remarked, bowerer, by pi-raona eoncernedin promotlng Ihe buaineaa Intercata of the plaeeihm tnoat of the briokiaakera, of whora tlnTearere ratlmated to be aboui i..'i,M|. were nol n-aldenta, ,\^ a tosvi oflltial pui it: Tbey ronie"here half naked in ibe aprlng, and drlft away"dreeeed In an uoderablrl and oreralla In ihe"fall. Tbey apend all ibey parn righl b< n

.¦Tii" town would be dead wlthout Ihem." Tiii-was ihe buaineaa rlew of Ihe queatlon, and, aa

bardly needa lo be polnled ont, waa nn.inswer

able. There was s,,ni^ talk about enforctng tin-

Bunday cloalng law. bul as the brlckmakera h idonly one day for dlBpelHng eare ll waa \>

poaed by aome as an Infrlugement of pergon.illlberty, by otbera as a rerlral "f blue l:iwamanlfestatlon of Purttanlcal hlgutry, whlle iheguggeatlon that Bunday ahould h" nln*em-j| aa

it bad been from time Immemorlal a> a day ufweekly real w;is anawered wlth one a<vord liytbe rare-dlapellera that, ao long aa tbey coiiUlnmk" ll pleaaanl for ihe lirlckmakera or anjbmly <i>", for lhal matter they dld nol care lorest; would rather work than n»t. Ko Ihe hrl..'.makera contlnued to go to Flahklll balf-nakedin tbe sprin»:. have fnn Buadaya apend all theyearned rlght tbere, and <irif. away in nnderablrtnnd oreralla In tbe fall "x.', of rourae, '!i.-.arho got kllled <>n ihe rallroad after drtrlng d illrara away. Theae latter were n-.t tuurb niias.-danyway; and tbey had aerred an eatremely uae

fnl purpoae ln keeplng I'Nhkill nliv... Tbe townwould hgya beea dead wlthout them.So thera waa fnn In Flahklll prerj Bunday

Followed hy troulMea, of eourae. Bometlmea byBgbtlng and ri.d, with blowa, rontualona andremorae, and aometlmea by deatb on tbe rallroadtraefc. Not aerloja Iroublea, to be sn:v; ><v.\yjust raougb to fniiil Ihe law >>f rompenaatlonand coBBt auainst tba fun. But a arhile ago,aa we le.irn frmn mir llrely contemporary,.Tha NewYork Sun." lo wblcfa we are Indebtedfor the-.'> partlculara <»f lif" la Flahklll, "foar"of the rhoietat young men of the town, three"of them church membera," went up to a care

dlapeUlng inn ln lha aHgbborn.l «.n a Bunda*and returoed t«> the rlllage at a late bour ao

bllarioualy drnnh that they weni about tbeatreeta flrlng platola and creatlng a general dlaturbance. The trouhle thal foBowed that llttleoutbreak waa *a*rioua For aome of ti." leading(.iti'/.ns gol together and organlaed ¦ Law andOrder League, thearowed purpoae of whlch waato coinpfl the care-dlapeilera to obey tbe Buaday-doolng law. Naturally, this baa arooaed reaentinent on tha part nol only of th"s.- «!i" bellerela a '.lihi rai Bunday" and "peraonal llberty,"but also of pubUc-aplrited dtlgeBi who are coneerned for the busin.-ss mteretta of Ihe lowannd do ntrt want it to be dead oa Bunday.Among th.ise engaged ln this tnaaida agalnaibuaineaa are aereral dergymen and many churchmembera This Inta-nalBea lha ff-ling <<t reoenlmen) IVhen Oaorge If. Btearna'a dlent, a raro

dlspeller arho had beea Interferad arltb ln his<:iiiini:. aald, pointlng lo ¦ rhareh acroaa tii"way, Them'a tbe dara thlaga, Bqulre Btearna,"that ¦¦!¦<¦ ralalng h wltb the buaineaa of this

"eountry," he put into forcefui txpreeeloa uh«

H.nilm.nt ej tho profoaalon. N<> BBBI can toll to

what laagtha tha Law nnd Otder Leagaa win

curty Un hostility to pers.mnl llborty. It mny

rJoae lha rare-dl«po!llnK agloOBa ontiroly ou Siin-

ilny. Th.n tho liri. kmakora would leave. P'lsh-kill dead Buadaya, nnd take away somo gf tbolr

earnlnga, in addltioa t<( undorsinrt nnd orer-

ail». ln Ihe fall..Mi |uat beeaaae f.air proarlalag youag aiea

drore dull -aro away nnd BOBM fnn oa §BBday. Doea anybody .-aro for Ibatl Wett, bardtyanybody. And y.t and yii perhapa aaaaabodydld care a greal deal f"r wbal wenl <>n that wlldBunday nlghl lo KlabkUL lt may be thal aome

motber aal far Into tbe olgbl waltJag f"'- thebomecomlag of hor aon, only to aee hor bopeaarrecked, and ber boaeal pride roraed lo BhrrerIng aoame whea he came. Bul moiberB haveUttle aenae of bumor, and wbal la more, women

bare ao rotea. What FlabklD needa la a llberalSiimlay. wlth lotB of fun and pl-ntr of fBCflltleflfor drlrlng dnll oare away.

A FARCE; IKD 80METBIXQ MORE."It wa- a roarlng fBrce." That was iho ob-

vhnis and graeral rommenl upon tbe proceedlngant th.- Controiler'a offlce oa Wedaeaday. Tho

francbiee (¦.<¦ tbe much needed Btreel rallroadabeyond tho Harl-in was offered for salo. Thebiddlng \\;i- ool in deflnlte smns, but ln per-rentagea "f the recelpta of iho roada after IbeyBbouid be bnilt. At Bral thoro was aome reaaon-al.lo biddlng, >>f 3, I and .". per ceat. Th.n tho

conteat was aarr »wed down '<> two rompetltora,wbo Beemed to i.ome atterty reckleaa. <>no <.f

them bld 100 per cent, or tbe entlre recelptfl "f

th.- roada Thal waa prepoateroua on iho faceof ii. Bul that was merely "iho flrat dropplngbefore th.- mlgbty abower." Tbenceforth bldagdranced by leapa and bounda antll aome 8,078per cenl was offered. Thal I" to aay, f"t* tho

prtvllege <'f bulldlng and operatlng tho roadamen dellbcrately offerctl t.- pay to the clty ootmerely every cral they ever ahould recrtve fromthem, bul nearij aeventy llmea tho «;ross re-

eeipta! And tbe bld was recetved and recordedwlth al! tbe pretematural aolemnity of a par-bolled owl a roarlng farce, ind.l:Tbe bkldera were oot, >>f eourae, ln oarnost;

tbougb nnder i>" of $.~.m,imn) to fnlfll thelrblda, They had no Idca ihelr blda would bagertonely aecepted. <>r. if they were, they hadao Id.-a of erer fulfllllng them, lt would lo- Im-poaalble f"r tbem to d" bo. They probably had

lome n ti.di lhal by Buch biddlng they mlghtBecnre iho francblae. Then they would buildand npirato tho roada and pay tho dty not a

,,.n; ir the clty Iried to bold tbem to thelrBgree.nt, Ibey would trnst to havlnir tho lat-

ler annullcd by tho cotirtg un aome tecbnlcallty.Having galned wbal they wanted, they wouldhare Ibe meana by whlch they galaed it de-ciared frauduleat, or at leaat laralkl. Harlng.i,lnn'id" thelr rtvals, ibey would "bunco" tho

..iiy. That wga Ihelr Uttle gamo. That Is thelrniiiinii >'f buatni -¦. when tho publlc is a partyr.i ibe bargala. Doubtleaa they conalder tt reryamart, aa w< ll na rery funny. Tha; Ib Juat aboutwhat mlght be ezpected <>f thal austere poUtlcalpuaaet, th.- Hon. "Blue Eyed Bllly" Bheehan, who

aeema t" bare ho. n tho prime mover ln tho arbole|. irformance.Bul waa It bo Intenaely bumorous, after all?

ln any reputable prlvate bualneM tranaactlona maa who made an offer be had no Idea of fnl-fllllng w.iuld ni.i ho reckoned a wlt He wouldln. rerkoned either a fool or a knave. Hla boguablda wmild ho regarded either wlth derlaloa or

wlth eontetupt, and ln- would hlmsclf ho de-barred from auy ftirtber deallnga wlth boneslmen. Sii.ii a aeene as that ..f Wedneeday in

the Controiler'a offlce eould nerer occur ln iheStock Kxehange or in the Produce Bxcbange..r a: a trade aale of Th.- rery tboughluf ii is alMiunl. It la only when mea aredeallngwlth ihe publlc and wlth publlc IntereBts that

lii.y rentnre upon auch work. Toward one man

..,., n -¦ l' "I ffl th 'waid a inllli-in. or

Iholr reprewntatlvea, they play fist and looae alwill, Thal i- th. trve rlew of t!ii> eplsode. themi i;-. rpi lutlou of it. That mnkoa It .¦'¦..'.i

iii.' - um ii .. r.Miring farce aa a plere uf cheapand Bcunry knavlahneaB, a eharacierlatlo. ex-

ample uf lhal iMmuchery of publlc affalra whlchbaa plundered and demorallged this clty, andmade Ita publlc »vorka and Ita rery gorernmenla !o and a btaalng lo tho wortd.

l'OTTO\ FACTR; i:i.l.isi>\s REPORT.

Agricnltural Departtnenl n'porta as to cottonhave ao lotig indlcated a ylehl far helow tbe

Iniih, Ibe demonatratod error I* Ing orer 1.000,-miiii iialea laal year, 'ha: a dlatlnctly had re-

purl frum Hiai murce cauaea a aharp break ln

prlcea. Notblng leaa than an offlclal atatemrallhal erery bnle had bwn deatroyed would qulteino.i Bpeculatlve pxpeotatlona aa to the Bureau.s mie moutba ngo, nnd aevpral llmea alnce. TheTribune gave data Indwatlug lhal the quantlty,,r ,\ni.i;¦ .tn eotlon rarrled over from Ibe last

,i.,p would lo- aljoul :i.oiNi.niMi halea. A nunibcr,,i' forrenpondenta were incllned to he conten-tluua, and aome "f tbem foollahly Bbuaire aboutIhe atati ment. Bul ihe Ircular of Mr. ThomaaKlliaon, ererywhere recognia d as ihe blghealatatlatical autboril) on the aubject, glrea returna

:,_- the BiirpluB atocka of Amerlcan i-otton

aeiiially In-hl ln mllla Kumpe and f'an-.,,! .,, itin ibbi ln fa< t. hla exael

rtMtirifi ¦'''.. "I "' Kurope ah »ui 507,0i)ti ha\<**,"N ;,(, iHiii f. r «' III ida, and be Bflda, >'-

D|t| jiatlj li ahould Im- Iwrne in mind that

..,.,,,. itKUrea reprcaeni aurplua atocka only, the

"w »rklng atooka nol Ik Ing v innieil." lu hla,.,1 |n,.|tid|Ug i:h ;i« for Kurope, wlth

;;.;,i.Himi ,n Allli ri'an UlIlN and .'¦".. ln t'anadtl,and .j.oiiT.i.'.i ln Kuropcan and Amerhtin iwirta,he makea ihe atock iarrt«-d over 2.OT7.U00 bilea.The v rtla nnd Bgurea uuotnl ahow thal the

actual quantlty waa Komj'wbol larger.Aa ihla ntla diapute aboul the aurplua fnun

I is y, .,,¦. Ihe qw atli n of i onauiuptlon may nexll.. .,', iiuably r maldered. Mr. Klllaon makea lls.TiMi.iHMi i,ai. . »f Amerlcan in all eountrle*, bulah iwa thal it would nol have exceedi-d K,'iulMaJ0:,,,i, . htu for a nilu tl«»n of ab >ui WW.0U0 Iialealn tbe aupply laken from otber i-ountrlea, owlng1|; 1!ni\ 1,, the siri ii. low prlce "f, elfect our aurplua fon"ed olbcr countrlea otil

of the market, ao lhal they earried over muchmore than they would otherwlae, and Mr. Elliaon retuarka; "Aa Indian and Bgyptlan re-

"porta are rery favorable, and as prlcea are I'A blgher than in tbe wlnter, we aball'.jt»>l ibeae fgju,000 balea back ln Ihe now aeaaon

.ihi- item to ibe 1,100,000 Amerlcan ear

.Ti,.i| over" in exceaa of the pr.vloiis year "from

.h-t aetiaon glvea 1,700,0011 Iwlea to pul agalnal"auy ileflcienrj Ihere nia\ be in Ibe n--w .i-.p"

.| hla ro konlng falla Bborl of ti..- beeause;i,,. Bt.Kka earried over Bepb natx r 1, ts-'i. were

ai.m iinaiu large aboul 1,000,000 balea largerthan rn IBWor prerloua yeara, The wortd eoulduet i>n rery well wlth i aurplua nexl Beptemberno larger than ll was in 1800, iss>.» ,.. 1888, andthis makea tbe actual aurplua ->f Amerlcan avatt-able for tbe comlng year, exclualre of now roti,,n. aboul n.iotuHM". beaklea tha 800,000 whlch,Mr Kllisun sa.vs, we sh.ill i-'.-t lia.k from thgeoiintriefl unable t.» markel ll last year. <»n Mr.Klllaon'a mode ..f reckonltfg, then, there wouldbe aboul 2,700,000 balea "to pul agalnal anydefldency th.-r.- may l>.- In the aew crop."TJ..inoiiiipili.n. he Btatea, would have been

bul B^Kki,00ii balea Amerlcan had ordlnary prlceapermltted other countrlea to furnlah thelr ordlnary Bupfdy, lf blgher prlcea and large cropaiinv year cnable ihem to furnlah nol only thelr..i.i.ii irj aupfdleg, bul the 8iNi,O0O bali i whlchMr KX1 -"ii > lya wlll be goi back, the quantltyef Amerlcaa reqaured wiu bc 7^880,000, of ahka

2.100,000 waa In hand Septemher 1 »n ****of tbe stocka carrled over In 1800- Thla would

make even n O.OOO.OOlVcrop conalderably more

than is rc.,uired Whatever Is prndticed ln g»

ceis of the world'a reqiilrementa wlll bave to oe

carriod over. aa ln the yeara ISBl-'l* ln.lualve,nnd at aome tfaaa In the aceUOO wlll Inevltnbl.V

flapreaa prfcaa Thus the Mirplua carrled over

Beptember, Ifftat, nol aVOtaVhlO bales, ln apite or

th- great dedhaa m yieid to «.7i7.t42 baleg,forced Ibe pHca down from MI eeBta .lanuary

l to 783 .lune l, and the mirplua rnttn-r thanthe tbea ur.known and Blmoat nnlmnglned yldddrora down the prlce n year ngo to B.78 c-n'.s

Nov.tnber I. Mr. F.lllson thoUgbt n BaOBth BgOthat the adranee bt getoe had "gone far amoajgh,"but the narket haa tbonght differentiy bacaBnadealera bare Ignored the great surphis of cottoo brougfat ov.-r.

Dartd i'.. Hlll i« ke-ping ve.y qtiiet theae omlnoualy nuiet. Hia last owtglTtng waa

from VTaahlfigton, where he grarely announ^dthat if the Democrat. had rotea enough in th'.s

State in November, they wonM win. is be thlnk-

Ing about his future after Mareh 4. lUft

Tammany Hall has pui ln th" Beld a-me of tba

noat dlareputable candldate. for th.- BUta Sonato

ever aetected in this dty, and it muat be admlttedwlth regrel and abama that two or tbreo of tha

nomlnaaa whom tha Plntl machtne has cboaeo In

th- Benata dlatrlcta ar. Ilttla better than the

Ivelers whom the Tammany gung has sont to the Thera la n dlemal proaitect that the dele-

fatlon from thla clty ln tho Btate ienate wlll eon-

t'.m aome of the worat men whu ever disgracd a

New-Tork Legkrtature.

what a atench ln tha noatrlla of the puktta tha Huckleberry Road bualneni bil

Ther. la no fact dearer in the preaent campalgnthan that the Oaroo factlon which has JdnedTammany is Bgfatlng, not tor "peraonal llberty".r "more liherai ktwa." bul for tbe apolla of offl ..

nnd for Itnmunity for Its Btadeia from the proae-cutlon they so rlchly deeenre.


Mr. Orout, the Wllloughby-et candldaf.- for

M.yor in Brooklyn, haa made a dlaeovary of

r-ai imporunee. In his letter of acceptane. ha

declares that the present munlclpal admlnlstra-

tion In that clty la "negBtlrely honest." In the

apaechea whlch h" la golng to make in everyarard ln the city Mr. Qroit should exptaln and

elaboiat" thla phraae. What is "negnUra hon-

esty"? Come, Mr. Qrout, apeak up and t*li ua.

Loulae Mlehel ls eomlng here to le^ture. It !-¦

dollara to doughnuta ahe wlll complaln of the

tyranny of our Qovernment

A writer ln 'Th" London Kieid" aayahe haa been

.11 that ln the Unlted Btntea "they would sti.u

nt nothlng" to wln a aportlng conteat."not even

at pola mlng a horae, perhapa a man." Of aouraa

not, tVe could glre the Borglaa polnta The ahowed tbat deatha from potaonlng ln

sporting eonteata were more numeroua than from

nll other eauaea put togather.

Raan't Tammany Hail gone bi'k on Its prln-ciples eompletely in refuslng to stand by K"g-later Lavy whlle he ls b.dng poundod?

Th" eonference commltteee of the two Demo¬cratlc organtaatlona in Brooklyn an.- now en-

gatre 1 ln a wranglc over what wai aald and what

namea were propoaed durlng thelr vartous meet-

Inga As near a* we "an make OUt, the matter

reaolvea Itaelf Into a queatlon of eeractty, or

perhapa of memory, on the part of the eon-

ferreea The Bbepard men an.- lnclir.od to glve

the r.-i.resentatives of WUloughby Btreet credltfor slm-erlty in thelr deslre to brlng about har-

mony, but If the facts are as atated by tho

former there was anythlng but good falth on

the part of the leedera of th. togulars. Th.-

truth ls that the "ffort to comblne these two

rlementa was an attempt to 'inite oll and water.

They Bnally agreed to dlaagree, and that

ought to end lt. The waehlng ot thelr aolledllnen In publlc la nelther adlfylng nor agraeable,


Tamaen l« aowMng for peraonal freedora. i>oes

1 .. mean peraonal freedom for hlmself from the

rons".(tien.'oa of his maladmlnlstration of theSh.-riffa ofllee.


The Democrata of Ondda County bare unnni-

mouely agreed to aupporl Coggeehall for stat*

Ben.tor. Of courae "Cog." has l «tg been a most

effleh nt Dem erat, and it ls iimo for his

¦ervl ea to be recognhted...».._

The brother atd brother-ln-law of the lata

Reglater FKagernld were found and stlil remalnamong the Ineompetenta aaddled upon that de-

partment, ahowlng his beUef ln the precept that

bewho prorldeanotforhlaown houaehold hath de-nled the fglth and la woraa than an tnBdel. Flta>

gerald lilniself was h eanipl" Tammany oflletal,and th" Kegiater'H offl"e under hlm, Improvcd no

whlt under bla Bueceaaor, stuffed full of prtae-rightera barkeepere and paioon loungera, was and

1- .a flne a si.ocim.rn of Tammany offlchalbuu andadmlnlatratlon as th" Commlaelonera of Aecountaar.> llkely to unearth durlng th.-ir inreetlgatlona.Tho other munlclpal wlll, of <. urr.-. befound ln llke caee, havlng tlll latety been underWlgwam ontrol, but there is Ilttla ehanee of anyof them ahowlng up a more worthleea rabblathan was found nt. red aw.y among the ¦

and hartera of the (lall ot Rec i la.. ?

We tx % t, preaeni to <!.1 Oovernmenl Club X, ,., t our miwt dl.tlngut.hed conald-er.tlon.

Xow let me toil you that lt tt> nnd hns been formatter of comm >n knowledga that the

Amerlca'a t'up i* not to be a lowed l recroea the

ttlantlc and thal avery maana, foul or falr, to re-t iin it are to be ueed l *¦>> thla I* a matter of com-

mon knowledge. and l aa) II emphatlcally. l havaheard ;t ileclared titnos wlthout number, and o;trnwlth a dlspla) of lurld adjectlvea and thal Ingenlousprofanlty whlch Amertcana are prone to keep readyli volume for anv emi.icj (Rngllnh Aaa, in"The rio'.d," quoted by "The New-Tork HetaM."

ttf courae; that's ahal we are bulldlUg a new

na* v for, and harbor defen ¦..-j.


Colonel <:uv v. Henry*a eompllmentary reporton tin- stat" f New-Tork mllltla is deaerved.Sew-Tork can well afford to be proud of her cltl-

gen s..1 ili.-!-'.. ?-

The votera of New-Tork were convlnced last

year thal Tammany needed thorough cleanetngby tbe .most powerfdl dlalnfectanui known.

Nothlng has t."on done to make tblnga riean.-r

nnd BWeeter and niore wliolfSjine ln that foin-taln head of polltleal depravlty and rlcl luaneeaTammany has not been dUdnfected. Thg fOUlodora whlch aiiae from it, the atreama of fiithwhlch pour tortb fr. m it. tha adaonoua andm ilignanl Influencea whl< h it dlffueea, are as hada^ ..\ er they wete.


The trusteea of Columbta College have roU 1 Lflmake the three sons of the late TrofesBor at Berkeley Bchool, ararda of tho o.ii'.eRe, theCOBl of thelr edtn-atlon to be met by the COlleg.Preparatlons are belng ma le in Havrc to cele-

brata the 104th annlveraary of the blrth of Mnu-<.'n. al She was born '.n Ir.gouvllle, nenr Havre,and has lived la the aanu- houae eerenty-ali yearaBhe haa been a widow aagkty years.

Bajrg "Tho Plttaburg Dkaaatch": "Oa the lith ofOotober n«-xt there wlll »ail from V.MOurec one o!the Btraagtal and moat reni.irkahlu whlt" men who..v.-r aot foot on f'hlneae BOll. It la tha lt.-v .1 I.

Macfcay, for tweaty-tfcre. \earn a CkrlaUaa mla-onary t.> the Olldeat hoatiiena on aarth rh.

clergym.n H accompanled bj hia wife, a n.tlve for,. and 1. thelr thr.ihlldrea, ataater lieorm

VVllllam and tho .Vlaae* Kai. and Marv ilo'.on lj,.came ha.'k to clvlllaatloa tor tha eole purpoao ofaeeing his,. Canada onee more. Needleaa to

11 hia arriral In the Domlnlon wlth bla«',. and Ibe th-.." beautlful chlldren proved « aena.i ... rellgloua ulixlea. Iu (ar lumiou ihe re*

turn of Dr. Maekay la eagerly awalted by tha arkoUDooulatlon of that Chlneae laland. An elahorate pab.llo reception ta to be accorded hlm there. and evervFormoaan dlgnltary ta to take part In what la pr,/,tlrally a reoognltlon that the laland ia now a n>rto-tlan Btate, aa a reault of the labor of one maa.iThe adventurea of 'hla mtaalonary. It ta auaer.Buoua to aay. have been ¦aere extravagant tn*,thoae of Roblnaon Ortiaoe and <Jll I'.laa put toajetherWhon ho arrlvod In the land ho waa the only whltjman wlthln mlloe and mlioa. Ho wn, lirnorant oftho language Th* <'hineae nated ai: '"hrt-tianaPlnta to mnrdor hlm wor» aa thlok j« le»v»« tiiVallombroau. II" t.og.-in h!s work ln IK72. a atrnrne,ln the land. To-day th«re at- ln hta ml«alon. vau.fnro 1 throughoul Nortk F/rrno»a. alxfy organuwinatlve ohorohoa. four of thom so|f-a>ipprtrHng; a llv.inif baotlacd BBemberaBlR of 2.T17. .1 <¦ .mmankn ro||of 1 BOlV BBd on<-h one of tho nlxtv ohurrh.-a la m|n.In'tere.1 to bv a tralned natlve preacher A» Tamaulh" hai eatabllahed Oxford CoUege wlth BfteagSd.nta'm tralnlng far tho ¦daattryThe I'arta Flgaro" tella tho followlr.g atory «f

the lafe Rtahop Cordier. of PaoBB Paah: Aa Kefo'ind no Chrtatlara In tho eaaltal of ''araVdn, hadeolded to hoclii at tha top and eOBVerl Klni? Nore.dnm Ill« Majosty oxprosaed greal Ir.torost. |n thanew faith. and appolnted a apaelal Internreaar g)tiansb'to ih'- catechlaaa and the words of th* Mthopf,.r hlm Tho rulor waa roady to t.e baptlvd when}<- happened to W-arn that fhrtattanlty only por.noltted « man to hav« one wlfe He propoaal tothe titahot. to Indnoe tho 1'op' t-. allow hlm, aa aBDeeial favor. to have at taast twenty wrvea. Whegthla demand eould nol ba granted, i.o eaeaaafl tor.-maln a hoathen.The Itov. Dr. Herrl^k Jahaaoa, the laattngBtahaJ olergyman of Chloag). < ontla/iirt* tharo;,ort that ho ta III. "I am not ,11." ho aajra "Ihave no organtc dlffloulty. nor anythlng that threa*ena prostratlon or broak of IMrvtMM tlsauo.; but thedootor haa glven mo oftVlal BOtlee that if I do notarreat mv BCtJvlUea he wlll not ho! 1 hfcnaetf n>

Ppr.;a;ble for the r..i....,.ionoo^. and that I rjee*. |veaVa roat At tho explratlon of thal outtag jahall ho hack on my fe#t, he <eaauree me. and aajajfor many voara of vlgoroua llfo. I do BO noa kaaajirhere I ahall apend tha yaaw¦but. after ,- ¦:..- traat.m.nt here In the clty, arhlch ¦¦¦¦ a aa had,n. or tho doctor*B oonatant atfnMon. I attall pn«>

«hlv ao to I,ower r.oorgla. and rr.on .itlioa- to \aa-iauL or through lo falifornla and poaolbly t, Hono.iSu. I hope to be back ln harnene aad ready forhani work next fafl "


Whlle the Qaraaaa So.laltata aro holdlne: thelr BJJnnai Cottgreaa at Braalau it la intorestina; to com-

plla from an artlolo rorontly pabtBBha 1 la a \>nnapaper by tha Betgten leader VjU>denreble aom» n».urea reUttva to tha d4reetoBaent of tha [aahar p*«rln Belgluaa. It h-ld Ita Bret Coagraafl la UaS, nfty.nlne ootBBBltteea b"lnK ropr.s.n^d. I". UN theraworo aovontv-alx comnilttoon. and BB) ln >:.'. Theco-operaUva aociaty "La Ptapte.'' «t BruaaalB, whlchpoaaaaaoa a bakery. nuajbered M Baambera in Uaii ltInereaaed to BB) m ;nv-'. ."...>" al ]""- ai BVaa u

UBM. The soriety BJanufactured la UBB 4. kiio-

ejanunaa of bcead, aMM aa uaf, XAUAM la UM aad

6,2^4,016^1^4. The tara prmelpal I .-raia

Belgluaa, MLa Peuple" and "L'Bcl. h»l

togalher a drculaUoa of t».iT:..4ia» eoptaa ..-.i

U.7B.7M tn li(94. Thoro aro n ..v two m

;, the -woornit" and tbe "Werker." Thaaaato tha new aiectoral law, the Bodallat \

sota, whtoh waa la 18W only MB, htcreaai to B\BBln IBKTho \\ ise Barpent H* Tho aerpeni knew whata

woman was whoa h« entered the Oa len h .on.Bhe.Tea, he know woman, and ma;,, : loa

remember the atory, I aoe.

Ho <>f cuurs...Bh< Vea Ho tompfd Kve throuah her reaa n;ha

tomptel Adam through hla atonaach. (New-TetaWaekly.

A CAMPAION LTBIC.I am golnif It a ..

<; o-goo:I am Bghttng for t1-^

fjio-aon!I have thrown away the nheath,I'm MoOregor on tha hoath;I have cat n.y WtadOBB teetfl

C o-foo!I am al'-k of R^oaevelt'a leor,

Gr>.roo:I am cut for Bunday b> or

Garoo'.I will p"5h my Bunday ra'iWhlte the tlgor waga hta tall.AnJ I'it mako oM Parkhar^r wai:


I am golng to the bat.frOO-BOO'

I wlll knook out Smi'h and Platt.I.

I will h.ive my Bunday can;

I wlll rally to a man;

111 put in tha Croker cian-.: rool

(Echo) Ooo-g

Tho mlnleter ha 1 been in the llttla Kontaekylown bat a ahort time. and arheji he wai called tapreach a funoral eermon he thought '..- at ^ j^kiP a faw facta aboul the eaaed I tru-t oagbrother gone before waa a truly retlajtaMBB man.

he aald to the aurvlvlng broUier..,wf,ry.,,1 bal h< waa,'* waa the earneat anawfr.

..Why. brother. he never tuk a»aae fctaa «raMBito layfer ono of the Blmmonaea wltboui fual pl ..>in three

boura.".(ClnclnnaU Ingulrer.Ib It known genorally that worka of art

woii paM for la aacteat tlaaeat a Oarmaa revlaa1rurnlahed reoeatty bbbbb partlculara about that ajaaaatlon. Polygnote, of Thasos. who llved about W B r,refuaod. lt Is truo, any payflBent for hta wnrk«. ani

deelared that ho was aaifBctentty rewarded wltk the

tltlo of CltBBM of Athon-, whloh had b-on con-

ferrad on him. But bbkb dkaattreatadneaa was eei-

dom lmltatod. Thirty yara later the palntef7enxta of Heracleiim. was caDed to tho murt of

archelaaa I. Ktng of Mafedoala. Ho reeetvad for

hl- freacooa ln the palace of Pella. ¥0 "minea, IS.OflO. Mnaaon. of Klathoa. 1 al l BaMBl for

a "Battle wlth the Ferslana," whleh he had onlereg

from Artatldoa. the taader of tho Thoban a.hooL

Pamphl'.ua, Of Synone, gave a ourae of 1-otaros on

paintlng; *n<-h pupU paid for attendBBCa or.e "tal-

aat '. or B-BM a year. Appellea receivod twenty

gotd "tatents." about gWOfN), for a rortralt oflar I orderod by the clty of Epheaua.

k Mala.Htae has aent littl. M*rion Ctavelaalapoodie Moat of iho adltora have been glvtag barfathor potntera (Oalveaton Nowa."Tho ^ongregaflonallst,., of nostin. glvea «reat

promlnenc; to an artlcle by "An Amor --.:. BaaVla Byrta" raptykBg to Admirai Klrklanda

atrlcturea oa AsBBaicaa BaBaaoaarlea After laadtagat .laffa. ho sa.vs. "the AdmlraL Bfteen offleera andforty of tho craw wont to leruaalem an 1 apei I three

daya '' /.nR' the cltv an l Its nelghNirhol What

they lld whlta ln tho H Af <*tty rvery mhabitaBtknowa bat lt is not tha provtnea of thla artl > »

detetl it. Enough that lt was the worai eahlbttfaiof tho worat AmerlcanlBBB tha' eould have boon pn>

duced The acttons of the a Imtral himacif wera Ba

amaaement of all. nn i <-.f> 1 a blush of *'»"'« «.

every AaBerleaa Ib the tj tl tha UamUeatrhaBigthis .junkatlng' tonr, for ll waa nothinit ..- aafreturned to Jaffa BBd tha Ban Franclaco a-eamedoff to Plraeua It dti a go aear tho aoat of aa»

gei The Admlral had aeen nothlng <>f tho treeaaaa

aad was eorrect m so reportlng ¦¦.¦¦¦.¦' mtnt

al Waahlngton. H» wlso'.v omltted W U* th«

ho had not tOUChed at to - B BBM BBB

baata of Coaaaal rjBaaoa'fl (¦ ira, ¦¦"arlthta W mllea of tha potata whera Aaaeraaaaian ro in danger."

OCTOBBB COKFIDEXCE.Bun'B a aetttn' a" f old;s ime oid purple; aame old lBame ol l glory ln the leavea;Bame old barveai ln the fheavew:Froal iv-..t makea the frull l'-m«Comln' 'round m hedule tlm<Banae old autumn lovelliCountry*a party aafe, 1 gu* s^

H:ime .Md BBBBaa and aame ,.!! toara

Shifting with the fleetlng yeare;0 11110s our gran la rea loyed tp put)1'loase the j ouna


Btlll ambttlon'a hol dealreltagea; vet wlth ail Ita Brapity haatena :o dlatifjountrya purty aafe. 1 guew

Twocenturlea .. » . wi ". JJJJ.,. oupai h," "a aaturallal reatored k hunw*

betog nineteen feel Mgh from aome ¦¦"^'^4Knowledge of Bmpexatlve «.«.«»'*?¦ "JJJJ.1 ., arrora; bul the aclaatlfle men who ventur-a

,...::, 11, theai wera d*B0"B"dJjTw, ,ip,t as heretlca an I ontra-u.-iora of he B MaT-

OidTaatan.entl.full ^adJOaih. champtao tha l-hillatlne.. ia atM J

have beea Bts cabtta aad 1 apaa Mgh. ""*£and ataa tnche* The Anafclaa ao &*."*<*£*e.ries eon, by MoaBB into CaBBaB that he W

daaortbad then. as gtaata and to thla dayaaBJgreal autun 1 rload aa -.on. of Anak.

Fronoh Academlelaa naaaad Heorton aow tb^BB-flgured II oul thal \ uua waa 19 raet aa '.

foo, Soah b ia tt feel tall, Abrahaaa B «***"nf,..«. Tha aUeged grava of Abel, near PaaaalI. M feel kaag. and thal of Noah. .1 Ubana*faet long Accordlni to Henrlon. onl) ll, prevented the dlmlalahlng huntaa »

fmm going oul altoaetnei h la ""J."*,;,.... Blblleal daya there have been bo glanBi ¦theJ.wa Before «... r*o

bv gtaattv nho raa 1 arar agalnal lha joaaM,. bekag aeguaiatad arttk aaoaara BaathadB ai ¦

fara, uaed uiountulua l*( wjss..e*.